Perhaps you heard about the Women’s strike that was called for on the 8th of March dubbed a Day Without A Woman. The stated purpose was to “act together for equity, justice and the human rights of women and all gender-oppressed people, through a one-day demonstration of economic solidarity” by “taking the day off, from paid and unpaid labor,avoiding shopping for one day (with exceptions for small, women- and minority-owned businesses).” The goal was a full strike of all paid working women in the U.S. as well as women striking from the unpaid labor they do for their families. (I guess that was supposed to mean no meals for the family, no taxi service for their own children, no clothing care, and no house work of any kind at all). Hum, is that the sort of thing a loving wife and mother would actually do? Additionally they urged that women not make any purchases except from women- and minority-owned business on that day.

Video of the sermon

Now for the organizers the purpose was more insidious. “Tithi Bhatta-charya, a member of the strike’s organizing committee [stated]…“We do not want a world where women become C.E.O.s, we want a world where there are no C.E.O.s, and wealth is redistributed equally.” So this was really a strike with the aim of imposing Marxism on America. I wonder how many women who participated knew that this was what they were supporting?

On that day Several teachers at the White House rally, on strike from the local charter school DC Prep, said they had thought carefully before de-ciding to take the day off. Their concerns included how it might affect the workload of other teachers, or how working parents would secure child care for the day should enough teachers request leave that the school would have to close.

In the end, the teachers said they believed it was important to demonstrate to their students the importance of taking a stand on issues like health-care access and gender equality. “These issues are specific to their lives,” said fifth-grade teacher Tanai Hall. “All of us thought about what the impact would be of not showing them that we care about their rights.” (ie. they are really not about teaching reading, writing and arithmetic, they are all about indoctrinating these students with their own political agenda)[1]

Several school districts across the country closed due to the number of staff and teachers walking off the job. Which means they were paid for going on strike. Curious because that is nothing like a real strike, where the strikers are unpaid by the employer whom they are striking against. So here was a strike where the employer – the tax payer – was forced to pay for this strike.

One person said on the Facebook’s page for Prince George County, VA. “This is absolutely infuriating and uncalled for. Who gets punished here? The students. … And never mind the fact that you’ve inconvenienced parents who now have to scramble for daycare at the last possible minute.”[2]

Looking for the results of March 8th? several schools in were forced to close for the day in North Carolina, Virginia, and Maryland after over-whelming staff walk outs. And, as CNN reports, those closures left many working parents struggling to arrange for last-minute childcare. But the Washingtonian reported, many D.C. restaurants stayed open on IWD 2017. In New York City event organizers were arrested for blocking traffic. That seems nonsensical. If you want to gain support for your cause why inconvenience everyone else in the city?

When I looked for any data regarding the economic impact of this strike, there is none, zilch, none available at all. And it largely appears the strike had little effect except for the schools that were closed.

Even the New York Times confessed “attendance was only a fraction of what it was at the march in January, … and the impact on business Wednesday seemed limited.[3] Are they actually implying that the strike was a failure?

Examining the overall impact, it would appear to have failed.

One commentator in her article Why day without woman strike failed noted, Edith Stein, a philosopher once wrote, “The nation . . . doesn’t need what women have. It needs what women are,”[4] So what is the an-swer to all the women’s marches and the women’s strike this month? Turn back to the Biblical understanding of the design of our Creator in Titus 2:3-5. Now let me forewarn you, this is shocking material for our feminized country. What we need to understand is that the feminist Marxist agenda is about overturning culture and indeed an entire civili-zation – it is actually a war on Christian civilization. And it is not good for women, not good for men and not good for children. But what we need to know above all is that God’s Word has the power to restore our sanity and renew our land.

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© 2017 David Whitney – All Rights Reserved


[1] Paradox day without women
[2] Conservative women counter a day without a woman
[3] Opinion why women are on strike
[4] Why a day without woman strike failed biggest victim contest

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