By Frosty Wooldridge

October 17, 2024

Are you confused as to what’s going on in Washington DC, in Ukraine or Israel?  What kind of a dumpster fire blazes in a community near you?  Are you a Chicago resident near 10,000 homeless illegal aliens?  Are you working or living near the 175,000 homeless in Los Angeles?  Do you live near the 180,000 homeless illegals in New York City? Are you living in Arab-dominated Muslim enclave in Detroit?  Are you sick of seeing Palestinian flags displacing Old Glory at our universities?  Are you sick of wide-open borders, skyrocketing grocery prices and nothing ever gets solved?

Gees, join the club. Let’s face it, we’ve got millions of kids glued to their cell phones, 24/7.  We’ve got tens of thousands of American drug addicts from drugs pouring over our borders.  Even the 250,000 drug overdose deaths in the past 3 1/2 years hasn’t stopped the Harris-Biden administration from allowing more drugs to continue pouring over our borders.

If you look at our TV programs, you will find this country’s networks think Americans constitute some of the dumbest people on the planet.  Let’s face it, “Love After Lockup” must be the most illiterate, moronic program on Earth.  It’s SO stupid, you must lower your IQ to that of an imbecile.  Those gameshows mimic the Roman Games with no bloodbath. Just food and circuses for the masses!  Totally meaningless!

All the while, we’ve got 14 million drunks driving cars on our nation’s highways 24/7 according to Mothers Against Drunk Driving.  That results in 20,000 deaths annually, but no one in state legislatures or governors’ offices will stop it by mandating severely stricter laws to impound cars and licenses for 10 years upon the first drunken event.  Why not make drunk and drugged or texting driving consequences SO SEVERE that no one would dare break the law? If they do, they hit a jail cell.  We’re talking simple and effective!

Why does our U.S. Congress allow the drug invasion of our borders to kill our citizens by the hundreds of thousands?  Why are 100 U.S. Senators so useless, and why do we keep re-electing them?

What if Laken Riley was your daughter?  Would you be happy that Kamala Harris, in a national interview, would not change one thing in the past four years of her administration?  She and Biden allowed/invited more than 15 million illegal aliens, murderers, rapists, criminals and worse in our country.  We’re talking GROSS incompetence, but no consequences!  If it wasn’t gross incompetence, then, she and Biden did it on purpose to destabilize our country, and ultimately, to set it on a path toward internal destruction.

That Afghanistan debacle, withdrawal that got 13 service people killed should have faced consequences.  Heck, what about the reported 131,000 military Marines and Army soldiers that died from soldier-suicide?  What about their families?  Why didn’t we withdraw from the Middle East the day after Osama bin Laden was killed in 2011?  Are the Military Industrial Complex corporate heads that sadistic?  Answer: Hell yes!  That’s why they keep creating and expanding wars.

In the name of common sense, with all those Dumpster Fires blazing across America, why do our Congress critters and Senators send billions of dollars to dozens of countries around the world ANNUALLY——WHEN WE NEED IT FOR OUR CITIZENS?!  Can you answer that question?

And now, artificial intelligence portends every kind of disinformation known to humanity to be pumped into our society.  No wonder teen suicides accelerate because our kids cannot maintain any emotional—spiritual—physical balance in their lives.  It’s beyond insane that our kids spend four, six and even eight hours a day on their phones.  And then, you look at the diabetes—obesity levels exploding among our young!  It’s crazy to see it from the sidelines.

As to those Dumpster Fires, have you seen the TV programs promoting every kind of “cure” for every kind of physical problem that none of us have ever heard of before?  At the end, they give a proviso that taking this drug, “Could cause internal bleeding, vomiting, constipation, headaches, sudden death, high blood pressure….”  Then, more smiling faces from users.  What a load of crap.  How about eating organic, balanced, healthful, and nutritious meals with at least 35 grams of fiber, daily?  Gees, what a concept.

The biggest Dumpster Fire we face continues to explode into our faces as America is being forced to grow by over 10,000 to 15,000 people, net gain, daily.

That’s in the neighborhood of 4 to 5 million annually, net gain. That’s another 100 million within 25 years.  I’ve been warning my U.S. Senators for over 20 years. They refused to listen.  It’s a joke that we’re pretending to solve Catastrophic Climate Destabilization by GROWING our population.  It shows you we are being led by incompetent fools in Biden and Harris.  Anybody that thinks we need more immigrants is like the man with cancer, who will take any cure the doctors give him, as long as he doesn’t have to stop smoking three packs of cigarettes daily.


“As we go from this happy hydrocarbon bubble we have reached now to a renewable energy resource economy, which we must do in this century, will the “civil” part of civilization survive?  As we all know there is no way alternative energy sources can supply the amount of per capita energy we enjoy with oil today, much less for the 9 billion people expected by 2050 on this Earth.  And energy is what keeps this game going.  We are involved in a Faustian Bargain selling our economic souls for the luxurious life of the moment, but sooner or later the price must be paid.”  Water Youngquist, Energy

What happens when all the terrorists that Harris-Biden allowed into the country begin their Jihad on us, “The Great Satan”?  How many Americans are going to die?  You can bet it will be more than a few.

Please realize that these citizen journalist reports go beyond the WSJ, Washington Post, New York Times, et al. Those reporters get paid to suppress or avoid the serious consequences coming down on our society.  When “The View” asked Kamala Harris what she would change in the past four years, she said,  “Nothing comes to mind….”

Which makes you wonder if she actually houses a brain in that skull of hers.  And Lord, can any of us endure her cackling laugh for another four years?

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