By Sidney Secular

April 6, 2023

1- “REASON 99 TO BE WARY.” If the price of an item ends in 99 cents, have more sense than to think you’re getting a bargain. Whether its $4.99 or $499.99, you’re likely paying about 18% more for that item than you should, per a recent study. Dressing up a price to the “nines” is called “charm pricing” because it seems charming and works like a charm to hide the fact that they have just raised the item’s price. (P.S. This price gimmick was invented by a gentleman named Woolworth who found that people were more apt to purchase something if the price appeared to have been reduced from the “rounded off” version; that is, $2.99 was more appealing than $3.00!)

2- HIDING THE FACTS ON THE VAX. The sudden surge in heart disease that coincided with the Covid lockdowns is now blamed on Covid itself and the restrictive “lifestyles” that the perps forced on us to accept and that they claim made us eat more bad snacks, drink more alcohol, get less exercise, get more stressed out, miss health screening and medical appointments, and drive more carelessly than before. These are all trotted out to hide the truth that the vaxxes are behind the sudden surges in heart disease and many other maladies, including disabilities that prevent workers from preforming their usual functions. It has also been discovered that the viral cause of AIDS also appears in these “medicines,” further weakening our immune systems and assuring that survival will only be maintained by constant “updates” on our vaxxes!

Of course, there’s much more mendacity on the way as they are constantly monkeying around to create new Covid variants and other harmful biological modalities to further weaken already compromised systems to set the stage for creation of new vaxxes and boosters to boost big pharma’s and big med’s – and Big Govmint’s – already burgeoning billions as the sheeple cough up more dollars and do a lot more coughing while they wind up worse off until they eventually become corpses. This process goes by the hard to decipher term, “gain of function,” a particular matter that is illegal in the United States, by the way. The functionaries sure gain power in the process as they develop more powerful modalities to kill us. The increasing number of corpses are more than offset by the increasing bodies invading the “land of the freak” from south of the border and other places experiencing disorder. But as those new bodies are tools of the Deep State, the Biden Administration doesn’t mind the trade-off!

3- GASEOUS “EMISSIONS” FROM – AND OMISSIONS OF – THE EXPERTS. Biden’s war on fossil fuels has tremendously increased both “greenhouse gases” and the price of energy. It’s ironic in a sense because if you grow crops in an actual greenhouse you can keep the said gases from escaping to the outside environment and they can be “recycled” to be used in growing the plants within the greenhouse, so a greenhouse gas can be a good thing for growing things. Biden has hobbled the production of natural gas on both federal and private lands. Because Biden shut off the flow of oil and gas in the pipelines, they now must be moved by truck or railroad, both of which use diesel fuel. The use of diesel furel produces a lot of greenhouse gases and pollution where there wasn’t any before that use became necessary by government mandates. The shortage of oil and natural gas has raised their prices considerably and has resulted in our buying oil from supposed enemies Russia, Venezuela, and Iran, and of course, Saudi Arabia, which has now formed an alliance with Iran . The oil is shipped in 1,000 foot long vessels with big diesel engines going 24 hours a day for approximately 2 week stretches to reach their destinations, spewing out vast amounts of pollution and greenhouse gases along the way. The huge amount of pollutants and greenhouse gases spewed out by the scores of vessels going to and from China at any one time to bring us all that Chinese junk has gone unnoticed and unreported, although it vastly dwarfs cow farts in effluent produced. If we produced our products domestically, we would have no ersatz problem with these so-called greenhouse gases. To add more pollution, China produces goods with little concern over the pollution produced. Since the electricity necessary to now power production is produced in plants powered by cheap coal, the pollution problem is compounded. China is only adding more coal to the mix of fuels it uses in energy generation in disregard to international treaties and concerns, and thus the problem will only get worse.  With the increasing reliance on solar and  wind, which are intermittent and operate only 35% of the time, the remaining nearly 65% of our needs must still come from gas, nuclear, and coal powered plants. You will soon have to get used to rolling brownouts and blackouts because of that unreliability.

Get used to all kinds of pressure for you to replace your gas ranges and gas appliances with electric alternatives. New York State is already planning to outlaw gas stoves in new construction. They are starting to especially harp on the pollution caused by gas ranges whereas all these years their emissions were apparently of no concern.  Here again,  most of the electricity used in electric ranges is created by gas, nuclear, and coal so the entire anti-gas campaign is nonsense and a tempest in a teapot. How will all that new electricity be produced for the soon to be largely EV fleet of vehicles? That’s no problem for the libbers, since wishing and hoping will supposedly solve all our problems as we approach the coming utopia.

Now, let’s consider some “basicks”, which are enough to get you sick. All the flapdoodle in the flap over greenhouse gases are really much ado over basically nothing. CO2 is only a trace gas comprising just 0.04% of the atmosphere. All the C02 that we have hitherto released into the atmosphere comprises only 1.63% of that already trivial trace. We are supposed to believe that these miniscule amounts are changing the climate and are an existential threat to life on Earth. Has anybody stopped to examine these statistics or smell the output of the Green campaign? The same scare, suddenly coming out of nowhere is now being focused on methane, the other greenhouse gas the environmentalists are creating lot of hot air over. Methane is even rarer the CO2 in the air. It makes up only 0.00018% of the Earth’s atmosphere. The 94 million cows in the US produce only 0.1014% of the already extremely tiny amount of atmospheric methane. It is probable that Congress creates more and is less useful than the cows! How can this miniscule amount be dangerous? It’s all a willful delusion and a diversion when you consider that the biggest pollutants in the world will shortly be the decaying materials from the millions of wind turbines and solar panels in landfills that will be leaking chemicals into the groundwater. At present, there is no practical methodology for recycling these incipient mountains of waste material. Meanwhile, significant numbers of dead whales are washing up on east coast beaches. It is suspected that the sonar used on the wind farms are the cause. Environmentalists make much ado about saving whales, but not anymore. That’s a whale of a change even for these change agents.

GLOBAL CITIES: MESSY MUSHROOMING MEGALOPOLISES.  We are entering the era of the stultifying and stupefyingly large super cities forming long urban “archipelagos” of unchecked cheek by jowl living. Today, 60% of people live in urban areas, and by 2100, if the vaxxes haven’t done their damage sufficiently, it is forecast to be 85%. Already in New York, you have to walk in the streets, especially during the lunch crunch. Cities across the world are merging as they grow and spread.  They spread across borders making nations and boundaries superfluous. One such metropolitan is emerging in Africa made up of 9 cities in 5 countries. This is one of the reasons put forth to support the creation of so called “15 minute” or “SMART cities” where you find what you need within 15 minutes by going up in the skyscrapers and down underground without leaving the confines of the latitudinal and longitudinal limits of your geographic “cage.”  This sort of thing is an old government tactic: create a problem and then produce a solution that is usually infinitely worse than the original problem. These “SMART” cities reduce your latitude to expand and their real reason is contained in their name:

S: Surveillance; M: Monitoring; A: Analysis; R: Reporting; T: Technology

This is all part of the “Great Reset”. Into the US, much of Mexico and Central America and some of South America and the rest of the world is streaming and being corralled into the already burgeoning big cities. The elites are not happy unless they keep the world in a maddening state of motion where we are flummoxed by the fluidity of genders, merging of the masses, and the amalgamation of the races to eliminate the diversity they like to spout about. These megacities sort of adopt the concept of sovereignty as mini nation states that are driven to adopt all the goals of Agenda 2030 since their evaporating nations are not doing it quick enough to suit them. Thus, a revolutionary new system is being adopted without a shot being fired and there will be no shot heard around the world to wake everyone up. All of this makes it easier to spread pandemics at will to wipe out the clustered, flustered and confused sheeple.

TRACKING TREMENDOUS CHILD TRAFFICKING TRAFFIC. The kidnapping and coaxing of kids and the assaults on their bodies seems bound to continue increasing as the adults of this adulterated society seem to be either the undersexed or the oversexed. Normal is no longer the norm. Adults purchase children for sex over 2.5 million times a year in the US. In Georgia, a state where black bestiality seems to be rising exponentially, a girl might be raped by 6,000 men over a 5 year period! As many as 300,000 American children are in danger of being trafficked each year. Some are forcibly abducted, others are runaways coaxed away from normal ways, and still others are sold into the system by relatives and acquaintances. The internet is a primary vehicle for the transactions of buying and selling flesh. Modern technology facilitates and feeds the phenomenon with 1 in 5 kids propositioned via gaming platforms and other social media. These forums facilitate exploitation since they are easy and fun to play with to attract disposable playthings. Life is one big game to these gamers. The average age of the victims gets younger and younger by the year, with the average age now 13. One can only shudder that some victims must be under 10 years of age. Girls make up about 60% of the victims, boys make up about 36%, and the other 4% are the confused gender-bender types. The trafficking is not only occurring in the big cities but all across the fruited plain. It’s not only fruits and nuts that are engaged in the vile practices but “ordinary” men who represent a cross section of American society including police officers who have become predators and pimps. Finding victims is easy for pimps. They do the gaming, check the social networks, cruise malls, check the high school and middle school grounds, bus stops, foster homes, and youth shelters. Those sold for sex have a life expectancy of 7 years! A common story is that girls are forced to go without sleep or food until they have met their sex quota of 40 men. Besides the apparently all-consuming consumer demand and the pervasive corruption, the tendency to look the other way and not speak out or provide information identifying the miscreants allows the practice to morph into a major menace. Post Scriptum: Apparently such facilities were widespread in Ukraine. No wonder the Bidens love that place!

ANOTHER COVID PANDEMIC PREPARATORY EXERCISE HELD. You know the drill. Eerily similar to the infamous Event 201 exercise that presaged the Covid plannedemic, another drill was held October 23, 2022 to develop solutions to solve key global health problems associated with a mock pandemic called Severe Epidemic Enterovirus Respiratory Syndrome 2025″ or SEERS, which will have caused one billion cases worldwide with 20 million deaths of which 15 million are children, along with countless millions left alive but with paralysis and brain damage. Staying a step ahead of disruptive naysayers and obstructionists and preventing spread of mis- and disinformation by force of law through international collaborative efforts was covered. It looks like individual nations will not be able to opt out of the mandates or allow medical choice next time around. For some reason, probably because of their now bad reputation, the infamous WEF was not involved – at least openly! – in the latest planning session.

EQUALITY MORPHS INTO EQUITY THAT ALLOWS ALL TO SUFFER EQUALLY. The supposedly delusional and daffy Biden can’t be dissuaded or distracted from doubling down on his deviltry. His (supposed) dementia could be an act and part of a demented plot to get what he got originally through artful artifice. Now that he wants to run again for 2024 and as there is no move to oust him now, the dementia thing is getting to look like a sham. Upon his inauguration, he signed an executive order directing the FedGov to pursue a comprehensive approach to advance “equity” for all. On February 16, 2023, this “imp” implemented a follow-up executive order mandating that federal agencies create annual plans and teams to insure equity within all agencies  and to utilize GovMint programs to compel/coerce equity in the private sector.

Don’t confuse or conflate equity with equality. Equality means equal access to opportunity or equal protection before the law. Equity is the Marxist concept of the redistribution of economic goods and status (jobs and material possessions) in a manner supposedly “equal” regardless of merit or achievement. This is accomplished through preconceived notions of demographic detriment and political advantage and disadvantage – never taking into consideration, of course, the lion’s share of everything that goes to the elites; equity is for the “masses.” The system is a manipulation of those masses making them think they are getting what they deserve or were meant to get despite the fact that the know they haven’t earned it. As a “pre-wreckquisite”, the population must first be segmented and tribalized into opposing and competing factions, which are designated as either oppressor or victim. The latter must feel they are deserving of special treatment, coddling,  or “social justice” actions to attain equal outcomes. White heterosexual males – always “oppressors” – have the least status, are the easiest to pick on, and have the most pickings available to be picked clean so that this Marxist game can be played without blowback with only the society taking the telling blows.

There are 14 essential occupational categories that cannot be compromised and must be composed of competent individuals for the society not to descend into third world status or duly deteriorate altogether. These include construction trades and specialties, maintenance and repair of equipment and essential systems, aircraft engineers and pilots, farmers and ranchers, and physicians. These are still largely dominated by white males, most of them politically conservative. The Marxists are determined to replace this demographic with minority and largely unqualified workers, a group that increasingly includes unskilled and barely literate armies of illegal invaders and refugees. The military is already suffering big time from failing to attract the skilled white demographic which is essential to its effective operation. The armies of illegals – comprised largely of men of military age many with minimal occupational skills – will soon fill in as fodder for these vacancies. So the people drones will complement the aerial drones to corral the sheeple into the corridors and boundaries of acceptable thought – or else.

SHOPLIFTNG PENALTIES LIFTED AS THE LEFT LEGALIZES LIFTING/LOOTING. As a result of police budgets being nullified by leftist political loons, many blue cities have left areas most prone to crime bereft of needed protection. As a direct result, many so-called minor or lesser crimes have been reduced to misdemeanors or eliminated from designation as crimes altogether. This is excused by asserting that the men in blue can now concentrate on the bigger crimes in the blue cities in order to get a better handle on crime, if you  will. Such distinctions just result in an atmosphere of greater permissiveness and lawlessness and are thus counterproductive, acting as distractions from taking effective action to turn the situation around. Popular store chains such as Target were more easily targeted being bigger and providing more elbow room to romp in and more loot to easily round up. Target thus lost $600 million in 2022 and Rite Aid lost about $36 million that same year. In the worst cases, stores have had to close altogether while others, including 46% of small retailers, have raised prices to pay for private security  guards to protect against the practice. In early March 2023, Walmart announced it is closing its stores in Portland, Oregon due to shoplifting losses.

Overall, crime at retail stores is up 26.5% from a year ago, and retailers say the shoplifting gangs are becoming more violent. All of this will wind up creating retail and food “deserts” where “perpy-prone” populations will get their “just desserts” for tolerating the misbehavior of their “youth”. As the trend accelerates, more power and profit will accrue to the internet giants – and perhaps that is the actual motive for this. Once everything is “on line,” the Deep State is not only able to monitor what you purchase but prevent you from doing so, something they can’t do in the aisles of Walmart or Target. The “non-techy” portions of the population will have to get in line with the new normal by getting on-line to do their most basic purchasing! And so, we become easier and easier to control.

REDUCE  STRESS THROUGH “BOX BREATHING” OR “COMBAT BREATHING”. Stop yourself in a high stress or a high dudgeon situation from doing something you’’ll be sorry for such as boxing a perp’s ears to a pulp or slapping a silly libber silly for giving you excessive lip. Police recruits are taught a special breathing technique to get ahold of themselves when facing high stress situations. The technique could be used to avoid aggressive driving reactions and for use in general high stress situations to avoid heart attacks and strokes. This is the basic technique:

– Breathe in through your nose to a count of 4;

– Hold your breath to a count of 4;

– Exhale through your mouth for a count of 4;

– Do it over and over until you calm down (or flatten the s.o.b.)

For more information go to

SLEEP ON THIS ADVICE WHEN PURCHASING A MATTRESS. Mattresses are cheap to make and easy to sell at a high markup, making you a mark for fast talking salesmen in mattress stores. There are all kinds of illness-causing agents found in mattresses including petro-chemicals, microbial filth, formaldehyde, fire retardants, and the large amount of plastics in “memory foam”. The mattress cover can also be harmful since it consists of layers of foam glued together. Foam mattresses are loaded with volatile compounds that give off gas for 2 days up to 2 weeks before the fumes dissipate. Therefore, never sleep on a new mattress right away. Give it time to air out unless it is made of natural materials. Natural latex mattresses have less harmful added agents and are a good value for the cost involved. They are resistant to dust mites, bacteria, etc. Buy a mattress from a company that offers free trials and up to a 100-day return period if you decide the mattress is not for you.

CARJACKINGS WILL JACK UP YOUR AUTO INSURANCE PREMIUMS BY ABOUT 30%. Your insurance company will just say their costs have gone up. Press them a bit more and they’ll admit car theft are really high right now. Black boys are really getting their kicks by breaking into recent Kia and Hyundai model cars and then inserting a USB cable over the ignition switch and that enables them to start the car and take off. Videos of black teenagers instructing others on how to do it using simple procedures are all over the internet. The perps have been given the cutesy name, “Kia Boys.” Thus, car thefts are up 60% and rising in 30 major US cities. The media moguls like to blame black misbehavior on “gangs” which makes the uninitiated think that criminal behavior is something only a tiny portion of the black community is involved in. We know the misbehavior is only blacks acting in pretty much normally. Blacks have a tendency to get especially unruly at shopping malls where they easily get into disputes and fights with one another and the news reports blame the activity on “gangs.” In a sense, that may be true because they have a tendency to “gang up” on one another.

The Kia Boys leave their “calling card’ on the car seats and arm rests of the vehicles they commandeer by writing or engraving “Kia Boys” on this equipment. When the vehicles are retrieved, and they are more often than not, they usually come back with extensive body and mechanical damage, which average about $2,500 to repair. Some cars are stolen to be used in serious crimes including burglaries and drive-by shootings. Others are stolen just for joy riding and drag racing. The blue cities dance around the problem of assigning blame where it belongs by blaming car manufacturers for producing vehicles with inadequate anti-theft protection such as an on-board T-Rex, and so are starting to sue Kia and Hyundai for “cutting corners” In producing their cars. Kia and Hyundai sales are suffering because some insurers are declining to accept new customers who own the models that are most affected by the thefts and vandalism. In one way or another we all wind up paying for the sake of “diversity”. Victims of the car thefts are understandably upset because the courts will coddle the criminals who only receive probation.

Many liberals are discovering today that though you can move away from the blacks, your insurance rates will go up because of their crimes and your taxes will go up to pay for their welfare entitlements. You can’t blame Korean car companies for failing to anticipate that the blacks will take a fancy to their cars. As long as the libbers pass the blame for black misbehavior on “systemic racism” and use “bull’ to bulldoze over blaming the true culprits, the costs of DEI will continue to cause the culture to DIE.

ON THE ROXHAM ROAD TO RUIN. Roxham Road is an area along the Canadian border between NY State and Quebec Province which is attracting a massive flow of migrants/illegals from all over the world into Canada where the freebies and welfare benefits are world beaters, outdoing the US in give-a-ways that are causing it to give way into third world status even faster than the US even though we are really giving it a go. Unvaxxed invaders are accepted with open arms. New York City Mayor Eric Adams is going with that flow. He is buying bus tickets for scores of thousands of refugees that were dumped on his city by the impertinent and impetuous Governor Abbott of Texas who has adopted the liberal attitude of “sharing the wealth” of a liberal political position. The refugees are bused to and dumped on  Plattsburgh, NY where the migrants can hop a short cab ride to the Roxham Road area to facilitate their entry into Canada. Even a Democrat understands that the cost of the bus tickets will not bust his city anywhere near as much as the welfare costs of supporting the global swarmers.

MASSIVE DOLING OUT OF DOUGH TO THOSE “DUPLICITOUSLY” ON THE DOLE.  The states and the GovMint doled out at least $191 billion to ineligible unemployment claimants during the plannedemic, Over 1 out of every 5 unemployment dollars paid out since early 2020 went to the same people in multiple states, dead people, prisoners, and those with suspicious email accounts. Doling out cash quickly took precedence over safeguarding against fraud. The vulnerability to fraud was blamed on multiple layers of bureaucracy (a.k.a. “dead weight”) and outdated technology. Some 1,200 fraudsters have been rounded up for the malfeasance, which is likely a drop in the bucket compared to those who got away with stolen bucks. You’d think crosschecking information and files would be part of the daily duties of the dullards and dupes but anyone who knows how much of our tax dollars go to criminals – including Congress! – understands that they’d rather pay than work to prevent these thefts.

UKRAINIANS USED AS GUINEA PIGS IN US FUNDED JAB CAMPAIGN. In addition to taking the brunt of the deaths, despair, and destruction induced by the NATO/US irritation of big Bear Russia in the current war, Ukrainian “discardables” have been jabbed with biological concoctions related to research into HIV and Covid infections. at the scores of US biolabs in Ukraine. Military service members, prisoners, drug addicts, and the already sickly have been rounded up in undetermined numbers for the “guinea pig” research. A huge trove of 20,000 documents uncovered by the Russian military document these atrocities. In October 2022, Russia filed a complaint to the UN on these activities and requested a probe thereof, which was rejected by the UN Security Council after the US, UK, and France voted against it.

HUGE NUMBER OF CASUALTIES OF MILITARY COVID JABS. The data here are shocking and over- whelming. Unbelievably, about 43% of all US service members including those on active duty and in reserve status developed nervous system diseases during the period from August 2021 through January 2022. All kinds of cancers increased by many multiples of 100% during that period for service members. Hypertension diagnoses jumped up by 2,281% as a direct result of Biden’s vaccine mandate. A whole host of other maladies mushroomed from the jabs. Included casually in the casualty numbers is the estimate that 20,000 military members became sterile from the vaxxes. Incredible! In this case, we can truly quote Walt Kelly’s cartoon character, Pogo Possum who said, “We has met the enemy and he is us!”

CDC PROGRAMS TRACKING THE UNVACCINATED. Those who visit the hospital or their doctor are asked whether they have been vaxxed or “partially immunized’, whatever that means. Codes are entered into the patient’s electronic health record reflecting their vaxx status. The patients who haven’t been vaxxed are supposed to be advised that not being vaxxed is a significant factor for “morbidity and mortality”. It really feels morbid that they know who you are now, and can round you up for a round of jabs “for the public good” the next time a concocted plannedemic plays out.

NEW FBI BUILDING WILL BE TWICE THE SIZE OF THE PENTAGON. You read that right! Covering 29 acres plus a 5-acre courtyard, the new edifice will now be the largest office building on earth by a large margin. Up until now, the Pentagon had that distinction. The location will be in either suburban Virginia or Maryland. The cost to the taxpayer is the least important criterion in making the choice. DEI, climate change, and green energy considerations will be paramount in making the choice. “Well-paying union jobs” are also to be factored into the considerations. Somehow “environmental justice” reared its ugly head in the “delibberations”. Meanwhile, the FBI will maintain a “substantial space” in Washington, DC, close to the headquarters of the Justice Department. The House of Representatives can exercise its power of the purse to excise some or all of this semi-stealth expansion. It can conduct lengthy hearings into why such a “superplex” is needed. It sounds like a super stepped-up spying and surveillance program is about to start with about one-half the population, the deplorables, as possible targets.  The space required to post all the photos of “domestic terrorists” might take up half the new edifice.

NEW BOOK SUMS UP THE STOLEN 2020 ELECTION. “Stealing Your vote” by Christina Bobb with Introduction by Steve Bannon. Book covers every aspect of the lying, cheating, and vote dumping which disenfranchised millions of Americans and installed faux Joe as president. It covers the cover-up which was worse than the crime as politicians, mainstream media, and Big Tech colluded in an all-out assault on facts and evidence to bury the truth and slander anyone who dared ask questions.

ZUCK BUCKS ARE BACK. Expect to be “zucked” again. The Chicago based Center for Technology and Civic Life (CTCL) and its associated “U.S. Alliance for Election Excellence” will funnel $80 million to improve election technology and processes over the next 5 years. This is the program that funneled $420 million to orchestrate the 2020 elections for the Demonrats, which is a Zuckerberg sponsored enterprise. The CTCL is focused on pushing progressive voting policies and reshaping election offices to favor leftist lunacies. The CTCL officially claims to be bipartisan to cover its part of the collusion.

ELEVEN US CITIES NOW RANK AMONG THE 50 MOST DANGEROUS IN THE WORLD. Baltimore ranks #15 on the annual dangerous cities list, with Memphis and Detroit, close behind at #18 and #19, respectively. Two more cities run by Demonrats made the top 30. Albuquerque, New Mexico and St. Louis came in at #23 and #27, respectively. Rounding out the list were the Demonrat havens of New Orleans (#35), Oakland, California (#38), Chicago (#43), Philadelphia (#46) and Houston (#50).  Crime and safety factors were considered. Detroit, that lost 220 police officers last year, was long the hub of the auto industry. Now it is better known for the appropriation of hubcaps and catalytic converters &etc. The state of New Mexico uses “Land of Enchantment” as its tourist slogan. Albuquerque, its largest city, is a surprising upstart on the list. It’s designation as a “sanctuary city” has much to do with attracting the criminal element, and it has long been a haven for third world refugees. It is still a scenic city but its citizens’ barbaric behavior is causing that state to lose any aura of enchantment.

ATTACKS AGAINST CATHOLIC CHURCHES ESCALATE. Since the race riots of 2020, 275 US Catholic churches have been attacked (as of January 2023), and the number is escalating. The attacks include arson, broken windows, decapitated statues, and satanic graffiti. A spike in attacks occurred with the May 2022 leak of the Supreme Court decision in the Dobbs v. Jackson case which overturned the original abortion decision, Roe v. Wade. The organization, “CatholicVote” notes that only 25% the church attacks have led to an arrest. It should not come as a surprise to those who surmise that our society’s traditions and traditional institutions are no longer respected and as a direct result are no longer protected. Of course, that generally means that the evildoers can expect to get away with their actions.

MASSIVE JOINT US – ISRAELI PARTNERED MILITARY EXERCISE CONDUCTED. The week-long operation named Juniper-Oak conducted in January was massive in size and scope including space assets, a carrier strike group, bombers, stealth fighters, electronic warfare, Special Operations forces, and artillery weaponry. The operation is a “prelewd” towards integrating the two countries’ military forces in the Middle East region and, eventually throughout the New World Order. All told 6,400 Americans and 1,180 Israelis participated in the drills. It sounds like the Israelis want to be sure they can drag us into any conflict they generate with their neighbors in the region to assure that they prevail. It must be remembered that the ambitious “Greater Israel”  project of territorial expansion has long been put on hold, but may now be ready to proceed as the world becomes more chaotic.

BILL AND MELINDA GATES FOUNDATION – A FOUNT OF FUNDS TO UNDERWRITE ASSORTED LEFTIST PROJECTS. This foundation has made over 30,000 individual grants totaling over $300 million mainly to support the Deep State’s propaganda machine, a/k/a the mainstream media and the tech tyrants. There is a vast assortment of direct and indirect awards to national and international entities. The grants are directed towards favored far left projects, “investigative journalism” centers, teachers colleges, press associations, etc. Also included are funds for scholarships, college courses, and workshops for reporters. There is precious little information as to exactly where the funds actually wind up in many cases. This is because grant recipients turn around and issue subgrants almost innumerable in number, and the trickle down goes so far down the trails that they are lost at some point. The mass media is bathed in bucks to write stories bathed in bathos and pathos to generate uniformity and conformity of opinion. This foundation maintains a lower profile than other tech-oriented foundations, so as not too draw too much attention to its malignant machinations.

THE SUPREMES OK WITH 2020 ELECTION FRAUD.  On February 21, 2022 the Supreme Court turned down the request by Raland Brunson that the entire Congress be thrown out for violating their oaths of office for failing to investigate the evidence that the 2020 presidential election was rigged. Of course, the court didn’t deign to explain their whitewash, or even offer another wishy-washy explanation to explain its malfeasance. No vote was officially announced. Thus, no miscreants could be identified and so the corrupted zeitgeist could go on unimpeded and unquestioned. However, it could be sort of officially noted that the Court was on record with the acceptance of the country being turned into a wreck of an abomination of what used to be a nation.

SCHOOLS NEED SCHOOLING ON PREVENTING CYBERATTACKS. In what could be considered a reaction against the “wokenization” of public K-12 schooling and/or just plain what we used to call juvenile delinquency, cyberattacks against public schools as a nationwide phenomenon are increasingly occurring. Some of the attacks may be likened to a form of kidnapping where ransom is demanded that would allow school administrators to resume use of their computer systems. It’s kind of ironic that ransomware is used to extract ransom in these cases. Efforts to fight the attacks are hampered by inadequate staffing or inadequate security measures and as a result are failing overall. The number of attacks rose sharply during the COVID clampdowns as the kids and those who sought to show they weren’t  kidding had a field day where they could act like juvenile delinquents and get away with it by maintaining their anonymity. It represents a sort of reversal of roles. Back in the day, you were considered a truant if you stayed away from school and remained home during the school day. With the advent of the Covidiocy, you were considered a truant if you didn’t stay home to receive your lessons and schooling online. Naturally, the kids were given more opportunity to play with their playthings and nothing is more fun to most kids than messing with the educational establishment and creating a mess – as if that were necessary with education these days!

The CyberSecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has been caught flat-footed without a mechanism to measure and mitigate the ensuing attacks and resultant damage. School administrators were seen as easy targets because they are less tech savvy than most and haven’t prioritized computer security. There’s no one single motive for the attacks on which to assign blame. Stealing personal data, obtaining ransom money, disruption of the system, and just plain unruliness or criminal inclinations can move both the young and older monsters to carry out monstrous attacks. Children as young a 9 have been implicated in the attacks. Both large and small school systems have been attacked. The lack of any organizational structure to bring the stakeholders together leaves the educational establishment vulnerable to the ongoing and increasing attacks. It’s an awful fishy situation when psyching for data to steal is such an easy operation.

VICIOUSLY TRYING TO CREATE A VICIOUS CIRCLE. The Left is doubling down on its demented and devilish J6 narrative. The number of criminal cases brought out by the “Injustice Department” is expected to at least double before its all over. The Left is using the J6 incident and narrative as a tool to hammer home its tyranny of discouraging and preventing any dissent from its takeover. Up to 1,200 additional people could face charges. 1,000 defendants have already been implicated by the imps in what is now being termed the “Capitol Siege”. The Biden Bolsheviks are trying to juice the numbers before the 2024 election season. They’d like to turn on the juice to fry the Trumpers. They’re trying to convert peaceful protestors into lifelong felons. Trump recently fell into the trap of encouraging “protest, protest, protest” –  albeit at its worst, the “demonstrations” by the right are no where near the summer of violence the left produced in 2020! But that does not stop the Left from talking up anything from the right as an incitement to another “insurrection”. The leftist gestapo is gestating into a force for grievous harm to what remains of our nation. US Attorney for the District of Columbia, Matthew Graves is the force behind this farce and his represents a grave attempt to create a grave for American Greatness.

DIMWITS PROPOSE DIMMING THE SUN. The UN is discussing darkening the skies to combat “climate change”  and cooling our planet by restricting the sunlight that reaches us. Nitwit “stakeholders” like Bill Gates are behind this plan which would drive a stake into our collective hearts. Since the efforts to reduce CO2 emissions are ridiculous and hopeless and can’t help but falter, the UN is pulling out all the stops in a futile effort called “Solar Radiation Modification”(SRM) to prevent sunlight from reaching the surface and warming it. The program consists of 3 elements: Injecting reflective nanoparticles or sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere (stratospheric aerosol injection); brightening low clouds over the oceans by seeding them with submicron salt particles(the clouds would then act as a mirror); and using space mirrors, that is, many gigantic mirrors launched into outer space to reflect sunlight back into space. This is an untested idea that could instead launch a new ice age. Don’t expect a careful, conservative review of this idea which is supposedly the hallmark of conventional science since the left’s doomsday scenarios just won’t allow it and the left is bereft of any common sense anymore. The UN will “turn on a dime” and propose today what it was adamantly against yesterday. Sulfur dioxide, which is a byproduct of coal and oil burning, helps produce acid rain and causes significant health problems. This was recognized long ago and billions were spent on eliminating it from coal and oil burning emissions, and also to build technology to capture it before it was released into the air. Now, it turns out it is good for us and we need to spend more billions to inject it into the atmosphere! This shows you how far we can “trust the science”! I’m sure the 1% will somehow make billions on this “about face” as the mega-rich move to save face. If this scheme was adopted, and a major volcanic eruption occurred while it was in place, the sudden increase in ash(largely sulfur) could plunge the world literally into a new “dark” age. In addition, we would starve to death because blocked sunlight will prevent the uptake of CO2 by plants and prevent them from growing or even taking root. We then would die because the plants emit the oxygen we need to breathe in for our existence.

IS A LINE IN THE SAND FORMING? Has the anti-white assault poured enough salt in our wounds to get us wound up enough to do something about it? Let’s call a spade a spade and not accept the guilt trip tirade. Elon Musk may have somewhat timidly and tentatively pushed the barrier to action back a bit, enough to get us started in doing our bit. The point is to not act contrite, apologetic or apoplectic when they try to pull our chain or feel restrained in making politically incorrect statements or acting in our interests. Musk posted comments on his Twitter outlet in reaction to the news that media organizations around the country had pulled the comic strip “Dilbert” from syndication after its creator Scott Adams called out blacks who don’t think “its OK to be white” a hate group, and he went further and expressed his aversion to “having anything to do with blacks” and expressed a desire to live in a community with few or no blacks. Musk said Adams had the free speech right to make such assertions. Musk also properly said that unarmed white people affected by police violence get only a fraction of the media attention paid to black people injured or killed by police. Musk apparently has not caved even though top advertisers have pulled back on ad spending on the site, causing a decline in twitter ad revenue of nearly 70%. Things won’t change overnight, but gradually. The wheels are starting to move and will really get moving in a big way if more big wheels get on the free speech bandwagon. Hopefully then there will be no more going back. Either we shrug off the taunts and bromides of “racist” and turn our attention to what should be our inexorable advancement or surrender our future to the fates of South Africa and Rhodesia. It’s that stark. It’s that simple.

HIGH TECH TURNOVER CAUSING INTRANSIGENT HOMELESSNESS. Mass importation of high tech workers and globalization are creating an ongoing, intensifying, intractable travail of homelessness which is particularly pronounced in left coast blue urban areas such as Silicon Valley, and coastal areas of Washington state and Oregon. The H-1B visa and similar programs favoring foreigners results in burgeoning prices and shortages of habitation in those areas displacing the resident and native middle and lower classes. The mental diseases and drug addictions, exacerbated by despair and largely blamed for homelessness are more an effect than a cause. Although what we used to term “mental cases” are now let loose to fend for themselves instead of being institutionalized, it is a fact that homelessness, once established for a certain period of time will tend to lead to mental instability and drug/alcoholic addiction coping behavior which will only exacerbate the situation. The general public, being immigration ignorant and deliberately kept that way by establishment politicians, fall for fallacious explanations that divert attention away from solutions and only enrich the high tech titans and tyrants. The high tech labor brought in from India and China are like interchangeable cogs in the global multicultural machine. Once these workers are brought in at minimal wage/salary levels and work for a time, usually about 2 years, they start seeking increased compensation. At that point they are dumped to bring in the next batch of intellectual “coolies” to start at the entry levels. There is an inexhaustible supply of this labor coaxed by the promise of America. Some of the displaced  tech labor will add to the homeless population if they can’t find suitable employment and are unwilling to return to their countries of origin. They have no reason to leave the US if they can get on the American welfare rolls. Thus, a ceaseless demand for new housing is generated and the supply cannot keep up with the demand, resulting in constantly increasing home and apartment prices and rents which will leave some out in the cold, or at least the generally mild left coast weather. Often, lower cost housing will be torn down to make way for the McMansion type meccas to accommodate the upward mobile “six-figure” occupants, leaving the former residents of the area homeless. Surveys show that less than one-half the homeless are drug addicts. There are more families with children than single people in the homeless encampments. Besides evictions and foreclosures, the loss of jobs in the fluctuating and frustrating job market and the astronomical medical bills and now high food prices create situations where consumers cannot keep up with the costs of living. Using Seattle, WA as an example, an average of 236 people move into that metro area each day, and at least 70% of them are immigration invaders. In addition to the high tech workers, the locations with the most pronounced homelessness are also “sanctuary cities” that attract riff-raff and criminals from elsewhere in the USA because of the soft-on-crime governments of these areas, which compounds the overcrowding and homelessness.



CDC: THE CENTERS FOR DISINFORMATION AND CENSORSHIP. The CDC has been on a multi-decade mission to paint gun ownership as a disease, so the rats can attack it as something to be eradicated, to gun it down, so to speak. The agency is an agent of propaganda and a mouthpiece for the anti-gun activists. The CDC recently deleted a reference to a study it had previously made that showed Americans used firearms up to 2.5 million times a year to defend themselves from criminal attacks. Truth is the first casualty in this – and any – war against us and is either expunged, hidden down the memory hole, or misrepresented.  Bolshevik Biden and Senator Dick Durbin (D-ILL-ANNOY) are working in tandem to cover up pertinent facts and keep us out of touch with reality on gun rights issues.

FREEDOM IS TREATED AS A FELONY NOW. The jokers have a way to make a joke into a reality. First, you make it illegal for anyone who is crazy to have a gun. Then you assume that anyone who wants to own a gun is crazy. Presto – there you have it – gun control. This is the obvious tack taken by the states that want to obviate the intent of the recent Bruen decision. Next, they make it illegal to carry a gun in a “sensitive” place (and, no, they’re not talking about your crotch!). Then they classify all places except perhaps the surface of the moon as sensitive. And presto! Again, you have a near total prohibition on the right to bear arms. These are the approaches New York State, New Jersey, and other holdout (holdup?) states are employing right now.

STATS THE GUN GRABBERS WILL GIVE YOU STATIC OVER. Over 92% of violent crimes in America do not involve forearms. from 1998 to 2017, the US had less than 1.13% of the world’s share of mass public shooters and 1.77% of its mass public murders. 94% of the mass public murders occur in places where civilians are banned from having firearms. All of this in a country with far and away the most guns.

WILLFUL IGNORANCE AND THE WILL TO DENY IT. It’s impossible for an informed person not to notice that gun control proponents want to take away Second Amendment rights, even though they don’t understand the differences between the various “types” of firearms such as rifles, shotguns, semi-automatics and machine guns. Indeed, they are so fixated by the very word “gun” that they would probably include paint guns in with howitzers. Bolshevik Biden and other politicians will say they are for the Second Amendment but in the next breath will tell us that the Second Amendment doesn’t protect the ownership of commonly used forearms – all of this despite the US Supreme Court ruling in Heller, 2008. The smug smarties are so sure they are right they don’t want – and won’t permit – debate on the point. Debating it would indeed be seen as dangerous by their libber cohorts. Any counterpoints they might encounter would simply be the opinion of “extremists” or conspiracy theorists. It’s easy to be turned off by such harsh and snarky ridicule by the ignorant, but a lighthearted poke or joke can make someone think – and maybe click on a link.

SMOKING OUT THE LATEST LEFTIST STRATAGEM. An article in the left-leaning magazine, The Atlantic, carried a feature titled “The Ad Industry’s  Plan to Fix America’s Gun Crisis”. The article makes the statement that 30 years ago the tobacco industry was like the NRA. It argues that gun owners and manufacturers should be legally forced to pay for public service advertisements (PSAs) which would be straightforward attacks on their own products, just as big tobacco was once forced to do. In 1998, the 4 largest cigarette manufacturers signed a “Master Settlement Agreement” which was like their signing the Treaty of Versailles. It required them to amend their marketing practices and make annual payments to the states to compensate for the medical costs incurred by smoking-related illnesses. However, the major provision of the agreement was to allocate millions of dollars to a national PSA campaign aimed at dissuading potential smokers. The idea is to force gun and ammo manufacturers and purchasers of these products to pay for PSAs that would dissuade young people from learning how to use guns. This is based on the false and fabricated premise that legal gun sales increase murder rates. There is no evidence of that. Most gun purchases are for self-defense purposes and secondarily for recreational activities, and probably thirdly for legal hunting. Of course, the biggest failure to think in this issue is that the United States Constitution put nothing about the freedom to smoke into the Bill of Rights. That is a high hurdle to overcome.

THE DETAINMENT AND MISTREATMENT OF JOURNALISTS REACHING WORLDWIDE REPORTED HIGHS. The group, “Reporters Without Borders” has a good grip on the gripping story of how ethical journalists are being abused, repressed and jailed all around the world. Of course, the mainstream media would be the last place you’d hear about this. A record number of 78 women journalists were detained in 2022, a 30% increase from 2021, and which accounts for 15% of all detained journalists worldwide. China leads in worldwide surveillance and censorship generally and has 110 journalists currently jailed. The number of journalists killed is also rising. 57 paid with their lives in 2022, a 19% increase over 2021. The number  of journalists missing is now 49, with 24 of that number in Latin America. Being in war zones and around mass protests are the most dangerous places to be in trying to report the truth. On the other hand, reporting the lies of the New World Order is usually quite safe!


  • Anthony Fauci finally retired after 54 years at the helm at NIH. Had the people knew that the word fauci translates into “jaws” in Italian, they might have thought better of allowing him to be its leader in the first place. So now he gets to eat us up with a retirement pension of $355,000 per year.
  • The Pentagram, er, Pentagon has ditched the COVID vaccine mandate for the troops. It is looking into re-instating military members who were let go and to correcting their official records. They didn’t yet say they’ll get their back pay. The Pentagon saw the error of its ways because there is no way the armed forces can meet their recruitment goals with its WOKE propaganda and agenda plus the difficulty of including panty hose into full uniforms!
  • Florida Governor DeSantis has banned vaccine passports in that state. Medical professionals’ freedom of speech will also be protected. Discrimination based on vaccination and testing status, and non-compliance with masking mandates are also banned.
  • Almost half of Americans are now questioning the safety of the vaxxes as the deaths and injuries resulting therefrom are becoming increasingly apparent.
  • Even the long suffering Chinese are getting a break as the COVID quarantines and mandatory testing protocols are being ditched.

THE COLLAPSE OF US TRANSPORTATION. The train derailments are a sort of destructive “barometer” of the “high pressure area” known as America. Everything on wheels is going to hell on those very wheels, so to speak. Rail trips are increasingly derailed while flying is becoming a gamble as affirmative actors take over the controls and airline pilots are succumbing to the effects of the mandatory vaxxes imposed upon them. On any one airline flight multiple mechanical failures and malfunctioning of equipment seem to reflect the new norm – or abnorm. Supply chain breakdowns haven’t gone away and the lack of a manufacturing base adds to the difficulties. Airline flight cancellations are becoming common and are blamed on the readily referred to ruse of “defective software problems”. To the extent the latter are a factor, it is mostly caused by low quality work by the high tech immigrants receiving low end pay. Americans are being inured to accept their new-found third world status as infrastructure failures are not treated as important issues on the evening news. Cyber terrorism from the Russian patsies is also being trotted out as another blameworthy target of the “war on terror,” with not enough credit being given to domestic devils and dunces.

SHOULD WE BE GOOD SPORTS AND FOLLOW PROFESSIONAL SPORTS? All professional and many amateur sports have been sucked into the maelstrom swirling around the promotion of racial amalgamation, multiculturalism, the woke agenda, the “trans” phenomena and the demonization of any whites who over the years tried to preserve racial integrity. Sports are one of the few areas where people of all ethnicities, and political and cultural persuasions can be persuaded to mingle and enjoy each other’s company as long as they fixate on a favored team or favored sport. The 2022 Soccer World Cup in Qatar attracted one-half the human “race” to watch at least some of the contests amongst the teams from the various countries. At these games, a strange anomaly presented itself. Only Western European teams featured people other than their own native stock. Eastern Europeans, not immersed in the “multicult” as much, still maintained their distinctive ethnic characteristics. The Western European teams, in many cases, were composed of players who were in the main foreigners while African, Asian, Middle Eastern, and Latin American squads were composed of their own countrymen. This adds to the flavor of true international competitive events.

Of course, these contrasts were never officially noted. Some “European” teams went further in their obedience/obeisance to Big Brother’s dogmas as their captains wanted to wear armbands in support of LGBT-ism, and it was only in reaction to Muslim and other traditional sensibilities that this idea was shelved. That decision, of course, was widely and wildly demonized in the global media.

During the first half of the 20th Century, it was the accepted social norm that all professional American sports teams were limited to whites. It’s amazing how mores can mutate massively in a short period of time. Jackie Robinson, the famous baseball player, broke the color barrier in baseball in 1947. In 1950, the Cleveland “Browns” broke the color barrier in professional football, as did the NBA in basketball that fateful year. By 1970, all professional sports had been fully integrated. But that was not enough – it never is since all outcomes are forever tainted by “racism” –  so the race was on for more ways to kowtow like a bunch of cows to the whims of the never satisfied. Once Colin Kapernick took a knee, every team became “knee deep” in taking knees to please the powers-that-be. On medal stands, blacks would give the “black power” fist/salute, which was first done in the Mexico City Olympics in 1968. After awhile, this observance became standard practice in American sports at all levels. Now 70% of all professional football and basketball players are black and one-half the NBA coaches are black. Baseball is forever moaning that there are not enough blacks in the big leagues, even though not enough of them can make the required grade for that level of competition in order to dominate that sport; after all they are supposedly only 13% of the population! Of course, the domination of Hispanics assuages those who cannot stand to see a white face in any but a prison uniform.

Let’s pause for a moment to consider what changes in the culture have come about because of these changes in the compositions of sports teams. Before integration, athletes celebrated touchdowns, home runs, etc. by shaking hands with teammates. Now they dance, prance and thump breasts like gorillas. Now the whites mimic these animal-like theatrics to display their own lack of civilized behavior. Now in addition to knees  taken and fists clenched, sports talk shows invariably discuss whether there are enough black coaches and owners. At the Qatar World Cup, it was only the Western European teams that took the knee and wished to promote LGBT, etc. The other nations, even the African ones, couldn’t have cared less about these virtue-signaling displays. The racial amalgamations have yielded a never-ending wave of sports-themed movies demonizing whites. This is now part of the mythology of all sports.

At a time of the disintegration of Western Civilization, sports could provide a tie that binds, but instead it is dissolving cohesion when camaraderie is broken and lost because of all the “racist” claptrap. Yet, despite the lowering of standards, whites constitute the major component of the fan bases and the attendees at major sports events, and to continue to rant and rave over sports plays despite the frequent black displays of unsportsmanlike behavior on the field, while some sports are still largely a white affair. The matter further destroys any semblance of white solidarity to have a population engaged in a frenzy of popular adulation over those not worthy of respect and who got where they are through favoritism, undeserved scholarships and sports abilities may not be nearly as great as determined when compared to the whites who are pushed aside to make the racial quotas. On top of the racial aspects and favoritism connected with today’s sports, sports teams move from city to city based on economic considerations alone with no real loyalties to their communities and the fan base they have cultivated over many years. The players are traded and shuttled around like pawns in a chess game, so the entire enterprise is one of deracination and money grubbing. Indeed, in this matter, professional sports has an unflattering resemblance to chattel slavery and in the past, many pro athletes made that assessment themselves as they were sold from club to club like property – which they are!  Certainly, they are better paid than the “field hands” of old, but their circumstances are little different.

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