By Jeffery Dover

April 1, 2023

By now it should be very apparent to Republican voters and conservatives, a growing number of which are migrating to “independent”, that the Republican Party as it is manifested in congress and elsewhere in the federal government, does not represent our interests.  They have had more than twenty years to get some of our interests passed into law.  To date their score is ZERO.  There has been nothing from them but obscene spending, a larger, stronger, more grasping federal government and twenty years of non-stop war with no winning, no WMD’s found and no vital national interests threatened.

At present, with their propaganda capital apparently spent in the Middle East, there’s been a narrative shift to more fertile ground in Ukraine.  Even more obvious than it was in the Middle East, there is no vital US national interest at stake in Ukraine.  Where is the GOP opposition to our involvement there?  Who among them is declaring our billions in aid and equipment to be wrong?  Even Trump supports the globalists in this regional conflict, a battle without meaning for the US citizen.

But then, the GOP has a long history of such involvements.  Why Vietnam for instance?  To prevent the “spread of communism”?  Well, billions and billions of dollars later, with nearly twenty years of battle, fifty thousand of our military sons and daughters, brothers and sisters dead, a million of their people dead and Vietnam is today a communist country.

How has Vietnam’s communism hurt Americans?  I see that one of my shirts was made there.  Have they launched nukes at us or something that I missed?   It has been communist since 1975.  Why were we there?

Back in the day, I had one Political Science professor tell me with a straight face that it was about protecting the Straits of Malacca, so that there would be no interference with the shipping of oil to Japan.  Whaaaat???  But then, why should I have been surprised?  With the advent of age, I understand now that whereas his father was in the Dept. of State and the prof had been Air Force intelligence before donning collegiate raiment, he was bound to sing their narrative.  Clearly though, that war was about something else.  “Preventing the spread of communism” had to have been an excuse for something else.  Yet, whereas older and wiser we can see the folly now, why was it that those in congress at the time, presumably older and wiser, were seemingly unable to see that folly?  What inducement was there for them to support it all?

Is “Going along to get along” any kind of valid excuse for not delivering what your constituents expect?  “Oh, senator so and so is a great guy, a really nice person.  He just doesn’t want to rock the boat.”  Another nice sounding, understandable, “you know how it is…”, excuse?  Not!  It’s baloney.

If you went to congress committed to honesty and the American way of life and you saw that others around you in positions of responsibility were liars, thieves, traitors and perverts, would you just shut up and “go along”?  After you had told thousands or millions of people you stood for something entirely different, would you stay quiet about such persons in places of power when they stood in the way of everything you purported to represent?

No.  You’d want to blow the whistle one way or another and get them out!  Sadly, that’s not happening, yet we know that liars, thieves, traitors and perverts populate congress, the White House and the government bureaus.  There are probably some murderers among them as well.  Why don’t we ever hear our reps telling us what’s going on?  Is it that they don’t know?  Everyone else knows, but they do not?  Is that credible?  Is it only writers like Roger Stone or Peter Schweizer and independent news sources who know, but no one in congress has a clue?  We can’t believe that.  So, what are we left to believe?

In a recent Epoch Times editorial, Victor Davis Hanson wrote in his article comparing the present-day USA to the defeated Byzantine Empire, that “Left and right seem to hate each other more than they do their common enemies”.  While I think that Hanson was referring to China as the enemy, he did use the word as a plural, “enemies”.  Given the context of the rest of the article, could it be he referred to our government as well?  We’ve become used to pundits skirting the elephant in the room gingerly, fearful of losing their syndication.

I would posit that our common enemy are the members of congress and the two parties of which it is comprised.  How else is it that we can have a man like President Trump apparently set to be arrested and indicted and yet people like the Clintons, Bidens and Bushs go blithely along without consequence?  It can only be because everything is upside down: when criminals comprise and run the government, installing all their like at the top of powerful bureaus, the innocent become the “guilty”.  Way down the ladder many rungs, it’s how the FBI comes to refer to persons unhappy with their local school board in Virginia as “domestic terrorists”.

Sure, GOP congressional figures have denounced Trump’s intended prosecution, calling it a “witch hunt”, as the former president himself has done, but it was they, the GOP, who handed us Biden/Harris.  It was they who denied us every single one of the policy initiatives for which we voted in President Trump.  Supposedly “conservative” and nominally “Republican” people in his cabinet and advisory positions, all careerists, cut his legs off at the knees at every turn throughout his presidency.  These people can now safely cry “foul!” when it’s outside their ability to change it.  It makes for good theater.  The voters seem to eat it up: “Yeah, it’s for sure that so and so has my vote next time around!”  Did so and so make any difference?

Going back a few years when Bush was president and national healthcare was an issue, recall how the GOP wanted a national healthcare plan of their own, claiming that the Democrat version would be ruinous.  Whatever the form or plan, it was clear that GOP leaders wanted one.  When Bush’s terms ended, who but the powerful and well-known Senator John McCain ran for the office against a virtual unknown, Barak Obama.  There were so many questions about Obama that it’s still difficult to believe that he was elected to the office.  For his part, McCain refused to hit him on those questions, claiming that he didn’t want to be called a “racist”.

I don’t believe that.  I don’t think McCain wanted the office.  I think that those controlling the party wanted national healthcare and Obama was their ticket. So, they put up McCain to run a losing campaign.  Following Obama’s election, we got the ACA.  Given the power to repeal it in 2016, the GOP retained it.  Since then, there has been no talk of a “Republican” national healthcare version.  Why not? They could have repealed it and then voted in their own.  (hint: they had already achieved what they wanted).

McCain’s sham was followed by Romney’s, apparently accepting the same losing role, although there was now even more to put Obama into question.   Obama mysteriously won again, serving to advance Hillary Clinton’s career and further exacerbate the war in the Middle East.  Just like the war in Vietnam, this seemingly endless war featured no winning, no vital American interests threatened, no WMD’s found and lots and lots of money made – blood money.  Hundreds of thousands were killed and displaced.  What did we, the American people, gain?  Personally, I can’t think of anything.  How about you?

During the Obama years, in all but his first two years, the GOP controlled congress.  If they were not complicit with it all, where were they?

Shifting gears, many GOP members of congress are attorneys.  Certainly, they have read our constitution at least once.  I am no attorney, but I can read and comprehend English language without “interpretation”.  Nothing in the constitution grants the power of “executive orders” to the president.  Zip.  I would further submit that we have a congress for the express purpose of preventing “executive orders” or “mandates”, for what are they other than imperial decrees?  If the president can unilaterally make law and spend without congressional authorization, why do we need congress?  Why aren’t all those attorneys, if not all the rest of congress, railing against and banning the practice?

Most of those reading here can likely point to inexplicable failures to deliver on the part of the Republican Party — and, it is the larger party which is the problem.  It permits our opposition to work within it.  They permit just enough of those who throw us the red meat to remain credible, as long as one doesn’t look too hard at their reality as a party.

What do we do about it?  How do we win?  Those who want the status quo to remain in place tell us “we have to vote out the RINOs!”  Well, that’s been going on since Barry Goldwater.  That’s been the stock recommendation.  How’s it working out?  Please…

We saw in 2015-16 how the voters threw the stock GOP presidential candidates under the bus and voted for Trump, who the GOP tried to prevent from running and then refused to support following his GOP primary victory.  That makes one thing crystal clear: those running the party in the states and at the national level are RINOs.  The people they want are far different from those who the voters want.  Yet they ran the party then and they continue to run it, deciding who gets support and press and, quietly, who doesn’t.  Later, they decide who gets to be House Speaker and Senate Majority/minority leader.

So, how do we break in?  We don’t.  They won’t permit it.  It’s their club.  Despite decades of trying to win sway, it’s all failed.

That leaves us with two options: continue to permit them to take us down, into international rule, destitution and totalitarian government – or – create a political fighting force of our own.

As it is with so many things in life, all the obstacles one imagines tend to evaporate when one finally puts the fear aside, stops listening to those ever-present sluggards telling you “it can’t be done” and begins to go after the goal.  The obstacles are much larger in our imaginations than they are in reality and there are many ways other than the conventional to achieve great things.

We all know people who feel about things the same way that we do and for their part, they too know people who feel the way that they do.  We have the people, we have the right, so, for heaven’s sake, let’s get started!   Let’s create a new political party, a party with rules which will not allow opposition to work within it, to replace the faithless GOP and begin to win back the USA!

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