By Andrew Wallace
January 22, 2025
I was waiting for a therapy nurse to assist me in the use of a walker, and was feeling a little down because I had been needing help for months. Then I saw a veteran who, with great effort, was using a walker with two prosthetic legs, guided by a nurse. This is when I realized two things: (1) that I was fortunate, and (2) that our real problem was to destroy the Criminal Enterprise in our government that ordered and profited from the death and maiming of our military and millions of innocents for profit and power.
The United States has been involved in and lost 30 armed conflicts in the last 79 years without a single Declaration of War. None of these wars had anything to do with National Security.
The Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC) established, controls, and profits from the Criminal Enterprise. They control what some call The Swamp (the establishment) and a majority of our government, which is a criminal enterprise. This criminal enterprise has no legal right to exist or function. It can only prevail with the support of the corrupt traitors in Congress and the apathy of the ignorant masses.
I have no doubt that President Trump will keep his promises, which are of critical importance to our survival in the short run; the alternative was revolution.
To return to a Constitutional Republic. President Trump would have to enforce the Constitution in its entirety, which would gut the PSRRC’s Criminal enterprise which controls a majority of our government.
It would have been politically impossible for President Trump to campaign on a promise to obey the Constitution and end the criminal enterprise in government. To do so would have resulted in the termination of at least 50% of federal employees (voters) and a lost election.
President Trump has proposed to establish The Department of Efficiency (DOGE) to reduce government expenditures, etc. Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy are tapped to lead the effort. Government employees and others affected by changes will fight them tooth and nail.
However, a superior way to reinstate our Constitutional Republic in all its glory would be to just follow the Constitution to the letter. Of course, we would not be in this mess if the blood-sucking whores and traitors in Congress honored their oaths of office. When the 50% to 75% of government employees are terminated, they will have no legal right to challenge or complain because they can’t question the absolute authority of the Constitution!
The simple Economic Reality is that many employees must lose their jobs now, or everybody will be unemployed by the Greatest of all Depressions in the near term.
Anyone who questions the preceding Economic Reality is not familiar with the overwhelming opinion of Economists and the lessons of history.
If we insisted on a lawful government as dictated by our Constitution, prosperity would be everywhere and most people would be comfortable in the middle-class.
Money spent on Foreign Aid for bribes and kickbacks, wars for profit, useless “education”, unlawful departments and functions, federal “charity” (this is a state function), etc, would be terminated. The result would be the American Dream and unlimited prosperity. Women who wanted to have families and care for them could do so; we have not seen much of the American Dream since the Seventies.
There are countless benefits from operating under the Constitution: We would have gold and silver money which retains its value and makes inflation and wars difficult. Tariffs could replace income taxes allowing states to fund themselves as originally intended. The unconstitutional private Federal Reserve Bank would be terminated. There would be no wars without a Declaration of War, required for national security. Most federal departments that interact with citizens would be terminated. Remaining bureaucrats of the Administrative State could no longer write laws and regulations (only Congress can pass laws).
It has been 112 years since the serious start of our takeover by the Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC) and conversion of a major part of our government into a Criminal Enterprise. We mark 1913 as the year of infamy when we were burdened with income taxes, a private Federal Reserve Bank, Tax-free foundations and a government no longer financed with tariffs. This allowed the federal government to usurp power of the states to control them and the people.
I welcome comments from my readers. I write my articles to be informative and to give the readers something to pass on to their elected officials. Most elected officials have demonstrated their contempt for you and the Constitution; their only interest is power and blood money. Let them know with this article how we feel about them.
May God Bless You and the Republic
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