By Sidney Secular

December 8, 2023

A new hornet’s nest has been established in the White House that’s all abuzz with a beehive of activity. It’s the new so-called Office of Gun Violence Prevention, established as part of the Department of Justice in September, 2023. This particular action makes “preventing gun violence” into a “permanent national priority.” The Act wildly and falsely claims that “gun violence” is the leading cause of death in children and is an “epidemic,” making the situation into a disease that one can “catch” unless protected by your “government.”  You could call this action a first, but much of what Biden does is, in fact, a first usually in depredation and tyranny, with one activity succeeding the last one in stupidity, grossness and unconstitutionality.  The titular head of this new office is none other than the ubiquitous and ridiculous Kamala Harris who seems to be everywhere at once while, fortunately for Americans, her activities seemingly go nowhere. She seems to spearhead every new office or venture Biden creates. She is the most irrepressible, irreplaceable, yet irrelevant member of the Biden team, a “stalking horse” whose eternal failures do nothing to help Americans understand the total failure of the present “administration.”

But the real leading force and director of the new office is Stephanie Feldman, a longtime Biden aide and anti-gun zealot who has made it her mission to “defeat gun manufacturers” and thus, meaning to put them out of business. Feldman’s deputy director is Robert Wilcox,  previously a Michael Bloomberg shill representing the “Everytown For Gun Safety” campaign. Feldman is also a promoter of the “Bipartisan Safer Communities Act” designed to whip up hysterical national reactions to the very few mass shootings by demented individuals! Of course, false flag shootings by our own government agencies are never mentioned as problematic – for obvious reasons! Wilcox has pushed for banning semi-automatic rifles, private gun transfers, punishing law abiding gun dealers for the acts of criminals and limiting the capacity of magazines used in self-defense firearms. Their salaries, and those of their staff, previously privately paid, will now be paid from your ever-shrinking inflation deflated net income via your tax dollars. All the while, the red carpet will continue to be rolled out for repeat criminal offenders, drug cartel operatives, child traffickers, spongers, faux refugees, and terrorists who flood across our border, sometimes accompanied by “concierge” assistance. On top of the direct federal funding of the new organization, it appears that Anti-Second Amendment organizations will receive subsidies to supplement their budgets if voluntary contributions begin shrinking.   One way or another, the average American will continue to pay for the agencies that plan and carry out our eventual enslavement.

Of course, the “justification” given for this new agency is that it will end the “scourge” of gun violence in America. The campaign cleverly equates general gun use with gun violence, something that makes no sense whatsoever. On the other hand, the increasing criminality of our culture assures that “gun violence” will also rise that is, if one calls self-defense an act of violence. As for the “use-violence” equation, this claim has been made readily apparent when the Biden Administration attempted to strip elementary and secondary schools of federal funding if they had the audacity to maintain their successful and popular archery and hunting programs. That false-flag initiative was, thankfully, rebuked by Congress but as times continue to favor the left, that also may change.

Biden continues to push for his nonsensical bans on constitutionally protected commonly used rifles falsely and deliberately characterized as assault weapons, and high capacity magazines, something he equates with improper gun use. The 1994 Federal Assault Weapons ban that Biden touts and helped institute was effective through 2004, when its sunshine period expired, and it had little if any, effect on gun related crime rates.  But Biden continues to insist that he is pursuing what the public wants, a claim contradicted by the fact that the number of background checks for purchases of firearms have never been higher, having exceeded one million per month for 50 straight months. Meanwhile, “constitutional carry” has now spread to more than half the states in recent years and it is not unlikely that as crime rates rise in blue cities and states, these liberal bastions may join the trend of an armed citizenry.

The impact of having the new gun control bureaucracy physically ensconced in the White House will be much greater than that which appears on the surface. The general influence of the gun control lobby will be enhanced, the collaborative media will be enlisted to promote and publicize the efforts of the new entity and Government officials outside the gun control coterie per se will have the real authority and resources to enforce their own dictates while being required to take the output from the “ministry of disarmament” seriously, implementing recommended changes to their agendas with ease and swiftness. The Director of the Office will be able to coordinate activities with federal agencies having policies with even minimal connections to “gun violence prevention.” Federal agencies such as the Departments of Health and Human Services, Veterans Affairs, Education, Housing and Urban Development, Homeland Security, Defense, Commerce, Interior, the Consumer Product Safety Commission as well as the United States Sentencing Commission will be immediately available to the anti-gun lobby and when the pot really starts boiling, you can be sure these will be embroiled in a whole host of new initiatives that are outgrowths of the “gun violence prevention” campaign.

Having Harris as the titular head of the gun control effort could prove even more hazardous to our national health than having her as border czar. She is a loose cannon – no pun intended! – that has positioned herself to the left of Biden on the issue and if she had her druthers would issue executive orders without the slightest consideration regarding how she might be violating the Constitution that she has sworn to uphold. Another “poisonality” in the new Office of Gun Violence Prevention is Greg Johnson, a second deputy director. He specializes in the “public health” approach to gun control that treats firearm ownership as a disease in need of a cure. Expect to see a renewal of The Centers for Disease Control Prevention’s involvement in gun control advocacy during the remainder of Biden’s reign of terror, a matter that will only become more problematic if there should be another “lockdown.”

The truth is that rates of gun accidents have been falling dramatically for over a century. Accidental firearm fatalities among children under 15 are outnumbered by drownings by a 12  to 1 ratio and motor vehicle deaths by a 25 to 1 ratio, using the CDC’s own numbers. In a sort of “American tradition,” especially boys receiving their first gun as a gift in their youth represented a rite of passage into adulthood with the implied message that you received the gift because you could now be trusted to behave responsibly. As that was the message, perhaps we should consider disarming our government that has proven it cannot be trusted to behave responsibly!

Firearms stand next in importance to the Constitution itself. — George Washington

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