The moment Donald J. Trump was elected as President of the United States, while Hillary screamed and wailed in the distance, efforts were made to….impeach him. What? Even though 68 million voters, many voting for the first time, put him in office, the Communist Democrats and Muslims wanted him out the moment the results were tallied while they were all having nervous breakdowns. In my 85 years on this earth, this is the very first time I ever witnessed impeachment discussions before the president had even moved completely into the Oval Office.
The Marxist leaders whose intentions are to put America under Communist dictatorship along with the New World Order were panicked out of their skin. The “Progressive Democrats” have shown that they, like the Communists, are anti God and anti family. They saw their stated ideals crumbling before them as the final election results came in. This explains the rush to get President Trump out of office before he even got into that office. We trust that on that election night, Hillary and all the Democrats were wearing their Depends. Otherwise the Sanitation Department would have logged thousands of hours in overtime.

Indeed President Trump kept a rare form of dignity with every world leader he has met. He did not meet them with his hat in his hand. He met them eye to eye, toe to toe, as he negotiated what needed to be done with a gentle but firm strength which brought respect and results. His negotiating skills were finely tuned as he met with the various leaders.
Then cometh Robert Mueller trying to charge President Trump with collaborating with Russia to win the election. HOGWASH! That “investigation” took 2 years costing over 25 million of our tax dollars [spent] to try and come up with compelling evidence, of which there was none. This entire mess was totally political with no basis in fact. But it did work as a distraction.
With apologies to Boris Karloff, Mueller very much resembles Frankenstein. Russia had absolutely NOTHING to do with that election. And even though the “Mueller Report” stated such, he is still charging ahead to try and find something….anything to get President Trump out of the Oval Office.
The Party of Satan has done everything possible to keep President Trump from carrying out his duties, the duties he promised to America. They have made it almost impossible for him to carry out his work even though he has accomplished more in his 2 years for the American people than any president in history.
There are constant interruptions to his work by continual subpoenas with bogus charges served against the Commander in Chief. All of these take time away from his work for the American people, since these bogus charges for impeachment must be answered. Lawyers are brought in to help deal with them, as well as all the side effects as a result.
Legal Eagles: Isn’t there a law about interfering with the duties of the President of the United States? If not it is time to MAKE such a law. The Progressive Communist Democrats are virtually trying to stop our president from carrying out the duties he promised he would do.
Evangelist Franklin Graham has set aside a Day of Prayer for President Trump on Sunday June 2nd. Pastors, please take note. Christians remind your pastor. Graham said: “I am asking followers of Christ across our nation to set aside next Sunday, June 2nd, as a special day of prayer for President Donald J. Trump. President Trump’s enemies continue to try everything to destroy him, his family and the presidency. In the history of our country, no president has been attacked as he has. I believe the only hope for him, and this nation, is God.”
Please, everyone take part.
In closing, this writer would caution the enemies of America, identified above, against trying to remove our Commander in Chief from his rightful office. Remember, over 68 million people voted him into that office. You can be assured that efforts to overthrow our government by attempting to impeach our president will be met with millions who are ready to lock and load.
Extra Note. This writer studied law when younger.
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