By Lex Greene

April 19, 2024

I’ll begin this piece by asking a few key questions of every reader.

  1. Is the USA supposed to be a “democracy” or a “republican form of government?”
  2. Were the Jeffersonian anti-federalists “democrats” or “republicans?”
  3. When and how did the courts gain the alleged power to “make laws?”
  4. Is today’s Republican Party the “Federalist” party?
  5. Why do most self-proclaimed or falsely labeled “constitutional scholars” quote the Federalist Papers and ignore the anti-Federalist Papers?

For the record, the “Federalists” favor a strong unbridled “central power” at the national level, able to dictate to the states and the people, via court opinions (alleged to be case law), federal legislation and executive orders.

“Anti-Federalists” favor a very weak and near powerless “central power” in Washington DC to prevent that government from interfering in private local matters or running roughshod over the country, like King George was doing prior to the Revolutionary War to gain our freedom and independence from England.

Today, a majority of Americans falsely believe the following, due to “public education.”

  • The USA is a “democracy” which today means, a Marxist form of socialism.
  • The anti-Federalist Jefferson formed what is today’s (federalist) Democrat Party.
  • That courts have the constitutional power to “make laws” via case decree.
  • That the Federal Government is all-powerful and unaccountable to the States and People.
  • That unconstitutional laws enjoy the same force of law as constitutional laws.
  • That the Bill of Rights died at the end of the Civil War.
  • A “national popular vote” is “constitutional.”
  • Just to name a few key points…

And don’t kid yourself…if the Federal Government has even one penny in your school, by any means, it’s public education with a curriculum controlled by the US Department of Education. The government doesn’t fund anything it doesn’t control.

While a vast majority of Americans know there is something horrifically wrong with our country today, fearful of an impending total collapse of what was once the greatest nation on earth…they fail to grasp what’s wrong, why it’s wrong, how it’s wrong, much less what to do about it.

If you don’t know the problem, you can’t know the solution.

Until you can get this right, there’s no chance you will ever get anything else right!

  1. Is the USA supposed to be a “democracy” or a “republican form of government?”

US Constitution, Article IV, Section 4: “The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government,”

  1. Were the Jeffersonian anti-federalists “democrats” or “republicans?”

Jefferson first formed the “Democratic-Republican Party” as the “anti-federalist party of the era. The word “democratic” was later dropped to create what is today, The Republican Party.

  1. When and how did the courts gain the alleged power to “make laws?”

US Constitution, Article. I. Section. 1. “All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.” The answer is in famed Supreme Court case Marbury v. Madison.

  1. Is today’s Republican Party the “Federalist” party?

Even though it acts like the Democrat Party today, today’s Republican Party Foundation and official party platform is based upon the anti-Federalist ideology. Just read anti-Federalist Paper Brutus 1.

  1. Why do most self-proclaimed or falsely labeled “constitutional scholars” quote the Federalist Papers and ignore the anti-Federalist Papers?

Because they either don’t know any better, or they are engaged in misleading Americans into the global Marxist trap.

Today, the so-called “legal experts” have flooded the schools, the courts, mass media, and the internet with their politically motivated false interpretations of the English language, such as finding a Right of same-sex marriage in the 14th “immigration and naturalization” amendment, which makes no mention of marriage at all.

High-browed poison ivy league law schools like Cornell, Harvard, Yale, and many others, have been teaching law students “British Common Law” since at least the 1940s, which happens to be the opposite of “Constitutional Law” and the means by which the courts have undermined everything in our founding documents since the early 1800s.

Type “constitution + republican form” into your search bar and what will come up is law school opinions of what the Founders meant by “republican form of government.” From the very first paragraph, they begin to totally bastardize the term to mean the opposite of what it actually means. Democracy today means a Marxist form of government tyranny, which is why democrats keep talking about “saving democracy,” global Marxism.


“democracy” means “rule by a majority.” The right of 50.1% of the people to rule over the other 49.9% of the nation via popular vote, eliminating the Electoral College altogether. Our Founders rightly referred to the term as “mob rule” for that reason.

A “republic” or “republican form of government” via a Constitution and Bill of Rights prevents any majority from ruling over any minority, and forces government to respect and protect all equally, with no one able to tyrannize anyone.

NOTE: The words “democracy” or “democratic” do not appear anywhere in the Declaration of Independence, the US Constitution, or Bill of Rights. But the words “republican form of government” not only appear in the Constitution, but this form of self-governance is also guaranteed every State and every Citizen in the Constitution.

Last, READ THE TRUTH FOR YOURSELF, or die the painful death of ignorance.

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