By Alice M Byrd

May 8, 2024

The “news feeds” have been feverishly working overtime to bring us the latest in the college campus follies. Or should I say, horrors? It has become crystal clear that the Marxist wing of the Democrat party (and even some on the right side of the aisle) has completely overshadowed the moderates (?) in our national house. At this point, save for an extremely FEW members, the entire congress should be removed from their seats, and a new generation of patriots installed. But where are they going to come from? For that answer, I have no idea. People are basically fed up with politics. I understand that sentiment.

It makes me cry to see the statue of our first president so disgraced by the keffiyeh wrapped around his head and face, and the Palestinian flag draped across his shoulder…The insult is very deep and will be felt for a long time. The profanity of it is staggering; the emotional impact, an excruciating punch in the gut. It evokes a more sinister urge to pack up the 4X4 and head for the nearest nest of domestic terrorists (YES, I SAID IT) currently sporting their green Hamas headbands and black masks, proudly draping themselves with the ultimate sign of oppression, a black and white keffiyeh (because that is the sign of Palestinian solidarity)…and have an extremely serious ‘Come to Jesus’ moment with them. To be sure, a growing number of the “silent majority” are bloody FED UP with the charade playing out in our beloved nation.

I’ve heard it said, when ‘someone tells you who they are, you should believe them’. I do not agree. The Enemy NEVER shows you his true face. The Enemy we face is not flesh and blood. The Enemy only uses that facade of a human face to produce his unholy results.

We have been audibly and visually assaulted daily by the relentless loops of “protesters” and their narcissistic demands for catered vegan meals, gluten free energy bars, ultra bright flashlights, laser pointers (why? Are they holding class outside?) and other basic necessities in their estimation…and they want the suspension of college finals to the point of ‘just deliver the sheepskins to our addresses”; WHY? because those pink pantied pussy-catz are too traumatized to take their final exams!!! They demand the US taxpayer to pay their student loans (which is New-Speak for ‘have yo mama pay fo-ma skoolin’) and let them cover the planet with spray painted slogans. YEAH! That’ll change the world into a beautiful place.

Personally, I have cut way back on watching cable TV, especially news. I never, EVER watch CNN, CNBC, MSLSD, NBC, ABC, or CBS, because it is non-stop degradation of my country’s traditional conservative constitutional values. Besides, my Dr. advised me to either find a way to lower my blood pressure or take medication. Since I am not a fan of supporting the Pharma industry, I had to cut back on TV. I came to the point several years ago of only being able to barely stomach Fox News and then only certain times and programs of the day. Fox and Friends in the morning while getting ready for work and Tucker in the evenings (if I wasn’t scheduled to work late). Hannity gives me severe heartburn, so I gave up watching him when Bill O’Reilly retired (at the point of someone’s disclosure gun). When Tucker was sacked, I began watching Jesse Watters, who seems pretty feisty w/out pissing off the Palace Guards so far.

So when the campus unrest began to reach a crescendo, it became abundantly clear the curtain had been ripped wide open and the Marxists were gonna shove their pile of steaming hot horse dung straight down our throats. Whether we liked it or not. Being force fed fresh off the ground steaming hot horse crap is not in my diet plan, so I immediately bristled quite noticeably. This, I believe is going to lead to a very unfortunate place…and we had better decide how we are going to respond, because the day is coming when each of us are going to have to make a choice.

Good and Evil cannot exist within the same plain and not have fatal conflict. Good urges peace and cohabitation in a just environment; Evil is animated solely by hate, jealousy and rage. Righteousness inspires growth while evil foments only utter destruction. There is no other side.

I recently had knee replacement surgery, so I am captive in my own home with a very active young dog. She loves ice cream almost as much as my grandpa did. So, I have a lot of time to stay up on things. When I turned on the TV, Friday the 3rd, Fox had this quote on the screen:

“It’s clear that in order for this crisis to develop further, student occupation should take buildings whenever possible. We can wield the most power by occupying the spaces where classes are held and administrators have offices…be prepared to escalate your actions in order to continue making it more expensive – whether materially, financially or socially – to remain compliant (rather) than to divest their endowments from Israel”.

Who is organizing, promoting and funding these social upheavals? Being witness to the utter lunacy of some of the interviewees that Faux News has brought the viewing public, I found some fundamentally unsettling information. Some of the signs broadcast an interesting piece of information, having at the bottom of the obviously well-designed placards carried by these lazy, pampered, ENTITLED little snots, was this brief notation at the bottom of the sign: “@ The RevComs”. So, I wanted to know who or what precisely The RevComs were. They are not new-comers.

The Revolutionary Communist Party, USA was established in 1975 by Bob Avakian. Their idea of a fun party is to organize for a revolution to overthrow the system of capitalism and replace it with a socialist state. Doesn’t that sound FUN?? How is it that the United States Congress and the Justice Dept allows a fundamentally adverse form of government to reside within this nation, one with the INTENT of overthrowing our REPUBLICAN form of gov’t? HOW???  I really want to know! Anyhow, the RevComs are not alone in their objectives.

The vulgar display of social intimidation and revolution we have been forced to be witness to lately is the ongoing and growing result of a lengthy, extremely well-funded, and rigorously detailed organized treason against this nation. It is led by soulless dark lords devoted to the black art of human destruction…and there are several of these entities working tirelessly to accomplish their goals.

The quote I referred to earlier is from, a rabidly radical organization and hub for all instruction on revolution, for the likes of Antifa activists, anarchists, heavily radicalized leftists, BLM, etc. Yet the involvement of more familiar NGOs is even more revealing. Soros money is sloshing around in the sewer of never-ending support for the demise of the “colonial capitalist society”. There’s the Gates Foundation founder, Bill, who believes the world’s population should be shrunk to about 500 million for ‘sustainable resource’ guarantees. Then there’s the Tides Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Ford Foundation, and the list could go on with illuminated masters of the universe names. Then we have the ideological logistics people like the American Muslims for Palestine (AMP) and the National Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP or NSJP) running some of the shows. There are 200 chapters of SJP in the US and an overarching Pro-Palestinian “coalition” of 120 OTHER groups as well.

The SJP is a project of the Westchester Peoples Action Committee (WESPAC). WESPAC also supports BDS, (Boycott, Divestment and Sanction), the Green New Deal, BLM and other far left radical organizations. AMP has been described as the leading organization providing anti-Zionist training. These vast, multi-layered, infinitely intertwined and interwoven destroyers of conventional freedoms, fund and provide boots on the ground agitators whenever and wherever unrest and diversion/division is/are necessary to distract attention from the collapsing US economy, the utter failure of foreign policy, the tragically eroded confidence of our allies across the planet and our rapid descent into the mire of social disintegration. Doesn’t it seem like the entire point of this exercise in madness is the ability of the domestic terrorists to BREAK the law knowingly with impunity, but merciless, unwavering persecution for those wanting to SAVE our country from the deviant promoters of immoral conquest.

Perhaps a brief note on REAL history would be instructive here.

Judea and Samaria were the recognized distinctions of land in ‘Israel’ until Emperor Hadrian became annoyed with the Jews’ relentless rebellion against his dictatorship of the country; He decided to punish them by exile, forbidding them the exercise of their faith and by building a pagan city called “Aelia Capitolina” on top of the ruins of Jerusalem. He then renamed Judea to “Palestine”, the Greek word for Philistines, which was another humiliation aimed toward the Judeans. This was his decree to obliterate any connection between the Jewish people and their sacred, promised, holy land. Hadrian reigned until 136AD…it then only took the Jewish people 1812 years to regain their homeland…and they have been under attack ever since getting their homeland back.

The Israelite people have been a nation since God told Abraham to sacrifice Issac, over 4000 years ago. Mohammad was born in 570 AD and hallucinated himself a militaristic political movement that he then dressed up as a religion in around 610 AD. I think the Israelite people deserve some higher consideration. It remains, they, the Hebrew, Jewish people were given the land of Judea and beyond LONG BEFORE “Palestine” was pronounced by a heretical madman, Emperor Hadrian.

Getting back to my rant…Posted on a lamp post near the NYU campus grounds was this gem of welcome’ness and brotherly love:

“TO FRIENDS: Those who call for peace are chasing a mirage; As for the resistance, strike them everywhere. What kind of life is this that we live in peace with those who abuse our blood, and the blood of our children, our men and our sisters?

TO ENEMIES: The time of calm you sing of will not return; Every day we increase in strength and you increase in weakness. Our war with you is long and your losses many. This is something you are not use to. You will not find a truce with us……………….The Lions Den”

There is a common theme running through all totalitarian pursuits: a slow progression of ideological subversion, psychological warfare and the resulting surrender of exhausted souls, beaten down by the struggle against such unrelenting and pervasive evil. Remember this; EVIL NEVER STOPS until there is nothing left. This process has been at work in our country for well over 100 years. It demands the alteration of the perception of reality. William Casey, CIA Dir in the 80’s, said “We will know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false”. This was said in the West Wing in Feb 1981, and recorded by White House policy analyst Barbara Honegger. It was made public by Sarah McClendon through radio host Mae Brussel. Isn’t that comforting, my fellow Americans? To know we are so treasured that the Powerful have worked long decades to make sure we are completely dis-informed about everything they do and all of their goals for “us”.

The emotional exhaustion of the American People is the objective of the Marxists, Socialists, Communists and now the Islamist’s working with them. It’s the powerful against the rest of humanity who aren’t worth a tinker’s damn to them; we’re a commodity for their exploitation. Their ideologies dovetail seamlessly in their ultimate objective; the complete and total elimination of God and His People and Christ and His Church. They are a hive mind of endless replications of destruction and rage toward anyone who does not bow down to their Supremacy, who doesn’t ‘surrender’ or peacefully submit, which is the definition and meaning of the word “Islam”. Their actions belie their “religion”.

Well, I don’t surrender and I will NEVER “peacefully” submit to a barbaric cult of diabolical heathens unfamiliar with the Grace purchased in blood on a cross. It is abundantly obvious Mr. Biden is nothing more than a pitiful pawn in this chess game being played by the likes of adiamorphic antagonists to our Constitutional foundations. It is more than apparent that Ms. Harris is NOTHING more than a token gender sacrifice on the altar of political correctness. The poor woman can’t think her way out of the bathroom, and I wouldn’t trust her with my daughter’s lemonade stand either.

It is my firm conviction that the “Biden/Harris” ticket was the Marxist bony middle finger of Ayatollah Obama to conservative America, a demonstrable pagan given to self-worship (among other self-gratifying activities); a “human” devoid of conscience tasked by his Globalist funders and promoters to pick up where he left off, that Killery was assigned to finish but failed to garner enough support to mount a horse in her presidential bid. Now The Profane and Uncultured O’Bama must get his proxy in line and finish the job. Unfortunately, since Biden can’t stay awake or coherent long enough to finish his oatmeal, I wonder how this is going to be accomplished.

The Global Power Structure is pulling out ALL the stops and heading our nation at warp speed to the never-never land of Oblivion. If We The People do not stand and defend our country, no one will have to worry about Israel and Gaza…There won’t be a free world left to defend.

By the way, Tony Fraud’ci left a message for the protesters: It’s ok to remove your masks now. The complete deterioration of your brains has obviously been accomplished.

© 2024 Alice Byrd – All Rights Reserved

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[BIO: A.M. Byrd is the granddaughter of Italian and Dutch immigrants who came to love and revere this nation and its opportunities. She is the daughter of an USAF Lt Col (now deceased) and the mother of an honorably retired Army SSgt, 2 men who served this country with distinction. Coming of age in the 60’s, contributed by living in the nest of the anti-war fervor of the San Francisco Bay Area, Berkeley in particular, she is a first-hand witness to the ravages of the Viet Nam war on her classmates and racial upheavals born in Oakland, Ca. with the Black Panthers.

Having worked in both the professional world and the medical field, she has come to see the vast unbalances between classes of people and the political pressures applied within those fields. A student of history with a particular interest in psychology, the events of the past 6 decades have left an indelible impression on her sense of honor and virtue. The darkness of such events has only strengthened her faith in God, that all things work together for the eventual supremacy of His will for this world. The Good wins.]

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