By Rob Pue

October 11, 2024

“Sustainable.”  “Sustainability.”  A couple of the popular new buzz words Leftists love to use as they continue to shove their “Green New Deal” down the throats of hard-working Americans, struggling harder than ever to hold on to their sanity, pay their bills, keep a roof over their heads and food on the table and shoulder an ever-increasing crushing burden of taxes.

I’m sick to death of hearing the word, because nothing the government does is “sustainable.” And our so-called “representatives” in Congress exempt themselves from every insane new rule they mandate for the rest of us.  In a recent TV ad from, they used the word “sustainable” or “sustainability” eight times in thirty seconds.  Give me a break.  As with everything the Communists running our government come up with, every idea or program ends up being the exact opposite of what they name it.  Consider: “The Affordable Care Act,” or “The Inflation Reduction Act.”

Recently, the small town of Springfield, Ohio has been in the news because it’s been over-run and overwhelmed with illegals being resettled there from Haiti.  This town had a population of about 40,000 people in 2020.  Now it has 60,000.  One out of three there are now from Haiti.  As you can imagine, it’s not working out very well.

Please understand that Springfield, Ohio is “Everytown, USA.”  The spotlight might be on Springfield right now, but this same scenario is playing out in cities and small towns nationwide. Indeed, it’s worldwide and it’s by design.

We’re watching a deliberate tearing-down of the nations.  As national borders are erased, so are the nations themselves, and the kings of the earth and the rulers, with their mighty plans, are working to blend all the nations and peoples of the earth into one.  The goal is a “New World Order,” which really isn’t new at all, but rather, as old as the serpent in the Garden.  Their goal is a “One World Government,” controlled by a select few demonic “elites.”

But for this to happen, there can be no national sovereignty.  There cannot be individual nations, as God intended. This is why we’re seeing “mass migration” all over the world now.  It’s been going on for many years, but never like what we’re seeing today.  Today, millions of people are being relocated to nations they know nothing about and have no understanding of.  The result is world-wide chaos and turmoil.

Formerly Christian nations are especially being targeted for invasion by so-called “migrants” from third-world countries.  And as these migrants come, they’re bringing with them their native customs and their pagan, false gods.  Here in the US, just in the past four years, our government has welcomed and resettled more foreign invaders than the combined total population of 15 American states.

Islam has been invading our nation for decades now.  We’re talking about a system that requires everyone not following it to be killed…Christians and Jews are literally hunted.  We have 300,000 Syrian Muslims in Detroit, Michigan — more than 90% of them are still on welfare, even though they’ve been in this country for over ten years.  In Minnesota and Western Wisconsin, we have a quarter-million Muslims from Somalia.  And wherever Muslims target their “migration jihad,” — from Bloomington, Minnesota to Detroit, Michigan, to England, France, Germany or Switzerland — neighborhoods are destroyed, and lawlessness abounds.  Residents fear for their lives as violent attacks, rapes and murders rise and “no go zones” become commonplace, where even the police will not enter.

Most Americans who hear me describe this situation will immediately call me “Islamophobic.”  But the topic of Islamic terrorism in America is old news.  It’s been going on for so long now, if you’re not aware of this reality, you haven’t paid attention.  Of course, the mainstream media always covers for Islamic terrorists, just as they’re doing their best now to hide what’s happening with the mass invasion of our nation by illegals from all over the world.  And because I’m tackling the subject matter I am today, I’ll most certainly be labeled a “racist.”  In America today, “racist” is the least you’ll be called if you dare express any amount of common sense.

What’s more, if you believe in “Christian Nationalism,” in other words, a sovereign nation (The United States), where the one true God of Creation is Lord, you’re automatically considered a “Nazi.”  How did we end up at a point in this nation that if you love your country and you love God, then of course, you must be a “Nazi?”

It doesn’t take a brain surgeon to figure out that along with the destruction of the natural family, the indoctrination from the LGBTQP+ and the “transgender” agenda, our public schools are training as many children as possible to hate America, hate white people, hate men, the idea of national sovereignty, and the teachings of Christianity.  The plan is for the Globalist “New World Order” to first destroy all that we and our forefathers have built, and then to “build back better” in Satan’s own image, “unburdened by what has been,” as they say.

It’s impossible to get an accurate number of the people who’ve been deliberately resettled into this country illegally.  It’s doubtful if even the criminal government leaders themselves know how many millions it is.  But understand, the invaders are not “migrating” here to become Americans.  They’re here to conquer us.  And so, we read again from Deuteronomy 28, “The alien who is among you shall rise higher and higher above you, and you shall sink down lower and lower.”

My grandfather came here at the turn of the century, an immigrant from Ireland.  He came legally and received nothing for free.  In fact, he came as an indentured servant, so he worked for several years before and after his arrival to pay for his travel to get here as well as his room and board.  Then, he became an American, and he did that at a time in this nation when the Irish were treated like animals.  He also built his own business, worshiped and honored the Lord God, got married, raised a family and served his community in so many ways.  My Dad was born in 1923 and so he was six years old when the Great Depression hit.  My Irish immigrant grandfather lived through harder times than I can imagine, and the government gave him nothing for free.

As you know, it’s not like that anymore. Now, in addition to wide-open borders on our north and south, our government is also flying illegals directly into the interior of our nation on “secret” charter jets, though they’re not really a secret anymore… so blatant is the lawlessness of our rulers.  These so-called “migrants” are not here to escape persecution and tyranny in their homelands.  They’re not “refugees.”  They’re invaders.  In the past year alone, at least 200,000 from China, hundreds of thousands from middle eastern Islamic countries,  millions from Mexico, Central and South America.  Many violent criminals, just recently released from prison or insane asylums.  Welcome to America, the land of the free stuff, with no laws — at least none that apply to you.

So, let’s talk about Springfield, Ohio — a microcosm of our new “multicultural” nation.  The mainstream media and city officials have been quick to dismiss claims that Haitian migrants have been killing and eating local wildlife and pets.  But since we know we can no longer trust the mainstream media, citizen reporters have recently gone to Springfield, to interview the residents themselves, to get the truth.  Interestingly, as these citizen reporters began arriving in town, there were 34 bomb threats at local schools, and other municipal facilities.  This resulted in a virtual “shut down” of the city… conveniently timed, so that very few Springfield residents were out and available to talk to those citizen reporters.

Those that did talk told the world what’s happening.  Yes, ducks and geese have disappeared from area parks and 911 calls from citizens reporting Haitians killing wildlife have been verified.  Yes, decapitated pigs were found in Springfield, the blood having been drained from the carcasses.  So far, the stories of the Haitians eating dogs and cats have not been verified, but in case you don’t know, dogs and cats are delicacies to Haitians, so these stories may very well be true.

It’s not that they don’t have money to buy food or that they’re not freely supplied with plenty to eat.  It’s that they prefer dog and cat meat.  It’s their “culture.”   Additionally, Haiti is steeped in voodoo and Satanism, and animal sacrifices are commonplace there.  So, why wouldn’t they bring their Haitian culture with them?

I remember in 1975 when the “Boat People” were brought here from Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos.  With the Vietnam war having just ended in April of that year, these people were in grave danger from the Viet Cong in North Vietnam.  Huge numbers were resettled in my hometown and in other towns in Wisconsin.  People didn’t like it, but these Asian refugees were just that — refugees, in real danger and in real need of help.

It took some time, but they did eventually assimilate into American culture.  But it was not an easy transition.  I remember even in my small town, ducks and geese were killed and eaten at the local park, and dogs and cats were taken and eaten by the refugees too.  It’s just the life they were used to.  Over time, they learned we don’t do that here.  But I can tell you, that absolutely did happen back in the 1970s in small town Wisconsin, so it’s not unthinkable that the same could be happening today in Ohio.

But the bigger story is that in Springfield, and in cities and towns all across this nation, Americans are purposely being replaced with foreigners.  Shortly before their arrival, people were evicted from their apartments…. the tenants were told the apartments were going to be remodeled and then they could return.  Meanwhile, the town also had many houses that were unfit to live in, but those were quickly bought up by investors, repaired and turned into rental units.  Now, housing is no longer affordable, because those apartments are now occupied by Haitians, and landlords receive triple the previous rent from the government, paying to house the Haitians. Many locals are now homeless, but it gets worse.

As taxpayers, we take very good care of the Haitian “migrants.”  One store clerk reported the Haitians receive absurd amounts of welfare money on their EBT cards.  In one interview, she recalled how one person at her store purchased $13,000 worth of groceries at one time using their welfare card, and they still had a $29,000 cash balance remaining on the card.

This may explain how so many Haitian “migrants” are able to buy new cars — and houses — in Springfield.  Another resident told how they’re buying homes for cash; and how a migrant living just down the street from him owns a brand new, $110,000 Lexus SUV — but does not have a job.

And there’s been a staggering rise in traffic accidents.  Somehow, the Haitians receive drivers’ licenses without having to take any tests.  One local resident calculated there’s been an 800% rise in traffic accidents since the Haitians moved in.  Another resident said you see a lot of brand-new cars on the road, but they’re all smashed up, because Haitians are buying brand new cars with cash, but don’t know how to operate them.  Insurance rates have soared for Springfield locals, but the Haitians don’t buy insurance.

You should also be concerned with these drivers’ licenses being so liberally handed out because of Ohio’s “Motor Voter” law.  That’s actually the law in all but six states.  When you get your drivers’ license, you’re automatically registered to vote in American elections, and the US Postal Service is then also required to send you election materials.

Recently, the fact-check website “Just Facts” confirmed to the Washington Stand that “the most comprehensive, transparent, and rigorous study on this matter found that about 2 million to 5 million noncitizens are illegally registered to vote” in the upcoming November elections.  Are you concerned yet?

Then there are the jobs…  There are some new factories in Springfield, but factory owners claim Americans don’t want to work and won’t take those jobs.  But the citizens have stated that these well-paying government-subsidized factory jobs are never offered or advertised to local residents — the factory work force is nearly 100% Haitian, and jobs are filled through just one job placement agency, “First Diversity Staffing,” which, interestingly, also owns many of the newly renovated housing units in town.

There seems to be a lot of slush money and a lot of hush money floating around in Springfield, Ohio — and all throughout our country.  Many are getting rich off the invasion of our beloved nation, but millions more are losing everything, including our American way of life.  This is absolutely unsustainable.  And it’s meant to be.

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