By Sidney Secular
December 15, 2023
There is no one group calling for it, none has enough pull or is capable of pulling it off, and the militias have long since lost their momentum, having spent it on trying to help the Border Patrol who spurned the advances they were making. The professional pundits, who have to dream something up to agitate people in order to keep their jobs or ratings, are ranting over the idea that a civil war is in the offing. They will look for some angle to implicate whites or “domestic terrorists”(who are, of course, necessarily white) for the plots they contrive. Gun owners and conservatives have been added to the ranks of the non-existent white terrorists along with Traditional Catholics and other traditional Christians so that the surveillance state can tighten the screws of tyranny on everyone, especially anyone with a right to own and who does own a gun.
The left fears a right-wing dictatorship, even promoting the ludicrous fear of a Christian theocracy, more than anything else, because only that far remote possibility would mess up their mindless march to utopia, and a civil war could usher in such a dictatorship, so they are talking it up as some kind of threat to stifle the idea. The “reds” and “blues” say they couldn’t stand the prospect of the other side from taking over, but they haven’t thought out what they would do in such an eventuality. America has degraded to the point that it doesn’t have enough capability or agreement between the various factions to pull off another civil war. We’re too accustomed to fighting Israel’s or other people’s battles and too feminized to effectively fight any real battles anymore anyway. We hardly have enough energy to dissipate or fall apart gracefully.
To have a civil war, you need warriors will to die for a cause. We are too spoiled, distracted and lethargic for that level of commitment. Most people couldn’t handle losing their wireless connection for half an hour. Even the red and blue states are split between urban and rural factions. There are the non-whites against the whites, the coasts against flyover country, the whites split between libbers and Trumpsters, the English speaking against those who refuse to learn it, one generation against another, and native-born vs. immigrant and other foreign factions. Unexpected splits will splinter what were thought of as united fronts. People’s energies will increasingly be consumed in screaming matches and internal disputes within groups. What’s coming is less of a coup than a probable depressing spate of localized wildfires where freedoms get burned up and the Government steps in to keep an uneasy peace. We have sunk from a first-world power to an unstable third world one without going through an intermittent state on the way down.”
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