By Pastor Roger Anghis

May 7, 2023

Our nation has been through many trials from the time the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock up to the stolen election/coup of 2020. We will have many more before America falls. We have survived them all and will continue to survive them until the church is removed. I think the worst part of the trials we face now are from our own government. A government that has stepped way beyond the parameters that the Constitution allows. They seem to want to push the limits at every turn.

Let us look at the subject of energy. We have more energy available in natural gas, oil, and coal than most nations combined. There has been a planned destruction of those energy sources for at least the last decade. Joseph Toomey, who has published a relatively long piece at RealClearEnergy with the title “Energy Inflation Was By Design.” Toomey’s piece is a seemingly endless litany of one intentionally destructive policy after another. Even if you follow this issue regularly, as I do, you can’t help but be astounded when you see the full extent of the destruction organized into one piece. An energy infrastructure built up over a century and more that actually provides reliable and affordable energy to millions of people — a true miracle of human ingenuity! — is being systematically and intentionally attacked and wrecked by ignorant fools who have no idea how difficult the existing system was to create, and equally have no idea how to make something to replace it that might actually work.[1]

We know that it is intentional. Joe Biden himself stated: “We are going to get rid of fossil fuels.” He also stated: “No more drilling on federal lands. No more drilling including offshore. No ability for the oil industry to continue to drill, period. It ends.”[2] When questioned about the price of gas going through the roof he said it was not his policies that were causing the spike in prices but it was Putin’s war with Ukraine. Sorry, but most voters are smarter than his voting base. These are a few of the things he did during his first week in office: Canceling the Keystone XL Pipeline; Halting Lease Sales in Alaska’s ANWR; Placing a Moratorium on Drilling on Federal Lands; Rejoining the Paris Climate Accord; Proposing Energy-Inhibiting Budgets; Canceling Oil and Gas Drilling Leases; Initiating Punitive Government Investigations; Restricting Permian Basin Drilling Using Ozone Rules; Imposing Stricter Methane Emissions Rules.[3] Every one of these actions caused a rise in gas prices.

We cannot refine more oil because environmental wacos have made it impossible to build one. We haven’t built a refinery with atmospheric distillation capacity greater than 100,000 barrels per day since 1977.[4] We have the oil but our government won’t give us access to it. For some reason, the government thinks that the resources of America belong to the government when in reality it belongs to the people. Biden has sold most of our petroleum reserves to our enemy the CCP. That creates a threat to our national security. On top of that, he is not replacing those reserves. We can only hope that God keeps his hand on us to protect us if the situation arises.

To add insult to injury the Biden administration is beginning to shove electric vehicles down our throats. California has banned the sale of gas vehicles after 2030 and now all over-the-road trucks must be electric by 2036. This is a state that does not have enough electricity to run homes and businesses without rolling blackouts. During a late summer heatwave in California, headlines flashed that the state was asking electric car owners not to charge their vehicles. In an epic display of bad timing, the request came on the heels of an announcement that the state would ban the sale of new gasoline-powered cars by 2035.

While the splashy headlines left out some critical information (they only asked EV drivers not to charge during specific peak hours), it does bring up the question of whether the country’s electrical grid is equipped to handle the coming EV revolution. The Edison Electric Institute predicts 26.4 million EVs will be on the road by 2030. That’s up from about three million EVs on the road today.[5] We do not see any states doing anything to increase their capacity to produce more electricity. Environmentalists fight against any building of new power plants. Illinois also has banned the sale of gas vehicles after 2030 but has not done anything to increase electricity production.

Some people have tried to build charging stations but the electric companies say that they will draw as much electricity as a small city and it is not a possibility. Leave it to Democrats to demand something that is not available yet. If the infrastructure was in place, then there is no problem but it is not even close to being in place. The result will be chaos. Biden is also demanding that our military be electric by 2030. I’m not sure how that will work on the battlefield. There are not any charging stations in battle zones. Besides, the charge time is several hours as opposed to a few minutes with gas/diesel vehicles. Again, we see the Democrats initiating something without thinking it through and weighing all the options. This could be disastrous for our military and our national security.

The push to stop climate change is insanity on steroids. In 2008 when the market crashed the consumption of fossil fuels dropped significantly but CO2 still increased. Again, in 2020 when the nation was shut down the use of fossil fuels dropped exponentially yet CO2 still continued to rise. The reason for that is man does not make a significant impact on the CO2 levels.  The Earth produces more CO2 than man by about 100 times. CO2 is only .042% of our atmosphere which means it is not a significant factor in global warming/climate change at all. The liberals’ cry that we are all going to burn up is garbage. Remember the hole in the ozone back in the late 70s and early 80s? The alarmists of the day said by the year 2000 we would all be fried from radiation. Guess what? It never happened because the Earth fixed the hole. Nobody ever talks about it anymore. It is just one of the sixty catastrophic weather disasters they have predicted since 1950 that never happened.

What we are seeing is a push to control the population in every way they can the Constitution and our rights be damned. We the People control the government not the other way around. They have overstepped, overreached, and forced their way into our lives which our Constitution never allowed them to do. It is up to us to stop it and reign them back to where they are supposed to be. It is now or never.

© 2023 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

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