by Lee Duigon

August 15, 2024

I’ve never in my life seen anything quite like the nooze media’s current push for Kacklin’ Kamala’s presidential campaign. But of course the mission of the media is to make normal people downhearted and gin up “a clear momentum” and “enthusiasm” for the pair of neo-marxists at the top of the Democrat ticket.

“Ooh, look at that—she’s catchin’ up fast! No, no, wait a minute—she’s actually pulled ahead!” Blah-blah.

Meanwhile, the Cackle Queen has held no press conferences, sat for no interviews, and labored to give the impression that there’s really nothing that she has to do to win this.  Instead, what we get is a ton of media drivel about her “campaign of joy.”

Has it come to this? A candidate who won not a single primary election, with mannerisms that border on the bizarre—she’s going to be our president?

Well, heck—there has to be some reason for them tearing down our southern border and letting several million illegal aliens stroll right in. Maybe they’ve figured out a way to let them vote. I wouldn’t put it past them. Plenty of opportunities there for electoral mischief.

But “joy”? Maybe it’s just a way of painting over Kamala’s crazy cackle—when life hands you a lemon, make lemonade. Or running mate Walz’s patented belly-laugh. These are people who yuck it up at funerals. We are probably better off not knowing what they think is so funny.

I know it’s been said before, of other candidates; but this time it does seem possible that we’re looking at an election that really could blot out our constitutional republic. They tossed their sitting president, SloJo Biden, under the bus and coronated this woman with the crazy cackle. And the media are running interference for her, big-time.

Not that Biden is a loss. But he was folding in the polls and it was time for him to go bye-bye.

Without a vote. If you—for some unimaginable reason—voted to re-nominate and then re-elect this dodo, as some 14 million of you did—well, you’re just out of luck. The party bigwigs picked Kamala, vote-schmote. They plugged her in like a toaster-oven.

And she plugged in Tampon Tim. Tampon dispensers in the boys’ bathroom, in case the lads start menstruating.

“Joy”? We’re about to turn the country over to border-busting, gender-swapping leftids… and that’s supposed to bring us “joy”? Maybe they can ban electricity, while they’re at it. Kiss your air conditioner goodbye: Saving The Planet, don’tcha know.

They still won’t tell us what’s so freakin’ funny.

Maybe it’s us, the American people—we’re the joke. As Walter Mondale once said, at his Democrat National Convention, “Look at them, down there on the floor. We’re going to tax their [censored] off, and they’re all celebrating.”

Maybe that’s what’s funny.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and drop in for a visit… before they can think of any more “joy” to throw at us. My articles can also be found at .

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