If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.—KJV 1 John 1:8

He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil. —KJV 1John 3:8

We as Americans are supposed to be honoring our Constitution – the document true Americans still believe in and false Americans call old, out of date, antiquated, and that it no longer matters.

It is a document that has cemented our country into what has made it a leading force of the world for years. It gave us numerous God given, unalienable rights, not to be trampled on by those who just decide it no longer applies to serve their agenda.

For TRUE, CONSERVATIVE AMERICANS, that document has been the backbone of who and what we are for 229 years. Is there one Socialist, Communist or any other “ist” out there that can prove their idea of a form of government has that kind of strength? 

It is a document that maximized our individual liberties and limited out government more than any other document in the history of the world. How did our founders do that – by using the previous failures of the “Old World” clear back to the Magna Carta?

Those men were smart – not to be confused with them not having made previous mistakes or having made them in the future. But when it came to the formation of this country, they certainly knew what was needed to protect our liberties and to make this the greatest country in the world.

How shall we look at some of the things happening in America today? Even Socialist, far left Rep. Alan Grayson (D-FL) presented House Resolution 686 in 2009 called “Teach the Constitution Week” which was passed on September 14, 2009.

The bill urges, but does not direct high schools to spend one week each September teaching the United States Constitution to high school seniors and it also encourages students to petition the government on any issue of personal importance to them to demonstrate their understanding of their rights and responsibilities as citizens of the United States. 


But the schools around America are not doing this – and why would we wait until our children are 17-18 years of age to fully present our Constitution to them. It is far more detailed than a mere 5 days could ever cover. It is our founding document of which those who want to replace it state it is a “living, breathing” document. No it’s not because if it was a living document that would mean you can change it “willy nilly” whenever individuals would think it necessary.

What are we doing as Americans? I firmly believe if our children are not aware of what all those courageous individuals took on back in the early 1600’s – to have stepped aboard those ships, having no idea what was ahead of them; no idea what our founders gave up and sacrificed including their lives, they can have no allegiance to something they know nothing about. 

Our elected officials along with the illegal Department of Education have seen fit to systematically eliminate most of our history prior to 1845 from our children’s textbooks. It is more important to present our Pre-K and up children “Sexual Education National Standards than about our Constitution, Bill of Rights and Declaration of Independence.

What the heck is wrong with us? Have we become so immune to the deceit and corruption taking place within our halls of justice, that it is now the norm? 

You say you want term limits – a bill passed to limit the time the elected’s can serve in office. Why? You already have term limits by walking into your local polling place and eliminating the crooks or lifers from office. These elected offices were never meant to be a “profession” to live off of the American people’s dole. 

Is it laziness, complacency or just plain giving up thinking that whatever you try to do will not make a difference? Oh yes it will if you would start doing your own research on these corrupt, “go along” politicians and start taking control of your government back. Because if you don’t, it is YOU who have played into the very hands of those who have been conniving for over a hundred years to remove every liberty and right you possess today.

Just who do you think has paid for the elected’s underground, totally equipped bunkers – the Federal government? YOU are the Federal government and it is run and operated by your MONEY! Of which the corrupt individuals who have elected waste to where we now sit with a $20+ TRILLION dollars debt hanging out there.

And since these corrupt and lying elected’s have tried to convenience you that is YOUR debt – it is not! It is the debt of the CORPORATION that was created to which this country now operates under.

So have any of you taken the time to watch the hearing of Jason Chaffetz or Trey Goudy – the false “we are going to make the American people believe we have this under control and we are going to hold these individuals responsible for their actions”!

We, America, are the laughing stock of the world! 

We have individuals who were working under former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton that have already admitted that under her direction or someone’s they destroyed servers, one using a hammer – and to make sure their political party deceit club stays in place, the head of the Justice department, Loretta Lynch gives them all immunity, so none of them are talking. One even totally dismissed a subpoena to appear before Congress. And nothing happens!

If it was you or I, we would have been in prison so fast our heads would swim as in the example of the Bundy family or Terry Trussel of Florida. 

The Committee on Oversight and Reform is a joke and an affront to the American people. Congress as a whole REFUSED to IMPEACH Obama. Just what is everyone afraid of that they refuse to do their jobs and work by the Oath of Office they took? Or maybe I should ask WHO are they afraid of!

 This phony committee called the “Committee on Oversight and Reform” has some of what we call the “chosen, Conservative kids” sitting on the full committee – Chaffetz, head of another phony committee Goudy, DeSantis. Shall I ask at this point ladies and gentlemen, where is your intestinal fortitude – your love of country! Or is it you just like the fame of being an American elected citizen who gets off by screwing the very people who elected you?

Why are you wasting our money and your time having these hearings? To make the American populous believe you are earning your pay?

Many of us have for years been supporters of the Republican Party because they stated they stood for and supported Conservatism and the Christian beliefs we held so dear.

Today this is not the case. Where did the split come from and why? Why did the Republican Party choose to “do their own thing” versus what was best for the American people as a whole? It wasn’t supposed to matter their color, nationality or Christian form of religion, but now, everything surrounds “social justice and political correctness” whatever that is and the American people are left outside looking in.

The debates held for the 2016 Presidential candidates were a joke. The real intense, get to the truth questions were not asked. There were issues in their backgrounds including how they have voted selling Americans down the proverbial river for one and they scratch their heads and wonder how Donald J. Trump has gotten all his support? Or how about their relationships or the people they are taking $$ from. You know they are going to owe favors back to all these big money men just like their free trips to Turkey.

How about that very secret trip that was made last March with approximately 54 private jets flying to the little offshore “Sea Island”, Georgia to figure out how they were going to get rid of Trump? What arrogance! It was flagged as the annual American Enterprise Institute (AEI) forum gathering and I would bet your tax dollars paid for it.

Karl Rove, the weasel, was there, but main stream media wasn’t – go figure! Just what was the main topic although it wasn’t on the original agenda – Trump! Oh yes according to the agenda House Speaker Paul Ryan, House Financial Services Chairman Jeb Hensarling (R-TX) and former Treasury Secretary turned director of the National Economic Council Larry Summers headed up the panel discussion on ““Have Central Banks Gone Too Far?”

Talk about a joke? This is like the pot calling the kettle black or putting the wolf in charge of the chicken coop! These are the very “elected’s” who oversee the spending of the “purse” and spend they do! 

Among the thoughtful conversations on income inequality and the refugee crisis abroad, the AEI agenda also revealed natural places for Trump discussion beyond the normal chatter over poached eggs in the morning and tannin-rich wines in the evening. [Link]

Saturday kicked off with a panel titled “2016: Countdown to November,” with a number of media commentators who have made their opposition to Trump no secret, including Rich Lowry and Ramesh Ponnuru of National Review, AEI Congress-watcher Norm Ornstein, and conservative commentator Michael Barone. At the same time, another panel, “The Next President’s Economic Agenda,” was going on with Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio), and current National Economic Council director Gene Sperling, among others.

 The weekend also featured conversations with a veritable who’s who in the world of GOP establishment politics and tech. Paul Ryan, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) and Gov. Scott Walker (R-Wis.) were all featured speakers, as were Apple CEO Tim Cook, Google’s executive chairman Eric Schmidt and Tesla/SpaceX CEO Elon Musk.

In a room dominated by millionaires and billionaires, there were even discussions about the role of money in politics, with Harvard Law professor Lawrence Lessig squaring off with former George W. Bush ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton in a discussion titled “Money in Politics: Is it the Root of Our Problems and Can it be Fixed?”

Are they serious? For real? Even bothering to discuss if money is a problem in politics has to be one of the biggest jokes ever played on the American people. If they got rid of the American politicians dream machine and money bag lobbyist’s, things in Washington just might go from corrupt to operating according to the letter of the law.

AEI pays for lawmakers trips for their events to include family members and according to the Congressional ethics rules, there is absolutely nothing wrong with this. I don’t believe it is right or legal for our elected legislators to sit on ALEC writing legislation with businessmen and women and then going back to D.C. to get other legislators to present their work.

Are you ready for this? They even had a “Conversation with His Holiness the Dalai Lama” titled “Capitalism and Consciousness: How Free Enterprise Best Serves Happiness, Dignity and Human Potential”. Just what do you suppose the Dalai Lama knows about this topic? Another talk regarding Americans need to accept the world’s love and peace?

Who are we supposed to trust? Political parties have sent this country down a proverbial path of division of the people of this country, yet when you peel away the fake facade they are all alike – Republicans and Democrats and even the ones who call themselves Christians and they are just using the name as a political mover.

Are you aware that Paul Ryan is a Catholic but supports Planned Parenthood? Did you know his wife is a lifelong – leftist flag flying Democrat? I would venture their pillow talk is interesting. American voters voiced their opinions regarding the selection of Paul Ryan but who listened? Maybe between the two of them they could come up with an explanation as to why tax- payer funded primary votes and caucuses in this election are no longer going to count.

Even the fresh, new glory “All American” boy Ron DeSantis (R-FL) had supported Dan Webster (R-FL) for House Speaker right up until the very end and then changed his vote for Ryan! Why was that? Money, Promises or Threats? Didn’t DeSantis pay attention to the fact Harry Reid was supporting Paul Ryan? Did Ryan pay over to DeSantis or others for their votes from that $2.4 million he was paid for his TPA yes vote?

The Constitution and the Bill of Rights are being whittled away with each passing day, through intent as well as ignorance – and along with that the protections which were given to us in the form of our God-gifted liberties.

Every branch of our government has failed us and those elected have failed to hold the Constitution in its rightful place as the leading document of the foundation of this country.

As KrisAnne Hall explains in her book Not A Living Breathing Document: Reclaiming Our Constitution,” our Constitution was not created on a whim and should not be dismissed as dated or irrelevant to modern times. The Constitution and Bill of Rights are the culmination of centuries of hard-won experience. Each block in the foundation of liberty gave us greater protections of our rights.”

So come this November, we have 229 years of Liberty to Protect and Preserve. Time to take care of our “houses” and vote the slime and corruption out of office.

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