How Many Understand What The Government is Doing to You?

By Greg Holt

The winning team has left the field and we are left with tyrannical socialist wannabe despots

Freedom is fleeing and the communist overseers are moving into place.  The Donald was illegally tossed out, and the Leftist unhinged dictator was welcomed in.

The Left has been busy folks.  Check out the following:

This would be hilarious if it was not for the fact that so many in Cuba are being arrested and brutalized by police and government forces.  Government forces have been known to not only brutalize people that dare to protest, but also to kill them.

Here in the U.S., Black Lives Matter, led by self-absorbed frauds that spend millions of dollars of other people’s money on mansions – have come out in support of a brutal regime that kills people, and yes many of them are black.

Why does anyone support these obviously phony self-righteous people, especially black people?

From New York Post:

“‘Despite the Cuban dictatorship’s murdering and beating of protestors (many of them Black), BLM’s statement on Cuba…condemns the U.S., praises the Castro regime, and makes no mention of the atrocities being committed by the dictatorship,’ he tweeted.”

According to our Socialist-in-chief (I will not grant him the title held by current President Donald Trump), if you are one who wants free and fair elections, YOU my friend are a racist!

Secretary of State Antony Blinken invited United Nations officials to stick their corrupt noses into our business.  No surprise there.

Did we not already settle this issue????  The pee tapes have about as much credibility as the fox in the henhouse swearing not to eat the chickens.

Yes for sure, Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Mark Milley IS a hack, looking out for number one and little else.  His focus is on pleasing his masters, obviously one of whom is Biden.

The DNC remember is the group of nice people (cough, gasp, barf) who colluded with Hillary Clinton to purchase the made up slander for use against Trump.  Of course they are a bunch of useless scumbags.

The HHS sec. is another worthless good-for-nothing.  I just wrote about him last week:

HHS Secretary: Government Has the ‘Right’ to Know if You Are Vaccinated – Implies Possibly Forcing Vaccinations

Funny how many of those living in other countries seem to have a much better grasp of what a privilege it is to live in this country.  Far too many in this great nation see this country as evil and the reason behind the plight of, well of anyone and everyone.  You can thank the Democrat’s well-oiled propaganda machine for this – propaganda that begins with very young school children, that way these kids are completely malleable by the time they are in high school and then college.

Naturally, Big Tech has all the say.  Between Democrats, Big Tech, and the better part of all of the media – it is an entirely uphill battle to get the voices heard of those who love this country – true patriots, those who believe in the Constitution and the resulting unique government, as well as those who believe in and reverence our Lord.

Big Tech will simply censor you, label your article as fake news, unscientific, or even close your account.  The media meanwhile will just ignore the story if it doesn’t trumpet the prescribed Leftist values.  If the media does deign to report on an issue that isn’t in their collective comfort zone, they will not report all the facts and will even outright lie about it.

Democrats of course are en masse moving ever further to the Left, socialism has begun to win the day.  Democracy is slowly dying, but the cancer is fast reaching stage four and needs to be stopped and soon.  And of course the Dems have the complete support of the Big Tech oligarchy and as well almost all of the media.

No one should be surprised at what is happening here.  We’ve been warning people for years, and now the chickens are coming home to roost – just like I and other commentators said they would.

© 2021 Greg Holt – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Greg Holt:

H/T Sam J. – Twitchy

Article sources:
New York Post
TCP News

Biden’s HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra Implies Possibly Forced COVID Vaccination

By Greg Holt

What about the fact that the vaccines are not exactly vaccines?

What if your personal health decisions were no longer personal?  What if as far as the COVID vaccines go you did not have a choice on whether or not to get vaccinated?

What if you lived in the country where this was happening or about to happen?  I have news for you – if Biden has his way, you will be living in that country.

“WASHINGTON — Faced with a steep decline in vaccination rates, President Biden said on Tuesday that his administration would send people door to door, set up clinics at workplaces and urge employers to offer paid time off as part of a renewed push to reach tens of millions of unvaccinated Americans.

But top health experts say that it is simply not enough, and that the president needs to take the potentially unpopular step of encouraging states, employers and colleges and universities to require vaccinations to slow the spread of the coronavirus.”  (Source)

Biden actually wants to send people door-to-door to harang us about the vaccines.  This strikes me as way to invasive, and brings on thoughts of Big Brother does it not?  “Requiring” vaccines?  That sounds like a communist police state, exactly what the Democrats are aiming for.  What business is it of the government’s if I am vaccinated or not?

According to Health and Human Service Secretary Xavier Becerra, it is “absolutely” the government’s business as to whether or not you and I are vaccinated.  See for yourself:

“The president has demonstrated that he is open to moving in any direction we can to help Americans get safe, be safe, feel safe.”

OK, well how about the fact that many do not “feel” safe taking these vaccines?  What about the fact that the supposedly “safe” vaccines are really not safe, autism, heart problems, unhealthy “ingredients” etc. – as well as killing people?

What about the fact that the vaccines are not exactly vaccines?  Well what are they you ask?  Ever hear of genetic modification?  How about experimental gene therapy?  These are what the “vaccines” really are.  The media however is going to (and is) lie to you saying these vaccines are perfectly safe or close to it, they are not.

Moderna, one of the original “vaccine” makers was founded on human genetic modification.  Moderna managed to use RNA to “reprogram” a human stem cell.  Sound scary?  Well it does to me, this science is no joke.

Think of it this way, these companies want to inject into your bodies a formula that will basically reengineer your cells.  Instead of your body’s cells functioning the way God designed them to, after injection, your cells (some of them anyway) will function how Moderna and Pfizer’s creation tells them to function.

“Pfizer, a 171-year-old Fortune 500 powerhouse, has made a billion-dollar bet on that dream. So has a brash, young rival just 23 miles away in Cambridge, Mass. Moderna, a 10-year-old biotech company with billions in market valuation but no approved products, is racing forward with a vaccine of its own. Its new sprawling drug-making facility nearby is hiring workers at a fast clip in the hopes of making history — and a lot of money.

The concept: By making precise tweaks to synthetic mRNA and injecting people with it, any cell in the body could be transformed into an on-demand drug factory.”  (Source)

So of course this all boils down to one thing, money – and lots of it.  And all at our expense.

By the way – are you aware that these vaccine makers have 100% indemnification?  Even if someone dies from one of the vaccines, and that death can be 100% proven to have been caused by the vaccine, the companies that make the vaccines are untouchable.  No one talks about that now do they?

If these vaccines are so safe and effective, then why I ask is there such a tremendous push, not to mention bribery to get people to take them?  Lately the radio ads, billboards, Internet ads etc. have really ramped up.  People are catching on and do not want to take the vaccines.

There is also the fact that people don’t like all the talk about being forced to take the vaccines- yet another way to curtail our God-given freedoms in order to force compliance.

According to Red State, HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra stated that we as Americans have a choice, but essentially, we had best make the “right” choice.  Doesn’t sound like much of a choice to me.

“We want to give people the sense that they have the freedom to choose,” Becerra said. “We hope people make the right choices. We want them to have the right information, but we are America. We try to give people as much freedom and choice as possible, but clearly when over 600,000 Americans have died, the best choice is to get vaccinated.”

It was also postulated that as the government spends billions of dollars to keep us healthy safe etc., that the government basically has the right to call the shots, no pun intended.

Our rights do not come from the government; our rights come from God.  We have a Constitution and a Bill of Rights for a reason – one of those reasons is to protect us from government overreach such as this.

Years ago the saying, “my body my choice” was used as a way for women to justify abortions.  Now things are headed in the exact opposite direction and it’s more like, “my body but the government’s choice.”

© 2021 Greg Holt – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Greg Holt:

Article sources:
New York Times
Dr. Carrie Madej
Red State
TCP News

The Joe Biden Tax Plan is Unsustainable, Unwarranted, and Economic Suicide

By Greg Holt

Joe Biden wants to increase federal spending by 50% in 2022, and 100% by 2031

Wanting to see to the needs of the American people is great, I’m all for that.  But, if the government is going to see to the needs of the people, we have a big problem – socialism anyone?  Increasing spending by trillions of dollars is not going to fix anything.

Lets say that you want to make things better for your family; they are your family after all right?  You are already in debt, significantly in debt matter of fact.  But in the interests of “making things better,” you obtain yet more credit cards, and start spending.  Needing still more money, you obtain loans from the legal loan sharks (with interest rates as high as 45%) we won’t mention any of them here by name.

Since you borrowed so much money, things are now worse then they were before.  You are swimming in debt, and are only paying a portion of the interest on your debt, let alone paying on the principle debt.  It could take 20 years to pay this off (this really does happen), or you file for bankruptcy to get out from under the debt.

This is exactly what Biden is doing, spending us into oblivion.  The U.S. isn’t paying off any of our debt; we are only making payments on the interest.  This payment if Biden gets his way will DOUBLE.

From The New York Times:

“Mr. Biden will also express support for Congress allowing Americans as young as 60 years old to enroll in Medicare, and for efforts in Congress to reduce federal spending on prescription drugs, including allowing Medicare to negotiate prices with pharmaceutical companies, the document shows. It supports an expansion of Medicare to cover dental, vision and hearing services. Those efforts have been a top priority for Senator Bernie Sanders, independent of Vermont, who is the chairman of the budget committee. They are presented as goals in the budget but are not included in the proposed spending.

Even if interest rates stay low, payments on the national debt would consume an increased share of the federal budget. Net interest payments would double, as a share of the economy, from 2022 to 2031.”

Biden not only wants to allow people to enroll 5 years earlier in Medicare (enrollment now is at age 65); he wants to expand Medicare spending significantly.  While I’m not against the things Biden wants to provide better coverage for under Medicare – none of this is included in the already sky-high budget, so my question is, where is all the money for this coming from?

Biden commented, “The pandemic has only made things worse. Twenty million Americans lost their job in the pandemic, working- and middle-class Americans.”  The Plandemic is of course an excuse to increase spending.

Biden further lamented billionaires becoming even richer, but I have to wonder, how much did the Biden family’s riches increase?  Biden seems to spend a lot of time talking out of both sides of his mouth.

This isn’t all of it either.  Biden’s wild spending plans will increase to 117% of the GDP by the end of the decade.  GDP – gross domestic product, in a nutshell this means the value of all goods and services in the entire country.  Now I’m no economist, and a lot of info goes into figuring real GDP, but government spending numbers being larger than the value of everything produced in the U.S. (economy) during a period of one-year sounds like a serious problem to me.

Trump era tax cuts will be allowed to expire as well (2025) so look forward to higher taxes, although I would be surprised if the Dems don’t revoke them sooner.  How about universal daycare paid for by your generous government (under cover as preschool)?

From Breitbart News:

“Biden wants the government to pay more for free child care, free preschool, free community college, expanded levels of food stamps and a national paid leave program.

He also wants to spend billions promoting special interests invested in electric vehicles and wind and solar panels on top of infrastructure projects and broadband internet [sic].”

Biden wants to destroy the oil industry, which should be apparent by now.  And wind and solar energy?  Waste of money, not worth the enormous investment required. Electric vehicles – charging the battery at home can increase your electric bill by as much as 66% of what you pay now. If the battery needs replacing and is out of warranty, that can cost $5000.00 – to a whopping $16,000.00, and that is only the battery cost. Long range travel, good luck with that.

Remember Biden’s promise to increase taxes for the “rich?”

From New York Post:

“His tax hikes on business and investors kick in not just immediately, but last month: They’re to be literally retroactive to April. That news already has companies rethinking their plans to bounce back strong as the pandemic is ending.”

Biden is literally destroying the country from the inside out.  Like there wasn’t already enough economic damage from the Plandemic. U.S. companies and small businesses have already suffered enough economic loss due to the draconian COVID lockdowns. Now Biden wants to compound the damage causing companies to think twice about further investing in their businesses. This hesitation will of course cause yet more economic damage.

Biden killed the Keystone XL Pipeline in the U.S., but reversed U.S. sanctions against the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline (Russia) to Germany, allowing it to move forward.  This despite members on both sides of the isle being against this move by Biden, not to mention other Eastern European countries signaling that they are opposed to this move as well.

From NBC News:

“Sen. Ben Sasse, R-Neb., a member of the Intelligence Committee who was critical of former President Donald Trump’s approach to Russia, said the Biden administration has made a ‘strategic mistake.’

‘Two months ago, President Biden called Putin a ‘killer,’ but today he’s planning to give Putin, his regime and his cronies massive strategic leverage in Europe. You can’t pretend to be a Russia hawk but then just roll over,’ Sasse said.”

Biden is giving in to Russia, working to restore the Iran nuke deal (members of both parties are against this too), raising taxes, drastically increasing spending, preventing the construction of the border wall, and planning on providing all illegals with a path to citizenship.

The Biden administration is also showing support nationally for Black Lives Matter, BLM flags are now authorized to fly (and are) at all U.S. embassies worldwide.  The U.S. government has no business promoting a private citizens group, especially one that is basically a domestic terrorist group.

Biden and company are also welcoming the LGBTQ with open arms into the military, AND any military personnel can have the transgender surgery – COMPLETELY paid for by U.S. tax dollars. Biden and team are also working on “purging” the military of all undesirables – read patriots, conservatives and Trump supporters.

I recently wrote about shortages as well, a LOT of shortages – like semi-conductor chips, which are in everything.  Rental cars are in short supply, some foods, gas delivery drivers, plastic, and a whole host of other things.  Countries cannot create money out of thin air, and then spend the national economy back into health – it doesn’t work that way.

The best thing that could happen is for Biden to be removed from office, unless of course that entailed Kamala Harris taking over. Neither one is fit to rule be in office.

Barring that unlikely event, these two clowns need to be voted out of office along with their Democratic and RINO brothers and sisters.

On second thought, that is an insult to all clowns everywhere, I apologize. These two inept self-serving and morally depraved politicians along with their associated freak-show need to be run out of office.

© 2021 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Greg Holt:

Article sources:

The New York Times
The Hill
Breitbart News
John Locke Foundation
EDF Energy
Deal News
New York Post
NBC News
Foreign Policy
TCP News

Get Ready For: Severe Shortages, Layoffs, Increasing Prices, Empty Shelves, and Economic Chaos

By Greg Holt

The results of Biden’s mismanagement, lockdowns, and government overreach is beginning to be felt

The Left would have us believe that the economy is skyrocketing and everything is going gangbusters – except that the evidence says otherwise.

Widespread shortages

All over the U.S. there are shortages, as well as around the world.  If you need a reason, can you say Plandemic?  I wrote back in October of 2020 that the purpose of COVID and all the related nonsense was and is power and control, and nothing has changed.

Lumber prices have skyrocketed.  In my area a 2x4x8 just recently would have cost you about $4.00, now the same 2×4 costs between $10.00 and $12.00.  Increased housing demand and the fact that the mills can’t keep up are to blame, many mills shut down during the Plandemic.  Building a new home?  Add about $24,000 to the cost – because of the lumber.

Have you heard about the chip shortage?  No not the chips in your favorite cookies, but the chips that seem to power everything these days, namely semi-conductor chips.  These chips are in cars, farm machinery, computers, tools, your appliances, and even your kid’s toys, or your toys (hey adults have toys too).  This chip shortage could last into 2023, and that’s not good.  The affect of the chip shortage on iPhones and the auto manufacturing sectors alone will result in billions of dollars of lost revenue.  Which means less product, and higher prices.

Prescription drugs are suffering a severe shortage as well; over 100 drugs are currently in short supply.

From The Most Important News:

“Copper, iron ore and steel. Corn, coffee, wheat and soybeans. Lumber, semiconductors, plastic and cardboard for packaging. The world is seemingly low on all of it. “You name it, and we have a shortage on it,” Tom Linebarger, chairman and chief executive of engine and generator manufacturer Cummins Inc., said on a call this month.”

Trump would not have been able to fix all of this, but Biden is assuredly making things much worse.  Allowing all the illegals in will raise prices of everything and jeopardize our national security.  Shutting down pipelines is upping the cost of gas nationwide, and prices are at the highest point since 2014.  Insisting on unreliable and problem plagued wind and solar energy is causing issues and will likely drive energy prices higher yet.

There is even a shortage on the drivers who deliver gas to gas stations believe it or not (these drivers require special certifications).

Looking to go on vacation or take a short jaunt somewhere?  Or how about needing a set of wheels because yours are in the shop?  There is even a shortage of rental cars.

Remember the storms in Texas that saw windmills and other sources of energy fail?  These storms also caused chemical plants to shut down in Texas.  So what you say.  Well these shut downs have caused a global shortage of plastics, and the prices of some of these plastics have doubled – and this affects a lot of industries.  Just think of all the ways plastics are used, plastic is in almost everything we use, every day.

Say it isn’t so!  Chicken wings, bacon, and hot dogs (American staples right?) are in short supply.

Monthly stimulus payments

But don’t worry about all of this because Biden and the rest of the geniuses in the Democrat Party have this all figured out for us.  Forget about Donald Trump, he’s yesterday’s news, the Dems have it all in hand.

We will likely all get another stimulus check (number 4), because that will fix everything right?

How about monthly stimulus payments until the end of the Plandemic?  Yes you read that right.  Monthly payments from the government until the Plandemic ends – of course we all know the Plandemic will end when the powers that be say it ends and not before.


If this sounds like the beginning of soft socialism, you would be correct, the bigger problem here is that socialism/communism has never before in the history of the world worked, and it’s not going to work now regardless of the form it takes.  Today’s young socialist advocates and many others as well are ignorant of what any form of socialism or it’s nearest and dearest cousin(s) turn into, and furthermore do not seem to grasp the fact that the exact thing that they rail so loudly against, that being capitalism – is exactly what provides them with their cherished iPhones and designer coffees and clothing etc.

In my neck of the woods, things are getting better as far as COVID goes.  Funny thing about that – I have noticed a large uptick in ads about the importance of face masks, social distancing etc. none of which is even particularly effective to begin with.  As things get better, the government pushes the COVID nonsense even harder.  It’s almost like they do not want this “epidemic” to go away.  The Plandemic gives governments power and control.

The realities of socialism are the Berlin Wall, the Gulag, the killing fields of Cambodia, the Tiananmen Square massacre, and daily bread lines in Moscow.

Breaking the bank and the New World Order (Globalism)

Back to monthly stimulus checks.  We aren’t talking a few hundred bucks here, although that would be bad enough. At a population of 325 million (that’s conservative) the cost for say 200 bucks a month per person would be 65 BILLION dollars – a MONTH.  The proposed plan by Democrats would cost TRILLIONS of dollars with nothing added on – you know like the so-called infrastructure plan?

How does a whopping $2000.00 a MONTH sound?

From CBS Philadelphia:

“An earlier letter to President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris from 53 Representatives, led by Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, staked out a similar position. ‘Recurring direct payments until the economy recovers will help ensure that people can meet their basic needs, provide racially equitable solutions, and shorten the length of the recession.’

Additional co-signers included New York’s Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Michigan’s Rashida Tlaib, two other notable names among House Progressives. The letter didn’t place a number on the requested stimulus payments. But a tweet soon after put it at $2,000 per month for the length of the pandemic.

A majority of Americans also favor recurring relief payments. According to a January poll from the Data For Progress, nearly two-thirds of all voters support $2,000 monthly payments to all Americans for the length of the pandemic. Supporters include a majority of Independents and Republicans. A struggling restaurant owner’s online petition calling for $2,000 monthly payments for every American adult has received close to 2.2 million signatures. The Urban Institute estimates that another stimulus payment could reduce poverty by at least 6.4 percent in 2021. Many economists are also onboard. A 2020 open letter from experts in the field argued ‘direct cash payments are an essential tool that will boost economic security, drive consumer spending, hasten the recovery, and promote certainty at all levels of government and the economy – for as long as necessary.’”

I hate to rain on anyone’s parade, and we ALL could use a nice chunk of change, but again – WHO is paying for this?  Anyone???

Here’s a another thought for you, since there isn’t enough money to pay for all of this, no way no how – maybe the idea is to cause a global financial reset?  The U.S. dollar was not always the world’s reserve currency.  In a global financial reset, the U.S. would likely be absorbed into the One World Government, which is the aim of the Democrats to begin with.

First it’s socialism, then globalism on steroids.  The U.S. is the only country preventing a worldwide government – Trump knew this fact very well and worked to try to prevent this.  One of the many reasons he was defeated cheated out of office.

There is no easy fix for the complicated issues that we face as a nation.  There is one thing however that is sure – the Leftist paradigm or narrative if you will does not contain the answers to the problems.  The Leftists simply exacerbate the problems with plenty of help from the RINOs and other assorted idiots.

The solution to the problems?  Since people seem to like to email me and chew me out for not presenting the solution to the problem, here it is – get out and vote.  Stop electing the same morons while expecting change to happen.  Talk about it, write about it.  Share the articles of those who write about the issues (most who read this won’t share it).  The more people that are educated about what is really going on, the better the chances of change.

While these non-thinking self-serving fools are running the show in Congress and the White House etc., things are only going to get steadily worse.

Obama’s third term is looking pretty grim.

© 2021 Greg Holt – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Greg Holt:

Article sources:
Popular Mechanics
The Economic Collapse
Wink News
The Most Important News
John Locke Foundation
The Hill
Business Insider
The Wall Street Journal
Money Talks News
Sovereign Advisors
CBS Philadelphia
The Heritage Foundation
TCP News

Rep. Ilhan Omar Slams Israel for Defending Itself While Ignoring Hamas Rocket Attacks

By Greg Holt

Leftist fop Joe Biden actually did something right for a change; he defended Israel’s right to defend themselves against attack.  Meanwhile, other deranged Leftist Looney Tunes like the members of “The Squad” accused Israel of terrorism and demanded the U.S. cease all aid to Israel until the attacks on the Palestinians stop, calling them “human rights violations.”

The four Squad members (Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and Ayanna Pressley) are always quick to defend Hamas and other terrorists while denouncing and defaming Israel, not to mention their own country.

The Gaza Strip is organized and controlled by the terrorist group Hamas with other terror groups adding to the problems.  Hamas can do no wrong and can attack Israel at will, but when Israel returns fire or attacks Hamas targets, they are “terrorists,” and inhumane etc.

What these House Reps. fail to mention is the brutal attacks perpetrated by Hamas and others against Israel – not to mention the fact that Hamas and other groups and nations openly claim that it is their mission to obliterate, to remove from the map – the state of Israel.

Biden stated that Israel has the right to defend itself from rocket attacks.  AOC responded with the completely ridiculous and asinine accusation that Israel is the “occupier.”

From New York Post:

“This is not neutral language. It takes a side — the side of occupation.”

AOC also defended Hamas launching rockets into Israel –

“Blanket statements like these w/ little context or acknowledgement of what precipitated this cycle of violence — namely, the expulsions of Palestinians and attacks on Al Aqsa — dehumanize Palestinians & imply the US will look the other way at human rights violations,” AOC wrote on the social media platform, adding, “It’s wrong.”

AOC fails to mention that hostilities were yet again started by the Palestinians and not the Israelis.  Israeli police responded to attacks on police and civilians by Palestinian teenagers.

From Forbes:

“On Monday, more than 300 were injured in violent clashes after authorities moved in to try and stop Palestinian youths from throwing rocks at police officers and Israeli civilians marking Jerusalem Day, a controversial holiday that celebrates Israel’s invasion of the eastern part of the city in 1967.”

So let me get this straight, Israel is evicting people in a Jerusalem neighborhood (right or wrong) and these evictions along with violent confrontations with Israeli police at Al Aqsa mosque (the Temple Mount area) are justifiable grounds for Hamas to launch hundreds of missile attacks on Israel?

Hamas posted their demand for Israel to basically remove itself from the areas in question.  Two problems here, Israel was celebrating “Jerusalem Day,” (marking its capture of East Jerusalem in the 1967 Arab-Israeli war) the land(s) in question belonging to Israel.  The so-called “Palestinians” are not a real people group to begin with, and have no legal or other right to these lands whatsoever.

From Reuters:

“Demanding that Israel remove its police from Al-Aqsa and Sheikh Jarrah, Hamas, the Islamist militant group that controls Gaza, set a 6 p.m. (1500 GMT) deadline for the forces to be withdrawn.”

The proper word for this isn’t “demand,” it is terrorism.  Do as we say, or else.

According to the The Times of Israel, Hamas has launched over 1000 rockets into Israel since the latest round of hostilities began on Monday.

I mentioned the earlier the brutal attacks by Hamas, their rocket attacks are launched into military areas as well as civilian areas, and no one bats an eye while calling out Israel as the “bad guy.”  Israel is also condemned for hitting residential areas in the Gaza Strip with retaliatory attacks against Hamas and Islamic Jihad.

No one seems to want to talk about where Hamas locates their missile battalions.  In the rules of engagement for war that are supposedly honored by all parties anywhere in the world, civilian areas are off-limits.  Guess where Hamas locates their missile launchers?

The New York Times today (05/13/2021) posted a hit piece by author and professor of literature and creative writing at the Islamic University of Gaza, Refaat Alareer, who is a resident of Gaza.

“On Wednesday night, after two hours of nonstop bombardment and Israeli missiles raining down all over the Strip — some landing just a few hundred meters away from our building — we finally managed to catch some sleep.”

“The deafening strikes destroy Gaza’s infrastructure, cutting off roads leading to hospitals and water supplies, bringing down access to the internet [sic]. Many of the targets Israel hits have no strategic value. Israel knows this, and knows how it unnerves us. I wonder what those officers do in their command centers: Do they draw straws on which block to annihilate? Do they roll a dice?”

While I regret the loss of life, especially innocent loss of life on both sides of the conflict, this writing of Alareer’s while containing a modicum of truth is in its entirety a distinct hit piece on Israel meant to draw heavy criticism and outrage against Israel while at the same time drumming up sympathy for those in the Gaza Strip.

That being said, hold on a moment here, all is not as it seems on the face of it.

From Twitchy:

“Remember, kids: America gave Israel the means to drop bombs on innocent Palestinian terrorists who purposely fire rockets at Israel from hospitals and places with no strategic value.

We have absolutely no doubt that children in Gaza are terrified, and our hearts break for them. But it’s not Israel who has stolen their childhoods and innocence.”

Hamas has been known for years to hide missile launchers and other weapons in civilian areas such as hospitals, schools, homes etc.  They launch missiles; weapons intended to kill Israeli’s including in civilian areas of Israel, from these sites.  Israel warned Hamas/Gaza residents where they were going to strike.  Does Hamas do likewise?  No, they do not.  And when Israel retaliates for the hundreds of missile strikes against them, they are nailed to the wall as criminals, human rights violators, killers etc.

Where is the rightful outrage over the atrocities of Hamas and others committed against Israel?  The above tweeted video is just more of the same, justification for Hamas and others to do as they please against Israel without consequence, while Israel is soundly condemned for defending themselves against terrorist attacks.

I wonder if the Squad and those who agree with these women’s Leftist ideologies would be so quick to defend an attack against the U.S. if it was perpetrated by a party such as Hamas?

© 2021 Greg Holt – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Greg Holt:

Article sources:
New York Post
National War Council
The Times of Israel
The New York Times

COVID Police Fail Again – Mask Mandate and Lockdown Narrative Coming Apart

By TCP News Staff

(TCP News)  We and many others have been saying for quite some time now that the mask mandates and lockdowns are wholly ineffective.  For those who still believe this kindergarten subterfuge – it’s time to wake up.

From Zero Hedge:

“During a recent MSNBC interview Fauci expressed confusion and wasn’t “quite sure” as to why Texas was experiencing falling cases and deaths an entire month after lifting its mask mandates and capacity restrictions.”

No one who is capable of thought should be giving any validity whatsoever to what Dr. Fauci has to say.  You know, the preeminent flip flop artist.

As TCP News previously reported, six people MAY have developed blood clots from the Johnson and Johnson vaccine.  The CDC and FDA paused the vaccine, and Fauci supported this.

“Fauci has been seen as an not only an idiot by many, but a self-serving opportunist who is clearly not concerned with the people’s welfare to begin with.  Anyone who was concerned with We the People’s welfare certainly would not flip flop on important positions constantly.  Fauci is way to obsessed with the limelight and the sound of his own voice.

Your health is a secondary consideration, if it is even considered at all.”

CNN also admitted, although inadvertently that the network played on people’s fears, embellishing the info including COVID death rates.  You know the old saying, “if it bleeds, it leads.”  Indeed.

From New York Post:

“Charlie Chester, a technical Director at the cable network, was filmed by Project Veritas during a series of fake Tinder dates as he explained how ‘Fear really drives numbers.’

‘COVID? Gangbusters with ratings,’ Chester told the unidentified PV staffer.

‘Which is why we constantly have the death toll on the side,’ he continued, making reference to the coronavirus death tracker that would appear on the screen. ‘It would make our point better if [the COVID death toll] was higher.’”

Shocking?  Not really.

This has all been a game, a game of power and control.  There is no worry about your health as you don’t even matter.  This is all about controlling the Sheeple.  Mask mandates came about, and most people were only too eager to obey.  If you don’t wear one, you are scum, a criminal, a Nazi.  One problem, masks don’t work.  People lined up willingly to receive the vaccine, which by the way is killing people, and oh whoopsy – we forgot to tell you that you will have to keep on getting the injections, like forever.

According to Zero Hedge, 90% of media coverage of COVID is negative, hmmm, sounds like what was done to Donald Trump.

This is all a bunch of baloney.  COVID is real all right, but the danger from it was and is vastly inflated.  Consider the following:

Contrary to what the public health experts have been telling us for more than a year, there is no correlation between the strength of a state’s lockdown measures and total covid-19 deaths. In fact, notorious lockdown states such as New York and New Jersey have some of the worst mortality numbers to date.”  (Source)

Lockdowns save lives along with wearing masks we were told, except that is completely untrue, and the powers that be continue to push this false narrative.  Never forget, this is about conditioning, so that when the move comes to make America a part of the globalist world nation, it will be accepted without question by most, the Sheeple.

How does one come to the conclusion that a mask helps anything at all?  Simple, we were lied to.  The following is from an article written by our publisher back in October 2020 –

CDC: Says No Mask Needed, Then it Was Wear a Mask – Now Masks Are Seen as Ineffective

“‘Most viruses vary in diameter from 20 nanometres (nm; 0.0000008 inch) to 250–400 nm; the largest, however, measure about 500 nm in diameter and are about 700–1,000 nm in length.’  (Source)

Lets put that into proper perspective shall we?

1,000 nm equals 0.0000393701 inches. Keep in mind that number is the size of the largest virus.  To further elucidate this check out the following set of numbers:

1/32″ of an inch is 0.0313 in decimal form.  Way larger than the largest virus.  It is also a very reasonable measure of space between a face mask and your face.

1/32″ of an inch in nm = 795,020.

So, 1/32″ is over 794,000 times LARGER than the largest virus.

Any questions on why face masks don’t work?”

© 2021 Greg Holt – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Greg Holt:

Article sources:
Zero Hedge
New York Post
TCP News

Democrats, Media, and Big Tech Attack Senator Tim Scott – For Speaking the Truth

by Greg Holt

Democrats and their staunch allies the media and Big Tech don’t want We the People to understand, they don’t want the truth to come out

Finally Joe Biden’s handlers let him out of the closet they keep him locked up in.  Biden addressed a joint session of Congress (with hardly anyone there), and South Carolina Senator Tim Scott provided the GOP response to Biden.

Scott’s response was heavily criticized by the Democrats, media and the Leftists on Twitter.  Senator Scott summed up what is wrong in this country very well, read it for yourself:

“Today, kids again are being taught that the color of their skin defines them — and if they look a certain way, they’re an oppressor. From colleges to corporations to our culture, people are making money and gaining power by pretending we haven’t made any progress. By doubling down on the divisions we’ve worked so hard to heal. You know this stuff is wrong. Hear me clearly: America is not a racist country. It’s backwards to fight discrimination with different discrimination. And it’s wrong to try to use our painful past to dishonestly shut down debates in the present.”

Watch Senator Scott’s complete remarks below.

Kamala Harris response to Senator Scott

Kamala Harris seemed to agree with Scott’s remarks.  Except that she really didn’t.

“Well first of all, no, I don’t think America is a racist country, but we also do have to speak truth about the history of racism in our country and its existence today. And I applaud the president for always having the ability and the courage frankly to speak the truth about it.

He spoke what we know from the intelligence community, one of the greatest threats to our national security is domestic terrorism manifested by white supremacists. And so these are issues that we must confront. It doesn’t, it does not, help to heal our country, to unify us as a people, to ignore the realities of that.”  (Source)

The Biden and Harris philosophy

So America isn’t racist, and yet Biden and Harris talk about it all the time.  Harris “applauds” Biden’s willingness to speak the truth about racism in this country.  Except that Harris’s version of the truth is no truth at all.  Either something is true, or it isn’t.

Let me explain.  According to Biden-Harris, a white cop shooting a black person is racially motivated, and police need reeducation and new rules to handcuff them while on the job.  Biden even suggested that police officers should have a psychologist or psychiatrist with them at all times.

BIDEN: If a police officer “goes on a 911 call, it’s better if he or she has with them a psychologist or psychiatrist.”

Furthermore, Harris had the unmitigated cheek to say that one of the greatest threats to national security is white supremacists.  And just who might these “white supremacists” be you ask?  If you ever attended a Donald Trump rally, you are domestic terrorist and a threat to U.S. national security, being a white supremacist is just an added bonus.

Would you be considered a domestic terrorist?

I wrote this back in January a day after Biden took office:

“From Conservative Treehouse:

Former CIA Director John Brennan, the man who weaponized the CIA to target Hillary Clinton’s political opposition, appears on MSNBC to outline the intention of the JoeBama administration to identify political enemies; label them domestic terrorists; and remove them from the population.

Are you a conservative or conservative Christian? How about a Libertarian? Do you love the Constitution and/or support the right to bear arms? Are you a law and order guy or gal?

According to former CIA director John Brennan, you are a danger to America.

And –

‘Criminalize any oppositional ideology to the ruling class.’  This statement, or concept of criminalizing any and all opposition to the ruling party, that being the Democrats should seriously alarm all people in this nation.  Actually it should literally scare the Hell out of you.  This is extremism on steroids guided by authoritarianism, fascism, anti-Constitutionalism, globalism, communism, Nazism, and a side dish of Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals.”

Biden and Harris aim to guide this nation into socialism, and wipe out the American spirit.  In essence, that is what all of this is about.  Pitting black against white, defunding police, constant talk of racism, denying the Constitution, swinging ever more far-Left and endorsing the principles of socialism etc., winking at riots that destroy sections of cities, while looking upon a Trump rally as white supremacism and domestic terrorism.

American exceptionalism

I wrote this at the end of January, think about the following for a moment:

“If you (anyone) are not taught the exceptional history of America, if we are not taught that this country was founded on godly principles – instead we are indoctrinated into the belief that America is racist, a former slave nation, an oppressor of people (like the Palestinians – a people group that actually do not even exist), like the Black people, Native Americans, and LGBTQ people, that white people are evil (don’t laugh, this is happening) – then why would anyone rise up to defend this country?

If you believe that your country isn’t worth the effort to defend it, then you will not do so.  If you believe that our country is historically bad (insert your definition of bad here), if you are taught that the new way of doing things (socialism) is good for society and will benefit you personally (like universal basic income, free insurance for all), then you will likely not fight the changes.  Instead you will welcome them.

The Democrats pander to people’s self interest at the expense of America’s collective well-being.  No I’m not talking of a collective, or anything even remotely resembling socialism.  But when we as a people are inspired to do that which only benefits our own person, that which is in line with our own personal greed and selfishness – then there is no concern for the nation.  When we are fully focused on self, we are not focused on preserving our nation’s ideals, we are not focused on preserving our rich history, we are not focused on being a unified and strong nation of free people.  We are not focused on the collective good of ALL people.”

Senator Scott was attacked for calling out the Democrats

Back to Senator Scott: Leftists on Twitter were quick to attack Senator Scott over his comments, where was Harris while this was going on?  Absent and silent as usual.

So what exactly is all the hoopla about anyway?

Senator Scott, a Republican who dares to actually think for himself, and disagrees with Biden and his nation destroying policies.  In his remarks, Scott mentioned his mom praying and mentioned God, another black mark against him.  Oh and Scott also committed the unimaginable crime of being black, and well, how dare he not be a Leftist!  The NERVE!

Here is just a fraction of Scott’s comments, see if they resonate with you.  I encourage you to listen to the entire video (above):

  • “becoming a Christian transformed my life”
  • “locking vulnerable kids out of the classroom, is locking adults out of their future”
  • “all five bills got ninety votes in the Senate”  (referring to COVID legislation under President Trump, there are one hundred Senators in total)
  • “less than six percent of the president’s plan goes to roads and bridges, it’s a liberal wish list of big government waste. Plus the biggest job killing tax hikes in a generation” (Infrastructure bill)
  • “your tax dollars should fund abortions” (Biden)
  • “my friends across the isle seem to want the issue, more then they want a solution”

Despite the media talking heads and the Twitter pundits who think that they are wise and all knowing, this speech did not even remotely sound like “desperation,” in fact it sounded like exactly what Senator Scott named it, common sense and cooperation.


But the Democrats and their staunch allies the media and Big Tech don’t want We the People to understand, they don’t want the truth to come out.  Because through understanding what the Democrats truly stand for – We the People will soundly reject them and their destructive policies, race baiting, inciting of violence to serve their purposes, open borders, government handouts that are designed to enslave us, lockdowns and masks that are designed to condition us to obey Big Brother, and the move to eventually devalue ALL people and subject them to socialism/communism.

America we need to be involved, we need to understand what is truly going on.  We cannot afford to be silent any longer.  Let your voice be heard with your Senators and Representatives.  Speak the truth to anyone willing to listen.  Write about it.  Make your voice heard at the polls.  Support those who speak for us.

Not everybody can do everything, but everybody can do something.

© 2021 Greg Holt – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Greg Holt:

Image source: Gage Skidmore

Article sources:
USA Today
Conservative Treehouse
TCP News

Chauvin Trial Verdict Was a Foregone Conclusion Even Before the Trial Started

By Greg Holt

Appeasement didn’t work with Hitler, and it’s not going to work with Black Lives Matter either

Everyone has by now heard about the conviction of former police officer Derek Chauvin for the killing of George Floyd.  But was this really justice?  Was this a conviction based on facts, or was this a conviction based on fear?

The knee on the neck

I personally do not agree with the knee on the neck, and it was said at first that this was how police were trained.  Upon further investigation, that would seem to be untrue.

From Fox News:

“Mercil said officers are trained in how to get control of a suspect by using their arms on the side of a person’s neck to slow blood flow to the brain. He said officers are not taught to use their legs or knees, though a knee on the neck can happen depending on a person’s resistance.”

Floyd was resisting arrest, he also had a history with police, and he had drugs in his system.  All is not black and white, as some would have us believe.

A knee on the neck “could” happen.  Apparently, not everyone even agrees that Chauvin’s knee was on Floyd’s neck.  When the Minneapolis police department’s use-of-force instructor Lt. Johnny Mercil (who spoke against Chauvin) was asked if it looked like Chauvin’s knee was on Floyd’s shoulder – Mercil agreed that it was.

What the autopsy revealed

The autopsy that the prosecution referred to as conclusive evidence of Chauvin’s guilt is anything but conclusive.  The “facts” as stated by the various “experts” are far from even being in agreement as to cause of death.  Dr. Andrew Baker, who is the chief medical examiner for Hennepin County gave conflicting testimony on what the cause of death was.  The former chief medical examiner for Hennepin County, Dr. Lindsey Thomas (who trained Dr. Baker) gave yet another opinion.

Dr. Baker testified that:

“Floyd’s existing and underlying heart disease was a contributing cause of his death; it was evidenced by a heart that ‘weighed more than it should’ and coronary arteries that were significantly narrowed.

‘The law enforcement subdual and neck compression is just more than Mr. Floyd could take by virtue of his heart conditions,’ Baker said.”

Baker went on to say however that he found “no real damage to the brain, lungs or heart.”  He also stated that there was “severe narrowing of coronary arteries, significant enough to cause sudden death in a person.”  Then he went on to say Floyd was generally healthy.  Seriously???

According to Dr. Baker’s autopsy report, heart disease, hypertension (high blood pressure), and drugs contributed to Floyd’s death.  Baker also thought Chauvin’s knee was on Floyd’s back, not on the neck.

Then there is this admission from the good doctor:

“Also, Baker told jurors that if Floyd had been found dead in his locked residence with no evidence of trauma, he would’ve concluded Floyd died of an overdose.”

Dr. Baker stated that Floyd’s breathing did not appear to be impaired because of Chauvin’s knee.  Dr. Thomas stated that (in direct opposition to Baker’s “facts”) that Floyd died due to asphyxia as a result of the officer(s) actions in restraining him.

George Floyd’s family had another autopsy performed, and the findings of that autopsy agree with Thomas’s findings, asphyxiation due to “sustained pressure.”

Thomas also said that Floyd did not have a heart attack or stroke.  Baker said Floyd died from cardiopulmonary arrest, similar to but not the same as a heart attack.  Ether way, the heart stops, and you are dead unless swiftly treated.

Thomas also stated:

“If Floyd had died at home, with no confrontation with police, Thomas said she would probably have concluded that Floyd died of heart disease.

Asked if, in another hypothetical scenario where Floyd was found dead at home, she would conclude Floyd died of an overdose, Thomas said she ‘could consider’ it.”

From 7 News:

“Dr [sic] David Fowler, is a pathologist who has testified in numerous high-profile police use-of-force cases, testified that Floyd died of a sudden heart rhythm disturbance as a result of his heart disease.

He also said the fentanyl and methamphetamine in Floyd’s system were contributing factors in his death.”

Opinions and facts

Multiple experts with differing opinions.  Who is right?  And what about exactly where Chauvin’s knee was?  All of these differing facts, and opinions (there are more opinions here than facts) contribute to what actually happened.  It also obviously contributes to a reasonable jury’s decision.  Except that said jury was likely influenced by the threat of nation-wide mayhem unless Chauvin was convicted.

Minneapolis police have stated that there is no training whereby officers are told to use neck restraint.  Yet the Minneapolis PD’s own training officer talked about how it could be used.  Well, which way is it?  Neck restraint is not used or taught, or it is used in some situations with guidelines, they can’t have it both ways.  The Minneapolis Chief of Police, Medaria Arradondo said Chauvin also violated the department’s policy regarding neck restraints by kneeling on Floyd’s neck. “A conscious neck restraint by policy mentions light to moderate pressure,” he said.  Again, which way is it, there is a policy, or there isn’t?

The prosecution is required to prove their case beyond the shadow of a doubt.  There seems to be plenty of doubt here.  There is significant disagreement on exactly what all happened, how it happened, and exactly what caused the death of Mr. Floyd.

With all of the facts being interpreted in a different manner by the “experts,” are we seeing a mere difference in professional opinion, or was this official misconduct because “opinions” have been swayed to affect a “desired” outcome?

Did Derek Chauvin receive a fair trial?  I think many have grave doubts about that.  I in no way am trying to suggest here that Chauvin did nothing wrong, but that isn’t what this whole debacle is about.  Did Chauvin in fact receive the fair trial he was entitled to, or was the result (decision) of this trial a forgone conclusion?

Media and other influence

Let no one forget for even a moment the fact that the media has been practically screaming for Derek Chauvin’s blood.  It is painfully obvious that many public figures as well as the Leftist media had already convicted Chauvin before the trial even began.  Chauvin is guilty, move on, nothing else to see here.

Al Sharpton called for Chauvin’s conviction.

Congresswoman Big Mouth, AKA Maxine Waters also called for a conviction, yet she took it even a step further going so far as to potentially incite violence.


“Waters had told a crowd of demonstrators gathered in Brooklyn Center, Minnesota: ‘We’re looking for a guilty verdict. And we’re looking to see if all of this [inaudible] that took place and has been taking place after they saw what happened to George Floyd.

‘And we’ve got to get more active,’ Waters unadvisedly continued. ‘[We’ve] got to get more confrontational. … We’ve got to make sure that they know we mean business.’”

This came from all places a Leftist publication.  I want you to note something here, look what MSNBC had to say about this in the form of the article’s title and subtitle, it’s pretty telling, and for once – honest.

Maxine Waters’ Chauvin trial comments expose Democrats’ hypocrisy

Dismissing Maxine Waters’ comments as trivial was not just a lie — it was a profound disservice. (subtitle)

The trial’s judge dismissed a request for mistrial because of this, but read what the judge had to say about Waters:

Judge Peter Cahill denied the request but said that Waters’ comments were ‘abhorrent’ and that she may have handed the defense a lifeline anyway.

‘I’ll give you that Congresswoman Waters may have given you something on appeal that may result in this whole trial being overturned,’ Cahill said as arguments concluded Monday and the jury began deliberations.”

Kamala Harris said that a conviction would not “heal the pain” of systematic racism.  Biden echoed this same sentiment when he rushed to the cameras after Chauvin’s conviction.  Before Chauvin was convicted, Biden “prayed” for his conviction.  No president or any other elected official has any business saying this.

Black Lives Matter

Was a conviction “enough” for Black Lives Matter?  No, actually it wasn’t.  Their next target?  The other officers involved in the Floyd shooting, as well as the people who burned stuff down, after all, they should not suffer the penalty for their crime.  Criminal penalties are for white people only.

Here is what some BLM supporters had to say:

“…We’re not gonna let these pigs in these buildings have any more control over our lives today. That s**t ends today.”

“…The only reason once again, that we got this conviction, is because we showed up. And if we don’t keep showing up, and if we don’t change laws, and we don’t attack this system, from every single f***ing angle we can, we will be here again.”

“We’re not, we’re never gonna be satisfied,” the BLM supporter said. “Black Lives Matter isn’t a trend. It’s a movement. Black Lives Matter forever, okay? So, we’re not gonna stop just because we’ve got one conviction. We’re happy with the conviction, but we’re gonna keep going. … This is a black genocide. This is more than one case. We’re not satisfied.”

“…the power that we have is immeasurable…this movement has made it’s way to your front door and we are no longer knocking…no justice (crowd) no peace…(crowd) BURN IT DOWN!”

Watch the video, it is an eye opener and typical of BLM.  Do as we say or else.

Conclusion – was it a fair trial?

Given the evidence presented above, NO, I don’t think Derek Chauvin had even a remote possibility of a fair trial.  Many cities had businesses boarded up in anticipation of violence all across the U.S.  Black Lives Matter made threats that the verdict had better be the “right” verdict:

Shaun King, the opinion writer and Black Lives Matter activist, thinks so.

Under the headline America will riot if Derek Chauvin isn’t convicted for killing George Floyd, King wrote: ‘Yes, Dr. (Martin Luther) King said that riots ‘are the language of the unheard,’ but hear me now – if Derek Chauvin is not convicted of some degree – first, second or third – of murder, if he is not held accountable in the court of law, a reckoning is going to befall this country one way or another. And it should.’”

Greg Gutfield of Fox News stated after the verdict that he was glad Chauvin was convicted.  His reasoning leaves a lot to be desired.

“I’m glad that he was found guilty on all charges, even if he might not be guilty of all charges,” Gutfeld said. “I’m glad that he’s guilty of all charges, because I want a verdict that keeps this country from going up in flames.”

But this attitude is precisely the attitude that has been and is prevailing nation-wide.  Did jurors base their decisions on the influence and threats of Black Lives Matter and others who vocalized their support for them, and the George Floyd family?  It sure seems like it from where I’m sitting.

In closing, listen to Tucker Carlson’s take on this; he hit the nail right on the head.  Oh, and when you hear what Nancy Pelosi said, be sure to have your barf bag ready. [You Tube Video]

© 2021 Greg Holt – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Greg Holt:

Article sources:
Fox News
USA Today
7 News
NBC News
The Hill
Daily Wire
Business Insider

Capitol Police Knew All About the Riot Before it Happened – So Did Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube

By Greg Holt

Capitol Police knew about the riot on January 6th before it happened, and did little about it

The Capitol Hill riot of January 6th was blamed squarely on then President Trump – still president as far as I’m concerned.  At least that is the story line you will hear from the mainstream media.  The question has to be asked however, who trusts what the mainstream media reports?


From  Trending Politics

The New York Times has finally confirmed what many political observers had been saying all along about the Capitol riots: It was pre-planned, the Capitol Police knew it was coming, and authorities effectively gave a ‘stand down’ order.

Capitol Police were not only warned by the FBI, but the Department of Homeland Security also warned them.  And yet they still failed to take adequate measures to protect Congress etc.

From  AOL

Michael Bolton, the Capitol Police inspector general who has for months been investigating the security failures that paved the way for the deadly Jan. 6 attack, told members of the House Administration Committee that an unnamed assistant deputy chief made the call to not deploy non-lethal riot weapons like 40mm munition grenade launchers.

NBC News gleefully reported on the Capitol Police’s unpreparedness in responding to a deadly attack launched by supposed Trump supporters to stop the certification of President Joe Biden’s election victory.

Except that I’m pretty sure that Trump supporters had nothing to do with the attack on the Capitol.

Back in January,  Hillary Clinton posited that Trump was not only responsible for the riot, but that he was giving updates to Russia’s Putin, while Nancy Pelosi cheered her on.

“This has to be about getting even, settling the score.  It can’t be that Hillary Clinton is this utterly stupid and deceived can it?

Clinton stated in her podcast You and Me Both, that she would like to see Trump’s phone records.  Picture this for a moment – the president of the United States giving Putin, the leader of Russia a sitrep on a riot in his own capitol.  Right, I’m sure that is exactly what happened.”

This all sounds pretty far-fetched to me.  If it was Trump supporters (it was not) that stormed the Capitol, being that Trump supporters are low-life evil people – then why did a highly positioned Capitol Police official make the call not to use riot weapons?  Why did he knowingly endanger his own men?  How does that even begin to make any sense?  A commanding officer does not ever decide to pull the rug out from under his own men when they are battling the “enemy.”

From the  New York Post

“At least two known Antifa members were spotted among the throngs of pro-Trump protesters at the Capitol on Wednesday, a law enforcement source told The Post.

The Antifa members disguised themselves with pro-Trump clothing to join in the DC rioting, said the sources, who spotted the infiltrators while monitoring video coverage from the Capitol.

The infiltrators were recognized due to their participation in New York City demonstrations, and were believed to have joined in the rioting so that Trump would get blamed, the source said.”

From  Wayne Dupree:

“As you know, we’ve been told time and time again that Parler was the social media site that started the so-called ‘insurrection’ at the Capitol.

The Dems and the media said that the ‘insurrection’ was born on Parler and grew there and turned into the so-called ‘horrific nightmare’ that has scarred and destroyed filthy rich liberal elite politicians for the rest of their lives.

I bet you didn’t know that Parler alerted the FBI 50 times about Jan 6th posts that they felt were concerning.

50 times…before January 6th.”

So the FBI, you know the top police agency in America, the one that had it in for Trump and worked against him?  Yeah that one.  Well they were informed about the 6th before it even happened.  And what did they do?  Not much.  What happened to Parler?  Amazon booted them off their server.  Sounds fair right?

From  American Greatness

“Although the Democrat-controlled Oversight Committee is targeting Parler, an independent study by Forbes revealed that in the over 200 charging documents filed by DOJ in connection with the Capitol riots, 73 included references to post on Facebook, 24 referenced YouTube, and 20 referenced Instagram. In contrast, there were only 8 references to Parler. In addition, the FBI thanked Parler for helping law enforcement before and after January 6, reports the Journal.

‘Far from being the far-right instigator and rogue company that Big Tech has portrayed Parler to be, the facts conclusively demonstrate that Parler has been a responsible and law-abiding company focused on ensuring that only free and lawful speech exists on its platform,’ Messrs. Dry and Wernick wrote.”

So Big Tech puts the screws to Parler making all kinds of false accusations, meanwhile Parler reported to the FBI what was being posted about the planned riot at the Capitol.  Meanwhile there was even more “activity” concerning the Jan. 6th riot posted on Facebook, YouTube and Instagram, but NOTHING was done about or to these social media platforms.

Now why do you suppose that is?  I will tell you why.  These social media platforms along with others like Google etc. are part of what my colleague Joe Newby over at  Conservative Firing Line refers to as the  Silicon Valley Axis of Evil.  A very apt term.  These people encapsulate all that is wrong with America today.

The bottom line here is that all of this was done to discredit Trump, and to destroy the MAGA movement or whatever term you want to use to describe the millions of Americans who support Trump.

This sounds on the face of it like a ridiculous claim if you are not familiar with what has all happened since Trump came on the scene.  Trump was not supposed to win in 2016.  Trump was not supposed to remain in office either.  Nor was Trump supposed to make so much progress in straightening out the mess the Democrats made of America.

Trump was and is the greatest threat there is to the Democratic socialists in America and their plans.  He is also a grave threat to the globalist movement that seeks One World Government – which government Trump is of course dead set against.

America is tired of the Democrats.  America is tired of Joe Biden.  It’s time to take out the trash.

© 2021 Greg Holt – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Greg Holt:

Article sources:
Trending Politics
NBC News
Wayne Dupree
American Greatness
Conservative Firing Line

We Warned You, Biden and the Dems Are Bad For This Country – and Things Are About to Get a Lot Worse

By Greg Holt

Biden is trying to sell his major tax hike with an “infrastructure” plan that is both a bad deal and a huge lie

Don’t say we didn’t warn you, because we did, repeatedly – only many people chose not to listen.

Biden as promised opened the border, and we are paying the price for this already, the border is a disaster.  The AP (Associated Press) informed their staff NOT to refer to the border situation as a “crisis.”  If there is no crisis, then why did the Biden administration do an about face and say that parts of the border wall now need to be finished?  This after Biden had previously halted all wall construction on DAY ONE in office.

Firebrand socialist Demoncrat Ilhan Omar recently called Biden out on his about face, seems she isn’t happy about any holes in the wall being plugged.

Biden in his infinite wisdom also killed the Keystone Pipeline project, also on day one in office.  This move instantly destroyed thousands of jobs, and coupled with the “no new drilling rule” has endangered America’s recently achieved energy independence.  Notice gas prices at the pump are rising?  Thank commander Biden for that.

Some will tell you that the price increase is a simple supply and demand issue, more gas being used means more demand and supplies are down, therefore the product price increases.  That is true; and then some will blame OPEC.  Here is the problem with that scenario – OPEC should have little impact on U.S. fuel prices.  But since Biden wants to take away all of the U.S. oil industry’s toys and give them to the so-called renewable fuels industry, that in turn means we import more oil, which in turn means the price of gas rises, which didn’t have to happen to begin with.  One of Biden’s stated goals is to squash the oil industry like a bug, and he is following through on that promise.  You can read about that here, and here.

Biden has destroyed women’s sports.  Biden supports children being able to change their sex (transgender); his assistant secretary for health is transgender.

From CNS News:

“The idea that an 8-year-old child, a 10-year-old child decides, you know, ‘I want to be transgender, that’s what I think I’d like to be, it’d make my life a lot easier’—there should be no discrimination.”

That’s sick, that’s really screwed up thinking.  A child can’t drink, can’t drive, can’t marry, can’t vote, and can’t make 90% of their own decisions – but let’s let them be the judge of what sex they would like to be.  What the hell is wrong with these people???

King Biden has also taken it upon himself to decide that weapons need to be regulated much better, the latest round of the Democrats “never let a good crisis go to waste” panic induced gun control, a prelude to their complete removal.  Plenty of people say this is only a conspiracy theory – well when it actually happens and we who have been warning of this for a long time now are proven right, it will be far to late.

On top of all the other damage Biden and his goon squad have accomplished, now the pretender-in-chief wants to raise taxes, and spend trillions of dollars to “fix” the economy.  I’ve got news for Biden and his cohorts – first, I don’t think any of these people are all that bright, Trump had the economic fix well in hand.  Second, Biden’s supposed fix for the economy, as well as the way to generate more jobs – well to put it plainly, it’s not going to work genius.

Despite the Leftist narrative out there that raising taxes sky high generates jobs etc., Clinton tried this same tactic before, and guess what?  It didn’t work.  Oh, and Clinton himself said he raised taxes to high.

Biden is busy trying to sell a HUGE tax hike by tossing the country a bone.  Here Fido, sit, good boy!  Except that we are not dogs, and Biden’s bone, his much vaunted infrastructure plan is a joke, a joke that will have serious consequences.

Due to Biden’s day one executive orders we have already sustained job losses.  Now Ol sleepy Joe apparently wants to demolish the economy and uncreate jobs.  How does the loss of one MILLION jobs due to Biden’s plans sound?  This ought to not only scare all Americans, but it ought to give wiser heads than mine pause for thought and serious evaluation.  Maybe a peek back into our nation’s history wouldn’t hurt either.

From Breitbart News:

“They found that the U.S. would lose one million jobs in the first two years, GDP would be $117 billion lower by 2023, and ordinary capital, or investments in equipment and structures, would be $80 billion less in 2023.”

The construction industry is already reeling; COVID-19 did a lot of damage.  There are reportedly plenty of construction projects that were slated for 2020 and many of these projects either are not even started yet, or remain unfinished.  Labor shortages are also a serious problem – there is plenty of work out there right now, but people can’t be found to fill the jobs.  More construction jobs without people to do them isn’t much help.  Many people are working from home now as well.

Biden’s American Jobs Plan is riddled with serious problems and is not well designed.  No one is surprised that above 50% of the bills funding has nothing to do with its namesake, namely infrastructure and of course job creation.

Joe Biden’s grasp of the economy is on par with AOC’s – in other words, almost nonexistent.

From Fox Business:

‘“Raising taxes will not slow the economy at all,’ Biden said Friday during remarks on the March jobs report at the White House. “We’re asking corporate America to pay their fair share. It will not slow the economy at all.”

How is it that the nominal head of America can be this ignorant?

“But according to an analysis of Congressional Budget Office data published by the Tax Foundation, a center-right think tank, federal investments only deliver half the economic [sic] as private-sector investments — roughly 5% versus 10%. A dollar of federal spending results in only about $0.67 of actual investment because state, local and private sector entities reduce their spending in response.”

In other words, Biden’s massive spending will have little positive effect and plenty of negative effects.

Then there is the issue of Biden raising taxes, and not just a little bit either, this is a massive increase like what Clinton enacted.  As taxes increase, companies decrease their spending – they hire fewer workers, invest less in their businesses or not at all, and when things are bad enough, they move overseas.  Trump knew all this, which is why he LOWERED taxes.  The result?  The economy boomed and companies came back to America and invested in America, they paid employees more, and even handed out bonuses.  Biden will undo ALL of this with his foolish tax hike.

From Washington Examiner:

‘“I think raising taxes in the middle of a pandemic and economic crisis isn’t just politically negligent but economically stupid,’ said Republican strategist Matt Gorman.

The corporate tax rate would be increased from 21% to 28%, partially negating a cut signed into law by former President Donald Trump in 2017. Biden would also like to restore the Clinton-era top personal tax rate of 39.6%. Capital gain would be taxed as regular income, and unrealized capital gains would be subject to tax at death.”

Ford was set to invest 900 million in a huge project in Ohio.  Ford has now announced that they are moving the new project to Mexico.  Ford said nothing about taxes or Biden, but why else would they renege on their plans?

As mentioned earlier, when companies are to tightly squeezed, they move jobs overseas, this is what happened in the past; then Trump took office and made great strides in reducing this.  Now Biden wants to reverse all this through the misguided efforts of his administration – because Democrats and RINOs never learn.

Here is another example of Biden trying to squeeze corporations to death by taxes.  Biden wants to make substantial changes to the global intangible low-tax income, or GILTI.  The current GILTI tax rate is 10.5%.  Biden wants to increase that to 21%!  Because of other changes in the tax code, the real effective rate will then become 26.5%.

These companies that flee overseas are looking to lessen their tax burden, a process known as “inversion.”  The U.S. has fairly high tax rates, and Biden wants to restore them to the Clinton era levels – so we will once again reign supreme as the nation that has the highest tax rates in the world.

Biden also wants to repeal the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) passed under Trump.

From Yahoo News:

“The primary effect of the TCJA was to reduce taxes for Americans in the bottom 80 percent of the income distribution. Put another way, the top 20 percent of earners were the only ones who did not get a tax cut under the TCJA. Americans earning between about $40,000 and $80,000 per year benefited most from the TCJA, and millions of others at the lowest income levels were taken off the tax rolls altogether.

President Biden, along with House and Senate Democrats, have pledged to reverse all that.”

This will also put the screws to many an American that inherits property from their parents.  As of now, the inherited property when sold (stepped-up basis) isn’t likely to carry a high tax burden provided the sale proceeds are near to or equal to the fair market value.  Biden wants to eliminate this as well making most of the sale proceeds taxable.

So could someone please remind me again how it is that Biden and the Democrats are good for this country???  I seem to have forgotten.

© 2021 Greg Holt – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Greg Holt:

Article sources:

The Federalist
CNS News
U.S. News
The New York Times
Breitbart News
For Construction Pros
Fox Business
Washington Examiner
The Washington post
Yahoo News
TCP News

Eight Year Old Social Media Star Reveals She is ‘Dating’ 13-Year-Old Boy

Greg Holt

By TCP News Staff

TCP News  —How far the world has fallen.  Nothing is any longer off limits or taboo so it would seem.  An 8-year-old revealed on social media that she is dating a 13-year-old – with her mom’s blessing.  Both are so-called influencers on social media.

This 8-year-old girl is a model, and already has almost 500,000 followers on Instagram.  Apparently her mother is more than a little permissive.  Mom is apparently fine with her daughter dating a 13-year-old.

From The Gateway Pundit:

“After facing a wave of backlash over the seemingly clear abuse of her child, the mother wrote on her personal account ‘this is their life, and they will figure it out on their own.’”

The 8-year-old girl, Milana Makhanets, is popular among kids and has millions of followers on a Singaporean social media site.

From RT:

“A scandal has erupted in Ukraine after it was revealed that an eight-year-old blogger with millions of followers is dating a 13-year-old boy, with the complete blessing of her mother, who controls all her social media accounts.

The young Milana Makhanets has almost seven million followers on Singaporean video-sharing app Likee, a TikTok analog popular with young Russian and Ukrainian kids. Milana also works as a model, often participating in children’s fashion shows.”

Here is our question: why is everyone seemingly solely focused on the girl?  What about the 13-year-old boy?  What about his parents?  No 13-year-old should be dating, and this child should surely not be “dating” an 8-year-old girl.

It is truly tragic that parents would pimp their own children out to make money.

Another post, from a lawyer named Anna Malyar, claimed that Milana’s “mother made a seductive woman out of an eight-year-old girl for perverts.”

© 2021 Greg Holt – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Greg Holt:

Article sources:

The Gateway Pundit

What is the ‘Super Straight’ Movement and Why Should it Concern You?

By Greg Holt

The LGBTQ has been effectively hoisted on their own petard and it’s not going over well

Have you heard about the new “Super Straight” movement?  I hadn’t until yesterday in fact.  Very interesting and it is already gaining significant traction, as well as more than its fair share of detractors, or more like angry hate filled people.

So what exactly is Super Straight?  Lets find out shall we?

From RedState:

“The LGBT activist community has convinced many that being straight is out of style and that in order to be trendy you have to identify as something. Your sexuality is now your identity, and the younger the age group the more this thinking has infected people.

According to the LGBT community, any choice in identity must be respected to the point of being revered. It can never be questioned or criticized. To be of any kind of sexuality makes one a higher being.”

But hold on just a minute, in true Leftist-LGBTQ fashion, this is most definitely not true.  All “genders, sexualities, and identities” are protected – unless you so happen to be a straight male or female, then all bets are off.

Super Straight is simply those who are only attracted to and will only date a person of the opposite gender who was born as that gender.  By the LGBTQ’s own rules, a persons sexuality must be respected.

Except if you are a “straight” person.  Then it’s ok to attack you including physically, make death threats etc.

Maybe rather obviously – the trans community is unhappy with this, even enraged.

‘“Super Straight’ started as a joke by a TikTok user trying to logic out a way for LGBT people to respect straight people. The video soon went viral, resulting in a host of users jumping on the bandwagon to identify as Super Straight themselves. This also created a backlash effect from the LGBT community who began reportedly sending death threats to the original uploader of the idea, as well as threatening his mother’s business.”

So if one announces that one is a man, even though you are a woman, that choice must be respected, even celebrated.  Or if you state you are non-binary, a dog, a child even though you are in your 30s, you like both sexes (these examples are real BTW), and on, and on, and on – these choices must be respected.  I could claim to be a piece of furniture with human tendencies and that would be ok.  Heaven forbid if you “identify” as straight however.

So someone on TikTok invented Super Straight, BIG time no no.  Can’t have that.  You can’t celebrate being straight, that’s HATEFUL.

These straight people are Nazis, they’re transphobic, they are haters, they are just out to get the transgender people, and/or mock them etc.  In other words, the LGBTQ just got beaten at their own game and they are not having it.

From Distractify:

“The so-called ‘Super Straight Revolution’ is going over like a lead balloon on Twitter, too. On that platform, one user wrote, ‘To all the people who are #superstraight, remember: You are transphobic, you are desperate for attention, you aren’t part of the LGBTQ+ community, you are making a mockery of the LGBTQ+ community, you aren’t oppressed. Just out with it and say you’re transphobic.’”

The above statement is so asinine and stupid I’m at a loss as to how to even reply to it.

Funny how if one disagrees with anything stated by the LGBTQ, you are transphobic, an LGBTQ hater and so forth.  In other words, you either support everything they say and do, or you are a hater.  On the flip side of the coin, these same folks can make death threats, be physically violent, dox people, get people’s social media accounts shut down, say anything they like regardless of how mean, nasty, or vile the comments are – and no one blinks an eye, it’s all good.  Double standard much?

The Super Straight people have been referred to as Nazis.  Amazingly enough; that seems to be the label of choice for all who defy the Left and the LGBTQ.  Super Straight identifiers, Trump and all his supporters, those who support the Constitution, and those who believe in Jesus – all are NAZIs and other unsavory terms of Leftist endearment.

Surprised?  Not in the least.

OPINION: The “super straight” movement and its ties to neo-Nazis

“Now here we are. A group of people self-righteous and hateful enough to create a pseudo-sexuality managed to blossom into a vaguely tied neo-Nazi anti-LGBTQ+ campaign.

In all reality, even before its neo-Nazi affiliation, the movement was already rooted in LGBTQ+ hatred.”

Oh please be serious.  This is exactly what I am talking about here, any disagreement with the LGBTQ and you are hateful, a Nazi, a detestable human being etc.  It’s extremely hateful to be cisgender, meaning one is attracted to only the opposite sex, specifically those born as the opposite sex.  Anyone identifying as what God created them to be, namely a man or a woman that likes the opposite sex, that is one who was born a man or a woman – well these audacious people are haters, they are transphobic, and they are deeply hateful of all LGBTQ people.

It couldn’t be that this is simply what and whom they “identify” as right?

The LGBTA Wiki wrote, ‘While some cisgender individuals who identify with this term are supportive of transgender individuals, it is still not appropriate to use this term, as it has been overtaken by exclusionists and TERFS. It is also unneeded, as having a preference for cisgender people does not require a label.” Critics of the term say that cisgender people don’t face discrimination in society and, thus, don’t need a label.”

Obviously the person that wrote this commentary is completely clueless.  It’s not appropriate to use this term (Super Straight) but it’s perfectly fine for the LGBTQ to use any term, for any reason that they so desire.  How’s that again?  It’s unneeded.  Really?  Who left you in charge of determining what is and what isn’t needed, arrogant much?  Cisgender people don’t face any discrimination in society, really?????  That’s like saying Christians aren’t persecuted.  Maybe this person needs to read some posts made by LGBTQers on social media.

This is all rather ridiculous.  Yes there are slow-witted Neanderthals who mistreat LGBTQ people.  But lets be honest here, there are plenty of people that are mistreated because they believe in Jesus, because they are white, because they are black, because they are Native American, because they are Jewish – because some people like to hate, it’s that simple.

I completely disagree with the LGBTQ lifestyle.  At the same time, I also believe they should be treated decently, with respect.  That does not mean that I have to approve of their actions and beliefs – nor do they have to approve of mine.  Those that are so hate filled are that way because they choose to be.

One last word here, God does NOT hate LGBTQ people, the Lord does not approve of their sin (or mine), but He does not hate them.  God commands that we His people do NOT hate them either.

“The second is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.”  Mark 12:31 ESV

© 2021 Greg Holt – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Greg Holt:

Article sources:
The Argonaut

Indisputable Proof That Donald J. Trump Won the Election

By Greg Holt

If Donald Trump won the election, where is the proof? Right here

Election 2020, a hotly contested subject.  Many people are beginning to realize that the so-called win by Biden-Harris in the 2020 election was anything but; it was in all actuality a highly organized and carefully orchestrated theft on the grandest scale imaginable.  I wrote back in November of 2020 that there is Overwhelming Evidence of Voter Fraud – Enough to Change the Election – and there is more evidence coming out every day, including the gamesmanship playing out in Arizona between the Senate and the Maricopa County supervisors as reported by my colleague Lyle Rapacki.

On election night Trump was ahead, significantly ahead.  By 930pm on election night, it was already a statistical impossibility for Biden to win.  Yet, all of a sudden, despite Trump’s substantial margin, Biden was ahead and winning the election, how did this happen?  Notice in the graphic below Trump’s lead (top numbers) and then Biden’s fraudulent lead – which occurred within 5 hours, in the middle of the night.  Note also that this sudden leap forward for Biden just by chance happened in not one state or even two, but FOUR states, and ALL at the same time.  Oh, and they were all swing states, but that’s all just coincidence right?

Images courtesy of Patriot Intel Report

Notice in the below image that Biden instantly received 23 times the votes that Trump did in Michigan.  Not in hours, but in minutes.  This is of course impossible.

Look at the above graphic where Trump was ahead by over 100,000 votes.  In ONE vote update in Wisconsin, Biden leapfrogs ahead by some 20,000 votes.  How can this be?  Answer – it CAN’T.

One vote update in Georgia gave Trump 29,000 votes – the same update gave Biden 136,000 votes.  Seeing a pattern here?

These abnormal, and unquestionably all but impossible vote count spikes gave Biden the win.  Except that based solely on statistics, Biden could not possibly have received this many votes in so short a time, in so many states – at the same time.  Neither could any other candidate – ever.

Have you ever heard of 100% of a particular voter precinct actually voting?  Well, how about 150% – or over 300% of a voting precinct voting???  Well guess what?  This actually did happen, in Michigan.

From Kiwiblog:

“Russell Ramsland of Allied Security Group, LLC of Dallas, TX swore an affidavit concerning a detailed audit his company did on voting machines in Texas in 2018. He wrote in detail of the many serious security inadequacies of the software and then examined the 2020 Presidential vote count in a number of counties in Michigan. He reported that over 3,000 precincts in the state of Michigan reported a vote count between 80 and 350% of registered voters. He lists a number of precincts in his report and in some cases a massive over vote. The vast majority of the precincts on the list were on or about 100%. The whole affidavit makes for interesting reading.

Note again the mention of Dominion, and particular software used to essentially rig the vote.  It’s not possible to obtain 350% of the registered vote, that is only common sense and only a fool would deny it.

The Kiwiblog post referenced above mentions other very interesting statistical details such as Trump being the first president in 132 years to have increased his vote total in his reelection bid, and NOT win reelection.  I encourage you to read the article; it supports the case that the Democrats cheated – big time.

Judicial Watch reported finding 353 U.S. Counties in 29 States with Voter Registration Rates Exceeding 100%.  Seems to me that these counties are fertile areas for vote manipulation.

Pennsylvania was another major playground for vote manipulation.

From Libertas Bella:

“What’s more, Pennsylvania was another state where vote-counting was paused with the Vote Fairy showing up in the middle of the night to drop obscene amounts of ballots, all marked for former Vice President Joe Biden.

Two examples of such dumps were reported on by left-leaning Five Thirty Eight on their Twitter feed: 23,277 votes came in from Philadelphia, all of them for Biden. 5,300 votes in Luzerne County, which includes Wilkes-Barre, with nearly 4,000 of them for Biden. This was on November 4, the day after the election, when the number of outstanding ballots miraculously increased throughout the day.

Another vote dump went for Joe Biden by a 92-8 margin, something that might have been plausible in Saddam Hussein’s Iraq, but not so much in the United States.

Pennsylvania law does not allow for mail-in ballots to be counted in advance, which is rather convenient for anyone seeking to rig an election. Simply wait for the other side to count their ballots, then fabricate as many as you need to put your candidate slightly over the top.”

It is worth noting here that the vote dumps for Biden in the above article were reported by a LEFTIST magazine.

Ever hear of weighted race distribution?  Yet another way to manipulate votes, via – you guessed it, voting machines.  It works like this: the candidate you like, well one vote for that person counts as one and a half, or two votes, because the voting machine is set to weigh the vote in whatever fashion a person sets it for.  Conversely, the candidate that you don’t like, each of his or her votes only count as half of one vote for example.  All of this happens with none the wiser.  Except that now these voting patterns have been caught by some sharp voting sleuths, like Dr. Shiva.

The votes are stored in decimal form, very easy to manipulate.  Dr. Shiva also said that the process used by the HAMMER, which we reported on, used to allegedly manipulate votes is EASY to do.

In Wisconsin:

A data scientist who remains anonymous performed a review of the data in precincts in Milwaukee.  His conclusion is very similar to Dr. Shiva’s in Michigan in three counties.  The more Republican the makeup of a precinct, the more votes that were taken away from President Trump and ‘switched’ to Joe Biden.  Also, ironically these votes move in a linear fashion which is very disturbing and highly, highly unlikely.  The pattern indicates that these precincts were manipulated and votes were removed from President Trump and allocated to Joe Biden.

Over a period of days, more than a week actually, it was observed that the vote ratios between Trump and Biden in vote tabulation updates were identical – and this happened in more than one state.  This is IMPOSSIBLE, there is no way that this could have naturally happened without any interference.

This happened in Florida, Connecticut, and Minnesota among other states.  Again, weighted race distribution is mentioned by yet another source – Patriot Intel Report.  Watch the video below:

[Rumble Video]

At the State Farm Arena on election night, election workers were supposedly all sent home.  Except that there are five workers still present, and these workers are counting votes with some of the votes being counted multiple times. It’s all on video.  Watch at about the 5:45 mark in the above video.

How about the woman who was exposed by Project Veritas and busted by Texas law enforcement for harvesting votes for pay in Texas?

Now, in today’s world, the Democrats and the media claim that all information published claiming vote fraud via voting machines (Dominion) or any other way is “dangerous misinformation.”

It wasn’t all that long ago that the Democrats and the media were claiming the very same things are (were) a problem!

“The principle of one person, one vote is the single greatest tool we have to redress an unjust status quo.”

“We’re right to be on guard against voter fraud. Voter fraud would impinge on our democracy. We don’t want folks voting that shouldn’t be voting. We all agree on that. Let’s stipulate to that, as the lawyers say.”

Who do you suppose made the above statements?  Barack Obama in 2014.

How about a letter from 4 Democrats stating that voting machines are not secure – in 2019!

The lettersent Wednesday, calls on election equipment makers ES&S, Dominion Voting and Hart InterCivic to explain why they continue to sell decades-old machines, which the senators say contain security flaws that could undermine the results of elections if exploited.”

Watch the above video which lays out the case that foreign countries were without a doubt involved in the 2020 election fraud.  IP addresses accessed through Dominion machines connected to the Internet were shown to originate in Iran and China.

Even more suspicious, security logs for these machines for 2020 – are ALL missing.  Now why would that be do you think?

There were also significant error rates in these voting machines.

From Amac:

“For example, while the allowable election error rate established by the Federal Election Commission ( guidelines is 1 in 250,000 ballots (.0008 percent), ASOG’s forensic analysis observed an error rate of 68.05 percent, which is a significant and fatal error in security and election integrity.”  (Bolding mine)

There were also massive amounts of ballots that had to be adjudicated.  What does that mean?  It means the ballots cast are rejected, and then are sent to election personnel who then make a determination as to who the ballots are credited to – or not.  This is done WITHOUT supervision.  Vote flipping is the obvious reason here.  In the past, votes rejected were low, not anymore, this being just another way for the Democrats to cheat their way to the win.

Consider the following example:

“For example, in Central Lake Township, there were 1,222 ballots reversed out of 1,491 total ballots cast, resulting in an 81.96 percent rejection rate. These reversed ballots are sent to “adjudication” for a decision to be made by election personnel. When such a staggering number of votes require adjudication, the biggest problem includes integrity and chain of custody issues. It makes it easy to “flip” votes without any supervision en masse. In past elections, the rejection rates were so low, this was a minor risk, whereas now, it is a major risk and most likely one of the means of exploitation that took place to defraud one candidate out of a massive number of votes that would have been in his favor. The video below demonstrates how easy it is to cheat at adjudication:”

Mail-in ballots are another huge source of voter fraud.  According to a Google search, this is largely untrue.  On a Yahoo search, you at least see both sides of the story.

Like how 28 million votes went missing in the last four elections.  Or a Democrat operative who says mail-in vote fraud is more the norm than not.  These particular elections were overturned because of mail-in (absentee) vote fraud.

Thousands of poll workers and everyday citizens testified via affidavit to illegal activity at the polling places.  In Arizona, over 20,000 mail-in ballots were received BEFORE they were even mailed – this also happened in Pennsylvania according to the Geller Report.  There is ample evidence of voter fraud, and election fraud – yet the courts refuse to even HEAR the evidence.  Voting laws were changed in many states by state officials at the last minute – the problem is that having done this is illegal, only the state’s legislature has the authority to make these changes.

Anyone denying the existence of voter fraud in the U.S. should visit the Heritage Foundation’s online voter fraud database, where they will find 1,311 proven instances of it – including 1,130 criminal convictions.

Remember how the Democrats insisted that in the 2016 election the only reason Trump won was because the Russians “stole” the election from Hillary?  These same Democrats now insist that the 2020 presidential (and other elections as well) election was the safest and most secure election ever.

There can be NO doubt that the Democrats cheated, and cheated massively.  The numbers of all kinds simply do NOT add up.  The evidence that there was massive vote fraud is so overwhelming that it cannot even begin to be contested.  I presented a ton of it here, and there is a lot more out there from many different sources.

That last sentence is key – there is evidence from many different sources.  A source, or two, or heck even three maybe got it wrong.  But not hundreds of sources.

The election was stolen, and Biden IS illegitimate.  Trump IS the rightful president of the United States of America.

© 2021 Greg Holt – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Greg Holt:

H/T to ゆめたん (Twitter)

Article Sources:
Patriot Intel Report (Rumble)
Judicial Watch
Libertas Bella
The Gateway Pundit
Texas Attorney General
The Heritage Foundation
Tech Crunch
Real Clear Politics
New York Post
The Daily Signal
The Independent
Geller Report
TCP News

Politicians Continue to Grant Early Release for Violent Criminals With Disastrous Results

By Greg Holt

What Happens When Violent Criminals Are Released Early: Man Murders Woman, Cuts Her Heart Out and Cooks it For His Family

This is a case of truly demented and barbaric murder.  Gruesome and disgusting in its senselessness and horrific violence.  This is no longer an issue of party if it ever was, no this is an issue of extremely poor judgment, blatant stupidity, and money.

Lawrence Paul Anderson was first sentenced to prison for attacking his girlfriend, pointing a gun at her, and possession of crack cocaine with intent to sell.  Sentenced to four years, he was out in less than two.

Six years later he was sent to prison again, this time for selling crack cocaine – near to an elementary school.  Sentenced to fifteen years, he was again out early, serving just over five years.  Anderson was also to be on probation for twenty years after his release.  The fact that he was placed on probation for twenty years ought to have set off alarms and serious thought as too early release after another crime.  But no…

While on probation, Anderson was again nabbed for drugs and sent back to prison for twenty years.  He was out in about three years.

With Mr. Anderson’s newfound freedom, again, he literally comes unglued and commits unimaginably horrific crimes.

Anderson forced his way into Andrea Lynn Blankenship’s home in Chickasha, Okla. and murdered her.  Then he proceeded to cut out her heart, and then take it with him to his aunt and uncle’s house.  He then cooked the woman’s heart with potatoes and attempted to force his family to eat it.

From The Washington Post:

“He cooked the heart with potatoes to feed to his family to release the demons,” an agent with the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation said to a judge in a request for a search warrant…”

Then Anderson attacked and killed his uncle, wounded his aunt, and then killed the couple’s four-year-old granddaughter by stabbing her in the eye.

All of this happened because a misguided governor made a very poor decision to let this man (and others) out of jail.

Lo and behold, Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg was involved in this brutal crime, it may not have been direct involvement, but Zuckerberg bears responsibility for what happened.  When one chooses to fund the efforts that work to release criminals from jail/prison early for whatever reason, the blood for the resulting crimes is on that person’s hands.

From FrontPage Mag:

“‘This has to be addressed by the Legislature, sooner rather than later, because more people are going to get killed,’ the prosecutor said. ‘We’re seeing this all over the state. Repeat offenders go to prison. They’re not there very long. And they come home and they’re committing crimes just like this.’

Anderson’s sentence was apparently commuted in June. Oklahoma was a major target of an alliance between lefties and ‘conservatives’ on criminal justice reform that predated the coronavirus mass jailbreak. And behind the push to free criminals was Mark Zuckerberg and”

An even bigger problem is this isn’t limited to just Oklahoma, this is a nationwide problem.  People from both parties, but especially Democrats want to release hundreds and thousands of criminals early.  Some want to eliminate prisons, and some want to lower standards of prosecution.  Such as changing felonies to misdemeanors, making many drug crimes, crimes no longer – or reducing sentences or eliminating them altogether, effectively tying responsible judges hands.

The result is violent criminals walking our streets committing heinous crimes and largely getting away with them.  If they go to prison at all, these folks all too often are released early, and then immediately go and commit more crimes.

Check out the following headlines:

NYPD Brass: We’re Arresting Too Many Prisoners on Early COVID Release

Inmates released from California jails because of coronavirus were rearrested for new crimes

Suspect in Denver murder was paroled due to coronavirus concerns at Colorado prisons 3 weeks before killing

Murder cases involving inmates released early highlight parole system failings

There are also widespread issues with releasing illegals back into the population early, and then these folks (not all of them) commit crimes, including murders, rape etc.  This happens way to often, these people were supposed to be deported for a good reason.

Yes prisons cost money, but how much is a little girl’s life worth?  Or any of the other hundreds and thousands of people senselessly killed – especially when many of these killings could have been prevented.

© 2021 Greg Holt – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Greg Holt:

Article sources:
The Washington Post
FrontPage Mag
NBC New York
Denver Post
ABC News 33 40
The Washington Times

Who Says Crime Doesn’t Pay? Google and Facebook Censoring an Entire Country

By Greg Holt

Google and Facebook allegedly illegally collaborated to corner the Internet’s ad markets – and made BILLIONS.

Facebook and Google are finally facing lawsuits for their egregious censorship, and are also in hot water for alleged illegal partnerships that netted the Big Tech giants billions of dollars.

From Conservative Treehouse:

“Australian officials are pushing back against the totalitarian grip of Big Tech. {Go Deep} As a result of investigations into Google and Facebook the Australian government is set to establish fines against tech companies for anti-trust violations.  However, some officials are now discussing taking actions that are beyond civil lawsuits, and are now advocating for arrest of company officers for unlawful conduct.”

So Australia is taking action against Big Tech.  Facebook decided to take action as well.  Facebook announced that they are BLOCKING all news posts from the ENTIRE country of Australia.  Yes you did read that correctly.  Facebook is censoring an entire countries posts – because Facebook doesn’t like the fact that Australia won’t roll over and take whatever Facebook (and Google) decide to dish out.

Facebook Announcement:

“…this means people and news organisations in Australia are now restricted from posting news links and sharing or viewing Australian and international news content on Facebook. Globally, posting and sharing news links from Australian publishers is also restricted. To do this, we are using a combination of technologies to restrict news content and we will have processes to review any content that was inadvertently removed.”

The entire announcement reads like a major snow job – made up B.S. in order to justify slapping an entire country with the usual Facebook “we are above the law” censorship mentality.

I have to ask – how far does Facebook have to go, or Google, before someone, like the U.S. government maybe? – has the stones to step up to the plate and deal with this ridiculous nonsense.  While these Big Tech companies make BILLIONS in ad revenue, they also engage in censorship – while enjoying a protected status (section 230).

If by the power of section 230 a social media site cannot legally be held accountable for the content posted on their site – then the same social media site should not have the “right” to censor what others say with some obvious exceptions.  If social media sites want to have the “right” to censor content, fine, then that site’s protection should be immediately removed.

Ten state Attorneys General including Texas Ken Paxton filed suit against Google alleging:

“…monopolizing online advertising, arguing it used coercive tactics to seize control of the plumbing that underpins all ad-financed internet content, and illegally divided up the online ad market with Facebook.”

Thirty-eight states also filed suit against Google for allegedly manipulating search results.  Imagine that, like we all don’t know this to be true.  Google is looking to thwart competition, by sites such as Yelp, and other specialized market subsections like mobile search, voice assistants, car search etc.

The Texas case reveals that Google is in control of online advertising, a highly complex and of course lucrative market, after all, practically everyone is online these days.  Think about this for a moment, with the ridiculous COVID lockdowns people were (are) spending a lot of time online.  People are also even with reduced incomes still buying things online including obviously necessities.  Google is raking in the cash from these sales via ad revenue, and so is Facebook.

In particular the complaint reveals:

“…after Facebook bought WhatsApp, which pledged to its users (and the FTC) strict privacy controls, “Facebook signed an exclusive agreement with Google, granting Google access to millions of Americans’ end-to-end encrypted WhatsApp messages, photos, videos, and audio files.” If true, that’s a remarkable set of illegal acts, by both Google and Facebook, as well as a betrayal of their users.

The complaint also asserts Google divided the ad market with Facebook, offering Facebook advantages in buying and selling ads through Google services if Facebook withdrew from head-to-head competition in other markets.”

The Texas case is alleging price-fixing, cartel behavior – prohibited by the Sherman Act and fairly easy to prove.

Apple is also facing a suit via Epic Games concerning their market domination in connection with their app store.

Congress has also made noises about pursuing anti-trust issues with Big tech.  But now with the Democrats in control, I would be surprised if this amounts to much.  Yes the committee looking into this was chaired by a Democrat, but that is only one among many.  If this isn’t in Biden’s cross hairs, it will get buried so fast you won’t have time to enjoy your first cup of coffee.

It will be years until these cases are settled, and in the meantime, Google and Facebook are ripping off other companies, engaging in heavy-handed censorship in any way that they please – all the while raking in BILLIONS of dollars, with some of that money for sure being illegal gains.

Meanwhile, We the People are censored, demonetized, purged, suppressed, removed, ostracized, and doxed.  Of course if you are a liberal, congratulations, you are largely immune to this kind of thing.  All with the blessings of the wonderful Democrats and RINOs who refuse to grow a pair and immediately do something about these dishonest and unscrupulous thieves.

Never forget that Donald trump was against this sort of thing, just a part of the reason the election was stolen right out from under him and Joe Biden was installed as chief.  Biden wasn’t elected he was installed, don’t ever forget that.

© 2021 Greg Holt – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Greg Holt:

Article sources:
Conservative Treehouse
BIG by Matt Stoller
Texas Attorney General
TCP News

Disney the Epitome of What’s Wrong in America Fires Gina Carano

By Greg Holt

The “WOKE” Disney company fires “The Mandalorian” star Gina Carano, gives liberal co-star Pedro Pascal a pass.

The Disney company is the perfect picture of what is so deeply wrong in America.  At least as far as the “woke” mob and the “cancel culture” vultures are concerned.

The star of Disney’s The Mandalorian, Gina Carano made some posts that were politically incorrect in today’s culture – and received the due penalty for doing so.  Lucas film, whose parent company is of course Disney, and was Ms. Carano’s employer – referred to Ms. Carano’s posts as, “abhorrent and unacceptable.”

So what were these oh-so egregious posts? Perverted sexual posts or pedophilia (warning, graphic and disgusting – no images), anti-American, maybe a severe foul-mouthed tirade?


From The New York Post:

“‘Because history is edited, most people today don’t realize that to get to the point where Nazi soldiers could easily round up thousands of Jews, the government first made their own neighbors hate them simply for being Jews,’ the post said.”

The end of that quote reads: “How is that any different from hating someone for their political views?”

Exactly.  But how dare a Hollywood star actually state the truth?  How dare she mention the words history and edited in the same sentence.  That is grounds for excommunication, Hollywood style.

Contrast and compare: the above referenced disgusting individual (James Gunn) who made the perverted sexual posts (warning – disgusting) was rehired by Disney.  But Gina Carano for the crime of a Holocaust tweet is permanently gone.

Pedro Pascal, Gina Carano’s co-star on The Mandalorian, compared Trump supporters to Nazi’s.  That’s OK though, because Pascal is a liberal right?

“The Mandalorian star Pedro Pascal is again the center of controversy as following the recent election, the Star Wars and Wonder Woman 1984 actor compares fans to Nazis.

Pascal took to his Instagram to celebrate the possible victory of presidential candidate Joe Biden and his choice to be vice-president, Kamala Harris, and posted memes about supporters of Donald Trump calling them “losers” and comparing them to Nazis and the southern states.”

Disney has a long history of not only perversion itself, but firing people who committed unconscionable atrocities in their eyes at least – while keeping other people who made statements that were every bit as bad, or even worse.

Remember Roseanne Barr?  She made a tweet in poor taste about Valerie Jarrett and ABC (owned by Disney of course) immediately cancelled Roseanne and said goodbye to Barr.  Because – “Roseanne’s Twitter statement is abhorrent, repugnant and inconsistent with our values.”  Oh really?

Then there was another wildly popular show with Tim Allen, Last Man Standing.  ABC’s Channing Dungey, the same gal who axed Roseanne, also put the kibosh to Allen’s show.  Now why did they do that?  It was a scheduling decision ABC’s Dungey said.

Sure it was.  Roseanne and Tim are both Republicans.  Any other questions?

So what about ABC’s other “talent”?

  • It was ok for Jimmy Kimmel to insult Melania Trump’s accent, who was reading to children.
  • Joy Behar of The View can insult Mike Pence’s faith calling it a “mental illness”
  • Foul-mouthed degenerate Keith Olbermann’s F-bomb laced tweets were OK – employed by ESPN, also owned by Disney.
  • Samantha Bee referred to Ivanka Trump as the C word, apparently that’s also cool.

In 2015, Disney the parent company of ABC decided to develop a sitcom(it ran for two seasons) based on a homosexual activist/X-rated gay sex columnist – despite high pressure not to do so.

Good ole ABC also created Andi Mack, which was a popular series among the six to fourteen-year-old age group, one of the shows lead characters was openly gay.

There was at one time a Christian music festival held every year.  This event was not only popular, it ran for thirty-five years!  Disney up and cancelled it.

I think it is safe to say that if you are a foul-mouthed degenerate, an LGBTQ activist (even if violent), a liberal, a Democrat, your skin color is black (unless you are Candace Owens), a globalist, a RINO, or a member of the mainstream media – you can say anything you please with complete and total impunity.

If however you are a conservative, Republican, libertarian, Christian, or even so much as express a glimmer of a doubt about the politically correct attitude – you are toast baby.  The Cancel Culture mob will be gunning for you, ANTIFA and BLM will beat you, maybe even kill you.  Social media will erase you, and your own friends and family may turn on you and/or disinherit you.

The Babylon Bee summed this up quite well in a recent post:

“I’m not a Republican actress — I’m actually a toxic, abusive, gaslighting director of many popular shows and films over the years,” Carano said. “I am finally ready to come out of the closet and live my truth.”

Disney’s response was immediate, as the company profusely apologized and hired her back.

“We are so sorry to Ms. Carano for firing her — we did not realize she was actually a sexually abusive male director trapped in a woman’s body,” said a Disney spokesperson.

“We applaud her for coming to terms with her true identity and choosing to live her brave new life as a studio executive who does problematic things to women all the time without any repercussions.”

Wake up America and stand strong – don’t let your beliefs be dictated by the Leftist two-faced totalitarian government overlords.  Or the social media thought police and their brothers in arms, the mainstream media.

We are many, we are growing, We the People are sick and tired of the hate, the hypocrisy, the snow jobs, the recent election theft, the planned Capital riot (blamed on Trump) and other riots, the senseless violence winked at by Democrats when it benefits them, and the outrageous treatment of the greatest U.S. president in recent memory – Donald J. Trump.

I leave you with this thought that needs no further words:

“If you believe:

-Men can give birth. -The Capitol riots were akin to the Rwandan genocide. -Ted Cruz almost had AOC murdered -BLM deserves a Nobel Peace Prize.

Seek help. Immediately.”

© 2021 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Greg Holt:

Article sources:

Ben Shapiro (Twitter)
Cosmic Book News
The New York Post
CBN News
Candace Owens (Twitter)
Babylon Bee

The Biden Administration’s Purge of the U.S. Military Has Begun

By Greg Holt

During Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin’s confirmation hearings, he promised to “rid our ranks of racists and extremists.”

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has ordered the U.S. military to “stand down” for a period of 60 days.  A stand down is common enough for instance to address safety concerns according to Pentagon Press Secretary John Kirby.

Here’s what Mr. Kirby and Austin are not telling you.  Military “stand downs” average a single day.  Many so-called stand downs are for a few hours, most I could find were for the duration of the day or less.  The longest stand down I was able to find was five days long, was held virtually as well as and in conjunction with OSHA for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and concerned fall prevention.

To put this into even more perspective, after the Marines in 2017 tragically experienced several aircraft accidents costing U.S. taxpayers millions of dollars, and more importantly 22 fatalities – a stand down was issued.

From Breaking Defense:

While the stand-down is grim news, it’s crucial to note that Gen. Neller didn’t ground the whole air fleet at once. Instead, each squadron must schedule a 24 hour “operational reset” sometime in the next two weeks, without affecting “operational commitments.”

The obvious takeaways here are, that despite the seriousness of the matter, the entire operational fleet of aircraft were not ordered to stand down at one time.  The period of the stand down was a single day – NOT 60 days – and it was not the ENTIRE U.S. military command.

So what is this extremely urgent matter that requires a ridiculously long military-wide stand down?  A serious safety concern?  Another matter of potentially deadly concern to our personnel?  No, and no.

The entire military needs to be “paused” in order to remove extremists and racists.

Translation: all Trump supporters need to either be silenced or removed from our military.

From the New York Post:

“We also owe our people a working environment free of discrimination, hate and harassment. If confirmed, I will fight hard to stamp out sexual assault, to rid our ranks of racists and extremists, and to create a climate where everyone fit and willing has the opportunity to serve this country with dignity,” the then-nominee said in his prepared remarks before the Senate last month.

Oh, and by the way – this “pause” was decided on after a meeting with the Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Mark Milley as well as others – during which meeting the Capitol riot was brought up.  You know, the riot that Donald Trump incited and was completely responsible for?

The very riot that self absorbed, “it’s all about me” AOC was worried she was going to be killed in?  Except that it turns out AOC wasn’t even there – and she accused Ted Cruz of trying to have her murdered on that day.

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin also purged Trump loyalists from the Pentagon:

During the last two months of his tenure, former acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller removed a number of longtime members from several defense policy, health, science and business boards and replaced many with loyalists of former President Donald Trump. More than 30 of those replacements will now be forced to resign, including former GOP House Speaker Newt Gingrich, retired Brig. Gen. Anthony Tata and former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski.

Now why do you suppose Trump would have done this?  Maybe because he knew what Biden and the Democrats would do to the military, same as Barack Obama did to our military – strip it down and decimate it.

Austin’s so-called stand down has nothing to do with safety, and it has nothing to do with extremism either.  This is nothing more then another attack on We the People, who are represented by Donald J. Trump.  America’s greatest president ever.  The president who accomplished most of what he said he would do, the president who kept his promises.  The president who dared to go up against the globalists and the powerful military/industrial complex.

Austin’s purge of the military is yet another witch hunt orchestrated with the blessing of Joe Biden and the Democrats who all hate Trump with a passion.  I think it is reasonable to say that the Democrats hatred of Trump goes hand-in-hand with a deep hatred for America.  Look at the news, look at what these people are doing, and tell me that We the People are important to them.

We the People are to be used, we are only useful in that the Democrats can wring every last drop of blood sweat and tears from all of us, along with our money and our vote – and then we can be cast aside.  If one is not at all useful in the ways mentioned, one is chattel, useless, not important, to be purged, cast aside and punished, silenced – and our God-given rights stripped from us, and even possibly imprisoned if possible.

Joe Biden is nothing more than a figurehead for the Democratic Party – and the Democratic Party may as well be a dictator.

© 2021 Greg Holt – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Greg Holt:

Article sources:
New York Post
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Breaking Defense
NBC News Charlotte
TCP News

Biden Administration Sacrificing Jobs, Destroying Oil and Gas Industry

By Greg Holt

U.S. Dept. of Defense: Climate Change an ‘essential element of our national security’

America’s decent into insanity has begun, via Joe Biden and the Left’s insane obsession with a non-issue – climate change.  Naturally there are variances in weather, and things change.  This is only normal, if one looked back in history, one would readily see this.

If you visit this site on climate history, you will notice two things right away: First, right now, today, the earth is cooling.  Maybe that’s why the climate alarmists had to change the name from global warming to climate change?  Second, the earth throughout time has naturally warmed and cooled.  So much for climate change.

Instead of a focus on making America better, Biden’s administration is laser focused on battling the nonexistent behemoth called climate change.  Remember when they used to call it global warming?  You know, back when Al Gore made millions hoodwinking people into thinking the end of life, as we know it was just around the corner?  By the way, Gore’s cries of impending disaster did not come true, not ONE – neither did anyone else’s.

According to AOC we are all goners in 12 years, so why are we so excited about this exactly (we only have 10 years left after all)?

Did you know that Gore was the first politician to hold hearings on “global warming”?  Did you know that Gore’s speaking fee for this nonsense is $100,000.00?  Did you know that Al Gore made millions from the movie An Inconvenient Truth (Box office was almost 50 million)?

Now of all things a top concern of the U.S. Department of Defense is climate change.  Seriously?  How can this be?  I thought the DoD was supposed to be focused on… lets see, defense?

The climate (or weather) affects military operations; that is a fact.  It always has and it always will.  It affects everything else in life as well, we call this normal, we call this the weather and we prepare accordingly.

But the powers that be don’t see it that way having been swept up in the idiocy invented by environmental extremists looking for a way to make a buck.  Climate change is all about making money.  Al Gore made a mint, and those buying and selling pollution credits can make a lot of money also, if your company needs to be able to pollute the air more, just purchase more pollution credits – and then of course pass the cost on to the consumer.  How does this fix anything?  Yet it has mainstream acceptance.  Then there is the funding one can secure from the federal government for anything climate change related.

Biden was asked about the sacrifices he is forcing Americans to make – in response, Biden walked away without answering.

Biden’s administration is willing (and is actively doing so) to sacrifice jobs on the altar of environmentalism/climate change.

Biden’s Energy Secretary nominee Jennifer Granholm stated that jobs may be “sacrificed” in the pursuit of fighting climate change.  Like all the people instantly out of work when Biden shut down the Keystone XL Pipeline?  The Biden administration also suspended all new oil and gas permits and leases, for now.

What about the fact that oil will now have to be transported one semi tanker at a time?  Those emissions don’t matter right?

What about the fact that Jennifer Granholm has millions in energy related investments? Anyone else see a problem here?  Yes she has said she will make some changes, but what about the rest of the investments, many in energy?

Biden wants to transition to wind and solar power – meaning huge job losses in the oil industry.  TCP News warned that Biden would destroy the oil industry back in October of 2020.  States that have huge investments in oil etc. will be in serious trouble.  By the way, there are HUGE issues with wind and solar energy.  Just the problems with wind turbines alone are serious.  Like how to dispose of old blades, it’s far more serious than you might think.

Biden wants fossil fuel pollution gone, period.

“Biden has set a goal of eliminating pollution from fossil fuel in the power sector by 2035 and from the U.S. economy overall by 2050.”

Biden tried this nonsense when he was a part of the Obama administration, it didn’t work then, and it’s not going to work now.  This is nothing more then an anti-energy agenda.

From The Washington Examiner:

“The Obama-Biden Labor Department issued the first of four reports on the administration’s green jobs program on Sept. 30, 2011. There are several major findings that do not bode well for Biden’s reloaded promises in 2020.

The Labor Department figures show that job placement was at only 10% of the target level and that only 1,336 participants retained employment for at least six months, which is just 2% of the targeted employment retention of 69,717 participants.

In a follow-up report issued on Oct. 12, 2020, the Labor Department found that more than 20% of the certificates and degrees went to recipients who had just one day of training and about half of those who completed the program received five or fewer days of training. The follow-up report also found that between 24% and 44% of the employment outcomes could not be documented and that the number of trainees who entered employment was less than 40% of the target.”

In other words, Obama/Biden’s green energy mission was a fail – a huge and expensive fail.  Now, Biden wants to spend trillions on this kind of thing.  Don’t forget we are rejoining the Paris Agreement, and this is another source of major big bucks, all paid for on the backs of U.S. taxpayers.

Biden is a train wreck – and We the People are going to pay for it, whether we like it or not.

© 2021 Greg Holt – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Greg Holt:

Article sources:
Paleo Map Project
USA Today
Food and Water Watch
Fox Business
Chicago Tribune
John Locke Foundation
The Washington Examiner
TCP News

Joe Biden’s America: Silence Everyone Who is Exposing Our Socialist Agenda

By Greg Holt

The Joe Biden administration to “root out” those considered dangerous to America – like conservatives.

Trump Supporters are ‘Insurgents’ & Need ‘Deprogramming’

It is happening, the reshaping of America under Illegitimate Biden – and it’s not going to be pretty.

From Conservative Treehouse:

“Former CIA Director John Brennan, the man who weaponized the CIA to target Hillary Clinton’s political opposition, appears on MSNBC to outline the intention of the JoeBama administration to identify political enemies; label them domestic terrorists; and remove them from the population.”

Are you a conservative or conservative Christian?  How about a Libertarian?  Do you love the Constitution and/or support the right to bear arms?  Are you a law and order guy or gal?

According to former CIA director John Brennan, you are a danger to America.

From The Gateway Pundit:

“John Brennan: I know… the members of the Biden team who have been nominated or have been appointed are now moving in laser light fashion to try to uncover as much as they can about what looks very similar to insurgency movements we’ve seen overseas. Where they germinate in different parts of the country and they gain strength, and it brings together an unholy alliance frequently of religious extremists, authoritarians, fascists, bigots, racists, nativists, even libertarians. And unfortunately, I think there has been this momentum that has been generated unfortunately I think of the demagogue of rhetoric of people that’s just departed government but also those who continue in the halls of Congress. So I really do think that the law enforcement, homeland security, intelligence and even the defense officials are doing everything possible to root out what seems to be a very, very serious, and insidious threat to our democracy and our republic.”

So as Trump supporters, our goose is cooked – extra crispy.  This could never happen in America, right – except that it is.  I have been warning Americans for years that this very thing was going to happen.  Watch this video that actually portrays the Democrats and their non-values.

First it was the Coronavirus, created to ensure destruction and condition the sheeple – welcome to the USSA.  Now the Democrats have been placed via election fraud into the White House and have also gained control of the Senate.

I and many others have written repeatedly about the danger of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.  Joe Biden will do what is expedient for the Democratic Party, according to the new power players and the old power players that support far-left polices.  Kamala Harris is nothing more than a prostitute for power, anything goes if Harris achieves and receives what she desires.  Remember, this is the gal that slept her way to power.  Remember also that the achievements of these two prior to today are pretty much nonexistent.

Socialism and globalism will be enshrined in America under these two talking heads.  All  who oppose the Biden-Harris administration will be silenced.  Katie Couric is already calling for the reeducation of Trump supporters, or as she referred to it – deprogramming.

From The Washington Times:

“‘It is so shocking,’ Ms. Couric responded. ‘Not only are they not conceding, Bill, but there are thoughts that there might have been some collusion among members of Congress, some are refusing to go through magnetometers or whatever you call them to check for weapons, they’re not wearing masks during the siege. I mean, it’s really bizarre, isn’t it, when you think about how AWOL so many of these members of Congress have gotten.’

‘But I also think some of them are believing the garbage that they are being fed 24/7 on the internet, by their constituents, and they bought into this big lie,’ she continued. ‘And the question is how are we going to really almost deprogram these people who have signed up for the cult of Trump.’”

Brennan refers to Trump supporters in a thinly vailed manor as insurgents who need to be “rooted out” as they are a threat to our Democracy – and he is NOT the only one.

From The Post Millennial:

“Congressman Brad Schneider (D-IL) has come up with the Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act, which would allow for ‘more monitoring of domestic terrorism movement.’

This is in reaction to the Capitol Hill riot, the duration of which was a few hours on Jan. 6. In response, members of the new Biden administration have suggested that domestic insurgents, specifically those who stormed the Capitol, need to be held to the same standards as international terrorists like ISIS.”

Does this at all sound like I am overstating it when I say conservatives and like minded thinkers will be silenced?

Read this statement from Glenn Greenwald:

“A domestic war on terror, Greenwald said, would be ‘designed to criminalize any oppositional ideology to the ruling class. There is literally nothing that could be more dangerous and it’s not fearmongering or alarmism to say it.’

He noted the new bill pending from Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) that would “simply take the existing war on terror legislation… and amend it to say that we can now do that within the United States.’”

“Criminalize any oppositional ideology to the ruling class.”  This statement, or concept of criminalizing any and all opposition to the ruling party, that being the Democrats should seriously alarm all people in this nation.  Actually it should literally scare the Hell out of you.  This is extremism on steroids guided by authoritarianism, fascism, anti-Constitutionalism, globalism, communism, Naziism, and a side dish of Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals.

What does Merriam-Webster have to say about fascism?

a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition  (Emphasis our own)

Is it just me, or does that sound exactly like the Biden administration and the Leftist/progressives?

Consider Tucker Carlson’s thoughts on the matter:

The war for America’s heart and soul is on – make no mistake, this IS war.

© 2021 Greg Holt – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Greg Holt:

Article Sources:
Conservative Treehouse
The Gateway Pundit
The Washington Times
The Post Millennial
Bongino Report (Rumble)

Did Mike Pence Had the Authority to Decide the Election in Favor of Trump?

By Greg Holt

The presiding officer over the electoral vote count, the President of the Senate, is largely a figurehead.

I recently wrote an article about Republican representative Adam Kinzinger who stated that Trump needed to be removed from office immediately.  I also stated that Trump was wrong in what he said about Mike pence.

From News With Views:

“Trump in my opinion did fall short in his comments attacking Mike Pence for refusing to decertify the electoral vote.  I personally do not like Pence (not because of this situation), but he did not at all deserve this kind of treatment from Trump.  The Vice President does NOT have the power to unilaterally decide what electoral votes are authentic and count, and those votes that do not.  Pence said as much, and I agree with him 100%.  President Trump owes Mike Pence an apology for this one.”

This statement of course did not go over well with other Trump supporters.  I received many emails telling me I was wrong, like the email below (name withheld):

“VP Pence had plenary powers dictated by the US constitution and he had a DUTY to throw our [sic] fraudulent slates of electors.[sic]I do NOT think DJT owes him an apology; he betrayed DJT and the American people. If you have any questions, you can direct them to Professor Eastman, a constitutional scholar.


Yes there was election fraud, and I and many others have written about it extensively.  Yes the election was stolen from We the People.  NO Pence did not have this “plenary power”.

I’m rather tired of hearing this nonsense from people who obviously repeat what they read or hear – without investigating the truth of it for themselves.  I have read many like minded comments online that Pence betrayed Trump, that Pence lost the election for Trump – its all Pence’s fault, blah, blah, blah.  No actually it is is not.

I’m not out to disc or insult anyone or even attempt to take away their right to express their opinion, that’s the Left’s job.  That being said, I can likewise express mine, and my opinion is that all of these people that say this stuff about Pence are wrong.

Understand that as I stated in a previous article, I don’t like Mike Pence at all.  I think Pence is a globalist and does not have Trump’s (or this country’s) best interests at heart.

What the does the Constitution say about presidential elections?

It may come as a surprise to many, but the Constitution actually says very little about the Electoral College and related procedures – meaning the election of the president and vice president.

Article II, Section I, Clause 2 states:

“Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress: but no Senator or Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States, shall be appointed an Elector.”

Article II, Section I, Clause 4 states that:

“The Congress may determine the Time of chusing the Electors, and the Day on which they shall give their Votes; which Day shall be the same throughout the United States.”

The comment made in the above email (and by many others online) was that Pence has “plenary powers” to accept or reject the votes of electors.  What does the term plenary powers even mean?

Definition of plenary

“1: complete in every respect: ABSOLUTE, UNQUALIFIED – plenary power”

There is no absolute – plenary power stated in the Constitution with respect to the President of the Senate, who in this case was and is Vice President Mike Pence.  In fact, if you read what the Constitution specifically lays out here, the plenary powers are indicated as belonging to the states, not the federal government, as described by the Constitution’s framer’s:

Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct…

In other words, the states decide who the electors are going to be, they also get to decide how the electors must vote.  The states can also change the elector’s votes.  More on that later.

Article II, Section I, Clause 3 states that:

“The President of the Senate shall, in the Presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the Certificates, and the Votes shall then be counted.”

I only referenced a small section of clause 3 as the rest of it is superseded by the Twelfth Amendment.  Basically, the President of the Senate’s job is to preside over the Electoral College vote certification, that’s it. 

Where all these folks and even the attorney John Eastman got the idea that Mike Pence had the power to decide which elector’s votes count, and which elector’s votes do not – is beyond me.  I’m not seeing that power listed in the Constitution, are you?

What does the Electoral Count Act say about presidential elections?

Section four of the Electoral Count Act (which governs the counting of the electoral votes) states:

“[N]o electoral vote or votes from any State which shall have been regularly given by electors whose appointment has been lawfully certified to according to section three of this act from which but one return has been received shall be rejected, but the two Houses concurrently may reject the vote or votes when they agree that such vote or votes have not been so regularly given by electors whose appointment has been so certified.”

Note that it is specified that the two houses may reject a slate of electoral votes – not the presiding officer over the count, that would be the President of the Senate, in this case Mike Pence.

All quotes following are from The Conscientious Congressman’s Guide to the Electoral Count Act of 1887 unless otherwise specified.

On multiple slates of electors from one state (section four):

“[A]nd in such case of more than one return or paper purporting to be a return from a State, if there shall have been no such determination of the question in the State aforesaid, then those votes, and those only, shall be counted which the two Houses shall concurrently decide were cast by lawful electors appointed in accordance with the laws of the State, unless the two Houses, acting separately, shall concurrently decide such votes not to be the lawful votes of the legally appointed electors of such State. But if the two Houses shall disagree in respect of the counting of such votes, then, and in that case, the votes of the electors whose appointment shall have been certified by the Executive of the State, under the seal thereof, shall be counted.”

Again, the power resides with the two houses of Congress, NOT the presiding officer.

The Electoral Count Act was instituted to solve the problems and issues with counting the vote and dealing with past issues.  I won’t go into all that here, you can read more about past issues here.

To summarize the Act’s purpose:

“The ECA’s procedural provisions have two purposes. The first is to facilitate an expeditious meeting so that difficulties in electoral vote counts can be resolved, and a new President elected, before the current President’s term ends. The second is to drain away as much power as possible from the Senate President, whom the ECA appoints to preside at the joint session when Congress counts the votes.”

Sections four through seven detail actual electoral vote count procedure:

“Section 4 also called for the electoral returns from the states to be presented in alphabetical order.571 No debate is allowed in, and no question may be put to, the joint session.572 If there are any objections to a state’s vote, section 4 requires that it “be made in writing” and “be signed by at least one Senator and one Member of the House of Representatives.”573 After all the objections to the vote of a particular state are received, the Senate returns to its own chamber and the two houses independently debate and rule on the objections.574 Section 6 of the ECA limits debate at the separate meetings. Each congressman may speak only once, for up to five minutes, and the entire debate must end after two hours.”

Again, I cannot emphasize this enough, the power in the electoral vote count procedures rests in (A) the states, and (B) both houses of Congress.  The presiding officer, the President of the Senate, is largely a figurehead.

Some of this is open to debate of course, such as whether or not the presiding officer has the power to NOT present some of the electoral count slates (as in two sets from one state).  I personally don’t see an issue here – remembering that Article II, Section I, Clause 3 of the U.S. Constitution states that: the President of the Senate shall,  “open all the Certificates.”  Open ALL the votes in other words, I think that is pretty clear.

Then there is this:

“[T]he effect of [the amendment] is to prevent the President of the Senate from doing more than announcing the state of the vote as ascertained and delivered to him by the tellers; and such announcement shall be deemed a sufficient declaration of the persons, if any, elected President and Vice-President. Two things about the House of Representatives’s change should be noted. First, Congress was unwilling to allow the Senate President any minimal ability to interpret the outcome of the vote count. Second, the Conference Committee Report asserts that it is the tellers—mere minions of the two houses—who ascertain the vote. The Conference Report confirms that the Senate President is meant to be something of an automaton.”

As I stated before, Mike Pence in his role as President of the Senate, is largely a figurehead, or a ceremonial role if you will.

The so-called plenary power resides with the states.

“In the ruling of Bush v. Gore, the United States Supreme Court stated ‘the state legislature’s power to select the manner for appointing electors is plenary; it may, if it so chooses, select the electors itself, which indeed was the manner used by state legislatures in several States for many years after the framing of our Constitution. … The State, of course, after granting the franchise in the special context of Article II, can take back the power to appoint electors”

Remember also that any objections to elector votes must be endorsed in writing by one member of the House, and one from the Senate.  I recently wrote about this when Rep. Louie Gohmert sued Mike Pence over this very issue.  Gohmert and other Republicans stated that Pence had authority to unilaterally decide which electors votes should be counted.  That lawsuit was rightly tossed, Pence did not have that power.

Stop and think about this for a moment – who in their right mind would want the President of the Senate to have the power to decide an election?  It matters not what party the presiding officer of the vote count is.  What does matter is this:

If the officer that presides over the electoral vote count can make decisions that in effect decide the outcome of the presidential election, what happens to the voice of We the People?  Answer – we longer have one!  The candidates may as well be presented before Congress, and they or the President of the Senate can decide at will who the next president of the United States will be.

Lastly, objections to the 2020 vote WERE filed in the proper manner before Congress.  Both houses of Congress met (separately as required) and the objections were rejected.

The presidential election (and the Georgia runoff) of 2020 was without a doubt stolen.  The legitimate president of the United States is Donald J. Trump, not Joe Biden.

That being said, Trump was and is wrong in what he said and how he treated Mike Pence, I will NOT recant on that.  For the sake of our country, people ought to be glad that Pence had the character (in this case) to say he did not have the authority to decide, because as I exhaustively pointed out here via the Constitution and the Electoral Count Act – he did not.

© 2021 Greg Holt – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Greg Holt:

Article sources:
United States Senate
Florida Law Review
TCP News

Gutless Republican says Trump Must be Removed From Office Immediately, Chuck Schumer Cheers

By Greg Holt

Congress certified the electoral vote giving Joe Biden the win.

Republican representative Adam Kinzinger, after regrettable events on Capitol Hill said Thursday morning that President Trump must be removed from office.  According to Liberty Hub, Nancy Pelosi delivered an ultimatum to Vice President Mike Pence that if he does not invoke the 25th Amendment to immediately remove Trump, Congress will impeach and remove Trump from office.

From The National Pulse:

“Kinzinger said: ‘When pressed to move and denounce the violence he barely did so. While of course victimizing himself and seeming to give a wink and nod to those doing it. All indications are that the president has become unmoored not just from his duty or even his oath but from reality itself. It is for this reason that I call the VP and members of the cabinet to ensure the next few weeks are safe for the American people and that we have a sane captain of the ship.’”

President Trump called on all protestors to be peaceful, to respect law enforcement.  Trump also called in the National Guard to help deal with the violence.  Apparently these actions fall short.

Trump in my opinion did fall short in his comments attacking Mike Pence for refusing to decertify the electoral vote.  I personally do not like Pence (not because of this situation), but he did not at all deserve this kind of treatment from Trump.  The Vice President does NOT have the power to unilaterally decide what electoral votes are authentic and count, and those votes that do not.  Pence said as much, and I agree with him 100%.  President Trump owes Mike Pence an apology for this one.

According to Rep. Kinzinger’s statement (below), Trump “stoked” the fire that leapt out of the pit.  Trump also according to Mr. Kinzinger “abdicated his duty to protect the American people,” and he “invoked and inflamed passions that only gave fuel to the insurrection.”

Apparently if you are the president of the United States, or ran for election of said office, you are not allowed to express your opinion or your position on the election, unless your name is Al Gore of course.  The fundamental problem with Rep. Kinzinger and his overly strong rhetoric is that it’s all complete B.S. – it’s also character assassination, mischaracterization, propaganda for the Left, and downright dangerous.

Trump spoke to the people at the Capitol Hill rally, he stated that the election was stolen by the Left, he stated the media is complicit in the election theft along with Big Tech.  Trump also stated that “we will never give up, we will never concede,” “we will stop the steal.”  Trump stated during his speech that the military, secret service, and law enforcement etc. did a great job.  None of that sounds like incitement of the crowd to violence.

The Left and their supporters can say and do anything, and it is either normalized, celebrated, or ignored.  The media and Big Tech glorified the violence, looting, and burning in Minnesota following the death of George Floyd.  President Trump dares to stand up and defend himself and the country – and is immediately hammered for it.  Whatever Trump says is wrong, and he is accused of inciting mob violence.

A U.S. News headline said: Trump Summoned Supporters to ‘Wild’ Protest, and Told Them to Fight. They Did.  In the misleading article they quoted Trump as saying: “Big protest in DC on January 6th. Be there, will be wild!”  That was not at all the intent of that statement and I believe the writer knew it, but hey – it supports the Leftist viewpoint, Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Time’s article title said: Incited by the President, Trump Supporters Violently Storm the Capitol

The problem I have with this is that I personally don’t believe Trump supporters are the guilty parties here.  More like ANTIFA infiltrators and other wild and violent Democrat supporters seeking to make Trump and his supporters look bad.  Trump supporters (as a rule) do not act like this, they never have.  All Trump did was provide encouragement and thanked them for their support.  This is a way of keeping his options open as well, opening the possibility of a run in 2024.

Here is the truth of the matter, Trump can say what he likes, the actions of the Capitol Hill rioters is on them, not on Trump.  These people chose their own actions, Trump wasn’t there holding a gun to their heads and telling them to trash the Capitol and endanger others.


Trump spoke to the people, and told them to be peaceful, told them to go home, he also told them to respect law enforcement.  All the media got out of that statement was Trump’s comments about the election being stolen – pathetic.

© 2021 Greg Holt – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Greg Holt:

Article sources:
Liberty Hub
The National Pulse
The News & Observer
U.S. News

Senate Hopeful Raphael Warnock: This Pastor is NO Pastor, What is Wrong With Christians

By Greg Holt

I am literally amazed at the teaching out there that so-called Christians will follow and believe.

Raphael Warnock is a Democrat who also happens to be a pastor.  First I cannot understand how anyone can possibly say they are a believer in Jesus – and be a Democrat.  Does that sound a little too strong to you?  A little “off” maybe?  It’s not.

One absolutely cannot be a true believer in Jesus Christ and be a Democrat, can’t happen.  Why not you ask?  Simple – Democrats support the murder of helpless babies, the world calls it abortion, or the newest catch phrase, “women’s health.”  Since when does women’s health necessitate the inclusion of abortion?  And since when is ANY godly man or woman ok with killing babies?

God CREATED man (Genesis 1:27) and He did not create us for death, but rather life (John 10:10) God after all in the flesh sacrificed Himself for us, making a way for us when we were yet His enemies (Ephesians 2:1-10).  All life is important to God.  In Deuteronomy 30:19 God calls us to choose life, not death.  In Jeremiah 1:5, God says he knew us before we were formed in the womb – our spirit is eternal.  Psalm 139:13 says: For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. (ESV)  Job 31:5 says God made us, ALL of us.

If your faith decrees that abortion is ok, then your faith did not in any case come from or through Jesus Christ.  This so-called pastor is good with abortion, and accepts the endorsement of Planned Parenthood.  I’m here to tell you, unless this man repents, he WILL be one of the goats (Matthew 25:31-46) judged by Christ.  Our Lord will not accept lightly the condemnation of His little ones to a violent and painful death – an unnecessary and evil death.

Democrats also support the weakening of, or the destruction of the American Constitution – our unique form of government that was designed by those who worship God.  Our government was designed around the belief in God, and that those who governed would be led by a faith in Jesus Christ.  The Constitution, the entirety of the great American experiment, was not designed with secular unbelievers (humanists) in mind, but rather God.

“The right to freedom being the gift of God Almighty, it is not in the power of man to alienate this gift and voluntarily become a slave… These may be best understood by reading and carefully studying the institutes of the great Law Giver and Head of the Christian Church, which are to be found clearly written and promulgated in the New Testament.”  —Samuel Adams (Source)

“The liberty enjoyed by the people of these states of worshiping Almighty God agreeably to their conscience, is not only among the choicest of their blessings, but also of their rights.” —George Washington  (Source)

“Firstly I commit my Soul into the hands of God, its great and benevolent author.”  —Josiah Bartlett  (Source)

“We have staked the whole future of our new nation, not upon the power of government; far from it. We have staked the future of all our political constitutions upon the capacity of each of ourselves to govern ourselves according to the moral principles of the Ten Commandments of God.”  —James Madison  (Source)

There are many more quotes where these came from, the Founding Fathers very obviously had a strong faith in God, this faith guided their actions and decisions in framing the government and this faith was worth protecting.

Raphael Warnock is running for office, whatever, that’s fine.  He stated in 2011 that one CANNOT serve God, and serve in the military.  WHAT???

“‘America, nobody can serve God and the military,’ Warnock said in the sermon delivered at Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, where he serves as senior pastor.”  (Source)

So I have to ask, what does Warnock have to say about Moses?  Or King David? How about King Nebuchadnezzar (Jeremiah 27:6) whom God referred to as His servant?  What about Elijah, a major prophet of God – who slew hundreds of people (1 Kings 18), the prophets of Baal?

God has no issues with the military, this is made up nonsense in Warnock’s head.

Warnock also saidthat Americans need to repent for their worship of whiteness.  How’s that again?

In an interview with Tim Bryant, Warnock stated that abortion is consistent with his philosophy as a Christian minister.

“‘I believe unequivocally in a woman’s right to choose, and that the decision is something that we don’t want government engaged in – that’s between her and her doctor and her minister,’ he said, adding that, during his campaign, he has been ‘focused on women’s health, women’s choice, reproductive justice. That is consistent with my view as a Christian minister. And I will fight for it.’

When Bryant asked him, ‘Do you think it’s consistent with God’s view – that God endorses the millions of abortions we’ve had in this country since Roe v. Wade?’ Warnock replied, ‘I think that human agency and freedom is consistent with my view as a minister.’”  (Source)

Reproductive justice?  Seriously???  Where I would like to ask is the justice for the human baby that was ripped to shreds in the womb with a pair of forceps and then vacuumed out like the dirt on your rug?  What about that pastor Warnock?

Raphael Warnock is the pastor of a megachurch, how this happened is beyond me given what he supports.  His flock is woefully misled, and those who would vote for this man are as well.  A believer in Christ must be guided by what Jesus teaches, not what the world says is ok, and not what those who would fill the coffers are ok with.

Read more on Inspirational Christian Blogs

Read my three most recent articles:

ALERT! Free Speech is in Serious Danger: WordPress AGAIN Shuts Down a Huge Conservative Site

Election Auditors, IT Specialists, and Data Analysts Among Others Speak: Overwhelming Evidence of Voter Fraud – Enough to Change the Election

Did Joe Biden Use THE HAMMER to Steal the Election?

Don’t forget to follow TCP News on ParlerUSA LifeGabFacebook, and Twitter

Let’s all continue to fight political correctness, indoctrination, Leftist propaganda, liberalism, and keep sharing the truth – knowledge is power.  Until next time…

© 2021 Greg Holt – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Greg Holt:

The Daily Caller should change their name to: The Daily Propagandist

By Greg Holt

Fox news has fallen to the Leftist regime, and now apparently The Daily Caller is in hot pursuit of the Leftist dogma train.  The list is getting smaller every day of news outlets that can actually be trusted.  Conservative outlets NEED your support, including this one.  Sign up for our daily news brief and desktop notifications and bypass the censorship machine.

From The Daily Caller:

“Occam’s Razor needs to be applied more broadly in the debate over free speech online. If you think your political position is being suppressed by Facebook or Google or Twitter, it probably isn’t. More likely, your post was taken down because you violated a rule and then interpreted the take down as a nefarious attempt at censorship.”

This is complete nonsense written by someone with no comprehension of what censorship entails obviously, the man is completely oblivious to what goes on in the world around him, or chooses not to see it for what it is – like most Leftists.  Let’s look at Occam’s Razor and what precisely that means.

Merriam-Webster defines it this way: a scientific and philosophical rule that entities should not be multiplied unnecessarily which is interpreted as requiring that the simplest of competing theories be preferred to the more complex or that explanations of unknown phenomena be sought first in terms of known quantities.

In other words, simple is better.  Today it’s known as the KISS principle – keep it simple stupid.  Keeping it simple, and the words “social media” should not even be in the same sentence.  Censorship is real, despite what Mr. Rinehart’s blasé attitude has to say about it.  The rules on what is ok, and what is not ok are constantly evolving.  Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook and Jack Dorsey of Twitter make it up as they go along.  What was ok last week might not be this week.

Just ask conservatives if censorship is real – Facebook groups and pages taken down, posts deleted or marked as fake news, unscientific etc, and people are routinely tossed into Facebook jail.  Posts on Twitter are deleted or slapped with “this claim is disputed,” or people’s accounts are shut down or deleted, and posts are shadow-banned etc.

“If you think your political position is being suppressed by Facebook or Google or Twitter, it probably isn’t. More likely, your post was taken down because you violated a rule…”

While it is true that Facebook has censored Leftists on occasion, it is the exception rather than the rule.  Where Rineheart comes up with the utterly ridiculous conclusion that our political opinions are not censored I can’t even begin to fathom.  This statement is such a bald-faced lie, not to mention so incredibly obtuse and stupid, it’s almost unbelievable that he actually said this.

There are countless sites on the Internet that have been banned from Facebook, pages and groups with hundreds of thousands and even millions of followers/likes/members – gone, just like that.  Why?  Because Facebook did not like or agree with their political position, or objected to their stance on vaccines – and climate change.

Rinehart tries (unsuccessfully) to pass this off as a simple matter of not following the rules.  Hold on a minute here Mr. Rineheart.  Since when was not being allowed to express your opinion of a given situation involved with breaking rules?  Since when did being a conservative, and/or a Republican, and expounding on those views violate Facebook’s rules?

Rineheart is simply expressing the same Leftist propaganda as everyone else on the Left is – except that he is now dressing up differences in opinion, and not blindly following group think, as violating rules – and therefore acceptable.

Legitimate rules do not prohibit one from expressing their opinion on a given subject, nor do they prevent people from participating in discourse – even spirited debate.  This is not about breaking rules – this is all about censorship, and this is all about removing America’s right to free speech in favor of the given social media platform’s supposed “right” to dictate what is and what isn’t ok to think and to say.

There are rules that should be enforced, posts that encourage violence, terrorism, abuse of any kind etc – these posts can and should be removed, and the posters in some cases reported to the police or other appropriate authorities.

Limiting what can or cannot be said on the subjects of politics, vaccines, climate change, and other pet Leftist concerns is censorship, plain and simple – there is no way around that.  This is a main tenant of socialism and communism – only what is “party” approved will see the light of day.

Removing the right of free speech only has one purpose regardless of who or what entity is engaged in doing so – control of the sheeple.  Control the narrative, and you control the sheeple.

Remember Hitler?  By the time the sheeple figured out what he was really doing, it was far too late.

I posit to each one of you reading this, that the Democrats are doing the very same thing.  Not the killing obviously (or not so obviously for the Leftist trolls) but rather to bring their brand of thinking to the forefront, to put a stop to all dissent, to achieve a state where no one can or will disagree with the socialist mandated concepts imposed on the sheeple. These people are also attempting to erase history that doesn’t jive with the current group think.

Control the narrative, control everything and everyone else.

Will Rineheart and the Left would have you believe that this is all for your own good, and BTW – it’s fair.

Stand up, speak up.  Or your ability to do so will soon be gone.  This is what is at stake in whether or not Donald Trump prevails in his bid to retain office.

Tell us what you think in the E-Mail below.

© 2020 Greg Holt – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Greg Holt:

Article sources:
The Daily Caller
I Am Not Ashamed Of The Gospel Of Christ!
TCP News

Longtime Democrat Strategist Masterminding the 2020 Election Steal

By Greg Holt

A powerful Democrat operative attorney is determined that Trump Will lose

Democrats have been filing lawsuits, since LAST summer in order to – you guessed it, overturn/change election rules.  Specifically, what votes, the type of vote, when they are submitted, how they are collected, how long after the election votes are considered legitimate, and changing voter ID laws.  Are you sensing a problem here yet?

Since the election Democrats have been busy.  First the Dems attempted to overturn the results of the election of Donald Trump in 2016 (while currently informing us that we should all accept the election results today, for the good of the nation of course).  Then they attempted to have Trump removed from office.  There was then a seamless transition into attempts (still ongoing) to change election rules in order to favor the Democrats.

Favor the Democrats is just another catch-phrase for CHEATING.

There are lawsuits filed in 14 or more states right now.

“Apparently, calling the process voting-by-mail didn’t gain traction with the public. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) told MSNBC on May 20 it will now be called ‘voting at home.’ Voting in person is ‘a health issue’ in the era of the pandemic, she said.”

Mail-in voting is said to be particularly susceptible to fraud 

The Epoch Times reports:

“‘The consensus among people who study fraud carefully is that voting by mail is a much more fertile area for fraud than voting in person,’ Charles Stewart, a professor of political science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, told National Public Radio (NPR) in 2018.”

The lawyer who is spearheading the legal push?  Marc Elias.  Recognize the name?

This is none other than the attorney of record who works for the high-powered Democratic law firm Perkins Coie.  The same lawyer who hired Fusion GPS – who hired former British spy Christopher Steele, who in turn wrote the infamous Steele dossier.  Elias was also an attorney for the DNC and Hillary Clinton – both of which financed the spurious Steele dossier.  Is it coming into focus now?

Elias is out to implement some changes in voting, changes that could have serious repercussions.

These changes are called the Four Pillars – which consist of:

  • Postage for mail-in ballots must be paid for by the government
  • All ballots mailed out on or before Election Day must be counted
  • Signature matching laws must be changed in order to protect voters
  • Community organizations are to be allowed to collect and deliver “voted” and sealed ballots

Does anyone else see the ENORMOUS potential for fraud here, or is it just me?  Stacey Abrams (who thinks she is the governor of Georgia) calls these Pillars “the Gold Standard.”

Did you know that these pillars have already been included in legislation?

Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions (HEROES) Act 
VoteSafe Act 
Natural Disaster and Emergency Ballot Act

Did you also know that Oregon, Washington, Colorado, Utah, and Hawaii carry out their elections wholly by mail?

In Minnesota the attempt is being made that votes received via the mail should be accepted through November 10th.  This is ridiculous, that would (did) allow plenty of time to “find” many new votes.

The Democrats are trying to use the so-called pandemic as an excuse to, or in their eyes, an absolute need to change the voting rules.  This is nothing short of pure election fraud, tampering, and election theft.

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 8th Circuit ruled that the Minnesota consent decree authorizing votes to be counted until November 10th to be overriding the role of the state legislature.  The Justices also said that “There is no pandemic exception to the Constitution.”

In Wisconsin:

“President Donald Trump’s attempt to overturn Wisconsin’s election results by tossing ballots only from the state’s two most heavily Democratic counties is an ‘assault on democracy,’ attorneys for Democratic Gov. Tony Evers said in filings with the Wisconsin Supreme Court.”

Here is the problem, Trump won almost ALL of Wisconsin.  But in two counties (which just so happen to have as much or more population than all the rest of Wisconsin put together) the vote was heavily for Biden.  Throw in some nefarious voting practices, such as accepting votes in a public park, and one has to wonder about the results of said vote.

In Michigan:

“In court filings and interviews, Republican poll challengers and lawyers said they witnessed election workers engage in wrongdoing at the TCF Center, a convention center in downtown Detroit, and were excluded from the ballot-checking process.”

Leftists (including WSJ) say that there is no evidence of this.  Funny, there is story after story of elections misconduct, like #DetroitLeaks which TCP News reported on.  The evidence is refused, buried, ignored, and ridiculed all because the media is almost wholly on Joe Biden’s side.

I just reported on #MaidenGate a few days ago.  Clever election thieves used the maiden names of women to vote without their knowledge of course.

On election night, Trump was ahead by HUNDREDS of thousands of votes.  Suddenly in the overnight hours, the vote count was stopped, and voilà, Biden is ahead and winning by a large margin.  Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see that there is a problem here.

Rudy Giuliani: The key fraud is the mail-in ballot. That was the backup in case they fell too far behind. That’s why they cut off the vote at midnight, 1:00 o’clock, when President Trump was getting too far ahead, particularly in Pennsylvania, in Michigan, in Wisconsin, and also in, uh, Pennsylvania.”

People need to be aware of what is happening here, namely the largest ever perpetuated election fraud, hoax, coup attempt, and insurrection event ever conceived of.  Yes I said insurrection – never forget, the pen is mightier than the sword.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Greg Holt:

Article sources:
The Epoch Times
The Washington Post
Star Tribune
The Wall Street Journal
The Mental Recession
TCP News

Senate Hopeful Raphael Warnock: This Pastor is NO Pastor at All: What is Wrong With Christians?

By Greg Holt

I am literally amazed at the teaching out there that so-called Christians will follow and believe.

Raphael Warnock is a Democrat who also happens to be a pastor.  First I cannot understand how anyone can possibly say they are a believer in Jesus – and be a Democrat.  Does that sound a little too strong to you?  A little “off” maybe?  It’s not.

One absolutely cannot be a true believer in Jesus Christ and be a Democrat, can’t happen.  Why not you ask?  Simple – Democrats support the murder of helpless babies, the world calls it abortion, or the newest catch phrase, “women’s health.”  Since when does women’s health necessitate the inclusion of abortion?  And since when is ANY godly man or woman OK with killing babies?

God CREATED man (Genesis 1:27) and He did not create us for death, but rather life (John 10:10) God after all in the flesh sacrificed Himself for us, making a way for us when we were yet His enemies (Ephesians 2:1-10).  All life is important to God.  In Deuteronomy 30:19 God calls us to choose life, not death.  In Jeremiah 1:5, God says he knew us before we were formed in the womb – our spirit is eternal.  Psalm 139:13 says: For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. (ESV)  Job 31:5 says God made us, ALL of us.

If your faith decrees that abortion is ok, then your faith did not in any case come from or through Jesus Christ.  This so-called pastor is good with abortion, and accepts the endorsement of Planned Parenthood.  I’m here to tell you, unless this man repents, he WILL be one of the goats (Matthew 25:31-46) judged by Christ.  Our Lord will not accept lightly the condemnation of His little ones to a violent and painful death – an unnecessary and evil death.

Democrats also support the weakening of, or the destruction of the American Constitution – our unique form of government that was designed by those who worship God.  Our government was designed around the belief in God, and that those who governed would be led by a faith in Jesus Christ.  The Constitution, the entirety of the great American experiment, was not designed with secular unbelievers (humanists) in mind, but rather God.

“The right to freedom being the gift of God Almighty, it is not in the power of man to alienate this gift and voluntarily become a slave… These may be best understood by reading and carefully studying the institutes of the great Law Giver and Head of the Christian Church, which are to be found clearly written and promulgated in the New Testament.” —Samuel Adams (Source)

“The liberty enjoyed by the people of these states of worshiping Almighty God agreeably to their conscience, is not only among the choicest of their blessings, but also of their rights.”
George Washington  (Source)

“Firstly I commit my Soul into the hands of God, its great and benevolent author.”  —Josiah Bartlett  (Source)

“We have staked the whole future of our new nation, not upon the power of government; far from it. We have staked the future of all our political constitutions upon the capacity of each of ourselves to govern ourselves according to the moral principles of the Ten Commandments of God.”  James Madison  (Source)

There are many more quotes where these came from, the Founding Fathers very obviously had a strong faith in God, this faith guided their actions and decisions in framing the government and this faith was worth protecting.

Raphael Warnock is running for office, whatever, that’s fine.  He stated in 2011 that one CANNOT serve God, and serve in the military.  WHAT???

“‘America, nobody can serve God and the military,’ Warnock said in the sermon delivered at Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, where he serves as senior pastor.”  (Source)

So I have to ask, what does Warnock have to say about Moses?  Or King David?  How about King Nebuchadnezzar (Jeremiah 27:6) whom God referred to as His servant?  What about Elijah, a major prophet of God – who slew hundreds of people (1 Kings 18), the prophets of Baal?

God has no issues with the military, this is made up nonsense in Warnock’s head.

Warnock also said that Americans need to repent for their worship of whiteness.  How’s that again?

In an interview with Tim Bryant, Warnock stated that abortion is consistent with his philosophy as a Christian minister.

“‘I believe unequivocally in a woman’s right to choose, and that the decision is something that we don’t want government engaged in – that’s between her and her doctor and her minister,’ he said, adding that, during his campaign, he has been ‘focused on women’s health, women’s choice, reproductive justice. That is consistent with my view as a Christian minister. And I will fight for it.’

When Bryant asked him, ‘Do you think it’s consistent with God’s view – that God endorses the millions of abortions we’ve had in this country since Roe v. Wade?’ Warnock replied, ‘I think that human agency and freedom is consistent with my view as a minister.’” (Source)

Reproductive justice?  Seriously???  Where I would like to ask is the justice for the human baby that was ripped to shreds in the womb with a pair of forceps and then vacuumed out like the dirt on your rug?  What about that pastor Warnock?

Raphael Warnock is the pastor of a megachurch, how this happened is beyond me given what he supports.  His flock is woefully misled, and those who would vote for this man are as well.  A believer in Christ must be guided by what Jesus teaches, not what the world says is ok, and not what those who would fill the coffers are OK with.

Read more on Inspirational Christian Blogs

© 2020 Greg Holt – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Greg Holt:

Read my three most recent articles:

ALERT! Free Speech is in Serious Danger: WordPress AGAIN Shuts Down a Huge Conservative Site

Election Auditors, IT Specialists, and Data Analysts Among Others Speak: Overwhelming Evidence of Voter Fraud – Enough to Change the Election

Did Joe Biden Use THE HAMMER to Steal the Election?

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Let’s all continue to fight political correctness, indoctrination, Leftist propaganda, liberalism, and keep sharing the truth – knowledge is power.  Until next time…

Despite the Democrats sworn lapdogs saying the election was secure – the evidence says otherwise in a big way

By Greg Holt

Election Auditors, IT Specialists, and Data Analysts Among Others Speak: Overwhelming Evidence of Voter Fraud – Enough to Change the Election

The mainstream media these days is nothing but a collection of lying, worthless, good-for-nothing lapdogs that have no journalistic integrity and are incapable of reporting the truth.  The media’s bias – their slant if you will, in Joe Biden’s favor is so glaringly obvious a child can see it.

What is also obvious (unless you are a Democrat, a Big Tech owner, or media personality) is that there is a YUGE amount of corruption involved in the 2020 presidential election.

According to Joe Hoft of The Gateway Pundit, there is enough evidence of illegitimate votes to overturn the election – RIGHT NOW.

“In a little over a week, groups of volunteer IT specialists, Data Analysts, Auditors and more, have uncovered enough potential fraud to overturn the 2020 Election.”

There is plenty of evidence of fraud as we have already reported on.  Other reports detail:

In GA, 818 People Voted Only for Trump, Not Senate Race. For Biden, It Was 95,801

Ya’ don’t SAY: You’ll NEVER guess why Dems Warren, Klobuchar, and Wyden issued a formal complaint against Dominion in 2019 (ok, you MIGHT)

Big Data to the Rescue: The Electoral College Meets Data Pattern Science (READ major fraud)

Poll Data: Stunning Percentage of Registered Voters Think Biden Is Not Legitimate Winner

Steve Cortes Discusses “The Election of Statistical Improbabilities” – GA With 95,000 Biden Only Votes…

The mainstream media can “splain” all they want – there is way too much evidence to simply set aside allegations of fraud as Right-wing conspiracy theories.

As referenced above, even the Democrats filed a complaint concerning Dominion Voting Systems – for…electronic vote switching – how curious.  But this was the Democrats, their claims are legitimate.

THE HAMMER and SCORECARD needs to be assessed and evaluated.  With all the evidence of vote switching, this cannot be ignored.  Ignoring the evidence in full view of massive vote/election fraud is detrimental to the stability, to the health of our nation.  One cannot have a healthy and stable form of government when a group of operatives consistently seek to undermine the underpinnings (the Constitution, the Bill of Rights) of our country in order to achieve their own dark and destructive agendas.

General Michael Flynn said concerning the election and the Left:

“We cannot allow the opposing leftist agenda to continue enabling the fleecing of America, peddling connected-influence for cash, exploiting American innovation for an elitist self-serving purpose, wielding official power and influence as a means to ensure personal gain while exercising mass control and selling out our American ideals for ideologies to pursue what the leftists would like as ‘common and normal.’”

Big Leagues Politics posted a video detailing election corruption in Michigan – and the Michigan AG threatened them and basically said take it down or else (#DetriotLeaks)

TCP News Staff wrote yesterday of another USPS whistleblower – whom the media is working feverishly to discredit of course.

How about this gem: CNN compares Donald Trump to the Nazis and their purge of the Jewish people.

WOW – really???

But don’t you worry, not because God said we are not to worry, but because the Leftist Democrats said they have it all under control.  Rather Biden and Harris will have it all under control and will rectify the horrible mistakes etc. of the Trump presidency – yes seriously.

Watch – have your barf bag ready.

Have you ever heard of Benford’s law?  This is a very interesting piece of information – a computational system that is capable of finding irregularities in voting counts.  The media is of course out to deny and destroy this as usual claiming Benford’s law proves nothing.  Hmmm, the following would to any thinking person seem to suggest otherwise:

“Though many are unfamiliar with it, Benford’s law is a computational system that has been used time and time again to unearth election fraud. It was used in the 2000 and 2004 presidential elections, for instance, as well as in the 2003 California gubernatorial election. It has also been admitted as evidence in criminal cases at the federal, state and local levels.”

Biden’s number are unnatural, as in not normal, as in fraudulent.

Lets be very clear here – the ONLY reason Biden-Harris appear to have won is because they utilized widespread fraud.  The numbers and the evidence bear this out.

#2020Steal  #StopTheSteal  #IllegitimateBiden

© 2020 Greg Holt – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Greg Holt:


True The Vote
Every Legal Vote
Contact Elected Officials

Don’t forget to follow TCP News on ParlerUSA LifeGabFacebook, and Twitter

Let’s all continue to fight political correctness, indoctrination, Leftist propaganda, liberalism, and keep sharing the truth – knowledge is power.  Until next time…

Did Joe Biden Use THE HAMMER to Steal the Election?

By Greg Holt

The vote tally was moving in Trump’s favor – suddenly overnight Biden is winning, how?

Having personally monitored the election, I noted of course how well Trump was doing – despite the fact that Biden had more electoral votes.  In fact, Donald Trump was on track, strongly I might add to win the election.  Overnight, poof – just like that Biden is winning.  How did this happen?

On election night at 9:23pm I predicted Trump would win, here is why:

“Two states marked as a win for Biden are now being led by Trump, Virginia and Rhode Island.

If Trump wins all states he is leading in and already projected to win, he has 265 electoral votes out of the needed 270 to win. Then there are still 94 electoral votes up for grabs. Biden is likely to win California (55 votes), but Trump only needs 5 in this scenario.

As of 9:23 PM CST – TCP News is predicting Donald J. Trump as the winner.”

Trump was at that point already winning the central U.S.  He was ahead in Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Georgia, and was gaining in Texas.  A chunk of the western U.S. was still up for grabs.  As noted above, if Trump won the states he was leading, and one more, like Nevada, he would win the election.

Then overnight, suddenly Biden is winning in Michigan, by over a 100,000 votes, and Biden is also winning Wisconsin.  How did this happen?

“Trump had a sizable lead in Michigan last night, I saw this myself.  Then out of nowhere, Biden surges ahead with 100,000’s of votes with none for Trump?  This smells of voter fraud.  Trump should have and still should win Michigan.”

Supposedly the sudden influx of votes in Michigan was a typo.  Except that I noted Biden was still ahead with a comfortable lead even after the “typo” was fixed.  Then there is the lead Trump had in Virginia and Rhode Island as stated above, except that these states were called for Biden.  Another “TYPO”?

What if there was a supercomputer, and what if this supercomputer had a computer software program that was capable of election tampering at the state level?

What if I told you there actually IS such a computer, and there IS such a program?

Judge for yourself:


Obama and Biden allegedly utilized this system to win the 2012 election; this system was also allegedly used for spying on other important figures.

According to This West is Our West:

“Montgomery claims that Brennan and Clapper used the super-surveillance system Montgomery designed to spy on Article III federal judges, including the onetime head of the FISA court Judge Reggie Walton, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, and Chief Justice of U.S. Supreme Court John Roberts.

Montgomery’s revelations about his super-surveillance system THE HAMMER call into question Chief Justice Robert’s strange and inexplicable 2012 decision that stood in direct opposition to his own stated legal argument. At the eleventh hour, Roberts flipped and supported the individual mandate for President Obama’s highly unpopular Affordable Care Act.

Montgomery, who is constrained by non-disclosure agreements, has spoken about the system but has not publicly identified the system by name. The secretly-recorded “Whistleblower Tapes” identify the name of the system as “THE HAMMER,” as we first reported in our March 17, 2017 exclusive exposé. The March 2017 WikiLeaks CIA Vault 7 document dump confirms the name of the system as THE HAMMER (HAMR).”

Whistleblower Dennis Montgomery had 47 hard drives of evidence that prove THE HAMMER exists.  He gave those hard drives to the FBI.  Any guesses as to who it was that ran the FBI at this point?

James Comey’s FBI effectively buried this information.  Montgomery was himself for all intents and purposes muzzled.

Does this ring any bells for anyone?  How about how the fact that the FBI had an inside witness to the Uranium One deal with Russia that Hillary Clinton helped push through and that effectively screwed the U.S.?  This witness was also muzzled.

How about a little more recent news – the effective silencing of, and the successful attempt to remove General Michael Flynn from the White House as one of Trump’s key advisors?  Flynn remember knows his way around the intelligence community and knew things.

How about the spying campaign on Trump?  It sounds like the spying was going on longer than previously thought according to This West is Our West:

“Montgomery’s identification, by name, of one particular U.S. citizen that Montgomery insists was under constant surveillance “for years” by Obama, Brennan, and Clapper via THE HAMMER has led Obama’s inner circle to take desperate measures.

The name of that U.S. citizen targeted by THE HAMMER is Donald J. Trump.”

Would it further surprise anyone that John Brennan (Obama’s CIA master) and James Clapper (Obama’s National Intelligence Czar) were allegedly involved in this entire affair?

Here is another bombshell for you:

“According to Montgomery, the FBI, under Director Robert Mueller’s leadership, provided the computers for THE HAMMER super-surveillance system.”  (Source)

And now comes the revelation that this supercomputer (using the SCORECARD program) – capable of directly interfering in the election process via state computer systems data transfer points, is being used against Donald Trump to hand the election to Joe Biden.

This would explain then how Trump could be winning, and boom – Biden is suddenly winning.  Along with the other Democrat winning ways of course.

There needs to be a very intensive and thorough investigation into all of this.

I encourage you to take the time to read the two articles that I used as the sources for this article.

The America Report – The Hammer

This West is Our West – Montgomery, ‘the Hammer’ Surveillance System Whistleblower, Became the Deep State’s Enemy Number One After Exposing the Truth

These are both good articles, the second article is long and very extensive.  There is a lot of evidence and detailed research in this one along with a comprehensive timeline of events concerning the HAMMER, Strzok and Page, Brennan and Clapper, FISA abuse, origin of the Russia collusion investigation etc.  Well worth the time to read it.

I am grateful and wish to thank Lyle Rapacki for bringing this information to my attention.

Lyle Rapacki – Director Governmental and Political Affairs

Author – TCP News

© 2020 Greg Holt – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Greg Holt:

Read my three most recent articles:

Overnight 100,000’s of Ballets Suddenly Appear for Biden – How’s That Again??? – Updated

A Vote for Biden-Harris is a Vote for Abortion, Socialism, Gun Confiscation, More Lockdowns, and Loss of Freedoms

Don’t forget to follow TCP News on ParlerUSA LifeGabFacebook, and Twitter

Let’s all continue to fight political correctness, indoctrination, Leftist propaganda, liberalism, and keep sharing the truth – knowledge is power.  Until next time…

Social Media Terrorism: Jack Dorsey Admits That ‘Mob Rule’ Drives Twitter’s Decisions

By Greg Holt

CEO Jack Dorsey admitted to allowing “mob rule” to decide policy on Twitter in testimony before Congress.

Mob rule at Twitter has been a known fact for a long time now; the only difference is the head of the company admitted it publically.

Dorsey in his testimony said in part:

“Section 230 is the Internet’s most important law for free speech and safety. Weakening Section 230 protections will remove critical speech from the Internet.

Twitter’s purpose is to serve the public conversation. People from around the world come together on Twitter in an open and free exchange of ideas. We want to make sure conversations on Twitter are healthy and that people feel safe to express their points of view. We do our work recognizing that free speech and safety are interconnected and can sometimes be at odds. We must ensure that all voices can be heard” (Source – and all quotes following)

This is pretty rich coming from a platform that heavily engages in censorship.  Where Dorsey gets off saying that there is an “open and free exchange of ideas” is beyond me.  Let us remember that it was Twitter that immediately banned the New York Post’s article on the damning evidence contained on Hunter Biden’s laptop.

Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook had this to say:

“At Facebook, we don’t think tech companies should be making so many decisions about these important issues alone.”

How is it that Zuckerberg can sit before Congress and blatantly lie like this?  Facebook allows all manner of content from those who align with the far-left, liberalism, socialism etc.  For anyone who aligns with the right, there are vastly different rules.  Posts are removed, other posts are tagged as being false, fake news, and unscientific – with so-called proof attached from Facebook’s “experts.”  Facebook also likes to reduce distribution of pages content in the Newsfeed for alleged fake news, false information etc.  Conservative accounts are locked out for weeks and even months at a time, or accounts are permanently disabled.  These things have all happened to people I know, and some of this has happened to my accounts on Facebook.

Yes exactly!  Big Tech’s CEOs obviously want Section 230 to remain untouched and in full force and effect. They also think that social media should continue to be shielded and protected while these vast platforms with worldwide reach continue to censor any and all content they personally disagree with – while they unilaterally hand out punishments for going against the grain.  Or in other words, censoring those who disagree with the liberal/socialistic/progressive/Democratic viewpoint.

As long as Facebook, Twitter, Google and their properties, and other Leftist aligned media companies of all types are allowed to censor content at will – there will be no free elections, PERIOD.

This, in my opinion is a blatant lie.  Dorsey knows full well the power that his company (Twitter) wields.  If he didn’t, there would be no reason for Twitter and the rest of these companies to engage in such heavy-handed censorship of content that supports another and different opinion(s) from theirs.

Toward the end of the back and forth, Cruz laid into Dorsey: “Who the hell elected you and put you in charge of what the media are allowed to report and what the American people are allowed to hear?” 

Well said Mr. Cruz, I believe he speaks for the majority of Americans.  This could of course be said to all of these Big Tech CEOs, as well as most of the mainstream media.  Who died and made you people God?

Anyone who has spent any amount of time on social media, or did their own research concerning search results, listened to, read, or watched media reports – knows that there is incredible bias and censorship.  To not acknowledge this fact is dishonest, disingenuous, an insult to everyone’s intelligence, and a flat out lie.

The media should go back to actual reporting and real journalism.  Most of these people wouldn’t know what journalism is if it walked up and slapped them in the face.

Wikipedia (I know) actually states this very well:

“Journalism is unbiased production and distribution of reports on current or past events based on facts and supported with proofs or evidences.”  (Source)

Note that little word there, unbiased.  Also note the word proof.  As I said, most of these individuals and companies have no idea of, nor are they actively engaged in journalism.

If one wants to combine news with opinion (which is fine), then one cannot label this as straight-up journalism.  That is the whole problem here – CNN, CBS, ABC, NBC, MSNBC, and so on all claim they are journalists. NO – they are not.

I write opinion mixed with fact, this is called opinion journalism.  I don’t claim to be a straight-up journalist, because I’m not.  That is not the case with the mainstream media.  These so-called reporters lie, make it up as they go along, report only what the editor says they can report, omit facts, slant their “reporting” to support whom they choose, editorialize and call it factual reporting, all the while claiming impartiality.  What a joke.

Journalism is largely dead, and the mainstream media killed it long ago.  Fairness and free speech is pretty much nonexistent on Big Tech.USA Life, Gab and Parler are a couple of notable exceptions.

Freedom of speech, the free and open exchanges of ideas, the ability for all to express their opinions – both liberal and conservative, is largely a thing of the past.  This unconstitutional removal of our God-given rights will largely become cemented in stone should Joe Biden win the election.

Get out and vote on November 3rd America – it’s more important now than ever.


© 2020 Greg Holt – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Greg Holt:

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Let’s all continue to fight political correctness, indoctrination, Leftist propaganda, liberalism, and keep sharing the truth – knowledge is power.  Until next time…

Joe Biden’s plan to Improve Policing: Handcuff Cops so They Can’t do Their Job!

By Greg Holt

Biden is on the move, solving the nations problems.  Oh right, that is a Leftist fantasy, I forgot for a moment there.

So, did Biden’s handlers screw up, or is it that they too believe in this so-called “plan” to improve our nation’s policing operations?  I would venture to say that the Leftist morons who use a couple of chunks of dirt instead of brain cells to do their thinking – actually buy into this idiocy.

Check it out:

So a police officer goes on a 911 call.  He or she has their trusty psychologist or psychiatrist with them.  Who is in charge of what happens while responding to this call?  The officer who is trained in this type of response, or the head shrink who has no idea what to do other than talk?

What happens when the 911 call turns violent?  The officer now has another person to protect that is untrained and could potentially be used as a hostage.  Not to mention the fact that said person may well get in the way, and contradict the officer’s actions.

What happens when during the course of the incident, the psych-person says wait, lets talk – the criminal whips out the gun the officer knew/suspected he had, and shoots and kills the officer and maybe the doc?  Well now that worked well didn’t it?

How about domestic abuse calls?  Instead of arresting anyone, lets talk about it, despite the fact that the perp has been talked to many times previously.  The next call received is for a homicide, committed by the perp who the doc said we need to talk to, what then?

This is nothing more than an extremely dangerous, and poorly thought out (if thinking was involved at all) way of handcuffing the police and neutering their effectiveness while showing that the Dems are willing to fund the police after all.

Do you want a safe America, or an America where criminals have free reign and the cops just talk to them?  We wouldn’t want to infringe on their rights to free expression after all – even if that expression includes a little rioting, burning down buildings, looting, and some killing too, right?  Right?

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Greg Holt:

Read my three most recent articles:

Woman Fears for Her Life After Seeing Trump Yard Signs – What???

Bears Former Head Coach Mike Ditka: ‘And if you can’t respect this country, get the hell out of it’

The 2020 Election, Liberalism, Joe Biden, Domestic Terrorists, and the USSA

Let’s all continue to fight political correctness, indoctrination, Leftist propaganda, liberalism, and keep sharing the truth – knowledge is power.  Until next time…

Woman Fears for Her Life After Seeing Trump Yard Signs

By Greg Holt

A woman sees Trump yard signs at a rental, and “I immediately was terrified and scared for my life and family safety.”

Wow – seriously?  Can anyone really be this pathetically stupid?  These are the kinds of idiots our nations indoctrination institutes (you may know them better as schools and colleges) regularly turn out.

If a simple yard sign traumatizes (Trumpatizes?) you, then what the liberals precious Democrats stand for should literally scare the hell out of you.

My husband rented a place in Maine and when we arrived in the evening we saw Trump yard signs and other white nationalist symbols. I immediately was terrified and scared for my life and family safety

— Cary Bueno, Ph.D (@CarycruzBueno) September 24, 2020

I’m sure it’s only coincidence, but Ph.DBueno’s Twitter is suddenly private.

How far we have fallen as a nation, academia doesn’t turn out intelligent well-rounded highly qualified individuals anymore, no instead our indoctrination centers turn out people so brainwashed in Leftist dogma that they can see a simple yard sign and be terrified for their life.

This is opposed to what?  Seeing Black Lives Matter and Antifa rioting, looting, burning down buildings, assaulting and killing people?  How does that make a person feel?  I guess if you are a Leftist, you feel safe, because hey – Antifa and Black Lives Matter have your best interests at heart right?  Right???

Disappointed @airBnb doesn’t understand the trauma of TRUMP signs on a @airbnb rental causes Black person

— Cary Bueno, Ph.D (@CarycruzBueno) September 24, 2020

Disappointed Airbnb doesn’t recognize your non-right to be an idiot because you are black and therefore entitled and more special than the rest of us?  Please, get serious.  If you insist on hysterics and acting stupid, then don’t expect the rest of us to buy into it or justify it.

I shouldnt have to pay to stay at a place i dont feel safe and @AirbnbHelp at minimum should give me a full refund/voucher for all the trauma this experience has caused

—Cary Bueno, Ph.D (@CarycruzBueno) September 24, 2020

Right, you don’t have to stay at any place, you could have left, but this person like many other Leftists likes to play the victim and oh by the way, I want a refund.  Yeah right.

This experience shows that people are unaware of signs and symbols used. Top symbols that invoke fear for Black people …list below

— Cary Bueno, Ph.D (@CarycruzBueno) September 24, 2020

1 KKK symbols and flags
2 confederate flags and symbols

— Cary Bueno, Ph.D (@CarycruzBueno) September 24, 2020

3 police lights /blue lives matter flag
4 trump signs and white terrorism slogans

— Cary Bueno, Ph.D (@CarycruzBueno) September 24, 2020

5 USA Flag – yes this is a symbol used in many places to scare Black people

—Cary Bueno, Ph.D (@CarycruzBueno) September 24, 2020

Yes for sure, because the KKK is such a serious problem today, and all those who display confederate flags are out to get black people.  As far as the police, well black problems with law enforcement are largely self-inflicted.  Black on black violence and murder is way higher than white on black violence and murder – oh and police are more likely to shoot a white person then a black person.

This supposedly well-educated Ph.D is nothing short of an educated idiot.  Children have more sense then this.  These whiny crybabies are the same ilk that need coloring books and cry closets to deal with life.

What about the real concerns?  Like:

  • Antifa violence
  • Black Lives Matter riots
  • Burning down buildings and looting
  • Attacking innocent people, including elderly and children
  • Attacking and encouraging the murder of police officers
  • Threats of violence and even killing if Leftist demands are not met

This “doc” and everyone else will have a whole lot more to worry about if Joe Biden wins the presidency.

But hey, Trump signs are traumatizing, while burning, looting, and killing – these are just everyday events, no big deal, nothing to see here.

H/T Brett T. Twitchy

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Let’s all continue to fight political correctness, indoctrination, Leftist propaganda, liberalism, and keep sharing the truth – knowledge is power.  Until next time…

© 2020 Greg Holt – All Rights Reserved

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The 2020 Election, Liberalism, Joe Biden, Domestic Terrorists, and the USSA

By Greg Holt

Liberalism is not just a way of thinking, if one can even call it such (thinking that is) – it is literally a disease that destroys those possessed of it.

I wrote an article back in March of 2017, that still holds true today, and well, everyday actually:

Leftist Liberal Professor’s Frivolous Rant: Fighting Trump Brain Rot

“So I decided to visit the dark side liberal side of the fence today, so I went to and came across the following piece of nonsensical drivel:

The resistance is all in your head: 6 ways to fight Trump brain rot

Hmmm, clueless comes to mind here – but the title drew me in I confess.

The author, Sophia A. McClennen opens with this thought – if thought it can even be called:

‘For many, ‘1984’ has served as a guide to the Trump era. But it is not just the lies and the alternate reality of Trump that has given rise to parallels being made to Orwell’s novel. It is also the fact that his administration threatens to diminish our range of thought’”

This kind of extreme idiocy is still highly prevalent today, and has as a matter of fact only gotten worse.  Trump is guilty of wanting to do away with all healthcare, he’s out to get We the People, he’s in league with Satan, the world economy is being destroyed via Trump, the end of all things is coming because Trump does not embrace Climate Change, all the country’s woes stem from Donald Trump and his policies etc.

There is a larger problem here then these lying two-faced agenda driven storytellers that spout off this nonsense steeped in unadulterated idiocy.  That problem is that far too many Americans still – despite plenty of evidence to the contrary, believe these dark and twisted fairy tales.

I heard a commercial today that basically said that Joe Biden understands the “people.”  Why is that you say?  Because lying Joe was the guy who brought the car companies back to the United States.  How is it that these people are comfortable with telling such ginormous whoppers and broadcasting them all over the airwaves?  Biden had little to nothing to do with bringing back car companies to America, that was all Trump thank you very much.

Biden can talk all he wants about bringing back automotive industry jobs with Obama, or his plans to do so in the future.  He’s full of it.  Obama and Biden wrapped up the automotive industry (and many others) in the U.S. in miles of red tape and egregious regulations, demanded ridiculously stringent fuel economy standards, and generally exhibited a very hostile attitude towards the manufacturing industry as well as business in general.  No wonder businesses left the U.S.

Obama and Biden were also the ones responsible for weaponizing the U.S. government against their enemies, especially Donald Trump, and the still suffering General Michael Flynn among others.

The Russian collusion narrative was a poorly thought up hoax that the main stream media aided the Democrats in portraying as a legitimate issue to We the People – accept that it was not and it blew up in their collective faces.  And yet, Adam shifty-Schiff is at it once again with a new “witness.”

The Democrats have accomplished nothing of lasting value because they are fully and completely invested in destroying President Trump and then removing him from office.  There was the Russian collusion narrative built on bought and paid for shady information via the Democrats – more specifically bought and paid for by the DNC and Hillary Clinton.  Then there was the Ukraine affair, funny how the real illegality in Ukraine was committed by Joe and Hunter Biden, the John Kerry family, and even Mr. Adam Schiff.

Then Trump killed thousands of people because he mishandled the response to the Coronavirus.  Funny, but it seems to this writer that the mishandling was done by Democrats like Cuomo who killed a lot of people by placing people that were infected with the Coronavirus into nursing homes.

It’s funny (not really) how today’s generation can repeat the liberal left’s talking points at will, while at the same time they are basically incapable of rational, logical, and critical thinking.  Teachers “teach” dumbed down school content (and even this Democrat teacher agrees) while providing students with such critically necessary information such as:

  • How to put a condemn on a banana
  • Why it’s OK to have two moms or two dads.
  • It’s ok to have an abortion and do so without parental consent
  • Israel is evil while the “Palestinians” are paragons of virtue and terrorist groups such as Hamas and Hezbollah are the oh so maligned good guys.
  • Islam is peaceful and true, while Jesus is a hateful whacko
  • Blacks are important while whites are vessels of pure evil

Students are taught that the woes of the world are largely the fault of – yes you guessed it, America.

Ask a student why America is bad and they will level a blank stare at you, or reiterate Leftist talking points without any real level of thinking or understanding being behind those talking points.

As I have written previously, those on the liberal left are a bunch of corrupt, godless anarchists seeking to destroy the U.S. and unfortunately they are succeeding.

There can be no doubt on this, simply do a search on Minneapolis riots, Portland riots, and U.S. riots are organized. Black Lives Matter founders admit they are trained Marxists.  BLM is also highly trained, and former Special Forces people are doing that training.

TCP News:

“These fools do not realize who or what they are dealing with, Trump does.  BLM and Antifa are not a bunch of college kids running around in masks doing fist pumps as part of a social justice movement.  These groups are well funded, highly trained, very organized, and they know exactly what they are doing.

If you doubt this, just read the following – right from a BLM “leader”:

Black Lives Matter (BLM) has declared war on the police and has released a blueprint for Black Panther style armed ‘patrols’ monitoring police officers on the streets. BLM’s leader revealed in an exclusive interview that they are mobilizing a highly-trained military arm. The group held a conference in Los Angeles with ‘military advisors’ charting out details of the ‘Black Opts’ blueprint – which stands for Black Opportunities. Black Special Forces officers are training the BLM’s Black Ops department of Black Opportunities. BLM is raising a ‘war chest’ and plans to build a headquarters in an unused church in New York. (Source)’”

A Trump win in November is not only needed, it is a necessity for the well being of this country.  Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have been deeply co-opted by the extreme far Left and will not move to do anything about the increasing violence in this country.  The violence perpetuated by Black Lives Matter and Antifa furthers their cause.  That cause is a socialist America, an America that will join the globalist world in forming a new One World Government.

Once the One World Government is formed, then and only then will the likes of Antifa and Black Lives Matter be reigned in.  Or more likely they will be made troops that are fodder for the cause, being sacrificed on the altar of globalism.

Then it will be too late of course, if it is indeed not already too late to stop these domestic terrorists.

Everything it means to be an American is in danger of being wiped out.  We run the serious risk of the U.S. being turned into just another Yugoslavia, or Venezuela.  It is in fact already happening.  The riots are not random acts of violence; they are in fact orchestrated with the goal of fomenting chaos.

Once the level of angst and violence reaches the needed level, then the saviors of our country can swoop in and right the wrongs, set the tone, fix the problems, provide all things for all people – just simply trust them.

Just like happened in Germany, China, Venezuela, Yugoslavia, and Russia among others.

Welcome to the USSA – the United Socialist States of America.

Read my three most recent articles:

@PressSec Kayleigh McEnany Roasts NY Gov. Cuomo – Then Absolutely Destroys Nancy Pelosi, All in the Same Day
Why the Kenosha Wisconsin Police Shooting does not Add Up
‘We are the party of the people – We are Democrats’: the Most Truthful Democrat Ad You Will Ever See (Watch)

Don’t forget to follow TCP News on ParlerUSA LifeGabSpreelyFacebook, and Twitter

Let’s all continue to fight political correctness, indoctrination, Leftist propaganda, liberalism, and keep sharing the truth – knowledge is power.  Until next time…

© 2020 Greg Holt – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Greg Holt:

Press Sec. Kayleigh McEnany Roasts NY Gov. Cuomo – Then Destroys Nancy Pelosi

By Greg Holt

(TCP News)  Governor Cuomo threatens President Trump, and Speaker Pelosi circumvents her own states (city’s) rules, and then blames a small business owner for her own actions.

This is all unfortunately standard atypical behavior for the Democrats.  Threatening the president and his staff – blaming the American people for their own decisions and acts.

This isn’t the good old days where each political party maligned the other and the party best able to market itself won; unless one party was involved in a scandal the other party could use to blow them out of water of course.

Scandals are still fuel for the fire of course, but the Democrats have long moved past that.  Democrats are into using the FBI to spy on the competition, enforce laws that don’t exist, investigate without evidence of a crime, suppress actual real crimes, protect and encourage illegals at the expense of U.S. citizens; basically weaponizing the entire U.S. government apparatus to ensure their victory over their counterparts – whatever it takes.

Then we have New York Governor Andrew Cuomo who actually threatened President Trump.

“Gov. Cuomo says: Trump ‘better have an army to protect him if he comes to NYC’”

When and how did it become ok (especially for a prominent public figure) to threaten the president of the United States of America with bodily harm?  The New York Post said Cuomo “all but threatened President Trump’s safety,”no, there is no “all but,” the disgraceful loudmouth failure of a governor without a doubt threatened Trump’s safety – period.

Here’s what White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany had to say about that:

“It’s not often you hear a governor describe in vivid detail how he’s lost control of his state, but there you have Gov. Cuomo saying, ‘You can’t come to New York without an army.’

“Well I guess that is the case when you have more than 1,000 shootings before Labor Day, when there’s a 277% increase in shootings in a one month period over the year prior,” she continued.

“It’s very rare you hear a Democrat governor nakedly admit to failure and that’s what Governor Cuomo has just done for us.” (Source)

Everyone has heard by now of Nancy Pelosi’s quiet visit to her hairdresser (or so she thought).  What you may not have heard is Pelosi shifting the blame for what happened to the owner of said salon that Pelosi broke the rules to go to.

Here is part of the dressing down @PressSecKayleigh McEnany gave Pelosi:

“Apparently the rules do not apply to Speaker Nancy Pelosi. She wants small businesses to stay shut down, but only reopen for her convenience.”

San Francisco Mayor London Breed immediately defended Speaker Pelosi – only his defense shows just how out of touch and supremely ignorant he is, just like the rest of the Democrats.

“It’s really unfortunate with everything happening in this country, with the fact that we basically have a dictator in charge of running this country,” Breed said Wednesday of the attention Pelosi’s visit has received. “And we have our Speaker Nancy Pelosi working day and night to fight against the challenges against the White House — she has spent her entire career working for this city and working for this country — it’s unfortunate that this conversation has blown up in the way that it has and distracted from the real issue. We don’t have good solid federal leadership helping us facilitate this COVID response … We have bigger issues as it relates to this country.”  (Source)

Oh, and Pelosi is the one holding up aid in Congress – so much for her “working day and night” for this country.

The owner of the salon Pelosi went to has been receiving hate texts and even death threats.

“The hard part of all this is that I have been in that community for 12 years, and since this happened I have received nothing but hate text messages, death threats,” she said.  They’re going to burn my hair salon down, my Yelp page is just unbelievable with bad reviews.

“It’s just sad that my community is pulling this.”

Pelosi has previously called for a nationwide mask mandate.  (Source)

I think Nancy Pelosi who imperiously violated the city’s rules for her own benefit (including not wearing a mask inside the salon – like she wants mandated for everyone else) and then said the salon owner set her up – owes the salon owner an apology.  The salon owner’s business is basically ruined, but do you suppose powerful Speaker Pelosi cares?

I rather doubt it.

If it does not directly benefit Nancy Pelosi, it does not warrant her attention.  I take that back, it most definitely warrants Pelosi’s attention if she is looking to publically decimate someone for daring to oppose her in any way.

Pelosi and Cuomo and so many other Democrats are vile, disingenuous, lying, and greedy power seeking politicians who will stop at nothing nowadays to accomplish their mandate, socialism and an eventual One World Government.

I wrote a few weeks ago that, Anyone Stupid Enough to Vote for a Democrat Gets What They Deserve – Voting Democrat is a Vote to Give Away ALL of Your Rights & Safety.  Unfortunately, the rest of us would also pay the price for a Democrat win.  Biden is unstable, and Harris is a conniving self-serving “winning is all that matters” politician that will sell out the American people in a heartbeat.

Democrats are (maybe were, but I don’t think so) the party of the people, so they say.  I for one cannot fathom how anyone can fall for this malarkey.  The Democrats are for themselves and basically, to hell with the people.  If that offends your sensibilities – well you are going to be a whole lot more offended if the Democrats win in November.

Check out the video in this article, a very honest look at the Democrats and what they truly support.  The cities in the U.S. with the highest crime, the most violence etc. are almost exclusively Democrat run and have been for many years.  That should be enough to warrant anyone’s attention and serious thought.

But no – many people, liberals all; continue to make excuses and blame Trump for the problems that they themselves created through their own mismanagement of these cities, states, etc.

A couple of examples:

The mayor of Minneapolis (and Minnesota’s governor) watched “mostly peaceful” rioters destroy the city. “Black Lives Matter and Antifa burned down Minneapolis – if they didn’t burn it, they defaced it or stole it.”  Then these idiots decided that Trump should authorize federal funds to clean up the damage.

Remember CHAZ?

“After all the riots, looting, violence, and burning down of properties and cars etc., now we have a group of people that have taken over a section of Seattle Washington.  Astonishingly enough, Seattle’s mayor and the governor of Washington have stood by and allowed this to happen.”  (Source)

People are I believe beginning to realize that the supposed saviors of our country (the Democrats) are anything but.

I grew up being told that actions speak louder than words.  Just look at the above actions and so many others in the news these days.  Are these really the people you want to be making decisions for you and our country?

Read my three most recent articles:

Why the Kenosha Wisconsin Police Shooting does not Add Up

‘We are the party of the people – We are Democrats’: the Most Truthful Democrat Ad You Will Ever See (Watch)

Anyone Stupid Enough to Vote for a Democrat Gets What They Deserve – Voting Democrat is a Vote to Give Away ALL of Your Rights & Safety

Don’t forget to follow TCP News on ParlerUSA LifeGabSpreelyFacebook, and Twitter

Let’s all continue to fight political correctness, indoctrination, Leftist propaganda, liberalism, and keep sharing the truth – knowledge is power.  Until next time…

© 2020 Greg Holt – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Greg Holt:

A Biden Presidency Would be A Disaster – His VP ‘Picks’ as President Would be Worse

By Greg Holt

Joe Biden’s top two choices for VP are so bad they make Biden look good – almost.

According to Tucker Carlson, we will all know who Joe Biden’s pick for Vice President is next week.  If it’s one of the two people I mention here, well, we all better deeply hope that Biden does not win.

Joe Biden has already run for president three times and his first attempt was an embarrassing failure:

From Fox News

“The first time Biden ran was in 1988. That was before most of the people who work on the show were born, and he was caught lying about his biography in speeches and forced to drop out.

Biden suggested to audiences that he had grown up in a coal mining family in Wales. That’s not true. Joe Biden is actually from America. His father sold cars in Wilmington.Biden went to a Catholic prep school in the suburbs. So it was pretty embarrassing.”

So we know that Joe Biden is a liar, no surprise there, but we also know that he is a crook and is perfectly willing to ruin innocent people like General Michael Flynn.

Biden’s second attempt in 2008 also ended in failure after he received a paltry one percent of the vote in the Iowa caucuses and subsequently dropped out of the race.

Joe Biden, who may be the worst candidate ever, is of course currently running for president, again.  His top two alleged “picks” are bad, really bad.  Given the fact that Biden can’t even figure out where he is most of the time – his VP choices would have serious consequences.

The first and possibly the most likely VP pick is Kamala Harris.  There is a whole host of problems with Kamala being VP, among them the fact that she will do anything to “win.”  Many people have suggested she “slept” her way to the top, or as Roseanne Barr said, “she slept her way to the bottom.”

Harris will do, or say whatever it takes to win, she has no “position,” her positions on any given issues change like the direction of the wind from day to day.  It’s all about winning.  There is no concern over dealing with any issues or “fixing” anything, rather there is a lust for power and control – period.

More from Fox News Tucker Carlson:

“And over the years, Harris has been willing to do pretty much whatever it takes to win, including using the power of her office to crush political opponents.

As the Attorney General of California, Harris relentlessly defended her big donors in the abortion industry. When a journalist called David Daleiden criticized Planned Parenthood in a documentary, Kamala Harris sent the police to his home. Daleiden later described the authoritarian nightmare Harris unleashed on his life.”

Kamala is the one who supports free healthcare for illegals; don’t forget.  She is also the one who by her own actions has made it perfectly clear that she does not support free speech (unless you agree with her) and will in fact use law enforcement to put a stop to free and open journalism – that fact alone should scare anyone regardless of party affiliation.

Biden’s second top pick is even worse than Kamala.  You may have never even heard of Karen Bass, and may not want to; Bass is pretty much a domestic terrorist.  Bass is so far left of center; she makes Leftist AOC look like a center of the road model citizen.

Ms. Bass was an ardent supporter of Fidel Castro and visited Cuba repeatedly.  Bass was also a member of a group that trained “revolutionaries,” quoted by the LAPD as having provided training in: “terrorist tactics and guerrilla warfare.”

If that’s not bad enough, Bass would like to make racial discrimination legal again – as in how things were pre Civil Rights Movement, she even bragged about it.

If you haven’t heard of Bass’s pet “bill,” the New Way Forward Act, let me be the first one to acquaint you with it, this is some epically bad legislation.  This “bill” would require the U.S. government to reimport hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens that were deported for – now get this, committing crimes!  Yes, Bass actually co-sponsored a bill to bring back illegals into this country that are criminals.  Who in their right mind would do such a thing?  Why would anyone want to jeopardize our citizens’ safety in this way?

Just imagine one of these two clowns running the country.

It cannot be over stated, the consequences of a Biden win to this country and We the People would be beyond catastrophic.

It’s time to wake up America, while there is still an America to wake up to.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Greg Holt:

Read my three most recent articles:

Politically Correct Lies – the Big Bang Theory, Evolution, and There is NO God
The Shortage of Aluminum Cans, Food Staples, and Coins is Only Going to Get Worse – Act Now!
Did Jeffrey Epstein’s Gal Pal Ghislaine Maxwell Run One of the Most popular & Powerful Reddit Accounts in History?

Don’t forget to follow TCP News on ParlerUSA LifeGabSpreelyFacebook, and Twitter

Let’s all continue to fight political correctness, indoctrination, Leftist propaganda, liberalism, and keep sharing the truth – knowledge is power.  Until next time…

Politically Correct Lies – the Big Bang Theory, Evolution, and There is NO God

By Greg Holt

The universe created itself – really?  How?  That would imply the universe is self- aware and this writer does not buy that one.

It’s funny how many people will grasp at straws and see reason in completely illogical thought processes. People will believe outright lies and falsehood rather than believe the truth. Anything that lets a person hold on to the belief that there is no God – many will embrace and defend these beliefs even with undeniable proof that these so-called beliefs are incorrect. Atheism is a prime example of this.

Creation itself and the things that reside within said creation fairly scream; there is a God! I have even heard it said that “intelligent design” does not necessarily reflect that God is responsible for said design. Really now, then who is? No human could have designed Creation let alone the things in it – like humans.

Creation VS the Big Bang Theory

“Because there is a law such as gravity, the universe can and will create itself from nothing, spontaneous creation is the reason there is something rather than nothing, why the universe exists, why we exist.”
Stephen Hawking – The Grand Design

The universe created itself – really? How? That would imply the universe is self- aware and this writer does not buy that one. Lets think about that for a moment. With all that man has made, has man truly created anything?  That would be a resounding NO!  Everything ever made by man has been made from something else.  The materials to “make” anything and everything were here on this earth (or should I say in it), someone just figured out how to use those materials. In other words, we are to believe that the universe was and is a sentient being of some sort able to create itself at some point? I think not. Nothing of a complex nature can be made without thought involved, therefore it stands to reason that the universe did not create itself, someone created it – that “someone” is God. The universe is so complex that science does not even begin to understand it all,there is no chance it happened randomly or via the universe itself.

Science itself denies that the universe created itself (yes really), if the Big Bang Theory were true – there would be:

Monopoles – a particle that has a single magnetic pole instead of two opposite poles such as magnets have. These monopoles have never been found despite being diligently searched for.

Antimatter –in the Big Bang Theory, matter was created from energy – at the same time antimatter should have been created in equal amounts. Yet only trace amounts of antimatter have ever been found. (1)

So much for the vaunted “Big Bang” theory – one might as well claim the sun is an illusion.

A Matter of Conscience

Our conscience – that part of our mind that tells us some things are wrong, like murder and lying. How can anyone believe that almost all people have the same basic morals by chance? That just isn’t logical. An entire species believes in the same basic values by chance? Not hardly. Billions of people, many, many different cultures, many different beliefs, and different religions, in a whole host of different locales – all believe in some basic morals and this just happened?  All by itself, just the universe happened – yeah right.

One word: Impossible.

The Animal Kingdom

Many different animals display characteristics that defy explanation, unless of course the explanation is intelligent design, i.e., God.

How about birds? Some fly thousands of miles when they migrate – how do these birds know exactly where to go?  How do these birds posses that knowledge? Some birds have been born in a certain locale and removed from there right away upon birth – and they still knew where to fly to get home – how is that even possible?

What about the giraffes? With its long neck (8 feet) the giraffe’s heart must pump blood at a very high pressure in order to reach the brain. When the giraffe bends its neck down to take a drink of water, the high blood pressure would cause serious damage to the giraffes brain – except that there are pressure-sensing signals and bypass valves built into the giraffe.

Geckos can walk and stick to any surface, wet or dry – even glass – upside down.

Human Traits

The human DNA is extremely complex, even science now admits intelligent design has to be responsible for this literal engineering miracle. Many professors will not publically admit this or they are fired for doing so; why fire them if they are wrong?  DNA happened by chance? Impossible – that is about as likely as a computer forming itself out of random parts in a warehouse.

The human eye: extremely complex with all that it is capable of doing – there is NO man-made imaging system that even begins to compare to what the human eye can do. The human eye can visualize different colors and shades of color, depth perception, and see objects up close and then refocus and see objects far away.

“To suppose that the eye, with all its inimitable contrivances for adjusting the focus to different distances, for admitting different amounts of light, and for the correction of spherical and chromatic aberration, could have been formed by natural selection, seems, I freely confess, absurd in the highest possible degree.” —Charles Darwin


Charles Darwin’s Theory of Evolution is rife with problems as even he admitted, and yet most still cling to this preposterous theory. In the above quote from Darwin, he admitted that there was no way the human eye could have been formed by natural selection! In order for the Theory of Evolution to be true, there must exist transitional forms, i.e., the in between forms that would have existed when one species transformed into another one, like apes evolving into humans. This fact alone disproves evolution, as these so-called forms have never been found in the fossil record.

Not. One. Not. Ever.

Then there are the supposed ape-men used as the defining proof, the shining example that evolution is true, Piltdown man, Nebraska man, etc. All of them, every single one ever “discovered,” all proven to be fakes.

The Need for Worship

How about this? Most people want to believe in something higher than themselves, this occurs throughout the world and all throughout time. People have and do worship trees, the sun, the moon, the stars, nature, the divine mother, guiding spirits (demons), animals, and the list goes on. How is it that this need to believe in someone or something higher than ourselves, and to worship this entity came to be in almost all people, in every location on the earth? It is simply preposterous to think this need happened by itself. God put that need within our very souls. We all have a “God sized hole” in us that will be satisfied by nothing less than God.

Ask many people if they feel (those who do not believe in God) if there is something missing in their lives, and if they are honest they will often answer yes; that something is God.

(1) The Big Bang, Answers in Genesis Dr. Jason Lisle

© 2020 Greg Holt – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Greg Holt:

Read my three most recent articles:

The Shortage of Aluminum Cans, Food Staples, and Coins is Only Going to Get Worse – Act Now!

Did Jeffrey Epstein’s Gal Pal Ghislaine Maxwell Run One of the Most popular & Powerful Reddit Accounts in History?

WHOA!! Paging the Nearest Jail Cell: Peter Strzok Handwritten Notes Released, and Oh Boy Are They DAMING!

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Let’s all continue to fight political correctness, indoctrination, Leftist propaganda, liberalism, and keep sharing the truth – knowledge is power.  Until next time…

Shortage of Aluminum Cans, Food Staples, and Coins is Only Going to Get Worse – Act Now!

By Greg Holt

Aluminum cans, coins, soda, beer, rice, pasta, flour, and canned soup are all in short supply in some cases.

Oh what a changing world we live in, and some of the change isn’t good.  Higher prices and less product availability is one change we all could do without.  While Supermarket News reports that large scale empty shelves are not likely to happen to the extent that they did previously, some things are still hard to find, and some items are a little on the pricey side if they can be found at all.

Some flavors of soda are hard if not impossible to find, and both Pepsi and Coca-Cola reported temporarily eliminating some soda flavors in order to ensure availability of the more popular flavors. Some brands of beer are no longer on the shelf, for instance, beer maker Molson Coors suspended production on some of their products.

Why the beverage shortage?  It has nothing to do with a shortage of aluminum as some have wondered about, although if you have aluminum cans at home to sell – keep them, no one is buying them.  Why?  The Coronavirus – insert eye roll here.  There is actually a shortage of aluminum cans believe it or not.  Consumers increased purchases of beverages (canned in aluminum) by 30 percent in March and April according to Fox News.  Companies are buying imported aluminum for their needs as well – because American companies are not producing nearly enough aluminum can sheeting; there is not enough profit in it.  Sounds about right.

Meat prices are rising and will likely continue to do so.  Why?  It has nothing to do with a supply shortfall as I wrote about previously:

Have you heard the dire warnings of food shortages?  This is all a bunch of B.S., there is no shortage.  What there IS – is this: farmers are dumping milk, plowing under crops, and killing farm animals.  WHY you ask?  Because they cannot sell their products/animals to anyone, so all that food etc. is going to waste.  Nice huh?

Another problem with meat supply is not having enough employees to operate plants at full capacity, whether it is sickness, or employees refusing to work due to fear of “catching” the Coronavirus.

Some food staples are becoming increasingly hard to purchase as well, as Michael Snyder points out:

Grocers are having trouble staying stocked with goods from flour to soups as climbing coronavirus case numbers and continued lockdowns pressure production and bolster customer demand.

Manufacturers including General Mills Inc., Campbell Soup Co. and Conagra Brands Inc. say they are pumping out food as fast as they can, but can’t replenish inventories. Popular items such as flour, canned soup, pasta and rice remain in short supply.

The U.S. coin supply is at record lows (even banks are being rationed on how many coin rolls they are allowed), and the largest grocer in the U.S., Kroger – is reporting they will no longer give back change in coin form.  Instead, change will be applied to customer’s loyalty cards.  Wal-Mart is asking customers to pay with correct change or cards.

It is only this writer’s opinion, but regardless of what is being reported, or not – stocking up on the essentials now if you have not already done so is a very good idea. You can check out Daisy Luther’s excellent list of what you should have on hand for tough times (including a lack of income) as well as tips on how to accomplish all of this.  As more Democratic controlled states and communities are reinstating lockdowns, supplies of all kinds are again going to disappear just like they did when this whole COVID-19 mess started.

I said it before and I will say it again, the Coronavirus was Created to Destroy the U.S. Economy & Create a New Nation State.  Democrats and their allies are so desperate to stop Trump, they will do anything to accomplish this including sabotage the economy.

America needs to realize that the Coronavirus, lockdowns, etc. – it’s all about controlling the sheeple.  It’s about getting people used to giving up their freedoms – and then step in and “give” the people what they want.

It’s called socialism.

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Let’s all continue to fight political correctness, indoctrination, Leftist propaganda, liberalism, and keep sharing the truth – knowledge is power.  Until next time…

© 2020 Greg Holt – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Greg Holt:

Did Epstein’s Gal Ghislaine Maxwell Run One of the Most Popular and Powerful Reddit Accounts in History?

By Greg Holt

Although not confirmed, a lot of evidence seems to point to Ghislaine Maxwell being behind a powerful Reddit account.

The highly popular and often up-voted Reddit account u/maxwellhill has fallen silent since the arrest of Ms. Maxwell on July 2nd.

Ghislaine who was Epstein’s girlfriend and was often referred to as his “madam” was arrested July 2nd on charges related to sexual exploitation of minors and could face 35 years in prison if convicted.

Reddit users have pointed out that not only has the u/maxwellhill handle been silent since July 1st, but the account was also quiet at the time of Maxwell’s mother’s death in 2013.

According to the Daily Mail, Maxwell’s (supposed) account was the eight most popular on Reddit.

In a board one Reddit user wrote: ‘Not confirmed, but research suggests that /u/maxwellhill, the Reddit account with the 8th most link karma of all time, powermod of frontpage subs like r/worldnews and r/technology, first account to reach a million Karma, is/was operated by Ghislaine Maxwell.’

YouTuber Joe Leonard posted on Twitter that the Maxwell account was the first to reach one million “Karma.” Ironic wouldn’t you say?

Karma definition (

Hinduism, Buddhism. action, seen as bringing upon oneself inevitable results, good or bad, either in this life or in a reincarnation: in Hinduism one of the means of reaching Brahman.

Theosophy. the cosmic principle according to which each person is rewarded or punished in one incarnation according to that person’s deeds in the previous incarnation.

fate; destiny.

the good or bad emanations felt to be generated by someone or something:

Lets get out of here. This place has bad karma.

Ghislane Maxwell was the first person on reddit to hit 1 million karma LMAO! She’s the #8 karma to this day. Her posts to /r/worldnews constituted roughly 30% of the posts there. This connection was made after she was arrested and that account stopped posting there after 14 years

The u/maxwellhill account is/was a moderator on some of the largest subreddits and was also a vigorous poster, often daily – for 14 years on Reddit until Maxwell’s arrest.

The u/maxwellhill account is suspected of being Ghislaine Maxwell with reason. The account:

  • Often posts about the “age of consent”
  • User claims to be born in December like Ghislaine
  • User was absent from Reddit when Maxwell’s mother died
  • Was a major contributor to r/worldnews but never posted about Jeffrey Epstein or Ghislaine Maxwell
  • Posted about legalizing child exploitation materials
  • Advocated legalizing child porn
  • User was silent during the “Kleiner holiday party in 2011.” where Maxwell was seen

The Daily Mail also reported that:

The user also claims to be born in December, like Maxwell and uses a mix of British and US spelling as well as French slang. Maxwell was born in France, raised in the UK and has an American passport.

And there are also suggestions the name maxwellhill is a combination of her surname and the family home in the UK, Headington Hill Hall.

Only time will tell if this Reddit account was Ghislaine Maxwell’s.

What do you think?

Read my three most recent articles:

WHOA!! Paging the Nearest Jail Cell: Peter Strzok Handwritten Notes Released, and Oh Boy Are They DAMING!

The Existence of Seattle’s ‘Autonomous Zone’ is Setting an Extremely Dangerous Precedent While Washington State & Seattle Encourage Domestic Terrorism

Obama’s NOT so Subtle Marching Orders to George Floyd Protestors

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Let’s all continue to fight political correctness, indoctrination, Leftist propaganda, liberalism, and keep sharing the truth – knowledge is power.  Until next time…

© 2020 Greg Holt – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Greg Holt:

Peter Strzok Handwritten Notes Released – Implicate Obama, Biden in Framing Gen. Flynn

By Greg Holt

(TCP News)  Peter Strzok’s handwritten notes directly implicate Obama and Biden in the framing of General Michael Flynn.

You won’t see this on the MSM nightly news or anywhere else for that matter.  Or you will see it, but with plenty of spin and self-righteous denial and cheap shots against Flynn and Trump.  I personally can’t wait to see Leftist heads implode over this – things are going to get dicey real fast.

This makes Watergate look like an ill-conceived children’s prank.

Former FBI agent Peter Strzok’s handwritten notes have been declassified by the FBI (with redactions) and these notes specifically detail a meeting between Obama, Biden, Comey, Yates, and Susan Rice.

This is a HUGE deal as these notes reveal that Obama and Biden had a direct hand in framing General Michael Flynn.

[Insert Strzok notes here-]

—Obama, Biden, Yates, Rice, Comey all discussed Flynn/Kislyak calls: “unusual times”

—Comey admitted they “appear legit”

—OBAMA ordered: “make sure you look at things” with “the right people”

—BIDEN appears to be one to raise  “Logan Act v[iolation]?”

Back in May of this year I wrote about how the, Declassified Susan Rice Email Proves Joe Biden not Only Knew – But Aided in Plotting Against Flynn; these newest revelations from treacherous lying Strzok not only confirm this, but confirm Obama and Comey’s involvement as well.  You will recall that it was Biden who claimed to have no knowledge of the Flynn investigation.

So now we not only have FBI agents saying that Flynn never lied, we have direct evidence that Flynn was set up with intent and purpose.  So what was that purpose?  To get rid of Flynn who with his deep intelligence background “knew” too much, and to damage the Trump administration, hopefully beyond Trump’s ability to repair.

Margot Cleveland of The Federalist writes:

The mention of Flynn “and his conversation with Kislyak about sanctions,” was in reference to intercepted telephone calls between Flynn and the Russian ambassador in late December and early January. However, as the now-declassified transcripts of those calls establish, Flynn did not discuss sanctions with Kislyak, but had instead discussed the Obama administration’s decision to expel Russian diplomats from the United States.

The distinction between sanctions and the expulsion of Russian diplomats proves significant to the criminal charge later wrongly levied against Flynn by the special counsel’s office. But it is Obama’s knowledge of the calls — and the details of Flynn’s conversations with Kislyak — and not Obama’s misrepresentation of the content of those discussions that is important to understanding the then-president’s possible involvement in the soft coup attempt.


No matter how Obama learned the details of the calls, he clearly knew them by the time he spoke with Yates and Comey on Jan. 5. And he clearly knew from those conversations that Flynn was no Russian agent.

Yet Obama directed Rice, through White House counsel, to draft the Jan. 20 email, which cast Comey’s Jan. 5 Obama briefing as suggesting Flynn was potentially a Russian agent.

The director of the FBI thinks the Flynn calls are “legit,” Obama says the “right” people need to be on this, and Biden being the dope he is suggests a “Logan” violation (the Logan Act has never been used!).

Anyone who posses two brain cells to rub together should by now understand that Flynn was set up, period.  This was nothing more then underhanded dirty political sabotage by the outgoing Leftist political hacks headed up by the worst president in U.S. history – Barack Obama.

On the flip side of the coin, the U.S. Appeals Court sided with the Department of Justice decision to drop case against Michael Flynn and ordered Judge (I use that term loosely) Sullivan to dismiss the case.

People need to wake up and realize the depth of what the Left is willing to do to eradicate freedom in this country, and nothing, and I mean nothing is sacred to these people.  This is merely just one small example of that.

Here are a few more:

Do Not Be Deceived, In This Time Of Great Deception And Chaos

BLM co-founder admits they’re “trained Marxists” who want Trump out of office

The Coronavirus, COVID-19: It’s Not About Health or Even Death – It IS About Conditioning the Sheeple to be ‘Led around by the nose’

Horror! Latest FDA Document Release to Judicial Watch Reveals US Government Paid $96,370 for Aborted Baby Tissue for Research

Not Everyone In Hollywood Supports Cancel Culture: Some Harsh Words for the PC Crowd

If the current trends in the media, social media, and public actions (read George Floyd riots etc.) are allowed to continue, one day we are going to wake up to realize that the America we knew is long gone, and it’s not ever coming back.

Read my three most recent articles:

The Existence of Seattle’s ‘Autonomous Zone’ is Setting an Extremely Dangerous Precedent While Washington State & Seattle Encourage Domestic Terrorism

Obama’s NOT so Subtle Marching Orders to George Floyd Protestors

Ann Coulter’s War: Trump is ‘a complete blithering idiot’ & ‘a big betrayer’

Let’s all continue to fight political correctness, indoctrination, Leftist propaganda, liberalism, and keep sharing the truth – knowledge is power.  Until next time…

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Greg Holt:

Seattle’s ‘Autonomous Zone’ is Setting an Extremely Dangerous Precedent While State and Seattle Encourage Domestic Terrorism

By Greg Holt

(TCP News) The Seattle capitol hill autonomous zone (CHAZ), BLM, and Antifa all have one thing in common – domestic terrorism.

Black Lives Matter and Antifa burned down Minneapolis – if they didn’t burn it, they defaced it or stole it.  The Useless mayor watched it happen, and now this Leftist mayor (Jacob Frey) wants Trump to bail his city out after these lawless hoodlums used George Floyd as an excuse to loot and burn.  Protests yes – looting, burning, defacing, and attacking police, etc. no.

George Floyd was murdered by a cop kneeling on his neck; that should not ever have happened.  The responsible former officer needs to face the consequences for his actions.  In like manner, those who burned down Minneapolis and caused millions of dollars in damage to other U.S. cities should also face the consequences for their actions. Rioting and all other illegal activities are not suddenly justifiable because of a criminal act, even if said act resulted in a death (and it did).

Every society must have law and order, a lack of law and order will result in the breakdown of society, further, this lack will result in chaos – just look at Seattle’s vaunted (by the Left anyway) “autonomous zone.”  This isn’t up for debate; this is a fact, period.  Those who advocate for defunding or eliminating the police are only doing so to remove people they see as an impediment to their own actions and goals, most of which are likely illegal.  These very same people will only replace the police with a system of their own making – this does not bode well for the citizens of any city that does this.

Case in point: a rapper named Raz Simone has assumed control of CHAZ.  He (and others) is nothing more than a violent criminal and worse than that according to some Twitter users:

After all the riots, looting, violence, and burning down of properties and cars etc., now we have a group of people that have taken over a section of Seattle Washington.  Astonishingly enough, Seattle’s mayor and the governor of Washington have stood by and allowed this to happen.

This is setting a very dangerous precedent.

I will be (that I know of) the first to make a startling comparison here.  Black Lives Matter and Antifa in particular bear more than a little resemblance to Hamas, Hezbollah etc.  Before you laugh this off, or rush to judgment, you need to read why I made this statement.

The fact that a group of people seized control of a portion of the city of Seattle and even issued a list of demands makes them terrorists whether or not they realize this.  This isn’t a game, it’s not funny, and there will be serious repercussions because of this.

President Trump is threatening to take back Seattle if the mayor and or governor won’t do it.  Hopefully he follows through.

“Radical Left Governor @JayInslee and the Mayor of Seattle are being taunted and played at a level that our great Country has never seen before. Take back your city NOW. If you don’t do it, I will. This is not a game. These ugly Anarchists must be stopped IMMEDIATELY. MOVE FAST!”


Then we have the completely idiotic responses from the Leftist Governor and Mayor:


This writer has to wonder how it is that the pathetic excuse for a politician like Inslee actually has the nerve to say that Trump is “totally incapable of governing.”  Who is the genius that stood by and did nothing as homegrown terrorists took control of a chunk of Seattle?

Hint – it wasn’t Trump.

If all Governors and Mayors were this apathetically stupid, the U.S. would fall into complete and unrecoverable anarchy.  The U.S. would be ripe for the picking – by say those who favor a global economy and system of government, like say China among others.

These fools do not realize who or what they are dealing with, Trump does.  BLM and Antifa are not a bunch of college kids running around in masks doing fist pumps as part of a social justice movement.  These groups are well funded, highly trained, very organized, and they know exactly what they are doing.

If you doubt this, just read the following – right from a BLM “leader”:

Black Lives Matter (BLM) has declared war on the police and has released a blueprint for Black Panther style armed ‘patrols’ monitoring police officers on the streets. BLM’s leader revealed in an exclusive interview that they are mobilizing a highly-trained military arm. The group held a conference in Los Angeles with ‘military advisors’ charting out details of the ‘Black Opts’ blueprint – which stands for Black Opportunities. Black Special Forces officers are training the BLM’s Black Ops department of Black Opportunities. BLM is raising a ‘war chest’ and plans to build a headquarters in an unused church in New York.  (Source)

Lastly, how about the fact that the morons who are in charge of CHAZ said that they are “Seceding From U.S.” and actually set up a Wikipedia page for their new “country.”  Yes, seriously…

[Insert CHAZ Image Here]

As I mentioned in the article title, this is setting a dangerous precedent.  How long do you think before this same scenario is attempted in other U.S. cities if this current attempt at setting up a new “no cop co-op” BLM/Antifa fiefdom isn’t stopped?

No BLM and Antifa are not quite on par with Hamas and Hezbollah, but they are headed in the right direction.

Wake up America, the time to stop these terrorist groups is now, and make no mistake – they are terrorists.

Read my three most recent articles:

Obama’s NOT so Subtle Marching Orders to George Floyd Protestors

Ann Coulter’s War: Trump is ‘a complete blithering idiot’ & ‘a big betrayer’

Hilarious: The Undisputed Kings of Fake News Are at it Again – the Outrage! Trump is Golfing Without a MASK!!

Let’s all continue to fight political correctness, indoctrination, Leftist propaganda, liberalism, and keep sharing the truth – knowledge is power.  Until next time…

© 2020 Greg Holt – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Greg Holt:

Obama’s NOT so Subtle Marching Orders to George Floyd Protestors

By Greg Holt

It seems to this writer that Obama has forgotten he is no longer president – and that he is part of the problem, not the solution.

It seems that the “protect and serve” mantra of the police is long gone with yesterday’s wind.  It seems that way because that is how the lamestream media portrays it.  There are bad cops just like there are bad teachers, bad bosses, and bad attorneys.  The point is that there are bad people in every walk of life.  That doesn’t make all people bad now does it?  Most cops are decent people who do serve and protect.

The problem is that negative stories about police get instant airtime; the positive stories rarely see the light of day.  Then there are those who inflame the situation and sway public opinion against the police, people like Barack Obama, who just happened to have been the president.

Obama was widely seen as anti-police by many, and justifiably so – this was the president who was seen as instigating a “war on cops.”  This is the same president who supported (and still does) Black Lives Matter, and was also an avid supporter of radical Islam – a look at his choices in staffing confirms that along with Obama’s giveaway to Iran at America’s expense.

After five officers were murdered in Dallas, Obama had this to say:

“‘There are legitimate issues that have been raised, and there’s data and evidence to back up the concerns that are being expressed by these [Black Lives Matter] protesters. And if police organizations and departments acknowledge that there’s a problem and there’s an issue, then that, too, is going to contribute to real solutions. And, as I said yesterday, that is what’s going to ultimately help make the job of being a cop a lot safer. It is in the interest of police officers that their communities trust them and that the kind of rancor and suspicion that exists right now is alleviated.’

So he is justifying—even fanning—the resentment that impelled psychopaths to murder two officers in New York, five in Dallas, and now three more in Baton Rouge.” (Source)

When five reporters were murdered at the Capital Gazette, the media was quick to blame Trump, just as they have been quick to blame Trump for the George Floyd situation and the resulting fallout.  Did the media hold Obama accountable for the murdered police officers mentioned above?  Nope.

From USA Today:

“It did not help that during the first six years of the Obama administration, the anti-police incendiary Rev. Al Sharpton, according to The Washington Post, visited the White House 72 times. What kind of message did that send to the police?”


When Trayvon Martin was killed, Obama instantly sided with him.  When Michael Brown was killed in Ferguson, Obama’s pal Al Sharpton was front and center in Ferguson instigating the people of the city.  Did Obama do anything to rein him in?  Again – NOPE.

Interestingly enough, a search on Google for “Obama seen as anti-police,” reveals a heavy slant in Obama’s favor.  The same search on Yahoo reveals plenty of reports of Obama’s negative attitude towards police.  Imagine that, Google manipulating search results to favor Obama.  Just like Facebook is actively destroying my traffic and that of many other conservative sites because we dare to speak out against the liberal/progressive/socialist mantra.

Flash forward to today and Obama’s hoity-toity town hall address concerning the death of George Floyd.  While I sympathize with Floyd’s family and absolutely condemn what the officer did in kneeling on his neck and contributing to his death – there is a definite air of deception and wholesale manipulation not to mention heavy duty exploitation of Floyd’s unfortunate and wrongful death.

Obama in his “town hall” and more specifically in the article he penned for Medium makes it clear where his priorities are – that the aftermath of Mr. Floyd’s death needs to be used for gain, to affect changes Obama deems necessary, and the troops need to be front and center; keep up the pressure to “make people in power uncomfortable.”  The problem is that when you read the article, it becomes instantly clear that nothing has changed.  Obama is advocating for black people and their rights, and basically the hell with the rest of us.I’m sorry if that offends your sensibilities, but nonetheless – it is the truth.

While Obama deserves credit for denouncing the violence associated with the protests, his assertion that “most” of them have been peaceful is misleading.  Just check the news, violence in one city after another, after another…

Obama even set up a “dedicated site” dealing with all of this.  The site’s opening paragraph contains this statement:

“…the loss of far too many Black lives to list, have left our nation anguished and outraged.”

Agreed, and what about the white lives, the Hispanic lives etc.?  Or do those lives not matter because they are not black?

Here is some information for those who erroneously think blacks are targeted so much more than others are, you know, like white people.

Police are more likely to shoot a white person than a black one.

“James’ study is a follow-up to one in which she found active police officers, military personnel and the general public took longer to shoot black suspects than white or Hispanic suspects.”  (Source)

Hmmmm, I wonder why that is?  Maybe because they know that shooting anyone that is black for any reason may well result in being strung up and hung out to dry, legitimacy of the shooting does not matter.  They are black, that’s all that matters, and you are toast, extra crispy.

“Protestors” in Minneapolis were heard shouting, “Shoot the white folk.”  Nice.

White police officers are actually less likely than non-white officers to shoot and kill non-white suspects.  Add to that, 90% of black homicides are committed by – other blacks.  But it’s not “politically correct” to reveal these facts.

Listen to Tucker Carlson’s take on all of this:

Lastly, consider the following:

George Floyd killed by police, INSTANT reaction nationwide.

Justine Damond, murdered by police.  Took 8 months to arrest the officer.  NO national media coverage.

John Geer, killed by police.  Took 23 months to arrest the officer.  NO national media coverage.

George Floyd is black.

Justine Damond and John Geer are white.

Any questions?

Read my three most recent articles:

Ann Coulter’s War: Trump is ‘a complete blithering idiot’ & ‘a big betrayer’

Hilarious: The Undisputed Kings of Fake News Are at it Again – the Outrage! Trump is Golfing Without a MASK!!

Declassified Susan Rice Email Proves Joe Biden not Only Knew – But Aided in Plotting Against Flynn

Let’s all continue to fight political correctness, indoctrination, Leftist propaganda, liberalism, and keep sharing the truth – knowledge is power.  Until next time…

© 2020 Greg Holt – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Greg Holt:

The Undisputed Kings of Fake News Are at it Again – Trump is Golfing Without a Mask

Greg Holt

You can’t make this kind of stuff up folks – oh right I forgot, if you are CNN you can make up all kinds of stuff.  But I digress.  CNN “reported” on Trump playing golf today.  Is CNN that desperate for news coverage?

Here is their headline that basically implies Trump is doing something wrong because he dares to play golf:

Trump is golfing at his Virginia club amid the coronavirus pandemic

And of course this major news event had to be posted on Twitter:

Not only did Trump leave the entire country in a lurch to play Golf (Obama never did this), he has the audacity to play golf without a mask on.  Say it isn’t so!!


What a bunch of idiots.  First, Trump works more hours in a day than any of these clowns do, and he is entitled to a break.  Second, sunshine is a natural killer of the Coronavirus, and why on earth would one wear a mask outdoors?  Not to mention the fact that there is evidence that wearing masks may cause more harm than good, unless one is sick.

“‘But there is no specific evidence to suggest that the wearing of masks by the mass population has any particular benefit – in fact, there’s some evidence to suggest the opposite,’ he said.”  (Source)

You won’t see that reported on CNN, it interferes with the narrative.

What is really sad is that idiots like this actually refer to themselves as journalists.

H/T Doug P. Twitchy

© 2020 Greg Holt – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Greg Holt:

Read my three most recent articles:

Declassified Susan Rice Email Proves Joe Biden not Only Knew – But Aided in Plotting Against Flynn

Obama’s Inner Circle Requested ‘Unmasking’ of General Flynn: Leftist Lapdog Politico Immediately Jumps to Defend Obama & Company

Only in America: ILLEGALS Suing the U.S. Government Because They did not Receive Coronavirus Stimulus Checks

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Let’s all continue to fight political correctness, indoctrination, Leftist propaganda, liberalism, and keep sharing the truth – knowledge is power.  Until next time…

Declassified Susan Rice Email Proves Joe Biden not Only Knew – But Aided in Plotting Against Flynn

By Greg Holt

(TCP News)  The Susan Rice email is simply more conformation of what is already known – the Obama Administration targeted General Flynn.

With the full text of the Susan Rice email having been declassified we come away with a couple of important conclusions.

  1. Barack Obama knew about, and participated in the targeting of General Michael Flynn.
  2. Joe Biden lied – he not only did have knowledge of the Flynn affair, he actively participated in it.

While the liberal Left is quick to dismiss this as just another “nothingburger,” it is anything but.

As noted, Obama and Biden both knew about and participated in this sham operation against General Flynn.  Joe Biden has repeatedly claimed he knew nothing about Michael Flynn.  Sounds a lot like Hillary Clinton who knew nothing about 33,000 missing emails.

In a recent interview, Biden stated: “I knew nothing about those moves to investigate Michael Flynn…,” then Biden stammers and backtracks saying he did know that there was an investigation.  But don’t take my word for it, watch and listen:

Joe Biden should immediately drop out of the presidential race.  He is not only a liar, a thief, and a conman – he is not mentally fit for the rigors of the office of president, see here, and here.  This isn’t about picking on Biden, or even disrespecting him, this is about a man that unfortunately may have some rather serious dare I say mental issues.  This is about this man being seated in the most powerful office in the world, making decisions that affect all Americans – not just the Bidens.

Besides all that, Biden has demonstrated his willingness to lie time and time again.  Money and power mean more to the Bidens than America or America’s people do or ever will.

Let us not forget that it was recently revealed that over thirty individuals requested the unmasking of Flynn, and that included Joe Biden.

Back to the declassified email: Susan Rice in her infamous (I would say stupid) email to herself, stressed three timesthat the investigation of Michael Flynn was to proceed “by the book.”  So “big deal” you say.  Yes actually, it is avery big deal – because then Susan goes on to mention that from a “national security” prospective, things are different.

“From a national security perspective, however, President Obama said he wants to be sure that, as we engage with the incoming team, we are mindful to ascertain if there is any reason that we cannot share information fully as it relates to Russia.”  (Source)

That sounds like a clear and precise command to not share information with the Trump administration – of course phrased so as to give then President Obama an “out.”

Traitor Comey said he had “concerns” about Michael Flynn’s conversations with Russian Ambassador Kislyak – which by the way are perfectly legitimate and occur during all incoming administrations.  When asked by Obama if the NSC should not pass along sensitive information concerning Russia to Flynn, Comey replied “potentially.”

It needs to be understood here that General Flynn was the incoming National Security Advisor for President Trump.  Obama and company was clearly planning on withholding intelligence from Flynn.  That is pretty serious.  That would be like the Joint Chiefs of Staff advising the president on military matters – without any solid information or intelligence.

It was not rightfully Obama’s or any other member of his administration, right or duty to withhold information from anyone on the incoming “team.”

I wonder if “by the book” included setting up General Flynn and ignoring statements from FBI agents that Flynn did not lie.  Sure seems that way now doesn’t it.

Flynn’s attorney just filed a motion to have corrupt Judge Emmet Sullivan booted from the case, yet another Leftist looking to unfairly persecute Michael Flynn.  Sullivan you will remember accused Flynn of treason.

Haven’tMichael Flynn and his wife suffered enough? The case against him needs to be dismissed, and those responsible for this travesty of justice need to be brought to justice themselves.

This is only my opinion, but those involved should also be made to reimburse Flynn for the complete costs of his defense and all other monies involved in this case.  The Flynn’s have lost their good name, and even their home among other things.

You can donate to Mike and Lori Flynn here.

© 2020 Greg Holt – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Greg Holt:

Read my three most recent articles:

Obama’s Inner Circle Requested ‘Unmasking’ of General Flynn: Leftist Lapdog Politico Immediately Jumps to Defend Obama & Company

Only in America: ILLEGALS Suing the U.S. Government Because They did not Receive Coronavirus Stimulus Checks

The MSM, Social Networks, & the Democrats Seem to Have the Hots for the Coronavirus – But I Don’t Want to Play Anymore

Let’s all continue to fight political correctness, indoctrination, Leftist propaganda, liberalism, and keep sharing the truth – knowledge is power.  Until next time…

Another way you can support us is to purchase my book

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Obama’s Inner Circle Requested ‘Unmasking’ of General Flynn

By Greg Holt

Leftist Lapdog Politico Immediately Jumps to Defend Obama & Company

(TCP News)  Funny how the Left’s “damage control” would be for all “others” a reason to be suspended, banned, deplatformed, tossed into “Facebook jail,” ETC.

The release of the list of names concerning who requested the unmasking of former Lt. General Michael Flynn is big news, and it’s also, pay no attention to this news, and irrelevant news – it all depends on who you ask.

Politico (Leftico) certainly wasted no time in going to bat for Obama and Biden on this.

Acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell on Wednesday sent top Republican senators a list of former senior Obama administration officials who might have been involved in efforts that “unmasked” former national security adviser Michael Flynn — including former Vice President Joe Biden.

Ok, seriously???  Might have been involved in efforts that unmasked Michael Flynn?  That’s like saying, “I might have been involved” in writing this article, give me a break.

More from Leftico Politico:

In recent days, the president has coined the term “Obamagate” to accuse his predecessor of seeking to undermine him and target his top associates — though he has struggled to articulate or prove any specific wrongdoing.

Two things here:

  1. “Obamagate” was not recently coined. This is a deceptive talking point used to frame Trump as usual for supposed wrongdoing or for being a conspiracy theorist, and for being an idiot.  Do a search on Google, its there, buried but there.  Like this March of 2017 Investors Business Daily
  2. “Accuse his predecessor of seeking to undermine him and target his top associates.” Well Andrew and Betsy, I hate to be the one to burst your Leftist bubbles and tell you this – but there is plenty of evidence of Barack Obama and his “staff” targeting Trump and his associates; seeking to prevent a Trump presidency, and then working to destroy Trump’s presidency and prevent reelection.  Only an idiot would say otherwise.

From Twitchy:

The Wall Street Journal’s Rebecca Ballhaus is another firefighter who’s trying to douse these flames by assuring us that unmasking occurs thousands of times a year to “better understand the context of intercepted conversations.” [Link]

Sounds plausible correct?  Except that Rebecca is glossing over a few small details.

“May” have requested?  There is no “may” about it, they did request unmasking, period.  Low-and-behold, the WSJ “updated” their article and changed the title, note “may” IS in the URL (below) and the above tweet screenshot(preserved in case tweet is deleted), but it’s no longer in the article title on WSJ. [Link]

For the Leftist cabal, yes.

We agree.

That sums it up well indeed.  What’s good for us is off limits for you.

 Exactly, one day Biden knows nothing, next day – well, I may have heard about it. Uh huh.  TOAST.

The issue of unmasking being perfectly “normal” with regard to Michael Flynn is a blatant lie as far as I’m concerned.  First there is now (public) evidence that Flynn was deliberately set up and entrapped by the FBI.Second, Obama and company knew what was transpiring all along – by design.

Low-and-behold a Clinton appointed judge has challenged the decision to drop the Flynn case, AND has ordered another Clinton appointed judge to argue against the DOJ dropping Flynn’s case. Said judge just so happens to have written an op-ed highly critical of AG Barr’s decision to drop the charges against FlynnPerfectly normal, nothing to see here.

According to Sharyl Attkisson via The Hill:

Add to all this the report that, during 2016, the Obama administration vastly expanded its searches for information about Americans in the National Security Agency (NSA) database. In 2013, there were 9,500 searches involving 198 Americans. In 2016, that escalated to 30,355 searches of 5,288 Americans.

And then there is this:

From the Wall Street Journal:

The National Security Agency revealed to federal agencies the identities of almost 17,000 U.S. residents or corporations whose information was collected under a foreign surveillance law in 2018, registering about a 75% increase in unmaskings over the previous year, according to an annual transparency report released Tuesday.

So what is the difference here?  The first increase in unmaskings was under the Obama administration, the second under the Trump administration.  Obama and his inner circle weaponized the IRS, intimidated banks to drop customers, snooped on consumers through the CFPB (you can read about all of that here), spied on the Trump campaign, tried to destroy (interfere in) a presidential campaign in order to see Hillary elected, and the Obama holdovers have worked diligently ever since to remove Trump from the oval office from the day he set foot in it.

Who has Trump attacked or targeted, tweets aside of course – then again Trump’s tweets are more dangerous than the NSA is, that is if you are a Leftist Kool-Aid drinker anyway.

Consider also the following from The New York Times:

In a briefing with reporters, Alex Joel, the office’s chief civil liberties officer, cautioned against reading too much into statistical fluctuations, but said that one factor in the surge of unmaskings was that a handful of reports in 2018 contained numerous identifiers of Americans or American businesses that malicious hackers abroad had targeted.

“That could be an important factor in explaining the number here,” Mr. Joel said.

In addition to all of this I would point out that over thirty individuals requested the unmasking information regarding General Flynn (you can see that document here).  Why so many?  What reason was there for six different U.S. Treasury Department officials to request this information?  And of course Joe Biden requested this info when he was vice president, you know – the guy who said he didn’t remember anything about this?

Yeah exactly – move along sheeple, nothing to see here.

The recurring theme in Obama’s crime ring concerning the unmasking of General Flynn is: it’s “routine” – in this case former DNI James Clapper’s comments.

From the New York Post:

“It’s a routine thing,” the former intelligence chief said.

Asked by the network if he was responsible for the leaking of the contents of the documents that included Flynn’s name, the video went dead and the anchor was unable to get an answer to his question.

Funny how that happened right when Clapper was supposed to answer the one hundred dollar question now isn’t it?

One thing we can be sure of: General Flynn was taken out of the way by unscrupulous and deeply corrupt U.S. officials with Obama’s knowledge and blessing.

Justice needs to be done, and people need to go to jail.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Greg Holt:

Read my three most recent articles:

Only in America: ILLEGALS Suing the U.S. Government Because They did not Receive Coronavirus Stimulus Checks

The MSM, Social Networks, & the Democrats Seem to Have the Hots for the Coronavirus – But I Don’t Want to Play Anymore

Candace Owens Challenges Crazy & Tyrannical Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer – Twitter Promptly Suspends Her

TCP News is proud to be ranked #24 in the Top 40 Conservative Political Blogs

Facebook has reduced our distribution; please share our articles widely.
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Let’s all continue to fight political correctness, indoctrination, Leftist propaganda, liberalism, and keep sharing the truth – knowledge is power.  Until next time…

Illegals Suing the U.S. Government Because They did Not Receive Coronavirus Stimulus Checks

By Greg Holt

(True Conservative PunditWe find ourselves in this situation because it is common knowledge the world over that the U.S. treats illegals better than its own citizens.

There is a group of illegals that have apparently filed a lawsuit against the U.S. government.  Why you ask?  Because they did not get a piece of the pie, and well – it’s not fair that they are excluded.

From The Gateway Pundit:

“I have lost my job, and in my home three adults have the coronavirus; none of us are working,” one of the plaintiffs, identified only as “Norma” said in a statement released through her lawyers. “My son is an American citizen, and we need him to receive the CARES Act benefit to provide food and a roof over his head until this difficult moment passes.”

The lawsuit argues denying relief money to children of illegal immigrants is unconstitutional under the Fifth Amendment “because the children are being discriminated against and treated differently from other US citizen children.”

While this writer does sympathize with this woman’s situation, the fact remains that she is here in the U.S. illegally, by her own choice.  Many a person comes here illegally knowing that due to U.S. law, their children will be U.S. citizens, otherwise known as “anchor babies,” this practice is also known as “birth tourism.”

The argument these illegals are using is that denying aid to them via their “anchor babies” whom are citizens is “unconstitutional.”  Here is what I want to know: how is it that I (We the People) must be held responsible for these illegal immigrants own choices?

No one held a gun to anyone’s head and said that they must break the law and come here illegally, therefore breaking the law – it was/is a choice to do so.  Many illegals then have the gumption to complain and demand that they be given the same rights as American citizens.

This is just plain wrong.  What about those who earned their citizenship the right way?  Many of these immigrants who did so from previous generations helped make this nation what it is today.

Thanks to the Democrats:

  • Illegals are to be given everything for free
  • Illegals do not have to follow the same laws as U.S. citizens
  • Illegals should automatically be given citizenship (amnesty)
  • Illegals should be protected from U.S. law when they commit crimes

Unfortunately, it is known worldwide how American lawmakers so foolishly ignore our own laws and Constitution in order to grant all rights and privileges to illegals, and even rights that American citizens do not posses.  Naturally these illegals will become Democrats – but that has nothing to do with why Democrats allow and encourage all of this right?

Let’s say you go on vacation for two or three weeks.  You are taking the vacation of a lifetime, traveling all over the U.S.  When you return home, you find a family has broken into your home and is living in it.  Since the “family” has a brand new baby born in your home – you are told they must be allowed to remain, and that you have to help pay their bills.

Guess what, that is exactly what is happening here with these illegals.  The “home” is the U.S., the “family” is the illegals, and “you” are the American taxpayer that is being forced to pay for all of this.

Is American citizenship and all that it stands for and the rights that it includes really sold so cheaply?

Apparently so.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Greg Holt:

Read my three most recent articles:

The MSM, Social Networks, & the Democrats Seem to Have the Hots for the Coronavirus – But I Don’t Want to Play Anymore

Candace Owens Challenges Crazy & Tyrannical Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer – Twitter Promptly Suspends Her

Major Crisis Averted! Netflix and AOC Propaganda Film is Here to Save the Day & Educate Your Kids

Shock Jock Howard Stern: Trump Followers Should All Drop Dead

True Conservative Pundit is proud to be ranked #24 in the Top 40 Conservative Political Blogs

Facebook has reduced our distribution; please share our articles widely.
Another way for you to support us is to purchase my book.
Please follow us on: FacebookGabUSA LifeTwitterSpreely, and subscribe to my daily newsletter.

Let’s all continue to fight political correctness, indoctrination, Leftist propaganda, liberalism, and keep sharing the truth – knowledge is power.  Until next time…

Major Crisis Averted! Netflix and AOC Propaganda Film to Educate Your Kids

By Greg Holt

(True Conservative Pundit)  Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has a new film out, more like propaganda and lies on steroids, just in time to “educate” your kids.

Just think, a whole generation of young people being manipulated and lied to by AOC, indoctrination at its best, this so-called film comes complete with teaching guides for all levels of academia.  Did I forget to mention Netflix is showing this film for free on YouTube?

“Many young people ask me why & how I started running for office from a restaurant, w/o any special connections or big money.

tells that story.”

AOC says she ran for office with no special connections, no big money, and implied she also had no experience.  One small problem here; actually a lot of problems here.  But first things first – this is straight up BS.

“Without political experience or corporate money, they build a movement of insurgent candidates challenging powerful incumbents in Congress.”  (Source)

AOC fails to mention a few details here.

Alexandria was already involved in politics in high school being involved with the National Hispanic Institute’s (who she later worked for) Lorenzo de Zavala (LDZ) Youth Legislative Session – she was later (in college) the LDZ Secretary of State.

During AOC’s college years, she was an intern for U.S. Senator Ted Kennedy, no doubt gaining valuable experience.  After college in 2016, AOC was an organizer for the Bernie Sanders campaign. AOC also traveled around the U.S. as an activist.

A group known as Brand New Congress backed AOC’s run for office, a very effective grassroots campaign.  AOC also had the backing of the Justice Democrats, who – recruited Ocasio-Cortez to challenge Joe Crowley and “helped get her campaign off the ground, build an email list and raise $30,000.” – that was huge. The Justice Democrats also went door-to-door effectively constituting an army of people campaigning for OAC.

One of the founders of both of these groups, Saikat Chakrabarti – was previously a highly placed and influential staffer for Bernie Sanders 2016 presidential campaign – who later went on to become AOC’s Chief of Staff.

So, as you can see, this assertion by AOC that she was just an average everyday inexperienced nobody who just happened to jump into politics while working her “normal” job as a bartender – is a huge load of crap.

AOC was endorsed by Bernie Sanders and Barack Obama.  And then there were the endorsements from Black Lives Matter, Move On (George Soros), and Democracy for America (Howard Dean).

Writer Sarah D. (Twitchy) summed it up nicely:

“Teaching guides? Educational resources? We know AOC came in second place in a science fair once, but something tells us our kids are better off not being “educated” by AOC and pals.”

We agree 100% Sarah!

We leave you with this final thought:

AOC and the rest of the socialist Democrats are highly organized, well funded, and have a lot of power players backing them – like most of the media, Facebook, Twitter, George Soros and plenty of other progressive voices.

Many of AOC’s positions are, like the Green New Deal – an exercise in futility combined with stupidity.  That doesn’t mean AOC is stupid, she is not the simpering idiot with a pretty face that many think she is.

AOC is on a mission to push the Democratic Party to the ultra far-left and knows exactly what she is doing, and so do her handlers.  It would be a grave mistake not to take her and her pals seriously.

Now that Alexandria and company have a propaganda film backed by Leftist bastion Netflix – couched as an educational platform, well God help us if this woman gains a position of power, like say Speaker of the House.

Don’t say we didn’t warn you.

Read my three most recent articles:

Shock Jock Howard Stern: Trump Followers Should All Drop Dead

Was the Coronavirus Created to Destroy the U.S. Economy & Create a New Nation State? Welcome to the USSA

China’s Arrogant Bragging is Rather Badly Misplaced – and This is the Reason Why

True Conservative Pundit is proud to be ranked #24 in the Top 40 Conservative Political Blogs

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Let’s all continue to fight political correctness, indoctrination, Leftist propaganda, liberalism, and keep sharing the truth – knowledge is power.  Until next time…

© 2020 Greg Holt – All Rights Reserved

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Was the Coronavirus Created to Destroy the U.S. Economy and Create a New Nation State?

By Greg Holt

(True Conservative Pundit) What is the single biggest event ever created to damage (destroy) the economy? Answer – the Coronavirus.

Let it be noted that this writer is not at all against common sense precautions concerning the Coronavirus. Cover your cough; if you are feeling rather ill, stay home. If you aren’t feeling well and have to go out, limit how much you do so and by all means wear a mask. In other words, the very same things one would do if one has the flu.

Now, here is the REAL problem – the Coronavirus is a created bioweapon with a specific purpose: the destruction of the U.S. economy, and possibly the world economy.  U.S. intelligence is looking into the idea that the Coronavirus may be used as a weapon, how about that…

Does this seem a little too “conspiracy theorist” for you?  Well, then consider the following:

  • The flu infects millions more people than the Coronavirus, and this happens EVERY year – yet the U.S. has never been “locked down” because of the flu.
  • MERS and SARS did not spread easily, the so-called Swine flu however spread like wildfire, yet there was no lockdown for this either.
  • The Coronavirus is far more deadly than the flu, BUT – overall, more people die from the flu than the Coronavirus.

So what gives with locking down the whole country over this?  Is this not a huge overreaction/overreach on the part of government(s)?

YES it is.  And the MSM and Tech Giants (Facebook, Twitter, Google etc.) are helping to fuel all of this – and helping to create hysteria among the population.

I did a search concerning Coronavirus protests on Google, and on yahoo. Google’s results all support the Leftist point of view, namely we all need to remain in lockdown for months if not a year or more according to some. Yahoo’s results at least show both sides of the story, it’s OK to start reopening the country, and no we should not reopen the country.

The Democrats per Nancy Pelosi held up funding for small businesses impacted by the Coronavirus because the Dems wanted to include funding for all kinds of pet projects (pork) such as 25 million dollars for the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts.  I hate to say it, but who cares about the Kennedy Center?? Businesses are going out of business permanently, people are losing their jobs, people’s savings are gone, formerly affluent and “middle class” folks are in the bread line – all while Pelosi and the Democrats play games to fund pet projects, and demand funding that satisfies their brand of politics – namely identity politics.

Right from the horses mouth:

“And yet, Pelosi and her minions continue to use hardworking Americans as pawns in their efforts to redirect national priorities.  As Rep James Clyburn, D-S.C., stated in the first Paycheck Protection Program round, Democrats see this as ‘a tremendous opportunity to restructure things to fit our vision.’”

EXACTLY.  Instead of working to mitigate the devastating affects of the Coronavirus – Pelosi and the Democrats are looking to use YOU America as a bargaining chip.

I’m here to tell you in plain English – Pelosi and the Democrats don’t give a damn about you or anyone else – not even their own people, hence the #WalkAway movement.

The entire U.S. economy is failing, many restaurants that closed, are never going to open again.  Businesses are or have closed down and staff has been let go.  According to The Hill, one in four small businesses are less than two months from closing down – permanently.

I detailed all of this a month ago already – when I noted that the economy has been trashed, stock market gains wiped out, and many jobs are gone.  The retail apocalypse has drastically accelerated, killing off many businesses with a whole lot more to come, all due to the Coronavirus.

Lockdown/stay at home measures have reached unprecedented levels of ridiculousness.  The draconian measures being enacted are nothing short of the beginnings of a police state.  People are facing arrest for going outside, you know, normal activities.  Drones are being used to enforce “social distancing” and curfews.

According to The Gateway Pundit:

“Earlier this week a young mother was arrested by police in Idaho for playing with her children in a park because she was violating the governor’s authoritarian Coronavirus lockdown order.”

This is ridiculous.

China is leveraging this disaster to gain power on the world stage, which they “just so happen” to be uniquely positioned to take advantage of.

Noted and well-respected financial and geopolitical analyst, Lyle Martin Armstrong contends that the Coronavirus is a deliberate attempt to destabilize and destroy the entire world economy.  So then, what is the point of all of this?

The point is to further the socialist/One World government agenda, while wiping out the opposition – like We the People.  When the U.S. economy is in ruins and all who oppose socialism are “managed,” then the elites can rebuild.

Don’t say we didn’t warn you.

Welcome to the USSA.  The United Socialist States of America

© 2020 Greg Holt – All Rights Reserved

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Read my three most recent articles:

China’s Arrogant Bragging is Rather Badly Misplaced – and This is the Reason Why

PBS Reporter’s Insanely Stupid Question to Surgeon General is Why Most Thinking People See the MSM as a Bunch of Idiots

Report: the Solution to the Mental Disorder Known as Liberalism Has Been Found  

True Conservative Pundit is proud to be ranked #24 in the Top 40 Conservative Political Blogs

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Let’s all continue to fight political correctness, indoctrination, Leftist propaganda, liberalism, and keep sharing the truth – knowledge is power.  Until next time…

Report: the Solution to the Mental Disorder Known as Liberalism Has Been Found

By Greg Holt

(True Conservative Pundit) Yes folks the solution for the incurable disease known as liberalism has been found. It has actually been right under our noses the entire time.


You read that right; California is the solution to the liberal problem.

First however, we need to make a few simple changes:

  1. California will immediately be renamed Libfornia.
  2. Libfornia will immediately become a U.S. territory. No voting rights that way you see. The former state of California’s Senators and Representatives will be removed from Washington and sent home.
  3. All liberals will be rounded up and sent to Libfornia effective immediately. What liberal would want to miss the opportunity to live in the land of their own making?
  4. All illegal border crossers will henceforth be sent to Libfornia, after all, liberals want open borders.
  5. MS-13 gang members that are caught crossing the border or are in police custody will be sent to Libfornia – liberals seem to think that their daughters should date MS-13 members rather then Republicans and think that MS-13 members are only misguided so they will be Libfornia’s problem from now on.
  6. As liberals hate America, America will not be responsible for Libfornia’s problems.
  7. Libfornia’s new capitol will be poop central, San Francisco. After all, what liberal could resist the city destroyed by their own stupidity. Covered in human feces, dirty drug needles, and a huge homeless population – all brought on by liberal Democrat policies.


Libfornia will likely become the Mecca of political correctness and the world bastion of liberal thought. It is also anticipated that medical care will be free for everyone, and a college education will cost zero. Residents of Libfornia will almost assuredly be able to apply for and receive a Universal Basic Income in the very near future.

The fallout from these decisions will be swift and sure. Libfornia will very likely collapse in the near future. Free college, free medical care, and free money – who will pay for this, where does the money come from? Maybe Google, Facebook, and Elon Musk will chip in. Rational thought is not part of the liberal platform.


After Libfornia implodes completely – the U.S. can reenter the territory taking control, and reestablish the sane rule of law. Maybe a few liberals will even abandon liberalism…

Read my three most recent articles:

Left-Leaning Google Gives the Trump Administration a HUGE Gift: Leftists are Outraged

Popular Video Conference Platform Zoom: ‘Zoom is malware,’ ‘a privacy disaster,’ and ‘a danger to national security’

The Coronavirus: America in Lockdown, Economy Trashed, Stock Market Gains Destroyed, Jobs and Businesses Gone – Mission Accomplished?

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Let’s all continue to fight political correctness, indoctrination, Leftist propaganda, liberalism, and keep sharing the truth – knowledge is power.  Until next time…

© 2020 Greg Holt – All Rights Reserved

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Is Coronavirus Deadly? Yes, Just Not In The Way You Might Think

By Greg Holt

The Coronavirus is all we hear about and many people simply aren’t listening anymore.  Here’s the real problem – the effects are deadly serious.

(True Conservative Pundit)  Yesterday, a fellow author on TCP posited that the Coronavirus is basically not what it seems, I would have to agree. Lyle’s premise here is that the COVID-19 outbreak is being exaggerated and used by the Democrats for maximum harm to President Trump – “Never let a good crisis go to waste!”


If you think I/we are exaggerating, a quick perusal on Twitter should change your mind: []

Can anyone be this stupid???

Focus on the media and the Democrats? The media and the Democrats are a large part of the problem!


And then there is this gem from none other than CNN:

CNN fantasizes about the Coronavirus handing the 2020 election to Democrats – yes really.

CNN is not only staffed by incompetent liars that would not know journalism if it walked up and slapped them, they are also clearly out to destroy President Trump.

The basic problem is that the Coronavirus, or COVID-19 is being blown way out of proportion.  Is the Coronavirus more deadly than the flu as has been reported?  Yes, it is. But let’s look at the numbers:

Deaths due to Influenza are about 0.1% of those infected – that is WAY less than 1% for those math challenged folks out there.

Deaths due to Coronavirus are about (it varies by region, country etc.) 2–3%.

Far more deadly right?  But that isn’t the whole story either.

According to Live Science:

So far, the new coronavirus has led to more than 220,000 illnesses and more than 9,300 deaths worldwide. But that’s nothing compared with the flu, also called influenza.In the U.S. alone, the flu has caused an estimated 36 million illnesses, 370,000 hospitalizations and 22,000 deaths this season, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The common flu is far more deadly than the Coronavirus is, at least health wise.

The real danger in the Coronavirus outbreak is the damage to the U.S. (and the world) economy.  Restaurants are closing, or have takeout only.  Bars are closing down completely.  Many retailers are closing stores or reducing hours of operation.  Schools are closing adding to parents’ worries.

There is talk of “checks” for Americans affected by COVID-19.  I personally think this is a bad idea. OK, so who wouldn’t like some cash in their pocket right?  I agree, except that in a country that already has serious debt issues – HOW is this going to be paid for?  The stock market has already crashed, retailers closing are going to lose a fortune, and many Americans are going to be essentially jobless.  Not everyone will get paid while they are basically laid off by force.

Loan defaults will assuredly go up.  People’s investments have lost a lot of money.  The U.S. economy will almost without a doubt enter a recession.  Gatherings of more than 50 people are being banned in many locations; some locations are even saying no more than 10 people in one place.

Then there are the sensationalistic articles out there whose main aim I hate to say is generating web traffic, because traffic equals profit.  These kinds of articles are only adding fuel to the fire and causing increased panic.  Shame on those of you posting this kind of crap.

The Coronavirus is somewhat of a health risk, but the main risk is to those over 50, some say over 65, or those with compromised immune systems. Most others recover, same as the flu.

The biggest threat and/or danger is not to our health, it is to our economy, and our way of life.

Read my three most recent articles:

Not So Super Tuesday – Democrats Unite Behind the Worst Candidate Ever: Joe ‘the Gaffer’ Biden

BOMBSHELL! Federal Judge Orders New Hillary Clinton Deposition on Emails & Benghazi

Confirmed: Ilhan Omar Married Her Brother & may Have Committed the ‘Worst crime spree in Congressional history’

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Let’s all continue to fight political correctness, indoctrination, Leftist propaganda, liberalism, and keep sharing the truth – knowledge is power.  Until next time…

© 2020 Greg Holt – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Greg Holt:

Not So Super Tuesday – Democrats Unite Behind the Worst Candidate Ever: Joe ‘the Gaffer’ Biden

Greg Holt

What terms come to mind when you think of Joe Biden? Maybe: Gaffer, imbecile, confused, lost, senile, idiot, poser, and incompetent?

(True Conservative Pundit) Super Tuesday was not really a surprise.  The entire Democratic Party seems united in their opposition to Bernie Sanders becoming the nominee.  One kind of has to feel sorry for the guy.  He worked hard to pull ahead of the competition – only to have the rug yanked out from underneath him.  Worse, this is the second time.

It’s only this writer’s opinion of course, but even though Grandpa Bernie is far left of center and a communist masquerading as a socialist, the dimwit Dems would have had a better showing with him verses the gaffer; Joe Biden.

Maybe as that paragon of snarky excellence James Woods noted, the goal is to insert Hillary Clinton into the ticket via a brokered convention.  That would really be the final injustice to Sanders, the proverbial nail in the coffin.

So I pretty much predicted this. It’ll be #Biden and #Hillary as his vice presidential candidate. He will eventually “gracefully” resign as his dementia worsens and… Voila! #MadamePresident at last! (and in case he gets indicted for his Ukraine  corruption, she’ll pardon him…

BUT, one has to remember what kind of people one is dealing with here.  These aren’t your fathers Democrats, oh no – these are the new and improved version.  Take a look:

Spreading the Coronavirus at Republican rallies, that is NOT even remotely funny.  The real problem here is, I can see one of these idiots actually doing this.  Democrats are no longer just another political party, they are domestic terrorists and criminals with political clout.

What kind of warped mind would consider doing this?  I know, I know, it was only a joke right?  Is anyone else not laughing?

The entire parade of potential nominees has been nothing short of a joke, except that it’s not funny.  The Dems all want to give away everything from free college, to free medical care for all.  The problem is, it’s not at all free.  The fact remains – who is going to PAY for all of this?  AOC (Bernie Sanders right-hand woman) wants to eliminate gasoline engines, cows, and wants to rebuild every building in the United States.  Now I have to ask here, obviously this little endeavor would be extremely expensive, as in make the current U.S. budget look like a little discretionary spending – how are we going to pay for this?


The Democrats can only field candidates that are crooks (Biden), socialists (Comrade Bernie), give-away artists (Warren), clueless election purchaser (Mini-Mike), and a stumbling, gaffing, seeming idiot, (Again Joe Biden).

Why would anyone in his or her right mind vote for any of these people? Mark my words; if you vote Democrat, you are voting destruction upon yourself. Lest anyone think I’m kidding or being overly dramatic here – simply check out the cities and states run by Democrats, and look at what kind of shape they are in. I will even give you a head start, look at California.

Trump is far less than perfect, but in Trump we have a man that unlike Bloomberg, actually does get it done, rather than just talk about it.

  • Unemployment – down
  • Job growth – up
  • American businesses (and jobs) have come back to the U.S. (Obama said they and the jobs were gone for good)
  • American companies actually investing in America
  • NATO paying their fair share for once
  • Taxes down
  • Trump stands up for America, unlike his predecessor

Trump 2020!

Read my three most recent articles:

BOMBSHELL! Federal Judge Orders New Hillary Clinton Deposition on Emails & Benghazi

Confirmed: Ilhan Omar Married Her Brother & may Have Committed the ‘Worst crime spree in Congressional history’

All Aboard the Trump Train: Trump GUARANTEED to Win – Democrats Freaking Out

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Let’s all continue to fight political correctness, indoctrination, Leftist propaganda, liberalism, and keep sharing the truth – knowledge is power.  Until next time…

© 2020 Greg Holt – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Greg Holt:

Confirmed: Ilhan Omar Married Her Brother and May Have Committed the ‘Worst Crime Spree in Congressional History’

By Greg Holt

The Ilhan Omar saga just keeps getting better and better.  While Ilhan accuses Trump of every evil under the sun, The Daily Mail is confirming that Ilhan DID marry her brother.

(True Conservative Pundit)You just can’t make this stuff up.  Omar demanded in the past that President Trump release his taxes, while Omar kept her own hidden.  Now why would she do that?  Because Omar committed tax fraud, not once, but multiple times.  She also accepted illegal payments from institutions she spoke at that she as part of her congressional duties helped to oversee.

Ilhan is reportedly being investigated for immigration fraud, marriage fraud, and attempting to defraud a higher learning institution according to David Steinberg.

It is also reported that Omar made illegal payments to political consultant Tim Mynett, who she cheated on her husband with, and who (Mynett) happened to be married at the time.

Omar was even arrested in 2013 for trespassing, and in her “mug” shot she is smirking.  Typical Leftist, Omar regardless of actions believes she will get away with it, and so far she has done just that.

Ilhan also has racked up “SIX campaign finance violations.”

So we have a felon serving as a Congresswoman.  How’s that again???

Adding to all this, Ilhan Omar without even blinking an eye married her own brother.

According to The Daily Mail, it is now no longer a rumor; the paper is in fact confirming that Omar DID marry her brother.  Why?  So he could go to school in Minneapolis.

From The Daily Mail:

  • Ilhan Omar told friends years ago that the man who went on to become her second husband was in fact her brother, can confirm
  • Abdihakim Osman is the first person to go on record to speak of how Omar said she wanted to get her brother papers so he could stay in the United States
  • It has long been rumored that Omar and Ahmed Elmi are siblings, but because of a lack of paperwork in war-torn Somalia, proof has never been uncovered
  • Osman said: ‘She said she needed to get papers for her brother to go to school. We all thought she was just getting papers to allow him to stay in this country’

How about this gem – Ilhan Omar, may not even be her real name!

From The Gateway Pundit:

According documents and sources previously reported by investigative journalist David Steinberg, Congresswoman Ilhan Omar married her own brother in order to defraud US immigration.

In fact, evidence is mounting that Ilhan Omar isn’t even her real name!

Omar is a real gem, and as I previously wrote, “Ilhan Omar and the ‘The Squad’ are Dangerous Enemies of America and Need to be Removed from Office.”  Ilhan is also a strong supporter of Islam and Sharia Law – Islam and Sharia Law are most definitely NOT American.  Omar is also anti-Israel, as well as being a strong Leftist.

No, Ilhan Omar definitely does NOT have America’s best interests in mind, she has her OWN interests in mind, and that of Islam; Islam I want to remind my readers seeks to dominate the world, to control it, not assimilate. Don’t forget that.

One last thing, Omar the lover and defender of America: Omar has no problem whatsoever condemning President Trump every chance she gets, yet she cannot or will not condemn Al-Qaeda.  Let THAT one sink in.

Ilhan Omar is a criminal, and criminals belong in jail, not in Congress.

Read my three most recent articles:

All Aboard the Trump Train: Trump GUARANTEED to Win – Democrats Freaking Out

Yet ANOTHER Reason President Trump is the Most Hated President Ever: Justice for Victims of Sanctuary Cities Act

‘Mayor’ Pete Buttigieg Wins Monday’s Iowa Caucus, Bernie Sanders Wins Popular Vote: Democrats Are AGAIN to Blame for Voting Issues

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Let’s all continue to fight political correctness, indoctrination, Leftist propaganda, liberalism, and keep sharing the truth – knowledge is power.  Until next time…

© 2020 Greg Holt – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Greg Holt:

All Aboard the Trump Train: Trump Guaranteed to Win – Democrats Freaking Out

By Greg Holt

(True Conservative Pundit)  This writer predicted long ago that Donald Trump would win a second term, and I still say Trump will win.  In fact, I think a Trump win is guaranteed in 2020.  After all, Trump has the Dems helping him out – bigly.

Just check out these headlines to see how Democratic stupidity is steadily increasing the Trump landslide:

Latecomer Michael Bloomberg is campaigning on honesty among other things – then he is promptly busted for his Super Bowl ad on guns that is based on a lie.  Add to that, Bloomberg is not real well liked among many, and is seen as “buying” his way into the race and therefore the presidency.

Elizabeth Warren wants to play fast and loose with everyone’s money. Warren wants to cancel most student load debt, institute universal childcare, establish free public college, and roll out Medicare for all.

Warren finished fourth in New Hampshire; your goose is cooked Lizzy, only you don’t seem to know it yet. Historically speaking, no one who performs poorly in New Hampshire has ever won the nomination, Republican or Democrat.  Trump suggested Warren should go home and have, “a nice cold beer with her husband.” We agree.

Joe Biden finished a dismal 5th place in New Hampshire, so much for the vaunted Democratic front-runner.  Biden’s run has been filled with the usual litany of gaffs and missteps all along the way.  Democrats are apparently beginning to distance themselves from Biden.

In our opinion, they shouldn’t have cozied up to him to begin with!  Biden is a walking disaster area.  Who are the Dems going to back that has a chance against Bernie Sanders?  Good luck with that…

“Mayor Pete” in our opinion doesn’t stand a chance, and neither does Amy Klobuchar.

The only Democratic candidate gaining any significant steam is the dangerous socialist, Bernie Sanders, and “the party” doesn’t like him.  Sanders is ultra-far left, and that does not sit well with the powers that be. AOC, the ultra-far left young whippersnapper supports Bernie all the way; AOC also happens to be a constant source of strife in the Democrat party.

Will Hillary make good on her noises about running in 2020?  This writer highly doubts it, but if the Hilde-beast can screw Bernie again like she did in 2016, she will surely do so.

The ridiculous impeachment attempt of President Trump, along with the rest of the Dems agenda – oh wait, other then “get Trump,” the Dems don’t have an agenda.  These supposed instruments of destruction (Mueller investigation, Ukraine etc.) are having the opposite affect; they are helping Trump, not hurting him.

Couple all of this with the fact that the Democrats are again the cause of voting “issues” coupled with all of the infighting, and we have the perfect Trump storm in action.

The Democrats by their own actions, or lack thereof are insuring a Trump win in 2020.  Not that there ever was or is any doubt of such.

Read my three most recent articles:

Yet ANOTHER Reason President Trump is the Most Hated President Ever: Justice for Victims of Sanctuary Cities Act

‘Mayor’ Pete Buttigieg Wins Monday’s Iowa Caucus, Bernie Sanders Wins Popular Vote: Democrats Are AGAIN to Blame for Voting Issues

Seriously??? Climate Change Alarmist Extraordinaire Greta Thunberg Has Just Been Nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize

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Let’s all continue to fight political correctness, indoctrination, Leftist propaganda, liberalism, and keep sharing the truth – knowledge is power. Until next time…

© 2020 Greg Holt – All Rights Reserved

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The Prosperity Gospel Is No Gospel At All

Greg Holt

What is the difference between the prosperity gospel, and the Gospel of Jesus Christ?

Simple – in the prosperity gospel you receive everything you want.

In the Gospel of Christ you receive everything you need – according to God.

Friends, concerning anyone, famous or not – who preaches that if you only pray enoughand/or have enough faith – all that you want will be yours, this is an unbiblical lie!  Or using the same pre-qualifications, you will be healed of whatever afflicts you.  These people are liars.  Run away, as fast as your feet will take you, don’t walk, RUN.

God will give to you what you need, realizing that our need is determined by Him, not us.

“The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?” Jeremiah 17:9 (KJV)

Add to that the mind, as the thoughts of the mind flow from the desires of the heart.

need that house.
need that car.
need that job.
If I have this or that, I will be happy.
If I can do that, I will be happy.
If he/she is my spouse, I can be happy.

Are any of these needs?  No, they are not.  But our heart and our mind will lie to us and tell us that they are.

God made us, and God knows us – far better than we know ourselves. God cannot and does not lie. Therefore, when He says:

Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.  Matthew 11:28 (KJV)

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.  Matthew 6:33 (KJV) Read Matthew chapter six.

Translation: in the first verse, Matthew 11:28, God is essentially promising to deliver us from useless and unspiritual toil.  Sin can only be forgiven by Jesus (Colossians 1:12-14); we can do no works that will earn us forgiveness, nor a place with Christ.  We submit, we confess, we promise to follow – God guides the needed changes within us, forgives us, grants us eternal life with Him (a free gift – Ephesians 2:8-9), and sees only the righteousness of His Son Jesus Christ within us.

In the second verse, God promises that if we will follow Him, He will provide for us.  Again, said provision is according to God, not us.  The heart will lie, telling us we have to have this and that.  Except that we do not.

So whom are you going to trust?  The prosperity gospel teacher (false teacher), or the Teacher of the true Gospel, Jesus Christ?

“…God our Saviour; who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth. For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus.” 1 Timothy 2:3-5

Jesus Christ – first, last, and always, yesterday, today, and forever. Revelation 22:13 Hebrews 13:8

How to End House Impeachment Games: Senate Impeachment Trial Rules – the ‘Kill Switch,’ Spicer:

By Greg Holt

Nancy Pelosi shamelessly played partisan political games in the House with an extremely serious matter, impeachment.  Impeachment is a serious step in attempting to remove a president, and should be treated as such. In the Senate trial, the games are over.

The Democrats have been out to get Donald Trump since before he even took office.  The Dems have never been able to accept the defeat of their precious Hillary at the hands of a political rube, Donald John Trump.  So the Dems and their close allies, the mainstream lamestream media took action, they attacked and spied on the Trump campaign – Trump still won.  Trump became the 45th president, and the Demonrats and the media upped the attacks on him without mercy.  Then along comes the completely spurious Mueller investigation.

Dead. On. Arrival.

The Muller investigation was as partisan as they come, wasted millions (about 25 million) of dollars of tax money, and turned up zero evidence of wrongdoing by President Trump.

Since that did not work, the Dems proceeded to accuse Trump of interfering in the investigation.  That failed too.  Then the ruckus started over Ukraine.  No evidence of wrongdoing there either.  Funny thing – several Democrats are implicated in wrongdoing concerning Ukraine, I see no investigations into this whatsoever.  Typical Saul Alinsky tactics, accuse the opposition of what you yourself are guilty of.

The sham impeachment inquiry orchestrated by Pelosi, Schiff, and others was and is a tool.  A tool to not only bring down their hated enemy, President Trump – but a tool to interfere with Bernie Sanders presidential campaign as well.  As in the 2016 election, the elite Democrats do not want Sanders as the nominee; he is too far Left for Pelosi’s taste.  Bernie is however the hero of the up and coming new Democrat princess, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez who in this writer’s opinion is gunning for Pelosi’s seat as Speaker.

The Senate impeachment trial is finally commencing.  The difference is, Senator McConnell has made it abundantly clear to Pelosi and her top impeachment manager Adam Schiff, that there will be no games.  The trial will also be fair, something the House proceedings did not even come close to.

Breitbart has the story:

On Sunday, Breitbart News and other outlets reported on the mechanism that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has built into the Senate impeachment trial rules that allows the president’s legal team to call for an immediate vote for dismissal or summary judgment at any time should the Democrats engage in shenanigans like they did in the House. When the House, which is controlled by Democrats, rammed through the highly partisan impeachment of President Donald Trump, the process was slammed by all sides as unfair and rigged, as it was done largely in secret with hardly any due process rights for the president whose attorneys were barred from many of the proceedings. The Senate, as evidenced by this kill switch’s inclusion in the rules, will not allow such partisan gamesmanship and if House Democrat “impeachment managers,” such as Intelligence chairman Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) or Judiciary chairman Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY) try anything untoward, the whole thing can get shut down quickly.

Former White House press secretary Sean Spicer was quoted as saying the kill switch is “brilliant.”  If the Democrats aim is to turn the Senate trial into a game, and/or a political football to move their play closer to the goal post – well there will be a flag on the play, and it’s going to come crashing down around the Dems ears.

May justice finally be served.

© 2020 Greg Holt – All Rights Reserved

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Read my three most recent articles:

AOC is on a Mission to Oust Moderate Democrats Pushing the Party to Ultra-Far-Leftism – & Challenge Pelosi for Supremacy

Another Facebook Screwup: Greta Thunberg’s Facebook Page and Climate Change Have Something in Common – Both Are Fake

AOC is ‘Stressed’ About Having Kids – I’m Stressed About AOC Having Kids Too

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AOC is ‘Stressed’ About Having Kids – I’m Stressed About AOC Having Kids Too

Greg Holt

TMZ caught up to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) recently and did a short interview with her.  Scary stuff… (True Conservative Pundit)

Anyone who follows my writing knows I’m not at all a fan of AOC.  Her ignorance and blatant stupidity combined with being one of the supposed leaders in this country sets my teeth on edge and then some.

TMZ asked AOC about the fires raging in Australia, and of course she took the opportunity to expound on climate change (a hoax) and then bash President Trump.

AOC also had some comments about having children:

I mean, this is our future. Because I think for us the stakes are so high. I’m going to live in a world that is fundamentally altered by climate change. So is Greta, so is every young person. You know, if you are pretty much under the — first of all, we’re seeing it now. Like, we’re living through this right now. We’re experiencing it right now. But especially if you are under 50 years old, if you’re under 40, 30, you know, 20, the younger you are, the more of our lives and our futures are going to be impacted by this. And you know, even people my age are stressed and have anxiety about having kids just because we want to make sure that we’re bringing our kids into a healthy world, into a stable future. And you shouldn’t ever have to be anxious about that. We need to be advocating for a safe future for all of us.

First off, wild fires have been happening since time began, and will continue to happen until there is nothing left to burn, or the earth ceases to exist – for the English-challenged out there, that means one or the other, but not both.

Second, climate change is a bunch of made up malarkey that is earning some people (Al Gore) millions of dollars.  Also, there are reports that some of these fires were intentionally set.

So, we have established that AOC is a climate change alarmist; we also know that she is the author of the woefully inept “Green New Deal”.  You know – the so-called deal that calls for rebuilding every building in the U.S., eliminating cows (because they fart) and getting rid of air travel and combustion engines.

Back to AOC having children:

“people my age are stressed and have anxiety about having kids just because we want to make sure that we’re bringing our kids into a healthy world, into a stable future.”

A healthy world and a stable future, a lofty and worthy goal.


With people like AOC (and the Squad), Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Joe Biden, etc. – there will never be a stable and healthy world, let alone a stable and healthy U.S.  How can the U.S. be “stable” when idiots like AOC and company pursue wild fantasies that cost more money then there is in circulation today?

How is the U.S. supposed to be healthy and stable when AOC and the Democrats only focus is on destroying the President of the United States while simultaneouslyignoring criminal behavior in members of their own party?

My fear concerning AOC and others like her having children?  That said children will turn out just like her – woefully ignorant and believing in dangerous fantasies while attempting to implement solutions that are worse than the supposed problems.

H/T Rusty Weiss Conservative Firing Line

Read my three most recent articles:

Cell Phones, Bullying, the Age of Reason, and Typical Democrat Stupidity

Iran Reportedly Evaluating Retaliation Scenarios to Inflict ‘Historic Nightmare’ on the United States – but the Tiger has Teeth

The Nuclear Arms Race is Alive and Well: Russia’s Mach 20 (15,000 mph) Hypersonic Missile – and the U.S. Does NOT Have One

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Let’s all continue to fight political correctness, indoctrination, Leftist propaganda, liberalism, and keep sharing the truth – knowledge is power.  Until next time…

© 2020 Greg Holt – All Rights Reserved

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Cell Phones, Bullying, the Age of Reason, and Typical Democrat Stupidity

Greg Holt

Just when you think you have seen it all – a Democrat introduces bill that defines stupidity on steroids.
True Conservative Pundit)

While the author of a new bill submitted in the Vermont state Senate says the bill is only to make a “point,” this bill exemplifies the Democratic mindset – ignorance and stupidity.

So what is this new bill about you ask?  Cellphones – more specifically, taking them away from those under the age of 21.  Yup, you read that right.

The idea is that (according to the bill) people under the age of 21 are not competent enough to posses and use a cell phone.

“Young people frequently use cell phones to bully and threaten other young people, activities that have been linked to many suicides.”

“In light of the dangerous and life-threatening consequences of cell phone use by young people, it is clear that persons under 21 years of age are not developmentally mature enough to safely possess them.”

While the use of phones to bully, and to text etc. while driving (causing deaths) are good points – the whole premise of this bill is defective and ignorant to begin with.  But if one is a Democrat and one proposed a bill, but then I repeat myself.

Taking away a person’s cell phone will stop bullying.  I have ocean front property in the middle of the desert for sale too.  Did the bill’s author forget about computers?  Or how about each person’s mouth?

If a person under the age of 21 is not “developmentally mature enough to safely possess them,” meaning a cell phone – then what else should be removed from their possession, or what other “rights” should be taken away?

Most people under 21 (and many above that age) are not mentally competent enough to have children, should we then make it illegal for anyone under the age of 21 to have a baby?

Many young people (especially today) are not seemingly competent enough to hold a job, live on their own, or make decisions that indicate even a modicum of wisdom.  Yet we were all young at one time right?

Should we then, based on the above thinking, remove the rights of those under the age of 21 (and maybe even higher) and hire for them babysitters to keep them “safe”?

Just the fact that this legislator wrote such an ignorant bill shows the idiotic mindset of most Democrats.  Even the bill’s author says he would not vote for it – why then did he write it?  This exemplifies the Democratic mindset that their god – the almighty State, is or should be in charge of all and sundry.

This author knows plenty of “grown-ups” that are anything but grown up.  Taking away people’s rights is not the way to fix things.  That is the way to cause division, anger, and resentment.

I have a better idea; lets take all the young people out there, and place them in a protective bubble.  We can then decide what to allow and what not to allow into the “bubble”, thereby protecting them from the big bad world at large.  This way, when we deem them old enough to be released into the world – they will fail miserably for sure, and we can wring our hands saying, “where did I go wrong”?

Did you catch the use of sarcasm there? If one is a Democrat…

Read my three most recent articles:

Iran Reportedly Evaluating Retaliation Scenarios to Inflict ‘Historic Nightmare’ on the United States – but the Tiger has Teeth

The Nuclear Arms Race is Alive and Well: Russia’s Mach 20 (15,000 mph) Hypersonic Missile – and the U.S. Does NOT Have One

Seriously? Teen Vogue Claims That Antifa ‘Aspires toward creating a better world’

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Let’s all continue to fight political correctness, indoctrination, Leftist propaganda, liberalism, and keep sharing the truth – knowledge is power.  Until next time…

© 2020 Greg Holt – All Rights Reserved

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Teen Vogue Claims That Antifa ‘Aspires Toward Creating A Better World’

Greg Holt

So you thought Antifa was a racist and violent organization hell-bent on changing society through terrorist-like tactics?  Good thing for you that Teen Vogue is on the job, using stellar journalism and fact-finding techniques to correct your woefully ignorant opinion.
(True Conservative Pundit)

Here is what Teen Vogue had to say about Antifa:

“Antifa grows out of a larger revolutionary politics that aspires toward creating a better world, but the primary motivation is to stop racists from organizing.”


So, I have ask a question here: creating a better world is obviously done by harassing people, assaulting those you disagree with, and beating the crap out of people right?

What planet are these idiots at Teen Vogue from anyway?  It is certainly not the same one I live on.

Others on Twitter did not seem to be all that impressed either:


We agree 100%

For sure, and if you subscribe, cancel your subscription to this Left-wing trash.

Pathetic, cowards who hide behind masks and terrorize innocent and defenseless people.

Last but not least:

“Teen Vogue grows out of SJW politics that aspires towards creating a fascistic world, but the primary motivation is to tell easily disproved lies to the masses stupid enough to still but [sic] the publication.”

Anyone supporting Teen Vogue is supporting dangerous Leftist propaganda and an obviously dangerous group of homegrown terrorists.

One does not make things better through intimidation, threats, and the use of violence.  That is exactly how terrorist groups like Hamas and Hezbollah operate.

Teen Vogue ought to be ashamed of themselves.

Image Credit: Carptrash

H/T Sarah D. – Twitchy

Read my three most recent articles:

Why Should Christ be Celebrated at Christmas – or at any Time?

BREAKING: A New Holiday is Declared – ‘Impeachment Day’

EXPOSED! Adam Schiff and the Dems Impeachment Circus a Desperate Attempt to Cover for the Bidens & Others REAL Crimes in Ukraine

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Let’s all continue to fight political correctness, indoctrination, Leftist propaganda, liberalism, and keep sharing the truth – knowledge is power.  Until next time…

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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Adam Schiff and the Dems Impeachment Circus a Desperate Attempt to Cover for the Bidens and Others REAL Crimes in Ukraine

Greg Holt

“Trump has been accused of wrongdoing concerning Ukraine, while Democrats have been actually engaged in wrongdoing, like profiteering, and quid pro quo (like they accused Trump of doing – and which Joe Biden bragged about doing himself) among other things.”   (True Conservative Pundit)

The Democrats are playing hardball in the true spirit of Saul Alinsky who penned the now famous (or infamous) Rules for Radicals.  Just a few of those rules the Dems are utilizing:

  1. “Power is not only what you have but what the enemy thinks you have.”
  2. “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.”
  3. “Keep the pressure on.”

The Democrats are worried, and for good reason with all the news coming out concerning the Biden family, the Kerry family, and various others wrongdoing in Ukraine.

What is the Democrat plan to combat this?  Well, for starters, the Democrats are laser focused on their single goal – the complete and utter destruction of Enemy Number One, President Donald J. Trump.

The Democrats throw out one accusation after another, it matters not if the accusation is true or not (rules 1 & 3).  Getting said accusation in the papers, the Internet publications, TV and cable news programs etc., is the key.  Once the accusation is in the public, the damage in large part is already done – and the Dems have very willing partners in the news media to help their cause.

Next, heap loads of ridicule on the enemy, his words, his actions – everything he does (rule 2).  The Democrats and the media have done this on a daily basis since before Trump even took office!  If one listened to the media and the Democrats – one would think Donald Trump was as stupid as a stump, incapable of tying his own shoes, let alone leading an entire nation.

While doing all of this, the Democrats have also played the “Accuse the other side of that which you are guilty” card (attributed to Joseph Goebbels).  Trump has been accused of wrongdoing concerning Ukraine, while Democrats have been actually engaged in wrongdoing, like profiteering, and quid pro quo (like they accused Trump of doing – and which Joe Biden bragged about doing himself) among other things.

One cannot discount the brutal effectiveness of accusing others of what the Democrats themselves have done.

CO2 is Life has the perfect description of why this is so effective:

  1. It immediately puts the innocent opposition on the defensive
  2. The innocent opposition has to waste valuable time refuting a lie and not addressing the issue
  3. It has perverse consequences of making the innocent guilty and guilty innocent
  4. Its impact is asymmetrical, falsely accusing the innocent elicits a completely different response than truthfully accusing the guilty
  5. Falsely accusing the innocent catches them completely unprepared, there are infinite numbers of false accusations one can draw from, and there is no way to prepare or anticipate all of them. The guilty knows of their true guilt, they know what they truly did, and they have time to prepare a thoroughly deceitful response to hide their guilt
  6. The accusation is what makes the headlines, the retraction gets printed on page 6 if at all

Trump has been accused of wrongdoing since before he assumed the office of the president.  The Ukraine fiasco has been a large part of the Democrat’s plan to impeach Trump.  So along comes information via John Solomon that Hunter Biden was “flagged” for “suspicious” payments way back in 2016!

Pot, say hello to kettle.  So Latvia asked Ukraine to investigate Hunter Biden back in 2016, well now, how about that.

From John Solomon Reports:

“As the U.S. presidential race began roaring to life in 2016, authorities in the former Soviet republic of Latvia flagged a series of “ suspicious” financial transactions to Hunter Biden and other colleagues at a Ukrainian natural gas company and sought Kiev’s help investigating, according to documents and interviews.

The Feb. 18, 2016 alert to Ukraine came from the Latvian prosecutorial agency responsible for investigating money laundering, and it specifically questioned whether Vice President Joe Biden’s younger son and three other officials at Burisma Holdings were the potential beneficiaries of suspect funds.”


“The Latvian correspondence adds to a growing body of evidence that questions and investigations of Burisma were swirling in early 2016 just before Joe Biden used his authority as vice president to force the firing of Ukraine Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin in March 2016 by threatening to withhold $1 billion in U.S. aid.

Shokin was overseeing a wide-ranging Ukrainian investigation of Burisma and has said he was making plans to interview Hunter Biden when he was fired by Ukraine’s president and parliament in March 2016 under pressure from Joe Biden.”

Then there is the dismissal of U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch.  And why was she dismissed?  You guessed it, corruption and wrongdoing, anyone surprised?

From Fox News:

“In more tweets Tuesday, Giuliani elaborated: ‘Yovanovitch needed to be removed for many reasons most critical she was denying visas to Ukrainians who wanted to come to US and explain Dem corruption in Ukraine. She was OBSTRUCTING JUSTICE and that’s not the only thing she was doing. She at minimum enabled Ukrainian collusion.’”

You know what they say about the fox guarding the hen house…

This is only my opinion, but I think the Democrats goose is cooked.  I just couldn’t help myself.

Read my three most recent articles:

So You Want to Cause a Social Justice Warrior Meltdown & Then Enjoy the Fireworks?

College Students LOVE Medicaid for All – Until They are Told the Truth

The Inspector General Releases FISA Report: ‘No intentional misconduct or political bias’

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Let’s all continue to fight political correctness, indoctrination, Leftist propaganda, liberalism, and keep sharing the truth – knowledge is power.  Until next time…

© 2019 Greg Holt – All Rights Reserved

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Breaking: Democrats Declare A New Holiday – ‘Impeachment Day’

Greg Holt

If you thought (even for a moment) that you have seen it all, think again.  You just can’t fix stupid – but you can laugh at it.

Yesterday I wrote about the Democrats desperate impeachment attempt to cover their own crimes – crimes they of course have accused Trump of.  EXPOSED! Adam Schiff and the Dems Impeachment Circus a Desperate Attempt to Cover for the Bidens & Others REAL Crimes in Ukraine

Then today along comes this serious news story:

What does one “conservative” blogger, and one utterly frivolous and stupid idea equal?  I’m not sure, maybe you can tell me, or better yet, tell Jennifer Rubin.

Mrs. Rubin, a supposedly conservative writer, decided that today, December 18th should be declared a holiday – “Impeachment Day.”



Apparently Rubin had this tweet pinned at one point today, but after all the negative blowback, she pinned a different tweet.

Twitter reaction to this idiocy is priceless:




Democrats don’t need criminal violations do they? Eye roll…


Is impeachment Trump’s Christmas present from the Democrats?


I can feel the burn from here…

And finally – this gem:


If we can’t fix stupid, we may as well try to enjoy it.

Oh, and GO Trump!

According to CBS News, a vote on the two articles of impeachment against Trump should happen in the House sometime tonight.

Read my three most recent articles:

EXPOSED! Adam Schiff and the Dems Impeachment Circus a Desperate Attempt to Cover for the Bidens & Others REAL Crimes in Ukraine

So You Want to Cause a Social Justice Warrior Meltdown & Then Enjoy the Fireworks?

College Students LOVE Medicaid for All – Until They are Told the Truth

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Let’s all continue to fight political correctness, indoctrination, Leftist propaganda, liberalism, and keep sharing the truth – knowledge is power.  Until next time…

© 2019 Greg Holt – All Rights Reserved

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College Students LOVE Medicaid for All – Until They are Told the Truth

Greg Holt

Ah the joy of free stuff – who doesn’t love free stuff right?  College kids thought that free healthcare was great; then someone said that they had to pay for it.  (True Conservative Pundit)

The Democrats have long touted Medicaid for All, or in other words, a single-payer healthcare system as “the” solution to rising healthcare costs.  Many of the current Democratic presidential contenders are pushing this flawed concept rather hard.  Especially Bernie the socialist Sanders, and Elizabeth Fauxahontas Warren.

The idea here of course is very attractive in principle – that being that all Americans would have health insurance.  Who wouldn’t like that idea right?  A bunch of college kids were told this and they pretty much universally accepted this as a great idea.  Many if not all Democrats also think that Medicaid for All is the cat’s meow.  The difference is that college kids are young and inexperienced – while the Democrats are a little more well versed in the workings of the world and should therefore know better, remember I said “should.”

Campus Reform’s Cabot Phillips decided to see just what college students thought of “Medicaid for All,” both before they knew the details, and after.

From Zero Hedge:

“Asking first whether they viewed the plan favorably or unfavorably, the results were near-universal.

‘I do support Medicare for all,’ one student said,

…while others added, ‘I think every American deserves healthcare,’ and ‘I do support that. It’s an important form of universal healthcare.’

Yet another student said, ‘I don’t think there’s anything you could tell me that would make me view it unfavorably.’”

However, once students learned the details, like having to pay for this plan, and that Americans would be forcibly removed from their private insurance plans, support for Medicaid for All dropped like a rock:

“‘I mean they shouldn’t be kicked off, that doesn’t seem fair,’ one said…

…while another stated simply, ‘the government can’t force people to have healthcare with them…’

One student said ‘those who are able to get private healthcare shouldn’t have to be removed from their current plan…’

‘You have to pay for it? You still have to pay for it? I don’t support that…’ one said…

…before another admitted, ‘If I were financially on my own I wouldn’t support that.’”

Note this last statement – this person would not support healthcare for all if he is helping to foot the bill.  Friends, this kind of attitude is in large measure what is wrong with this country today.  People say, well, it’s not my problem.  Maybe its not, but what about the fact that the problems of a nation most certainly impact its citzens?

Watch the video from Campus Reform:

Support for government run and taxpayer funded healthcare has actually grown despite its huge cost – 32 trillion dollars in about ten years.  I confess, I do not understand this.  Where do people think the enormous amount of money required to fund this program is going to come from?  Perhaps that question needs to be answered first.

To put this into perspective, U.S. spending in 2017, for everything – was $3.99 trillion, and in 2018 total spending was $4.11 trillion.  So lets say for the sake of argument (these numbers are unrealistic, the real numbers would be much higher) that spending per year, for everything is $5 trillion dollars per year on average for the next ten years.  Now we add in the cost of Medicaid for All, at an average cost of $3.2 trillion a year for ten years. We can reasonably expect that the real cost will be significantly higher, this IS the U.S. government running the show after all.  So lets increase the cost of Medicaid for All to $4 trillion a year.

Total cost projection for each year for all monies paid out by the U.S. government?  Nine Trillion dollars.  The U.S. is already swimming in debt as we cannot cover the cost of each year’s spending, so the U.S. keeps borrowing more and more money.  If the U.S. can’t afford today’s spending (and we can’t), $4 trillion – how are we going to afford over double this amount courtesy of free healthcare for all?  Total spending for ten years would be about $90 TRILLION dollars, and that is on the low side without a doubt.  Let that sink in.

The moral of the story?  Free healthcare for all isn’t at all free, and it’s also a surefire way to bankrupt the United States and place a heavy financial burden on the shoulders of every tax paying American citizen that no one can possibly carry – while likely destroying the U.S. economy.  Furthermore, keep in mind here that the destruction of the U.S. economy is a coveted goal of the global elitists.  Why you ask?  Because that is one necessary step to the U.S. entering into the One World Government.

Still think Medicaid for All is a good idea?

Please vote in our poll and let us know what you think here.

Read my three most recent articles:

The Inspector General Releases FISA Report: ‘No intentional misconduct or political bias’
Report: Iran is Secretly Transporting Nuclear Capable Missiles Into Iraq
House Democrats Release ‘Impeachment’ Report – and its a real Doozy

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Let’s all continue to fight political correctness, indoctrination, Leftist propaganda, liberalism, and keep sharing the truth – knowledge is power.  Until next time…

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Report: Iran is Secretly Transporting Nuclear Capable Missiles Into Iraq

Greg Holt

“The threat against other nations in the Middle East is growing with Iran’s constant aggression against its neighbors, and its well-known plans to ultimately dominate the Middle East.  Not to mention the threat against U.S. military assets in the Middle East.” (True Conservative Pundit)

According to The New York Times, American intelligence officials are saying that Iran is secretly moving short-range ballistic missiles into Iraq.  These missiles are of course in response to what Iran views as U.S., Saudi Arabia, and Israeli “aggression” against the Iranian state.

With ballistic missiles in Iraq, Iran is capable of hitting Saudi Arabia, Jerusalem, and American military forces inside Iraq.

Conservative Review’s Phil Shiver notes:

“Iran has been attacking countries in the Middle East of late but disguising the origin to diminish the chances of counterattacks. Iran’s stockpiling of missiles in Iraq also serves as a strategic deterrent. If Iran were to face an attack, it could potentially strike back with the missiles stored outside its borders.

The short-range missiles have an estimated range of 600 miles and thus are capable of reaching Jerusalem from outside Baghdad.”

What is of even greater concern is the report that Iran likely possesses, and may be moving nuclear capable missiles into Iraq.

From CNN:

“Ambassadors from France, Germany and the UK have again alleged that Iran has developed nuclear-capable ballistic missiles, in a joint letter addressed to the United Nations Secretary-General officially released by the UN on Wednesday.”

“The newly released letter cites footage of a flight test for a new Shahab-3 ballistic missile, which is estimated to have a range of approximately 600 miles (965 kilometers).

‘The Shahab-3 booster used in the test is a Missile Technology Control Regime category-1 system and as such is technically capable of delivering a nuclear weapon,’ says the report.”

The U.S. has sent roughly 14,000 additional troops into the Middle East in response to Iranian aggression among other things.  Although Iran denies the attacks on oil tankers in the Strait of Hormuz, U.S. intelligence says that the attacks originated from Iran.  Iran is, according to U.S. intelligence also behind the attack on the Saudi Arabian oil production fields.  Trump had considered a military response against Iran for this attack, but ultimately decided against it.

The threat against other nations in the Middle East is growing with Iran’s constant aggression against its neighbors, and its well-known plans to ultimately dominate the Middle East.  Not to mention the threat against U.S. military assets in the Middle East.

The NYT also reported that:

“Officials said Iran was using Iraqi Shiite militias, many of which it has long supplied and controlled, to move and hide the missiles. The Iranian-backed militias have effectively taken control of a number roads, bridges and transportation infrastructure in Iraq, easing Tehran’s ability to sneak the missiles into the country, officials said.”

Moving missiles into Iraq is just strengthening Iran’s hand, and they hope, deterring the U.S. and Israel, along with Saudi Arabia from attacking them.

Only time will tell, but we can hope cooler heads will prevail and a war that the U.S. cannot hope to win; does not get started. Why would I say that?  Read what Michael Snyder writes on this:

“If the U.S. goes to war with Iran, we won’t just be fighting the Iranian military. In recent years, Hezbollah has grown into the most powerful terror organization that the world has ever seen. It is best known for causing all sorts of chaos in the Middle East, but today it has an extensive presence in Europe, Africa, Latin America and North America. Hezbollah has made billions selling drugs inside the United States, and at one point they had more than 70 used car dealers in this country through which they were laundering drug money. Of course the primary source of funding for Hezbollah is Iran. The terror organization was founded in 1985 with heavy support from Iran, and according to Wikipedia “most of its financial, training, weapons, explosives, political, diplomatic, and organizational aid” currently comes from the Iranians. In essence, Hezbollah is Iran’s terror arm, and so if we go to war with Iran we will find ourselves in a conflict with Hezbollah as well.”

The Middle East will be where World War 3 starts, I don’t know about anyone else, but this writer is in no hurry for that war to start.

Read my three most recent articles:

You Can’t Fix Stupid: Wausau Wisconsin Outlaws Throwing Snowballs – ‘In the interest of public safety’

House Democrats Release ‘Impeachment’ Report – and its a real Doozy

Hilarious! REAL News CNN – ‘It’s our job to go there and tell the difficult stories’

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Let’s all continue to fight political correctness, indoctrination, Leftist propaganda, liberalism, and keep sharing the truth – knowledge is power.  Until next time…

© 2019 Greg Holt – All Rights Reserved

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You Can’t Fix Stupid: Wausau Wisconsin Outlaws Throwing Snowballs

Greg Holt

“I remember getting hit in the head with a snowball; yeah it hurt.  So what?  Next day we did it all over again with a parental admonishment not to aim at anyone’s head (which we ignored).”    (True Conservative Pundit)

Yes folks you did read that right, a city in Wisconsin has actually banned throwing snowballs.  After all, public safety is at risk here.  I have to ask, how is it that anyone can be this ignorant, or more to the point, blatantly stupid?

So – since throwing snowballs is illegal now in Wausau, what is the next thing to be banned by these idiots?

  • Crossing the street – you may get hit by a car
  • Driving – you might have an accident
  • Baseball – the ball might hit you
  • Golf – your back may be thrown out of whack
  • Walking in winter – you might slip and fall
  • Riding a bike – you may take a spill and/or fall off

Seriously?  Who doesn’t remember growing up and throwing snowballs at one another?  Could someone get hurt, well in a word, yes.  But as I demonstrated above, there are a lot of things that could cause injury.  That in no way means that these things should be banned.

I remember getting hit in the head with a snowball; yeah it hurt.  So what?  Next day we did it all over again with a parental admonishment not to aim at anyone’s head (which we ignored).  I came home one day literally covered in blood – I had been racing around a corner (on a gravel road) and lost control of my bike and wiped out in the gravel.  Cuts and bruises everywhere.  Should my mom have banned me from riding a bike ever again?  Of course not.

I once climbed a tree, and got stuck at the top.  The neighbor had to climb up and help me get down.  I kept climbing trees.  I survived.

My brother and I used to tie each other up in chains, rope etc. and see how long (and IF we could escape) it would take for each of us to escape.  We had a blast.  Today the idiots on the Left would scream CHILD ABUSE!!!!

According to Breitbart News, Wausau’s new municipal ordnance states under the weapons section no less (snowballs are weapons now?  Please get serious!):

“’No person shall throw or shoot any object, arrow, stone, snowball or other missile or projectile, by hand or by any other means, at any other person,’ says the Wausau municipal code, under the ‘Weapons’ heading in the section dealing with ‘Peace, Safety, and Morals.’”

Now remember kids, if you throw a snowball, that it is now a crime.


“’It’s really in the interest of public safety,’ Wausau Mayor Robert B. Mielke told WCCO.

‘A lot of it is just consideration and common sense. You don’t throw stuff at people, period.’”

Well Mr. Mielke, as a parent, and having once been a kid that grew up throwing snowballs, playing “King of the Hill” etc., I have to say that this is completely asinine and foolhardy.

What this ultimately boils down to is yet another ridiculous attempt to legislate our rights away by removing our God-given right to make choices.

Just as you cannot legislate morals, you cannot legislate a citizen’s every move and expect that such action is going to work. One also cannot reasonably dismiss the prospect of serious blowback from enacting such frivolous and highly questionable “laws.”

The Wausau City Council along with the mayor’s office would be better off spending time solving Wausau’s many problems and taking care of day-to-day business, not outlawing an American past-time.

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Let’s all continue to fight political correctness, indoctrination, Leftist propaganda, liberalism, and keep sharing the truth – knowledge is power.  Until next time…

© 2019 Greg Holt – All Rights Reserved

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Prince Andrew’s Disastrous Epstein Interview: The Icing on an Already Poisoned Cake

Greg Holt

Prince Andrew of the infamous British Royal Family may have just accomplished his own “royal” demise.  Prince Charles upon becoming king could place Prince Andrew under “house arrest.”

Prince Andrew has had a rather shall we say checkered past, but his recent interview with the BBC concerning Jeffrey Epstein may well be his final misstep, the icing on the cake.

“Andrew has been at the center of so many scandals—can we forget his ex-wife Fergie’s blatant, caught-on-tape attempt to sell access to him for $700,000?—it can’t come as that much of a surprise to the Queen or to Charles that something like the Epstein Affair would come along.”  (Source)

In 2012, Prince Charles very publically disinherited his beleaguered brother Prince Andrew and his children, cutting Andrew out of the inner circle of royals, perhaps a rather wise move considering the current situation.

According to Prince Andrew has known Epstein for quite some time and defended his friendship with him, even asking Epstein to pay his ex-wife’s debts.

“The two first met in 1999 through Epstein’s onetime girlfriend and alleged “fixer,” British socialite Ghislaine Maxwell, and over the years, they became friends. Epstein was awaiting trial for sex trafficking when he died by suicide in August, leaving many open questions about who around him may have been involved in or complicit in his crimes. Andrew stayed at Epstein’s homes in New York and Florida as well as on his private island in the Caribbean and attended dinners he hosted, including after Epstein had served prison time and registered as a sex offender. Andrew in turn invited Epstein and Maxwell to royal parties. At Andrew’s request, Epstein even helped pay off his ex-wife’s debts.”

“He claimed that he had only stayed with Epstein in 2010, after Epstein was convicted of soliciting a minor for prostitution, in order to end their friendship. In response to photographs of him with Epstein the following year, he said, ‘That’s the bit that, as it were, I kick myself for on a daily basis because it was not something that was becoming of a member of the royal family. We try and uphold the highest standards and practices, and I let the side down, as simple as that.’ The prince didn’t say that he regretted his friendship with Epstein overall, noting that Epstein introduced him to interesting people and things.”

Prince Andrew was accused of having sex with (then) underage Virginia Roberts Giuffre in 2001 and 2002. Prince Andrew of course denied these claims, even saying he did not know her. However, it’s pretty hard to dispute this photograph.

According to Sky News, several UK businesses have distanced themselves from Prince Andrew, and the University of Huddersfield; which Prince Andrew is the chancellor of, is also considering cutting ties.

Vanity Fair is reporting that there are “rumors” that Prince Andrew wants to do another interview.  Well, in this author’s opinion, that could only add fuel to an already blazing fire the royals are having no luck putting out.

According to The Daily Beast:

“Prince Andrew is named in a cache of secret legal documents detailing explosive new allegations against Jeffrey Epstein that could be unsealed by a U.S. judge before the end of the year.”

“Andrew is facing growing calls to voluntarily co-operate with the FBI and is being dropped by sponsors and charities, fearful of damage-by-association after a BBC interview in which he said he didn’t regret his friendship with the billionaire pedophile, suggested a notorious image of him with his arm around Virginia Giuffre Roberts was fake, and bizarrely claimed he doesn’t sweat.”

One almost has to feel sorry for the royals after all the scandals and issues involving the family.  At the same time, it seems Prince Andrew has long been a magnet for scandal and inappropriate behavior, and seemingly has chosen not to change his behavior.

Yes the chickens have come home to roost, and the icing has been liberally applied to an already poisoned cake.

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Let’s all continue to fight political correctness, indoctrination, Leftist propaganda, liberalism, and keep sharing the truth – knowledge is power.  Until next time…

© 2019 Greg Holt – All Rights Reserved

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Tyrannical Rise of Google: Information Theft, Search Engine Manipulation, and the Complete Destruction of Free Thought

Greg Holt

“This writer will say this – if there is to be an Orwellian 1984 society in America, and I believe it is already happening – Google will be at the forefront of those leading the way and cashing in on it.  You can take that to the bank.”

It’s long been known that despite Google’s denial of manipulating their own search engine, they have been doing just that for years now.  The monster information indexer was even designing an oppressive information search engine for China – for a hefty price of course.  Google’s “Dragonfly” was shut down after much public outcry, but you can bet that it is securely preserved in the Google vault somewhere.

Michael Krieger of Liberty Blitzkrieg makes a very uncomfortable but also very true observation: the simple man steals a sandwich and goes to jail.  Google steals the medical information of millions of people, and their earnings potential rises.

From Zero Hedge:

“First, we learned Google is in the process of secretly sucking up the personalized healthcare data of up to 50 million Americans without the permission of patients or doctors.

This was followed by a detailed report in the Wall Street Journal outlining how the search giant is meddling with its algorithms far more aggressively than executives lead people to believe.”

So crime does pay after all – after these revelations, Alphabet the parent company of Google, – saw their stock value increase.

“It’s important to note that while much of the recent focus on tech giants revolves around market dominance and anti-competitiveness, the real danger posed is far more extensive. Particularly since the post-election “panic of 2016,” these companies have begun to more earnestly morph into digital information gatekeepers in the name of empire and the national security state.

Day by day, tweaked algorithm by tweaked algorithm, and with each new thought-criminal banished from major digital platforms, we’ve seen not only dissident views marginalized, but we’ve also lost a capacity to access information we’re looking for should tech company CEOs or their national security state partners deem it inappropriate.

The powers that be have determined the internet [sic] permitted too much freedom of thought and opinion, so the tech giants stand ready to bluntly throw the hammer down in order to reverse that trend and regain narrative control. The algorithm will be used to get you in line, and if you don’t comply, the algorithm will destroy you.”

Google has amassed tremendous power and influence.  If Google does not want you to see or find something, well, you won’t.  Most people will only go so far in searching for information and will just accept what they find.  There is a serious lack of discernment and logical thinking in this country.  Information gleaned from Google, or the national media, or even social media – is all to often accepted at face value.  This writer is here to tell you, that is an extremely dangerous practice – and one that Google anticipates that We the People will perform.

Google can and does get away with controlling the narrative.  Search results are changed, some things are hidden, and everything you do on Google’s search – is tracked and filed away in a database.  If you believe otherwise, well, you haven’t been paying attention.  This goes way beyond conspiracy and has dived right into confirmed fact.

For instance, abortion is made to look good and morally acceptable.  The sites that show the truth, including with pictures are buried.  The number one result in an abortion search on Google?  Planned Parenthood.  The Democrats are painted as the good guys, while anyone who opposes them is deemed to be anti-American, unsafe, an agitator, and opposed to what benefits society.

Websites that Google deems as anti-liberal, anti-establishment are buried in the search results or even blacklisted.

When George Orwell penned 1984, he had no idea Google would come along.  But Google is the very definition of Orwellian.
And don’t forget – the heavily censored YouTube is owned and controlled by Google.

One last point – if Google is willing to help China oppress and control their people for the sake of money, do you seriously believe that Google will not do the same to the American people if they can turn a buck doing it? I would say Google is already doing this, right along with Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube among others.  Don’t forget this either: the national media supports all of these oppressive Big Tech giants.

This writer will say this – if there is to be an Orwellian 1984 society in America, and I believe it is already happening – Google will be at the forefront of those leading the way and cashing in on it.  You can take that to the bank.

H/T Tyler Durden Zero Hedge

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Let’s all continue to fight political correctness, indoctrination, Leftist propaganda, liberalism, and keep sharing the truth – knowledge is power.  Until next time…

© 2019 Greg Holt – All Rights Reserved

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Leaked Ukrainian Documents Show Millions of Dollars Funneled to Hunter Biden and John Kerry’s Family

Greg Holt

“If everything is on the up and up, then why is everything Schiff is doing being done on the sly, and behind closed doors?  I will tell you why, if everything were above board and out in the open, Schiff’s so-called ‘investigation’ would go up in smoke, and he knows it.”  (True Conservative Pundit)

You just can’t make this kind of stuff up.  The big hoorah with Adam Schiff (who claims he does not know who the whistleblower is) and the whistleblower is 24-7 news coverage with the potential impeachment circus hovering close by.  So the bad guy here is as usual Donald J. Trump who must be impeached at once for high crimes against the United States.  Uh huh, right.

Does anyone believe the Democrats anymore?  Anyone at all – is there anyone this naive?

Back in October I wrote that this whole Ukrainian deal was nothing more than a Democrat last ditch set up to stop and/or get rid of Trump:

“Enter the Trump/Ukraine call, where the evil dictator Trump ordered the Ukraine government to look into Joe and Hunter Biden’s nefarious activities, or else.  Except – it did not happen that way.

In my recent article, Hollywood’s Trump Derangement Syndrome is Off the Charts – the Return of the Queen – Mini AOC, She’s Baaaaaack!, I wrote that:

‘The Democrats are head-over-heels in love with impeaching the tyrant Trump.  Yet they ignore serious evidence of massive wrongdoing by Hunter and Joe Biden in Ukraine.  Never mind that the Ukraine call transcript verifies that Trump did nothing wrong, and that the Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy backed up this assertion.’

Meanwhile, Adam bubblehead Schiff knew all about the whistle blower complaint before the complaint was filed according to The Washington Examiner:

‘House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff knew the details of the whistleblower’s complaint against President Trump before it was filed because the CIA officer went to one of the committee aides beforehand, according to the New York Times.’

So the intelligence committee chairman knew about this beforehand and said nothing; that is until it was politically expedient to do so.  Maybe this would not seem to be so bad on the face of it, except that it is becoming apparent that the wolf’s lion’s share of the wolf’s den knew about this long ago!”

So the whistleblower spoke to Schiff’s staff before even filing a complaint, yet Schiff doesn’t know who he is.  It’s not nice to lie Mr. Schiff.

Schiff has even threatened Republicans with an ethics investigation if they mention the whistleblower during the impeachment inquiry.  What exactly does Adam Schiff have to hide?

If everything is on the up and up, then why is everything Schiff is doing being done on the sly, and behind closed doors?  I will tell you why, if everything were above board and out in the open, Schiff’s so-called “investigation” would go up in smoke, and he knows it.

The Gateway Pundit is now reporting new information on the Ukraine situation – and it does not look good for Hunter Biden and his daddy’s campaign, not to mention the John Kerry family.

In leaked documents reportedly via the Ukrainian General Prosecutor’s office:

Millions of dollars was transferred to a “slush fund” controlled by Hunter Biden and the John Kerry family among others.


Burisma Holdings Limited paid out millions of dollars to Hunter Biden and the John Kerry family.

Millions of dollars is transferred, and just like that, Burisma Holdings is no longer under investigation.


So where I might ask is the righteous indignation, where are the leaders of the Democrat Party?  Adam Schiff and/or Nancy Pelosi have done nothing; there is no investigation into this rather serious matter. According to Nancy, this is all above board and is being done to protect the Constitution and blah, blah, blah. But yet even with plenty of serious evidence of wrongdoing, there remains no “inquiry” into the Bidens or other players in the largest soft coup attempt ever in the history of the United States.

Why is that?

Because this is all about politics and destroying Trump, regardless of the cost to country or anyone in this great country, contrary to Pelosi’s utterly asinine and untrue statement.

“‘Democrats are showing great patriotism,’ Pelosi, D-Calif., said Thursday, praising Schiff, D-Calif., for his ‘dignity and statesmanship.’ ‘This isn’t about politics or anything political, it’s about patriotism, it’s about honoring our oath of office, and upholding the Constitution.’”  (Source)

Patriotism???  Oh please get serious, Pelosi and her cabal would not know what patriotism is if it testified before Congress.  Pelosi and Schiff and the other members of the Leftist cabal have no problem whatsoever with looking right into the camera, or We the People’s eyes – and spouting Leftist propaganda and telling blatant lies.

The Left’s only interest is the destruction of Donald J. Trump.  This is blatantly obvious to all who can claim to rub together more than two brain cells.

“When a president first takes office, he is often given what is called a Honeymoon Period: For a few months, the public, the media, and members of Congress tend to give the president the benefit of the doubt and treat him well. However, this honeymoon period is usually fairly short and often gives way to opposition and hostility.”  (Source)

Trump meanwhile never had a “honeymoon” since elected to office.  The attacks on him via the Leftists and their trained lapdogs (the media, and most all of social media) have been open, vicious, and non-stop since day one, even before day one on the campaign trail.

Yet this billionaire turned president; whom it needs to be pointed out here – had no need of public office, and never aspired to be a politician, stepped away from a life of luxury and into a life straight out of Hell itself.  The presidency is hard for anyone, yet for this president, it has been much more difficult than any other president has ever had it before.  Never before in the history of American government has a president been attacked so often, so flagrantly, and so cruelly.  There is zero respect for, not to mention no regard for the president, or even his family.  No one is off limits in the Left’s vitriolic attacks on Trump, his family, or his staff – at least those members of said staff that are loyal to Trump.

Being loyal to Trump gets you railroaded like General Michael Flynn.

Despite all this, Trump perseveres and has accomplished much including the removal of China as the controller of our second largest seaport. Few reported on this important accomplishment because reporting on the impending impeachment of Trump was and is more important.

Trump is not perfect of course, but yet if anyone is going to be fair – Trump has delivered on more campaign promises and in a shorter time frame than anyone else ever has.

So I ask you here; who is the real enemy of America?  Who is the real colluder against American interests and the “Constitution?”

It is not President Trump.

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Let’s all continue to fight political correctness, indoctrination, Leftist propaganda, liberalism, and keep sharing the truth – knowledge is power.  Until next time…

© 2019 Greg Holt – All Rights Reserved

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The State of Today’s Church is Very Dark Spiritually

Greg Holt

Matthew describes the majority of today’s Church very well:

Matthew 15:7-9—Ye hypocrites, well did Esaias prophesy of you, saying, This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me. But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.”

The Catholic Church teaches that the priests cannot marry, yet this church insists that they are directly descended from the Apostle Peter, and that all other churches came after them and are basically imitators.  The Apostle Peter as many will know was married.  There is also the no red meat on Fridays rule.

The Apostle Paul spoke of these things:

1 Timothy 4:1-3 “Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.”

Paul’s writings here likely were aimed at Jewish sects of the day and various others including the Gnostics, that being said, as the entire Bible is divinely inspired – these Scriptures (any Scriptures) can be applied to any unbiblical situation.  As for no red meat on Friday, this was (is) supposedly to honor the death of Christ.  But Christ Himself laid out for us how to honor His sacrifice for us, communion – Jesus said nothing about not eating meat on Fridays.

1 Corinthians 11:23-25For I have received of the Lord that which also I delivered unto you, That the Lord Jesus the same night in which he was betrayed took bread: and when he had given thanks, he brake it, and said, Take, eat: this is my body, which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of me. After the same manner also he took the cup, when he had supped, saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood: this do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in remembrance of me.”

Seventh-Day Adventists teach that one is not supposed to eat any meat, fish, or poultry – as well as no caffeine, alcohol or tobacco.

Mormons teach that one is not to consume tea, coffee, or any hot beverage, and no alcohol or tobacco.  (Source)

Some of these things may well be good for you, but a church has no business teaching them as part of their church doctrine.  The doctrine of the Church should be the doctrine of Christ, nothing more, and nothing less.

Meanwhile, the majority of today’s Churches refrain from practicing one of the greatest commandments of Jesus: evangelism.  Practicing ones faith outside the Church is frowned on; it’s like telling a pastor to preach on the goodness of Satan, not going to happen.

One could say that sharing the Gospel (the Great Commission) is the 3rd greatest commandment of Christ (my words, not Christ’s or His Word, the Bible) as the first two are well summed up in Matthew 22:36-40.  These of course being to: love the Lord with all of your heart, and to love all others as yourself.  I try, but I have to admit, this is a pretty tall order that I fail miserably.

Matthew 28:19-20 19 “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: 20 teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.”

Many other churches of today violate the Word of God by allowing homosexuals, lesbians, and transgenders to be pastors (even youth pastors) and elders in the Church.  These people need to be welcomed to participate in church services, but they are not to be in any position of authority within the Church.  The common refrain is: “Love is love,” or “Its just love.”

For a man to love a man, or a woman to love a woman – as a brother or sister is good and acceptable.  To love the same sex as a sexual partner is not.

God does not hate the people of the LGBTQ, and those who teach such, or imply it are wrong and bring dishonor on all believers, as well as God Himself.  God loves all people and desires them to come to repentance and an acceptance of the truth (and obviously Him), regardless of what sin they have committed.  At the same time, God specifically says that same-sex relationships are wrong, period – no exceptions.  Any churches supporting these relationships are unbiblical and are no church at all.  My best advice to anyone that is in such a church, flee, as fast as your feet will take you.

I myself do not want to be identified with “Christians,” I would much rather just be a believer in Jesus Christ, and I also think of myself as a member of the Remnant Church.  Why you ask would I say such a thing?  Read on..

It is amazing to this writer, well perhaps not so amazing in this day; that for those who hold to biblical beliefs – we are often ridiculed, persecuted, and ostracized by others in the Church.  To actually believe in what the Word of God teaches has become unpopular, unloving, and is not even considered “Christian” by many today.  Just attend a protest against abortion, or gay Pride Parades, and witness what “church” goers, even pastors do and say.

Read the words of Rob Pue (publisher of Wisconsin Christian News), all quotes following unless otherwise noted are from: A Licentious Nation of Pretend Christians

“Let me tell you what happens at one of these events. First there’s the parade itself. IN the parade, you will see many so-called “Christian churches” with floats adorned in rainbow colors, near-naked men dancing and gyrating on top of the floats, sometimes simulating sodomite sex, while others walk alongside, holding signs APOLOGIZING for the way “Christians” have treated sodomites. There will also be signs such as “LGBT families for Jesus,” “God thinks you’re fabulous,” “OUR church LOVES you!” “We embrace diversity.” And of course, “Love over hate.” These churches promise they are “open and affirming” of the sodomite death-style, and “ALL are welcome.” Of course, in their world, “ALL” never means “all.” When REAL Christians bring the message of forgiveness of God through humble repentance (the opposite of perverted PRIDE), these church-goers have no problem whatsoever showing us their middle finger and screaming vulgarities.”

“There is virtually NO opportunity, in an atmosphere like this, to speak one-on-one with anyone — oh they DO talk to us — but only to call us filthy, foul names, cast aspersions on OUR sexuality, our mothers, ANYTHING to elicit violence from us. And again, while we are being violently attacked by the sodomites, the police offer NO protection or equal rights or free speech for US. It’s “open season” on Christians.”

“What has happened to America? What sort of “inheritance” are we leaving to our children and grandchildren? As I’ve said before, “As go the pulpits, so goes the nation.” Even so-called “good” Bible-believing, Bible-preaching pastors and churches avoid all this like the plague. They WILL NOT speak on it. They REFUSE to instruct their congregants on what the Word of God has to say about sexual perversion and abomination. And so the people in the pews are sheep without shepherds. As the pastors focus on “happy fun time” with milquetoast VBS weeks, filled with fun and games, summer time church-wide cookouts, and loud, raucous rock bands as the people raise their hands and sway back and forth in what can only be described as vain “worship-tainment,” the people remain blissfully oblivious and apathetic to the whole world around them.”

The Church is becoming indistinguishable from the world; church is more like a social hour with coffee and donuts served.  Everyone visits and attends a lackluster service that does not provide any solid biblical teaching let alone spiritual conviction.

The following two quotes are taken from my book, available on Amazon: Spiritual Darkness is Destroying America and the Church

“Still other churches say that God is a God of love, and therefore He would never refuse those who love Him, so they are gay, so what?  Yes God is a God of love, but God is also a God of wrath and punishment for those who choose to defy Him.  This is of course not taught in very many churches anymore.  Way too many churches teach, “Itching ears theology.”  What does that mean?  The pastor(s) of the church basically teach only feel-good material while leaving out the serious issues taught in the Bible, things that are not popular and may offend – things like homosexuality is a sin, sex outside of marriage is a sin, God actually will punish sin, etc.”

“Bible illiteracy also carries with it another serious inherent danger: no defense against unbiblical teaching.  If I were to tell a biblically sound body of people that Hell does not truly exist, no one would believe that nonsense for a second.  If on the other hand I were to teach that false doctrine to a church body that has little to no knowledge of biblically sound doctrine, there is a fair chance that they would believe what I was saying.

Unbiblical doctrine is being taught in many of today’s churches and what is taught is believed, or at the very least tolerated.  Churches are teaching that various parts of the Bible are made up, that it is ok for lesbians and homosexuals to be pastors, that Hell is not real, that Satan is not real, and on, and on.  Some even teach that Christ is not God.  I cannot even begin to describe to the reader how dangerous this is.  The people in these churches are being led down the pathway to Hell and eternal damnation.”

Today’s Church is indeed very dark.  The only recourse is to turn back to God, accepting what He says as truth, and dismissing the lies of the world.  Unfortunately, the Church teaches more lies than truth today, or at the very least, the Church omits much of the truth so as to not “offend” anyone.

John 8:31-36Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. They answered him, We be Abraham’s seed, and were never in bondage to any man: how sayest thou, Ye shall be made free? Jesus answered them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin. And the servant abideth not in the house for ever: but the Son abideth ever. If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.”

© 2019 Greg Holt – All Rights Reserved

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The Leftist Cabal’s Most Outrageous Crime Yet

Greg Holt

“There is much talk today about controlling “the narrative.”  What is the narrative but a collection of words?  Words that convey meaning and therefore are imbued with considerable power.  Controlling the narrative means controlling the opinion of the population.  Controlling the opinion of the population means that you control the population, controlling the population equals power.”  (True Conservative Pundit)

It used to be that the Left was just mildly “out there,” both sides of the political isle could even meet in the middle on occasion and find common ground.  Now however, the Left, armed with leaders like, we’re all dead in 12 years Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (The Squad), crazy Bernie Sanders, and gun grabbing America hating Beto O’Rourke among others – has left the middle ground behind, more like they have stomped it into the dirt so far that the “middle ground” can’t even be found anymore.

The only true cooperation that exists anymore with the Left – is between the Left and the sellout RINO’s.  A book could be written concerning the extreme paradigm shift of the Left.  This writer would go so far as to say these people are full on crazy – and that is being generous and very diplomatic.

AOC’s “Green New Deal” is the product of a highly delusional and fanciful mind; that is if there was an actual mind involved in the construction of this dubious plan at all.  This so-called plan would devastate the U.S. economy, eliminate air travel, and get rid of cows (They fart too much you know).  But don’t take my word for it, read about it for yourself.

Bernie Sanders wants to give everyone free medical care, free college (and cancel all student debt besides), he supports AOC’s Green New Deal, and Sanders says that everyone deserves to have a home in the U.S., and he wants to expand Social Security.

“In the richest country in the history of the world, every American must have a safe, decent, accessible, and affordable home as a fundamental right.

We say to the private health insurance companies: whether you like it or not, the United States will join every other major country on earth and guarantee healthcare to all people as a right.”  (Source: Bernie Sanders campaign website)

This all sounds great right?  You may be saying; what is this guy’s problem with this?  I will tell you what the problem is:

Who.  Is.  Paying.  For.  This?

Yes that is right, who is paying for all these supposedly free benefits? Millennials especially do not seem to get this at all.  So these “benefits” are free courtesy of the United States government – except that they are not, free that is.  So…where does the U.S. government obtain the money to pay for these programs?  They may be free to those who benefit from them, but someone still has to pay for them – money does not just appear out of thin air (unless you are a Washington bureaucrat).  That someone is of course every single person that works for a living and pays taxes, and all businesses large and small.  And let us not forget that the Social Security trust fund is near to being broke.

The Green New Deal requires more money to implement than there is currently in circulation on the entire earth.  Before you dismiss that statement out of hand, read about what AOC’s plan actually entails, the costs are astronomical.  Here are two quick examples; part of the plan is to make every building in the U.S. green friendly and energy efficient, every single building! – now how much do you think that alone would cost?  Another component of the plan is to eliminate combustion engines – you just increased the cost of farming alone astronomically, let alone everything else, such as getting product to market for all of us to buy – you know, like food?

Dear Beto, that all-American man (insert sarcasm here) wants to take away all guns.  There will be a gun buy back program, and if you read through his info, a little way down (#5), the article mentions, “Implement a national buyback program for banned assault weapons and handguns.” Well now, how interesting, first Beto – there is no such thing as an assault weapon, and these weapons are nothing like what the military uses.

Beto and others mention this as a scare tactic.  Second, now there will also be banned handguns?  Let me guess, the .40, .45, and .50 cal guns will be gone – they are too powerful.  High capacity magazines will also be a thing of the past.

All individuals desiring to own a weapon will need to:

“Individuals seeking a gun undergo an assessment by law enforcement and a background check.”

Ok, so…if you want to own a weapon, which by the way is an American right, granted by God and the Constitution, now you will not only have to submit to a background check, you will also need to be interviewed by the police to determine your fitness to own a weapon.  Can anyone else see the ginormous red flags here???  He is a conservative blogger, deny him a weapon.  She is a conservative investigative reporter, deny her a weapon, they are Christian extremists, deny them weapons…  After all – these people are a danger to society.
Beto also supports Red Flag laws – and he wants to declare “gun violence” a national emergency (but Trump could not declare the Southern border and all that, that entails a national emergency).  All I will say about that is, “Chicago.”

All these things and many more are serious issues, and alone, these issues should be enough to inform any right thinking human beings that those who call themselves Democrat, as well as the RINOs are not fit to govern, period.  This is no longer a simple matter of opinion, and this is no longer a simple matter of differing facts and viewpoints.

The Democrats have committed an even more egregious crime, more so then the crimes I already wrote about here.  I originally thought to write this as an informative and yet somewhat humorous article.  But as I thought of this particular Dem crime, well it’s not really very funny at all.

The Democrats have and are committing “verbacide.”  Now many of you will laugh and think this is a joke, I assure you – it is not and this is no laughing matter.  This is dead serious.

“Furthermore, the concerted attack on precision in speaking and writing was clearly seen by C. S. Lewis when he coined verbacide – the killing of a word by a calculated misuse of it. Agenda-driven people in politics and the media are guilty of verbacide.”  (Source)

So words are misused, so what?  Words have power; words can end a marriage, or begin to heal it.  Words can bring comfort, or intense pain, even life-long pain.  Words can inflict more damage than physical abuse.  Words can start wars, and words can literally change societies from the ground up.

The word “gay” used to mean happy, having a good time etc.  Now it means a homosexual.  Partner seems like an innocuous word right?  Now it has taken the place of spouse, wife, and husband.  This is by design, to further weaken the foundation of marriage and family.

A “rainbow” was known as a colorful display in the sky when it rained, it also signified God’s promise not to flood the earth again (still does).  Now however when the word rainbow is used, it is often automatically associated with the LGBTQ movement, again by design.

How about the word love?  This word has been perverted in a big way.  Pedophiles insist sex with children is “love.”  The LGBTQ crowd has also used the word “love” to defend and protect homosexuality, lesbianism, transgenderism etc.  Love is love they say – and who are you to judge?

Look at these other gross misuses of words:

  • If you identify as “white,” you are automatically seen as a racist
  • “Racist” itself is misconstrued and misused – white milk is now racist. Disagreeing with many Democrat talking points gets you labeled as a racist
  • “Truth” – there is no such thing as absolute truth anymore. Truth is what and how the individual perceives it
  • “Jesus” was associated with God and goodness. Now Jesus is associated with hate and intolerance
  • “Abortion” was a word not said out loud in many places not so long ago, it carried dark connotations, and rightfully so. Now it is a badge of honor among women, and a “right” in women’s health care
  • At one time, being an “illegal” was not a good thing. Now – speaking against an illegal means you are heartless, unfeeling and cold, a racist, and inhumane
  • The National Anthem – standing and supporting this song means you are an unfeeling, cold, and evil racist.
  • Loving your country (the USA) means you are racist, think too highly of yourself, you are unfairly condemning other nations, you support racism against blacks and others, and well you are basically a low-life piece of sh**.
  • If you support Trump – you are a low-life racist piece of garbage, deserving of all forms of abuse and even death
  • School – schools are no longer about learning, no, they are all about Democratic indoctrination. Kids are taught that two mommies and two daddies is perfectly normal.  Girls with girls and boys with boys is normal and natural.  Boys wanting to be girls, and vice versa is normal and acceptable (transgender).  Islam is acceptable and Jesus is evil.

Do you now see how serious “verbacide” is?  All because of words, abortion and infanticide are now acceptable.  The LGBTQ agenda is for the most part accepted and approved – because of words.  Supporting Trump is one of the worst forms of evil imaginable – because of words.

College students are taught to hate Israel, and that “America (the U.S.) is the enemy and stands in the way of true freedom.  How did this happen?  The liberal professors – yes, you guessed it, words.

There is much talk today about controlling “the narrative.”  What is the narrative but a collection of words?  Words that convey meaning and therefore are imbued with considerable power.  Controlling the narrative means controlling the opinion of the population.  Controlling the opinion of the population means that you control the population, controlling the population equals power.

The Constitution is an important document that forms the basis of our unique style of government.  But the Leftists have perverted it like everything else.  The Constitution is now a “living document.”  A very important distinction, because if the Constitution is a “living document,” then it is much easier to change or even to interpret it to ones advantage.  And all this without actually changing the wording of said Constitution.  Think about that…

Hitler rose to power through the use of “verbacide.”

Barack Obama convinced many a person through the use of “verbacide” that the U.S. because of its wealth and power was “bad,” and needed to be put down.

“Words” have convinced many (again by Democrats) that guns are inherently evil.  Guns are not sentient, therefore they cannot be evil.  Furthermore, guns are inert, meaning not alive, meaning they cannot kill people.  People kill people – therefore, gun control has never worked and never will work.

The power of words, more properly the misuse of words, i.e., “verbacide,” has convinced many a person of things that are simply untrue.

Democrats through controlling the narrative, or more properly, verbacide – have convinced many a person of deep and serious untruths.  School indoctrination has convinced many “educated” people of truths that are no truths at all.

Words have power – the Democrats subterfuge on any given subject is based on words. Never forget this. The Democrats can get away with crimes, change the rules at will, lie, attack and misrepresent what the president and others say, make false allegations, twist others words and on and on.  Verbacide, controlling the narrative.

Not so funny now is it?

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Let’s all continue to fight political correctness, indoctrination, Leftism, and liberalism, and keep sharing the truth – knowledge is power.  Until next time…

© 2019 Greg Holt – All Rights Reserved

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The Important Trump Victory for America That You Have Not Even Heard About

Greg Holt

“This is a huge victory for the U.S., so of course you will not see this important news in the national media, as they are laser focused on Trump impeachment.”  (True Conservative Pundit)

In 2012, Barack Obama sold us out to the Chinese government.  The Port of Long Beach in southern California is the United States second largest port of entry, just behind the nearby Port of Los Angeles.  Mr. Obama apparently thought it was a good idea to sell control of this port to a Chinese company.  Why was this deal such a serious blunder you might ask?

Lets go back in history a little bit shall we?  In an excellent article by Kelleigh Nelson: China’s Ominous 40 Year Plan To Dominate The World, Kelleigh explains what is really going on with China’s purchase of the rights to control our second largest port:

“China is urging its companies to invest in infrastructure overseas as part of Beijing’s ‘One Belt, One Road’ initiative to improve global trade links.  It consists of two parts: The ‘Belt,’ which recreates an old Silk Road land route, and the ‘Road,’ which is not actually a road, but a route through various oceans.  It is a development strategy adopted by the Red Chinese government involving infrastructure development and investments in countries in Europe, Asia and Africa.  In a 2017 speech, China President Xi Jinping said, ‘It was time for his nation to transform itself into ‘a mighty force’ that could lead the entire world on political, economic, military and environmental issues.’

The planned completion date is 2049.”

Now lets stop and think about this for a moment.  China is buying up the rights all across the entire world, not just in the U.S., for seaports.  What do you suppose the economic implications of this are?  Even more to the point here, what are the military implications?  If China controls ports of entry all over the world, including inside the U.S. – well, you can see the power and control this would give the Chinese.  What if a war started between the U.S. and China, with China owning control of one of our ports, or even simple hostilities, like the current trade deal or lack thereof has caused?

Chinese control of the so-called Silk Road would grant China enormous power.

Keep in mind that these ports move a very high volume of containers.  What is to say that China does not (or already has) concealed useful military gear in some of these containers?  China routinely rips off U.S. technology, seemingly at will; it would not be beyond their means to “import” some military devices without the U.S. knowing.  One cannot watch and track everything, it does not matter how good you are, it simply cannot be done.

[Please insert image of the Silk Road here]

Fast-forward to the present – President Trump understands the only too serious implications here, the very real dangers involved in Chinese control of a major U.S. port of entry.  Therefore, our president has done something about it.  It needs to be noted here that Trump’s actions here (as well as elsewhere) are the reason why so many people hate him.  Trump is not one to turn his back on situations that are bad for America and that need to be rectified.  No Trump will dive in and get the ball rolling to make the necessary changes instead of following the status quo, or shall I say the directives of the Deep State – like every other president before has done.

But I digress, Trump saw the reality of the situation, meaning that he saw that Chinese control of the Port of Long Beach has (had) disastrous consequences for the U.S.

Judicial Watch, in their latest edition of the “Corruption Chronicles” reported that Trump has revoked China’s control of the Long Beach port:

It all started with a 40-year container terminal lease between the Port of Long Beach in southern California and Hong Kong. The Obama administration proudly signed the agreement in 2012 giving China control of America’s second-largest container port behind the nearby Port of Los Angeles. One of the Trump administration’s first big moves was to get the Communists out of the Port of Long Beach. After a national security review and federal intervention, the Long Beach terminal business, which handles millions of containers annually, is finally being sold to an Australian company called Macquarie Infrastructure Partners. That essentially kills China’s decades-long contract with the Obama administration.

The deal never should have been signed in the first place considering the facility’s size, significance and the national security issues associated with a hostile foreign government controlling it.”

This is a huge victory for the U.S., so of course you will not see this important news in the national media, as they are laser focused on Trump impeachment.

Communist China has no business being in charge of anything in the U.S.  What fool would consider handing over control of a sensitive port of entry to China?  Answer: the same fool that handed over billions to attempt to bribe the Iranians via the disastrous Iran Nuke Deal.

© 2019 Greg Holt – All Rights Reserved

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Busted: The Ukraine Whistle Blower Fiasco is a Last Ditch Desperate Democratic Setup to Stop Trump

Greg Holt

“This does not at all look like a setup in progress, just like the Mueller investigation was a pure non-partisan investigation into the truth – pure as the wind driven snow.”    (True Conservative Pundit)

It has become inherently obvious to anyone capable of thought anyway – that the Ukraine fiasco was a deliberately planned and well executed attempt to prevent a continued Trump presidency in 2020.

The Mueller investigation despite millions of dollars of taxpayer money spent and years of time and resources wasted – was a complete bust.
Dead.  On.  Arrival.  Enter the Trump/Ukraine call, where the evil dictator Trump ordered the Ukraine government to look into Joe and Hunter Biden’s nefarious activities, or else.  Except – it did not happen that way.

In my recent article, Hollywood’s Trump Derangement Syndrome is Off the Charts – the Return of the Queen – Mini AOC, She’s Baaaaaack!, I wrote that:

“The Democrats are head-over-heels in love with impeaching the tyrant Trump.  Yet they ignore serious evidence of massive wrongdoing by Hunter and Joe Biden in Ukraine.  Never mind that the Ukraine call transcript verifies that Trump did nothing wrong, and that the Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy backed up this assertion.”

Meanwhile, Adam bubblehead Schiff knew all about the whistle blower complaint before the complaint was filed according to The Washington Examiner:

“House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff knew the details of the whistleblower’s complaint against President Trump before it was filed because the CIA officer went to one of the committee aides beforehand, according to the New York Times.”

So the intelligence committee chairman knew about this beforehand and said nothing, that is until it was politically expedient to do so.  Maybe this would not seem to be so bad on the face of it, except that it is becoming apparent that the wolf’s lion’s share of the wolf’s den knew about this long ago!

The House Ways and Means Committee Chairman, Richard Neal who of course is a Democrat – knew of the whistle blower complaint in July.  This is the same committee that is seeking six years of President Trump’s tax returns.  Coincidence?

Not.  A.  Chance.

Business Insider

“The individual who filed a second whistleblower complaint against President Donald Trump is an Internal Revenue Service (IRS) employee, the Washington Post reported Thursday.

The complaint alleges ‘inappropriate efforts to influence’ the agency’s audit of Trump’s tax returns, according to a court filing from the House Ways and Means Committee.

According to the Post, the person who allegedly tried to interfere with the audit is a political appointee at the Treasury Department.

There aren’t many government officials who have access to the president’s and vice president’s tax documents, Jeffrey Cramer, a former federal prosecutor who spent 12 years at the Justice Department, told Insider.”

There are a few problems with all of this:

  • Who is the IRS employee, and is he or she a Democrat?
  • Who is the political appointee and is this yet another Democrat, or a RINO?
  • If this is all on the up and up, why are the sources not named?

The Gateway Pundit is reporting that the Ukraine whistle blower is a registered Democrat.  Imagine my shock at reading this (eye roll)…

“Then just days after the whistleblower filed a claim of wrongdoing by President Trump, an aide to Schiff flew to Ukraine.

The trip by a staffer on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, on which Schiff serves as chairman, was ‘sponsored and organized by the Atlantic Council think tank,’ Breitbart reported. ‘The council is funded by and routinely works in partnership with Burisma, the natural gas company at the center of allegations regarding Joe Biden and his son, Hunter Biden.’”  (Source)

This does not at all look like a setup in progress, just like the Mueller investigation was a pure non-partisan investigation into the truth – pure as the wind driven snow.  I have beautiful and luxurious water front property for sale in the middle of the Mojave Desert too…

By all appearances, Speaker Pelosi also knew about this whistle blower, as well as former CIA boss John Brennan.  Who is really guilty of collusion here?  Brennan was also on Twitter mouthing off about how James Comey is akin to truth personified.  Oh please Brennan, give it up already.  Let me remind the reader, Brennan presided over the CIA during Obama’s tenor, and Brennan helped get the Trump/Russia collusion fabrication rolling.

At least Brennan didn’t name Comey as a successor to Christ – seriously, a church in Sweden proclaimed Greta Thunberg as a successor to Christ.  Where have we heard this utter nonsense before – oh right, Obama was compared to Jesus Christ too.  No blasphemy here folks, nothing to see here.

Just as further proof that Brennan is a mentally unstable fool shooting his mouth off, consider the following:

“There is no doubt that @realDonaldTrump precipitated this crisis by reneging on nuclear deal & declaring economic war on Iran. We now face a major national & international security challenge because of Trump’s reckless incompetence.  A bipartisan strategic response is essential.”

My reply to this nonsense:

“(1) Fool…Comey is a traitor to this country as are U and your pals the Clintons. U and your compatriots dress up your responses as patriotic and in the best interests of this country. But your interests are money, power, and the continuation of the status quo. @realDonaldTrump”

“(2) @realDonaldTrump is a better man than you or Comey will ever be. #DrainTheSwamp #corruption #ClintonBodyCount #Trump #Trump2020 #Election2020 #MAGA #stupidity”

I have to say it – how is it possible that a former leader of a very powerful agency in the U.S. government can be this obtuse if not outright stupid?

Actually, it is all about money and power, and the Democrats are absolutely desperate to manufacture anything that they feel will help them to oust Donald Trump from power – he is a threat like none before him.  The Dems are certainly attempting to head off a Trump 2020 presidency, because he is a threat to their system, and the system equals money, power, and the rolling out of the welcome wagon for the New World Order, or the One World Government, same entity.  The aim here is to destroy the sovereignty of the U.S., while ushering in the NWO.

If you do not understand the deep and utter importance of; and the absolute necessity of U.S. sovereignty (and even if you do), read Steven Groves excellent article on this: Why Does Sovereignty Matter to America?

America (specifically the United States – as I was roundly criticized for not pointing out in a recent article) is being led down the path of utter destruction, but it seems as though many people in the U.S. do not seem to realize this – let alone understand it.  They will – when it is too late.

This latest attack on Trump and the specifics surrounding it should be all the evidence anyone needs that the Democrats are engaged in a battle to destroy Trump and all who support him – in order to return to the status quo of the Washington DC perpetual swamp.  And the swamp is not We the People friendly, rather it is we the criminals, friendly.

Trump is nowhere near perfect, and is rightly criticized for some things such as his support for more gun laws. But kicking Trump to the curb because of this and other issues is akin to throwing out the baby with the bathwater, something some of my fellow conservatives don’t seem to comprehend.

As far as the Democrats and the RINOs go – well all they see is maintaining the status quo.  In other words, helping themselves to your money, keeping power for themselves, and doing what they want, when they want – all at the expense of the U.S. taxpayer, and at the cost of U.S. sovereignty.

After all, what is more important – a safe, sovereign, and secure United States of America, or money, power, and the status quo?  Your answer should determine your vote.

© 2019 Greg Holt – All Rights Reserved

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Hollywood’s Trump Derangement Syndrome is Off the Charts

Greg Holt

News that Nancy Pelosi initiated a formal impeachment inquiry was to Hollywood libs like being invited to the ultimate drug and alcohol fueled party where everything is free. Liberals everywhere are beside themselves with rapturous joy at the thought of President Trump being impeached.

“We are dressed and ready for the #ImpeachmentParty. What are you wearing?”

Michael Snyder at The Most Important News writes:

“Well, that sure escalated quickly. Rather than waiting until the end of the week, on Tuesday House Speaker Nancy Pelosi decided to announce that a formal impeachment inquiry is being initiated. Needless to say, leftist celebrities all over America greatly rejoiced at this news. In fact, for many of them it was essentially the equivalent of having Thanksgiving, Christmas, a birthday party, the Super Bowl and winning the lottery all rolled into one giant drug-fueled celebration. After “suffering” so much since Donald Trump won the election in November 2016, this surprise announcement gave many of them hope that they may soon be rid of their orange-haired tormentor forever. Of course in the end the only thing that is really going to matter is what the 53 Republicans in the Senate decide to do once the House inevitably votes to impeach, but for the moment the Hollywood elite couldn’t be happier.”

Well said…

Some other examples of the Hollywood hysteria party:




Me thinks Alyssa and the other libtards do not understand the impeachment process.  The House can only vote to impeach, it is the Senate that votes to convict – as the Senate is controlled by Republicans, well this is not happening.

“oh yes we can can can !!!#ImpeachDonaldTrumpNOW”

Rosie is anything but rosy – she makes me nauseated just watching her.  It will be interesting when the celebratory mood turns to severe disappointment and depression, brought on by a 2020 Trump landslide win.

“If they vote to CONVICT, they could INSTANTLY free the @GOP of this TRAITOR @realDonaldTrump and present an actual PATRIOT for the American people to vote for as President in the 2020 election. Thank about that and let’s move quickly.”

Anthony Scaramucci is the epitome of progressive liberal delusion, or Trump Derangement Syndrome.  Who does Scaramucci think is a true patriot?  AOC maybe?  Or Ilhan Omar, Nancy Pelosi, or Uncle Joe Biden?  Scaramucci also said that, Trump a ‘felon acting lawlessly,’ won’t be Republican 2020 nominee.
BTW Mr. Scaramucci, thank is spelled: think – evidence that you do not think.  That’s ok, we understand, you are overwhelmed by Trump Derangement Syndrome.

“I am so moved right now. I am hopeful for the first time in a long time. #NancyPelosi #justice #oversight”

I can’t wait to see how “moved” you are Mika – when this celebration blows up in your ignorant leftist face.

Not to be outdone in the Trump impeachment excitement, CNN, giddy with excitement and glee, has an article with live updates.

A search on Google for Trump impeachment yields over 300 million results.

Nancy no-mind Pelosi today admitted she had not read or even seen the transcript of the Ukraine call with Trump.  Then Pelosi went on to say that Trump asked a foreign government (Ukraine) to “help in his political campaign.”  Trump also (because of this call with the Ukraine government), according to Pelosi “undermined the integrity of our elections.”  WOW – this is rich coming from a Democrat who has been party to a serious attempt to undermine and unseat a sitting U.S. president.

Ann Coulter sounded off on this today as well: The Transcript We Really Want to See Well worth the time to read.  (Language warning)

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said, “the Democratic Party has ‘lost its mind”

To that this author can only say: what makes anyone think the Democratic Party as a whole was or is in possession of a mind to begin with?  It has become glaringly obvious to anyone with a few brain cells bouncing around inside their skull, that the Democrats are all about revenge and regaining power for themselves, and not at all about serious government or solutions to any problems the U.S. as a whole faces.  High school students could define and work out solutions to problems better then these morons.

The Democrats are head-over-heels in love with impeaching the tyrant Trump.  Yet they ignore serious evidence of massive wrongdoing by Hunter and Joe Biden in Ukraine.  Never mind that the Ukraine call transcript verifies that Trump did nothing wrong, and that the Ukraine president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy backed up this assertion.

The rest of the mainstream media is just as complicit, is anyone surprised?  In attacking Trump, the Gateway Pundit is reporting that they left out about 500 words (accidentally I’m sure) from the transcript.  Some things never change.

In the spirit of being helpful – because that is the kind of guy I am, there is another reason to celebrate!  The return of the absolutely hilarious Mini AOC!  The Queen of liberal satire is back once again with a parody of AOC and the general idiocy of the libs.

Love this: Climate change: “I thought it meant Mother Nature was transgendering into Father Nature.”


Almost all the responses I saw to Mini AOC on Twitter were positive, but there is always at least one libtard that has to throw out his or her two cents (their thoughts are generally not even worth two cents):

“Wow!!! Once again, my heart goes out to this lovely & talented young lady. I am so sorry your parents would rather teach you cynicism & hate than help you see the bravery, thoughtfulness and intelligence in young women trying to better the world.”

My response to this:

“Once again a liberal incapable of thought. The “young woman,” Greta, is being used to further a lie! You are free to believe what you like of course, but there is NO hate in what Mini AOC said. The REAL hate was the libtards that made death threats against a CHILD! Get a clue.

Last but not least:

America will never be rid of the libtards, but hey – people like Mini AOC at least help us laugh!  GO Mini AOC, we missed you!

Greg is the author of the newly released book: Spiritual Darkness is Destroying America and the Church

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Iran Allegedly Attacked Saudi Arabia – According to This Idiot, the U.S. is Completely at Fault

Greg Holt

(True Conservative Pundit) I would have to say that this latest statement by Democrat (I won’t say thought as that gives way to much credit to Kaine) Sen. Tim Kaine takes the cake, but foolish and outright stupid statements are seemingly an everyday occurrence in the Party of Fools.

This is after all the Party that is headed (for all intents and purposes) by the now infamous – “The Squad,” of whom one member recently said that: America needs a revolution, but I digress.

“‘We are provoking Iran every day with the sanctions and with military action, and they’re responding,’ Kaine said. ‘We need to stop the provocation, and the United States needs to return to trying to be a diplomatic broker.’”  (Source)

Allow me to translate: The United States needs to back down, apologize, and then Trump needs to offer huge amounts of cash and a new deal to Iran.  In other words, the U.S. needs to return to being a boot-licker like Obama was.  This way, Iran can resume screwing us, the U.S. looks weak in the eyes of the international community (like we did under Obama), and the Democrats can throw a party celebrating their success.

Go Democrats, way to screw your own country and people over.  All to support a world wide terrorist nation – who would not hesitate to kill you if you get in their way.

I have news for you Tim:

Not.  Going.  To.  Happen.

This is the same operator who ran with Hillary in 2016, look how well that turned out (thankfully).

Obama and his Democrats may have (do) thought that a brown nose is the way to go, but President Trump knows better.  All that happens when you bow down to a terrorist regime is that said regime knows you are weak, and they will push for more and more concessions.  When you give in to the bully, they simply keep it up – and their actions will likely become worse over time.

I am in no way endorsing war with Iran, and hopefully cooler heads will prevail. A war with Iran is not a winning strategy. The entire Middle East is one huge ticking time bomb – one wrong move and Word War Three could be instantly upon us, and the majority of the people in the U.S. do not understand this or are simply ignoring reality.

The world cannot be allowed to dictate U.S. foreign policy, yet at the same time, if Russia and China are dead set against any attack on Iran, even a proportional response, then serious thought needs to be given on how to proceed.  As Michael Snyder noted recently, Russia and China are already signaling that a U.S. attack on Iran is a bad idea.

Trump is proceeding cautiously and of course is taking a lot of flack for doing so, even from other Republicans such as Lindsey Graham.  The problem here is that way to many people do not seem to realize how quickly the situation with Iran could blow up into a war that involves all the “powers that be.”

Trump stated that not attacking is a sign of strength and that we have the strongest military in the world, “it is very easy to attack,” President Trump said.  Trump went on to say that if the U.S. needs to do something, there would be no hesitation.


President Trump is not like former presidents, he does not telegraph the actions of the U.S. beforehand.  Trump is operating from a position of strength, and Iran knows full well that they would not stand a chance against the full military might of the U.S.  On the other hand, Russia and or China may choose to back Iran – as well, Iran is fully capable of staging major terrorist attacks inside the United States.  Trump would be blamed for that if it happened of course – despite the fact that it is Trump who wants the border secured and the Democrats who want open borders!

I hope the U.S. under Trump’s leadership proceeds very slowly on this, attack is easy, strategizing on what the proper moves are to achieve maximum results with minimal losses is not so easy.  This was never something that Obama was capable of – appeasement must not happen either under any circumstances.


Tim Kaine is – to be blunt, an idiot.  The U.S. cannot appease a terrorist regime and expect good things to happen, but the Democrats in general are not capable of understanding this concept.  Iran needs to be closely monitored, and in this case, there needs to be some form of punishment.  Sanctions are a good start.  Iran’s actions are in no way the fault of the U.S. or by extension President Trump.  The U.S. did not attack Iran, we merely defended our interests as any nation would do – for Kaine and others to suggest otherwise is disingenuous and a dangerous lie.  The war hawks cannot be allowed to dictate U.S. foreign policy; hopefully the firing of Bolton will help in this regard.  Trump needs to proceed cautiously on this; the world could literally be at stake here.

Update: According to Fox News, it has been determined that Iran attacked Saudi Arabia and not the Yemen Houthi rebels:

“‘This is the kind of weapon the Iranian regime and the Iranian IRGC are using against the civilian object and facilities infrastructure,’ Al-Malki said, referring to Iran’s Revolutionary Guards.

He added: ‘This attack did not originate from Yemen, despite Iran’s best effort to make it appear so.’”

Greg is the author of the newly released book: Spiritual Darkness is Destroying America and the Church

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Anti-American Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib Says America Needs a ‘Revolution’

Greg Holt

Recently it was reported that Rashida said that America needs a revolution, that:

“We have to make the tough, courageous changes that completely transform a political and economic system that is now built for corporations (and profits), not people.

Choosing the status quo means doing nothing and giving up.”

While I agree the “system” could use some changes, it does not need to be changed in the way Tlaib says it does.  Tlaib’s changes would be self-serving and dangerous.  Tlaib herself is a danger to America and We the People.  Responses on Twitter to Rashida’s idiotic ideas was about what one would expect:

“The only political revolution America needs is to get rid of you and many other traitors in the halls of our government.”


“Completely? No, not the way you’re wanting change. To overhaul the entire system would be devastating. Pretty obvious you want to destroy this nation.”

Yes, destroy it so that socialism can be the savior of America, and then the One World government can be ushered in.

“Without profit, Americans would be reduced to slave labor. Workers must be compensated for their work.

Socialism is not answer, Capitalism is.

Political revolutions lead to civil war and death, which is something we don’t need.”

Well said.

“No, we need America to stay America”

To that I can only say – Amen!

I recently said that, America is for Americans – either love it, or leave it, and this writer is here to tell you – Rashida Tlaib and her sisters in “The Squad” – are not Americans!  They are traitors to this great country and they need to be removed from office.

According to Breitbart, Tlaib once again rolled out the race card and the Muslim card while attacking Trump.  Anyone who dares to disagree with Rashida or the other clowns in “The Squad” is automatically treated to this kind of nonsense.

“Tlaib wrote the tweet in reference to a June interview she gave to Next Left. The Michigan lawmaker talked about how she and her fellow ‘Squad’ members are ‘pretty new’ to the political arena as women of color and argued that they are ‘easy targets because people easily will fear us if they just tell people, Be scared.’

‘She’s Palestinian, you should be scared. She’s also Muslim. Be scared,’ but it’s because you know the, the GOP, the individual one in the White House, is feeding into hate because that’s all they have right now,’ she said, placing the blame squarely on President Trump.”

Tlaib also claims that Trump is afraid of women of color, and is afraid of “The Squad,” because they have answers, “real agenda for the American people,” she said.

Here are some of Rashida Tlaib’s so-called answers:

Here is what I do not understand: how can anyone, regardless of Party, think these policies are capable of being effective, and/or good for America?  How is that possible, how can anyone be this stupid?  And these people are running our country?  Now that is something we all should be scared of.

An $18 to $20 dollar an hour minimum wage – who is going to pay for that?  You the American consumer are.  Are we to believe that (no disrespect intended, I worked in this industry for 11 years) fast food workers should be paid $18.00 dollars an hour?  What do you suppose a hamburger would then cost?  $10.00 bucks instead of $5.00?  How many jobs would be lost?  Did you think about any of this Rashida???

Medicare for all – how is this going to be paid for?  Answer, on the backs of you the American taxpayer.

The final cost estimates for Obamacare, which passed in 2010, came in around $940 billion over a decade.”  Now consider this: Bernie Sanders (who also supports Medicare for all), stated that this particular government freebie could cost up to $40 trillion over a ten-year period.  Let me state that again: Obamacare, 940 million over a ten-year period.  Medicare for all, 40 trillion over a ten-year period.  There is no way even the huge economy of America can or could support that kind of economic layout.  Keep in mind, the entire U.S. national debt is currently around $20 trillion, Medicare for all would cost double that for only ten years!  What fool thinks that is a viable solution?  Answer – Rashida Tlaib and the other members of “The Squad.”

Yes, by all means, lets abolish ICE (U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement) so that rapists, drug dealers, killers and other criminals have an easier time of running free inside the U.S.  Lets also abolish the U.S. border patrol, heck, why bother with attempting to keep We the People safe – to hell with the people.  That is the sentiment of Tlaib and her anti-American Democrat buddies who want there to be no more walls built.  After all, anyone who desires to come here should be allowed to right?  Wrong.  Again – who is going to pay for that (them)?

Socialism – I and many others have harped on this repeatedly, and for good reason.

Socialism – Does.  Not.  Work.

There has never been even one instance where socialism worked, not one!  Even if you set aside all the inner workings of socialism, there is yet one thing that will always guarantee its failure:

After socialism rears its ugly head, and its many unreasonable and idiotic tenets are faithfully applied – one tenet will doom it to fail, and that is wealth redistribution.  Tlaib hinted at this tenant in her tweet – “We have to make the tough, courageous changes that completely transform a political and economic system that is now built for corporations (and profits), not people.

In other words, all the wealth needs to be taken, and redistributed amongst all “the people.”  Here is the problem with this thinking:

Once you take away everyone’s wealth, by force if necessary – and it is redistributed – then where does the “system” gain additional wealth to distribute to all?  There is no longer any motive to work hard, because hard work will never get you anywhere.  There is no longer any incentive to be exceptional, no incentive to be inventive and creative, or to problem solve, and no reason to work hard – because the state then not only takes everything, but the almighty state also takes all the credit for anything anyone does.  Individuality is strongly discouraged, it’s all about communal sharing and living.  Except that this is also a lie – because those on top are living high on the hog while a great majority of the people are still suffering, often in deep poverty and having to deal with violence, roving gangs, and even killing.  Just look at Maduro in Venezuela, Maduro sits in the lap of luxury with his millions, while his people cannot find enough to eat.

Rashida Tlaib and her fellow sisters of “The Squad” support Islam, and those who are enemies of America, such as CAIR.  Ironically enough – if Islam were to be the rule of law (Sharia Law) throughout America, Tlaib and Omar would be in deep trouble, and would be soundly punished if not killed for their actions. Women running around loose in Islam is not allowed.

In Islam:

  • Women are basically property
  • Men are allowed to beat their wives for “infractions”
  • Men are allowed to kill their wives and daughters for dishonoring Islam
  • Women are not allowed to go anywhere without a male
  • Female genital mutilation (so women cannot enjoy sex) is widely practiced
  • Islam commands the murder of Jews and Christians
  • Leaving Islam is cause for death

Read my article on Islam as compared to Christianity, it’s an eye opener.  Please keep in mind the things I have stated here concerning Islam, come right out of their own holy books!

As for Rashida Tlaib and her Squad cohorts, they need to focus on what is good for America, not for themselves.  President Trump has done more good for this nation than these fools have even thought of doing.

Rashida Tlaib and the other Democrats like to say Trump and the GOP have done nothing, well if nothing includes:

  • Building sections of the wall
  • Improving the economy
  • Rolling back Obama regulations that were unfairly strangling business
  • Increasing oil production and using coal (which is not dirty with today’s tech.)
  • Standing up for America
  • Making other NATO nations pay their fair share
  • Instigating dialogue with North Korea
  • Making trade more fair
  • Lowering taxes thereby increasing economic investments and jobs
  • Returning American manufacturing jobs to America
  • Putting #AmericaFirst

So yes, if the above is “doing nothing,” or simply minding the “status quo,” then yes, Trump and the GOP have done nothing.  What precisely has Rashida Tlaib, Omar, AOC, and the other Democrats accomplished that benefits the U.S.?  NOTHING – unless you count running your mouth off, inciting violence, blocking useful legislation, vote tampering, criminally interfering in a presidential election, and causing strife and division with their caustic and lying commentary – then yes, the Dems have accomplished much.

Wake up America, and vote these Democratic anti-American fascist socialists out of power – before they vote you out of your very God-given rights!

H/T Joe Newby – Conservative Firing Line

About the author: Greg is a strong believer in Jesus Christ and is also a political analyst and author. By day he is a self-employed non-emergency medical transport driver, as well as being an author and blogger. His articles are first published on True Conservative Pundit and Inspirational Christian Blogs, and from there the articles are widely published on many well-known conservative websites. If you would like to republish his articles, please feel free to do so leaving all links intact and crediting the author and the website that the article appeared on.

Greg is the author of the newly released book: Spiritual Darkness is Destroying America and the Church

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© 2019 Greg Holt – All Rights Reserved

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Dan Rather – Still the Same Clueless Mudslinging Leftist He Always Was

By Greg Holt

Funny how Dan Rather-not is out doing interviews and engaging in his usual nonsensical mudslinging – and oh by the way, he has a new book out too.

According to Breitbart News, Rather was interviewed on Morning Joe recently and said that we, as a nation have our differences, and that Trump is exploiting those differences.  Rather went on to say:

“One of the main ways it is different here in 2019 than it was during the 1960s is that we are a richer mix of religion, race, ethnicity, and that has caused a lot of fear in people. There are any number of people who say, ‘Look, it’s not the America of my grandfather and grandmother, not even the same as it was during my parents’ time.’ And it’s caused by fear. And I think this is a very important point: This fear is being exploited by any number of political leaders. [sic] including, I’m sorry to say and there’s is no joy in saying it, the president of the United States.”

This is rich coming from a former Leftist member of the mainstream media.  There is a lot of diversity in America, Rather is quite correct on that, but other then that, Rather is not only wrong, but he is in typical liberal fashion exploiting the people of our country by manipulation.  If ever there was exploitation, and there was and is – this exploitation can squarely be blamed on the mainstream media.

It is people like Dan Rather, Joe Scarborough, Mika Brzezinski, CNN’s crew, The New York Times, the hosts of The View – basically almost all of the mainstream media, that are to blame for any “fear” people in America feel.

The news no longer has much of anything to do with news.  Let me explain that – the so-called news, is all about manipulation, it’s about preying on people, it’s about propaganda, and it’s a concerted effort to brainwash people into believing exactly what the media wants you to believe.  And what does the media want you to believe?  I would need to write a book to answer that question – suffice it to say that:

  • Conservatives and their thoughts and ideas are dangerous
  • Christianity is the enemy of the people
  • Morals and ethics are whatever each individual decides on
  • Truth is whatever each person says it is – no absolute truth
  • The U.S. borders must remain open, or we are doing the world a disservice
  • The LGBTQ must be honored and included in all things and must never be spoken against (Although they are free to speak against Christians)
  • Censorship is ok (and encouraged) as long as it is against those who do not subscribe to Leftist/progressive thinking
  • All forms of hate speech, intimidation (doxing), and threats are acceptable when used against Christians and conservatives
  • Violence against all who are conservative is perfectly acceptable (Antifa)
  • Guns must be taken away
  • Free college, free health care, and a free basic income (no strings attached) are an American right

All one needs to do to see all this in action is to turn on the news, look around on the Internet and social media, and listen to the Democratic candidates for president who all promise outlandish and impossible items as they vie for the Democratic nomination.  Elizabeth Warren is a perfect example of this, my question is – exactly who is going to pay for all these freebies she wants to give away?

As for Rather’s feeble insistence that Trump is a racist hater, well if you listen to the likes of washed up fake news CNN, then yes, Trump is a hater.  If however you have a few brain cells running around inside your head, and you get your news from conservative sites like this one, then you know the truth, and the truth will set you free.

The truth is – that it is the Left that engages in hate, it is the Left that decries anything and everything they do not like by screaming loudly and long – racism.  The word is used so much that it should not even have any meaning any longer.

A few examples:

Trump wants to have a merit based immigration system (as Mexico does), and that is racist.
Trump and many others I might add want a border wall, and that is racist.
Anyone who does not agree with the LGBTQ mindset is a racist.
A pastor that actually preaches the entire Bible is, you guessed it, a racist.
If your skin color is white, you are a racist.
If you support the U.S. Constitution, you are a racist.

In fact, if you are a supporter of the Constitution, you may be considered a homegrown terrorist by the Department of Homeland Security.

Do you see how completely asinine the use of racist and racism has become?  I have even seen an article, actually many articles, that claimed that white milk was racist, yes no kidding.  A Google search on “white milk is racist,” returns over 11 million results. Uh what???

This really isn’t my father’s America, or anyone else’s for that matter.  This is an America I do not know or recognize.

As for Rather’s outlandish hate-on for Trump, read these words from Trump’s July 4th speech:

“‘As long as we stay true to our cause, as long as we remember our great history, as long as we never ever stop fighting for a better future, then there will be nothing that America cannot do,’ the president said.

‘The future belongs to the brave, the strong, the proud, and the free,’ Trump continued. ‘We are one people, chasing one dream, and one magnificent destiny. We all share the same heroes, the same home, the same heart, and we are all made by the same Almighty God.’”  (Source)

Sounds pretty hateful right?  How dare President Trump stand up for this country and its people, how dare trump invoke the name of God.  This author would say: how dare he not?  As much as the Leftist media and their Democratic handlers want you to believe otherwise, this country was founded by and for a moral and godly people, not a bunch of amoral interlopers bent on its annihilation.

Rather and all the rest of his Leftist cronies accusing those on the right of being hateful racists is like the pot calling the kettle black.  Those on the Left need a long and deep look in the mirror – they would see overflowing hate, dishonesty, greedy, power hungry, globalists bent on destroying the U.S.A. to further their own anti-American goals of joining the global cabal of One World government advocates – whom support eugenics, complete disarmament of the people, all forms of spying on the people, socialism, Islam, the banning of Christianity, abolishment of prisons, all open borders, and the full and complete destruction of a moral God-fearing society.

I and many others have spent innumerable amounts of time warning people – but most simply are not listening.  When people finally do decide to listen to us – it will be too late.  Just like when the people of Germany finally realized the extreme danger that Hitler presented not only to Germany, but also to the entire world, it was already far too late.

Wake up America – before it’s too late.

Greg is the author of the newly released book: Spiritual Darkness is Destroying America and the Church

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Since When Did Patriotism Become Un-American?

By Greg Holt

America is for Americans – either love it – or leave it.

The recent actions of the congressional group, “The Squad,” along with many other Democrats leads one to ask this question: what does it mean to be an American?

“’I took an oath to uphold the constitution. I’m as American as everyone else,’ Omar declared in April.”

The prominent Muslim Rep. Ilhan Omar tells us she is an American, but is she really?  Well I would say this to Omar: if being an American is defined by being an anti-Semite, accepting support from America’s enemies and taking their side (CAIR and Iran), fighting against what is good for America, such as protecting our border, demanding funding be cut for the Department of Homeland Security etc., then yes Omar, you are an American.

Omar and the rest of “The Squad” have demanded that funding be cut for DHS, especially because of their views on illegal immigrants – which do not line up with what is good for America, or even common sense.

“They claimed DHS has ‘promulgated an agenda driven by hate — not strategy.’

‘Cut, do not increase funding,’ they wrote, urging lawmakers to follow “critical” guidelines to protect immigrant families. ‘The deal reached by the Conference Committee should not allocate any additional funding to this department or to the ICE and CBP agencies. The upcoming FY 2020 budget process will be a critical opportunity to take up conversations about reforms to the agency. In the meantime, not another dollar.’”  (Source)

So, protecting our country from gangs like MS-13 (who are known to be ruthless and vicious killers), making a good faith effort to lessen the flow of drugs, not allowing dangerous criminals and murderers free and open access to America, not to mention the horrific diseases many migrants carry – this is “an agenda driven by hate.”  From where I am standing, this is only common sense and the only logical course of action.

Many Democrats professed that illegals needed to be deported, stopped from entering the U.S., that border security was important for the U.S. to implement and strengthen – before these same Democrats did a complete 180 and said that Trump’s actions in attempting to protect and defend our country from these people – who honestly don’t give a damn about America to begin with, was and is wrong, hateful, and immoral etc.  But don’t take my word for it, watch the video below:

Tied in with the Democrats need to eliminate ICE, leave the Southern border open with no more wall building, and allowing all immigrants into the U.S. – without proper vetting, health checks, and other little details like following the law (that they themselves supported in the not so distant past – see above video), is the Democratic love for sanctuary cities and even states.  The Democrats also support letting all the illegals in the U.S. stay here, isn’t that nice of them?  Key word: illegal…

Here is what the Democrats will not speak of: many of these illegals are here sucking up resources that could and should be going to American citizens – like health care, food stamps, and schooling.  Many illegals are drug dealers; murderers, gang members, rapists, and many carry dangerous diseases.  This is in no way racist, rather it is common sense that a country’s resources should be allocated to the particular country’s own people – not those who break the law and are here illegally.

President Trump at one point suggested that the illegals should all be shipped off to the Dems precious sanctuary cities since they love them so much.  Sounds reasonable to this writer, how about you?  Nancy Pelosi who is an ardent supporter of the illegals and sanctuary cities did a very quick about face after trump offered to send them to her city:

Lets go back to my original question at the beginning of this article:
what does it mean to be an American?

If you are an American, I have to ask: is it not normal to love your country and feel patriotic about it?  Is it not normal to defend your own country?  Furthermore, is it not normal to protect one’s country from those seeking to harm it, and/or seeking to use it for their own gain at the expense of said country’s own citizens?

One word: YES.

Trump wants immigration to be based on merit; Democrats instantly responded that this was hateful.  Funny, but the Democrats beloved Mexico (whom has a history of allowing and even helping illegals cross into America) has a merit based immigration policy – if you cannot prove that you can contribute in a structured and positive way to the well-being and the advancement of Mexico, take a hike Jack. Huh…

American colleges are turning out legions of future Democrats whose ideals are most definitely not American.  These young impressionable minds are being taught in fact to hate America.  What else would you call it when you are taught that:

  • All people have to be allowed to come into the U.S.
  • The U.S. is bad, because we are successful
  • Prisons should be closed down
  • Police officers are all racist haters
  • Christians are racist haters and bigots and are deserving of death
  • All viewpoints must be in line with Leftist progressive thinking
  • Sanctuary cities must be allowed and protected even at the expense of the American people
  • Capitalism is wrong and evil
  • Socialism is right and good for all
  • Islam is good, Christianity is bad
  • All manner of perversion is ok, because everybody has rights
  • Everything should be free because we deserve it
  • Censorship of everyone not in agreement with Leftist ideology is ok and is warranted

What about those that turn what should be a moment of respect for ones country and its symbol, (the flag, the National Anthem – and by extension our military) into a moment of protest?  This is completely unacceptable.

What about the recent blowup over Nike’s new shoes that would have featured the flag Betsy Ross designed – that is until America hating Colin Kaepernick informed Nike that these new shoes were “offensive”, and Nike promptly pulled them from the market on Kaepernick’s say so.

Just.  Like.  That.

Who is this washed up NFL wannabe to tell Nike or anyone else what is “offensive.”  Can’t Americans decide that for themselves?

This is the real danger here you see – you have the Democrats, who almost universally are Leftist progressives headed up by the likes of the brainless America-hating “The Squad,” dictating policy and what is acceptable and what is not acceptable for Americans to see, hear, purchase, or have.

Social media is run by these Leftist socialists, and unless you have been living under a rock – it should be very apparent to you that they have no qualms about determining what is acceptable for us to view on social media.  These leftist ideologues have wrongly given themselves the power that belongs only to the American people.  The power to choose belongs solely in the hands of the American people, not a select few.  Do you see the enormous danger here?  This is how a totalitarian society is formed, soon it will no longer be a Republic, we will be a socialist nation, which will in turn evolve into a communist nation.

The majority of people reading this will likely scoff and say that this can never happen.  It was not supposed to happen in Germany either.  I have news for We the People – this is all happening right now even as you read this article.  Look at the suppression on social media, especially Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook.  No one is putting a stop to that as of yet.  Look at the suppression and outright lies of the majority of our media – and it gets worse every day.  If you look into what the schools (more like indoctrination centers) are teaching, you will be horrified, and no I’m not kidding.

I encourage you to read my newly released book that looks at all of this more in depth: Spiritual Darkness is Destroying America and the Church.

Kneeling during the National Anthem is unpatriotic, and so is saying that a shoe displaying a flag from our heritage is “offensive.”

Supporting policies that are self-destructive to the people of this great nation, well that is also unpatriotic.  If you are a patriot, you are not for one minute going to support policies, laws etc., that are destructive and harmful to our own nation.  Neither are you going to disrespect our military and the many veterans that have served and even given their own lives to ensure we have the freedoms that we do.

To all of America’s veterans, I salute you, thank you so much for your service, God bless each and every one of you.

America has got to raise a ruckus and get these America hating socialists, and One World government lovers out of office.

America is for Americans – either love it – or leave it.

I love the video below, Toby Keith gets it, take a few minutes and watch this. (Language warning at the end)

Republished with permission Conservative Daily News

About the author: Greg is a strong believer in Jesus Christ and is also a political analyst and author.  By day he is a self-employed non-emergency medical transport driver, as well as being an author and blogger.  His articles are first published on True Conservative Pundit and Inspirational Christian Blogs, and from there the articles are widely published on many well-known conservative websites.  If you would like to republish his articles, please feel free to do so leaving all links intact and crediting the author and the website that the article appeared on.

Greg is the author of the newly released book: Spiritual Darkness is Destroying America and the Church

Follow TCP on FacebookGabUSA LifeTwitterPinterest, and Social Cross

© 2019 Greg Holt – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Greg Holt:

Report: If Trump Declassifies These Documents – the Democrats Are Finished

By Greg Holt

(True Conservative Pundit) In September of 2018, President Trump told The Hill’s John Solomon and Buck Sexton that he would declassify and release all the documents pertaining to the FBI, the DoJ, and the other intelligence agencies that show what these U.S. government entities did wrong in the Russia probe.

It’s been almost a year since Trump declared the “goods” would be released.

No small wonder, for there is an army of Deep State puppets that have been working hard to thwart any attempt to release these documents.  Any information that is released, the Democrats and their media allies immediately muddy the waters making the information released look suspect.  Pretty good tactic since that information details their own (the Democrats) wrongdoing.

According to John Solomon of The Hill, the Democratic obfuscation and outright obstruction may soon come to a screeching halt:

“But the long wait for transparency may soon end.

The foot-dragging inside the intelligence community (IC) that occurred under now-departed DNI Dan Coats and his deputy, Sue Gordon, could halt abruptly. That’s particularly true if Trump appoints a new IC sheriff, such as former House Intelligence Committee Chairman Pete Hoekstra (R-Mich.), the current ambassador to the Netherlands, or longtime national security expert Fred Fleitz.”

If it is not some Deep State toady inside one of the U.S. intelligence agencies, or a former intelligence operative (such as John Brennan), or one of the many media outlets that lie and cover for the Democrats, it is one of the leading Democrats in Congress or more likely all of the above moving to stop these documents from being released.  On top of all that, there is the suppression of conservative voices and investigative journalists by Big Tech such as Twitter and Facebook among others.

Why would the Democrats and their allies work so hard to impede the release of these classified documents (some of which are only classified and/or redacted for the Democrats protection), especially when some of the information related to these documents is already in the public view?

The answer is really pretty simple.  If the public only has bits and pieces, it is much easier to do damage control and to spin the information so as to confuse and misdirect.  They can even spin the information to make Trump look bad, a definite plus for the Democrats.  If the information in the these documents is however declassified and released – then all the available information can be tied together and made sense of.

If these documents are released, the Democrats are self-aware enough to realize the very same thing that I realize – that the information contained in these different documents will show America how seriously corrupt the Democrats are (including Obama and his administration) and how deeply complicit the mainstream media has been in attempting to white-wash and cover up what really happened during this whole Russia/Trump collusion investigation.

What did happen during the Trump/Russia investigation?  Was it a case of investigating a president for potentially serious wrongdoing as it was purported to be?

Not.  A.  Chance.

There is plenty of evidence already in the public eye to strongly suggest, if not outright convince any thinking human being – that the only reason for the investigation was as a cover for the Deep State’s nefarious activities.

The objective of all these activities became two-fold:

  • First, eliminate the competition (Donald Trump) thereby insuring the presidency of the next Deep State chief executive – Hillary Clinton.
  • Second, since the primary objective was not achieved, the goal changed to: destroy by any means necessary the sitting president of the United States (who is a serious thorn in the collective Deep States side) Donald Trump.

So what are the documents that could spell ruination for the Democrats?  Below are the documents John Solomon believes will seriously rock the Democrats:

1.)  Christopher Steele’s confidential human source reports at the FBI. These documents, known in bureau parlance as 1023 reports, show exactly what transpired each time Steele and his FBI handlers met in the summer and fall of 2016 to discuss his anti-Trump dossier. The big reveal, my sources say, could be the first evidence that the FBI shared sensitive information with Steele, such as the existence of the classified Crossfire Hurricane operation targeting the Trump campaign. It would be a huge discovery if the FBI fed Trump-Russia intel to Steele in the midst of an election, especially when his ultimate opposition-research client was Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee (DNC). The FBI has released only one or two of these reports under Freedom of Information Act lawsuits and they were 100 percent redacted. The American public deserves better.

2.)  The 53 House Intel interviews. House Intelligence interviewed many key players in the Russia probe and asked the DNI to declassify those interviews nearly a year ago, after sending the transcripts for review last November. There are several big reveals, I’m told, including the first evidence that a lawyer tied to the Democratic National Committee had Russia-related contacts at the CIA.

3.)  The Stefan Halper documents. It has been widely reported that European-based American academic Stefan Halper and a young assistant, Azra Turk, worked as FBI sources. We know for sure that one or both had contact with targeted Trump aides like Carter Page and George Papadopoulos at the end of the election. My sources tell me there may be other documents showing Halper continued working his way to the top of Trump’s transition and administration, eventually reaching senior advisers like Peter Navarro inside the White House in summer 2017. These documents would show what intelligence agencies worked with Halper, who directed his activity, how much he was paid and how long his contacts with Trump officials were directed by the U.S. government’s Russia probe.

4.)  The October 2016 FBI email chain. This is a key document identified by Rep. Nunes and his investigators. My sources say it will show exactly what concerns the FBI knew about and discussed with DOJ about using Steele’s dossier and other evidence to support a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant targeting the Trump campaign in October 2016. If those concerns weren’t shared with FISA judges who approved the warrant, there could be major repercussions.

5.)  Page/Papadopoulos exculpatory statements. Another of Nunes’s five buckets, these documents purport to show what the two Trump aides were recorded telling undercover assets or captured in intercepts insisting on their innocence. Papadopoulos told me he told an FBI undercover source in September 2016 that the Trump campaign was not trying to obtain hacked Clinton documents from Russia and considered doing so to be treason. If he made that statement with the FBI monitoring, and it was not disclosed to the FISA court, it could be another case of FBI or DOJ misconduct.

6.)  The ‘Gang of Eight’ briefing materials. These were a series of classified briefings and briefing books the FBI and DOJ provided key leaders in Congress in the summer of 2018 that identify shortcomings in the Russia collusion narrative. Of all the documents congressional leaders were shown, this is most frequently cited to me in private as having changed the minds of lawmakers who weren’t initially convinced of FISA abuses or FBI irregularities.

7.)  The Steele spreadsheet. I wrote recently that the FBI kept a spreadsheet on the accuracy and reliability of every claim in the Steele dossier. According to my sources, it showed as much as 90 percent of the claims could not be corroborated, were debunked or turned out to be open-source internet rumors. Given Steele’s own effort to leak intel in his dossier to the media before Election Day, the public deserves to see the FBI’s final analysis of his credibility. A document I reviewed recently showed the FBI described Steele’s information as only “minimally corroborated” and the bureau’s confidence in him as “medium.”

8.)  The Steele interview. It has been reported, and confirmed, that the DOJ’s inspector general interviewed the former British intelligence operative for as long as 16 hours about his contacts with the FBI while working with Clinton’s opposition research firm, Fusion GPS. It is clear from documents already forced into the public view by lawsuits that Steele admitted in the fall of 2016 that he was desperate to defeat Trump, had a political deadline to make his dirt public, was working for the DNC/Clinton campaign and was leaking to the news media. If he told that to the FBI and it wasn’t disclosed to the FISA court, there could be serious repercussions.

9.)  The redacted sections of the third FISA renewal application. This was the last of four FISA warrants targeting the Trump campaign; it was renewed in June 2017 after special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe had started and signed by then-Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. It is the one FISA application that House Republicans have repeatedly asked to be released, and I’m told the big reveal in the currently redacted sections of the application is that it contained both misleading information and evidence of intrusive tactics used by the U.S. government to infiltrate Trump’s orbit.

10.)  Records of allies’ assistance. Multiple sources have said a handful of U.S. allies overseas — possibly Great Britain, Australia and Italy — were asked to assist FBI efforts to check on Trump connections to Russia. Members of Congress have searched recently for some key contact documents with British intelligence. My sources say these documents might help explain Attorney General William Barr’s recent comments that “the use of foreign intelligence capabilities and counterintelligence capabilities against an American political campaign, to me, is unprecedented and it’s a serious red line that’s been crossed.”

There is no need for me to reiterate the information contained in the above ten documents discussed.  Suffice it to say this: there is plenty of information that is already public to support all of this; this release would merely (but importantly) clarify the truth of the matter.

The truth of the matter is that since Donald Trump the billionaire playboy decided to run for president, and then miraculously (or maybe not so miraculous) won the presidency – the Democrats, the RINO’s, and their willing media partners have engaged in the largest ever conceived soft coup attempt/election interference campaign in the history of the United States.  The U.S. government itself was weaponized to destroy a man willing to step up and do the right thing.

The depth of the Left’s depravity and their willingness to destroy anyone who gets in their way is astounding.

It amazes this writer that Trump has accomplished what he has thus far.  With the media aligned against him (as much as 95% negative coverage), Big Tech fighting for the other side and suppressing conservatives, and with the fact that the Democrats are out to destroy Trump along with his supporters, and lastly, Trump’s many naysayers – it is almost a miracle that he has been able to achieve so much – not to mention keep going under the relentless pressure.

I hope Trump soon plays the “Trump” card. We the People have been held hostage long enough – it is high time America sees the Clintons, the Obamas, Comey, Brennan, Page, Strzok, and so many others for exactly what they are: evil.

The next step?  Vote out the Democrats ensuring they lose power, right along with all the ineffective Republican mouthpieces.  Get out and vote, educate yourself, and do not take what the so-called news media tells you at face value.

You have been warned America.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Greg Holt:

Greg is the author of the newly released book: Spiritual Darkness is Destroying America and the Church

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Democrats Condemn Israel’s Decision to Deny Access to Anti-Semitic Israel Hating Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar

Israel officially denied access to Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib yesterday (August 15th), which is of course igniting a firestorm of protest among Democrats.  Top Democrats were quick to rebuke this decision while being deliberately ignorant of the facts.

Nancy Pelosi immediately criticized Israel’s decision calling it, “a sign of weakness, and beneath the dignity of the great State of Israel.”  Chuck-you Schumer claimed that Israel’s decision would only hurt U.S. Israeli relations. Really?  According to who – besides those who have long ago made it clear they are against Israel?

Of course the media is jumping all over the fact that President Trump called for Israel to deny these two members of “The Squad,” and Israel within hours of the Trump tweet did just that.

“It would show great weakness if Israel allowed Rep. Omar and Rep.Tlaib [sic] to visit. They hate Israel & all Jewish people, & there is nothing that can be said or done to change their minds. Minnesota and Michigan will have a hard time putting them back in office. They are a disgrace!”


There is of course a huge uproar on Twitter against the president and his comments.

“I can’t wait until you get sued for slander. You’re putting these congress members in danger by inciting hate within their own country against them and its transparent. We know you want to be a dictator more than anything. Good thing you’re so bad at it.”


So telling the truth about these two women who openly support the anti-Israel BDS movement, are associated with Islam and Israeli hating groups like CAIR and others, and have made disparaging remarks towards Israel – this is slander and endangering Tlaib and Omar?  Oh please, get serious.

“Our president is trying to get American Muslims killed.

Not just these two congresswomen.

Muslims. In general.

There’s no other way to read this.”

So because the president calls out two members of Congress who are Muslims for their anti-Israeli attitude and obvious dislike and even hatred for Israel, President Trump is trying to get American Muslims killed?  This is nothing more than the typical Leftist paradigm of over exaggeration and finger pointing to divert negative attention away from Tlaib and Omar (who bring it on themselves) and turn this into an attack on Trump.

This is all to common among Democrats and their supporters, there is never any accountability for their actions and comments, instead, the blame for anything they do or say is shifted to Trump or some other scapegoat.  This happened because Trump said, this occurred because the Republicans did this, Trump supporters are all haters, blah, blah, blah, blah.

The Democrats however conveniently leave out a few pertinent facts.  Lets look at these facts shall we?

From Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Facebook Page:

“As a free and vibrant democracy, Israel is open to critics and criticism, with one exception: Israeli law prohibits the entry into Israel of those who call for and work to impose boycotts on Israel, as do other democracies that prohibit the entry of people who seek to harm the country. In fact, in the past the US did this to an Israeli member of Knesset, as well as to other public figures from around the world.”

Ok, so it is against Israeli law to allow Omar and Tlaib into Israel as they have actively supported the anti-Israel group BDS.  Did any Democrat happen to mention this in their outrage against the Israeli decision?  Of course not. What???  The U.S. did the same thing?  Hmmmm.

Here are some further facts regarding the Omar/Tlaib visit the Democrats will not tell you, and do not want you to know:

This visit was categorized as visiting “Palestine,” not Israel.  As well, there was no request to meet with any Israeli official, as is usual for both Democrats and Republicans – but you can bet the bank that there would have been a press conference or at the very least a photo op with Hamas officials in Gaza.

So Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar who openly display hatred for Israel, and actively work to dismiss Israel’s legitimacy as well as to destroy them, were going to go to Israel and snub the Israeli government while visiting with the so-called Palestinian state (which I want to remind the reader does not, and never did exist!) and it’s officials, namely Hamas.  Hamas of course need I remind the reader is a terrorist group and denies that Israel has any right to exist, and is actively working to destroy Israel – hand in hand with Iran.  But it’s ok for two U.S. Congress women to support these people.

A week ago, Israel welcomed Democrats in Israel for a meeting; yes you read that right, Democrats!

Read this last comment from the obviously hateful Prime Minister of Israel:

“Nonetheless, if Congresswoman Tlaib submits a humanitarian request to visit her relatives, the minister of interior has announced that he will consider her request on the condition that she pledges not to act to promote boycotts against Israel during her visit.”

So, Israel would allow Rashida Tlaib to visit her family if she simply pledges not to work against Israel while there.  Seems pretty reasonable to this writer.  Would Tlaib do the same?  I rather doubt it.

It would be well worth your time to read the entire statement; the Dems will not convey this information to the public.

Maybe President Trump should have stayed out of this and let Israel handle it.  Maybe Israel made a mistake in barring these two members of Congress from entering Israel.  That being said, I do not believe for one minute that Prime Minister Netanyahu or a member of his government would deny Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar access to their country based solely on Donald Trump’s opinion.  Denying these two Israeli haters access is to me only common sense.

Many political commentators including some who support Israel are saying that Israel has made a serious mistake in denying access to Tlaib and Omar.

A serious question needs to be asked here:

Would anyone with even a smattering of brain cells invite or allow a known enemy of the United States to enter our country, knowing that these people desire the complete and utter destruction of the United States?  The answer is obvious to any thinking person. Yet, the United States paid off just such an enemy with billions of dollars under the direction of President Obama – I am of course talking about Iran and the Iran “nuke deal,” Iran, whom refers to the U.S. as “the great Satan.”

Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar both support Islam, and they are known to associate with CAIR and other Islamic organizations, which by the way financially support them.  News flash, Islam hates the United States and seeks to dominate it by bringing in Sharia Law and turning the entire country into an Islamic caliphate.  The Democrats are cutting their own throats, not to mention the throats of all Americans in supporting these two enemies of America.

America had better wake up, and do so soon.  Far too many support these two anti-American Muslim women, while Omar and Tlaib along with the rest of “The Squad” continue to advance an anti-American agenda meant to weaken America so as to make us vulnerable to an Islamic and New World Order take over.  If you believe this is all a far-right fairy tale, then you are not paying attention.

America needs to follow in the footsteps of “the Donald” as well as the Israelis, and stop making nice with these anti-American destroyers.  “The Squad” and all others like them need to be voted out of office and never allowed to hold power again.

Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, and Ayanna Pressley – otherwise known as “The Squad,” need to be eliminated from office for being the dangerous anti-American, pro socialism, pro open borders, and pro New World Order vermin that they are.

Wake up America, before it is too late.  Read my new book that deals with all of this in more depth: Spiritual Darkness is Destroying America and the Church

Greg is the author of the newly released book: Spiritual Darkness is Destroying America and the Church

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Twitter’s Evil Double Standard

Twitter Scrubbing Video of Protestor Saying ‘stab the mother f***er in the heart,’ Allows #MassacreMitch to Trend for Days

While Mitch McConnell was at home healing from a fall, protestors showed up at his home and in classic Leftist style started making threats.  One protestor said, “that someone should just ‘stab the mother f**ker in the heart.’”  Wow, classy.

This particular tweet was apparently made by a Leftist who actually met with Leftist liberal Elizabeth Warren, is anyone surprised?

“The person appears to be a BLM activist who has met with Elizabeth Warren”

Mitch McConnell’s reelection campaign also shared the now deleted video of this protestor stating McConnell should be stabbed in the heart – so because Mitch McConnell retweets a video about violence aimed at himself, Twitter responds by suspending the account.  Uhhhhh what?

According to Twitter, removing this video is for Mitch’s safety you know.  At the same time Twitter has done nothing about the trending hash tag #MassacreMitch which is still going strong on Twitter.

A Google search of #massacremitch returns over 400,000 results.  The same search on Twitter has thousands of results and is still going strong.

Yup, Twitter is for sure very concerned about Mitch McConnell’s safety.


Still, some Twitter users get it: “Wrong.

Team #MassacreMitch is further inciting hate, violating the rules, and should be suspended”

Yes they should…

“I was told today that Reza Aslan’s calls to violence were not in violation of Twitters rules. Yet here you are suspended for merely retweeting a video of someone else actually threatening to murder an American citizen. Twitter is a platform that openly condones leftist hate.”

Exactly! For some unknown reason, Twitter bans a video calling for violence against Mitch McConnell, but allows plenty of other tweets supporting violence against Mitch, as well as tweets supporting Islamic Jihad, calls for violence against President Trump and his supporters, etc.


It needs to be pointed out here that Twitter is headed by an out and out Leftist ideologue.  Jack Dorsey fully supported the Ferguson protests and also is a huge Black Lives Matter supporter.  Twitter under the guidance of Dorsey just makes it up as they go along.  There is no such thing as fairness or even a genuine concern for other people’s safety on Twitter’s platform, except as Jack Dorsey sees fit.  If you are on Dorsey’s radar as a relevant Leftist hater, an Islamic jihadist, or a true blue Trump hater, you are safe, protected even.  If on the other hand you oppose liberalism and Leftist values, then it is perfectly ok to allow threats including death threats against you on Twitter, not to mention doxing.  In other words, if you are a conservative and/or God fearing man or woman – it is open season on you on Twitter.

Remember Nick Sandmann?  He was the high school kid who smiled at a Native American, (who is a known troublemaker) and received death threats for doing nothing wrong.  Twitter allowed the tweets concerning him to remain on their platform as well.  Surprised?  Uh, no.

“This pic is of Covington Catholic High School student Nick Sandmann, who was falsely smeared by the media

Sandmann and his school received death threats over what happened

Twitter took no action against this tweet”

Peter Fonda called for Trump administration officials to have their kids taken away and thrown in cages with pedophiles.  Let that statement sink in for a moment.  How can anyone think of something so sick and twisted?  Yet Twitter did nothing about this.

There is a special place in Hell for people like Fonda and Dorsey, unless they repent of their evil.  Wishing for children to be harmed, including being raped – is just sick and demented.  But yet many on the Left including those in the Twitter mob have no problem with this kind of demented and evil thinking.

“The Squad” and most other Leftists support this line of demented thinking, or at the very least do not speak out against it.  When was the last time you heard someone on the Left call out Twitter or Google, or the other Leftist supporters (like the mainstream media) for their anti-American rhetoric including: abortion, infanticide, socialism, communism, Islamic jihad, doxing, violence against Trump supporters, and death threats against all who do not share their opinions and beliefs?

Answer: never.

You can read about the Left’s war on America and the freedom loving “We the People” who support her, in my new book, Spiritual Darkness is Destroying America and the ChurchThe Left is systematically destroying America while handing over power to the Globalists who seek a One World government.  In my book, I explain how and why this is happening.

One last thing: there is now a new movie coming out by Leftist Hollywood – called The Hunt.  In this so-called movie, hateful Americans can physically hunt their political opponents (“deplorables”) for sport. Hunt as in shoot and kill like deer.  If this does not deeply disturb you, and confirm that the Left has completely lost it – then you are an idiot and deserve whatever comes to you courtesy of the Left.

You have been warned America, speak up now and defend America – or forever be rendered silent with the rest of the sheep.

Greg is the author of the newly released book: Spiritual Darkness is Destroying America and the Church

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© 2019 Greg Holt – All Rights Reserved

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Ilhan Omar and the ‘The Squad’ are Dangerous Enemies of America

Ilhan Omar continues to prove that she is anti-America through and through.  Omar has no problem whatsoever condemning President Trump every chance she gets, yet she cannot or will not condemn Al-Qaeda.

Trump had stated (via Twitter) indirectly that Ilhan is pro-Al-Qaeda.

This is about love for America. Certain people HATE our Country, They are anti-Israel, pro Al-Qaeda, and comment on the 9/11 attack, “some people did something.” Radical Left Democrats want Open Borders, which means drugs, crime, human trafficking, and much more….”

Omar’s response?

When he made the comment, I know that every single Muslim who has lived in this country and across the world has heard that comment,” she said. “So I will not dignify it with an answer because I know that every single Islamophobe, every single person who is hateful, who is driven by an ideology of othering, as this president is, rejoices in us responding to that, and as defending ourselves.”  (source)

Of course Omar won’t respond to that, why should this surprise anyone?  She won’t respond because any truthful response would be seen as being actively anti-Islam.  The truth would be that Al-Qaeda is a bunch of ideological killers, but Omar would never admit that. Next she tries to mischaracterize the situation by saying that she does not expect white Americans to condemn white people who commit crimes such as mass shootings.  Of course people are not going to condemn all whites based on the actions of a few – well ok, some people will do exactly that, as we all know.  But this is not about condemning a race!  No, it’s about condemning a violent terrorist group.  However, since they are Islamic, they get a free pass.

Unsurprisingly, Ilhan also refuses to comment on the fact that her district is a hotbed of terrorist group recruitment, not to mention that many people from her district left the U.S. to fight with ISIS and other terrorist organizations.

According to National Review, Ilhan introduced a pro-BDS resolution that cleverly does not mention Israel; nonetheless, Israel is the intended target.  This resolution will of course be pro-Palestinian and anti-Israel.

Omar dares to call herself an American, an American that defends our values blah, blah, blah.   I have to ask, what American does these things?

Do you see the pattern here?  Omar characterizes herself as an American while in actuality doing and saying things that are anti-American.  She strongly condemns everything Trump does calling him a racist hater etc., while supporting all things Islam and Leftist.

A recent tweet by Ilhan Omar:

True patriotism is not about blindly supporting a single Administration.
True patriotism is about fighting for our country and its dignity.
True patriotism means making sure people of our country and our Constitution are uplifted and protected.”


And unlike Trump, Obama respected the office!”  (source)

Really now?  Fighting for our country, making sure people of our country are protected.  If this is the case, then why is Omar aligned with terror sponsors like CAIR?  Why is Omar pro-open borders?  Why did Omar take Iran’s side in the nuclear weapons deal?

In this writer’s opinion, Ilhan Omar knows absolutely nothing about patriotism.

Obama respected the office???  Oh please, give me a break Ilhan, that would be like comparing you to, “Sugar and spice, and everything nice.”  Obama disrespected the office of president using it for his and Michelle’s own personal gain, while empowering the “I hate America” agenda.  Obama also was involved in the biggest political sabotage /soft coup attempt ever made in the U.S. against Donald Trump.  But Ms. (Mrs.?) Omar being a solid Leftist cannot comprehend such weighty matters, or chooses not to as these matters do not forward the Islamic and Leftist agenda – of which Ilhan is a top cheerleader.

Let us not forget that this great patriot of America, along with “the Squad,” also voted against the bill to provide relief for those on the Southern border.  Yup, Omar is truly worried about the conditions on the border while she and her “sisters” play politics in a power struggle to take over the Democratic Party and disavow and smear President Trump.

Ilhan Omar in the video (Ilhan begins speaking at about 4:25) accuses President Trump of violating his oath to the Constitution and “the core values we aspire to.”  My question to Omar is, how did Trump violate his oath?  What criteria is this based on?  It sounds to this writer more like sour grapes, because Trump won’t play along with the Left and the Globalist agenda.  No, Trump is actually the first president in many, many years to actually do something about the Southern border, and not just talk about it like former presidents.

Ilhan Omar and her “sisters” need to be censured, and voted out of office.  Disagreements are fine, differences in opinion and how to accomplish goals are fine, different viewpoints period are fine.  What is not fine is the blatant support for anti-Americanism, globalism, the destruction of Israel, the support of militant Islam, Sharia Law, open borders, removing the Electoral College, and much more.  Enough!

Mark my words here, given the strong anti-Americanism on display by Omar, AOC, and the rest of “the squad,” as well as the divisiveness and the, “let’s punish America” attitude, of the Democratic presidential candidates, Trump will win in a landslide in 2020!

Greg is the author of the newly released book: Spiritual Darkness is Destroying America and the Church

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Fake News CNN’S Attempted Attack on President Trump Spectacularly Blows up in Their Faces

First a little background: Trump has recently told members of “The Squad,” that if they don’t like it here, they can leave, among other things.  The big kerfuffle over this is of course that President Trump in making these attacks on these particular women is being racist.  That is the view of those on the Left anyway, but this view is apparently not supported by any American with even half of a brain.

CNN correspondent Randi Kaye during a segment on “Anderson Cooper 360” asked eight Dallas-area women what amounted to some loaded questions.  The responses Kaye got from these women were not at all what he was expecting or wanted to hear.

The following quotes are all taken from The Blaze article on CNN’s show unless stated otherwise.

“’How many of you don’t think what the president said is racist?’ Kaye asked the women, all of whom are Trump supporters.”

The responses of these women were pure gold:

  • “I’m a brown-skinned woman. I am a legal immigrant. I agree with [Trump].”
  • “He was saying that if they hate America so much because what we’re seeing out of them and hearing out of them — they hate America. If it’s so bad, there’s a lot of places they can go.”
  • “Actually, I think it’s a demonstration of how their ideology spills over even though they’re American now, so to speak.”
  • “They’re not acting American.”
  • “We know the president is not racist. He loves people from Hispanics to black people — all across the board.”

Despite these women forcefully defending and supporting Donald Trump, well, Kaye did not apparently get the message.

One of the women stated to Kaye:

“I’m glad the president said what he said because all they’re doing is — they’re inciting hatred and division and that’s not what our country is about. It’s not about that at all—,”

This writer could not agree more.  The four women that belong to Alexandria Ocasio Cortez’s (including AOC) so-called “Squad,” are nothing more than globalist, America hating, Leftist ideologues.  These women defend Islam and Muslims, they spout anti-Semitic barbs aimed at destabilizing American-Israeli relationships, and they go out of their way to criticize every action that President trump takes, including securing the Southern border.  They are without a doubt divisive while attempting to convince the American public that Trump is a hateful racist while they themselves are much maligned and picked on because they are women of color – what a joke.

“’But isn’t that what the president does with some of his own comments?’ Kaye interjected. ‘His own racist comments?’

‘But he didn’t say anything about color,’ the woman shot back.”

Kaye, and by extension CNN, simply don’t get it, this of course applies to all of the modern day Left.  These people simply cannot see past their insane need to attack Trump.

One of the women from Dallas went on to say that Trump dated a black woman for two years and that two of his wives were immigrants.  Trump is also widely known to have “people of color” working for him in many capacities.  Trump is not a racist except in the eyes of these imbeciles, and the American people by and large are not buying what CNN and the rest of the Leftist media are selling.

“‘Whoever wrote these questions up is — it’s clear that they’re very manipulative to accuse instead of extracting the truth,’ the woman said. ‘Because when you say, you know, ‘Don’t you think he’s racist?’ You’re accusing us; you’re accusing [Trump].’

‘I’m asking; I’m not accusing,’ Kaye shot back. ‘I’m asking you what you think.’

‘It’s not relevant. It has nothing to do with the real issue,’ the same woman responded. ‘Why do you keep bringing it up?’”

I think Kaye was getting desperate to get a response that supports the Left’s viewpoint that Trump is a mean, nasty, divisive racist hater.

Did. Not. Happen.

Even a recent report by Breitbart claims that a Democrat says that “The Squad” is hurting the Democrat Party.  Not a real surprise as these women continue to foolishly shoot their mouths off before counting the cost, while also attempting to, as I recently wrote, marginalize Speaker Nancy Pelosi and take over their party.  This all helps Trump in 2020, so I for one hope they keep it up.

Greg is the author of the newly released book: Spiritual Darkness is Destroying America and the Church

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Greg Holt: True Conservative Pundit

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez Comedy Show: The Gift That Keeps On Giving

(True Conservative Pundit) AOC keeps on giving, just like a good comedy show where the laughs are non-stop.  Except that AOC is more like stupid on steroids.  AOC’s gaffs and outright stupidity would actually be rather amusing if it was not for the fact that she has the power to cause enormous damage.  Then there is the fact that so many people actually follow this brain-dead high school girl, now that is just plain scary.

Remember how AOC’s insane leftist buds managed to kick a hilarious eight-year-old (‘Mini-AOC’) off of social media by doxing her and threatening to kill herThis is the mentality and maturity of the Left folks – they hate you if you do not bow at the altar of liberalism.

How about this gem?  AOC went off on a tirade about how the horrid detention facility at the Southern border was making these poor women drink out of toilets.  Except that this was not the case at all.  AOC routinely distorts the truth for pure political gain.

Now AOC is giving illegals legal advice, or so she thinks.

“If people come knocking, you do NOT have to open your door unless there is a signed judicial warrant.”

I love this reply to AOC’s tweet:

“And how do you see this “signed” warrant without opening your door?”

How about this comment?

“Aiding and abetting…”

AOC recently pretty much flat-out accused Nancy Pelosi of racism by saying that Pelosi singles out “women of color.”  Now AOC has done an about face and denied it.

“I asked AOC if she thinks Pelosi has racial animus or is racist, and she said: ‘No, no, absolutely not, absolutely not.’”

Ummmmm, correct me if I’m wrong, but singling out someone because of his or her skin color is the very definition of racism right?  Wow…

Fellow New York socialist Julia Salazar thought it was great that a court ruled that President Trump can’t block critics on Twitter.

“Blocking people on social media—esp[sic] as women, typically subjected to an avalanche of hateful and misogynistic speech online—is not a violation of their First Amendment rights. None of us have a constitutional right to use someone’s Twitter to abuse them.”

Then Salazar turned around and said:

“To me it’s clear: If you truly want to communicate with people elected to represent you—your own Congresswoman, Senator, Assembly Woman, Council Member etc[sic]—Twitter is not most effective route.

But Hikind is mad because tweeting at AOC is less cathartic for him if she blocks him.”

Hmmm, so lets see – the rules are great as long as they apply only to non-leftists, but when the very same standards are applied to the Leftists, that is not acceptable.  This is for sure not acceptable because it will impact her pet Leftist bud AOC.  Typical Leftist double standards.

In the latest AOC soap opera saga, it appears that the Left is fracturing, and war is imminent.  The opposing generals?  AOC and Pelosi.

I just mentioned AOC accused Speaker Pelosi of racism; well now it appears that AOC’s Chief of Staff (CoS) made some racially biased comments:

“Let’s not forget the fact that AOC’s CoS called a group of members racist. This is a group of members led by an immigrant woman of color, and this group includes several other people of color including two black men who actually experienced the segregated South.”

Ohhhhhy boy…

“According to the New York Times’ Jonathan Martin, the House Dem house of cards is on the verge of collapse, thanks to the escalating tensions between Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Nancy Pelosi.”  (source)

I saw this tweet, and I just had to include it:

“This was in a MASS EMAIL.

OMG, this is delicious.

The @AOC @Pelosi CATFIGHT is on!”

AOC really stepped in it now – let the fireworks begin…

Greg is the author of the newly released book: Spiritual Darkness is Destroying America and the Church

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Psalm 31:5 Into thine hand I commit my spirit: thou hast redeemed me O Lord God of truth.

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Today’s America Takes ‘Pride’ In The LGBTQ Agenda, Infanticide, Debauchery, And Destroying Those Who Stand For God

Hosea 4:1 “Hear the word of the LORD, ye children of Israel: for the LORD hath a controversy with the inhabitants of the land, because there is no truth, nor mercy, nor knowledge of God in the land.” (KJV)

(True Conservative Pundit) The above verse speaks directly to the 10 tribes of the Northern Kingdom – but as I read it, I was instantly struck by the realization that this verse portrays the condition of America and its relationship to God the Father – exactly.

In my recently released book, Spiritual Darkness is Destroying America and the Church, I wrote:

What is the cause behind the spiritual darkness that is invading not only the Church, but also America at large?  Whether or not one believes in God makes no difference at all, the darkness, and the evil that is in America is REAL.  America and the Church are headed for a fall of apocalyptic proportions if things in this country do not change, and change very soon.”

News reports abound with stories of persecution, stories of violence and death, stories that make it abundantly clear that America has changed drastically, and not for the better.

Debauchery at every level is openly celebrated everywhere such as in the “gay pride” parades.  Those attempting to witness to these people, trying as Paul did to save who ever he could reach with the message of the Gospel – these are treated worse than criminals.  They are spit on, punched, shoved, swore at, and even laughed at and directly or indirectly abused by even the police.  Just ask Rob Pue, publisher of Wisconsin Christian News how nasty, mean, and vile these lost souls can be.  Rob’s recent article on ICB reveals in detail what goes on at these supposed “pride” parades.

Where has our “pride” in being a godly nation gone?  What ever happened to We the People being a nation of good and kind-hearted people?  Instead this nation as a whole has devolved into a people wallowing in a cesspool of filth – and celebrating that fact loudly and proudly.  The more disgusting and perverted the actions and speech displayed publically – the better people seem to like it.

The U.S. is the largest exporter of porn in the world, and it is also the largest consumer of drugs, and close to or at the top for consumers of alcohol.  The U.S. is also the world’s salesman for pushing the approval and support of all things LGBTQ.

The LGBTQ agenda is slowly taking over this country and everything in it.  Lest you think this is an exaggeration, think on this: most major corporations have signed on to supporting the LGBTQ, and anyone speaking against them in a public setting can have their advertising pulled.  Private citizens that dare to speak out can face violence against them, doxing, hate mail, death threats, and harassment on social media.

What about the transgenders in female sports, the gay Boy Scout leaders, the gay, lesbian, and transgender so-called pastors in the Church?  How about the constant non-stop stream of LGBTQ indoctrination within our schools and even public libraries such as “Drag Queen Story Hour” for kids as young as three-year-olds?

The U.S. used to be the largest exporter of missionaries into the entire world, no longer.  Do you see what and where our priorities as a nation have inexorably moved too?  Perversion.

The Lord is only going to tolerate this belligerence and outright defiance of His will for us for so long, and then His judgment will come, and it will come hard.  I believe His judgment has already begun and it will steadily progress as We the People continue to thumb our collective noses at God while we insist on indulging in our sin.

There is a very disquieting new trend in this country – abortion, and infanticide have become the new trending battle cry for the Politicrats (Democrats and RINOs).  They will do anything to support their beloved right to murder innocent babies in the womb not to mention the right to even kill the baby AFTER he or she is born.  What is next, the right to murder your children at will?  Some will undoubtedly laugh this off or say that I’m crazy, but some will see exactly what I am saying, and where I’m going with this.  This is serious, and the legalized murder of children could happen, after all, it is now legal in some states to “assist” someone in killing themselves.  Do not forget some states now allow babies to be murdered when born, even outside the mother’s womb, so why not older children?  Does it occur to anyone else that assisted suicide is a very convenient way to dispose of so-called useless eaters – as in the elderly?  People would do well to remember that short of illness and accident etc., all of us will be elderly some day.

If someone had said years ago that it would soon be legal for a baby to be killed near or at birth, that statement would have been laughed to scorn.  Not so funny now is it?

Transgenders compete in sports taking away the true females ability to win, and men pretending to be women use the women’s locker rooms and bathrooms – some raping women and girls.  Boys are abused by homosexual pastors, teachers, Boy Scout leaders, and even some police officers.

There is one despicable organization that has this as their motto:

“Sex before eight – or it’s too late”

That would be referring to NAMBLA (North American Man Boy Love Association) of course.  There are far more perverts roaming around in America than people realize, and they seem to have widespread support – and that support is growing.  Even among churches, support for all things LGBTQ is growing by leaps and bounds.  How did the very Church of God turn away from the Scriptures to condone such evil?

The Church used to be the organization that spoke out against injustice and wrongdoing.  Now the Church either sits idly by and does nothing, or worse yet, actively supports this un-godly and dangerous behavior.

Those that speak out against all of this wrongdoing, or sin if you will are marginalized, censored, shouted down, punched, spit on, fired, and held in contempt by the world as well as hated – and this by the supposed tolerant people.

The truth is much misunderstood, it is not, and never was meant to be whatsoever the individual decides it to be.  Truth is truth, unchanging and unalterable, or it is not and never was the truth.  Truth is not for us to change, it is what it is.  Truth is what God says it is, who cannot lie.  Looking to man for truth is like looking to the family dog to interpret the meaning of life.  Truth needs to be obtained from the source of it – the Bible, the Word of God.

Mercy, now that is a quality severely lacking today.

Mercy (Merriam-Webster):

compassion or forbearance shown especially to an offender or to one subject to one’s power also: lenient or compassionate treatment a blessing that is an act of divine favor or compassion compassionate treatment of those in distress

Compassion and forbearance?  Not in this day and age – more like stomp on them when they are down.  If you disagree with someone, don’t just disagree, punch them in the face and spit on them.  Dox them online inviting death threats.  Sue them, censor them and remove their social media accounts.

The real problem is that that those who pursue these unwholesome activities do not want to be confronted with the truth.  They know it to be the truth, or they would not work so hard to shout it down and bury it by any means necessary.  Avoiding the truth gives people license to continue in their ways.

Think on this for a moment: if the LGBTQ lifestyle is the be all to end all, why is the suicide rate among these people so high?  Maybe the God of the Bible is right in saying these things ought not to be done?

The Remnant Church of God is forming, and those who are a part of it will speak against these things, doing so in a loving manner.  It is the supposedly tolerant people who act and speak in hate, not the true followers of Christ.  America needs to embrace God, not the Left’s misplaced need for “diversity,” and “inclusion.”

It used to be that what was done in the privacy of the home or in the bedroom was that person(s) business, and it still is in my mind.  I don’t want people to do these things that bring the judgment of God, and therefore Hell, but I cannot stop them either.  But now a days, it is no longer done in the privacy of the home – oh no, it is done in public, in broad daylight, and shouted from the very rooftops, loudly and proudly.

This should not be.

We the People need to stop supporting those politicians who advocate for the LGBTQ agenda, for Islam and its nefarious teachings, for the suppression of Christ in our government and schools.  We need to speak out against injustices such as abortion, government corruption, and the Politicrats attempted negation of the U.S. Constitution.

America needs to return to its Christian roots and embrace biblical Christianity and the God of our fathers.  We need to do these things because the alternative is for our country to go the way of ancient Rome.  Rome was defeated militarily, but Rome’s real defeat came at the hands of the Romans themselves – through vast political corruption and debauchery – sound familiar?

© 2019 Greg Holt – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Greg Holt:

Greg is the author of the newly released book: Spiritual Darkness is Destroying America and the Church

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The Final Nail in the DNC’s Coffin: ‘Rejoicing in the Queerness of God’

In the 2012 election the Democrat’s position was anti-God, in fact a headline from their convention mentioned God in this manner:

“Democrats boo God.”

Then in 2016, the DNC convention opened with prayer – and the crowd loudly booed. Granted the speaker called for the nomination of Hillary, but still.

Jump to present day – the Democrats are the anti-God party, anyone denying this is either ignorant, or just plain stupid.

Ilhan Omar who in this writer’s opinion is a clear threat to the well being of America and her people – claimed that the notion of America being founded on Christian values was:

“Lol, now that’s just silly”  (source)

Pete Buttigieg called into question Vice President Mike Pence’s Christianity while asserting that he (Pete) was a better “Christian” than Pence.  Please Mayor Pete, your “understanding” of the Bible is seriously flawed and completely ridiculous, and you are certainly no Christian.

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand claims that: Anti-abortion Views Are Racist

New York Democrats approved paying out over $60,000 for erectile dysfunction drugs for registered sex offenders!

The Democratic Party leaders of today tend to view religion as something that divides us all, something that merely presents a problem, an unwelcome intruder into politics and American life.  Beto O’Rourke is one such Democrat; there are many others such as – Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, AOC, and Kirsten Gillibrand among others.

The Democratic Party has always been the party that is NOT of or FOR We the People.  The Democrats supported slavery, opposed the Reconstruction in the South, started the Ku Klux Klan, and opposed civil rights etc.  Watch the Prager U video on this to learn more.

In the present day, Democrats are for abortion and infanticide, open borders, illegal sanctuary cities that protect even murderers and child molesters, support for the LGBTQ agenda, support for Islam while condemning Jesus Christ, and stripping away the rights of Christians while supporting the rights of homosexuals and transgenders etc.

It was the Democrats who attempted to illegally prevent Donald Trump from becoming president, and then attempted to, and still are even today working to remove Trump from the presidency.

It is the Democrats who are attempting to destroy the Electoral College.

I wrote back in April of this year that the Democrats and their sympathizers (Politicrats) hate America:

The Politicrats have no values, unless you would consider obstructionism, corruption, whoring, political correctness, liberalism, socialism, communism, lying, self-aggrandizement, murder, and treason as values – then the Politicrats have all kinds of values.”

Fox News reported today that the DNC is moving to solve the Democrats “God problem.”  The article states that:

Political pundits said Democrats have a God problem and their latest move shows they are taking steps to solve it.”

Really???  I very much disagree with that statement.  The Dems are taking steps to implement a campaign of manipulation and lies presented by know-nothing, smooth talking liars in order to shore up their dwindling voter base – good luck with that.

The DNC hired former Washington, D.C. anti-Trump pastor, Rev. Derrick Harkins, who held a similar position in 2012 and has been the senior vice president of Union Theological Seminary in New York City, which recently celebrated ‘rejoicing in the queerness of God.’”

This latest move of the DNC, AKA the Democrats solves nothing in regard to God, if anything, this might well be the final nail in their communal coffin, at least we can hope so.  All that this “move” accomplishes is to reinforce the fact that the Democrats as a whole are anti-God but are willing and able to lie to the American people while steadfastly claiming that their version of “Christianity and God” is much maligned and misunderstood.

Read that last quote again – celebrating and rejoicing in the queerness of God.  One need not read anything more that these fools have to say, case closed, done.  God is NOT queer, nor does He celebrate homosexuality, gay marriage, transgenderism or the murder of babies.

This so-called pastor, Derrick Harkins, is nothing more than a fraud and a false teacher shamelessly preying on people and teaching a blatantly false gospel that has nothing whatsoever to do with the real God.

Read God’s words on homosexuality:

Leviticus 18:22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.  (KJV)

Romans 1:26-27 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: 27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.  (KJV)

How much clearer can it get?  I would note here that God as well as true Christians do NOT hate LGBTQ people as we are often accused of, at the same time however, what these people do is a sin, just like being a drunk is a sin – and I will admit here that I was at one time a drunk.  We all sin, but there is a world of difference between committing a sin, and actively supporting the commission of others sins.  I loved my former brother-in-law; he was and is a great guy, that however does not change the fact that his homosexual lifestyle is wrong in God’s eyes.

The DNC has hired themselves a pretend pastor who will justify their views on Christianity, except that their views, (the Politicrats) have very little to do with God and Christianity – how convenient.

The Politicrats support and defend:

  • Abortion and infanticide
  • Sanctuary cities that protect criminals
  • Open borders that allow many dangerous people to come into the U.S.
  • Islam and the teaching of it to students
  • The removal of anything having to do with God from society
  • All things LGBTQ

God does not support any of the above, but the Democrats while trying to say they are “Christians,” or at the very least are not against God – DO support them all and more.  These people are no more Christians or believers in God than I am the tooth fairy.

The Fox article referenced above also mentioned the Democrat belief in “Progressive Christianity,” which is NO Christianity at all – and is in fact a belief system that is actively destroying the Church of today and leading people into Hell itself.  Remember Jesus words concerning the sheep and the goats, these are the goats, God help them.

The Politicrats and their allies, the mainstream media, as well as most social media sites these days – are a very slick, well funded, extremely manipulative, and very effective anti-God and anti-conservative machine.

Any people group that asserts their support for wide-spread debauchery, crime, is anti-American, lies and manipulates the people at every opportunity – cannot claim the moral high ground let alone claim they support and believe in God.  Their god, (Satan) is no god of mine, and it’s high time that We the People see them for what they really are.

Read more about how the Democrats un-American values, liberalism, socialism, lies and manipulations, and their anti-God stance is destroying not only the Church, but also all of America in my new book, available on Amazon.

I and many others have spent an innumerable amount of time warning people about the clear and present danger the Democrats pose to our well being – I’m just afraid that most are not listening to us.

When America is a socialist/communist country run by the Politicrats, don’t say you were not warned – but then it will be a little too late to listen.

Greg is the author of the newly released book: Spiritual Darkness is Destroying America and the Church

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© 2019 Greg Holt – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Greg Holt:

Ilhan Omar: A Dangerous Anti-American Muslim Seeking To Undermine President Trump And The U.S.

How Ilhan Omar ever got elected to office this writer will never understand.  Why would anyone in his or her right mind support an anti-American, anti-Semitic, and Islamic terror supporter for public office?

In the latest Omar idiocy, she retweeted the comments of fellow non-thinker Angela Rye, who is a CNN contributor – surprise, surprise.

In 1933, there were concentration camps. In 1941, they were death camps and that is where we are going if our consciousness are not quickly pierced, it is a problem — do not laugh it off,”  (source)

<— Screenshot via Twitter

Ilhan also reweeted her sister in stupidity, Alexandria Ocasio-I almost had a thought-Cortez:

Kids are dying in cages on our border. Families are being put in ‘freezers’ & ‘dog pounds.’”


We are calling these camps what they are because they fit squarely in an academic consensus and definition.”  (source)

Just days before this, Omar sided with Iran over her own country!

Iranian Tanker Attack: Ilhan Omar Once Again Sides With an Islamic Country Over Her OWN!

According to Omar:

None of this would be happening if Trump didn’t back out of the Iran nuclear deal.

America’s response should be to return to the table and reinstate the Iran nuclear deal.”  (source)

So let me get this straight, Omar thinks that the Iranian government’s choice to attack tankers is Trump’s fault because he pulled the U.S. out of a bad deal brokered by Barack Obama.  Said deal gave Iran BILLIONS in cash and other assets.  Iran has been cheating on this “deal” all along.  But as we are the good ole US of A – we are to “suck it up buttercup,” and deal with it.  I think NOT.

Ilhan Omar is all for taking in refugees, while at the same time doing her best to make Trump look like he is evil and cares nothing for refugees and immigrants – I want to point out here that Donald Trump’s own wife Melania is an immigrant.  Omar won’t repeat that of course, it does not play well with the “Trump is evil” mantra.

At a time when we are seeing a record number of displaced people, forced into becoming refugees, we must remember to have compassion and open hearts and minds to those experiencing unfathomable circumstances. Join me in saying refugees are welcome here!”

This country was founded on the ideas of justice, of liberty, of the pursuit of happiness. But these core beliefs are under threat. Each and every day. We are under threat by an administration that would rather cage children than pass comprehensive immigration reform.”

There are multiple problems with Omar’s assertions here.

Refugees, REAL authentic refugees are welcomed in the U.S., the problem is that many so-called refugees are not refugees at all.  This is a cover for many of these people to get a free pass into the U.S.  Immigration courts cannot keep up with all those seeking asylum in the U.S.  Court hearings can take years; meanwhile, many of these people simply disappear never to be seen again.

Who are you going to believe on this, the leftist lying publications who paint a completely different picture, or the Acting DHS Secretary who testified before Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham that as many as 90% of refugees, immigrants do not show up?

What about vetting those we let into this country?  Or are we supposed to just let anyone walk in the door?  Why does Ilhan Omar not address this?

The Trump administration would rather “cage” children then bring about meaningful immigration reform.  In the first place, children are not placed in cages; this is manipulation and outright lying on the part of Omar.  Second, detaining children and families has been going on for a very long time.  Funny, but no one even blinked an eye when the very same things occurred under Obama’s administration.  Second, President Trump DID and is pursuing immigration reform, but the Democrats refused to have anything to do with it.  Why you ask?  Because Trump’s immigration reform plan includes two items the Dems will not endorse, period.  Those items are: border security, and merit based immigration – just like our neighbor Mexico has.

Then there are Omar’s campaign finance violations.

How about Omar’s fraudulent tax returns and her marriage to her own brother?

What about the Islamic terror-tied organizations that support Ilhan Omar?

Ilhan Omar needs to be removed from office immediately.  She is blatantly anti-Jew, anti-Israel, anti-American, and her first loyalty is to Islam, NOT her own country!  She should be censured, and then expelled from the House of Representatives.

Final food for thought: looking at Ilhan Omar’s Twitter account we see that she refers to herself as an – Intersectional Feminist.  Well what exactly does THAT mean?  Here is the definition of “intersectionality”:

The view that women experience oppression in varying configurations and in varying degrees of intensity. Cultural patterns of oppression are not only interrelated, but are bound together and influenced by the intersectional systems of society. Examples of this include race, gender, class, ability, and ethnicity.”  (source)

So intersectionality is the word for the oppression of women – but yet Ilhan Omar identifies as a Muslim.  If Islam is not the greatest oppressor of women on the face of the earth, then it is in the top two list for doing so.


© 2019 Greg Holt – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Greg Holt:

Greg is the author of the newly released book: Spiritual Darkness is Destroying America and the Church

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New York State Pays Out Over $60,000 For Registered Sex Offenders

(True Conservative Pundit) Most people today have likely heard of the “little blue pill,” or Viagra.  There are of course men who legitimately need this medication to overcome a serious sexual problem.

Then there are those that buy these pills for other reasons, such as supposedly increasing their performance in the bedroom.  It is positively disgusting how often commercials are played on the radio for this and other generic products that do the same thing.  Order online, no embarrassment etc.  These pills are handed out like they are candy.

A search for ‘buy Viagra online’ yielded over 78 million results – does anyone actually think that there are that many men that honestly have a real medical problem?  I rather doubt that.   Search results will tell you to: buy it here, buy it with no prescription, buy it cheaper here with discreet 2-day shipping – and on, and on.

A search for “Viagra like alternatives” yields 13 million results.  Nope, there is absolutely no obsession with sex in this country.

As hard as this stuff is pushed by big pharma, there are many men who undoubtedly purchase these drugs believing in untrue fairy tales concerning what taking this stuff will do for a man.

There are other treatments, supplements etc. that will help the libido but they are not exactly safe either.

One radio ad had this to say about a comparable drug after suggesting men stick to the recommended dose: “we wouldn’t want you to over-perform in the bedroom.”  Sad.

Here is some hard truth: many a man’s problem in the bedroom is that he does not find his wife stimulating enough.  Yeah using porn will do that to you.

Here is another truth: being deeply in love with your wife makes the bedroom a much better experience.  Imagine that, maybe God stated that sex was to be kept within marriage for this reason among others?

As if there is not enough debauchery in the world – out of New York State (imagine that) comes the news that Viagra was purchased for registered sex offenders!  WHAT???

Over a million dollars in total was improperly shelled out by New York’s Medicaid system for the treatment of erectile dysfunction over a six-year period, with over $60,000 of that going to sex offenders.  Over half of these offenders are level 2 or level 3 sex offenders.  Level 2 means they are a “moderate risk” to re-offend, level 3 means they are “high risk” to reoffend.  Many studies show these folks OFTEN reoffend, and some do-gooder SJW crusaders thought giving out Viagra to these people was a good idea?

The State Comptroller said these people should never have been given these drugs.  The New York State Health Department had this to say about it:

The New York State Health Department said it “strongly disagrees with the Comptroller’s conclusions,” noting that ED drugs are also used for hypertension and other conditions.”  (source)

Please, give me a break; hypertension and other conditions can be treated by other medications.  Who in their right mind is going to give an ED drug to a registered and possibly dangerous sex offender?  Are the people making these decisions crazy, or just brain dead?

About the author: Greg is a strong believer in Jesus Christ and is also a political analyst and author.  By day he is a self-employed non-emergency medical transport driver, as well as being an author and blogger.  His articles are first published on True Conservative Pundit and Inspirational Christian Blogs, and from there the articles are widely published on many well-known conservative websites.  If you would like to republish his articles, please feel free to do so leaving all links intact and crediting the author and the website that the article appeared on.

Greg is the author of the newly released book: Spiritual Darkness is Destroying America and the Church

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Democrats Trashing Trump Are Trashing We The People

(True Conservative Pundit) It’s simply amazing to this writer at times (only for a minute or so) how low the Democrats will sink into the filth and mire to enforce the Democratic playbook.  Actually, it rather disgusts and sickens me, as well it should any right thinking human being, and I do not mean Republicans.

What is the Democratic playbook you ask?  These days it is pretty simple actually:

  • Impeach Trump
  • Defeat Trump in 2020
  • Oppose anything Trump does – even if it is for the good of this country
  • Mire the Congress and the country down in endless investigations of Trump and company – while lying and smiling for the camera
  • Preserve the right to murder babies (infanticide) at all costs
  • Keep the Southern Border open and porous.
  • Support socialism/communism
  • Transform the U.S. into a third-world country (Venezuela)

It was the Democrats who attempted to derail a Republican campaign using false information with the power of the U.S. government behind it.  It was and is the Democrats and their Republican RINO allies who have pushed for the election of Donald Trump to be over-turned.  It is the Democrats who are seeking to unseat a duly elected president through spurious means including calling for the use of the 25th amendment, and impeachment – for which they have NO legitimate grounds.

There is also a growing movement, again by the Politicrats to subvert the election process.  This idea – electing the president via the popular vote only, is gaining steam with many states.  I have written a couple of articles on why this is a very bad idea.  Do you think everyone’s voice should be heard in the presidential election?  That WILL change if the Politicrats have their way.  The goal here is to guarantee that there will never again be a Republican president, while suggesting that utilizing the popular vote only, will make elections more fair – in fact, it will accomplish the exact opposite.

Many will say that this cannot happen (ditching the Electoral College), many have told me I am wrong.  Those who think this cannot happen are not paying attention.  This is a serious threat, and it CAN happen.  So it’s unconstitutional, big deal.  Has this stopped the Politicrats thus far?  NO, it has not.  Why does anyone at this point think that the Politicrats will follow the Constitution and the rule of law when they have repeatedly demonstrated their willingness to disregard the Constitution and the law at will?

Even as new evidence continues to come out as to the real perpetrators of crimes, the Politicrats are still seeking to find non-existent evidence that Trump and/or his staff committed a crime(s) in order to win the 2016 election.

Adam Schiff is still living in fantasyland and dreaming of a Trump conviction for wrongdoing.  This despite the fact that Mueller did not find any evidence of a crime or collusion.  Apparently he was not looking hard enough.

From Real Clear Politics:

“REP. ADAM SCHIFF: Well, this has been a concern I’ve had for quite some time. It appeared to me that Mueller was not following the money.”

So, Adam shifty-Schiff would have us all believe that Mueller, the Democrat’s fair-haired boy just ignored evidence that would have brought charges against Trump?  The very thing Mueller worked so hard to achieve for over 2 years, and he just looked the other way?  Also, Rosenstein who signed off on at least one illegal FISA application did not allow Mueller (within the supposed scope of the investigation) to pursue this alleged evidence?  Does anyone actually believe this?  One has to wonder if Schiff is just this desperate, or if he actually is stupid enough to believe his own rhetoric.

The Politicrats (Democrats and RINOs) have no agenda that in any way brings fact-based solutions to the table in order to solve any problems America has.

The Politicrats would rather kiss the camera, spend money like a drunken sailor, and line their own pockets while enjoying all the perks of power courtesy of We the People’s dime.

The Politicrats are like two-year-old children with a new toy, they can’t wait to take it out and play with it at every opportunity – namely the Get Trump toy.

If anyone dares to throw facts in their faces, all these anti-America fools can do is to blather on spouting untrue nonsense carefully prepared to almost sound intelligent while really saying nothing at all.  On top of that, the America hating mainstream media backs every comment, and every move of these American-in-name-only backstabbers.

Where was the appropriate outrage when lying Obama covered up Benghazi?  Where is the outrage now that the evidence seems to point to (strongly) Obama’s involvement in the plan to prevent Trump from ever being president?  Where was the outrage at Hillary using an unsecure server to send and discuss classified material that wound up in enemy hands?  Where was the outrage when FBI protocol was set-aside during the Hillary interviews concerning her unsecure email server?  The free pass given to Hillary by James Comey?  Where was the outrage when the U.S. government abused its power in an attempt to railroad Donald J. Trump?

That’s right, I forgot – the Left hates Trump and anyone like him, so that makes all of this ok.

© 2019 Greg Holt – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Greg Holt:

[About the author: Greg is a strong believer in Jesus Christ and is also a political analyst and author.  By day he is a self-employed non-emergency medical transport driver, as well as being an author and blogger.  His articles are first published on True Conservative Pundit and Inspirational Christian Blogs, and from there the articles are widely published on many well-known conservative websites.  If you would like to republish his articles, please feel free to do so leaving all links intact and crediting the author and the website that the article appeared on. Greg is the author of the newly released book: Spiritual Darkness is Destroying America and the Church

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Serial Stalker Who Made Previous Violent Threats Against Women Threatens To ‘Kill More Girls’

(True Conservative Pundit) What is wrong with our justice system today?  A man with a serious history of stalking and violent threats against women makes a Facebook post in which he threatens to, “kill as many girls as I see,” and probation is again the recommended course of action.

This is not the first time Christopher Cleary has made serious threats against a woman, nor is it the first time he has been given a sentence of probation.  Apparently what needs to happen here is that Cleary needs to actually commit a murder before someone has enough sense to take him seriously?

Cleary, according to the Independent was on probation for three separate cases – for stalking and harassment when he was arrested by police in Utah.  Cleary also has at least 8 alleged incidents of stalking against him since 2012.

According to Fox10, stalking is not all Christopher Cleary has been up to:

Police in Colorado also investigated complaints that Cleary threatened to bomb a grocery store in 2013 after an employee refused to cash his check, threatened to slit the throat of a Denver city employee after his car was towed, and threatened a mass shooting at a mental health facility during a phone call in 2016.

Cleary threatened a 17-year-old girl with killing her, stalked other women and made threats against them, threatened to blow up a grocery store, threatened to slit a city worker’s throat, and also threatened a mass shooting at a mental health facility.

Why is this man walking around in society as a free man?  Do these people have to move to the next step – which is usually to commit a murder before anything is done?  Cleary is obviously mentally disturbed and in need of help.

If the previous list of threats etc. were not enough to convince authorities that they are dealing with a serious threat in the person of Christopher Cleary, (they must not have read the same material I did) then his Facebook post ought to put to rest all doubts about what should be done with this man.  The following is a rather chilling excerpt from said post:

All I wanted was to be loved,” Cleary wrote in his post, “yet no one cares about me I’m 27 years old and I’ve never had a girlfriend before and I’m still a virgin, this is why I’m planning on shooting up a public place soon and being the next mass shooter cause I’m ready to die and all the girls the [sic] turned me down is [sic] going to make it right by killing as many girls as I see.” (source)

Exactly like the Parkland school shooting in which Nikolas Cruz made threats about shooting up a school, before he actually did it.

Sweeping everything under the rug is not how to deal with those who stalk others, repeatedly make violent threats, and publically post about mass shootings on Facebook etc.  When are those in charge going to learn to take these people seriously instead of all but acting like it’s only words, so hey, no big deal.

Judges who hand out probation like it’s candy, or simply pass on dealing with these cases are not helping matters either.  These people need help, one way or another, they do not need to be set free to threaten others until they psych themselves up enough to commit a murder.

These actions, as in refusing to deal with what needs to be done, by the way – are symptomatic of the Democrats.  If the Democrats have their way, this kind of thing will only increase, and the prison population will be on the streets right along with all the murdering illegals.

Welcome to the new America – home of the illegals, criminals, jihadists, and killers.

Greg is a strong believer in Jesus Christ and is also a political analyst and author. By day Greg is a self-employed non-emergency medical transport driver, as well as being an author and blogger.

Greg is the author of the newly released book: Spiritual Darkness is Destroying America and the Church

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The REAL Reason Behind Tiger Woods Receiving The Presidential Medal Of Freedom

(True Conservative Pundit) I know, I know – I can hear the comments already.  Why are you writing about that loser Tiger Woods?  Is Tiger Woods the despicable human being that some on the Left make him out to be?

Tiger Woods received the Medal of Freedom and the media blew up like it was the end of the world.  Some said it was just not kosher because President Trump and Tiger Woods are friends and business partners (Tiger Woods designed a golf course for Trump). (source)

Then there were those who cited Tiger’s past indiscretions and his resulting divorce.

Tiger Woods was revered as the be all and end all in the world of golf.  One year after turning pro, Woods was ranked number one in the world and well on his way to fame and fortune.  Tiger was a cut above the rest of us.

Then came the reports of Woods alleged extramarital affairs and drug problems.  The fall from grace was quick and hard.

As if those issues weren’t enough to deal with, there were Tiger’s serious health issues.  Tiger Woods underwent knee surgery, and four back surgeries.

This writer does not in anyway condone Mr. Woods marital behavior, but to be fair, one needs to look at the entire package.

Imagine that at some point after being outed for cheating on your wife; allegedly using drugs and possibly alcohol, you were to return to playing professional golf.  You know the minute that you step out on the golf course that there are plenty of people who want to see you fail, and fail in a big way.  Everyone is talking about you, and most of that talk is NOT flattering.  The media has had a field day with your missteps and everybody knows your every failure and mistake intimately.

Can you even for just a moment imagine how tough it was for Tiger Woods to leave his home everyday, let alone step back into public life?  Tiger Woods who before was a star, and who could do no wrong – is suddenly thrust under a microscope and most of the attention is negative.  He knows many not only want him to fail; many even think Tiger deserves to fail.  Despite all this, Woods gets out on the course and does what he did best, he plays golf.

To add insult to injury – Mr. Woods also had to come back from some serious physical impairments.  Woods had issues with his knees, so he had knee surgery, BTW – recovery from knee surgery is not fun.  If you have ever watched golf, then you know how the back is twisted during a golf swing.  Now imagine you have had four back surgeries – one of which was a spinal fusion.  Do you suppose that this might affect your golf swing a little?

So it probably seemed like the world was out to get him, no one thought he could make a comeback, plus Tiger had to overcome the rather serious injuries he had received.

This writer cannot prove this obviously, but I think Tiger Woods “can do attitude,” his willingness to admit he did wrong and take responsibility for his actions while dealing with the horrendous amount of negativity and even hatred directed his way – combined with overcoming serious injuries along with equally serious surgeries, these then are the reasons that Trump awarded Tiger Woods the Medal of Freedom.

The Leftist hacks that made this award presentation all about the business relationship between Mr. Woods and President Trump are at best clueless, and at worst lying through their collective teeth.  Trump is viewed and labeled a racist and a hater by the media, so please tell me, who in their right mind would want to accept an award from Trump for business reasons knowing that this person would receive an incredible amount of flack for doing so? Would it not make a lot more sense to refuse the award in that case and avoid all the trouble?

This writer cannot condone everything Mr. Woods did, but at the same time I think given all that Tiger Woods overcame in order to once again become a champion golfer – well Mr. Woods was a good choice for this award and is an inspiration to others.

Everyone makes mistakes, something the Leftists seem to conveniently forget.  If the Leftist liberal whackos are looking for something or someone to condemn, why do they not condemn those who support the murder of helpless babies even on the day they are born?  Why don’t Leftists condemn defending and protecting drug pushers, killers, child molesters, and violent criminals in their sanctuary cities?

No, no, no, it is much more important to condemn a pro golfer who made some mistakes as well as the man who has done more for the U.S. than all the Politicrats combined – President Donald J. Trump.

All the best to you gentlemen.

Greg is the author of the newly released book: Spiritual Darkness is Destroying America and the Church

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The Democratic Agenda: The Nothing Burger Of The Century

(True Conservative Pundit) God hung the world on nothing; the Politicrats are hanging themselves on nothing too.

What exactly is the Politicrat agenda you ask?  Nothing, absolutely nothing.  The Demwits have no agenda to speak of whatsoever.  They have no future direction or agenda to address let alone deal with America’s ills, no legislative accomplishments, and are without a leg to stand on.

Yeah, yeah, there is plenty of noise about a proposed infrastructure deal, but this writer would be surprised if this deal has any legs.  It is being reported that the Dems are really after a climate change appropriation camouflaged as an infrastructure deal; oh, and they will throw in some actual infrastructure with the supposed deal.

Democrats and their RINO helpers have in the past shown a willingness to take any and all money supposedly earmarked for roads and spend it on their “special interests.”  This new infrastructure deal is not at all about infrastructure – in reality it is nothing more than a somewhat tamed down version of AOC’s Green New Deal.  God help us if Trump allows this deal to go forward without ironclad guarantees.

Take a look at this quote concerning a letter, which according to Conservative Daily News, was sent to Trump via Nancy no-mind Pelosi and Chuck-you Schumer on this very topic:

In fact, the letter does not contain any mention of roads, bridges or highways, but instead urges Trump to ‘go beyond transportation’ and include spending for climate change, housing initiatives, public health and ‘clean energy.’”

This is typical Democratic tactics, couch their true aims in a bill that the complicit mainstream media will advertise and present to America as must-have beneficial legislation, when in truth it is nothing more than another Politicrat spending spree on stupidity.

Next up: According to The Daily Caller, Adam shifty-Schiff is calling on AG William Barr to resign:

House Judiciary Chairman Adam Schiff is calling on Attorney General William Barr to resign for allegedly giving ‘deliberately false and misleading’ testimony to Congress last month.”

This claim by shifty-Schiff was made despite the fact that Mueller himself; who, “expressed concerns” about AG Barr’s letter to Congress on Mueller’s conclusions concerning the Trump/Russia collusion probe – apparently called AG Barr and informed him that he did not find Barr’s letter to be misleading or inaccurate, according to the Washington post.

Then we have the Muslims in Congress.  Maybe that does not seem like a problem to many, but it IS a problem.  These Muslims do not support the U.S. or it’s people – rather they support Islam.  They therefore fit right in with the Politicrats who are too cowardly to rebuff their often times hateful statements.  Remember Ilhan Omar’s ant-Semitic comments?  Or how about her comments on 9/11 – “some people did something.”  We can plainly see how distressed Omar was over the attacks on her fellow Americans that resulted in the deaths of thousands of people from these Islamic terrorist attacks.  Omar in this writers opinion is no American.

In Omar’s latest hate filled, ignorant, and stupid rant, she proclaimed America will not be the nation of white people – while proclaiming that President Trump is to blame for the rise in anti-Semitism as well as being at fault for the recent attack on the Poway Synagogue.  Yes – the very president who has supported the Jewish State all along and even moved the American embassy to Jerusalem, proclaiming to the entire world that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel.

All this coming form the one who said Israel has no right to exist and that Congress was being paid off to support Israel – AND is in bed with terrorist organizations such as CAIR.

The Politicrats have no clear legislative agenda that benefits America, and they have no clear solutions to America’s problems.  Instead, there is never any true attempt at teamwork, rather the Politicrats engage in subterfuge, lies, misdirection, character assassination, Trump bashing, incitement of violence against Christians and conservatives, (while they accuse Trump, Crenshaw, and others of inciting violence by simply telling the truth) and politically motivated attacks.

One has only to look at the content of the mainstream media’s news stories to see the truth of all of this, actually just reading the headlines lays it all out as plain as day.  If it is a question or a concern as to the Politicrats; everyone else is lying, out to get them, participating in wild conspiracy theories, engaging in Trump cronyism, or are simply too stupid to see the truth – which by the way includes We the People.

If on the other hand the questions raised concern the Republicans, conservatives and/or Christians; well hold on now – don’t anyone dare to doubt the Politicrats who are above reproach.  This same people group according to the Politicrats are always, always guilty until proven innocent.  Just look at the Trump/Russia collusion investigation, supposedly there is to be clear evidence of a crime before a special counsel is called to investigate.  Except that there wasn’t any, evidence that is.  But when you are NOT a Politicrat, well, to Hell with evidence, who needs evidence right?

This author has written extensively on what the Politicrats stand for, and it is nothing good, and nothing that will help America – only what will help advance the Politicrat agenda which coincides with the coming One World government – destroy America while handsomely profiting from doing so.

The Democratic agenda is the nothing burger of the century.  There is no agenda, unless you call Trump Derangement Syndrome an agenda.  The Politicrats have one thing on the table, and one thing only – a vendetta of biblical proportions against President Donald Trump.  This vendetta rules their every waking moment, it fuels their every decision, and it dictates their every move and every action that they take or do not take.

These are your Democrats and RINOs America, how much longer will you tolerate them?  The time to take action is NOW; support those who fight against these un-American traitors.  Sign petitions against them, call, email, and write to your representatives in Congress, vote them out of office.  Make your voices heard America, before it’s too late.

Greg is a strong believer in Jesus Christ and is also a political analyst and author. By day Greg is a self-employed non-emergency medical transport driver, as well as being an author and blogger.

If you would like to republish his articles, feel free to do so leaving all links intact and crediting the author and the website the article appeared on.

Greg is the author of the newly released book: Spiritual Darkness is Destroying America and the Church

© 2019 Greg Holt – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Greg Holt:

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Author’s New Book Examines The Spiritual Darkness That Is Destroying America And The Church

(True Conservative Pundit) America is not what it once was; we have drifted away, far, far away from what and who we used to be as a nation.  The Founding Fathers based and drafted our Constitution, our very form of government (a Republic, not a Democracy) on God.  Our unique form of government was never intended to work with or for a people that deny God, nor was it intended to work with or function as a socialistic form of government.

Freedom is not a gift bestowed upon us by other men, but a right that belongs to us by the laws of God and nature.” —Benjamin Franklin [1]

It is when people forget God that tyrants forge their chains.” —Patrick Henry [1]

The Constitution is the guide which I will never abandon.” —George Washington [1]

Despite the naysayers, despite those who insist that our great nation was founded not by those who feared God – but by those who were Free Masons, Deists etc., this country WAS founded by believers as is evident by reading the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, as well as letters written by the Founding Fathers.

God was a central part of this nation, and that included in and during sessions of Congress as well as statehouses.

God is:

  • Referenced in the Congressional Record from the earliest sessions of Congress
  • Referenced and honored physically in many federal and state government buildings
  • Honored on our money
  • Referenced in all but four state constitutions
  • Referenced the Declaration of Independence

Author Dr. Jerry Newcombe recently wrote a column on this very subject.  Newcombe reminds us that:

The U. S. Constitution itself says that it was done “in the year of our Lord”—meaning Jesus. But also it was done in the 12th year of independence. The Constitution is predicated on the Declaration of Independence—our national birth certificate, which mentions God four times.” [2]

Dr. Newcombe also addressed the “Masonic” charge concerning some of the founders:

As to the Masonic charge, I view it as an anachronistic charge. The Masons in America did not become anti-Christian until the 1830s and thereafter, long after the time of the framing of our founding documents.” [2]

Newcombe went on to say that we do ourselves a disservice (our history) in insisting that the U.S. and it’s form of government was not founded on and influenced by God.

Fast-forward to the U.S. of today – the U.S. is being slowly remade in the image of something else, or someone else (evil, Satan).  There is a pall of darkness and evil covering and intermingling with the people of America, a spiritual darkness that is draining the life out of this country.

The Constitution, the very document that our laws are based on is now considered by many to be a “living document.”  So what does that mean exactly?  It basically means that the Constitution can be reinterpreted to mean whatever the Politicrats want it to mean, and at any given time.  This author cannot even begin to tell you how foolish and dangerous this is.

Hold on, my friends, to the Constitution and to the Republic for which it stands. Miracles do not cluster, and what has happened once in 6,000 years, may not happen again. Hold on to the Constitution, because if the American Constitution should fail, there will be anarchy throughout the world.” —Daniel Webster [1]

God is being systematically removed from government, from holidays, from schools and universities, and even from the Church itself.  The God worshipped in many churches of today is no god of mine.

Those people who will not be ruled by God will be ruled by tyrants.” —William Penn [1]

Abortion is the law of the land, even abortion up to and including the day of birth – even the murder of the child AFTER he or she is born!

The Democrats and RINO’s (the Politicrats) are Hell-bent on destroying this country and welcoming in the new age, the age of a One World government, of which the United States is a part of – and no longer a sovereign nation.

While Islam is welcomed in schools, Jesus is thrown out with the trash.

Much of the “Church” has little idea of what the Gospel is; let alone how to explain/teach it to someone else.  The Church believes in a large amount of false doctrine, and ignores biblical precepts.  Homosexuals and lesbians are welcomed as pastors; same-sex marriage is endorsed by many denominations today.  Parts of the Bible are relegated to fairy tale status.  Hell does not really exist and neither does the biblical account of the Great Flood.

It is easily observed that “anything goes” is the prevailing attitude in America, as evidenced by the content of the news, movies, and people’s own actions etc.

  • How did America go from being a nation that largely worshipped God to a nation that largely has little use for God?
  • Why was God thrown out of our government and our schools?
  • How and why does the Church at large not believe biblical doctrine?
  • Why are the Politicrats in favor of open borders, allowing all illegals into our country, and unlimited immigration?
  • Why is President Trump constantly attacked?
  • Why so much censorship in social media and the media?
  • What is the goal of those who are anti-God?
  • What if anything can be done to combat all of this?

I invite you to read my newly released book: Spiritual Darkness is Destroying America and the Church for candid answers to these questions.

You can find my book on Amazon Kindle, for now the book has been released in Kindle e-book format only.


[1] Founding Fathers quotes
[2] Christian Headlines: Did the Bible Play a Role in Shaping the U.S. Constitution?

Greg is a strong believer in Jesus Christ and is also a political analyst and author. By day Greg is a self-employed non-emergency medical transport driver, as well as being an author and blogger.

Greg’s articles are first published on True Conservative Pundit and Inspirational Christian Blogs, and from there his articles are widely published on many well-known conservative websites. If you would like to republish his articles, feel free to do so leaving all links intact and crediting the author and the website the article appeared on.

Greg is the author of the newly released book: Spiritual Darkness is Destroying America and the Church

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These Are Your Democrats America: Insanity, Stupidity, and Utter Chaos in the Wake Of The Muller Report Release

(True Conservative Pundit) The Democratic reaction to the release of the Mueller Report was exactly as anticipated, illogical, ignorant, stupid, and pathetic.  Did anyone expect anything less?

You can listen to AG Barr’s press conference here, (the relevant portion begins at the 22:05 mark).

The Democrats have completely lost touch with reality and are proving this to be true on a daily basis.  No less than five Democratic House Chairman sent a letter to AG Barr demanding that he cancel his scheduled press conference on the release of the Mueller Report.

The five House members who sent the letter are:

  • Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.), the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee
  • Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee
  • Maxine Waters (D-Calif.), the chairwoman of the House Financial Services Committee
  • Elijah Cummings (D-Md.) the chairman of the House Oversight and Reform Committee
  • Eliot Engel (D-N.Y.), the chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee

The Democrats are to no ones surprise demanding AG Barr release to Congress the full un-redacted Mueller Report.

There are several problems with all of this:

  • By United States law, the Attorney General has complete authority on what to release or not release from a special counsel report – including to Congress
  • The AG has the sole discretion on what is or is not redacted in the special counsel’s report
  • Congress has NO authority to compel the AG in this matter to release anything whatsoever, again by law

Another problem with Mueller’s Report according to Rush Limbaugh is that it seems apparent that Robert Mueller wrote his report in a such a manner that although he did not directly implicate President Trump in any wrongdoing whatsoever – the report was worded so as to leave the door open to the implication that there was wrongdoing on Trump’s part, Mueller just could not find it or prove it.  This of course will give the Politicrats plenty of sunshine to make hay.

It is obvious to anyone that if the Democrats are provided with the full un-redacted Mueller Report that someone will immediately leak the relevant portions to the mainstream media who will be only too happy to print the dire news with absolute glee.  This would all be in the name of destroying President Trump of course – while being camouflaged as being in the public’s best interest and right to know of course; as this is the number one goal of the Politicrats.

Dangerous criminal Rep. Jerry Nadler was all up in arms over the fact that AG Barr was having a press conference before releasing the Mueller Report.  Nadler said, “this is wrong” – no, it’s not wrong Mr. Nadler.  Nadler is only bent out of shape because the Politicrats can’t control the narrative on this one, not to mention that the Dems cannot spin this before it’s release to Congress and the public. [Link]

This is not about a press conference or even Congress right to see the report – this is solely about that fact that the Politicrats can’t publically spin this before the public sees the information for themselves.

Nancy Pelosi sounded off on Twitter:

AG Barr has confirmed the staggering partisan effort by the Trump Admin to spin public’s view of the #MuellerReport – complete with acknowledgment that the Trump team received a sneak preview. It’s more urgent than ever that Special Counsel Mueller testify before Congress.”

So – because Trump did not impede the release of the Mueller Report, even stating that he wanted the report to be released, this is spinning the report?  AG Barr repeating Mueller’s own findings, which were no collusion or obstruction – this is spinning the report?  Keep in mind the source of these comments, Nancy no-mind Pelosi – who famously said that, “we have to pass the bill so you can find out what is in it.”

The Democrats have lost this fight and they know it, they are grasping at straws in sheer desperation to find something, anything with which they can hang Trump out to dry.

This writer is betting all of this partisan nonsense is going to come back to bite the Politicrats in a very big way.  I recently wrote an article on the fact that the Democrats hate America; this can no longer be disputed unless one lacks a brain.

No outcome or result will in any way shape or form be accepted by the Politicrats concerning Trump, except for one – guilty.  No matter that at least three separate investigations (Mueller, the Senate, and the House) all concluded that there was no collusion and no obstruction.

Wanting to, thinking about, or discussing action to stop or possibly disrupt the Mueller investigation does not qualify as obstruction.  If that were the criteria needed to implicate someone in a crime, then as a matter of course we would need to remove all members of both houses of Congress along with most of the U.S. government.

The Democrats are operating on a completely ludicrous and outlandish premise that is only ever applied to those who are not on the side of the Democrats and the RINOs (Politicrats).  When it is a question pertaining to the Politicrats, then the rules of engagement suddenly change.  Then by golly one is innocent until proven guilty!  But yet if one is not a vaunted Politicrat, well one is guilty of all charges until proven innocent.

Trump WILL win in a landslide in the 2020 election, and I see a very distinct possibility that the Republicans will regain the majority in the House and keep the Senate.

Americans are wising up to the corruption and the outright lying and manipulation of We the People via the Politicrats and the dishonorable and useless mainstream media.

Speak up and speak out America – while there is yet time.

You have been warned America…

© 2019 Greg Holt – All Rights Reserved

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