By Sidney Secular

February 8, 2025

Tragedies, crime, accidents and misfortunes are the meat of the mainstream media’s daily doses of deranged drivel and devilish doings to keep “We the People” glued to screens in such a way as to screen out things that really matter, including normal interactions between people. The vast majority of reported incidents – however exotic and intriguing – don’t lead to economic catastrophe or such things that directly impact people’s lives. And so, even when the news is strident, one takes it in stride. Disasters must be either uniquely interesting or exceptionally extensive to gain public attention or, in the alternative, lesser ones are blown all out of proportion in order to act as part of a propaganda program or of use for their entertainment value. Meanwhile, greater, more important issues – usually long term and really serious – are played out behind the public’s back.

These either don’t have the media’s back or the dire implications are not backed up by the establishment and so they are not reported. Either way – or anyway – as people’s attention spans get shorter while their ability to understand also lessens, they are unable to properly concentrate on important issues. As long as folks are able to go on with their normal routines without interruption or concerns, they fail to understand the true nature of what is going on. Meanwhile, news stories come at them in a sort of rat-a -tat-tat barrage making it impossible for them to concentrate on any one thing for long, anyway. The eventual result is a total disaster viewed with great alarm by a public with no idea what was going to happen despite every type of prior knowledge possible!

Let’s look at it this way: say you are a villain of some sort, say, a terrorist or maybe just as bad – a social engineer with both credentials and typically villainous plans. These are individuals or groups who, with malicious intent, wish to destroy or degrade a country, a culture, or a civilization. Do such entities accomplish their desires with a single elaborately planned out event? Usually not, though, of course, there are exceptions with things on the scale of a 9-11 disaster now and then! These are usually designed to produce sudden changes in policies. Usually, however, you would engage in and coordinate thousands of smaller, sometimes almost “invisible” acts of sabotage that go on with little or no notice from the public until the result of such acts sufficiently degrade or break down the social structure leaving the country completely changed, sometimes even leading to ruin.

This concept is rather common! We see it in the well-planned but usually covert instigation of civil unrest and revolutionary agitation throughout history. In the US it involves groups such as Black Lives Matter, Antifa and others of today’s far left factions who are assisted by Soros’ surrogates who invite and incite breakdowns of law and order and civil behavior. The point is this, the public doesn’t realize they are under coordinated attack because the incidents involved seem unrelated and/or disassociated. Of course, America’s porous borders allow all kinds of undesirables to pore in to plan and carry out all kinds of crime while engaging in controlling behavior. These strategies are well underway in the West right now, aided and abetted by at least what Americans formerly considered “good guys” including legitimate government entities that have turned into roguish deep state operatives such as the FBI and other investigative/intelligence agencies now spying on and infiltrating into conservative groups for the purpose of placing blame on said groups and individuals. This is a means to falsely cast blame on people and groups so that the public will ignore and/or condemn them.

The New Year has just started and already we’re witnessing multiple terror attacks including the car attacks in New Orleans, the car bombing in front of Donald Trump’s hotel in Las Vegas, the continuing armed invasion of American neighborhoods by Venezuelan and other gangs and cartels, the assassination of a health insurance CEO in New York and what are probably arson attacks resulting in the spate of over 200 fires in California. Then there’s the issues associated with natural disasters where governments have displayed total incompetence, a singular lack of professional response and obvious gross negligence connected with the horrific fires in Maui and California. As well, there is the conspicuous and ongoing lack of adequate response to the damage caused by Hurricane Helene in North Carolina and nearby locations.

There are many who have asked the question, what if government apathy and inaction in the face of fires and floods are both deliberate forms of throwing monkey wrenches into the system and stealing land containing very valuable minerals from the ordinary (and not so ordinary) Americans who owned that land before it was destroyed by both fire and flood? And what about the obvious collusion by the government to cause calamity by dropping millions of third world aliens all over unsuspecting areas of the US in the dead of night? Are all these things just random mistakes or even crimes committed by a civilization that has become unhinged due to a lack of our former legal and moral moorings, as, for instance, a presently disrespected Constitution and the rejection of America’s predominant religious beliefs that used to provide acceptable cultural ethics? Or is the present chaos connected and coordinated?” Is it a mere “conspiracy theory?” I don’t know, but it seems to me that the conspiracy theorists were calling all the shots correctly over the past several years.

If it seems as if the frequency of destabilizing events is increasing, it’s because it is! This is not a matter of Internet “information overload” as we’ve had the Internet around for 30 years now and we’re accustomed to the ease of information access! However, the “monkey wrenching” that now is happening is relatively new – and increasing. Take the derailing of trains! This type of accident used to occur maybe once a year, if that often. Now there are hundreds of such incidents each year, and unless they are spectacular, they are usually treated as “routine,” a part of the new normal. The major train derailment in Palestine, Ohio in April 2023 made a big splash in the news not only because of its size, but because a large splash of toxic material could have affected a large populated area! However, at the same time it was hardly noted in the news that about a dozen train derailments had occurred in the same area over the past several years. This is an example of how one small or even “not-so-small” attack doesn’t make much noise, but thousands of such attacks have an accumulative effect that can result in the crippling and even the downfall of a country or a system. If the government is on the wrong side or remains “neutral,” saboteurs can act with impunity. They can make deliberate events look like accidents or to appear in a way that appears random.

Enemies of civilization on both the left and the right have, over the last several centuries, developed destabilization efforts when they cannot otherwise get what they want by more “civilized” means. They view their agenda(s) as sacrosanct thus their motivations are beyond criticism under the cloaks of “saving mankind or democracy or the planet,” or, in the alternative, destroying some great evil such as “exploitive capitalism.” Many times, in fulfilling their agendas, they engage in the disruption of normal activities through the use of violence, riots, and assassinations. Worse, these “agents” are often egged on by fuzzy thinking academics and establishment talking heads who conjure up fanciful excuses such as claiming that “democracy is done” if Donald Trump gains control, that their rights will be taken away and that they will be rounded up and sent to concentration camps built just to contain them; the latter being easily believed with all the constant talk of “death camps” from the “Holocaust” narrative. The Marxists have the moolah to fund extremist groups and pay the day actors who participate in ad hoc demonstrations that can be promptly organized with a few cell phone calls or social media messages travelling around the world before you can get your pants on – to slightly alter a popular expression.

Reacting to or retaliating against these pressure tactics might (or can) take on a violent response, but in a war to the death with today’s Leftists and anarchists, we have to be ready to use the means at hand to save our lives, our country and even our civilization.

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