by Lee Duigon

October 17, 2024

I have been drafted into the battle against cancer. That means I have cancer. My doctors say they can cure it, but it’ll take a while. Meanwhile, it’s off to the hospital every weekday for radiation treatments. The chemotherapy pills I take at home.

(Turn seventy-five and the bottom drops out. Is that what’s supposed to happen?)

Now the only time I feel normal and healthy is when I’m intent on my writing: so I have every incentive to keep on working. Finding the energy for it isn’t as easy as it used to be; but here I am, writing this, so I’ve found some at least. And chemotherapy can bring on what my friends who’ve had it call brain fog. The reader will have to judge whether I have it or not.

Gee, I’d hate to drop out of the picture this close to Election Day. Every vote is needed to counterbalance Democrat cheating. At least make them work for New Jersey, New York, and California. Make them work for what they would otherwise get for the asking. Make the teachers’ unions spend money holding on to gimme states—while most of the country slips past them.

I don’t know whether to believe a lot of scuttlebutt about tens of millions of Christian voters planning to sit it out because Harris and Walz are devils and Donald Trump—who was a good president!—is not a saint. So they’ll vote for nobody, or else write in their hamsters… which amounts to voting for the bad guys. Their own self-righteousness means more to them than the survival of the American republic.

Great—now I have to fight on two fronts. Ask Germany how that works out. But I still think it’s probably good for me to keep working as best I can. God didn’t put us here just for ourselves. My work may not go down in history, but this is how I serve my country.

It looks like I’m coming up short of my word count this week, but I can’t help it, I do what I can.

I pray that my fellow Christians will set aside self-righteous fantasies and flood the polls to vote for Donald Trump.

We need a landslide victory.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and visit: it’s a fellowship. My work can also be found at .

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