By Lex Greene

December 16, 2024

The 2024 Elections were a major battle victory for the Make America Great Again Team. But it’s just one victory in just one battle in the ongoing war to reform the USA back to a sane and lawful Constitutional Republic. Now the real war begins…and the future battle lines are drawn.

Over the years, millions of Americans have come to treat elections like watching a sports event, picking their favorite team and following events as they unfold as if watching a reality TV series. The biggest fans buy a ticket to the game by donating to their favorite team, while most watch from the comfort of their recliner at home, waiting to see how it all turns out. Both think they are “in the game.” But are they?

Like their favorite sport, winning teams don’t just have to win one game in the long season of games to be played, and one victory by itself changes nothing for the overall season, or which team will emerge in the end, the national champions.

Wars are won battle-by-battle. One victory in a long string of competitions will ring hollow, unless the team stays in the fight all the way to the end of the season. Likewise, one loss isn’t the end either. It’s the win-loss ratio throughout the entire season, that will determine who gets to face off for the final championship to end the war.

To emerge the final victor, three things are required…

  1. We must begin and effective November 5, 2024, we have begun
  2. We must fight and win every battle after beginning
  3. We must stay engaged and finish the fight to emerge the victor

How grand it would be if securing the future of freedom, liberty and justice were as simple as showing up once every four years to vote for our favorite team. It would be wonderful if just electing one person would be enough. But it isn’t…it never has been, and it never will be.

It turns out, freedom isn’t a spectator sport, and this time, you won’t get to try again next season if you lose. The American people have been losing season after season for decades, simply because they failed to adhere to the three rules of the game above. For more than a hundred-years now, the American people either failed to enter the fight, focus on battle-by-battle, or remain in the fight to the finish.

They won’t be able to do that this time!

The game of politics is not a spectator sport, but rather a dirty blood sport, usually taking place in a corrupt sewer full of poisonous vipers. Yet, solving our problems via constant political engagement is far better than settling our differences in the streets, when diplomacy fails.

248-years into the grand freedom and self-governance experiment, our government barely resembles the Constitutional Republic guaranteed every citizen and member state of the union in the U.S. Constitution. Instead, it more resembles a dangerous combination of lawless weaponized dictators elected by mob-rule democracy special interest voters, not focused on saving our country, but gaining gifts from the taxpayer’s treasury.

Make no mistake, corrupt governments are the direct result of either corrupt voters, or disengaged citizens, usually both. Contrary to modern beliefs, in the USA the President, Congress, the Supreme Court or any other governmental body, are not the “supreme law of this land.” The U.S. Constitution is the Supreme Law of this land.

Even though every political office-holder is sworn to uphold, defend and enforce the U.S. Constitution, the buck stops with the American citizens. Legal American Citizens are the final arbiters of truth, justice and the American way. Elected, appointed, and for-hire public servants must keep their oaths of office, or they have no right to hold those offices.

But it’s us, the American citizens, who hold the ultimate responsibility to make sure the protections provided in the Constitution and Bill of Rights are strictly adhered to by all public servants. If public servants are allowed to operate in violation of those protections, the fault rests with us, all of us. Those who seek to cheat the system for personal gain, and those who leave the future of freedom, law and order in the hands of others are equally responsible for the demise of a once great nation.

Yes, we won the political battle of 2024… but this only sets us on the road to war with those who do not love America, truth, sanity, peace, decency, freedom, liberty and justice for all. We won the battle, to begin the war.

“If it is to be, it’s up to me!” (and You)

Our opponents will not stop just because they lost this battle. No, they will double and triple down. They will pull the plug and put it all on the table to defeat us now. They may even choose “scorched earth” in the end, to prevent us from having a country they were denied.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t want war with your enemies, because regardless of how you feel about it, your enemies are at war with you! The sooner you grasp this, the better.

We are in uncharted waters here. Our country has never been in this place before. We don’t know exactly what this war will look like as events unfold. But if we want truth, freedom and justice to prevail, we will have to remain in this fight to the finish regardless, no matter the cost.

Americans across the board have had it too good for so long that they have lost sight of the reality that freedom has never been free. In fact, nothing on earth is more expensive than freedom. But no earthly goods will ever hold the value of freedom either!

We hope and pray that President Donald J. Trump, Vice President Vance and the entire Make America Great Again Team enters this war ready to do whatever it takes, because if they don’t, they can’t win.

But the real warriors on the Make America Great Again Team is you, and me, and every other freedom-loving American. Without us, the Trump Team would not have even been elected. Without us, they won’t be able to complete the mission we have given them either.

So, now that we have started the fight, we must win battle after battle after battle until we win the war for the future of America.

Our kid’s, grandkid’s and great grandkid’s entire future hangs in the balance of our actions! Never accept failure. Never leave the winning up to others. True Americans are not “wait and see” Americans. We are not victims of circumstances. In this great country of amazing patriots, we create our own circumstances! We don’t leave our future to mere chance…

© 2024 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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