By Andrew Wallace

December 2, 2023

This paper is premised upon our determination and ability to separate Congress and the Judiciary from Big Donor Money and Control. If this is impossible, a revolution is guaranteed.

For the purposes of this paper, let’s assume that we can separate Congress and the Judiciary from the Big Donors, aka The Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC) and their minions in ‘woke’ corporations, government, academia, military flag officers, et al.

My associates will think I am insane to even consider that it is remotely possible to separate Congress and the Judiciary from Big Donor Money.

Most think it would take a bloody revolution similar to the French Reign of Terror. But I like to think positive, even though it is improbable that we could educate the brainwashed, ignorant, and apathetic, which would be required  in order to prevent a civil war.

A depression or other major event like the war now brewing could cause an internal civil war. Anarchy, at the very least, is guaranteed if government can no longer pay its obligations that support half of the people.

Most legitimate Economists forecast a major economic collapse if government does not change its ways very soon.

The Enumerated Powers in the Constitution LIMITS the Federal Government’s powers to the following:

Taxation, borrowing money, paying debts, regulating commerce, coining money, post offices, patents and copyrights, lower courts, immigration, declaring war and maintaining a military.

The federal government has no power to legislate or spend money on anything not included in the Enumerated powers!, period

If the Federal Government was operating under its founding documents, and restricting its legislation and expenditures to its Enumerated Powers, we would be living in the Land of Milk and Honey in a Constitutional Republic, with a viable and attainable American dream.

The simple absolute truth is that if government was to comply with the Enumerated Powers as dictated by our Constitution, everything would be great again as follows:

  1. There would be no Income taxes, as it was until 1913 (The Year of Infamy).
  2. Tariffs would finance government and return middle-class jobs (as it was prior to 1913).
  3. Wars for Profit would not be possible without income tax to finance them..
  4. Terminate the unconstitutional Privately-Owned Federal Reserve Bank.
  5. Replace the Fiat Dollar and CBDC digital currency with Gold and Silver to control inflation.
  6. Terminate all Federal Welfare payments, as they are unconstitutional. Welfare is responsibility of the states.
  7. Terminate all Foreign Aid payments, which are also unconstitutional.
  8. Return all of our military from foreign countries (estimated at more than 150 countries!).
  9. Military may only be used overseas for disaster relief and under a declaration of war as required to protect our national security. This would have prevented the thirty conflicts that cost us 108,866 military lives since WW2. We lost every conflict, killed millions, and destroyed entire countries. This is why we are hated around the world.
  10. Terminate all support of illegal Invaders, which is both unconstitutional and Constitutional Treason.
  11. Terminate the unconstitutional legislation and funding for the Departments of Labor, Agriculture, Health and Human Services, Education, Energy, Transportation, and Housing and Urban Development
  12. With no foreign Wars for Profit, there is no need to “Project Military Force”, which will reduce military spending by about 50%.
  13. Presently, federal income is reported to be $5 Trillion, Expenditures are $6.5 Trillion, Deficit is $1.5 Trillion. Debt is $ 33 Trillion and interest on the debt is $1 Trillion and rising, which equals projected military spending of $1 Trillion.
  14. Lawfully complying with Enumerated Powers should cut federal spending by 50% and increase revenue, allowing for a reduction in debt and interest expense. All of this is possible when you are not transferring the People’s wealth to the PSRRC through Wars for Profit and Federal Reserve Bank actions.
  15. The FBI is the most corrupt police organization in the world. It must be terminated and replaced with the Militia of the Several States, as specified in our Constitution.
  16. Many federal judges can be eliminated because there will be fewer federal laws to litigate.
  17. A majority of federal laws will be retracted by Congress because they are created without Constitutional Authority.
  18. Constitution only gives Congress the power to make laws. The bureaucrats (Administrative State) can no longer write laws. Presidential Executive orders have no authority over the states, and no authority over any people who are not their employees, none.
  19. Powerful people of both parties who commit crimes will get lawful due process and prison.
  20. Tax-free Foundations allow the wealthy to protect and use their wealth and power through eternity, and must be eliminated.
  21. The destructive, racist, and uneconomic concepts of ESG and DOE are forbidden.

The preceding is by no way a comprehensive list of all the benefits generated by the government begrudgingly adhering to its Limited Enumerated Powers. It probably won’t happen until the Citizens demand these changes and nullify all the unconstitutional actions. Remember, NULLIFICATION is the original right of self- defense, and is a natural right.

Our only impediments to unlimited prosperity and justice in America are the ignorant, apathetic and indolent who believe in a free lunch without work, and a government usurped by the corrupt, murderous and incompetent for money and power. Costs of corruption, mass murder and Marxist indolence are exorbitant. Returning to the Constitutional Republic will restore our rights and more than double our prosperity.

God Bless You and The Republic.

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