By Sidney Secular

June 1, 2024

This will hopefully elevate our race  and terminate our race’s plunge to the bottom of humanity’s heap. Trump’s inner circle would (hopefully!) revisit and resurrect Civil-Rights era laws to confront anti-white racism, placing less emphasis on alleged discrimination against minorities and focusing on actual discrimination against any person or group. Remember, it was Obama’s Attorney General who said that whites were not protected by these laws! Affirmative action and DEI policies would be dismantled within the federal government, leading to their termination elsewhere – a great relief to the intelligent who have been stampeded into following such wrongful dictates often against their own better judgment and sense of what is right and just! The use of “positive discrimination” would be terminated since it merely instigates and intensifies racial conflict – and doesn’t work anyway since it was supposed to “prove” that the only reason whites appeared superior to blacks was “racism.” It wasn’t! The societal pendulum must begin swinging the other way, away from trying to benefit one group as against the others in a zero-sum game that leads to zero satisfaction and zero good all around.

All offices and initiatives instituted by Biden to transform America into a hodge-podge of conflicting interest groups will be terminated. This will stop the descent into a dystopian derangement where traditional legal and societal safeguards are turned into tools for oppressing the majority until they are no longer a majority and then oppressing the new minority! Foundational principles meant to unify the people must be applied not to try to unify a polyglot population but to take a small minority of that population and place them at the apex of power. They have turned normality upside down targeting the most productive elements of society leading to a social order rife with suspicion, fear, suppression and oppression. In preparation for Trump’s triumphal return, his associates will craft a variety of lawsuits allowing reverse lawfare to be used for beneficial purposes without destroying the underlying legal precedent that should have prevented what we have been suffering for decades! This will restore legal systems to some semblance of sanity and the restoration of justice, and the elimination of petty identification politics and “affirmative discrimination.”

In the arena of culture and education, Trump will advocate a revamping of school curricula to reflect our true American identity and history as well as the achievements of the nation’s founders as it used to be without undue reference to race, the elimination of CRT, and the restoration of cultural memory. He will attempt to reverse the rise of social savagery and the regression into primitive mass behaviors and conformism that have been used to drive the people into voluntary government run enclaves. This will involve campaigns to eliminate illiteracy, rampant drug abuse, the pervasive influence of degraded ghetto-based music and culture, the restoration of social codes, the reversal of cultural atrophy and apathy among the young, the reversal of nihilism in the arts, the mass media’s mendacity, mediocrity and brutalizing influences and the strengthening of community cohesion to the degree possible in a multicultural pot of competing interests that neither meld nor melt together as it once did into an assimilated whole, a la E Pluribis Unum. In a word, he will try to reverse the ongoing civil involution, sexual revolution and confusion, and the cultural maladies and malaise.

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