By Frosty Wooldridge

October 28, 2024

We, the American people, suffered under cognitively bankrupt Joe Biden for the past four years.  His incompetence and/or that of his handlers has created an economic, racial, cultural and border nightmare never before seen in American history.

He chose as his vice president, a woman with an exceptionally narrow if not empty resume’, that depended on the fact that she was a female of color. Her Jamaican father and Indian mother were not citizens when they birthed her on American soil. Her “anchor baby” beginnings may give an understanding of her blatant disregard for America’s immigration laws, America’s borders, and America’s right to the rule of law.

After Biden’s disastrous debate with Trump last summer, Schumer, Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi shoved Joe Biden out of the running—-and without any delegate votes—the Democratic National Convention “coronated, installed and injected” in total disregard of the rules, Kamala Harris into presidential candidate spot.

They installed her when several other candidates like Minnesota’s    Dean Phillips stood head and shoulders above Kamala’s horrifically inept record as vice president.  Robert F. Kennedy Junior stood ahead of Kamala Harris. Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI), an Army Colonel, towered over Kamala. But much like the farce of Joe Biden’s Alzheimer’s presidency, the DNC Deep State decided on another puppet to be placed into the White House.

The question remains, who in their right mind, with an ounce of common sense, would elect a woman who has failed every day in her capacity as vice president of the United States?

First of all, in 3 1/2 years, 92 percent of her staff resigned because they could not stand her lack of civility.  Those staff members enjoyed very nice salaries, yet 9 out of 10 of them quit while serving under Kamala.  You might engage the Peter Principle to show her incompetence.

As the leader of her office staff, any corporation head would have fired her!

Second, when given the “Border Czar” status to stop the invasion, she did NOTHING in 3 1/2 years to stop in excess of 15 to 20 million illegal aliens from violating our borders. She invited the largest invasion of any country in the history of the world.  She violated her oath of office, the U.S. Constitution, Article IV, Section 4 of the Constitution, and U.S. Code 8, Section 1324.  She demanded that Immigration, Customs, Enforcement be disbanded, and that the U.S. Border Patrol operated like the KKK.

If given the green light, Kamala will open our borders to another 15 to 20 million illegal aliens.  We will pay and pay and pay. Does that make for any common sense?

What did she cause?  She caused over 250,000 drug overdose deaths of American citizens as the drug cartels enjoyed carte blanc for distributing drugs across our border and into all our cities.  Kamala stands responsible for untold misery of addictions, crime and deaths.

Kamala allowed hundreds of thousands of criminals to migrate into America and set up shop.  We see enormous crime spikes in every major city where illegal alien migrants persist.

Kamala’s directly responsible for dozens of deaths like college student Laken Riley, out for a jog, suffered death, rape and brutality from an illegal alien.

Third, in 2020, she personally organized “bail bonds” to free criminals from jail that were burning down our cities after George Floyd’s event.  She encouraged more lawlessness.

Fourth, once in office, she and Joe Biden were the last two people in the room when they “okayed” the catastrophic withdrawal from Afghanistan.  She and Joe engineered the single greatest military blunder in American history.  Some 13 military active duty died because of her.  When asked on “The View” if she had any regrets over the past four years, she replied, “None that come to mind.”  When you add up over 15 million illegal aliens, 250,000 drug overdose deaths, and horrific collapse of the rule of law in America—why in the name of common sense would any American vote for such sheer incompetence?

Fifth, when asked how she would change inflation, lower food prices, and lower gas prices, she replied,  “I want to create an ‘opportunity economy’.”  That includes price controls and government interference in basic capitalism.  In other words, she admitted to being a Marxist like her father.  In reality, she lacks any understanding of economics, inflation, value of the dollar, international currency.  She doesn’t have a clue as to how the stock market operates. She’s never run a business. She’s the “coronation” child of “Affirmative Action”, and now the presidency of the United States.

Sixth, she’s SO inept that her handlers will not let her speak without a teleprompter that gives a specific message, and that message always ends up with a “word salad” of meaningless gibberish.  She flat out doesn’t know that the hell she’s doing.

Seventh, when you look at the absolute corruption and incompetence Biden and she brought to the White House, who in their right mind vote for another four years of THAT kind of sheer stupidity?    Do you realize that someone with that level of incompetent will surround themselves with others at THAT level of incompetence.  It’s called, “The Peter Principle” support team.  It means that she will blunder into the presidency without a clue on how to deal with Ukraine or Israel.  She said she will initiate “peace”, but she doesn’t have a clue on how to bring that about.  She lacks any clue as to the dynamics of the Middle East. NONE!

Eighth,  President Lincoln said, “You can fool some of the people some of the time, but you can’t fool all the people all of the time.”  Since Joe Biden has escaped the long arm of the law in his pathetic “forever” tenure in Washington DC, it’s only a matter of time before he and his son Hunter fall to the rule of law.  In Kamala’s case, she’s running on emotions rather than policy. Much like that unaccomplished U.S. senator from Pennsylvania, John Fetterman, who could not speak a reasonable sentence, voters voted him into office via emotions rather than merit.

Right now, anyone voting for Kamala votes because of their undying attachment to the democrat party.

Unfortunately, on the world stage, Putin, Kim Jung Un, China’s Jin Ping will eat her for lunch.  If Kamala reaches the White House, you can bet China will invade Taiwan. Russia will devour Ukraine and Iran will spread terror everywhere across the globe.

As stated before, in Western industrial societies, The Peter Principle shows that most people are advanced to their highest level of incompetence.  If the American people fail to use their common sense, fail to see Kamala’s failures, they (we) face another four years of catastrophic and epic failures on a national and global scale beyond anyone’s imagination.

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