By Dr. Mike Spaulding

July 14, 2024

Sir Walter Scott’s epic poem, Marmion: A Tale of Flodden Field, contains a line that has become especially relevant in the political realm. That line is: “Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive.” That line perfectly describes the state of Jewish-Muslim geopolitics. A recent event in Italy is a clear message to the world that Muslim terrorists, regardless of which banner they fight under, are incapable of accepting peace on any terms except the complete eradication of the nation of Israel and every Jew living in the Middle East. Here are the details.

Mustafa Barghouti founded and is still an influential leader within a political party called the Palestinian National Initiative Movement. Barghouti and his organization have steadfastly opposed Israel. They are active participants in the Boycott, Divest, and Sanction movement, and recently called for economic and military sanctions against Israel by the US and EU. More egregious than those activities, however, is Barghouti’s approval of the October 7, 2023, invasion of Israel by Muslim terrorists and their barbary toward innocent men, women, and children. He stated at the time that the Muslim terrorists were justified in their rape, murder, beheadings, mutilations, and torture of Israelis because there can never be normal relations with Israel.[1] This information provides needed background to understand the Muslim reaction to Barghouti’s friendly gesture.

During a recent conference in Italy that brought Italian parliamentary factions together, Barghouti was videoed hugging former Israeli Foreign Minister Shlomo Ben-Ami. This simple expression of greeting and friendship caused an immediate uproar among Palestinians and the organizations purported to represent them. Never mind that Ben-Ami is a leftist and proponent of a two-state solution. Barghouti was roundly denounced as a traitor, as having committed a “crime” by embracing a Jew, and as a secret proponent of normalizing relations with Israel.

Why would something that is commonplace around the world in all societies and even among leaders of nations when they gather, cause such angry and hostile rebukes from the Muslim world? The answer is really quite simple. The leaders of the Palestinian organizations have all been clear in their denunciations of Israel. Palestinians and Muslims in other nations train their children from the time they are old enough to walk and talk to hate Jews. Palestinian children are indoctrinated by various fables such as: the ridiculous notion that Israel oppresses Muslims and Arabs, in the illegitimacy of Israel as a nation because they exist on “stolen” land, in the nonsensical and easily rebutted “apartheid” charge, and of the equally nonsensical charge of ethnic cleansing. None of these stables of Palestinian and Muslim myth have any basis in reality. Apparently, truth has no place among the Palestinians.

When an entire population is brainwashed by lies concerning the Jews, is it any wonder that missteps by Palestinian leaders receive such vitriolic responses? The fact is that Barghouti and other leaders of supposed Palestinian advocacy organizations must toe a very well drawn-out line of constant hatred toward Israel and the Jews. Any actions or words that might be observed or construed as conciliatory toward Israel are not tolerated. The only permissible speech concerning Israel and the Jewish people is hateful, vilifying, and demeaning.

Clearly, there can be no negotiations for peace with Palestinian leaders. There can be no two-state solution. There can only be a complete and total victory by Israel over the terror groups that have unanimously vowed to annihilate the nation of Israel. There simply is no room for political optics or posturing for Israel. It must complete the destruction of Hamas, Hezbollah, and every other terrorist organization while sending a message to Iran and other state sponsors of terror that it has the will power to persevere through world opposition in order to secure its existence.

Western governments are well aware of this reality and must not choose to play the game of pacification of the Muslim terrorist groups and their benefactors in Iran. Israel will stand with or without the US and EU. What leaders need to answer today is this: Do you want to be on the side of those fighting for freedom? Or do you want to be on the side of the Muslim and Arab tyrants who oppress their own people? The world is watching for the right response.

© 2024 Mike Spaulding – All Rights Reserved

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[1] Bassam Tawil, Why Palestinian Leaders Cannot Make Peace With Israel, Gatestone Institute, International Policy Council, July 11, 2024.

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