By Pastor Roger Anghis

May 21, 2023

There are a lot of voices out there that are calling for the American way of life to be destroyed for a socialist/communist way of life. They are demanding equality for all. The big problem is we already have equality for all but what they want is equality in the end, everybody is equal in housing, income, and jobs, and that has never worked in the history of man. Too many people do not want to work so that means the ones that do work have what they have earned taken away from them and given to the lazy who refuse to work. That is not the American way. Never has been. Our Founders believed that a person should be able to keep what he has earned and passed down to his children.

Just recently our resident communist dirtbag, Bernie Sanders, has called for the confiscation of all income over a billion dollars so the ‘less fortunate’ can have a better life. I do not want to sound insensitive but let the less fortunate do what the billionaire did so they can have a better life. If they do not want to put out that amount of effort then they get to live in poverty all their life. That choice is entirely on the individual. Our Founders believed in individual freedoms. The harder you work the better life you can make for you and your family. We all have equal opportunities in life. We can take advantage of that to better ourselves or we can ignore those opportunities and live a mediocre life. The people that are ambitious should not have what they worked hard for be taken away to fund lazy people.

This present administration has taken it upon itself to attempt to dictate what you do with your life.  What you can eat, what you can drive if they let you drive, what kind of stove you can have, and if you can even cool your house in the summertime. This is not the free America I grew up in. Both political parties have taken us done a path towards communism and we have allowed them to take us too far. The Democrats do not even hide their intent. They are hell-bent on turning America into a third-world nation. They have run up the debt like there is no bottom to the barrel. We give money to every nation but ignore the needs of the American people. Too many of our Vets are homeless, and too many of our elderly and young children go hungry every day but we fund the pensions of the citizens of Ukraine!  When did we start doing that?

Congress just does what it wants to do whether it is constitutional or not.  They simply do not care. The federal government’s main job is to keep the American people safe and protect our border. Only two presidents have ever done anything about illegal immigration and that was Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump. We’ve had major environmental disasters across the country but we don’t have the money to help our citizens because we are spending our money protecting borders in the Middle East and Ukraine. This is insane! Where does the insanity stop? What is out there that will give us hope that America will survive the onslaught of communist influence?

I believe that God is giving liberals enough rope to hang themselves. Our nation was founded on faith in God and a dependence on God for protection.  George Washington so eloquently stated: “I am sure that never was a people, who had more reason to acknowledge a Divine interposition in their affairs, than those of the United States; and I should be pained to believe that they have forgotten that agency, which was so often manifested during our Revolution, or that they failed to consider the omnipotence of that God who is alone able to protect them.” We should never forget God’s Hand in not just our Founding but His Hand in keeping America safe. We survived the War of 1812, the Civil War, the war with Mexico, World War I and II. We have survived the assassinations of presidents, natural disasters, and numerous other attempts to destroy America. But we have survived!

We are at another one of those crises. God always tells His prophets what He is going to do before He does it. One of those prophets is Hank Kunneman. I have followed him for years and is the most accurate prophet today. In April 2011, he was given a prophecy that was directed at the 2016 election. “Listen to the word of the Lord, America in your 240th year shall there be something unusual that shall take place upon the land. For it shall be the beginning of your restoration . . . I will raise up a voice, one who understands commerce and trade and economy.  I will raise them up from New York and I will use their voice to echo throughout the land. As there were two Towers there shall be one who shall represent the economy, one who was wise in the affairs of the nation.[1]

There is no doubt that the reference here is to Donald Trump. God also warned that Trump would face a lot of opposition. On November 16, 2019, God gave this prophecy: “…. It is not about impeaching a president, it’s about the forces of darkness trying to impeach and remove God’s agenda that has to do with His church and Israel and they’re using this President as a scapegoat…” [2] In May of 2021 an even more confirming prophecy was given: “God says, “I’m putting My hand even stronger upon two men in the earth. You will see it and there will be a celebration that is happening right now in the spirit realm as this anointing is going to increase.  Their voice shall become louder, their positions shall be granted and given, and it shall be stronger.  I speak of Netanyahu and I speak of Donald Trump,” says the living God! “the enemy thought that he could divide Israel from the United States, but I said I would rejoin their hands again,” says the living God.  “I will rejoin their hands! I will rejoin the nations; Israel and United States I am not finished.  You shook hands, Netanyahu and President Trump and there are still assignments that must happen now that both nations will have their return and their unmasking.”[3]

Some may scoff at these prophesies but the majority of them were given years before they happened and they have already been fulfilled. I have stated many times in my column that I did not believe that God was done with America and these prophesies confirm that. Liberals have done all they can to bring America down but they are fighting God. They will lose. There will be a great reset but not the one Klaus Schwab is planning, it will be God’s and all the efforts to bring America down will be exposed and the people involved will also be exposed. God has spoken it and God is not a liar. Our faith must be in him. On March 19, 2023, a prophecy was given: . ‘Yes, but God, what about an arrest?’ Do not make me laugh. For I speak of President Trump and 45,” says God, “I am not done with My assignment. Therefore, he shall speak loud, and he shall carry out My assignment, My way, My day, and because of the cry of your mayday.”  [4]

I have faith that God will keep His word. In Him is my strength.

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