By Lewis Brackett
June 18, 2023
Part of the “covenant with many” will allow the Jews to rebuild the temple. Note that at that time, the coming AntiChrist does not have worldwide authority to confirm the covenant by himself, so (in context) he is one of many people confirming the covenant.
When the AntiChrist (aka The Counterfeit Christ) comes to worldwide power at mid trib, He stops the sacrifices in the temple.
That agreed, however, a long time ago I noticed that the CONTEXT of the words in Daniel 12:11-12 CAN mean that there are 1290 days between mid trib when the sacrifices are stopped and later when the abomination is set up on the 9th of Av. Every day in Jewish history the really bad things have happened on that day.
Then Jesus returns 45 days later on the 1335th day since Mid trib during the feast of Tabernacles / Days of Awe like He said He would… .
Returning to tabernacle with His people as scripture elsewhere says… This would also point to the beginning of the Tribulation 7 years earlier in late Summer early fall….Remember He said He would “shorten the days / length of the tribulation, (about 75 days), else no flesh would be saved”. Also notice that “mid trib” does not necessarily mean exactly 1278 days (3 1.2 years) after the beginning of the tribulation.
WHO, Global tracking NOW and Daniel 12:11&12 revealed?
Monday June 12th Natural (and Tuesday on Worthy News) excerpt quote:
“(Natural News) On Monday, June 12th. United Nations (UN) World Health Organization (WHO) director-general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus officially announced the launch of his globalist body’s long-awaited “global digital health certification network,” which in many ways looks like it could be part of the prophesied Mark of the Beast.
The purpose of this new WHO network is to track and limit the movement of people all around the world based on their obedience to government orders…”
Daniel 12:11&12 Finally understood?
Part of the “covenant with many” will allow the Jews to rebuild the temple. Note that at that time, the coming AntiChrist does not have worldwide authority to confirm the covenant by himself, so (in context) he is one of many people confirming the covenant.
When the AntiChrist comes to worldwide power at mid trib, He stops the sacrifices in the temple.
That agreed, however, a long time ago I noticed that the CONTEXT of the words in Daniel 12:11-12 CAN mean that there are 1290 days between mid trib when the sacrifices are stopped and later when the abomination is set up on the 9th of Av. Every day in Jewish history the really bad things have happened on that day.
Then Jesus returns 45 days later on the 1335th day since Mid trib during the feast of Tabernacles / Days of Awe like He said He would, returning to tabernacle with His people as scripture elsewhere says…
This would also point to the beginning of the Tribulation 7 years earlier in late Summer early fall….Remember He said He would “shorten the days / length of the tribulation, (about 75 days), else no flesh would be saved”. Also notice that “mid trib” does not necessarily mean exactly 1278 days (3 1.2 years) after the beginning of the tribulation.
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