By Pastor Roger Anghis

March 12, 2023

This road that we’re on has been a long time coming. Little by little, we have changed course so that now we are hell-bent on establishing the government that we fought against in WWII. We were a free nation many years ago but we have allowed many of our freedoms to be taken away from us.  Had they tried this all at once we would have resisted but it was done a little at a time so we would hardly notice. One hundred and twenty-five years ago we could do a lot of things that we can no longer do UNLAEE we have the approval of the federal, State, or local government. As an example, we could collect rainwater, go fishing, own property, start a business, build a home, get married, hunt, own a weapon, cut hair, sell a product, protest, and sell food. What we have today is NOT freedom, we have to get permission to do almost whatever we want to do. Some say we are free-range humans on a tax farm.

If you really look at how far down the road to a socialistic/communistic form of government we have come just look at the recent planedemic we just went through. Government TOLD us what we could do when we could do it and how we were to do it. That is not how a free society operates. Washington has forgotten that we have a representative government that only has the powers that we the people give it. We were forced to shut down our businesses, put the education of our children on hold, couldn’t visit loved ones who were sick and dying and when they died we couldn’t attend the funeral because the ‘government’ said we couldn’t, church attendance was denied, a violation of our First Amendment.

In a ruling by the United States Supreme Court shortly after the Civil War in Ex parte Milligan, 71 U.S. 2 (1866) which still stands today: “Neither the legislature nor any executive of judicial officer may disregard the provisions of the constitution in case of emergency . . .” “Section 98 therefore, ANYONE who declare the suspension of constitutionally guaranteed rights (to freely travel, peacefully assemble, earn a living, freely worship, etc.) and or attempts to enforce such a suspension within 50 independent, sovereign, continental United States of America is making war against our constitution(s) and therefore, we the people. They violate their constitutional oath and, thus, immediately forfeit their office and authority and their proclamations may be disregarded with impunity and that means ANYONE; even the governor and President” The lockdowns happened anyway. Why? Because no one stood their ground. Will they try it again? Yes, because they had so much success the first time.

The deep state shadow government we have makes a habit of ignoring the constitution. Obama said that the constitution was a hindrance to him accomplishing what he wanted to do. Our Constitution was written to keep so-called politicians like him from totally taking the government over as we see Biden attempting to do. I firmly believe that the 2020 election was stolen. All evidence we have seen in the private investigations proves that. Some have said that the courts have not found proof but no court has heard even one case. Chief Justice Roberts was rumored to say that he would not be responsible for the riots in the street if he heard one of the cases because he was confident that the evidence was there. Biden even said: “We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics”. How much more evidence do you need? He ran for president three other times: in 1984 and won 1 delegate (.03% of the vote), in 1988 and won 2 delegates (.05% of the vote), in 2008 and won no delegates and 0% of the votes yet in 2020 he got the most votes of any president ever! Seriously? Total votes in 2020 were 31 million more than we had registered voters. I guess he did put together “. . . the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics”. Figures don’t lie.

Do I think America is lost? NO! Not by any stretch of the imagination. Do we have a fight on our hands? YES! I know God isn’t done with America and the preachers I follow and have for many years believe the same. One of those preachers is Dutch Sheets and he has a daily podcast called Give Him 15 I listen to every day. On February 22nd he ended the program with this powerful prayer. Many are agreeing with this prayer. I hope you read it and stand in agreement with us. Our nation depends on it.

Father, thank You for bringing us into Your family. And thank You, Jesus, for sharing Your authority with us. The authority of Your name is higher than any other, and You have given us the right to use it. Remind Your church of this.

We honor You today by using this authority. We do so for our families, declaring Your redemption over them. We decree that every one of them shall know and love You. We break off of them any and all deception and call every prodigal home.

We use Your authority to pray for our nation. We boldly declare that Your kingdom is coming, and Your will is being done in America. Strongholds are being demolished, spiritual darkness is being replaced by light, and revival is coming with great strength and intensity. Signs and wonders will accompany this revival, as well as great deliverance and transformation.

We close the door to the control of satan, the dragon, and declare that America will remain free. We will not be overtaken by communism and totalitarian nations. We will fully recover our destiny, and the gospel will go forth from here more strongly than it ever has. No weapon formed against this will prosper. Every tongue rising against us in judgment will be condemned and will fail. Light is shining on our ways, and Your glory is rising upon us.

And we boldly declare that the nations and people around the world, whom You love so much, will receive great and wonderful outpourings of Your precious Holy Spirit. We pray all of this in the mighty name of Jesus, amen.

© 2023 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

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