by Lee Duigon

September 26, 2024

It seems a shame for Kacklin’ Kamala and Tampon Tim to waste their talents on governing this country. I mean, the poor old USA can run off the road and into a ditch without them. It won’t need much of a push.

There are any number of jobs suitable for this pair of einsteins. And remember, it’s all about joy!

Here are a few jobs in which the Harris/Walz variety act would really shine.

*How about them being pitch-persons for Acme Bottled Tap Water? “Fresh from the spigot”—and they mean that literally.

What makes Bill Gates so rich? What makes Taylor Swift so hot? Imagine Tim and Kamala grinning at you through the camera and declaring, “We don’t know what makes them so hot—but for us it’s Acme Bottled Tap every time! And the empty bottles make handy ballot drop boxes.”

*There’s always a demand for another sitcom to help define the country’s moral tone and keep the plebs from reading things they shouldn’t. If the Fung Empire had had sitcoms, it’d still be around today, four hundred years later.

Imagine, after a hard day’s sitting around waiting for a job, sitting down again to watch and enjoy America’s No. 1 sitcom—I’m Me, He’s Him, starring Kamala and Tim. Like, for instance: “When Tim’s in the doghouse, he really is in the doghouse and can’t find his way out. Can Kamala find her way in, so they can keep their date with Antifa?” And the beauty of it is, they don’t have to bow out after eight short years. TV is a better gig than the White House any day.

*And it’s not just entertainment that would be just up their street. Suppose Kamala and Tim could run a university. Now there’s a niche! It could even be a whole chain of universities, by popular demand. Imagine thousands of students going in one door and coming out another, four or five years later, with gender reassignments and a full set of Far Left shibboleths. Oh, it’s true that the colleges and universities we already have are doing the best they can to achieve this. But imagine how much better they’d be at it if we just added a patented Harris & Walz Joy Vibe! Imagine if all you ever had to do to get your point across was a high-pitched cackle or a thunderous belly laugh. Imagine a million grads a year with Joy Vibes.

*And imagine electing ten or twenty thousand of them to our local school boards. Now you’re talking Fundamental Transformation!

*And last, but by no means least, imagine Kamala and Tim, with half a dozen of their hand-picked cronies, with seats on the Supreme Court—for, like, forever. Think of all the new constitutional rights they could discover! Extending the vote to non-citizens. Requiring parents to pass an annual ideology test. A compulsory Pledge of Allegiance to the United Nations. The mind boggles at the possibilities.

Sure, it’d be nice to see these two elected president and vice president. But Supreme Court justices, college presidents, school board members, and TV celebrities, just to name a few, have no term limits.

And thanks to Artificial Intelligence, Kamala and Tim can sit in seats of power for as long as the sun keeps shining.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and drop in for a visit—preferably before you take your ideology test. My articles can also be found at .

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