By Sidney Secular

January 7, 2023

As a prerequisite to proceeding further with this article, it would be useful for the reader to check out my series of articles on White Genocide archived on the NewsWithViews site currently run in The Freedom Times newspaper and in this Freedom Movement Action Newsletter.

AmRen conferences have become the most important mainstay of discussions on American white interests and survival, sometimes intentionally misinterpreted as white nationalism and/or white supremacy. Begun in 1994, and initially held biannually, they are now annual events that attract about 250 to 300 people, many of whom are repeat attendees. They feature Yale graduate and orator extraordinaire Jared Taylor – whose value to decent folks is testified to by the depth of the Deep State’s hatred of the man – and veteran warrior Sam Dickson, a champion and savant of Western Civilization, a man with a unique ability to inspire the intense desire to change the “status woe” into cultural tenets more in accord with traditional Western philosophies. The conferences are now held at Montgomery Bell State Park near Nashville, TN, a bastion of free speech where decent people can conduct a conference without concern about being molested by the likes of BLM and Antifa. This was my 12th such conference and, as usual, I rented a literature table where I dispensed large quantities of the several patriotic newsletters and newspapers I have been distributing for many years now.

This year’s conference featured former Congressional candidate and independent journalist Laura Loomer who was cheated out of a congressional seat by the rampant vote fraud and the various dirty tricks at which our enemies are so adept. The keynote speaker was former Iowa Representative Steve King, pounced upon and hounded out of Congress for taking politically incorrect but proper positions on major issues. Other speakers included the popular blogger “Z-Man,” Gregory Hood, an incisive writer and speaker, Henrik Palmgren, a founder of “Red-Ice,” and police officer Daniel Vinyard who addressed the topic of the ongoing vilification and censorship of the police. The star-studded attendees included Peter Brimelow, leader of V-DARE, the most prominent organization involved in immigration issues and its efforts to save the Historic American Nation from a complete transformation racially, ethnically and culturally, Greg Johnson, a popular pro-white author and head of Counter-Currents, which sells many classics promoting the western canon and Jason Kessler, the organizer of the now famous Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville. If you may remember, that legal demonstration was disrupted by infamous elements of the opposition “invited” into the milieu by the local government. Despite being blind-sided by that criminal “government,” the group is still fighting for justice for the unlawfully attacked and prosecuted participants. Indeed, one couldn’t help but feel that one was at the forefront of the most influential movement to salvage what’s left of this nation by networking with so many devoted patriots in attendance.

The following are my takes on some of the salient points made by Mr. Taylor in his presentation, “Madness: Rare in Individuals, Common in groups.” The title referenced an expression used by the philosopher Nietzsche who is frequently quoted under these circumstances as he presents a good understanding of how senseless any society can become given the appropriate reasons. Unfortunately, madness seems to be as common in individuals as it is in groups nowadays but that may simply be an extension of the madness of the groups to which these individuals belong. Madness, cowardice, a lack of intelligent motivation or a combination of all three seems to be the obstacles that white patriots face in trying to awaken their fellow whites from their deadly doldrums in an effort to save our race from oblivion. The worst manifestation of the present phenomenon is the situation in which white libbers virtue signal to the rest of the world that they would be happy to see the white race slaughtered wholesale. These damaged souls are in the forefront of the anti-white hysteria consuming the country like a cancer. This hatred for whites, often expressed casually, comes from a need, a craving to feel virtuous and righteous, something these poor souls cannot do because of the color of their skin. Since it is de rigueur to downplay and even ignore the accomplishments of whites it is easy to accept affirmative action, diversity mandates and similar madness in order to go along with the Spirit of the Age, that is, saying horrible things against your own kind – but only if you’re white.

These liberal whites have never fully identified with their own kind in the first place being devoted to multiculturalism which at its heart negates the influence of white culture. But is this altogether new? No! The forces driving whites into oblivion have been around for centuries but in the past, whites were intelligent and knowledgeable to have either denied, ignored or remained blissfully oblivious to them. Indeed, one of our greatest failures has been the white acceptance of inferior philosophies thrust upon us by people that, in better days, would have been ignored or laughed to scorn! Instead, whites have made heroes out of men like King, Mandela and Obama and foes out of those who exposed them for what they were and are. Parenthetically, it is interesting to note that those “foes” of the likes of King & etc. were often themselves black. Men like Thomas Sowell and Clarence Thomas – as black as any of the present “heroes” of BLM and more “black” than mulattoes like Obama – are ignored and rejected for their point of view and not their race. Frankly, this fact indicates something far deeper among those whites who hate their own race than a mere preference for darker complexions or a concern with social justice!

These forces that assiduously saddle us with guilt have recently renewed stores of anti-white social ammo such as the idea thrust upon Americans by the universal libber “Christian” churches and their offshoot charities that we must feed, house and clothe whoever crosses our borders even to our own destruction. We must not consider that these supposedly “down and out” invaders are replacing us like an invasive species, taking from Americans the blessings owed to us as citizens. Neither must we understand that the poor, supposedly discriminated against ghetto ghouls receive unlimited amounts of our substance that frankly they don’t deserve. The Left doggedly taps our wallets for any underdogs they can dredge up. Since the middle of the 20th Century, the toxic miasmic messages of the media have enveloped us in an invasive fog that has gradually created a death wish in many Americans. It is washing over us like a foul tsunami. This is the same rumor laden toxic atmosphere that led to the French Revolution, a murderous madness that turned society topsy-turvy and did, in part, lead to our current confused state of affairs in which we are receiving blow after blow from those who would turn us into automatons. We are being torn apart in the name of equity, equality and equalitarianism regardless of impossible and insane objectives with the eventual folly of mass murder if the Leftists feel that such a catastrophe is needed to achieve their total domination.

Today, there are three kinds of white Americans. First, there are those who believe, or think they believe the suicidal baloney that diversity is our greatest strength, that the races are somehow all the same with all the same characteristics other than matters of superficial appearance or that race – like gender – is a social construct anyway, and that whites are simply awful and the foundation of all that is evil in the world from Eden on. Then there’s our small group who don’t fall for such tripe and are amazed anyone with eyes and a brain has. And third, there’s everybody else. They go from near mindless zombies to those who can see that something is terribly wrong, but are unsure of what it is and don’t know where to turn to for an answer. Many are incapable of independent thought. If they somehow hear our message over the cacophony of propaganda and baloney, they may listen to it, but many will stick with us if only until the “way” becomes difficult or the price they have to pay for their awakening too much to bear. If they can get past all the many fads, causes and organizations that plead for their money and attention by making dire predictions that the end is near and promises as to how to prevent disaster, they may just see that they are headed for extinction! If that happens, perhaps they will stop being distracted by the campaigns to save the whales, the polar bears, and the spotted owls, and lower their carbon footprints, stomp out poverty “forever,” stop or prevent “climate change”, etc. etc. etc. ad nauseum. Such distractions are intended to blunt whatever power remains with the white race.

Perhaps such people will even see the insanity of worshipping worthless, incorrigible low-life characters like George Floyd and erecting statues to human trash while spitting on great men like Robert E. Lee and Christopher Columbus! Perhaps – just perhaps! – they will prevent removing statues once thought permanently placed, wearing 3 masks during the Covidiocy, and hysterically striking the names of heroes from the historical record if they were somehow involved in slavery however peripherally! Indeed, it has gotten to the point at which our WOKE “leaders” have threatened to remove Audubon’s name from his organization! Perhaps they are ignorant of the fact that Audubon, born in Haiti, was the bastard son of a French officer and his mulatto mistress making the man as “white” as Barack Obama! Of course, there are minorities involved in the environmental movement and related fields, and that’s all well and good, but the founders and inspiration for most of these movements were and are white – with the exception of Audubon, of course! Without a white leadership cadre, these movements would wither away. Now they want to expropriate the white farmers’ land in South Africa without compensation knowing – and they have admitted as much! – that to do so will probably result in them starving to death! If this doesn’t make a point about the “need” for whites in civilization, I don’t know what does! Talk about biting the hand that literally feeds you! That’s the thanks the farmers get for keeping that country from returning to the Stone Age!

As noted, the occasional black who points out that members of his race are responsible for their own problems gets shafted or roasted. After Donald Trump, Clarence Thomas – previously mentioned! – must be the most hated man in America. The biggest thrill the lefties seem to enjoy is demonizing their opponents as Nazis or “white supremacists” even though often they aren’t white, and with all the race mixing going on, very few look like Arians anymore anyway! Apparently, according to the culture, whites are so cosmically powerful they can wreck the lives of “people of of color” by simply existing. And because whites can think impure or politically incorrect thoughts – though they are not permitted in today’s culture to voice such thoughts – that’s enough of an excuse for blacks to go on their frequent crime binges in order to destroy or vandalize businesses and shoplift without a second thought as well as shoot whites and each other. The “black on black” crime rate is proof that, in the mind of blacks, black lives don’t matter!

Meanwhile, academics, with nothing better to do, strive to “out PC” each other and have developed whole curricula centered around such snowflake fantasies as “systemic racism,” “unconscious bias” and “white privilege.” To receive this bovine scatology (BS), academically-oriented students go into debt to the point at which they are forced to remain in their parents’ basements into their 30s while expecting the shrinking working middle class to bail them out. Progressives state that if one doesn’t understand such concepts one is both immoral and an idiot, both the result of having “white privilege,” of course! The mere exercise of attending a college makes people believe that they can think for themselves. Isn’t it great not to have an unfashionable thought pop into one’s mind? You can parrot whatever poop the media is dishing out at the moment and impress one another with whatever is “going down.” But if they try the illogical nonsense that passes in their world for original thought on anyone with any real sense, they fall flat on their faces. This, of course, results in a barrage ad hominem attacks based upon their feelings of having been offended and not appreciated.

But what about the white people “in-between” who tried to have real jobs and are not brain dead – quite yet. These poor souls suffer the most from the diversity mandates. The see their jobs stolen by immigrants and those with special privileges and “affirmative actors.” Several years ago, we learned that employees in Disneyland were being replaced by non-Americans. These people had to teach their jobs to their replacements or forfeit their severance pay! I remember when the left worshipped the unions, but apparently not anymore! Almost all real job growth in recent years, especially in the professions, is found among the immigrants while the natives have to be content doing the jobs Americans supposedly won’t do – the original excuse for mass immigration from the Third World! Of course, those who see the handwriting on the wall would like to escape to a “Whitopia” if such existed. Decent, hard working citizens shouldn’t have to live in a country that treats them like garbage because they are white especially as racial discrimination is not only illegal, but a crime on the level of apostasy depending, of course, on the race involved! In fact, white Americans should live in a nation that appreciates them, tells them the truth about themselves, their race, their history and their heritage, and promises them a real future. Those who reject that particular message are going to continue to founder and sink in the current cesspool that has become our present society.

Yet, also because of the present circumstances, the message to whites has to be cloaked within a narrative that is smart and right and also virtuous. Whites seek wealth, fame and influence just like everyone else, but because of our current “culture,” they must feel they are doing the right thing and not denigrating, mistreating or exploiting others in the process. The concern for other people is in our nature and it is something of an Achilles heel when it holds us back from doing what we should to survive and thrive. Acting in our best interests is what will matter, after all is said and done, and the simple fact is that we don’t have to step on anyone else in order to do it. However, that is a difficult message with the current zeitgeist promoting guilt and pessimism every step of the way. White advocacy is an idea whose time has come; the alternative is extinction! But it is has to be promoted properly, appealing to one lost soul at a time and not fearing the natural response that will arise from our enemies.

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