By Cherie Shelor

September 5, 2023

Do you suspect a ‘trojan horse’ in our midst here in America? I most certainly do. We partake of its grip daily, totally unaware that it is our foe. It comes to us as a matter of convenience and appears to make our lives better, easier, and convenient. To better understand why this element is a ‘foe’ and not our friend, let’s take a stroll back in time for a moment for a historical perspective. To the days of our founding fathers, to those who had great insight into human nature, and to the dangers of letting our unvirtuous natures rule over us.

A walk back into the old days can be quite educational and enlightening to our modern eye. Walking along, you are likely to see women weaving cotton into usable yarn to make warm blankets and clothing. Further on, others are harvesting the crop to be stored and eaten over the winter months. Because there were no building contractors, the men in the community came together to provide lumber and stone for the building of their homes – no mortgage company here. Their medicine consisted of plants in nature that would treat their ailments and also provide for their physical well-being. The children play and work alongside their parents, as daily life teaches them valuable skills that they will need in their adult life. The elements of nature provide abundantly for their warmth and food, as the earth yields up its provisions to provide for man’s needs. Creativeness, invention, and experimentation yield her fruits as men, women, and youth learn and explore along life’s journey. These were the lifestyles on which our Republic was established. Our founding fathers guarded the Republic and understood that in order to retain freedom, the people must not only be involved in their government, but they must live in such a way that promotes and guards their own independence. Samuel Adams said, “No people will tamely surrender their liberties, nor can any be easily subdued when knowledge is diffused and virtue preserved. On the contrary, when people are universally ignorant and debauched in their manners they will sink under their own weight without the aid of foreign invaders.”

Now, let us move forward to the present era and journey around our American towns. No need to worry about the yarn we saw in the old country, we get our clothing premade. Our food is supplied timely from various grocery stores on just about every corner. In or out of season, the choices of food abound. Banks through credit provide cash to build our massive homes for which we hire someone else to construct. After all, it’s a ‘specialized’ world these days. Nuclear or petroleum products supply our homes with heat at the flip of a switch. Don’t forget to pay that monthly bill! And let us not forget our water, do we pay for that as well, even as the earth springs it forth in abundance at no cost to humanity? Got an ache or a pain? then Big Pharma has the pill for you. Don’t want to raise and educate your children, that’s ok too, there’s a solution for that as well – public schooling. John Taylor Gatto says it best as he quotes the enemy, “if we ‘weaken close family ties’, our foundation will begin to crumble. After all, the foundation of society is based on the family, because the family affects the community, and finally, the community makes up the government.

Parents have been replaced with large massive schools so that both parents can enter the system to make money to pay for all the conveniences the system has to offer in which we have taken the ‘bait’. The few who have engineered this plan state that “education must be used to condition people to accept social change…The chief function of schools is to plan the future of society”….” A new public mind is to be created. How? Only by creating tens of millions of individual minds and welding them into a new social mind. Old stereotypes must be broken up and ‘new climates of opinion” formed in the neighborhoods of America. Through the schools of the world, we shall disseminate a new conception of government – one that will embrace all the activities of men, one that will postulate the need of scientific control….in the interest of all people.”

As evidenced, that ‘strong beast’ has attacked the very foundation of our existence – the family. Men have left the land and placed themselves in factories, shops or some other box. They no longer provide the basic necessities from their own hand. Women have fallen for the lie as well and have entered the labor force to continue the counterfeit construct.

Are you beginning to see the contrast between the old and new? Benjamin Franklin is often quoted as he came out of the convention and was asked, “What kind of government have you given us?”, upon which Franklin replied, “A Republic – if you can keep it”. Franklin must have known that there were some elements that could potentially contribute to the loss of the Republic. I believe there are two components. One, the people would cease to be virtuous. Two, the people would place their basic needs into the hands of others. Every American has either knowingly or unknowingly placed themselves in a position to be dependent on a system so cunningly designed to entrap them. Most people remain in a position where their basic needs could be taken away should they fail to live up to the financial burden that comes with the ‘system of things’. And should the time come for the people to disapprove of some behavior or unlawful act the system perpetuates, the people who are indebted to this artificial construct will probably not come against the very structure that sustains them. After all, how can you bite the hand that feeds you?

Our enemies knew that in order to achieve their goal, they must change how the people view life and how they arrange their lifestyles. This ‘new’ life must be totally foreign to that of our founding fathers. It must erode the principles that made this country what it was in its beginning. It must arrange things in such a manner to entice men and women to become dependent and indolent. Now I am not advocating returning to the ‘stone age’, but we must find that balance between the old and the new America – and quickly. Society is just a symptom of its own mentality. Our nation has lost the knowledge and virtue that can keep each of its Citizens free. The question is sadly asked then, are ‘We the People’ or are ‘We the Problem’?

[BIO: Cherie Shelor is a researcher, student of law, and an advocate for justice. Cherie is an avid reader and student of the Constitution. A housewife who stirs jam while reading Pieces of Eight’, she has a passion for seeing the restoration of the family and the nation. She is also a homeschooling mother of five children, an herbalist, and an organic farmer. She has a degree in Business Managment.]

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Important Information

1- John Taylor Gatto, The Underground History of American Education, The Oxford Village Press, 2003, p. 253

2- Sameul Adams quote,

3- “No Stress, no bombs…” quote

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