By Sidney Secular

November 16, 2024

Consider this: In order for you to have been born, even if we go back, say, 12 generations, it required 4,094 people: Parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, etc. These are legions of people with legions of stories of love, joy, pain, deprivation, passion, sorrows, triumph and tragedy – real travails and actions of your ancestors, all brought about so you can now exist, and hopefully make all their sacrifices for you worth their efforts. Some of your ancestors indubitably made their mark on the course of history in a positive fashion and probably in some manner, helped fashion the freedoms we have enjoyed as Americans.

The mostly rootless modern American doesn’t think in those terms and has been robbed of any identity to be proud of and seems proud of that very unpraiseworthy opinion. Thus, modern man, or what passes for same, is easily swayed by every new and promoted doctrine or ideology that come down the pike that somehow gives his life purpose – if, indeed, he even bothers with such thoughts these days!

Now, if others are similarly drifting through life, and similarly take up with the same newfangled foreign philosophy, that should give you the impetus to fight the newfound folly going on. These fools are fooled by the foolish notion that they are acting out their own “truths,” free from the forces of history. Such soulless souls cannot understand why we cling to the traditions, folkways, religion, manners, values, principles, etc. of “the past.” These are the things that make us a recognizable people and give us worthy and recognizable goals if we care to pursue them.

Actually, the very fact that our present “society” does all in its power to neutralize and actually destroy these very traditions and etc., should tell us how every valuable they are! Knowing where we came from liberates us from the malaise foisted upon us by our current “culture” and shows that we are not interested in or attached to this clownish (actually demonic!) world where everyone makes up their own identity often attempting to free themselves from the evils of the past by throwing that “past” under the bus. You can stand as a living monument to the values that make us great and are worth valuing by acting morally and ethically even if the ignorant or vile topple the monuments and statues of our past heroes. For these can be rebuilt when people once again come to their senses.

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