By Frosty Wooldridge

January 16, 2025

One of the heroes of WWII, General George S. Patton has been credited with saying, “Politicians are the lowest form of life on earth, and democrats are the lowest form of politicians.”

That comes from a no-nonsense man who changed the course of the WWII in Europe. Yes, General Dwight D. Eisenhower, commander of D-Day, made other pithy statements in his tenure as a general, and also as president of the United States. That’s back when Americans called a “spade a spade.” Back then, you learned “common sense” because you grew up on a farm.

On that farm, you learned never to pee on an electric fence more than once. You learned to shut the pasture gate, or you would take an hour chasing down all the cows to get them back into the barnyard. You learned to check the oil every day so grandpa’s John Deere two-cylinder motor wouldn’t burn up. You learned to repair the wire on the chicken coop so the fox wouldn’t eat all your chickens.

Another thing about growing up on the farm; you needed to do your chores, take care of your machinery and be accountable to your family. You had to learn how to read, write and perform mathematics. You learned to treat your neighbor like you wanted to be treated.

On a Sunday afternoon, you got to go fishing on Hogback Lake, Rose Lake or Crystal Lake. Those largemouth bass awaited your lure. You enjoyed life on the farm because you lived close to the earth, you changed with the seasons, and you understood your place in the world. You also knew that boys were boys and girls were girls.

That was then, and this is now. Today, “common sense” got lost somewhere between 1950 and 2025. Law and order got thrown into a woodchipper by moronic politicians to the point that crime and criminals provide daily fodder for news organizations. Something like only 20 percent of murders get solved in big cities. Thievery has become common place everywhere.

In big cities, teachers worry about getting killed by their students, and female teachers could very well get raped and killed by their students. Academic standards have been reduced to baseline rubble. The proof of that remains with the estimated 45 million functionally illiterate Americans wandering around America without a clue about life. They leach off the welfare system and drag the “Social Contract” into the gutter.

Then you get into the mind-bending drugs being distributed to our children by the hundreds of thousands. The deaths stats run off the charts. To help our citizens poison their minds and bodies, those same politicians open the flood gates of the country to drug cartels, dealers, and gangs. We’re talking millions of youths that cannot perform at school, don’t care, lack any understanding about contributing to our society, and think an E.B.T. card is their highest intellectual calling.

What about those politicians who break our laws, don’t serve our citizens, and couldn’t care less about the loss of life? One look at California’s current nightmare provides an ample example of Patton’s words. But, it doesn’t end there. That “Swamp” in Washington DC at this moment shows that a bunch of “self-important” buffoons are running America into the ground.

While they’ve made “transgender” and “CRT” and “Woke” policies their uppermost important mandates, they face around 70,000 military personnel shortfalls because “common sense” American youth don’t want to be insulted or squeamish by all that balderdash, malarkey, and bunkum. At some point, if and when, common sense returns to America, those transgender guys will be found to be a new class of mental illness. Who in their right mind wants to serve in our military with nut-job males who wear high heels and skirts? What women want to serve alongside such emotional and mental illness? Yes, they have the right to their madness, but 99.9 percent of the public should not be forced to comply with it.

When it comes to the “lowest form of life on earth,” look at the four-year Alzheimer’s illness in the White House that the majority of politicians covered up, along with the mainstream media. Let’s face it, those politicians and the “Legacy” media did everything to cover up the obvious. No wonder our U.S. Congress received a 17 percent approval rating. And, a minority of Americans believe anything the major networks are reporting.

And, what about this question: when it comes to common sense, who were the major players and “WHY” did those politicians open America’s borders up to over 12,000,000 illegal aliens from all over the planet? What was their purpose? What did they hope to accomplish by spending our tax dollars to the tune of $150 billion annually to take care of them—-when we can’t take care of our own citizens. What do I mean? The latest NPR reports showed 774,000 American citizens remain homeless. In the last week, another 20,000 plus in California are homeless because of the wildfires.

Those wildfires raged because Governor Newsom and LA Mayor Karen Bass cut over $117,000,000.00 (million) out of the Forest Management programs, and firefighting units. They let 100 firetrucks sit in the maintenance yard without mechanics to repair them. General Patton would have slapped both of them, and demoted them to water boy and water girl. What are the costs of their lack of foresight and preparation? Answer: NPR reported more than $350 billion to replace all those structures.

This commentary could be turned into a book with the enormous amount of corruption in “The Washington DC Swamp.” From Nancy Pelosi making millions off insider trading on military contracts, to $120 billion a year in cash transfers leaving our country from illegal and legal migrants. Then you’ve got intellectual morons like House member Maxine Waters who has done nothing in her 30 years of doing nothing for her constituents or for America, except to incite violence. The list must be as long as a football field.

If there was an ounce of common sense in Washington DC, they would take rational actions in favor of Americans, first. They would use common sense to change the violation of “anchor baby” mothers. They would stop the millions and billions in cash transfers. They would rescind the asylum bill. They would stop the sheer stupidity of DNA (XY) men competing in women’s sports. They would get out in front of dozens of problems and “correct” them instead of let them boil into irreversible problems with unsolvable outcomes.

Is it possible that “common sense” could return to America? Answer: it’s doubtful. Heck, over 50 percent of our youth cannot name the first president of our country. Most never heard of Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson and/or Abigail Adams or Eleanor Roosevelt.

Why do you think? George Patton said it, “Politicians are the lowest form of life on earth. Democrats are the lowest form of politicians.”

That’s why we call Washington DC, “The Swamp.”

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