By Kat Stansell

April 14, 2023

At this point in our national existence, we all know that something big is coming, and it probably isn’t good. We can feel it, whether or not we can define it. We feel it, in both little ways and big. It is making us question our very senses. How we
handle it may determine our very survival.

Here’s the message: We must form community with those around us. How and with whom we move forward may determine the stability, indeed the very existence, of our lives, for the near future. It will certainly affect our forward progress against the evil afoot. We need each other now, more than ever. Just raise your tent flaps and bring in as many like-minded people as you can find around you at work or play, down the block or across the street. It’s honestly not that hard if we hold to a few truths.

First, understand that old political party labels (“R”, “D”, “I”, and “L”) are now meaningless; they only serve to inflame the already dangerously dry timber of misconceptions. They’ve been confounded by the hard slide to the left of about 90% of our politicians. If we are to work together, we as a society, must understand that our only remaining choices are between our Constitution and Communism not “R”: or “D”. It’s imperative that we help as many as possible to see that.

The old party labels only serve to anger and frustrate those who are searching for their old political allegiances, so just stop using the old terms.

Once, politicians of various ilks compromised to solve America’s problems. NOW, one side thinks that America IS the problem.

Now, money buys votes, and determines public policy. The money that is doing the buying, is for the most part, that dark money that demands sacrifice of everything from our bodies to our property rights, to feed the maw of their One World government. That, is where we are headed. Fast.

While it seems that 90% of Congress has leaned into the Uniparty (aka, Globalist/ Deep State/socialist) system, the fact remains that 90+% of those whom they are supposed to represent, choose the Constitution. Both ends of the spectrum are unhappy with DC because their choices are not being respected. Draw this common thread through any discussions you may have on the subject.

The rapidity with which this has all becoming apparent, has a lot of people confused and sputtering. In real fact, we have suffered from creeping Marxism for decades but many have, somehow remained unaware. We were, in fact, asleep at the switch. We were complicit in our lack of awareness, and thereby, we helped it to happen. We can no longer just let things ride, because today, if you are still clueless you are also complicit. There’s “woke”, and there’s “awake” We must be the latter.

“I am sick and tired of being called a ‘socialist’ ”, an old Leftist friend once told me. I met his gaze and said, “…and I, a ‘racist’ !” “We are actually on the same side,” I reminded him. “You are angry because you know you are NOT a communist, and I, because I believe that we chose those we respect by their morals and values, NOT by the color of of their skin. YOU believe in freedom, and you want to keep it.”

You could see his upstairs light go on, even though a little steam still escaped from the windows…. I’ve found that we can electrify many brains if we use only these terms: constitution or communism. Drop the old party labels. They just cause rancor. Really, it is that simple. And that fundamental.

Face it. NO NATION chooses its own destruction. No citizens of a free country have EVER voted themselves into bondage.

Totalitarianism has never been the choice of free people, and it is NOT in this country. History and I both guarantee that. And, socialism will still be the historic murderous failure it has always been, whenever tried. It’ll be no different this time, just because yet another group thinks they will get it right “this time”. Whenever I talk to a group about the challenges facing our Republic, I ask everyone to check their party labels at the door.

I pass around a small basket, as you might collect keys from party-goers who have been over-”celebrating”, and ask everyone there to please throw their old party labels into it. Try that at a meeting, family gathering or house party if anyone wants to talk politics. Those around you will get the message, and begin to understand real “community.” Most will smile as well. A grin is better than salt for breaking ice.

To get past this potentially deadly mess coming in the days ahead, and survive with our sanity and our freedom, we must form communities of like-minded people, and learn just how each will help the other should crises come.

It is imperative that we include only those people with their morals intact. That is the key. Lift the tent flaps of community to include all who prefer living in freedom, and under the law. I predict that your tent will get crowded, and that’s a good thing. A wise friend told me recently, that he applies the “80/20 rule”…if we can agree on 80% of the important stuff, we can put aside the other 20% and work together. Often those “20% issues” fade away or resolve themselves as the community grows.

Send the same message to your elected representatives, of all parties. Get them under freedom’s tent. Ask them to publicly commit to upholding their oath of office to “protect and defend” our Constitution and its body of law. If they will not, or (worse yet) if they pretend to stand by our Republic, then fail, you have the stuff of real publicity, and that is power. I know that I don’t have to remind you how important is good publicity to a politician. And vice versa. It won’t be hard to see what they do. We will know them by their fruits.

Yes, I’m going to say it again: our choice today is bondage or freedom. not “R” or “D”. Tell everyone you know. It will sink in. Some of the more left-leaning, the hard core, may not listen – but that seed you sowed will remain planted in their heads.

They will remember it from time to time, and apply it to something they confront. When it begins to ring true to them, your little “plant” will have taken root and begun to grow. You will have become a Freedom Farmer, and there is no more essential crop.

Please remember, sometimes a seed planted in even the most improbable place, will flourish and grow.

This is a picture of the courthouse in the little town of Greensburg, IN. This improbable Aspen and its offspring has been thriving in the courthouse gutter for well over a century. From the time the first sprig was spotted by passersby in 1871
there has been live greenery where none was supposed to grow.

I saw it as a child; in my mind, that incredible Aspen will always be there. If it is not, I don’t want to know. That improbable tree came to represent a miracle to me – the miracle of hope, and hope springs eternal. Even the seemingly craziest among us may still sprout sanity.

And, for those who don’t? Well, you will know them, also, by their fruit.

Be safe, take good care, and live in the strength of your communal bonds. Lift those flaps whenever you find the opportunity. We CAN save this republic and the freedoms is provides if we do it together.

© 2023 Kat Stansell – All Rights Reserved

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