By Lex Greene

January 14, 2024

At what point in American history did free, fair, transparent, and lawful elections become a partisan issue? Are we really now a society of overly partisan cheating voters no better than the corrupt politicians we vote for, or against?

The USA is very unique in the world in that all political authority exists at the pleasure of the governed, the People. Our government has a right to exist only so long as the People say so, and only so long as governments perform within the limited powers they are granted. Taxation without representation is prohibited in the USA, no matter which party you’re loyal to, or how you might feel about it.

A free self-governed society requires first and foremost, free, fair, lawful, and transparent elections, allowing the People to self-govern via their legitimate votes. Without this cornerstone of self-governance, no member of society is free, and no government can be trusted at all.

This makes the pursuit of free, fair, lawful, and transparent elections the most critically important issue for any free self-governing society. No matter your personal political beliefs, conservative, liberal, capitalist, socialist, communist, anarchists, etc., if we have no legitimate elections, your opinions are irrelevant.

So, how did this matter become a partisan issue?

There has been more than adequate evidence presented to prove that the elections of 2020 and 2022 (and others dating back decades) were “unlawful,” meaning, held in direct violation of State and Federal Election Laws in all fifty states. Like it or not, it’s legally impossible to get a “lawful” outcome from any “unlawful” process.

Many have claimed that these election cycles included numerous methods of outright election fraud, a crime. But criminal claims must be reported to proper law enforcement agencies for investigation, handed over to a proper prosecutor and grand jury for criminal indictment, a trial and conclusion in the criminal courts following rules of criminal procedure. It’s a very long difficult road that can take years and cost millions of dollars.

But there’s no getting around a cut-n-dry case in civil courts to determine whether or not the election procedures used within a state followed, or were in violation of, State Election Laws in place at the time of the elections. The law says we must do this, but instead, people did that.

This is a YES or NO question for State Supreme Courts. Did the election procedures in 2020 and 2022 comply with, or violate State Election Laws? Simple… cut-n-dry and impossible for any legitimate court to get wrong.

If a State Supreme Court rules that election procedures failed to comply with State Election Laws, then the election was “unlawful.” You can’t get a “lawful” outcome to an “unlawful” election process. End of story…

After getting answers to this very basic question, the next question can be asked…was it done by intent, and did those who did it, commit crimes in the process of doing it?

2020 and 2022

If State Supreme Courts declare “unlawful” election procedures happened in these election cycles, then everyone who benefited by these elections, no matter person, party, or office, cannot hold their office “lawfully.”

Claims of fraud are a separate matter. Codes governing criminal procedures will direct how any formal criminal complaints are handled.

But the People do not have to prove fraud, they only have to prove “unlawful.” Election laws vary from state to state. Therefore, this is a State issue for the State Supreme Courts to decide. Only if the State Court gets the matter wrong, does it become a Federal case to force the State into Constitutional compliance via federal courts.

All Americans

All Americans must support and insist upon free, fair, lawful, and transparent elections, without any regard for partisan views. Because if they don’t, all Americans have lost all control over their own government and country.

No issue should be more non-partisan than this one. While there will always be a laundry list of things Americans might disagree on, if we can’t all agree on this one, none of the secondary issues will matter at all.

Candidates who are legally eligible for office must be allowed ballot access. It’s not just the candidate who is harmed by efforts to block access to ballots just because political opponents fear running against them. Voters are disenfranchised, denied their right to vote for leaders of their choice, by simply blocking ballot access for their candidate of choice. It’s the kind of tactics usually only seen in 3rd world dictatorships.

To be American is to demand free, fair, lawful, and transparent elections. Anything less is un-American!

When the snooze media promotes blatant lies, playing politics instead of real journalism, it amounts to overt election interference. When “fake news” exists at the demand of advertisers, it’s a dangerous form of corruption designed to control the outcome of elections. When social media platforms only allow “approved narratives” and rely upon highly partisan “fact-checkers” to censor posts on their public forums, this too is a powerful means of election interference.

We either have free, fair, lawful, and transparent elections, or we no longer have a free, fair, lawful, and transparent country!

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