By Andrew Wallace

December 9, 2023

Individually, a majority of both parties in Congress are guilty of all manner of crimes, including Treason.

This paper will call them out and charge them for just a few of their countless crimes.

It is the responsibility and duty of all Citizens to demand a return to Constitutional Government in the loudest and most effective manner possible.  Those who don’t are effectively perceived as the enemy.

I have written articles almost weekly in NewsWithViews on various aspects of this subject in depth. My article last week covers this problem in more depth from a different viewpoint.


A majority of Congress is charged with Treason for giving aid and comfort to enemy invaders by allowing open borders, failing to deport them, and paying to support invaders at the expense of Americans. All of which is unconstitutional.

Article III, Section 3, Clause 1: Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.

In addition to the charge of Treason, federal funds may not lawfully be used for anything except to carry out their limited and delegated Enumerated Powers.

Invaders are being cared for at a higher level than many of our own needy citizens. In addition to favorable treatment, the invaders are depriving Citizens of food, housing, and police protection.

In New York City alone, $100 million was deducted from the police budget to support invaders, leaving the poor at the mercy of criminals. Open hostility between the invaders and the poor is building, due to this conflict over government benefits.

This reminds me of French Queen Marie Antoinette, who purportedly said of the poor, “Let them eat cake”, which brought on the French Reign of Terror. We are rapidly approaching similar initiating circumstances in the United States.


The federal government’s powers are limited to the Enumerated Powers listed in the Constitution. All other powers are reserved to the states or the people. The federal government can ONLY enact laws and spend money on subjects relating to the Enumerated Powers.

Some of the Enumerated Powers are taxation, borrowing money, paying debts, regulating commerce, coining money, post offices, patents and copyrights, lower courts, immigration, declaring war and maintaining a military. You can find others in the Constitution.

As with their Oaths to the Constitution, a majority in Congress ignore the Enumerated Powers and use “The People’s” money as their personal piggy bank. This results in multiple crimes against The People.


A majority of our legislators are minions of the largest Criminal Enterprise in the world, the Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC). These criminals don’t honor their Oath of Allegiance to the Constitution and are guilty of all manner of crimes against “The People”, including the murder of millions and the destruction of entire countries in Wars for Profit (transferring “the People’s” money to the PSRRC). Congress is awash in the blood of innocents.

Following are listed only a very few of the major crimes committed by a majority of Congress (these are mostly violations of the  Constitution, the Supreme Law of The land). These points are an outline for legal charges and complaints to Congress. I did my job, now you must do yours!

Every American who participates in unconstitutional federal programs is ignoring the existing constitutional limits on federal power. (per Joanna Martin, JD)

  1. Unconstitutional formation and funding of the Departments of Labor, Agriculture, Health and Human Services, Education, Energy, Transportation, and Housing and Urban Development, et al.
  2. Failure to use tariffs to protect workers, industries, and fund government. Thousands of industries have been off-shored and millions have lost their jobs. I can’t say per se that this is a criminal act, but it is total indifference to the welfare of The People.
  3. Funding Wars for Profit that did not have any relationship to national security without a Declaration of War. I can’t say per se that this is a criminal act, but it is total indifference to the welfare of the people
  4. Allowed the unconstitutional privately-owned Federal Reserve Bank to continue to impoverish “The People” and enrich the wealthy. I can’t say per se that this is a criminal act, but it is total indifference to welfare of the people.
  5. Allowed unconstitutional fiat dollars to remain, rather than using gold and silver as required by the Constitution, which would reduce inflation and make Wars for Profit very difficult. I can’t say per se that this is a criminal act, but it total indifference to the welfare of the people.
  6. Unconstitutional funding of federal welfare programs (a state responsibility), foreign aid, and funding for illegal invaders.
  7. Continuing to fund the FBI, the most corrupt police organization in the world. The Constitution stipulates that the Militia of the Several States will enforce laws of the union (Officers would be appointed by the states, which makes law enforcement more difficult to corrupt.) I can’t say per se that this is a criminal act, but it is total indifference to the welfare of the people.
  8. Allowing un-elected bureaucrats (the Administrative State) to make laws in violation of Constitution. I can’t say per se that this is a criminal act, but it is total indifference to the welfare of the people.
  9. Allowing deprivation of Citizen’s rights to Due Process of the Law (two-tier justice system).
  10. Allowing Tax-Free Foundations to continue protecting the money and power of the wealthy forever. I can’t say per se that this is a criminal act, but it is total indifference to the welfare of the people.
  11. Allowing ESG and DOE ‘woke’ programs to continue to violate The People’s Rights and degrade their standard of living.
  12. Allowing courts or government to refuse to hear a case or petition for “Lack of Standing”, which undermines a Citizen’s Constitutional rights. This is not per se a criminal act, but it is total indifference to the welfare of the people.
  13. Continuing to enact unconstitutional laws and failing its oversight responsibilities of the Executive Branch..
  14. Allowing replacement of fiat dollars with unconstitutional fiat digital currency (CBDC). Government would know and control all expenditures and income. There would be no money in your pocket, and when electricity is out, you can’t buy anything. This is slavery.

You will note from these factual charges that Congress ignores the Constitution and does whatever the big donors, PSRRC, bribes them to do.

Note also that when Congress fails to comply with the Constitution, it is violating The Supreme Law of The Land and therefore has no legal basis for their actions or existence.

It is a Citizen’s responsibility and duty as specified in the Founding Documents to do everything possible and lawful to return to a Constitutional Republic. I will admit that I don’t know how to effectively bring charges or petition the government when the FBI is corrupt and the courts are complicit. I pray that someone out there has the smarts, courage, and resources to do it.

Some think, with good cause,  that President Trump (warts and all) could return us to prosperity and a Constitutional Republic. If elections can change things, he is the only man who could do it. All others would owe their elections and loyalty to the big donor’s money. But remember what they did to President Kennedy when he got in their way.

However, if enough citizens read this paper and demanded action by Congress, we could prevail anyway. The big donors (criminal enterprise, PSRRC, swamp, establishment, etc.), through their bribed legislators and owned media, will fight any change until it destroys us.

This is not a call to arms, far from it. That would be like throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Just remember that everything being done by the criminal enterprise and their minions in Congress is designed to destroy us to make way for their New World Order. Some believe that blood must be spilled to return to a Constitutional Republic, but I don’t ascribe to that theory.

I believe that the rulers want a revolt (real or promoted by government, like January 6). Rep. Clay Higgins reported on Newsmax that Jan 6 was a government operation (false flag) with 200 embedded FBI agitators. Government believes they can crush any revolt. I would like to remind the ‘rulers’ that a revolt would mean Guerrilla Warfare, and no determined Guerrilla force has ever been defeated in the field, and certainly not now with our flag officers and demoralized military. They lost the last 30 conflicts.

In closing, the following quote from Joanna Martin JD is more than appropriate:  “Americans need to understand that the federal government would never have become so huge and intrusive without the participation of State & local governments and the American People in unconstitutional federal programs.  They willingly sold their retained Rights and Powers to the federal government—like Esau, they sold their Heritage for handouts.”

God Bless You and The Republic

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