By Coach Dave Daubenmire

September 14, 2023

Are you prepared?

I think that if we were all honest with one another we would have to answer that question with a question:

“Prepared for what?”

That is really the issue.  Things seem to be in such disarray in the world that people really cannot give a concise answer because of the nature of the chaos.

“Yes, I am prepared for SOME things, but no one can be prepared for everything. It all depends on what collapses first.”

As many of you know I host a daily podcast at  It is Christ-centered with a focus on how Christians should react to the craziness that is going on around us.  Because I communicate DAILY with thousands of people it has become apparent that the Churches are not preparing the flock for the calamity that lies ahead.

America is broke.  Our dollar is losing value every day and there appears to be a financial reset of some kind on the horizon.  Most of my friends do not have their financial ducks in line.  Are you prepared?  Do you have your financial house in order?

Are your investments safe?  Do you trust the government?  Have you planned for the passing of your assets to your heirs?  Is the stock market safe?  Social security?  Elderly care.  Nursing homes? These are all important subjects that very few of us like to talk about, but the sad truth is, many of you reading this are reaching a point where these questions become more critical.  Ignoring them will not solve the problem.

As a result of the interaction with folks on my daily show I realize most people are not prepared.  Pass The Salt Ministries would like to help you out.  Please read on.

On September 23, We are hosting an online seminar designed to answer many of these questions. This online event will provide you valuable answers that will help prepare for the days ahead.  You can join it from your home.  You can archive it and access it for later viewing…or sharing with your family and friends.  It is designed to cover 3 critical areas that we are all going to be facing soon.

Ross Powell, of, will make a presentation on self-directed IRA’s.  Were you aware that the law now permits you to withdraw your retirement funds and invest them yourself?  Rather than trusting your financial future to the Charles Schwab’s of the world, were you aware that you can take “checkbook control” of your assets?   You can set up your own self-directed IRA and use your retirement fund to purchase Real Estate, precious metals, bitcoin, or other TANGIBLE products.  Instead of having money in stocks and bonds you can use the funds to purchase assets that YOU ACTUALLY OWN!  YOU decide where to invest your money!

This is perfectly legal.  Please read this . It is NOT a scam.  Ross will explain how to do it and will walk you through the process.  THERE IS NO TAX PENALTY FOR MOVING YOUR MONEY!!

The second presentation will be a seminar on PRECIOUS METALS.  Justin Sanders of Volunteer Precious Metals will provide an education of the ins and outs, advantages, and risks, in purchasing Gold, Silver, Platinum, Palladium, and help you decide if metals is a direction you want to go.  Remember Gold and silver have always been GOD’S MONEY!

Attorney Roger Weaver of Weaver Law will make a presentation of estate planning, wills, and help you secure the passing of your estate to whomever you choose.  Mr. Weaver told me that “the only one who makes money when people don’t have their inheritance in order is the LAWYER.”  Probate is expensive and we all need to know how to pass our assets on to our loved ones in an orderly fashion.  Do not let lawyer fees steal your children’s inheritance.

There is no obligation for YOU to contract with ANY of the presenters.  They are merely providing information so that we can prepare wisely.  Personally, my wife and I have dealt with STEVE QUAYLE when purchasing metals.  We know him to be honest.  You are free to choose your own advisor.  Our presenters are trustworthy experts.

The seminar will run from 12:00 noon EDT until 6:00 pm.  The segments will be 90 minutes in length and will include Q and A.  There is a 30 min break between each presentation.

You can watch the entire event LIVE or you can go to the archives and watch it after.  For the purchase price of $30 you OWN the recording of the presentation and share it with family and friends…or go back and rewatch it yourself.

Simply go to www.PREPARE2STAND to register.  A code will be sent to you for access to the seminar.  You can view it from your home, on a computer, tablet, or phone.

I learned as a young football coach that ‘failing to plan was planning to fail.’  Please share this with others.

“A wise man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children.” —Proverbs 13:22

© 2023 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

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