By Sidney Secular

July 2m 2024

In today’s political climate of widespread ignorance, apathy, laziness and immorality, dominated by those with both perverse interests and nearly all the big bucks, it is very difficult to buck the system for very long before succumbing to its prerequisites. Honest folk’s terms in office are often terminated when the bad actors gang up on those trying to follow through on the right thing to do and following the Constitution. Let us follow what can happen to an atypical candidate – that is, a person  of integrity. Those with the constitutionally correct positions are rarely funded to a level sufficient to matter as the lefties are funded at several levels higher. However, this also speaks to the quality of the electorate for if the voters were honest, it wouldn’t matter if a good candidate had no funding! God alone knows that there is enough information on the net to overcome even the “mainstream media!”

As a sort of aside, so-called conservatives sufficiently well-off to fund a real campaign are also sufficiently few and far between and thus are not to be seen on the political scene. They prefer to show themselves as highflyers cruising through life on expensive cruises, blowing money in Vegas or making high stakes investment gambles and buying second and third homes in upscale vacation resorts while the voters they might have helped have to resort to cost shaving schemes trying to get by without becoming homeless in the process. These highflyers who may have employed fly-by-night or complex gambling schemes to advance into the nouveau rich category, wind up leaving their fortunes to their spoiled and pampered offspring who have little or no sense of responsibility to the Historic American Nation.

Our model candidate will do his or her best to meet the people and look them in the eye with an eye towards ameliorating their condition and addressing their concerns. At holiday parades, local festivals such as Apple Blossom parades or county fairs, our candidate of integrity will walk up and down the parade route greeting attendees on one side of the street, then cross over to the other side to do the same. The candidate will hand out brochures to attendees to further educate them on the issues. The candidate will also rely on a small coterie of supporters to go door distribute flyers and answer constituent questions. These supporters will preferably be volunteers who, imbued with the spirit of the campaign, will perform the effort for spiritual or civic reasons.  The candidate would prefer to do this than resort to TV or media blitzes that rely on personal attacks vice educational messaging, or engage in mass last-minute mailings that hope for name recognition vice on real reasons for voting for our candidate. The typical establishment candidate prefers to walk down the middle of the street during the festivals and parades or ride in a fancy or antique coupe scoring coups talking to the people on vital issues. Our model candidate will employ family members or close associates who will handle the finances, mailings, PR campaigns, and create creative signage who will be energetic in carrying out their duties instead of just considering it a job or who are just in it for the money. The model candidate doesn’t need high fee consultants and specialists who really are nothing special in their effectiveness, and treat the campaign as just a numbers game.

Let’s say our candidate has won the hard fought fight and served admirably in his term in office. This will especially attract the attention of the lefties, possibly on the national level as well as locally, and parasites with the money and pull looking to purchase politicians will look with askance at our candidate winning the next election as the incumbent. Our candidate will still take the high road and campaign using the personal touch as before. He will even set aside 2 or 3 hours on Saturday mornings for constituents to personally visit him and learn of his position on some vital issues or seek assistance on some personally perplexing or important matter. But sadly, by this time, the opposition will have laid the groundwork for an all-out campaign to unseat our model public servant using low road media attacks and outright lies to disparage our candidate which are de rigueur now that the Dems will not follow any rigorously proper protocol.  Our candidate will be attacked for voting “no” on certain bills because they did not fit his/her constitutional filters. This will be held against our candidate because a politician’s reputation nowadays is usually built on spending as much money as possible and getting bills passed. It is all but passe except in political backwaters to have no record of activism even if that activism consists of acts of treason. And, after all these machinations, should the race be considered a tossup, various forms of vote fraud or finagling will be employed. Voters are most swayed by economic considerations or a politician’s stance on one particular issue to which they have an emotional attachment, vice using the Constitution as a yardstick, as they generally don’t (or care) know what’s in the Constitution. Thus, all but a handful of worthy  public officials remain standing after the leftist onslaught has been fully brought to bear on an election campaign — and so we are sinking into the quicksand of the stinking swamp.

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