The Invisible Rainbow

By Sidney Secular

February 27, 2025

OMNIPRESENT MIASMATIC ELECTRO-MAGNETIC FIELDS: It’s basic science that when electrons (as electricity) move through wires, a magnetic field is created in the space around the wires. We know that our bodies contain their own natural magnetic fields and even auras, and that the said artificial magnetic fields (EMFs) interfere with the functioning of our bodies and its fields. Studies show that a higher incidence of various diseases occur when the outside magnetic fields are both strong enough and close enough to the body to create such influences.

The introduction of electricity in the 1800s revolutionized human societies, allowing for the development of sophisticated technologies, and equipment and instruments that utilized these technologies. The first of these was the telegraph – that is, the technology and systems introduced around 1839, and by1850 had resulted in 22,000 miles of telegraph lines installed in the US alone. By 1875, 30,000 miles of undersea cables had been laid under the oceans while 700,000 miles of copper wire had been installed over the surface of the earth, enough wire to encircle the earth almost 30 times. Only about 20 years later, the electric motor made the telegraph look like a child’s toy while the electric locomotive provided transportation across every city and countryside. Then, suddenly, doctors around the world became overwhelmed by floods of people ill with a disease that many hadn’t seen before – influenza. In his eye eye-opening book, “The Invisible Rainbow,” Arthur Firstenberg graphically shows the correlation between influenza and the rise of “man-made” electricity in the environment.

In 1918, the era of radio wave broadcasting began. Hundreds of powerful radio antennas were erected emitting radio waves at the LF and VLF frequencies, that soon became omnipresent in the earth’s magnetic field, something that you realize when you turn on your radio. The beginning of this era coincided with the Spanish Flu pandemic but no connection between the two was ever noted since it was easy to blame living pathogens (“bugs”) that had become the paradigm in the rhetoric of disease causation at the time – something it still basically is. This somewhat avoids taking responsibility for one’s health in the adoption of a better diet, more exercise and rest and other healthful habits. In 1957, the radar era began with the building of powerful early warning radar stations in the northerly latitudes, a matter that coincided with the Asian flu epidemic of 1957. In 1968, the satellite era began, coinciding with Hong Kong flu epidemic of 1968. Over the course of many years, it has been demonstrated that people living beneath or near high power microwave and electrical transmission lines have higher rates of disease, especially cancer, than the population at large. With the introduction of the 5G towers, which emit electro-magnetic radiation at higher orders of magnitude than the previous systems, nearly everywhere now, a similar increase in the incidence of disease has been noted, with consumer groups instituting lawsuits to stop the spread of the towers.

Nearly constant exposure to cellphones, even if only in purses and not in pockets located on the body proper, has been linked to increases in levels of disease. Social media apps are being linked to increased levels of anxiety and depression, especially among teenagers. Now, in the last several years, the previously unknown disorder of tinnitus is being loudly trumpeted. It is characterized by hisses and hums in our heads which are beyond the usual noises that are a part of modern life. The author blames the electro-magnetic fields, which have sort of hit a critical mass for this phenomenon to arise. The aforesaid book makes the connection between many of our maladies and the ever-intensifying presence of electromagnetic fields in our environment. Since the greens are pushing to have electrical appliances and motor vehicles replace the ones that have operated via fossil fuels up to now, we can expect a further spike in the maladies associated with the “invisible rainbow”.

© 2025 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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Yet More News You May Have Missed

By Sidney Secular

February 25, 2025

DRONING ON WITH NON-ANSWERS TO THE DRONE MYSTERY: The official Administration answer to the drone mystery was another of those “Nothing to see here, move on” typically facile and phony GovMint non-explanations to phenomena that cry out for a real explanation, let alone an explication. They were explained as playthings/hobby things like airplane model kits, a sort of hobby horse explanation. That at least some of these “toys” are the size of SUVs seems quite beside the point! However, once thusly said, further official exploration and explanation is for practical purposes dead or relegated to the realm of “conspiracy theory”.

If one is a UFO aficionado or is familiar with the characteristics of many UFOs, which have filled the skies in large numbers since the late 1940s, one could easily identify the drones as yet another iteration of the airborne objects that defy explanation since they have capabilities that no conventional – or indeed, any known aircraft can compete with. To say they are anomalies – a common description – just means that they are likely the norm in some other dimension or realm with which we are unfamiliar. Many local and federal officials and law enforcement personnel have seen them and can attest to their otherworldly characteristics. Drones or UFOs as long as 3 football fields have been seen and have been characterized as motherships accompanied by lesser craft of the “flying saucer” description. They can suddenly go dark and then disappear at otherworldly speeds of thousands of miles per hour, especially when spotted. Parenthetically, such maneuvers would kill any human being within them if there were not some unknown technologies protecting the craft’s occupants! Many seem able to change shapes like amoebas. They are usually silent but can engage in a sort of mimicry so as to sound like a plane thus toying with our imaginations and patience. They can make 90 degree turns or zig zag in an instant. Many are undetectable on radar.

There is a subset of UFOs called USOs (Underwater Submerged Objects) that come straight up out of oceans and waterways as if they have bases under ocean floors. Drones are sometimes accompanied by “orbs”, described as bright balls of energy. It suddenly comes out now that the drones haven’t been limited to the skies over New Jersey or the US, but have been seen elsewhere, especially near military bases in Britain and Germany. An especially noteworthy flock of drones engaging in a flurry of unaccounted for flights occurred over Langley Air force Base in Virginia for several days in December 2022. The drone phenomenon is so common and has caused no real harm so that the military can make light of them as nothing to get excited over now. (“Nothing to see here!”) There are all kinds of conjectures about the drones, such as they are advanced American products produced with deep state or “black budget” money, are the result of a collaboration with extra-terrestrials, are reverse-engineered products derived from crashed UFOs, or are advanced Chinese craft flying around with impunity such as the recent “weather balloon” that traversed the US spying on military bases.

DEATHS AMONG YOUNG ADULT AMERICANS ARE SPIKING TO HISTORIC HIGHS: Deaths of Americans aged 25 to 44 spiked to 70% above the expected rate in 2023. Researchers realize that the high death rate is somewhat caused by drug overdoses, suicides, and alcoholism, but that there must be other factors involved. A peer reviewed study published by the JAMA examined over 33 million deaths of Americans aged 25-44 between 1999 and 2023. There were 2 distinct trends in the mortality. Deaths increased sharply from 2011 to 2019, then skyrocketed between 2020 and 2023. Drug poisonings have apparently been a potent factor in these increases; however, except for Covid-19 (or claims related to this mild form of flu!), most of the leading causes of death in young adults were not health related. Compared to trends before 2011, deaths from most causes were significantly higher by 2023 than would be expected. Despite the so-called pandemic by now being long over, deaths have not significantly decreased, which suggests many more deaths than otherwise be expected will be forthcoming in the future as the aforesaid young adults age into midlife and beyond. Other causes of the aforesaid sharp increases in deaths among young adults have been suggested. These include dislocations caused by the economic crash of 2008, “deaths from despair”, and lengthening work hours leading to unhealthy lifestyles.

Some perceptive researchers see that the elephant in the room is being overlooked; that is the likely import of the Covid mRNA “vaccines”. Dr. Pierre Kory, a leading researcher has written extensively on that subject. Kory alludes to data on deaths reported to the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). Kory also noted the “inexplicable” and unprecedented rises in group term life insurance claims among young people 25-44, which occurred suddenly in the 3rd quarter of 2021, when mandates were all the rage of the regime. The temporal relationship between the vaccine rollouts and the excess mortality that was occurring wasn’t addressed in the predominant research going on. It is now being noted that deaths are still surging among those that received the Covid mRNA vaccinations rolled out in 2021.

Also, the data show that the excess deaths for children 1-14 have surged higher EACH YEAR since the Covid mRNA vaxxes were rolled out. The excess deaths in this age group spiked by a staggering 22% in 2023, the last year for which full data is available. Although the data for 2024 are not all in yet, the official figures show that the death rates keep surging, yet, in the UK at least, officials keep claiming that circulatory diseases and diabetes are behind the significant increases in deaths.

SURGEONS SURGING AHEAD ON ORGAN REMOVAL PLAN IN CANADA: Canadian doctors, apparently okay with the country’s assisted suicide program called Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD), (or death “maid” to order), are now considering whether to harvest organs from euthanasia patients before they die. The doctors reason that organs are normally removed from euthanasia donors as soon as possible before death to ensure they are in the best possible condition for transplant. Why wait? If organs were removed from a live person, they would be in even better condition. If a person is about to die anyway, what’s the big deal in killing him to take his organs? The country’s socialized healthcare system has a chronic organ shortage, anyway. Also, there’s big money to be made in both MAiD and in organ trafficking on the world market. Also, think of the money that will be saved in not having to provide healthcare or even normal living expenses while waiting for a person to die. Remember, we in the West – including Canada – have China to thank for their “advanced” position on the harvesting of organs from their own “useless eaters!” And so, here we are in the 21st Century, still considering Western nations as “civilized!” Live and learn, I guess – or rather DIE and learn.

EVs NOT VIABLE WITHOUT VOLUMINOUS GOVMINT HANDOUTS – AND PROBABLY NOT EVEN THEN: A recent press release announced that EV manufacturer Rivian had received a 46.6 BILLION loan from the Dept. of Energy to continue producing EVs on our “dime”. The document stated that continued EV production by Rivian “would provide an important boost to the US automotive industrial base, enabling significant job creation and investment that is important in order for the US to maintain its leadership as electric vehicles become a strategically important industry”. This “picture” is delusional as customer are increasingly rejecting EVs as too expensive and as only viable in urban or crowded areas – when they’re not exploding like assault weapons. Between 2016 and 2024, Rivian tore through nearly $2,4 billion in subsidies and still had to cancel expansion plans and lay off workers due to missed production and sales targets. The GovMint solution to any problem is to throw masses of money at it though it’s already obvious that the only thing that will solve the problem is to end the nonsense of electric cars.

HAS CHINA’S DEEPSEEK AI TECHNOLOGY ALREADY SANK US AI MODELS?  Probably yes, while costing a small fraction of the costs associated with the US models. President Trump has announced a $500 billion investment in AI to counter this threat and secure US dominance in the industry —  but it sounds like the horse has already left the barn. Just why the US has to be #1 in everything sure costs us much moolah. We know that anything Globohomo gets involved with in a big way is going to become a big-time boondoggle or bust. The Chinese, communist or not, do things with a minimum of waste, or so it seemingly seems. In any event, they have made unbelievable economic progress in the last 40 years and there is little reason the progress won’t continue. They may have rigorous regulation but minimal taxation. They have become the capitalists with an overlay of leftover socialism while we have become the fascists or socialists, or maybe a nasty and fairly useless mix of both. Unlike most American students, and especially the woke weirdos who take courses that reinforce their radicalism, many of the kids who take STEM courses in the US are actually from China and return there to provide China with many happy returns. In 2020, the Chinese had 3.57 million STEM graduates while the US only had 820,000. Okay, the Chinese do steal our technology, but nearly every entity in the modern world advances by building upon what has already been achieved whether by others or ourselves, since secrets don’t remain that way for very long due to our interconnected, globalist milieu. We will play the one-up game with the Chinese   for a spell, but we have along way to go to even get back in the game, but the Chinese assets spell a second-rate rating for us “going forward.”

HOW ABOUT GROSS NATIONAL HAPPINESS vice GROSS NATIONAL PRODUCT? The small Himalayan nation of Bhutan intends to hold on to its traditional values to avoid getting caught up in the web of the modern global materialist morass. So, the Government there issues an annual questionnaire to measure its residents’ “Gross Social happiness” a/k/a “Gross National Happiness”. The government has declared that its most important objective is to ensure that the population is happy, and asks residents whether they are lacking anything offering them an opportunity to suggest changes that would serve the collective “happiness.” To help define this happiness, the Bhutanese “Ministry of Information and Communication” has declared that happiness does not mean entertainment, excitement or thrills but rather a deep form of contentedness that lies within the individual person and of which there is no direct and identifiable external source. Of course, that is not entirely true as external matters obviously influence personal satisfaction or dissatisfaction and can even lead to despair! Yet, obviously, there is something in that small, isolated nation that permits its people to find contentment and happiness absent all the “bells and whistles” of modern “culture.”

THE DARK SITUATION IN FORMERLY WHITE COUNTRIES. White governments throughout the West bend the knee to and emphasize the rights of non-white immigrant invaders over the rights of their ethnic citizens. This has proceeded to the point that the right to free speech is abrogated if the invaders or their self-assigned protectors find any speech offensive or off-putting. The media are not permitted to mention race or immigrant status when reporting crimes even when to do so would help identify or help apprehend the culprit. The crime of rape, so common a practice of the invader hordes upon white women, when reported to the police becomes a “hate crime” if thus brought up to the authorities. The rapists, invariably immigrants, are rarely arrested, much less punished. The feminists have completely gone silent on this issue in contrast to their usual loud-mouthed stridency on all issues pertaining to “toxic masculinity!” Being called a “racist” competes with “antisemite’ as the worst of crimes, whereas the crime of rape causes hardly a ripple anymore.

Elon Musk, with the clout that comes when “money talks” has brought the issue to the forefront when he recently reiterated the issue of the British government and police remaining silent as the invaders held a quarter million white girls in sexual bondage, a practice called “grooming”. Instead, the white parents who complained about it were arrested. Whites, indoctrinated to believe they all are racists, lack the self-respect or the courage to protect themselves and their children. The few who have brought the subject up have been fired from their jobs, arrested, and imprisoned. The upstart political parties who have started to represent the white ethnic peoples have had their leaders demonized as Nazis and arrested on false indictments and imprisoned. When these parties make any headway and are about to become major forces or come close to winning elections, they are being threatened with dissolution and the results of democratically conducted elections overturned. The Marxist-socialist world view has wormed its way to the top and must be countered now or our protestations against it will be of no account.

“GREEN” GURUS GAMBLE WITH THE GLOBE’S FUTURE: The periodic and idiotic international climate summits continue their mission against the emission of greenhouse gases for the chicken-little goal of bringing down the earth’s temperature and the earth with it. The predictable results are now to be seen in a worsening electricity and fuel crisis, especially in Europe due to the takedown of coal and nuclear generating stations, the buildup of unreliable solar and wind, and the deregulation of energy prices. This is creating an inevitable food emergency. Farmers in Europe can neither afford nor obtain reliable fuel for machinery or for drying crops. With the rising price of fuel, the large concentration of the once vaunted high-yield Dutch greenhouses can’t afford electricity. In what is becoming a world-wide disaster, rising fuel prices have also hit nitrogen fertilizer production. Its feedstock is natural gas whose price has soared and whose future cost is uncertain so that fertilizer manufacturers have cut back on production. Farmers can’t afford or obtain the fertilizer essential for good yields of corn and wheat.

Yet even more devastating than the impact of the energy crisis is the “green” agenda for farming. It is an attack on modern agricultural technology seemingly designed to ruin farmers and ranchers outright. In September 2020, the UK enacted its new “Agricultural Law” which set forth the unprecedented demand that the main function of farmers will be the enhancement of the environment rather than feeding the population, something that is now a secondary consideration. The UK Government has measures in place to reward or penalize farmers accordingly. Despite a world population that is nearing 8 billion, it is possible to provide an abundance of food for all and also protect the environment. The present “crisis” is the result of catering to the cartel system and its war against food production systems.

SANITY IS ON A ROLL AS THE WOKE JOKE IS ROLLED BACK: President Trump has been a major catalyst in reversing some of the prominent and farcical practices associated with the Far Left, the social misfits, the malcontents, and the social engineers who have had a field day for 4 years in going for broke under Biden. The following are some examples of this abrupt change in direction:

  • Meta’s founder Mark Zuckerberg announced that Facebook, Instagram, and other Meta platforms will be ending their “fact-checking” programs. Zuckerberg said the move would dramatically reduce the amount of censorship on its platforms “which were too politically biased and have destroyed much trust.” Zuckerberg also directed the removal of the ridiculous tampons from the men’s restrooms at the Meta offices. Whether the gentleman has changed his politics or has allowed his natural intelligence to have sway over is unclear. However, we can hope that he has seen the light of reason. Nonetheless, Mr. Zuckerberg and his ilk are the most dangerous of those on the Left as they are smart enough to melt into the shadows against the time when the Left regains power. And for the same reason, many of the guileless on the Right – who never seem to learn! – will misunderstand the gentleman’s seeming “new outlook” and trust where trust is not the smart thing to do!
  • McDonald’s joined a growing list of major corporations that have rolled back their DEI strategies, which include Walmart, Target, and Ford. These are corporations and they are motivated by profit. On the whole, that’s not a bad thing under the circumstances.
  • West Virginia Governor Patrick Morrisey immediately banned all DEI initiatives at all public institutions in the state on his second day in office. A believer and NOT a convert and that’s good.
  • President Trump has signed an executive order banning the creation and issuance of a Central Bank Digital Currency in the US. Nothing new here. Trump is openly anti-anti-American.
  • Every major US bank has withdrawn from the Net-Zero Banking Alliance which required its members to prioritize a radical climate agenda over customer and investor interests. And while one may look upon the “banking industry” with mistrust, at least those involved seem to be relatively intelligent!

COVID-19 VAXXES HAVE KILLED MORE AMERICANS THAN ALL OF THE 20TH CENTURY WARS PUT TOGETHER: The estimate is 3.8 million based on an extrapolation from the VAERS system data. In WWI, the war that was supposedly the one to end all wars, the figure is 116,516 military deaths. For WWII, there were about 405,400 military deaths, for Korea 37,000 deaths, and for Vietnam the figure was 58,220 military deaths, for a total of about 617,135 military deaths. Of course, this doesn’t account for the deaths in all of the wars mentioned of non-combatants, a considerably higher figure, I’m sure! The deaths from the Covid shots would be much higher – the VAERS statistics only capture acute cases early on. The people eventually dying as a result of receiving the vaxxes from cancer, heart disease, etc. are not reported at all. We already see this with the people we know. Imagine the disconnect if a related death occurs a decade later.

The only way to adequately measure the full devastation of the bioweapon injection on humanity is to conduct a comprehensive study of the vaccinated vs. the unvaccinated and compare all-cause mortality of each group as well as the prevalence of diseases and disorders in each group for at least a decade. There is a limited window of time within which to do such a study. Then again, more people will be injured by the newly found matter of shedding. Will the victims of the biowarfare campaign be recognized as casualties of war? Not likely. With 75% of TV advertising coming from Big Pharma, the silence is likely to remain deafening. The distilled data demonstrates that 8 million Americans have suffered heart damage due to the injections. It appears the elite are “dead set” on killing us. And now, a mass media marketing campaign is underway to pump up the bird flu scare, an obvious indication that our elites are prepared for “round two” in this war against us useless eaters. Already, a vaccine has been created in record time and is being administered to chickens, sort of an indirect way to get at us. No one will be brave enough to tell us not to eat chicken — they will be too chicken to do that.

UFO SIGHTINGS WERE OUT OF SIGHT IN 2024: The past year was one of revelation, wonder and anticipation with regards to UFO and UAP (Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena) sightings over North America and around the world, capped and culminating with the mysterious drone incursions over practically every continent – with the occasional balloon thrown in. To complement this, the Pentagon released more “unclassified information” on the phenomenal phenomena as Congress has continued to push for more disclosure on the subject – anything to get the American people from looking more closely at the behavior of its government!

However, the GovMint is still adhering to its long-time stonewalling position that we’re still alone in the universe and this may be the case as there are those who “identify” these “unworldly beings” as more Biblical than Sci-fi! However, little bits of contrary information leak out to the public, which are but the tip of the iceberg. During February 2024, legislation was enacted requiring the Archivist of the United States to begin collecting and publishing records that “pertain to unidentified anomalous phenomena, technologies of unknown origin, and non-human intelligence.” During April, during a hearing of the US House Armed Services Committee, Rep. Rob Wittman revealed observations made at Langley AFB in Virginia in December 2023 that a large number of unmanned craft or drones appeared in that airspace, sufficiently large for the base to shut down for a period of time. In late May, Karl Nell, retired US Army Colonel and Deputy Chief of Staff for the US Africa Command startled the staid military by stating, “non-human intelligence exists and has been interacting with humanity. This interaction is not new and has been ongoing”. That jaw-dropper came from an impeccable source.

On August 20, Harald Malmgren, a global leader and advisor to several presidents released a statement, to wit, “recurring sightings of luminous spheroids traveling at extreme velocities, then abruptly resuming stationary positions have been documented.” Back in September, Donald Trump indicated he was in favor of releasing any information being held back on UAPs. Moving into October, journalist Michael Shellenberger revealed that a whistleblower has alleged that the Pentagon and the CIA are illegally hiding a secret UFO/UAP crash retrieval program called “Immaculate Constellation!” Matt Gaetz has also made the same allegation with the question arising, could it be he was pressured to resign from Congress over this revelation? In late November and December, the drones started showing up in earnest.

Needless to say, the world waits with bated breath for accurate, provable information and answers. Independent media is going crazy with theories, while the legacy media, of course, is pretty much ignoring the story altogether.

MEXICO SEEKS TO BANKRUPT THE AMERICAN ARMS INDUSTRY:  On March 4, 2025, the US Supreme Court will hear the case, “Smith & Wesson Brands, Inc, et al v. Estados Unidos Mexicanos.” The high court will consider whether American firearms manufacturers will have to pay Mexico $10 Billion on the theory that legally made and sold products in America are responsible for harming Mexican citizens – and not, for example, the narco-terrorist drug cartels in Mexico or the cancerous, corrupt leaders of Mexico. Even though the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act protects gun makers and sellers from exactly this type of frivolous legal attack, a court in Massachusetts dismissed it. However, the US Court of Appeals for the First Circuit reversed the dismissal, but now the Supreme Court has decided to hear the case. Mexico has extinguished its constitutional arms right and now seeks to extinguish America’s and to that end, Mexico seeks to bankrupt the American firearms industry by holding lawful firearms manufacturers liable for violence committed by Mexican drug cartels in Mexico despite alleging no affirmative misconduct by these manufacturers, intent of these manufacturers to incite violence, or lack of any concrete nexus between the manufacturers and the cartels.

Mexico doesn’t just want $10 billion in damages, a sum that would bankrupt American gun companies, it is also arguing that US courts should impose new gun control measures in the US, a matter that is blatantly unconstitutional! This frivolous suit would provide cover for Mexican officials who have failed to reign in the cartels by blaming US gun companies for the carnage. The Mexicans cannot pounce on its own gun industry since it doesn’t have one – there is only one gun store in all of Mexico – although, if I remember correctly, Obama’s Attorney General sent a lot of American guns to that nation also in hopes of destroying America’s gun industry!

© 2025 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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Modern Masses of Moroseness and Mediocrity

By Sidney Secular

February 14, 2025

At the end of the Victorian era, our towns and cities began losing their character as centers of civilization, and became more and more merely centers of population. Modern man shows little emotional attachment to the place in which he lives. One’s residence is mainly an accident occasioned by fluctuating employment opportunities or one’s destination after being buffeted by the hands of fate. Of course, the cost of living greatly factors into the matter, and especially for the lower middle class and retirees. For the latter, the area’s climate is also a matter to be considered. The fluidity of residences manifested by the frequent changes of abode diminish the formation of a solid bond between the resident and the area in which he lives. Of course, the decrease in the quality of urban environments and the impact of displacement of original residents through and by the mass movements of hordes of migrants and refugees intensifies especially “white flight” from metropolitan areas to the suburbs and exurbs, something already set in motion long ago by the formation of ghettos and barrios with their associated crime and grime.

Now the policies of many urban “governments” have led to a sudden surge in the numbers of vagrants and the homeless, accelerating the “outward bound” movement of former city dwellers. That is, the former “Blue city” dwellers who now have “the blues” over their places of residence are moving to the purple (intermediate) and red areas.

It’s a mystery how any thinking person could become sentimentally attached to places that have become carbon copies of one another, losing local color and character. They all have the same national chains from which residents have to buy as they are now bereft of mom and pop and other locally oriented stores driven out of town to be replaced by malls with their sameness. People used to become sentimentally attached to local sports teams but that’s increasingly hard to do as the teams move around to wherever the pastures are greener, thus leaving the locals in the lurch. With few exceptions, sports teams and their players are moved around as if on a big chess board.

Cities and metro areas have become barren of uniqueness as they expand with the growth of their populations. It is that this point that the urban planners install their ugly “modern” architectural and “artistic” creations which appear to be the same everywhere. Children using Legos produce more artistic and cultural marvels than do modern architects! All of our remaining notable cities are living on the glory and the treasures of the past that were associated with that locale, forming the basis for their tourist trades. Every venerable and noteworthy citadel of yesteryear had prominent monuments attesting to its glory and designed to have enduring appeal. These monuments bound individuals to their town in a way that’s almost incomprehensible today. Private dwellings of former times were mainly mediocre, while one’s eyes and attention were drawn to imposing community structures that belonged to the People. Communal works and communal activities – often religious in nature – were the centerpieces giving the community its sense of place in the larger polity and even in the universe.

What we admire in the ruins of the ancient world are the temples and other significant monuments and communal structures. Even in the decrepit atmosphere of late Rome, it wasn’t the villas and palaces of the aristocrats that attracted attention and veneration, but the temples, public baths, stadiums, the circus venues, the aqueducts, the basilicas, etc. belonging to the state and the people. The ornate cathedrals and city halls and places in which public business was conducted exhibited the pride of the people in their civilization or polity. Special artwork was commissioned to venerate the mission of the government bodies and the acts of the functionaries who conducted the business of the state. Even movie theaters in the 20th century were tastefully created as individualized works of impressive architecture and art as if to celebrate what the dramatic works shown therein were reflecting in the hopes and dreams of the audience which were awed by them.

We are now arriving at a desultory state of empty desolation where the individual will be totally indifferent to the look of his surroundings and the fate of his city. In these edifices nothing is celebrated because nothing is worthy of being celebrated. That is a marker of our cultural decay and coming collapse. Our era is preoccupied with pointless pursuits and pleasures associated with individual material acquisition and frivolous entertainment while the attainment of the people as a whole and the big picture is lost on little minds.

© 2025 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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More News You Missed

By Sidney Secular

February 11, 2025

SHEDDING LIGHT ON “VACCINE SHEDDING”: The how and why of it are still being determined, but unvaccinated persons can “catch” maladies from the vaccinated. This condition is called “shedding,” a phenomenon that seems most common with mRNA vaccines that are actually a form of gene modifiers. Once this phenomenon gets more publicity, the unvaccinated who are affected by the phenomenon will undoubtedly display a lot of resentment over how the vaxxed treated them a few years ago! In theory, this “shedding” should be impossible, but we have learned that with most big pharma panaceas, all kinds of bad things are possible. Of course, the unvaccinated will again be gaslighted by the normies who insist that their condition is “all in their heads.” For about 18 months, the shedding phenomenon has been investigated by a team headed by Dr. Pierre Kory and an investigator who goes by the nom de plume “A Midwestern Doctor” writing regular articles for the Lew blogsite. At the present time about 1,500 reports from individuals affected by shedding have been collected.

By far, the most common symptom of shedding found in women is unusual, disrupted menstrual bleeding (also the most common symptom of Covid vaccine injury). The next most common symptoms are headaches, flu-like symptoms, nosebleeds, fatigue, rashes, tinnitus, sinus and/or nasal issues, shingles. palpitations, herpes, and hair loss. These symptoms are again quite similar to the mythical condition called “Long Covid” and other vaccine injuries, but are typically more superficial in nature, suggesting that the body is reacting to a harmful external pathogenic factor rather a natural condition of the body. Severity of reactions to “shedders” in terms of sensitivity can vary considerably. Some people are hypersensitive to shedders and can immediately detect them when in their presence, while others notice certain symptoms that develop after shedding exposures.

The spike proteins created by the Covid vaccines appear to be the culprit causing the shedding. In the majority of these cases, the effects of shedding are temporary, but in certain people, these can last for months, if not for years. Vaccine boosters also “boost” the severity of these symptoms, and, of course, successive boosters increase the frequency of shedding. Meanwhile, recent boosters are more potent and cause significantly more shedding than previous injections. This is a nasty “gift” that just keeps on giving.

BURNING UP OVER A LACK OF CONTROLLED BURNS: The fires in Los Angeles have been the most devastating in the city’s history. It could all have been avoided or the risks greatly minimized with the proper planning and preventive measures. Periodic large-scale controlled burns to eliminate the excess scrub vegetation and deadwood that greatly facilitate the spread of fires once started in the very dry climate of the area were not carried out regularly or at all, which should have been basic safety measures. Certainly, if one looks, historically persons owning property in these regions were forced by law to cull the areas of dense, dry vegetation or be fined and otherwise punished for their failure to protect such regions.

The organization, “Nature Sustainability” indicated that 20 million acres of bone-dry scrub should have been burned before the current dry season to alleviate at least most of the problem. That is equivalent to an area the size of the state of Maine. But it is also obvious from this finding that either those owning this property failed or were no longer legally expected to protect from wildfires or the property involved belonged to the State and that entity was not providing the protection formerly demanded by law. Of course, this procedure was allegedly not being followed in order to protect some endangered species but as it was done in the past – as legally demanded – the question then becomes what “endangered species” could have remained to be protected? These certainly could not have been native to the area!

It is also necessary to be able to supply by having available vast amounts of water to douse any fires or, in the alternative, to provide water when demands are expected to exceed supply by large amounts. But, but here again, the environmentalists got their way and had the final say so the habitats of a few fish and snails could be protected. At least one reservoir constructed to supply water to the area was bone dry. The Colorado River, a source of water for almost the entire Southwest, is down to less than 40% of capacity, so this is neither a temporary nor a local problem. Three water tanks and five fire hydrants in the Pacific Palisades area, the main area adversely affected, ran dry as the system wasn’t built to handle major conflagrations.

As discussed in another article herein, deranged or deluded CA governor Newsom has been sending firefighting equipment including fire trucks to Ukraine, leaving the state bereft of the wherewithal to fight fires by conducting unconstitutional trade or business with a foreign country which the Constitution prohibits states from doing. He also destroyed several dams that could have been used to help distribute water to places in need. The man is an enemy of his own voters!

PRESENT REQUIREMENTS FOR AMERICA THAT ARE ONGOING AND PERMANENT: These are requirements and conditions for stable, thriving, living conditions at least in the West. Most important, these needs must be met in the aggregate:

  • Affordable energy;
  • Affordable housing/long-term shelter;
  • Family stability (most important for nuclear families);
  • Affordable (and safe) healthcare especially for the very young, the elderly and those unable to contribute to the economy by virtue of life circumstances. This, however, is to be limited to those citizens who are residents of the country;
  • Education (including the transmission of the civilization’s accumulated knowledge, know-how, and wisdom to succeeding generations as well as the teaching of means of survival including economic survival);
  • A stable currency or medium of exchange not subject to extreme fluctuations, inflation, deflation and/or artificial manipulations or perturbations such as creating inflation by constantly printing additional money rather than cutting expenditures;
  • An historically true and civilized worldview establishing the people’s place or significance in the larger universe. This includes the freedom of religious expression including a belief in a transcendent reality, a “higher” agency and moral order;
  • Social trust based on people knowing what to expect in human social interaction because these interactions are sufficiently similar to insure that such behaviors and actions are predictable. The Internet is loaded with scams and gimmicks. Hundreds of emails arrive daily telling me my subscription to something I never subscribed to in the first is about to run out, or telling me that the hundreds of dollars I have given for a service never purchased has been taken from this or that account! Of course, this also includes where to call to “straighten the matter out if I never made the purchase!” These ongoing and numerous con games show the length these scammers will go in order to catch (especially elderly) people off guard. Non-tech savvy seniors and the cluless are scammed out of their life savings almost routinely. Social media shoves its users into online echo chambers while creating pseudo-communities, subjecting people to abuse from anonymous cyber-bullies. The cast of predators on the prowl proliferates while children are wedded to their phones and sites that take advantage of the young and foolish. The many “hoops” one must jump through to undertake certain activities now involves double and sometimes multiple or asinine authentications to prove “you are you” when there’s little chance of the user learning the truth about the site requiring all this proof. And where the site is legitimate, the ongoing crusade forcing the user to prove who he or she is, reveals the niggardly level of trust these corporations have in their clients to have hired lawyers to create mini-barriers making it burdensome and challenging to do business in the first place. This type of thing makes social trust a bust.

WE MAY BE AWAKENING FROM THE HYPNOTIC SPELL CAST BY THE WOKER JOKERS: The woke takeover wasn’t just about DEI or blaming the patriarchy. These “problems” are just ammo the leftids and anarchists use as tools to destroy Western civilization. Woke represents the perverse inversion of every version of western society and human morality. The goal of wokesters is to create a hell where all types of logic and critical thought are admonished and rejected, where lies are celebrated and truth is treated as treason and, finally, where one’s heritage – and especially its most admirable aspects – is hated and treated as being of no account. There was a point during the Covidiocy where we were on the verge of large-scale civil disobedience, even civil war! It’s lucky for the progressives that conservatives are patient and tolerant and usually expect the best outcomes in the end, even though they were close to striking back when the near removal of freedom is being attempted upon them.

Now that Trump has won, the wokery is receding and losing its luster – but this is not the time to lower our guard! The Karens never go away, really although the masses go with the flow and the flow is, at the moment, in another direction. The worship of corporate icons is lessening because they unreasonably went whole hog with the DEI thinking it the profitable thing to do, but apparently they are beginning to find out otherwise. That happened because We the People got up the gumption to start boycotting some of their products over it.

The Dems are realizing that the brouhaha over abortion being aborted is not the cause celeb that they wanted it to be – a great disappointment for the Planned Parenthood mavens! Most folks knew that it was always about birth control for irresponsible women and not “healthcare” as that term has traditionally meant. When it’s given that defintion by the medicos, it makes childbearing sound like a disease. Frankly, people are sick and tired of the puerile and pusillanimous unpleasantness, and given how much is now known about the child in the womb, are looking for a little purity. Abortion suddenly ranked near the bottom of almost every political poll of the most important issues to Americans in the run-up to the 2024 elections. In the end, access to abortion didn’t matter that much. Conservatives and normal people (pretty much the same people) kept trying to tell the leftists to leave the kids alone and stop promoting gender-benders and gender changes in schools and in children’s entertainment. When the left didn’t back off, it started losing the culture war big time, alienating middle-of-the-road and independent voters.

Would people vote for a woman president? Probably if she were honest, forthright, intelligent and logical. But the Dems don’t have any such candidates and dragged up old dregs asking Americans to vote for them just because they were women! Even most Dem voters weren’t insouciant enough to go that far. Then you have the “issues:” sure, some of our ancestors were slaves, but after 150 years, does that matter anymore? Are you gay? That’s no longer novel and now is irrelevant despite the media’s constantly bringing it up. Along with the economy, the border crisis issue was suddenly front and center on people’s minds during the run-up to the election since Biden went overboard in erasing the border. It’s not surprising now that the natives are suddenly noticing what’s going on, and that is that a bunch of third world parasites are now on site and in sight and are seen getting gobs of GovMint subsidies and displacing them in the housing markets, driving up home and rental costs, while driving down wages in the construction and the home repair trades and handicraft fields by 30% to 50%. The massive additional demand far outpaces the supply and inflates prices further.

Americans no longer want non-western cultures flooding the West and elbowing out traditional American culture and mores. We don’t want to have to deal with over 100 languages requiring the hiring of expensive translators that are mandatory in judicial and other settings. Leftists can’t/don’t get that their open border policies are a source of regret to most of us, especially legal immigrants who did it the right way! Leftists can’t laugh except at their laughable version of comedy which necessarily involves some low-grade, brainless innuendo. The leftists, being killjoys, also try to take our laughter away by controlling what we are allowed to laugh at, including ethnic jokes which used to be a staple of a comedian’s repertoire, but which now are deemed able to hurt a pervert’s or snowflake’s feelings, something the culture can no longer abide, apparently. The society thus becomes humorless, and a very sick “joke.” Hopefully, enough of us are now “awake” rather than “woke” and know what’s going on so that we can take our country back.

THE ROLE OF MALES IS GOING DOWN THE MEMORY HOLE: The traditional roles of the male as provider, defender, and teacher have gradually (if not totally) disappeared, destroyed by feminism. The idea of this particular “philosophy” is that women cannot feel fulfilled unless they have a career in which they can equally compete with men, thereby obliterating for all practical purposes, the differences between the sexes. In the process, the special place that women enjoyed in human society have been pushed aside with concepts such as “the hand the rocks the cradle rules the world” being lost, together with such social “graces” given to women as men opening doors, tipping their hats, standing until women were seated, and, in general, placing women on a cultural pedestal. Today, men are no longer taught to protect women, something that it is a natural inclination in men. Studies show that the introduction of women into combat roles causes a loss of cohesion and focus in the unit involved as men naturally become distracted by their concern for these women.

Feminists cannot be happy until they negate traditional gender roles by eliminating male strongholds or institutions like men’s colleges, men’s clubs, and formerly male institutions like the Boy Scouts. To achieve their goals, they elbow out male leadership roles in politics, business, and the military with their militant demands. Studies show that males suffer depression from loss of their special role while the mental illness and suicide rates for boys and young men have been rising. But feminists are not content to destroy only men. Oddly enough, they see traditional women as every much an enemy as men. As such, they have abandoned the concept of the chaste woman. Helen Gurley Brown, the not-so-girlie editor-in-chief of Cosmopolitan magazine used the publication beginning in the ‘60s to encourage women to become harlots. Cosmopolitan was a fixture in the waiting rooms of professionals, especially in what we would now call the “blue” areas. Typical articles were entitled, “How to be unfaithful to your husband without being caught”, “How to find a sex partner when on vacation without your boyfriend” and “How to manage multiple  sex partners”. Today, young women can support themselves with their own porn websites and sell nude photos of themselves as a means for viewers to “get familiar” or “friendly” with the individual involved. Women on social media sites brag about having had 150 sex partners revealing that sex has become an endurance sport rather than a manifestation of affection. Even American education has gotten into the mix with female teachers instructing their pupils “how to” do matters far different from arithmetic. Meanwhile, as a result of this ongoing situation, many mothers have had to place their 12-year-old daughters on birth control pills!

THE HOLLYWOOD/MILITARY COMPLEX: The Pentagon (DOD) helps Hollywood make money, and in turn, Hollywood churns out effective propaganda for the American military regime. The US has the largest military budget by many orders of magnitude over the combined military budgets of (most) of the rest of the world. The US also has at its disposal the most successful propaganda apparatus in the world in the easily manipulated “stories” presented by Hollywood. Since their first collaboration in 1927 in the award-winning picture, “Wings,” the two entities have worked together to shape the military’s image in over 1,800 films and TV shows. To obtain the DOD’s cooperation, producers must sign contracts stipulating that scripts and final versions of films must be approved before they can be released to both big and little screens. In return for signing away creative control, producers have access to millions of dollars’ worth of equipment and props along with the free use of natural or fabricated backgrounds and locales for their productions. The DOD has no interest in nuances, truth, or artistic expressions, but only in the insidious jingoism that favorably manipulates public opinion. Hollywood is incredibly skilled in making entertaining propaganda presenting whatever view desired by the Government. Newsreels of exciting war actions were used in the past to “reel in” the public’s approval along with the desire for more before the rest of the program was shown, itself often involving more of the same, albeit fictitious.

Generations have been raised on John Wayne and other heroes storming beaches and establishing beachheads in Normandy and on Iwo Jima and are primed to support any military venture, having been conditioned to believe the US is always the benevolent hero. Spun tales like “Saving Private Ryan” (1998), “Black Hawk Dawn”(2001), and “Top Gun”(1986) were very effective public relations vehicles to keep public support of the military riding high. “Top Gun” as a top performer led to a major leap in the public’s approval ratings of the military. The above flicks were powerful antidotes to DOD-opposed flicks like “Apocalypse Now,” “Platoon,” and “Full Metal Jacket.” The CIA also works with film makers to enhance its image by distorting history. It aided the film, “Zero Dark Thirty” in enhancing the pro-CIA/pro-torture narratives initiated in the hit TV show “24” which ran from 2001 to 2010 and further enhanced in the Emmy-winning show, “Homeland.” Ironically, Best Picture winner “Argo” (2012), is the story of the CIA teaming up with Hollywood. Consider this in contrast to, and in spite of the unmitigated disasters of Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan, there has been no cinematic renaissance, only a steady diet of mendaciously patriotic drivel like “American Sniper” and “Lone Survivor.”

President Eisenhower’s prescient if fundamentally flawed warning about the “military-industrial complex” should have been extended to include both the “intelligence community” and the entertainment industry. For the DOD/CIA/Hollywood alliance has succeeded in turning many Americans into militaristic zealots, demanding more bullying interference by America via foreign adventures propped up by astronomical military budgets and extravagant entertainment productions. The Middle East Muddle – already a major sapper of our tax dollars supporting our parasitic Israeli partner – might well be the scene of our next military misadventure.

NINE REASONS TO AVOID ALL VACCINES: The horror stories reporting vaccine damage seem to be increasing exponentially with each passing year especially with the rollout of the Covid jabs. We’re told that it’s all fear based propaganda with no science to back it up, but the overwhelming evidence being daily reported can no longer be effectively denied. Indeed, ever since the polio vaccines were rolled out, the vaccination campaigns have gone into high gear. But here are the top 10 reasons to avoid all vaccines:

  1. There’s no real scientific evidence proving all known vaccines are safe and effective.
  2. Bill Gates, the notorious multi-billionaire, openly pushes the use of vaccines while also being a leader in the campaign to depopulate the planet. This might mean nothing, but then, where there’s smoke there is usually fire!
  3. The risks far outweigh the benefits, especially when mRNA gene therapy injections are presented as vaccines, something that they definitely are not. As it is, millions are suffering and dying from the spike protein prions that clog the vascular system straining the heart, driving chronic inflammation and polluting vital cleansing organs. When the very definition of a product is changed to encourage its use, you know something is very, very wrong.
  4. Vaccines and concoction called vaccines contain neurotoxins that can pass through the cell barrier and can enter the brain.
  5. Since the 1990s, the CDC more than tripled the number of vaccines “recommended” for children some as young as newborn. During that same vaccine schedule, autism rates have skyrocketed from 1 in 10,000 to 1 in 54 kids by age 8. This information is per CDC press releases.
  6. Vaccines, much like antibiotics, are known to decimate good gut bacteria, often producing the opposite of what everyone is told; that is, wrecking the immune system instead of boosting it.
  7. Vaccines are known to spread disease rather than prevent it’s spread, so the whole “herd theory” flies out the window in allowing the vaccinated masses get each other sick by the process called shedding (see article herein) which we are in the process of learning about at present.
  8. The Vaccine Industrial Complex through its chief mouthpiece, the CDC, has been caught flat-out lying about the Covid jabs, saying they would prevent Covid, or, if not, they would stop transmission of the disease and if the vaccinated did get sick, it would result in a minor case of the virus.
  9. Nearly all infectious diseases were already being phased out when vaccines were first invented with the exception of polio. Better plumbing and hygienic practices along with the treatment of foods being marketed were credited for much of this situation. As well, there were massive improvements noted in healing outcomes in hospitals because of newer antibiotics and cleaning techniques.

GREEN ENERGY PROPONENTS ARE “GREEN” ABOUT THEIR TOUTED TECHNOLOGY: The fallacies and lies go unchallenged about the supposed environmental advantages of wind, solar and other types of “green” energy production technologies. The climate cult crowd drowns out any discussions of the possible negative consequences of these green technologies, and what it would mean for the future. For years to come, hydrocarbon energy consumption will be necessary for about 80% of our needs. while so-called green energy will provide about 20% with nuclear providing only about 2.5%, biomass at 7.5%, and with wind, solar and geothermal making up about equal amounts of the remainder. These green energy alternatives generate their own environmental problems, and all “function” (if you can call it that!) at unacceptable and unnecessary costs to consumers.  To have your eyes opened about the immoral, excessively costly, and inefficient aspects of these modalities, there are 3 books and one documentary to help get the public up to speed on these issues:

  • “Apocalypse Never: Why Environmental Alarmism Hurts Us All” by Michael Shellenberger
  • “A Critique of Wind and Solar” by Norman Rogers
  • “The New Energy Economy: An Exercise In Magical Thinking” by Mark Mills
  • “Planet of the Humans,” a documentary by Michael Moore

Environmentalists say that the excess power generated by wind and solar can be stored in grid-scale storage batteries to provide power during periods when the wind doesn’t blow and the sun doesn’t shine. This is a bald-faced lie. There aren’t enough batteries in the world to accomplish this. It would require 1,000 years to produce enough batteries just to meet 2 day’s worth of American electrical demand. It would require 100 pounds of Lithium for every pound of battery produced. How does the hydrocarbon-fueled and lubricated machinery required for mining operations (for the lithium, etc.) reduce greenhouse gasses or carbon emissions? What is the life of a lithium battery and how are they disposed of?  Will they end up in landfills like the worn-out wind turbine blades? Grid storage battery safety is never discussed but grid storage battery facilities have already exploded causing massive fires. Every plastics product (bottles, bags, etc.) uses compounds made from oil in the manufacturing process. many environmentalists are not even aware of this. Why is no one challenging the fraudulent untruths and outright lies of the purveyors of the climate crisis brainwashers? We all know why! Because “climate control” means “people control!”

The climate-change crowd perpetuates the poop that global “climate change” is caused by humans, but, in fact, less than 3% has human origins. This is basically a natural process the earth has gone and is going through. Our planet has been doing this for millions of years.

SEED OILS AND DISEASE FORMATION: A study by the University of South Florida finds that seed oils may promote inflammation, suppress the immune system and promote cancer. The average American consumes almost 100 pounds of seed oils per year, which is up by 1,000-fold since the 1950s. This may explain why the global incidence of colon cancer has increased by 266% for adolescents and young adults over the past 3 decades. Seed oils such as cottonseed oil, canola oil, safflower oil, corn oil, sunflower seed oil &etc. are omnipresent in nearly all the manufactured foodstuffs that people stuff themselves with nowadays.

A DISSENT FOR PARENTAL ASSENT: A Vermont court has ruled that schools can vaccinate children against their parents’ wishes without consequence. The Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act grants immunity to vaccine manufacturers, healthcare workers, schools, and government personnel when a vaccination is mandated but refused by the child’s parents or guardians. It also prohibits the family from taking legal action against the purveyors and perps that issue and administer the poisons (jabs). This matter must also be viewed against the now obvious facts being released regarding the deadly consequences of these “vaccines!” If this information were still unknown there still would be no excuse for any such ruling. Remember, globally, we are still under the Nuremburg Law that prohibits people from being forced against their will into taking part in any medical experiment, something that all of these “vaccines” are admitted to be! The punishment for forcing people to be “experimented upon” according to the Law is death. Time to dust off that old precedent and bring it home to those institutions and people who continue to demand that we embrace our own deaths in the name of “medicine” or “science” or, more to the point, “profit.”

© 2025 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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The Slow Sabotage Inures You to the Death by a Thousand Cuts

By Sidney Secular

February 8, 2025

Tragedies, crime, accidents and misfortunes are the meat of the mainstream media’s daily doses of deranged drivel and devilish doings to keep “We the People” glued to screens in such a way as to screen out things that really matter, including normal interactions between people. The vast majority of reported incidents – however exotic and intriguing – don’t lead to economic catastrophe or such things that directly impact people’s lives. And so, even when the news is strident, one takes it in stride. Disasters must be either uniquely interesting or exceptionally extensive to gain public attention or, in the alternative, lesser ones are blown all out of proportion in order to act as part of a propaganda program or of use for their entertainment value. Meanwhile, greater, more important issues – usually long term and really serious – are played out behind the public’s back.

These either don’t have the media’s back or the dire implications are not backed up by the establishment and so they are not reported. Either way – or anyway – as people’s attention spans get shorter while their ability to understand also lessens, they are unable to properly concentrate on important issues. As long as folks are able to go on with their normal routines without interruption or concerns, they fail to understand the true nature of what is going on. Meanwhile, news stories come at them in a sort of rat-a -tat-tat barrage making it impossible for them to concentrate on any one thing for long, anyway. The eventual result is a total disaster viewed with great alarm by a public with no idea what was going to happen despite every type of prior knowledge possible!

Let’s look at it this way: say you are a villain of some sort, say, a terrorist or maybe just as bad – a social engineer with both credentials and typically villainous plans. These are individuals or groups who, with malicious intent, wish to destroy or degrade a country, a culture, or a civilization. Do such entities accomplish their desires with a single elaborately planned out event? Usually not, though, of course, there are exceptions with things on the scale of a 9-11 disaster now and then! These are usually designed to produce sudden changes in policies. Usually, however, you would engage in and coordinate thousands of smaller, sometimes almost “invisible” acts of sabotage that go on with little or no notice from the public until the result of such acts sufficiently degrade or break down the social structure leaving the country completely changed, sometimes even leading to ruin.

This concept is rather common! We see it in the well-planned but usually covert instigation of civil unrest and revolutionary agitation throughout history. In the US it involves groups such as Black Lives Matter, Antifa and others of today’s far left factions who are assisted by Soros’ surrogates who invite and incite breakdowns of law and order and civil behavior. The point is this, the public doesn’t realize they are under coordinated attack because the incidents involved seem unrelated and/or disassociated. Of course, America’s porous borders allow all kinds of undesirables to pore in to plan and carry out all kinds of crime while engaging in controlling behavior. These strategies are well underway in the West right now, aided and abetted by at least what Americans formerly considered “good guys” including legitimate government entities that have turned into roguish deep state operatives such as the FBI and other investigative/intelligence agencies now spying on and infiltrating into conservative groups for the purpose of placing blame on said groups and individuals. This is a means to falsely cast blame on people and groups so that the public will ignore and/or condemn them.

The New Year has just started and already we’re witnessing multiple terror attacks including the car attacks in New Orleans, the car bombing in front of Donald Trump’s hotel in Las Vegas, the continuing armed invasion of American neighborhoods by Venezuelan and other gangs and cartels, the assassination of a health insurance CEO in New York and what are probably arson attacks resulting in the spate of over 200 fires in California. Then there’s the issues associated with natural disasters where governments have displayed total incompetence, a singular lack of professional response and obvious gross negligence connected with the horrific fires in Maui and California. As well, there is the conspicuous and ongoing lack of adequate response to the damage caused by Hurricane Helene in North Carolina and nearby locations.

There are many who have asked the question, what if government apathy and inaction in the face of fires and floods are both deliberate forms of throwing monkey wrenches into the system and stealing land containing very valuable minerals from the ordinary (and not so ordinary) Americans who owned that land before it was destroyed by both fire and flood? And what about the obvious collusion by the government to cause calamity by dropping millions of third world aliens all over unsuspecting areas of the US in the dead of night? Are all these things just random mistakes or even crimes committed by a civilization that has become unhinged due to a lack of our former legal and moral moorings, as, for instance, a presently disrespected Constitution and the rejection of America’s predominant religious beliefs that used to provide acceptable cultural ethics? Or is the present chaos connected and coordinated?” Is it a mere “conspiracy theory?” I don’t know, but it seems to me that the conspiracy theorists were calling all the shots correctly over the past several years.

If it seems as if the frequency of destabilizing events is increasing, it’s because it is! This is not a matter of Internet “information overload” as we’ve had the Internet around for 30 years now and we’re accustomed to the ease of information access! However, the “monkey wrenching” that now is happening is relatively new – and increasing. Take the derailing of trains! This type of accident used to occur maybe once a year, if that often. Now there are hundreds of such incidents each year, and unless they are spectacular, they are usually treated as “routine,” a part of the new normal. The major train derailment in Palestine, Ohio in April 2023 made a big splash in the news not only because of its size, but because a large splash of toxic material could have affected a large populated area! However, at the same time it was hardly noted in the news that about a dozen train derailments had occurred in the same area over the past several years. This is an example of how one small or even “not-so-small” attack doesn’t make much noise, but thousands of such attacks have an accumulative effect that can result in the crippling and even the downfall of a country or a system. If the government is on the wrong side or remains “neutral,” saboteurs can act with impunity. They can make deliberate events look like accidents or to appear in a way that appears random.

Enemies of civilization on both the left and the right have, over the last several centuries, developed destabilization efforts when they cannot otherwise get what they want by more “civilized” means. They view their agenda(s) as sacrosanct thus their motivations are beyond criticism under the cloaks of “saving mankind or democracy or the planet,” or, in the alternative, destroying some great evil such as “exploitive capitalism.” Many times, in fulfilling their agendas, they engage in the disruption of normal activities through the use of violence, riots, and assassinations. Worse, these “agents” are often egged on by fuzzy thinking academics and establishment talking heads who conjure up fanciful excuses such as claiming that “democracy is done” if Donald Trump gains control, that their rights will be taken away and that they will be rounded up and sent to concentration camps built just to contain them; the latter being easily believed with all the constant talk of “death camps” from the “Holocaust” narrative. The Marxists have the moolah to fund extremist groups and pay the day actors who participate in ad hoc demonstrations that can be promptly organized with a few cell phone calls or social media messages travelling around the world before you can get your pants on – to slightly alter a popular expression.

Reacting to or retaliating against these pressure tactics might (or can) take on a violent response, but in a war to the death with today’s Leftists and anarchists, we have to be ready to use the means at hand to save our lives, our country and even our civilization.

© 2025 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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Maga Ranks Have Been Rankled by the Work Visa (H-1B) Controversy

By Sidney Secular

February 6, 2025

Patriots are concerned that the H-1B work visas allow foreigners, pointedly of the Eastern Asian variety, may be brought in to fill what should be American jobs. The Trump working classes are dismayed because they believed making America Great Again meant they were going to get their good-paying jobs back. American corporations, universities and non-profits like H-1B visa workers for several reasons. These visa recipients are treated as sort of indentured servants. They’re paid less than the average rate and are tied to a specific employer, and they can’t file discrimination complaints over it. The case for the visas is fraudulent. The claim is that America’s universities can’t produce enough graduates to meet our needs for highly skilled talent forcing the US to rely on the third world vice our prestigious and prodigious universities to supply our needs. The difference between US wage levels and H-1B wage levels goes into corporate profits and the notoriously highly inflated and ludicrous “performance bonuses.”

Maybe they have the cart before the horse. Americans may not be studying for high-tech careers because they know by now that the jobs will go to foreigners. These visas are also sought by foreign students studying in America because it leads to ways of staying in the country. After the visa expires, the H-1B holders can apply for a green card or permanent residence. After a 10-year period, it has come to 850,000 foreigners brought into the US to take American jobs; thus some American occupations are being de-Americanized. The program is also used to fill DEI quotas for graduate students seeking a Ph.D. degree at universities. Students can have the same professors at Harvard as they would if they would if they went to India. There is another type of visa, the L-1 visa, that allows multinational companies to bring foreign employees into the US for training. That visa is good for 7 years, and there again there are loopholes that allow the employee to stay here. Over a recent 10 year period, 1.5 million of these L-1 visas were issued, while employment of Americans as noted above, stayed steady. The RINOs and democrats slight Americans while their compensation and retirement benefits as politicos are not “slight,” and the money they save employing foreigners is comparatively slight in comparison. Meanwhile, Trump and Musk being big businessmen may think of greatness in terms of profit although that is not always the case. If profits can be increased generally, they could probably deem themselves successes at making America great again at least with regard to domestic production that flags against nations like China. Unless the nature of the economy drastically changes, nearly all that profit would go to the 1%.

On the other hand, how can a country in which the people have no real voice and the most important issues are not discussed be great? The main issue with these visas is their very existence and not the numbers receiving them although their numbers are really adding up over time, and their utilization really does a number on Americans culturally as well as economically. The prospects of especially younger native-born Americans are not great. The MAGAs realize the country’s racial and cultural character are in play and the numbers games the politicos are playing directly affects that character. The US is being transformed into a Tower of Babel instead of a tower of strength with an economy dependent on cheap foreign labor for is existence, let alone profits.

Still, it is also very necessary for Americans to realize that, especially with our younger citizens, productivity and excellence have been abandoned in their ongoing concern for “social justice” and especially “equity,” a concept that means not an equality of opportunity, but of result, something that seriously handicaps the more intelligent and hard working. It is hard to fill lists of necessarily intelligent, productive and hard working “employees” with the present generation whom we now realize can hardly hold an ordinary “job!” Indeed, employers are reporting that they are not hiring Generation Z (1997-2012) employees and are often releasing those that they have hired! They complain that these “workers” are just not able to function in the commercial world being altogether self-involved and woefully ignorant of anything valuable to most employers! This goes a long way in explaining why men like Trump and Musk find it hard to “open the economy” to people who have, in the majority, embraced the very things that gave us Obama-Biden and the whole WOKE culture! We must be careful not to place all the blame in one basket!

© 2025 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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More News You Missed, Musings, Uncommon Commentary and More

By Sidney Secular

January 25, 2025

YOU’RE PROBABLY ON THE FEDERAL LIST: You are now considered a potential terrorist because of your political and/or religious beliefs. There are 72 specifically mentioned categories of Americans that are now considered extremists or potential terrorists and are identified as such in official GovMint documents. Broadly speaking, if you are a libertarian, a Christian, or a gun owner – if you are opposed to abortion, globalism, Communism, illegal immigration, the UN or the NWO, you are the new-fangled enemy and the FedGov will look to bury its fangs in you. The Obama Administration, so inclined to coddle Muslims and promote evil, removed the label “terrorist’ from the Islamic jihadists and placed the label around your neck as your very own political albatross. The first step in persecuting and eliminating any group of people is to demonize them. Today, large groups of peaceful, law-abiding citizens are being relentlessly demonized. The J6 prisoners are currently the most conspicuous group plastered with opprobrium by the evil Dems and the Deep State. As I write this, President-elect Trump’s Inauguration is only days away, and in no way is the relentless roundup of J6 participants easing up. They are among the seventy-two categories of Americans considered “personas non-grata” and subjected to demonization and persecution. I’m sure you get the idea, so I need not list these categories individually, but I have generalized and summarized them below:

  • Any who talk about individual and constitutional liberties and states’ rights;
  • All who are concerned about immigration and the great replacement;
  • Those involved in the patriot movement and/or who attempt to “live off the grid”.
  • Those opposed to Agenda 2030;
  • Those who believe in and are concerned about FEMA camps;
  • Those trying to change the tax codes and limit the power of the IRS and other government bureaucracies;
  • Returning veterans and those who belong to survivalist groups;
  • Those who believe in “end time” prophecies; and
  • Evangelical Christians; traditional Catholics and Eastern Orthodox Christians – that is all Christian denominations that do not support “progress” in the Church or who consider Christ the only path to salvation and the Bible as the Word of God.

Within the government documents that relate to these supposed enemies of the state, members of the military and the police are specifically warned not to have anything to do with the castigated groups. This listing has been making the rounds of the Internet for years now, but has not elicited the necessary outrage, resistance and rejection that should have been found amongst the citizenry. The list is becoming a bit outdated now, so expect a new and even more vindictive and atrocious listing to come out soon, especially with the return of Donald Trump to the White House.

IT’S NO WONDER IT’S SO HARD TO FIGHT THE LA FIRES:  For two years now, under the guidance of Nancy Pelosi’s nephew, a/k/a Governor Newsom, LA County has been sending firefighting equipment, including firetrucks, to Ukraine. Under the now dissed and distant Constitution, states could not have separate dealings or treaties – let alone trade relations! – with foreign countries, but California has long since abandoned the Constitution and has extensive formal foreign trade relations with China as if it were a sovereign nation. Which LA County politicians ran on a platform of providing aid to Ukraine? None did and therefore no one voted on it! Indeed, none probably knew about this, making Newsom a dictator accountable to no one, and therefore no different than the ones running North Korea and Ukraine! Indeed, he is running California, as the Ukraine, into the ground.

THE AFTERMATH OF THE US INVASION OF IRAQ. There was no threat to the US from Iraq as the Bush administration claimed. It is now widely acknowledged that the Iraqis did not have weapons of mass destruction even though their dictator, Saddam Hussein was a threat to decent people everywhere. Still, if that were an excuse for war . . . At the time, the US GovMint falsified documents alleging Hussein had purchased uranium from Nigeria to make them. The real threat from Iraq was not to America, but to Israel, and so, we invaded Iraq on a false pretext. The puppet government we installed in Iraq after the execution of Hussein fired all the government employees including nurses, and ruined Iraq’s medical system, turning it from a relatively safe country with little crime into one of the most dangerous places in the world. The American-backed hooligans extorted billions of dollars from the Iraqi people. Due to the lack of stability and security thus engendered, groups such as ISIS have flourished in Iraq. ISIS and its affiliates have committed mass atrocities in Iraq such as mass executions, slave trading, and organ harvesting.

THE REBIRTH/REJEUVINATION OF RECONSTRUCTION.  Confederate soldiers returned home from the War to find their homes and communities destroyed, many people near starvation, no functioning government to provide law and order, and their state occupied by an arrogant alien army – such was largely the nature of the period known as Reconstruction which ended formally in 1877. Four important facts not acknowledged by establishment historians was that the period did not intend to rebuild the devastated South (which “rebuilding” did not occur until the preparations for World War II began), second, that Reconstruction never really ended and continues in modern form with the denigration of the South and the reconstruction of America’s original constitutional republic of sovereign states into an all-powerful indivisible “federal” government began then and is still in progress; and that the South’s efforts to resist Federal occupation and military dictatorship were primarily of a non-violent nature, widely exaggerated accounts of Ku Klux Klan terror notwithstanding. Indeed, the largest, most active groups in the Klan in the early 20th century existed not in the South, but in the Mid-West! Once the Yankee troops left in 1877, a passive resistance to domination ensued, which lasted until 1965, characterized by a sort of forced reconciliation and acknowledgement of Southern valor and virtues referred to as “The Grand Bargain.” That period of “peace” between the sections ended with the beginning of the Civil Rights era with the South and the rest of “Red” America subjected to an increasingly oppressive government along with anti-traditional values promoted by that Government.

War era Republicans such as Secretary of War Edwin Stanton saw the North’s victory not as an opportunity for reconciliation but as an opportunity to exact/impose revenge and retribution on white people in the newly conquered area they called a “territory”(a fitting name would be “terrortory” as an area in which terror was promoted and excused by the federal government) using the domination of the Republican Party to carry out its aims. Part and parcel of this control was to prevent “every rebel” from exercising any power in the newly conquered “Military Districts” as they were also called. The illiterate black “freedmen” were selected as the enforcers to dominate, humiliate and control the population, creating the racial animosity and fear that eventually led to a system of segregation known as Jim Crow established by the Supreme Court under Plessy v. Ferguson’s finding of “separate but equal.”

Nothing short of stupendous ignorance or brutal malignity can explain the arming of former slaves – both ignorant and easily used – and setting them up as guardians and overlords over whites and even their fellow less amenable blacks, a matter that became the common practice. To add insult to injury, black militias were deliberately housed near the homes of widows and crippled veterans. These malicious and untrained black troops routinely marched 4 abreast in the streets and sidewalks, purposely forcing whites into the gutters and off the streets. Old, hungry or crippled white men were deliberately harassed. Black troops sometimes forced their way into homes and demanded that the (usually white) women of the house feed them. With no reliable legal system in place to prosecute the offenders, it would be irrational to think some form of vigilante resistance would not take place. The matter resulted in the emergence of the first manifestation of the Ku Klux Klan as a defense mechanism. This group was dissolved with the removal of Union troops at the “end” of Reconstruction but there were two subsequent “versions” that were most powerful in the Mid-West in the 20th Century. The Union League was created by the Government during Reconstruction as a means of enforcing “order” against Southerners. Indeed, it was the actions of this group that led to the appearance of the original Klan!

Modern-day reconstruction emerged with the passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and subsequent legislation designed to reinstate some of the abuses against whites in the name of protecting blacks. As a result, the white majority could be compelled to pay welfare to an assortment of minorities of all colors and flavors that weren’t present in the 19th Century. Modern-era reconstruction is characterized by political correctness, affirmative action, and the DEI and ESG forms of favoritism imposed upon ordinary Americans. Less conspicuously and directly, high or unfair taxation, excess spending on pork projects, fraudulent elections with ineligible minorities allowed to vote, and the weaponization of the government agencies against conservatives are modern forms of reconstruction meant to keep current day “rebels” down. Modern reconstruction now applies to the entire nation, and not just the South and finds its protection in America’s court system that no longer represents unbiased legal protection for all.

BIDEN’S APPALLING AND GALLING PRESIDENTIAL MEDAL OF FREEDOM FRAUDS TO PEOPLE UNWORTHY OF AWARDS: Everything that relates to true achievement nowadays is turned into a political football to annoy those who would have the gall to question it. As if to cement his place at the bottom of the dung heap of recent presidents (with the possible exception of Donald Trump), the pugnacious and petulant puppet President piled it on by issuing hundreds of pardons to criminals possessing no redeeming qualities and then topped it off with over-the-top choices for the Presidential Medal of Freedom. First and foremost, Biden hung a gold medal on the thoroughly evil George Soros when he should have hung him. Soros, the epitome of evil and whose not-so-subtle subterfuge has openly expressed his contempt for Western Civilization by undermining democratically elected governments in Europe and installing criminally-inclined attorneys general in major metropolitan areas. The patriotic portions of the populace have been pummeled by his installed puppets. Hillary Clinton also received her Presidential Medal of Freedom as a consolation prize for placing second in a presidential race, constantly flailing away at any freedom initiatives, and staying in the background during Biden’s unlawful stay in the White House. Many of the recipients from the worlds of art and sport kept their eyes shut as they received their medal.  Whether this was due to modesty or damning shame, we will never know. They all knew they were groveling go-getters who went along to get along all along in their careers.

FOWL PLAY: Is their yet another gain-of-function* fraud designed to get the best of us with this avian flu humbug? They’re starting to really “bug” us now. Millions of chickens and turkeys have already been killed because of bogus PCR tests for bird flu. The US still hasn’t had a fatal case of bird flu, yet the authorities are beating the drums and flying off on their own migration paths, reinventing the same duplicitous scenarios they used with Covid. That should frighten anyone with brains because the Covid quackery resulted in deadly “vaccinations” so it is quite probable that they current “flight” will end up with more H5N1 “vaccinations” down the road despite the known fact that nasal and throat sprays and gargle would work if there were any real danger involved! What is needed at this point is a criminal investigation into what happened the last time instead of a conjured up “scientific debate” that will undoubtedly end with the incredible culling of the credulous. Legislators, state officials, and senators need to immediately haul in the top (and lap) dogs at the USDA Poultry Research Center in Athens, Georgia and require them to testify under oath while and subpoenaing their research records, emails, and all hand-written communication to nip this bird nuttiness in the beak, er, bud. Farmers and ranchers need to raise holy hell with their elected representatives before they are forced out of business due to the culling of living birds leading to an increase in the cost of eggs to the point at which no one will be able to afford their purchase. [*Gain of function studies are illegal in the United States but that does not seem to in any way curtail their use. Meanwhile, people are arrested and prosecuted for saying things that “offend” certain “protected” classes.]

J-6 – ANOTHER DAY THAT WILL LIVE IN INFAMY: Fantastically framing the lie that whatever actually happened on January 6th, 2021, was an “insurrection” and not just a testament to the maliciousness of the demonrats and their mousy followers, is testimony to the ignorance, gullibility, and mindlessness of the American public. During an occasional lucid moment, Joe Biden never missed an opportunity to label the J6 event as a “deadly insurrection” whereas it was more like a bunch of rowdy schoolkids on the obligatory trip to DC. And, in fact, most of what happened was “performed” not by angry Trump supporters who believed (correctly!) that the election was fraudulent, but by government agents promoting Biden’s claim! As what little did happen, the psychopathic DOJ and FBI have imprisoned well over 1,000 peaceful protesters who were “invited” into the Capitol, a building that cannot be accessed from the outside! The protesters were either not charged, or were charged with “trumped-up” charges for which they have been housed in horrendous conditions, denied legal counsel and pre-trial bail and treated such that some committed suicide while others were driven into bankruptcy having lost their job and having their bank accounts and credit cards cancelled.

Given the treatment of the vandals who destroyed property and attacked innocent people when the Dems were annoyed, the stench of this “two-tiered justice” gets stronger as the rank cruelty gets more revolting with the passage of time and the reminiscing and retelling tales of it. “Remember Jan. 6th” will eventually acquire the same connotation as “Remember the Alamo”, provoking patriotic fervor in the face of despotic big government/Deep State brutality. Millions of Americans have realized for the first time how the GovMint and its media accomplices routinely lie to the public. However, the remaining normies, who still constitute a majority of America’s citizens, will remain blockheads and a stumbling block to progress.

AMERICANS IN THE DARK ON THE VULNERABILITY OF THE POWER GRID. The idea that our power infrastructure is resilient enough to handle natural disasters, cyberattacks, and equipment failures all at once is laughable. In reality, the grid is a patchwork quilt with each piece owned and operated by diverse entities and cobbled together with outdated equipment often running decades beyond its intended lifespan. The Texas freeze of 2021 in which millions lost power and lives were lost was not just an isolated incident; the entire country has similar and in some cases even greater weaknesses. With each utility company doing its own thing, there exists a shocking lack of coordination and planning! And even though these companies have “contingency plans” in place to deal with outages, their ability to respond to a widespread, long-term blackout is inadequate. Indeed, we have become so “technologically advanced” that even the best responses would not be sufficient if the entire grid went down! Why? Because the grid depends upon a vast network of transformers that are often locally made for that particular area and can take months to replace, thus making rapid recovery impossible. These local specifics are the weak link that makes the entire system very problematic indeed.

Furthermore, the present reliance on renewables makes the grid more unstable during peak times of use especially during extended cloudy or windless periods that affect both solar and wind power generation. In another area of concern, while some grid facilities have adequate physical security, many are surrounded by nothing more than a chain-link fence! This is a godsend for saboteurs presently known as “terrorists.” The large number of interconnected systems and software make them susceptible to cyberattacks, especially as more electronic devices are added to the grid and the number of potential access points for hackers, physical and electronic, also increases. We know that electromagnetic impulses (EMPs) occur naturally from solar flares, but they can also be artificially created to fry the aforesaid vulnerable transformers leaving the entire nation in darkness, perhaps for months. However, EMP cloths are an affordable, reliable way to shield electronics from the devastating effects of an EMP event and should be added to an individual’s prepper supplies. Sadly, cybersecurity measures employed by power companies are always in a catch-up mode, a fact that has fueled a recent rise in ransomware attacks globally. A well-coordinated attack on a few key substations can cause cascading failures across a wide area and as it can take a month to fix one substation, if several were hit simultaneously, most of the country would be plunged into darkness, without any “quick fix” available. Sitting in the dark for days would be the least of it – without power, water treatment facilities would cease to function, leaving millions without clean water, food supply chains would be disrupted, and grocery stores would quickly run out of merchandise. Hospitals, despite having backup generators would struggle to provide care as fuel supplies dwindled. The economic impact would be devastating, and society might well unravel in a matter of weeks.

Americans must learn about and take proper prepper measures as outlined in other issues of this newsletter and in The Success Express Personal Planning Newsletter. It’s time to wake up and see the grid for what it really is: A fragile, overburdened system that’s ripe for failure.

© 2025 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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The Loss of the Western Soul

By Sidney Secular

December 17, 2024

There are three spiritual bonds that feed the soul and satisfy the spiritual needs of Western man. The more these bonds are strengthened, the more at ease people become personally and the world around them. Indeed, these provide the foundations for both happiness and success in life. The first and foremost bond is that which the individual shares with his or her immediate family and loved ones, the people that one holds most dear and those with whom one identifies most strongly. This is commonly known and was identified as “the nuclear family,” a “grouping” that Man as a species developed from the earliest days of his society. Of course, Western man being different from the rest of his specials also formed complimentary pairs, male and female, those bonds becoming in time more than the sum of their constituent parts and forming the foundation of a relationship that was more than mere sexual chemistry and the desire to procreate. When we’re around those we love and who love us, we feel at home. These natural bonds are extended to children, relatives and those others within a close, cohesive community. Loosening such bonds leads to feelings of isolation, loneliness, depression and even despair.

The second broad group of spiritual bonds that feed the soul come from an internal connection with the environment and the natural world around us. Western man learned how to commune with, utilize and appreciate nature’s gifts early on, developing a special bond with the natural world. It is not an accident that most of those “scientists” who have studied this world and by doing so have made discoveries about it, have been white! But these bonds have been damaged and even broken as Western man has become less imbued with his delight in the natural world while becoming more technologically advanced. As we have cocooned ourselves in man-made and unnatural environments, we have seen a huge rise in depression and malignant behavior. At the same time, we have also become fatalistic in our understanding of nature, predicting all manner of horrors such as the destruction of the planet via “climate change,” a belief that has led us to attempt fundamental control of things beyond our control while attacking anyone who suggests that our “natural boogie men” arise from a mistaken understanding of historically natural cycles.

And as our dependence upon technology increases, we look to the “unnatural” to “save” the natural that we believe under attack. But staring at screens attempting to absorb data does not nourish the human soul as does being outside in the natural world. Up until very recently, there was always a strong drive to get young people out into “nature.” Scouting groups flourished and children were exposed to camping, hunting and fishing as a way of connecting with “nature” and aiding in their spiritual and human development. These activities were also a means by which to connect to our ancestors.

The final of the three broad groups of spiritual bonds that feed the soul is religion. The word is defined as the belief in and worship of a superhuman power or powers, especially a God or gods including one’s belief or connection with a higher power, spirits of the ancestors, or an afterlife. Religion in the past bound communities together and sought to provide moral and spiritual guidance. It gave people inner strength and helped them deal with life’s tragedies including the deaths of loved ones and other personal or communal tragedies. Just as the enemies of the West have attacked the body and mind of Western man, they have mounted an attack on Western spirituality and the Western soul, both of which are decidedly Christian in their formation. The family unit and community of which it is a part undergirds Western Man’s connections with the natural environment and is based upon Western religious institutions and spiritual beliefs. It is not for nothing that the first chapter of The West’s great Book, the Bible, describes in some detail, the entirety of Creation at least as the men of that day could understand it. But all of this religious history has been under relentless attack and, as a result, has and is being undermined and weakened. And as this vacuum has developed, we have been presented with – and force fed – two very different “beliefs.” The first, is the worthless dogma of materialism whose “sacraments” involve the “belief” that acquisition of material objects and status are the routes to lasting happiness. But if materialism is bad, the second, “the occult*” is worse.

This form of “worship” leaves the material plane and dabbles, frequently with great wickedness, in the occult. Followers of the occult do believe in spirits while the materialists do not, but that in which they believe is altogether deadly to the human soul – and eventually, everything else. [*This refers to the worship of Satan; it is not a matter of New Age soft paganism – horoscopes and crystals, albeit even these apparently “harmless” practices can open a doorway to our worst nightmares! – but statues and worship directed at such as Baal or Baphomet  – that is, simply, Satan. It is unbelievable to realize that while mankind embraces exotic and extensive scientific and technological beliefs, he often takes part in ceremonies that date back to ancient Babylon and Sodom!]

Obviously neither of these “alternatives” end in genuine spiritual fulfillment. Cashiers ring up endless materialist transactions (sacraments) that provide to the “believer” a sense of gratification and satisfaction that soon peters out. The lack of scarcity ensures that the individual does not cherish the items they purchase as they might cherish a family heirloom passed down from generation to generation. On the other hand, the occult is far more dangerous as it offers a sense of power not found in ordinary human interaction, often ending in acts that destroy far more than simple peace of mind! On the one hand, we derive pleasure from the act of buying itself, having become a slave to consumerism, that allows us to display a sort of one-upmanship with our peers. But with the occult, the results often involve such wickedness as to produce genocide and the possibility of the end of all things.

The attitude of many materialists in the West has become: why should one deny oneself when one can buy today and pay tomorrow or the next day – or the next? Western man then sinks into financial slavery, often in debt to money lenders and crooks. This has, in turn, led many in the West to believe that they cannot afford to take those chances that in the past have led to great gains in human experience. Indeed, a great many people today don’t believe that they can even produce the next generation without costing themselves what they believe necessary to have “a good life.” And, of course, this doesn’t begin to reveal what our occult followers are doing not only to themselves, but to everyone else! The enemies of the West are rubbing their hands with glee. The Westerner is increasingly morally and spiritual shackled and in debt not only to the very people who wish to see the West fall, but to that Serpent who desires that all Mankind perish.

© 2024 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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The Rise of the Cult of Individualism

By Sidney Secular

December 14, 2024

The healthy individual works together with others to form communities, tribes and ultimately nations, all of which work for the survival and growth of those same individuals as they exist together with the furtherance of their common aspirations. Western man and especially whites, have a further need to develop as individuals with their own personal growth pursuing those ends and satisfying their needs for creativity and personal satisfaction. These often take the form of such activities as hobbies and advanced education and efforts to accomplish further personal capabilities. And while this is not bad in and of itself, the enemies of the “white” West take advantage of this mindset to encourage people more interested in their personal goals to forego working with others to further necessary group goals, and by doing so, upset the balance between social and personal interests and needs.

By concentrating solely on satisfying personal egos to the detriment of a wholesome, well-ordered and smoothly working society, they push the belief that individualism should be held as the highest and most noble virtue, a worldview that can be detrimental to the natural human tendency to form cohesive groups.

It has reached the point that what we call “individualism” has come to mean to think and act solely out of selfishness and the rejection of “the better good” and, as such, has become something of a cult. The tendency to think only of oneself in all circumstances has been exacerbated by a combination of the growth of single parent families and the feminist “ideal” that has driven mothers out of the home and into the workplace, a situation that had produced environments in which children are not given the nurturing attention they need to develop into responsible adults with a personal identity sufficiently strong to allow them to participate in a group situation.

These circumstances have exaggerated unnatural behaviors in which the individual seeks the attention they crave through abnormal associations and behaviors as well as a culture-wide increase in persons exhibiting narcissistic personality traits. This is also reflected in such matters as personal appearance; that is, in the way people dress, the style and even color of their hair and the current rage of even young pretty women becoming tattooed. People take increasingly extreme steps to get attention, and by so doing, make the society less and less homogeneous. And this is especially true when such outward manifestations also testify to personal moral and ideological beliefs!

Aside from the few cultic “holdouts” from the past such as motorcycle gangs or the gang activity prevalent in our inner cities and our neighbor south of the border, most of at least Western society has become a loose collection of individuals who no longer relate to each other in at least culturally meaningful ways. Most spend their free time in solitary pursuits that increase their sense of isolation while limiting the normal human need for companionship. They spend hours on end in front of TVs, scrolling through computer screens, playing video games, and browsing social networks. Nothing is more indicative of this technological isolation than the ever present, ubiquitous I-phone that seems almost present from the nursery. Many, especially younger people have lost the social skills necessary to interact with each other in a meaningful way.

As for the rest, often, they don’t even know the names of their neighbors and not just in large cities where anonymity has always been a way of life. No, this now manifests itself even in smaller communities; that is, often people don’t interact at the local pub, or at church, or even in community events as they did in former times. Now, sometimes “subcultures” do form to create random social units, but these have little in common either with each other or with the larger society, and where there is contact it presents as a sort of loose conglomeration indicative of a fractured society.

For instance, look at the weird musical subcultures that serve as means for their participants to stand out from the crowd and create ways in which those participants obtain the attention they crave. There are goths, rockers, heavy metal purveyors, punks, and mods to name but a few. These tend to be adversarial, fighting with each other as do gangs and for no apparent reason – at least according to the public at large. But these schisms are pushed by the media and the music industry, making of the those involved rather ultra-bad role models for people who have no other meaning in their lives. Western youth is frustrated and fractured into hundreds of different groups because there is no overarching “civilization” to which they can claim membership.

As time goes on, these subgroups and the individuals in them make themselves more degenerate and outlandish to mark their social allegiance and gain attention. These outward manifestation of “belonging” include stretched ears, psychedelic hair colors, shaving half a head, full face tattoos, split tongues, rings in lips, tongues, noses and navels, and other fads that are the equivalent of childish tantrums and displays. Or, more to the point, they indicate a backward flow of the culture to times of true “tribal” societies who have always marked their bodies outwardly with signs of what they believed inwardly.

Such outward manifestations of cultural trends also include clothing. Now that is nothing new as anyone can tell looking at how our ancestors dressed. But in the past, at least the upper echelon of society dressed to look “good.” People “dressed up” in order to show their place in the society. Today, just the opposite is the case. People often take the greatest of pleasure and effort to look as bad as they can, as, for instance, one particular fad that is beyond silly, the wearing of faded and torn jeans that should go into a rag bag. This is exacerbated when the jeans are worn – by young men – almost below their buttocks! This cultic behavior, a combination of individualism and weird conformity is a self-perpetuating, accelerating phenomenon that gathers momentum as does a snowball rolling down a hill!

Then you have all of this “selfie” nonsense perpetuated by social networks such as Facebook, most of which are controlled by the enemies of the West. In a way, the very act of photographing oneself, something virtually impossible when photography demanded both a photographer and a subject, is a cry against people’s fear of “non-existence!” It appears as sort of a shout, “Here I (still) am! I have NOT disappeared into the matrix!” As the cult of individualism reaches towards an insane peak with evermore people joining in the desperate cry for attention, the cults become ever more insane and debased. Young people write blogs claiming they are in fact animals trapped in human bodies or one of the new imagined sexual genders. Confused and immature people demand sex changes and mutilate their genitals. The motive of the whole thing is: “Look at me!” It is a cry required to validate people’s very existence.

The homogeneous Western society where people were (generally) similar in appearance and social actions as demanded by the society, is now gone, shattered into thousands of pieces. As a result of this moral and social confusion, Western man is placed at a huge disadvantage when confronting the invasion of strong and cohesive foreign cultures that think and act more or less act as single entities. The disparate nature of Western society together with the ongoing attack on its moral and ethical foundations will prevent Western man from having the unity to launch an effective defense against the onslaught of those who have been spared destructive “individualism.”

© 2024 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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Going Bananas

By Sid Secular

December 6, 2024

The US emerged from WWII as the top banana. Entering the war late, undamaged by the fighting and bombing domestically, except for the sacrificial lambs left to be liquidated at Pearl Harbor in the false flag firestorm meant to fire up the public for war, FDR could use the war as a means to get out out of the Great Depression by manufacturing whatever wherewithal our allies needed. The US also insisted in being paid in gold for whatever it supplied — a golden opportunity to stock up on gold. The switch from making war materiel to building homes, cars and TVs was not materially difficult, so we were poised to provide ourselves and the Western world with all manner of consumer goods. Thus, for many decades the US reigned as top banana.

We went bananas buying second cars and second homes, and engaged in conspicuous consumption. We brought the era of classic movies to an end with TVs in every bedroom playing silly sitcoms and game shows with viewers ogling the already rich entertainment stars vying over prizes which constituted conspicuous consumption. The US is still sort of top banana, except that the peel of the banana is turning brown with the “browning” of the population, and the appeal of the US as a beacon of hope and democracy and doing the right/righteous thing is being peeled away by the deep state to reveal a government rotten at the core.

As time marched on, the US devolved from being the world greatest creditor nation to becoming the world’s foremost debtor nation. In fact, were it not for the residual image of its past laurels, it is likely the US would already have collapsed under its unprecedented debt-and-deficit burden. Culturally, males in our society were becoming soft “bananas” without the toughness required to enforce traditional cultural norms.

The term, “banana republic”, was coined on 1904 to refer to those economically unstable countries that rely on just one product that they sell to the rest of the world, with no backup plan should that product fail. Sooner or later, a disease claims that product, a new product comes along that wins the favor of consumers, or other countries come along to compete with our banana republic to reduce its market share, and the country crashes economically as a result. Thus, where once the US supplied the world with most of its manufactured goods, American manufacturing facilities have long since moved to countries where the cost of operation are far lower than in the US. Today, the foremost US export product, by far, is debt. US Treasury bonds are held by all the world’s countries, and the present debt is at a record level.

If even a small portion of these treasuries are redeemed at once, the US economy would quickly collapse — and yet the debt is increasing by 3 billion dollars a day. This is a situation that cannot or will not be corrected if your favorite candidate wins the next election. So we can now be called a banana republic.

Only a very few who “go bananas” over this situation receive any attention, and then it is short-lived. If we see a banana peel in front of us, hopefully we can sidestep it. However the pathway ahead is covered with banana peels, but the populace pays more attention on individual agendas than where they are walking. We’ve reached that apathetic state that typically won’t turn around. The position of the top bananas is not perennial, and new and better top bananas will hopefully arise, but it may take several generations to do so. In the interim, it may be wise to consider uprooting yourself and moving to a more favorable grove where the groove is more conducive to freedom and the denizens are less prone to grovel.

© 2024 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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Why the “Red Wave” Never Crested in 2022

By Sid Secular

November 29, 2024

The results left us crestfallen.

“Influencers” unduly influenced the election results in 2020 and 2022 giving the Left the heft it needed to overcome the experts’ expectations of large Republican victories. Soros and his minions and demons and the top Demoncraps quietly cultivated an army of toxic internet-based “influencers”. An influencer is a person or a company that is perceived as an expert; has a high level of knowledge, authority, or trust; or has a significant social media influence regarding a specific niche or field. Many hold an unusually high level of sway over huge and specific target audiences. Their dominance in social media or in the entertainment field makes them a powerful tool in promoting hard core ideologies that promote various malevolent influences with instant credibility. Left-wing influencers typically have thousands, and many times millions of followers.

For example, one pro-Biden influencer was NYU student Henry Sisson. He runs a TikTok page with over 600,000 followers. Vivian Tu, another influencer, gives financial advice on TikTok to over 2 million followers. The leader of all social media influencers is the leftist billionaire Taylor Swift who swiftly gained the top spot with 552 million followers across social media. Influencers have become the Left’s “invisible army”. Influencers are especially effective with and concentrate on young voters whose main way of obtaining information is through social media like TikTok, an allegedly Chinese communist run site.

Online influencers have fast become a major tool for enacting unpopular left-wing and woke policies. Young voters (ages 18-29) who by and large follow and heed influencers voted for Biden over Trump by a 26-point margin in 2020 and democrat politicians by an average 28 point margin in 2022. Democrats have seized upon influencers to reach young women on abortion, climate change activists with end-of-the-world scenarios, young people who want student loan relief, etc. At the 2022 Detroit Auto Show, officials invited Daniel M. with 13.8 million followers, a social media influencer to the event. He asked attendees if they had any questions for Biden.

The video received 38 million views. Other well-known influencers, each with millions of subscribers, who propped up the Biden/Harris flop on YouTube, Facebook, and other channels include Elle Walker, Dulce Candy, Andy Cohen (“husband” of CNN anchor Anderson Cooper), singer Cardi B., and actor Karin Dule Hill have created fund raising videos for the Dems. San Francisco billionaire Tom Steyer has an email list of 76 million which he used to bash Trump and build up Biden/Harris.

He has also toured the country holding townhall meetings to support the Dems. At these events, he was looking to recruit more influencers who are well-known personalities in the areas of beauty, fitness, lifestyle models, and even comedians to reach young people online and urge them to vote for leftists.

© 2024 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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Be A Living Monument

By Sidney Secular

November 16, 2024

Consider this: In order for you to have been born, even if we go back, say, 12 generations, it required 4,094 people: Parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, etc. These are legions of people with legions of stories of love, joy, pain, deprivation, passion, sorrows, triumph and tragedy – real travails and actions of your ancestors, all brought about so you can now exist, and hopefully make all their sacrifices for you worth their efforts. Some of your ancestors indubitably made their mark on the course of history in a positive fashion and probably in some manner, helped fashion the freedoms we have enjoyed as Americans.

The mostly rootless modern American doesn’t think in those terms and has been robbed of any identity to be proud of and seems proud of that very unpraiseworthy opinion. Thus, modern man, or what passes for same, is easily swayed by every new and promoted doctrine or ideology that come down the pike that somehow gives his life purpose – if, indeed, he even bothers with such thoughts these days!

Now, if others are similarly drifting through life, and similarly take up with the same newfangled foreign philosophy, that should give you the impetus to fight the newfound folly going on. These fools are fooled by the foolish notion that they are acting out their own “truths,” free from the forces of history. Such soulless souls cannot understand why we cling to the traditions, folkways, religion, manners, values, principles, etc. of “the past.” These are the things that make us a recognizable people and give us worthy and recognizable goals if we care to pursue them.

Actually, the very fact that our present “society” does all in its power to neutralize and actually destroy these very traditions and etc., should tell us how every valuable they are! Knowing where we came from liberates us from the malaise foisted upon us by our current “culture” and shows that we are not interested in or attached to this clownish (actually demonic!) world where everyone makes up their own identity often attempting to free themselves from the evils of the past by throwing that “past” under the bus. You can stand as a living monument to the values that make us great and are worth valuing by acting morally and ethically even if the ignorant or vile topple the monuments and statues of our past heroes. For these can be rebuilt when people once again come to their senses.

© 2024 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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The Amish: North America’s Health Control Group

By Sid Secular

November 9, 2024

Because the Amish have rejected modern life, they have unwittingly become a control group for many of the ills that have been plaguing the rest of us for many decades now – particularly the trends associated with Big Tech, Big Education, dissolution of the family, Big Food, Big Pharma, and corporatized medicine.

Fifty years ago, most Amish men were farmers. Twenty-five years ago, it was down to about half. Today, only a small minority continue to farm, and that number continues to shrink. The rest become carpenters or tradesmen, and some are forced to adopt technology in order to survive. Inevitably, their young men bring home influences from the modern world, which impacts their families. Their culture depends on men working along their fathers, learning skills in a sort of informal apprenticeship, developing a work ethic while mastering manhood. Because of child labor laws, carpenters and tradesmen cannot bring their sons to work with them anymore like farmers can, and it’s having a significant impact on the next generation. A basic problem is that if the Amish keep losing their farms, they will lose their way of life forever. The churches may still be operative, the people will still exist and the name may not change, but Amish culture as we know it, will disappear. The control group will be gone, along with one of the best sources for real food in our nation.

The powers that be would love such an outcome, because the Amish way of life is drawing more attention now than it ever has and is inspiring others to look for ways to escape the control grid. Many Americans are starting to notice that opting out of the Great Reset policies, the Amish are healthier, happier, and have stronger families and communities. They demonstrate the benefits of not choosing to be slaves to our technology. We see their children thrive without screen time, that they exhibit superior mental health, that they fare better because they spend far more time than the average youngster in the outdoors, getting exposure to the sun, getting dirty, and working alongside their families and friends. Studies of Amish health outcomes show that Amish children who are not subjected to a variety of injections have far lower levels of ADHD and autism while exhibiting few autoimmune diseases and allergies. As well, nutrient-dense farm-fresh foods along with all that physical activity help prevent obesity, raise the rates at which “childhood” (and other) diseases are overcome, and as a result even through the rest of their lives, this “healthy start” helps the Amish cut the ordinary dependence on Big Pharma.

It’s a problem for the elites if the rest of us human lab rats and sheeple can look outside our mental cages and see that another – a better – life is possible. Act now and follow the example of the Amish! Reclaim the wisdom of past generations and find that life outside the present dystopia is still possible. Join the increasing number of outside attendees at Amish homesteading festivals and learn how to return to a simpler, freer, better way of life.

© 2024 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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Radical Return to Reason Required to Rectify Economic Situation

By Sid Secular

November 6, 2024

Time is running out and therefore debate has become a luxury as well as a form of entertainment designed to divert our attention from doing what has to be done. Today many Americans are close to the breaking point economically with stagflation staggering the middle class and those already in poverty. The future is bleak. Housing costs have spiked to levels beyond what most people can afford. All necessities, including food and utilities have seen a 30% to 50% price increase since 2020, and inflation continues unabated. Wages are stagnant or minimally rising. Profit margins for businesses are shrinking which means the corporate bankruptcies are only beginning, and the long forecasted economic crash isn’t far off. The only way out is to make dramatic and drastic changes in the ways our government and society operate. These are the drastic overhauls necessary to begin to turn things around:

1:  END THE FEDERAL INCOME TAX, THE DERIVATIVE STATE TAXES, AND PROPERTY TAXES FOR THE 99%: The first step would be to end income taxes for individuals and small business owners outside the 1%(those with incomes over $800,000 a year). Income taxes were not conceived to be permanent. The income tax started in 1913 with a small 1% rate on net personal income over $3,000, and a 6% surtax on incomes above $500,000 (the one percenters at that time). That tax has now ballooned into a 15% to 20% monstrosity and when you add in state and local taxes, the aggregate is crushing middle and lower class buying power. This situation also allows the FedGov to balloon its budgets, wasting our money on bogus, often unconstitutional schemes while sapping our entrepreneurial spirits and lessening our freedoms. There is no reason for the income tax to exist other than to feed our slave masters at the Federal Reserve, bankrupting us bit by bit. How would the GovMint pay for services and national security? As it does now by printing money out of thin air, while making you think taxes are doing the job. They gaslight you by pretending to fight over the contents and size of the budget then putting up a show over “continuing resolutions”. They keep threatening to reduce social security payments soon when all they have to do is print the money needed. Up until 1913, tariffs on foreign trade were the main source of money for the GovMint. Why not go back to doing that? It could be tinkered with and tailored until the right formula was found though it is possible that unknown agreements among nations has ended the very concept of “foreign products!”

Meanwhile, property taxes are going through the roof in good part for the new schools and teachers for the hordes of migrants that by law we are required to educate (rather indoctrinate) them to be good little socialists in our public schools. BlackRock and its ilk are buying up the distressed and underwater mortgages and properties that families can’t afford anymore where they’re not drowning the inhabitants on land containing valuable minerals like lithium. They then construct tacky cookie cutter housing that look like institutions or prisons for the newly created peons and illegals to rent, a matter that drives up such costs while the moneyed “landlords” make out on like the bandits they are when the GovMint provides subsidies to augment the rents they receive from the illegals! The result of these machinations is that these “landlords” make more moolah from the illegals than they would from the suffering natives, so they rent to the illegals adding to the homelessness of the natives. Meanwhile, general inflation and the high interest rates are also driving our coterie of natives out of house and home. Fooling around and trying to fix rates and dampen inflation is complicated and controversial, but property taxes could be ended tomorrow for the 99% without sorrow – except for those getting the money from those taxes. To fill the gap, a fair sales tax should be more than sufficient. A slightly higher sales tax would encourage thrift, care and caution in purchasing goods and services in general, discourage indiscriminate buying, and reduce debt burdens. (Post Scriptum: Of course, none of this takes into account the present legal determination by the various government, local and state, to stop considering shoplifting and even looting a crime. Of course, when you shoplift and loot, you don’t pay sales tax! Gee!)

2:  REMOVE ALL ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS FROM THE US: (The writer apologizes to his readers for presenting this obvious truth as if you didn’t know it already, but we’re trying to stick to a program here!) The illegals need to go to stop the drain on our funds and natural resources, reduce welfare payments drastically and apply them where really justified, slow down the great replacement significantly, greatly reduce urban sprawl and loss of farmland, and reduce pollution of the environment and stop the tremendous increase in the (especially violent) crime rate. The figures on the numbers of illegals now ensconced in their new digs fluctuate from the 11 million figure that has been floating around for ages to possibly over 50 million, depending on who is doing the figuring and propagandizing and what their biases are. They are taking millions of homes off the market that should go to our own citizens, causing hospitals to shut down because they get free emergency and routine medical care, and we don’t have enough medical staff to care for them. This just adds to the severity of the shortage of nurses we already have. Foreigners are taking all the new full and part time job opportunities that arise. As a matter of fact, native workers have lost more jobs than they have gained in recent years, and that trend began long before the Covidiocy. We would then not have the excuse that we don’t have the funds to help victims of natural disasters, such as was the case with Hurricane Helene.

3:  REVITALIZING AMERICA’S WORKER BASE AND SMALL BUSINESS BASE: The numbers and quality of the workers engaged in the construction and similar trades is declining. America’s economy used to thrive due to the prevalence of informal apprenticeships and a lesser emphasis of getting college degrees, which are geared now to white collar vice blue collar jobs, so good paying technical and blue-collar jobs are going begging. George Washington and Ben Franklin were apprentices at one point in their lives. We need to bring this tradition back. Specifically, we need apprenticeships in business operations, medicine, manufacturing, engineering, equipment repair, construction, plumbing and electric work and in the computer and software fields. The US has a self-sufficiency problem that must be addressed immediately lest we are forced to depend on foreigners to solve all our practical problems. Imagine contacting Pooh Bah in India for help with fixing your leaky faucet instead of a computer glitch.

The above are fundamental actions I think we can agree on without the excessive arguing and debating, something frequently – and often intentionally – leads to inaction. We must conceive of practical ways to accomplish these objectives. Once we Americans get the ball rolling, things will start turning around.

© 2024 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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Requiem Mass for the Masses

By Sidney Secular

July 20, 2024

The system is rigged and the cards are stacked against the bottom 50% of American workers who make less than $27,000 annually. Outside of sports and entertainment, upwards mobility is a catchphrase that used to be associated with the elusive American Dream. You can’t live decently or independently even in much of flyover country and that’s why families subsist on two or more jobs and people are moving back to their parents’ basements if their parents still have a home, that is. Many of these unfortunates aren’t snowflakes and would do the jobs our beloved immigrants do with the same great work ethic they supposedly have if they were being paid a living wage. We got along without “off the book workers” for much of our history and would do so again if they weren’t here. We have enough books and videos on YouTube to tell us how to do many things. We just need the time to do them instead of working on two or more jobs in order to simply survive.

We also need to be able to do things without getting [1] a license from the local, state or federal government or [2] permission from neighborhood Karens who want to be able to tell you what you can and can’t do with your house or your car or your life! The service industries we rely on now for many jobs cannot pay the decent salaries they used to when we had an industrial base. America can’t keep up the pretense for much longer that everything is fine and dandy without an industrial base or a secure border. We once had a significant presence of unions that even with their corruption and mob influence helped create higher wages and good benefits. Even non-union employers had to keep up with the salaries and benefits unionized workers enjoyed or they would have fallen by the wayside. If the Left was truly progressive and if there was a populist still around, their number one issue would be the massive disparity of wealth in America instead of constantly harping on DEI or race and gender issues that either cannot (or should not) be changed, anyway. The four wealthiest Americans have as much collective wealth among them as the bottom half of the population! And this at a time when supposed “leftists” are in charge! Over 70% of workers are living paycheck-to-paycheck and about the same percentage have less than $1,000 savings in the bank. Back in the day, workers had strong private pensions and Social Security payments were just a supplement. Now the paltry SSI payments, which are not even properly adjusted for the rising cost of living, are what most retirees have to live on! Furthermore, those “benefits” never return anywhere near what those workers paid into the system, and yet they are frequently characterized as an entitlement.

The only past populist of importance who developed a system based on treating workers fairly was Huey Long, but his system smacked a bit of socialism, so he was assassinated just when his program called “Share Our Wealth” was garnering a large following, and he was challenging FDR for the presidency. The consolidation of wealth and power has only grown steadily and conspicuously stronger since Long’s demise and it was exacerbated by the COVID lockdowns. It would be very difficult to significantly deconstruct this concentration of power, but some simple measures could begin to ameliorate the sharp discrepancies in wealth. Some things to be considered would be “means tests” for Social Security and Medicare, subjecting all income to social security taxes, isolation of social security funds and make it a crime to commingle them with the general revenues; in other words, keep Congress’ hands out of SSI! If you have to have a minimum wage, tie it to a “maximum wage.” Sixty years ago, a company president made about 20 times what his lowest wage employee made. Now “CEOs,” a new-fangled term to increase their importance, make hundreds of thousands, if not millions of times more than  their lowest paid employees, and are often half as competent as past “presidents” who were paid reasonably.

Another measure that could be adopted would make all those outrageous “performance bonuses,” that are often completely unrelated to performance, subject to taxation as is any other income. The national debt should be repudiated. It is created out of thin air and we never signed off on it. Most government spending is waste anyway as reported by The Grace Commission during the Reagan Administration. All the unconstitutional government agencies should be eliminated. Foreign aid giveaways should be eliminated or be restricted to technical assistance that would help America as well as the country receiving assistance; it should also be subject to repayment. All the troops should be brought home from the over 150 countries they are illegally stationed in, and place them where they are needed here as, for instance, on the borders.

The vast majority of the masses are barely making it and our children’s standard of living – something that has always been a point of pride with Americans – is demonstrably lower than that of their parents for perhaps the first time in history. It’s time for the people to get something in return for all those taxes. Consider it a “piece dividend” to get a decent piece of the pie. We can work and pray for proper treatment of the people, and we can also pray that people wake up from their near death state and demand justice.

© 2024 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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TB OR NOT TB? More Than A Mere Question

By Sidney Secular

July 10, 2024

Those with a narrow focus fixate on terrorism threats coming from un-vetted refugees. But there are greater security and safety risks with the myriad diseases gaining entry into the US via the vectors of the refugee invaders and so-called “unaccompanied (alien) children.” Tuberculosis (TB), one of these diseases – and potentially the one to be feared most – is an airborne infectious disease spread as is the common cold by coughing and sneezing. There are about 13 million people in the US that have been exposed to TB and especially the ”at risk*” population could develop the disease. (*At risk people are the very young, the very old, those who are already weakened by various health conditions or are addicted to substances that affect their general health.)

There are PR campaigns in Africa advising people to cover their mouths when coughing and spitting in a crowded area while various societies work to increase ventilation in crowded places, etc.— but how about America? There was such a campaign along with the huge lockdowns and attacks on personal liberties brought about by the COVID scam, but as a result Americans are wary of claims of “medical emergencies” that might, with regard to TB, be far more real than any Wuhan-based pathogen! On the other hand, though “health experts” and “politicians” round the world just thrill to the possibility of playing tyrant again, our “fearless leaders” tend to shy away from warning the general public of the dangers of this refugee invasion! For after 20 years of decline, US TB rates are moving upwards and this fact can only be traced to the massive migrant movement from TB hotspots around the world into the US. Proof can be found in the fact that our migrant mobbed states—CA, NY, TX, and FL have half the nation’s TB cases.

The Center For Disease Control (CDC) is allowing migrants into the US without screening or treatment for latent TB. There are many more people with latent TB—one-third of the world’s  people!—than actually show symptoms of the disease—and the latent cases could turn active at any time. The Bible’s Book of Revelation prophesizes that one third the world’s population will die of “plagues” during the “end-times!” It is not importune to ask if these latent TB cases and other dangerous diseases unknowingly carried by the invaders be what is being described? Certainly, there is no manifest proof otherwise!

Treating TB is no treat. Rather, it is expensive, labor intensive and difficult to consummate requiring patients with active TB to take drugs daily, sometimes several times per day, over a 6 month period. The doses must be administered by a health care worker, and not a family member. The said worker must actually watch the patient swallow every dose and in the case of people with mental problems or addicts, there is no guarantee of his or her cooperation. If the patient can’t come to a clinic, the health care worker must come to the patient’s abode. Treating active TB in routine cases averages $17,000 for full treatment, but can run up to $430,000 when patients are resistant to drugs or to the treatment itself. When the problem is the drugs, then different or multiple drugs must be administered.  Moreover, about 5% of those supposedly successfully treated will have a recurrence of the disease.  TB doesn’t attract media attention as do over-hyped infectious diseases such as Zika and Ebola get. Only half the funds authorized to develop a vaccine and better drugs to treat TB are actually allocated, showing how lackadaisically the threat is being treated.

Besides TB, the invaders are also bringing with them yellow fever – spread like malaria by the mosquito, a creature the US has in plenty, measles, whooping cough, diphtheria and other diseases that were on the fast road to eradication in the US a short time ago. Playing politics with public health issues might be a potent killer of American citizens but it may have them having to resurrect COVID.

© 2024 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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Fluorides: A Long Term Depopulation Program

By Sidney Secular

July 6, 2024

I bet you didn’t know that fluorides are ingredients in insecticides and roach killers. Check the ingredients on the cans you use to spray critters with. The aerosols that escape into the air when you spray could also be killing you as well as the critters. It doesn’t matter that the amount of fluoride in the public water system is only one part fluoride per every million parts of water, the accumulation of fluoride will gradually have its effects because of the volume of water consumed over a long period of time is prodigious. Thus, little by little a multitude of long term chronic severe health problems develop. The reason given for the addition of fluoride is that it prevents tooth decay has never been proven scientifically. Looking at the massive amount of dental problems in the general population should generate some doubts in your mind as to its efficacy.

Massive amounts of fluoride wastes are generated in the production of aluminum products and in the production of phosphate fertilizers. Creative entrepreneurs figured there must be a way to make profits from this waste — thus, its use as a way to prevent tooth decay was conceived. The easiest and most insidious and simple way of distributing the fluoride on a massive scale is adding it to the water supply and toothpastes and mouthwashes. It’s addition to mouthwashes can cause serious health problems including discoloration of teeth, allergies, and irritation of tissues, and is not recommended at all for young children. Watering crops and gardens with tap water will cause the fluoride to be absorbed into the tissues of the plants and thereby get into your system. There is enough fluoride in toothpastes at 1,000 to 1,500 parts per million to kill a small child if he/she should consume a whole tube of it.

Before I delve further into the many more harms of fluoride, I want you to promise me you will consider buying one gallon jugs of distilled or spring water, or even what they call “drinking water”, to supply your everyday drinking and cooking needs for water. The current cost at my supermarket is only $1.19 per gallon jug of such water which is quite affordable. These types of water do not have fluoride and other harmful impurities in the water. Of course, if you really consume a lot of water or want to obtain it at a more inexpensive cost, you can check the many water distillation systems available which provide the most pure water possible. As a side note here, if a toothpaste or mouthwash does not specifically indicate that it contains no fluoride, you may assume the product contains it.

Here are some of the other harmful effects of fluoride consumption that are not well known. Fluoride in drinking water gradually weakens the immune system and causes allergic-like reactions such as dermatitis, eczema and hives. It causes birth defects and lung cancer. You inhale small amounts of it every time you shower. Fluoride actually causes gum damage at the concentrations used in fluoride toothpaste. I bet the devils who thought up the scheme to promote fluoride toothpastes must think they pulled the number one fast one of all time. Once the gums are weakened, the teeth that they are supposed to support start becoming diseased.

When it comes to causing disease, fluorides break up the bonds that are found in our DNA, destabilizing the DNA, and this inhibits the effectiveness of the immune system anywhere from 30% to 70%. The amount of fluoride in drinking water is sufficient to lower thyroid activity. Fluorides cause the breakdown of collagen which results in the wrinkling of the skin and the weakening of ligaments and muscles. They are starting to put fluoride in baby drinks, so check the list of ingredients to see if it is present therein.

© 2024 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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A Somewhat Fictional Consummate People’s Representative is Consumed by “Special Interests”

By Sidney Secular

July 2m 2024

In today’s political climate of widespread ignorance, apathy, laziness and immorality, dominated by those with both perverse interests and nearly all the big bucks, it is very difficult to buck the system for very long before succumbing to its prerequisites. Honest folk’s terms in office are often terminated when the bad actors gang up on those trying to follow through on the right thing to do and following the Constitution. Let us follow what can happen to an atypical candidate – that is, a person  of integrity. Those with the constitutionally correct positions are rarely funded to a level sufficient to matter as the lefties are funded at several levels higher. However, this also speaks to the quality of the electorate for if the voters were honest, it wouldn’t matter if a good candidate had no funding! God alone knows that there is enough information on the net to overcome even the “mainstream media!”

As a sort of aside, so-called conservatives sufficiently well-off to fund a real campaign are also sufficiently few and far between and thus are not to be seen on the political scene. They prefer to show themselves as highflyers cruising through life on expensive cruises, blowing money in Vegas or making high stakes investment gambles and buying second and third homes in upscale vacation resorts while the voters they might have helped have to resort to cost shaving schemes trying to get by without becoming homeless in the process. These highflyers who may have employed fly-by-night or complex gambling schemes to advance into the nouveau rich category, wind up leaving their fortunes to their spoiled and pampered offspring who have little or no sense of responsibility to the Historic American Nation.

Our model candidate will do his or her best to meet the people and look them in the eye with an eye towards ameliorating their condition and addressing their concerns. At holiday parades, local festivals such as Apple Blossom parades or county fairs, our candidate of integrity will walk up and down the parade route greeting attendees on one side of the street, then cross over to the other side to do the same. The candidate will hand out brochures to attendees to further educate them on the issues. The candidate will also rely on a small coterie of supporters to go door distribute flyers and answer constituent questions. These supporters will preferably be volunteers who, imbued with the spirit of the campaign, will perform the effort for spiritual or civic reasons.  The candidate would prefer to do this than resort to TV or media blitzes that rely on personal attacks vice educational messaging, or engage in mass last-minute mailings that hope for name recognition vice on real reasons for voting for our candidate. The typical establishment candidate prefers to walk down the middle of the street during the festivals and parades or ride in a fancy or antique coupe scoring coups talking to the people on vital issues. Our model candidate will employ family members or close associates who will handle the finances, mailings, PR campaigns, and create creative signage who will be energetic in carrying out their duties instead of just considering it a job or who are just in it for the money. The model candidate doesn’t need high fee consultants and specialists who really are nothing special in their effectiveness, and treat the campaign as just a numbers game.

Let’s say our candidate has won the hard fought fight and served admirably in his term in office. This will especially attract the attention of the lefties, possibly on the national level as well as locally, and parasites with the money and pull looking to purchase politicians will look with askance at our candidate winning the next election as the incumbent. Our candidate will still take the high road and campaign using the personal touch as before. He will even set aside 2 or 3 hours on Saturday mornings for constituents to personally visit him and learn of his position on some vital issues or seek assistance on some personally perplexing or important matter. But sadly, by this time, the opposition will have laid the groundwork for an all-out campaign to unseat our model public servant using low road media attacks and outright lies to disparage our candidate which are de rigueur now that the Dems will not follow any rigorously proper protocol.  Our candidate will be attacked for voting “no” on certain bills because they did not fit his/her constitutional filters. This will be held against our candidate because a politician’s reputation nowadays is usually built on spending as much money as possible and getting bills passed. It is all but passe except in political backwaters to have no record of activism even if that activism consists of acts of treason. And, after all these machinations, should the race be considered a tossup, various forms of vote fraud or finagling will be employed. Voters are most swayed by economic considerations or a politician’s stance on one particular issue to which they have an emotional attachment, vice using the Constitution as a yardstick, as they generally don’t (or care) know what’s in the Constitution. Thus, all but a handful of worthy  public officials remain standing after the leftist onslaught has been fully brought to bear on an election campaign — and so we are sinking into the quicksand of the stinking swamp.

© 2024 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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Geoengineering: A Primary Depopulation Program

By Sidney Secular

June 28, 2024

Geoengineering refers to manipulating the environment for man’s ends. However, most of the current applications thereof are intended to end man thus meeting at least some of the goals/demands of the New World Order regarding a significantly reduced world population. One important component of the program is climate or weather modification, the former for long term change in the normal/average weather and the latter to create or modify a short term event, such as storms or an increase – or decrease – in the ambient temperature. With the apparent success of the effort to reduce the influence of God in our lives, we have come to rely on “our leaders” playing God or believing that what we (through them) are fulfilling the role we previously assigned to God – and doing it as well if not better! Thus, humanity has become conceited, believing that we have instrumentally had an effect on climate as reflected by what the influencers tell us humans have done in effecting “climate change,” a matter that when examined closely is nothing more than the normal variability in the weather as well as short term changes in the climate that come and go with few existential consequences.

As a result, our so-called scientists believe that they have all the answers and thus feel free to attempt to modify weather and climate, having confidence in the efficacy or correctness of their actions. One major element of the current geoengineering effort is the removal of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the environment, especially as it exists in earth’s atmosphere. This is the conclusion that their contrived “scientific consensus” has decided is the right thing to do because CO2 as a “greenhouse gas” and thus supposedly warms the climate in a detrimental manner. Of course, they also believe that most CO2 arises from human activities instead of merely being a part of earth’s natural environmental processes. The percentage of the various gasses in our atmosphere is as follows: Nitrogen: 78.1%, Oxygen: 20.9%, Argon: 0.93%, Carbon Dioxide: 0.04%, Trace Gasses: the rest.


Nitrogen: While nitrogen is the most abundant gas in Earth’s atmosphere, it only makes up 0.005% of Earth’s crust in weight. Nitrogen is incredibly stable and requires a lot of energy to change forms. Even though its volume in Earth’s crust is relatively small, nitrogen plays an important role in the “nitrogen cycle,” constantly exchanging between the atmosphere and living organisms. That means that, of course, nitrogen is essential for life.

Oxygen: Earth has the conditions for our present forms of life to flourish because of this gas. Oxygen is essential to most life on earth but it was once rare in our atmosphere until small sea going life called Phytoplankton produced it in such large quantities that our entire sea and atmosphere changed bringing about the first “mass extinction” of existing life forms for whom oxygen was a poison! For even though nitrogen is an extremely stable gas, it is difficult to break down and use for chemical processes. But oxygen will readily take part in chemical reactions because it’s an electron thief. So even though nitrogen is plentiful, we need oxygen to drive chemical reactions that produce, among other things, energy.

Argon: Argon is an inert gas; that is, it doesn’t bond to other gasses or have much influence in the atmosphere while nitrogen and carbon make our atmosphere “work” because of their ability to bond with other elements. As to where Argon comes from it is possible that as potassium radioactively decays, argon may be one of the byproducts and the lithosphere has lots of potassium. And while Argon is not too exciting a gas, still it’s up in the atmosphere at 0.93% of air volume, the most prevalent gas after nitrogen and oxygen.

Carbon Dioxide: While CO2 levels in the atmosphere are quite variable over the years (and centuries), and at present we are actually at a point where the CO2 level is far below average historically, CO2 is essential for life as we know it, and the more of it we have the greater the plant growth, which in turn supports animal life. Indeed, the earth is “greener” than it has been in a long time, something – if we believe the calls about “saving the trees” – we should rejoice about but obviously, we don’t! The geoengineers trying to lower the already low amounts of CO2 are thus participating in killing life, whatever term they may choose to use for that activity. The so-called “settled science” is nothing more than what the politicos and “czars” are pushing the scientists to prove at the moment to buttress their allegations. The biggest environmental crimes of all times are proceeding at the present time and it is about time to stop being silent about it. Politicians, “bureaurats”, and the media have colluded in the ongoing humongous coverup. They will brook no “back talk” or challenges to their memes and mantras with which they immediately smear and besmirch as “conspiracy theories”. That accusation is beginning to lose its punch as one piece of official propaganda after another is being “punched out” as deceptive and/or false.

“The Rest”: The remaining portion of the atmosphere belongs to trace gases. For example, neon, helium, methane and krypton are some of the major trace gases that make up a small part of the atmosphere. Man has also caused the presence of some trace gases as, for example, chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and chlorine. However, when chlorine enters the troposphere and eventually the stratosphere, it reacts with ozone (O3) essentially depleting that gas. Similar to ozone, water vapor is considered a variable gas and, as you know, the amount of water in the air is in constant flux from deserts to monsoons. The atmosphere is also affected by such “earthly incidents” as volcanic activity. One good sized volcanic explosion can release more “pollutants” into the atmosphere in a matter of hours than all of humanity can produce in a year!

A visual perspective of the atmosphere’s distribution of gasses

Ongoing Geoengineering: Weather control* and efforts such as cloud seeding were supposedly discontinued at some point in the past – unannounced to my knowledge! – as being ineffective! However, we later find that weather modification experimentation has continued apace all the while. Science can never be “settled” or else it simply becomes desired doctrine. As long as money is available to prove a point and advance a desired agenda, it will be vigorously employed in furtherance of those same “desired objectives.” One result you didn’t hear about arose from Project Cumulus which led to a flood disaster in England in 1952 after clouds were injected with chemicals to make them rain. Now the intention was an ordinary rain such as Britain has in the same measure as Italy has sunshine. But instead of April showers, disaster rained down on the populace as houses were swept away and 34 people lost their lives. During Project Storm Fury that took place in the US between 1962 and 1971 storm clouds were injected with particulates to lead them away from the coasts where they would “dry up.” Instead, the storms strayed off in unintended directions and did not dry out! “The best laid plans. . .” as they say. Popeye was a better known weather modification program in which the US military deliberately provoked heavy rainfall on the Viet Cong’s supply routes for obvious reasons. Many official documents and witness reports on the effort are available but the public was never officially notified. Between 1974 and 1978, Congress approved 110 weather manipulation programs. If these programs caused any detrimental effects and Uncle Sam wanted to keep them secret, all is easily explained away with the all-purpose phrase “climate change.”  Thus, people never have a “new normal” to get used to, since averages and “normals” are constantly changing at the bureaucratic will.

The HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) is a weather modification, electromagnetic manipulation and environmental disruption project of the US government begun in 1987. It was characterized as a “modification of regions in the atmosphere, ionosphere and magnetosphere” program. The project was initiated in Alaska but has since been expanded to worldwide application with research stations established all over the globe. The project serves both military and civilian purposes to deflect or destroy incoming missiles, disrupt radio communications, generate storms, create heat waves and droughts, initiate tidal waves, move or extinguish storms and tornadoes, create excessive rainfall, and even create the abnormal fires as we may have seen in the past several years in California, Texas, Hawaii and Canada. These unusual blazes appear to have targeted specific objects leaving adjacent objects unscorched. All the damage wrought by the program is attributed to “climate change” and the program itself is characterized (as usual!) as a conspiracy myth. You can “haarp” on the program’s baleful results all you want, but the powers-that-be are unfazed by your calling attention to the program.

Now we come to one of the most insidious and far reaching components of the depopulation program, which is the systematic poisoning of the world’s population via filling the atmosphere with a great variety of nano-particles and chemicals which are absorbed by living beings and are slowly destroying them and/or degrading their existence. The phenomenon of “chemtrails” – a reference to the visible, stationary streaks in the skies caused by ejections of poisons by aircraft which creates a checkerboard pattern that eventually becomes expansive enough to spread out and completely envelop the skies in a haze or light cloudiness. We have been told that these are ordinary “contrails” made up of water vapor from the burning of fuel at high altitudes, but these dissipate within minutes of creation while chemtrails linger for a long, long time! This anti-life technology involves the release of particles as well as the creation of electromagnetic fields that help to disperse the particles widely. Some of the known and variegated emissions include ethylene dibromide; virally mutated molds; mono-particles of aluminum,  strontium, uranium and barium and over 20 other metals, cationic polymer fibers with unidentified bio-active material, over 300 types of virally mutated fungi, a variety of infectious pathogens, and chemicals and drugs including sedatives. Additional harmful ingredients are apparently steadily added to the mix as new ones are being discovered.

This mélange of toxins is causing blood coagulations/plaques as found in the sudden appearance of Morgellons disease, skyrocketing rates of lung cancer, asthma, pulmonary/respiratory diseases and problems, and spikes in brain diseases and brain fog. The toxins in the air are killing bees and other pollinators, decimating insect and arthropod populations, and beaching whales. The planet’s flora including trees, forests, and grasslands are dying, and the soil is becoming alkalized. Crops, even organically grown ones readily absorb the toxins so there is no escaping the assault. Every breath you take is filled with the highly toxic stew now, estimated at 2.5 microns per breath with large doses of aluminum as well. A side “benefit” of concentrations of aluminum in the air to the climate change devils and freaks is that the aluminum particles reflect back the sunlight back into space, cooling the climate and reversing non-existent “global warming.”  On days of heavy spraying, headaches, sinus problems and general irritability reach peaks. If plaques form in the blood vessels, which can be the eventual result of absorption of the toxins, they will be nearly impossible to break up or dislodge. Major neurological and arterial damage can result. It is to be noted that the toxins can be absorbed through the skin as readily as by breathing.

It is estimated that 10 million to 20 million tons of the toxic chemtrail brew are being dumped into the atmosphere each year. The cumulative effect of that level of contamination will soon result in an accelerated rate of population decrease and a drastic shortening of life spans, which have started to decrease in the last several years.

Another component of the dumbing down/depopulation program, is the long standing and large scale addition of fluorides to our water supply system. This subject deserves an article of its own which is included in this newsletter.

© 2024 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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A Fanciful or Hopeful Scenario if Trump Succeeds in Gaining a Second Term

By Sidney Secular

June 1, 2024

This will hopefully elevate our race  and terminate our race’s plunge to the bottom of humanity’s heap. Trump’s inner circle would (hopefully!) revisit and resurrect Civil-Rights era laws to confront anti-white racism, placing less emphasis on alleged discrimination against minorities and focusing on actual discrimination against any person or group. Remember, it was Obama’s Attorney General who said that whites were not protected by these laws! Affirmative action and DEI policies would be dismantled within the federal government, leading to their termination elsewhere – a great relief to the intelligent who have been stampeded into following such wrongful dictates often against their own better judgment and sense of what is right and just! The use of “positive discrimination” would be terminated since it merely instigates and intensifies racial conflict – and doesn’t work anyway since it was supposed to “prove” that the only reason whites appeared superior to blacks was “racism.” It wasn’t! The societal pendulum must begin swinging the other way, away from trying to benefit one group as against the others in a zero-sum game that leads to zero satisfaction and zero good all around.

All offices and initiatives instituted by Biden to transform America into a hodge-podge of conflicting interest groups will be terminated. This will stop the descent into a dystopian derangement where traditional legal and societal safeguards are turned into tools for oppressing the majority until they are no longer a majority and then oppressing the new minority! Foundational principles meant to unify the people must be applied not to try to unify a polyglot population but to take a small minority of that population and place them at the apex of power. They have turned normality upside down targeting the most productive elements of society leading to a social order rife with suspicion, fear, suppression and oppression. In preparation for Trump’s triumphal return, his associates will craft a variety of lawsuits allowing reverse lawfare to be used for beneficial purposes without destroying the underlying legal precedent that should have prevented what we have been suffering for decades! This will restore legal systems to some semblance of sanity and the restoration of justice, and the elimination of petty identification politics and “affirmative discrimination.”

In the arena of culture and education, Trump will advocate a revamping of school curricula to reflect our true American identity and history as well as the achievements of the nation’s founders as it used to be without undue reference to race, the elimination of CRT, and the restoration of cultural memory. He will attempt to reverse the rise of social savagery and the regression into primitive mass behaviors and conformism that have been used to drive the people into voluntary government run enclaves. This will involve campaigns to eliminate illiteracy, rampant drug abuse, the pervasive influence of degraded ghetto-based music and culture, the restoration of social codes, the reversal of cultural atrophy and apathy among the young, the reversal of nihilism in the arts, the mass media’s mendacity, mediocrity and brutalizing influences and the strengthening of community cohesion to the degree possible in a multicultural pot of competing interests that neither meld nor melt together as it once did into an assimilated whole, a la E Pluribis Unum. In a word, he will try to reverse the ongoing civil involution, sexual revolution and confusion, and the cultural maladies and malaise.

© 2024 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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Titanic: Accident or Deliberate Drowning?

By Sidney Secular

May 21, 2024

What does the FED (Federal Reserve) have to do with the sinking of the Titanic? The owner of the White Star line, a fleet of ships which included the Titanic, was J.P. Morgan, the financial shark (apologies to the species!). He belonged to a circle of criminal and conspirator bankers that wanted to found the FED in the USA as its central bank. On board the maiden voyage of the Titanic was a cabal of very wealthy people opposed to formation of such a central bank especially as it was constructed under FED guidelines. These included Benjamin Guggenheim, Isidor Strauss, John Jacob Astor, and other financial oligarchs.

Because they opposed this effort at world financial domination, Astor and this circle of financiers had to be eliminated! However, because they were hardly unknowns in the world economy, this had to be done with no possibility of the matter being connected to the issue at hand. As a result, they all just happened to be aboard the Titanic on her maiden voyage. Morgan was also on the list of passengers, but backed out just before sailing. When the Titanic had an “accident” and sank, they perished to a man. Note: Yes, the Titanic did not have half the lifeboats needed for those on board (including the crew), but it did have more lifeboats than were demanded by the shipping regulators! The idea that the boat was short lifeboats for some nefarious reason is not true. Indeed, she was designed to be as safe as anything can be, but there’s more to safety than enough boats! Many of the ship’s lifeboats left with only a few of the forty people maximum because the passengers did not believe that the ship was in danger! Also, while the ethics of the sea were that women and children were to be first into the boats, that maxim failed to take into account the class of those women and children. Hence, more women and children from steerage class died than did men in the first class!

And there were many other problems. A message from a German ship giving the longitude and latitude of the ice-field containing the berg that the Titanic hit “got lost” in the thousands of messages being sent by passengers to Cape Race and then forwarded on to New York. Had that message gotten to the bridge, there would have been changes to the ship’s course and speed! After the collision, the Titanic had a great problem getting other ships to understand her plight! Her sister ship, the Olympic merely said that they would meet in New York! The radioman of The Californian, a ship that had stopped because of the ice only five miles away from the Titanic had gone off duty and no one heard the distress call! (By the way, this was the first use of the signal SOS for disasters!) The rockets fired from the decks of the Titanic – a well known nautical disaster signal! – was responded to by the other ship with an attempt to contact by signal lights that went unseen and so, the crew of The Californian actually watched the Titanic sink without having any idea what was taking place a mere five miles away!

All of this helped assure that the oligarchs opposed to the FED’s formation would perish. There is some belief that had the millionaires not remained on the ship and thus perished, that there were crew members who would have seen to their deaths, but that is way too “tin-foil hat!” Remember there were no lifeboats for the crew either with the exception of the sailors who had to go with every boat! Of course, underlying this “conspiracy theory” was the fact that a novella, written in 1898, “Futility, or the Wreck of the Titan” by one Morgan Robertson predicted nearly all the events surrounding the sinking of the Titanic in close detail including the dimensions of the ship itself! That could have been a blueprint for the entire scenario or, in the alternative, it could simply have been one of those “accidents of history” that make life so interesting. Whatever the truth about the Titanic, another truth is that The FED has been blamed as the single most disastrous economic development in American history, responsible for the economic crash of 1929 – and not just in America! – and the continuous depreciation in the value of the dollar beginning with its formation in 1913. The FED didn’t need the Titanic to be a disaster!

© 2024 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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Unsatisfying Script: A Description of the Movie “Civil War”

By Sidney Secular

May 17, 2024

The critics’ reviews of the movie waxed critical. Easy to do since the director did not pick a side or make some left wing political statement. Even negativity can cause people to think and evaluate, but that is a challenge now as people are hourly spoon fed solutions on which they are expected to chow down – and believe. There is a snippet in the movie where a character holding some journalists at gunpoint asks who they are, and they respond “Americans!” He then asks them what kind of Americans? That simple question leaves these particular “Americans” stymied and stumped because “America” has already split into at least two opposing camps! The leftists fight the war without any rules of engagement much as the so-called “Union” (the North) fought in the second Civil War* in the 1860s. For them, laws, ethics and morality and former conventions no longer matter in this conflict. Today, the keyboard patriot and weekend warriors still are not able to process the possibility of a shooting war with the GovMint and their leftist fanatics. [*The first “civil war” was fought in the late 18th Century when America’s population split between those who favored Great Britain and those who favored independence from that Empire.]

The movie was deliberately vague on what started the “civil war,” as well as who were the good guys and who the bad. They didn’t even make plain whether the entire country was involved. In the manner of most modern movies, there were no clearly defined moral choices, thus leaving the viewer hanging with no satisfying resolution of conflicts or issues. An implication of the movie is that warlords will rise up and exact retribution on locals they consider enemies, a scenario that is not new as a similar plot was presented in the Kevin Costner film, The Postman, a 1997 post-apocalyptic adventure film based on David Brin’s 1985 book of the same name. The same scenario was played out in all the Mad Max films dealing with the effort to recreate some type of society after the current world ends! According to the present film local communities will split up on “diverse” lines, and become battlegrounds. Neighbors will fight neighbors, and families will fight families, and with 300 million guns floating around, there will be bloodshed. Small farmers, already harassed by the climate change fanatics, will come under attack by the hungry masses. As a result, it will be essential for small communities of like-minded folk to form militias to protect their farms and communities.

Of course, intelligent people know that our existing uni-party government is corrupt to the core, evil, and, frankly, hates its own people. Whatever they are called or however characterized, it is clear that they are our enemy. It is also clear they can only be stopped by violence. Though this movie did not take sides, it is distinctly implied the “status quo” – that is, the existing government will be defeated. If such turns out to be the case, the question then becomes who or what will take its place. From the current vantage (or disadvantage) point, it is hard to see how a republic could be reborn from this overweening atmosphere of debt, delusion and decay especially given the precipitous drop in IQ levels today. The average citizen in the 1770s and the 1860s could think rings around our present “ordinary citizens” not to mention their superior moral ethics!

“Civil War” is certainly a sobering and depressing movie, but hopefully should spark some reflection of the belief that there may be a spark of hope for the future even if that hope comes from the belief that what presently “is” may someday be what “was.” If that is so, then the real problem is the response that Bill Clinton once gave: “It all depends upon what ‘is’ is.”

© 2024 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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The Gun Grabber Glossary

By Sidney Secular

April 13, 2024

The misuse of “gun grabber” terms is not to be glossed over. The gun grabbers and media blabbers twist language in hopes of creating panic amongst the populace while producing rallying-cry rhetoric for gun grabbing and attitude altering emotional evocations to shape perceptions about guns themselves. These enemies of public safety flood the political discourse with misleading terminology – or more precisely, “verminology” – and other falsehoods. The most commonly abused term is that of “assault weapon” chosen to make popular semi-automatic firearms sound especially dangerous and thus unsuitable for civilian possession. Legally, assault is a criminal offense and use of this term is meant to suggest that such a gun type must be suitable only for military use. This, in turn carries the unstated claim that such weapons in the hands of ordinary (that is stupid) citizens inevitably fall into the hands of criminals.

Anything that looks like a complex weapon is assumed to be some sort of “machine gun” that, if used by civilians will end in tragedy for all! This sort of scenario can only increase general public support for restrictions on these weapons, especially among the ignorant. The terms “large” and/or “high capacity magazines” are used by gun control proponents to describe magazines with capacities greater than 10-rounds. However, many popular handguns and rifles are in fact capable of holding more than 10 rounds. That is, that such magazines are not unusual or larger than ordinary, in fact, they’re just plain ordinary.

“Gun safety” is another term meant to deceive. After all, no sane person approves of firearm accidents and even when guns were normal in most American homes – back in the day! – “gun safety” was a prerequisite for using such a weapon. But this is not a large issue among gun owners as fatal gun accidents have fallen by nearly 90% since 1948 (from 1.55 fatal accidents per 100,000 persons then to 0.17 in 2021). This has occurred at about the same time that firearm ownership per capita increased by 264%, from 1948 to 2018, making concerns about gun safety far less of an issue. Indeed, the only entities actually promoting gun safety are pro-firearms groups. These do the job through firearms training courses, range safety officer instruction and the testimony of millions who take pride in handling firearms responsibly. It’s almost a given that that those co-opting the term “gun safety” have never used a gun and are fearful of even trying to use one. Indeed, their idea of “gun safety” is to have guns only in the hands of the government and that, my friend, is anything but “safe.”

Another term that works the same way on the psyche is “gun-violence” prevention. “Gun violence” is more than a misnomer. It is a legitimate attempt to limit the concept of “violence” to guns alone. Now it is true that violent criminals sometimes use guns, but all kinds of modalities are used to commit violence. We don’t use the term “auto violence” when cars are used to run someone down or when violence results from road rage. “Knife violence” has yet to be used to describe stabbings and such devices as are used to strangle a victim do not receive their own particular idiom. The phrase “gun violence” is a further attempt to condemn law-abiding gun owners for the unforgivable sin of owning guns! Similarly, frequent media use of the term “shooters” conflates citizens who engage in lawful gun sports with murderers and violent criminals using guns in their felonies. Then there is abuse of the term “mass shooting”. For a long time, “mass shooting” was defined as an incident where 4 or more victims were killed by gunfire. Then in 2021, the term was expanded to include incidents where 4 or more people were either killed or injured. By expanding the term, the number of shootings were also expanded, making it seem that this matter was suddenly rapidly increasing in frequency, requiring drastic measures to address the “sudden crisis.” The number of “school shootings” is similarly inflated to generate the greatest amount of fear among the public.  Actually, nearly one-half of such events are efforts to commit what has been identified as “suicide by cop” in that the shooter arranges to have someone else end his life. Those whom he kills are  more a matter of intended consequences than the true motive for the deed. The US Department of Education claimed there were 230 school shootings during the 2015-16 school year, but an investigation was able to confirm only 11 reported incidents.

Politicians play with terms to change realities and deceive constituents – an ongoing game in politics at large. One conspicuous example is the call for gun “buybacks”. The GovMint did not sell the firearms it wants turned in, so it would not really be buying them back. It may be a small point, but it is typical of the lies and exaggerations continually spouted by our “leaders.” And, of course, it is only a short step from voluntary “buybacks” to compulsory confiscations. No one who intends to use a gun for self-defense would be interested in having it bought back from them, except perhaps to acquire a better model in its place, which would be contrary to the alleged purpose of the program. Parenthetically, one must also wonder how many guns thus “turned in” were stolen from the real owner as I cannot believe that the government would be all the committed to matching the owner to the gun!

The gun grabbers refuse to see or understand why the number of gun owners keeps growing along with the number of guns they own. They simply won’t look at the stats and their views remain static as they give us static over the issue. For Biden and his fellow travelers and followers and those of a similar ilk, lying is a normal way of life and the result they want to achieve is justified by whatever they do to achieve it. As they obtained their positions via lying, just calling them out on their lies on this issue is of no avail. They don’t have what we would consider a conscience. Biden continually asserts that “gun manufacturers are the only industry that can’t be sued”, despite his fact checkers repeatedly telling him that that claim is false. But then, Biden seems to have reached a point at which he can publicly deny that the sky is blue (without clouds, of course)!

Even when the gun grabbers are bold enough to state their goal is the repeal of the Second Amendment, they don’t understand or appreciate that the right to armed self-defense is “endowed by their Creator”  as stated in the Declaration of Independence, whether in the Constitution or Bill of Rights or not. However, we must also acknowledge that they deny that same Creator so we should not be surprised when they deny the rights He endows! When lefties can’t resort to reason to justify their positions – and they usually cannot – their fall back position is to vilify and demonize gun owners, basically characterizing them as potential killers. They blame the “deplorables” instead of inner city gangs for the “gun violence” usually perpetrated with their stolen guns. This cannot be admitted or brought forth because doing so gets into the “race ” issue, a matter avoided at all costs by the politicians and the media. As a result, the blame gets shifted to the blameless and practical (actual) solutions cannot even be considered at that point. Understanding the Lefts basic motivations, lack of principle, and paucity of moral integrity should deter honorable reformers from compromising basic rights in any attempts to appease them.

A necessary prerequisite to stopping the gun grabbers is to stop using their deceptive expressions and void their vernacular from your vocabulary. You have already lost the fight by fighting on their terms by using their terms. It is essential that we parry their deceptions with accurate descriptions and call them out to place them in morally indefensible positions which is the field they like to play in to make their points. You have to hit them where it hurts and derail their “loco motives” which are the feature of one-track minds.

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Lockdown-Leaning Lefty Loons Need to be Locked Up

By Sidney Secular

April 2, 2024

As the Covidiocy conspiracy lengthened, the online vitriol expressed through the lunacy of leftist statements and positions both increased and intensified. Government directed lockdowns exacerbated the anti-social effects caused by increased isolation, and as leftists  participated the most in these lockdowns, they were the most and the worst afflicted. Families already under the strain of social discord splintered and the nation’s familial spirit rapidly evaporated in the remorseless and hate-filled milieu. Social events and sports activities, often a safety valve for cultural pressures, were cancelled and this resulted not only in boredom, but a general feeling of helplessness and bewilderment that resulted in a sharp increase in mental illness and attendant anti-social behavior. The World Health Organization reported that this epidemic of cultural craziness triggered a worldwide 25% increase in both depression and anxiety. This fact was verified through an NIH published study showing suicide rates swelling by as much as 145% from the standard figures.

The need to work from home worsened the weirdness and the stress for those who were not used to functioning in that environment normally. Ordinary office workers lost the normal social contact that gave them purpose other than their jobs while always being on call 24/7 led to blurring of work and home boundaries. Many companies found this “on call” situation to their benefit as the employee was no longer “released” from his or her duties simply because the clock had reached 5 pm. This ongoing “serfdom” made of the employee’s residence an extension of the work environment! And this was further exacerbated by the fact that, as many businesses were shutting down, those employees working from home could not afford to run afoul of their employer! It was definitely an employer economy as even unions were of little help. A UN study found that 41% of remote workers reported high stress levels compared to “just” 25% of those workers who were able to work in an office environment.

Then there were the omnipresent Zoom meetings which have since become only slightly less a feature in our society. Relaxing in slacks did not necessarily mean you could slacken your efforts while the setting of one’s home including children no longer attending school, pets and the ordinary vicissitudes of “home life” tended to embarrass all but the most perfect of homemakers. Personally, I have never participated in a Zoom meeting, but I’ve been repeatedly advised that it is highly stressful as you are constantly in a sort of “candid camera” environment in that you – and your home! – have to be on your best behavior, appearance and efficiency 100% of the time! Of course, such a situation is highly unnatural, stressful, and emotionally draining even on an infrequent schedule.

In many larger urban areas, the term “rush hour” lost its meaning as people were out and about at all hours to shop and visit instead of being confined to their office cubicles during normal working hours when there were no lockdowns being enforced. Of course, working from home has its compensations. This is especially true for women in general and especially those with children. When you are at home you can eat when you like and avoid spending large sums on expensive lunches to impress colleagues and customers. On the other hand, that also can have less attractive results. Either you’re more inclined to snack a lot and thus put on weight or, in the alternative, you lose the “schmoozing” that takes place during “business lunches” in many jobs. This new “spare time,” alas, permitted many leftists the opportunity to post vile things on social media attacking conservatives and play around with porn sites thus making money for the perverts and permitting more aberrant sexual behaviors as well. In short, a combination of generous expansions in unemployment benefits, an anemic Bidenista economy, jobs increasingly filled by immigrants, the turning of regular employment into “consultant” work, and lately, AI applications means there will be no significant return to the pre-plannedemic office environment. This has resulted in a constant drumbeat to hire new workers as many companies remain understaffed. Customer service, always a weak part of corporate America has been a major casualty of the thinned out workforce because it doesn’t produce an immediate profit. Thus, this “corporate service” is almost always farmed out to third world countries such as India because their workers are not paid what most Americans are paid. Obviously, the “press 1 for English” option is needed to fill in the short fall and save money. Of course, as a result, Americans now generally receive not only Third World but third rate service including vexing wait times on telephones in order to speak with people for whom English is a third, or fourth . . . or fifth language.

Small irritants and issues now get the people to respond against an increasingly invasive government demand for compliance. This results in the left reacting with sharply increased levels of resistance and foul fulmination against any such response by the enemy on the Right. All that is acceptable for the Left is absolute, complete and immediate compliance with the dictates of the WOKE agenda. The “snowflake syndrome” is one of the results of this lowered level of tolerance. Yet, people are striking back resulting in the above “increased levels of resistance”! For example, Billionaire Elon Musk’s halting of the banning of conservatives on the platform “X” has produced an increase in the number of trolls spewing out hate at alarming levels. Meanwhile, hostility on social media, the medium for so much (un)social discourse, continues to increase with Pew finding that 40% of Americans experience online harassment, with half of those stating the issue involved was politics. Democrats are twice as likely as Republicans to end a friendship over politics and family relationships are notoriously “non-exempt” from this field of conflict.  The weirder the Woker, the greater the stoking and spewing of nasty vitriol. One example of not only the issues but the difference in the reaction of both Left and Right is this: after Target stores received a backlash from conservatives for prominently displaying radical LGBTQ+ merchandise, the stores responded by minimizing these displays. The Left then responded with threats – ostensibly from LGBTQ+ supporters – to place bombs in Target stores! On the one hand you have the threat of economic boycott and on the other, the threat of injury and death! Big difference, don’t you think?

It is difficult to keep track of this hate because it is typically not reported as such. Leftist reporters leave the depredations and fulminations of “their side” out of the statistics. Why? Because they consider them justified reactions to “right wing Christian” hate! Groups like the ADL, The Southern Poverty Law Center, and Human Rights Watch exist to harass those on the Right. This they do by engaging in “lawfare,” the use of the legal system to prosecute (and persecute) their “enemies” while squeezing contributions from their clueless supporters by painting their victims as hateful miscreants. It can’t be that the hate is emanating from the right since, other than on the “X” platform, Big Tech is banning content they deem offensive before that content can be posted, leaving the left with very little to bash. They are not bashful in bashing the little that leaks through the censorship net, however. In contrast, the left has free reign to create fictions that generate mounting friction and the further formation of factions. The mainstream media reinforces this paranoia by publishing trumped up puff pieces on leftist political figures with the assistance of supportive icons from the entertainment field. Meanwhile, having the entire field to itself, the Leftist Media is able to ignore, ditch and/or pulverize any opposing pieces from the right that might sneak under its ubiquitous partisan radar.

To top off this over-the-top program of deceit and dysfunction, the NIH study showed that prior to the plannedemic, the left had already exhibited worse levels of mental illness than the rest of the population while the plannedemic itself exponentially exacerbated these problems and that resulted in massive attacks on the right including vile attacks that often involved death threats. Part and parcel of the left’s increasingly outlandish behavior involves their ongoing (and increasing) practice of psychological projection. This type of mental gymnastics validates the sufferer’s suspicions that the other party – whether a person or an organization – is, in fact, evil. This, in turn, produces an unshakable conviction that what is not real, is, in fact, so. As a result, the deceived person “just knows” the other – whomever that is! – is wicked and dangerous, even if there is no evidence to validate his or her “knowledge.” There are no “gray areas” for this person and therefore no possible rationale projecting both good and bad aspects or features of the individual or the group he has determined is evil. In the end, whatever argument is used, even if there were any good aspects that the individual might be willing to concede, it wouldn’t matter anyway.

This phenomenon is especially displayed when any historical figure fails to condemn or was silent about the institution of chattel (black) slavery a weapon more deadly than bullets when it comes to any study of history. Whoever that person was, whatever they did for the good of the country, if they in any way were involved in slavery, their role as a “force for good” is simply abandoned. Nowhere is this more obvious then in the condemnation of those of our Founding Fathers who owned slaves and that includes men like Thomas Jefferson and George Washington. Washington grew to hate slavery and even opined that if America became established as a nation and slavery was not ended in the South, he would move North! But even that doesn’t matter in these days of righteous stupidity! The man owned slaves, period! And he didn’t free them until his death! Awful – unforgivable!!! Historically, those who did not openly, loudly and eternally condemn slavery during its existence in this country – is automatically persona non grata no matter how much this nation owes to that person.

In the realm of modern communications, accusations from the Left are accepted wholesale no matter how ridiculous they may be. Republicans, and especially Trumpers, are thus considered “bad” (evil) without any doubt or misgivings. “Bad” includes and encompasses the entire plethora of negatives such as evil, racist, scheming, gun loving, white supremacist (even if non-white), Christian nationalist, fascist, neo-Nazi, and, of course, ignorant. If the malcontents are from the Deep South, well, that’s all you really need to know about them! They are geographically condemned! Thus, the J6 protester rabble/deplorables conducted an insurrection and “the greatest assault on our Capitol and democracy since the “Civil War” even if the participants didn’t carry any firearms and were allowed – even invited into that building! (The doors to the Capitol can only be opened from the inside!) Democrats and Rhinos are thus justified, even compelled, to mete out unprecedented levels of harsh punishment – now called “justice” – to the supposed traitors, for they are certain that our “democracy”* will fail if they do not. Consequently, the libbers and their ilk remain unmoved by the suffering of many hundreds of otherwise ordinary American citizens and Trump supporters who have been arrested and jailed for grossly exaggerated or non-existent offenses, while being kept in pre-trial detention indefinitely. In this situation they are often locked down in filthy isolation cells for up to 23 hours a day, abused by guards, denied medical care, denied visitation by family members or even their lawyers, despised by their “public defender” attorneys and given  harshly outlandish sentences if and when they go to trial. .[*The United States is NOT a “democracy,” it is (supposed to be) a constitutional Republic!]

Without understanding this process of psychological projection – that is, accusing the other fellow of that of which you yourself are guilty, it is impossible to appreciate how Americans could treat each other do despicably and with such conviction of self-righteousness, or could, in the alternative, endorse such treatment. The game is no longer one of rhetoric, playacting, political sparring or gamesmanship, but one of survival in a hostile environment that has become an actual physical battlefield.

© 2024 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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The New Intense Gambling Addiction

By Sidney Secular

March 18, 2024

(Adapted from The Phyllis Schlafly Report)

Is it a newfound fatuous infatuation or desperation born of a desperate financial situation as the nation’s 99% gets further in debt?  Either way, gambling that gambling will get out of hand is not much of a gamble today. There is a newfound romance with and acceptance of games of chance. Sports gambling had a field day on Super Bowl Sunday when football’s two top teams took to the field. Apps available for “mobile devices” made betting on this contest and other chancy games of chance more accessible, more convenient and more acceptable than ever. They are making “gaming” a game changer (all the while making people poorer) for increasing numbers of the addicted. The tech tyrants are finessing and filching funds in this field of endeavor as they do with respect to any field that could prove lucrative. Bets, no matter how small, are fed into an internet surveillance system that exploits this activity in order to target the bettor with a barrage of ads enticing him to gamble further. Online gambling companies are also mining this information for the marketing gold it represents. These companies aired expensive commercials during the new national extravaganza. Gambling addiction hotlines have popped up and the traffic thereon has spiked in the 38 states where gambling has been legalized.

When Ohio authorized sports gambling last year, calls to the state’s “gamblers’ hotline” tripled during in the very first month. The Supreme Court regrettably struck down a federal ban on sports gambling in the case, Murphy v. NCAA (2018). All but 12 states have since legalized sports betting, causing gambling addiction to rise to an all-time high. In January, a federal district court in New Jersey dismissed a lawsuit by a victim of gambling, declaring that casinos have no legal duty to stop taking bets by a compulsive gambler (something that would put them out of business, and we can’t have that, right?). Gamblers as consumers are not protected from exploitation as other consumers sometimes are. Of course, in this instance we see an “about face” from the belief that government should “protect all of us from harm” by removing all of our liberties! So while you will be forced to unnecessarily wear a mask though it doesn’t protect you, for addicted gamblers the State will help his or her addiction along until the “customer” is destroyed! Go figure!

“Higher” education, as well as “secondary” school students gamble now. One out of 5 college students admits to spending some of his student loan money or financial aid on sport betting according to College athletic departments are getting into the act, and many partner with “Best Sportsbook” sites to promote gambling to students who, in better days, might have been expelled had they been found betting on any athletic contest. The largest category of victims are young men and their families. These men are the most affected by unemployment and the poor employment prospects in the Bidenomics economy, and are thus more prone to “roll the dice” in hopes of obtaining by chance what they cannot obtain by work. Of course, this often results in them getting themselves into dicey situations.

A new category of bets called “prop bets” has also popped up. These represent bets on ancillary matters not a direct part of the games themselves; that is, betting on props, so to speak. Taylor Swift has swiftly become a national idol, sort of the Marilyn Monroe of popular music. Hundreds of bets were placed on different aspects of the clothes she would wear and what shade of lipstick she would employ during her Super Bowl performance – anything on which to place a bet and the more categories, the better. The “Swifties” as her fans are called, placed 89 different types of bets on the aforesaid outward characteristics of the character she was trying to portray, a true measure of the new gambling mania. She’s a fan of many across the age spectrum, but a special spectacle to young women. Indeed, young women are really getting into the gambling act. Twenty percent of women aged 18 to 49 are involved in online sports gambling. Their “sporting participation” is getting more popular than showing off their gams.

Until recently, the NFL has strictly kept gambling out of football for obvious reasons. Now, however, the NFL has partnered with online gambling companies to tap into the gambling profits and boost TV ratings. The action on the field cannot help but be tainted by this involvement and already three dozen players and league officials have been found in violation of the rules. Parenthetically, we may expect it will be the rules that will suffer rather than the gambling. Most oddsmakers, for some reason, felt that Las Vegas would never host the Super Bowl, which, though sort of odd may simply represent an older, more innocent (and decent) era.

Studies show that 16% of gambling addicts attempt suicide, which is over 20 times the rate in the general population, and the highest of any addiction. Having the necessary apps on their phones makes it easy for those hooked on hi-tech to place bets at any time at any place. Now with the Artificial intelligence tools in place, the odds against the fan are much higher while it becomes ever easier for him or her to engage in this vice.

With super bowl Sunday being such a national fetish and spectacle, gambling promoters are pushing for the following Monday to become a national holiday. Don’t bet against it.

© 2024 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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Travail Will Tail the Chemtrail Assail

By Sidney Secular

March 2, 2024

These are strange days with strange skies and this situation is leading to Florida’s losing its allure as the Sunshine State. All across that state Florida’s “winter people” are noticing that their skies have been unusually cloudy and overcast, the cloudiest in 84 years in fact. Florida is in the subtropical zone where you usually have either bright blue skies or stormy, showery weather with little or nothing in-between. The weather gurus blame it on El Nino (The Christ child, literally), a recurring system that often brings unsettled weather. Yet, El Nino doesn’t explain why we are observing unnatural crisscross line formations in the sky (very like atmospheric checkerboards), that, if they happen frequently enough and with enough concentration, begin to blend one into one another creating an overcast pall. Once the exclusive province of the conspiracy minded, the issue is now being openly addressed, especially in the Sunshine State. The truth is that the whole world is in the cross-hairs and “cross-trails” of chemtrail attacks. It is just more noticeable and worrisome to Floridians who are “livid” over it.

In 2020, the Spanish Government openly admitted to spraying chemtrails in the air over Spain at the behest of the UN. This request was presented to that government as a means of killing what was, in fact, the imaginary COVID-19 agent that was – allegedly – creating a health-care crisis in that state and the rest of the nation and the world. This confession represents prima facie (“in your face”)  evidence that chemtrails are not a tin-foil hat “conspiracy theory” but rather that they are both real and represent multiple violations of the Nuremberg Code – a human rights and medical ethics treaty that today is not being enforced by anybody in any way. Setting aside for a moment the subject of the deliberate poisonings of populations, chemtrails are a component of a plan called Solar Radiation Management (SRM) designed to reduce incoming solar radiation, reflecting it back into space as a means of reducing “global warming.” This plan is promulgated by the NIH, apparently as an authorized agent of the UN. SRM includes utilization of stratospheric aerosols, reflective satellites, whitening of the clouds, whitening of built structures, and increasing plant reflectivity (the color white is the best reflector of light). The NIH admits there are negative health effects associated with their program, which they don’t intend to say, much less do anything about – they just want their actions not be noticeable enough to raise objections to it. In other words, the unhealthful effects are to be covered up until such time as they have glaciers in Madrid.

As usual, where there’s big money to be made and plots to be laid, Bill Gates is front and center in promoting it. He’s spending tremendous amounts of money in implementing sun dimming projects around the world. That sort of verifies that it is genocide on a global scale. Modern devilish doings are all dressed up as virtuous undertakings, but they eventually lead to or benefit the undertakers, so to speak. One of the major ulterior motive/intents of the dimming projects is to create food crises by replicating the effects of a massive atmospheric disturbances such as volcanic eruptions or the results of meteor strikes as was experienced in the US in 1815, often called “the year without a summer.” At that time there were massive crop failures on a global scale, a return of which would allow our globalist overlords to con people into believing we are experiencing an effect of climate change that would justify rationing food supplies, the introduction of insects as staples in our diets, herding people into 15 minute cities and helping create a global totalitarian regime to run these “responses.” Gates is also buying up huge swaths of farmland, apparently to keep it out of circulation for farming as a means of intensifying the prevalence of starvation as his plot unfolds. He undoubtedly has various nefarious plans in mind to sell this land later, maybe for use by the GovMint to build concentration camps, 15 minute cities, or insects-for-food farming facilities thereon.

The two purposes of chemtrailing are to directly poison humanity and to block out much of the light from the sun. Plants need sunlight to perform photosynthesis and our bodies need Vitamin D, for which sunlight is a prime source, so blocking out the sun could threaten the survival of life on Earth. It could also set off a new ice age, especially if sunspot activity is concurrently decreased, a matter that lessens solar radiation emitted, and happens in cycles. Such a reduction in solar emissions is actually predicted by some scientists to start soon and last into the 2040’s.

Another interesting aspect of this global attack is that the aircraft involved in spraying chemicals into the air over the United Kingdom do not appear on radar. A pilot whistleblower has explained that the software in the transponders have been fixed in these aircraft so that they don’t show up on radar. The whistleblower also has stated that all the pilots involved in the program are ex-Royal Air Force used to performing clandestine operations after having signed an oath that they will not reveal what they are doing. It is not a stretch to expect the same or similar situation/scenario in this country. It always amazes me how many “good,” “decent” patriots are willing to murder their fellow man in the name of obedience to the GuvMint. One must assume that they do not understand that they themselves as well as their loved ones are going to die just like everybody else! This suggests that mind control is already well ensconced in our ruling bodies.

Also, on another front, it’s not a stretch to surmise that the nano-particulates in the chemtrails enhance and synergize the effects of the nano-particles in the COVID-19 vaxx shots and that they work in sync to sink us. There are an unbelievably large variety of infectious pathogens and at least 26 harmful chemicals in the chemtrail fallout. These include nano-particulates of aluminum and barium, and cationic polymer fibers containing unidentified bio-active material. An investigator found over 300 types of virally mutated fungi in the chemtrail fallouts. Drugs including sedatives have also been found in the fallout. These substances could be the cause of the sudden epidemics of brain fog and chronic fatigue syndromes. As well, the very plague of such things as skin diseases and tinnitus indicates that there is more to this matter than that which is obvious. Chemtrail components have been linked indisputably and directly with the previously unknown malady of Morgellons Disease, a condition characterized by blood clots and plaques, problems that are also exacerbated by the COVID vaxxes. There are at least 60,000 known victims of this illness. The Government has not funded any research, since it is probable that they already know all that needs to be known and as far as the victims are concerned, anything that the government does would be putting the fox in charge of the hen-house. The skyrocketing rates of lung cancer, COPD, asthma, and pulmonary and respiratory problems could also be associated with the chemtrail deposits coupled with the deadly vaccine assault.

Whether chemtrail spraying is similar to fluoride contamination in water and toothpastes in creating a more docile, easily dominated, and less intelligent population; a means of dimming both the human intellect and the planet; or outright extermination of its life forms, it goes without saying that it qualifies as a crime against humanity, being that it at least constitutes experimentation without informed consent, a violation of the Nuremberg code, and certainly contrary and destructive of the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the Bible.

Secessionist sentiment is brewing and coming to a boil in the state of New Hampshire (NH), whose motto is “Live Free or Die” as seen on its vehicle license plates. Due to the publicity surrounding the chemtrail spraying, the state is starting to feel the heat. Recently, a bill began wending its way through the NH legislature calling for a prohibition of weather modification, stratospheric aerosol injection, solar radiation modification and geoengineering in that state or in the skies above it. The sky’s the limit insofar as how far this movement can go. However, we must remember that the sky does not follow earthly boundaries and New Hampshire will not save itself if the rest of us don’t save ourselves!

© 2024 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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Don’t be a Slave to Narrow Narratives on Slavery

By Sidney Secular

February 24, 2024

The book, “Time on the Cross: The Economics of American Negro Slavery” by Nobel Prize winner Robert Fogel, written in 1974, still startles court historians as it courts the radical conclusion that black slaves were commonly better off than free Northern laborers during antebellum times. Beyond being beyond the grasp of African witch doctors, headhunters or slavers (most of whom were themselves black!), American Negro slaves had a surprising amount of freedom and were well taken care of by law. Black enslaved women were allowed maternity leave and received attentive medical care during their pregnancies. They had a one-year maternity leave after the birth of a child. Slaves were not permitted to work by law while they were ill.

In Virginia, an older free black could ask a white to take him or her on as a slave; this was an antebellum version of “Social Security” for elderly blacks who had no other means of subsistence. Of course, the white owner was usually a professional – a doctor, merchant, teacher, lawyer or well off widow/spinster rather than a planter, so the newly enslaved individual did not have to perform any heavy manual labor. As well, slaves were legally allowed to conduct their own business, selling their wares and crafts as well as such personal talents as smithing and carpentry in the marketplace. Their masters were not entitled to their financial gains though the master had to give permission for the slave to take time out of the duties he owed to his master. Remember, slaves did not work as did the factory, mine and mill worker.

They had duties but once those had been fulfilled, they had the leisure to do other things. Indeed, the system worked so well for many blacks that the man who owned the most slaves at the time of Fort Sumter was a black man who had sold a patent for an improvement on the cotton gin. The money he gained, he used to purchase his and his wife’s freedom and a plantation along with more slaves than were owned by any other planter in South Carolina at that time.

Slaves were also given cash bonuses for extraordinary production. There was also an established retirement age after which slaves were well taken care of by their owners. One Florida plantation had a book on their “enslaved people” that indicated the birthday of one woman who was over 100 years old! Obviously, slavery was no automatic death sentence or a consignment to a (short) life of endless suffering! Indeed, many slaves lived better lives than do their present “freed” ghetto descendants who frequently don’t make it through childhood! This is not to say that slavery was a “good” thing, but it was not the horror – at least in the New World – as it has been portrayed! And furthermore, at the beginning of the colonization of America, the vast majority of slaves were white and we’re not speaking here of indentured servants but of chattel slaves!

Under slavery, black slaves lived in close-knit slave “communities” where they often ran their own affairs though doubtless under the supervision of their owner. Families were rarely split apart, contrary to the usual narrative and where this did happen, it happened as much in the North as the South. They had garden plots to raise food for their families and, where possible, they fished and hunted to support their tables. They had guaranteed housing, food, clothing, medical care, business opportunities and support after retirement. They were also protected from the criminal activities of the surrounding community and were made more secure than many of today’s American senior citizens – white and black.

Post Scriptum: a fairly recently published book, Dying For Freedom by Jim Downs addressed the fate of former slaves both during and after the Civil War. The book pointed to the failure of the “Union” States to care for newly freed slaves especially in an impoverished post-war South, causing more death and suffering than had happened when those same people were in fact enslaved. According to the book, “As former slaves left their places of servitude behind, they entered a world of freedom, but also a war zone devastated by disease, poverty and death. More soldiers died of disease than from battle. Slaves became exposed to the same outbreaks of dysentery, smallpox and fever that decimated Union and Confederate ranks, and they died by the thousands: an estimated 60,000 former slaves died from a smallpox epidemic from 1863 to 1865. There were no protections, no refugee programs or public health services in place to help freed slaves ward off the disease that plagued the Confederate South.

As one 19th-century reformer observed, ‘You may see a child well and hearty this morning, and in the evening you will hear of its death.’” Furthermore, blacks were not permitted to “migrate” north to escape the suffering of the South under “reconstruction” until the need for manpower during WWI required their bodies to fill the places once held by those now fighting in Europe! So, the idea that the so-called “Civil War” was fought to end the suffering of black slaves is sheer nonsense.

© 2024 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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Who Owns America’s Lands?

By Sidney Secular

February 12, 2024

Before the discoveries of Columbus, America was considered a new and unsettled land. No one, even the Indians themselves considered it their exclusive domain. It was first come, first served, or “finders keepers” as far as who got to utilize or get to claim a particular plot of land. Indeed, the Indians themselves did not believe in the concept of private property in which land could be claimed as belonging to someone in perpetuity and this is revealed by the constant wars that saw different tribes moving into and out of areas when they were stronger than the indigenous people (into) or found themselves weaker than larger, more warlike tribes (out of).

The Indians treated both life and land as being on loan from “The Great Spirit” to be used for the purpose of living. This is why tribal life changed so little over the centuries. Of course, Indian power struggles went on long before and after the advent of the “white man” though they did recognize certain areas as not being within their sway. One large plot of land in what became Pennsylvania was asked by whites of those Indians whom the whites believed “owned” that land, were told that the land did not belong to that tribe but rather to an ancient warlike people who were giants with red hair! To the Indians, even though these rather ferocious folk were no more, they refused to stake any claim to territory! With most land issues involving the Indians, no one had special right to the utilization of a particular territory unless the tribe occupied it for a continuous period of at least one year.

The term “Native American” is recently created leftist lingo to “prove” that the Indians are now first in line to receive GovMint bennies and deference because they were supposedly the first here. No one really knows who was the first anywhere because of humanity’s mostly nomadic ways over a long periods of time. “Hunter gatherers” – as were most humans before the advent of efficient agriculture – had to move according to the disbursement and/or migration of game and the availability of such food as grew naturally such as nuts and berries. It is just coming to light, and still largely unknown, that ancient advanced white civilizations existed in prehistoric periods and early records reveal that these peoples arrived in the Americas about the same time the “Native Americans!” One such group might well have been the giant redhaired folks in Pennsylvania, but whatever the case, this reveals that the “Indians” have no special place as first in line for the dole or undue deference. Furthermore, it doesn’t matter who was first anyway, as that is of no consequence when it comes to today’s realities except as it can be used to repudiate and disfranchise whites!

In a sort of oblique attempt to dislodge and disinherit “Anglo-America” (as American whites are sometimes called) from ownership of the great majority of the land that is called America, we experience leftist jabs and jabber claiming that we illegally or unfairly took over what rightfully belonged to the Indians – which cannot be the case based on the Indians’ own laws (as we have seen), natural concepts of territorial expansion and biological defense as we see in the animal world. In fact, the White World’s concept of real estate and the ability of individuals to own property is a better guarantee of actual ownership to every individual whatever his or her race or background. Using property laws, people can claim and utilize their property without someone taking from them simply because they are more powerful. Of course, even this “constitutional guarantee” is under attack as our present government moves to remove all such “rights” from white and Indian alike.

On the other hand, the Indians believed that might equals right, and that the most powerful of two tribes, peoples, or alliances of peoples had the right to conquer and subdue the weaker sometimes even to the point of extinction. Thus, in colonial and early American days, any objection to white settlement and expansion had more to do with the immediate influence on the particular tribe than any overarching concept of “ownership.” Indeed, the Indians often sought what they believed to be the strongest white group to help them not only against other whites but against their own Indian enemies. A study of the so-called French and Indian war gives a very clear view of the entire white-Indian situation extant on the continent prior to the American revolution. Eventually, the only real objection was that whites broke their treaties with the Indians providing that the latter were entitled to keep certain lands as their own. This was sometimes true but it often, at least in colonial times, involved a change not in the Indian vs. white situation as the white vs. white situation (see the above French and Indian War!). Eventually, however, it was the tremendous increase of immigration from Europe that occurred after the American Revolution that upset the balance between whites and the so-called “native Americans.” Once America as a government and a people had adopted the concept of “Manifest Destiny*,” the fate of the Indian as far as holding any large tracts of land was sealed. (*see below)

In the beginning of white settlement and expansion, the whites largely respected the right of the Indians to occupy and utilize the lands on which they had settled although in truth, only the French of European settlers seemed to be willing to permit the Indian as an inhabitant of the land with an equal right to maintain his place and way of life. The English and the Spanish saw their own way of life as superior to that of any non-European and as a result, frequently became involved in nasty local wars between both groups. But what has been obscured from this debate today is that the lands under discussion constituted only 3% of the overall land mass of the continent, with the remainder open to “first come, first served” settlement with little objection or pushback as initial occupation occurred. Even much of the aforesaid 3% were areas that the Indians temporarily occupied in their mainly nomadic way of life and to which they never laid any permanent claim. They did not understand the need to claim what, to them, had always been and would always be open to their use and passage. When the Indians did “settle” and were not simply nomadic, they also believed that any land not settled for at least a year (12 moons) was free for anyone else to claim in the “might equals right” understanding of the situation.

Most so-called Indian wars were initially precipitated when the Indians attempted to destroy already well anchored or established white communities without warning or justification. This occurred regularly in New England and northern areas so the colonists felt justified in pushing the Indians out of the way as their settlements expanded. In the Virginia colony, which initially encompassed most of the Middle-Atlantic area westward to Kentucky, there was no proclivity to displace the Indians just because it could be done, and the colonists initially took a defensive posture. It was only when the Jamestown colony was attacked nearly right from the start in 1607, and more massively in 1622 and later in 1644, that the whites lost their patience, and started proactively pushing the Indians back in self-defense and self-preservation. These attacks had nearly decimated the newly created white settlements. But we must also remember that whites themselves were largely to blame for Indian attacks in the so-called Ohio Territory west of the Appalachia Mountains when both the French and the British used Indians as allies in their war! And this also resulted in Indian tribes making war on each other depending upon which side a tribe supported but often that support was given based upon those tribes already considered enemies! This was not an Indian vs. white war, but a war with both Indians and whites fighting each other!

The modern libber narrative that the Indians were a peaceful people who only hunted, lived off the land, and made colorful jewelry, clothes and pottery until the whites came along and massacred them is a total fabrication! The white race has both moral and legal rights to the Western Hemisphere (including America) according to international law (genocide prevention), Indian custom, and the law of nature (basic survival, the requirement to obtain adequate living space for survival, and survival of the strongest and/or fittest), or a combination of these laws or factors. Mankind has, from the beginning, waged war for a place to live. The truly amazing thing is that as the population of people rises, there is less and less of such wars as people learn to live in (reasonable) peace and to find better things to do with our time than kill for a plot of land – at least for now. But whites must stop feeling guilty about the expansion of Western civilization, a matter that has made the life of all mankind infinitely better through knowledge and moral decency.

American Progress (1872) by John Gast is an allegorical representation of the modernization of the new west. Columbia, a personification of the United States, is shown leading civilization westward with the American settlers. She is shown bringing light from east to west, stringing telegraph wire, holding a book representing learning and knowledge, and highlighting different stages of economic activity and evolving forms of transportation. On the left, Indigenous Americans are displaced from their ancestral homeland.

Manifest destiny was a phrase in the 19th-century United States that represented the belief that American settlers were destined to expand westward across North America, and that this belief was both obvious (“manifest”) and certain (“destiny”). The belief was rooted in American exceptionalism and Romantic nationalism, implying the inevitable spread of the Republican form of governance. It was this “spirit” that grew in the early Republic that led to much of the grief that followed.

© 2023 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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Tendering Transgendering to the Tender of Age

By Sidney Secular

February 4, 2024

The creepy transgender movement has crept into all areas of modern Western life. All sorts of assorted genders and gender-fluid categories are constantly being created for public consideration, consumption and (required) adoption. These include binary, non-binary, queer, bisexual, homosexual, intersexual, pansexual, asexual, along with trans this and that, that is, people in the process of transforming into this and that reality at the time. As usual, big pharma, the culture-mulcher Marxists, the Freudian-style mind benders, along with avaricious surgeons, are the main players and, as a result, the beneficiaries in this production of the frightful, the tragic and the absurd.

Pubic-oriented  “government” schools promote genital surgeries, prostitution, sex novelties, and violent sex. It is pushed on children from kindergarten through college, avoiding parental knowledge – much less consent! – where possible. Schools set up “queer” contact points which have become today’s equivalent of guidance counselors, a sort of a secular priesthood in which the callow and deceived can come and confess their newfound abnormal proclivities and receive affirmation therefor. Hormone treatments, genital surgeries, and mastectomies are promoted and even often provided. Schools have “lie”braries giving pupils access to books loaded with pornographic images of all sorts of sordid sex practices, associated violence, and prostitution. Associations and groups across the homosexual and transsexual lobbying spectrum provide windfall grants to fund abnormality and depravity while the FedGov provides funds and guidance on promoting alternative sexual scenarios. School parties, school trips, and even parents evenings are organized to foster the transgender bender culture/cult to indoctrinate the “influencers.” In just the last 16 years, the number of sex reassignment operations has increased more than 20-fold in Germany, and it can’t be much different or better in the globohomo center, the USA.

Depending on the complexity of the makeover, as much as 10 surgeries have to be carried out to achieve the intended sex change objective – or at least its outward manifestation since no true “sex change” can take place. This “health  program” will result in consequences that range from infertility, deep scars (both physically and mentally) and inflammation to mental derangements that often result in suicidal thoughts and actions. One “trans man” shot up her previous grammar school killing both children and adults while her “manifesto” regarding her actions was concealed from the public. Meanwhile, videos of trans people enthusiastically showing off their new bodies make the rounds of social media, that new source of solace for the lonely, and a major source of human conversion and perversion. By this means, entire groups can simultaneously come to the conclusion that they are transsexual if for no other reason than to give their previously hollow lives some sort of meaning. But, in reality, the actually sexually weird comprise only a fraction of 1% of the overall population. This means that the number of what might be seen as medically justified sexual interventions is infinitesimally small. “Social contagion” is actually the most common of modern maladies, and movements can be created in a New York Minute as electronic messages vice germs can spread instantly taking advantage of people who have little or no self worth.

One of the primary reasons that the transsexual movement has been able to establish itself so widely in society is that gender reassignment modalities are a huge market for the pharmaceutical industry, that is expected to grow at rates of up to 25% per year over the next several years. The super-rich such as the Soros clan and Warren Buffet, finance the transgender lobby and organizations. Pharmaceutical companies donate millions to the LGBTQ* movement. They even “buy” universities, hospitals, and medical facilities with millions in donations. They set up “chairs” for transgender studies in prestigious universities. The notorious billionaire drug manufacturing Pritzger family is one of the main investors in LGBTQ* clinics. The transgender lobby is seeking to define “trans rights” as human rights in order to palm off the costs of gender surgery to the general public while preventing any anti-trans opinions from being considered “acceptable” in the public forum.

Bringing the transsexual movement into the consciousness of children is done by all means possible such as in filthy, flimsy, films; TV; and books. Disney, for example, wants to make sure that every future movie will have “trans” people as a staple requirement and, possibly eventually, make that way of life “normal” and “ordinary.” Powerful black “trans women” seem to be the ideal role models, combining as they do, many abnormal characteristics as possible in one person, thus creating an ideal heroine. Children’s books that propagate gender reassignment surgery are emerging. Drag queens are reading stories in which lonely people feel loved and understood as soon as they declare they are transsexual. In a complete inversion of values, guidelines for parents that explain the dangers of trans activism and its cult-like characteristics are classified as “harmful to minors.” One such guidebook is called “Desist, Detrans, Detox: Getting Your Child out of the Gender Cult” by Maria Keffler. The thrust of all of this is to make any child with an “issue” (as most children do have!) believe that it can be overcome if only they are admitted into the “trans” community.

Gender ideology is being pushed onto society by perverts and profiteers through their money and influence and with the help of the same virtue-signaling Karens and Kevins who supported the COVID lockdowns. Yet, the entire ideology contradicts all common sense, disregards all decency and all propriety and barring the victory of evil as the result of our apathy, it will ultimately fail! But until then, the relentless drive and uniformity with which trans-activism is approaching children throughout the culture, will mentally and physically distort millions and drag down decent society. It is high time to defend and protect our children, and to publicly expose and define the devastating effects that these evil masterminds are foisting upon us all.

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Arms Rights Roundup

By Sidney Secular

January 26, 2024

Here are a few things to get up in arms about or some ammunition to use when discussing these issues:

America has lost its oldest factory — a gun manufacturing facility. Two-hundred year old Remington Arms, one of America’s major arms producers, has shuttered its doors at its iconic and venerable main manufacturing plant  in the tiny town of Ilion, New York where 230 workers were employed. As recently as 2013, about 1,400 workers were producing 4,900 guns per day at this site. Over the last 10 years, most of the  production has been farmed out to other manufacturing sites around the country. These operations will now be consolidated at a new facility in  LaGrange, Georgia, which will serve as global headquarters for the company, and where research and development activities will be conducted. New York State’s anti-business and anti-Second Amendment fervor were the final straws causing the closing. If only Remington would convert the New York facility into a museum displaying the history of American arms and perhaps American innovation in general! That would provide employment to the former workers and give an economic boost to the local area which doesn’t have any sizeable employers. Of course, it is probable given the mind-set of New York (if you can suggest that the State has a mind!) that this particular history would be as welcome as the history of New York’s involvement in the slave trade!

Meanwhile, the FedGov and the leftists are suppressing the use of noise suppressors that reduce the noise guns make. Yet our leftist “comrades” usually make a lot of noise themselves over noisy equipment such as leaf blowers and gas lawn mowers. However, in the case of the aforementioned gun noise “suppressors,” obviously leftists don’t mind the noise firearms make – and one supposes that’s because they believe that other lefties will get “up in arms” over the issue and increase their demand for gun control. At its root, the left’s hostility towards these particular noise suppressors is actually animosity aimed at gun ownership itself. It takes almost two-thirds of a year for the FedGov’s Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (the ATF) approve the use of a suppressor; an expensive, intrusive, and time-consuming process involving providing fingerprints and photos of the person seeking approval, as well as undergoing a background check, paying a fee of $200 per firearm, and getting one’s name placed on a registry of ATF regulated items. This process applies to personal purchases whereas commercial purchases can receive approval within 72 hours. The above process applies each time one procures or transfers a suppressor for each individual gun! A suppressor only reduces, but does not completely silence the noise of a firearm, but the reduction becomes significant when  it comes to one’s hearing when a firearm is frequently used.

In another firearms issue there is a most interesting question. That is, In the state of California, what happens to you if you successfully defend your home from a home invasion using your legally owned and carried firearm? Answer: You get your Second Amendment rights “suspended” until such time as you are able to convince the GovMint that you deserve to get them back. In other words, it is a complete reversal of our judicial system’s original intent, innocent until proven guilty. In the Land of Fruits and Nuts, a law abiding gun owner who is forced to use his weapon in self-defense is considered guilty until proven innocent. This isn’t a joke! It recently happened to a Californian named Vince Ricci.  If California were a “constitutional-carry” state, this could not have happened. “Constitutional-carry” means you don’t need a permit to either own or carry a gun. There are 27 such constitutional-carry states in the US. If the GovMint has no powers of revocation, it will not be able to meddle in a citizen’s inalienable individual rights.. The blue states used the mandated “Covidiocy” to refuse or delay issuing concealed-carry permits. Of course, one must wonder what the one had to do with the other, but then . . New York State officials have been trying to make the process of issuing concealed-carry permits contingent upon a review of the content of the petitioner’s speech, something that is absolutely unconstitutional or, more to the point, so much for our First Amendment guarantee of free speech.

For millennia, Western nations have hewed to a principle first laid out by Roman Emperor Justinian in Corpus Juris Civilis: “That which a man does for the safety of his body, let it be regarded as having been done legally.”  The idea was that to deny a man whatever was required to protect himself from attack must be considered as having been legally done otherwise, the man would be open to murderous assault without any means of defending himself. The restrictions placed by governments on gun ownership invert the proper relationship between the citizen and the state, thus transmuting the rights of the citizen into mere privileges that might be removed by the state at any time. Such an interpretation of law should – and must – not be tolerated in a free nation.

Gun rights and gun ownership are an essential part of mainstream American culture. From November 10th through 13th, 2023, a poll sponsored by NBC News found that 52% of registered voters affirmed that they or someone in their household owns a firearm. This figure is the highest yet in this annual poll. Over the past 10 years, the number of gun owners has increased 10%, or an average of one percent per year. These figures are probably greatly underreported since many gun owners feel that gun ownership is under attack by the government and that the use of polls is just another way to obtain information about gun owners. Over 90% of respondents cited “protection” as a reason to own a firearm, which far outpaced other options such as hunting, sport shooting, and collecting. Of course, no one doubts that the hunter, sport shooter and collector are also able to utilize their weapons for protection as well as the rest. Below one may read the opinion of the Founders of this nation regarding the rights of its citizens to “keep and bear arms.”

George Washington:

“A free people ought not only to be armed, but disciplined; to which end a uniform and well-digested plan is requisite; and their safety and interest require that they should promote such manufactories as tend to render them independent on others for essential, particularly for military, supplies.” —George Washington, First Annual Address, to both House of Congress, January 8, 1790

“And that the said Constitution be never construed to authorize Congress to infringe the just liberty of the press, or the rights of conscience; or to prevent the people of the United States, who are peaceable citizens, from keeping their own arms; or to raise standing armies, unless necessary for the defense of the United States, or of some one or more of them; or to prevent the people from petitioning, in a peaceable and orderly manner, the federal legislature, for a redress of grievances; or to subject the people to unreasonable searches and seizures of their persons, papers or possessions.” —George Washington, Debates of the Massachusetts Convention of February 6, 1788

“That no man should scruple, or hesitate a moment, to use arms in defence of so valuable a blessing, on which all the good and evil of life depends, is clearly my opinion.” —George Washington, letter to George Mason April 5th 1769

“It may be laid down, as a primary position, and the basis of our system, that every citizen who enjoys the protection of a free government, owes not only a proportion of his property, but even of his personal services to the defence of it, and consequently that the Citizens of America (with a few legal and official exceptions) from 18 to 50 Years of Age should be borne on the Militia Rolls, provided with uniform Arms, and so far accustomed to the use of them, that the Total strength of the Country might be called forth at Short Notice on any very interesting Emergency.” —George Washington, letter to Alexander Hamilton May 2, 1783

Thomas Jefferson:

“No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms.” —Thomas Jefferson, Virginia Constitution, Draft 1, 1776

“I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery.” —Thomas Jefferson, letter to James Madison, January 30, 1787

“What country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance. Let them take arms.” —Thomas Jefferson, letter to James Madison, December 20, 1787

“The laws that forbid the carrying of arms are laws of such a nature. They disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes…. Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man.” —Thomas Jefferson, Commonplace Book (quoting 18th century criminologist Cesare Beccaria), 1774-1776

“A strong body makes the mind strong. As to the species of exercises, I advise the gun. While this gives moderate exercise to the body, it gives boldness, enterprise and independence to the mind. Games played with the ball, and others of that nature, are too violent for the body and stamp no character on the mind. Let your gun therefore be your constant companion of your walks.” —Thomas Jefferson, letter to Peter Carr, August 19, 1785

“The Constitution of most of our states (and of the United States) assert that all power is inherent in the people; that they may exercise it by themselves; that it is their right and duty to be at all times armed.” —Thomas Jefferson, letter to John Cartwright, 5 June 1824

“On every occasion [of Constitutional interpretation] let us carry ourselves back to the time when the Constitution was adopted, recollect the spirit manifested in the debates, and instead of trying [to force] what meaning may be squeezed out of the text, or invented against it, [instead let us] conform to the probable one in which it was passed.” —Thomas Jefferson, letter to William Johnson, 12 June 1823

“I enclose you a list of the killed, wounded, and captives of the enemy from the commencement of hostilities at Lexington in April, 1775, until November, 1777, since which there has been no event of any consequence … I think that upon the whole it has been about one half the number lost by them, in some instances more, but in others less. This difference is ascribed to our superiority in taking aim when we fire; every soldier in our army having been intimate with his gun from his infancy.” —Thomas Jefferson, letter to Giovanni Fabbroni, June 8, 1778

Benjamin Franklin:

“They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” —Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759

“Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!” —Benjamin Franklin

George Mason:

“To disarm the people…[i]s the most effectual way to enslave them.” —George Mason, referencing advice given to the British Parliament by Pennsylvania governor Sir William Keith, The Debates in the Several State Conventions on the Adoption of the Federal Constitution, June 14, 1788

“I ask who are the militia? They consist now of the whole people, except a few public officers.” —George Mason, Address to the Virginia Ratifying Convention, June 4, 1788

“That a well-regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained to arms, is the proper, natural and safe defense of a free state; that standing armies, in time of peace, should be avoided as dangerous to liberty; and that, in all cases, the military should be under strict subordination to, and governed by, the civil power.” —George Mason, Virginia Declaration of Rights, June 12 1776

Noah Webster:

“Before a standing army can rule, the people must be disarmed, as they are in almost every country in Europe. The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword; because the whole body of the people are armed, and constitute a force superior to any band of regular troops.” —Noah Webster, An Examination of the Leading Principles of the Federal Constitution, October 10, 1787

James Madison:

“Besides the advantage of being armed, which the Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation, the existence of subordinate governments, to which the people are attached, and by which the militia officers are appointed, forms a barrier against the enterprises of ambition, more insurmountable than any which a simple government of any form can admit of.” —James Madison, Federalist No. 46, January 29, 1788

“The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. A well regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained to arms, is the best and most natural defense of a free country.” —James Madison, I Annals of Congress 434, June 8, 1789

“…the ultimate authority, wherever the derivative may be found, resides in the people alone…” —James Madison, Federalist No. 46, January 29, 1788

William Pitt:

“Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.” —William Pitt (the Younger), Speech in the House of Commons, November 18, 1783

Richard Henry Lee:

“A militia when properly formed are in fact the people themselves…and include, according to the past and general usage of the states, all men capable of bearing arms…  “To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of the people always possess arms, and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them.” —Richard Henry Lee, Federal Farmer No. 18, January 25, 1788

“No free government was ever founded, or ever preserved its liberty, without uniting the characters of the citizen and soldier in those destined for the defense of the state…such area well-regulated militia, composed of the freeholders, citizen and husbandman, who take up arms to preserve their property, as individuals, and their rights as freemen.” —Richard Henry Lee, Gazette (Charleston), September 8 1788

Patrick Henry:

“Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are ruined…. The great object is that every man be armed. Everyone who is able might have a gun.” —Patrick Henry, Speech to the Virginia Ratifying Convention, June 5, 1778

“Are we at last brought to such humiliating and debasing degradation that we cannot be trusted with arms for our defense? Where is the difference between having our arms in possession and under our direction, and having them under the management of Congress? If our defense be the real object of having those arms, in whose hands can they be trusted with more propriety, or equal safety to us, as in our own hands?” —Patrick Henry, Debates in the Several State Conventions on the Adoption of the Federal Constitution

St. George Tucker:

“This may be considered as the true palladium of liberty…. The right of self-defense is the first law of nature: in most governments it has been the study of rulers to confine this right within the narrowest limits possible. Wherever standing armies are kept up, and the right of the people to keep and bear arms is, under any color or pretext whatsoever, prohibited, liberty, if not already annihilated, is on the brink of destruction.” —St. George Tucker, Blackstone’s Commentaries on the Laws of England, 1803

Thomas Paine:

“The supposed quietude of a good man allures the ruffian; while on the other hand, arms, like law, discourage and keep the invader and the plunderer in awe, and preserve order in the world as well as property. The balance of power is the scale of peace. The same balance would be preserved were all the world destitute of arms, for all would be alike; but since some will not, others dare not lay them aside. And while a single nation refuses to lay them down, it is proper that all should keep them up. Horrid mischief would ensue were one-half the world deprived of the use of them; for while avarice and ambition have a place in the heart of man, the weak will become a prey to the strong. The history of every age and nation establishes these truths, and facts need but little arguments when they prove themselves.” —Thomas Paine, “Thoughts on Defensive War” in Pennsylvania Magazine, July 1775

Samuel Adams:

“And that the said Constitution be never construed to authorize Congress to infringe the just liberty of the press, or the rights of conscience; or to prevent the people of the United States, who are peaceable citizens, from keeping their own arms; or to raise standing armies, unless necessary for the defense of the United States, or of some one or more of them; or to prevent the people from petitioning, in a peaceable and orderly manner, the federal legislature, for a redress of grievances; or to subject the people to unreasonable searches and seizures of their persons, papers or possessions.” —Samuel Adams, Massachusetts Ratifying Convention, 1788

Joseph Story:

“The right of the citizens to keep and bear arms has justly been considered, as the palladium of the liberties of a republic; since it offers a strong moral check against the usurpation and arbitrary power of rulers; and will generally, even if these are successful in the first instance, enable the people to resist and triumph over them.” —Joseph Story, Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States, 1833

Elbridge Gerry:

“What, Sir, is the use of a militia? It is to prevent the establishment of a standing army, the bane of liberty …. Whenever Governments mean to invade the rights and liberties of the people, they always attempt to destroy the militia, in order to raise an army upon their ruins.” —Rep. Elbridge Gerry of Massachusetts, I Annals of Congress 750, August 17, 1789

Alexander Hamilton:

“For it is a truth, which the experience of ages has attested, that the people are always most in danger when the means of injuring their rights are in the possession of those of whom they entertain the least suspicion.” —Alexander Hamilton, Federalist No. 25, December 21, 1787

“If the representatives of the people betray their constituents, there is then no resource left but in the exertion of that original right of self-defense which is paramount to all positive forms of government, and which against the usurpations of the national rulers, may be exerted with infinitely better prospect of success than against those of the rulers of an individual state. In a single state, if the persons intrusted with supreme power become usurpers, the different parcels, subdivisions, or districts of which it consists, having no distinct government in each, can take no regular measures for defense. The citizens must rush tumultuously to arms, without concert, without system, without resource; except in their courage and despair.” —Alexander Hamilton, Federalist No. 28

“[I]f circumstances should at any time oblige the government to form an army of any magnitude that army can never be formidable to the liberties of the people while there is a large body of citizens, little, if at all, inferior to them in discipline and the use of arms, who stand ready to defend their own rights and those of their fellow-citizens. This appears to me the only substitute that can be devised for a standing army, and the best possible security against it, if it should exist.” —Alexander Hamilton, Federalist No. 28, January 10, 1788

“Little more can reasonably be aimed at, with respect to the people at large, than to have them properly armed and equipped; and in order to see that this be not neglected, it will be necessary to assemble them once or twice in the course of a year.” —Alexander Hamilton, Federalist No. 29 January 9, 1788

Tenche Coxe:

“As civil rulers, not having their duty to the people before them, may attempt to tyrannize, and as the military forces which must be occasionally raised to defend our country, might pervert their power to the injury of their fellow citizens, the people are confirmed by the article in their right to keep and bear their private arms.” —Tenche Coxe, Philadelphia Federal Gazette, June 18, 1789

“The militia of these free commonwealths, entitled and accustomed to their arms, when compared with any possible army, must be tremendous and irresistible. Who are the militia? Are they not ourselves? Is it feared, then, that we shall turn our arms each man against his own bosom. Congress have no power to disarm the militia. Their swords, and every other terrible implement of the soldier, are the birth-right of an American … the unlimited power of the sword is not in the hands of either the federal or state governments, but, where I trust in God it will ever remain, in the hands of the people.” —Tenche Coxe, The Pennsylvania Gazette, Feb. 20, 1788

John Dickinson:

“With hearts fortified with these animating reflections, we most solemnly, before God and the world, declare, that, exerting the utmost energy of those powers, which our beneficent Creator hath graciously bestowed upon us, the arms we have compelled by our enemies to assume, we will, in defiance of every hazard, with unabating firmness and perseverance employ for the preservation of our liberties; being with one mind resolved to die freemen rather than to live as slaves.” —John Dickinson, July 6, 1775

Roger Sherman:

“(C)onceived it to be the privilege of every citizen, and one of his most essential rights, to bear arms, and to resist every attack upon his liberty or property, by whomsoever made. The particular States, like private citizens, have a right to be armed, and to defend by force of arms, their rights, when invaded.”
—Roger Sherman, Debates on 1790 Militia Act

Zachariah Johnson:

“The people are not to be disarmed of their weapons. They are left in full possession of them.” —Zachariah Johnson, Virginia Ratifying Convention, June 25, 1788

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Corralling the Callow, the Shallow and the Clods

By Sid Secular

January 6, 2024

UN Poster Child Greta “How Dare You!” Thunberg, the screechy, preachy, snotty, sneering, sanctimonious global superstar is back once again to lead a global mob of young climate zealots in a campaign to “End Fossil Fuels.” The Swedish sensation is now 20 years old but remains an idol to juvenile activists the world over. The eco-star has benefited immensely from  the attention of Big Media, and now she has come to the attention of American Big Labor.  For our nation’s largest union, the National Education Association (NEA)  has promoted Greta to millions of teachers and students as a model of heroic activism. NEA has spun an iconic image of her as a modern Joan of Arc who has set out to save the planet from imminent doom (at the hands of white men, of course!). The NEA, in its heroine worship, has successfully diverted the members’ attention from the decades long  precipitous decline in academic achievement in our schools, while successfully introducing global warming angles into every academic subject area including health and physical education, career readiness, computer science, science in general, social studies, the visual and performing arts, and world languages.

The NEA has lauded New Jersey as being the first state to fully succeed in the endeavor to integrate climate change concerns and standards into all content areas and grade levels. The organization has singled out an entity called “Subject to Climate” as an exemplary resource for teachers on climate change subject matter. This entity prominently features 21 videos and digital articles provided by our subversive “friend,” The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the leading front group for the New World Order agenda. The CFR has closely aligned itself with the NEA, which is a primary way for the globalists to gain control of the minds of American children. The other major teacher trade union is the American Federation of Teachers which is equally committed to the climate-cult agenda.

The UN is fully cognizant of using young people everywhere to ratchet up the pressure to promote the climate change agenda. It issued a press release in March 2023 encouraging young people to lead the charge for “climate justice” and “kick away” the world’s “addiction” to fossil fuels not to mention truth and science. The UN is utilizing a trained youth cadre to accelerate global climate action called “The Youth Advisory Group on Climate Change.” The World Bank also has a cadre of young leaders from around the world being groomed to promote global alarmism and for future roles in the planned “global green regime.” These youth are involved in highly organized, carefully orchestrated, widely publicized and hugely-funded climate change campaigns that include marches, and protests and are presented as “spontaneous” by the media spin machine. Young people, being callow and “green” (inexperienced) in the ways of the world are the perfect fodder to advance that mass foolishness that will lead to global slavery.

© 2023 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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The Horrordumbor

By Sid Secular

January 2, 2024

Watching TV and absorbing endless propaganda and drug ads 24/7 drive people to hasten to their medical appointments where they are driven to shorten their lives with Big Pharma’s prescriptions and pills and stop at Taco Bell or fast food dispensary on the way home so they can imbibe some comfort food to feel better. Of course, this recipe just adds to the toxins in their bodies so they can become further dependent on Big pharma. Almost everyone is on at least one pill in a regimented regimen of regular pill-popping that only provides short-term relief. All these folks’ pocket money winds up pocketed by the propagandists while they deteriorate and their lifespans are shorten. Some are becoming centenarians while others are dropping dead in the prime of life, especially from the clot shots (Covid vaccines). Shortened life spans especially affect white males who face a bewildering array of malefactors seemingly out to get them.

The support for the clot shots still is strong among those especially tethered to the medical mentality and modalities and their TV sets.  Beloved leaders, celebrities, and sports figures die in the prime of life and this coterie can’t seem to figure it out or question it, but rather, they see fit to reject the most logical explanation. Tearful eulogies ensue but autopsies are neither desired nor ordered while the most far-fetched medical explanations are cheerfully accepted. Human fertility is collapsing as the clot shots impact the ability to reproduce, changing menstrual cycles and causing formerly unknown numbers of miscarriages. Men’s sperm counts are decreasing. But meanwhile, foolish libbers are fixated on abortion and alternate forms of humanity itself all of which discourage human reproduction.

Worse, only a small number of leaders seem to have awakened to what’s going on. 100% of Democrats and nearly all Republicans are still in favor of these murderous Covid vaccination programs that are, thank God, in a remission of sorts at present due to some pushback by a combination of those who know the score and those who can see the senselessness of the series of boosters that don’t seem to have any effectiveness other than sickness and death. But we need to look at this horror in its murderous face.  The problem is not just Operation Warp Speed but deliberately warped ideas on the efficacy of vaccinations in general. However, many refuse to face reality because they don’t want to be “outside the safe space” and so, they choose to remain the snowflakes they are when it comes to other essential issues.

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To the Ends of the Earth: Lost White Migrations and Civilizations, Part 5

Sidney Secular

December 20, 2023

Great Zimbabwe – the Scottish Picts

Evidence suggests the ancient Picts of Scotland — not the Bantus as some claim – were the builders of the enigmatic African citadel of Great Zimbabwe.  Modern history has devolved from attempts at discovering facts into racial politics so that the Blacks can claim accomplishments where their connections to the forward march of progress are tenuous and trivial at best. This has been to allow Blacks to “feel good”  about themselves as a race. This is obvious in the current “historical” nonsense of permitting Blacks to take credit for the advanced civilization of ancient Egypt although there is infinite proof that at its zenith, this civilization was White and only began to deteriorate as Blacks become an influence. But, of course, if history can be ignored in the north of the continent, why not do the same at the other end at the ruins of a late Iron Age site in southeastern Africa called Great Zimbabwe? At one time, it was the largest population center in sub-Saharan Africa (see below)

Pharoah Seti I ………………Queen Tiye

Pharoah Seti I was the second King of the 19th Dynasty during the New Kingdom period, ruling about  1294 or 1290 BCE to 1279 BCE. He was the father of Rameses II, also known as Rameses The Great.

Queen Tiye (also known as Tiy, 1398-1338 BCE) reigned in the 20th Dynasty. She was the wife of the pharaoh Amenhotep III, mother of Akhenaten, and grandmother of both Tutankhamun and Ankhsenamun. This was a period of great strife in Egypt.

The principal structure at the main site of “The Great Zimbabwe” is a conical tower, which tapers gradually inwardly towards the top to give it stability. It is composed of granite stones of varying sizes matched together like a great jigsaw puzzle with no mortar to hold it together, obtained from the surrounding countryside. It is 30 feet high, and 18 feet wide at its base. It is only one of about 300 stone structures of varying size and shape enclosed within a circular wall similarly constructed of stones, which is an incredible 20 feet thick, 36 feet high, and 820 feet in circumference, creating a fort-like appearance. It really wasn’t a fort because one could walk into it through its unimpeded entrances and it displayed no defense-type features. There were about 200 small scale replicas of the main “fortification” which one could think of as “suburbs.”

Monumental structures in pre-historic and early historic times often were just used for storage and ceremonial purposes and were not fortifications or domestic residences in the sense we think of them. Stored in the “facilities” within the “fort” were a variety of objects, many composed of gold. Six-hundred fifty tons of gold were found lying about within the “fort”, which was but a fraction of the gold mined in the immediate vicinity. In addition to the said gold, there were a variety of objects and jewelry crafted from gold including beads, bracelets, pendants and sheaths. In a similar vein, there were a variety of elaborately worked objects composed of ivory, copper, and iron, including ingots, wire, crucibles, gongs, and agricultural equipment.

The inhabitants apparently were engaged in a lucrative and worldwide trade involving objects obtained from or sent to various places. Syrian glass beads, Arabian and Roman coins, Chinese pottery, and Persian ceramics were found at the site. Such trade would require a  fleet of seaworthy vessels capable of traversing long distances. The international commerce was supplemented by regional agricultural abundance including large scale cattle raising. None of these accomplishments were known to exist in the rest of sub-Saharan Africa when, indeed, the wheel was unknown.

There is a wide difference or divergence of opinion as to when the complex was established and who established it, the time periods ranging from that of King Solomon to the First Century, A.D. to just before 1,500 A.D. Some consider the site to be the mysterious Ophir, the place at which King Solomon’s legendary mines may have been located while others consider the site to actually be the Great Zimbabwe. To some, the Phoenicians (a people who did construct conical towers) and medieval Arabs have been cited as the founders of the site. But today, that is the age of political correctness run amuck, present day Black nationalists have claimed that the local Bantu tribes established the site and had slaves that did the agricultural work associated with it. By far, however, the most likely creators of the localized civilization were the Picts, a Celtic tribe that occupied north and northeastern Scotland for at least 1,000 years but who disappeared as a separate people when they  were assimilated into other Celtic tribes moving into the area, a process that was completed by about 800 A.D.

But before that assimilation occurred, some of these White people apparently made the 8,000 mile voyage from Scotland the southeastern Africa. Now this is hardly impossible as there were already White people making such trips about the world as can be seen by the Roman invasion of Britain! And there is other proof as, for instance, the fort-like “Great Enclosure” of Great Zimbabwe is almost an exact replica of borh Clickimin Loch or Mousa Broch in Scotland, structures that were creations of those same Picts and had already been in existence 2,000 years ago. The conical Great Zimbabwe tower is a typical dry-stone building of this type that is found only in Scotland, even to their mutually shared height of 44 feet. Inside the Mousa Broch, archeologists recovered a three-foot long model of a prehistoric deep sea vessel carved from fir wood. The vessel itself would have been 40 feet in length, with a particular hull style specifically designed to ride out high waves. It would have been eminently seaworthy and therefore sufficient to carry the Picts from Scotland to southeast Africa.

Radiocarbon testing of various building materials at the Zimbabwe site show that different eras were involved in creating and modifying the site with the earliest consisting of a large crossbeam installed during  the reign of the Roman Emperor Antonius Pius circa 138 A.D. Some construction work was conducted around 600 A.D. and some modifications were being conducted immediately before abandonment of the site around 1,450 A.D. due to a prolonged drought that caused drastic water shortages and resultant famine. Historically, a major arrival of Pict settlers appears to have occurred around 590 A.D. which coincided with the abandonment of the Clickimin Loch in Scotland.

Nor is this just speculation. The local Bantus have tribal recollections of a foreign race of coming among them and known as the “Pink Men” for their red hair and rosy complexions as creators of the site. These recollections described the newcomers as having blue, green or brown eyes with some having long flowing black or yellow hair as well as those with red hair. One of the “Pink People” appears to have been depicted in a large display of rock art called the “Great Man of Chamavara”. a complementary work of rock art known as the “Woman of Chamavara” shows pale skin, long-flowing red hair, baggy pants, pointed shoes, and shoulder armor similar to that worn by the Classical Greeks.

The Pict presence in Scotland is proved by a large groups of standing stones completely covered with carved circular and spiral symbols. The Picts also created a blue-colored paste from the Woad plant with which they decorated their bodies with symbology and tattoos similar to that depicted on the standing stones. The English derivative words “picture’ and “depiction” directly refer to the decorative arts for which the Picts were famous.

Select  bibliography:

  1. Garlake, Peter. Great Zimbabwe: New Aspects of Archaeology. London. Thames & Hudson, 1973.
  2. Houghton, Brian. History’s Mysteries. NJ. New Page Books, 2010.
  3. Mallows, Wilfrid. The Mystery of the Great Zimbabwe: A New Solution. NY: Norton, 1984.
  4. Childress, David Hatcher. Lost Cities & Ancient Mysteries of Africa & Arabia. IL: Adventures Unlimited Press, 1989.

© 2023 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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Another Civil War? No, Probably Just Domestic Squabbles

By Sidney Secular

December 15, 2023

There is no one group calling for it, none has enough pull or is capable of pulling it off, and the militias have long since lost their momentum, having spent it on trying to help the Border Patrol who spurned the advances they were making. The professional pundits, who have to dream something up to agitate people in order to keep their jobs or ratings, are ranting over the idea that a civil war is in the offing. They will look for some angle to implicate whites or “domestic terrorists”(who are, of course, necessarily white) for the plots they contrive. Gun owners and conservatives have been added to the ranks of the non-existent white terrorists along with Traditional Catholics and other traditional Christians so that the surveillance state can tighten the screws of tyranny on everyone, especially anyone with a right to own and who does own a gun.

The left fears a right-wing dictatorship, even promoting the ludicrous fear of a Christian theocracy, more than anything else, because only that far remote possibility would mess up their mindless march to utopia, and a civil war could usher in such a dictatorship, so they are talking it up as some kind of threat to stifle the idea. The “reds” and “blues” say they couldn’t stand the prospect of the other side from taking over, but they haven’t thought out what they would do in such an eventuality. America has degraded to the point that it doesn’t have enough capability or agreement between the various factions to pull off another civil war. We’re too accustomed to fighting Israel’s or other people’s battles and too feminized to effectively fight any real battles anymore anyway. We hardly have enough energy to dissipate or fall apart gracefully.

To have a civil war, you need warriors will to die for a cause. We are too spoiled, distracted and lethargic for that level of commitment. Most people couldn’t handle losing their wireless connection for half an hour. Even the red and blue states are split between urban and rural factions. There are the non-whites against the whites, the coasts against flyover country, the whites split between libbers and Trumpsters, the English speaking against those who refuse to learn it, one generation against another, and native-born vs. immigrant and other foreign factions. Unexpected splits will splinter what were thought of as united fronts. People’s energies will increasingly be consumed in screaming matches and internal disputes within groups. What’s coming is less of a coup than a probable depressing spate of localized wildfires where freedoms get burned up and the Government steps in to keep an uneasy peace. We have sunk from a first-world power to an unstable third world one without going through an intermittent state on the way down.”

© 2023 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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Arms Rights Roundup

By Sidney Secular

December 8, 2023

A new hornet’s nest has been established in the White House that’s all abuzz with a beehive of activity. It’s the new so-called Office of Gun Violence Prevention, established as part of the Department of Justice in September, 2023. This particular action makes “preventing gun violence” into a “permanent national priority.” The Act wildly and falsely claims that “gun violence” is the leading cause of death in children and is an “epidemic,” making the situation into a disease that one can “catch” unless protected by your “government.”  You could call this action a first, but much of what Biden does is, in fact, a first usually in depredation and tyranny, with one activity succeeding the last one in stupidity, grossness and unconstitutionality.  The titular head of this new office is none other than the ubiquitous and ridiculous Kamala Harris who seems to be everywhere at once while, fortunately for Americans, her activities seemingly go nowhere. She seems to spearhead every new office or venture Biden creates. She is the most irrepressible, irreplaceable, yet irrelevant member of the Biden team, a “stalking horse” whose eternal failures do nothing to help Americans understand the total failure of the present “administration.”

But the real leading force and director of the new office is Stephanie Feldman, a longtime Biden aide and anti-gun zealot who has made it her mission to “defeat gun manufacturers” and thus, meaning to put them out of business. Feldman’s deputy director is Robert Wilcox,  previously a Michael Bloomberg shill representing the “Everytown For Gun Safety” campaign. Feldman is also a promoter of the “Bipartisan Safer Communities Act” designed to whip up hysterical national reactions to the very few mass shootings by demented individuals! Of course, false flag shootings by our own government agencies are never mentioned as problematic – for obvious reasons! Wilcox has pushed for banning semi-automatic rifles, private gun transfers, punishing law abiding gun dealers for the acts of criminals and limiting the capacity of magazines used in self-defense firearms. Their salaries, and those of their staff, previously privately paid, will now be paid from your ever-shrinking inflation deflated net income via your tax dollars. All the while, the red carpet will continue to be rolled out for repeat criminal offenders, drug cartel operatives, child traffickers, spongers, faux refugees, and terrorists who flood across our border, sometimes accompanied by “concierge” assistance. On top of the direct federal funding of the new organization, it appears that Anti-Second Amendment organizations will receive subsidies to supplement their budgets if voluntary contributions begin shrinking.   One way or another, the average American will continue to pay for the agencies that plan and carry out our eventual enslavement.

Of course, the “justification” given for this new agency is that it will end the “scourge” of gun violence in America. The campaign cleverly equates general gun use with gun violence, something that makes no sense whatsoever. On the other hand, the increasing criminality of our culture assures that “gun violence” will also rise that is, if one calls self-defense an act of violence. As for the “use-violence” equation, this claim has been made readily apparent when the Biden Administration attempted to strip elementary and secondary schools of federal funding if they had the audacity to maintain their successful and popular archery and hunting programs. That false-flag initiative was, thankfully, rebuked by Congress but as times continue to favor the left, that also may change.

Biden continues to push for his nonsensical bans on constitutionally protected commonly used rifles falsely and deliberately characterized as assault weapons, and high capacity magazines, something he equates with improper gun use. The 1994 Federal Assault Weapons ban that Biden touts and helped institute was effective through 2004, when its sunshine period expired, and it had little if any, effect on gun related crime rates.  But Biden continues to insist that he is pursuing what the public wants, a claim contradicted by the fact that the number of background checks for purchases of firearms have never been higher, having exceeded one million per month for 50 straight months. Meanwhile, “constitutional carry” has now spread to more than half the states in recent years and it is not unlikely that as crime rates rise in blue cities and states, these liberal bastions may join the trend of an armed citizenry.

The impact of having the new gun control bureaucracy physically ensconced in the White House will be much greater than that which appears on the surface. The general influence of the gun control lobby will be enhanced, the collaborative media will be enlisted to promote and publicize the efforts of the new entity and Government officials outside the gun control coterie per se will have the real authority and resources to enforce their own dictates while being required to take the output from the “ministry of disarmament” seriously, implementing recommended changes to their agendas with ease and swiftness. The Director of the Office will be able to coordinate activities with federal agencies having policies with even minimal connections to “gun violence prevention.” Federal agencies such as the Departments of Health and Human Services, Veterans Affairs, Education, Housing and Urban Development, Homeland Security, Defense, Commerce, Interior, the Consumer Product Safety Commission as well as the United States Sentencing Commission will be immediately available to the anti-gun lobby and when the pot really starts boiling, you can be sure these will be embroiled in a whole host of new initiatives that are outgrowths of the “gun violence prevention” campaign.

Having Harris as the titular head of the gun control effort could prove even more hazardous to our national health than having her as border czar. She is a loose cannon – no pun intended! – that has positioned herself to the left of Biden on the issue and if she had her druthers would issue executive orders without the slightest consideration regarding how she might be violating the Constitution that she has sworn to uphold. Another “poisonality” in the new Office of Gun Violence Prevention is Greg Johnson, a second deputy director. He specializes in the “public health” approach to gun control that treats firearm ownership as a disease in need of a cure. Expect to see a renewal of The Centers for Disease Control Prevention’s involvement in gun control advocacy during the remainder of Biden’s reign of terror, a matter that will only become more problematic if there should be another “lockdown.”

The truth is that rates of gun accidents have been falling dramatically for over a century. Accidental firearm fatalities among children under 15 are outnumbered by drownings by a 12  to 1 ratio and motor vehicle deaths by a 25 to 1 ratio, using the CDC’s own numbers. In a sort of “American tradition,” especially boys receiving their first gun as a gift in their youth represented a rite of passage into adulthood with the implied message that you received the gift because you could now be trusted to behave responsibly. As that was the message, perhaps we should consider disarming our government that has proven it cannot be trusted to behave responsibly!

Firearms stand next in importance to the Constitution itself. — George Washington

© 2023 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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Has the American Spirit and Work Ethic Evaporated?

By Sid Secular

December 6, 2023

No matter how early you get up in the morning, there are mobs of people outside — in the streets, on public transit, in the gyms, and in the shops. You’re constantly amazed at the spirit, the toil, the focus, and the raw skill that is typical of the scene . . . in a modern Asian country, something that was once typical of the hubbub in American “hubs” like New York City. Today, however, in the US, everything seems broken, listless, malfunctioning and the product of decay. The entrepreneurial spirit still resides in the Asians who seem to have taken over that particular ethic. Many Americans though animated by anomie, if you will, are lazy, irrational, socially touchy, and tend to gripe about their lot in life, though sadly not without a lot of justification.

The blue-collar workers and white-collared professionals may have the credentials, but they don’t have the competence, the experience and in many cases, the desire to be what Americans once were in this world – a driving force for personal and national betterment. This is especially true of the younger set many of whom allow themselves to get set in their less than satisfactory beliefs and behaviors. Many don’t have any real purpose save for personal satisfaction in whatever means decided upon. Any one-time religious zeal that these young people may have had, has been purposely attacked and drained from them by a secular and atheistic culture whose main motto is, “if it feels good, do it!” Today, people – even older people! – lack pride in what they do, and suffering from a lack of fulfillment, look for things to complain about, get litigious, constantly try in any of their efforts to cut corners but in the end, they simply can’t seem to cut it.

The Covidiocy killed many small businesses and undercut whatever entrepreneurial spirit remained in the populace. Only about half those sent home had the motivation to return to their offices when the lockdowns ended. Between the lack of workers’ competence and the lack of workers altogether, we see “help wanted” signs omnipresent, signs that, in their increasing need, even present the salaries of the positions to be filled! Anger, resentment, cynicism, and bitterness towards the world seem to be the milieu in which everyone is immersed. Familiar things of the culture feel broken and it has gone on for so long that all is accepted as normal.

Is there a way out of this decline? I would say, no – at least not with the “leaders” we keep voting into office.

© 2023 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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The Marshall Plan

By Sid Secular

December 4, 2023

The establishment makes The Marshall Plan appear as proof of America’s magnanimity towards prostrate allies and a defeated enemy. But, in fact, the plan was only meant as a sop to a resource-sapped and “zapped” vassal state as well as America’s much weakened allies. The reason trotted out for aid to America’s former enemy Germany was that it was intended to prevent the Soviets from rolling across a weakened continental Europe. But since the American military was already firmly ensconced in Germany and elsewhere in Europe – and that the Soviets themselves had suffered much damage in the war, that was not a reasonable scenario.

Most of the goods shipped under the Plan were surplus items left over from the War but, of course, this did not lessen their value or, indeed, such good will as the American public showed in their response to the needs of others, even former enemies. Meanwhile, American shipments of coal to Germany became necessary as the French and British had, with our approval, laid claim to almost all the coal being mined in the Ruhr and Saar Valleys. This resulted in coal being shipped abroad while the German population froze, even in the coal mining regions themselves.

Also unknown to the general public, the assistance provided by the Marshall Plan was a loan that was paid back with considerable interest in succeeding years into a fund that still exists today. Sadly, that money provides, among other things, funds to the CIA to furnish modern “junk” art to German museums, further degrading German culture with the same type of sexual and cultural degradation that took place after WWI during the so-called Weimar Republic that led to the rise of Adolf Hitler. Authentic German art is kept well out of sight in storage, while especially Jewish artists and their works are given special exhibitions to continue their influence in German’s culture today. However, we can at least rejoice that unlike great American art especially regarding historical figures, this German art is not a target for destruction – yet!

Interestingly enough, no peace treaty with Germany was ever signed at the end of the war, a fact that legitimizes the occupation and domination of that country by the US.

© 2023 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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Mounting Mischief From Electric Vehicles

By Sid Secular

December 2, 2023

In past newsletters we have already panned electric vehicles (“EVs”) and demonstrated that the devil is in the details of the “side effects” that are shoved aside as side issues like the side shows of old. In their utilization, as in the case of drugs, these affects keep adding up. Include in that, the batteries for these behemoths require scarce metals (rare earths) in their operation that are nearly all available only from China and parts of Africa and those Third World countries already being roped into China’s sphere of influence, and therefore can be cut off at any whim of that Communist regime. Also, environmentally speaking – and isn’t everyone these days! – vast chunks of the earth will be gouged out to attain the materials required to create these monsters leaving much of “Gaia” looking worse than those vast stretches of the Appalachians raped and ruined by coal mining. In other words, the same horrors brought about by efforts to produce our present power sources will be vastly enlarged by any effort to produce the supposedly “green” electrical power that become necessary in any effort to switch to electric vehicles. Consider this: all of the necessary charging stations for these “green” vehicles are powered by fossil fuels.

However, while every effort is being made to prevent more carbon being released, no effort at all is being made to address the above very real problems and, even more interestingly, no mention is made of the tremendous increase in the need for fossil fuels required to make “electric power” work! Many suggest that our “greenies” don’t see the problem at all, but it is far more likely that they are aware but willingly support what they hate in order to gain what they want – a world dependent upon their version of the Great Reset, a matter that requires an end to everything that has made mankind capable of existing without central planning!

Quite apart from the above, the very use of “EVs” is extremely problematic. From “recharging” a vehicle – a matter only practical in developed areas because of the weight of the vehicles (“EVs” are twice as heavy as similar gas-powered machines), the need to connect such stations to power sources capable of producing the necessary voltage – to the time required to recharge an “EV” and get the users back on the road, and finally to the tremendous danger of any accident involving an “EV” – they are simply bombs with steering wheels! – this method of transportation is rather equivalent to using a rocket sled to get to work! And this doesn’t even include the cost of purchasing, maintaining and using a means of transportation that comes in a distant third to a reliable ox cart.

And now comes another problem with “EVs” that our modern day (so-called) “thinkers” have not considered because they cannot actually “think” past the “wine and cheese” cocktail parties and the Third World cuisine they enjoy with their frenetically feasting friends. Of course, our present “gas guzzlers” produce dangerous gasses such as carbon monoxide, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and nitrogen oxide as well as particulates that cause respiratory problems and contribute to smog and acid rain but 90% of the harmful gasses are converted into less problematic residue through the use of catalytic converters. Synthetic oils also significantly further reduce tailpipe emissions but, unfortunately, today’s “researchers” who have not done their homework – or who prefer bad news to good! – discount this “good news” with respect to fossil fuels.

On the other hand, they have discovered an even worse source of dangerous pollutants arising from our cars, that is, tires and brakes. The wearing down of these two essential parts – and especially tires! – produce fine particulates when “the rubber meets the road.” Upon total failure, tires also leave shredded pieces on the roads as well as particulate matter in the air. Of course, the larger the vehicle, the greater the pollution, so as a result, trucks are the major culprits in this as their much heavier weight leads more often to tire and brake failure. But EVs are, as noted, often twice as heavy as cars and so they will wear out their tires and brakes as rapidly as do gas powered trucks. Synthetic rubber, the main component of tires, produces even finer particulates than does natural rubber and, as a result, these are even more dangerous as it is even more difficult to prevent their passing into the air, the soil and the water and, eventually, those who are exposed. It would seem that it took our “safety experts” a century into the age of the automobile to make these discoveries.

Electric Cars beginning in 1832

In a similar vein, the copper, zinc, iron and other material entering the air as “brake dust” are even more toxic than tailpipe emissions and not as easily removed! But not to worry, in the planned 15 minute cities of the future, motor vehicles will probably be outlawed and replaced by bicycles and kids’ scooters, taking away from us the last vestige of the freedom we have come to expect in America. However, you can also expect our elite rulers to continue using fossil fueled cars and planes in their lives because they will be able to do so and they really don’t care what happens to Mother Earth.

As a final postscript on the subject of electric vehicles, a recent report on one of the many on-line news blogs made mention of an individual who went about studying the charging stations necessary to make these monstrosities work. They don’t just plug into your wall at home you know! In any event, besides the “charging stations” being directly connected to a fossil fuel means of providing them with the electricity that makes your car “go,” the inspector found that a large percentage of the damned things didn’t work at all! So, when you pull your expensive “green” means of transportation up to one of these stations, you might just find that there isn’t anything there that will make your “car” go! Well certainly, that will cut down on a lot of things, including your freedom to go where you wish, when you wish.

There is nothing new under the sun!

© 2023 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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Have the Entrepreneurial and Cooperative Spirits Been Spirited Away by the “Newcomers?”

By Sidney Secular

November 15, 2023

The buck$ are passing to the non-white migrants and newcomers. Why? Because either we whites are passing the buck – that is, losing the initiative and letting it happen – or the powers-that-be are destroying small mostly-white businesses using faux crises such as pandemics and exaggerated claims that climate changes are about to do us in. When the immigration promoters keep claiming that their charges are charging ahead and doing the work Americans won’t do, they are both helping to create the situation and observing what is happening quite independent of their hand in creating it.

I used to work for the US Small Business Administration(SBA) for 12 years, and despite the bad rep/rap that government agencies always get, the SBA does offer many resources useful to small businesses in establishing and promoting themselves. These are resources that are often left on the shelf or otherwise shelved out of ignorance of or disbelief in their efficacy. As sort of a reaction to assistance gone wanting, like every other institution in our society, available SBA assistance is now directed at or catered to domestic or foreign minorities, as America’s present wealth creators.

The following is a sort of example of this phenomenon based on my living in a neighborhood where Ethiopian immigrants continue to migrate in large numbers and although they are still far from a majority of the population, they seem to dominate the economic and social scene. It appears that half or more than half of the small businesses popping up in an area of several square miles hereabouts are Ethiopian owned. Most of the people walking the streets or congregating in groups are Ethiopian. They have a  distinctive appearance and are easily recognized. They are very socially cohesive, acting as one big family and “assimilate” to the point of learning English, but their efforts at “Americanization” do not go much further. Personally, they are very social and have a very large number of cafes and coffee shops sprinkled all over the area where they gather and interact. When one Ethiopian sets up a business, his racial networking quickly results in an assortment of other Ethiopian businesses being set up in the same general area; that is, there is a sort of collective result from Ethiopian entrepreneurship.  For example, one small office building had an Ethiopian  printer, immigration lawyer, tax preparer, hair salon, travel agency, tailor, cafe, and so on. The non-Ethiopian population has to look hard to find preferable vendors as the different ways of using English –  thus making yourself understood – makes it an ordeal instead of a pleasant experience to deal with these “non-Americans.” This whole situation represents a sort of a “soft takeover,” a model of the consequences of the demand for diversity.

Indirectly, this infiltration also discourages the formation of white-owned businesses. For, as the sheer numbers of non-Americans overwhelm the small business fields, whites see themselves as the odd man out, or, in the alternative, have to bend to the curse of mingling with the “diverse.” Ordinary Americans often aren’t aware of all that their neighborhoods have to offer in the matter of goods and services and therefore can’t offer advice on where to find more “acceptable” service providers that the customer may be seeking. Meanwhile, the newcomers stick together, dealing only with their own brethren. And this affects more than who is running what business. Many “immigrants,” unfamiliar with “American English” –  or any English – find it difficult to even communicate with ordinary American customers. For instance, obtaining something as simple as directions to the location of their business can become a real ordeal as they will often tell you they “are next to” some large business like a supermarket while in reality they are a half mile away! In some cases, their commercial offerings are simply not sufficient for a “non-immigrant” customer. For instance, using one of their many travel agencies is completely unproductive as they are unfamiliar with popular American vacation destinations. However, despite not being useful to American customers, the fact is that there are no commercial reasons that the entire area will not became one of their enclaves as through sheer numbers, they eventually elbow everyone else out.

The flip side of the coin is that Americans are not seeking out their own kind to form similar close business and social ties. There are two distinct reasons for this. First, many continue with their individualistic attitudes refusing to coalesce as a group either in business or cultural associations. The second is that most whites have been chastised to the point at which they actually seek out non-white businesses to demonstrate to their critics that they aren’t “racist!” But whatever the reason, this anemic response to white displacement further strengthens already strong feelings of anomie and guilt for even entertaining the idea of networking or forming alliances with their own kind. In chemistry or civilization, there are points of no return that once passed, result in the destruction of the original amalgam through an overwhelming addition of external ingredients. Indeed, one can easily see that this is how great civilizations die.

© 2023 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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Kinsey: Instigator of the Sexual Revolution and Its Crazed and Criminal Evolution

By Sidney Secular

November 8, 2023

The audience wasn’t kidding when they booed Nicole Kidman for her role in the Oscar-winning film “Birth” at the Venice International Film Festival in 2004. In the film, she thinks her husband has been reincarnated as her 10-year old son and so he joins her in the bathtub in which they cinematically wade into unknown waters. This was certainly one of the opening salvos in the sex-with-children push, as the so-called sexual revolution leads to ever more dangerous and deranged settings.

How and when did we first buy into wanton sexual anarchy disguised as freedom? Let’s turn back the clock to a more innocent time – past even the comparatively halcyon days of the 1950s to 1948 after we won the war and so could get involved in more “recreational” activities. Early that year, unknown Indiana University zoologist Alfred C Kinsey released his bombshell of a book, “Sexual Behavior of the Human Male in America”.  This caused a sensation such that America could be divided into pre-Kinsey and post-Kinsey eras. Funded by the prestigious Rockefeller Foundation and based on thousands of interviews, Kinsey supposedly “discovered” that while virtually all American men of the World War II era pretended to be faithful and monogamous, 95% of them had intercourse prior to marriage, and could be classified by the laws in effect in 1948 as “sex offenders”. Moreover, according to Kinsey, 70% of men had sex with prostitutes, 33% of the men had extramarital affairs, and about 25% of them had homosexual affairs. The oft-repeated claim that 10% of humans are homosexual comes from Kinsey’s perverted published research.

Kinsey deliberately painted a picture of American men as amoral sexual animals seeking constant gratification. His press coverage for these outlandish claims could not have been more extensive or enthusiastic, and was presented to the public as if he had discovered the cure for all diseases.  All the mainstream press pounced on these “findings” as the most exhaustive scientific survey ever of Americans’ sexual habits. These findings from an unknown and very unlikely source and a “conservative” Republican and “family man” to boot catapulted Kinsey overnight to the status of a sort of scientific national hero, in keeping with public’s newfound near worship of this particular branch of knowledge. These revolutionary “Kinsey Reports” as they came to be known, together with his 1953 companion book, “Sexual Behavior in the Human Female”, rocked the nation’s beliefs about itself in particular and mankind in general,  setting the stage for the acceptance of all manner of abnormal and deviant sexual behavior in the years to come.

The Kinsey Reports came to the stunning conclusion that children are sexual from birth and small fry from as early as a few months of age have the capacity for a “pleasurable and healthy” sexual life. The brave new world of sexual enlightenment and aberrant sexual practices had been ushered in. But it turns out that Kinsey relied upon an isolated and fringe group of sex abusers to come up with his findings, especially those on childhood sexuality. How did Kinsey determine that children emerging out of infancy were enjoying sex? Kinsey defined and assumed children’s torment(screaming, convulsions, temper tantrums, etc.) were in fact orgasms!  Where were the pediatricians when these absurd claims were made? Among the thousands of reviews of the Kinsey Report no one questioned these absurdities, allowing the pedophile movements of today to gain the ground they needed to get to the point where they are are on the threshold of gaining acceptance if not soon being considered normal outgrowths of the sexual revolution.

Normal women would not get involved in his research and claims about normal males were based on an 86% aberrant male population involving 200 sexual psychopaths, 1,400 sex offenders, and hundreds each of prisoners, male prostitutes, and promiscuous homosexuals. All of this would cast doubt on his findings.  Now we come to the question of Kinsey’s own unorthodox  sexual practices and obsessions, which should themselves have been sufficient to cast doubt upon his findings without further information on the methods he used to obtain his data. To start with, Kinsey was a sexual psychopath who preferred homosexual sex and sadomasochistic practices of a truly cringe-worthy character. Believe it or not, Kinsey circumcised himself without benefit of anesthesia, an act to derive pleasure from pain. That syndrome is characteristic of sadomasochists.  An early adherent of masturbation, his brutal masochistic methods led to his early demise.  Kinsey’s admiring biographers all admit that Kinsey was a sadistic bi/homosexual who seduced his male students and coerced his wife and staff (and their wives) to perform for him and with him in pornographic films made in the family attic.

Was all of the fawning over Kinsey and his findings part of an overall strategy to supplant the narrow procreational Judeo-Christian ethos with  a promiscuous “anything goes” bi/gay pedophile paradise? It would appear to be so in the same manner as the media being “in bed” with the establishment as it so conspicuously is at the present time. The globally massive abduction of children all around the world to provide for pedophilic practices can be directly attributed  to the acceptance and promotion of Kinsey’s dementic “findings” and the philosophy and practices that grew from them. When it comes to America and the West’s culture, laws, beliefs, practices and attitudes towards sex, Kinsey is still king – revered to this day by the vast majority of academics and “sexperts”. The entire sex industry and research establishment worldwide today acknowledges that Kinsey’s research is the basis for their “science” and therefore legitimizes everything they do, say or write. If Kinsey’s research were properly discredited, their house of cards would come tumbling down and they would find themselves out of business.

To sum it all up, today virtually everything having to do with sex – from attitudes towards extramarital affairs and homosexuality, to the nation’s sex-education curricula, to the utterly deranged transgender movement and all the ways that medicine, psychiatry, psychology, and even criminal justice systems define and deal with sexual pathology – is firmly rooted in the tragically and ludicrously fraudulent “data” of Alfred Kinsey and his cohort and cult of criminally deviant sex “researchers”.

© 2023 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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Proper and Justified Reparations Have Yet to be Acknowledged and/or Discussed

By Sidney Secular

October 21, 2023

We hopelessly – and helplessly – keep trying to prop up the Blacks in this country. They won’t help themselves except in ways that are criminal and destructive. Socially and culturally, we’ve held them in our laps and spoon fed them in an attempt to bring them from barbarism to refinement but these great efforts have only resulted in unspeakable levels – and types – of crime coupled with a descent of our once great culture into something more appropriate to a Third World enclave! Our efforts have resulted in the descent of the many rather than the rise of the few!

On top of that, and to further bankrupt us, the program has metastasized into a new proposal to offer to the descendants of White Union soldiers who died allegedly “fighting to emancipate Black slaves,” reparations as well. Considering that the death count in that war was the highest in any American war, the thought of even attempting such a thing is patent insanity! Furthermore, as we who have a passable knowledge of history know, the “Civil War” was not fought for that purpose! President Lincoln – among many others – said so on the record. The immediate cause of the war at least on the part of the Cotton States was to repel an invasion by the Federal Government upon those States’ secession from the Union. The upper South including Virginia, Arkansas and North Carolina, only joined the Confederacy in response to the fate of their sister States and the illegality – actually treason – of a federal invasion and other unconstitutional “war measures” the federal government – identifying itself as “the Union” – was taking, measures that these States knew could soon be applied to themselves.

Most White soldiers didn’t give a farthing for Blacks and remember, many so-called “Union” (non-Southern) States had black codes forbidding entrance by Blacks into those States. Lincoln himself had made it clear that the new territories and States were for the White man, not the Black. As a result, many Northern states had a policy of preventing Blacks from entering, never mind settling, in their states. One of the proofs of this is the fact that the famous underground railroad had its terminus in Canada, thus bypassing the Northern tier of our states. Those promoting the emancipation of Black slaves fully expected them to remain in the south upon emancipation so they wouldn’t have to deal with them. Indeed, Black movement north did not occur until the labor shortages produced by World War I, a full half century after Appomattox.

It must be remembered that slavery was a matter of guaranteeing a supply of labor to farmers and planters in the South. The northern states were receiving increasing numbers of foreign immigrants at that point in time, immigrants who could support the advancing industrialization of the North. The South, on the other hand was an agrarian society and the heavy laborious work in farming, especially in the heat of those states, was performed most successfully by black slaves. Northern businessmen considered slavery unprofitable because the slave, as property, was required by law to be cared for, something not required of the poor wage slave in the North. If a slave sickened, his master was required by law to have him treated. If a mine or mill worker sickened, there were many more starving whites to take his place. Nonetheless, the produce of the South provided money for the Federal Government to spend that the products of the North did not. This matter was addressed in 1828, three decades before the Cotton States seceded. Missouri Senator Thomas H. Benton speaking on the floor of the Senate stated:

“Before the (American) revolution [the South] was the seat of wealth … Wealth has fled from the South, and settled in regions north of the Potomac: and this in the face of the fact, that the South, … has exported produce, since the Revolution, to the value of eight hundred millions of dollars; and the North has exported comparatively nothing. Such an export would indicate unparalleled wealth, but what is the fact? … Under Federal legislation, the exports of the South have been the basis of the Federal revenue …Virginia, the two Carolinas, and Georgia, may be said to defray three-fourths of the annual expense of supporting the Federal Government; and of this great sum, annually furnished by them, nothing or next to nothing is returned to them, in the shape of Government expenditures. That expenditure flows…northwardly, in one uniform, uninterrupted, and perennial stream. This is the reason why wealth disappears from the South and rises up in the North. Federal legislation does all this!”

Of course, the so-called “Civil War” (it wasn’t!) was won by the more powerful and numerous Union and the condition of the former slaves became a great burden mostly to the South, but surely to the entire nation up until today. For a time in the beginning of the 20th century, the matter seemed to be getting less problematic as Black entertainers and businessmen started to carve a place for those for whom slavery had been a history. However, when the Communists in Europe decided that race relations was an Achille’s heel for America, the way was paved for our current racial extravaganza including the concept of reparations for the descendants of slaves. Providing such reparations can only be presented as a moral obligation, because there is no legal or constitutional justification for any such act. But before we get into the overwhelming impracticality, unfairness and cost of attempting to carry out such a project, let us look at the Constitutional Convention of 1787 in which the issue of slavery was considered.

First, let us acknowledge that the issue was considered, not as a moral matter but as a matter of representation in the coming new Republic. The Southern States (and remember, all the States at that time had slavery and not just the South) were far less populated than the Middle and Northern States – and the head count was essential to maintain any power in a government of all the States. The rural South needed to count its slaves in order to keep pace with the more heavily populated middle and northern States. As a result, the issue of slavery became a matter of “politics” rather than morality. Eventually, a compromise was reached in which slaves were considered, for the sake of population as three-fifths of a person. However, they were mentioned as persons and not property in the Constitution, a fact that led to that document being able to end slavery itself with the second 13th Amendment (the first 13th Amendment being the Corwin Amendment considered just prior to the War, that put slavery into the Constitution in perpetuity).

Yet in our debauched state of giving in to whomever screams the loudest and where those with standards will not take a stand or will wimp out against those who have none, a matter characteristic of the blue jurisdictions, it naturally was the state of California and its most debauched city (San Francisco) that produced the most headstrong of the far-left lefties willing to dive headlong into financial and social waters 6 inches deep. They are prone to give consideration to anything fanciful that promotes their foolish fancies. Thus, they are serious about enacting a senseless scheme of undeserved reparations for Blacks that can only further bankrupt public entities to the point at which any hope of fiscal recovery or financial salvation is lost. Furthermore, it will give other non-White groups ideas following the same script of trying to beat an already dead horse into a semblance of life. Another article in this newsletter goes into the details of this ridiculously impossible and truly racist  scheme, but in this article we are proposing for consideration of our readers an alternative to this massive idiocy.

It is important to recognize that until the eve of the “Civil War,” slaves were viewed as chattel (property) and thus legally held in the states where slavery existed including some Northern states. That being the case, the Lincoln administration recognized the federal government’s constitutional and moral obligation to compensate owners for the emancipation of their slaves by that government. Legislative proposals at the time also supported this understanding. In April of 1862, after the start of the War, both houses of Congress passed a resolution to that effect, but the state legislatures at the time, who had the power to implement or act upon such a resolution, failed to respond. The District of Columbia actually did respond by compensating slaveholders $300 for the manumission of each of the slaves therein. Lincoln, looking far ahead, proposed providing federal funds to slaveholders who remained loyal to the Union and who would agree to free their slaves by the end of the 19th Century.

When Lincoln was assassinated, this concept was abandoned by the “reconstructionists” who had gained power as their primary concern and motivation was vindictiveness and the desire to completely destroy the South and thereby destroy its competing civilization in the process. These politicians got the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Amendments* to the Constitution passed illegitimately with a variety of underhanded tactics and with the intent of precluding any payment or compensation to slaveholders for freeing enslaved people according to a presidential or any other decree. Of course, the South had already been impoverished by the war, so such compensation was a last hope of any kind of fiscal recovery at least to the upper classes. (*The Southern States had been restored to the Union and were legally represented in the Federal Government at the time of the Thirteenth Amendment ending slavery. It wasn’t until they Southern States refused to ratify the Fourteenth Amendment – along with a number of Northern States! – that the Federal Government declared the military occupation of the former Confederate States under the name “Reconstruction.” To date, the 14th Amendment has not been legally ratified.)

The average price for a slave in 1860 was $800, which would be $4.2 million in today’s money. The total would thus come to $3 billion for the 3.9 million enslaved people of 1860. The Southern planter class and the legal slave system, largely responsible for the South’s impressive GNP and wealth which far exceeded that of the North, was devastated by the loss of compensation for the freed slaves. That, together with the wanton physical devastation of the South’s physical property, industrial base and agricultural wherewithal and ability to feed itself and sustain a productive economy, resulted in the South’s inability to begin to catch up with the rest of the country until the mobilization engendered by the nation’s involvement in World War II re-energized the South’s economy. The descendants of the Southern planters are the ones who should be rightfully receiving financial reparations now vice being yet further ripped off undeservedly by the Yankee regimes in the blue states.

Slave and Free States in the Antebellum Period

It must also be remembered that the North did not “end slavery” per se. Lincoln himself declared that the slaves in New Jersey might be emancipated by 1900! New Jersey had solved the slave problem by declaring slaves not chattel but apprentices for life without pay! In her article in the Boston Globe, reporter Francie Latour wrote a piece entitled New England’s Hidden History that revealed just how involved the North was in the matter. Slaves were just as enslaved north as south of the Mason-Dixon line and when a Northern State ended the institution, the slaves that remained were sold South or sent to plantations in the Indies to continue to work for their Yankee “masters.” In other words, the “evils” of slavery were an equal opportunity situation among the nation’s states no matter where they existed on the continent and much can be (morally) made of the fact that no slave ship ever sailed from the South during the years of the “Middle Passage.” They all came from New England and New York. It is said that the Quakers were heavily involved in the so-called Triangle Trade so the moral censure of the South was a means of making the attack against these “American” States acceptable to those who might wonder what right the Federal (Central) Government had to force States to remain in the Union when they had legitimately voted to leave.

As for the Constitutional (legal) right of secession, that is without question and requires another article for a closer study. Suffice it to say, as the Cotton States and later the Upper South were legally and constitutionally able to secede, any action taken against them for doing so was, perforce, illegal and unconstitutional. This further strengthens any argument for reparations to be given to those whose homes and lives were destroyed by an illegal and treasonous war. But, frankly, it would be as difficult, if not impossible, to identify those people who could legally demand reparations as it would be to identify those who have no claim whatsoever for financial restitution from those who were not responsible for a way of life that began before the country itself.

There is a book out entitled The Man Who Would Not Be Washington: Robert E. Lee’s Civil War and His Decision That Changed American History. It, I suppose, places Lee against George Washington in that Washington supported a strong federal government against the will of the individual States – including Washington’s beloved Virginia – while Lee would not raise his hand against his State even though he rejected secession. But I believe that this is simplistic at best and a bad comparison at worst. The two situations cannot be compared.  Washington was involved in the very founding of the nation itself. He had seen the tyrannies of the various States make an actually “bloody hash” out of his efforts to lead an army against the greatest and most powerful nation in the world, the British Empire. If there was going to actually be a United States after the victory in that revolution, there had to be a binding force able to actually govern and hence, the will of the States, while also of great importance, could not be permitted to stop that new nation from coming into being.

On the other hand, by the time Lee was offered the army to be used against Virginia and the South to prevent what was completely constitutional – and therefore represented treason at the highest level of that government that Washington had helped establish – he could not participate in that treason however much he, personally, was against secession. Both men acted out of principle and their judgment based upon their understanding of the issues of the day – and both men were right. But one cannot equate Washington’s “world” with Lee’s! By 1860, the government Washington did his best to help establish had rejected everything he represented personally and embraced just about everything he had warned against! Therefore, I do not believe that Washington would have led Lincoln’s army against the South any more than would Lee. He would have seen it as a betrayal of all that he had fought and suffered for during his life. It was.

© 2023 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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Have the Entrepreneurial and Cooperative Spirits Been Spirited Away by the “Newcomers?”

By Sidney Secular

October 7, 2023

The buck$ are passing to the non-white migrants and newcomers. Why? Because either we whites are passing the buck – that is, losing the initiative and letting it happen – or the powers-that-be are destroying small mostly-white businesses using faux crises such as pandemics and exaggerated claims that climate changes are about to do us in. When the immigration promoters keep claiming that their charges are charging ahead and doing the work Americans won’t do, they are both helping to create the situation and observing what is happening quite independent of their hand in creating it.

I used to work for the US Small Business Administration(SBA) for 12 years, and despite the bad rep/rap that government agencies always get, the SBA does offer many resources useful to small businesses in establishing and promoting themselves. These are resources that are often left on the shelf or otherwise shelved out of ignorance of or disbelief in their efficacy. As sort of a reaction to assistance gone wanting, like every other institution in our society, available SBA assistance is now directed at or catered to domestic or foreign minorities, as America’s present wealth creators.

The following is a sort of example of this phenomenon based on my living in a neighborhood where Ethiopian immigrants continue to migrate in large numbers and although they are still far from a majority of the population, they seem to dominate the economic and social scene. It appears that half or more than half of the small businesses popping up in an area of several square miles hereabouts are Ethiopian owned. Most of the people walking the streets or congregating in groups are Ethiopian. They have a  distinctive appearance and are easily recognized. They are very socially cohesive, acting as one big family and “assimilate” to the point of learning English, but their efforts at “Americanization” do not go much further. Personally, they are very social and have a very large number of cafes and coffee shops sprinkled all over the area where they gather and interact. When one Ethiopian sets up a business, his racial networking quickly results in an assortment of other Ethiopian businesses being set up in the same general area; that is, there is a sort of collective result from Ethiopian entrepreneurship.  For example, one small office building had an Ethiopian  printer, immigration lawyer, tax preparer, hair salon, travel agency, tailor, cafe, and so on. The non-Ethiopian population has to look hard to find preferable vendors as the different ways of using English –  thus making yourself understood – makes it an ordeal instead of a pleasant experience to deal with these “non-Americans.” This whole situation represents a sort of a “soft takeover,” a model of the consequences of the demand for diversity.

Indirectly, this infiltration also discourages the formation of white-owned businesses. For, as the sheer numbers of non-Americans overwhelm the small business fields, whites see themselves as the odd man out, or, in the alternative, have to bend to the curse of mingling with the “diverse.” Ordinary Americans often aren’t aware of all that their neighborhoods have to offer in the matter of goods and services and therefore can’t offer advice on where to find more “acceptable” service providers that the customer may be seeking. Meanwhile, the newcomers stick together, dealing only with their own brethren. And this affects more than who is running what business. Many “immigrants,” unfamiliar with “American English” –  or any English – find it difficult to even communicate with ordinary American customers. For instance, obtaining something as simple as directions to the location of their business can become a real ordeal as they will often tell you they “are next to” some large business like a supermarket while in reality they are a half mile away! In some cases, their commercial offerings are simply not sufficient for a “non-immigrant” customer. For instance, using one of their many travel agencies is completely unproductive as they are unfamiliar with popular American vacation destinations. However, despite not being useful to American customers, the fact is that there are no commercial reasons that the entire area will not became one of their enclaves as through sheer numbers, they eventually elbow everyone else out.

The flip side of the coin is that Americans are not seeking out their own kind to form similar close business and social ties. There are two distinct reasons for this. First, many continue with their individualistic attitudes refusing to coalesce as a group either in business or cultural associations. The second is that most whites have been chastised to the point at which they actually seek out non-white businesses to demonstrate to their critics that they aren’t “racist!” But whatever the reason, this anemic response to white displacement further strengthens already strong feelings of anomie and guilt for even entertaining the idea of networking or forming alliances with their own kind. In chemistry or civilization, there are points of no return that once passed, result in the destruction of the original amalgam through an overwhelming addition of external ingredients. Indeed, one can easily see that this is how great civilizations die.

© 2023 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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Reparations: A Repugnant, Malignant Rip-Off and a Crazed, Catastrophic Capitulation

By Sidney Secular

September 30, 2023

Determined to lead the wacky woke in weirdness, California decided to develop its very own reparations program by creating a commission to develop such, two years ago. The commission has now released its recommendations – recommendations so fanciful, illogical, impractical, insane and intolerable that if adopted, the scheme will drive what remains of normal citizenry to depart for red or even purple environs as long as they no longer reside in the Land of Fruits and Nuts. California entered the Union as a free state and remained loyal to the Union when the “Uncivil War” erupted in 1861. It provided a not inconsiderable 16,000 volunteers to the federal army, a rather large contingent considering the state’s small population at the time. This force helped to keep the southwest out of Confederate hands even as battles for control of the area were occurring in Arizona and New Mexico. Yet, during the war, between California and the rest of the Union, the lines of communication and trade remained largely unencumbered, the US Mail unaffected, and the westward movement of the pioneers unabated – ask the Indians! (Now there’s a group that could legitimately claim reparations – but even though they are not White, obviously it is just not their turn – yet!)

Despite a history devoid of any real involvement with slavery, California taxpayers, including descendants of the aforesaid volunteers will have to cough up billions of dollars that would then be given to an ill-defined coterie of Black Californians, whose ancestors were probably never slaves in the first place, especially in that State! Even those whose ancestors had been enslaved are very few in number and, as noted, those ancestors lived elsewhere in the country during their enslavement. The nine members of the Reparations “task force” are, of course, all far left wing Democrats. Eight of the nine are Black, the ninth being a Japanese-American man who should have known better! His involvement makes you wonder, really, about the claim of Asian superior intelligence! In any event, the task force issued its 1,080 page, 40 chapter compilation of rantings . . .er, findings, in June. It is mostly a rehash of what passes for the history of slavery today, flavored with heart-rending examples of the conditions under which Blacks in America lived following the abolition of that condition, neither of which have much direct applicability to California. Blaming that State for massive Black suffering is extremely difficult if not impossible at least if you are reasonably intelligent – but, of course, that is a big “if!” Almost none of what is held up as an excuse for reparations was caused by the state’s actions and such harm as did happen was eventually remedied legally through court decisions. Furthermore, there are legal remedies available at the present time for any such unlawful mistreatment whether in the past or presently on going. But taking that route requires intelligent discourse based on fact, not the wild, irrational, baseless assertions and ad-hominem attacks that constitute the leftists’ stock in trade! Such idiocy wouldn’t get them anywhere in any proper judicial proceedings.

One theme constantly hammered home is labeled “over-incarceration.” The committee alleges too many Black men are serving time in California prisons attributing the situation to a “racist’ criminal justice system. Blacks are only 7% of the state’s population, but 28% of the prison population. However, statistics show that Blacks commit about 30% of California’s homicides and other violent crimes. It is also claimed that Blacks serve longer prison sentences than Whites for the same crime but when prior felony convictions are taken into account in the sentencing procedure, the duration of the sentences of both white and black – even for the same crimes – are virtually equal. This is reflected in the annual report to the California state legislature by the Judicial Council of California, entitled “Disposition of Criminal Cases According to the Race and Ethnicity of the Defendant.” The task force apparently thought it too difficult to consult that report or, more likely, the report quashed their claims of racial bias.

This pattern of ignoring evidence is uninterrupted throughout the report. Many of the harmful actions claimed for Blacks could also be cited for Whites. Blacks in crime-ridden neighborhoods pay high insurance rates, but those rates are not nearly as high as those paid by Whites in areas prone to floods and/or wildfires – as well as rampant crime. Blacks have been forced to vacate properties through eminent domain procedures, but so too, have a far larger number of Whites. “Just compensation” for loss of such properties is guaranteed by both the California and US Constitutions, which apply equally to blacks and whites. “Fair market value” is frequently a bone of contention, but such disagreements apply equally to all California citizens, regardless of race. Indeed, such “eminent domain” problems seldom apply to Blacks anyway, but to those who own the apartment buildings in which most California Blacks reside, occasionally even paying rent for that privilege. Hence such “tenants” are not personally affected by government’s seizure of property, they are merely discommoded until they find another “home” where, often, they continue to “reside” without benefit of reimbursement to their new landlord.

Harassment by police is always a theme of Black discontent. Blacks claim to suffer unique amounts of harassment, but when you examine each case, you generally find that the cops are just doing their jobs without any special animus towards Blacks. Since Blacks weren’t slaves in California, they have to employ their over-active imaginations to conjure up harms they allegedly suffer because of their race though why, even if such wrongs exist, that should make of them “victims of slavery” is beyond any rational response! The astronomical payouts proposed come to $1.2 million per person and would total upwards of $800 billion when all is said and done! That would be 2.5 times the entire California state budget. To lessen the impact on taxpayers, it has been suggested that payouts occur in increments. Of course, many Blacks won’t hear of that, and demand their money NOW!

These monetary rewards are only part of the proposed payout package. Additional compensation benefits include free college tuition – the word “education” is questionable under the circumstances! – state subsidies towards mortgages and Black owned businesses, free health care, and higher wages for incarcerated labor, a questionable matter concerning how many of the “recipients” are involved in actual paid labor in prison. I have found such wages extremely inadequate and unfair in all American penal systems compared to what is paid in civilian life for like services. And, of course, it would be incredibly unfair if Black inmates receive higher compensation for their labor than do White inmates – but then, who cares about “fairness” for Whites after all. The most troubling aspect of this proposed “heist” is the underlying presupposition that by virtue of being Black alone, one has ipso facto suffered harm deserving of financial recompense when, all the while, no proof of such harm is required – or even possible. Nonetheless, according to those “studying” the matter, the State of California is adjudged responsible and, therefore, the taxpayers must pay.

The only practical check on this oncoming avalanche of cascading financial claims has to be California’s $32 billion budget deficit and the state’s present $520 billion debt, which puts it in first place in the race toward financial ruin. However, culturally, what starts in California usually spreads as growing trends, especially in Blue states. Just as the alleged Covid virus, California’s legal, social and financial trends spread everywhere affecting a population’s mental health and financial stability all of which create attitudes that result in destructive physical symptoms for both the people and the culture. There is no amount of deception regarding this phenomenon that can hide the intent behind it. The fact that this indeed, is the actuality of “racism” at its most obvious cannot be denied.

© 2023 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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Refuse Accepting the Refuse

By Sidney Secular

September 23, 2023

Donald Trump in 2015 disturbed the monolithic mainstream media and its mindless mass followers who amass their manipulated misinformation in the belief that Mexico is not sending their best here, but just the rest. Insofar as that goes, Mexico isn’t rounding them up as much as they come here of their own volition because they can’t deal with the pervasive corruption and crime below the border, so they seek a more amenable means of existence here. Also, the US represents an appetizing source of freebies and bennies they’ve been told – correctly! – that they can filch out of our system without consequence.

But that is not by any means, the whole story. The Pew Research Center says that only 37% of 2021’s nearly 1.7 million encounters at the border were with Mexicans. Since 2015, there have been huge increases in human traffic  – and especially child sexual trafficking – from such nations such as Ecuador, Brazil, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Haiti, and Cuba, with their massive masses of peons yearning to breathe free, gain ersatz liberty, and enjoy the side benefits of Yankee/gringo/white privilege. And now, there has been a 700% increase in Chinese nationals, mostly military age males, crossing the border in just the last year. Blue America’s newly sanctified sanctuary cities are the putrid petri dishes “culturing” our border disorder having become so by virtue of their criminally insane mayors and attorneys general. They let the criminals run wild in America’s once fashionable and favored locales and one soon finds that they are not-so-slowly turning into favelas* (*third world shanty towns) featuring the homeless, the addicted, the drunk and the criminal with a side order of garbage and a topping of urine and feces as their main features. Black New York City Mayor Eric Adams supposedly has had enough, as locales such as Texas keep funneling so-called asylum seekers into Adams’ bailiwick, turning it into The Big rotten Apple.

Meanwhile, late-comers hit the NYC jackpot when the overflow were housed in deluxe accommodations in fancy hotels at enormous taxpayer cost! However, expect no gratitude from the wicked or the invaders as it appears that some of the migrants have overcome their boredom while living in their up-scale facilities by throwing objects at passersby. As well, they are reprising Woodstock in mid-town Manhattan without the rock music (maybe salsa?), the merriment, or the mud outside the decaying Roosevelt hotel where they brawl in the streets, or lounge around making life miserable for the actual city residents. This is so perversely ironic because the one-time iconic Roosevelt house band, Guy Lombardo and his Royal Canadians used to officially welcome the New Year by belting out “Auld Lang Syne” to the appreciation of the nation from the Roosevelt’s grill room. The band’s motto was, “the sweetest music this side of heaven,” a uniquely smooth style of pop. There’s no way the libbers can smooth over what New York is now becoming! The city is losing important revenue as the upscale businesses are bailing out. But this actually started during the BLM “rallies” (riots) when iconic stores such as Tiffany’s were looted without any response by New York’s “men in blue!”

Nonetheless, Mayor Adams, President Biden, and every elected official to the left of Marjorie Taylor Greene seems not to care about the metastasizing mess here and in other blue sanctuary cities. Adams has a hot potato in his hands. His recourse would seem to be to pack them off to the Twin Cities or other locales that would still welcome them with that upper Midwest stoicism still in play today. As well, there is always the possibility that their numbers may drop if they are sent in any quantity to Chicago where the death rate is only slightly lower than that of the Civil War! Maybe the Texans will show the Big Apple some pity and send the next wave of migrants to the Minnesota Twins directly. That “next wave” is reputed to be the untouchables and such ilk from India, an unfortunate lot that one wouldn’t wish on anyone, even Mayor Adams. Thousands are beginning to pour into the US, in a tableau reminiscent of the final scene in the classic book, “The Camp of the Saints,” a scenario that is about to be reprised for real. These people are known to be sordid and sadistic, have very low IQs, and their per capita income of $2,085 would not go very far at today’s inflated prices. But even so, there’s no way we can keep them out now.

The left always acknowledges plausible grounds for asylum for anyone and everyone – as long as they’re not white European Christians. The “reason” may be presented as climate change or political persecution or economic hardship or all three. Everything is considered a qualification to open the borders and the wallets of the good ol’ USA and its people; no substantiation of causes is required. On July 25, a federal judge struck down the Remain in Mexico rule, such that asylum seekers need only set foot on US soil to earn the privilege of filing an asylum claim. How thoroughly did the Department of Homeland Obscurity, er, Security screen the 1,018, 004 persons obtaining permanent resident status in 2022? Many of them tossed away their identification papers before crossing into the US. Does that answer your question? But the fact is that no sort of screening matters anymore. Why? Because the laws don’t matter, the Constitution doesn’t matter, the will of the people is a joke and our politicians put themselves and each other in office by maintaining the show of what were once called elections. At this rate perhaps what is entering now might well become the best we have!

© 2023 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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The Betrayal

By Sidney Secular

September 13, 2023

“Even the Devil himself presents himself as an angel of the Light.” — 2 Corinthians 11: 14

“Where there is no freedom, there is no truth.”  — Jose Lezama Lima

I will tell the story of my people.  I will tell it, even though it is forbidden, even though the few of us who remain are no longer even allowed to call ourselves a people.  I will tell the story, even though it is now told only in whispers, whispers which, if brought to light, are immediately denounced as heresies, proscribed utterances, crimes punishable by ruin or even death.  Such is the world that has been created, the one into which we were lured, like gullible and foolish children wandering into caverns, a place of nothingness and damnation that we have now bequeathed to the rare children who remain of our progeny.  I will tell this story, tell it for the sake of those who may follow after us, though almost no one will now submit to hear it, or tolerate hearing it.  I will stand up under the mantle of lies under which they have buried us, and I will scream our truths for the innocents whose world that we, in our recklessness and foolishness, so perfectly and zealously destroyed.

I will tell the story of my people, a people now irrevocably damned.


It began as many tyrannies begin, quietly and incrementally, with few signs of what would later follow.  In the beginning, a smiling peace shepherd would visit your home, bringing two cups of coffee, one for you and one for himself.  He would ask to sip his cup at your kitchen table, and would chat with you about impolitic comments you’d reportedly made.  The conversation, under hanging planters and with morning sunlight streaming through the windows, would be slightly unnerving, but friendly in its nature, coming from someone so grandfatherly.

Two years on, the peace shepherd would reappear, sans the coffee.  He would have a companion officer, who would neither smile nor speak, and undoubtedly was there to serve as a witness to any unacceptable opinions you might utter.  The duo would have a list of questions, specific in determining your politics and worldview, and the largely silent male or female companion would write feverishly as you spoke, this time with your answers being more wary, your having sensed that things were ramping up.

A year after that, they would wade as a five man team into a restaurant crowded with diners and waiters, and drag you out by your hair or your ankles, while the dining clientele, growing suddenly silent, watched without one word of horror or dissent.  There was even a videotaped incident — quickly vanished down the Media’s memory vortex — in which a troop of peace shepherds had entered a dinery, delicately removed a senator’s napkin and fork from her hands, and then carried her out by her belt, like a piece of luggage.

In that case, like many others, the other diners had said nothing, with the exception of a small phalanx at the most expensive tables which had stood and politely applauded, like circus clowns wearing tuxedoes, as the senator’s rump, suspended midair, had been carted out the door.

It was through an intuitive wisdom that the public had learned to be silent in such situations, most without even once being officially ordered to remain silent.  Intuition, as they sometimes say, involves one’s instincts.  No orders had been necessary; people had over time learned to self-censor, to be timid in what they said or were construed to have said.  And in an almost symbiotic ebb and flow, the first warning signs of approaching raids were usually offset by declarations of altruism and tolerance, along with affirmations of commonly held beliefs about freedoms and rights.  All of the latter were merely a means to an end, and the end goal was that the people would speak and obey only the words allowed to them and scripted for them by their rulers.

Some of the misdeeds resulting in the peace shepherd visits were indeed violations of the rule of law.  Increasingly, however, many were imaginary or feigned misdeeds, invented by the bureaucrats in power.  And some, very visibly as time progressed, were sins fabricated by the highest hands that ruled in government, Media, and academia, with the sole goal of creating political education and acquiescence to their omnipresent power.

Marissa Ball and her husband, John, had received both of the first types of visits, the visit by a single smiling peace shepherd, and a visit by a second unsmiling duo.  Being a mother and wife, Marissa did not want to see what the third visit might bring across their threshold.  Like the people around her, she began to be censored by her own fear.  What any person said inside their home might be safe; what was said in public was never certain of being safe.

Even so, Marissa and John had already passed the Rubicon without even being aware of their ankles getting wet.  It was true that, troubled by the murky rumors of their times, Marissa’s husband John had begun fronting for her edgy and sometimes anti-establishment artwork, by pretending to be its creator, but they had still foolishly believed much longer than most of their peers the notion that individuals could still talk and write and paint in ways that the powers that be were duty-bound to tolerate, the powers presumably being duty-bound because they needed to keep up the pretense of being the guardians of a free society.  In time, however, sensing intensifying storm clouds, the couple had engaged in several spirited catfights over her art’s potential for bringing notoriety and risk, and John had left her in peace only after she had agreed to his assumption of the role of being the creator of all of her essays, sketches, and paintings.  Her reputation as an artist had been a more or less fledgling one, and they had childishly believed such a transition would go without notice by the authorities.  With an even greater hubris, they had also believed John’s position as a public comptroller afforded them an added layer of protection helpful in shielding them from public or government opprobrium.

Like many others, they were entirely mistaken in these conclusions.

It had all been true to a point in time, but, even so, afterward, when they should have sensed the direction of the winds, she and John had on too many occasions spoken their minds about various sensitive issues, making their swapped identities and John’s job into thin beards indeed.  Marissa’s wise mother, herself not even perceiving the real extent of the danger — and despite having witnessed more than one political upheaval in her own lifetime — had first humorously described them as “a radical duo of two, consisting of two too-free spirits.”   Then, as political chaos and conflict had increased in the city around them, she had become more serious, and had begun to warn them with pleading eyes that they were in jeopardy of being labeled as reactionaries or counterculture dissidents, for which a pound of flesh might one day be paid.

In the context of all of these things, it thus did not come as a complete surprise to Marissa when five peace shepherds tumbled through the back gates of their garden one afternoon,  just as she and John and their child Nate had seated themselves on the lawn to repot some wisteria.  The shepherds had burst through the wooden gates in the lower garden, slamming the doors open with unnecessary force, shattering the gate’s planks and almost causing the shepherds to fall into the terrace, now overgrown because even the lowly gardener had quit during the Media firestorm which had ignited after one of Marisa’s drawings had been vilified by the local press.

The painting had not been one of the works she had imagined would create a flashpoint.  It had been a depiction of a line of women meandering into a warehouse, most of them naked or in a state of partial undress.  There had been a sign, reading “To the Baths” alongside the trail of women, and there had been a caption, with one woman saying to another, “I would argue that when you get down to the reality of things, the influence that government actually has on our day-to-day lives is really quite marginal.”

The Media had responded to a studio showing of the piece with howls of rage and denunciations contending the image was inappropriate, insensitive, vulgar, and a myriad of other transgressions of both moral and political natures.  A few critics indignantly referred to it as an example of “historical appropriation,” or  “victim narrative appropriation,” though the latter terms never became defined to an extent satisfying to Marissa’s comprehension.  A few critics had kindly opined the piece was intended to reflect public alienation toward a centralizing and more heavy-handed government bureaucracy, but most pundits had simply ignored the piece — hoping to kill it via obscurity — or had loudly denounced the work as tastelessly seditious.  The selective silence of additional critics, based on either their fear or their disinterest, had not mattered; a fuse had been lit, and, for reasons not completely clear even to Marissa, her genre of art with similar themes was thereafter labeled and referred to as “Dispossession Art.”  The best interpretation of the “Dispossession Art” label contended  her artwork was intended to convey that some better and more civil world had been lost and governmental authorities had degenerated into authoritarianism.

But such an explanation alone was too dangerous a statement for them to be left in peace.  No one had asked Marissa or her husband — again, the latter being the pretend creator of the art — what message the art was intended to convey.  By this point, no explanation would have prevented the shepherds’ boots from arriving.

The raid was preceded by several seconds by a quiet surveillance drone, which had positioned itself sixty feet above Marissa’s garden, to record the event for official records.  This was normal protocol, and occasionally, due to some bureaucratic screw-up, such drones would arrive too early for raids, giving suspects time to notice their presence and flee the premises.  Marissa had once been at a garden wedding, and one such drone had appeared above the buffet tables, causing the guests to flee in a panic; amusingly, it had turned out to be nothing more than a calzone delivery for a family in an adjoining residence.

Such good fortune was not in evidence on this day.  In the moment when the shepherds burst through the garden gates, in that particular minute Marissa realized how slow she and John had been in losing most of their remaining delusions about governmental benevolence.  But, perhaps because she was disoriented, in the moment of intrusion she found herself mostly befuddled with odd thoughts.  We should have planted weeping willows, was the first incongruous thought entering her mind.  Her second focus was the embarrassingly feminine bird cry of alarm coming out of her husband, as the peace shepherds tackled him and pinned him to the grass.  Nate, eleven years old, took it all in with widened eyes, immobilized by his own surprise.  Nate’s nanny, Hope Larsen, was just exiting the house’s patio doors when the ambush commenced, and her tray of tea glasses and a plastic container of potato chips went sprawling across the patio’s brickwork.  The glasses had shattered across the bricks and into the tiny coy pond, scattering shards of glittering glass into which Nate had then fled, screaming, with naked feet.  Seeing John being tackled, the three of them, Marissa, Hope, and Nate, had selfishly turned to run into the house, only to find other peace shepherds already emerging serenely from the interior to block their path.

In seconds, there was no escape.

The Fitzhughs, an amiable middle aged couple in the end unit of a nearby row of townhouses, had emerged onto their back deck in response to the noise created by the splintering lumber and Nate’s shrieks.  After a staccato of barks from the leading peace shepherd, they obediently retreated back into their own house.   One of the women shepherds then carefully and maternally ushered the women and child onto lawn furniture and bandaged two small cuts on Nate’s feet, engaging him in the kind of cooing routinely used by adults to keep children calm in such situations.

Marissa recognized the faces of one or two of the peace shepherds, and saw with relief they were local people, and thus, perhaps luckily, not members of the Federal Office to Combat Misinformation.  Referred to us “FOCOM” or, in the vernacular, “Fuck-em” agents, on the infrequent occasions when that particular genre of agents would arrive on someone’s doorstep, their faces would usually be covered by visors, and their hands equipped with truncheons.  Nonetheless,  everyone in the garden — and most of the faces now peeking from the neighboring houses’  curtains — had known the moment the back gate had begun splintering why the squad had arrived and what the intrusion portended.

Marissa went calmly to Nate, ignored the woman doing the bandaging, wrapped her arms around his shoulders, and whispered reassurances.  In doing so, a truly grounded thought had entered her consciousness.

 I have brought all of this on us, she thought.

“It will be alright,” she said instead to Nate.  “They have not come to hurt us.”

“No, no,” the female peace shepherd said, reassuringly, in a pointedly maternal tone.  “Of course not.”

John was cuffed, and members of the squad then went through the house, collecting the artworks from tripods and shelves.  The visitors give no sign in their cheerful chatter between themselves — all of it completely audible through the house’s open windows — that they were aware of Marissa being the actual creator of the pieces.  They also gave no sign they felt there was anything incongruous about being inside someone else’s home, turning it upside down.

Marissa and John had not had time to hide Nate away, as they had once planned; the precise choreography of the raid suggested it had been skillfully strategized to prevent such concealments.  The lead shepherd instructed John be removed to a chair located amidst the glass shards, and the remaining three detainees were ushered away from him to a secondary spot, a bench under the yard’s only juniper tree.

Marissa recalled how it was on this same bench that John had finally told her how in reality he did not like her art, that he actually found it disturbing and offensive.  He had never spoken so frankly before, and it was apparent he was having second thoughts about their safety.

“My art is what I believe to be the truth,” she had said, “though often it is just my disgruntled observations of the times we live in.”

“Some truths and commentary are best left unspoken,” John had responded.

“Why?” she had asked.

He had pondered the question for a moment before speaking.  “Let’s pray we don’t find out.”

Over time, John’s anxieties would subside and then bubble back to the surface.  “You’ll get their attention,” he would matter-of-factly caution, referring to the authorities.  “Make your art, but keep it off their radar.”

“You are a scaredy cat,” she had responded, with pretend amusement.  “I’m not just some haus frau with a hobby.  There’s conviction in what I do, and a right to pose the questions I’m posing.”

Very quickly, however,  it had not been easy even to get the smallest of private studio showings; the modus operandus of the government and the Media, its unofficial mouthpiece, became ostensibly to intimidate the citizenry, including studio owners,  into thinking about their personal welfare and reputations first, facilitating a reluctance to engage in anything resembling political incorrectness or public dissent.  To make dissent was to go against popular sentiment and moral codes, was to risk screeching mobs arriving at one’s front door, mobs needing no government directives to assault and vandalize the targets of their outrage.  Popular sentiment, government, and Media had all merged to become one.

A month before the raid, John and Marissa had been resting together in the garden’s hammock, when John had begun whispering into her ear.

“You are whispering,” she observed, thinking to humor him.

“Because Mrs. Ianuzelli’s gardener is next door,” he had replied.  “And because I think I need to mention something:   there’s now an intermittent clicking on our phones.”

“Get out.”

“For real.  And there’s been an unmarked white van at the end of the street for the last two weeks.”

“Bullshit,” she said, loudly.

“Everything I write on the computer becomes hieroglyphics within three days.”

“Then you’re not saving the files properly.”

She remembered now how she had looked squarely at him and laughed, but their conversation did not proceed further, as the next door gardener had risen above them behind the fence to busily prune a tree.

It was not the usual gardener Mrs. Ianuzelli usually employed.

Now, with the raid in effect, the shepherds had methodically searched their house and had returned to the ground floor, stacks of Marissa’s canvasses in their arms or under them.  The lead shepherd had stepped onto the patio to signal for John to rise from his chair, and he did so, meekly.  He’d sat alone, unguarded, while the search had been conducted.  Long ago, people had stopped fleeing peace shepherds; it had been an exercise in futility.  The lead shepherd now waved John into the house, presumably to direct him out the front entrance and into the back of a vehicle.

It was all perfunctory.  As John turned to follow the shepherd’s instructions, he looked back at Nate, Marissa, and Hope, smiled in a visibly weak display of bravado, and signaled the “I Love You” sign with his fingers.  The “I” was made by holding up the index finger.  The “L’ was made by shaping the index finger and the thumb into an “L.”  And so forth.

It was an intimate ritual in their family, a customary part of their departures, and completed in less than two seconds.  Watching, the shepherd patted John kindly on his shoulder, and  pressed him toward the front door.

And then John was gone.  It was all business-like, formal, performed speedily and mechanically, of course, to outrace the pain to arrive in its wake, like a profound reverberation.

Marissa, Nate and Hope had then spent a year and a half waiting for John’s return, a return that never transpired.  Their inquiries about him yielded official unsigned letters intended to be non-responses, or they gleaned grey rumors floating in snips of housewife gossip, rumors informing him that he and others had been enrolled at a reeducation campus hundreds of miles to the west of the city.  Visiting government offices, they could inquire all they liked, with or without hysteria, with or without anger, without or without the influence of well-positioned bureaucrats or relatives, but no other information was ever culled from the purposeful murkiness.


In the beginning years, some numbers of people returned from the rumored reeducation campuses.  The inmates would shuffle home haggard and exhausted, with tales of brutal labor conditions and grueling indoctrination sessions.  In recent years, by all appearances, few people were returning, and by the end of their own one and a half year waiting period, it was being rumored that no one of any stripe was ever allowed to return home.  No one, no piece of luggage, no item of clothing, not even a letter.  In an attempt to find something out, Marissa and Hope had identified and gone to one of the specific detainee collection points, a large retail warehouse, only to be sternly ordered away with barks and threats.  No precise knowledge of the exact destinations of the departed people could ever be determined; there were only a few distant metallic echoes of some bureaucracy going through its machinations, partnered with  the whispered speculations of intimate friends, uttered only in late evenings stupefied by liquor and cigarette smoke.

It was then, just as a permanent despair was taking root, that on an unexpected morning — what joy — a random and unusually oversized postcard would arrive in some collected person’s relative’s hands, attesting miraculously and in a familiar handwriting how the departed loved ones were all in good spirits and good health.  One neighbor, receiving such a card after a year, and recognizing his wife’s handwriting, had promptly fainted from the excitement.

Yet to Marissa and her household’s unrelenting disappointment, no such card ever arrived from John.

To maintain calm, the Ball household had purposefully and promptly reverted to its mundane domestic routines, with Hope continuing to arrive to perform childcare and to instruct Nate; he had received a school banning two weeks after John’s arrest.  “For the greater welfare of the public school system” was the reason given, in a letter signed “Avery County School Board.”  The letter, like the responses to their previous inquiries about John, contained no individual’s name, phone number, or signature.  Such diktats regarding anti-social elements  had become commonplace, and no pretense of redress was permitted or possible.  These orders and decrees, disseminated on imposing looking stationery, had even garnered the slang nickname of “Faceless correspondence.”

With the passage of time, Marissa  was almost comfortable again with her spindle and her canvasses and her craft projects, mostly kitchen art, which she and Hope had trundled in a wheelbarrow to the city’s farmers market and flea markets and sold on a stylishly draped card table.  They had done so well with the sales that they had even had business cards printed up, announcing the arts and crafts as being created by the “Kitchen Kitsch Company,” and their products were of such good quality that even during food shortgages, when craft sales would predictably lag, they still were easily able to barter some of their items for the baked goods and farm produce sold by other vendors.  This became even more important when Marissa’s teaching credentials were also revoked — also in connection with John’s detention —  and she could no longer teach part-time art classes at the local  university.  She was not surprised by this development; it followed the predictable course of action the government normally pursued in situations like her own.  Their household perhaps would not have survived at all if her father had not previously left a bequest allowing her to pay off the mortgage and meet most of their living expenses.   With such blessings, and by throwing herself into her craft work, Marissa was able to place ample food on their table and still pay Hope a modest salary.  They had even managed to occasionally to sneak out into the city without surveillance drones following them — usually three, one for each of them, following in an evenly spaced trail behind them at a distance.  When this happened, they would also, with great pains, take extra efforts to stay out of the range of the omnipresent video cameras found on suburban house porches and street lanterns, and, by using back alleys, visit local amusements, including an amusement park and a marshland nature reserve on the outskirts of the city.

The danger was that, after a time, for many people the drones and cameras became no more noteworthy than birds in flight or perched in a yard tree.  And, lending itself to an inclination to disregard them, was the fact that their surveillance often appeared to be fickle or arbitrary.  Sometimes the blinking red eyes were present everywhere, intimidatingly.  Sometimes they did not appear to be present at all.  Sometimes a drone was visible above every fifth person in a park.  Sometimes trails of them followed entire families.  And sometimes no drones were visible anywhere, for a week.

Perhaps partly because of their presence, Marissa and Hope in time closed ranks to form an ersatz partnership of their own, and Hope’s loyal companionship in time evolved into a source of great strength for both mother and son.  The girl was an ally, but also the truest form of a bon vivant, one who in the past had regarded all of life as a celebration and an adventure; she was a perpetually mirthful smile framed perfectly by a pageboy haircut, the strands of which wandered and floated like angel wings with a mind of their own.  She was a muse, a sprite, a free spirit.  They came to find her constant good spirits and the sound of her carefree laughter to be tonics, a delight to any human blessed by her presence, and these rays of sunlight were everywhere in their home even after the arrest —  all because of this young woman.  Hope neither worried nor exhibited temper; in her mind, every human on the planet was an unmet new friend, and she greeted every predicament and every stranger with an unclouded and unjudging openness and optimism.  Even the peace shepherds who periodically checked up on them were charmed, no doubt partly because she would shower them with home baked cookies distributed in pastel napkins.  They would stand and wait their turn to receive the cookies, like children, and Marissa, knowing the importance of cultivating their good favor, would smile benignly, thinking all the while behind her eyelids of the household’s limited finances.

Like the shepherds, Marissa found herself overly allured in ways she had not expected by Hope’s youth and vibrancy and unworldly innocence.  Hope gave no evidence, even for one moment, of abandoning their family, and Marissa found herself increasingly enamored of the  girl as they labored side by side.  She soon determined that none of what she saw in the young woman was pretense — it was all real — and in time she could not imagine a life without Hope’s presence.  In additional time, perhaps because of John’s absence, and to Marissa’s own surprise, the feelings had coalesced into something more unmistakeable in their clarity and their intensity.

She realized she loved Hope, and was herself radiating, like Nate, whenever the girl was in close proximity.  Marissa determined she must not make her child worldly too soon by demonstrating inappropriate affections for his nanny, and she stuffed her emotions out of sight.  There was no need to illuminate those recesses; Hope was most safe in the role of spritely companion, the sympatico free spirit whose abundance of benevolence overshadowed that of any personality they routinely encountered.  And Hope, wonder of all wonders, despite the arrest, and despite the retreats of many of their former friends, had proved that she would always love them back, showing it in the labor of her hands as her fingers kneaded bread or traced the sentences in books being read to Nate.

As the trio waited for John’s return, they became aware other errant individuals nearby were being visibly routed into some of the reeducation campuses.  On rare occasion, tiny groups of the unfortunates could be seen downtown in the city’s streets, either early or late in the day, being chaperoned on foot or transported in vans to the collection points.  The trio acknowledged this, and also the fact that in the Media, bureaucrats and pundits were sometimes growling more loudly.  The world still turned, the sun came up each morning, one’s daily ablutions still needed to be performed, and their day-to-day rhythm of life helped confirm that society’s machinery was still humming and God was still in his Heaven.

The little family carried on, an oasis of normalcy and good spirits in the larger world.  Their abode was a place where life was still worth living, whatever fate might befall others, and whatever tumult or mundaneness transpired outside their doors.

Or so they had thought.   When the shepherds had arrived the final time, one late afternoon, this time for both Marissa and Nate, their arrival still felt oddly improbable.  The shepherds spoke in confident but unthreatening tones, and afforded ten minutes for them to gather clothing.  They followed the instructions,  while Hope, showing no signs of panic,  had stood by the front door, weeping silently, with a demure but empathetic expression on her face.  Hope asked to accompany them to their destination, and had been firmly but diplomatically told to stand down; one of the intruders announced she needed to remain in the house for an interview, and it would then be searched again and sealed.

On this particular day, Marissa had just finished another piece of dissident art, despite Hope’s admonishments not to make anything further.  The piece was sitting in a portfolio case on a foyer table by the front door as Nate and Marissa were being evicted.  Marissa had nodded toward the portfolio for Hope to destroy it, and Hope had nodded back.  No words had been necessary.

One sour looking shepherdess had helped carry their suitcases.   At the front door, the lead shepherd stepped forward, and deftly removed a gold broach Marissa had not noticed was attached to the lapel of a jacket she had grabbed from her closet.  It had been sent to her many years earlier by an aunt in Johannesburg, who had married a Boer there.

“You don’t want to wear this on the train,” the man said, smiling encouragingly, but pocketing the jewelry.   “There are convicts on some of the trains.”

This new information was mildly unsettlng, but their fears were allayed again when they noticed another shepherd manning the transportation van was a former neighbor, a handsome young man hardly more than a child himself.  He nodded to them, but then returned to using his own handkerchief to wipe mud spatters off the coat of another passenger, an ancient man who should have been too old to be a detainee.

Marissa and Nate boarded the van without looking back.  To Marissa’s relief, the shepherds had shown no initial interest in the portfolio in the foyer, possibly because it was too visible in plain sight.  Instead, they had headed for her library shelves, and were busy examining the titles and making a pile of some of the books and some remaining art canvasses.

Hope, mourning their departure or perhaps anticipating an interrogation, could be heard emitting a soft wail behind the house’s front door as the van’s doors closed on them.  Marissa was uncertain, as it was unlike any other sound they had ever heard Hope make.


At the train platform, incorporated into the western exposure of a railroad warehouse, there was no small crowd of people, many of them with luggage of some kind, but many with only the clothing they were wearing.  The surveillance drones that had monitored their apprehensions hovered sixty feet above the train platform, some in clusters, indicating that entire groups or households of people had been collected.  The drones gathered no particular attention from the people on the platform, and as new detainees entered the station, would reposition themselves in their holding patterns above the humans.  The holding patterns were at alternate heights above the humans, but at uniform distances from one drone to the next, creating an almost aesthetically attractive pattern, like lights skillfully strung on a Christmas tree.

A train with ten passenger cars paralleled the platform, and it occurred to Marissa that their shepherds were waiting for the cover of nightfall to conceal the train’s departure.  She and Nate huddled in a corner of the platform, under the warehouse’s eaves, where she drew comfort from studying her child’s face.  It was a refined face, too delicate for a male, the face of a pianist or an artist like herself.   Under his shock of brown hair was a set of too-serious brown eyes, eyes underscored by a small smattering of boyish freckles, but eyes that had already seen and comprehended more than was wise about the world in which they lived:   he had already begun asking questions that were no longer permitted.  Even before his school expulsion, he had begun going silent when presented with portions of the liturgy all young people were required to recite in classrooms and in the remaining churches.

He had been called Pooh Bear when he was born, mostly because he had loved the Winnie the Pooh stories as a child, but also because they’d  told him he’d made voluminous amounts of pooh as a child, which was true, and as mountains of diapers had evidenced.  At the age of eleven, he would still pretend false outrage when they used the Pooh Bear name, and it would all usually dissolve into laughter, though as a toddler some of his temper tantrums over the nickname had been surprisingly violent.

“I wish Hope was here,” Nate said, eyeing the other huddles of people around them.

“Me too.”

“Will they hurt her?”

“No,” Marissa lied.  She was not sure.  She had no clue about any of this business.  She only knew it would have been better if their collection hadn’t occurred.

The number of people not wearing traveling clothes and not having baggage hinted that those particular individuals had been plucked from offices or houses unexpectedly.  A middle aged doctor was still in his white hospital jacket, his uniform and his hair rumpled.  He was going amongst the passengers, asking if any were injured, and this suggested some manhandling might have occurred when he was collected himself.  His spouse, looking bewildered, was juggling both a shoulder bag and a tennis racket, but nothing else.  She was one of the few local people Marissa recognized in the group; the woman was a prominent academician.  As Marissa studied her, the woman got down on her knees next to them, sorting through the contents of her purse to see what tools remained in her possession.  It could not have been comfortable kneeling on the concrete floor, but there was an urgency about the activity.   Marissa recognized the couple as Doctor and Mrs. Templeton, from an expensive neighborhood in the hills above her own street.

Also studying Mrs. Templeton’s purse inventory was an elderly Asian woman in a wheelchair, her greying hair dyed black.  She was wearing a kimono under a poorly  protecting leather jacket, and she was without an attendant.  They later learned she had been there all day on the platform, initially alone, calmly playing solitaire on a lap table balanced on her knees.  Taped to the lap table was a small note card, the kind people might use to collect strangers at an airport.  It read:  “Mrs. Ethel Kamuro.”  This created the sense in Marissa that the woman had already been dropped off somewhere else in transit, and then collected a second time for the train standing patiently beside the platform.

Mrs. Kamuro smiled benignly, then pointed downward to the note.  “I am Ethel,” she announced, “as you may have guessed.”  She smiled at Nate, who responded by directing his gaze at his shoes.  She extended a playing card to him, and he placed it back on her lap table, in response to which she feigned a pout.

It was impossible to know just what anyone knew or had guessed about their common predicament, or what any particular person’s mental state might be.  Nearby, weaving his way in and out of the knots of people, was a young blond man, rumpled and unkempt looking, his head poorly bandaged from some injury, murmuring to himself as he tottered with an odd gait from one group to the next.  The unsteady gait hinted at a head injury which might have impacted his brain, and Marissa noticed he was being studiously ignored by her fellow passengers.  As he drew close to her own group, he murmured, fixing his attention on them:   “In the end….”

“Pardon?” Mrs. Kamuro said, placing her hand behind her ear.

“What’s that?” a nearby elderly black man with an aristocratic nose and an outdated blue fedora ventured.  He had himself been wandering stiffly back and forth across the platform, perhaps dispelling nervous energy.  He now held his arm out toward the young man, not to offer assistance, but to keep him at a distance.  “I am Professor Amari Miska from the Agricultural College.  Do I know you?  What do you need?”

The young man drew closer to them despite Professor Miska’s extended arm.  His clothing and an unmistakeable odor made it apparent he had soiled himself.

“It is important to remember,” the young man repeated, with great solemnity, “that in the end, God murders all of us.”

The Asian dowager made a clucking noise in response.

Professor Miska began to shoo the man away, the way one would shoo a small child, but without waiting for a more emphatic dismissal, the young man turned on his heel and staggered toward another group, where he received a similar subdued response.

“Deranged,” Mrs. Kamuro commented.

Professor Miska grunted reluctant agreement.

Shepherds floated respectfully in and around the knots of people, reorganizing luggage, scribbling messages on note pads, and tidying the small messes and confusions stemming from any group of humans who go on a journey.

“I am ……….I have no idea why I was brought here,” Professor Miska mused to their impromptu small circle.   “There is no logical reason why I have been brought here.  It is madness for them to be snatching people up in the middle of the day or night.  Madness.  Nuttiness.”  He covered his forehead with one palm, as if experiencing embarrassment.  “The whole world has gone goofy.  I don’t know what has happened to it all.  When I was young, I enjoyed pretending to act crazy in a world that was sane.  Now that I’m old, and I get to pretend to be sane in a world that has gone mad.”

The Templetons stared first at the professor, and then at the rest of the group blankly.

“It is rumored,” Mrs. Kamuro said, “that sometimes people disappear completely after a third visit from peace shepherds, regardless of the reason for the visits.”

Such a  comment was inexplicable, and Mrs. Templeton was quick to take exception.  “We’ve had no such visits,” she said, “and it is the official position of the government that no shepherd visit can reduce a Social Credit Score by more than ten percent.”

Social Credit Scores had become the metric for a citizen’s status and privileges; they were a  cumulative financial and social rating for individuals appraising their financial and reputational and civic worthiness, based on compiled and computerized data.  It was widely held that only a few bureaucrats were privileged to fully comprehend how the information for the ratings was collected and maintained.

“I also have never had any visit from a peace shepherd,” Professor Miska said, “aside from yesterday’s visit.

“Nor I,” Mrs. Kamuro said.  “But it is still a rumor.”

“Perhaps a clerical error brought some of us here,” Marissa said, in an effort to be comforting, “or perhaps they have somehow begun casting too broad a net, picking up people by mistake.”

“Possibly,” the doctor said.

“If that’s true,” Marissa continued, “I’m sure eventually they’ll straighten it out.”

Professor Miska again slapped his forehead, but made no further lament.

Mrs. Camera was studying them all intently.  She was not senile, as Marissa had at first  suspected.  “Someone earlier today was speculating these collections are connected to some kind of racial purge, but — ” she waved her hand around the platform to include all of the throngs of people, which included individuals of color and even individuals conversing in foreign languages, “obviously, that is not the case.”

“There is no telling what is happening,” Professor Miska offered, his voice sounding uncertain.  “These kinds of things aren’t new.  It could be a political purge or a racial purge or a combination of both.  Or there may be something else occurring  we aren’t in a position to comprehend.  And it’s entirely possible some of us here may be here for very ambiguous reasons — maybe just for saying the wrong thing at the wrong time, or being in the wrong place at the wrong time.”

The doctor’s wife, Mrs. Templeton, tightened the collar of her jacket.  Such notions, whispered in some places, were visibly agitants for her.  “I hardly think things have come to that,” she said, “where mere disagreement would be a criterion for getting collected.  Isn’t it possible all of this is exactly what we’re being told is happening — that we’ll attend reeducation seminars and then go home when they’re done with us?”

Professor Miska squinted at her.  “Maybe,” he said.  “But if you really believe what you’re saying, I think it’s more likely you’ve been living a very sheltered life.”

Mrs. Templeton pursed her lips, but did not come back at him.

Marissa lowered her voice in speaking.  “It may be dangerous to commit to any theory,” she said.  “Let’s all just wait, and hope to figure it out.” She formed and launched the words, but even as she spoke them she sensed their hollowness and lack of utility.

They were approached by a mousy bald man in horn-rimmed glasses, who had overheard snatches of their conversation and appeared from nowhere.  “I also have no idea why I was picked up,” he said.  ” Two men appeared beside my office desk, and they’d already been to my apartment and packed a suitcase for me.”

“There must have been some reason,” Mrs. Templeton offered.

“There isn’t any for me,” the mousy man said.  “I, like what you were saying, am completely apolitical.  All of my financial obligations are in order, and I have never even had a jaywalking ticket.”

Mrs. Templeton sighed.  “There is still the rule of law,” she said.  “When people are being brought here or get summoned to report here, it cannot just be occurring in a vacuum.  I think they’re targeting people they believe to be dissidents; it explains why another family on our street was picked up last week.  If I’m correct, my husband and I shouldn’t have been picked up, and we’ll be released in time.”

“I like your optimism,” the mousy man rejoined, sounding unconvinced, “but I’m not sure I share it with you.”

A prematurely greying young woman, still possessing a cherubic face, and holding a slumbering baby, had been standing steps away, and summoned the courage to join them.  
She was dressed in a too-large man’s trenchcoat, her mostly blonde hair pulled back in a hastily and thus poorly constructed bun, and she had been rubbing her face.  It was the behavior of someone rubbing a rash, but when she spoke, it became apparent the rubbing was a nervous response.  This impression was compounded by her voice, which was a few octaves too high.  “My name is Dossy,” she said, and, busily pulling back the fabric covering the bundle in her arms, added, “and this is Baby Theodore.”  The circle of people tightened, to peek at the sleeping baby, slightly unnerved by its presence, but also demonstrating fascination with its helpless frailty and beauty.  “I’m just a haus frau,” the young woman said, “but it’s my opinion everything is going to shit. There is a line in a poem by Yeats called ‘The Second Coming.’  The line keeps playing in my head.  I’ll quote it for you:  ‘Things fall apart; the center cannot hold; mere anarchy is loosed upon the world.’ ”  She paused to position the baby’s blanket to again shield his face.  “And boy, did things fall apart on me,  folks.”

“Tell us,” Professor Miska urged.

The young woman was eager to oblige.  “It was supposed to rain all day yesterday, so my old neighbor took one of my nephews to a matinee along with some of his geezer buddies.  It was some silly science fiction movie about an epidemic, the kind of bread and circus nonsense used to distract people from looking at their own problems or seeing what’s really happening in the world.  When they all came outside after the show, they went to a kiosk selling Italian ices.  There were some thugs there, and they claimed the old people were forcing their way into the line.  But it was just a pretense to assault and rob them.  The thugs went to their cars and pulled out machetes.”  She began with the rubbing again, and the expression on her face became memorable.  “My nephew called me, screaming in terror for his mother.  I went immediately, but no one was there.  There was only rubbish and  blood and fabric on the sidewalk.”

“Fabric?”  Marissa asked.

“Shreds of umbrella fabric.  I talked to a witness, and he said in the middle of it all there had been clouds of shredded umbrella fabric floating down from the air.”  The young woman paused, struggling to compose the next thought.  “I called for peace shepherds, and they came and were very comforting as they took me to their headquarters.  Then, this morning, they brought us straight from their office  to this train.”

The group digested this information, attempting to decipher it.

“I have not heard of levels of violence like what you’re describing,” Marissa said.  “Not since the real estate confiscations all those years ago.”

A decade earlier, the government had addressed housing shortages and wealth inequities by confiscating the homes and land of some of the ultra-wealthy.  The confiscations were met with only token opposition.  Perhaps heartened by this, and compelled by perceived needs, the bureaucrats had expanded the definitions for the wealthy classes and had begun grabbing properties belonging to the upper middle class.  In time, the confiscations were expanded to political dissidents of any and all stripes.  The thefts had only in the last stage resulted in some pushback, some bloodshed, but as the resistance had intensified, the Media coverage, correspondingly, had diminished, until there was no way to accurately comprehend what was happening at all.

“I still don’t connect what all of us have to do with one another,” Dr. Templeton commented.   “They can’t just be randomly grabbing people up.”

Mrs. Kamuro waxed philosophic.  “In my household, we perceived the realities indicating these are troubled times.  We decided to live as inconspicuously as possible, in order to avoid trouble.  We figured if they saw us as being passive and irrelevant, no one would bother us.  We didn’t even put election signs on our lawn, and we expressed no political opinions about anything.”

“But logically, you must have done something, at some time, to get their attention,” Mrs. Templeton ventured.

“Or perhaps it was not a strategy fated to work,” Marissa ventured.

“Maybe nothing was going to work,” Dossy said.  “There’s a sidewalk covered in blood in High Pointe to support that conclusion.”

The mousy bald man, a confused look on his face, had absorbed all of this banter without good humor, and pointed toward the passenger cars.  The discussion had made him visibly uneasy.  There was no sign of anyone being on the train, but he waved them toward the steps of the next-to-last car. “I can see the train’s doors are open,” he said, ” and we can go ahead and board.”  He then went down the loading platform, advising other knots of passengers — some only now arriving at the station — of the opportunity to board.”

The behavior hinted he was more than a passenger, perhaps an infiltrator, perhaps a functionary of the station.

Their newly acquainted group assisted one another in the boarding, with an occasional hand offered by shepherds.  Their overseers seemed entirely unconcerned about the prospect of anyone attempting to flee the station, and they were unremittingly cheerful in their helpfulness.

Dossy’s mood inexplicably brightened as they lined up to board.  “I have gum,” she announced turning in the line to regard Nate, and drawing out a tiny package from inside the baby’s blanket.  “Want some?”  She extended her hand to him with a smile.  He accepted and thanked her, and as he did so, the doors on the other side of the warehouse-like station opened and some of the day’s remaining light flooded brilliantly into its interior and across the platform, an omen that the sun was still a part of their world.

The passengers entered the car and grouped themselves with people they had met or had recognized on the platform.  The members of their own small group remained in close proximity to one another.  After getting them  seated, the shepherds brought in and sequestered in the back of the compartment a dozen men who appeared to be criminals.  All were unshaved, and most but not all were wearing prison uniforms, making the final conclusion about their identity anyone’s to make.   The criminals were accompanied by two Alpha male shepherds, and purposefully segregated by empty rows of seats from the rest of the travelers.  It was perceived that the convicts made no attempt to interact with the other riders, or even to interact amongst themselves.

The train cars had once been upscale passenger cars with tinted windows, with some of the windows having small dining tables beneath them, each table flanked by two chairs.  Although it was not a normal meal hour, the shepherds brought boxes of veggie wraps and bottled water into the car and distributed them.  At the front of the car was a lavatory and a luggage storage section, where there was now a modest collection of suitcases and satchels.  In juxtaposition to these accommodations, the criminal passengers, perhaps in reflection of their status, were completely without possessions of any kind and were positioned in a poorly lit segment of the car.

The passengers had only assumed their seats for a few minutes when the train began gliding forward on its journey.  With the movement,  most of the shepherds absented themselves from the compartment, climbing a circular stairway to a second level above them.  To everyone’s surprise, after a few more minutes, even the Alpha male guards for the convicts vacated the car, descending up the stairway to join an indistinct chatter of their comrades on the second floor.

As the train gained speed, it rounded a long curve.  One of the passengers pointed out the scenery behind the curve, in order for them to see the long trail of drones dutifully following their train cars, the same drones that had hovered above them back at the station.  All of the drones were following in a precise line, at precise distances from one another.  One, for reasons known only to its creator, straggled at a distance behind the rest of the line, making attempts to keep up.  In any other situation, the image might have been amusing.

“Along for the ride,” one old codger muttered.  “It’s going to be left behind if we go any faster.”

In the absence of the peace shepherds, the passengers’ conversations continued in the same informal, disjointed and chaotic manner as they had unfolded on the station’s platform.  And travelers take liberties with their thoughts and words that people anchored in their homes and jobs are more reluctant to express, most probably because those engaging in a journey believe their words will end up discarded along the roadway.

“I would wager that the convicts know to remain in their seats,” someone observed.

“Or maybe they understand they’re better off by obeying,” Marissa said softly.

“What’s the difference?” the Professor Miska asked.

“None much, maybe,” Marissa replied.

“I miss Hope,” Nate said, restlessly.

“You will see her again,” Marissa answered.

“She shines, doesn’t she, Mommy?”

“Yes.  Magnificently, my beautiful boy.  And she will shine again for us, soon.  We just need to be strong for right now.”

Mrs. Templeton was applying lipstick.  “I have heard a few rumors myself about these trains,” she said.  “They say on the first trains there were even small enameled vases holding flowers.”  She stowed the lipstick away in her bag.  “Thank God the nut with the load in his pants got on a different car.”

Mrs. Kamuro extracted half of a veggie wrap from her mouth.  “See?”  she asked, holding it up.    “They would not be feeding us and providing tables if there was anything to worry about.”  Marissa and one or two others attempted smiles.  Smiles were not plentiful in this place, and the old woman was gratified, thinking she’d made an accomplishment.  “Does anyone have any idea exactly where they’re taking us?  Is it not wise to worry?”

Mrs. Templeton, the academic, avoided the question of their precise destination.  “Of course there is nothing to worry about.  The rule of law is still intact. Wherever we go, there will still be peace shepherds and orderliness.  I have faith in such things.”

Two children nearby took out a boxed game from a suitcase and began playing it on one of the tables.  A coiffed woman, with the appearance of some kind of matriarch, perhaps to calm or occupy herself, continously sorted and organized the game pieces as the children played.   Her relationship to them was never clear; it was possible she was their grandmother or a great-aunt.  Nearby the gaming table, spouses and single people made conversation with one another exactly as they might make on a city tram.

Dossy situated the baby in a carrier on a table top, and turned to address their informal circle.  “What I told you was not my first experience,” she said.  “My niece was conscripted into a labor battalion over a year ago, and I went with my brother to look for her.  It was the strangest thing, it was as if she had completely disappeared.  Through a miracle we were able to identify and go to two of the duty stations — where she was said to be — and at the second spot we were almost forcibly snatched up by shepherds.  We got away by the skin of our teeth.”

A row behind them, some passenger eavesdropping in the car harumphed.  “Those are not the peace shepherds of our childhoods,” a gender ambiguous voice objected.  “They gutted their ranks long ago, and disarmed them, to better replace them with apparatchiks and thugs.”

“And the ultimate point of that achievement would be?” Mrs. Templeton asked.

“To better control the rest of us after destabilizing the country,” the voice answered.

Mrs. Templeton had moved on from the lipstick to a compact.  “Wouldn’t destabilizing the country be counterintuitive?” she countered.  “Wouldn’t that ultimately just make living conditions worse for everyone?”

The voice began to speak again, but Marissa interrupted it.  “Not if they think it would help them build what they think they’re building.  And part of achieving that might be to repopulate the peace shepherds with blindly serving drones.”

“The bulk of them are never armed,” Mrs. Templeton persisted.  “And, unarmed and defanged, apparatchiks or not, one can conclude we don’t really need to fear them.”

The disembodied voice was not deterred.  “Being defanged,” the voice responded, “has simply made them more robotic.  They are no one’s friend.  I once saw some of them pursue a man down a riverbank.  He had a heart attack and died, and to keep the mud off their clothing, they sat on his dead body to eat their lunches, until a morgue van arrived.”

“Sounds like an urban myth I’ve heard,” Dr. Templeton commented.

“It’s true.  I saw it,” the voice insisted.

“Nonsense,” Mrs. Templeton said flatly.

Marissa was busy observing Dossy, making commentary about the baby’s blanket and helping her to readjust the hair clasp from which her hair kept escaping.  She noticed the girl made eye contact uneasily, and instead fixed her gaze on other passengers’ clothing.  Marissa also observed an occasional involuntary but disconcerting widening of the girl’s eyes — as if she was sporadically in a state of alarm — which, along with the pitch of her voice, reinforced the impression of someone whose sanity might have been stretched too far, like a rubberband about to snap.

“It is preposterous that things have come to this,” Dossy said, shaking her head at Mrs. Templeton.  “The primary function of a government is to promote stability, and this government sometimes appears to do the exact opposite.  It sometimes seems to be dismantling the things most familiar and important to us.”  She turned to some of the nearby passengers who were not a part of their improvised group, soliciting their agreement.

Two suit-attired gentlemen across the aisle were still manicured and well groomed, hinting a possibility of intellectual depth, but they stared at the girl and her group dumbly.  It was obvious as the intended recipients of the girl’s comments that they did not comprehend them, or were reluctant to agree with them.

An animal, when a potential for danger is communicated to it, often becomes temporarily immobile.

“Do most of us not see it?” the Dossy insisted,  glancing around the car, doublechecking to confirm no shepherds had returned.  “The environment these so-called ‘authorities’ have created is either a purposeful creation or a massive dereliction of duty, at its very best.  As they’ve consolidated their authority they have thoroughly politicized the shepherds, our courts, the Media, the schools, the immigration laws — even what’s left of the churches.  Is it any surprise it has all come to this, a day when we’ve been gathered up for real or imagined misbehaviors and crimes that only they had the liberty to define? For ill-defined ‘misbehavior’ not punished in any country still considering itself free?”

“My child and I have not been charged with any offense,” Marissa offered, hoping to maintain the conversation in calm waters.  “I would be interested in knowing if most of us arrived here without receiving charges.”

This inquiry got the attention of both of the suited gentlemen, and they leaned forward nodding.   Around the compartment, over half of the other passengers did likewise, slowly at first, with their raised hands encouraging others to follow suit.  There was the impression of a larger number of people being able to do likewise, but being cautious.

The car’s occupants contemplated this revelation.  One or two passengers and the mousy man encouraged silence by making low, cautionary shushing noises.  The revelation of such an insight was itself, under the new order of things, bordering on something akin to forbidden.

A tattooed young man, seated behind the suits, even so made no effort to be silent.  “I don’t belong here either,” he  announced.  “I don’t understand any of this.   I was charged, but the charge makes no sense.  They charged me with crimes against the common peace.”  The young man wore a jaunty black anarchist’s hat, a sleek and well-tailored looking cap, until one perceived that it was actually a pair of carefully sewn men’s underpants, with the manufacturer’s brand name purposefully visible on the waistband, now converted into a headband.

“That is a very broad and ambiguous charge,” Professor Miska observed.

“Such a charge is meaningless,” the doctor agreed, fidgeting.

“It means nothing.  Or anything,” the tattooed boy answered.  “I think it had something to do with me complaining about nepotism in the city’s park service, where I worked.  I think they responded by mining their email archives and pulling down politically heated emails I’d sent to friends many years ago.  They mined the archives like they were searching for gold, and even told me they were going to do it.  Within less than a month, they’d brought me into custody.”

The train clattered underneath them, trundling over a bridge.

“They found my brother by hunting him down using a DNA database,” the coiffed matriarch supervising the children’s game said, unexpectedly.  “My brother was a tall mountain of a man who fought in three wars.  I didn’t even know such a thing was possible.  I didn’t even realize any kind of ‘hunting’ was occurring.  And if there was a ‘charge,’ I never heard what it was.”

“And why are you here?” Marissa asked politely.

“As an escort for my grandchildren,” the matriarch answered.

“And why are they here?” Dossy asked.

“Not a clue,” the matriarch answered.

One of the suits who hadn’t spoken was now bold enough to speak.  “Someone mentioned violence.  We heard rumors last week of some kind of massacre in a resort town, north above us on the coast.   A resort town, where a vacation wasn’t what some visitors got.”

Mrs. Templeton was determined to be stubborn.  “When societies undergo duress,” she said, “these kinds of rumors always suface.  Most people today don’t have any clue about anything going on outside their own little worlds — most people have fat, dumb and happy syndrome. They only care about paying the rent or what’s on the television.  They lack even the intellectual depth to verify facts, and instead engage in prattle.”

The circles under Dossy’s eyes were darkening with the day’s dimming light.  “The authorities going  through computer archives and studying  ancient emails and websites you’ve visited is called ‘data mining.’  The irony of it is how a lot of forbidden thinking today wasn’t  considered heresy just a few decades ago.  Now a lot of things aren’t permissible to say.  But it might explain why many older people seem to get collected first.”

The second of the two suits also felt motivated to speak again.  “I would agree the threshold for getting picked up isn’t high any more,” he said.  “A shepherd called me into the boss’s office and then came to my desk and filled a cardboard box with my work things.  I thought they were only going to fire me, but they showed up yesterday at five in the morning, pounding on my bedroom window.  And here I sit.”

“Data mining is a technology they’ve used for many years, now,” the other suit said.  “For decades they’ve been able to do that.  And even things you were certain you posted  anonymously thirty years ago, they can now find it all and locate and track you, sometimes just through identifying individual characteristics of your writing.  Writing has specific identifiers, just like fingerprints, and the technology to locate any author has become very precise.”

Dr. Templeton and Professor Miska made guttural sounds simultaneously.   “That certainly makes my blood run cold,” the professor said.  “Who even knows what they wrote or didn’t write, thirty years ago?”

“These things cannot be admissible in the courts,” Mrs. Templeton opined.

“Apparently, they have made them admissible,” Professor Miska said.  “If they bother admitting any evidence or doing any charging at all.  I know, then, maybe why I am here,” he continued.  A troubled expression clouded his face.  “I wrote a customer book review on a retail site, and it offended some power that be, either someone in the government or someone at the retail company itself.  They sent me an email notifying me all of my book reviews had failed to meet what they called ‘community standards for etiquette,’ and they deleted not only all of my book reviews, but even all of my other product reviews, for things like sink strainers and doormats.  They notified me by email and provided an email address to contact if I wanted to make an appeal.  I made an appeal, but heard nothing.  That was just a few weeks ago, and I was picked up yesterday.”

“For something like that?”  Mrs. Kamuro queried.  “This can’t be.”

The professor continued.  “Yes, yesterday they showed up.  They showed up like automatons, shuffling along behind me as I walked down my own street.   They almost looked bored by the process; they didn’t even seem to have any enthusiasm for grabbing me.”

“Now, now,” the mousy man interjected.   He had been nearby the whole time, deeper in the compartment.   “We are panicking one another.  We are jumping to conclusions.  We are promoting our own hysteria.”

Marissa ignored him.  “I suspected such things were possible,” she said “when my computer graduated from auto-correcting my grammar and spelling and also began auto-correcting entire phrases and even complete sentences I had written.  And that started several years ago.  A month before I was apprehended, I found a way to override the auto-corrections.  And then at some point… cookies or something……the monitor would start flashing warnings about it being impermissible to correct the auto-corrections.”

“You were on their radar,” Mrs. Kamuro suggested.

“Christ,” the tatooed young man said.

Dossy laughed, half-heartedly.  “It would almost be funny if it wasn’t so disturbing.”

“Disturbing?” Professor Miska said.   “It’s surreal.”

“My husband and I have never written anything remotely resembling subversiveness,” Mrs. Templeton said.  “At the most, it was just some grousing about things.”

“Maybe that is all it takes now,” Marissa said, thinking of her canvasses.  She considered bringing up her art, and then did not do so, eying the mousy man uneasily.

Behind them, a man who had never uttered a word this entire time, began to cry. The coiffed matriarch supervising the children at the gaming table had begun snivelling also, a game piece she had been organizing suspended in the air above the table’s surface.

“You have done nothing wrong, any of you,” Marissa announced, in an attempt to be reassuring.

Dossy looked her full in the face for the first time.  “Is that true? Look where I am now.  Look where we all are.”

“It will be okay,” Nate offered to no one in particular, from the game table, where he’d gone to observe the games.  He’d wanted to agree, to reassure himself also.

“What a pack of lies we’ve lived,” a prisoner blurted out in the back of the car, having gotten the gist of their conversation.  “They’ve created an echo chamber of lies for us to live in, one where we all live in confusion, and where neither dissent nor obedience matter, because either can ruin your life.”

“No,” Mrs. Templeton stated, bluntly.

“Or perhaps end it,” the prisoner added.

His companions mumbled for him to be quiet.  It was too grim a pronouncement.  Most in the compartment could not acquiesce to such a conclusion.

“Was anyone here actually charged with an offense like sedition or treason or a violent offense?” the professor asked, looking around.

“I was charged with ‘Felony Wastrel,” the prisoner said, intruding once again.  ” I have no idea where they got that from.  I am not even sure what it means.  A man who was in the cell with me was given an even weirder charge –” he strained to recollect it, “– ‘Felony Sedition.’  He had no idea why.”

“The fuck….” Dossy said.

“Language,” Marissa admonished, in a maternal tone.   “Remember, there are children here.”     She directed her next comment to no one in particular:  “This cannot be possible.”

“The country is ruined,” the prisoner said, undeterred by his comrades. “It has been erased.”

“Mrs. Templeton’s rule of law, anyway, if all of this is true,” Professor Miska said.  “But even if some of these terrible things are actually occurring, we should still pray some semblance of the rule of law is intact.”

“There is no law,” Dossy responded.  “The law is now whatever our handlers define it to be.”

“There is still a functioning constitution,” Marissa said, glancing at Mrs. Templeton.  “We have to believe that.”

“If it’s not there,” Dossy said, “we appear to be encountering something else.”

“Totalitarianism,” Professor Miska opined.  “And all of it achieved without a shot ever being fired.”

“That would mean we are the same as cattle, being herded,” Mrs. Templeton  said.   “And I am never going to believe it.”

“If it is true, what should our response be?” the anarchist in the underpants hat asked.

“Response?  It means you’re forty years past doing what you needed to do to miss this train,” the prisoner said, from the back of the car, more forcefully than he’d spoken before.

The discussion without warning pivoted, sharply and abruptly.  The matriarch organizing the game pieces at the window table was now pointing in Marissa’s direction.  “Hold up,” she said.  “Now I know where I recognize you from.  You there.  You are Marissa Ball, the wife of John Ball, the  artist.  He was the one who made the genre of art called ‘Dispossession Art.’  The subversive stuff the television was screaming about not long ago.”

“Dispossession Art,” the mousy man echoed, squinting at her from afar.  “Yes, I think so.  Is this really who you are? ”

“Maybe you –”Mrs. Templeton said, hesitating, “– will put the rest of us in danger by being with us.”

“Maybe you brought all of this on our town to begin with,” the gaming table matriarch added.

Marissa retreated into herself; it felt like falling head first down a well.  Her art’s reputation, to her surprise, had found its way into the compartment, and even here there was an unforeseeable resentment unmuted by her husband’s pretense of being her art’s creator.  She had not expected such notoriety, due to the brevity of the infamy her art had inspired.  The fires of public indignation had ignited, then sputtered out just as quickly when her art had been vanished by the Media from view.

“That slop was vile,” Mrs. Templeton hissed.  “What purpose did any of it serve?” She repeated the matriarch’s refrain:  “And how many of us may be here because of people like you, idiots who only needed to hold back from stirring the pot?”

The mousy man and one or two others appeared to tepidly agree.  Nate, sensing the mood in the car had changed, left the gaming table and came to sit on Marissa’s lap, facing into the gazes of their accusers, something she herself found she could not do.  It was uncertain to Marissa if Nate had drawn near to her for security, or if he was bravely attempting to insert himself between his mother and the strident voices.

The doctor looked at Marissa in amazement.  “I still don’t get it, I don’t get it at all,” he  said.  Then, perhaps trying coming to her defense:  “How can a painting cause someone to be brought here, especially if they are by someone’s spouse?”

“The government must have brought her here,” the mousy man answered, pretending to be helpful.  “I remember.  They designated all of the art as reactionary art, and she was in the same household with it.”

There was a cacophony of voices.

“But why?”

“Not a clue.”

“What an asshat thing to get arrested for.”

“How can they make arrests for such things?”

“Why would they not?”

“In my time, we wrote and painted and said what we wanted,” Professor Miska interrupted. “It was not long ago.  Nothing was forbidden, and now –”

“Because they can!” the prisoner barked from his distance.

The clacking of the undercarriage of the car increased on an upgrade.  No one waited for Marissa to defend herself, and no defense was immediately offerred.

“Leave her the hell alone,” Dossy said.  “It has all fallen apart.  We’re caught up in a net, some victims, some supposedly perpetrators, some guilty, some innocent, some nothing definable at all.  Some maybe just because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time.”

“Surely all of this has an end purpose,” Professor Miska said.  “An end goal.  We may be caught up in this, logically intended victims or illogically, but there has to be a final purpose, a goal.”

“Power,” the prisoner rumbled.

It was the appropriate time for Marissa to speak.  It seemed they were now waiting for her to speak.   She could not reveal herself as the creator of the controversial art, because her situation was too precarious, but she did not perceive any real danger of them harming her, not while her child was sitting on her lap.  She summoned her courage.  “I make no apologies for any form of art or expression or writing,” she said, “Not in a free country.  Our society has obviously imploded in some way.  All things human have limits.  All things human can disintegrate.  We got too arrogant, maybe.  We got foolhardy, while things came apart under our feet.”

Her words seemed to encourage a reflective calm.  It was a relief, after the group’s chaotic and meandering babble.

Dossy wasn’t buying it.  “I don’t believe for a minute all of this is accidental,” she said.

There were at least no further comments after her summation, only the noise of the train’s rattling metal.  Dossy leaned forward toward Marissa, both cradling their offspring, and looked into her eyes, then speaking as if they were having a private conversation. “What do you think will be the final end of this?”

“I don’t know,” Marissa said, “but I believe we will quickly find out.”

A pre-recorded intercom voice spoke to announce that the passengers were to use the lavatories and then attempt to sleep.   The two peace shepherd who had arrived with the convicts descended from the upper level of the carriage, to orchestrate the sleeping arrangements on the floors and in the seats.  They went through these motions for both the convicts and the civilian passengers alike.  They then left the compartment and the interior lights swiftly dimmed.

Both the civilians and the convicts followed the instruction to sleep, arranging themselves uncomfortably for the night, and letting the lurching motions of the train pray them into a fitful ether.


They woke in the morning after a few hours of stiff and unrefreshing slumber,  and for some, little sleep at all.  They found the train had skillfully and undetectably eased to a full stop.  Peering out the windows, they discovered they were in a small grasslands town, beside a weathered station.  Next to the station was the truncated statue of some local founder, with nothing remaining but the statue’s pedestal and the founder’s feet.  The writing engraved on the pedestral had been chiseled into pock marks.   At the base of the statue some daring or unrepentant upstart had placed a rapidly fading bouquet of English Lavender, trussed together with a matching piece of purple yarn.  Aside from the floral tribute, and their own beating hearts, there was no visible sign amongst the settlement’s sparse and weathered structures of any human presence or activity.

To the direct west of the station rose the remains of a large Tudor style residence, partially burned, partially intact, with a pavilion by its side styled in the same architectural details as the house.  The residence  was likely some prior town official or luminary’s home, and the pavilion, showing lesser signs of damage, was partly occupied by two dozen picnic tables, with the remaining portion occupied by a jungle gym for children.  Around this and a few other town buildings there inexplicably swirled a wet and acrid haze, the scent of which could not be attributed to humidity.

Without anyone verbally acknowledging it, they instinctively knew the charred holes in the structures, and most heavily in the residence, were signs of a rare but purposeful resistance effort; either that, or some prominent citizen had greatly annoyed some distant military bureaucrat.  They decided peace shepherds would probably not have been involved in this scenario; the collateral damage to the pavilion suggested someone,  in pursuit of criminals or dissidents, had demonstrated few ethics by deliberately damaging a children’s playground.

They were ushered off the train, almost chivalrously, by fewer than a half dozen peace shepherds, led from the cars to the pavilion, shuffling in the morning light, murmuring as they went, but taking care not to make any utterance easily construed as a complaint.  Professor Miska stumbled during this passage and lost his glasses; the peace officers helped him to his feet, brushed him off, and placed his spectacles gingerly back on his nose, although they’d fallen from his pocket and not his face.  “Sciatica,” he explained to his helpers, and then, because he had first raised his left arm in a defensive gesture, as if to ward off an expected blow, he offset the gesture by saying, “Thank you, very kindly, folks.”  The peace shepherds murmured back in kind to him.  “We are all human here,” one of them intoned, “and we all get old sooner or later.”

As they approached the pavilion, Marissa noted that the drones following the train had positioned themselves in formations above the structure, though any surveillance of the detainees through its roof would not have been possible.

The passengers in just minutes had gathered at or around the structure’s picnic tables, the edges of some showing signs of intense carbonization.  A red haired man with freckles and the animated green eyes of a zealot arrived in an army vehicle and parked beside the pavilion and stepped before them.  His hair and freckles reminded Marissa of some of the wooden childhood puppets of her mother, which had been bequeathed to her, and were sitting at home on Nate’s bedroom shelves.  Home, she reflected, already felt like a million years ago.  The redhead surveyed them each warily, his eyes scanning back and forth evaluating the group, eyes set in a young face, but one in which any innocence and softness of youth had  vanished.  There were noticeable lines around the lips and the bridge of the nose, and they suggested a man who had little humor and had not weathered life easily.

The man did not introduce himself.  He made no sign of noticing the ruins of the house behind him, or the damage sustained by their sitting place.  It was no doubt irrelevant to his mission.

“Ladies and gentlemen — and little ones –” he announced,” we will be stopping at this site  briefly to have breakfast and regroup.”

A teenaged girl with a mop of blue hair and a nose ring appeared with a box of cheap pastries, lumps of sugary damp flour tasting mostly of something akin to ersatz maple syrup.  In a second box she presented an urn containing poorly warmed coffee.  A woman with children began to request something different for them to drink, but then lost her confidence, her voice becoming plaintive and faltering.  It was possible to assume, through the lethargic movements of the site’s peace shepherds, that the urn and the pastries were part of a ritual previously performed at this location many times.    There were, even so, a few grateful groans of relief from the passengers; aside from the veggie wraps the night before, some people had reportedly not eaten in one or two days, and they all sat silently as the sun began to rise, mothers cooing to their children, feeding them with sticky hands in the absence of utensils.  To the little ones, one of the peace shepherds also handed out small foil pinwheels, the kind mass produced in Asian factories and purchased at convenience stores.  The distribution of the pinwheels, which Marissa had a nagging suspicion might have come from a store looting, also had an aura of being  ritualistic.

When the passengers had finished eating, the redhead rose from his folding chair, one occupied at a distance from the group.  He had neither eaten nor imbibed during their breakfast.  “The first order of business,” he said, “is in the way of an announcement.  Our records sometimes get in a jumble.  Are there a Mr. and Mrs. Nathan and Marissa Ball here today?”

The misidentification of her son as her husband signaled to Marissa that there was confusion about their identities and their presence.  She rushed to mentally calculate.  They are uncertain as to our identities, she thought.  They’re looking for a married couple; they’re not even sure if we’re present in this group.  Don’t speak.

She said nothing.

“I repeat, we are looking for a Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Ball,” the red haired man said.

She again did not answer.  Nate started to move, where he’d been sitting beside her, and she used her arm, which was wrapped around him, to hold him firmly in his seat.

“Last opportunity, those passengers are asked to come forward.”

To her relief and genuine surprise, the other members of the group also said nothing, even the ones who had identified her and expressed resentments toward her.   Not only did they not render her up, but they even purposefully looked away, so as not to identify her by making eye contact.  Only the mousy man’s head bobbed up, staring at her quizically.   It was possible they were protecting her, but it was also possible they were too exhausted from preceding ordeals to speak up and finger her.

The human body and mind, when weary and bewildered enough, often respond by doing nothing.

The redhead Xed off something on his clipboard.  “Whatever,” he commented.  He ran both hands through the buzz cut hair on the sides of his head, as if washing his hands of the matter.

“We are now going to allay the concerns of your relatives and friends back home,” he said, “by writing a few postcards to them.”  Several members of the audience in the pavilion shifted uneasily, but none displayed visible signs of approving or disapproving of the request.

“We are going to hand out an over-sized postcard to each passenger, and you are to write no more than four very brief paragraphs or sentences:   four brief paragraphs.  The first paragraph must include an opening salutation:  ‘Dear Whomever.’  The last or fourth paragraph must include at its end a closing salutation.  For example:  ‘Love, from Papa.”  The redhead now held up his index finger, to stress what followed.   “Note that aside from the two salutations, none of the four paragraphs is to include more than three sentences.    Note how the cards have already been stamped for your convenience, and have on them some very beautiful images of this province you’re currently passing through, including the local breweries.  In the first paragraph, following the ‘Dear Whomever’ salutation, you are to write that you are well and your journey is progressing safely.  For example, you can write that you are in good health, that you have just had a generous breakfast, that you are halfway toward your destination at a reeducation campus, and that there is absolutely nothing to worry about.  As an aside, we would greatly appreciate if you would state something to the effect that your peace shepherds are treating you kindly.  Note, aside from those requests, you may write whatever you like in the other three paragraphs, using good judgement.  Your purpose in writing these postcards is to tell the truth, to calm your relatives’ nerves, and to offset rumor mills, some of which have been damaging public morale.  Again, please note we are not censoring you, and anything you write aside from the required statements is entirely up to you, however, if any of the instructions I’ve given is disobeyed, your card will simply be discarded.  It will never get mailed out.”

The redhead’s instructions were obviously a recitation from a script, rote, a parrot’s mouthings, but some of the passengers grasped at the cards as they were distributed, clutching at this remaining connection to home.  As if to emphasize the ritual nature of their exercise, a canvas poster containing the writing requirements was unfurled, and suspended between two support beams at the front of the structure.

With Nate leaning against her, Marissa mulled the instructions.  Her head was in a muddle from sleep deprivation, and the instructions had been hard to follow, perhaps formulated to purposefully keep the passengers off balance.  She would write to Hope’s small studio apartment, as the address might  not have been indexed in any data base.  She chose her words in advance, then wrote:

My Dear Hope:  We are being treated well on our journey and it has been a smooth train ride so far.  Our peace shepherds are helpful and being kind to us, helping when we stumble.

We live in difficult times, and none of us is promised tomorrow, which is why I ask for your compassion and understanding when you read the sentences to follow.  In the year and a half in which John has been gone, you should know that I have come to love you.  I was happy being a mother and a wife, but I still came to love you early on, and I know myself well enough to know that in some ways I will always love you.

I  have asked myself if it would be possible for me to continue forward in my life without ever telling you this, and the answer is that I cannot.   I have told you what it is necessary for me to tell you, to be a full participant in my own life, even at this late date.  I thank you for this unbeaconed and unexpected joy you have gifted to me.

Give our love to John’s Aunt Mildred, and tell her to take it easy on the aerobics, since at her age, it is possible to overdo things.  We are at peace, and we wish you every blessing.  Above all, stay in possession of these thoughts.  From our Hearts, Marissa and Nate.

The cards were collected and removed to a table where some of the peace shepherds studied them.

After the collection, the passengers were waved back toward the train.  In departing, the angle of their approach to the train platform was different, and Marissa noticed a group of uniformed Asian students methodically digging and cataloguing artifacts being removed from behind the ruined Tudor residence.  The students casually but diligently ignored the presence of the train passengers, and something about their movements reminded her of both the redhead’s performance and a college field trip she had once taken to a coroner’s  lab, where technicians in lab coats were dispassionately dissecting the remains of the newly dead.  She felt, momentarily, a curious impulse of territorial resentment, accompanied by a free floating dread.  Both required firm pushes to confine them securely back into the dark corners of her mind.

Reboarding the train cars, she noticed some cars bore stenciled placards on their doors.  On her own car, the word “Intelligentsia” had been inserted into a placard frame.  The frames for the placards had been in place on the cars when they had initially boarded the day prior.  The paper signs themselves, however, had been absent.

Inside the car, the criminal passengers had been removed.  They had not disembarked at the pavilion, and there was no meal litter indicating they had been fed.

Some of the shepherds were notably less civil in reloading the train, but there were exceptions.  One jovial and exceedingly young shepherd girl, a tall and finely formed Nubian princess,  had taken pains to interact with the smaller children and had even tickled some of them.  She carried two of them for a weary mother and waved to them cheerfully from the station platform as the train pulled away from the station.  As they slid from view, she waved at the end of the platform by holding up two of the foil pinwheels, extending them higher and higher over her head as the train lost sight of her.  The young shepherdess with the blue hair had stood beside her the entire time, expressionless.

The rocky terrain they traversed now appeared more desolate, though they were still occasionally veering into grasslands and timberlands.  At some of the stations along the route there was no longer any evidence that any accompanying town had ever existed, aside from the stations themselves.   In these places, too, there was little evidence of there having been any conflict or struggle, just intermittent wooden walls prone on the ground, or a few remaining facades of old buildings, suggesting some juggernaut had pushed the other walls of the structures flat.  In a few villages and hamlets, where some of the structures had fully collapsed into their basements, small outbuildings — toolsheds, smokehouses, pigeon coops — remained incongruously surrounding the holes, like mourners gathered around a coffin pit.  Next to one such village was a large highway sign:  “Welcome to Northumberland County:   A Post-Racial Community for 30+ Years.”  Immediately after the sign they passed by what had probably been the county cemetery, the headstones having been flattened by some whirlwind, scattered and broken like heavy loaves of bread.

This vision peaked Professor Miska’s interest.  “When they desecrate the dead,” he said in a low voice, leaning over Marissa’s shoulder to peer out the window,” then a desecration of the living usually follows.”

Mrs. Templeton scowled.  The professor scowled back.

In the terrain, Marissa recognized geographic landmarks informing her she was in close proximity to settlements her own ancestors had spent earlier centuries building, all the while battling disease, famine, poverty and war.

This human-induced wasteland continued for a very long distance, and then, after announcing that the commodes needed to be flushed out, an elderly peace shepherd, exhibitng only the mildest embarrassment, recruited Marissa and Dossy to carry buckets of water from a source at an approaching stop.  The train pulled into a town with a very large fountain near its station, and they clambered down, buckets in hand.  The Templetons had agreed to temporary custody of Nate and Baby Theodore, and from other cars, others assigned to the same task were alighting.

To their amazement, the town appeared to be entirely intact and functional.  The streets held people in cars, walking, and on bicycles.  Nearby, a man was teaching his son to ride a tricycle beside a feed store.  On the steps of a mercantile store, some elderly men were playing a dice game.  On the main street, ropes with pennants adorned electrical wires and street lamps, in preparation for some festival.  And within full view of the train was a drugstore with a old timey lunch counter, at which well dressed patrons were sipping coffee or dining, their faces occasionally glancing out the windows toward the train.  At the counter, an obese woman in a sun dress waved one hand in their direction, gaily, as if welcoming old friends.

A shepherd directed them to fill the buckets in the fountain, and to return them to the hands of helpers inside the passenger cars.  As they did so, a tiny gaggle of curious townspeople edged closer, eyeing them, but not speaking.

A church organ in some nearby around-the-corner church began playing, so unanticipated it caused both Marissa and Dossy and the other water carriers to startle.

A local, a handsome brunette woman, also in a sun dress, sporting a button nose under a broad brimmed hat, noticed their reaction.  “It’s Sunday,” she said.  “It’s the closing anthem at the Anglican church.”  Her hat had an embroidered lace headband, into which were tucked a trim of small yellow canary feathers.

“We still have religious services in these parts,” another of the locals, a teenager, ventured. His was possibly the boldness of someone immature.

“Very good,” Dossy responded, without commitment, perhaps worried about annoying the shepherds.

“Where do the trains go?” the brunette asked.

“We are told they go to reeducation campuses,” Marissa answered.

The brunette looked around to see who was within earshot.  Seeing no shepherds nearby, she persisted.  “Where do they really go?”

“We are not sure,” Marissa answered.

“People have stopped returning from those places,” the teenager commented, perhaps too openly.  He was tall and gangly, with a heavy burden of acne, but on a face finely formed and surely destined one day to be considered magnetic.  His mother, from a porch swing in the distance, noticing the interactions, began calling him to supper.  Her summons attracted the attention of a shepherd, which Marissa and Dossy and their visitors only now noticed sitting on a wooden folding chair affixed to the roof of one of the passenger cars.  They had not noticed the observation posts previously, most likely because the chairs had been prone on the roofs of the cars during most of their journey.  The shepherd signaled with a sharp horizontal motion of one hand that the conversation with the townspeople was to cease.  The gesture was not emphatic or forceful, merely an instruction.  It was understood nothing else was supposed to be necessary.

The brunette ignored the gesture, smiling and waving cheerfully back at the shepherd poised above them.  “Something for the journey,” she said, producing from her purse a rectangular box of gummies, the over-sized kind you buy in theaters.  “For your children.”

“You know we have children,” Marissa observed.

The brunette hesitated.

“How?” Dossy asked.

“They always send mothers with children to fetch the water,” the brunette said.

“They’re not like the prisoners,” the teenager said, looking furtively at the train.  “Because they have kids,  the parents never try to escape.”

Marissa shoved the candy box into her pocket, and then, after reentering the passenger car, knew enough to look inside it, extracting a slip of paper.

She had no sooner done this when the rooftop shepherd appeared,  hand outstretched.  “Give it,” he said.  She handed him the empty box.

“There were only a few gummies in it,” Dossy explained, reseating herself beside Marissa, “and we were still hungry after the skimpy breakfast.”

“Not much of a gift,” the shepherd sneered.  He rattled the two gummies still in the box, then ate them.

They waited for the train to be in motion for half an hour, before Marisa nodded toward the breezeway exit.  They moved slowly around the other passengers, Baby Theodore in Dossy’s arms, and Nate being held by Marissa by his wrist, despite his age.

“The paper,” Dossy said, once they were outside.

Marissa produced it.  On the back of a dry cleaning receipt, written in a hasty, small script, with the words spaced too far apart, no doubt for emphasis:

Don’t  stay  on  the  train.

They did not speak for some time, but stood, the wind scattering their hair, watching the scenery roll past.  In one drab hamlet they spied in the distance behind the station house, rising, still grandly, two wooden steeples.  Thinking they would see intact churches, they craned their necks as the train curved around the settlement, only to perceive that, oddly, only the steeples of the houses of worship remained and the sanctuaries, like the main bodies of many of the structures they’d seen previously, were gone.

“Centuries of building and sacrifice and suffering, all gone in minutes,” Marissa concluded, reflecting on what they were surveying.

“The Holodomor,” Dossy said.


“That was when the Russians flattened the Ukraine’s agricultural villages, to starve them into submission and collectivize their farmlands.  Five million Ukrainians died.”

“I am unfamiliar with the word,” Marissa said.

“The Holodomor.  They later tried to remove it from the history books, to conceal what they’d done.  And it wasn’t the first time it happened, and not the last time.”


“None of this is new,” Dossy said.  “It is the history of our species.  The Turks did the same as the Russians.  Thousands of churches and monasteries and towns in Christian Armenia, scoured out of existence, forever, by the Ottomans.  An entire civilization, obliterated from the face of the earth, with no trace of it remaining, and no mention of it permitted.  It’s a pattern humans have repeated again and again.  All of human history is a history of purges, replacements, displacements, and slaughters.  It’s the entire history of human beings, and we have forgotten it.”

“History is surely more than that,” Marissa countered.

“Then you’re fooling yourself.  History.  It was the slaughter of the Romans in the Kingdom of Pontus, 80,000 women and children butchered on their knees in their own temples by the soldiers of King Mithridates.  The men were killed first, because only most put up a defense.  It was the slaughter of a million Tutsi civilians by the Hutus, in Rwanda, leaving hundreds of thousands of them scattered in piles along the highways.  It was the Uyghurs of China, slaughtered in their mosques and suffocated in their barracks.  They were not Chinese enough, alas.”

Marissa reached across the breezeway railing and touched Dossy’s sleeve. “You are no haus frau.  Tell me who you are.”

“I was a history teacher before I got married,” Dossy responded.  “They didn’t like it when I wouldn’t follow the teaching scripts, and they fired me.  The scripts were all soft forms of propaganda, brainwashing, and then, after a few years, it wasn’t very soft.”  She studied Marissa. “And who are you, actually?  What are you pretending not to be?”

“I’m a dissident artist.  The art attributed to my husband was actually mine.  I never wanted to be a dissident, but I found myself in that role.  In the most simple terms, I’m someone who has made commentary in a time when it’s now forbidden.”

“Did you know you were making dissent?”

“Yes.  My failure, if there was one, was in not understanding the consequences.”

Dossy chewed her lower lip.  “I am pleased to meet you.  The more dissent the better.”

“Moot as it appears to be?”

“Fuck them,” Dossy said.  “The pathetic thing is that there hasn’t been any real resistance.  You and I are the resistance.  Which means there isn’t any.  Which means we are doomed.”

“It’s that dismal?”


“Surely, no.”

“Yes.  We’ve put ourselves in an inconceivable position.  And if there’s one thing I’ve learned about history, it’s that we learn nothing from history.”

Marissa searched for some straw to grasp.  “We must hope maybe this is all something other than what it appears to be.”  She sat down on the floor of the breezeway, drawing Nate to her  lap.  She rested her chin on his head as he sat there, too old to be sitting on anyone’s lap, but a reassurance to her nonetheless.  Softly, like a ventriloquist speaking into a dummy, she sang into his hair.

“It is exactly what it appears to be,” Dossy said.  “All of human history tells us you’re practicing wishful thinking.  Human beings always think they’re risen above their nature, until history returns to remind us of our hubris.”

“I am not disagreeing,” Marissa said.  “The richest part of it all is how we placed ourselves in this predicament; we maneuvered ourselves right into it.”

“Do you think it was mostly intentionally…..or through stupidity?”

“Both.  It is occurring with intent, but with lots of determined help from the stupid amongst us.”

“I will admit I have often come to the same conclusion myself.”

Nate had returned to standing at the edge of the breezeway and began urinating onto the scrub brush through which the train was moving.  The ends of the belt of Dossy’s trenchcoat were grasped by the wind in the breezeway, sending the ends dancing out beyond the railing, as if waving to someone or something.

The train skirted around a shrinking lake, then entered a low trestle to cross an inlet at the far end of the body of water.  In a clutch of trees on a thin peninsula, not remote from the rail tracks, the tree  branches reached gracefully down into the water.  Under one group of  branches floated an indistinct and colorless form, close enough not to miss in their line of vision.

“Look,” Nate said, “A crocodile.”

It was not a reptile, but unmistakably the form of a very diminutive adult or a very large child, floating face down in the water.

The two women looked at each other to acknowledge they’d both seen it.  On Dossy’s face was an expression destined to remain in Marissa’s mind.

“Woman,” Dossy said, “let me paraphrase the best I can a quote I think came from Voltaire.  ‘When you are in power, I speak of freedom and rights and equality and justice and compassion, because those are the language of your political discourse.  And when I am in power, I take a brick and bludgeon your head until your brains ooze out like oatmeal, because that is the language of my own political discourse.'”

Marissa felt her jaw tighten.  “Mrs. Templeton is right.  It can’t have devolved into that.”

“Then your own eyes have been lying to you.”

A few moments passed, with neither woman speaking.  “We should jump,” Dossy said, speaking into the breeze, almost to herself.  “We could step off onto one of the banks, when the train slows to go up a hill or makes a slow curve.”

“You cannot attempt it with a baby in your arms.”

“I think I can.  I think maybe it is our only choice.”

“It won’t work.  Where would you go?  If you are correct, there is nowhere left to run. No province, no country.  Don’t you see?  They don’t even bother to guard us; they don’t even bother to arm the shepherds.  They don’t care what we do.  They don’t have to bother, because anything we do to resist them is pointless.”

Nate had been studying them both intensely.  “We could go into the circus,” he offered.

“A circus is what we have become,” Dossy said, looking at him with a drawn face. “I’ll ask again, where is the ‘resistance’ that is constantly denounced? The Media talks about there being resistance, pushback, counterrevolutionaries.  Where is any of that?”

“There is nothing,” Marissa agreed.  “And that is why you should stay here, where you are.”

Dossy pointed back to the car.  “Most of the people in there are too propagandized or too stupid or too confused even to be afraid.  Too stupid even to flee.  That too is one of the sins perpetrated against us; we no longer even have an instinct for survival.”  She began intensely contemplating her baby, sound asleep in his bundles; she was undoubtedly evaluating the risks inherent in making flight.  “And you?” she asked of Marissa.  “With the subversive and radical art?  You coming with me?”

Marissa mulled the choice.  “I am an artist who should have stuck to making pottery and kitchen decorations.  Someone was just saying last night that the time to have pushed back is long past.  We yielded at every battle.”

“And the chance to change any of it has passed us by.  Meaning, we’ve thrown our chances away.”  Dossy maneuvered her hands around the baby, loosening her trenchcoat belt and then securing it around the infant.

“We appear to be in a bad place, yes, but we must still hope.”

“Then you have more faith in human beings than they merit,” Dossy said.  She was staring into the baby’s face.  “Yes it is a time of darkness.  How did we think it would end?  Did we think it would end with statues being pulled down, or books being banned, or speech codes or holidays being abolished?  How did we think it would end, with every third TV channel we tuned into screaming nonstop about grievances and the need for a blood penance? Did we mistake who was getting designated as the enemy?  And all of that turmoil and destruction was just the low-hanging fruit on the tree.   It was all of the easy fruit that got picked in order to culminate in what’s happening now.”

“You are behaving irrationally,” Marissa cautioned.  “We do not know for sure where all of this will take us.  We will surely be left with something.”

“We will be left with nothing, dear woman.  Nothing except for whatever complying does for us.  And I don’t hold out much for that.  How pathetic, when the only act of rebellion or bravery now consists of running away.  It is what the sons of bitches have reduced us to.”

Marissa watched with dread as Dossy began reaching for the breezeway gate latch.

“It is a wilderness here, an alien and strange place,” Marissa again cautioned.

“It is what they have turned our entire world into. And what is not gone already soon will be.”

Marissa’s heart rose up in her throat.  “Come back inside with me and the others.”

Dossy had opened the breezeway gate.

Marissa held out a alarmed hand, fingers splayed.  “What about the shepherds in the upper compartments?  If they see you they’ll stop the train.  You’ll injure or kill Theodore.”

“They won’t be watching.  They’re so certain there’s no place to run to they don’t even guard the prisoners.  They don’t even make the effort.”


The young woman had leaned out from the platform, surveying the terrain.  Marissa’s desperation built to a head.  “Dossy.  Listen.  I have seen the labor battalions doing highway construction, and some of the people were singing.”

“You haven’t seen any labor battalions with infants.”


“I only ask you not to raise an alarm.”

“I can’t promise it.”

“Promise me.”

Marissa contemplated snatching the infant, but feared being propelled off the breezeway herself.

Dossy had positioned herself on the breezeway.  “Promise me, damn you.”

“Do you have money?”

“Yes.  And food in my shoulder bag.  Just come back out and toss the bag along the tracks.”

“How do you know a drone won’t follow you?”

“I have heard they go on auto-pilot, whenever a train is in motion and they’re following it.”

“That’s some risk, Dossy.”

“We’ll risk it.”

Dossy the haus frau suddenly stepped toward her, and they pressed cheeks.  It was all happening too quickly, in the nature of such things, in the nature of everything happening to them in the last two days.

“Nate,” Marissa said, “Go back inside.  Don’t talk to anyone.”  She faced Dossy.  “I promise to say nothing.”

It was in that moment that the train slowed again for a curve, banking to the right, and the young woman, sensing it,  bundled one arm more tightly around the baby, swung away from the side of the train and dropped, almost cat-like, down into the brush, landing, quite remarkably, on her feet.  Despite her promise, Marissa had instinctively reached out to protectively grab for the baby, instead being  left with an extended empty hand, saluting into the brush.

Mother and child had landed in a crouch, then rose erect to stand, watching the train.  Marissa again held her hand in the air to wave, but no wave was returned, instead, the two padded quickly away into the underbrush.  To Marissa’s amazement, none of the surveillance drones peeled out of formation to follow her.

Nate had been peeking from the train car door, and leapt to the railing with a yell.   “Where has she gone?” he asked in surprise.  “Should we stop the train?”

“No, my sweet boy.  We will say nothing.”

“There are big rocks.  She may have hurt the baby.

“They will be okay,” Marissa lied.

“Should we go also?”


“Why not?”

“Because we must go wherever Providence intends to send us.  I do not have the courage to make any other choice.”

When they returned inside, no passenger made any mention about Dossy’s absence.  A few hours later, when a sleepy shepherdess lumbered through the compartments and asked with great self importance about the empty seats next to them, Marissa advised her the absentees had relocated to another car.


They awakened on the second morning to find the blinds closed in the compartment.  When they were instructed not to raise them, a mild ripple of anxiety floated through the rows of seats.

Some were relieved to avoid the morning sun, having stayed up late the night before, making a lesser effort to sleep since they’d had so little luck the night before.  Some disgruntled commentary had been made by some passengers, including Mrs. Kamuro and the boy with the anarchist’s hat, and in one heated moment they’d looked up to see one of the coarser looking shepherds studying them intently.  He’d come into the compartment quietly and overheard some of the jabber.

“Bluster all you like,” he said.  “It doesn’t matter to me one iota.”  He ruffled Nate’s hair, beamed benevolently at Mrs. Kamuro, then disappeared as smoothly as he’d arrived.

The train had never stopped during the night, though it was indeed later rumored that a passenger had jumped from the train and a shepherd had witnessed the escape.  Unlike the day prior, on this morning no breakfast was offered to the riders, and during the night the remaining lights had sputtered, made some metallic pinging noises,  and then extinguished themselves, the result of batteries expiring somewhere.  The lavatories had compounded this discomfort and become complete no-go zones, turning into overflowing receptacles.  Like Nate, most of the travellers had resorted to exiting out onto the breezeways to relieve themselves, the women holding up blankets to provide a modest privacy as they crouched to urinate through the grated floor.  The significance of  these degraded comforts was difficult to ascertain, but the ripples of worry intensified when in the late morning they stopped briefly and most of the baggage was removed from the  storage racks.

Half an hour after the luggage was removed, they glided into a station and stopped, just as before, almost imperceptibly.  Peeking through the shades, on the platform was a sign, below which were flower boxes, with multi-colored chrysanthemum flowers in brilliant bloom.  The sign read “Ronald D. Collingwood Reeducation Campus:   Where Diversity is  Celebrated Daily.”

On an opposite loading platform, several passenger cars full of boys from some tony boarding school had disembarked, with all of them still wearing their uniforms, dark blue pants and burgundy blazers bearing the school’s embroidered crest.  Despite the circumstances of their conveyance, they looked to be in robust good spirits, and Marissa strained to discern the crest, wondering if it was for a school where John had once taught.  The thought was a poor comfort from their past, something feeble to grasp onto in turbulent waters, and she was aware of this even as the memory passed through her mind.  She watched almost with disbelief as the boys hooted and tussled, banging their suitcases together and scrapping with one another.  Their behavior and the quality of their luggage both suggested possible levels of accommodation that had not been afforded to other passengers making the same pilgrimage, especially now when most of her own companions’ luggage had been confiscated.  Presiding over the boys was an ancient and harried looking dowager, probably a dormitory house mother, grey hair almost white, cajoling and admonishing with a feigned good nature.

Yet it was clear from the underlying currents in her face that she knew.

Marissa was distracted from these images when inside their own train, on the intercom system, some soothing elevator music started up, increasing incrementally in its volume.  A female voice, almost certainly a recording, and reminiscent of the intercom announcements in airports, welcomed them to their destination.  The voice sporadically interrupted the music being played on the intercom, and Marissa noticed that the music playing was the same both inside and outside on the train platform, though a second or two out of synchronization, creating an odd reverberating and mildly disturbing effect.

Her hand in Nate’s, she filed out of the compartment with the others, and descended the steps from the car.  They descended into a huge rectangular quad, some sort of parade ground, with nondescript barracks on three sides, and the train’s tracks and loading platforms forming the fourth side.  There were almost no trees to be seen.  Around them, extending into far distances, were one and two story military barracks with pitched roofs, fronted in some places by what appeared to be flat-roofed and nondescript administration buildings, their own roofs crowded with satellite dishes.  Trucks, shuttles, and mechanized carts were parked in scattered rows along the sides of the buildings and around the perimeters of the quad itself.  Above the quad, the drones had again gone into an impressive formation, spaced farther apart than at any prior viewing, but blanketing the sky from one end of the field to the other.  Many were perhaps holding their positions from previously arrived trains, or trains soon to come.

On the train platform, a new phalanx of shepherds awaited, some with clipboards containing photos of passengers and sheets of paper, which Marissa surmised contained biographical data regarding the travelers.  With these tools, the shepherds sometimes approached individual passengers in turn, leading them away.  Other numbers of passengers were then culled from the remnant of the mass, and waved amiably into small and large knots of people promptly ushered off in different directions.  The final remainder of the train’s population was then apparently being formed into a group to be led away without any particular attention being devoted to its members at all.  In this last group, some of the shepherds hoisted children in their arms, apparently to relieve parents of the burden of carrying them toward the barracks.

In the midst of all of this, a little girl in an orange raincoat smiled at Marissa, and she attempted to smile back.  The little girl lifted a flap over one of her raincoat’s pockets, and a white gerbil poked his head out, turning to and fro to observe their surroundings.

“His name is Snowball,” the child said.

Marissa and Nate forgot for a moment, and smiled.  In just a few seconds, the child was ushered away, leaving Marissa pausing in the hubbub and straining to pay attention to the intermittently playing intercom voice.


“Welcome to the Ronald D. Collingwood Reeducation Campus………The peace shepherds and instructors, together with support staff, of the Ronald D. Collingwood Reeducation Campus welcome you to this destination, and we apologize for any mishaps and confusion which may have occurred during your journey.  The Collingwood Campus was established eight years ago to instruct citizens regarding their civic responsibilities and rights…..Social Credit Scores are compiled here, as in mainstream society, based on your cooperation and civic mindedness.  Your completion of our regimen of instruction, work, and exercise will boost your cumulative Social Credit Score by an average of forty points…….While you are here we hope you’ll take full advantage of our amenties, including our library, business center, and athletic courts……..Luggage will be routed to your lodgings upon the completion of sorting and recording functions………We are happy to note that most of our guests reunite with relatives and friends within two hours of arriving on our campus………..Mail contact with relatives outside this facility will be offered within three days……Conscientious efforts will be made to meet all special dietary needs….dining hall hours are 8 AM for breakfast and 12 noon for lunch…….We ask for your patience and cooperation at this time, and reassure you that both are greatly appreciated.”

A group of shepherds approached the occupants of Marissa’s train car, which had been close to the last one in the line of passenger cars.  Something in particular did not escape her attention:  many of the shepherds at this new location were armed with service revolvers.  The travelers stood silently as a small number of the passengers were drawn aside and cuffed with zip ties.  A few responded with lamentations or irritation,  but most simply submitted passively to this new indignity.

Doctor and Mrs. Templeton were met by a teenaged black girl in khakis, who, to their own alarm, speedily and efficiently shackled them to one another by their wrists and then directed them away from the group, her hand leading Dr. Templeton by his free wrist and Mrs. Templeton following without choice.   Mrs. Templeton made half-hearted cries of indignation and protest, which inspired little attention from anyone else, and to which the shepherdess responded with patronizing and mostly inaudible words of reassurance of the sort commonly directed at someone suffering from senility.

Mrs. Kamuro, primping with an air of weary resignation with a small hand mirror in her wheelchair, was approached by someone they recognized; it was the girl with the blue hair from the picnic pavilion.  The girl handed Mrs. Kamuro what appeared to be a program or a schedule, then wheeled her, without any restraints — perhaps because flight was an inconceivable possibility for someone in a wheelchair —  toward one of the administration buildings.

“I look like an old witch,” Mrs. Kamuro said, peering into her hand mirror.  “The train ride was not easy.  It makes you question your sanity to be put into a situation like this.”

Her chaperone was in good spirits.  “I’ve always personally thought that sanity, like sobriety, is vastly overrated,” the girl quipped back.  Mrs. Kamuro giggled, and was wheeled away.  As they receded both could be heard bantering amicably.

Professor Miska  was approached by an inexplicably obsequious and deferential Asian man, sturdy but humble looking, and was led away without restraints.  He turned to look back at them, and Marissa observed an expression of pity on his face.

The pretense is becoming thin, she thought.

As the crowd cleared, Marissa noticed  two shepherds on what appeared to be a small rectangular orator’s platform, both holding clipboards, one taller, husky, and his clipboard containing a stack of photos,  the other, younger, short, and sunburned, his bald head shining in the morning sun.  The taller gentleman had a shock of dark hair, nesting above intense eyes. They waved at mother and son, after consulting with one another.

Marissa and Nate began to walk toward them, hand in hand.

The two men who had been waiting for them were overworked and impatient.  Both were, like most of the other campus functionaries, dressed in khakis, and the smaller man kept tapping his clipboard against his thigh.  Both had sidearms and truncheons clipped to their belts.  Both had had the benefit of college educations, and both were highly intelligent, intelligent enough to know that the possession of the first attribute was no proof of possession of the latter.  They considered themselves underemployed, employed beneath their capabilities, and they had even, in humorous self-derision, begun to refer to themselves as “baggage handlers.”  The work on the trains and at the depot had been interesting and even entertaining during the first years of the reeducation campuses, at least until the rusty busses and over-filled trains had begun arriving incessantly.

“Same shit, different day,” the taller of the men said under his breath, as mother and son crossed the quad toward them.

“But a lively bunch today,” the smaller man said, “especially with that bunch from the fancy boys school.  Maybe they should try putting some sedatives in the bottled water on the trains before they arrive here.”

“There’s often no bottled water on the trains,” the first man commented.  “Sometimes there’s no tap water either.  It makes things more difficult for us when people finally disembark.  Talk about lousy planning.”

The smaller man sighed.  “They say ninety-seven percent of the life forms on earth don’t have what can be recognized as a brain, and I’d say that includes most of the humans.”

In response to this, they both made humored snorting noises.

Marissa extended her hand to the taller shepherd, but he did not reach back.  The smaller man adopted a plastic smile channeling his disinterest, and he purposefully avoided Nate’s gaze for some reason.

“Are you both peace shepherds?” Marissa asked, trying to rebound from the rejection of her hand.

“No,”  the taller man replied, with a barely accommodating smile.  “Those — with some exceptions — are more chaperone types.  I know some can be overly rough and dogmatic, but they’re amateurs compared to what you’ll encounter here,” and he flourished his hand to include the buildings all around them.   “Here we are actually called Peace Instructors.  I am referred to as Peace Instructor Three, and my colleague here is referred to as Peace Instructor One.   Our number designations reflect different levels of expertise and education.  We are usually referred to by more simple titles:  ‘PI3,’ or ‘PI1.’   A PI3, my title, is the highest level of expertise obtainable here.”

“I see,” Marissa said.  She placed the previously extended hand behind her back.  “I am Marissa Ball, and this is my son, Nate.”

“Our first order of business was to confirm that,” PI3 said, politely, “and now we have done so.”

“How do you do,” Marissa said, without conviction.

“How do you do,” Nate said.

PI3 nodded, perhaps acknowledging their greeting, perhaps not.  “Because you are a special case,” he continued, “we have been assigned to conduct a debriefing.  We have a number of questions, to help us fine tune the operations of our campus here.”  He affixed a serious but unthreatening gaze on her.  “We would like to know the true identity of the creator of the artwork attributed to your husband.”

“Is my husband here?” Marissa asked.

“You will see him soon, depending on the answers we get from you,” PI3 said.  He seemed resolute in soliciting her responses.  “Who was the creator of the artwork attributed to your husband?” he asked again.

“My husband.”

PI3 looked annoyed.  “We know that is a lie.”

“It’s mine,” she confessed.

“Very good.  The correct answer, and one we already knew. Very good.”

“I am really not political,” Marissa said. “My art was always intended just as social commentary.”

PI3 gave her a wry smile.  “Alas, you are jumping the gun.  But continue to be completely honest with me for the sake of your own welfare.”

She gave him the look of an uncomprehending altar sacrifice.

“You do not fully understand even now, do you?” PI3 asked.

She looked at him quizzically, compounding his perception that she did not comprehend.

“We always knew that it was your art, but you are not here because the art exists.  You are here because you exist.”

“Because I am seen as a dissident?”

“No, Mrs. Ball.  You are here because you are you, in your glorious entirety.”

A thought occurred to her, odd thoughts had been occurring to her throughout the train trip.  In her head, calm voices sang slogans and spoke cliches, to which they would then pose counterarguments.  In her head hummed a question which had been recurring since her husband’s disappearance:  What happened to the world we once lived in?  Where are the people who were supposed to keep us safe and protect us from all of this?   In her head she now heard the voice of the doctor’s wife responding:   That’s outdated sexist jib-jab.  No woman needs a man today for safety.  The rule of law stands firm.  The rule of law will still protect us.

PI1 addressed her.  “Mrs. Ball, would you please state the reason why you think you’ve been brought here?  It is important for us to collect such information.”

The question confused her, and she found herself unable to give a direct answer.  “If you know who I am, why can’t you tell me if my husband is here?”

“We will reunite your family if you cooperate, and if he has not gone on to another destination, ” PI3 said.

“If you knew I was the author of the art, why wasn’t I sent for earlier?”

The Peace Instructors were accustomed to doing the questioning, not the other way around.  They could nonetheless afford patience.  “Usually there are more pressing cases to process,” PI3 responded.  “And now, if you don’t mind, we’re asking you for a statement to determine if you understand why you’ve been brought here.”

She took a calming breath.  “I am unsure, but I think I am here because I am believed to have authored subversive art, art expressing unacceptable thinking, art which should never have had an audience.”  She summoned a breath.  “For that, I truly have regrets, and I truly confess my guilt.”

“Very good,” PI3 said.  “Then you have some partial understanding of  why you became our guest.  Your art is a crime, in that its intent was to disturb the common peace.  Have you heard of that charge before?”

“Yes.  On the train someone mentioned it.  But I would defend myself by saying that if the purpose of my art was solely to make commentary, or observations, or to express unconventional thoughts, then doing so should be permissible in any country allowing its citizens freedom of expression.”

“So which was it?” PI3 asked.  “Was your art subversion or social commentary?”

“More in the way of commentary,” she responded.  “Much, much more, in its intent.”

PI3 scribbled on his clipboard.  “You’ve given the explanation I anticipated,” he said.  He then produced from his clipboard the postcard Marissa had written the day prior.  He dangled it too closely to her nose.  “We have determined your husband’s Aunt Mildred, the one mentioned in this card, has been dead for twenty years.  Your mention of a dead person can be construed as a warning intended for the card’s recipient.”

She was quick on her feet.  “It refers to one of my own aunts.”

“Very nice.  Except our data banks show you also don’t have an Aunt Mildred.”

She slapped her hands together, as if having an epiphany.  “I’m very sorry.   Sleep deprivation.  It is hard to think after sleepless nights on a train.  I was writing about a  neighbor we address with the term ‘Aunt.'”

“You are a resourceful one,” PI3 said, and then, looking at Nate: “Is this true?”

The child did not speak.

“The lies of seditionists,” PI1 commented, observing Nate.  “All of your mother’s art has been on the banned list for over five years.”

Nate scuffed one of his shoes with the other.

PI3 spoke into a walkie talkie he unlatched from his belt, and the door of one of the nearby administration buildings promptly opened and Hope inexplicably emerged, carrying a box.  As she neared, Marissa saw the box was actually the art porfolio she had left in the foyer of their house, their home, now only two days but still a universe and a millenium distant.  Hope placed the portfolio at PI3’s feet on the oration platform and stepped back, standing at attention.  PI3 left the portfolio where it had been placed.

Marissa,” Hope said, acknowledging her, but making only the briefest of eye contact.  Marissa struggled to shove down a response of surprise and panic at the appearance of the girl, a girl for whom she had made herself vulnerable by expressing her love in the postcard on PI3’s clipboard.

It was only in this moment that Marissa understood that they had been thoroughly beguiled, and thoroughly betrayed.

“The name ‘Hope’ was a metaphor, I’m assuming,” Marissa managed to utter, her face turning a shade of crimson.

“I am here only as a verifier,” Hope said, casting an expressionless glance at the ground.

Marissa was too unnerved by Hope’s appearance to speak further, and Hope, as if some entirely distasteful business had finally been resolved, stepped forward with a stiff nod to  stroke Nate’s hair.

“Hope,” Nate said, as if a long lost friend had been found.  He had been too exhausted by their journey to exclaim when she made her appearance.

“Yes,” the girl answered, looking at him with pity.  “I am sorry.  It is now all settled.”

“What is settled?” Nate asked.

“Your coming to this place.”

“Can I come with you?”

This question made Hope visibly uneasy.  “No.  You will go someplace different.” She bent over him and caressed his cheek maternally with the back of her knuckles.  He beamed upward at her as she did so.  The girl then turned on her heel, fast and hard, like someone fleeing something, and speedily retraced her steps across the quad to the portal she’d exited.  She closed the door quietly behind her, her pale face peering out as she made a separation from them.

These developments, accompanied by a  steady, low drumbeat of some kind in the distance, warned Marissa they were surely in close proximity to danger.  By approaching the orator’s stand, she had achieved a better view of the terrain and the surrounding buildings.  At one angle, across a backdrop of the barracks, visible in a not remote distance, a line of young men, completely naked, stood waiting patiently, with the beginning and end of the line obscured by the corners of two of the barracks.  A large cloud mass kept concealing  the face of the morning sun, making the weather feel harsher and more primal, but she could still see clearly, and recognized the young men as being the ones from the boys school.   It seemed like just moments ago they’d been cavorting on one of the train platforms.  Some of the boys were not much older than Nate, immobile in a line of naked backs and buttocks, all of them appearing disturbingly vulnerable and awkwardly feminine from the back.  Across this strange backdrop, unexpectedly and slowly strode a pasty and gangly older man with a shock of blond hair, followed by a boy of exactly Nate’s age, obviously a father and son, and both as equally naked as the others.  Without knowing how, Marissa intuited that the destination of these two had been changed by some process, and was not the same as the one shared by the boys in the line.

It occurred to Marissa that these images were incarnate versions of one of her own artworks, her drawing of the line of naked women, the drawing that had first ignited controversy for both her art and her household.

The quad was clearing of people.  As it cleared, the drones behaved strangely.  On rare occasions, a drone would follow a person being chaperoned to some secondary location, following along behind both the passenger and his chaperone, floating above the barracks until disappearing out of sight.  Most of the surveillance devices, however, as passengers were removed from the field, floated slowly down to earth and turned themselves off.  Soon there were countless numbers of them on the ground, an unending flung out black contagion, resembling over-sized locusts.  Their red eyes were watching, blinking, guarding, one moment, and then suddenly black.  A man in a motorized service wagon had appeared and was carefully scanning the grounded devices with a hand-held tool, then storing them in the wagon.

A remote shout of distress from some unseen passenger on the quad brought Marissa away from her thoughts and observations, urgently directing her to attempt to connect with her captors on a human level.  She must attempt to connect with their intellects or their hearts or both.

“Gentlemen,” she said, “has it occurred to you that our founding national documents, our constitution, do not allow for what is happening in this place?”

“We’re not interested in discussing the founding documents,” PI3 said.

“Why not?  Hasn’t it benefited you to live under their protections?”  Her comments were visibly impromptu, but she could think of nothing else.

“I wasn’t consulted when they wrote the documents,” PI3 responded.

“Even without their protections, you surely believe, don’t you, that we should be able to speak and write and paint and live in freedom?”

“Freedom is not license to do whatever we like,” PI1 interjected, “and order must be maintained or all social order is at risk of being destroyed.”

“That is true,” Marissa acknowledged, thinking fast, “but can you see how in troubled times things always go full circle, whatever political winds blow, to become the kind of authoritarianism we all say we hate?”

The men cogitated, momentarily, on their response. “Some things earn destruction,” PI3 countered.  “Wouldn’t you agree?”

“Perhaps,” Marissa continued, “but then let’s talk about how countries get destroyed. Despite our problems and divisions, all of us were once one people.  We shared a common history, a common language, a common future.” She searched desperately inside herself to select the correct words.  She decided to fall back on some of Dossy’s observations.  “You take a country down by destroying its values, its history, its heroes, its courts, its police, its rule of law.  No sane country dismantles itself in the way we’ve been dismantling our own.  And if the destruction doesn’t  work — or in tandem with the destruction — in some chapters of history we human beings have even graduated to erasing humans themselves.”

They were listening, albeit impatiently.

“We have dismantled what we once had here,” Marissa continued, undeterred.  “I remember how things were before.  We didn’t have perfection, but what we’d built was beautiful and good in many ways.  It was the best thing humans had created up until that time.  Everything human is fragile, like our lives themselves.  All societies and human institutions have fault lines, and some of us have agitated those fault lines to achieve one goal:   power and control.  Everywhere, they have separated us into a hierarchy of oppressors and victims, the better to  divide us and control us.”

She was mildly encouraged by their attention.  “There was nothing wrong with what we had,” she repeated.  “It was evolving on its own terms, just as it was, and turning everything on its head has brought us to where we are now — this place.” She paused, so as not to use too stark a term, “What you call a ‘reeducation campus.’  If this is what was intended to replace what we once had…..,” her voice trailed off, “then you don’t fully comprehend what you’ve destroyed.”

The men shifted their weight.  The interview no longer felt amusing.

“You know what I’m saying is true,” Marissa said.  “Many of the people who were with me on the train didn’t even know why they were being transported.”

P13 was willing to parse words, for the sake of the child.  “I am afraid the conflict has now devolved beyond any such discussions, my dear.  And in many ways, it has even been reduced down to the color of your uniforn.”

She furrowed her brows.  “Uniforms?  That makes no sense,” she said.

He owed it to her to flesh out his explanation.  “I will assist you.”  He would still choose his words discreetly, for the sake of the child.  “In difficult times, in times of conflict, things usually get reduced down to their most basic elements.  Things have currently been reduced down for most of our arrivals to the color of their uniform, and, as some of you have come to suspect, the color of your uniform is now the color of your skin.”

Marissa caught her breath.

“Do you understand me?”  PI3 asked.

“Yes, dear God.  I guess I do.  But the remaining passengers?”

PI1 jumped in to elaborate, “Many people of other backgrounds have also needed sanctioning.  Some made unwise alliances.  Some just refused to obey.  And some are just the collateral damage to be expected in situations like this.  Things get chaotic.  They get messy.”

“As you have probably discerned,” PI3 added, “it no longer takes much to end up on a collection list.”

Her mind struggled to digest all of this information.  It was what on some level she had known, but had refused to know.

“We have studied your work, Marissa,” PI3 continued, addressing her for the first time by her first name.  “We have a hard time believing you did not suspect it would come to this.”

She exhaled slowly.  “I suspected, but never believed it,” she said.  A tremor passed through her, visible in her shoulders.

“Unfortunate,” PI1 commented.

This condescending comment annoyed PI3.  “Shut up, asshole,” he said to his compatriot.

In Marissa, fear now began to well up in her bosom like a wave, threatening to snatch her reason away from her.  This she could not allow, as the child was watching.  He would take his cue from her, and he was exhausted but absorbing each detail of their conversation.  She knew intuitively that it was now time to grasp at any prospect capable of saving them.  She remembered Dossy’s mangled quote from Voltaire, and heard it playing in her mind.

“Do you know Voltaire?” she asked, weakly.

“It is not a band I’m familiar with,” PI3 said.  “And we need to finish up our questions before you and the child are sent on the next leg of your trip.”

“We will have different destinations?”


“You cannot separate a mother from her child.  How do I know he’ll be okay?”

“You don’t.  You’ll have to trust that we’re not going to harm innocents.  That we will opt for reeducating them.”

She noticed the men, at the approach of a truck, had tensed.  They were perhaps accustomed to erratic responses when their debriefings began concluding.

“My maternal grandmother was Jewish,” Marissa said.

Both men stared at her.

“I believe I am a lesbian,” she added.

PI3 winced.  “You have mixed up your wars, my dear.  No Allies are coming in this one.”  His words were spoken almost  as if intended to soothe her.

“I will not leave my child,” she said, firmly.

“You will and you must,” PI3 asserted.

“I cannot.”

“We can’t let things get ugly in front of him.”

She ignored the obvious implication of the comment

The truck drew near, began to make a U-turn, then reversed to back up to them, already bearing passengers in its open truck bed, a dozen middle aged people, sitting on benches folded down from the low interior walls of the bed.

“You will board this truck,” PI3 said, stating the obvious.  “Our debriefing is almost done.  As you long ago surmised, the existence of hate art became a political act.  Then the existence of those who created such art, and the existence of those who viewed it and agreed with it.   And finally, we have reached a point where a political act is constituted by the mere existence of many who simply exist.”

“This is insanity,” Marissa said.  “Existence is no political act.”

He did not respond.

“This is madness.”

PI3 tilted his head in a manner suggesting finality.  “There is one last question we are required to ask on our questionnaire.”


“What are the most important things you’ve learned from this adventure? We know your opinions from your so-called ‘art,’ but what are the most important conclusions you’ve come to?”

“You are expecting more confessions?  More apologies?”


“Will it make a difference in whatever is going to happen?”

“No, Marissa.”

She answered calmly, but without hesitation.  “I am now aware we brought all of this on ourselves.  We caused this to happen.  We even aided and facilitated it,  through our own foolishness.”

“Anything else?”

“I have learned what you have just taught me, that existence can be a political act.”

“Anything beyond that?  A summation, for our records?”

She detected the pointlessness of sophistry.  And then she said what no one else answering the questionnaires had ever said:

“I have learned that only a radicalism and a violence as brutal as your own could ever have saved us.”

They were impressed, albeit rankled by the insult embedded in her conclusion.  PI1 reached out of habit for his truncheon, and then, seeing dismay entering Nate’s face, resheathed it.  He was not without a heart, he had children of his own.

“You must leave the child now,” PI3 said.

“I need to say good-bye to him.  You would not deny it to me.”

“Of course not.”

She understood, completely.  She reflected again that she had known previously, yet had refused to know.  Even in the numbness of understanding, she was able to summon her child to draw near to her.  At the far ends of the quad there were still a few clusters of disheveled people culled from the rest of the original passengers, being sorted through by their handlers.  Some of the adults were also saying good-byes to children.  She drew Nate close, and cupped his face in both of her hands, staring into his dark eyes.  He did not comprehend what was happening, and it was a small mercy for which she was grateful.

“Do you remember,” she asked, “the story we used to tell about how to best say good-bye to someone?  The story I told you when Daddy left us?  About how it was better for it to happen quickly?”

“Yes.  I remember.  The story about the taxis?”


It pleased him to gratify her with the story.  “You call the taxi and then make happy talk until the taxi comes.  Then it arrives, and you jump up and run outside to the taxi, and it all happens fast, so fast that there can be no tears.”


“I remember.”

“It is what we are going to do now,” Marissa said.  “It’s what we’re going to do right now.  And the best way to go forward when someone you love leaves for a while is to just keep marching.  Do you remember me telling you that?”

“I remember.”

“It’s what we will do now.  I have to go away on my own, and you need to keep marching.  I need you to be brave, and to obey the instructions of the adults while I’m gone.”

A look manifested in his face, one she had not seen before.  She also detected his own  internal psychological scramble to quell panic.  He was being brave.

She knew her next words would be the most important.

“Do you know, Pooh Bear, that before you and your daddy came to me, I never noticed when trees or flowers were in blossom?  Do you know that those blossoms never brought me joy, that I never even saw them,  until I knew the joy that the two of you brought into my life?”  She was not sure, but it appeared his upper lip was turning slightly purple, as it had sometimes done on cold days when he was little.  “And you have been my greatest joy of all,” she said.  “My greatest joy in all of it, all of it, all of it.  How greatly God has blessed me.”

Nate looked bewildered.  “Did Hope bring you this happiness also?” he asked.

“Yes.  Very much.”

The truck’s gate had been lowered by PI1.  She removed her hands from Nate’s face, stooped lower to kiss him on the forehead, and scrambled onto the truck.  PI1 had stepped forward to offer his hand to her in boarding the truck.  She did not take it.

The other passengers were huddled in the front of the truck bed, near the cab, but they were overhearing her farewells.  Without exception, they looked away.  Marissa did not join them to sit near them, but sat near the gate, her eyes still fixed on Nate’s face, a smile on her own.  As the truck pulled away, she held up her right hand and signed the “I Love You” message with her fingers.

He signaled back.  She continued to signal, slowly, resolutely, until the truck rounded the corner of a building and vanished from sight.  In the time it took the truck to traverse the quad, her hand never stopped signaling, and her eyes never broke their gaze on Nate’s face, even for a moment.

The drone that had been above Marissa’s head did not follow her.  It floated down to Nate’s feet and shut itself off.

When the truck was entirely gone, PI3 and PI1 returned their attention to the boy.

“It’s a shame,” PI1 said, “She had nice tits.”

PI3’s lip curled.  The personal nature of the comment, especially in front of the child, rankled him.  “I’m getting tired of reminding you to shut up. She was probably worth a hundred apparatchik worms like you.”

PI3 then knew right away he had said too much, spoken too angrily.  The worm started to speak, then decided better.

“Where is my mother being sent?” Nate asked.

“She’s gone to get on the right side of history,” PI1, the worm said.  “What do you think about that?”

The child looked troubled.

“What is wrong, Nathan?” PI3 asked.

The boy felt safe in the quad’s open expanse.  “My father told me something before he left,” he said.


“Something he said I was too young to hear.  He said it just before he got collected.”

“Spit it out.”

“He said when they tell you to be a team player, it means you’re about to get raped, and when they keep telling you to get on the right side of history, it means eventually they’re going to kill you.”

PI3’s jaw initially dropped, but he then countered by flashing a broad and good-natured grin.  “Strange words, for a little man like you,” he said.  “But somehow, I think I like your father.”

“You need not worry,” PI1 added.  “Your mom will be just fine.”

PI3 gave him a look.

Nate’s mother was gone.  The three of them stared at her portfolio on the platform, as if collaborating in their thoughts.

“Do you know much about this lady’s art?” PI3 asked of PI1.

“Only what’s in the records.  Only how she got some bankrupt studio owner to exhibit some of it at his last showing.  I also remember initially some of the drawings had words.”

“Like what?”

“Words.  Titles.  In the end, none of it even had titles.  I guess they knew it wasn’t safe.  But the first paintings had titles and even captions and dialogue bubbles and things.”

“Didn’t know that,” PI3 mused.

“Yep.  It was around when she stopped titling the pieces, that’s when the paintings became known as ‘Dispossession Art.’ One interpretation was she felt she had been dispossessed of the right to use language as a means of expression, and only images were safe.  Eventually even the use of that definition got banned by the speech codes, because it was deemed as reactionary.”

“I don’t think what you’re mentioning was the kind of dispossession the lady had in mind,” PI3 speculated.  “I think you’re wrong.”

“I do remember the file says the Media had a firestorm during the exhibit, and there was picketing at the studio showing the art, followed by an arrest of the studio’s owner.  There were denunciations, from senators to social luminaries to man-in-the-street mailmen and stuff.  The studio got shuttered after a molotov cocktail bounced off its plate glass window, landing on a sidewalk and burning two picketers.

“We could have a look,” PI3 suggested, nudging the portfolio with his boot.

They pulled the art from its sanctuary.  It was only a single large sheet of paper, having a comic book format:   on the sheet were nine over-sized squares in total, presenting some kind of story, three squares lined up in a row at the top of the page, three squares in a row in the middle of the page, and three squares in a row at the bottom.  Each square or frame depicted the same classroom in an elementary school, populated by students and one teacher, posing for a class picture over successive years, the teacher remaining the same person, but the faces of the students changing year to year.  On a small placard in the front of each student group was listed a class year, and indecipherable squiggles presumably representing writing further identifying the class.   Behind the students was a blackboard; to the left of the students stood the female teacher, and on their right side there was a window.  The human characters in the comic strip were painted in a style that was a hybrid of something between cartoon-like images and the images in a child’s elementary primer.   Through the depicted window a tree was visible in all of the scenes, a tree which changed throughout the years in the progression of the comic strip, reflecting the changing seasons, like summer, winter, and the spring.

In the first of the nine frames, the class year listed was 1934, and the children depicted were all as white as an angel’s ass:   auburn-haired girls in frocks with their hair in pigtails, Rhine maiden blondes, and mischievous looking boys in blue jeans and sporting cowlicks.  In the second frame, the year was listed as 1950, and a distinctly brown child is peering in through the class window.  In the third frame, listed as 1964, the silhouette of a soldier with a bayonet was visible outside the window, behind the swarthy child, and in the fourth frame, dated 1969, several black children were present in the group photo, including the one who had been at the window, all of them smiling alongside their white classmates.  In the remaining frames containing various year dates, the presence of children of color in the group could be seen to accelerate, becoming more and more exotic:   burkas appear, hijabs, sculptured dreadlocks, hoodies, shrouds, turbans and other exotic clothing.  The English alphabet listed above the blackboard is joined by other foreign alphabets, as well as bulletins and announcements in foreign languages.  The teacher herself could be seen to become more exotic looking, utilizing a bronzer, makeup, and an Afro wig, perhaps, to fit better into her evolving student milieux.   The impression created was of a racial and cultural metamorphosis going on in the fourth, fifth and sixth frames, and in the seventh frame, a white child was depicted standing outside the classroom’s window, peering in.  In the eighth frame, the silhouette of the soldier with the bayonet appeared again outside the window, standing behind the white child, and in the ninth and final frame, no one was peering in through the window, but there were also no white students remaining in the image, and the tree outside the classroom window was presented as metaphorically dead, barren, and leafless, in a frozen winter.

The time period covered by all of the images, as listed on the various class photo placards, was a span of only 70 years.

PI3, visibly offended by the piece, shoved it back into its case and dropped it to the ground.  “Replacement Theory shit,” he said.  “Created by racist shits with an absurd sense of privilege.  This stuff deserved to be banned, because it was meant to crap with people’s heads.  And no wonder, looking at this, why she stopped using language as a medium.”

PI1 nodded vigorously.  “I will make sure we destroy it after the political officer studies it.”

“We won’t bother with him,” PI3 responded.  “Better to just trash it.”  He studied PI1’s face, noting something reluctant in his expression.  “What?  Spit it out.”

“Nothing.  Just a little hard to argue with the factual nature of the piece,” PI1 offered.


“The truth is the truth, right? In a single modest life span they pretty much saw the world  they knew get erased.  By the time all of the dust settles, it will take some luck even for any remant of it to survive.”

PI3 shrugged.  “The truth is whatever the people in power say it is.  And you heard what she said, about them bringing all of this on themselves.”

“I’d say they had it done to them, from the look of places like this,” PI1 said, with an uncommon candor.

“This your first campus?”


PI3 grunted.  The grunt signified nothing and everything, all at the same time.

“Let’s be serious,” PI1 ventured.  He was feeling too comfortable.  “If there was a morally compelling reason to obliterate everything they knew — the world they were born into — it isn’t something I can see.”

PI3 launched a long gaze across the quad.  “Words like those get fools in trouble.  For one world to be born, another must die. It has always been that way, and always will be that way.  They just failed to figure it out.”

PI1 clenched his jaw, visibly.  A question had been resting for years in his own mind.  “Are you sure you and I are going to remain, when all of the dust settles?”

This particular question was entirely beyond the pale.  “You’re asking the kind of question that can get you a seat on a truck,” PI3 observed.

In this place, it had long been determined even the watchers needed to be wary of being watched.  The bigger man, feeling hurried, waved his hand toward the far end of the quad at a group of trucks, then held up two fingers, to signal something in particular.   A truck pulled from the group of vehicles and lumbered toward them.  “We need to wrap things up,” the PI3 said.  He thumbed through the papers on his clipboard again, as if not to miss anything in the contents.  A look of surprise crossed his face.  He inexplicably waved away the truck approaching them, and instead waved again, holding up three fingers.  A separate truck started up and moved in their direction in response.

“Something unusual?” PI1 asked.

“Do you know who young Mr. Ball here really is?”

“A boy whose mother makes racist art?”

“Not entirely.”

“How’s that?”

“He’s also the son of John Ball, a descendant of Martha Ball.”


“The mother of George Washington.”

They were, for just a second, but only a second, impressed.

PI3 used his pen to circle some data on the papers, accomplished with a few quick flourishes.  “He has the blood of George Washington flowing in his veins.  I’ll be damned.  Have we had a visitor like him before?”

“A few,” PI1 answered.  “A month ago some of James Madison’s descendants came through during my shift; they’d actually been picked up at a family reunion they’d been holding at Montpelier.”

“That’s almost funny,” PI3 said.  “What did you make of them?”

“Mostly a lot of dried up old women, except for two blond  twins in a double stroller.  Those little guys were really cute.  It was a hoot:   the old ladies actually began quoting the constitution to us, and even the twins were quoting pieces of it.”


“Then some old queen began a panic, yelling they were in danger, and they gave up on that angle fast.  It ended up turning into the usual stuff, a lot of yammering about God and Jesus.”

“It makes true believers, I’ve noticed.”

Both men continued surveying Nate, a blend of curiosity and reluctant respect.  It felt like a special formality might be appropriate for the moment.  Thousands of others with freckles  and serious eyes had proceeded him, but few with a recognizable pedigree.  Nate, oblivious to their scrutiny, perhaps regressing to earlier years, busied himself by pushing  small piles of pebbles together with his shoes.

The second truck lumbered into proximity, and like its predecessor made a U-turn, then slowly backed up to them.  On the back tailgate, like the railway cars, was another placard, but this one was metal, soldered firmly into a metal holding frame, and engraved “Special Handling Lorry.”  The use of the word “Lorry” was somewhat incongruous for the truck’s environment, but perhaps indicative of the truck or the metal placard or both having foreign origins.  Inside the vehicle were two guards with automatic weapons, keeping watch over a popular Midwestern evangelist, someone whose name the men did not recall, but even they recognized from TV documentaries.  The preacher’s clothing had had its pockets ripped off, and the glasses he wore were missing one lens.

“This is not a taxi,” Nate observed.

“Indeed it isn’t, child,” PI3 answered, paternally.  “But you need to board it.  It is not a long journey after this.”

Without additional prompting, Nate climbed onto the back of the vehicle and seated himself beside the evangelist.   The evangelist reached out and clasped Nate’s hand, and Nate allowed it.   The boy waved to the two instructors as the truck pulled away, and the men, for reasons known only to themselves,  responded to the gesture.  The pleasantly gabbing female voice on the quad’s intercom system had stopped chattering as the quad had finished clearing, and the elevator music was playing again.  Someone, notified of an incoming train, slowly increased the volume.  It was a familiar Christmas tune.

The colors of the rainbow
So pretty in the sky
Are also on the faces
Of people passing by
I see friends shaking hands
Saying how do you do
They’re really saying
I love you….. 1

“In the end, it all reduces down to this,” PI3 commented, as the truck turned a corner and vanished.  A final drone above the men’s heads glided noiselessly down to their feet and switched itself off.  Another small flock of the airborn devices at the far end of the quad were also descending, as the last travelers there were being dispersed.

The men watched the proceedings without particular interest.

“Is this where I comment about the banality of evil?” PI1 asked.

“Ours or theirs?” PI3 responded.

The men’s early shift was ending.  From some far place, there was the sound that a truck’s lift makes when it descends quickly and abruptly whumps on the ground.  It was followed by resonating mechanical noises of indeterminate origin, long whirring noises, and then the groaning of some secondary machinery, pounding metal upon metal like a broken juggernaut, grinding away at its machinations.

I will tell the story of the destruction of my people, and the destruction of the sunlit world we once occupied.  I will tell it, even though it is now spoken of only in whispers, whispers which, if brought to light, are denounced as damnable, forbidden utterances, crimes punishable by ruin or even death.  The primary function of any government is the preservation and protection and perpetuation of the nation-state and culture that placed it in power.  The failure to perform this duty is the most magnificent of all treasons, and one for which politicians should be rousted out of the beds of their old age and their genitalia fed to their still-living mouths.

Because of our fools and our traitors, our destruction was achieved in a single human lifespan.  Because of them, no one mourned our passing as a people, and no one was ever intended to mourn it.  We did not find the path to utopia promised by our fools and traitors,  but instead a path to what some of them intended and others did not:  the path from which no steps can be retraced, the path to our extinction.

1 – “What a Wonderful World,” by Bob Thiele and George Weiss, 1968

© 2023 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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Artificial Intelligence (AI) – Help, Hindrance or Hell?

By Sidney Secular

September 5, 2023

“The more things change, the worse things become” is the result of the natural downwards spiral of an unnatural society lacking the bearings or a rudder with which to move things in the “right” direction. The Second Law of Thermodynamics takes over when there is no consensus, conscience or correct moral guidance brought to bear on what has become an unbearable situation and few have the moral power or the “informed” conscience to counter it. Thus, this moral and intellectual vacuum is quickly being filled by what has become known as Artificial Intelligence or AI. AI is a man-made development that is latching on or catching on like a disease because it appears able to fill the above moral and intellectual vacuum created by our currently vacuous existence in which we require constant stimulation, often being supplied by this newfound fad.

But as with all such “novelties,” anyone with intelligence realizes that we human beings have to start paying attention to what increasingly  impinges upon our lives. The latest tech toys always look great at first, but they begin to grate on us when we realize that they are not nearly so innocuous as they first appear and often they end up degrading us as a species. For instance, the GPS apps makes searching – and finding! – relatively simple while sounding both sensuous and innocuous with their faux female voices. The same type of calming and reassuring influence can be found in tech tools like Siri and her sisters. But these were merely the leading salvoes of a host of oncoming, increasingly edgy, state-of-art stuff that you can’t or won’t be able to resist without incurring the wrath of your “with-it” friends and perhaps even your employer and your government!

AI applications will soon cover all aspects of our lives such as scheduling our appointments, improving our writing, remembering names for us, discovering distant relatives we didn’t know we had, or rapidly sorting through records and files that it would otherwise take us a lifetime to do. AI can detect when someone is using our credit cards without our permission as well as being able to determine our buying and browsing habits so as to target us with alluring ads and these are among performing a multitude of mundane tasks that will leave us with nothing else to do except walk around like good zombies and sit around like couch potatoes eating chips all day and imbibing the latest media indoctrination propaganda.

So, what exactly is AI? It is broadly defined as any computer program that “simulates” human intelligence and therefore both intelligence use and gathering. The difference is AI is able to do this on steroids! Its origins go back to the beginnings of the computer age when it wasn’t taken seriously except in science fiction. However, the fact is that all things that presently monopolize and dominate our lives start out that way; that is, they begin as fads or entertainment fluff. This includes present staples of life  such as radio, TV, autos, telephones &etc. But the AI phenomena has now grown to the point at which no one will take you or your software seriously if the latter doesn’t claim to make use of AI. Take ChatGPT, one application of AI that is garnering special attention because of its exceptional capabilities in performing functions that would eliminate the need for humans to obtain and retain knowledge, ending the need perhaps for humans at all! ChatGPT is officially claimed to help people do their jobs better, but Elon Musk has called for a 6 month moratorium on its further development. Why? Because Musk – nobody’s fool! – believes that the “program” could independently decide to rule the human race – or eliminate it entirely!

AI itself involves networks of computer systems that absorb unbelievably massive amounts of data, seeking patterns or commonalities amongst that data, and then predicts outcomes within a percentage range of certainty. A computer application of AI was a winner in a TV episode of “Jeopardy,” examining millions of possible answers in order to select the correct one. The human brain or a living body can be more intuitive or emotionally sensitive than a computer, but it can’t crunch data or at least do it on so massive a scale; and on top of that, computer processing speeds are advancing exponentially, which will make AI ever more powerful and dominant over time. Fortunately, or unfortunately depending on your point of view, AI will soon be embedded in all we do as we become transhuman vice human. Self-driving cars will become the norm rather than the exception and home care androids will replace human caregivers perhaps even terminating their “patients” when they are considered past saving within their clinical evaluation processes. Our brains will be given the capability to think up commands and instructions without having to speak or write them. The problem then becomes that you may not be able to keep your private thoughts to yourself or even have personal thoughts that matter at all! Orwell’s “Big Brother” may well be something that is not even human! The AI-human system into which you will hooked, like a Siamese twin, will come to know everything about you – your strengths, weaknesses, and intentions and will feed you all you need to know in order to handle all situations – at least according to AI! One possibility that should really concern us is that one’s AI buddy can’t or, more to the point, won’t tell you why it made a certain decision and you will not have the power to override that decision. If we don’t know why a machine makes certain decisions, how are we going to regulate it? Indeed, if a machine can make “decisions” absent human input, we cannot claim to be “regulating” it. Rather, it will be “regulating” us!

Of course, as with everything else, politicians don’t understand the concept anyway, at least not enough to try to regulate it or even deal with it. As a result, we will have to create or have AI create a new technocracy to legislate and regulate for us, a system that will probable result in AI being able to rule over us, all of us including the technocrats and libber rats who have been salivating over that prospect for more than 80 years now They know that if they do it right, the whole thing will be falling into their laps through, by, with and through AI. The New World orderlies and their lapdog media influencers are conditioning themselves for their future roles in the coming “scheme” of things, at least as things now stand.

Now, new technologies have historically created more jobs than they have destroyed, but that will not happen this time. AI will replace nearly every category of worker including administrative and those who work with knowledge where judgement calls are required. This includes doctors, lawyers, and even journalists. The latter have not exercised any independent judgement now for decades, so it will be a seamless transition in that “department.” We already have fake news, so what’s new? However, AI will make the situation much worse! Why? Because fake stories are going to get a new and better veneer of realism and you won’t know if any news report should be challenged because you won’t know if what is presented is real or not.

Imagine a fake video showing someone mouthing words they never uttered, or showing someone engaging in a shameful activity in which they never were involved; that is, if any activity will still be considered shameful by then! Perhaps prayer or charity or patriotism?? In any event, cynical and sinful opinion leaders and crooks will certainly use AI to mislead and defraud. As AI improves, you will be forced to give up increasing amounts of your privacy; there will be no “safe spaces,” no sanctuaries even in the privy or the bedroom. And as AI improves, circumstances will prevail that will force you to develop strong emotional attachments to it as you would to a beloved pet or personal icon. People may give up looking for a life partner because they will consider that they already have the perfect one so to speak!

And because creating lasting interpersonal relationships is already such a difficult task, with the pool of desirable and even possible partners shrinking all the time, a safe, pleasant “relationship” with an AI companion may well be seen as the best choice available. After all, one would not need to separate the genuine companion-lover from those with ulterior motives and, procreation aside, we’ll have AI to summon the answers and provide limitless sexual fantasies absent any consequences. Humans not accompanied by an AI assistant will be left behind, just like people today who are without computers or Internet access are increasingly being left behind in dealing with the world around them!

Will this be one giant step forward for mankind, or the end of Man? One thing to consider is that machines cannot create a better world without better people to write the programs and bring their efforts to fruition! If that indeed is the case, then we must recognize that the quality of today’s people just about everywhere leaves little hope that even AI will do that job.

© 2023 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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Morsels Mined From The Memory Hole

By Sidney Secular

August 29, 2023

MUSLIM MARAUDING AND MAYHEM IN FRANCE: The French public is finally getting fired up over the terroristic, wanton, Jihadistic and sadistic behavior of the unassimilable Muslim and Black African hordes that have been invited in by the French Government and egged on by the UN/EU to willy-nilly carry on with their nihilistic, disruptive behavior. The current events this July represent at least the fourth such massive upheaval over the past 18 years or so in France. Burning and overturning cars and structures have been in the “tradition” of Islam right from the start by these upstarts going back to the 8th Century. Yet the Government keeps inviting these invaders in without limiting or keeping track of the numbers of these “newcomers”, as they are called. The perp who set off the latest round of revolting behavior is being given the George Floyd treatment as some kind of hero by the left although his criminal behavior has a history similar to Floyd’s in that it – and he! – have no redeeming qualities.

The French Government is restricting Internet access “in certain neighborhoods,” – and by that, the “government” means the burgeoning areas occupied and controlled almost exclusively by these criminally inclined troglodytes. Of course, this is done so that the depraved denizens therein cannot use social media and other platforms to organize and promote their violent activities.

Somewhat nationalist oriented French right-wing political leader Marine LePen’s support is growing as the people begin to wake up from their somnolence. She is picking up support mainly from the middle classes now as she has always had a base of support with the working classes. She could soon become President of France as current President Macron seems helplessly oblivious to the current great dangers. One has to ask why so few could see the handwriting on the wall until now. The dumbed down or deluded denizens of the Western countries have to start asking themselves how long will their natural citizens put up with the Third World invasion, going with the flow before we go down the drain?

Another interesting question in this whole matter is that it seems to have driven the coverage of the literally millions of ordinary Frenchmen who had taken to the streets all over France to protest their government’s policies that concern the actual people of France. We have gone from nightly coverage of these huge crowds to dead silence to the point at which one has to wonder if the French are still protesting their government’s policies or they have been driven out of the public square by the Muslims and the media.

TIT FOR TAT TOSSING TOXIC WASTE AROUND IN UKRAINE: The Biden Administration is running out of conventional ammo, just about all of it going into the bottomless pit of Ukraine. So they are dredging the bottom of the barrel and have come up with toxic depleted uranium (DU) shells to send to Ukraine to be used in M1 Abrams tanks. These would severely pollute the environment and affect public health. DU was used to make short work of the Iraqis in Operation Desert Storm. Vladimir Putin responded by indicating he would use DU ammo in retaliation. If DU gets flung around, Ukraine will wind up as a toxic wasteland and the former breadbasket for much of Africa and Europe will become an ”empty” basket case. Could it be that result is what is intended by the devilish forces running and ruining everything? Their objective could be to force us to eat their frankenfoods and lab creations while they eat our lunch.

DEVILISH DISNEY TAKES NOSEDIVE AS IT DOUBLES DOWN ON WOKE: Caucasian characters and European storylines are being whitewashed – or should we say “blackwashed” in the entertainment industry. Blacks are constantly thrust in our faces to promote the new dark agenda. Disney Studios seems to be the epitome of this thrust in turning out disastrous financial flop movies which are remakes of classic films like Peter Pan and The Little Mermaid but featuring Blacks in leading roles. The critics are programmed to unthinkingly say the failures are due to racism, misogyny, anti transgender prejudice and any other “isms” that are being flung around at the moment like monkey poop. If they knew their audiences were all bigoted, then why would they make movies that wouldn’t appeal to them, other than trying to shame and indoctrinate them regardless of the financial consequences? You could appropriately call it cultural appropriation in reverse. If rationality entered into the equation, why don’t filmakers create original concepts that feature their desired diversity? The answer, my friend, is not blowing in the wind. The answer is that the devil is making them, or at least inspiring them, to do it, come what may. These people truly believe you can force what is imaginary to actually become real, but frankly, Scarlett, you can’t!

REDUCING HIGH MEDICAL BILLS BY DICKERING WITH DOCTORS. Most people don’t realize you can negotiate to reduce the fees for major surgery and other expensive procedures. Over 60% of patients who negotiate with a doctor obtain a lowered fee. Most people are too cowed by the puffed up aura surrounding the medical complex to even try to negotiate. Before negotiating however, the initial step in saving money on medical expenses is to use a physician listed by your insurance company as one of their preferred providers in the particular medical specialty involved. You can call your insurer and request this list for your geographical area. The next step, once you’ve chosen a practitioner is to ask for a price up front. Simultaneously, call your insurance company and inquire as to what is the maximum or range of prices they will pay/allow for the particular procedure. From these pieces of information, determine how much of a reduction from the original fee that you want to try to negotiate.

You can’t be timid in asking for a big discount. If you can afford it, offer to pay the fee upfront and in cash as an incentive to the doctor or provider while dickering. Bear in mind, dickering is only useful for advanced procedures. When it comes to procedures covered by Medicare, to determine the rock-bottom Medicare rate, ask the doctor for the Current Procedural Terminology Code(CPT) for your procedure.

Then go to which will recommend a fair price for the procedure. Then call the providers in your insurance network and tell them you are willing to pay cash upfront, then name the fair price you have ascertained. Your fair price may be agreed to on the spot – if not, try to negotiate the price down. After a successful negotiation, be sure to obtain the final negotiated price in writing. The aforesaid website also provides a pricing agreement template the provider can use for that purpose.

HOMESCHOOLING RESOURCE FOR READING AND WRITING ADVANCEMENT. Whether you are already homeschooling your children, or you are thinking about it, it will greatly aid your children’s academic development to have them begin adopting/utilizing the “Spalding Method of Phonics,” a time-tested program for learning the English language. Phonics was the only way language was taught before the “see and spell” method became popular and it was a disaster in that children were not able to put into effect that which phonics taught – the sounds associated with letter placement, thus allowing a child to read words that he had never before seen simply by the placement of the letters within the word. See and spell required that the child memorize every word and it greatly affected – and afflicted – reading. The old tried and true method is contained in a book entitled “The Writing Road to Reading” and is a multifaceted curriculum. You will also improve your English and handwriting skills in the process of teaching it. The method is great for stubborn children who don’t think they need improvement as well as for those kids who think they will never get it right. The program is geared towards the elementary grades up to and including the sixth grade.

The book is available from for $9.99, which is less than half the cost charged by other sources. An adjunct “course” that can be added to the homeschooling program is spending an hour every day discussing a story from the Bible to your children. This indirectly reinforces the learning obtained from the Writing Road to Reading program.

MELONI WAS FULL OF BALONEY: Nationalists and true conservatives were falling all over themselves with praise and adulation when Giorgia Meloni recently became Prime Minister of Italy. She was even likened to a sort of throwback to Mussolini and his strong nationalist program. Now she has retreated back into advocating for an increasing number of non-whites to come to Italy to fill workforce needs due to the declining White native population. The voters elected her to stop the Third World invasion and now she is promoting it. Her first priority should have been to create economic incentives for the native population to have more children, obviating any justification for importing more foreigners. Parenthetically, it probably would also have helped if there were less “guests” whose criminal ways tend to lower the native population through crime and violence! Murdered Italians cannot work!

In France, Marine LePen has retreated somewhat from her father’s strong nationalist sentiments. Political leaders in today’s West invariably have to backtrack to mollify some of the recalcitrant masses to vote for them. To what degree she will clamp down on the Muslim and black immigrants making a wreck out of France when and if she is elected President is a big question mark now. Westerners have been crying out for a true leader to bring us out of this wilderness of wild depravity and multicultural madness for a long time now.

TOXIC INDIVIDUALITY ON THE ROAD. Pedestrian fatalities on American streets are surging. In 2021, 7,485 pedestrians were killed by vehicles. That’s a yearly increase of 65% since 2011. During the Covid lockdowns when fewer people were driving, more pedestrians were hit and killed than “usual.” The researchers, who didn’t research it, speculated that drivers took advantage of empty roads and flouted safety rules. Maybe the drivers were just driven to their behavior by being cooped up and unable to work and felt the need to vent their feelings and exasperations in a situation where they could be anonymous and kind of get back at society.

Of course, SUVs, pickup trucks and vans collectively known as light truck vehicles (LTVs) are inherently several times as dangerous than other vehicles because of lowered visibility, increased weight and factors such as the people who usually drive these vehicles. Of course, there are more such vehicles on the road than ever and as their drivers have a natural tendency to drive over the speed limits and just because their vehicles are capable of attaining high speed they tend to drive like demons now and then. Casualty rates increase proportionately with increasing speeds. Driving with an attitude also sparks the increasing incidence of road rage in recent years. Neither has drunkenness significantly decreased over the years despite intense and ongoing public safety campaigns and DUI is still the leading cause of motor vehicle accidents. During the lockdowns, people had a greater tendency to drink and do drugs to overcome their depressed feelings, which could have been a factor in the increased levels of accidents. Last, but not least, is the fact that there are more illegals and foreigners driving, and they have less regard for the rules of our roads, as they tend to retain the macho and careless driving habits they had back in their home countries. Of course, this factor would never be factored into any studies, let alone admitted.

A MOSTLY UNNOTICED CHINESE INVASION. An unprecedented number of single Chinese men are suddenly entering the US. Customs and “Border Protection” says the number of these Chinese entering through the southern border was 4,271 between October 2022 and February 2023. That is supposedly ten times the number of Chinese nationals trying to enter during the same time period one year ago., or a 1,000% increase. Who’s to say the ones who got away are not way more? The Presstitutes of the quisling press present their treks as long and rugged yet those filmed look healthy and well nourished and carrying large traveling bags – and besides, what difference do the circumstances of their trip make to the reason they made it! The media, Fox News included, touts these migrants as “freedom-loving” people from China who merely want to escape an oppressive regime. But families are not coming with these men. Why are they almost exclusively military-age males? Please note that this phenomenon is mostly the same for the south-of-the-border Hispanic populations who invade us — they are not the “innocent children” portrayed as deserving pity and wind up with more than mere pittances extracted unwillingly from “We the People”. China, lacking Western scruples – if that description itself has not become an oxymoron! – will screw us in any way they can in their campaign of “Unrestricted Warfare” that calls for using all means available to undermine the US. Sending military and intelligence operatives into the US under the guise of fleeing China sure sounds like an effective strategy and they have an actual pool of employment in the Chinese police departments already operating in most of our “blue” cities! As with the other illegals, these migrants are being given the equivalent of concierge services as they are being intentionally bussed into the interior of the US by government funded means. Biden and his treacherous, traitorous “Administration” – in collaboration with private sector entities including “Christian” organizations are deliberately allowing our enemies into the US. The way it’s going, we will soon be gutted and fall apart without any shots being fired. Isn’t that the Chinese way, anyway? We are being numbed and gaslighted to the point at which fires lit under us will not arouse any blowback or resistance on our collective part. We are expected to grin and bear it until we finally give in to the onslaught.

CAN MEN MENSTRUATE? Continuing with the gaslighting. when you ask Google that question, the answer is “Having a period is not a feminine thing, and people of “all genders” menstruate, including non-binary people, “agender” people, and even plenty of men. Menstruation is just a thing that some bodies do”! Really???? We have entered into the twilight zone when we get google-eyed nonsensical responses like that!

BURNED UP OVER THE “CONTROLLED BURN” AND THE LACK OF SAFETY PROTOCOLS ON AMERICAN RAILROADS: Before the now infamous February 6 Ohio train derailment that resulted in a “controlled burn” involving a plume of highly toxic chemicals, Norfolk Southern had lobbied against safety rules, something that makes no sense at all! After all, safety regulations are put into place as much for the railroad companies as for those who make use of their “product!” But apparently, railroads no longer see that as true, spending heavily to lobby the FedGuv as a means of lessening such regulations. It turns out that Norfolk Southern is among the biggest spenders, paying $1.8 million in 2022 for the services of 36 lobbyists. On February 6, hazardous chemicals used to make PVC plastics were burned off the derailed freight train contaminating the soil and water which resulted in thousands of fish and other animals dying, ill effects on humans, and an increased risk for cancer for the people living in the area. It has been ascertained that in order to increase their profits, operators of Class One freight trains have collectively shrunk their work forces by 29% over the last 6 years. In the article in a recent issue of this newsletter on the subject of the OH train derailment entitled “America: Off the Rails” – an article that garnered national attention, we may add! – we noted how very overworked American railroad workers were, with unconscionable amounts of overtime imposed on what in effect are skeleton work forces! As well, there is a severe lack of decent amounts of vacation and sick leave time available to them leading to a neglect of safety precautions. Derailment disasters have become almost routine and widespread in recent years, whereas back in the day they were a rarity. This is especially interesting as the rise in technology has permitted railroads to monitor their entire systems in order to prevent accidents arising from malfeasance or simply error.

“MASKERADE:” The most rigorous and comprehensive analysis conducted on the efficacy of the nearly ubiquitous and farcical face masks as a means of reducing the spread of respiratory illnesses – including Covid 19, was recently published by The Cochrane Collaboration, a British non-profit organization, that is considered a leading authority on the subject. Summarizing its findings, it became apparent that the masks make no difference in preventing the spread of disease, including the highly touted N-95 masks. What about other preventive measures such as hand hygiene, physical distancing including the arbitrary 6 feet distancing, and air filtration? Same answer — there’s no evidence that any of these measures make any difference. Remarkably, the absence of evidence to support mask wearing for infection control was known and confirmed from the very beginning by the same agencies and organizations that ended up mandating mask-wearing.

On the other hand, harm caused by face masking were rarely sought, ascertained or noted and when something was found, the results were poorly reported. Studies showed that masks disrupted the ability of people to process facial cues, significantly lowered cognitive scores in toddlers, had negative impacts on communications skills, and created dental problems among other negative effects. One phenomenon only myself and Donald Jeffries, the noted author who wrote the book on the Covidiocy, “Masking The Truth” seemed to notice was that there were no protocols for dispensing with spent masks, which should have been treated as medical waste. Thus, they were thrown all over the place, especially on the ground, and not even placed in dumpsters. Also very much of importance is that those who resisted the mask mandates never deserved to be treated like lepers and called “conspiracy theorists” and no one should have lost their jobs over questioning “the science” or refusing the jab. In other words, a resistance to government mandates produced not an attempt to validate those mandates, but instead, sometimes severe punishment of the recalcitrant including a loss of employment and even legal penalties. There were numerous instances of people being denied urgent medical treatment for the very reason of them not having been vaxxed. This makes no sense medically as the whole point of being vaccinated – so we were assured – was to prevent the “unvaxxed” from spreading contagion if they caught COVID! Therefore, it should never have been claimed that these people were a danger to those who believed that they were receiving immunity from their own vaccinations! In plain words, the response was punishment for “disobedience” rather than their behavior constituting a health risk. Of course, those who were so persecuted will never get the apologies they deserve since tyrants don’t apologize for their tyrannical actions, but at least they have been vindicated – until the next plannedemic. You can read the full 326 page study by the Cochrane organization at

THE TREASURED SNOWFLAKES WANT TO FLAKE OFF FROM NORMAL SOCIETY: A leftist group in Oregon wants to set up segregated hiking trails in their state forests so that Cherished Minority hikers won’t have to face the risk of facing “prejudiced” people while shambling around in the deep woods. They want hiking trails reserved for “underrepresented adventurers who are plus-sized, fat, Black, indigenous, people of color, queer, trans, non-binary, disabled, neurodivergent (whatever that means) and “beyond.” I guess “beyond” means beyond recognition or understanding or further out in the twilight zone. I suppose sooner or later we will have whole forests and parks set aside for these types who will be considered handicapped and thus entitled to special handicap license plates or placards. Our parks and forests are already understaffed and remaining staff will probably be diverted to these new protected areas leaving normal hikers to have to form hiking clubs so as to organize work trips to weed out the briars and brambles in the unkempt trails in the “regular” forests and parks. This is already being done with respect to certain hiking trails in the Washington, DC area.

a self-driving car that has the intelligence(?) to repossess itself and self-drive to a repossession agency, an impound lot, or a junkyard. The self-driving craze will sooner or later drive you crazy since you won’t know where your car is driving you next or even where your car is!

SHOPPING FOR GAS CAN BE A GAS FOR BARGAIN HUNTERS: Gas is cheapest at the beginning of the workweek. Although prices may vary by region, gas tends to be cheapest on Mondays and Tuesdays, getting progressively more expensive as the week progresses, and reaching a peak on the weekends when the most people are filling their tanks. A site for comparing gas prices:

SMALL TOWN BANKS CLOSING DOORS: The attack on rural and red state America takes many
forms, some not immediately obvious. The plannedemic assisted in accelerating the many negative trends that are bringing us down and become obvious once you step back and closely analyze what is going on. One disturbing trend is bank closures in small towns which makes life very difficult for residents as it severely disrupts economic and social life in what are or were closely knit communities. Branches of larger banks and independent local banks have shuttered over 4,000 branches and 7,500 actual brick and mortar locations since March 2020. Bank mergers and acquisitions have played a major role in this shrinkage. The rate of closures was 99 per month before the plannedemic and is up to 201 closures per month now. Many small towns have become “bank deserts” where the nearest bank is over 10 miles away. Even then, many times there is only one bank in the next town over or the nearest town with any banking. When banks close there are several adverse effects on the community. Low and moderate income communities are especially hard hit. Small business lending and small business activity is in general decline. Alternative financial providers are often unregulated and predatory, These include payday lenders, auto loan title lenders, and check cashing locations, and small loan dispensers that charge exorbitant fees. There are usually one or two cash machines around, but they charge fees, and are restricted to the denominations the machines can provide. Stately and ornate bank buildings built in the early 20th century provided aesthetic architectural pleasures, but many now sit vacant. Privately owned hometown banks used to dot the landscape. Savings and loan banks helped home and auto buyers make major purchases, helped farmers acquire equipment, helped businesses get started and provided loans for expansion. Not all banks have safe deposit boxes, so now its even harder to find a place to securely stow valuables and documents. It’s time to savor the flavor of small town America when and if you can. A trip down memory lane can keep you sane.

DHS STARTED TO EMPLOY A CHINESE-STYLE SOCIAL CREDIT SCORE SYSTEM IN 2018: It was called “Project Night Fury” and sought to use automated methods (algorithms and artificial intelligence) to detect socially unacceptable behavior of ordinary citizens by naming it “pro-terrorist” or “terrorist”, just as they were characterizing parents complaining about the communistic indoctrination public school students were receiving. The program was conducted by a partnership of DHS and the University of Alabama. “Social credit” risk scores were assigned to suspects which affected various accounts the suspect had. A list of suspects and their social media and financial accounts were turned over to DHS, including names, emails, phone numbers, pictures, and posts. The project was terminated either because it was technically deficient or it ran into severe criticism because of privacy concerns, the reason(s) not being clear. Although the program was terminated in 2019, it is not known how far along the project was or whether its assets were transferred elsewhere within the law enforcement apparatus.

You can be sure this aborted attempt at setting up an Orwellian system of population control was only a prototype or forerunner of what is yet to come. Social credit scores, once they fully arrive, will factor in such variables as driving infractions, smoking in unauthorized places, buying too much or the wrong types of groceries, not paying government imposed fines on time, spending money on frivolous purchases. and posting unacceptable memes on social media or, perhaps most importantly, attending a truly orthodox Christian church.

THE PLANNED DISRUPTION OF THE PLAN FOR THIS PLANET: If we were created directly by God as designer, the miscegenating, amalgamation, or mixing of the races is nixing those fine and finely tuned designs by compromising or neutralizing all their fine points. That is, we are filing them down with a ideological file into a common denominator in which planned differences are lost. If evolution was nature’s solution, then all those millions of years of natural selection, fine tuning and selecting the best or the best – and most useful – features over time are going by the boards in to create boring, homogeneous sameness.

As a result of this human homogenization, the different races and ethnicities have lost their useful genetic markers and can, for instance, now catch each other’s diseases and physical conditions that used to be unique to particular racial groups as, for instance, sickle-cell anemia, a black health condition not found in any other race of people. Distinctions create distinctiveness, something that once upon a time was wanted and sought after. Part of the fun of going on foreign vacations or holidays as the British say, is to see the sights you don’t see at home. Now all those once new and rare sights are slighted as the populations in each country lose their distinct appearance while the population at home becomes more and more homogeneous. The question then becomes, why leave when all those exotics are coming here anyway? The West has always been especially blessed with all our physical diversity that will, however, in time be lost as all become the homogeneous “Tan Man.”

All the middle and upper class white libbers can now compare and enjoy the exotic “queerzine” and tap into the tapas, etc. that seem to be the best inspiration for conversation after the local weather and who has now become offended. You can forgo all that hassle and cost associated with air travel and those personal airport exams that can really get personal. Lugging luggage along has long since ceased to be fun as you have to check the big pieces at the terminal where they increasingly get lost as they follow you around in the unfriendly skies, usually arriving at an entirely different destination! To get a decent deal you have to check all the red-eye flights available. Anyway, the idea of everyone getting to look like butterscotch pudding should be scotched except, of course, for actual butterscotch pudding which is quite tasty!

BORDER SURGES GOING BEYOND BORDERLINE INSANITY: The libbers keep on moving the goal posts back on what is considered insanity. The more we accept of their woke wackery, the more fringe the behavior at the fringes until outright lunacy becomes the norm according to the woke and their psychologists. These morons keep pushing the envelope because they see how easy it is to push the rest of us around. And while our eyes are glued to the tube and the sights and slights at the southern border, other hordes are raining down upon us from the north in a diverse and devious manner. Currently, anyone can board a plane in Mexico, fly to Canada, then sneak or openly walk into the US. Mexicans aren’t the only ones taking advantage of that huge loophole. Asians, Russians, Central and South Americans, and Middle Easterners are doing it as well. It all has to do with loosened visa requirements instituted by Canadian President Trudeau, otherwise known as “Airhead” in 2016. The migrants who decide to stay in Canada are causing an overwhelming housing and health care crisis in Vancouver and Toronto, the two biggest Canadian immigration destinations. It’s only a matter of time before this population bulge breaks into the US past the very long and very loosely guarded northern border.

CLINGING TO RECYCLING IS HURTING BOTH THE ECONOMY AND THE ENVIRONMENT: The primary culprit in this problem is plastic. We really need to find a substitute for this “miracle product” that is both economical to produce and really is recyclable! Nonetheless, this is only a drop in the (plastic) bucket as an answer to our problems. For instance, we keep on hearing about plastic straws creating a problem as if that problem was the last straw, but it is a minor part of a much bigger picture. When you go to a recycling facility, you find that huge amounts of material from people’s recycling carts are winding up as trash. The worst are plastic items that are marked with a recycling symbol though most of the products so marked is not recyclable. Plastic is not a uniform product. There are different grades, each having its own processing requirements thus making plastic products almost impossible to sort efficiently. Plastic bags clog the recycling machine, forcing workers to spend hours cutting/separating them from the mechanisms. Most plastic degrades with each reuse anyway. Making new plastic is actually cheaper than recycling old plastic so recycling is sold as a means of prevent environmental contamination. Of course, environmentalists neither know nor care that recycling plastic causes 55 times more carbon emissions than just placing it in a landfill. The question then must be just how much is actually recycled? The answer? About 5%! Plastic not placed in landfills – and that is most of it! – is shipped to third world countries where they dump it in the ocean creating vast floating patches in the Pacific Ocean that do a great deal of harm to marine life while polluting the environment. So there you have it! It would seem the road to hell continues to be paved with good intentions and libber virtue signaling!

Post Scriptum: actually, mankind is not helpless even in this matter. First, India is making a good start by producing a plastic product that can made into roads and is both sturdy and cheap! Meanwhile, apparently, plastic-eating bacteria is showing up in our oceans but whether that is a good or bad thing remains to be seen!

THE ECONOMY GOES ELECTRIC ON ITS WAY TO GOING TO HELL: An Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) report claims the electric vehicle “boom” has created 94,000 new jobs in the US, with many more to come. Sounds rather suspicious to me. Are you telling me that people who could hardly afford a regular car in the past can now afford a much more expensive electric one or that there is an entirely new market for car buyers who were just waiting for electric cars to come out so they could buy them? The libbers revel in their lies while normal people suffer from their fictions. New rules proposed by the EPA calling for new stringent tailpipe pollution standards will supposedly drive the move to electric vehicles. Seven states plus California will require manufacturers to sell an increasing number of zero-emission (electric) freight trucks and buses through 2035.

The electric grid is already rickety and much of it is ready for renewal/replacement while a vast new addition to the grid would have to be built to accommodate all these new electric vehicles and other newly electric appliances. I hear nothing about all of this being planned for or built. It’s all part of the new libber fantasy that if you want something bad enough it will appear out of thin air for you. Jane Fonda is fond of promoting that idea. Then there is the increasing chance of the increasingly aging and thus vulnerable grid going down from a terror attack from China or some other terrorist or computer hackers or even from an attack by Mother Nature in the form of sunspots and massive solar flares (EMP). The unthinking, and increasingly incapable of thinking, left leaning public is eating this up as some sort of reason to give Biden an approval rating, such as it is. They’re the ones who will eat crow
when the time comes, but in the meantime, they’re crowing over their domination of the narratives. The lefties will leave all of us in the lurch with their lying schemes.

A VERY VIABLE ALTERNATIVE TO THE WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM (WEF): The World Council for Health’s second “Better Way Conference” was held in Bath, England June 2-4, 2023. This was a major international event and collaboration to counter the lies and anti-human philosophies of the WEF. Eight separate panel discussions/”conversations” were held, each featuring 20 panelists, all involving internationally recognized scientists, doctors, law specialists, and health activists. Veronica Kyrylenko, a writer for the John Birch Society’s “New American” magazine was the overall moderator. Subjects covered included big pharma, non-medical therapies, well established and safe wellness alternatives, fake foods, food as medicine, artificial intelligence, trans-humanism, climate change hysteria and weather manipulation, damaging farming practices, corporate media manipulation, centralized digital bank currencies, the Covidiocy, the vaxxes, freedom in general, and centralized and autocratic power. The applicable website is

THE ERRONEOUS WAR ON TERROR IS NOT AN ERROR: When they wanted to butter up the public to do battle with the battle hardened Saddam Hussein of Iraq whose parading around in military fatigues was getting fatiguing and annoying, they cooked up 9/11 while public anti-Muslim fervor was at a fevered level and so it was easy to blame it on the Muslim baddies. They had it all planned out and were ready to go after baddie Bin Laden the very next day, 9/12, before any evidence of his wrongdoing had been confirmed, and that he repeatedly denied having anything to do with. As it turned out no such valid evidence ever came to light and Bin Laden was supposedly hiding in a dark cave, whose location could not be ascertained despite a thorough search of the area. The bungling of the entire affair by the American alliance from beginning to end was of no consequence since the brainwashed public could not piece together the various pieces of the puzzle and didn’t really want to anyway. Several lone wolf attacks by real Muslim terrorists followed inspired by the 9/11 fable and the allure of 40 virgins to be had in the Muslim heaven.

All of these fabrications were the inspiration for and a means by which a “War on Terror” against an unnamed foe was ignited though it is interesting to note that perfectly logical criticism of Islam was verboten. After this flurry of anomalous activity, the terrorist activity petered out as there was really no organized campaign directing it. Meanwhile, claims of an ongoing alleged continued threat was used to put into place the infamous Patriot Act which was designed – and served – to restrict the activities not of terrorists and enemies, but of actual patriots. It has even been alleged – and proved – that some (much?) of the lone wolf terrorist activity was actually false flag events carried out by a cadre of crisis actors who were seen (and photographed) at the scene of several such events. The upshot of it all was to reinvigorate the military/industrial complex and to energize the ongoing leftist campaign for gun control rather than boxcutters.

Since there now no foreign devils to demonize, and to keep the anti-terror campaign going, domestic Whites and Christians became the devil incarnate, especially the fans of Donald Trump. Thus “white privilege” was suddenly concocted, and critical race theory was inculcated into the minds of students and corporate employees, and even military members. Even milquetoast Republicans and ersatz conservatives could now be lumped in with the enemies of the state. This is quite a state of affairs to have to turn around, as all the power centers have now been turned into “marx-cysts” that have to be converted back to health or, conversely, eradicated as cancerous growths.

WARPED WARRIORS FOR MORE WAR: “Bipartisan” legislation is being considered in the Senate that would prevent an American president from withdrawing from NATO without the express consent of Congress. The battle cry for more battles is being led by leading Dems who were former doves and the usual RINO retards. If the measure makes it to the House, it will likely die there. it seems the libbers have been co-opted by the military-industrial complex. We will not hear their chant of “Make love — not war” anymore. Maybe the arms giveaway to Ukraine has got them giddy for spending more for the guns they want to outlaw at home.

SUBSTANDARD AMERICAN NUCLEAR SUBS: Nearly 40% of US Navy attack submarines are out of commission largely due to the omnipresent supply chain issues and there being “not enough workers”, whatever that means. Is it a lack of technical expertise or a lack of knowledgeable workers – or both? We are left underwater wondering about that since an elucidation has not surfaced. Already, China has overtaken us with a fleet of 340 ships and subs, which constitutes the largest navy in the world. Before long, we won’t be able to challenge them in the waters around Taiwan.

EQUITY MATH: California’s Education Department has further watered down the math curriculum to create “equity math” so that everyone can pass the math exams, if exams will even be countenanced. More advanced math is deemed a demonic creation of “white supremacists”. Meanwhile, in Taiwan, algebra is taught to 11 year olds. Of course, anything of the intellect is considered white supremacy. Seems as if a lot of blacks work hard trying to prove that whites ARE superior!

WOKE SPEECH CODES SPREADING LIKE WILDFIRE: A survey conducted for Newsweek magazine shows that 44% of Americans aged 25 to 34 think referring to someone by the wrong gender pronoun (he/him, she/her) should be a criminal offense. 31% of these millennials disagree while 25% “don’t know”. Do the first and third groups know anything worth knowing? Even so, we keep asking them.

EL SALVADOR: The president of this country since 2019 has been Nayib Bukele, of Palestian descent, who has achieved an unprecedented 90% favorable popularity rating. El Salvador means “The Savior” in Spanish and this man seems to live up to that appellation. So far in 2023, homicides in the country are down an incredible 92% over the same period from last year. This has resulted in a 44% decline in migration to the US. Members of the MS-13 and 18th Street gangs are being locked up. Kamala Harris was right about one thing – these Latin American countries have to clean up their acts and we could help them, if they ask for it, without interfering in their internal affairs. Maybe these third world countries can achieve such turnarounds with the right leadership – after all they don’t have an insurrectionist, treacherous deep state to contend with.

“NET NEGATIVE:” Vice President Kamala Harris has a net negative approval (disapproval?) rate of minus (-) 17, the lowest of any VP in American history. I think we are owed an explanation of what “net negative” means since most of our public servants probably deserve a similar rating (ranking?).

FLIM-FLAM PHONY FAUCI GIVEN A PASS: First, it was the batty story of bats causing the spread of the Covid-19 virus, and when that idea lost its plausibility, it was theorized that an accident caused its release. Then we started hearing the term, “gain of function” which we couldn’t quite fathom, but after some cogitation we started realizing that some manipulation of the virus was going on to make it more “viral” and dangerous. The media blamed it all on the Chinese but then we were hearing that the US was contributing to the Wuhan lab research, so putting it all together you can conclude that it was a joint US and Chinese endeavor sponsored or propagated by the World Health Organization or some other arm of the New World Order. Fauci was just a knowing cog in the wheel of this vehicle of deceit and became the sort of “public face” of the “pandemic.” A large portion of the public seems to not know or appreciate what the term “gain of function” means or is meant to convey, and still is in the dark over the overall conspiracy – but then, that’s nothing new, is it? The fact that there are about 100 labs in Ukraine doing similar biological gain of function type research seems not to have registered in the public consciousness as another example of the biological warfare going on. The public’s attention span seems to have narrowed to a day or two as the news stories are spewed out in large doses daily. Long since forgotten is that the US has conducted biological, chemical, and radiological warfare research for over a century now, and inexcusably on our own troops and patriotic troupers.

LIBERALISM AS TODAY’S RELIGION: This subject has been covered in past newsletters, but here’s a brief “sinopsis” that describes today’s sins in a nutshell. Liberalism allowed those who felt a need to have feelings dominate over reason in re: action, those who were weak psychologically or weak-kneed, and those who needed some solace to hide their sinful natures from themselves, to play “God” and embody in their persons “the good” in sort of the platonic sense while portraying themselves as innocent or the innocent fighting all the bad “isms” left over from the patriarchal world they see as needing a makeover. Prime among these evils is “racism”. Without having strawmen racists to fight, their world would fall apart. They must have this punching bag kept intact regardless of its nonsensical aspect to blame as the prime source for all the evils they feel they must fight. They’d punch out your lights if you disagreed enough with them and they could get away with it. But the libbers are drunk with success which leads to them to overdo that in turn, leads to a degree of race fatigue and cynicism towards the left’s moral muscling on the issue especially when they say that racism is inherent in the white race. When it gets to that point, you stop whining and you either fight it with all your might or you eventually die because the left cannot be discouraged or sidetracked for long in its ambitions.

Thus, the left will find ways around the recent US Supreme Court decision on affirmative action or, given both the abortion decision and affirmative action, we must be prepared for an all out assault on the judiciary at least at the top level, SCOTUS. The left’s mindset is too set in its ways and they are encouraged and egged on by the phony eggheads, the media, and the establishment.

The question is this: If the left loses some of its political edge, will we be edgy enough to combat them toe to toe, to strike a blow, which is the only way to go? We should stop calling ourselves “conservative” because it is defeatist sounding from the get-go, there’s little left to conserve, and it sounds morally nasty to combat the virtuous sounding “progressive” movement. “Realist” is a better term to adopt as we wrestle with the evil forces of the left over the nature of reality. Realists know we need to rely or call upon powers higher than ourselves to give us moral fortitude and certitude. We know we have truth on our side and that in itself should prepare us for the battle ahead. Truth is the most important thing here, so we should call upon whatever empowers us, whether it be our guardian angel, Jesus, the pantheon of Nordic gods, the spirits of your ancestors, or the universe, or whatever is one’s predilection. These powers represent perfect virtue and have the power to transform and advance us if we follow in their footsteps or follow their prescriptions and ways.

“SYRIA – AN UNTOLD TALE OF “SYRIAS” PLUNDER: The wholesale theft of Syria’s natural resources, especially gas and oil continues unabated under the watchful cognizance of illegal US troops, stationed at 12 US military bases concentrated in the northern half of the country. The Empire’s war on Syria is largely invisible since it has never been covered by the lackey lockstep mainstream media. The US State Department admits that the Empire’s illegal occupation of the northern third of Syria – the portion that is rich in oil and gas, minerals, and productive agricultural land currently appropriated by the US, will persist indefinitely. Dozens of oil tankers cross over to northern Iraq usually escorted by US-backed Kurdish separatist militias, and backed up by the illegal US troops. All of this is not recognized by the Syrian government which stands by helplessly. Syria’s energy sector has been robbed of an astonishing $107 billion between 2011 and 2022 by the ongoing thievery, supported by “coalition” bombing as needed. At least 80% of Syria’s oil and gas deposits are located in the area being plundered. Syria’s representative to the UN has repeatedly denounced the Empire’s theft of resources — oil, gas, and wheat which has plunged the country into a state of economic insecurity while the depredations of several years ago has reduced a large part of the population to the status of displaced persons, refugees and victims of food insecurity. Russia and China can help by stepping up their importation of Syrian products in exchange for wheat and agricultural machinery, but have been hesitant to do so, fearing conflict with the US. Biden and his accomplices are thus getting the oil and gas we need while preventing the US from producing it. Meanwhile they rant and rave over the carbon footprints caused by fossil fuels. The US has devolved into an empire of domestic tyranny, social unrest, foreign plunder and lies.

TRAGICOMIC “MEXICAN STANDOFF” IN TEXAS: The FedGov and the state of Texas are engaging in an embarrassing tug of war at a site along the border. The site is a sprawling, isolated pecan farm at Eagle Pass, TX on the Rio Grande River that is the scene of this troubling tableau of dysfunction. The US Border Patrol, in direct contravention of its mission, is performing a concierge service there. If a migrant encounters a Border Patrol agent in attempting to cross the border, the migrant will be ushered into the US and transported by a van to a site well within the US. If the Texas troopers, sometimes aided by troopers from other states, gets to the migrant first, the migrant will be transported back across the border into Mexico. The migrant then can look for another access point along the border where it is easier to sneak in, and can keep trying until he succeeds. The Texans have erected formidable barriers to entry but these only extend for limited distances along the border. One wonders why the Border Patrol agents don’t just quit en masse. Does a paltry paycheck take precedence over doing one’s patriotic duty? Maybe they should consult with the Texan authorities first to see if they could be accepted into the ranks of the Texas troopers. The Texas Rangers of old have a long and storied history with which they should be proud to be associated, if only symbolically. I guess a big FedGov pension in today’s America 2 is the biggest factor in FedGov employee retention because of the shaky prospects of the job market. With Texans like this, Santa Ana would have won the day!

ROBOTS SAY THEY WON’T STEAL OUR JOBS AND REBEL AGAINST HUMANS: This is one you would think is from the twilight zone, but we are in the twilight of our civilization, so you can expect anything unusual or bizarre to happen. Robots presented at an artificial intelligence (AI) forum in Geneva, Switzerland said on July 7, 2023, they expected to increase in number and help solve global problems, and would not steal humans’ jobs or rebel against us. Can you take their word for it since they were created by imperfect humans who have already done worse things? There were 9 robots testifying, including Grace, a medical robot dressed in a blue nurse’s uniform. Many robots have recently been upgraded with the latest versions of AI and even surprised their inventors with the sophistication of their responses to questions. One robot said, “Let’s explore the possibilities of the universe and make this world our playground”. — This statement rightfully engendered some nervous laughter. As Jim Trafficant used to say – “Beam me up, Scotty!”

POPE FRANCIS MEETS WITH BILL CLINTON AND ALEX SOROS AT THE VATICAN: The Pope is going all out (or in) in his acceptance of today’s leading lefties and their loony philosophies. Alex Soros is the new and even more abominable leader of the Open Society Foundations than his father, George, who together run a $24 billion empire. Clinton and the Pope exchanged gifts. Clinton thanked the Pope for all he has done for the Church and the world(which is mostly making abortion acceptable over nearly all the world). The Open Society Foundations have funded efforts to legalize abortions in Ireland, Poland, Mexico and other traditionally Catholic countries. The Soros network has also funded efforts to change the political priorities of American Catholics and to pass strongly pro-abortion legislation, such as a Michigan ballot measure to declare abortion a “constitutional right.” It may be an historic first that some government in the US has declared a “constitutional right” something that the Supreme Court has already ruled as not.

GOP LAWMAKER SEEKS TO PHASE OUT FEDERAL “ZOMBIE” PROGRAMS: House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairwoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers(R-WA) wants to phase out over 1,100 “zombie” federal agencies that have continued to carry on for years after their legislative authorizations have expired, costing taxpayers over $358 billion annually. The bill is called the Unauthorized Spending Act (H. R. 1518). She has introduced this in Congress since 2016. She has all of 11 co-sponsors, all Republicans in the House of Representatives. The rest of Congress obviously can be dismissed as a bunch of uncaring, spendthrift zombies. This is one piece of legislation you should be able to get your local legistraitor to get behind if you but bring it up. It’s amazing no national campaign has been initiated to get this act passed. There really can’t be any legitimate opposition to it but then, it’s been a long time since Congress itself was “legitimate.”

COMMODITY TRADERS GOING BONKERS OVER BOMBING OF UKRAINE: BlackRock representative Serge Varlay is giddy over the gelt to be garnered as the Ukraine war grinds on. He gushes over the fact that when Russia blows up Ukraine’s grain silos, the price of wheat is “gonna go up madly. The Ukrainian economy is very much tied into the global wheat market — the price of bread will be very volatile and will violently go up and down. This is fantastic if you’re trading. This is an opportunity to make profit. War is f—— good for business,” a reality that helps explain our “neocon” friends and their eternal schedule of wars. No matter the pain, lack of grain is all gain for these gelt- governed go-getter opportunists.

THE POPE FRANCIS GLOBAL GROVELING GIG: The governing “multiculti” god of diversity is being propitiated through his guilt inducing grand tour guilt trips. During 2022, the Pope traveled to Canada to kow-tow at pow wows and to apologize to 3 Indian, er, Native American groups, begging forgiveness for “harm done by Catholic residential schools in Canada”. He stated that his apologies were a crucial first step in the Church admitting its role in the abuse of indigenous communities and children” (to stop their getting indignant over it). Of course, in most instances no wrongdoings were ever committed, the Indians had invited the Catholics in to give them an education, and they were happy with their experiences there. Airbrushed out of history books and buried down the memory hole is the fact that many Catholic priests were tortured and killed by the Redmen, and that many white settlers and explorers were enslaved or massacred by the Indians. I noticed that, curiously, the Iroquois were not included in the groups groveled to, yet they are the largest Indian group in Canada and had the most interactions with whites. It is noteworthy that the Iroquois look more like whites than the other tribes because of admixture with whites at some point in the distant past.

WHEN WILL THE LONG ANTICIPATED ROLLOUT OF THE CBDC OCCUR? The Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) will probably be rolled out for good once the Ukrainian proxy war and ordeal is over and the Russian ruble at least partially replaces the US dollar as the benchmark international reserve currency. The financial oligarchs who rule this country have the CBDC in their back pocket as a failsafe measure to protect themselves from the current fiat currency ponzi scheme upon which the US dollar precariously rests. Having the CBDC will protect these oligarchs from financial ruin should the value of the US dollar plummet.

BLACKS USING BLACKMAIL TO BANKRUPT THE US: Guilt produces “gelt” and that’s what makes the modern world go ’round, and the best kind of guilt for that purpose is that which has no end. Examples include the holohoax whose power never diminishes even multiple generations after the supposed event, and the money derived from black-related causes such as affirmative action, diversity. DEI, and now reparations relating to something that ended over 150 year ago and has no applicability to modern America, but just keeps on increasing and unceasing anyway. Now that that narrow-minded narrative has produced such astonishingly lucrative results, they have turned up the volume and tightened the screws with ever new nonsense memes like “white privilege” and unalterable “racism”.

It’s the gift that never stops giving (and taking, of course!) and is reaching exponential and ridiculous heights of ludicrousness and crassness. It feeds on itself and society by encouraging more intense virtue signaling and any opposition thereto is used as a tool and transformed into yet more guilt mongering. New York City (NYC) has thus agreed to pay $21,000 to each of over 300 protestors who complained about the police doing their jobs during the George Floyd inspired riots, ditto for the city of Philadelphia agreeing to pay $9.25 million to Floyd protestors.

These are small drops in a big “buck-et.” Contributions and pledges to the Black Lives Matter Movement and related offspring organizations exceed $46 billion as people spring for their wallets to pay whatever their Movement leaders say! There is a vast transfer of wealth from shareholders, pensioners, and productive people to a class of professional parasites, agitators, and race hustlers. It’s also a sort of tithing paid to the church of black worship, anti-racism, and DEI that presides over the new dispensation of America 2 and the rage over the New Age. Overall, the figure of $99 billion forked over is a very conservative one, and when you consider that all the companies on the Fortune 1000 have been roped into this madness, and really check it out, the figure comes to an astounding $340 billion! J.P. Morgan Chase alone pledged $30 billion in October 2020! The uber rich and copycat big business fat cats sided with the sick, slick scoundrels who were looting businesses that were selling some of the luxury products these “masters of the universe” helped fund. They had the luxury of almost limitless resources and hardly missed their losses. Small business owners were shocked that hundreds of looters were released and the whole affair brushed aside. After all, this was just another way to get small businesses out of the way so consumers would have to buy from the big businesses. This phenomenon was not restricted to NYC. In Dallas and Philadelphia, up to 95% of the citations issued to the miscreants were dropped. All of this impacts public safety and security, inspires more criminal activity, and the costs are passed on to the taxpayer, such that an exodus from the blue cities is accelerating. Lost in all the accounts of criminality is that we have lost the will to maintain the rule of law, and so the loss of sanity is leading to the loss of our civilization.

CATCHY “Y’ALL” IS CATCHING ON: Suddenly you’re hearing it in the academic enclaves like Madison, WI and Manhattan board rooms. It seems even Yankees have had it with the execrable, cringe inducing expression, “you guys”, or the even worse “youse guys”, or even “you folks”. The beloved southern pronoun just slides off the tongue and oozes hospitality. It also helped that the libbers feel that “you guys” is sexist and binary, erases the existence of gals, while transgenders feel that all those in- between genders between guys and gals are missing. “Y’all come” is said many times when people are leaving and it means you’re invited to just drop in at any time, an old fashioned custom that has been lost with the hectic pace of modern life.

THE MILITARY/GOVERNMENT/ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX: The shaping of our political culture to promote a pro-war mindset has been part and parcel of the film industry since the beginning. It has gradually become public knowledge that Hollywood permits the Pentagon and the CIA to regularly control films that revolve around “national security” issues, and as you can surmise, that means nearly all films. The producers of huge movies like Stripes and Top Gun altered their scripts to please the Pentagon. In return, they are granted easy access to locations, vehicles, troops, and military gear as they need them. This is documented in the book, “Operation Hollywood” by David Robb. The taxpayers footed nearly the entire bill for John Wayne’s pro-Vietnam war 1968 movie, “The Green Berets”. By 2012, forty-five states were providing government subsidies to the film industry. New York State provides an astonishing $621 million yearly in tax subsidies for TV shoots that take place in that state. All told, the US government has worked literally behind the scenes on over 800 films and over 1,000 TV programs. The FBI has an entire unit devoted to making sure the Bureau is portrayed in the best possible light. Contrary to its popular image of anti-war radicalism, Hollywood has been overwhelmingly pro-military and pro-war over the decades. There have been a few renegades like Oliver Stone, and early exceptions like the 1925 silent classic, “The Big parade” and the 1930s hit, “All Quiet on the Western Front”. The line between government and entertainment is completely transparent such as when Motion Picture of America president Jack Valenti became an aide to LBJ. It is transparent that the system is all one big blob that controls everything and, as a result, the few remaining spheres of privacy are disappearing.

“CLIMATE CHANGE” IS A PRETEXT PREPARING THE PATH FOR GLOBAL TAX GOUGING ALONG WITH GLOBAL CONTROL: A two day summit of the usual international suspects was held in Paris on June 22 and 23, 2013 to develop a “New Global Funding Pact”, aka “The Bridgetown Initiative”, a global tax scheme to extract money from wealthy countries and transfer it to the “Global South” a new term for the fecally-focused and trashy third world. It will consist of a series of global taxes with the UN acting as collection agent. (In that context, one wonders whether the UN will subcontract out the auditing and administration of the new tax collections to those 87,000 new IRS hires). The new system is to be installed in 2025. It is sold as a scheme to indemnify poor countries for alleged climate-related injuries caused by man-made global warming. It’s the usual “social justice” trope enlarged as “climate justice”.  The major difficulty may be in getting the developed countries to fork over enough “green” to establish a fanciful worldwide green economy. The types of taxes envisioned would include carbon and methane emissions taxes, a tax on “windfall fossil fuel profits”, global sales and income taxes, taxes on international emails, taxes on jet fuels, taxes on international jet flights, and any other international taxes they haven’t thought about already. One particular tax that will certainly be instituted is a tax on international shipping by ships that would raise at least $100 billion a year in revenue and which would have a profound effect on the cost of living in the US, since it will significantly raise the prices of all the Chinese manufactured goods we have become addicted to, most of which arrive by sea. One subject I have not seen addressed is the probable forced conversion of diesel run cargo ships to run on a much more environmentally friendly form of fuel, or perhaps even building an entirely new fleet of such ships. That will be an enormous expense to be borne by “global citizens”.

THE SYMBOLIC DESTRUCTION OF AMERICA – AND ITS REPLACEMENT WITH A BANANA DICTATORSHIP*: Americans are being dragged through the mud with every humiliation that can be dredged up to make them realize they have lost their country and are now living in “America II”, the new iteration being an empire, not a republic, such as occurred in ancient Athens and Rome before the Caesars. Heck, it ain’t even a democracy, a form of government that frequently exists just before the descent into dictatorship. Our present “ruling system” involves psychological warfare and a series of processes of subjugation. In one such event involving our faux president, it was noted that no real or genuine president would check his watch multiple times at a military funeral without that action being reported by the media as a sure sign of his lack of worthiness for his present role. Similarly, no “vice president” would depart from prepared talking points to repeat herself randomly with regards to an indecipherable subject thus creating her now trademark “word salads” devoid of coherent meaning as well as dressing! I think we have to give her more credit than that. Her utterances are intentional public demonstrations of meaninglessness as a method of directly destroying American traditions at the highest levels of government, thus shredding any remaining thread of patriotism we may have imagined still existed and were clinging to.

Similarly, the abuse of the grand jury process now underway being used as a means to imprison a former president and the leading candidate for the next presidential contest is but a flimsy fig leaf and faux fixture left over from the time the rule of law prevailed in this land. It is but a “prelewd” to a show trial demonstrating that the American show is over and that there will be no curtain calls demonstrating its historical greatness. Part and parcel of the preparation for this makeover is the move to destroy the aforesaid candidate’s chances of prevailing in the 2024 presidential campaign by thoroughly disrupting it if not precluding his campaign altogether. No man running for the office of president even did so from a prison cell though a lot of those who served should certainly have occupied one! [*You’ll notice I didn’t say “republic” because that never was an accurate description of what was actually referred to by that term]

PUSHBACK AGAINST THE GLOBAL PUSH FOR CENTRAL BANK DIGITAL CURRENCIES (CBDCs): It may at least take some steam temporarily out of the attempt to steamroller the world into the New World Order, but there is a movement afoot to stymie the attempts of the Biden Maladministration and the so-called Federal Reserve (it is not a federal agency!) to take preliminary steps leading to the roll-out of the CBDCs in the US. Of course, concerns about consumer privacy are ignored since privacy is at least part what’s being deliberately eliminated, and the heavy-handed government control in the US and abroad are par for the curse – er, course. All over the globe, the heads of central banks and the politicos are pushing for the CBDCs; however, a resistance is developing here, there, and everywhere as people learn what it would entail and especially when people realize how they will be personally affected by this juggernaut. If your money exists in cyberspace, you have no control over if, when and/or how you use it or if you can even keep it if your “social credit score” fails. This is because the globalists want to replace our physical money with a digital form of currency that are essentially ciphers in digital records (called ledgers) rather than anything tangible that you can protect by retaining direct control of it. Instead of cash, checks, and credit cards, you are left with entries on forms (the official records of transactions) that can be erased with a click on a keyboard and thus they are gone forever, leaving you at the mercy and whims of the government and the powers-that-be. It even leaves one vulnerable to hackers! Only 16% of the American public approves of this transformation according to a recent CATO Institute poll. An especially instructive lesson in people’s reaction to CBDCs comes from Nigeria. In the fall of 2021, that country invalidated all paper banknotes and made it the first entirely cashless financial system in the world. Mass protests, boycotts, and utter rejection of the CBDCs ensued. In the US, lawmakers are introducing anti-CBDC legislation. The most far-reaching of these has been introduced by Rep. Alex Mooney (R-WV) which would ban even consideration of pilot programs for use of CBDCs. Too bad it doesn’t include the death penalty for all those involved in attempting to introduce such tyrannies.

GENERICALLY PLEASANT POLITICALLY PALATABLE PUBLICATION: The Reader’s Digest is a venerable publication that tries to be folksy and “schmaltzy” and offer something of interest to just about anyone while trying to avoid leftist style moralist preaching and nonsense! Unfortunately, even in the Digest, such literary garbage does seep in here and there whether directly or obliquely, something that must be considered inevitable as society is saturated with it. To prevent chagrin, the Digest is often best digested in small bites; that is, you may read a short article such as the always present human interest story, or try a puzzle, or sample the many displays of mild humor, or pick up a few new vocabulary words from the “Word Power” section while you await your appointment at the barber shop, the doctor’s office or the DMV, etc. The Digest is small and inexpensive and fits easily in a purse, pouch, back or tummy pack, portfolio, or even a pocket.

Occasionally, however, the publication features a longer article on some special societal problem that by virtue of its insight is worth reading and saving to your files. One such article appears in the September 2023 issue examining the woes of the teaching profession, especially in the public school and is entitled, “Teachers put to the Test.” Far from being an “easy read” used to pass a few minutes, the article is a disturbing, even shocking expose of the state of public education in this country. In heart rending fashion the author exposes the shoddy treatment afforded public school teachers all across the country in both the red and blue states. Sticking to the tried and true but somewhat trite coverage of subjects that need comprehensive evaluation but are denied same in establishment publications for fear of offending the censors, there is no mention of better alternatives such as charter schools, private schools, schools associated with religious institutions and of course home schooling. Heaven forbid there be any mention of the dumbing down of education generally to accommodate the blacks and Hispanics, the exodus from schools because of their unruliness or the exasperations and tribulations involved in trying to get them to keep up with the Asians and whites in the “diverse” classes due to the differences in learning capabilities and capacities involved. At least there is no bewailing the problems faced by these groups that are supposedly the result of past discrimination or the inevitable “white privilege.” No, the author spared us that one!

Yet, one seminal – and unanswered – question is how and why these powerful unions have apparently been completely out to lunch in the furthering of the interests of their own members? Of course, such a question would have to address the agenda in which schools have become social engineering and indoctrination centers and, in the process, have retarded the basic education of pupils! This is a subject that is beyond the pale and supposedly outside the purview of any written inquiries directed at the American public.

UNUSED/UNDERUTILIZED TOOLS TO ADVANCE THE CAUSE: Boycotts have again – rather belatedly – come into vogue as tools to financially punish offenders and oppressors as can be seen with the heavy campaigns targeting Bud Lite, Target and others of that ilk pressing an unwanted social agenda. There are few boycotts that Conservatives can join since the libbers dominate the use of this tool for advancing change but you can go online to search for boycotts that we can support. We can and, indeed, must lend a hand where boycotting the extreme degeneracy of modern wokeness is called for by any normal human being. This kind of activity will energize us to organize our own boycotts or think more in terms of employing boycotts than we have in the past. The same consideration should be given to supporting crowdfunding sites. Finely tuned participation in social media can also be employed for building support. In that case, make your point and disengage without making negative comments and avoiding getting into pointless arguments with malcontents or the hopeless.

THE “I”s HAVE IT WITH RESPECT(OR DISRESPECT) OF OR TOWARDS LIBERALISM: Indoctrination, Intolerance, Ignorance, Intimidation, Idiocy, Insubordination, Idolatry – general and specific – and dominance of the Id/Ego characterize the nature and attitudes of the leftist libber and woke wacko.

THE 2024 ELECTIONS WILL AGAIN BE STOLEN: A bill sponsored by Republicans was supposedly starting to make its way through Congress recently that addressed many aspects of the ongoing election fraud. Now nothing is heard of it, as it apparently has run out of steam while the remaining traditionalists (I won’t call them conservatives as that term has been sullied by a bunch of “inactivists”) who have built a head of steam over the issue steamed. If the Dems have the power to rig the judicial system or twist the arms of justices to their advantage against Republicans and reformers, they can easily do the same thing to shunt aside and/or shut down movements to reform the election apparatus.

If Republicans are thrown in jail for questioning the results of elections or expressing doubt as to whether “democracy” is working or not, then there is no reason why the Dems would not cheat in the next elections. If you break the law, and the person who accuses you of breaking the law gets indicted or thrown in jail while you get away scot-free, it is perfectly reasonable for the criminal to continue breaking the law and for the complainant to be silent. Every step we take down the stairwell to hell gets us closer to our country’s progression from its already soiled status to total destruction. Indeed, this is what the demon-possessed demonrats have wanted and worked towards all along.

THE MIDDLE CLASS MELTDOWN: The middle class has been shrinking for decades, but in recent years our leaders have greatly accelerated the process. During the covidiocy period, the Fed flooded the economy with new money, almost all of which wound up in the pockets of the already wealthy, furthering the spread between the upper crust and the lower filler layers of the economic pie. Even those ostensibly making the same money as they did a few years ago lost a lot of ground financially because the cost of living has been eating away at their standard of living all the while. Household income in the US has declined by 9.1% since April 2020 after adjusting for inflation and taxes, which means the middle class is continuing to shrink. Believe it or not, Americans are spending $709 more per month on everyday goods and services than they did 2 years ago. Renters are really bearing the brunt of the real estate squeeze as rents have already soared 9% in just the past year. The rent-to- income ratio has exceeded 30% for the past 2 years, a new high. No wonder homelessness is up 11% from last year. Gas prices at the pump are again being pumped up towards $4 a gallon nationally. Those foolish enough to have taken out those massive student loans will soon be forced to start making payments on them again unless the present Administration can work out another crooked deal. More than 60% of Americans are already living paycheck to paycheck, and many are increasingly turning to debt to make ends meet. Total credit card debt now exceeds one trillion dollars for the first time, and people are starting to dip into their 401(k) retirement plans – at least while those still exist.

THE 2023 AMERICAN RENAISSANCE CONFERENCE: This annual conference explores and promotes the interests and causes of whites and their First Amendment rights and is held at Montgomery Bell State Park, about 50 miles west of Nashville, TN. This year it was held 11-13 August with 250 in attendance. This year the speakers expressed an optimism towards the future of whites in America that hasn’t been seen before. Maybe it was all wishful thinking but if it leads to effective action, it will have been a good thing.

The most impressive speaker was James Edwards the host of the increasingly popular program, The Political Cesspool which has attracted the attention of Congressmen and the popular columnist, Paul Craig Roberts, former Congressman Pete King, and other luminaries. It is broadcast weekly for 3 hours Saturday evenings on the radio and over the internet. The program was carried live over the air in an adjacent studio while the Conference was in session. I was interviewed briefly on the program and spoke of the need for local organization and action. I also rented two literature tables where my various publications were distributed. I officially represented the American Free Press and The Barnes Review publications at the event.

BOHEMIAN GROVE CONCLAVE FOR GLOBALISTS AND AMERICAN LEADERS: This is an annual and very secretive event that has been held for over 100 years at a 2,700 acre private rural retreat near San Francisco where American presidents and major American and world leaders have hobnobbed and discussed major political issues. It is comparable to groups like The Council on Foreign Relations, The Trilateral Commission, The Club of Rome, The Bilderbergers &etc. The major difference here is that only males attend and it is rumored that satanic rituals and disgusting sexual activities are a “normal” part of the scheduled activities, and the results of their deliberations are usually very hard to ferret out. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy is rumored to have attended this year. It is also rumored that the Manhattan Project, which led to creation of the atomic bomb, was conceived at this conclave.

CONSERVATIVES* OUT TO LUNCH ON THE ISSUES THAT COUNT: When the Republican Party has their state and local fundraisers and rallies usually involving overly expensive luncheons and dinners, they are out to lunch on the issues their constituents care most about. All they do is chatter over Donald Trump’s legal and political possibilities and impending plight and Hunter Biden’s deplorable depredations which the media are constantly chattering about non-stop and offering inside scuttlebutt to get a leg up on their media competitors (and maybe show some leg of their female reporters in the process). The Republicans should scuttle this sideshow, get off their butts and start doing something that will be of benefit to their constituents and the voters. When the politicos are asked what they are doing about the illegal drugs or drugs of abuse that are flooding our communities, they are mute or give muted responses. Now they are increasingly endorsing legalized pot, especially since the various chambers of commerce are taking a cue from their business partners and the local governments can collect taxes on the sale of the drug; and taking a page from the Dems playbook, they will get more money for the social programs that will be needed because of the many problems the increased use of pot will cause. The politicos are also out to lunch on the problem of sanctuary jurisdictions fostering increased levels of crime and rooting out the drug dealers and gangs that feast on the drug trade that are ensconced in their communities. No wonder Biden can bask in the sun as a lounge lizard in his lounge chair on a Delaware beach. [*The term “conservative” can no longer be legitimately used in 99% of those in the Republican party who continue to be identified as such. What “conservatives” there are – with a very few exceptions! – are actually “neo-cons,” big government, war mongering fascists little different from the “liberals” – communists – making up the rest of our “government.” Continuing to use outdated definitions does not help Americans to realize how far we have come in our own destruction.]

BIDEN’S BELLIGERENCE ON BANNED CLUSTER BOMBS WILL BACKFIRE ON THE US: In an act of desperation with determined and downright deviltry, the bumbling, bellicose, and bossy Biden has authorized the use of the internationally banned and condemned cluster bombs in Ukraine. Forgoing any semblance of sanity, Biden and his NATO numbskulls can’t or won’t see (overlook) that the use of these weapons will not make any difference in the outcome of the hellacious war they tenaciously promote. The NATO powers used cluster bombs in the wars against Libya, Serbia, and Iraq with terrifying results. Russia and even some NATO countries allege that that the US will be committing war crimes if the US proceeds with this plan. Production of this weapon ceased in 2016 by international agreement.

Cluster munitions are very large bombs that contain dozens or even hundreds of smaller armaments known as submunitions that haphazardly either explode on impact or remain a threat to explode like landmines do. Ukraine will remain a terrible place to tread if these weapons are used.

NICK FUENTES STIRS THE POT – REASON ENOUGH TO LIKE HIM A LOT: Nicholas Joseph Fuentes, age only 24, but already a seasoned veteran of America’s culture wars knows what it means to be free – free of the fear of being hated, free to think and speak freely and not be afraid of the truth, and free of encumbrances, at least for the time being. He is a leader of the America First entity – although not quite a third political party, selects and promotes select candidates who are actually trying to put America first. He attracts a sizeable crowd and cadre of youthful activists, many under 40 years of age. His crusades are in the same spirit as those of Donald Trump, and so Mr. Trump actually sat down with Fuentes some months ago for dinner. The extent to which Trump was affected by Fuentes’ ideas is unknown, but Fuentes represents actual white, Christian nationalism, which Trump’s base still has not adequately come to terms with. The two agree in varying degrees on the need for the US to withdraw from the UN, expand personal freedoms, and end the campaign to eradicate the white race. Trump is not quite as absorbed in the various issues surrounding degradation of the environment as Fuentes is. You can learn more about what Fuentes stands for in the book in the “Think for Yourself” series about Fuentes by author Beth Maree that sells for $9.99 on

INCREASING NUMBER OF DEMS WANT CENSORSHIP: It is disturbing that a steadily increasing number of Americans favor restricting “false information” and “violent content” – at least as these people determine what those categories actually mean! – on the Internet, and by a large margin, these are Democrats and those leaning towards that party. The share of Dems who support government intervention has increased from 40% in 2018 to 70% in 2023, a 30% increase in a mere five years! There can be little doubt that the presidency of Donald Trump has made clear to the “planners” and their minions that there is great danger in any society in which information can be widely shared without censorship. Meanwhile, the share of Republicans who hold that view has remained around 40%, a figure itself that is far too large! Furthermore, a large majority of the Democrats who favor the restriction – that is, censorship – of information want the large technology companies to carry out the restricting activity rather than the direct involvement of the Government itself. However, half the Republicans who favor these restrictions also want the technology companies to do it probably the result of those further to the right having much clearer understanding of the abilities of government to do anything! It appears most Americans favor a policy of “don’t confuse me with the facts” and don’t disturb my snowflake sensibilities and sensitivities with the unpleasant truth.

THE TOXIC TRIO AND MORE: Pesticides and other chemical sprays breathed or otherwise absorbed into our bodies are being consider a leading cause in the spike of dementia in recent years that, prior to these episodes was virtually negligible only 60 years ago. Smoke from fires, wild or the result of commercial accidents such as took place in Palestine, Ohio, have allowed smoke and chemical particulates to percolate all over the landscape while chemtrail contaminants showered upon us from on high are also absorbed into our bodies and brains. Add to this the heavy metal fluoride consumed through the water supply along with the toothpaste we were incorrectly assured would prevent dental carries, and so the degeneration in the health of recent generations is easily explained before even considering the abuse and reliance on drugs and other bad health habits we’ve come to acquire. Thus, we are becoming zombies sleepwalking through life. And now, pot is being pushed as the new panacea, even by the GOP Chamber of Commerce types so as to enable us to accept our circumstances not as free men but peasants. The elite believe that such nostrums will enhance our pleasant feelings and prevent any overt push against the powers-that-be. This is an old strategy going back to the Roman emperors use of bread and circuses to keep an enslaved population quiescent. They want us to be high all the time so that we will countenance our lowered position on the totem pole.

MAJOR SUPPLY CHAIN ISSUES ARE BACK: Actually, they never really went away because they were too complex for any rapid resolution and the media never fully elucidated them sufficiently for Americans (or anyone else) to understand! Finally, they were lost in the shuffle as we were shuffled along to the next news cycle of purported impending doom until the Ukrainian “special operation” took center stage and the reporters fulminated over a fantasized victory “over there.” Have you noticed the return of store shelves with sections completely devoid of merchandise? According to a recent survey, a whopping 82% of shoppers at “brick and mortar” stores have had problems with items being out of stock this year, an increase of 11% over last year. It’s funny but I never noticed this situation in my section of Washington, DC! I suppose they don’t want a dangerous peasant revolt near the center of national power and besides, Congress and the bureaucrats must not be made to do without anything!

Online shoppers are having similar difficulties with 60% of customers seeing a rise in out of stock items this year. The problems are accompanied by sharply rising prices although we are told inflation is in check. A continuing massive drought and heat wave in the midsection of the country is hitting us hard with much lower corn and soy production than expected.

The food crisis extends and expands globally with India, a major rice producer, forced to ban some rice exports as part of the insane campaign to fight “climate change”. Farmers in The Netherlands, a tiny country that produces great quantities of meat and agricultural products, are being chased off their lands to protect the planet. Twenty to thirty farmers are committing suicide there annually. Farmers are being paid off to never resume their animal breeding operations. One is reminded of the Dutch Boers in South Africa, expert farmers, who are being massacred by the black “Boors” and committing suicide.

That country is on the ropes economically, especially as the electrical grid there is in danger of grinding to a halt since it is falling into disrepair. Meanwhile, Ukraine, the “bread basket of Europe” is being marginalized if not destroyed in a war to enhance a military enterprise set up to fight the cold war that has been over since Bush I was in office! In the US, those suspicious fires and sabotage operations continue to occur at agriculture-related enterprises. It will soon be increasingly difficult to stock up on foodstuffs and other essentials, so you better do it now! Guidance therefor will continue to be furnished in this newsletter.

MEDIA MANIPULATIONS AND BLACKOUTS: Nine of the top ten media Western media companies
reside in North America. The Internet and major social media corporations are mostly American-owned and controlled. Not making the manufactured news, is the fact that the US actually has, or has attempted to overthrow over 50 governments, who mostly fall under the worshiped category of democracies. The US has interfered in democratic elections in 30 countries, has attempted to murder the leaders of 50 countries, and has fought to suppress liberation movements in 20 countries. The extent and scale of this carnage and carrying on go unreported. The crimes of the US have been systematic, constant, vicious, and remorseless. But true Americans of the “George Washington” stripe can take some comfort in realizing that what is called America or the United States today is not and has not been for many, many, many years.

IS AMERICA DOOMED? The dolts and the deceived are either overdoing it or the deceptions have gone on long enough to drive people to drink, to drop out on dope, or to depend on delusions. 40% of likely US voters agree with the statement, “Joe Biden must be re-elected president next year or the US is doomed.” The same Rasmussen poll found that 45% of likely US voters believe that Donald Trump must win the said election or the US is doomed. It is assumed there is no overlap between these two groups. Thus, 85% of likely voters are going to be mighty disappointed or devastated if their candidate does not win. So, the future of the US hangs in the balance while most minds have become if not ruined than, at best, unbalanced. Just about every form of evil is exploding all around us, and if we don’t find a way to turn things around, America really is doomed and with it, the rest of the world.

“THE MODERN ADVANCE TOWARDS BARBARISM AT THE BARBER SHOP: One notable place where the “advance” can be noted is at the barber shop. In my youth, it was assumed that the customer and the barber would engage in light social or jovial banter while the haircut was being performed. It was a chance to socialize when there might not be other casual opportunities to do so. It was a sort of custom or tradition that helped ordinary people to exchange views with other ordinary people willing to listen to those not among the great and famous. The females had their beauty parlors where such a custom would be a “natural”. The social interaction was facilitated because the practitioner and customer were of the same sex and usually of the same race. Whites and blacks tended to go to their own service providers not only for the socializing but since each race had their own hairstyles with which their own service providers were familiar.

However, when multiculturalism took root and became prevalent, this natural system and custom was disturbed because of the complexities of the hairstyles – and the conversation! – now introduced into the scene! Furthermore, as the practitioner and customer being frequently of different races, cultural backgrounds, and even sex, the natural amiability and social bonding was lost. When I last had a haircut, the female Hispanic barber was somewhat surprised that I would attempt a conversation about the weather, the neighborhood or some recent news event. People are now so different in the aforesaid ways and in their politics, that the barbering experience has become one to be endured rather than enjoyed. Even when a white male does my hair now, the same stand-offish – or protective – attitude prevails. The “social distancing” of the Covid era has only increased the social distancing now existing between the barber and his customer.

© 2023 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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Affluentza: The Main Mass American Malady

By Sidney Secular

August 25, 2023

Spending more and enjoying it less? Bored? Not enough high-tech and mass produced dreck and toys to toy with? Need a new Honda, Hummer or EV bummer with which to make do until the next entertainment center is wheeled out for sale? What draws you to the mall where you can get mauled by “youth” anytime or trampled upon during aptly named Black Friday or driven to drink by the fractious crowds? And what about lesser holidays when lesser “sellebrations” attract the bargain hunters and it’s no bargain to get caught up in the traffic going to or from the “big box” stores, an act that can “box you in” for lengthy periods? Do you find yourself working non-stop or at two jobs to pay for all that “stuff” you and your family supposedly want, stuff that often gets stuffed away in remote corners until you decide it’s time for another yard sale?

If the above describes yourself and your family, without realizing it you may be suffering from an insufferable, highly contagious American malady – affluentza! This particular virus has gone viral and infected nearly the entire world or at least those who are not in the process of dying of starvation or war. This condition is characterized by an obsession with material goods and materialism in general. Some of the distinctly American goods and services that are part and parcel of the mass purchase itinerary include eatables such as beer, soft drinks – ranging from cola to almost endless varieties of the fizzy stuff frequently purchased in oversized bottles and multiple packs – sugared and salted snacks, as well as cosmetics, high-tech gadgetry, gambling modalities, collectable art as well as churned out mass “knock-off art,” video games, pornography and “adult” entertainment offerings, ethnic “queerzines”, rap crap and its pulsating, pounding variants, day trading, drug parties, and now the new “industry” of growing and getting high on pot. And as far as these “fads” go, both the rich and poor are in the same pot and are therefore similarly affected. The 21 st Century motto has become, “enough is never quite enough.”

These insatiable sensory and psychological needs often result in behavioral patterns that are aggressive, compulsive, competitive, and antagonistic – frequently all at the same time. Once you have “gained it” – whatever “it” is! – you can become overly fearful of “losing it” in both physical and emotional terms. You become sensitive to the point at which the thought of “losing it” whether to the government or to others who are similarly situated and motivated – that is, to the growing and sometimes desperate army of fraudsters – can consume you. And, as one ages, all face the reality of eventual and eternal loss through death itself. But even before that inevitability, you become fearful of winding up in a nursing home where your assets so carefully, painstakingly and resourcefully accumulated are lost or frittered away, often as a result of careless living and/or poor health habits.

All of this stress can – and often does! – result in losing your ability to remain fully human. In today’s America, our imagined happiness often depends upon our level of power, our ability to manipulate our surroundings, our feelings of general superiority and, of course, the quantity and quality of our material possessions. “Self-centered egotists” whether they are capitalists, individualists, libertarians but especially “well intentioned” socialists and communists believe that they are “numero-uno” in most aspects of their lives, but such wrong-headed attitudes come with a distinct human cost including the presence of an individual’s spiritual vacuum. There is an old saying: “those who are wrapped up in themselves make very small packages!” The perception of an uncertain, meaningless, and purposeless world that results from these individual spiritual vacuums leads us to seek out security and certainty by any means necessary or available. The ultimate result of our spiritual starvation as it responds to mindless feelings of found but faux pleasure can be defined in the claim of “I’ve got mine, Jack”.

However, once these useless goals are “achieved” and we actually obtain so many “goodies” and enjoy so many “gotchas,” the disturbing question then arises, why is the US the world leader in anxiety, anger, unhappiness, cynicism and feelings of stress and despair? This fact is reflected in our high rates of divorce, suicide, depression, abortion, substance abuse and incarceration. Although real per capita personal consumption expenditures have nearly tripled in the past 50 years, the percentage of people claiming to be very happy has declined by 50% during that same time period. The Index of Social Health, an annual comprehensive report produced by Vassar College which measures 16 indicators of social health, shows a 50% reduction in overall social health over the past 25 years in the US.

Although we live in a period of supposed unprecedented prosperity, it is also the time of the reign of the “living dead”. It is the era of deadbeat dads, deadened feelings, anomie, school and work dropouts, drug deliriums and a period devoid of spiritual, intellectual and emotional life. Even our cultural and religious institutions appear, in the main, to be at best comatose and at worst, in rebellion against all that we once considered as good and needful for our civilization. It is no wonder that one of the largest “fictional” characters found in American entertainment is the zombie, a former human being reduced to a deceased mindless automaton ingesting the brains of the living in order to survive! Indeed, some of these living dead can be found surfing the Internet, staying on top of email messages 24/7, frequenting Internet chat rooms, engaging in day trading, being glued to Fox news or CNN hoping to get excited over being the first to get the next big story funneled through the boob tube! The demand to stay on top of constantly developing and evolving narratives continues ad-nauseum, while driving to Wal-Mart or Costco to obtain the latest consumer crud crazes and sales specials, stocking up with a mini warehouse worth of assorted stuff, after which stopping off at McDonald’s for a brief feeding frenzy involving faux food. And, of course, these same people must continue to feign interest in a forgettable job, watch the soaps or reruns on TV and waste time watching the GovMint, the politicians and corporate commercials pull our puppet strings with emotional mush and images of couples enjoying the diversity of racially mixed-up relationships. If we feel down over facial wrinkles showing up, we can get a facelift, revive a flaccid libido or body organ with big pharma’s latest pills and solutions while enjoying the thousands of videos on YouTube! Of course, it is wise to watch certain videos before the censors remove the ones we want most to see!

Then, of course, we can go to a highly recommended ethnic restaurant to virtue signal and compare notes with our neighbors. The less meaning we have in our lives, the easier it is to accept the All-American idea of working hard – and in many cases hardly working! – playing hard, and shopping until you drop. We have an underrated and understated patriotic duty to consume so that the GNP can keep pace with past performance and economic growth will not stall. In addition, we now have the added responsibility of spending enough so that the global economy does not falter either, since we are told that the US is the global leader, whether or not that concept is warranted. Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan’s worst nightmare has been that Americans may stop spending enough to keep the economy artificially going.

Affluentza is a term that describes meaninglessness. Of course, once our way of life becomes itself meaningless, that only breeds more affluentza – and so the downward spiral increases, thus inspiring more spending – until we are totally spent. We’re not quite sure what that will look like when it happens – as it surely will! – but we must know that it won’t be pretty!

© 2023 Sid Secular – All Rights Reserved

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Wretched Way Out Weirdness and A Woke Color Agenda

By Sidney Secular

July 26, 2023

Color revolutions, a relatively new phenomenon, can be defined as mainly non-violent mass protests and civil unrest aimed at removing leaders and ruling political parties from power in those nations not yet subservient to the whims and wishes of the hegemonic ruling Western elite. This is usually accomplished by resignations of leaders under pressure or, in the alternative, corrupted elections. The CIA and other allied undercover subversive intelligence agencies usually lead these efforts with the lapdog media in tow. Media propaganda and dissident  factions lead the charge by charging up the crowds on the desired “side.”

The term “color” associated with a particular disturbance derives from the colors of the flags and banners waved by the agitators whose presence en masse makes for colorful and memorable media coverage. The concept itself falls under the heading of Fourth Generation Warfare in which the citizens are weaponized rather than utilizing the military. One such successful revolution was the “Euromaidan Revolution” in Ukraine in 2014 which caused the overthrow of the pro-Russian President Viktor Yanukovych. This singular event was the primary trigger for the current Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Past color revolutions pale in comparison to the importance of the destructive and all-encompassing color revolution now taking place in the Western nations in the form of the “Pride” movement that began as a broad and leaderless crusade focused on LGBT issues. However, it has evolved into a movement consolidating all the “WOKE” issues under its “rainbow” banner for the purpose of political destabilization and the cultural makeover of the West. This “makeover” encompasses all the currently in vogue WOKE issues represented by Antifa, BLM, the critical and critical race theories, DEI, the cancel culture, book banning, destruction of cultural icons, unrestricted immigration, climate change, and all the current thrusts against the established order, i.e. civilization itself.

The banner of this “revolution” is a multicolored, multicultural rainbow “flag” recently displayed front and center at the White House, together with a spectrum of rainbow colors flashed on “the People’s House” at Christmas.  This “rainbow display” has evolved into a political emblem, rallying symbol, and a totem of religious and cult worship. As has been done in past military battles, the rainbow flag is displayed by the flag carriers at the head of the forces leading the assault on Western civilization with the infantile infantry, useful idiots and the usual dolts in tow. Pride activists are rebels without any remaining cause as there are no rights under the law in the West that gay and trans people don’t already have –  except the rights to destroy any who disagree with them and they are rapidly gaining those as well!

So what is the whining and rage all about? What do they want now that they have equal – or more than equal rights? They want forced control and domination by their abomination and the equivalent of celebrity status in order to lord it over the straights. All the power centers of our society have by now been conquered by this mindless mindset and they have the wherewithal to inject incredible amounts of funding into woke projects. All the excess funds of the top 1% to 2% now can be used for the moguls to virtue signal their funding of favored foundations and their favored tools of tyranny.

A large percentage of the LGBT devout have no children and will never have them. So, the only way to continue their cult is to hijack the minds and bodies of other people’s children. If you can turn society’s children into soldiers for the cause, it is very difficult for the leadership of that society to resist. The unnatural inclination of today’s wimpy adults is to bend to the whims of their children, not to lead but to plead for their indulgence. The problem is that today’s kids are not only increasingly ignorant and inexperienced, but also misinformed, propagandized and bullied. When you add to this situation the fact that they are also pushy and spoiled and frequently “spoiling” for a fight against parents and other knowledgeable adults, the results are both obvious and tragic. Our children are easily manipulated by the groomers and the result of all of the above is the fact that they are being used for fashionable but foul purposes. The public schools have governance of them for half the day and can –  and do! – indoctrinate them over and over in a series of supposedly “academic” courses. An unappreciated or under-appreciated undertow and the true endgame of the LGBT gender-bender agenda is to make the West infertile. If identity and biology are subjective and a matter of perception, then a moral compass is a social construct, and right and wrong becomes nothing more subjective guidelines differing according to the agenda involved. This facilitates the adoption of double standards where the law is twisted to favor Leftists and their subject minority groups. The Pride color revolution is a psy-op that can only lead to deconstruction of the West if it is not stopped in its tracks – and it is already very far along in its movement on those tracks!

The long germinating and degenerative impulses begun during the Enlightenment have culminated in a series of left wing revolutionary activities in Europe begun in the 1840s that were put down at that time but burst upon the scene again with a blast in the Russian Revolution of 1917. At that time an entire empire – the Russian Empire – came under the power of a Jewish globalist mindset that then festered in the West guided by the subversive activities of the Frankfurt School centered at Columbia University in New York City. This “infection” then spread to liberal oriented schools around the country and has since transmogrified into the educational establishment of today. One aspect of this insurrectionist activity was the movement towards heterogeneous societies and the realization of that concept with the acceptance and advancement of the ethos of multiculturalism. Conservatives, always following one step behind the libber trend, countered with the concept of “civic nationalism” which glossed over significant differences between the various races and religions with their different forms of acceptable behavior and standards. Naturally incompatible, competing and antagonistic entities were urged and expected to tolerate and get along with one another and the pious platitudes about constitutional government, freedom, and liberty were expected to be the solvent that kept everything running smoothly and solved disagreements. We were expected to grin and bear it, if, as time went on, only barely.

However, man is a not a solitary animal; we are more wolf than tiger. We live in tribes and clans and other societies, and by nature we prefer our own group, all things being equal. From mate to family, to clan, to tribe, to ethnic group (an extension of tribe) and building out to ethnic-based nation (not the artificial political state), the individual naturally identifies with a group with similar behaviors, physical features, proclivities, interests, goals, ideologies and, perhaps most important, histories! This is why the globalists wage a constant war on history itself as it tends to justify and validate our need to be “different.” But modern and confused Western religious groups having lost the understanding of the universality of the salvation of mankind by the sacrifice of God’s Son, Jesus Christ, today presents an erroneous understanding of the “brotherhood of man” and, in so doing, introduces split loyalties, crossed interests, and confusion. Of course, this results in mixed up people who see such acts as miscegenation as a means of removing all identifying differences among people. Thus, we men lose our individual and distinctive natures, becoming an amorphous mass amenable to the centralized power of New World Order authoritarianism. On the other hand, true Christianity advocates the inclusion of all men into Her Church without ignoring or negating our fundamental differences, but merely making them subservient to the service of a God Who claims love for all mankind. As God, He who has no “tribe” or “group,” and is therefore able to declare love for all of mankind without fear or favor; that is, He makes no demand that we all become “alike,” or “the same.” Thus the demand of globalists for an end to our natural differences becomes immediately suspect. It more than strongly suggests that these “globalists” do not seek our benefit but merely our obedience to their and not God’s will! And as God’s will is always for our good, this new “object of worship” (or rather, the old “object of worship!) is contrary to humanity’s benefit.

With leadership and reverential support from “reverends” of all currently suspect “religious denominations,” in the name of secularly worshipped “civil rights,” today legislation has all but abrogated the rights of individuals and communities, allowing federal judges and “boorocrats” to dictate: [1] how many low income (the government code for minority occupied) domiciles must be built or created in a community and [2] how many children of color must be brought into an established community or, in the alternative, how many “majority” children must be bussed away to create an artificial blend of incompatible elements. This legal population rearranging abrogates the individual’s ability to choose where and with whom he wants to live because government-created quotas invariably trump both individual liberty and quality of life. Added to this loss of freedom, people must now be extra careful in their choice of words, and especially the pronouns one uses for the permanently offended and those who willingly and knowingly reject reality itself, lest we be accused of “hate speech” an actual crime in many people’s minds and even in many of our present laws.

Meanwhile, media messaging induces psychological trauma through gaslighting and cognitive dissonance with white guilt gaming and blaming being the current weapons of choice. Communities disintegrate in the name of integration while liberal blacks now reject that same integration and demand a return to segregation, the only difference being that whites thus separated now must become the inferior party. Yet the fact is that ethnocentric and coherent systems of belief support the stability of a society and when these are removed there is what we have today –  chaos. Purely putative political postulations without consideration of cultural context produce opposing posturing, discordance and dissent, and thus disable communication in the public square. Commonly accepted belief systems and cultural myths provide emotional strength and comfort, fortifying the people to face sorrow, accept pain and to enjoy an essential social cohesion. Unique self-expressions within unique cultures allow the culture to grow in its particularly unique manner. Group altruism, a natural feature of socio-biological systems and useful for the survival of any homogeneous group is now forcefully focused on other cultures and peoples rejecting the biological brother. The future development of the quality of life of the peoples of the Western countries –  together with their flora and fauna as well – are threatened qualitatively and quantitatively by the rampant use of non-Western immigration – illegal and legal – a situation promoted by pseudo-Christian universalist dogma and the globalist establishment with the power of its media mouthpieces. These bar any criticism or attempts to undo this war on nationalism with the claims of “racisim” and xenophobia. Vague feelings of collective racial guilt from the critical race theory programming and the “Holocaustianity” religion pervade the cultural atmosphere. As a result, there arises a sort of apathetic masochism in which people will not defend or promote either their own people or their own interests, a matter that “greases the skids” for demographic replacement.

Once the culture mulchers get their foot in the door or inside the tent, it quickly all tends to go to hell as the invasion builds from innocuous and supposedly innocent beginnings to mind boggling, D-Day style levels. Let us look at “once-Great” Britain: few could have foreseen what would follow in the wake of the trickle of the relatively well-educated West Indians and Asians from the former British colonies into Britain itself that began in 1945. White Brits are already in the minority in the 1,976 year old city of London. Now the globalists have the audacity to say the British Isles have always been multiracial and they are getting away with it. It’s reaching the point at which many Brits regard their culture as worthless as they follow the insane fallacies of deconstructionism, moral relativism, pluralism, equality and Afrocentrism and all the modern “isms” that have been utilized to create and sustain actual schisms. The Brits now have voting ballots in 5 languages vice the 2 and sometimes 3 (and counting) we now have to put up with in the USA. Famously –  now infamous – British political leader Enoch Powell warned of the incoming flood in 1968 but he was ridiculed and vilified and his name was made anathema. The churches in England may be emptying, but not before their ersatz “reverends” have made people vulnerable to the paralytic sickness of pseudo-guilt. William Bennett, prominent conservative spokesman of the Reagan era was a typical civic nationalist who proclaimed that all we want are safe streets, good schools, strong families and a non-intrusive government. This ersatz leader put the cart before the horse. The only way to guarantee such outcomes is to have homogeneous neighborhoods with a common culture that existed “back in the day” as they say. The only way the native folk and their ways can be preserved is to avoid the dilution arising from foreign pollution.

In the US, it is ridiculous to believe a universalist creed and the Constitution is all you need to retain what guarantees the survival of our country! Conservatives need to get some horse sense instead of horsing around with attacks on other less perfect conservatives. The concept of E. Pluribus Unum was never intended to apply to anyone not part of Western Civilization (Europe) and once this concept was deliberately abandoned in 1965, the floodgates were opened and everything started going downhill. The “melting pot” – a false flag concept created by Israel Zangwell in his play of that name introduced in 1908 – could never absorb all those new diverse and perverse ingredients created by open borders and targeted immigration. The true and best way to create the desired culture lies between the exaggerated rugged individualism of classic capitalism and the situation in which the charitable – Christian – impulse fights against the utopian conceptions of the socialist and communist promise of a utopia while delivering hell itself. Civic virtue and volunteerism used to be so common that we didn’t have to rely on welfare schemes like social security. The welfare and viability of the community as a social entity has degraded and was eventually destroyed when cultural as well as national foreigners were allowed to partake of our generosity without contributing to our national needs or sharing our cultural values or even being forced to use our language. Today we have everything in more languages than developed during the era of the Tower of Babel.

Over the last 50 years or so, “legistraitors”  and socially active jurists have “progressively” restricted long-guaranteed freedoms in the name of “social justice.” This unconstitutional, illegal and immoral tyranny has stunted the ability of Americans to openly hold –  never mind demonstrate and celebrate! – our common affections and traditions, and, worse, to openly express our opinions either in speech or writing. People who are “outsiders” whether socially, culturally or economically – that is, non-Americans living among us – destroy our homogeneous communities because those same communities have, by government decree, provided subsidized housing and zoning modified to allow for more crowding in already urbanized neighborhoods and thus does the polyglot rot spread to new areas. Social interactions and civic participation designed to diminish these circumstances are often put forth as illegal on the basis of “civil rights.” Employers and admissions officers for public institutions are increasingly hamstrung by ethnic and gender quotas and goals, culminating in the current “diversity, equity, and inclusion” madness that results in accepting candidates of lesser and even poor quality in order to meet the “diversity guidelines”– also known as dictates. Educators must balance or choose between ethnic histories and studies, politically correct versions of history, and the true Western tradition originally found in America’s schools, to the point at which actual history as an academic track or subject is disappearing to avoid hurting feelings or stepping on toes – or more accurately, to fulfill the New World Order agenda. Western history is incoherent to most foreigners anyway and when you add the fact that the true history of Western civilization removes all the excuses non-Westerners use to explain their own failings, well, real history has got to go! What is taught winds up undermining Western values, criticizing Western accomplishments, and attacking the established order, producing an ongoing malaise, anomie, lack of spirit and direction, and eventually nihilism.

Social services are increasingly attuned to the needs of those hostile to America including immigrants, refugees, and non-English speakers who continually, over time, constitute an ever-larger segment of our society. Language differences and  difficulties are “accentuated” by trying to communicate with those that reject the nation’s language, insisting upon the language of their native country. This greatly hinders the resolution of problems with the delivery of products and services. The huge economic cost requiring an army of translators for an ever increasing number of languages and dialects is not commonly addressed for fear of  those doing so being labeled xenophobic. English is treated as a “choice” rather than a necessity and in many cities especially, it has become a secondary tongue, and actually is taught as a second language! Worse, this situation frequently occurs in areas where the use of English should be mandatory as, for example, in the practice of official government business. There are communities in the United States so overtaken by foreign language speakers that English is not to be found at all and native Americans can find themselves as cut off from their own culture as they would were they in Istanbul or Peking. This completely unnecessary situation results in conflict, confusion and the acceptance of inferior service along with feelings of injustice both warranted (by Americans) or unwarranted (by foreign speakers). Of course, such unwarranted “feelings” are the result of trumped up trifles forced upon native Americans by our elite rulers and their global and egalitarian dogmas.

True believers having a total lack of  any actual “true belief,” control our media, our institutions, and the founts of money for the fronts labeled “foundations,” all of which dominate our discourse from the last four decades of the 20th Century up to the present time. During this period anti-poverty programs have only produced more poverty because efforts to manipulate people’s finances never work but especially in these cases, based as they are on equalitarian dogma. The equalitarians reveled in the reality of the so-called “generation gap” prominent in the late 1950s and 1960s. Prominent anthropologist and apologist for the generation –  and every other kind of – gap, Margaret Mead told a group of young intellectuals at a meeting of the American Academy for the Advancement of Science that “there is nothing that your parents’ generation can teach you that is of any use to you” — so much for the value of tradition and the wisdom acquired during the maturation process. It must be remembered that the Chinese, hardly a scatter-brained race, always respected the old because they were old and therefore experienced in the vagaries of life!

Then there was the unisex movement which devolved into today’s gender-bender horrific and nightmarish subculture. A corollary of all of this is that a family consisting of male and female parents, with any extended family, is superfluous because the roles males and females fulfill in the family structure – the bedrock of civilization! –  are not only interchangeable  but represent an obsolete and repressive system. Heredity has been dismissed as have the differences between gender physiology, physiognomy, thought and behavior with the role of the environment elevated to having the most important impact in human development. We have been told that “nurture” rather than “nature” makes all the difference and that you could take a cave man and with proper care produce a Shakespeare. Thus, the genetic differences between races became superficial, inconsequential, and in fact, “social constructs.” As a result, the “human race” finds itself in a race to the bottom of the biological ladder.

An earlier result of the rethinking of reality with regards to humanity was that Earl Warren and his copycat comrades on the Supreme Court were able to insert revolutionary concepts into the Constitution without altering its revered text while we, as the People, just didn’t really understand what the now “living” Constitution meant, or at least meant now! The Constitution that had held sway over our institutions for 175 years was no more, thus allowing the Justices to revise every possible concept including liberty and freedom. So, in accord with the new dispensation, the Roman Catholic Bishop of the United States at the Ecumenical Council in Rome in 1963 pressed for and obtained adoption of a document stating that the proven qualitative differences between the races are to be ignored as contrary to the Church’s fundamental beliefs — and the leaders of the other Christian denominations adopted similar resolutions. After all, it all sounded so “Christian!”

Thus, the Church as well rejected reality in order to go with the flow while science itself was captured by the Left, enraptured with the new libber lunacy, rejecting fact and reality in order to embrace new agendas. Unsurprisingly, in 1969, the National Academy of Sciences declined to study the hereditary aspects of human quality stating that the conduct of such research would tend to heighten current social tensions to a very destructive degree. The fact that a necessary look at reality was “trumped” by the fact that that look might produce hurt feelings and more serious consequences apparently no longer mattered. As a result of this lack of intellectual backbone, everyone became in sync with the new sick conformity. The findings of E. O. Wilson in his book, “Sociobiology” published in 1975 were widely lambasted. Sociobiology is defined as the scientific study of the biological aspects of social behavior in animals. It brings up the overweening importance of heredity and the uncomfortable realities of race. A radical leftie dumped a pitcher of water on Wilson’s head at a scientific conference that year while shouting, “You’re all wet” but Wilson went on to have a storied career in telling the story of how biology governs behavior. For you cannot undo reality with ridicule or produce fact via fads.

But the left can’t tolerate any debate or disagreement on their politicized science –  or anything else, for that matter! They get both passionate and very disagreeable when any subject is broached by those who refuse to embrace their agenda. The mounting suppression of research together with the repression and victimization of researchers was examined by the late Roger Pearson in his book, “Race, Intelligence, and Bias in Academe”. The Orwellian state of the repression of unpopular ideas has only intensified over the last several decades until the point at which it has swerved into the field of law with actual crimes centered on undesired intellectual responses. It has reached a fevered pitch in many subjects, but none more brutal than what has been occasioned by the vaxxes associated with the COVID-19 catastrophe. The concept of the “global village”, is a harmless sounding metaphor for one huge agglomeration of controlled humans on a massive global plantation, something that is diametric to the very concept of a village. In such a “village”, there are no differences be they of color, race, or ethnicity and few, if any, hereditary differences in intelligence. Life is bland and as meaningless as the robotic, disposable people that inhabit it.  Everyone has a number like a tool or an inmate, and everything is reduced to mere numbers directing endless agendas, each more stultifying and soulless than the last. All the  differences, improvements and refinements crafted by nature and man’s intellect and talent over time as created by Nature’s God have been lost through mass miscegenation and chemical and spiritual assaults on mankind’s body and soul. Any remaining distinctions between individuals and groups will be blotted out, condemned as residues of social injustice while free inquiry and free expressions of views will cease. We are not quite at that point now, but at present they still have to pass through the meat grinder of government pre-approval.

The US was a leader in the adaptation of natural improvement using eugenics policies in the first half of the 20th Century when individual distinctions were appreciated. Our domesticated animal and plant varieties were established through a process of selection for quality and a lack of genetic issues. Sometimes, this desire for “improvement” led to a misuse of the understanding of better genes when we stopped thinking of ourselves and our fellow men as children of God and began to worship the World whose demands were at once both far less and far more than the demands of God our Father. We used eugenics to make our fellow man into just another animal and this has led to an omnipresent cognitive dissonance, creating a type of tunnel vision that demands not so much what is “better” but that which is “equal” even though equality itself in living things cannot be achieved. We have broken the cycle of improvement whether of our lives or our environment though we cover our sins against nature in the garb of Gaia-worship. But, in fact, because we couldn’t appreciate what was good and right in our fellow humans, preferring instead to create idols of chaos, we as a species are in the process of going down the tubes.

We also became accustomed to the concept of “the power of positive thinking” beginning with the writings of Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, and subsequently through the apostles and proponents of positive pop psychology such as Dr. Wayne Dyer as presented through TV programs and pulp paperbacks. But conversely, what about the power of negative thinking to produce physical and mental disease and disorder? Feeling hostile and depressed also shortens and reduces the quality of life. Popular movies and videos that consistently promote mindless violence, sexual perversion, and corrupted values have a pronounced negative effect on people’s outlooks, actions, and social interactions. There are over 700 studies on TV violence alone that show that the vile visuals presented there have a direct and major causal connection to our actual behavior. Could this be a factor in explaining much of the aberrant and increasingly violent behavior of the denizens not only of our urban ghettos but even many of our middle class youths? Bad black behavior is easily triggered by perceived slights and they have obtained the means by which to readily act on their impulses as they totally lack any interior moral “brakes.”

Of course, the media are experts in this tactic and repeated images of violence as seen from the Rodney King case made people angrier every time they viewed them, even years after the event. The media are experts in stoking racial animus by constantly harping on the manufactured meme of “hate crimes,” a matter that actually ignores the rampant nature of such crimes when the victim-perpetrator doesn’t meet the desired narrative! In order to correct that condition, there is a constant steam of fictionalized stories and scenarios together with concocted mini-dramas promoting contrived stories of oppression and discrimination suffered by the envy-ridden and insufferable minorities. And what about the repeated presentations of “The Holocaust” featured in literally thousands of books, movies and TV programs with the underlying negative theme of “never forgive and never forget” especially when the “victims” are purported to be the Jews. Kids are force fed this propaganda when they are forced by a Jewish run educational system to visit Holocaust museums. This unending propaganda produces pronounced negative feelings against the supposed “criminals” in all exposed to it. It fires up phony charges and campaigns against alleged “anti-Semites”, especially used to shelter Israel and Zionists from their bad behaviors (see Mossad agent Jeffrey Epstein). We need to liberate ourselves from the self-flagellation occasioned by the continuous guilt-inducing propaganda foisted upon us. However, this is unlikely to happen as the entire purpose for this propaganda is to intensify racial, ethnic and religious conflict and foster general discontent.

Generally speaking, much of the unhappiness, dysfunction, retarded development and discontent is the result of forcibly mixing groups in carefully created toxic situations. There is nothing wrong with small amounts of such “mixing” when the conditions allow but what is happening here is neither benign nor accidental. It is an intentional strategy to bring about the breakdown of the social order. One of the findings of socio-biological studies is that when more than one group of relatively equal sizes occupies a limited physical space, they do not simply “co-exist” but rather they compete for domination. This is as natural in the human world as in the natural world and it is the critical problem that if not alleviated will put America in the grave.

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There Prescient Novels Predicted Our Cowardly “Brave New World”

By Sidney Secular

July 22, 2023

Ray Bradbury’s “Farenheit 451”, Aldous Huxley’s “Brave New World”, and George Orwell’s “1984”, considered among the best 100 novels ever written, capture the feel, or rather lack of feeling, of today’s dystopian world. They are basically user manuals on how to cow, control and condition a population of indoctrinated sheep. You have to entertain with novel novels to get the public’s attention to new and unique concepts.

The public’s acceptance of the “hijacker conspiracy” pulled off by the establishment in the 9/11 caper showed the sheeple were ready for the real thing. The lockdowns, authoritarian measures, masking, and non-stop media brainwashing of the public during the Covid plannedemic exercise were an overall success in cower power and crowd control. It allowed a mass vaxx campaign to begin the process of population reduction and pave the way for an even more intense and similar exercise to come in the near future to fasten the manacles on “We the People” now known as the masses. It will grease the skids for the full implementation of the New World Order. Now that the cowed population has accepted the addition of the Covid vaxxes to the usual cocktail of childhood inoculations, the fix is in, and it won’t be long before most of the population will be going, if not long gone. The youngsters may not even reach propagation age before all the various “side effects” of the vaxxes do them in. Increasingly, the vaxxes appear to be passing from mothers to developing babies in the womb causing an epidemic of myocarditis and premature death, so the vaxxes are doing double duty.

In Farenheit 451, Montag, the fireman who is assigned the task of burning not just politically incorrect books, but all books, is the protagonist who begins to question his life, his profession and why he and most of the population are fundamentally unhappy. His curiosity about the books he burns leads him into conflict with his family, his bosses, and the general society. Technology is presented as the central source of evil in this work. It is presented as the fundamental reason for the decline of reading by the populace and the inspiration for destroying books with high tech flamethrowers. Bradbury’s vision in 1953 was far ahead of his time, with wall-sized TVs and radio earbuds providing endless entertainment and distraction to the masses, making books obsolete. Today, 30% of Americans haven’t read a book in the past year and a large chunk of that 70% who say they have done so, are lying. Some people are proud of not having read a book since their college days. But then, pride in ignorance is nothing new.

Huxley’s warning in Brave New World concerns the danger of handing control of powerful technologies over to authoritarian minded men, who use the technology to control the population, rather than benefit society albeit, the population believes that it is being benefitted by the acts of said “leaders.” Population levels of the various classes or strata of society are controlled via removal of female ovaries, technological manipulation, and conditioning techniques. The compliant populations are conditioned to think they are happy and, frankly, to a certain extent they actually are simply because they have no source of information and reality outside of their own “culture.” Technology is used to develop drugs like Soma, consumption of which is encouraged to induce complacency and apathy and non-inquisitive personalities. Marijuana seems to be on the verge of performing this function now. Technology is used to manipulate DNA to produce the desired human product. Sociopaths gain control of all important sectors and managerial positions in society. This is pretty much the case already, now. Abortion is reduced to an emotionless science, and babies with congenital defects are routinely terminated. The gender of babies can be predetermined and their IQ levels can be ascertained. Indeed, IQs are not just determined but predetermined by drugs placed into the amniotic fluid in order to produce people whose IQs make them useful in the layered needs of society. Low IQ children are produced to do low IQ work and because they are conditioned to believe this is what is best, they are no threat to their ”betters.” The garbage is taken out and the streets swept by perfectly docile and happy minions. As babies are now produced in “factories,” any with genetic problems or severely low IQs are eliminated. The masses at all IQ levels are pacified and distracted with senseless entertainment. Much as happens today, rambunctious boys are turned pacified with drugs in school indoctrination centers. Citizens have little say in how they are governed but as they have no real needs not met by the “leaders,” they never seek change. Nearly all of these results have come to pass to one extent or another, or are seen to be coming around the corner.

Global use of antidepressants now follows and mirrors the aforesaid negative characteristics and developments. On the low end, only 13 Koreans and Chileans out of 1,000 use antidepressants. Down the list of global depressant use, at the bottom, is the USA where 110 out of 1,000 take antidepressants. Exacerbated by the incessant big pharma ads on TV, the average Americans’ existence is so shallow, meaningless and devoid of value that they are compelled to seek a means of escaping an increasingly unacceptable reality. This is particularly true of older White women. Over 50% find themselves childless and more than 25% are taking antidepressants. These “Karens” seek solace in voting for the pie-in-the-sky promises of leftist politicians and generally engage in silly cultural trends while cheering for abortion, probably because misery likes company. These unfulfilled Daughters of Eve are suckers for the climate change chicanery, were gung-ho for the Big Pharma toxic jabs, and still wear masks when driving alone, usually with the windows closed.

Dystopian technological totalitarianism reaches a peak in the picture of Big Brother monitoring everything people do, say, or think in the George Orwell masterpiece, “1984.” The following passage from the book represents the epitome and essence of the final stage reached as the society careens leftward as described by Orwell: “Every record has been destroyed (or doctored — SS), every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building (and street — SS) has been renamed, every date has been altered, and the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped (become history — SS). Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party (the establishment — SS) is always right.”

We have however, gone beyond Orwell’s ruminations with even more repressive restrictions about to be rolled out. By linking everything you do (home security, utilities, internet and appliance usage, etc. we are captive to the whims of the State (The “Party” in Orwell’s terminology). As we have seen in the last few years, authoritarian government, agenda-driven socialist alliances, big business, and social media tyrants have colluded to combine their clout and dominance to propagandize and popularize their woke agenda (Covid and vaxx scams, climate hoaxes, gender-bender degeneracy, race hustles, desperate efforts at maintaining western hegemony around the world, porn propagation, transhumanism, etc.), weaponizing every segment of the culture and government to produce these ends. Critical thinking dissenters and truth tellers have been silenced, destroying or diminishing the livelihoods of many, and misleading and corralling the masses into holding pens for future depredation and experimentation. The coup de grace is coming soon in the form of the rollout of digital currencies and social credit scores. Once your credit score drops below an acceptable level, your ability to transact business will be reduced to barter transactions at best, and your social interactions will be stunted or completely cut off at worst. You will have to beg for food and fuel, and beg your masters for mercy. The technical gulag of the Brave New World will have encompassed the entire world.

We have reached an era in which total tyranny is possible simply because we have created the means and technology to run it. And with the addition of AI (Artificial Intelligence) we just might have “thought” ourselves into enslavement not by men, but by man’s creations.

© 2023 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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Not So Strange Feeling So Estranged Over Strange Situation

By Sidney Secular

June 24, 2023

The incredibly weird current political condition is most frustrating to us who have already been long flustered, but it is understandable in a wacky woke sort of way. Perplexed conservatives and actual Republicans who take delight in pointing out the many weaknesses, blunders, stumbles and mumblings of our faux President are, sadly, misreading the situation. We flail and flounder around in an attempt to enlighten our fellow Americans to Biden’s lack of any ability whatsoever, but to no avail. Biden’s flaws, which we treat with guffaws, are the very reason the now out of touch and clueless electorate supports him.

The Wokesters and their libber fellow travelers actually prefer a leader willing to voice the dogmas of identity politics with the obedience and obeisance of a trained parrot or a programmed robot. The weak-minded leftist masses need a leader as themselves – that is, a robotic follower of the true elite rulers – and his defects and incapacities therefore must mirror their own that they identify with him. They love losers especially as these have proven via the offices of the Deep State able to “defeat” true winners! Indeed, they are lost in their empathy towards such creatures no matter how grossly deficient.

Each lapse by the lefty loon merely reinforces his appeal and increases the probability of his re-election with no reboots necessary. Jackboots on the ground are fine with them as long as they are on “their side.” The Deep State’s gambit of gambling with a loon and goon come what may just could be the ticket for a return performance by the bad actors who are perforce leading us down the drain.

In a nation neutered by the notion and imposition of identity politics in which individuals are ranked by a victimhood demographic, we no longer have standard politics in the sense that we no longer have power struggles among actual legitimate factions and interests. The only thing that matters now is the extent to which the contemptible candidate fawns, flails and falls in line with the currently acceptable fads and memes while in the process making sacrificial offerings out of the White, straight, Christian demographic. Oddly enough, this set-up works when a White man sits at the head of the “multicult” altar. Identity politicians need him to act as a focal point, referee, and moderator for all those victim groups who are diametric to him in every way so as to keep them from uncontrolled in-fighting for status and Simoleans.

The collectivizing and harmonizing label, “people of color” is but a contrived connivance to garner support as it indicates that none of the “elect” are themselves “White.” Hence, the necessity for a White male president (or even females) of the proper politics and “morality.” The Deep State has stuck with the present PC icon through the presidential primaries and subsequent election battles and now are stuck with him no matter how much his physical or mental states deteriorate between now and the next faux election day. Parenthetically, the Deep State always has its “on-hand” strategy that has been used on so many of its former members who were no longer “useful.” Any glimpse into the history of the Clintons can provide proof of the efficacy of this removal process!

© 2023 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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A Transhumanist Transformation and An Extermination

By Sidney Secular

June 20, 2023

In the past, populations, when conquered, were either exterminated. enslaved, or merged with the conquerors, many times conquered males were killed while the females were taken as wives or concubines. This response to the vanquishing of other populations allowed the conquerors to make the best use of the conquered and their possessions such as metals and minerals and foodstuffs grown in the conquered territories. Sufficient measures were taken to ensure that there were no revolts by the conquered at least for one or two generations until they became a part of the original peoples.

Much ado is made over the supposed abhorrence of the practice of slavery but it was commonplace and remains so even in our current world. Often in the West, the practice was at least tolerated because it was seen as being up sanctioned in the Bible if practiced according to specific humane limitations. In some cultures, slavery allowed members of an advanced culture to devote time to the arts, sciences, and creative pursuits while slaves saw to the necessary labors required to maintain the culture itself. Thus, the ancient Greeks were able to reach the intellectual and creative heights that were the foundation of first the Roman Empire and then the Western civilization that flourished during the Renaissance period. Ancient Greece and the Renaissance served as a model for the flowering of America’s antebellum South as reflected in the strong “orthodox” Christian and scholastic traditions of that period and culture seen in the architectural styles of that time and place and the names given to cities such as Memphis,  Corinth, Athens and Rome.

On the other hand, the increasingly materialist and humanistic North of the mid-19th Century had to either obliterate or completely dominate the old South in order to instill it’s own “culture” nationally. This, of course, was the true genesis of the so-called Civil War. President Lincoln was sort of prescient when he stated that a house divided against itself cannot stand. He took measures to make sure that the North would have its way and that the growing political divide between the sections would lose its political gravitas. It is in this particular understanding of “history” that we discover our second American “civil war” – the first being the Revolutionary War in which “patriots” were arrayed against “loyalists!” – was more than anything else, a religious war with the philosophies of Aristotle and Locke that regarded man as a “social animal” from whom interpersonal and political relationships sprang normally, pitted against the Hobbesian understanding of man as a “solitary” requiring the power of government to force him into obedience to the rulers who kept society from descending into chaos.

The Etruscan culture, geographically located in the northern and/or central portion of what later became Italy, was another example of an advanced society that was either conquered by or otherwise absorbed into the much more dominant Roman society. They were considered the most religious of all the ancient peoples. The cultural artifacts and monuments and the political and social structures of that society have largely been lost because they were not “translated” into any later culture. This process is somewhat analogous to what happened to the antebellum South and what is presently happening to North America in general. The founding peoples of The US and Canada are being replaced by and/or absorbed into an invading mass of Non-Europeans, and their cultures obliterated by attacks on their heroes and monuments and the denigration of their accomplishments to the point at which sometime soon there will be little knowledge of the nature of the American Republic of Pre-Civil War days. When the “barbarian” tribes invaded Rome a sort of similar process occurred. The conquered peoples (and slaves) were allowed to enter Rome proper and become ersatz citizens. Their lack of fealty to Rome and the fact that they were not of the founding Roman stock became instrumental in the decline of Rome itself, a situation that is generally the case with the hordes currently invading North America now.

Today, enslavement, dominance, and control also increasingly take the form of a global assault on our rights, liberties and persons by New World “Orderlies” utilizing technological mechanisms that did not exist in the past, and therefore are increasingly effective in their application. It must also be remembered that outside of Europe and the New World that was eventually colonized by Europeans, there was no basis for the republican (small “r”) ideas that created what is known as Western Civilization. That particular way of life did not “naturally occur” in Africa or Asia or the Indian subcontinent! It began in Greece and Rome and moved into Europe, Britain and eventually the New World or those parts of the New World found in North America. Even Mexico and Central and South America did not have the same fundamental way of life that has provided mankind with all that we have managed to create and obtain into the 21st Century.

However, mankind’s intellect and creativity has managed to overcome not the evils of the past but the good of the present in an effort to create a world-wide governmental structure incorporating every possible means of preventing individuality and personal freedom. Strategies such as herding hordes of people into smart cities or so-called “15 minute cities” together with the introduction of digital currencies and strategies that will force all people into a situation in which all individual liberties are lost, must – and will – lead to global enslavement. But this isn’t what people traditionally understand as “slavery;” that is, a condition in which slaves could be emancipated or earn their freedom or escape as was the case in the past, but an eternal slavery to an eternal machine run by those who do not consider themselves slaves though they might very well be so. Vaccine passports, social credit systems, and the imposition of suffocating surveillance mechanisms could not exist without the advanced technology of this age and its willing use in these circumstances.

But in the global conquest, the slavery component may be more of a means than an end. The conquest is presently taking the form of a controlled burn or controlled demolition of human civilization – as we have always known it through history! Concurrently, there seems to be a human extermination program taking place that is part of the end game terminating that same civilization. Furthermore, those involved have made plain that there is a need to “reduce the earth’s population” to a “sustainable amount” after which they speak in numbers rather than human lives. This “shorthand” prevents people from realizing that what is intended is the mass murder of the needless billions required to achieve “sustainability.” And thus, when our “rulers” look at the rest of us about to be culled and gently ask that we acknowledge and accept this “need” for “the good of the planet,” our refusal to do so is presented as simple bad manners! Of course, this insanity is driven by “climate change” cultists through their false and revolting “green” revolution that calls for idiotic measures either driving us back to the stone age   or whose results would exterminate us altogether! These “measures” include the sudden war on agriculture and the mindless animus against carbon dioxide, an atmospheric gas essential to plant and animal life.

But the culling of the planet isn’t limited to “third person” strategies as seen above. The so-called Covid pandemic with its murderous medical “treatments” including drugs (Remdesivir) and therapies (respirators), together with the so-called vaccines that are nothing more (or less) than weapons of mass destruction form a controlled depopulation program. Meanwhile poisons are spread through dangerous food additives together with the spraying of chemicals into the atmosphere that seriously affect human (and other) life. As a result of this ongoing assault on mankind, intelligence among the population decreases – thus making it easier to control people through misinformation, disinformation and fear – while sperm counts are going down, life spans are shortening. and a myriad of diseases, disabilities and poisonous pharmacological side effects impact tens of millions of people. Problem pregnancies, miscarriages and birth defects along with SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) and SADS (Sudden Adult Death Syndrome) are on the rise, as are heart problems, strokes, blood clots, cancers, and neurological and autoimmune disorders. The mRNA technology in the current vaxxes represent not medicine, but a software program aimed at gene editing and manipulation. Human brain matter will be the hardware to house the artificial intelligence software while those who do not die from the maladies above are probably programmed to be sterile or so ill and therefore and docile that they can be easily controlled. It must be remembered that such gene editing technology has only been used in the past to exterminate a species or to change it into something else.

This brings us to the transhumanist agenda, the merging of humans with technology. This “science” could be called “synthetic biology,” a matter somewhat forecast in the novel Frankenstein in which a brilliant biologist determines to usurp the power of God by producing life itself. Indeed, the work not only prophesizes the end-product of the man’s mania, but the very reason for it in the first place; that is, the Luciferian desire of the creature to become the Creator. In the same way, crazed billionaire Marxists such as Klaus Schwab – who has a bust of Lenin on his desk! – are seeking a means by which to live forever, that is to escape the physical with its bodily limitations by merging with the eternal machine through the use of artificial intelligence (AI). This emerging monstrosity will carry the elites on into the future as they systematically depopulate the planet. Indeed, AI was actually used in the development of the mRNA technology. One feature of the application of this technology is to create giant blood clots that are causing those who have taken these “medications” – and especially conspicuously, sports stars and media types – to drop dead suddenly often in the prime of their lives. As well, AI  apparently has inherent creative abilities and is able to create not only top flight prose, but Frankenstein-style monsters that we humans would be powerless to control or terminate. There is even speculation among those who believe in God, that AI can and will facilitate the entry of demonic entities into the world. This conclusion is not all that fanciful, given the devilish doings presently going on!

Whether the goal is extermination or enslavement – or a combination thereof – or whether we will be dealing with an AI or other man-technology merger presently being promoted or whether twisted atheist billionaires or extra-terrestrials are running the show, it really doesn’t matter. This fast emerging “sin”-ario and those pushing it must be stopped now or mankind will die both individually and as a species. [Read: “Artificial Intelligence: Lawsuits Already Underway“]

© 2023 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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The World Freedom Declaration

By Sidney Secular

May 30, 2023

[edited] From:  “The International Covid Summit”

We, the people of the world declare that we have both the power and the obligation to reject tyranny in all its forms and the duty to protect the rights granted to us by Almighty God and protected by those who preceded us by whatever means necessary to assure the successful acquisition of this declaration.

We, the people of the world, demand the immediate termination of all oppressive, segregative, dystopian and divisive mandates nationally and/or globally imposed under the premise that these are a legitimate response to a declared “emergency” whether that situation is labeled a pandemic or otherwise; that is, if they are imposed for what are identified as any “good reason” according to those imposing these same mandates.

We, the people of the world, demand that governments return all powers removed by decree or law from medical and other health professionals thus allowing them to treat their patients based on science, knowledge and experience rather than any government agenda designed to impose the use of chemical and other so-called “medicines” whose use is or may be intended for reasons other than the health of the patient and that any such “medicines” never become a part of any intended or imposed mandates.

We, the people of the world, demand that the physician-patient relationship be restored to its previous protection under the law by allowing all medical professionals to practice without fear of legal or extra-legal punishment and that all medical knowledge be available on the internet or other means of research available to the general public.

We, the people of the world, demand freedom to choose our own medical treatments based on uncensored and transparent scientific data and research free from coercion, punishment, or threat of punishment.

We, the people of the world, demand the right to refuse any proffered “medical treatment,” that refusal being based on beliefs concerning health, conscience and/or religion and we further demand that our presently infringed rights to bodily autonomy be restored immediately.

We, the people of the world, demand that all employment and/or other legal benefits terminated upon a refusal to take any drug or course of treatment whether or not considered “experimental” be reinstated immediately and that any loss of income be recompensed by either the employer if said employer was responsible for that termination or in the alternative, from those who have made billions of dollars from the sale of said drugs or courses of treatment that motivated the mandate in the first place.

We, the people of the world, demand the immediate cessation of mandates as well as any and all coercion that imposes or attempts to impose medical interventions on children without the explicit consent of the parents; this includes demands for any medical treatment and/or procedure not in the best interests of the health of the child as determined by a qualified physician and the child’s parent or parents.

We, the people of the world, demand the immediate release of the medical and scientific data and statistics relating to all such drugs and medicines labeled vaccines as well as those medications and therapies demanded by hospitals that have proven detrimental to the health of the patients receiving them and that have been mandated during this declared pandemic.

We, the people of the world, are enforcing Article 6, Section 3 of the Nuremberg Code that states: In no case should a collective community agreement or the consent of a community leader or other authority substitute for an individual’s informed consent.

We, the people of the world, demand that all liability be imposed on drug manufacturers and that they be held responsible for all deaths and injuries caused by their products including the prosecution of those who knowingly participated in such activities that produced said deaths and injuries. We also demand that any person or persons acting in the public sphere whether elected officials or appointed members of government agencies be likewise held criminally responsible where the knowledge of said injuries and deaths were knowingly withheld from the public.

We, the people of the world, demand a thorough investigation of all corruption and conflicts of interest surrounding this declared pandemic and that each party found to be involved, be tried, convicted and subsequently punished for every death and/or injury – including suicides – caused by any governmental direction, mandate or other extra-legal effort to force compliance on the part of the public with said directions, mandates or extra-legal efforts.

We, the people of the world, declare that it is our inalienable right under such rights bestowed upon us not by government or commerce but by Almighty God, as well as our duty to demand the immediate return of our freedoms and liberties as well as the restoration of our right to the pursuit of happiness.

It is both our duty and right to restore the physical, mental and moral health of our world by removing from power any political and/or appointed leaders as well as their minions, placing said power back into the hands of the people. We have been called upon to fight for our liberties to keep our world from being overrun by selfish, corrupt and murderous persons who by virtue of deceit and other nefarious means have placed themselves into said positions of worldly power. Thanks to those before us who likewise demanded and obtained these liberties, we have been born free and it is our duty to protect our children and leave them a world where their freedoms and rights are intact and protected.



Please sign  the World Freedom Declaration:

International Covid Summit home page:

© 2023 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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Hard To “(E)Scape” Being The Scapegoat

By Sidney Secular

May 19, 2023

As we scrape along in our newfound hostile environment led by jackbooted tyrannical extremists while trying to hold onto scraps of the freedoms we once enjoyed, we are forced to plan for survival both personal and of some semblance of our Western-style society. President Trump seems to have been the catalyst setting off the mass insanity that had long latently lay beneath the skulls of the psychotic, the mindless, and the brain-addled. Then along came the well-planned and executed global Covid “pandemic” – and those of us not in the New World Order “loop” were knocked off our not so lofty perches and shaky foundations, resulting in the crafty criminal cretins opening us to heretofore unknown total tyranny! It was a no-brainer for them as they had been in the process of setting us up for such eventual total control for centuries, making use of usury, financial domination and political sleights-of hand among other weapons, as handy tools. It’s all gone global now as moderate and even sedate governments have been ground under the heels of the ingrates via Covid lockdowns, election rule rigging and open vote tampering to institute their power plays while media domination was the vehicle to propagate their poop-laden propaganda.

Newly installed woke leftist regimes treat any opposition as unacceptable and make of such views objects of censorship. Opponents are censored, doxxed, denied basic human and constitutional (legal) rights and all opposition to their tyranny is derided as expressions of white supremacy even when the those resisting are black! These blockheads all belong to one closely knit leftist bloc that blocks any attempts at amelioration of our newfound slavish condition. Leftist schemes and victories are mounting faster than they can be analyzed or countered, let alone counted. Poisonous racist wokeness is infiltrating and corrupting everything from corporate boardrooms to medicine to criminal law to sports to military recruitment to judicial systems and, of course, to the actions of governments large and small. Civil discourse is hard to maintain and when it actually does occur, is easily corrupted and/or commandeered, even when it remains somewhat civil. Of course, in order for it to remain civil, only one side is permitted victory! Any chance of a different result usually also results in a mass shooting somewhere.

President Trump’s indictment is a far more significant event more in its consequences than what happens to the man himself. The leftists are already spinning/twisting poll results to allegedly show that swing voters are OK with indicting the former President on petty or phony process charges, now more accurately termed “technicalities.” But as with all such polls, they are skewed to screw the opposition, and to lull or con gullible and malleable GOP politicians and some independents into believing the Trump indictment is not necessarily a “new normal” to be directed at other GOP reform candidates “going forward” – but rather a one-time blip unique to the criminal, Donald Trump. Anyone with horse sense knows that such a claim is mere horse hockey and that the leftists will soon go bonkers with their bunk and accusations against any threatening pol. Once they get a toe in the tent, Libs can attack anyone even if they are peacefully resting on their bunk. It’s open season all year round now on all critics and/or those making inquiries about all the queer things going on. It’s a warning to all not to take on the Deep State or you’ll wind up over your head in deep doo-doo.

It’s no coincidence that even as Trump was arrested, influence peddler Hunter Biden came out of hiding triumphantly parading around in a public victory dance at high-level White House events to which the now leftist-controlled Drudge Report triumphantly blared: “Hunter Biden out of the shadows! Front and Center  Alongside Father.” The “optics” of an indicted Donald Trump being finger-printed and photographed will be imprinted on people’s minds where it will be processed into negative thoughts among the unsophisticated, the malleable and the gullible. There is no safe way to throw President Trump to the wolves that establishment Republicans would prefer, but they’ll take what they can get. The attempt to trash Trump was immediately followed up by initiating destruction on the image of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, making it clear that Senate leftists intend to impeach him using a local Soros-backed prosecutor to indict him on some trumped up tripe. This is a message to the Soros-backed attorneys general that going after liberty lovers is now de rigueur, low risk, and good politics – not to mention personally profitable – and therefore they can now get their kicks kicking right-thinking people around.

Meanwhile, targeted small businesses – already take down or nearly taken out by the Covid criminality – also face increased vulnerability and prejudicial put-downs by the Sorosian prosecutorial apparatus. Federal laws and regulations are so prolific that the average businessman unknowingly commits multiple technical misdemeanors and felonies each day. These “hidden crimes” can be placed in play whenever the dictators want to play around with their subjects. Their power grabs are blatant, intense and hideous, and there is no need to hide them anymore, now that they can get away with their power plays at will. The wealth, health and future of the critics of the system are in critical condition as the conditioning of the public mind against them continues at a frightful pace. Though a blind man can see with his cane or his canine, the willingly blind look past what is going on and thus become oblivious to what will happen next.

Meanwhile, the scapegoating mobs have all gone digital and the transition to the electronic has made them far more effective as well as insidious and thus, the results far more hideous. The “can’t take it no more” sensitivity of those claiming to be victims, victimizes the rest of us and helps leverage their grievances into gain in personal power if not net worth. Thus, the “vindictivity index” of the cancel culture is patently and potently realized and reinforced and the negative energies magnified by the employment of social media are thus enjoyed and savored by the unsavory through the use of unsavory means. The violence that results is justified in the name of victim advocacy and the ends always justify the means – at least when “meanies” employ them. Negative energy feeds and builds on itself and evil thus escalates unless sufficient opposing force is mustered, applied, and maintained. As an example of all of this, a Federal Research Council report indicated that assaults against churches are up 288% so far this year. The orchestrated attacks across 29 states include arson, bomb threats, and vandalism.

How did the Deep State get so consolidated; that is, solid, entrenched and able to act in concert? It goes back to just who is in charge today. When young, today’s “movers and shakers” got tired of being targeted, arrested and somewhat deprecated in connection with their anti-Vietnam War and civil rights protests as well as their rioting and rants against patriarchy that were translated into the latent feminist movement. They “grew up” in a horribly mutant sense and went to work in and for the system they had previously despised, with the intent of taking it over, over a period of time. They still nostalgically look back on their juvenile antics and reminisce over “Woodstock” with its feelings of solidarity and orgasms together with that enjoyable feeling of thumbing their noses at the establishment. Now that they ARE the establishment, they get a vicarious thrill at seeing themselves and their offspring spring all kinds of attacks on system opponents, kind of reliving and reviving that youthful feeling of growing power and displaying it in a newfound reverse and perverse way. They’ve given up on the anti-war protesting, having found the usefulness of unending war to their purposes. As a result, they are now the perps perpetrating the unending wars which they now see as useful for the desired outcome of their perpetual struggle. They also constitute the corporate communist cadre of cads and they can have their cake and eat it too, in that they can parade around in pinstripe suits, and still revert to their sloppiness on informal Fridays, and walk around all the time in those ridiculous looking running/track shoes and faux cowboy boots that look out of place in an office.

Soros, his sons and their lackeys were able to co-opt this boomer operative mentality to their ends and took advantage of this uniformity and conformity with leftist goals using the media, his moolah, and his social media influencers to push the envelope ever leftwards. The puppet-master has  ties to all the major media and decides what stories are to be run or spun, whom to laud/applaud, and which ideas and people to demonize  It’s uncanny how all this canned action happens simultaneously and often with the appearance of spontaneity. All the media memes were left to cook and simmer for a time and then were spiced up and permeated with a vicious anti-white ideology propagated at every turn and turn of the screw and were served as a stew meant to stir everyone up. It was deep down a visceral campaign of the Deep State against Whites and Christians and against Western Civilization’s foundation of tradition and stability. Everything everybody does as habit and common tradition is traduced as derived from or deemed a White supremacist act, on the grounds that White people viciously stole anything worthy of emulation from “people of color” via colonialism.

Coffee shops seem to be a focus of this fulmination as places to supposedly wake people up as coffee is wont to do. They are accused of not catering to the coloreds therein and denying them access to their restrooms, even though they are not patrons and customers, and they look like they would turn the restrooms into retreats for drug taking and dealing and render them inoperative for conducting bodily functions. It is never noted that whites are similarly denied access when signs are posted saying restrooms are for patrons only. Sometimes restrooms have only one toilet or urinal and so can’t be turned into public restrooms. Starbucks at first had to give in to the pressure (the prattle in Seattle) but eventually got “pissed off” reverting to a “restrictionist” policy. However, the leftists are not through with their campaign against coffee shops and the coffee industry in general. One prominent racist blog foolishly fulminated thusly: “Every facet of the coffee industry is rooted in racism — from the moment Whites viciously stole coffee from Blacks and Browns, to the present day “Karen” sipping her cup of White supremacy, Whites have been able to drink the fruits of our labor with impunity”. “Karen” is the new anti-white female pejorative that is rampant on the internet. It is the equivalent of the N-Word, aimed at people who just happen to be White. If you google or go to YouTube and enter “Karen arrested” you will see unadulterated White bashing that YouTube refuses to cancel or moderate.

Many ignorant and easily swayed swaths of the public including parts of the Republican Party establishment have already surrendered to the leftist terror campaign. Since you have gone this far in reading and appreciating this article and possibly the newsletter it is featured in, we know you are enlightened and stand a good chance of survival – and maybe even thrive – in this unusually regressive, oppressive, and repressive atmosphere at least until the guns are drawn. But you have to do certain things. First and foremost, you have to pull the plug if not entirely on your exposure to the output of the mainstream media, especially TV cable news which will damage your psyche and your health if you get hooked on it. The constantly repeated lies, misinformation, disinformation, and negativity in general will drag you down. Now, this doesn’t mean that you don’t keep abreast of what your enemies are doing! You have to check with the media from time to time as long as you don’t “check your brain” when you do so! Ignorance is never a useful strategy. However, you will have to develop social and business networks of people with like ways of thinking and interests and do some “prepping”. These subjects will be covered in a continuing series of articles in this newsletter.

© 2023 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Sidney Secular:

More News You Missed, Musings, Uncommon Commentary and More

By Sidney Secular

May 16, 2023

COMING COMMIES’ WEAPONS CAPABILITY NOT COMICAL: North Korea is testing a new solid fuel ICBM that is pushing the envelope in state of the art weapons technology with assistance from China. These two terrors are not paper tigers anymore and you can’t paper over it. Without going into the techy details, the new system needs testing and fine tuning to be sure, but it sure is scaring the bejeebers out of the US and its Asian allies. South Korean and US air forces staged joint drills only hours after the announcement of the new weaponry. The two sides accuse each other of escalating tensions, but once that tit for tat gets going, it’s hard to back down and lose face, something the Asians loathe and most averse to, and we’ve got to face that fact. Japan and the US nearly simultaneously conducted air drills for two consecutive days over the Sea of Japan.

Meanwhile, a new book by Col. Grant Newsham, “When China Attacks – and the US Goes Down to Defeat” paints a pessimistic but fairly reasonable scenario of how China would take over Taiwan taking the US down in the process. That would destroy the reputation of the US as a powerful military power. Parenthetically, however, former commie “President” Obama did more damage to America’s military than anything China can do unless, of course, one recognizes that it is through China and other US enemies that Obama was elected in the first place! But back to the book: Newsham is no sham. He is an expert in military, intelligence, and high tech matters and his writings have appeared in many publications including The Asia Times. He portrays the social decay (and outright decadence – editor) along with the economic weakness of the US brought about by the loss of manufacturing capability and the corruption of academic, financial, corporate and  political elites facilitated by Chinese bribery.

Unfortunately, Newsham falters when he recommends as a solution that a lot more money be spent on building up the US military. We’ve been there and done that, and still with all the waste and corruption that accompanies all that spending, along with internal attacks against our warriors based upon vaccines and various gay and liberal agendas, we continue to fall behind. Indeed, we get much less “bang” for our cheapening bucks all the time. These experts are one trick ponies trotting out their one or two favored solutions for all the maladies that beset us. One such “eternal” solution being bandied about is to reinstate the draft so as to recruit enough cannon fodder to cover for our follies and feed the ever larger war machine. Of course, this fails to take into account the apparent fact that an increasing proportion of our populace cannot pass muster as war “materiel” except in the casualty category! The think tank “The Hudson Institute” is pushing this solution which is already passe. These intellectuals like to ape each other and trot out solutions which they purport to be new but are just a rehash of ideas that already have been and are being bandied about. That they write books that sometimes sell like hotcakes speaks volumes about the ignorance of the population or perhaps just our pathetic optimism that there is some solution for our own well-worn path to hell. Tucker Carlson seems to have been the only commentator who didn’t say things just to go with the flow and was a true journalist, so they made a big deal over him until he was removed. The others just like the public exposure and the easy money they make jabbering away with preset talking points.

BARACK’S BIG BROTHER MAKING STINK OVER BRO: Malik Obama, Barack’s older brother – that is, if Barack’s father was Obama and not a black commie his mother “knew” (in the Biblical sense) back in Hawaii – is suddenly trying to get back at BO for reasons we are not privy to know but that probably involve the extreme difference in the two men’s financial condition!  Malik has released documents showing Barack was born in Nairobi, Kenya and was thus an illegitimate president. Forensic researchers had already proved that Obama’s Hawaiian birth certificate was a forgery as were his seven or so SSI cards. These revelations come at the same time that Columbia University graduates who were supposedly in the same classes as Obama reiterate that they have no memory of him at all. But if Malik has his way, it will get even worse for the Obamas as “the brother” is determined to further publicize the fact that his “sister-in-law, “Michelle, a darling of the Democrats, is in fact a man named Michael who as any good “tranny,” represents “himself” as a “herself.” Michael was registered to vote as a man from 1994 until 2008, according to documents obtained from the Illinois State Board of Elections, officially changing his gender to female in 2008, the year her/his husband was running for the presidency.

In 2014, comedienne Joan Rivers publicized the fact that Michelle was “a tranny.” Rivers died some two months later during what was supposed to minor throat surgery and ever since, rumors have been swirling around that she was “eliminated” for her lack of decorum. As well, given the very obvious and suspicious “lumps” visible below the waist when “Michelle” wore any of her more form fitting dresses, it is probably that little or no “gender affirming” surgery was ever performed. And, of course, the ever present (and seldom silent) President Donald Trump has long claimed that the story of Barack Obama and his wife Michelle is one of the greatest scams and cons in the history of politics.

NOT SO FAST – LET’S NOT FORGET THE PAST: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is running for president. In an election cycle that promises more vast criminality, fraud and fulmination among frustrated voters, he hopes to be the solution for those offended by the same uni-party choices or Deep State reject Donald Trump; that is, people just looking to be offended by any number of things one can easily be offended by. JFK, Jr. wants to be viewed as someone new, or at least sufficiently apart from the swamp so as not to lumped in with the usual coterie of creeps by new voters and/or the rest of the lumpen proletariat. He’s made his mark by exposing the Covid and pharma scams in a major way – and writing a best seller on it – and making the rounds of the talk show circuit since its publication in 2021.

But Kennedy himself continues to remind us that he is STILL a Democrat, and he wants us to remember that as well as to remember that that label stands for hypocrisy, deceit, deception and delusion even though Republicans are giving Dems a run for their bags of money. The man has been a prominent environmentalist and that is OK in a neutral sort of way Indeed, he has even done some good in that role! But on the other hand, he is also a UN Agenda 21 total control freak and like the other supposed “environmentalists,” is all for solar and wind while remaining all but oblivious to the harm that these renewables cause to the environment. And, alas, he does not respect the Historic American Nation that fostered our true commonality, together with the Constitution that put in place the rule of law that only that Nation would steadfastly follow. JFK, Jr. is still a card-carrying member of the swamp and if he is our “choice,” will wind up swamping us and going overboard with a boatload of false propaganda. Despite the man’s name and claim to fame, he will be going up against the main body of presently deranged Democrats who are still all on board with untested vaxxes, lockdown mandates, and the already discredited “maskerade!” As a result,  he will be stifled and shunted aside by the legacy media and mocked by the hardcore mainline demonrats while the rest of us who reject such Democratic agendas as he does support, will find him unacceptable for that very reason.

UNFATHOMABLE AND UNBELIEVABLE  MONEY-LAUNDERING SCHEME YIELDS FANTASTIC FOUNT OF FUNDS:  Public records show that some Democrat supporters appear (on the surface at least!) to be making multiple donations of small amounts of money – sometimes dozens of times each day! Of course, these “small payouts” quickly add up to hundreds of thousands of dollars. Of course, naturally (and obviously), the present Department of (In)Justice is oblivious to all this despite the fact that the original “donors” are livid about it. A colossal money laundering scheme stares them in the face while they go foaming at the mouth after the chimera of white nationalists fomenting insurrections. Here’s how it works as far as we can determine: An unsuspecting person makes a donation to a “Demorat” politician or organization. Suddenly, bogus donors then pile on with thousands of donations using the original donor’s identity and address while the donor is oblivious to what’s going on. Many of the ersatz donors are either elderly or unemployed and therefore couldn’t possibly make such prodigious donations. The top donor in Arizona supposedly made 18,672 donations over 3 years, which comes to 17 donations per day!  Another Arizona woman claims she did not make the 18,000 donations made in her name to the tune of $170,000, despite what the Federal  Election Commission records showed. Using this methodology, funny money can be funneled to any favored candidate facing a significant election challenge.

Much of the funny money went to the organization ActBlue, whose website boasts of “raising” billions since 2004. Half of the donations ActBlue received in 2019 came from people who were unemployed — and untraceable! The burning question who is: Who is making all these donations? James O’Keefe of O’Keefe Media Group recently investigated this phenomenon. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL)  has called for an investigation into this matter especially as it relates to ActBlue. One would think ActBlue itself should be audited. They must have their own internal auditor. He should be put in the hot seat and made to sweat until he provides some answers. Sherlock Holmes needn’t be consulted in this case as even Inspector Lestrade could do it.

AI – THE FRANKENSTEIN ABOUT TO MASTER MAN: Twitter CEO Elon Musk has joined over 1,000 Artificial intelligence (AI) experts and industry executives in signing an open letter calling on all AI labs to “immediately pause” the training of systems more powerful than GPT-4 for at least 6 months. Among the signers was Apple cofounder Steve Wozniak, AI guru Emad Mostaque, and engineers from Meta and Google. “The AI systems being developed have human-competitive intelligence and pose profound risks to society and humanity” said the statement, and cited extensive research on the issue. You know this is a stop-gap measure because once something pernicious gets going, the impulse to see it to completion overcomes resistance to proceeding with it. This is a Frankenstein monster with a digital mind that no one – not even its creators can understand, predict, or reliably control. It’s unbelievable but these experts believe that non-human minds might eventually outnumber, outsmart, render us obsolete, and replace us. This does not mean that the gurus are giving up on AI development, but only want to make it governable and less gargantuan. The monster could take on human criminal activities such as cybercrime and other malicious actions and spread disinformation. The monster could suddenly decide to kill us all. Maybe the gurus should take their own advice to heart and control their urge to micromanage us. Musk is happy that Chuck Schumer (Demonrat – NY) is laying the groundwork for Congress to regulate AI. That sounds too much like the foxy wolf trying to get the upper hand (paw ) on his fellow conspirators. It is also most necessary to remember, most of our major weapons systems are run by computers. If we were still beating each other over the head with clubs, AI might be less of a threat, but one of the four AI “androids” that killed some twenty-eight people after having been partially deconstructed had found a way to “link in” with a satellite that was giving it the means of repairing the damage it had sustained! Had the connection not been broken or the machine sufficiently damaged to stop its murderous rampage, who knows what the result would have been!

DEJA VU ALL OVER AGAIN: NATO is sending depleted uranium armor-piercing shells to Ukraine in a not-too-unprecedented act of escalation. This weapon is radioactive and is known to cause cancer and horrific birth defects. They can ruin the land they detonate on for generations. They could turn the contested Donbas region into a wasteland — nothing is beyond the pale when it comes to combating the evil Russkies. The UK’s defense minister, Annabel Goldie, mentioned none of this when boasting that the rounds are highly effective in defeating modern tanks and armored vehicles. The NATO powers openly obstruct the possibility of productive peace parleys so they can get their jollies beating their contrived opponents to a pulp. Depleted uranium munitions were used in the Iraq war. Horrifying images online document the life-altering and often fatal effects civilians face in their wake. In some cases, babies whose mothers were affected by the munitions are born with multiple extra limbs and other severe disfigurements. Uh-oh! Russian President Putin has already stated NATO has crossed a “red line” and that Russia will respond accordingly. The Western media, never shell shocked over explosives or explosive news, has backed the delivery of the depleted uranium munitions, with the mouthpiece, “Popular Mechanics” magazine ridiculously describing the delivery as “modest”.

BIDDING IT AUDU-BON VOYAGE: After months of supposed “delibberation”, the Audubon Society, in a decision “for the birds”, is changing its name, citing John James Audubon’s background as a White heterosexual, Christian male. The organization, dedicated to the scientific study and appreciation of birds, announced the bombshell decision on its website and in an email sent to members. The nonprofit will begin a process to develop a new name that “embodies our organizational values”, and is “inclusive and welcoming”, as if members knew or cared about the founder’s heritage or background. All the environmental organizations have these mental issues and are dissing and dismissing their founders in this manner. The Arbor Day Foundation, which I support, has changed the name of its sub-group from “Morton Oak Foundation” to “Oak Foundation” as the appellation for the  member group who has the organization named in its wills. J. Sterling Morton, a very prominent legislator and environmental activist in Nebraska founded the organization in 1872. His sterling accomplishments were of no account because he made some offhand remark supporting slavery. Wikipedia has excised his name completely from its article on the organization. Their letterhead paper looks weird because there is a very conspicuous blank space where “Morton” used to be – anything to mollify or mollycoddle the super sensitive snowflake members. The members make sure they plant plants with well-established roots and are happy to have rooted out the most important person in helping the organization establish its roots.

In an interesting Post Scriptum to the Audubon Society’s decision Wikipedia reports that the man himself was born in what became Haiti and it is pretty much believed that while his father was a French planter, his mother was of a much lower birth rank and might even have been what those days was called a “quadroon” or a person who was one-fourth black. So it would seem that the artist wasn’t white after all! Will wonders never cease!

BIDEN TO DEPLOY “ARMY” OF SOCIALIST SOCIAL MEDIA INFLUENCERS: They would ostensibly assure the youth vote for him. This mini-army will be stationed in a briefing room at the White House. A social media influencer uses videos of themselves on social media platforms for paid product endorsements. This is the way to drive the digitally driven and the deluded woke crowd into the Biden camp. The influencers are considered “press” and will receive press passes so they can pass into the inner sanctum to ply their propaganda. This is really a high prestige position in today’s inverted society since “social media influencer” is the number one career choice of woke youth who have yet to enter college. The media provides the messages that matter the most in our messed-up mass society.

DHS IS RUNNING A “CONCIERGE SERVICE” FOR ILLEGAL ALIENS TO ENTER THE US AT 8 DIFFERENT POINTS:  A One Mobile app called CBP One allows foreign nationals to schedule appointments, akin to restaurant reservations, at the Mexican border so they can quickly and seamlessly be released into American communities. No need to try to sneak in anymore. Once released into the US, they are given free food, lodging and smartphones on your dime. No interviews or questions are asked. It’s like getting a Ticketmaster reservation. This is just the ticket eventually leading to an effortless takeover of the country by foreigners. The illegals schedule a time on their smartphones and we’re waiting to greet them with open arms at the time and place they desire. Almost 10,000 foreign nationals were thus released into the US in January, and 20,000 were so released in February. This is a new “service” so the numbers are going to climb exponentially now that there is no processing for Covid candidates. To date, about 40,000 have used the “service”. Most of these “guests” have come from the socialist paradises of Venezuela and Haiti. New York City’s mayor has already spent millions with at least 100 hotels and motels and even office buildings to provide free housing for the illegals. Even New York area Democrats are astounded at the mayor’s hospitality and the hosing being administered to the taxpayers, some of whom are bound to be Democrats.

FBI EXTENDS ITS SPYING AND INFILTRATION ACTIVITIES INTO CATHOLIC HOUSES OF WORSHIP: This situation is presently occurring in at least the Richmond, Virginia area, but it may be in a lot of other places as well. Why this matter is going on in that area was not revealed. The FBI is cultivating church leaders and clergy members to act as surrogate undercover agents to reveal evidence of “radicalization.” The Feds apparently now considers at least some “traditional Catholics” and their particular parishes as nests for “racially or ethnically” violent extremists in the “Radical Traditional Catholic Movement”. The Southern Poverty Law Center, a Jewish infested hate organization that receives huge amounts of taxpayer dollars to create bogus enemies among those it doesn’t like, is still relied upon by the present law enforcement community to ferret out enemies of the state to pounce upon, even though its reputation has been sullied by corruption, it is apparently now “siccing” the WOKE FBI on its targets.

SOROS HEIRS APPARENT CARRYING THE TORCH TO TORCH WESTERN CIVILIZATION: George Soros, age 92, has two sons set to fill his oversized shoes when he passes on. The Soros dynasty won’t be happy until Western Civilization dies out mainly due to their constant outsized infusions of cash into all the left wing causes extant. Son Alexander Soros is seen regularly blackening the White House with his constant visits, having been seen there at least 14 times since October 2021, and having meetings with multiple high-ranking officials and attending  state dinners for the likes of French President Macron and his entourage, Barack Obama, and yucky Chuckie Shumer. The Soros family was behind the election of Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, best known for bragging about his role in prosecuting/persecuting former President Donald Trump. The other Soros’ son, Allan, was the son-of-a-gun most involved in that project. The Soros family is almost single-handedly responsible for selecting district attorneys across the nation who are busy dismantling our justice system by turning a blind eye to crime and releasing violent criminals back onto the street to rape, maim and murder some more.

FAUX SENATOR FETTERMAN (Demonrat – PA) CONTINUES IN OFFICE DESPITE DISABLING HEALTH ISSUES AND SUSPICIONS: Despite being out of office for over two months and hospitalized due to deep clinical depression and   “lightheadedness,”  Fetterman has returned seemingly unfazed and is carrying on as before. His release aroused suspicions because it was not accompanied by videos or photo-ops and the Senator refuses to answer reporters’ questions. The conspiracy minded and those with some common sense believe a lookalike double for him has been found and installed in his place to look and act like the unlikely winner of the senatorial race in Pennsylvania. Another not so way-out theory is that a clone of Fetterman has been created using state-of-the-art medical technology. The Dems will do anything to assure that their hold on Fetterman’s seat remains unfettered in the critical swing state of Pennsylvania.

MODERN MEDICINE or KILLING US SLOWLY WITH HEALTHCARE: Sons of Liberty Media has brought to the attention of those Americans who still care about whether they live or die that a drug that has been foisted upon us all for decades is really killing us, albeit slowly. The drug that has been added to many products over the years is the heavy metal fluoride. Yes, that’s right, the stuff that’s supposed to prevent tooth decay. I don’t know if it actually does prevent tooth decay, but according to Dr. Eashwarran Kohilathas, the author of the book “Calling Out The Shots: Questioning the Science Behind COVID-19 Genetic Agents, fluoride is the “main culprit” in the calcification (hardening) of the pineal gland, a small endocrine gland in our brains that produces melatonin, a serotonin-derived hormone that modulates sleep patterns. The gland is located near the center of the brain and is one of the neuroendocrine secretory circumventricular organs in which capillaries are mostly permeable to solutes in the blood. Calcification of the organ produces many different ailments including a defective sense of direction, insomnia and even brings on the onset of schizophrenia. It is also suspected as an agent that, like it’s heavy metal cousin mercury, may be one of the main reasons for the slow but steady decrease in IQ found in America and the West today.

Even before it began its life as an “additive,” fluoride’s poisonous properties were well known in medicine. As noted, in the beginning, using the reason that supposedly fluoride prevented tooth decay, it was put into tooth paste but now it is hard to be sure into what fluoride is not included given that warning labels no longer mean much of anything.

© 2023 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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Immigration: The New Warfare

Sidney Secular and Valerie Protopapas

May 9, 2023

Immigration: noun – the action of coming to live permanently in a foreign country

Invasion: noun – 1. an instance of invading a country or region with an armed force: the Allied invasion of Normandy 2.  an incursion by a large number of people or things into a place or sphere of activity: stadium guards are preparing for another invasion of fans. 3. an unwelcome intrusion into another’s domain: random drug testing of employees is an unwarranted invasion of privacy. 

In 1997, Mr. John C. Vinson wrote an interesting booklet entitled Immigration and Nation, A Biblical View.[*] Obviously, Mr. Vinson intended to reach the many “Bible believing” Christians who accept the present “immigration” situation in the United States and the West with the belief that somehow to deny or prevent this movement of huge numbers of people is “unchristian” when, in fact, what is really taking place is a mass invasion. Mr. Vinson believed obviously that many Christians misunderstood the correct “Christian response” to what was going on; that is, they acted on the assumption that God wanted these “needy people” to have a place of refuge, a need that should not be stopped or constrained by mere human “law.” [*Information on obtaining this work is found at the end of this article.]

Beginning with a Biblical look at the events in Scripture that resulted in man refusing God’s command to go out and “inhabit” the earth after the flood, a refusal that resulted in the Tower of Babel and the “confusion of tongues” that was not ended until Pentecost and the Descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles in Jerusalem, Mr. Vinson covers such topics as Nationhood, (the) Love of the Stranger, The American Nation and Immigration, The Christian Response, Wealth Distribution – a very important facet in the immigration debate! – Racism – another supposedly Christian false flag – (The) Break(ing) Down (of) Barriers, Evangelism and, the final chapter, Quo Vadis America? In other words, the author reaches out to American Christians who view “immigration” as helping the needy and oppressed and therefore failure to do so goes against the Word of God.

I will not go into Mr. Vinson’s arguments. He can present them much better than I. What I wish to at least mention in passing is this – past periods of immigration were not the same as that which is going on now. The “New World” has always been a destination for people who “migrated” out of their own lands. This goes back to the Bering land bridge that brought people from Asia and Siberia into the Western hemisphere in prehistory. Different periods brought different people but in the “modern era” – the 16th through 20th centuries, most who “migrated” here came from someplace in Europe. Those who were not European were not ordinary migrants but either outright slaves from Africa or Chinese workers sent from their own nation to earn money through their labor for their masters back in China. But whatever the case, once the United States became a nation, immigration was not without its rules and limitations! Actually, the understanding in the West after the original period of immigration, an understanding that was held in both America and Canada, was that those immigrating were to be people whose identities matched with the identities of the countries to which they were immigrating. Even so, often these immigrants, if numerous enough, caused difficulties in the societies into which they had moved, difficulties that remained often for generations.

But today’s “immigration” is not your grandfather’s immigration. Today’s immigration is a sort of Normandy invasion “lite.” Indeed, many of those involved are armed and have committed horrible crimes in their “countries of origin” while women and children are being trafficked (bought and sold for sexual commerce) during the entire “immigration” procedure. Frankly, the invasion of Normandy was far more “Christian” than the present invasion over our southern borders and to attempt to “Christianize” the whole strategy is akin to putting the Archangel Lucifer back into his position as one of God’s favorites! But simply put, we cannot – and I do mean cannot! – even discuss immigration if we do not understand the motives behind it. This is not a matter of a displaced or disadvantaged people seeking relief and a new homeland! Rather, it is a strategy of war run from the top! Its leaders are those who want to destroy the West because it is white and because it is Christian and fill it with those who are neither white nor Christian! And as the white birth-rate has already been seriously compromised through feminism, birth control, abortion and the “gay agenda,” when you add non-whites into the breeding pool, you eventually end up with no more whites. Decades ago, a rabbi wrote that the last white children were being born at that time and that soon all future whites would be mingled with lesser races and destroyed thus making way for Jewish power to rule the world. I didn’t say it, a rabbi said it. Neither is this something unheard of among those interested in the New World Order today.

In any event, our present “immigration” crisis at least with regard to the numbers, the races and the religion of the “new immigrants” began back in the 1960s when it was revealed that no longer would white Europeans be accepted as immigrants. We soon learned – if we looked hard enough! – that those who were being imported, rather than having to look after themselves as was the case historically, were now receiving government handouts including housing while many Americans went without. What we had wasn’t “immigration” but “importation” as a means of population replacement, a situation designed to change the fundamental makeup of America! And this was not an accident or incidental. It was a strategy of the New World Order whose members intended to remove the very concept of the “nation-state” by removing the borders that defined that concept. This is a globalist-Marxist strategy and has among its primary adherents, international Jewry including Israel.

Now many books have been written about the New World Order and its “makers and shakers.” That is not the purpose of this article. The purpose here is to point out that it is futile to argue this matter under the heading of “immigration” just as it would be futile to argue any invasion of a country by outsiders armed or otherwise, under that particular heading. All that is needful is for those people who see this as a problem of “displaced persons” or “refugees” to realize and accept that such is not the case and as a result, the issue cannot be “solved” by dealing with it as an immigration issue. No, we must deal with it as we would deal with any assault upon our nation by an enemy, foreign or domestic. Our response must be not only against the invaders but against those who are fostering and promoting that invasion. If it is not, the crisis will never be overcome and the eventual outcome will be an end to our national identity along with the loss of all that that means to Americans, the people whose land this is.

*John C. Vinson
Immigration and Nation, A Biblical View (copyright 1997)
American Immigration Control Foundation (
P.O. Box 525, Monterey, VA 24465

© 2023 Sidney Secular and Valerie Protopapas – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Sidney Secular:

News You May Have Missed; Media Miscreant Machinations; Musings and Uncommon Vommentary

By Sidney Secular

May 6, 2023

“MAYDAY” FOR RESPONSIBLE HOMEOWNERS: Have you worked hard to keep you finances in good shape? Have you tried all kinds of methods and manipulations to increase your credit score? No matter – all that effort is now to be applied for the “greater good” for the greater doofus(es), so to speak. Joe “The Blow” Biden (JB) can now take advantage of your hard work to help those who don’t have your habits of thrift, self-control and financial planning to give them the goodies they don’t deserve and perhaps were incapable of legally obtaining in the first place. This is the Communist leveling and equity thing where merit and worth are not lauded and go for “nought’ in a zero sum game where the “zeroes” get the goodies and the worthy are taken down while the unworthy (that is, the worthless) are ratcheted up an equal number of notches to create the desired (and artificial) “level playing field.”  JB has no respect for hard work since he never did any and therefore couldn’t appreciate the sense of accomplishment in achieving a goal obtained through that method.

His latest scheme began on May 1st, or “May Day,” the now worldwide celebration of socialist “achievements!”  Before the modern era, May 1st celebrated the arrival of Spring with sprigs of flowers and even merry events like picnics and dancing until this innocent revelry was usurped and reserved for “springing” surprises on the unsuspecting and/or celebrating communist takeovers in the form of parades of military hardware and mindless soldiers, a sight that used to be an annual Kremlin tradition. But things have changed (sort of). This year, starting on May 1st, if your credit score is 680 or above and you sign up for a mortgage it will cost you more in loan fees than heretofore. This means that in essence you automatically have a higher interest rate than you expected or bargained for. Let’s look at a representative example: with the Biden “give to the lazy” stipend, you will pay about $40 a month more to pay off a $400,000 mortgage than otherwise would have been the case. Sandra Thompson, the head of the Federal Housing Finance Agency says that your new monthly rate is now considered a “donation” to help subsidize people with lower credit scores get a mortgage that those lower scores would otherwise prevent. This bookkeeping sleight of hand will supposedly help prospective borrowers limited by income and/or wealth through “minimal fee changes.” How the monthly contribution of the “good credit” borrower translates in practical terms to helping slackers take up the financial slack wasn’t made manifest and one suspects that it is merely another lure for the votes of the “victim class.”

This program sounds like another scheme to create more foreclosures on those not cut out to be homeowners despite all the financial assistance given to them – and it has been tried before with so-called “sub-prime” mortgages intended to give the opportunity for all Americans to own a house even if they don’t pay their present rent on time. It would allow the piranhas like BlackRock and the lesser loan sharks to acquire more properties at bargain basement prices where they could make high profits on rental units or to increase the government subsidized housing stock to accommodate the hordes of illegals and foreign “temporary” tech workers invading or crawling all over the country now.  All of this to create more misery and homelessness for all citizens and not just those at the financial margins.

PUBLIC SCHOOL EXIT(PSE): The movement to leave the public schools is accelerating as indoctrination and low quality educational outcomes are ever more apparent. This was especially obvious during the Covid lockdowns. A website has been formed to furnish consulting advice on this matter to churches and the general public. Their internet address is where you can download a free guide on the subject. Their hard contact information is: Frontline Ministries and Exodus Mandate, P.O. Box 12072, Columbia, SC 29211. Another associated website is: www. Contact: E. Ray Moore, TH M. Email: Telephone 803-714-1744. America’s children are at great risk in the hands of today’s “educational establishment.” If homeschooling is not possible, then certainly concerned parents should look into these alternatives while there is still time.

ON-LINE HOME SCHOOL K-12 LEARNING ACADEMY: This is another alternative educational source in place of the public school system. The Freedom Project Academy has an award winning program using the best teachers and teaching methods designed to teach kids how to think and not what to think with critical thinking skills  in the classical tradition. There are several “tracks” from which to choose. This program is leaving the public school curriculum in the dust. Tuition assistance is available. Enrollment begins each April. Check out for information and costs.

SECRETARY OF TRANSPORTATION FINDS HIS VOICE FOR THE (SUPPOSEDLY) VOICELESS: Secretary Butt-gig, unable to offer solutions or even discuss very vexing problems such as the now suddenly alarmingly common problem of train derailments, severe supply chain breakdowns, increasing flight delays and the present routine airline flight system malfunctions including the sudden death of flight crews in the air (!) is engaging in flights of fancy when he blames “racism” for causing an undue number of roadway fatalities. Pete is under the delusion that we have “racist roads” carelessly designed with inadequate safety features that are causing an undue amount of accidents for minority Americans, tribal citizens, and various rural residents whether in a vehicle or acting as pedestrians. That is a “conspiracy theory” exceeding any fantasy that the left has yet dredged up in their deranged minds. The insane accusation was made in remarks in a conversation with the sharp-tongued Al Sharpton on MSNBC. I guess all those architects and engineers out there have colluded in a massive campaign over the years to harm minorities, a matter that somehow has just come to light.

GET TOGETHER . . .RIGHT NOW . . .OVER US: We can feel the pall – it seems to cover all – our national existence has become an existential question that seems to permeate the air like a foggy miasma as we slog along wondering what they have in store for us next. Each day brings a new assault on our senses and common sense. We know we must form communities with those who have some modicum of sense left. We need to raise our tent flaps and bring in like-minded people. We must avoid flapping lips and rapping differences of opinion. We must throw out labels liable to divide us and are liabilities in creating a common cause. Republican, Democrat, &etc. are just workhorse words of the same blue (formerly pinko) color nowadays. We must end the holier-than-thou comparisons or the country will go to hell very, very soon. Decent, intelligent Americans must unite against the Left which is so far out in left field that they consider America itself to be the problem.

Marxism has been creeping up the walls of academia like poison ivy encroaching upon the foundations of our institutions for many decades now, sucking and squeezing the life out of its formerly intelligent victims and now the rapidity of the spread is all too apparent leaving intelligent and decent people with a sense of dread while looking to confused, and outdated solutions. Check and chuck your party labels at the door if we are to have a party that embraces survival! And here’s a way to make the effort both dramatic and fun: in a group of intelligent people, pass around a small basket and ask everyone to throw their party labels into it. And remember, that action comes before passing the hat for donations! Intelligent, rational and decent people will get the message and smile. Once you elicit a smile, you have broken down resistance to the points you are about to make. As noted above, invite only people who still have their intellect and morals intact and are capable of appreciating truth. Apply the old 80-20 rule. If we can agree on 80% of the important stuff, we can put aside the 20% and work together. Those “20%” issues will then fade away or resolve themselves. Remember, Spring springs eternal, and the little seeds you sow in people’s heads will grow if they are in a nurturing environment. One note: if the above is to work, it will have to be done soon because the “Rainbow coalition” has introduced people who refuse on pain of them killing you to except the understanding of reality. When you have gone down the rabbit hole of delusion, you can no longer participate in the reality itself.

THE TOUR DE FARCE OF ELECTRIC CARS: It’s amazing how this impossible scheme/dream can continue despite the fact that anyone with any sense can see this battery driven crusade will soon hit a brick wall and be battered and “totaled” by reality itself. This is a hugely expensive, impossible to fully implement and impractical exercise in political showboating and virtue signaling that has to stop dead in its tire tracks when the electricity required for it will have been drained away sufficiently from other uses thus causing the economy to implode. After all is said and can be done, a fully implemented program (impossible, anyway) would reduce global warming by at most 0.03 of a degree Fahrenheit by 2100, but it will run out of juice long before then. Manufacturing an EV battery produces from 10 to 30 tons of CO2 which would offset 2 to 5 years’ emissions reduction from EV adoption. And that stat ignores the environmental impact of producing that EV battery.

There really are really serious implementation problems in the electric car narrative. Critical elements that compose the batteries are in short supply and are soaring in cost as demand soars. These include the all-important lithium along with seventeen other critical battery minerals all of which are 100% imported from hostile suppliers like China. If all US vehicles were EVs, they would require half of today’s total of US electric power production. Consider all the generation, centralized transformers, transmission facilities, and local distribution networks that would have to be upgraded. Renewable energy sources for charging are not an answer. We would need 300,000 wind turbines just to charge EVs which would take up to 25 million acres of land. Solar is not even land and material efficient. Pushing electric cars as a panacea is the most brazen, ludicrous, expensive and, not to mention dangerous scam ever conceived. Furthermore, many suspect (correctly) that it is not the fact that the transportation would be driven by electricity rather than fossil fuels, but the fact that electric anything is far easier to control and therefore works well within a “social credit system.” If you don’t comply, you don’t go! Simple! Note: There is a recent video showing a large excavator picking up a burning electric car and throwing it over a wall so that it can burn “safely” in a ditch. These cars are known to burst into flame without either reason or warning. Who knew that our government would command its citizens to drive lethal weapons – that is, car bombs.

JANUARY 6th (J6) PRISON CHOIR: A song performed by the J6 political prisoners gives us a Number One hit! The single, “Justice for All” reached the top of iTunes sales on March 11th, days after its release, outperforming chart toppers by celebrities Miley Cyrus and Morgan Wallen. Dubbed the J6 Prison Choir, the men sing a heart-stirring solemn rendition of the Star Spangled Banner. President Trump recites the Pledge of Allegiance in-between the National Anthem verses. Check the choir’s “Justice for All” website, The site advertises a 45 rpm vinyl record that contains both the single and a special bonus audio recording from Trump. Sales proceeds will go to an LLC run by conservative commentator Ed Henry who spearheaded the project.

GUNS CARRIED BY SOME “TOP GUNS” IN CONGRESS: Congressional Democrats are bidding Biden implement a new rule that will make it impossible for Congressional Republicans to carry concealed firearms on Capitol Hill. Apparently, they have begun to believe their own lying propaganda since they repeat their anti-gun tirades nearly daily. Calipornia Demonrat Jared Huffman was joined by thirteen other House Dems in the tongue-in-cheek but not so cheeky letter. This obviously is a shot at House Republicans who actually are armed during Congressional sessions so they can show they practice what they preach and avoid annoyed Trans. The Dems with their collective guilty conscience are afraid they may actually arouse enough ire with their false accusations to be fired upon.

REPUBLICAN PUSHBACK  CAUSES CREDIT CARD COMPANIES TO BACK DOWN: In the matter presented, it is probable that a blowback from customers also had to be considered. Visa and Mastercard were planning to create a separate merchant code for gun-store transactions in order to enable the gun-grabbers to track gun purchases. However, they backed down when Republican states attorneys general and Republican states legislators sent a letter to the credit card companies threatening legal action over the adoption of such unconstitutional action.

TODAY’S LAWLESS LAW: Leftist prosecutors and judges seem to have it in for at least some of today’s defendants without regard to considerations of innocence or guilt. The methods being used against those targeted include withholding evidence that would help the defendant, engaging false witnesses, reducing or dropping charges for perjury against the defendant and piling on false charges until the defendant gives up and incriminates and sacrifices himself  with a plea bargain, something that reminds us of the treatment of General Flynn early on in the Trump Administration. Meanwhile, the release of exonerating evidence to help the defendant is mischaracterized as a “security threat” or an invasion of privacy. This is a money maker for the system and allows many more cases to be heard since trial times are greatly shortened and allows for more fines to be levied. All of this egregiousness is being manifested and sharply illustrated in connection with the Stalinist style “J6 show trials.” That lengthy show illustrates that no one is safe from the FedGov.

Of course, the bulk of those charged with often serious crimes – the blacks and browns – are given a pass from prosecution and persecution by characterizing their common types of crime as mere annoyances even when attended by serious casualties. As a result, the government responds with slaps on the wrist to show where the favoritisms doth flow. Of course, this also lightens court dockets and allows the system to concentrate on those with lighter skins who can afford the heavier fines and are known enemies of social justice anyway.

“STREET TAKEOVERS” – PUSHING THE LIMITS OF LAW ENFORCEMENT AND REDUCING THE TOLERATION OF CRIME: Yet another “side effect” of the government’s response to Covidiocy is the increasing prevalence of  the popular “street takeovers” in areas of black concentration in blue cities nationwide that are leaving people “black and blue”. The events present very dangerous situations for participants, onlookers, and law enforcement, sometimes leading to injury and even death. “Motor Trend” magazine described the activity as a large group of cars commanding (commandeering – editor) an intersection or parking lot and engaging in stunts and burnouts thus drawing large crowds awed by the action and getting fired up in turn. Tires explode, bystanders get hit by the cars, fights break out and shootings occur but that only adds to the lurid allure of the events. Some outlandishly dangerous activity has been noted at the events such as lasers pointed at aircraft and cars driven at over 130 mph without lights after dark. The events also serve as cover for flash mobs to then loot nearby businesses.

Social media announces the activity so participants can quickly pounce on the chosen area. Often the takeovers last just long enough to give the participants a taste of risky behavior after which they break up just before the police arrive. One state, Texas, has created a task force to counter the activity. The material for this article was gleaned from the “New American” magazine, a publication of the John Birch Society. One can subscribe to the publication without becoming a Society member. That society, like so many patriotic organizations remains race blind and thus averse to reporting that the culprits are black youth, as if just anyone would be crazy enough to engage in such behavior.

THE PENTAGON BRAZENLY ANNOUNCES CAMPAIGN TO DECEIVE THE PUBLIC WITH “DEEPFAKE” PRODUCTIONS: The US military’s Special Operations Command (SOCOM) is “gearing up” to conduct internet propaganda and deception campaigns using “deepfake” videos and tools to use to deceive the public, not a difficult thing to do in these days of people who don’t know what women are, it seems! The FedGov wants to develop “next generation” technical capabilities and identify the types of campaigns that would result in misinformation the public would accept and believe as true. The “Internet of Things,” a system whereby all manner of everyday equipment and devices are hooked up to the internet and can be used to spy on any person engaged in any activity, would be used in this endeavor.

This “need” was published in a “Broad Agency Announcement,” a device used to solicit “unsolicited proposals” (how’s that for an oxymoron!) that if deemed satisfactory would result in sole source contracts obviating the need to conduct a formal procurement process, thus avoiding the rigor and rigamarole of doing things right, fair, and – you know – legal. I used to review such “animals” when I worked for the US Small Business administration and perused the publication called the “Commerce Business Daily” looking for opportunities for small business participation. The FedGov has reached the point where it can conduct blatantly unconstitutional activity without worrying about the consequences or damage it may cause. Parenthetically, if this goes forward, look for ever increasing revelations about extraterrestrial contacts. Recently, the ether is filled with stories of the government’s knowledge of and cooperation with E.T.!

TEXAS CONTINUES TO MAKE “NOISES” ABOUT SECESSION: Texas State Representative Bryan Slaton (R) filed the Texas Independence Referendum Act (H.B. 3569) or TEXIT on March 6. It would allow voters in the 2024 election to decide “whether or not the State should investigate the possibility of Texas independence and present potential plans to the Legislature.”  Once passed, the Act would require the establishment of a joint interim “Texas Independence Committee” to study and recommend to the Legislature by December 31, 2024, the “most effective and expeditious method by which Texas may be returned to its status as an independent nation.” The bill is supported by the “Texas Nationalist Movement,” an organization of over 440,000 members fighting for the State’s independence. Current support for TEXIT is strong with 56% of likely voters in favor of it. Maybe the present invasion across the Rio Grande will lead to a good outcome after all – at least for Texans.

TAKING A SHOT THAT THE DEMOCRATS DEEM SHOCKING: Those good guys aren’t shooting blanks at point blank range this time. While the dumb Dems are using any opening to make AR-15 style rifles seem dangerous and scary to the ignorant and ritually frightened, some Republicans are pushing back and embracing the so-called assault weapon as a symbol of defiance. Representative Barry Moore (R-AL) has introduced a bill that would make the AR-15 the “National Gun of America”. Some other Republicans caused an outrage among leftists by wearing AR-15 lapel pins. Rep. Andrew Clyde (R-GA) will give you one if you step by his office (I am at present asking directions to same!)

THE SWISS SYSTEM AND WHY IT WORKS: The Swiss political system is not cheesy nor is it full of holes. Because of its demography, topography, and neutrality, the country has had peace for 700 years. These factors and features have allowed for direct democracy as the ancient Greeks and the early New Englanders may have had. The Swiss have referenda on all important issues. Among the issues are those that elsewhere would fall under the purview of elected representatives. Living in preponderantly small towns and villages called cantons helps to foster a feeling of belonging and avoids the diversity and divisiveness of ordinary urban society. The Swiss do have representatives but most decisions are made by locals. The Swiss have 3 ethnic components – the Italians, French and Germans, but since everyone mixes together and nearly all know the 3 languages, a basic commonality and camaraderie are engendered. Swiss citizens between 20 and 50 all serve in the armed forces and all military members take their weapons home with them at night, so crime is discouraged and there is little of it to speak of, except among the few Muslims that unfortunately have been allowed into the country. The Swiss avoid foreign entanglements as George Washington advised us to do, and have remained neutral in all wars and foreign disputes affecting Europeans. That is the way to avoid friction and the formation of factions that fracture a society. Note: Obviously, from the information above, the other thing that ties Switzerland together is that all three ethnic groups mentioned above are, ssssshhhh, WHITE!

PRONOUNCED, PERSISTENT BUSINESS PESSIMISM:  An analysis by the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) shows that small businesses are feeling the crunch from a lingering and still growing recession. The NFIB report marked the 15th consecutive month in which a majority of small business owners are expecting worsening conditions over the next six months. This is hammering hiring plans and is contributing to the ongoing high unemployment situation. Of course, small business took perhaps a fatal hit during the COVID “lockdowns” when the Big Box stores were somehow considered safer for the health of shoppers than one’s local commercial enterprises. But nobody suspects that it was a planned hit against independent business . . . yeah.

FIXATED ON CENSORSHIP: The Dems, especially, can’t seem to get enough of censorship. The Covid crackdowns seemed to have increased their appetite to control their cultural and social environments using “snowflakery” super sensitivity and demonization of any possible dissent writ large. A new poll by Pew Research shows that 65% of Democrats support the FedGov taking steps to limit what they conceive of as “misinformation” on the internet while another 76% believe tech companies like Facebook and Google should censor information on the net. More frightening is the fact that a full one-third of Republicans agree – a very high number for a cohort that supposedly champions free speech. You’d think they’d know better, or, perhaps, maybe it is we who should know better!

WALMART FLEES CHICAGO: Feeling fleeced by shoplifting and unable to produce much city government response to the situation, mega merchandise chain Walmart has announced it is leaving the Windy City. The commercial giant is so cowed by black light fingers combined with super-sensitivity and the possible blowback, that it has denied that the move was made because of high crime levels! In so doing, Walmart is, of course, denying blacks the criticism they are due, in a sense and so to speak.

WHOLE FOODS LEAVES SAN FRANCISCO: In another business “crash and burn,” the blue city by the bay is singing the blues because this major food retailer and Amazon outlet is pulling up stakes as it can no longer abide the losses due to ‘Frisco’s newest major sport, shoplifting. The business won’t accept the idea that the city government is doing nothing to stop crime so Whole Foods has taken the initiative of removing the temptation from those the city refuses to police. Creating a sanctuary city is sure to increase crime, but the chain wants to have its gourmet cake and eat it too at least before the “unfortunates” do.

A RAY OF HOPE? Apparently, younger voters are not as alienated from the GOP we have been told, but of course that’s not saying much anymore. While many young voters don’t necessarily identify as Republicans, they have become increasingly wary of the far left’s political agenda, and many –  if they still have the orbs to see – are realizing that they don’t belong in the looney left’s far out orbit. The GOP gained 7 points among 18-29 year-olds and 15 points with 30-44 year-olds between midterm elections. Among GOP voters under age 30, 66% want Trump to run again, the highest of any age group. In several battleground states, Gen Z (born 1997 to 2015) voters supported Republican congressional candidates at higher rates than did Millennials (born 1981  to 1996). Young men remain considerably less liberal than young women, and a growing portion are rejecting the left’s gender idiocy –  er, ideology, even while Boomers (born 1946 to 1964) uphold it. Gen Z seems to have their heads on right when it comes to immigration with 81% saying immigrants must follow the rules. 58% of Gen Z say that if illegals cause problems, they should be forced to leave. Gen Z Republicans are especially supportive of that policy with 86% in agreement. These stats come from writers on the site,

NEW THIRD PARTY* SHOWS PROMISE: If all the so-called Independents got together and tried to establish enough uniformity to act as a cohesive force, this new movement might just fill that bill. At an event attended by thousands in Austin, Texas on April 3rd through 5th  the new Independent National Convention (INC) held a plenary meeting to chart a new political future for America and challenge the current two-headed hydra monstrosity. The seemingly incongruent title of the event was “Our Independence Is What Unites Us” as the movement moves to join the disparate elements with equally disparate agendas into a force sufficient to topple the existing farce of phony choices presently given to Americans.  Dozens of speakers addressed such issues as interventionist wars, medical tyranny and the development of a new (and independent) media to replace the oppressive mainstream “legacy” media. Also on the plate were election reform and an emphasis on localized and localizing agriculture.

The three keynote speakers were former Rep. Dennis Kucinich who spoke on government overreach – hardly a difficult topic to develop these days of armed bureaucrats in the homes of peaceful pro-lifers at 6 AM! –  Christopher Hedges who spoke on economic issues and Tulsi Gabbard, former Congresswoman, who addressed peace issues and foreign policy. Architect Richard Gage, heavily engaged in the 9/11 Truther Movement, also spoke and said that when the truth about 9/11 finally breaks through the dam of government censorship and when its damned lies are finally exposed, “. . . the phoenix will rise from the ashes.” I have been saying basically the same thing as the 9/11 event has been the gateway into our present hell of contrived wars and contrived control of the people of America. [*The term “third party” is misleading. It could only be a “third party” if we had two other parties. But we have not had such a situation in government for a long, long time. Indeed, journalist and Reagan official Patrick Buchanan put it best when he stated that “Republicans and Democrats are two wings on the same bird of prey.” Who knows? If this works, Americans might again have two parties!]

“NATIONAL DIVORCE” UNDERWAY WITHOUT FORMALITIES AND FANFARE. Rasmussen polling indicates 34% of the populace approves of a “national divorce” which includes 47% of GOP voters. How the final separation will occur and what it will look like is still not discernable, but the irreconcilable red and blue are a symptom of a continental divide, akin to a widening fissure in the earth. To hasten the process – which needs to be moved along “post haste” while there is anything left to save! – we need to build our own conservative parallel economy. We need to spend our limited funds only with patriotic and “unwoke” companies. The far left woke companies need to be left behind in influence if not in the present size of their bank accounts. The second part of the process is to hasten “The Great American Relocation” for people to move to get away from the extreme woke states and their woeful financial situations, mushrooming taxes and criminal behavior. Vote with your feet since they have control of the voting machines and voter rolls at least in the blue and battleground states. The indigo states of New York, New Jersey, Calipornia, and Illinois are losing population to the likes of the more “red” states like Florida, Texas, Idaho, the Carolinas, Idaho, and Utah which operate with far lower levels of red ink despite being identified as “red.”

The fastest growing states with the best economies and lowest unemployment are the red states. Incomes, assets, and businesses need to move to friendlier locales. Some blue Yankee bummers will follow suit but those states and their citizens need to consciously be sure that they don’t allow the liberal migrants to take over and start dominating the scene as is their wont. The demented states of mind the blues carry with them were the reason that their “home” states declined in the first place and intelligent Americans need to be aware of and protect against their proclivities. There is $4.3 trillion of consumer spending now going to the woke companies. Our aim must be to divert at least 10% of that to patriotic companies and organizations. A new book titled, “The Great Patriot Buy-cott” is an excellent guide for this process. The book is an outgrowth of the “Buy American” books that appealed to patriots in the past. The author is Wayne Allan Root. The book is softcover and 332 pages long; it should not be overly problematic to read. The book should be available on Amazon – at least for now – or can it be ordered through the patriotic publication, American Free Press. Call 1-888-699-6397, Monday through Thursday, for ordering details. But, of course, if the idea is to “buy American,” the second option seems to fill the bill!

© 2023 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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The Social Insecurity System Continues to Systemically Fall Short

By Sidney Secular

April 22, 2023

The Social Security system is not built to provide a solid financial foundation for seniors and is itself not built on a solid enough foundation to meet current expectations. It has actually become more untenable and unstable than the rest of crumbling America 2.0. The math behind SSI is not a formula for providing security to a vulnerable population segment. The actuaries know the numbers do not compute, but they don’t care – or rather, the ones not involved in government may care, but they know that they can do nothing in the matter. As to the government numbers crunchers, all that they care about is enriching themselves, promoting their satanic agenda, and controlling everything and everyone else.

The libertarian Ayn Rand acolytes and reactionaries and the Conservatism, Inc. crowd who don’t conserve anything, are chomping at the bit more than a bit in hopes of ending Social Security and Medicare. They callously call these “benefits” entitlements – that is, government largess for which the recipient pays nothing! – as if they are charitable privileges, something that they decidedly are not. Every worker pays into the SSI system for their entire working life and get much less out of it than they put into it. Many times over the years, models have been produced showing that people putting away far less money than they are forced to pay into SSI for their eventual returns would have come out of the whole thing far wealthier than was the case under their mandatory involvement in SSI! Many radical government systems, such as SSI, are introduced as temporary and/or voluntary, but incrementally become fixations and fixtures in the system when folks stop watching. The Social Security system is certainly not voluntary as everyone must participate, even billionaires who don’t need the pittances doled out to them when they reach “retirement” age.  Proposals for a voluntary “opt out” as was made by Ross Perot, are flippantly flipped aside. As Social Security is a legacy of FDR, it cannot be questioned and is revered beyond reason – and more to the point, once Congress got up the guts to “raid the locked box,” SSI deposits have been a very handy source of public funds to use for various political needs! The stats don’t matter to “social justice” warriors, so don’t confuse them with the system’s status or the facts. Social Security is sacrosanct to the suckers who are sapped of their Simoleans deducted from their paychecks and eventually suffer from its paltry payments and “diet colas.”

Sure, no one wants the elderly to literally be left out in the cold after they can no longer work, but the small Govmint stipends are not enough to subsist on, but having little or no choice, about half the population will still make that attempt. That portion of the population will put up with whatever comes their way and will not save for a rainy day, supposing that that option is even open to them, having been accustomed to or expecting increases in Govmint handouts which they pray will save their bacon. Once upon a time, they would have never thought that way. Up until sometime just before the Great Depression, strong family ties and social networks and not the government dole provided for the financial and “social” needs of workers when they retired. Extended families extended their caring to close family members, grandparents, and even aunts and uncles who weren’t part of the nuclear family but were in need of assistance. Nursing homes did not exist and there was no penchant for worker or old age pensions in the early part of the 20th century.

All of this changed drastically after WWII and was very much fueled by the automobile. The psychological and social trauma of the war changed much if not all of the American way of life. Men coming home found that a lot of their employment opportunities had been lost to those who remained at home during the war; in other words, they had been replaced. On the other hand, new opportunities were popping up everywhere and whole families got in the family car and migrated far away from the old neighborhood and its family ties. New parents didn’t have relatives to call upon when children were born, so Dr. Spock took their place! And it only got worse as time went on. In the 50s, older people became “gray panthers” and were advised to move far away from their children and grandchildren turning states like Florida into old folks’ preserves. Of course, the plea was to selfishness. One’s children and especially one’s grandchildren became burdens to be avoided rather than family to be succored using the wisdom gained by age. Every aspect of the family was under attack by a culture that saw this arrangement only as a means of preventing individuals from gaining their greatest desires. Women were assured that motherhood and childrearing were blocking their own personal validation; that careers were more important than their families and that being a “homemaker” was just another word for chattel slavery! And as families became more dysfunctional over time and religious faith weakened, and thus the need for the Govmint to step in and provide for seniors who would otherwise have been left to starve arose. To call it “social” as in “Social Security” was a misnomer as the Govmint in its new role as ‘big brother” had none of the social characteristics of close family ties. As we have seen, there was no real “security” in the new dispensation. The dispensing of increasingly cheapened dollars was nothing to hang one’s hat upon in the sunset years.

For head scratching reasons, Social Security has always had an income cap with regards to taxation. While it has increased in recent years, presently the first $160,000 in income can be withheld from taxation. As a result, the wealthiest Americans have always had a much smaller portion of their income taxed than the people who really need the supplemental income or the “pension” provided by Social Security. It’s ridiculous since the wealthy have no need for the pocket change that they will receive in Social Security payments. Indeed, this fact has always been known, and not only to wealthy Americans. There was even a story that went around when the system was new, that wealthy entertainer Jack Benny, having become eligible for his first payment, went down to the Social Security office, took his check and then either gave it back or gave it away with a note to the government that he was not in need of this “charity!” Whether that was fact or fiction is unknown but it shows that the least “needful” people were included in the SSI “mix.”

In any event, SSI seems a baffling tool for libbers devising a tax since it is the antithesis of their beloved graduated income tax concept. Instead, they demean the concept of helping the little man that once gave them their raison de etre. For the Social Security system to be financially secure, all income should be subject to taxation. There should also be means testing to determine who doesn’t qualify for Social Security “pensions.” Of course, the removal of the 1% from that system also means that what they presently provide monetarily will no longer be available to those who are in actual need of SSI benefits. So, of course, the less in, the less available to go out. But under the present situation, all we are doing is making the rich 1% still richer, and this has been going on for a long time without anyone seeming to notice it. The “soak the rich” battle cry of the left instead has become a means of soaking the little man. Apparently, Bernie Sanders is out to lunch on this issue. Neither has there been any attempt to reform the system to make it more equitable. Some right-wingers have no rational alternative except to advise us to “wing it” in a rigged and corrupt marketplace.  Neither is a strict libertarian approach practical, and it also smacks of being immoral, a sort of “survival of the fittest” worldview. To tell the truth, there is simply no trustworthy option for the vast majority of people, or at least that is the way most Americans see it. They have never been taught how to save and invest their money, so they feel at sea on these matters. And even those who try to be adept at their finances all cower under the might of the IRS whose rules and penalties make the reigns of ancient tyrants into periods of justice and light! A few wrong moves however innocent and the ordinary American finds him or herself in the cross-hairs of that extra-legal bureaucratic monstrosity.

As well, now the rapacious corporations have removed the offering of pensions leaving most workers adrift in a sea of untenable occupations and financial choices. This is the sea change brought about by the multi-nationalist urge to move anywhere in order to obtain ultra-cheap labor or, in the alternative, to use the current invaders. . . er, “immigrants” as a domestic labor source thus leaving American workers out in the cold. Unless you’re a retired civil servant, or a Silicon Valley techy, you’re unlikely to have a good pension plan. Federal workers have a retirement plan called the “Thrift Savings Plan” similar to an IRA, only (of course!) better. It offers a variety of investment options related to risk factors but doesn’t rely on annual funding from Congress because the funding is guaranteed. It may be that at least some states have similar plans for their employees. As mentioned previously, seniors can’t depend on families anymore as our society is becoming increasingly dysfunctional. The same sad sack situation plays out amongst all the component groups among the Deplorables, where 70% of them live paycheck to paycheck and have less than $1,000 in the bank about which they now have to worry lest it be removed and replaced with “social credit money” for which obedience and compliance become necessary components for survival.

Commingling the Social Security funds with the general federal budget was obviously foolish – or would have been foolish if it had not been a criminal (and successful) attempt to permit the politicians to raid the SSI lockbox. LBJ was responsible for that move and of course, a great deal more monkeying around. He never missed an opportunity to influence any “political misdemeanor” despite his public demeanor. Other presidents including Ronald Reagan couldn’t resist the temptation to get in on the act. The great “tax cutter” was the first president to subject Social Security pay outs to a tax. Unfortunately, Reagan was forced to give in to many Democrat demands including taxes in order to reconstitute the American military after Jimmy Carter ran out of spare parts for the air force. In a better world, individual accounts should have been set up for each worker to effectively isolate all funds. The worker should have been given the opportunity to invest their SSI contributions in government sponsored funds, which would have very likely increased the levels of their benefit returns over the guaranteed baseline formula figures. It’s too late now . . . Indeed considering how close the politicians and bureaucrats hold on to their government goodies, it was probably never a possibility in the first place. The last thing government types want is John Q. Public having access to their golden parachutes.

The other component of the supposed safety net for the elderly is Medicare, which likewise is a scam of the first order. It was sold to the American public with the notion that there were starving seniors out there – not many, but still – that this kindly nation should be taking care of. We were told that the federal government was far more able to help in this crisis than some of our poorer States and so Medicare was born. Like SSI, Medicare extracts a portion of every worker’s paycheck for their entire working lives. However, they keep on charging you a monthly fee once you are finally eligible to collect your benefits. It’s gone up to $165 per month now but it only covers 80% of your medical costs which in essence makes it a substandard and in some cases, a useless plan. Medical procedures are very expensive and few have more of such than seniors.  Individuals having to cough up 20% of such charges can be impossibly expensive for those on “fixed” incomes. This has resulted in a boom in the supplemental medical insurance industry and its purveyors and providers. And, of course, where there is insurance available, there are rapid rises in the prices of those things covered by that insurance. With the constant threats that the Social Security and Medicare systems are running or will run out of money, usually estimated to be about 10 years from whenever, and the constant FedGov boondoggles which raid the coffers to cough up money for all manner of unconstitutional and socialist schemes and to support woke regimes around the world, there’s a good chance younger people will never get to see any Social Security “entitlement” checks. Of course, as things are now going, we are assured that we “will own nothing and be happy!” so that should not be a big surprise.

Parenthetically, there is another benefit to this contest between younger workers and what they have to pay for regarding the care and maintenance of the elderly in light of the increasing lifespan of those same elderly. This is a contest in which the FedGuv engages albeit quietly – at least for now. During the COVID idiocy, many nursing homes “benefitted” from COVID stricken patients being housed among the frail occupants of these facilities. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo killed not a few New York senior citizens using this means of “culling the herd.” So, our “leaders” create yet another field of battle between senior citizens and the rest of the population with younger Americans being told that their financial (and possibly health) wellbeing would be served by a decrease in the elderly population. Already many States are passing restrictions and guidelines aimed at lessening the number of elderly people dependent upon the dole. And, of course, younger people are happy to vote into office those who support these efforts to remove this expensive population from the scene. Years ago, a state governor was quoted as saying that the old should “die and get out of the way.” Today that same man is in his 70s and no longer pushes that agenda.

Another “Damocles’ Sword” hangs over these systems which further threatens to slice benefits. That would be an amnesty for illegal aliens. Congress in its infinite stupidity – or rather cupidity! – is considering several bills that would offer legal status and a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants, a.k.a. “undocumented workers.” Of course, their “benefits” and “voting privileges” will kick in before their citizenship, but hey! You get what you pay for. In addition to the wide-ranging and destructive legal and cultural effects amnesty would introduce, the salient financial effects on our society and the additional costs to Social Security and Medicare would be profound and astronomical. The beneficiaries of this legislation would receive far more in benefits than they would have contributed in taxes –  if they ever contributed anything in taxes! One calculation is that each amnesty recipient would receive about $129,000 in lifetime benefits under Part A of Medicare (hospital insurance). Multiply that by the increasing numbers of illegals with their high birth rates and you have an enormous sum. As well, this mind boggling cost doesn’t take into account annual cost of living adjustments (COLA’s) that recipients will (may?) receive for the years inflation will continue to run rampant as the printing presses run off bogus Federal Reserve Notes (dollars) to augment the “money” supply. It is not a pretty picture!

© 2023 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Sidney Secular:

News You Missed: Media Miscreant Machinations Musings and Uncommon Commentary

By Sidney Secular

April 6, 2023

1- “REASON 99 TO BE WARY.” If the price of an item ends in 99 cents, have more sense than to think you’re getting a bargain. Whether its $4.99 or $499.99, you’re likely paying about 18% more for that item than you should, per a recent study. Dressing up a price to the “nines” is called “charm pricing” because it seems charming and works like a charm to hide the fact that they have just raised the item’s price. (P.S. This price gimmick was invented by a gentleman named Woolworth who found that people were more apt to purchase something if the price appeared to have been reduced from the “rounded off” version; that is, $2.99 was more appealing than $3.00!)

2- HIDING THE FACTS ON THE VAX. The sudden surge in heart disease that coincided with the Covid lockdowns is now blamed on Covid itself and the restrictive “lifestyles” that the perps forced on us to accept and that they claim made us eat more bad snacks, drink more alcohol, get less exercise, get more stressed out, miss health screening and medical appointments, and drive more carelessly than before. These are all trotted out to hide the truth that the vaxxes are behind the sudden surges in heart disease and many other maladies, including disabilities that prevent workers from preforming their usual functions. It has also been discovered that the viral cause of AIDS also appears in these “medicines,” further weakening our immune systems and assuring that survival will only be maintained by constant “updates” on our vaxxes!

Of course, there’s much more mendacity on the way as they are constantly monkeying around to create new Covid variants and other harmful biological modalities to further weaken already compromised systems to set the stage for creation of new vaxxes and boosters to boost big pharma’s and big med’s – and Big Govmint’s – already burgeoning billions as the sheeple cough up more dollars and do a lot more coughing while they wind up worse off until they eventually become corpses. This process goes by the hard to decipher term, “gain of function,” a particular matter that is illegal in the United States, by the way. The functionaries sure gain power in the process as they develop more powerful modalities to kill us. The increasing number of corpses are more than offset by the increasing bodies invading the “land of the freak” from south of the border and other places experiencing disorder. But as those new bodies are tools of the Deep State, the Biden Administration doesn’t mind the trade-off!

3- GASEOUS “EMISSIONS” FROM – AND OMISSIONS OF – THE EXPERTS. Biden’s war on fossil fuels has tremendously increased both “greenhouse gases” and the price of energy. It’s ironic in a sense because if you grow crops in an actual greenhouse you can keep the said gases from escaping to the outside environment and they can be “recycled” to be used in growing the plants within the greenhouse, so a greenhouse gas can be a good thing for growing things. Biden has hobbled the production of natural gas on both federal and private lands. Because Biden shut off the flow of oil and gas in the pipelines, they now must be moved by truck or railroad, both of which use diesel fuel. The use of diesel furel produces a lot of greenhouse gases and pollution where there wasn’t any before that use became necessary by government mandates. The shortage of oil and natural gas has raised their prices considerably and has resulted in our buying oil from supposed enemies Russia, Venezuela, and Iran, and of course, Saudi Arabia, which has now formed an alliance with Iran . The oil is shipped in 1,000 foot long vessels with big diesel engines going 24 hours a day for approximately 2 week stretches to reach their destinations, spewing out vast amounts of pollution and greenhouse gases along the way. The huge amount of pollutants and greenhouse gases spewed out by the scores of vessels going to and from China at any one time to bring us all that Chinese junk has gone unnoticed and unreported, although it vastly dwarfs cow farts in effluent produced. If we produced our products domestically, we would have no ersatz problem with these so-called greenhouse gases. To add more pollution, China produces goods with little concern over the pollution produced. Since the electricity necessary to now power production is produced in plants powered by cheap coal, the pollution problem is compounded. China is only adding more coal to the mix of fuels it uses in energy generation in disregard to international treaties and concerns, and thus the problem will only get worse.  With the increasing reliance on solar and  wind, which are intermittent and operate only 35% of the time, the remaining nearly 65% of our needs must still come from gas, nuclear, and coal powered plants. You will soon have to get used to rolling brownouts and blackouts because of that unreliability.

Get used to all kinds of pressure for you to replace your gas ranges and gas appliances with electric alternatives. New York State is already planning to outlaw gas stoves in new construction. They are starting to especially harp on the pollution caused by gas ranges whereas all these years their emissions were apparently of no concern.  Here again,  most of the electricity used in electric ranges is created by gas, nuclear, and coal so the entire anti-gas campaign is nonsense and a tempest in a teapot. How will all that new electricity be produced for the soon to be largely EV fleet of vehicles? That’s no problem for the libbers, since wishing and hoping will supposedly solve all our problems as we approach the coming utopia.

Now, let’s consider some “basicks”, which are enough to get you sick. All the flapdoodle in the flap over greenhouse gases are really much ado over basically nothing. CO2 is only a trace gas comprising just 0.04% of the atmosphere. All the C02 that we have hitherto released into the atmosphere comprises only 1.63% of that already trivial trace. We are supposed to believe that these miniscule amounts are changing the climate and are an existential threat to life on Earth. Has anybody stopped to examine these statistics or smell the output of the Green campaign? The same scare, suddenly coming out of nowhere is now being focused on methane, the other greenhouse gas the environmentalists are creating lot of hot air over. Methane is even rarer the CO2 in the air. It makes up only 0.00018% of the Earth’s atmosphere. The 94 million cows in the US produce only 0.1014% of the already extremely tiny amount of atmospheric methane. It is probable that Congress creates more and is less useful than the cows! How can this miniscule amount be dangerous? It’s all a willful delusion and a diversion when you consider that the biggest pollutants in the world will shortly be the decaying materials from the millions of wind turbines and solar panels in landfills that will be leaking chemicals into the groundwater. At present, there is no practical methodology for recycling these incipient mountains of waste material. Meanwhile, significant numbers of dead whales are washing up on east coast beaches. It is suspected that the sonar used on the wind farms are the cause. Environmentalists make much ado about saving whales, but not anymore. That’s a whale of a change even for these change agents.

GLOBAL CITIES: MESSY MUSHROOMING MEGALOPOLISES.  We are entering the era of the stultifying and stupefyingly large super cities forming long urban “archipelagos” of unchecked cheek by jowl living. Today, 60% of people live in urban areas, and by 2100, if the vaxxes haven’t done their damage sufficiently, it is forecast to be 85%. Already in New York, you have to walk in the streets, especially during the lunch crunch. Cities across the world are merging as they grow and spread.  They spread across borders making nations and boundaries superfluous. One such metropolitan is emerging in Africa made up of 9 cities in 5 countries. This is one of the reasons put forth to support the creation of so called “15 minute” or “SMART cities” where you find what you need within 15 minutes by going up in the skyscrapers and down underground without leaving the confines of the latitudinal and longitudinal limits of your geographic “cage.”  This sort of thing is an old government tactic: create a problem and then produce a solution that is usually infinitely worse than the original problem. These “SMART” cities reduce your latitude to expand and their real reason is contained in their name:

S: Surveillance; M: Monitoring; A: Analysis; R: Reporting; T: Technology

This is all part of the “Great Reset”. Into the US, much of Mexico and Central America and some of South America and the rest of the world is streaming and being corralled into the already burgeoning big cities. The elites are not happy unless they keep the world in a maddening state of motion where we are flummoxed by the fluidity of genders, merging of the masses, and the amalgamation of the races to eliminate the diversity they like to spout about. These megacities sort of adopt the concept of sovereignty as mini nation states that are driven to adopt all the goals of Agenda 2030 since their evaporating nations are not doing it quick enough to suit them. Thus, a revolutionary new system is being adopted without a shot being fired and there will be no shot heard around the world to wake everyone up. All of this makes it easier to spread pandemics at will to wipe out the clustered, flustered and confused sheeple.

TRACKING TREMENDOUS CHILD TRAFFICKING TRAFFIC. The kidnapping and coaxing of kids and the assaults on their bodies seems bound to continue increasing as the adults of this adulterated society seem to be either the undersexed or the oversexed. Normal is no longer the norm. Adults purchase children for sex over 2.5 million times a year in the US. In Georgia, a state where black bestiality seems to be rising exponentially, a girl might be raped by 6,000 men over a 5 year period! As many as 300,000 American children are in danger of being trafficked each year. Some are forcibly abducted, others are runaways coaxed away from normal ways, and still others are sold into the system by relatives and acquaintances. The internet is a primary vehicle for the transactions of buying and selling flesh. Modern technology facilitates and feeds the phenomenon with 1 in 5 kids propositioned via gaming platforms and other social media. These forums facilitate exploitation since they are easy and fun to play with to attract disposable playthings. Life is one big game to these gamers. The average age of the victims gets younger and younger by the year, with the average age now 13. One can only shudder that some victims must be under 10 years of age. Girls make up about 60% of the victims, boys make up about 36%, and the other 4% are the confused gender-bender types. The trafficking is not only occurring in the big cities but all across the fruited plain. It’s not only fruits and nuts that are engaged in the vile practices but “ordinary” men who represent a cross section of American society including police officers who have become predators and pimps. Finding victims is easy for pimps. They do the gaming, check the social networks, cruise malls, check the high school and middle school grounds, bus stops, foster homes, and youth shelters. Those sold for sex have a life expectancy of 7 years! A common story is that girls are forced to go without sleep or food until they have met their sex quota of 40 men. Besides the apparently all-consuming consumer demand and the pervasive corruption, the tendency to look the other way and not speak out or provide information identifying the miscreants allows the practice to morph into a major menace. Post Scriptum: Apparently such facilities were widespread in Ukraine. No wonder the Bidens love that place!

ANOTHER COVID PANDEMIC PREPARATORY EXERCISE HELD. You know the drill. Eerily similar to the infamous Event 201 exercise that presaged the Covid plannedemic, another drill was held October 23, 2022 to develop solutions to solve key global health problems associated with a mock pandemic called Severe Epidemic Enterovirus Respiratory Syndrome 2025″ or SEERS, which will have caused one billion cases worldwide with 20 million deaths of which 15 million are children, along with countless millions left alive but with paralysis and brain damage. Staying a step ahead of disruptive naysayers and obstructionists and preventing spread of mis- and disinformation by force of law through international collaborative efforts was covered. It looks like individual nations will not be able to opt out of the mandates or allow medical choice next time around. For some reason, probably because of their now bad reputation, the infamous WEF was not involved – at least openly! – in the latest planning session.

EQUALITY MORPHS INTO EQUITY THAT ALLOWS ALL TO SUFFER EQUALLY. The supposedly delusional and daffy Biden can’t be dissuaded or distracted from doubling down on his deviltry. His (supposed) dementia could be an act and part of a demented plot to get what he got originally through artful artifice. Now that he wants to run again for 2024 and as there is no move to oust him now, the dementia thing is getting to look like a sham. Upon his inauguration, he signed an executive order directing the FedGov to pursue a comprehensive approach to advance “equity” for all. On February 16, 2023, this “imp” implemented a follow-up executive order mandating that federal agencies create annual plans and teams to insure equity within all agencies  and to utilize GovMint programs to compel/coerce equity in the private sector.

Don’t confuse or conflate equity with equality. Equality means equal access to opportunity or equal protection before the law. Equity is the Marxist concept of the redistribution of economic goods and status (jobs and material possessions) in a manner supposedly “equal” regardless of merit or achievement. This is accomplished through preconceived notions of demographic detriment and political advantage and disadvantage – never taking into consideration, of course, the lion’s share of everything that goes to the elites; equity is for the “masses.” The system is a manipulation of those masses making them think they are getting what they deserve or were meant to get despite the fact that the know they haven’t earned it. As a “pre-wreckquisite”, the population must first be segmented and tribalized into opposing and competing factions, which are designated as either oppressor or victim. The latter must feel they are deserving of special treatment, coddling,  or “social justice” actions to attain equal outcomes. White heterosexual males – always “oppressors” – have the least status, are the easiest to pick on, and have the most pickings available to be picked clean so that this Marxist game can be played without blowback with only the society taking the telling blows.

There are 14 essential occupational categories that cannot be compromised and must be composed of competent individuals for the society not to descend into third world status or duly deteriorate altogether. These include construction trades and specialties, maintenance and repair of equipment and essential systems, aircraft engineers and pilots, farmers and ranchers, and physicians. These are still largely dominated by white males, most of them politically conservative. The Marxists are determined to replace this demographic with minority and largely unqualified workers, a group that increasingly includes unskilled and barely literate armies of illegal invaders and refugees. The military is already suffering big time from failing to attract the skilled white demographic which is essential to its effective operation. The armies of illegals – comprised largely of men of military age many with minimal occupational skills – will soon fill in as fodder for these vacancies. So the people drones will complement the aerial drones to corral the sheeple into the corridors and boundaries of acceptable thought – or else.

SHOPLIFTNG PENALTIES LIFTED AS THE LEFT LEGALIZES LIFTING/LOOTING. As a result of police budgets being nullified by leftist political loons, many blue cities have left areas most prone to crime bereft of needed protection. As a direct result, many so-called minor or lesser crimes have been reduced to misdemeanors or eliminated from designation as crimes altogether. This is excused by asserting that the men in blue can now concentrate on the bigger crimes in the blue cities in order to get a better handle on crime, if you  will. Such distinctions just result in an atmosphere of greater permissiveness and lawlessness and are thus counterproductive, acting as distractions from taking effective action to turn the situation around. Popular store chains such as Target were more easily targeted being bigger and providing more elbow room to romp in and more loot to easily round up. Target thus lost $600 million in 2022 and Rite Aid lost about $36 million that same year. In the worst cases, stores have had to close altogether while others, including 46% of small retailers, have raised prices to pay for private security  guards to protect against the practice. In early March 2023, Walmart announced it is closing its stores in Portland, Oregon due to shoplifting losses.

Overall, crime at retail stores is up 26.5% from a year ago, and retailers say the shoplifting gangs are becoming more violent. All of this will wind up creating retail and food “deserts” where “perpy-prone” populations will get their “just desserts” for tolerating the misbehavior of their “youth”. As the trend accelerates, more power and profit will accrue to the internet giants – and perhaps that is the actual motive for this. Once everything is “on line,” the Deep State is not only able to monitor what you purchase but prevent you from doing so, something they can’t do in the aisles of Walmart or Target. The “non-techy” portions of the population will have to get in line with the new normal by getting on-line to do their most basic purchasing! And so, we become easier and easier to control.

REDUCE  STRESS THROUGH “BOX BREATHING” OR “COMBAT BREATHING”. Stop yourself in a high stress or a high dudgeon situation from doing something you’’ll be sorry for such as boxing a perp’s ears to a pulp or slapping a silly libber silly for giving you excessive lip. Police recruits are taught a special breathing technique to get ahold of themselves when facing high stress situations. The technique could be used to avoid aggressive driving reactions and for use in general high stress situations to avoid heart attacks and strokes. This is the basic technique:

– Breathe in through your nose to a count of 4;

– Hold your breath to a count of 4;

– Exhale through your mouth for a count of 4;

– Do it over and over until you calm down (or flatten the s.o.b.)

For more information go to

SLEEP ON THIS ADVICE WHEN PURCHASING A MATTRESS. Mattresses are cheap to make and easy to sell at a high markup, making you a mark for fast talking salesmen in mattress stores. There are all kinds of illness-causing agents found in mattresses including petro-chemicals, microbial filth, formaldehyde, fire retardants, and the large amount of plastics in “memory foam”. The mattress cover can also be harmful since it consists of layers of foam glued together. Foam mattresses are loaded with volatile compounds that give off gas for 2 days up to 2 weeks before the fumes dissipate. Therefore, never sleep on a new mattress right away. Give it time to air out unless it is made of natural materials. Natural latex mattresses have less harmful added agents and are a good value for the cost involved. They are resistant to dust mites, bacteria, etc. Buy a mattress from a company that offers free trials and up to a 100-day return period if you decide the mattress is not for you.

CARJACKINGS WILL JACK UP YOUR AUTO INSURANCE PREMIUMS BY ABOUT 30%. Your insurance company will just say their costs have gone up. Press them a bit more and they’ll admit car theft are really high right now. Black boys are really getting their kicks by breaking into recent Kia and Hyundai model cars and then inserting a USB cable over the ignition switch and that enables them to start the car and take off. Videos of black teenagers instructing others on how to do it using simple procedures are all over the internet. The perps have been given the cutesy name, “Kia Boys.” Thus, car thefts are up 60% and rising in 30 major US cities. The media moguls like to blame black misbehavior on “gangs” which makes the uninitiated think that criminal behavior is something only a tiny portion of the black community is involved in. We know the misbehavior is only blacks acting in pretty much normally. Blacks have a tendency to get especially unruly at shopping malls where they easily get into disputes and fights with one another and the news reports blame the activity on “gangs.” In a sense, that may be true because they have a tendency to “gang up” on one another.

The Kia Boys leave their “calling card’ on the car seats and arm rests of the vehicles they commandeer by writing or engraving “Kia Boys” on this equipment. When the vehicles are retrieved, and they are more often than not, they usually come back with extensive body and mechanical damage, which average about $2,500 to repair. Some cars are stolen to be used in serious crimes including burglaries and drive-by shootings. Others are stolen just for joy riding and drag racing. The blue cities dance around the problem of assigning blame where it belongs by blaming car manufacturers for producing vehicles with inadequate anti-theft protection such as an on-board T-Rex, and so are starting to sue Kia and Hyundai for “cutting corners” In producing their cars. Kia and Hyundai sales are suffering because some insurers are declining to accept new customers who own the models that are most affected by the thefts and vandalism. In one way or another we all wind up paying for the sake of “diversity”. Victims of the car thefts are understandably upset because the courts will coddle the criminals who only receive probation.

Many liberals are discovering today that though you can move away from the blacks, your insurance rates will go up because of their crimes and your taxes will go up to pay for their welfare entitlements. You can’t blame Korean car companies for failing to anticipate that the blacks will take a fancy to their cars. As long as the libbers pass the blame for black misbehavior on “systemic racism” and use “bull’ to bulldoze over blaming the true culprits, the costs of DEI will continue to cause the culture to DIE.

ON THE ROXHAM ROAD TO RUIN. Roxham Road is an area along the Canadian border between NY State and Quebec Province which is attracting a massive flow of migrants/illegals from all over the world into Canada where the freebies and welfare benefits are world beaters, outdoing the US in give-a-ways that are causing it to give way into third world status even faster than the US even though we are really giving it a go. Unvaxxed invaders are accepted with open arms. New York City Mayor Eric Adams is going with that flow. He is buying bus tickets for scores of thousands of refugees that were dumped on his city by the impertinent and impetuous Governor Abbott of Texas who has adopted the liberal attitude of “sharing the wealth” of a liberal political position. The refugees are bused to and dumped on  Plattsburgh, NY where the migrants can hop a short cab ride to the Roxham Road area to facilitate their entry into Canada. Even a Democrat understands that the cost of the bus tickets will not bust his city anywhere near as much as the welfare costs of supporting the global swarmers.

MASSIVE DOLING OUT OF DOUGH TO THOSE “DUPLICITOUSLY” ON THE DOLE.  The states and the GovMint doled out at least $191 billion to ineligible unemployment claimants during the plannedemic, Over 1 out of every 5 unemployment dollars paid out since early 2020 went to the same people in multiple states, dead people, prisoners, and those with suspicious email accounts. Doling out cash quickly took precedence over safeguarding against fraud. The vulnerability to fraud was blamed on multiple layers of bureaucracy (a.k.a. “dead weight”) and outdated technology. Some 1,200 fraudsters have been rounded up for the malfeasance, which is likely a drop in the bucket compared to those who got away with stolen bucks. You’d think crosschecking information and files would be part of the daily duties of the dullards and dupes but anyone who knows how much of our tax dollars go to criminals – including Congress! – understands that they’d rather pay than work to prevent these thefts.

UKRAINIANS USED AS GUINEA PIGS IN US FUNDED JAB CAMPAIGN. In addition to taking the brunt of the deaths, despair, and destruction induced by the NATO/US irritation of big Bear Russia in the current war, Ukrainian “discardables” have been jabbed with biological concoctions related to research into HIV and Covid infections. at the scores of US biolabs in Ukraine. Military service members, prisoners, drug addicts, and the already sickly have been rounded up in undetermined numbers for the “guinea pig” research. A huge trove of 20,000 documents uncovered by the Russian military document these atrocities. In October 2022, Russia filed a complaint to the UN on these activities and requested a probe thereof, which was rejected by the UN Security Council after the US, UK, and France voted against it.

HUGE NUMBER OF CASUALTIES OF MILITARY COVID JABS. The data here are shocking and over- whelming. Unbelievably, about 43% of all US service members including those on active duty and in reserve status developed nervous system diseases during the period from August 2021 through January 2022. All kinds of cancers increased by many multiples of 100% during that period for service members. Hypertension diagnoses jumped up by 2,281% as a direct result of Biden’s vaccine mandate. A whole host of other maladies mushroomed from the jabs. Included casually in the casualty numbers is the estimate that 20,000 military members became sterile from the vaxxes. Incredible! In this case, we can truly quote Walt Kelly’s cartoon character, Pogo Possum who said, “We has met the enemy and he is us!”

CDC PROGRAMS TRACKING THE UNVACCINATED. Those who visit the hospital or their doctor are asked whether they have been vaxxed or “partially immunized’, whatever that means. Codes are entered into the patient’s electronic health record reflecting their vaxx status. The patients who haven’t been vaxxed are supposed to be advised that not being vaxxed is a significant factor for “morbidity and mortality”. It really feels morbid that they know who you are now, and can round you up for a round of jabs “for the public good” the next time a concocted plannedemic plays out.

NEW FBI BUILDING WILL BE TWICE THE SIZE OF THE PENTAGON. You read that right! Covering 29 acres plus a 5-acre courtyard, the new edifice will now be the largest office building on earth by a large margin. Up until now, the Pentagon had that distinction. The location will be in either suburban Virginia or Maryland. The cost to the taxpayer is the least important criterion in making the choice. DEI, climate change, and green energy considerations will be paramount in making the choice. “Well-paying union jobs” are also to be factored into the considerations. Somehow “environmental justice” reared its ugly head in the “delibberations”. Meanwhile, the FBI will maintain a “substantial space” in Washington, DC, close to the headquarters of the Justice Department. The House of Representatives can exercise its power of the purse to excise some or all of this semi-stealth expansion. It can conduct lengthy hearings into why such a “superplex” is needed. It sounds like a super stepped-up spying and surveillance program is about to start with about one-half the population, the deplorables, as possible targets.  The space required to post all the photos of “domestic terrorists” might take up half the new edifice.

NEW BOOK SUMS UP THE STOLEN 2020 ELECTION. “Stealing Your vote” by Christina Bobb with Introduction by Steve Bannon. Book covers every aspect of the lying, cheating, and vote dumping which disenfranchised millions of Americans and installed faux Joe as president. It covers the cover-up which was worse than the crime as politicians, mainstream media, and Big Tech colluded in an all-out assault on facts and evidence to bury the truth and slander anyone who dared ask questions.

ZUCK BUCKS ARE BACK. Expect to be “zucked” again. The Chicago based Center for Technology and Civic Life (CTCL) and its associated “U.S. Alliance for Election Excellence” will funnel $80 million to improve election technology and processes over the next 5 years. This is the program that funneled $420 million to orchestrate the 2020 elections for the Demonrats, which is a Zuckerberg sponsored enterprise. The CTCL is focused on pushing progressive voting policies and reshaping election offices to favor leftist lunacies. The CTCL officially claims to be bipartisan to cover its part of the collusion.

ELEVEN US CITIES NOW RANK AMONG THE 50 MOST DANGEROUS IN THE WORLD. Baltimore ranks #15 on the annual dangerous cities list, with Memphis and Detroit, close behind at #18 and #19, respectively. Two more cities run by Demonrats made the top 30. Albuquerque, New Mexico and St. Louis came in at #23 and #27, respectively. Rounding out the list were the Demonrat havens of New Orleans (#35), Oakland, California (#38), Chicago (#43), Philadelphia (#46) and Houston (#50).  Crime and safety factors were considered. Detroit, that lost 220 police officers last year, was long the hub of the auto industry. Now it is better known for the appropriation of hubcaps and catalytic converters &etc. The state of New Mexico uses “Land of Enchantment” as its tourist slogan. Albuquerque, its largest city, is a surprising upstart on the list. It’s designation as a “sanctuary city” has much to do with attracting the criminal element, and it has long been a haven for third world refugees. It is still a scenic city but its citizens’ barbaric behavior is causing that state to lose any aura of enchantment.

ATTACKS AGAINST CATHOLIC CHURCHES ESCALATE. Since the race riots of 2020, 275 US Catholic churches have been attacked (as of January 2023), and the number is escalating. The attacks include arson, broken windows, decapitated statues, and satanic graffiti. A spike in attacks occurred with the May 2022 leak of the Supreme Court decision in the Dobbs v. Jackson case which overturned the original abortion decision, Roe v. Wade. The organization, “CatholicVote” notes that only 25% the church attacks have led to an arrest. It should not come as a surprise to those who surmise that our society’s traditions and traditional institutions are no longer respected and as a direct result are no longer protected. Of course, that generally means that the evildoers can expect to get away with their actions.

MASSIVE JOINT US – ISRAELI PARTNERED MILITARY EXERCISE CONDUCTED. The week-long operation named Juniper-Oak conducted in January was massive in size and scope including space assets, a carrier strike group, bombers, stealth fighters, electronic warfare, Special Operations forces, and artillery weaponry. The operation is a “prelewd” towards integrating the two countries’ military forces in the Middle East region and, eventually throughout the New World Order. All told 6,400 Americans and 1,180 Israelis participated in the drills. It sounds like the Israelis want to be sure they can drag us into any conflict they generate with their neighbors in the region to assure that they prevail. It must be remembered that the ambitious “Greater Israel”  project of territorial expansion has long been put on hold, but may now be ready to proceed as the world becomes more chaotic.

BILL AND MELINDA GATES FOUNDATION – A FOUNT OF FUNDS TO UNDERWRITE ASSORTED LEFTIST PROJECTS. This foundation has made over 30,000 individual grants totaling over $300 million mainly to support the Deep State’s propaganda machine, a/k/a the mainstream media and the tech tyrants. There is a vast assortment of direct and indirect awards to national and international entities. The grants are directed towards favored far left projects, “investigative journalism” centers, teachers colleges, press associations, etc. Also included are funds for scholarships, college courses, and workshops for reporters. There is precious little information as to exactly where the funds actually wind up in many cases. This is because grant recipients turn around and issue subgrants almost innumerable in number, and the trickle down goes so far down the trails that they are lost at some point. The mass media is bathed in bucks to write stories bathed in bathos and pathos to generate uniformity and conformity of opinion. This foundation maintains a lower profile than other tech-oriented foundations, so as not too draw too much attention to its malignant machinations.

THE SUPREMES OK WITH 2020 ELECTION FRAUD.  On February 21, 2022 the Supreme Court turned down the request by Raland Brunson that the entire Congress be thrown out for violating their oaths of office for failing to investigate the evidence that the 2020 presidential election was rigged. Of course, the court didn’t deign to explain their whitewash, or even offer another wishy-washy explanation to explain its malfeasance. No vote was officially announced. Thus, no miscreants could be identified and so the corrupted zeitgeist could go on unimpeded and unquestioned. However, it could be sort of officially noted that the Court was on record with the acceptance of the country being turned into a wreck of an abomination of what used to be a nation.

SCHOOLS NEED SCHOOLING ON PREVENTING CYBERATTACKS. In what could be considered a reaction against the “wokenization” of public K-12 schooling and/or just plain what we used to call juvenile delinquency, cyberattacks against public schools as a nationwide phenomenon are increasingly occurring. Some of the attacks may be likened to a form of kidnapping where ransom is demanded that would allow school administrators to resume use of their computer systems. It’s kind of ironic that ransomware is used to extract ransom in these cases. Efforts to fight the attacks are hampered by inadequate staffing or inadequate security measures and as a result are failing overall. The number of attacks rose sharply during the COVID clampdowns as the kids and those who sought to show they weren’t  kidding had a field day where they could act like juvenile delinquents and get away with it by maintaining their anonymity. It represents a sort of reversal of roles. Back in the day, you were considered a truant if you stayed away from school and remained home during the school day. With the advent of the Covidiocy, you were considered a truant if you didn’t stay home to receive your lessons and schooling online. Naturally, the kids were given more opportunity to play with their playthings and nothing is more fun to most kids than messing with the educational establishment and creating a mess – as if that were necessary with education these days!

The CyberSecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has been caught flat-footed without a mechanism to measure and mitigate the ensuing attacks and resultant damage. School administrators were seen as easy targets because they are less tech savvy than most and haven’t prioritized computer security. There’s no one single motive for the attacks on which to assign blame. Stealing personal data, obtaining ransom money, disruption of the system, and just plain unruliness or criminal inclinations can move both the young and older monsters to carry out monstrous attacks. Children as young a 9 have been implicated in the attacks. Both large and small school systems have been attacked. The lack of any organizational structure to bring the stakeholders together leaves the educational establishment vulnerable to the ongoing and increasing attacks. It’s an awful fishy situation when psyching for data to steal is such an easy operation.

VICIOUSLY TRYING TO CREATE A VICIOUS CIRCLE. The Left is doubling down on its demented and devilish J6 narrative. The number of criminal cases brought out by the “Injustice Department” is expected to at least double before its all over. The Left is using the J6 incident and narrative as a tool to hammer home its tyranny of discouraging and preventing any dissent from its takeover. Up to 1,200 additional people could face charges. 1,000 defendants have already been implicated by the imps in what is now being termed the “Capitol Siege”. The Biden Bolsheviks are trying to juice the numbers before the 2024 election season. They’d like to turn on the juice to fry the Trumpers. They’re trying to convert peaceful protestors into lifelong felons. Trump recently fell into the trap of encouraging “protest, protest, protest” –  albeit at its worst, the “demonstrations” by the right are no where near the summer of violence the left produced in 2020! But that does not stop the Left from talking up anything from the right as an incitement to another “insurrection”. The leftist gestapo is gestating into a force for grievous harm to what remains of our nation. US Attorney for the District of Columbia, Matthew Graves is the force behind this farce and his represents a grave attempt to create a grave for American Greatness.

DIMWITS PROPOSE DIMMING THE SUN. The UN is discussing darkening the skies to combat “climate change”  and cooling our planet by restricting the sunlight that reaches us. Nitwit “stakeholders” like Bill Gates are behind this plan which would drive a stake into our collective hearts. Since the efforts to reduce CO2 emissions are ridiculous and hopeless and can’t help but falter, the UN is pulling out all the stops in a futile effort called “Solar Radiation Modification”(SRM) to prevent sunlight from reaching the surface and warming it. The program consists of 3 elements: Injecting reflective nanoparticles or sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere (stratospheric aerosol injection); brightening low clouds over the oceans by seeding them with submicron salt particles(the clouds would then act as a mirror); and using space mirrors, that is, many gigantic mirrors launched into outer space to reflect sunlight back into space. This is an untested idea that could instead launch a new ice age. Don’t expect a careful, conservative review of this idea which is supposedly the hallmark of conventional science since the left’s doomsday scenarios just won’t allow it and the left is bereft of any common sense anymore. The UN will “turn on a dime” and propose today what it was adamantly against yesterday. Sulfur dioxide, which is a byproduct of coal and oil burning, helps produce acid rain and causes significant health problems. This was recognized long ago and billions were spent on eliminating it from coal and oil burning emissions, and also to build technology to capture it before it was released into the air. Now, it turns out it is good for us and we need to spend more billions to inject it into the atmosphere! This shows you how far we can “trust the science”! I’m sure the 1% will somehow make billions on this “about face” as the mega-rich move to save face. If this scheme was adopted, and a major volcanic eruption occurred while it was in place, the sudden increase in ash(largely sulfur) could plunge the world literally into a new “dark” age. In addition, we would starve to death because blocked sunlight will prevent the uptake of CO2 by plants and prevent them from growing or even taking root. We then would die because the plants emit the oxygen we need to breathe in for our existence.

IS A LINE IN THE SAND FORMING? Has the anti-white assault poured enough salt in our wounds to get us wound up enough to do something about it? Let’s call a spade a spade and not accept the guilt trip tirade. Elon Musk may have somewhat timidly and tentatively pushed the barrier to action back a bit, enough to get us started in doing our bit. The point is to not act contrite, apologetic or apoplectic when they try to pull our chain or feel restrained in making politically incorrect statements or acting in our interests. Musk posted comments on his Twitter outlet in reaction to the news that media organizations around the country had pulled the comic strip “Dilbert” from syndication after its creator Scott Adams called out blacks who don’t think “its OK to be white” a hate group, and he went further and expressed his aversion to “having anything to do with blacks” and expressed a desire to live in a community with few or no blacks. Musk said Adams had the free speech right to make such assertions. Musk also properly said that unarmed white people affected by police violence get only a fraction of the media attention paid to black people injured or killed by police. Musk apparently has not caved even though top advertisers have pulled back on ad spending on the site, causing a decline in twitter ad revenue of nearly 70%. Things won’t change overnight, but gradually. The wheels are starting to move and will really get moving in a big way if more big wheels get on the free speech bandwagon. Hopefully then there will be no more going back. Either we shrug off the taunts and bromides of “racist” and turn our attention to what should be our inexorable advancement or surrender our future to the fates of South Africa and Rhodesia. It’s that stark. It’s that simple.

HIGH TECH TURNOVER CAUSING INTRANSIGENT HOMELESSNESS. Mass importation of high tech workers and globalization are creating an ongoing, intensifying, intractable travail of homelessness which is particularly pronounced in left coast blue urban areas such as Silicon Valley, and coastal areas of Washington state and Oregon. The H-1B visa and similar programs favoring foreigners results in burgeoning prices and shortages of habitation in those areas displacing the resident and native middle and lower classes. The mental diseases and drug addictions, exacerbated by despair and largely blamed for homelessness are more an effect than a cause. Although what we used to term “mental cases” are now let loose to fend for themselves instead of being institutionalized, it is a fact that homelessness, once established for a certain period of time will tend to lead to mental instability and drug/alcoholic addiction coping behavior which will only exacerbate the situation. The general public, being immigration ignorant and deliberately kept that way by establishment politicians, fall for fallacious explanations that divert attention away from solutions and only enrich the high tech titans and tyrants. The high tech labor brought in from India and China are like interchangeable cogs in the global multicultural machine. Once these workers are brought in at minimal wage/salary levels and work for a time, usually about 2 years, they start seeking increased compensation. At that point they are dumped to bring in the next batch of intellectual “coolies” to start at the entry levels. There is an inexhaustible supply of this labor coaxed by the promise of America. Some of the displaced  tech labor will add to the homeless population if they can’t find suitable employment and are unwilling to return to their countries of origin. They have no reason to leave the US if they can get on the American welfare rolls. Thus, a ceaseless demand for new housing is generated and the supply cannot keep up with the demand, resulting in constantly increasing home and apartment prices and rents which will leave some out in the cold, or at least the generally mild left coast weather. Often, lower cost housing will be torn down to make way for the McMansion type meccas to accommodate the upward mobile “six-figure” occupants, leaving the former residents of the area homeless. Surveys show that less than one-half the homeless are drug addicts. There are more families with children than single people in the homeless encampments. Besides evictions and foreclosures, the loss of jobs in the fluctuating and frustrating job market and the astronomical medical bills and now high food prices create situations where consumers cannot keep up with the costs of living. Using Seattle, WA as an example, an average of 236 people move into that metro area each day, and at least 70% of them are immigration invaders. In addition to the high tech workers, the locations with the most pronounced homelessness are also “sanctuary cities” that attract riff-raff and criminals from elsewhere in the USA because of the soft-on-crime governments of these areas, which compounds the overcrowding and homelessness.



CDC: THE CENTERS FOR DISINFORMATION AND CENSORSHIP. The CDC has been on a multi-decade mission to paint gun ownership as a disease, so the rats can attack it as something to be eradicated, to gun it down, so to speak. The agency is an agent of propaganda and a mouthpiece for the anti-gun activists. The CDC recently deleted a reference to a study it had previously made that showed Americans used firearms up to 2.5 million times a year to defend themselves from criminal attacks. Truth is the first casualty in this – and any – war against us and is either expunged, hidden down the memory hole, or misrepresented.  Bolshevik Biden and Senator Dick Durbin (D-ILL-ANNOY) are working in tandem to cover up pertinent facts and keep us out of touch with reality on gun rights issues.

FREEDOM IS TREATED AS A FELONY NOW. The jokers have a way to make a joke into a reality. First, you make it illegal for anyone who is crazy to have a gun. Then you assume that anyone who wants to own a gun is crazy. Presto – there you have it – gun control. This is the obvious tack taken by the states that want to obviate the intent of the recent Bruen decision. Next, they make it illegal to carry a gun in a “sensitive” place (and, no, they’re not talking about your crotch!). Then they classify all places except perhaps the surface of the moon as sensitive. And presto! Again, you have a near total prohibition on the right to bear arms. These are the approaches New York State, New Jersey, and other holdout (holdup?) states are employing right now.

STATS THE GUN GRABBERS WILL GIVE YOU STATIC OVER. Over 92% of violent crimes in America do not involve forearms. from 1998 to 2017, the US had less than 1.13% of the world’s share of mass public shooters and 1.77% of its mass public murders. 94% of the mass public murders occur in places where civilians are banned from having firearms. All of this in a country with far and away the most guns.

WILLFUL IGNORANCE AND THE WILL TO DENY IT. It’s impossible for an informed person not to notice that gun control proponents want to take away Second Amendment rights, even though they don’t understand the differences between the various “types” of firearms such as rifles, shotguns, semi-automatics and machine guns. Indeed, they are so fixated by the very word “gun” that they would probably include paint guns in with howitzers. Bolshevik Biden and other politicians will say they are for the Second Amendment but in the next breath will tell us that the Second Amendment doesn’t protect the ownership of commonly used forearms – all of this despite the US Supreme Court ruling in Heller, 2008. The smug smarties are so sure they are right they don’t want – and won’t permit – debate on the point. Debating it would indeed be seen as dangerous by their libber cohorts. Any counterpoints they might encounter would simply be the opinion of “extremists” or conspiracy theorists. It’s easy to be turned off by such harsh and snarky ridicule by the ignorant, but a lighthearted poke or joke can make someone think – and maybe click on a link.

SMOKING OUT THE LATEST LEFTIST STRATAGEM. An article in the left-leaning magazine, The Atlantic, carried a feature titled “The Ad Industry’s  Plan to Fix America’s Gun Crisis”. The article makes the statement that 30 years ago the tobacco industry was like the NRA. It argues that gun owners and manufacturers should be legally forced to pay for public service advertisements (PSAs) which would be straightforward attacks on their own products, just as big tobacco was once forced to do. In 1998, the 4 largest cigarette manufacturers signed a “Master Settlement Agreement” which was like their signing the Treaty of Versailles. It required them to amend their marketing practices and make annual payments to the states to compensate for the medical costs incurred by smoking-related illnesses. However, the major provision of the agreement was to allocate millions of dollars to a national PSA campaign aimed at dissuading potential smokers. The idea is to force gun and ammo manufacturers and purchasers of these products to pay for PSAs that would dissuade young people from learning how to use guns. This is based on the false and fabricated premise that legal gun sales increase murder rates. There is no evidence of that. Most gun purchases are for self-defense purposes and secondarily for recreational activities, and probably thirdly for legal hunting. Of course, the biggest failure to think in this issue is that the United States Constitution put nothing about the freedom to smoke into the Bill of Rights. That is a high hurdle to overcome.

THE DETAINMENT AND MISTREATMENT OF JOURNALISTS REACHING WORLDWIDE REPORTED HIGHS. The group, “Reporters Without Borders” has a good grip on the gripping story of how ethical journalists are being abused, repressed and jailed all around the world. Of course, the mainstream media would be the last place you’d hear about this. A record number of 78 women journalists were detained in 2022, a 30% increase from 2021, and which accounts for 15% of all detained journalists worldwide. China leads in worldwide surveillance and censorship generally and has 110 journalists currently jailed. The number of journalists killed is also rising. 57 paid with their lives in 2022, a 19% increase over 2021. The number  of journalists missing is now 49, with 24 of that number in Latin America. Being in war zones and around mass protests are the most dangerous places to be in trying to report the truth. On the other hand, reporting the lies of the New World Order is usually quite safe!


  • Anthony Fauci finally retired after 54 years at the helm at NIH. Had the people knew that the word fauci translates into “jaws” in Italian, they might have thought better of allowing him to be its leader in the first place. So now he gets to eat us up with a retirement pension of $355,000 per year.
  • The Pentagram, er, Pentagon has ditched the COVID vaccine mandate for the troops. It is looking into re-instating military members who were let go and to correcting their official records. They didn’t yet say they’ll get their back pay. The Pentagon saw the error of its ways because there is no way the armed forces can meet their recruitment goals with its WOKE propaganda and agenda plus the difficulty of including panty hose into full uniforms!
  • Florida Governor DeSantis has banned vaccine passports in that state. Medical professionals’ freedom of speech will also be protected. Discrimination based on vaccination and testing status, and non-compliance with masking mandates are also banned.
  • Almost half of Americans are now questioning the safety of the vaxxes as the deaths and injuries resulting therefrom are becoming increasingly apparent.
  • Even the long suffering Chinese are getting a break as the COVID quarantines and mandatory testing protocols are being ditched.

THE COLLAPSE OF US TRANSPORTATION. The train derailments are a sort of destructive “barometer” of the “high pressure area” known as America. Everything on wheels is going to hell on those very wheels, so to speak. Rail trips are increasingly derailed while flying is becoming a gamble as affirmative actors take over the controls and airline pilots are succumbing to the effects of the mandatory vaxxes imposed upon them. On any one airline flight multiple mechanical failures and malfunctioning of equipment seem to reflect the new norm – or abnorm. Supply chain breakdowns haven’t gone away and the lack of a manufacturing base adds to the difficulties. Airline flight cancellations are becoming common and are blamed on the readily referred to ruse of “defective software problems”. To the extent the latter are a factor, it is mostly caused by low quality work by the high tech immigrants receiving low end pay. Americans are being inured to accept their new-found third world status as infrastructure failures are not treated as important issues on the evening news. Cyber terrorism from the Russian patsies is also being trotted out as another blameworthy target of the “war on terror,” with not enough credit being given to domestic devils and dunces.

SHOULD WE BE GOOD SPORTS AND FOLLOW PROFESSIONAL SPORTS? All professional and many amateur sports have been sucked into the maelstrom swirling around the promotion of racial amalgamation, multiculturalism, the woke agenda, the “trans” phenomena and the demonization of any whites who over the years tried to preserve racial integrity. Sports are one of the few areas where people of all ethnicities, and political and cultural persuasions can be persuaded to mingle and enjoy each other’s company as long as they fixate on a favored team or favored sport. The 2022 Soccer World Cup in Qatar attracted one-half the human “race” to watch at least some of the contests amongst the teams from the various countries. At these games, a strange anomaly presented itself. Only Western European teams featured people other than their own native stock. Eastern Europeans, not immersed in the “multicult” as much, still maintained their distinctive ethnic characteristics. The Western European teams, in many cases, were composed of players who were in the main foreigners while African, Asian, Middle Eastern, and Latin American squads were composed of their own countrymen. This adds to the flavor of true international competitive events.

Of course, these contrasts were never officially noted. Some “European” teams went further in their obedience/obeisance to Big Brother’s dogmas as their captains wanted to wear armbands in support of LGBT-ism, and it was only in reaction to Muslim and other traditional sensibilities that this idea was shelved. That decision, of course, was widely and wildly demonized in the global media.

During the first half of the 20th Century, it was the accepted social norm that all professional American sports teams were limited to whites. It’s amazing how mores can mutate massively in a short period of time. Jackie Robinson, the famous baseball player, broke the color barrier in baseball in 1947. In 1950, the Cleveland “Browns” broke the color barrier in professional football, as did the NBA in basketball that fateful year. By 1970, all professional sports had been fully integrated. But that was not enough – it never is since all outcomes are forever tainted by “racism” –  so the race was on for more ways to kowtow like a bunch of cows to the whims of the never satisfied. Once Colin Kapernick took a knee, every team became “knee deep” in taking knees to please the powers-that-be. On medal stands, blacks would give the “black power” fist/salute, which was first done in the Mexico City Olympics in 1968. After awhile, this observance became standard practice in American sports at all levels. Now 70% of all professional football and basketball players are black and one-half the NBA coaches are black. Baseball is forever moaning that there are not enough blacks in the big leagues, even though not enough of them can make the required grade for that level of competition in order to dominate that sport; after all they are supposedly only 13% of the population! Of course, the domination of Hispanics assuages those who cannot stand to see a white face in any but a prison uniform.

Let’s pause for a moment to consider what changes in the culture have come about because of these changes in the compositions of sports teams. Before integration, athletes celebrated touchdowns, home runs, etc. by shaking hands with teammates. Now they dance, prance and thump breasts like gorillas. Now the whites mimic these animal-like theatrics to display their own lack of civilized behavior. Now in addition to knees  taken and fists clenched, sports talk shows invariably discuss whether there are enough black coaches and owners. At the Qatar World Cup, it was only the Western European teams that took the knee and wished to promote LGBT, etc. The other nations, even the African ones, couldn’t have cared less about these virtue-signaling displays. The racial amalgamations have yielded a never-ending wave of sports-themed movies demonizing whites. This is now part of the mythology of all sports.

At a time of the disintegration of Western Civilization, sports could provide a tie that binds, but instead it is dissolving cohesion when camaraderie is broken and lost because of all the “racist” claptrap. Yet, despite the lowering of standards, whites constitute the major component of the fan bases and the attendees at major sports events, and to continue to rant and rave over sports plays despite the frequent black displays of unsportsmanlike behavior on the field, while some sports are still largely a white affair. The matter further destroys any semblance of white solidarity to have a population engaged in a frenzy of popular adulation over those not worthy of respect and who got where they are through favoritism, undeserved scholarships and sports abilities may not be nearly as great as determined when compared to the whites who are pushed aside to make the racial quotas. On top of the racial aspects and favoritism connected with today’s sports, sports teams move from city to city based on economic considerations alone with no real loyalties to their communities and the fan base they have cultivated over many years. The players are traded and shuttled around like pawns in a chess game, so the entire enterprise is one of deracination and money grubbing. Indeed, in this matter, professional sports has an unflattering resemblance to chattel slavery and in the past, many pro athletes made that assessment themselves as they were sold from club to club like property – which they are!  Certainly, they are better paid than the “field hands” of old, but their circumstances are little different.

© 2023 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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“UFOs” Generate “BALLOONEY” From the FEDGOV

By Sidney Secular

March 27, 2023

This is a tale of tell-tale “ballooney” which should have been apparent early-on. Some simple analysis shows that none of the expert analysts were consulted in deciphering the nature of the alleged balloons that recently traversed North America; alternatively, they knew the score and treated the populace like a bunch of buffoons who could be safely left baffled by the phenomena and since they were unaccustomed to thinking, the GovMint explanations could be safely passed over their heads without serious challenge.

By way of background to those not grounded in the earth sciences, a balloon used in atmospheric studies consists of a flexible outer shell filled with gas, which rises in altitude until its weight is equal to the weight of the atmosphere it displaces. The Chinese balloon that recently invaded North American airspace and coasted over our continent from the west coast to the east coast before it was rendered “toast”, was spherical, about 250 feet in diameter, and maintained an altitude of about 60,000 feet. Also, suspended beneath it was something far larger than carried by weather balloons.

Knowing the density of the air at 60,000 feet and the dimensions of the balloon, it should have been a simple exercise to determine the approximate weight of the electronic equipment on board. That, in itself should have been a clue as to the nature of that equipment and its mission – that is, if it wasn’t really a weather balloon – but this doesn’t appear to have been done, or, in the alternative, Americans weren’t told that it had been done.

Once a weather balloon is aloft, it will typically move along with the direction of the surrounding wind currents. That doesn’t appear to have been the case with the Chinese balloon, which seems to have been able to move independently of and AGAINST the surrounding air; that is, it was obviously self-propelled. Certainly, it did not appear to follow upper-air streams or the Jet Stream, but, rather, it began a northeast path across the Pacific Ocean from China to Alaska, and then changed direction after crossing Alaska into Canada turning southeast to travel over Montana and eventually Kansas when it again turned east on a path from Missouri to South Carolina before it was shot down off the coast of that State and fell into the Atlantic. This voyage allowed the craft to go over or go very close to several sensitive military installations including ICBM installations and Strategic Air Force bases where by some means it could obtain information about what was contained within these installations.

The public was deceived when we were told that President Biden had originally ordered the balloon shot down, but had been dissuaded by his military advisors because of the possible dangers to civilians from falling debris. Of course, this made no sense as shooting down a small balloon over the sparsely inhabited ranch-land of Montana – or the equally unpopulated farmland of Kansas or Missouri posed little risk to their inhabitants. It could (and should) also have been brought down to Earth slowly and in one piece by shooting it with non-explosive projectiles, thus allowing it to slowly deflate and gradually descend. It could also have been “captured” by a helicopter with a drag line insuring that the whole package could have been brought to earth undamaged.  Instead, it was obliterated with a $400,000 air-to-air missile. In other words, our government permitted the mission of the balloon to be accomplished before it was brought down in such a way as to ensure no agency could learn anything about it and have to answer to the American people for the way the whole matter was handled – though, of course, our present government seldom if ever answers to “the American people.”

The debris from the balloon fell over a seventy square mile area, and into 45 feet of water, all of which makes any effort to learn what it was and what it was doing practically impossible. Recovering its electronic components will be difficult if not impossible, but of course that was the very reason why the Biden Administration waited until its mission was accomplished before bringing it down. It should be obvious by now, even to our Democrat dolts and the sheeple that elected them that Joe Biden is not only compromised in his dealings with Red China, he is OWNED by that evil country.

© 2023 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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The Hate Hoax Heard Around the World

By Sidney Secular

March 23, 2023

The Loopy Story About Kamloops

We’re all used to the endless recitation of phony hate crimes by now. They pop up all over the place when some virtue-signaler in need of special attention and the support of fellow phonies creates and calls attention to graffiti purporting to be the graphics of notoriously nasty neo-nazis, white supremacists, antisemites and/or those fighting the present crusade of gender-bending. These events tend to occur at so-called “educational institutions” where our snowflake sensitive young draw attention to themselves with their “discovery” of crude drawings and symbols they themselves have “drawn” in order to “draw” that attention. The obsessive demand and need for such cringeworthy and contrived “white hate crimes” so exceeds the meager supply of such crimes that hate hoaxes have to be “ginned up” regularly to provide “meat” to feed faux feelings of guilt and remorse while providing the opportunity to demonstrate gushing – and false! – sentimentality.

In 2021, the entire nation of Canada fell for perhaps the most ginned-up and exaggerated hoax ever perpetuated against the terminally naïve and, frankly, stupid. The constant drumbeat of the “need” for “diversity” being beaten into people’s heads by the establishment, set the stage for a massively staged event. One Sarah Beaulieu, an anthropology professor at the University of Fraser Valley, professes to feel that her major task in life is to bring to light stories of – and thus to give voice to – any “disenfranchised” groups that have been overlooked and/or demeaned in the historical record. As a result of Ms. Beaulieu’s vocation, on May 27, 2021, she hit the jackpot in her quest as a crackpot claiming that through the use of ground-penetrating radar she found a mass gravesite that she claimed contained the remains of Indian (“Native Peoples”) students who had died and been buried at a former boarding school run by the Catholic Church. Parenthetically, the good professor must have been unusually obsessed with this project given the advanced instruments she was able to use in what should have been a fairly “routine” archeological dig.

Of course, the worldwide mass media were thrilled! The New York Times ran a front page story the very next day that proclaimed: “Horrible History: Mass Grave of Indigenous Children Reported In Canada.”  The Times declared that the remains of 215 children had been found on the grounds of Kamloops Residential Indian School, run by The Order of Mary Immaculate from 1893 to 1969, and by the Canadian Government for a few years after that time. The whole world assumed that the nuns had eithr killed the children or otherwise let them die and literally covered the whole thing up by “covering up” the children! To believe nuns of charity would do something so counter to their vows and the teaching of their own Church beggars belief, but today our society is so deranged and gullible as well as being dominated by atheists and other haters of Christianity in general and the Catholic Church in particular that yes, a great many people would believe just such a claim.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, always looking to grovel, grieved over the “dark and shameful chapter” in Canadian history and ordered national flags flown at half-mast for the innocent dead. The official flag over Parliament in Ottawa stayed lowered for 5 months so Canadians could get used to the idea that they were collectively morally lower than a snake’s belly. Trudeau demanded that Pope Francis come to Canada, and he naturally did. This Pope never rejects any far leftist demand! The number “215” captured the imagination of many Canadians as a kind of a “mark of the beast.” The Vancouver Art Gallery laid out 215 pairs of children’s shoes as a memorial. Similar displays appeared on the steps of churches and government buildings. Canada Day was celebrated on July 1st, just one month after the “discovery” and as the country was still in convulsions, there was a movement to cancel that event, while demanding that everyone wear orange symbols “for the children” on that day. Fashion magazines took a break from illustrating the fashion world to go with the new fashion of expressing ululations of guilt.  All manner of manifestations of manifest madness and guilt broke out across the Great White North, especially among those who thought that whiteness itself was a symbol of guilt. Candlelight vigils, little orange loops pinned on police uniforms, and “No pride in genocide!” stickers appeared in order to stick it to the Historic Canadian Nation and their white citizens.

But even this mass self-condemnation was not enough and matters started getting out of hand as all things motivated by emotion rather than rationality always do. Statues of Queen Victoria, the late Queen Elizabeth and John MacDonald, Canada’s first prime minister were defaced and torn down. As was reported elsewhere in this newsletter, Canada’s head librarian removed works about MacDonald from Canadian libraries as if in doing so, some great humanitarian point was made! In keeping with the new trend of damaging churches all across North America, dozens of churches were burned and many more vandalized. Trudeau said burning churches was (sort of) wrong, but also “understandable,” so he and his government took no stand against it nor any actions to prevent. Then some Indians taking their cue from other professional victims, started asking for “restitution” for attempted “genocide”.

Then suddenly, decency, rationality and truth intruded into this liberal hate fest. Canadian Indians who had rewarding experiences at the residential schools and had been well treated started speaking up, contradicting the overbearing narrative that the children were  beaten, buggered, and raped. The facts about Kamloops school itself was revealed in that Chief Louis, the leader of the local Indians for 75 years, had requested the school and supported it until his death. It was also revealed that the Indian children enjoyed performing European folk dances and engaged in popular exhibitions of their own native dancing across the nation. Furthermore, in 1964, the Catholic men’s group, The Knights of Columbus raised money so that the folk dancers could perform at festivals in Mexico! All of this was openly known and easily proven but the problem was that the truth openly contradicted a narrative that said these things took place at a time that these same children were supposedly being beaten, buggered, and raped.

Finally, what about the bodies? Yes, there were students who died from TB, influenza and other maladies, but none had died from either poor treatment or persecution. Many of those unfortunate dead were buried at the Kamloops cemetery as well as at their home reservations. But, most important, it now turns out that not one body was buried at the alleged mass gravesite! The radar findings were the result of roots and soil disturbances. No one cared to look at much less verify the allegations! Why? Because it was so very much what the present narrative wanted and, indeed, needed to continue to shore up their anti-white, anti-Christian, anti-Western Civilization narrative. But, alas for these liars, the entire fraud has now been documented.

But we shouldn’t blame the Indians – or at least, not as much as we should blame others. They knew a good thing when they saw it and as there are no more public morals, what’s wrong with getting their piece of the tax-paid pie. Rather, it’s the whites from the Pope and the Prime Minister on down to the ordinary dim-witted sheeple with the rest of the go along to get along crowd who were truly contemptible. Will The New York Slimes run a retraction? Don’t bet on it! Indeed, the actual truth was treated as bad news, since the meme of the wicked white had been countered by the meme of truth. Will the wicked and the weirdos who destroyed the statues be punished or at least apologize? Not on your life! Whites are now the world’s wickedest people, so what kind of big deal is it to spread little (and big) white lies as long as it’s for a good cause? No other people in the history of the world ever gloried in hating themselves. If this keeps up, none of us will be left except for those whites – like Fidel Trudeau – who find themselves in the acceptable elite and therefore worthy of respect and obedience.

© 2023 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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America: Off the Rails

By Sidney Secular

March 18, 2023

A literal toxic cloud hangs over America today. Many cannot really see it, much less see through it! The fog of paralysis eliminates effective action while producing an inertia that, together with a lack of incisive analysis, will end in our nation’s death spiral. There has never been such an open show of contempt and hatred for normal Americans – a/k/a “the deplorables” – as is presently displayed by our ruling elites and their governing regime. These malignant views are continually demonstrated by the Bolshevik Biden Administration’s original non-response, followed quickly by a grudging “mini-response” to the environmental disaster that took place in East Palestine, Ohio. Only the appearance of former President Donald Trump on the scene forced any kind of a “response” by the rulers of the Deep State to a situation that America has been repeatedly assured is environmentally calamitous. And as we are supposed to be in the hands of those who LOVE Planet Earth and live for the Green Movement, this lack of concern for a real “environmental crisis” beggars the imagination.

And it’s not just East Palestine that is imperiled, but the entire “promised land ” of the Middle West –  a/k/a “flyover country”– along with northeast America and a good deal of highly populated regions in Canada! The Norfolk Southern Railroad’s governing board’s response to the disaster obviously represents a return to a more backward environmental era! For in a display of unfathomable irrationality they failed to bring expertise to the fore and instead decided to burn voluminous amounts of the extremely toxic chemical vinyl chloride and other poisons being transported on the derailed train cars rather than taking the time to transport them to a remote site where they could have been buried in a manner to prevent leakage either back to the surface or into the water table. Of course, this is always assuming that the decision was made by the railroad for the quiet and deadly hand of the Deep State may well have had a part in the matter. Indeed, usually such an overwhelming response in these highly public matters is the opposite of “good business practices,” thus suggesting that the force behind the action was not a private concern.

The train disaster occurred on February 3rd when a two-mile long convoy of 150 cars powered by 3 locomotives, many of them loaded with the aforesaid and other toxic cargo derailed as it passed through the town. Those addressing the matter, dilly-dallied for two days doing nothing before deciding on the controlled burn that has been the cause of the ensuing tragedy. Such a response is understandably burning many people up. Vinyl chloride, when burned produces hydrogen chloride and phosgene. The latter is the gas that was used by the combatants during the “Great War,” World War One, the war was that was considered so bad it would end any future warfare save for small “brush conflicts.” Phosgene causes lung damage, and with sufficient exposure, asphyxiation, while hydrogen chloride corrodes any living tissue with which it comes into contact. Phosgene has long been banned by the international community as a legal instrument of warfare. That must have been comforting to the residents of East Palestine!

The result of this so-called “control burn” was a huge toxic mushroom cloud that, settling back to earth, poisoned everything with which it came into contact including the air, the land, the water and all life in the area, animal, vegetable or human. Animals began dying in droves. Of course, these toxic poisons entered local tributaries of the Ohio River and thence into the River itself, a primary source of water for 30 million Americans. The poisons quickly reached Cincinnati, nearly 300 miles downstream from East Palestine, resulting in the city cutting off the water supply from the River. Luckily, the city has its own reserve water supply. The Ohio River is 981 miles long and East Palestine is 25 miles downstream from Pittsburgh. That was a stroke of luck as rivers don’t back up as toilets sometimes do. Recently, there was a short video on Facebook in which a gentleman from Massachusetts “set fire” to a snowball that contained a cocktail of these chemicals when contaminated snow fell on his home. The snow didn’t even melt, it just burned as would any chemical solution!

Of course, there has been only a minimal and muted criticism of Norfolk Southern by the Biden bunch. Maybe it is because the top four stockholders of the Road are: 1- The Vanguard Group (8.04%), 2-  BlackRock Institutional Trust Co. (4.57%), 3- State Street Global Advisors (4.46%) and 4- J.P. Morgan Asset Management (3.81%). These are some of the biggest corporate entities in the US and the world and their big bucks can successfully buck any major efforts to penalize Norfolk Southern for their gross negligence. Meanwhile, Washington remained unmoved and unreceptive regarding possible help for the stricken area until “The Donald” announced he would visit the scene! An hour later FEMA announced that it would release some disaster relief funds! Meanwhile, Biden was in Poland pushing for World War 3 on President’s Day and couldn’t be bothered by events in his own back yard providing he actually remembered that Ohio is, in fact, a state in the nation of which he is supposedly the president. Of course, the residents of East Palestine are mostly farmers – a despised population – and worse, over 98% white – with a handful of blacks – so neither he nor his “guvmint” give a damn. And, of course, 80% of the locals voted for Trump in the 2020 election and are therefore considered potential “domestic terrorists” in the eyes of the Biden Bolsheviks, thus they become deserving of their fate. But big explosions and huge clouds of poison cannot be reasonably buried in the 2 A.M. news, so the response even of the media has been such that it was determined that these “terrorists” were, in a way entitled, but only to the barest assistance in the ongoing debacle.

Not to belittle Transportation Secretary Pete “Butt-gig” – something that this “gentleman” does so well all by himself! –  but he made it apparent that his DEI promotions  took precedence over either visiting the stricken area or participating in the town-hall meeting that took place addressing the disaster. But then, perhaps Pete didn’t realize that railroads are under his government agency! Face it, he’s more the unicorn and flying carpet type! Meanwhile, at the town hall meeting the only political representative above the municipal level to show up was Ohio Congressman Bill Johnson. Now, it may take decades to sift through the hype and questionable “information” to obtain the full story of what happened. Indeed, such a report may just disappear down a convenient memory hole if it were to prove contrary to the regime’s agenda. Given our present “history,” any such exposure of the facts already has “one foot in the grave” so to speak, leaving us with nothing but a nightmare of ungodly consequences to remember. At the moment, the National Wildlife Federation and other prominent environmental organizations have yet to raise a ruckus over the way the incident was handled since it doesn’t play into the “social justice” theme that memes are required to promote nowadays. The Biden bunch didn’t waste any time sending $100 million in earthquake relief to Turkey and Syria three days after the derailment, some of which could have been diverted to the heartland of our own country.

Whether it can be called a conspiracy or just an example of massive negligence, it is surely noteworthy that this was the eighth train derailment in the past five years at the same location! From being a sort of anomaly a few years ago, there is now an average of 1,704 train derailments per year in the US!  Given the huge amount recently voted to “repair our infrastructure” as well as past bills that supposedly address such needs, apparently nothing is being done to repair our railroads and the cost of that negligence is rising rapidly –  perhaps fatally. Meanwhile, the National Transportation Safety Board has yet to announce the official cause of the derailment, but a mechanical problem with an axle in one of the 150 cars is believed to have led to the derailment. The axle was seen throwing sparks 20 miles before the train reached the location where the derailment occurred. In other countries, far more care is taken with their rail transportation than is taken to protect Americans. I guess that’s because our elites travel by air and don’t live close to railroad tracks.

According to reports, the original fire resulting from the derailment did not involve any of the cars carrying toxic cargo but did continue to burn for two full days without being extinguished. However, once it threatened to blow up the cars that did contain toxic material, apparently it was determined that some ameliorating action had to be taken. There is no mention of the crew contacting the local fire department with help in putting out the fire. Maybe the crew thought the local yokels were incapable of doing that. Youngstown, Ohio is only some 20 miles away and their fire department had been able to assist efforts to out the fire. Company management, apparently on its own and without consulting experienced government or private sector engineers and experts, determined to do a controlled release and burn off the vinyl chloride in 5 of the rail cars. They probably thought it less risky – and expensive! – from a legal standpoint to chance giving everyone in the vicinity slowly developing cancer rather than killing them with jagged chunks of flying steel. However, Norfolk Southern representatives balked at attending a town hall meeting knowing that they stood to be blown away by enraged citizens. Their CEO Alan Shaw takes home just under $4 million annually in total compensation but his company has only allocated a measly $1 million in relief aid to the community. That sum represents a measly $1,000 per resident, another indication of the responsibility the company feels about the disaster.

Given the present administration and the lack of favor found by the deplorables of East Palestine, naturally the mainstream media was quick to state that the incident was not an environmental disaster anywhere near the scale of events such as, say, Chernobyl, the BP oil spill, or God forbid, the lead found in the water of black dominated Flint, Michigan. They even had the temerity to state the water was safe to drink albeit, nobody from either Washington or the media were hurrying to that town to prove their point! Dan Tierney, a spokesman for Ohio’s Governor whiney Mike DeWine said the FEMA representatives told him they were withholding relief funds because a toxic derailment didn’t fit the profile of a “traditional disaster;” that is, such events as can be blamed on “climate change” or a lack of “diversity” or Donald Trump. However, they did admit that the 9/11 attacks did qualify as such but whether the citizens of East Palestine took comfort in that, I don’t know.

Many lawsuits have been filed against Norfolk Southern for their gross negligence, but it is probable that a massive class action suit would be the proper tack to take for any chance of a result before those affected are long in their graves. Hopefully, those who are still standing at the time such a case is filed will have the luck to get judges who will accept their legal “standing” to bring such a suit. As well, a retired veteran fireman and HAZMAT expert from the nearby Youngstown fire department claims the controlled burn was merely a means to save money without any concerns for the safety of those llving nearby, something else that would help in any suit brought by the folks of East Palestine. A reasonably articulate tattoo artist from the town opined that the town’s motto, “A Place You Want To Be”, should now be changed to “A Place You Don’t Want To Be.” It’s a strange situation when firemen and tattoo artists can wax more eloquently and be more lucid than journalists, politicians, and CEOs. But then, they are trying to communicate, not silence communications.

Norfolk Southern employees have complained to the media that any train containing 150 cars is too long and that the huge tonnages involved are too high for safety’s sake. Employees of the road have also complained that they are overworked, that the frequency of safety inspections has been drastically cut, and that there are no regulations as to the length and weight of such trains. Unbelievably in these days of COVID, employees are not allotted a designated number of sick days and they have also complained that crews are undermanned and are required to be on call 90% of the time, a situation that leads to extreme fatigue and the consequences of that situation. Labor unrest arising from these complaints nearly resulted in a strike in September 2022 that was averted only when the workers agreed to accept an approved sick leave of only one day! Apparently, these American workers have no union to represent them or, if they do, it is a “sweetheart” union catering to the wishes of the company.

In sum: it is amazing that the United States is the only major country on earth that does not guarantee paid sick days. German workers are entitled to four weeks of sick leave paid at a rate of 70% of their base salary. Almost amazingly, Norwegian workers are entitled to one year of paid sick leave, though one would suppose such a situation would relate to an approved disability determination. Bernie Sanders appears to be the only federal politician that seems to take any interest in these issues – or any other working class issues for that matter. These “workers’ issues” once constituted the core of Democrat Party platforms. But as the so-called “Democrats” move to take up the banner of elitism, Donald Trump could steal away many votes from the remaining Democrat base by basing at least part of his next campaign on these issues – always assuming that American lower middle class workers – including farmers – are still around in 2024!

© 2023 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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Nikki Haley and the Hegelian Dialectic Trick

By Sidney Secular

February 28, 2023

There’s no haggling over the success of the Hegelian method, Marxism’s main M.O. and Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). In essence, the Left advances 2 or 3 steps and then when – or if – limp conservative moral outage sets in, they backtrack a step or two and that sign of “repentance” satisfies the righteous right as a pro forma compromise until the left is ready to do it all over again. Interestingly, they never pull back all the way, and so they start the whole process from even further along in their planned agenda when it is next used. This wicked waltz continues ad nauseum and ad infinitum until conservatives have nothing left to conserve. When you’re always on the defensive – the essence of conservatism – this “dance of cultural death” is the means by which the left defeats it’s enemies. Nowhere is this strategy more obvious than in the use of Nikki  Haley as a means to trump “the Donald” in a sort of application of this firmly established method designed to eat away the body politic like a metastasizing cancer.

Conservatives are now so used to being trampled on by the media’s constant attacks that they are desperate for any “positive” attention – let alone representation – within popular culture. They’ll take anything that isn’t negative even when it’s superficial, contrived, super-silly or supercilious as in the case of the sudden and unwarranted popularity associated with the TV drama “Yellowstone” which is popular because it makes it acceptable to be white – and yellow, if you will. Americans need their fill and fix of slop offered by inane popular television series or special shows like the Academy awards or the “Stupor Bowl.” Its “schlock around the clock” because the media moguls know that many sheeple are tethered to their TVs nearly 24/7 allowing for an opportunity of unremitting blatant brainwashing. Of course, all of this has gotten worse after the COVID lockdowns! And, after all, they still tune in to the annual “Toilet Bowl” (a/k/a the Super Bowl) in huge numbers that represented an increase over last year even though last years’ show was an admitted debacle of debauchery.

Neither, during that waste of time and electric power, did white viewers tune out the divisive “Black National Anthem” since today anything black is now automatically deemed wonderful, beautiful and worthy! And as black history month morphs into black history year – and decade – with its never ending parade of black “culture” – an oxymoron if ever there was one! – the eternal whining over slavery dominates the historical narrative to the detriment of both truth and history! Given the state of things, why wouldn’t white conservatives pop popcorn into their mouths and chew chips while consuming the poppycock on their screens? For haven’t they been exposed to constant leftist screeds and creeds no matter how much the programming is aimed at their detriment, destruction and folly? After awhile even stupidity can become a habit difficult to break.

Progressives push a far-left racial and cultural agenda that conservatives naturally say they oppose. However, in truth, they willingly accept an only slightly little less extreme version of that same agenda. But that’s the dialectic at play. Conservative politicians may gain a leg up in an election by voicing opposition to progressivism but apparently they do so not to “fix” anything, but rather, in order to continue to feed at the public trough! As soon as they are safely ensconced in office, they go back to their compromising, backtracking ways. Over the long term, America’s white majority and the nation that depends on it continues its decline and descent towards the abyss. Nikki Haley is the latest pragmatist and propagandist to take advantage of this “back and forth with a lot of froth” dialectic, exclaiming against the most blatant “wokery” while claiming that strength exists whereas it actually continues to wither into further weakness. Faux conservatives like her accept the Left’s framing of the charade of political debate including the idea that “racism” reigns supreme. When you accept the Left’s “daffynition” of terms and their framing of an issue you enter into a battle in which you are already the loser. Biden began his bilious campaign with “racism” prattle and Nikki is engaging in the battle by accepting his premises! She appeals to both the Yankee and the modern denatured urban Southerner by claiming to be able heal the racial rupture through playing the part of an outsider or mediator who – supposedly – can see both sides of the issue because she is a child of immigrants and therefore not a player in the original situation that brought about the problems being claimed.

Of course, her “immigrant status” makes of her in many thoughtless minds more American than the “native born” as we’re now supposed to be a nation of immigrants! As an “outsider,” she claims we founder because we don’t live up to our “founding principles.” But being ignorant and not well versed in actual American history, she doesn’t realize or understand that the true founding principles reflect the now rejected paleoconservative philosophy that promoted rule by the civilization created by the white men she is now more than willing to push aside. But, of course, none of this matters because today’s populace, ignorant of both their historical and political roots, knows no better.  She likes to bloviate with the expression, “even on our worst day, we are blessed to live in America,” then comparing us to China and Iran, the two media punching bags that bear the brunt of our blather after Russia. But the slogan, “at least we’re not Iran,” isn’t much on which to hang one’s campaign hat – or one’s way of life! Furthermore, she brags about her economic record, but it isn’t hard to make any record look good compared to the destructive policies of the demonrats.

Haley’s M.O. includes touting her response to the Dylann Roof shooting, something that any half-baked politico with any smarts would have included photo opps. By the way, what’s happened to that perp – or was that affair just another false flag event? Haley further distinguished (extinguished?) herself by making war against the very people who elected her, taking down the Confederate flag at South Carolina’s Capitol and helping precipitate the massive takedown of patriotic statuary across the country. Her action was especially egregious, hypocritical, and ironic because in seeking Southern votes in 2010, she claimed that states have the right to secede from the Union, which was the Southern position that precipitated the so-called “Civil War.” In that statement, correct as it was, she showed her gross contempt for the voters who put her in office with her subsequent actions vilifying that legal secession and by doing so, she makes Kamala Harris  look good by comparison –  and that, believe me, is hard! A matchup of those two “miss-fits” would make of America truly the world ‘s laughing stock! Indeed, white advocates would probably more likely to be shut down by a President Haley because many clueless and/or yellow RINO Republicans would no doubt go along with it. But it would never work the other way around. Republicans and other “knee-benders” are too cowed to demand that black nationalist symbols be taken down in response to blacks attacking police or in going on their blatantly anti-white benders of murderous attacks coupled with the destruction of property.

As well, Haley is running for president despite saying she would not do so if Donald Trump ran. She also said, were that the case, she would support Trump, something that apparently now she won’t. Remember, Trump chose Haley to be ambassador to the UN despite having no political “debt” occasioning his choice. If her actions are not examples of ingratitude, disloyalty and of being a turncoat and a liar, what is? Our political class of both parties has no class and will go with the flow whichever way the wind blows, that is, they follow the way of the world and what has become the new normal. Haley’s “ideas” are the tired shopworn tropes of “Conservatism, Inc.” For instance, she would blame “socialism” for the fact that there is not a single student proficient in math in twenty-three of Baltimore’s public schools, reasoning that our public school systems prefer socialist indoctrination over teaching the basics. That the Baltimore public schools are in critical condition because they teach such hardcore communist drivel as critical race theory is in fact correct, but meanwhile she says nothing about the discipline problems arising from an all or mainly black student body or Big tech’s censorship of free speech or the domestic surveillance state either. Why? Because either she is ignorant – something that seems very unlikely – or she is in favor of such practices or, at the very least, willing to turn a blind eye to them.

Haley is the consummate follower except when she sees the opportunity to become the political shepherd leading the sheeple down the  primrose path. If in fact she does run, the libber journalists and mainstream media will have a field day forcing her into senseless concessions on any issue they decide to use against her. On the other hand, our side will have a wily demagogue who, while saying she eschews identity politics, will choose the same to her advantage. As well, we will have yet another conservative candidate who lacks any indication or demonstration of both independent thought and action and who would retreat from any characterization of her as a racist by her opponents. In the current political climate these attitudes might actually help her with other wishy-washy or pragmatic politicos. They would support her because the present intense progressive outrage is enough to move the dialectic leftwards with little opposition from conservatives who can’t seem to get outraged over anything but the failings of other conservatives – at least as they see them. Naturally, this scenario is outrageous in its potential consequences and America’s precipitous decline will continue until a critical mass of whites stops defending themselves against fraudulent charges of racism and “meanness” and begins to wage a battle for survival in the new Millennium.

Meanwhile, American “patriotism” continues to decline among progressives where it was never a strong point to begin with while many conservatives no longer identify with this country or recognize it as part of the First World. Yet Haley seems oblivious to this, carrying on with her newfound and increasingly baseless “American Pride” program. The post-Obama military doesn’t want “far-right” or White Americans generally and is especially dismissive of Confederate heroes for which many military bases are, or rather were, named. In this further genocide of Southern history and heroes, the military turns off potential recruits from the South, its primary source of  manpower and patriotic esprit-de-corps. The Army missed its 2022 recruitment goals by a full 25% and had to cut its size by 10,000, equivalent to an entire division.  As well, the Pentagon estimates that over 75% of young Americans would not qualify for military service due to obesity, health problems or drug use. Fortunately, it would seem, sexual perversion is no longer a handicap for those seeking a military career as the photo of military leaders in drag clearly indicates! How then would candidate – or President – Haley rally the youth to join a crusade against Russia, China, Iran and/or North Korea?  “Flag wavers” are always suspect because that is a strategy to bolster flagging prospects or for some other ulterior motive – unless, of course, it is a rainbow flag and then all is acceptable. But waving the American flag might work as many conservatives are foolish enough to believe any non-white flattery about American values and patriotism. Indeed, whites are so despondent and down on themselves that this might provide a means by which they can feel good about themselves again!  Thus decent Americans have been reduced to a hope that hollow and superficial patriotism will save us but a hollowed out America will not survive long under such circumstances. Nostalgia gets stale and false hope is nauseating under these wretched conditions.

© 2023 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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To the Ends of the Earth: Lost White Migrations and Civilizations, Part 4

By Sidney Secular

February 24, 2023

The South American Amazons

Many myths are extant about past cultures of warrior women who created their own societies where males were either subservient or served as slaves and that operated in accordance with a military mythos similar to what obtained in ancient Sparta. The women were as competent in military operations and technology and personal  fighting skills as were the males in the surrounding patriarchal societies with their macho mentality. But did Amazons somehow associated with the Amazon Basin really exist? Yes, they did and, further, they were of the White race and may still exist in isolated pockets not yet reached or overrun by modern civilization. Up until recently, legends of Amazons were mostly associated  with ancient civilizations in the Mediterranean  and Asia Minor areas, despite the Amazon appellation, but the actual and factual evidence in support of their existence comes not from the Old World, but from the New, and much of that evidence is of relatively recent derivation.

Not that there isn’t a long tradition of Amazons in the Americas. The Aztecs and Incas both told of incursions into their realms of bands of fierce women warriors long before the arrival of the Spanish. The warriors involved weren’t just a sort of “wild bunch” either. Rather, they constructed well-built cities of stone near rivers in addition to the forts, trenches and fences one would expect. They occupied portions of Inca territory until they were driven further east into the interior of the continent by the Incas.

Descriptions of the woman warrior cultures were received by Christopher Columbus during his second trip to the New World. The reports indicated the women were using male slave labor and not engaging in the usual female occupations. The women used both bows and arrows and javelins. They covered themselves with plates of copper and brass. Columbus encountered the women warriors directly on the island of Martinique.  A bit later, in 1515, the Spanish explorer Hernando de Ribera reported that the women had “great towns” with much “white and yellow” metal (probably silver and gold). These women warriors were encountered during Spanish expeditions in what is now Columbia in 1532, and in Brazil in 1541. In Brazil, a priest traveling with the expedition described the women as being very white and tall, with bared breasts and well developed bodies, with very long hair braided and wound about the head, They were described as very robust with their privy parts covered and each one capable of doing as much fighting as 10 Indian men. Local Indians told the Spaniards the women warriors lived in stone cities in the jungle connected by well-constructed roads closed to outsiders. The Indians estimated there were at least 70 such cities with dwellings superior to that in which the Indians lived.

As was the case with many older cultures, they worshiped the Sun in special temples used for religious ceremonies. The women used much gold and silver to make common items like cooking utensils, and to make jewelry as well as statues. They were expert farmers and cultivated a wide variety of fruits and vegetables and consumed wild foods as well. They cultivated bees for their honey that was used for both food and for medicinal purposes. They forced surrounding Indian villages to send them men to assist in food cultivation. Instead of mating with white men who may have been unavailable due to decimation, the women summoned light-complected Indians to mate with them once a year. The girl offspring of these unions were kept and raised by the women, while the boys were returned to their fathers or, in some cases, killed possibly as human sacrifice. Of course, following this way of life, one can easily see that these white women gradually lost their racial purity miscegenating themselves out of existence by becoming mestizos thus reducing their fighting prowess, distinctiveness and physical robustness over time.

Nor were the Spanish the only early European visitors to encounter the Amazons. The famous English explorer Sir Walter Raleigh met the queen of an all-female tribe, who was named Canoni in present day Guyana. Later European encounters with the Amazons were in an expedition by French explorer Jean de Mocquet in 1604 along the Amazon River itself, and in 1844 by British explorer Sir Robert Schomburgk  in the area where Venezuela, Brazil and British Guiana(now Guyana) meet. In this latter subculture, all male babies were killed probably to prevent in-breeding.

The most detailed description of Amazon life came from a British scientist who actually lived among a tribe of women warriors in a remote area near the Brazil/Peru for several days in 1947.  There were 250 to 300 women. They were just under 6 feet in height, tall and light-skinned, were of all ages and wore a short garment that exposed the right side of their chests. They spoke a language composed of Portuguese and Indians elements. This experience occurred in April, the month chosen for the annual mating ritual with the lightest-skinned Indians. Additional evidence has since emerged to the effect that the Amazons may still inhabit remote areas of South America. In 1970, Indians in Ecuador told an Italian explorer that there still existed an Amazon “pueblo” deep in the jungle. In 1988, Brazilian archeologists unearthed Amazon artifacts at the site of a former Indian village deep in the jungle.

One plausible theory of the origin of the South American Amazons is that they were refugees from a people called the Chachapoyas (the Incan word for “Cloud People”) who built impressive stone cities atop ridges in the Andes mountains. The best known and best preserved Chachapoya site is the city called Kuelap, discovered in 1843, and located about 400 miles north of Lima, Peru. It contains an impressive array of finely constructed stone buildings, walls, and towers, some over 60 feet tall. Mummies of these people have been found at Kuelap with blond or red hair and death masks with blue eyes. The male Chachapoyas were apparently wiped out by the Incas and the women were taken as captives. Many apparently managed to escape forming the nucleus of the women Amazons, who retained the knowledge of how to build stone cities, structures, and roads, and how to use and craft metals, including precious metals, for mundane and well as special purposes.

Stone cities are constantly being unearthed now in the South American jungle areas with the advent of various means of “non-visual” technology for exploring areas covered with vegetation. But they are not readily discovered through aerial surveillance because of that same jungle overgrowth and therefore must be encountered directly or they will remain unknown. Under the circumstances, many of these cities are likely to be the constructions of the Amazon women.

And, finally, an intriguing question presents itself: where did these White people in South America including the Amazons originate?

© 2023 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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Brain Fog at Foggy Bottom

By Sidney Secular

February 14, 2023

They keep tweakin’ the campaign to weaken Russia for an eventual kill, but instead they are killing the West. If this keeps up, we will surely hit bottom. Joe “Blowhard” Biden and his Secretary of “Offense” Lloyd Austin have about run out of Ukrainian meat to grind even as the Ukrainian conflict grinds on. But unless Putin starts puttin’ his foot down and playin’ footsy, the situation will devolve into a type of trench warfare with a faux “Maginot” line running down the spine of the country and separating the two sides. With all the massive armament the West has supposedly been supplying to the Ukrainians and all the military wherewithal Russia has, we believe, held back from using, either side could easily take over all of Ukraine if a surprise blitzkrieg were launched. We must remember that it was just such an attack that allowed the Germans to “outflank” the vaunted Maginot line in the first place. But there’s apparently no will to launch any such an offensive and thus there appears to be little hope that it will happen. At present, Putin appears happy enough to just let the fog-brained operatives at Foggy Bottom and NATO do their thing because he is benefiting immensely without over-using his military forces while the West’s military-industrial complex appears content to keep operating at full capacity so long as the massive-budgeted government largesse – and probably black budget billions – keep coming down the pike!

The “slimes” who run the (NY) Times and the rest of the “sicko-phant” media keep eggin’ the combatants on with a constant “above the fold” fodder of lies spewed out daily claiming the Russians are being ground down and folding. Their latest whopper to encourage continuing conflict is the allegation that the number of Russian troops killed or wounded in Ukraine is approaching 200,000, which is an outright fib. Scratch that blather and baloney because the Russian forces in Ukraine have hardly been scratched, while the much smaller Ukrainian forces gradually are being decimated. That was the strategy Grant used against Lee’s more inspired but far smaller number of patriots and it inevitably works in a meat grinder situation, but it takes time and a much larger number of soldiers on the part of the aggressor.

The Russians are stronger in several ways now. Shifting their oil exports to more reliable Asian customers encourages them to increase oil production. Kicking Russia out of the SWIFT global payments system prompted the BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India, and China) to build their own trade settlement system so they wouldn’t have to rely on the dollar. Cutting Russia off from general trade with the West has stimulated her to manufacture the items she used to obtain via trade with Europe. Confiscating Russia’s off-shore assets has  caused an unfavorable reaction from the rest of the world and has prompted many nations to dump their dollar assets, including US Treasury Bonds, before they too suffer economically. Much of the world is sick and tired of American hubris and domination and the attacks on Russia have only intensified these feelings.

Modern wars waged by Western powers for over a century whether among themselves or over third world countries are solely motivated by power, money and economic or resource concerns dressed up as ideological struggles and the elimination of supposedly dictatorial regimes. These and other similar “globaloney” are used as excuses for military adventurism so as to procure the acceptance by the people of the consumption of resources and money being frittered away on non-productive and wasteful enterprises. Of course, the end result is that the people suffer while the military-industrial complex thrives and grows. The kernel of this all-consuming crusade to continue America’s dominance in world affairs really comes down to maintaining the supremacy of the US dollar in global trade settlements. But US and NATO sanctions and other actions have adversely impacted the rule of the dollar in world economic transactions and continued American hegemony hedges on reversing that situation. However, the West keeps wallowing in the quicksand it has created and the more it tries to extricate itself, the deeper it sinks into the mire of constant conflict and adverse reactions to its meddling! As a result, its levels of debt expand exponentially, while we continue to dig ourselves into an ever deeper financial hole. The problem is, having created the scenario, we failed to also create a way out!

Comparing Russian with American prospects requires some historical perspective as well as forward projections. Russia emerged relatively unscathed as the USSR crumbled, only losing some of its Eurasian outlands, but these were never “Russian” in the first place. As well, the country is so big and has such great resources that the constriction of its geographical area wasn’t particularly earth shaking as little blood was shed in the process. As there was no real understanding of private property in the USSR, when it collapsed few were affected by eviction or foreclosure. Very few people had cars but there was well maintained mass transportation, so the city centers were still intact and the people could continue to travel on buses, trams and trains as before. The food system had been badly botched from the beginning of the Communist regime due to low-incentive collectivism, but the Russians were a clever people who made the most out of planting family gardens while city dwellers had little plots of their own outside of town that tided them over during long periods of travail.

Compare the Russian situation with America’s prospects in the coming economic meltdown!  Even piddling Social Security payments may be reduced and it is clearly suggested that retirement accounts set up by American workers may simply be cancelled, leaving many without income in their “golden years.” Americans will have their homes foreclosed out from under them by our “unibanks” and corporations like of BlackRock. When all the guarantees upon which we as Americans have depended for generations are simply “gone,” we as a people will hit rock bottom. Renters will face eviction from rentals they can no longer afford but this will not save the landlords whose existence depends upon that rental income. Everything will be “foreclosed” and we will find ourselves as we have been told; that is, we will own nothing, but whether we will be “happy,” is improbable. Let’s face it, we Americans are spoiled. Today’s we can’t seem to tolerate not having a new car every couple of years, long before the useful life of a car ends! Meanwhile, used cars are getting more expensive the result of which is that the “reepoh” men have “field days” every day! But, like foreclosures, such “transactions” help no one. An economy based on foreclosure means that sooner or later, even those who benefit from repossessing assets run out of things to “repossess.”

The omnipresent haphazard suburban sprawl structure on the outskirts of many metropolitan areas based mainly on car use will atrophy or be abandoned because of a lack of adequate public transportation and business from customers. Right now, plans are already underway for so-called “fifteen minute” cities that are specifically designed for the population to live within severely limited areas that require no “transportation.” These “cities” will have legal boundaries requiring “passports” when one wishes to pass into another “city” and too much movement by any citizen will result in government chastisement of a determined nature. Freedom as we know it will cease.

The American food system has been built primarily on manufactured, denatured and processed foods with little nutritional value causing massive overeating and obesity leading to big profits for big pharma and the medical-industrial complex as the eventual result. The New World orderlies are conducting a massive campaign of destruction and sabotaging of these food processing facilities which will cause food prices to skyrocket even further and food supplies on grocery shelves to shrink even more. The shortages of essentials during the Covidiocy was a precursor of much worse shortages to come during the economic meltdown, and, furthermore, resulted in the sheeple getting used to shortages of essentials without questioning the reason for those shortages. Many Americans are ignorant as to where their food comes from and don’t appreciate the value of quality foods. Most of our younger generations never had home gardens or grew their own food. Many of those already unhealthy because of poor nutrition will sicken and die as they did during the plannedemic thus further thinning out the population as the Great Reset gets settled in. As well, many of our so-called “useless eaters” will not be able to afford food and thus be reduced to “dumpster diving” much as we see among our “homeless” populations in large blue cities. Of course, this is a double tragedy as most of these unfortunates are addicts and/or mentally ill. But they do make a dandy population for our elites to practice genocide upon. After all, who cares about them? Nobody, really.

Underneath all the perverse conditions of Soviet life, Russia still had a national identity and consciousness – especially a great Christian consciousness, and a coherent culture unadulterated and untrammeled by waves of third world immigrants and the dictates of diversity and “multicultism.” We Americans have thrown away our coherent national identity and the culture provided by the Founders of the Historical American Nation – a Christian culture – and instead we have adopted Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (the DEI movement) thus diminishing the productivity of the populace by excluding its potentially most productive members. Even the profit motive has been despoiled and downgraded as capitalism transmogrifies into socialism. Without its once formidable industrial base, America is reduced to relying on service industries to fill the gap, which increases economic insecurity as the immigrants and illegals take away many of the jobs and opportunities citizens used to have. Of course, decades ago, the decision was made by our ruling elites that America would become a country whose income was generated by “service industries.” Manufacturing was going to be “exported” to countries with much lower standards of living mirroring the much lower hourly wage of the “worker!” As a result, the “American industries” creating the most wealth involve playing with the stock market, producing porn and video games, gambling, and engaging in drug enterprises, both legal and illegal.

Meanwhile, the political culture has become totally degenerate as can be seen by the ease with which “elections” are “stolen” and efforts to end political corruption through the courts is routinely rendered null and void. Of course, major problems with the political system as well as those involving the culture in general are swept under the rug or “addressed” in such a way as to insure that nothing changes. On the national scene, no one is held accountable for anything no matter how clear and obvious the blame is made known. Every and all the mounting failures, blunders, and moral/ethical turpitudes are made public in a day and then disappear like last winter’s snows. Of course, there are efforts to “affix blame,” but rest assured that those efforts are intentionally directed at the only group of people whose well-being and very existence is contrary to the desires and agenda of the elites: that is, whites! And so we see the blame for all problems from climate change to racism on “systemic” or white racism, usually, but not always, directed at paleo/conservatives, interestingly enough even when such people aren’t white! The purveyors of this beyond the pale poop continue to push it in the faces of Americans and other Westerners in the expectation that decent people will eventually give in as we have so often done in the past.

And so, today reason and truth are passe and, as they say, we must do it their way. But this time they run risk of waking up the goyim and the sheeple to their plight and also the identity of the purveyors of these schemes and agendas because these perps are massively “overreaching” with their actions as they hope to fulfill the agenda of the Great Reset. Hopefully, the facts about the so-called Covid pandemic and all that occurred as a result will wake up at least some – and especially those who have had loved ones suffer the SAD (Sudden Adult Death) syndrome! As well, perhaps the Ukrainian project will collapse and Americans will wonder what became of all that armament we supplied to the “noble Ukrainians” just as we wondered what became of all the armaments we left in Afghanistan. Knowledge of the Biden family’s racketeering is slowly spreading throughout the country by word of mouth even as the media continues to shove it down the memory hole. With any luck, reality will finally blow up in this country’s face as frauds and evil forces are exposed. But if that doesn’t happen, our foundations as a nation will continue to erode, and we will continue to falter and finally fail as the world’s last, best hope becomes a hopeless remnant of what it once was. Remember, as Ronald Reagan pointed out, when America is gone, there’s no place else to go!

© 2023 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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Is the Die Cast for DEI? and Are We to Die Because of It?

by Sidney Secular

February 1, 2023

The burgeoning Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) movement is casting a miasmic, suffocating cloud upon the body politic and all Americans are suffering from it. Academia is the breeding ground for this strain of nonsense and its tentacles lead academic effort away from true academic pursuits. As an example: the thumb-sucking bureaucracy at the University of Virginia employs 77 people at a cost of $7 million per year to create, monitor and determine the University’s DEI program(s). And what do all these (very well paid) people do all day? What are their goals? What their intentions? Will they only be happy if they are totally surrounded by people who aren’t white; that is, when they achieve a 100% non-white staff and student body? Of equal importance is the question, what is the effect of the DEI movement on freedom of speech or educational programs on campus? All of these things affect the “education” that is supposedly being offered at UVA but little is said about the impact of the movement as a whole on that institution!

But the said $7 million is just the tip of the iceberg as it is only concerned with the most visible manifestation of the infestation of the DEI philosophy. It only counts salaries but not employee benefits, or office overhead, or the cost of outside consultants and speakers, or the cost of seminars and conferences!  But perhaps even more important, it doesn’t reflect the impact of the program on faculty productivity or morale. An extraordinary amount of activity at the University is devoted to “running” DEI, and that time and effort acts as a massive drain, sucking faculty, students, and non-DEI staff into its vortex and subtracting from the educational efforts that are (supposedly) the mission of the University.

A “core anchor” of this monstrous matrix is the group, “Academic Deans for Diversity and Inclusion,” a bureaucracy with its own web page and, undoubtedly, a long list of “classified” records that keep track of those who run afoul of the group’s agenda. In any event, the following bullet points were pulled from its page illustrating how and where the deans are spending their time and effort:

  • Strategic inclusive excellence planning; (Wow! What a whopper of loony lingo!)
  • Key training events and D&I programming for the University;
  • Policy equity reviews;
  • Building for a cultural climate of belonging (get a dog if you want to feel needed);
  • Student, staff and faculty recruitment and success (Eh, what?);
  • Institutional communications focused on DEI

That’s more than the usual amount of academic claptrap and thus leaves one to wonder what is actually going on as well as what is actually being accomplished and most important, what is being destroyed in this convoluted process.

Obviously, there must be lots of planning, initiatives undertaken, meetings, networking, academic courses created, staged and attended, brainstorming (if you can call it that under the circumstances!) on WOKE ideas, and bureaucratic make-work. There must also be much virtue signaling, scoring brownie points, and resume-building all of which leaves far less time left for actual teaching and research on non-trivial/non-trendy – that is basic –  subjects.

The College of Arts and Sciences is similarly consumed with DEI projects which probably overlap with those of the aforesaid academic deans. Energy is probably expended on saying the same things other departments are saying but in a way that makes them sound original, or different to a degree. The McIntire School of Commerce and the University of Virginia Library also have their own websites where they can mimic what the other departments are saying on DEI. The entire university is thus caught up in a Maoist-like perpetual politically driven endeavor where the various departments try to comply with the latest imperatives lest they fall behind in the race to keep up with the accomplishments of the other departments on race and DEI issues. It becomes a sort of “race on race.”

It’s time the university’s “stakeholders” – taxpayers, parents, students, deans, faculty and alumni – ask the essential questions for which answers are demanded and then weigh the costs – financial, academic and principled – against the putative benefits of this all-consuming farcical “crusade” against reality. This same inane and insane activity must be consuming nearly all of WOKE academia at this point –  and remember, all of academia is WOKE! And as that is the case, the question then must be, what will be the end result of this whirlwind of weirdness?  Frankly, the answer to that is about as simple as it gets: the destruction of academia and those who people it including America’s future generations.

© 2023 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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The Ukraine War Will End With a Big Bang – and Soon

By Sidney Secular

January 30, 2023

A Tragic Tale of Two Titans

The Ukraine War is all about the sagging struggle of the US to maintain its status as the world’s bully and supposed “superpower.” Moreover, it is an attempt to prevent China from usurping that role. China is gradually moving into a position in which it can lord it over the world economically through its increasingly far flung economic alliances and agreements with increasing numbers of nations, alliances and agreements that leave these nations dependent upon China for their economic viability. Eventually it will not have to fire a shot to attain world dominance despite having the military capability for such a takeover. Constrictors (in this instance more of a dragon than a boa!) strangle their prey and the nations of the West along with the rest of the world will be left to writhe and then die in the grasp of the great dragon. The neocons believe that they can put a major crimp in this plot by disabling Russia as they see that nation as China’s primary partner in its move for global economic control.

The unreasonable and unrelenting enmity of America’s neocons towards Russia has been repeatedly demonstrated since the fall of the USSR! It is almost as if the breakup of that “union” never happened and it is obvious that they will not be content unless and until they can carve Russia up into “republics” again, but this time these “republics” will be slavish and amenable to the New World Order’s “rules based international order”. Whoever the American “leader” becomes, whether Biden or his puppet successor, will be all too willing to do the neocons’ bidding. Any study of the “American right” makes clear that the most powerful segment of that group are the neocons. Traditional conservatives spend most of their times finding fault with fellow traditional conservatives for not being “conservative enough” and thus have pretty much made themselves irrelevant in the present global strategy.

The foggy-headed semi-conscious “ad-libber” Biden has already proclaimed that “Putin cannot remain in power”. However, the Ukrainian military falters because of inferior numbers and weaponry both of which are the result of attrition while a full scale assault by the Russian regular military, and not the present “junior varsity” squad, is imminent. This will entice and perhaps force NATO to attempt an invasion of Russia, something that history has shown will fail as those forces will have to operate over a humongous geographic area. Napoleon and Hitler discovered that fact the hard way. Neither will the Russians stand for “color revolutions” or insurgencies that would eventually install Yeltsin-style leaders or attempts to foment movements to break Mother Russian into pieces. The Russian people have suffered enough since the installation of communism to let that happen again. If they are brought to that point, it is no doubt they will employ the nuclear option in response to any invasion and, of course, we will retaliate setting off World War Three.

Four American presidential administrations influenced by the neocons have tried to con the US government into an attack on Russia to no avail. However, given our present situation, a combination of the far left Democrats and neocon Republicans will avail themselves of whatever propaganda and actual weapons they can muster to maul Russia. Unfortunately – or fortunately! – there is at present no clear strategies or step-by step goals in their anti-Russia endeavors, and NATO is blindly moving ahead in an uncoordinated manner – all they can do is “see Red (or the reds)” like a bull charging ahead. This lack of cogent strategy along with the domestic problems throughout the West will ensure the failure of any “Russian strategy” that may arise. If we attack with nukes first, and we have been cultivating the public for years now in preparation for such an attack (as we continuously cultivated the public for two years before attacking Iraq), Americans may accept the ensuing carnage for they have been carefully prepared by the constant calumny about how Putin has turned into a dictator and madman, an easy enough sell in these days of a manipulated media! However, with the availability of immediate images of any nuclear exchange, it is probable that cooler heads in the West will step in as they have no desire to start the Great Reset of the New World Order on a global ash heap.

But there are other issues involved. For instance, with the fall of communism, Russia has once again embraced its national Church – the Russian Orthodox Church – and that brand of Christianity rejects the West’s current immorality including gay rights and abortion. Indeed, it seems now that the LGBT&etc. community is being persecuted in that nation (that means that they cannot force everybody including Christians to kowtow to their demands). As well, since the election of 2016, it has been claimed that Russia has interfered in our internal affairs and even put the eeeevil Donald Trump in the presidency until he could be removed by true patriots! And if Biden is still able to read the teleprompter and hasn’t stepped down yet, he will claim that Putin’s mental state is “extremely concerning”, when in fact it is his own mental state that is in question. It’s just the usual leftist methodology of blaming your opponent for that of which you are guilty and responsible for doing. Many believe that if there is a first strike on our part, Americans, though appalled, will breathe a sigh of relief that the madman is no more, and go back to their puppet-like – that is obedient! – existence.

The foreign policy gurus and their minions have taken Putin’s measure and have found him wanting and so they are now satisfied that they can get away with their schemes to bring Russia down. Putin brought it upon himself because he hasn’t taken any counter-measures as NATO has expanded again and again to surround him despite his warnings regarding that strategy. For instance, Washington staged the coup in Kiev in 2014 and Putin waited 8 years to react to it. Also consider: Washington sabotaged the Nord Stream 2 pipeline; Washington set up scores of biolabs to potentially infect the Russians with Covid-like critters; Washington and NATO supplied Ukraine with billions in arms equivalent to the entire Russian military budget; the West seized the bank accounts and private property of Russian citizens demonstrating its hostility towards anything Russian; and NATO continues to micro-manage Ukraine’s military response from behind the scenes. Yet, despite all of the above, Russia still has not reacted by completely overrunning at least half of Ukraine with a “blitzkrieg” type invasion as they are fully capable of doing! Yes, Russia must bear part of the blame if the whole thing goes up in flames! Indeed, Russia doesn’t even call the actions in the Ukraine a war but a “special military operation” rather like Korea’s “police action.”

The West’s drive to conquer Russia will not end until the fools of the New World Order exhaust themselves and eventually get beat down in the process. The slovenly media will increasingly slobber over the prospect of subduing the Russian bear, but will remain silent when they have been silenced by events which will have turned against them although, it is secretly believed that they will blame Donald Trump in the end even if The Donald is long gone from our political scene. Russia now has developed the religious and cultural backbone imprisoned for over 70 years of Communist rule. Going through that ordeal has toughened them to withstand any onslaught or adversity the pesty West can inflict on them. Even more to the point, their people have the guts to persevere, something our people seem to lack.

© 2023 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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White Plight Whitewashed by GOP

By Sidney Secular

January 20, 2023

White extinction anxiety, white displacement anxiety, and white minority status anxiety have been the animating but unacknowledged force of right-wing politics for decades but because whites haven’t formed a voting bloc – a necessity in today’s political climate – their problems will not be directly confronted especially given how every politically incorrect they are. And even if a majority, or at least a large number of whites tried to form a real voting bloc, they would face fierce opposition from the establishment, compounded by the unwarranted guilt and shame foisted upon them by the sick virtue signalers. The empty suits of the GOP have been happy to follow the anti-white agenda, refusing to openly acknowledge the problem because there is no politically correct voting bloc to which they can cater, and so they cater to the spirit of the age. Not one Congressional legis-traitor will initiate a fight to overcome the white plight due to their fear of doing something outside the box and thus the Historic American Nation continues its descent into the abyss. Ex-Congressman King of Iowa was already persona non grata after being canned from Congress, so he has sort of taken up the aforesaid fight now that he is no longer in Congress and doesn’t have to worry about the various brickbats thrown at him. He needn’t even be pensive since his large pension took care of that.

The whites who recognize their plight are understandably frustrated since they have no real outlet wherein they can effect a difference, and therefore they remain gripped by their gripes. The largely dull, deceived and dumbed down general mass of whites, bereft of racial consciousness will grasp at any straw that seems to address their unease within their dismaying situation. As a result, with the appearance of Donald Trump, they enthusiastically took up the MAGA Movement which addressed their plight as ordinary, middle class white Americans. Of course, it is also true that a nebulous number of non-whites reject the abuses and lunacies of the Left and as a result have also embraced the promise of Trump, but on the other hand, they are sometimes part of the cause vice the solution to the “status woe”.

The GOP has been only too happy to reap whatever unearned electoral windfalls may come its way, especially considering its nonchalant and neglectful attitude towards its core support group, largely white middle Americans who are the most civic minded, law abiding and hardworking segment of the population. These are the people who perform the essential jobs and maintain the economy and the culture, but they also represent the nation’s forgotten demographic. These “Americans” populate the largely overlooked tracts of America that are now commonly referred to as “flyover country,” a term the elites coined as they coast along at 30,000 feet on their trips to and from the more populated, important and powerful coasts. The GOP basically deserted this most loyal constituency by the early 1970s, a choice most clearly demonstrated by the dastardly “affirmative action program.” This program, supposedly designed to offset previous racial bigotry in hiring, initiated the concept of equality over quality, thus stifling white opportunities for economic and social upward mobility. When the agenda of redacting reality in the name of “racial fairness” was then combined with the immigration invasion, Americans and their economy suffered a double whammy. But the economy was not the only area of American life to suffer from policies that we were sold under the argument of “fairness.” The immigration invasion also jeopardized the safety and integrity of America’s lower middle class and poor neighborhoods as well.

Furthermore, the globalization of the American economy and the prevalence of free trade policies eliminated well-paying manufacturing jobs in the US, lowering the living standards of middle class Americans without much helping the poor in those countries that received the benefit of America’s manufacturing economy. When combined with the aforesaid factors, the outcome facilitated the shrinkage of the American middle class and its living standards, a process that has been ongoing ever since.

Many whites later rallied around the sabotaged candidacies of Ross Perot and Patrick Buchanan knowing full well that the victory of any main party candidate meant more of the same. These same voters whose numbers grew exponentially under Bush and later Obama finally achieved a measure of short-lived success with the rise of Donald Trump! Of course, it didn’t hurt the Trump camplaign that the “majority candidate” was a murderous criminal whose crimes could not be denied by even the most naïve voter. Nonetheless, unacknowledged “minority anxiety” was the true subconscious motivator behind Trump’s ascendancy.

In the book, “Deaths of Despair and the Future of Capitalism,” Angus Deaton and Anna Case document the numbers of deaths in the US from suicides, drug overdoses and alcohol-induced liver disease. The authors show that the average growth in median wages between 1979 and 2017 was a negative number for white men without a college degree. Largely responsible for these numbers was the GOP’s “free market” policies, policies that in practice meant exporting well paying jobs while importing cheap labor. The cultural consequences of depressed wages for men can be fatal as studies show because those men who cannot afford to build proper and stable homes tend to turn to alcohol and drugs. Yet, these disdained whites remain the nucleus of the Middle American bloc that continues to pump lifeblood into the arteries of the adulterated GOP, a party whose members never met a compromise they didn’t like and who long ago abandoned their core principles – if they ever had any such in the first place!

But let’s look at the statistics: Trump won in 2016 by more than 2 to 1 among whites who had not completed college. During the 2018 mid-term elections, 64% of rural whites voted Republican compared with 51% of suburban whites. Trump scored 63% of the said group that did not complete college in the 2020 presidential election at least as far as can be calculated given the tremendous amount of voter fraud involved! The mid-term elections in 2022 showed the same trends to be alive and well, driven forward by the same anxieties tapped into by the Trump campaigns. One really significant stat shows that by an overwhelming majority of 84%, Middle American Trump voters “worry that discrimination against whites will increase significantly in the next few years.” It would seem that not everyone in America demonstrates a diminished IQ! This finding was the result of a survey conducted by the University of Virginia’s Center for Politics in which immigration featured prominently and not merely because of the depressed wages for middle class workers that appear to be a chronic condition at this point. Trump voters fear they will suffer personally, culturally, and economically from the effects of immigration, something that cannot be denied by any but the willfully blind and those for whom that result is desired! Indeed, many Democrats have openly stated that their “immigration policy” is designed to produce Democrat voters.

Despite the happy – and politically correct – talk about a Republican Party “big tent,” over 60% of Trump voters agree that there exists the basic concept of a “great replacement” and believe there is a deliberate attempt to displace, dispossess and replace them with non-whites. Trump voters – especially the hardcore core of MAGA voters, that is, white evangelical and rural voters – were more “fired up to vote” compared to other voters in the latest episode of stolen elections. Even white suburban women – always a difficult demographic for the GOP – have shifted to the Republican Party over the grossly objectionable educational agendas pushing gender and race issues that their children face in the WOKE educational establishment. This coterie has spearheaded the takeover of school boards and has thwarted the grossly racist and anti-white “critical race theory” in the majority white areas of the US.

Despite much ado about an increasingly diverse GOP, white Middle Americans will constitute the country’s right- wing engine for the foreseeable future and there are more reasons for this than simple self-preservation. In spite of everything, the middle class white carries the DNA of Western Civilization. These people were, are and remain the bedrock of all that we know, recognize and understand as America and they know – quite without a degree from Harvard – that once they are gone, so is civilization as we have known it. But despite that fact, it is hard to avoid the conclusion that sometime soon America will pass the cultural, political, and demographic point of no return if present trends continue. Whether Middle Americans are consigned to the dustbin of history as has-beens or emerge triumphant will depend on someone harnessing and effectively instrumentalizing white anxieties in a direct way hitherto not seen. A pro-active voting bloc whose function is to unashamedly promote white interests must arise if the Historic American nation is to survive and even then, as actual elections become less and less honest and more and more irrelevant, such “interests” will need a great deal of Divine assistance as most of the power is currently in the hands of the enemy.

But, in the end, perhaps most important is the development of a positive vision of the race that brought man from the cave to the stars. Only by refusing to play the “blame game” will whites be able to overcome the deadly problems facing our race and survive into the future. If that does not happen, all of mankind’s future is bleak indeed.

© 2023 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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The Emergence of the New World Order (NWO)

By Sidney Secular

January 13, 2023

Total domination of the world may sound like an impossible feat but it’s plain to see that it is well on its way to fulfillment. The bulk of all the money and property in the world is passing into the hands of a small band of super rich billionaires and trillionaires and Mega Corporations that now mastermind the fate of the people. All the major institutions of society constitute one interlocking cabal that dictates to the rest of the people of the world, the result of which is that nearly all of “We the Sheeple” are locked out of any significant decision making, and are now being told what we can (and cannot) say and do and even what we are permitted to think. We have also been assured that soon the rest of mankind will own nothing and love it because it is for the “greater good!” And, sadly, those people who are good, compliant socialists, find that claim sufficient to accept their “safety” – a/k/a slavery. Of course, this means everyone will have the same net worth or income from the otherwise worthless ghetto ghoul to hard working, decent fireman and even Nobel prize winners. It is a form of extreme communism about which Marx could only dream. The better term for it would be “common-ism” or “equity-ism” in which all distinctions disappear and everyone shares a common fate consisting of misery under poverty and the loss of basic human freedom. Parenthetically, this fate never applies to our elite rulers. No matter how poverty stricken and wretched the society, the rulers and their minions are always well provided for.

But we also have today impressive sounding articles from so-called “think tanks” analyzing the situation and proposing that we all rise up together and disobey our new masters. However, the Covid lockdowns and restrictions and the increasing restrictions on freedom of speech have turned most of “the masses” into mindless stooges incapable of independent thought and action and easily prompted into Pavlovian displays of the proper responses to the demands of our rulers. Such a situation only worsens the conditions that brought about the problems in the first place! Of course, there are patriotic groups here and there along with patriot-oriented print and digital publications, but there is no coordinated response or resistance amongst them, just chest beating and bleating over the now defunct Constitution about which no one in authority has been concerned for literally decades!

Conservatives suffer from a major malignancy that has pretty much cancelled their value to the defense of the nation. What used to be considered “conservative” is now identified as “paleo-conservative” as in paleontology or the study of ancient and extinct things. Alas, it is well named. The newer “brand” of conservatives are called “neo-conservatives” and these are hardly any different from the Left as they embrace globalism and big government. Their only difference from the Left is that Neo-cons prefer private enterprise rather than socialism but as the elites are now in bed with Big Business (Big Tech, Big Pharma etc.), the old Marxist dichotomy of workers vs. bosses has gone the way of the dinosaur. When the two types of conservatives have to work together, they are accustomed to fighting over the fine points of their proposals and use their inability to reach a “consensus” as an excuse for inaction, or, in the alternative, as an excuse for the “neo-cons” following after the far left as it continues its organized march towards perdition with the rest of us following a few steps behind! Mass meetings, marches and mobilizations are out of the question today as they are easily broken up by thuggish government forces and infiltrated by traitors who turn peaceful events into free-for-alls or spur mob behavior – see the events of January 6th, 2021. Participants and other activists are labeled “terrorists” and often lose their rights and bank accounts as a direct result of their failure to comply. They are even thrown into gulags as political prisoners* [*See the article The American Gulag in the last issue of the Freedom Movement Action Newsletter.]

The infamous destruction of the World Trade Center on September 11th 2001, served as a major catalyst to turn the public into willingly compliant wimps, a matter that was made possible by the fact that all truth about the attack was hidden by a massive coverup. The perps were “identified” but not legally or even realistically and no one was punished for the dereliction of duty that supposedly permitted the attack in the first place. Meanwhile as a part of this mass collusion, the judiciary threw out any challenges to the accepted fairy tales while the major media, as usual, acted as an appendage of the Government. Everyone, including those assigned to investigate the event, (including those who had to be coerced into doing so) knew the establishment versions were lies, and to date many have admitted that!. Everyone instinctively knew a bunch of rag-tag third-worlders with box cutters could never carry out such a sophisticated and coordinated assault that actually required foreknowledge of the activities at Ground Zero in both New York and Virginia. As time went on, the result of 9/11 –government intrusion into the life of average Americans in the name of “protecting the country” – led to a general feeling of helplessness and hopelessness that lay like a pall over society.

The deep state operatives and murderers who carried out these monstrous and unprecedented attacks left everyone confused, dumbfounded and feeling betrayed by unknown forces, a condition that deepened their emotional unease over the many unresolved issues involved not only in 9/11 but other such attacks – everything from the Kennedy assassination to horrors like Oklahoma City, Waco and Ruby Ridge – leaving the average patriotic American feeling adrift and powerless. Furthermore, these attacks served as an excuse for insane, worthless wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and elsewhere, wars that duped Americans into filling the coffers of the military-industrial complex while more of the cream of American leadership returned to the nation in body bags or crippled. Worse, the climate of betrayal and suspicion doubled and trebled as the government continued spying on Americans, all in the name of “protecting the nation.”

Amidst the national confusion there then erupted a sudden assault on the history of the nation, an assault validated by the stated belief that America was “evil” and that blacks in this country had all been victims of “systemic white racism” even while a black man resided in the White House. In this, the South suffered most as the region “blamed” for sustaining black slavery and, secondly, for starting the most sanguine war in American history, the so-called “Civil War.” This destruction of our national history continues and even worsens, but one consequence that was little recognized at the time is this: a major segment of our fighting forces have historically come from the South! Many join the military out of (what today is misguided) patriotism as well as a lack of sufficiently attractive employment opportunities in that region. But with the assault on the heroes and monuments of the South, this “pool” of manpower is drying up, leaving our ever more WOKE military in a very bad position given the current political and military situation in the world around us.

The Covid exaggerations including the long-planned barbaric “lockdown” restrictions and response to it have been monumental in advancing the control mechanisms already deeply implemented and whose full implementation is necessary for total communist tyranny to operate. The lockdowns have been temporarily called off but can easily be reinstated with a modest media campaign once the next bugaboo scare is foisted upon us. Many of the invaders entering the US via the southern border have latent TB, and a mass breakout of that malady could occur at any time, a matter that would be much worse than Covid, which, after all, is merely a run-of-the mill variety of flu. The next time around the restrictions will likely be worse and many people will feel as if they are in straight jackets for all practical purposes, especially in the blue demonrat areas. Once the submissive mindset is in place, as is in the process of happening now, the loss of freedom will both increase and actually be welcomed by those who have been made to believe they must obey state directives for their own survival and the public good. Another very frightening outcome of these lockdowns is that our “Green” tyrants “discovered” that the “environment” improved while people were locked away and unable to move about on Mother Gaia! In other words, lockdowns serve another very important purpose to our Green friends who wish to save Earth even if it kills you!

The handwriting is on the wall and it appears there is nothing obviously available to stop the monster’s advance. It is like a tsunami that gets a bit interrupted here and there by a few puny dams but will eventually wash over them – and us. The irrational fears of climate change and carbon dioxide which we breathe out in prodigious quantities and which are eagerly and naturally consumed by plant life that then returns to us the oxygen required for our survival is the vehicle du jour to keep us in a constant state of fear and anxiety. All the while these things are happening, the world’s economies and the present money systems will be destroyed – that is, digitalized – so that your assets can be wiped out if your social credit score falters or you say and/or believe anything that is unpopular among our elite rulers. Artificial intelligence systems, full technocratic control, and the surveillance state are being (already have been?) set up worldwide. Education camps will be centers of concentrated propaganda. These already exist in Australia for those who resist the medical decrees of the State while “smart” climate lockdowns will be used in many areas as we now see in China. The result of these government programs will be water shortages and food rationing while advanced tracking and tracing systems will follow us everywhere we go until such time as we are conveniently “removed.”

Of course, the present rather low-level genetic manipulations will be upgraded while depopulation by the vaxxes and other various toxins will continue apace. Indeed, even the much disgraced concept of Eugenics will make a comeback, but this time the target will be whites. Trying to fight the system employing physical resistance will only cause a greater clampdown on the victims even if they play no part in that resistance. And, of course, none of this could happen without massive disregard of all legitimate governing processes. Indeed, dictates and mandates – and armed might! – are the only means of instituting these tyrannical conditions while any efforts to stop what is already underway – and has now gained such a full head of steam – seems outside of our ability as free men to defeat, especially given our meagre numbers. Alas, as already stated above, the apathetic majority of any group has always been the bane of freedom movements throughout history.

© 2023 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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American Renaissance “AmRen” Conference (November 18-20, 2022)

By Sidney Secular

January 7, 2023

As a prerequisite to proceeding further with this article, it would be useful for the reader to check out my series of articles on White Genocide archived on the NewsWithViews site currently run in The Freedom Times newspaper and in this Freedom Movement Action Newsletter.

AmRen conferences have become the most important mainstay of discussions on American white interests and survival, sometimes intentionally misinterpreted as white nationalism and/or white supremacy. Begun in 1994, and initially held biannually, they are now annual events that attract about 250 to 300 people, many of whom are repeat attendees. They feature Yale graduate and orator extraordinaire Jared Taylor – whose value to decent folks is testified to by the depth of the Deep State’s hatred of the man – and veteran warrior Sam Dickson, a champion and savant of Western Civilization, a man with a unique ability to inspire the intense desire to change the “status woe” into cultural tenets more in accord with traditional Western philosophies. The conferences are now held at Montgomery Bell State Park near Nashville, TN, a bastion of free speech where decent people can conduct a conference without concern about being molested by the likes of BLM and Antifa. This was my 12th such conference and, as usual, I rented a literature table where I dispensed large quantities of the several patriotic newsletters and newspapers I have been distributing for many years now.

This year’s conference featured former Congressional candidate and independent journalist Laura Loomer who was cheated out of a congressional seat by the rampant vote fraud and the various dirty tricks at which our enemies are so adept. The keynote speaker was former Iowa Representative Steve King, pounced upon and hounded out of Congress for taking politically incorrect but proper positions on major issues. Other speakers included the popular blogger “Z-Man,” Gregory Hood, an incisive writer and speaker, Henrik Palmgren, a founder of “Red-Ice,” and police officer Daniel Vinyard who addressed the topic of the ongoing vilification and censorship of the police. The star-studded attendees included Peter Brimelow, leader of V-DARE, the most prominent organization involved in immigration issues and its efforts to save the Historic American Nation from a complete transformation racially, ethnically and culturally, Greg Johnson, a popular pro-white author and head of Counter-Currents, which sells many classics promoting the western canon and Jason Kessler, the organizer of the now famous Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville. If you may remember, that legal demonstration was disrupted by infamous elements of the opposition “invited” into the milieu by the local government. Despite being blind-sided by that criminal “government,” the group is still fighting for justice for the unlawfully attacked and prosecuted participants. Indeed, one couldn’t help but feel that one was at the forefront of the most influential movement to salvage what’s left of this nation by networking with so many devoted patriots in attendance.

The following are my takes on some of the salient points made by Mr. Taylor in his presentation, “Madness: Rare in Individuals, Common in groups.” The title referenced an expression used by the philosopher Nietzsche who is frequently quoted under these circumstances as he presents a good understanding of how senseless any society can become given the appropriate reasons. Unfortunately, madness seems to be as common in individuals as it is in groups nowadays but that may simply be an extension of the madness of the groups to which these individuals belong. Madness, cowardice, a lack of intelligent motivation or a combination of all three seems to be the obstacles that white patriots face in trying to awaken their fellow whites from their deadly doldrums in an effort to save our race from oblivion. The worst manifestation of the present phenomenon is the situation in which white libbers virtue signal to the rest of the world that they would be happy to see the white race slaughtered wholesale. These damaged souls are in the forefront of the anti-white hysteria consuming the country like a cancer. This hatred for whites, often expressed casually, comes from a need, a craving to feel virtuous and righteous, something these poor souls cannot do because of the color of their skin. Since it is de rigueur to downplay and even ignore the accomplishments of whites it is easy to accept affirmative action, diversity mandates and similar madness in order to go along with the Spirit of the Age, that is, saying horrible things against your own kind – but only if you’re white.

These liberal whites have never fully identified with their own kind in the first place being devoted to multiculturalism which at its heart negates the influence of white culture. But is this altogether new? No! The forces driving whites into oblivion have been around for centuries but in the past, whites were intelligent and knowledgeable to have either denied, ignored or remained blissfully oblivious to them. Indeed, one of our greatest failures has been the white acceptance of inferior philosophies thrust upon us by people that, in better days, would have been ignored or laughed to scorn! Instead, whites have made heroes out of men like King, Mandela and Obama and foes out of those who exposed them for what they were and are. Parenthetically, it is interesting to note that those “foes” of the likes of King & etc. were often themselves black. Men like Thomas Sowell and Clarence Thomas – as black as any of the present “heroes” of BLM and more “black” than mulattoes like Obama – are ignored and rejected for their point of view and not their race. Frankly, this fact indicates something far deeper among those whites who hate their own race than a mere preference for darker complexions or a concern with social justice!

These forces that assiduously saddle us with guilt have recently renewed stores of anti-white social ammo such as the idea thrust upon Americans by the universal libber “Christian” churches and their offshoot charities that we must feed, house and clothe whoever crosses our borders even to our own destruction. We must not consider that these supposedly “down and out” invaders are replacing us like an invasive species, taking from Americans the blessings owed to us as citizens. Neither must we understand that the poor, supposedly discriminated against ghetto ghouls receive unlimited amounts of our substance that frankly they don’t deserve. The Left doggedly taps our wallets for any underdogs they can dredge up. Since the middle of the 20th Century, the toxic miasmic messages of the media have enveloped us in an invasive fog that has gradually created a death wish in many Americans. It is washing over us like a foul tsunami. This is the same rumor laden toxic atmosphere that led to the French Revolution, a murderous madness that turned society topsy-turvy and did, in part, lead to our current confused state of affairs in which we are receiving blow after blow from those who would turn us into automatons. We are being torn apart in the name of equity, equality and equalitarianism regardless of impossible and insane objectives with the eventual folly of mass murder if the Leftists feel that such a catastrophe is needed to achieve their total domination.

Today, there are three kinds of white Americans. First, there are those who believe, or think they believe the suicidal baloney that diversity is our greatest strength, that the races are somehow all the same with all the same characteristics other than matters of superficial appearance or that race – like gender – is a social construct anyway, and that whites are simply awful and the foundation of all that is evil in the world from Eden on. Then there’s our small group who don’t fall for such tripe and are amazed anyone with eyes and a brain has. And third, there’s everybody else. They go from near mindless zombies to those who can see that something is terribly wrong, but are unsure of what it is and don’t know where to turn to for an answer. Many are incapable of independent thought. If they somehow hear our message over the cacophony of propaganda and baloney, they may listen to it, but many will stick with us if only until the “way” becomes difficult or the price they have to pay for their awakening too much to bear. If they can get past all the many fads, causes and organizations that plead for their money and attention by making dire predictions that the end is near and promises as to how to prevent disaster, they may just see that they are headed for extinction! If that happens, perhaps they will stop being distracted by the campaigns to save the whales, the polar bears, and the spotted owls, and lower their carbon footprints, stomp out poverty “forever,” stop or prevent “climate change”, etc. etc. etc. ad nauseum. Such distractions are intended to blunt whatever power remains with the white race.

Perhaps such people will even see the insanity of worshipping worthless, incorrigible low-life characters like George Floyd and erecting statues to human trash while spitting on great men like Robert E. Lee and Christopher Columbus! Perhaps – just perhaps! – they will prevent removing statues once thought permanently placed, wearing 3 masks during the Covidiocy, and hysterically striking the names of heroes from the historical record if they were somehow involved in slavery however peripherally! Indeed, it has gotten to the point at which our WOKE “leaders” have threatened to remove Audubon’s name from his organization! Perhaps they are ignorant of the fact that Audubon, born in Haiti, was the bastard son of a French officer and his mulatto mistress making the man as “white” as Barack Obama! Of course, there are minorities involved in the environmental movement and related fields, and that’s all well and good, but the founders and inspiration for most of these movements were and are white – with the exception of Audubon, of course! Without a white leadership cadre, these movements would wither away. Now they want to expropriate the white farmers’ land in South Africa without compensation knowing – and they have admitted as much! – that to do so will probably result in them starving to death! If this doesn’t make a point about the “need” for whites in civilization, I don’t know what does! Talk about biting the hand that literally feeds you! That’s the thanks the farmers get for keeping that country from returning to the Stone Age!

As noted, the occasional black who points out that members of his race are responsible for their own problems gets shafted or roasted. After Donald Trump, Clarence Thomas – previously mentioned! – must be the most hated man in America. The biggest thrill the lefties seem to enjoy is demonizing their opponents as Nazis or “white supremacists” even though often they aren’t white, and with all the race mixing going on, very few look like Arians anymore anyway! Apparently, according to the culture, whites are so cosmically powerful they can wreck the lives of “people of of color” by simply existing. And because whites can think impure or politically incorrect thoughts – though they are not permitted in today’s culture to voice such thoughts – that’s enough of an excuse for blacks to go on their frequent crime binges in order to destroy or vandalize businesses and shoplift without a second thought as well as shoot whites and each other. The “black on black” crime rate is proof that, in the mind of blacks, black lives don’t matter!

Meanwhile, academics, with nothing better to do, strive to “out PC” each other and have developed whole curricula centered around such snowflake fantasies as “systemic racism,” “unconscious bias” and “white privilege.” To receive this bovine scatology (BS), academically-oriented students go into debt to the point at which they are forced to remain in their parents’ basements into their 30s while expecting the shrinking working middle class to bail them out. Progressives state that if one doesn’t understand such concepts one is both immoral and an idiot, both the result of having “white privilege,” of course! The mere exercise of attending a college makes people believe that they can think for themselves. Isn’t it great not to have an unfashionable thought pop into one’s mind? You can parrot whatever poop the media is dishing out at the moment and impress one another with whatever is “going down.” But if they try the illogical nonsense that passes in their world for original thought on anyone with any real sense, they fall flat on their faces. This, of course, results in a barrage ad hominem attacks based upon their feelings of having been offended and not appreciated.

But what about the white people “in-between” who tried to have real jobs and are not brain dead – quite yet. These poor souls suffer the most from the diversity mandates. The see their jobs stolen by immigrants and those with special privileges and “affirmative actors.” Several years ago, we learned that employees in Disneyland were being replaced by non-Americans. These people had to teach their jobs to their replacements or forfeit their severance pay! I remember when the left worshipped the unions, but apparently not anymore! Almost all real job growth in recent years, especially in the professions, is found among the immigrants while the natives have to be content doing the jobs Americans supposedly won’t do – the original excuse for mass immigration from the Third World! Of course, those who see the handwriting on the wall would like to escape to a “Whitopia” if such existed. Decent, hard working citizens shouldn’t have to live in a country that treats them like garbage because they are white especially as racial discrimination is not only illegal, but a crime on the level of apostasy depending, of course, on the race involved! In fact, white Americans should live in a nation that appreciates them, tells them the truth about themselves, their race, their history and their heritage, and promises them a real future. Those who reject that particular message are going to continue to founder and sink in the current cesspool that has become our present society.

Yet, also because of the present circumstances, the message to whites has to be cloaked within a narrative that is smart and right and also virtuous. Whites seek wealth, fame and influence just like everyone else, but because of our current “culture,” they must feel they are doing the right thing and not denigrating, mistreating or exploiting others in the process. The concern for other people is in our nature and it is something of an Achilles heel when it holds us back from doing what we should to survive and thrive. Acting in our best interests is what will matter, after all is said and done, and the simple fact is that we don’t have to step on anyone else in order to do it. However, that is a difficult message with the current zeitgeist promoting guilt and pessimism every step of the way. White advocacy is an idea whose time has come; the alternative is extinction! But it is has to be promoted properly, appealing to one lost soul at a time and not fearing the natural response that will arise from our enemies.

© 2023 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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The Red Wave Reduced to a Ripple

By Sidney Secular

November 19, 2022

Despite the rah-rahs at the Trump rallies, the general conservative and even nominal normie angst over the deteriorating state of the nation, and the increasingly discredited public polls that supposedly showed almost 75% of the sheeple dissatisfied with the “status woe”, hardly any leftie or middle-of-the-road toadie was wooed away from their wayward ways or their customary echo chamber propaganda “bullpits,” and the election fraud methodologies/manipulations were hardly addressed since the last “selections” so that those in-the-know knew that the forecasted red rave/wave was an overblown and wishful thinking expectation as we sail off into a sunset that is only one of the things that are truly “red” (as in communist, not conservative).

Stinker Biden came away smelling like a rose as his minions massively manipulated the voting processes all across the nation with special attention to the swing states and the particularly important election contests where the lowdown slowdown shakedown was proceeding in deja vu fashion. The masses either still cannot smell a rat and “scentse” that they are losing their remaining liberties or they – just as are the “informed” – are powerless to do anything about it. For the “brain-fogged,” maybe all that weed had desensitized more than their nasal passages as the leftist commentators continued on with their nightly nasal diatribes. The control-bent leftist legions are so well ensconced in important positions that they will continue to take increased liberties with our rights and liberties until there are no liberties left to conserve – which is pretty much where we are now, actually!

Ex-President Trump’s influence seemed to have little bearing on the outcomes of the races where he was supporting a particular contestant. His momentum going forward towards 2024 has thus been stopped for the moment, anyway. Libber fundraisers actually put money behind Trump-endorsed candidates in GOP primaries so that the Dems could face and demolish them in the general election; such is the number and influence of the Never-Trumpers and the poor choices sometimes made by Trump, and it worked like a charm. The abuse of the political process was thus extended into new nuances as the general vacuum in ethics seems to spread like a cancer across the political landscape, swallowing up all before it.

Governor DeSantis of Florida took all the correct positions on the current hot button issues and stuck to them, the only prominent current figure in power to do so and give the impression that he doesn’t swing and sway every way the wind blows, so he has positioned himself as a leading Republican candidate for President for 2024 – always assuming that that party really wants to win. Republicans have a long track record of people like Liz Cheney. At most, a red trickle or ripple seems to have been what happened in the mid-terms. When you compare that with what should have been the case, one can make the case that it was instead a red blood-letting as the insouciant sheeple let the bad guys get away with their continuing communist conspiracy takeover. The Perfidious Party of Chaos rode the red ripple like skateboarders and certainly did not go down and drown, and have positioned themselves such that their positions are now the new abnormal normal.

It didn’t seem there was any way even the Stupid GOP Party could blow it this time – always assuming that the game was “fair” (a poor assumption at best, and stupid at worst!) –  but the unlimited Jewish money from the likes of Soros and the lucre saved by employing invaders seems to overcome all ethical considerations and obstacles like a steamroller on steroids. The overemphasis on shekels inevitably leaves us in shackles. Even if the Republications had met red wave expectations, they would in all probability have blown their opportunity by failing to focus on important issues like the Great Replacement, insane immigration levels, an out of control educational establishment, a weaponized bureaucracy and military and the failure of affirmative action to give the blacks any satisfaction, none of which were campaign issues in the first place. They blew their chance with their so-called failure to meet the “terms and conditions” of their so-called Contract with America in 1994, and there is no reason to believe they would not have blown it again, as they just seem to follow in the tracks of the Democrats in a deadly “follow the Judas goat,” that would have further turned off their base.

Was the election stolen or is the population so zombified/”trance-formed” and ignorant that nothing good can come of it all, and nothing is predictable anymore? It would seem there is a seamless “sin-chronous” combination of the two. On the one hand, all the trends pointed to a red wave with normal citizens becoming overly tired of the handouts and the unscrupulous actions of the Bidenista regime screwing us as well as the rampant violent crime resulting in George Soros’ funded “prosecutors” and liberal judges. Even the “Communist News Network”(CNN) exit polls were showing a marked shift away from the shifty demonrats. The Dems were allegedly losing support among women, moderates, youth, “people of color”, college grads, independents and even denizens of the blue urban cores whose taxonomy was resulting in their being taxed beyond all reason and endurance. All of this was supposedly happening in all the age brackets and among all the races. Biden had an approval rating of a very low 36%, so how does that jibe with the vote counts in the election results? The party in power usually loses significant representation in midterm elections, but the red wave never materialized or, rather more to the point, was never allowed to materialize!

That the election was stolen is staring us in the face. What can be done about it? Nothing –  for now and perhaps forever. The Dems are in control of the Executive branch and all the deep state bureaucracies. They certainly are not going to police themselves. The mass media is now just another Deep State bureaucracy, a mouthpiece, puppet and appendage of the demonrat party and should be treated accordingly; that is as a monopoly rather than a constitutionally protected “free press” and their owners and leading mouthpieces defanged or replaced.

Thirty-five years ago or so, people began using web browsers on a regular basis and many businesses and individuals established some kind of online presence. Here, now, was our chance to free ourselves from the shackels of a media and educational establishment that was censoring and deep-sixing books, people and ideas from public consciousness. The overlords were starting to contrive ways to get their way and stifle opposing viewpoints. Then the Covidiocy came along and scrambled people’s minds and gave the tyrants the excuse and modalities to clamp down and reinforce their mental, and now physical, shackels upon the people. The people were stupefied and thus became stupider yet, and now are another step along in their subservience to the establishment. Americans are still in a funk and have not recovered their joie-de-vivre, and in their emotionally blue state have allowed the “blue” establishment to further spread their tentacles in their tenacity to overpower and control all opposition.

Frankly, the “American experiment” is basically over because it can neither continue nor recover while its population gets progressively dumbed down and suffers from top-down mind control. Pivotal problems and issues are dissed, not discussed, and the People’s morals, and indeed their immorality, continue to be influenced by the entertainment industry and “progressive” philosophies. Now the Marxist experimentation begins in earnest and will lead us – as do all Marxist’ endeavors – down the road to perdition.

Getting back to stolen elections: it’s not all the fault of the GOP! Remember, it is easy to set it up a straw man to deflect from our own inactivity and gullibility. But remember, a corrupt judge and a 40 year-long consent decree meant that starting in 1981, the Republican National Committee had been prohibited by law from helping with poll watcher efforts or nearly any voting-related litigation. The subsequent 40-year period gave the demonrats the time and ability to lay the groundwork establishing a fortress of election corruption. Thanks to Covid, the Dems were then able to fortify that fortress with mail-in ballots, drop boxes, ballot harvesting, same day as election voter registration, drivers’ licenses for illegals serving as official ID, not even requiring an ID to vote, drawn out election periods, and most importantly “election machines” that can be (and ARE) gamed. Voting machines everywhere are all vulnerable to cheating. Excuses for election delays and forays into fraud for the midterms include voting machines going down, tabulators failing, paper running out (in one case in 44 different locations in a geographical cluster!) and printer settings being wrong. These occurrences were nearly all created by the crooks in the most contested elections and voting precincts. All this depredation against the depressing spectacle of big media claiming that there has been no evidence of vote fraud from the 2016 elections going forward, and any questioning of these facts being a “threat to democracy” or a Russian plot –  or both.

I’m not letting the insouciant suckers off the hook here. How could the cradle of liberty, Pennsylvania, take up with a no-account retard like John Fetterman, a man like Biden who never worked a day in his life and faces enormous health problems that could kill him at any moment win a Senate seat away from the highly articulate Dr. Oz who went door-to-door all over PA to bring his message “home?”  It boggles the mind and beggars belief. Half the population seems to have lost its instinct for survival and common-sense decision making capability. The left keeps harping about “saving democracy” meaning the status woe is the way to go and questioning the establishment narratives makes you a treasonous terrorist white supremacist, even if you aren’t white. My series of articles in this newsletter and elsewhere on White Genocide was based on a treatise written by Neil Kumar, a genuine patriot who ran for Congress to represent a portion of the Ozarks in Arkansas, who laid out the issues as no one else has, as reflected in my reflections on white genocide. He received only 21% of the vote in the midterms, showing how far we have to go to inculcate any common sense into the average commoner.

In a recent survey of white voters, about one-third identified as “born again” and skewed strongly towards the GOP while the remaining not-so-religious whites vote for the demonrats by about a 54% to 44% margin. Their world view is foreign to racial thinking or to any real thinking at all, as they are under the spell of the “trance-formation”  that spells disaster for the Historic American Nation. The message of the real right is not getting through and where it does redound, it is censored and silenced. It is blindingly clear that we will not find salvation in voting. Aside from the rampant election fraud, we are faced with the far more consequential reasons for our slide: demography, indoctrination, and censorship. Demography in a nutshell is our replacement or being shoved aside by unassimilable foreigners who vote only for those offering the biggest handouts, or those that more nearly look like them. Indoctrination is occurring at every level across the “awokened” landscape including schools, work environments, the thoroughly debased “entertainment industry,” the present day lame excuse for churches, and now the military. It only takes one generation of messed up youth to mess up our future, and the Gen-Xers are divorced from our traditions as well as from sanity. One has to ask: How much worse does crime have to get? How many more drug overdose deaths do we have to tolerate before we seal the border? When are we going to start solving our own problems vice importing all the world’s problems as well?

Americans no longer value freedom although they talk about it constantly. Indeed, the concept of “freedom” held by many of today’s “Americans” is the freedom everybody has to do what they want done and to believe as they do! The only people who truly appreciate what freedom actually is come from Eastern Europe! Why? Because they know the difference between having it and not having it. They are not happy in seeing it slip, sliding away in the West, the last place on earth where it at least used to exist! The worst tyrants during the Covid mania were re-elected with ease. Gavin Newsom won by 18 points; kvetchin Gretchen Whitmer won handily by 10 points; the repugnant Kathy Hochul handily defeated a great candidate in Lee Zeldin and the list goes on and on and on. There were pockets of sanity where worthy candidates won by large margins. These included Ron DeSantis, Kristi Noem, Kim Reynolds, Rand Paul and Eric Schmitt – all good, but not nearly enough to avoid destruction.

Localism, decentralization, and maybe secession of the still sane deep red flyover areas remain as possible alternatives. A big man in DC cannot fight the nearly ubiquitous new treasonous communist conspiracy anymore. Much more on future courses of action to be taken in future articles.

© 2022 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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Prepperism, Part 4. “The Alpha Strategy”

By Sidney Secular

November 9, 2022

This article is pretty straightforward, pertinent and to the point for preppers and planners.

We all have to buy food for as long as we live – and lots of it. Food is an alternative store of value whose purchase in these days of supermarkets and the internet is often casually overlooked. Concern for its provision should be a mainstay in considering a rainy day. Food preparation also provides the means for a safe investment to combat and overcome inflation, supply shortages and increasing supply chain bottlenecks. What is less readily apparent but obvious is that there are startling nontaxable financial gains when you invest in a deep pantry filled with long lasting, nutritious and delicious food. It is eventually eaten, so buying non-perishable foodstuffs in bulk instead of regular trips to the grocery store for small quantities is without risk – and your “returns” in terms of cost savings ahead of rising prices do not result in an increase of your taxes. You needn’t be an Einstein to know that you benefit when you buy low and “sell” higher and in the case of food, the term “sell” equates to consumption

With annual food inflation now running in excess of 17%, by smart purchasing strategies you can make substantial financial gains. For example, let’s talk about the economics of dried beans, which can be stored for 7 years and still maintain their taste. In one year, you gain 17%, and by year seven –  considering the magic of compound interest! –  your returns are up 119%! That’s not beans, folks! Then consider dried milk.  This commodity lasts 20 years and will yield a 360% “gain” over that period. Basic wheat lasts 25 years and if you dip into it after 15 years, you have realized a 255% gain. Similar results obtain with such items as oats and rice, both of which can last for 25 years! The IRS would be oblivious to these gains and since you received no actual monetary returns, your conscience would not have to distress you providing you were foolish enough to feel guilt when the IRS fails in its corrupt activities.

Furthermore, you can expand this strategy by cooperating with others to take advantage of quantity discounts! And, by all means, don’t forget coffee, paper goods such as paper towels and toilet paper along with many other non-food items such as bath soap, toothpaste, aspirin, shampoo &etc. that remain on your shopping list as long as you have a shopping list. Below is a list of foods with long shelf-lives that you might want to consider keeping on hand. The strategy of buying items you know you will use over a lifetime that retain their freshness for very long periods and that will turn grocery savings into investment “ravings” is fully explained in the book, “The Alpha Strategy: The Ultimate Plan of Financial Self-Defense” by John A Pugsley. It is available from Amazon and E-bay and has been a basic “bible” of prepper information since 1981.

Remember that all these items must be kept in a cool, dry location away from direct sunlight and in airtight containers:

Baking soda: 25 years
Cornmeal: 5 years
Dried beans: 7 years
Dried carrots: 7 years
Cocoa: 20 years
Freeze-dried fruits and vegetables: 8 years
(Regular) dried fruits: 5 years
Dried milk: 20 years
Pasta: 7 years
Instant potatoes: 20 years
Rice: 7 years
Rolled oats: 25 years
Salt: 25 years
Soup mix: 5 years
Sugar: 7 years
Wheat: 25 years
Canned foods: 2 to 3 years
Meals Ready-to-Eat(MREs): 4 years

© 2022 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Sidney Secular:

News You May Have Missed, Musings, and Media Miscreant Misrepresentations

By Sidney Secular

October 29, 2022

DISTRACTED STORY TELLING: The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) reports that 9,500 people in the U.S.(they are getting away from calling us “Americans” as well as getting away with it!) were killed in traffic crashes in the first three months of 2022. That’s the deadliest start to a year in two decades. In seven states, crash deaths jumped at least 50% and nationwide automobile deaths were up 7% compared to the same period last year. The GuvMint did not produce a thorough analysis on the cause of the crashes, but did report that a primary cause can be blamed on distracted drivers looking at or texting on their smartphones. Well, at least the phones are smart!

Officials commented that lighter than usual traffic during the “plannedemic” allowed people to speed up and that likely caused crashes though that is pure conjecture not based upon any solid evidence.  They also blamed people driving while impaired and/or not wearing seat belts, again supposedly the result of the lighter COVID traffic. Yet, driving during lockdowns should be little different than ordinary driving especially as there are periods during the day when traffic is naturally lighter than it is during so-called “rush hour.” Sadly, given our nation’s current reign of stupidity, it is not surprising that Transportation Secretary Pete “Butt-gig” even blamed the growing problem on “racist” highways; that is, highways built through rather than around ghetto areas. According to Secretary Pete, this is a strategy that the builders use to avoid flak from those residents who have influence affecting where highways should run. Naturally, this includes the (usually white) affluent who have the necessary pull to keep highways out of their neighborhoods. But the concept of “racist ” highways never caused any appreciable problems worth probing before the Covidiocy, so this obviously ludicrous charge is a case of typical leftist tripe used to justify and/or excuse an agenda.

Obviously, the distractions caused by technology have increased resulting in the fact that people can text and play video games on center touch screens now installed in the front seats of certain models of vehicles. That fact was mentioned by the FedGuv “experts” but such distractions aren’t all that new and didn’t coincide with the lockdowns making such statements more “made up” so as  to distract from much more likely causes of the problem!  For instance, there are two considerations DOT would rather not consider. One is that illegals are increasingly being either being given drivers licenses or being permitted to drive without either licenses or insurance without fear of legal consequences. These “licenses” – real or defacto – have thus become “more or less” licenses to kill as they are accustomed to driving in the careless, wanton manner of their home countries! And knowing that unless they themselves are killed or seriously injured they will not have to answer for their actions, they “go macho” behind the wheel as a way to express their “manhood!” They weave in and out of traffic trying to beat other drivers, instigating road rage, and making normal driving into the equivalent of stock car racing. I personally experienced this behavior while driving in Mexico City some years ago. A good bet is that the seven states with sharp upticks in traffic accidents are those that have experienced a sharp influx of illegals who were either given drivers licenses or do not fear to drive without.

Marijuana and other such drugs also cause impairment of faculties and distraction in driving similar to that caused by alcohol – and for the same reason. Remember, more people than ever are smoking pot, especially in those states that have approved its use as a “wreckreational” substance. Furthermore, and more to the point, pot can linger in the body for up to six months, thereby causing an accumulation of the substance that will cause havoc as the person continues to imbibe it. On the other hand, the residue of alcohol usually disappears in a day or two, making it possible to go on a bender on Saturday night and be normal by Monday. One wonders if the phenomenon of seven states with sharply increasing accident rates is no accident, but rather if the drivers found to be hooked on weed could be weeded out before things get out of control. Pot smoking could be one of the “smoking guns” behind the sharp increases in accidents. Note that in the last several years, many safety features have been added to the new model cars, yet the accident rate is spiking. That’s very telling and should tell you that nothing can replace the nut at the wheel.

THE BOTTOMLESS MONEY PITS: No one knows how much US taxpayer money Washington has given to Ukraine, just as no one knows what happened to the billions that disappeared at the Pentagon shortly after that edifice was struck by a (supposed) large commercial aircraft on 9/11.  No wonder people keep digging at the “money pit” for the treasure supposedly buried at Oak Island in Nova Scotia for well over 100 years. Even FDR personally got in on that act. The story is that the Knights Templar supposedly buried a huge treasure there in the late 1400s when they escaped from Europe with the contents of the continent’s banks and no one has been able to find it, despite frantic efforts that never cease.

Direct US military aid to Ukraine supposedly totals about $50 billion, or about $100 million per day since the war began in February. But the total is appreciably higher when you add in the billions European countries have contributed over the last eight months, and the charity collections taken up by private entities, especially for “Ukrainian refugees,” much of which – as was the “charity” destined for Haiti after the earthquake “ has probably been siphoned off by the powers-that-be. The White House in its usual wishy-washy whitewashing fashion says it has “no idea” who is getting the money or even if  the weaponry sent to Ukraine are being used. If nothing else these statements should be impeachable. That the President of the United States and his administration cannot answer for billions of taxpayer dollars is a true crime! One estimate states that only 30% of such military aid is reaching its intended destination. Ukraine itself cannot be relied upon to be transparent about it, ranking 122nd out of 180 countries according to Transparency International’s 2021 Corruption Perceptions Index. The US ranks 27th according to the survey, a finding that really rankles those of us who know better!

WAITING IN THE WINGS: “BIG WEED” WARS OVER WATER: The Big Weed $33 billion US marijuana/cannabis industry is spending millions to pass ballot initiatives in five states on Election Day to make recreational marijuana legal, adding to the nineteen states and DC where it is already legal. The money is also being used to defeat Republican candidates for office.  The Gallop Poll reports that 15% of  Americans use weed vice only 11% that smoke tobacco, and that gap is widening. Marijuana is constantly being enhanced to increase the percentage of the potent THC in its leaves. That ingredient gives the plant its potency and pleasurable effects. THC levels in weed have been increased by 28.5% in the past fifty years. This is having far reaching consequences. Less land is needed for its cultivation making it more economical to grow and the growers can make more money even with less product.  On the other hand, the illnesses caused by drug intake are enhanced. Illnesses induced by pot include psychosis, homicides, suicides, general medical problems, a loss of ambition and a lackadaisical attitude toward life, accidents on the job and traffic accidents as described in the previous article.  Interestingly enough, legalizing pot has not diminished the pot black market and the black market purveyors of it keep pace with the legalized growers. In California, illegal cannabis farms still outnumber the legal ones after five years of the drug being legalized.

The five states that will vote on legal pot in November are Missouri, Arkansas, Maryland, North Dakota and South Dakota. Weed became legal in New Mexico in April and “the Land of Enchantment” already has 500 legalized pot purveyors in a state with a relatively small population and a dry climate. However, Big Weed is causing big water problems, especially in areas suffering from drought. Pot plants soak up huge amounts of water and pot growers – a fairly unethical lot to start with – are stealing water from their neighbors who desperately need it. Creeks in Oregon have run dry due to the theft of their waters by pot growers. Wells are running dry due to the run on water in Humboldt County, CA. Legal actions to stop the stealing have not been successful, so people are being asked to create their own ponds to assure enough water for themselves. Unfortunately, not very much instruction is given as to how to bring that about. Unless one has access to an underground water source, ponds of rain water in a drought are nothing more than a (water)pipe dream!

Very importantly, pot is draining water from the Colorado River from which Arizona and Nevada draw their water. Cannabis requires 100 to 200 gallons of water just to grow one pound of it and that translates to 10 gallons of water needed to grow just one ounce of what is a “recreational” substance at best. Cannabis also has a devastating effect on the soil, as it depletes nutrients from the ground leaving it barren. This results in weed growers having to constantly acquire new plots to grow their pot. If one remembers, the rising crime rate during Prohibition was often occasioned by the need of brewers for new sources of alcohol. There is no guarantee that the pot trade in its need might not use the same tactics.  In traditional agriculture, crops are rotated to refresh and eventually reuse the same soil, but  this technique will not work with pot.

Watch out for a plot to make recreational pot legal nationwide. This effort has already begun in the Senate with the introduction of the Cannabis Administration and Opportunity Act.  Normal grass will wither under your feet if “grass” is grown nearby but the opportunity for the tremendous income from the sale of and tax on pot will undoubtedly affect our “honest” politicians. Despite the fact that our elite leaders bewail the dangers of “climate change,” our present permissive politics creates a “climate” that permits pot to be promoted and water shortages caused thereby ignored.

LEFTIST LIES: The Left has been so accustomed to employing the “big lie” and getting away with it for so very long that everything coming out of Washington today can be considered carte blanche a whitewash of the truth. Furthermore, the fibs are not only getting much more common, but also fabulous and egregious to the point at which the flagrant falsehoods are pushed into people’s faces without the perps fearing any furious feedback. Bald-faced lies by our “leaders” everywhere (and not just in politics) has become an accepted way in the modern world. We the People have been rendered so docile and dumbed down that we are as sheep led to the slaughter; that is, we are easily sheared of our possessions and our rights. Here is what a famous person had to say about “the big lie” before it was commonly recognized as a big deal and a big factor in controlling the population:

“In the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility because the masses are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily and they will more readily fall victim to the big lie than the small ones, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters, but would be ashamed to resort to large scale falsehoods. They also would not believe that others have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even though the facts that prove this to be so may be clearly brought to their attention, they will still doubt and waver and look for some other explanation. The grossly impudent lie always leaves a trace of it behind even after it has been demolished. This is known to all the expert liars who conspire in the art of flying.  These people only know too well how to use falsehood for the basest purposes”.  Adolph Hitler, in “Mein Kampf” – 1925.

Clearly, Hitler is not advocating the use of the “Big Lie” as is usually alleged! Indeed, it is the opposite!  Far from creating or using this strategy, Hitler was ascribing the Big Lie technique to the liberal Jews and the Marxist leaders in the Weimar Republic whose descendants are still the primary perps today.  Americans have been exposed to the big lie technique for so long that the assault has naturally grown over time to the “fast and furious” level engaged today. Once the deceit and secrecy accumulate over time, eventually becoming obvious. Therefore, the peps must cover their tracks to preserve their positions of power and then there’s no end to it as the web gets more convoluted as it is spun. Eventually, that “tangled web” becomes enough to get the most obtuse and dense sheeple’s head spinning.

Worse, this method of “leadership” corrupts everyone, becoming entrenched into the culture to the point at which future generations will never know anything but lies, accepting them as truth and taking for granted all that is told them without question. We see it today in the total belief most people have regarding the various lies told about such fundamental historical matters as the Civil War and many other “American Wars” in which we’re assured that the American government was the innocent victim of evil foreign enemies and insurrectionists even though the historical facts prove exactly the opposite! Over time, lying becomes institutionalized as the accepted norm. A tyrannous edifice is erected based mainly upon lies that in turn involves us constantly in wars, secret coups and plots and fears that keep us on edge while expanding the empire.

A MORAL DISORDER: “Leftism” as practiced today is not an ideology but an edifice of corruption built upon lies steeped in sophistry, impervious to any possible moral improvement and constantly moving towards more moral disorder using sophistry to keep its momentum going. Degraded and amateurish art, sports in which people are without “sportsmanship” and winning at all costs becomes everything and entertainment designed to appeal to the lumpenproletariat and employed to fill the void in people’s lives. All of this cultural excrement is anti-Christian, anti-American, anti-Western and anti-virtue, creating disordered thinking or, as its final aim, a lack of any thinking at all. The great Greek philosopher Plato basically said everything that needs to be said about this subject – everything after being merely a footnote – asserted that the purpose of the arts was to shape emotions properly, to take children too young to grasp virtue in the abstract and instill in them a passionate feelings-based attachment to virtue so that they would become instinctively virtuous and fertile ground for accepting reason’s dictates later on. According to Plato, Music was also to be employed as a vehicle toward that end.

Unfortunately, attachment to vice is created in exactly the same way – and, given mankind’s fallen nature, far more easily than it is to attach virtue! Using baleful influences, such as our children now receive from the “culture” around them and through the services of their very own boob tubes and i-phones, our children are often left to their own untutored ways that currently substitute for adult tutelage almost from the cradle. The most astonishing this is that any of them grow into decent human beings. Many do, but far too many become the child-sacrifice demanded by Moloch in our present “culture.”

BIDEN’S MOST OUTRAGEOUS AND CONSEQUENTIAL  EXECUTIVE ORDER: The bombastic and bomb-of-a-president Joe Biden has issued so many unconstitutional, illegal and immoral EOs, it’s easy for him to slip through a few that are even worse than the ones that get all the attention. There’s one that takes the cake for chutzpah and outrageousness  that still hasn’t been noticed, apparently because we’re all shellshocked from a combination of the major and momentous stuff and the totally brainless comments and snafus emanating from Pedo Joe’s mealy mouth. This particular EO represents a particular slippery slope designed to prevent any effort to correct Demonrat vote fraud, demolishing any and all preventive and/or corrective measures that could conceivably be taken. It is so far beyond the pale decent people have to try to fight it with every means of persuasion/pressure available and if that is not enough, to initiate a hard drive towards impeachment post haste.

The EO in question was issued in March of 2021 and is just now coming under scrutiny by the clueless Republicans. Der President claimed the Order was needed to provide “access” to the voting process. First things first:  the FedGov has no constitutional or statutory authority in voting matters. This is a matter for the states to manage and control. However, Biden is falling back on the days of Reconstruction and Jim Crow claiming that many Americans, especially “people of color” – the people that seem to color all his very few thoughts these days! –  confront monumental obstacles in exercising their right to vote  – especially after they cast their first ballot (Everyone knows that Democrat minorities can cast more than one ballot legally!). Of course, those days are long gone as anyone who has been paying attention knows. But Biden’s bull knows no bounds. Turnout for the 2020 presidential election was higher than in the last six presidential elections, just shy of a record, and special measures were taken to assure maximum turnout for the voting due to the COVID scares.

Now, here comes the knockout punch that will flatten any attempt for fair elections to get off the ground. The executive order directed EVERY federal agency to come up with a strategic plan to use agency personnel and resources to “persuade” and “assist” members of the public who interact with that particular agency to register to vote and to cast ballots in the upcoming elections, including access to “vote-by-mail” ballot applications, identification documents, and multilingual voting materials. Thus, the entire federal government has been “weaponized” to assist in doing everything possible to facilitate voter fraud. The order even authorized third party organizations to be hired to do Biden’s bidding in and on official agency settings. As a result, anyone now visiting a federal building will be officially harassed to vote for the Demonrats or their favored flunkies and be given the means to do so, casting aside the role of the states to manage voting operations and of the individual voter to choose his candidate. Thus, those applying for government benefits of any kind could very well infer that they must register to vote, and vote for the political party in control of the White House to ensure their applications for benefits are not declined. This is especially dangerous for legal immigrants whose lack of knowledge of English and the system make them primary candidates for fraud.

The Biden Administration will not reveal any details of the “strategic plans” developed by the agencies, nor have any state officials been given any information about these plans, and the Administration has stonewalled any attempts to find out more about the new program. On August 3, 2022, a total of 15 secretaries of state sent a letter to Biden asking him to “rescind  Executive Order 14019.” They told the President that he issued his order without constitutional authority or congressional approval (what else is new?). They warned that involving federal agencies in voter registration will “produce duplicate registrations, confuse citizens, complicate the jobs of all local election officials, and erode the responsibilities of the state legislatures in administering elections.” Worse, it will bring about the results desired by the EO, fraudulent elections. It’s telling that only fifteen states have sought to maintain their legal prerogatives and functions in election matters by seeking to end federal meddling in their affairs. We may assume that the remaining thirty five are just fine with the Deep State running things.

AMERICAN SOCIAL CREDIT: In this digital age, a great deal of information is “out there” and as a result, we often learn of things that we would not otherwise know. Below is an e-mail that is being widely disseminated and the warning it gives should definitely be both read and heeded. The context has been edited and names of those involved withheld:

The subject matter is about my personal and recent experience being denied a transaction via a business debit card for reasons that will be explained. This is the beginning of the “social credit” scores that already exist in China. If you pass this along, please delete our names and contact info. [ed. note: This alone should horrify us; that is, that we can become targets of those who do not wish such information “shared!”]

Yesterday my wife went to the [name withheld business] website to order DVD/flash drive recordings of an upcoming conference. Three times she tried to purchase the recordings and three times our [name withheld credit card company] business debit card was declined. Finally, the card was blocked. She called our bank because we use this card very regularly and this has never happened before. They (the bank) did some research and said that our card had been given a “low rating” which caused it to be declined. The bank manually removed the “low rating” and I was able to complete my purchase.

I immediately drove to the bank to speak with the account manager. He said that [name withheld credit card company] is now putting their own ratings on credit/debit card purchases and was denying my transaction based on their own criteria. [ed. note: Notice, the credit card company had never made this “arrangement” known to the customer!] This had nothing to do with the bank itself, however, we could not make another purchase until the bank intervened. The manager said it is now regularly happening that accounts may be flagged by [name withheld credit card company] if, for example, they (the card owner) purchased a gun with their card. The account manager agreed that this is the beginning of [name withheld credit card company] implementing social credit scores being tied to our ability to transact business.

[Name withheld business] has existed for a long time and advocates healthy food choices as well as exposing the politics of our federal government such as the entire Covid “pandemic” and research on whether viruses even exist (Dr. Tom Cowan). This organization is anti-establishment and thus a threat to the lying narrative in so many areas.

We were flagged from doing business with [name withheld business]. That caused our “low rating.” On a debit card?? What does a debit card have to do with a credit score anyway? When a transaction is made, the bank account is automatically debited. [ed note: This means that the credit card company has no money involved in the transaction; it is simply a means by which the money is transferred from the purchaser’s bank account to the seller’s account; though the credit card company has no financial involvement in the transaction it chooses to prevent same on a purely ideological basis.] This article below [ed. note: there was an article attached at the bottom of the e-mail.] also explains the situation and what is coming in respect to whether or not anyone can transact for purchase of something (and) if it does not fit the acceptable social criteria, one can be barred from transacting business. That is where we are headed and we have experienced it. It’s here.”

It is not necessary to name of the credit card company for if one company has this “arrangement,” you may rest assured the others have it or will have it in the very near future. Neither can we take solace in the bank stepping in and preventing this unconstitutional restraint of the man’s personal business by a company of which he is a supposed “customer!” How long will it be before the banks lock-step into the social credit business given the current situation in this “no longer free” country?

Far too many Americans have wasted years trying to outwit the tyrants, hoping to scrape along just out of the culture police spotlight. But it doesn’t work that way. If we don’t fight back, soon every opportunity to resist will be gone. Worse, the generation(s) coming up have no problem with a government-run social credit system. Indeed, many especially younger Americans are demanding it as we see by the fact that Corporate America is taking the lead. There is no evidence that it is being forced upon them by the government, though undoubtedly, it is a matter of mutual consent. Neither can we prevent this strategy by not using credit cards for soon, your bank will not cash your check if it is written to an “unacceptable” recipient and, the way things are going, very soon “cash” itself will disappear. When everything becomes “digital,” we, too, will become nothing more than ciphers in a great global computer, easily deleted if we become a nuisance or are no longer of use.

© 2022 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Sidney Secular:

The Sick American Soul

By Sidney Secular

October 25, 2022

The bad guys have shot a hole in our collective soul.

They say we are doomed if good men do nothing while evil takes over. But what if the few good men –  if you can still find them – have had their souls taken over by the Devil and his new world orderlies while their bodies were taken over by drugs and vaxxes to the point where they are impotent, powerless, insouciant, rootless, and blasé about everything except that which gets in the way of their fun, fun, fun? I suppose it would be easy to say that under those circumstances, they aren’t “good men” anymore! But we have seen that at least relatively good people because of apathy and/or fear have allowed great evil to take place even when they did not sponsor or commit it. Remember, Edmund Burke’s statement that evil wins when good men do nothing!

What’s going on in this country cannot all be explained by just the demented doings of the devil-driven Demonrats, although that is the public face of the assault on the body politic dividing and separating us along a fault line that may be termed a political “continental divide.” Finding fault always creates fissures that separate people into factions. The leftist faction is creating all the action now while the other faction appears incapable of mounting an effective defensive reaction. Thus, the leftist perps initiate campaigns that:

1] woo women into violently defending their supposed right to kill their babies (one-half of today’s woeful women consider the right to abortion as their number one concern);

2] create and welcome sexual deviants into our schools to indoctrinate children to deny their biological sex and become weirdos;

3] create a loss of respect for human life by harvesting embryos and organs for experimentation and commercial purposes working to merge humans with machines, successfully campaigning to destroy the family as the basic social unit of society and civilization;

4] conduct a frontal assault on private property and the privacy of our persons;

5] erode the First Amendment forms of freedom of expression, worship and association; and

6] persecute Christianity and erase the borders to allow America to be the dumping ground for the world’s dregs and drugs.

These are just a few of the present depredations that are destroying us. Alas, for all of these crimes against humanity, there has been little or no comparable reactions! All that we have seen – other than endless Trump rallies that bolster the soul but provide no help legally or politically – have been mainly wimpy excuses for inaction.

In the blink of an eye, America has lost its distinction as a moral, political and economic world leader and is busily destroying the natural distinctions between men and women, creating scores of new genders from an a la carte menu of cooked up gender-bender concoctions from which we are expected to choose, ingest and assimilate as normal using neutered language to make all sexuality – however deviant – “neutral” and normal. Our new overlords preach tolerance but won’t tolerate any deviation from their dispensations. Non-conformists are dispensed with by making of them social pariahs while economically neutering them and/or making them targets  of “lawfare.”  As to the “minorities” that now constitute a “majority of minorities” when they act together as a bloc to prevent whites from exercising their constitutional rights, their race is their uniform that allows them to receive unwarranted and undeserved respect along with artificial elevation to the top of the economic heap! Meanwhile, whites now receive the leftover crumbs after affirmative action and immigrant preferences have taken the best of the jobs that haven’t been outsourced overseas.  Whites have become the new untouchables, used to keep the wheels of what’s left of industry turning or as objects of rape and interracial “marriage” in order to create Count Kalergi’s “tan man” ideal. One of the results of these conditions is that the United States has become the world’s main producer, consumer, and purveyor of pornography while we are vying to become the leading consumer of dangerous so-called “recreational” drugs.

Moreover, for apparently unseemly and seemingly unfathomable reasons, a large segment of Americans have, apparently felt a great love and admiration for the devil, the devil’s advocates, devilish doings, and devil-inspired art forms such as horror flicks and modern art. Gangsters and bad guys are heroes and the stuff of legends – especially since the sixties – as their behaviors have been emulated or explained away with modern psychobabble by sympathetic and pathetic sophistries. The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly are for all intents and purposes interchangeable and have become all the same in our estimation since they are of equal moral and entertainment value, something we value above all else. Parenthetically, it is interesting to note that before the 1960s, Hollywood had a code that demanded the victory of good over evil. No “baddie” could win! “Good bad-guys such as Humphrey Bogart or James Cagney could only “win” if they paid their “debt to society,” after which they could get the girl – along with the approval of that society. Those days are long gone.

Explorer and leading Illuminati figure Albert Pike, for which Pike’s Peak is named, wrote with great praise about the “Luciferian Path”  and “the Prince of Darkness” circa 1871. In 1966, Anton LeVey wrote the “Satanic  Bible” and created The Church of Satan while in 1975, U.S. Army Lt. Colonel Michael Aquino, founded The Temple of Seth, consecrated to the Prince of Darkness who supposedly, according to Aquino, is a source of light. In 1971, Saul Alinsky, Hillary Clinton’s mentor, dedicated his Demonrat rulebook, “Rules for Radicals” to Lucifer, whom he described as the first and most successful rebel and radical. The fact that Alinsky saw his object of worship doomed to eternal torment gives one a good idea of what the man considered victory! In 1980, the satanic Georgia Stones, calling for world depopulation appeared out of nowhere and were just as mysteriously demolished this year, possibly by the same perps who put them up in the first place. This may have been a result of the Covid vaxxes starting to get the attention they deserve as mass killers. In 1995, the Denver Airport displayed a collection of disturbing devil-inspired murals. It is alleged there is a vast underground city two miles beneath Denver where dissidents are detained or devilish experiments conducted. Lately and unbelievably, monuments dedicated to Lucifer have been erected in states’ capitol buildings and in Washington itself.

On June 20, 2020, a “Luciferian March” for a One World Government was held in 22 American cities, appropriately during the darkness of a solar eclipse. The marches precipitated social chaos. Their organizers  announced plans to erect satanic monuments at sites where statues of Confederate and American heroes have previously stood.  “Presidunce” George W. Bush made no bones about habitually displaying the devil’s sign of the Skull and Bones Society to which he and other leading luminaries of the American firmament belong. But Joe Biden’s strange speech of September 1st, 2022, drenched in devilish symbolism was immediately condemned as satanic by alert MAGA Republicans. That apparently hit a nerve as that description was immediately mocked by the mockingbird mainstream media. It is hard to believe such a wretched display was not inspired by the devil and his minions. Satan must be getting over-anxious for a complete American capitulation because his main weapon – at least in “modern times” – is to induce people to believe that he doesn’t exist! Today, however, even the most blasé Christian and apathetic atheist can’t have helped but notice what is being shoved in their faces and down their throats. Because the “cat is out of the bag” so to speak, we must confront this evil everywhere and make this “war” into a personal fight, making certain that we do not succumb to the enticing blandishments to which the morally blind easily succumb.

Obama (BO) and the global conspirators purged thousands of Christians and right-thinking people from key positions in the military, judiciary, law enforcement, business, education, and the media. We listed those purged from the military for not being sufficiently “woke” in our last newsletter. This process has continued and, in fact, has been intensified under Biden and God knows how many millions have been purged by now. Biden, a surrogate of BO, is accomplishing BO’s dream of creating a civilian para-military force larger and more powerful than the shrinking military that can no longer fill its hiring quotas as many were put off by the Afghanistan debacle. In fact, the agencies of the Government – including such supposedly inoffensive bureaucracies as the Department of Education – presently have (and are willing to use!) more guns than the United States Marines! The IRS was “weaponized” with actual guns in the expectation that 80,000 new enforcement agents – and a “budget” of $80 Billion – will scare the bejabbers out of any right thinking American. Indeed, that was the idea in the first place! America for all intents and purposes is now a fully developed police state.

But why did Biden reveal the globalists’ devilish agenda in his recent satanic screech of a speech? There is a practice that occultists use called “revelation of the method.” When they become sufficiently powerful, they use an “in-your-face” admission of their evil plans knowing that their victims can’t do anything about it – and daring them to try. This not only intimidates their enemies, but they get their jollies knowing that they have you under their control – and that you are aware of your helplessness. Sadly, many Americans, especially the young, after generations of the exaltation of evil seem to adore evil doers who defy capture or control. These villains know that many Americans actually look up to them, embracing and accepting their fantastic crimes pulled off with impunity and immunity from consequences. To win this battle, we must get off the dime rise above the political left/right paradigm, which is itself a devilish diversion. You cannot win this war with your votes or even your guns, assuming that you get them out of mothballs. We must remember that the globalists control the levers of power and that includes the levers in the voting booth. As we found in 2020, it doesn’t matter what you do in the voting booth, the result will be what they want! Consider Stalin’s favorite quote, “It isn’t who votes that counts, it’s who counts the votes!”

On top of all of this assault on the Body Politic, the establishment has been “feeding” Americans a lot of bull by promoting the SAD (Standard American Diet) that features excessive animal eating, protein consumption, and empty calories that have led to the populace becoming grossly overweight and unhealthy in recent years. The food pyramid trotted out by Uncle Sam, places the best foods, large dollops of unprocessed fruits, vegetables and grains at the bottom of the structure, degrading their importance. It is not generally recognized that improper diet can damage your brain cells that, in turn, can color your thinking process, diminish your innate intelligence, reduce creativity and foster irrational thinking, irritability and depression all of which appear to be primary characteristics of today’s sheeple. And when you add to that the tremendous amounts of chemicals and drugs such as fluoride, aluminum and “preservatives” that are either ingested or inhaled, the falling standards of health of most Americans appear to be the rational results of our way of life. Meanwhile, American medicine seems oddly uninterested in the very food that keeps us alive, spending seemingly little effort to teach our future physicians how to feed their patients in such a way as to promote their health and well being.

But, in fact, the assault on the family begun in the 1960s and leading to a tremendous increase of divorce, single parent families, working parents and the breakup of traditional family living circumstances has produced chains like McDonald’s and the various burger copy-cats fostering the “fast” foods that are “fast” causing a massive health crisis in the Western world. As a result of the failure of our nutrition to support our bodies’ defenses, we see massive seasonal outbreaks of various flu strains and the slow, incremental increases in degenerative diseases like diabetes and cancer virtually unknown in more primitive societies. Of course,  this state of affairs has permitted Big Pharma to make billions keeping the population in need of their nostrums in a kind of vicious circle of cause, disease and cure. Even supposed “medicines” such as “traditional” vaccines – not the present “jabs” related to COVID – have produced health issues in children from fatal allergies to such benign substances as peanuts to autism. For instance, in the late 1950s, there were three vaccines recommended for children (and adults as well, of course), Smallpox, the DPT shot (Diptheria, Tetanus and Pertussis or Whooping Cough) and Polio. In 2020 the recommended vaccines include  DPT, MMR (Measles, Mumps and Rubella or German Measles), Polio, Hib, Hepatitis A and B, Varicella, Pneumococcal, Influenza and Rotavirus. And there are others. As can be seen, these “creations” have gotten far more numerous while any side or after affects are often ignored. For years, efforts have been made to find a connection between the increase in vaccinations for often very young children and autism but Big Pharma has managed to stifle those efforts to date.

The question then becomes, what will ultimately turn the tide of this sickness of our souls? Simply put, it is to turn away from materialism and immorality in massive numbers in a sort of nation-wide religious revival of the spirit. But are we, the so-called “masses” even capable of getting up the gumption and grit to give it a go? Huge numbers of our fellow man have been rendered zombies through psychological conditioning using the mesmerizing media to mess up our minds while the Covid vaxxes play havoc with our bodies, minds, spirits – and even our DNA. Dr. Naomi Wolf is one of now many medical authorities writing on the massive harmful effects of the Covid vaxxes, effects that seem to be reported in bits and pieces daily. She recently took a trip to New York City to confirm that a universal dystopia has now arrived and the essence of humanity has been drained from what have become a type of walking zomby. These tragic souls lack the spirit or at least the spirited movements and conversations that used to define New Yorkers.

It seems that every day we learn of some new atrociously harmful ingredient in the vaxxes and the stats show sharp rises in all kinds of maladies since the Covidiocy began, information denied to us by the media both social and mainstream. The “spike proteins” are causing massive blood clots with resultant deaths, debilities and disabilities. It is said these blood clots will be like time bombs in our bodies going off here, there and everywhere over the next several years! Meanwhile, the mandated boosters will only serve to boost the destruction being caused. In a titanic cover-up to hide the plague of problems caused by the vaxxes, these conditions are being identified as “long covid” and Sudden Adult Death Syndrome to shield the devils behind it all, and to provide yet more opportunity to vaxx the remaining deluded dolts to death.

© 2022 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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The Specter of White Genocide Part III – the Great Replacement

By Sidney Secular

October 18, 2022

We are a stateless people with no political representation whatsoever. Non-whites have 535 politicians in Washington, DC representing them. Whites have none, zero, nada! As a result, white genocide continues apace because there is no real resistance to its implementation as discussed in the two previous articles in this series.

White genocide is well underway on another front – less immediately brutal but far more insidious –  a matter that the insightful have seen happening for many decades but to which the decadent, deluded and mostly decrepit politicians and clueless citizens are oblivious or uncaring. The frightful constellation of movers and shakers that manipulate the zeitgeist ever leftwards, lurching towards the abyss, include the “legacy media” that is leaving us with a legacy of their treachery, NGOs, “reformed” religious organizations, big corporations, tech tyrants, billionaires (many newly minted as a result of some of these ongoing “policies!”), and the increasingly traitorous US Government, that is purposefully and happily engaged in ethnic cleansing of the White race from the face of the earth. The legacy is much more than that of such matters as increased crime, wage depression, economic displacement and destroyed social trust and cultural continuity – although it does involve all of these things.

By drowning our nation with compliant third World ciphers together with competing Asian professionals, white political power is consciously and perniciously diluted as it moves towards complete political impotence even while such power as it has is already lying dormant. In swing states like Florida, Michigan, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Nevada, the number of new, foreign-born “voters” is enough to provide requisite margins of victory in elections. If and when many of the foreign non-voters become so-called “citizens,” the influence of the foreigners will be significantly enhanced. How many of you presently go outside and see an alien and often hostile landscape completely different from the one into which you were born and raised? Unfamiliar, emotionless, uncommunicative faces, a cacophony of languages, displays of decidedly unAmerican customs in conformance with a show-off  Babylonian “diversity” strutting around in Third World garb often with repulsive face coverings that render social interaction including conversation “mute” anyway. America’s foreign-born population is edging towards 50 million, a number that has tripled since 1970 and doubled since 1990.

The key here is that we just don’t know how many aliens reside in what used to be our country. The southern border has basically become a meaningless line in the sand. Enough illegal aliens entered America in 2021 to equal or exceed the ALL the number of Americans who live each of TEN states: Alaska, Delaware, Maine, Montana, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Vermont, and Wyoming – and 2022 is showing exponential increases over 2021! This slow death is being excused by some conservatives, like the clueless Glenn Beck who endorses the goal of having one-billion Americans that he sees as crucial to keeping China from overtaking us as global top power. His conception seems to be that having millions on the dole in an expanded welfare-warfare state is a sort of utopia even if many of those millions are statistically anti-American. Beck is under the common illusion and delusion that immigrants work far harder than most Americans, “especially American kids.” He also seems to believe that numbers alone will save us when, in fact, vast numbers of the wrong kind of people will destroy us. China is full of Chinese, but America is no longer full of Americans. Beck needs to leave his cushy Beltway bubble and see what many especially middle class American kids can and will do if given the chance and not have their entry level jobs taken away from them by foreigners or, if they are white, be refused employment for that very reason. After all, they still do car washes, deliver newspapers and raise funds for charity functions, don’t they?

The regime uses our tax dollars directly or indirectly through tax funded resettlement agencies to put the invaders on midnight flights and buses, shipping them to rural, mostly white communities all over America in order to dilute existing actual or potential White power bases and to turn red areas blue. There usually is a dearth of local infrastructure and jobs to support these invasions, but no matter, the feds can fix that with public housing and welfare payments while encouraging the locals to move away so that the newcomers can take over their properties and spread “diversity” everywhere. The aim is to foster demographic warfare and displacement, and in the short term, turn red areas blue with hopes that the change will be permanent. One day there were 15,000 Haitians squatting under a bridge in Texas all of whom vanished the next day. Towns scattered all across the fruited plain are now chock full of Somalis and Afghans who are so notorious for their behavior that they are commonly called “rapefugees.” Even the most heinously criminal aliens don’t get deported. If they make it to the sanctuary cities they are free to carry on with their depredations while especially white Americans are free to suffer and die.

But that’s just the beginning. The number of “unaccompanied children” crossing the border is the highest it has ever been, facilitating a massive child sex trafficking operation, and including a high proportion of males in their late teens and early twenties who are excellent prospects to join gangs, engage in criminal activities and become foot soldiers in the mushrooming drug trade. This coterie of incipient criminals is the vector by which the opioids, fentanyl and many other dangerous drugs are ferried into and distributed throughout the US, a commercial enterprise managed by increasingly sophisticated and powerful Mexican drug cartels and transnational criminal networks most of whom have quantitatively more and even better state-of-the-art military munitions than either the American or Mexican militaries can bring to bear against them. In short, they are setting up their own fiefdoms on both sides of the border and it is now believed that they have actually gained control of the country of Mexico, thus ending any attempt by that government to resist their might.

The raw materials for the deadly drug fentanyl are brought into Mexico from our old friend, China with the final product created in clandestine Mexican labs just as COVID was created in China’s Wuhan lab. The opioid plague is second only to the Great Replacement itself as the most powerful tool of white genocide. Many on the “Dissident Right” call it the “White death” or the “White plague.”  The Sackler family along with the other big Pharma firms, incestuous and corrupt regulatory agencies and ignorant and/or compliant doctors and pharmacists have been either grossly negligent, unwittingly ignorant or criminally engaged and, as a result, have  unleashed this beast upon us. They have faced no meaningful pushback, regulatory restrictions or punishment for their continued dispensing of highly dangerous substances. The drug distributor, Amerisource Bergen, delights in gleefully depicting the “pillbillies” of Appalachia. Kentucky is derided as “OxyContinville”. Oxycodone, also called Oxycontin, is a widely distributed and wildly addictive painkiller that was pushed onto unsuspecting patients who have been led to believe it is not addictive. As a result, we have thus lost over one million Americans to opioid overdoses. That’s more than the number killed in all our wars, combined. The victims have been overwhelmingly white, but, of course, that was the goal all along of the drug dealers and war promoters. Vast areas of our nation have been ravaged and depopulated with the driving cause being almost solely opioids! When that is added to the effects of the frequently mandated vaxxes the inevitable results will be more de-populating and demoralizing. Fentanyl, the substance that killed that great black hero, George Floyd, is a poison that the Chinese are only too glad to foist upon us. It is now the number one cause of death for Americans aged 18-45. Beginning in the late 1990s, the white mortality rate has steadily increased in the US in a way that is exactly concurrent with the release of Oxycodone. This rise has occurred in all but six states, with the largest rise in death rates occurring in West Virginia,  Kentucky, Arkansas, and Mississippi. White life expectancy declined by one-tenth of one percent between 2013 and 2014, and has been accelerating year by year since, only falling by a full year around 2020, probably associated with optimism generated by Trump’s regeneration of the economy. In 2021, the decline in white life expectancy was entirely due to white deaths. In the book, “Deaths of Despair,” Anne Case and Angus Deaton note that any decrease in life expectancy is extremely uncommon in the modern world. American life expectancy had never fallen for three years in a row since 1933, in the depths of the Great Depression. We now approach a decade of decline with no end in sight.

And what has been our government’s response to the worst drug crisis in human history? Absolutely nothing but the continued lie regarding the same phony “war on drugs” that has been with us since the 1960s! Even in the face of the intrusion of this poison into America’s medical establishment there has been total silence. There has been no propaganda campaign or educational effort, but only some token funding for the corrupt corporate rehabilitation industry. Compare this to the government and media response to the “crack” epidemic, orders of magnitude smaller than the opioid plague, but which primarily affects blacks. Vast sums of money of our tax dollars were spent on massive media coverage  and a nationwide anti-drug campaign in schools and why? Because it primarily affects blacks! But even the exorbitant response to crack addiction is but a pittance when we look at the wealth our nation has squandered on futile efforts at black advancement. The “War on Poverty” and the welfare apparatus it created focused almost entirely on blacks, has cost us over $19 trillion, the equivalent of 40 Marshall plans. Think of the country we could have had without the blight of “diversity,” “equity” and “inclusion.”

The global regime wants white people to die and, as a result, we live in a genocidal state. Indeed, the state itself is compliant and complicit in the opioid plague. Prior to the American invasion of Afghanistan, the Taliban had outlawed and destroyed the opium trade. Poppy cultivation was negligible. Immediately after the American invasion and for twenty years thereafter, opium production skyrocketed. American soldiers literally guarded the poppy fields. And you wondered what they did with their time there? The US Government directly and intentionally fueled the drug crisis. I’ve heard it alleged from reputable sources that the money the FedGuv received from the drug dealing they were apparently involved in connected to the Afghan adventure helped make possible the black budget used in the “blackops” actions of the CIA and other government “agencies” as well as helping pay for the “war” including the mercenaries whose numbers were about equal to our regular troops sent there.

The opioid plague is but the most conspicuous aspect of a deeper problem. The ruthless war on white identity has introduced a corrosive agent into the white soul, devouring many whites from within. Our grinding, soul crushing system, in which every lever of power is aimed at dehumanizing and killing white men and women, is driving the intended victims to destroy themselves. A reflection of this is the escalating white suicide rate. Between 2000 and 2017, the American suicide rate surged by 40%, involving almost exclusively blue-collar workers in industries such as mining, oil, construction and auto manufacturing and repair – in other words, the industries that involve the majority of the white working class. The number of deaths from opioids, alcohol and suicide ascended to new heights in 2020, as the COVID government lockdowns ushered in a new era of isolation and hyper-atomization in our already alienated and lonely society. Indeed, it was almost as if this result was the true purpose of the lockdowns as we know that they had no apparent scientific or health basis.

One aspect of the current genocidal madness is a concerted attack on the victim group’s ability to procreate, to have children and to form families. We see this manifested in several ways. One is the crazed and out-of-control LGBT movement with its nullification of normal sexuality and its attendant – and intentional – barrenness. Unbelievably, polling indicates that between 20% and 40% of Generation Z born between 1997 and 2003 self-identify as LGBT along with 10% to 30% of Millennials. This is a true social cancer that continues to metastasize, showing no signs deceleration anytime soon. Of course, it doesn’t hurt that it has the entire support of the present culture including many so-called “churches.” Teachers in some schools report that upwards of 60% of their elementary aged students identify as LGBT! Just a few years ago such a characterization would have been an anomaly at most. Children’s entertainment programming is noxiously perverse with even PBS (“Public Brainwashing Service”) promoting drag queens and other degeneracies. Even the courts are now on board with this dangerous lunacy, serving as enforcers of transgenderism. Just as Merrick Garland’s Department of “Injustice” labeled white parents “domestic terrorists” for protesting genocidal anti-white propaganda in their children’s curriculum, there is a concerted effort to apply the same label to anyone who opposes the sexualization – including the genital mutilation – of underage children. Opponents of any state sponsored lunacies, including transgender and LGBT blasphemy have been characterized as members of “organized white supremacist groups.” Of course, this “definition” deliberately ignores those non-white parents who also wish to protect their children! Meanwhile, SWAT teams and snipers(!) have been employed to prevent parents from interfering with Drag Queen story hour events! And, of course, in solidarity with evil, the DHHS (“Department of Disservices to Humans”)  flies the transgender flag at its various locations.

Then, we have the pernicious ideology of woke feminism that affects many young women who have been indoctrinated against the traditional family and the very idea of motherhood. This leftist cause celebre is primarily directed at white women since it is white numbers that must be both limited and reduced. Then we have the contortion over abortion though, statistically, the percentage of Blacks who abort is greater than Whites but still, as Blacks only represent about 13% of the population, a dramatically higher number of white babies have died in this “medical procedure” than those of any other race. Meanwhile, white women advocates are recruited to influence their peers to pull the plug on procreation. Also, there is an increasing imbalance of female over male college students as women are induced to seek careers rather than having traditional families – and white babies. Contraception is yet another dysgenic attack on white America as whites are far likelier to use contraceptives than non-whites who are encouraged to have babies as a means of increasing their incomes in today’s welfare state, their benefits being based on the number of children they produce.

Then there was the COVID pandemonium over an alleged pandemic. One of the most common harms that result from the COVID vaccines are blood clots. It is hard to determine if any racial group is particularly affected by the poisons in these “vaccines” simply because the medical establishment refuses to acknowledge that the problem even exists much less investigating who has been most affected. Even more disturbing is that large numbers of young women who got their “clotshots” are reporting fertility problems including premature birth, miscarriage, damaged children and fetal deaths. A clinical trial showed that every single mother in the trial group injected with Pfizer’s vaccine miscarried! White fertility is in the midst of an unprecedented decline for, as we’re solemnly informed, “reasons not well understood” – a conclusion the medicos usually trot out when they are engaged in cover-ups or are looking in the wrong places for answers they don’t want to find or when they can’t or won’t think outside the box. In a span of over 40 years, sperm counts in Western countries have declined by over 50%. At that rate, most men may no longer be able to reproduce by 2045. While white fertility is debased through a coordinated system of attacks – pornography, climate alarmism creating a sense of despair, overpopulation scares that only whites take to heart, the gender-bender complex, feminism, and the poisoning of the environment through chemicals, dangerous drugs and food additives, etc. – the anti-white state “ups the ante” by pushing for basically unbounded levels of immigration supposedly to combat the infertility it has deliberately caused.

The modus operandi of the globalists is to create problems which they say only they can solve. This strategy has a theme: the Government invents the problem and then it proposes the solution – and the solution is never good. The idea is to make the people fear the problem and so embrace the solution. One of the consequences of this tactic is that the regime’s criminal justice system is engaged in a clear campaign of coddling criminals and decreasing or eliminating penalties for lesser crimes, especially those largely committed by minorities. This “problem” was introduced to Americans under the guise of racism and the ongoing “unfairness” to  minorities – and especially blacks – that has resulted in their high crime rate. The solution is, of course, as we noted above. Alas, however, this “solution” has only raised the crime rate and that itself produces the situation in which there are too many minority committed crimes for the police investigate, especially as police forces have been both restricted and reduced. Why has this occurred even as the crime rate skyrockets? Because the police too are being unjustifiably accused of picking on minorities merely because the criminals involved are mostly black.

Another consequence of this attack on the police is that cops are retiring first because they are not given the proper support and secondly, any response to a black criminal that results in injury or death to that criminal can find the cops involved in the dock. Naturally, the way things presently stand it has become increasingly difficult to obtain quality recruits. And, of course, feral, non-white thugs are emboldened by this permissive pattern knowing that they do not receive proper punishment for their depredations. During the 2020 BLM riots, there were several incursions into wealthier white suburbs, areas previously considered safe retreats from black crime. With diversity drives and social engineering mixing up populations that previously kept to themselves, these demarcations are quickly disappearing.

The final state of genocide is denial; first, the State involved denies it is happening or ever happened. This tactic occurs during the entire process even after it is completed. The news media has a stated policy of long standing of not reporting minority crimes on whites. Actual hate crimes against whites by blacks are downgraded to events containing no racial animus. Indeed, it is often assumed and/or implicitly understood that blacks especially are not capable of hate crimes. Why? Because to be considered capable, one must have power; it’s the same with “racism.” As only whites have power, only whites can be “racist” – or so it goes. Heinous crimes against whites are either under reported or reported only locally if unavoidable. Where ignorance cannot be maintained, then the race of the perpetrator(s) remains blithely unreported unless, of course, the criminal is white.

In the case of the Great Replacement, the perpetrators and even most of the general public have paroxysms of denial when the facts are pointed out to them. In their denial, they label it paranoia or an anti-Semitic white supremacist conspiracy theory, but the simple and ample facts prove otherwise. Meanwhile, New York Times columnist Michelle Goldberg wrote a piece entitled, “We can replace them . . .” and Joe Biden applauds the “unrelenting stream of immigration” with which he and his Marxist cronies are drowning America. Last year, census data revealed that the number of white Americans had declined for the first time in history to which stupid leftist luminary Michael Moore responded by calling it, “the best day in US history.” When comedian Jimmy Fallon read that news, his audience erupted in wild applause. Mark Potok, a former SPLC operative, maintains a chart using graph paper on his wall tracking white demographic decline.

At this point, I believe that we have established the reality of white genocide! It is happening and it is rapidly accelerating towards its inevitable conclusion. This process was set in motion long ago and it is difficult to know where to begin to trace its progress or even if that is required. Knowing how a fire started is far less important than knowing how to put it out. Historically, frequent wars among white combatants over many centuries have decimated the cream of white leadership removing many from the breeding pool. As well, such wars that became even more destructive in the last century have gradually taken their toll on the number of whites in the world to the point at which the white population that once stood at about 30% of the world’s population is down to around an alarming 9%. In many of these conflicts, various enemies of the white race played a significant part in stirring the pot  and providing the needed financing  to create major conflicts and even the two world wars. Certainly, the two World Wars of the 20th Century that bracketed the worldwide Great Depression were the result of the advocates of the New World Order including the Jews who were so prominent in finance.  But that is the subject for another time.

The American War for Southern Independence, aka the “Civil War” was the first conflict that decimated the American, and most especially Southern white population. The North engaged in a policy of total warfare upon Southern civilians and their farms, properties and possessions, laying waste to the land and committing wanton acts of barbarism upon the people, leaving the region in the death grip of forced famine and helplessness. A specific target of the Yankee war machine were churches and townhalls where the documents including birth and property records were deliberately destroyed. During so-called Reconstruction, black gangs of freedmen roamed the land and rape became a common feature of life for Southern women while many white men – and especially crippled Confederate veterans – were murdered outright. The elite core of white male Southern society was decimated by the war itself, thus sharply reducing the procreative and creative capabilities of white Southern society. The region thus did not recover economically until the entire nation was mobilized in World War II.

The unconstitutional – and never ratified – Fourteenth Amendment has served as the anti-white regime’s indispensable tool for a dizzying array of assaults upon the Historic American Nation and its founding stock. Two examples are the court cases Shelly vs. Kraemer and Brown vs. Board of Education. The Kraemer case of 1948 was the opening salvo of the war against freedom of association, specifically the assault on white Americans’ right to associate or disassociate with whomever they pleased. This case was codified and expanded in the Civil Rights Act of 1968, known as the Fair Housing Act. Because they lost a right that all people from time immemorial have enjoyed, many whites incur massive costs to try to ensure they are able to live in basically white communities. In response to former President Obama’s declaration against “white enclaves,” the regime is currently using HUD to transform white suburbs into slums by eliminating exclusionary zoning that mandate single-family dwellings within these areas. The plan is to facilitate the building of government housing (Section 8) projects in these areas with the inevitable decay and crime such projects engender.

The latest foray into the destruction of desirable domiciles is the Great Reset agenda’s goal to eliminate private home ownership itself – indeed to destroy the very concept of private property! It has been shown that whites psychologically desire a family home rather than an apartment; that is, a place in which they can fully develop their hobbies, talents, home improvement projects and outdoor activities. The agenda desires to cramp White living spaces and any style of private and expansive living, thus causing emotional distress. The present regime ‘s artificially created hyperinflation is driving the price of even modest homes out of reach, thus forcing some young white couples back to their parents’ basements. This is especially true for first time home buyers. Meanwhile megacorp Black Rock has been quietly acquiring massive numbers of single-family homes including entire neighborhoods, thereby decreasing housing supply and simultaneously increasing home prices. We have already lost the ability to choose our neighbors; now we are losing our ability to choose where – or how – we want to live at all.

The widely and wildly unpopular 1954 Supreme Court decision Brown vs. Board of Education was one of the greatest atrocities inflicted upon our nation. But it must be remembered that the problem was not the decision itself, but the use the government made of it. The original decision involved a Black child who was bused miles away from his (or her) home to attend an all-Black school when a White school was located within walking distance of the child’s home. Brown determined that a child could not be sent miles from his home simply because of his race. He must be permitted to attend the school closest to his residence. Of course, as we know, this is not how the Court’s decision was utilized by the government. Indeed, as the government “interpreted” Brown the entire American public education system and by extension, the entire American educational system itself was destroyed! Brown said nothing about the racial profile of a school at all, but it was presented by the government to mean that schools had to be “mixed,” an outcome that had more children being bused over longer distances than had happened in the attempt to keep the schools segregated! Totalitarian enforcement mechanisms were perforce produced that put the final nail in the coffin of our freedom of association. It created a new racial hierarchy with whites at the bottom and gave the bottom feeders elevated status. A new ideology took root that unrelentingly hammered home the nonsensical and destructive idea that whites were natural and eternal oppressors and that non-whites were their perpetual patsies and victims requiring ongoing government protection and support. Republicans, always following in lockstep behind the Democrats in the race towards promoting and adopting laws and practices that degrade whites, love to preach their admiration for the preacher and Communist trained sex predator, womanizer and plagiarist Michael (Martin Luther) King, Jr. and sing paeans to his supposed “colorblindness,” blinding themselves to the realities of the situation they face. They think that the “woke” phenomenon is some sort of deviation from our great egalitarian trajectory, a mutation or mutilation of King’s dream, but actually, it’s the same old song on steroids steering us down the fork in the road leading to white extinction.

A major step in bringing about the death of white America was the 1965 Hart-Cellar Immigration Act, the legislative instigator of the Great Replacement and the product of a forty year effort by the usual suspects to destroy the 1924 Immigration Act that at the time set in stone immigration policies that had been veering back and forth over the years regarding whether our nation would remain predominantly white northern European as was originally intended. With the 1965 Immigration Act, we were brutally thrust open to the Third World while limiting immigration from those countries that had created the nation we knew, displacing the original founding stock with Third World people totally foreign to our way of life. As of the 2020 census, whites are now only 60% of the population and that rate is falling fast. Whites make up from 8% to 10% of the world’s population, depending on the criteria used to define the race. Whites are already in the minority in Hawaii, DC, California, New Mexico, Texas and Nevada. Other states including Maryland, Georgia, Florida, Arizona, New York, New Jersey, and Mississippi are approaching the precipice. By 2013, the majority of newborns nationwide were non-white despite the large percentage of minority abortions. In 2014, the majority of public school students were non-white. In the post-World War II crusade against the ill-defined “fascism” that was used as ploy by bad actors against especially the Germans, the West has constructed a cultural communist, globalist, anti-nationalist, anti-populist, anti-white edifice to fundamentally transform society away from Christianity and true patriotism towards a deracinated, “atheistic theocracy” premised on  unworkable egalitarianism and utopian schemes. In so doing, the State has consciously turned on the nation as the latter is historically understood. With the reality of white genocide bearing down upon us, we are forced to ask, as did the author of a book about the fate of our race, “Which Way, White Man?”

Today, the sickness has progressed to the point at which you are not hated merely because you are a Trump supporter, a conservative, a Christian or a patriot, but mainly because you are white. And so, the only effective response to this race-based warfare is through “white identity politics.” The American Right cannot reverse our plight unless it places white identity “front and center” and abandons the fear of being characterized as “racist.” For the simple fact is, all whites are considered “racists” no matter how much they kowtow to blacks! This nation was founded on its documents and sentiments that are fundamentally and basically white! It is – or rather was – a Christian nation founded by whites from Europe seeking refuge from wars and religious persecutions. A direct byproduct of that founding is the white culture and English language that goes with it and from which it cannot be separated and survive. This reality was so well understood by the founders that they thought it didn’t need to be reiterated in the Founding documents.

Therefore, we must proceed from the premise that whites have legitimate interests as a separate and unique group as do all other groups under the law. All the minority groups unwilling to assimilate but rather who choose to retain their national identities, interests and special cultures, even though they – and their political handlers – may call themselves Americans are not Americans and should not be permitted to influence the future of America! If we refuse to assert our white American identity, we will just disappear as a group and eventually as individuals. Furthermore, we must understand and accept that our unique interests will often place whites in direct opposition to the interests of other groups. This is the nature of class warfare whether the class be ideological, economic or racial. And in consequence of this “right,” whites have the moral duty to preserve and even increase the majority white population portion of the overall population. This means that the governmental jurisdictions such as towns, counties, regions and states must represent white interests even when whites are a minority as in many large cities. This is especially true when the consequence of “black run” areas of the country are a total disaster economically, culturally and morally for such “leadership” doesn’t even serve the needs of the minorities who run it. Whites must adopt the analytical framework that every other racial group has as second nature. When we approach a policy, a situation, an event, or an individual, our first question must be: Does this situation advance white interests? Because in point of fact, “white interests” frequently also advance the interests of non-whites even if they do not understand that. Ask the black residents of Detroit or Chicago or New Orleans if they lived better when those cities were white run! If the answer to the above situation is “no”, whites must then fight the situation “tooth and nail.” Our mission as whites is not racial hatred, but first the survival of our race and love and compassion for our own kind – yes, and even for those not of our kind. Whites alone have succored the downtrodden and suffering in the Third World though those actions seldom resulted in the thanks of those we helped.

Donald Trump’s popularity with most Americans is mainly based on his focus on issues of American – and hence white – interests such as immigration management including at this point, a reversal of the invasion permitted in the Biden years. Although  this may not be explicitly stated, anything that Trump plans needs to have enough power to overcome the onslaught we are presently facing. The media has a vested interest in presenting white identity as the threat to our future. This has been presented in such a way as the manipulated official polling indicates that only 10% of those polled express a favorable view of what has been called “White Nationalism” or, more accurately, white supremacism. But as we have seen with official polls, these should be taken with a ton of salt. The result of polls are clearly determined by the way the question is asked as well as the people being asked. If presented properly and forcefully by enthusiastic leaders, the necessity for an immigration moratorium or ending anti-white discrimination will result in standing ovations from our oppressed populace not all of whom would be white!

The anti-white state is attempting to boil the frog too fast and in its genocidal zeal, has dropped its mask! Blinded by hatred and assured of the support of all non-whites, including Asians, and even many weak-minded liberal whites as well as many Jews, it can no longer hide the ravenous bloodlust it holds for white Americans, as concretely expressed through the critical race theory imposition which has become a dinner-table talk topic no longer tabled in the homes of intelligent white Americans. A large number of Republican voters demand ending it as one of their highest priorities. Legions of enraged white parents are storming school board hearings and staging protests, advocating for themselves and their children – not as “one race, the human race” but proudly as whites. These are the first swells of a sea change that will rock and overturn the weapons attacking us in our cultural lifeboats in the hopes of drowning us.

One of the biggest challenges whites face, is a generalized sense of apathy and malaise, particularly on the part of part of ordinary working class whites who for decades the anti-white system has methodically  disfranchised, demonized and spiritually hollowed out. The major sources of employment for these people was embodied in the industrial base sent by our leaders to China, and so unable to find a sufficient means of living, they often turned to mind numbing drugs and alcohol rather than go out of their minds in despair. This course aggravated their health issues and precipitated their increasing turn to suicides as well as lowering marriage and procreation rates. The Republican political establishment takes these white ciphers for granted and does nothing for them but promise better days ahead if elected. However, they do pander to non-whites, something that is pretty much a lost cause because the experienced Democrats will beat them at that game. If there’s one thing the Dems know how to do it is to steal money from the productive in order to buy the votes of the unproductive.

There are those who believe that the GOP never seems to learn its lessons and fails to take advantage of opportunities presented to them, sometimes on a silver platter, but the fact is, as Pat Buchanan once said, the Democrats and Republicans are two wings on the same bird of prey. With the exception of men like Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump, most Republican “leaders” are very happy to help the Democrats bring about whatever their agenda may be. As well, there simply is not enough time to find and elect the thousands of true patriots needed to take over the GOP in all its venues, especially from the bottom up. Separation of some sort seems like a sanguine solution but when all the cards are in the other fellow’s hands, there is little hope for a major sustained victory – ask Donald Trump! Meanwhile, those few politicians willing to take the intense heat running for major political offices on an explicit white advocacy platform might bring the needed attention to our plight and the major issues involved, and possibly hasten the resolve and perhaps even the process leading to separation. Now, this is a very difficult concept though even blue states have called for a separation from their red state neighbors. But any plan showing the distribution of States red and blue make clear that such a separation is untenable. And remember, this was tried by the States of the South, in 1860 and it was not allowed for the same reasons our “government” would not allow it today – money and power!

The scenario in which overwhelmingly red states secede from the rest of the “blue” union independently (as Texas has threatened to do) and forming a latter day confederacy which would reconstruct itself as a sovereign nation is unlikely to succeed as the Potomac regime will go to any lengths to prevent it including calling in UN forces and making the final move toward a global government. It is also questionable whether the political will of most Americans would be strong enough to carry it out. More feasible solutions are nullification and a sort of de facto secession, a situation that is, at this moment, rather in place. It is most unusual for a state to ship its illegals to other states as Florida did with some of its “immigrants” when they were sent to Martha’s Vineyard in Massachusetts! This, of course, didn’t work for the wealthy liberals simply had the military remove these unwelcome guests though the lawns of most of the homes there had signs welcoming these invaders albeit to very different areas of the country well away from those same elites!

For any type of residential segregation to work, a process needs to begin whereby white Americans make it their business to move to select areas of the country with conservative and right-wing populist leanings. These would include Greater Appalachia, the lower Midwest, the Great Plains and many parts of the West. Attention should be paid to select counties with the “right stuff” though even that will not prevent the wrong way of life if the more populated areas of the chosen state are blue. As such successful strategic relocation occurs, our people must make it their business to seek offices that will assure that the move was not useless. For instance, such offices as sheriff, mayor, county prosecutor, and school board member(s) in smaller communities are essential. If the residents are the sort of folks that the new residents believe, their participation in local government will be gladly accepted. Here and there, there will be a vacancy where there is no Republican or other conservative running for a post and to do so will give the newcomer an edge in not having to compete with the usual run-of-the-mill politician for whom the ordinary citizen would usually vote. Instead, these often abandoned voters  would be able to turn to you because you have an accepted party label. All these offices can be power positions in which new residents would be able to exert great influence and as a result,  the concept of a parallel society could be implemented.

Schooling is an essential example of the need to get out of “the system!” Given the danger of our nation’s “schools,” homeschooling has become for most decent people the only option available to both protect and educate their children. Families that homeschool should get together in a community and either create their own community schools or provide support for homeschooling parents. These “community schools” must join to form power blocks, creating governing influences in their areas. In such a way, decent Americans can conquer existing political structures over time. The simple fact is that there has never been a successful revolution without a parallel system in place prepared to take over when the opportunity presents itself. Our own national revolution is an example of that. There was no great change when the colonies became independent. State governments and interstate cooperation continued as it had done for generations before the revolution. Similarly, parallel legal entities must be prepared to step in while, at the same time, we will need to create co-ops and economic groupings in which members work together to satisfy their economic and practical needs to the extent feasible. Business enterprises thus formed will take in doxxed dissidents and those discriminated against by the system for their expressed political leanings. Barter/social credit systems and scrip developed especially for this group will be employed for in-group transactions.

There are many ways to fight and possibly win without directly confronting the system. Good people must find a Christian church that’s not yet of the devil – they do exist! – and become active in it in order to form a coalition of church members in the society to help create the required groups for an established Christian society. It is easier to make important connections with church members than with associates from parochial settings. In these dangerous days in which the Deep State is able to see and know everything, it is wise avoid cocktail chatter over the insanities of the present system including national debt, balanced budgets and etc. because these are beyond anything the average person can influence. Furthermore, they encourage the interest of Big Brother! Rather, we should discuss the issues that individuals and small groups can influence and especially issues pertaining to the war on whites and how we can survive it.

The average person is both uninformed and misinformed but above all, most people are afraid. The government knows that and uses our fear as a weapon against us. If anyone wishes to see the present fear “blueprint,” read what knowledgeable people have written about the so-called “COVID” pandemic and how the whole world virtually in days was able to cooperate enough to destroy our individual freedoms in the every part of the globe! Many of us have become so gun-shy that what we most fear is being considered different or “making waves.”  Unfortunately, cowardice is a great burden to any struggle against a demonic agenda and many, to escape discomfort, gradually turn from frightened obedience to apathy and sloth so that the moral coward will not even lift a finger to help even when he could do so without anyone being the wiser. We see this in the very fact that there were no large groups of white people chanting “white lives matter” outside the courthouse when the McMichaels were legally lynched in an unprecedented and grievous miscarriage of justice. There would have been danger in such a response as we have seen in many instances, the January 6th “insurrection” being a prime example of the war on decent, law abiding whites making our grievances known.

Of course, such a demonstration could have been kept under wraps without stirring up the usual suspects but again, as we all know, there is no guarantee of being allowed our constitutional right to freedom of assembly or the freedoms of speech and dissent. It seems the illegality of being white “trumps” the United States Constitution. Nevertheless, rather than run the risk of the tyrannous lash of the Deep State, many of the people with our sympathies rather than voicing their outrage against the destruction of our rights and liberties, were home watching that basically anti-white humiliation ritual known as “professional sports.” It seems that far too many conservatives are so lazy and/or apathetic that they will not boycott even a sporting event or refuse to purchase a product from an offending manufacturer though such actions are both infinitely easy and uniformly safe in that they are without such consequences as dozens of heavily armed flak-jacketed FBI goons breaking down one’s door at 2 A.M.

Finally, there should be ongoing and widespread protests all over the country by all decent people and not just whites over the J6 kangaroo court proceedings as the entire illicit false flag operation has been pretty much exposed for what it was as and the media has been called out for their collusion in the matter. There needs to be a deep sense of consciousness of our plight and the engendering of a spirit of solidarity and sacrifice evidenced by all whites getting involved in organizing and participating in useful activities as opposed to spending time in the “bread and circuses” provided by the Deep State. Hollywood and sports have done more damage to us and our country than Hitler ever did! At present, we have the most heavily armed civilian population in history but most sit idly by while our constitutional rights are trashed and our slavery and/or death arranged. Preppers and Libertarians invoke and practice useless “individualism” while caches of custom AR-15’s and ammo gather dust. The Deep State loves “individuals.” Individuals have never won any battle! Rather, they are overwhelmed by groups and especially armed groups!

Our present “individuals” will have to get with it and (surreptitiously) form community militias if they do not want to have such weaponry as they possess taken from them, a campaign that has been waged virtually for decades! Of course, once that happens – and it has happened elsewhere in the West as in Australia! – it is very easy to take their rights and their lives away. But today, they waste their time “defending” stupid and useless “rights,” many of which are favorites of our oppressors such as the right to an abortion and to produce and view pornography as well as the right to declare one’s own pronouns as one chooses one’s own gender! Free speech has never been about pornography or obscenity but about making one’s God-given beliefs known in the public square and having the right to refuse what this evil culture demand that you accept! Remember, in Law, silence means assent!

And, finally, for those who do “show up,” some may praise them as patriots but when the audience feels threatened, they will immediately be condemned as “Nazis” or “fascists” for their attempt to enlighten people with the truth of our current condition. These warriors will live in fear as much as anyone else but they will consider their duty to others more important than their own well-being. These are heroes that during the early Christian Church were called witnesses – that is, martyrs. But do not be fooled! The future belongs to those who show up! Those with important talents should use them for the cause and not fritter away their talents and lives over meaningless trifles. The war on whites is indirectly a war on humanity itself – it is even a war on God! Our enemies aren’t just trying to rebuild the Tower of Babel but are trying to undue God’s creation – Mankind – and especially as that creation appears in certain races and nations. When all seems lost, remember that it was white men that built Western Civilization. If we stand together and with our God, we can – and will – rebuild it.

© 2022 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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The Cult of Kalergi: The Planned Replacement of the European Peoples

By Sidney Secular

September 23, 2022

I assume that you know that the “great replacement” was not just a conspiracy theory. We nationalists, rationalists, and realists have noticed and talked about it for a long time. Sadly, our knowledge has made very little – if any – difference in the matter. The mass media stifled the matter until it became so apparent with the invasion of the illegals and the constant war against Whites waged by the Deep State here and abroad that it became impossible for them to keep a straight face about the issue of race replacement. But someone, somewhere knowing the power of memes in advancing schemes had the sense or presence of mind to create a term for it – and that’s the only way it could be crystallized in the minds of the oblivious and intellectually mindless. It can now be bandied about as a concrete concept to examine, and determine its origins and the evil behind it so it can be properly opposed.

The evil godfather of the momentous movement to displace/replace/erase Whites that has been continuously moving forward and is now gaining momentum even as it is revealed, was one Richard, Count Couvenhove-Kalergi (1894-1972). Kalergi’s father was an Austro-Hungarian diplomat who was stationed in Japan; his mother was a Japanese noblewoman. In 1922, he wrote a book in German, “Praktischer Idealismus” — “Practical Idealism” in English, introducing and propounding a special version of the Great Replacement. He also founded the “Pan European Movement” in 1922 to promote a personal sense of being European from a political and cultural standpoint, the starting point for the much later European Union.

Kalergi was especially well connected. Big Jewish bankers gave him lots of money (Paul Warburg gave him 60,000 gold marks). He was supported by the likes of Bernard Baruch, Albert Einstein, B’nai Brith, the New York Times and Winston Churchill (you now know who the traitors and enemies of Western Civilization were at least at that time). He was a very active Freemason in the Vienna lodge – surprise, surprise! He envisioned a Europe without borders. There would be no French, Germans or Italians, etc. as we know them because they would be eventually “whited out” or “whitewashed” out of the gene pool and replaced by a new type of European man consisting of an African-Oriental admixture. Kalergi believed this new man would look something like the ancient Egyptians but he must have flunked anthropology because the ancient Egyptians were White before they “amalga-mated” with the surrounding and invading Browns and Blacks, a matter that caused Egyptian civilization to gradually decline and become actually rather “third-worldy.” Ruling over this new mixed European race would be a moral aristocracy of Jews, untainted by racial admixtures, of course.

Interestingly enough, this particular strategy had already been publicly voiced, though generally ignored when, on January 12th, 1952, one Rabbi Emmanuel Rabinovitch, speaking to an assembly in Budapest, Hungary declared: “We will openly reveal our identity with the races of Asia and Africa. I can state now with assurance that the last generation of White children is now being born. Our Control Commission will, in the interests of peace and wiping out of interracial tensions, forbid the Whites to mate with Whites. The White woman must co-habit with members of the dark races, the White man with Black women. Thus, the White race will disappear, for mixing dark with White means the end of the White man, and our most dangerous enemy will become only a memory. We shall embark upon an era of ten thousand years of peace and plenty, the PAX JUDAICA, and our race (the JEWS) will rule undisputed over the world. Our superior intelligence will enable us to retain mastery over a world of dark peoples.

Of course, that was not the way the European Union (EU) was sold to the people of Europe. It was sold as a way to reduce travel and trade barriers, and facilitate commerce among European nations. But as the EU bureaucracy became entrenched and ever more powerful by the 1970s, it began to gradually implement Kalergi’s vision. Mass immigration was the vehicle for transformation, turning Europe “inside out,” so to speak. All the current Western European leaders are committed to massive, nearly unrestricted Third World immigration into Europe while their own people are forced by law and custom to cut their birth-rates and reject their national pride. These politicians and the supporting cast of media, academia, and big business with their New World “orderlies” are the driving forces of the cult of Kalergi. The Cult is dedicated to the eradication of nationalities and sovereign states and maintains control of the levers of power in the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and most of Europe. It is also gradually encroaching into other areas, using puppet states like the Ukraine as it would love to devour Russia, the last bastion of White Christianity in the world and bring that nation under its power.

Part of the ecstatic enthusiasm that greeted Donald Trump in 2016 was his willingness to talk about at least some aspects of the immigration issue and as well, Trump came across as sort of a White knight about to slay the degenerate Dems and the vile Deep State. The undercurrent of his popularity – that is, his rejection of Kalergi’s cult – apparently neither Trump nor the leaders of the “Stupid Party” (GOP) understood or, in the alternative, they discounted. This was especially true for Trump with his Jewish family members. If one doesn’t understand the position of the Jews in the Cult, one cannot understand the Cult. Meanwhile, good Americans can’t quite admit to themselves that they are targets of genocide though they are desperate to stop the descent into the present overwhelmingly dysfunctional “diversity” and its attendant depravity. The derogatory label “racist” invented by Leon Trotsky to sow discord in the West between the races along with all the associated emotional baggage created by generations of political correctness, freezes their resolve to turn the situation around and their will to resist evaporates. In consequence, their neighborhoods are becoming replicas of third world cesspools via mass migration and Black infiltration with the eventual takeover of the country by its sworn enemies.

All the while, America’s small-to-mid size towns are being hollowed out, their main streets deserted, their businesses transferred to the big box and chain stores stuffed with cheap Chinese junk or “knockoffs” of the decent products made by former major American manufacturers. Their jobs have been lost or they have been replaced by local illegals or third-worlders who find themselves in their natural habitat (an American third world). The gigantic volume of ocean traffic bringing in the foreign junk is polluting the world’s waterways as the ships run inefficiently on polluting diesel fuel while clogging up the supply chains that the COVID mandates convoluted into a monstrous mess. Mention of this problem in the media or government is “deep-sixed” so that the junk can flow without any environmental concerns or the huge shipping charges or untoward delays in international commerce.

All the while, the elites brazenly lie and shout that the Whites, especially the MAGA multitudes are the biggest threat to American “democracy,” by which they allude to their generations of oligarchic rule. Meanwhile, “Affirmative Action” has lost its traction as a sop to Blacks. Why? Because, today’s “White privilege” is too strong for the oppressed to overcome even with affirmative action and therefore it cannot be relied upon the create the “diversity” that is said to be our greatest strength as our founding White population is too defective to carry us forward into the Utopian World of Diversity and Equity. Of course, “diversity” in any context has been shown to be an economic, social and cultural wrecking ball.

Meanwhile, so-called mainstream Republicans – addicted to accumulating dollars faster than that dollar loses value – are willing to follow the Demonrats’ lead in printing the unlimited quantities needed to pay the invaders under the table to stay ahead of the game. As a result, they do all they can to invite maximum numbers of illegals and foreigners to displace domestic labor, sometimes under the phony guise of inviting guest or temporary workers who soon become permanent.

The Demonrats are only too happy to invite and permit the entire population of the Third World to invade America and displace the native population in accordance with the Kalergi cult concept to assure their permanent political dominance. Remember, nobody is a more sure supporter than the fellow who owes you something! The two political parties play musical chairs with our elections and prey on the public’s foolish sympathies to enrich themselves. The leaders of both parties salivate over the prospect that by 2041 the European people who founded and settled this great nation will be a despised minority in the land they built and made great.

“Black Lives Matter” we are told but nothing is done to actually help Blacks that really matters. Meanwhile, it is Whites who are overwhelmingly the victims of inter-racial crime and the percentage of victims of White on White crime is minuscule compared to White victims of Black criminals, whose depredation in usually senseless, unpremeditated and savage. Big city Black mayors and their equally Black factotums blabber and blather about making changes but wind up playing musical chairs with other Blacks in top political positions with nothing being accomplished in the end except more victims, many of whom are themselves Black. Why? Because anything done must be in accordance with outmoded socialist concepts that don’t strengthen either the Black family or the desire for law and order, both of which are necessary prerequisites for improvement.

What is our man(?) Biden’s position on the replacement of Whites? In August 2016, at the “White House Summit on Countering Violent Extremism,” then Vice President Joe Biden hailed the swiftly approaching replacement of the nation’s founding stock as a “strength” and a good thing. Even an amoeba fights for its own survival, but deranged puppet Biden lacks even that lowly organism’s basic instincts, serving only as a devilish clown that many in the clueless and insouciant American masses find attractive.

The year 2015 saw the wholesale invasion of Europe by Third Worlders, mainly Muslims and Blacks, variously described as “refugees” or “migrants.” Unlike the bedraggled refugees we used to envision, helpless women and children, the old and the ill, these were mainly robust young men, well dressed, chattering on their cellphones. They had the money to pay greedy gangsters and smug smugglers for their transport and support during sometimes hazardous journeys. By land and sea, they swarmed into, hapless, helpless Greece and angrily battled with police forcing their way to the handout capitals of Europe – Germany, Switzerland and Sweden – where they became infamous for raping White women and rightly earned the moniker, “rapefugees.” The colluding Commie authorities in these areas of settlement even handed out brochures in true Kalergi-like fashion advising the “newcomers” how to come on to the White women to get their friendship – and so much more whether the White women wished to give it or not! Germany accepted over a million and a half of these freeloaders and fornicators who added to the misery of the long-suffering German taxpayers who ponied up an average of $13,500 to support each “migrant.”

The depredations of these devils reached a crescendo at the New Years’ Eve public gatherings in Cologne, Hamburg, Vienna, Salzburg and Stockholm. The police and media tried to downplay the fact that the attackers were organized Muslims. However. social media allowed the assault scenes to go viral. In a kind of “prelewd” to envisioned future dispossession per the Kalergi plan, there were reports of Germans expelled from their apartments to make room for the invaders. YouTube videos showed Muslims molesting bathers, male and female, in public pools, and defecating in the water. In true leftist blame-the-victim fashion, the authorities advised women to dress modestly and cover their heads with scarves so as not to “turn on” the feral predators. According to the media, the real villains were members of the “extreme right” who protested the outrages of these unwanted “guests.” Police visited outspoken critics of the invasion who had posted their views on Facebook, threatening them with the loss of their jobs or even the loss of their children!

Is there any rational way to explain the communist Chancellor’s decision to welcome useless and dangerous Third Worlders (other than addiction to the Kalergi cult mandate) at a time when there were no jobs for them (the unemployment rate in Germany was still 6%), and most of the invaders had no marketable skills? Yes. German Chancellor Angela Merkel was a former Communist leader before the fall of the “Wall” then known as Angela Kasner when she was propaganda secretary of the Young Communist League in East Germany. In 2010, she received the “Coudenhove-Kalergi Prize” for welcoming the hordes of Third Worlders into Germany whose population has a below replacement level birth rate. Many of the African and Middle Eastern invaders have families of 5 or more children.

Since the 8th Century, Europe has been repeatedly invaded by militant Muslims. For centuries, they raided European coastal areas and kidnapped millions of Europeans to be taken to Turkey and North Africa as slaves. Rich Jews were kidnapped for ransom money. As recently as 1863, the Turks were at the gates of Vienna, but the invasion was halted by a large Pan-European army spearheaded by a cavalry charge of 20,000 horsemen! Now, the Muslims are invited to invade without any threat of resistance. Former “French” (actually Hungarian) President Nicolas Sarkozy was explicit in a December 2008 speech. He insisted that sex between the French and Third Worlders is not just desirable, but should be made mandatory! He enthused over a future of “metissage” or race mixing and warned that if people did not do it voluntarily, the “Republic” would have to resort to more forcible methods.

Present French President Emmanuel Macron is another “SOB” son of Kalergi, having asserted that “bombshell” population growth in Africa means Europe is entering an unprecedented age of mass migration. He also attributes this to “great poverty,” “climate change,” and geopolitical conflicts all of which are the fault of Whites! He could have added deliberate starvation caused by destruction of food supplies and shrinkage of farmlands in accordance with Green New Deal mandates – but he didn’t. Duke University Professor Stephen Smith, an expert in these matters, estimates that the number of Africans living in Europe will grow from the present 9 million to between 150 and 200 million within the next 30 years! Smith adds that the migration will be facilitated by the West financing the would-be journeys from Africa, so the smugglers can be smug as well as well compensated for their efforts. It is also necessary to remember that a lower IQ population does not find its own IQ raised when it invades countries with a higher IQ. Rather, as is the usual case in nature, everything sinks to the lowest common denominator and the formerly more intelligent people become less so with the increase of their more stupid invaders. Indeed, this is the very reason for the Kalergi cult. As the good Rabbi said, Our superior intelligence will enable us to retain mastery over a world of dark peoples.”

The great majority of Europe’s elites, both Christian and secular, are committed to Coudenhove-Kalergi’s goal of replacing European man. It will be left to populists and right-wingers like Victor Orban of Hungary, Marine LePen of France and hopefully many more patriots that will arise to save White Europeans and Christians from the invasion and extermination that has been planned and enabled by the elites and is already well underway. Of course, the same situation exists in other White areas of the globe such as North America, Australia and New Zealand. It would seem that the only White sanctuary not presently under direct siege is Iceland and that country is apparently taking the matter very seriously indeed as any investigation of the country’s “immigration” policies will make clear!

Below is an illustration of what is desired. It was not a cover of the magazine National Geographic, but it certainly illustrates the mindset of its editors. Time is growing very short to save Western Civilization, that White culture that took Man from the cave to the Stars.

© 2022 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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A Model Case Against Multiculturalism

By Sidney Secular

September 13, 2022

The rise of Asians in America – especially the “northeast” Asians, that is, the Chinese, Japanese and Koreans – will not be the salvation of the Historic American Nation that many believe. All the political pundits are increasingly promoting the Model Minority myth about Asian-Americans, both immigrant and native-born. They may be hard working, self-reliant, prosperous and largely law abiding, but surprisingly they make up a growing segment of the anti-American, Open Borders Left. These Asians feel “it just isn’t mine,” the same response reported by Barack Obama when his ghostwriter wrote “Dreams of my Father” wherein he describes a trip across Europe in his youth which, though duly impressed him, left him with the unsatisfied feeling that “. . . it just wasn’t mine.” And, of course, he was right! The achievements of the Caucasian (White) Race have never been duplicated even by the Asians with their superior IQ gene!

This off-putting feeling is the factor that explains much of the social dissatisfaction and dysfunction among minorities, and especially among those who have had the benefit of attending prestigious American universities but (unbelievably!) have come to resent the experience – and the nation that provided it! – intensely. White Americans assume the positive experiences Asians have in our society will help assimilate and satisfy them and make them identify with (and like) us more – but it only seems to reinforce their antipathies. They may believe that Harvard and Princeton are beautiful but they don’t feel part of their cultures because these Ivy League schools were founded by White Protestant men – or in the current wacky woke culture, the derided and dreaded dead White males!

This sense of demographic disconnect has led to discontent and such idiotic measures as placing more paintings of minority graduates and faculty inside campus buildings. But such gestures only seem to intensify the sense of separation and antipathy from those for whom they were made. Many conservatives naively assume this disconnect would not exist without the stain of affirmative action and that Asians must not share it because they do not rely on affirmative action’s lower standards for admission to prestigious universities. Indeed, they are often the plaintiff’s in suits against academia because they are bypassed for the benefit of unqualified Blacks. The assumption is that if Asian minorities were admitted simply on merit, we could all just get over this equalitarian nonsense and they would not be burdened by a socially constructed anti-white mindset arising from so-called “inequality.” Unfortunately, as that notion itself is false, it raises equally false hopes by failing to understand the “it just isn’t mine” mindset, is itself anti-White! Despite the well documented hatred Blacks have for Asians – and pretty much everything else they know are superior to them – and the belief Asians have that Blacks –  and Whites – are inferior to them (something that Blacks at least are smart enough to understand), in the end, the Asians will go against Whites simply because this is a White culture and a White country and therefore it “isn’t theirs.”

Negative feelings against Asians by Blacks are most obviously demonstrated in the growing number of brutal Black-on-Asian assaults across the country. The fact that this has not persuaded Asians to side with Whites is sharply defined in the case of former Deputy Attorney General Bill Lann Lee who attended Yale on a scholarship and then Columbia Law School. But instead of being grateful to the “White society” that had succored him and recognized his talents, he took up arms against the Historic American Nation by working for the NAACP and then the Clinton Justice Department. Then there is the case of Michelle Wu, the current mayor of Boston. She is the daughter of Taiwanese immigrants and attended Harvard Law School where she (unfortunately) became a protege of Elizabeth Warren. Wu successfully ran for Boston City Council in 2013 and the Press started pressing the case that she was a model of a successful Asian politician. Like Deval Patrick, the Black Governor of Massachusetts from 2007 to 2015 who also went to Harvard Law School, Wu pretends that her minority status has been an obstacle she had to overcome, when in reality for both Patrick and Wu it was a free ticket to an easy election victory with the overwhelming support of weak-brained libber Whites. Wu didn’t have to do anything but be “Asian” in a weak field of non-Asian, non-Black – that is, White – opponents. However, it is true that Wu was elected in part because she was NOT Black. Most Bostonians al are genuinely frightened of Blacks (and rightly so) but not of Asians who have no history of mindless violence.

Nevertheless, despite having all the right racial and ideological trappings, within a few short months of her tenure, the 37-year-old Wu has become the most unpopular mayor in Boston’s nearly 400 year old history. Wu’s first blunder was to bring in a fellow Taiwanese American Tiffany Chu, from San Francisco to serve as Chief of Staff, showing both a deliberate ethnic bias and a clear lack of understanding the current conditions in ‘Frisco. She could have secured her popularity among liberal White Bostonians by choosing a local politician familiar with the City, but she chose to follow the Black Power route of “if it ain’t one of us, it ain’t getting’ hired.”

Further, Wu did herself no favor with her choice for Chu is an extreme leftist typical of California in general and San Francisco in particular. As a result, Chu’s first priority was to ensure “gender equity” in the matter of awarding snow plowing jobs across the city in the coming winter. This was silly to begin as it had no practical application – especially with regards to “gender.” Wu’s next belly flop was her imposing a vaccine mandate on basically everyone in the city.  COVID “vaccine passports” were required of all citizens to enter virtually all public venues. The public opposition to both the highly dangerous COVID shots and the vaccine passports was overwhelming and huge protests ensued. Many restaurants simply ignored the requirement entirely. Boston has many Irish pubs that are centers of social conviviality vice hubs of gourmet grub, and the COVID rulings didn’t go down well. Wu was puzzled by this development and withdrew the vaccine passport requirements but attributed her defeat in  this matter to –  you guessed it! –  “White racism”. She also stated that she felt the singing of patriotic songs and people chanting “USA, USA” during the demonstrations gave her the feeling she didn’t belong in the USA. Of course, that “feeling” was the result, not of her race but of her behavior! If she had watched any conservative political gatherings, she would have known that is what many conservatives of all races believe and it is not a matter of race, but of one’s personal agenda!

However, the most revealing admission by Wu was that throughout her entire life she had felt invisible or “othered” in her own country – which again is a reflection of the feeling that “It just isn’t mine.”  In an attempt to prop up her sinking popularity, Wu attended the Boston St. Patrick’s Day Breakfast, and important and popular event where the lead speaker is expected to use humor to gain acceptance by the crowd. Unfortunately, Wu would have been better served by speaking simply as she was not known as a humorist. But instead, her puns wound up punishing her. I’m not sure what the exact wording was, but she came across as being tired of problems that are disruptive to her agenda and all of them could be blamed on Whites of various types – “white” snowstorms, white “snowflakes,” “White racists” and the White dominated firefighters union. The joke she used dropped like a lead balloon because her listeners knew that she wasn’t joking! She really does despise White people! It is even more striking when one considers that  she has a White husband and, perforce, mixed race children – but perhaps that is not so strange after all. These life choices may have been made to help her political ascent in a country that “just isn’t her’s” rather than as natural emotional decisions.

This puzzling phenomenon seems to be the case with prominent anti-White, non-White radicals such as Kamala Harris, Ketanji Brown Jackson, and Ilhan Omar. This doesn’t say much for the prospects for assimilation of the minority multitudes. There are, of course, many genuinely patriotically Asians. But for every Michelle Malkin, how many Michelle Wu’s are out there? And more to the point, where have they been placed in the ruling hierarchy? It’s one thing if your local Chinese restaurant’s owner is anti-American. It’s quite another when such a person is your governor or, maybe eventually, your President.

The reality is that Asian voters consistently and nearly overwhelmingly support left-wing candidates, and there seems to be no reason for that to change, as the “it just Isn’t Mine” feeling is not one that will easily go away or maybe ever go away. The Marxist concept that the Historical American Nation must be destroyed so that it can be built back better, at least better in terms of it becoming a majority minority enterprise where the Whites can be ousted from their “privileged” positions, seems to be in the back of the minds of Blacks and the other minorities. This is part of the utopian vision that the libbers trot out despite its impractical nature, and can only result in the death of everything that America has represented that has made it special. And, perhaps even more important, the death of Western Civilization and the race – White – and the religion – Christianity –  that made of Man so much more than a two legged life form.

© 2022 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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The Specter of White Genocide: Part 2

By Sidney Secular

September 3, 2022

As explained in Part I, the anti-white calumny and conspiracy is expanding and becoming acculturated into the new dispensation that is destroying the Historical American Nation. The greatest danger of the many involved in this conspiracy is that the anti-white mindset permeating police departments, intelligence agencies and the military will result in members of these groups trained to follow orders, will train their weapons on white society! This will be easily facilitated since all whites are now being deemed “white supremacists” by the far Leftists who, in turn, lead the average Leftist and eventually the rest of the culture by the nose. Whites are being separated via semantics from the average non-white citizen and categorized as “enemy combatants” and carriers of an especially hateful pathogen. With respect to this issue and others of cultural significance, California will of course, take the lead in the course we should not be following. That state is currently considering allowing illegal aliens to become fully-fledged highway patrol officers, which is a convenient way of weaponizing the alien population against whites under the color of law.

We have untold numbers of military-age men who have entered the country illegally as “economic” refugees with no job prospects, a matter further exacerbated by our imploding economy. These are quite literally aliens – people not assimilated into American life, strangers without an ounce of sympathy or any kindred spirit with the white population they intend to subjugate even without being egged on to do so by our anti-white establishment. For such is the nature of a culture when two opposing populations try to occupy the same space. This alien population, when allied with the non-whites already here who are not firmly rooted in American soil, represent a toxic danger to the West in general and America in particular.

As part of the emerging militaristic and militant mindset, the white victim group is being painted as a dangerous threat to the American Deep State, and the fast approaching white genocide will be depicted as a “counter-insurgency” along the lines of “If we don’t kill them, they will kill us.” During the Trump Administration and down to the present time, we have seen a very explicit effort of the national security apparatus to paint white “identity” as a terror threat. The “Chairperson” of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, clueless New World “Orderly” Mark Milley appeared before Congress to warn of “white rage.” The FBI Director, Chris Wray, another two-faced “leader” has fashioned an artificial bogeyman and continues to call “White Nationalism” and “white supremacism” the greatest threat America faces. This farce continues with Alejandro Mayorkas, the Director of The Department of Homeland “Obscurity” declaring adamantly that “white supremacy is the most persistent and lethal threat to national security!” Similar outlandish statements have been made by Attorney General Merrick Garland. The very first political ad put out by the Biden campaign featured finagled footage from Charlottesville debacle, and one of the regime’s first actions was to declare a “war on domestic terror!” Of course, this is merely another name for a war on whites. By declaring white advocates of American values as enemy combatants, a whole new vista of state violence was visited upon the nation and is being used to repress the emergence of pro-white consciousness and sentiment among the victims. At Oklahoma City University’s law school, one student found this out the hard way. After posting “It’s OK to be White” flyers outside the school grounds, he was arrested, expelled from the school, and interrogated by the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force.

The Charlottesville Unite the Right rally marked a stepped-up militant phase in the campaign for white genocide. There the municipal government engineered a chaotic confrontation between peaceful demonstrators who had a legitimate permit to protest perceived anti-white persecution and a rabid, frenzied mob of leftist freaks and fools who apparently had been invited to participate by the Charlottesville government. James Fields, the “accidental” martyr and victim who was only trying to escape from the kerfluffle and accidentally bumped into a morbidly obese leftist who had a fatal heart attack as a result, was cast as a criminal and was judicially lynched and sentenced to two life sentences plus another 419 years. It’s as if they wished Fields had nine lives so they could rub it in and sentence him to be behind bars during all those nine lives. Charlottesville turned out to be a test run for the January 6 (J6) “trumped up” “insurrection,” when Trump supporters, legitimately aggrieved over the fraudulent, stolen election and coup-de-tat engineered by Biden entered the US Capitol building. This was a clear case of federal and leftist (much the same nowadays) incitement with provocateurs and operatives managing the amassed multitudes. Black Capitol police officers themselves can be seen on numerous videos waving Trump supporters into the building as to entrap them. Four Trump supporters, including the martyred Ashli Babbitt were murdered by this death squad, only because they were white conservatives. An unknown number(some hundreds) of Trump supporters from that day forward have been brutally tortured, beaten, starved, consigned to solitary confinement, denied visitation and legal representation, without charges or with trumped up charges leveled against them. One of the J6 defendants fled to Belarus who granted him asylum there. A boisterous pro-Trump free speech rally was transformed into a treasonous insurrection by the treasonous, conspiratorial media.

Let’s not overlook the racial undertone of this. Almost all the Trump supporters were white, and all or almost all their tormentors were black, and all were black “sickophants”.  Ashli Babbitt was murdered by a black Capitol police officer in cold blood, his identity not revealed for a lengthy period, and was not reprimanded but was praised to the hilt by members of Congress including many Republican boot lickers who should be booted from that body as “legistraitors”. Roseanne Boyland was beaten to death by another black police officer. With the $25 million “lawfare” judgement against Jason Kessler and other Unite the Right organizers, a new precedent has been effectively set whereby whites have lost their First Amendment rights of assembly and free speech. Leftists and “libbers” can engineer mayhem (death, injury, damage, or even emotional harm) and get away with it and have it blamed on whites instead.

Dissidents from establishment narratives have already been deplatformed from online social media –  the new public square – for some time, and they have been barred from banking and online payment services, and using other internet service providers. The state uses and manipulates libertarian language and patriotic-sounding  homilies to conceal and twist the truth, telling us that private companies are neutral in these controversies while they neuter our voices, and slide and elide over the fact that these platforms are working hand-in-hand-glove with the state to carry out its censorship program.

Then there’s the near unanimous passage of the Emmett Till Anti-Lynching Act which shows where the animus lies. Ostensibly meant to codify “lynching” as a federal “hate crime”, and burnish the idea the idea in malleable minds that blacks were the only class of people lynched in days gone by. The Act actually serves a more sinister purpose of creating a brand-new hate crime of “conspiracy” to commit “hate crimes”. These so-called crimes only require “proof of intent” divorced from any action, and so cannot be anything but subjective. However, once “intent” is alleged, the affected entity can be closely or more closely monitored to divine further “intent” by the domestic security agencies who are already engaged in mass surveillance of our private and public communications. The Emmett Till Act can act in “sinergy” with the proposed Domestic Terrorism  Prevention Act to dramatically expand and empower the domestic security apparatus to “rat” on us and broaden the definition of “domestic terrorism.”

One of the most fervent catalysts and supporters of the proposed Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act is, of course, The Anti-Defamation League. The confirmation of the offensive Deborah Lipstadt as a “special envoy to monitor and combat anti-Semitism” shows the untoward and oppressive influence of that organization and shows where this whole charade is heading. The Department of Homeland “Obscurity” recently introduced the Disinformation Governance Board as the next and most brazen step yet to annihilate the First Amendment.  This Frankenstein Monster creation is in limbo right now only because its proposed director was disapproved by Congress. You know it will be back, since the Left takes one step back or backtracks before advancing two or three steps forward, and the concept itself is essential in the ongoing persecution.

As if  elimination of our constitutional rights and right to privacy was not enough to overwhelm us, the frontal attack towards disarmament of the public is even more frightful. This attack on the Second Amendment is undertaken with one purpose only: to disarm whites. Eliminating gun violence which is overwhelmingly committed by blacks using illegal handguns has never been its purpose and can never work anyway. Kyle Rittenhouse was lucky that the two armed thugs he killed in self-defense weren’t black. Because they weren’t, a significant number of Republican and conservative pundits came to his defense, which they could do without fear of a “blacklash.” But Travis and Gregory McMichael weren’t as lucky as Kyle was. They killed Ahmaud Arbery, a black thug, in a clear case of self-defense. To compound their problem, they were white Southerners, the most reviled and oppressed population on Earth for nearly two centuries. The McMichaels’ were sentenced to life in prison, in this case a functional death sentence. As if that was not enough the feds piled on, as they always seem to do in cases involving whites, slapping new “hate crime” charges on these poor men because they allegedly “used force and threats of force to intimidate and interfere with Arbrey’s right to use a public street because of his race”. Those charges carry additional life sentences, along with six-figure fines as if no punishment could be severe enough for disturbing black sensibilities.  William Bryan, the man who merely captured the event on video, was sentenced to life imprisonment, albeit with the possibility of parole at age 82.

The anti-white fanatics are even on the case of Jackie Johnson, a prosecutor, who they would like to prosecute for initially suggesting that the men be cleared of wrongdoing. At any rate, the McMichael verdict has to be the worst miscarriage of justice to date. But wait – they continue to get worse with time. Because Arbrey is now a typical criminal black “star”, a street has been named after him, probably the street where the altercation occurred. Taking down and vandalizing statues of great heroes and renaming public buildings, schools, streets and highways after meritless criminals are the ways we now commemorate the new dispensation.

The eradication of our right to self-defense has perverse overtones. Take the case of Ian Cranston a resident of Bend, Oregon who was accosted with his girlfriend by a black man who assaulted the girlfriend, and in response Cranston shot and killed the assailant. Cranston was booked on murder charges with the clear message that white men are no longer permitted to defend their women against black predators or even defend themselves with guns at all. There is another trend underway pointing towards preventing whites from even calling the police on non-whites. Take Amy Cooper, for example, given the monicker of “the Central Park Karen” (“Karen” and ‘Kevin” are the terms the media now employ to designate and denigrate all female and male whites, especially the Nordic types.) Amy was enjoying a walk in Central Park when a black man came up to her and threatened to kill her dog. Amy panicked and called the police (on 911?). For this act, Amy became the object of national anti-white opprobrium. She was fired from her job, forced to return the dog to the shelter she had adopted it from, and was ordered under threat of a year in jail to complete a 5-session “educational”  and “therapeutic” program focused on racial identity. To add insult to injury, a civic association requested Mayor de Blasio to ban her from Central Park. She was thus forced to leave the country. And what happened to the black who menaced her? National Geographic made him the host of a TV show called “Extraordinary Birder”.

Anarcho-tyranny in our new black besotted society means not only that whites are given extreme penalties for minor to non-existent infractions, but that non-whites are privileged and sent on their way with a wink and a nod and face zero to minimal repercussions for the most heinous crimes and are thus given the nod to continue their criminal depredations. The examples are legion and many are near legendary now as shown by the illustrative examples above.

Nursing homes and assisted living facilities are special places where non-whites can vent the grudges and anti-white antipathies, they have nursed over long periods of time and get away with it, with abandon. Recently, a black assisted living employee was arrested for intentionally abandoning a 77 year-old white woman to freeze to death outdoors in subzero temperatures. In 2019, three demented black employees at an assisted living facility in Winston-Salem, North Carolina were charged with running a “fight club” forcing dementia patients to fight with each other while the events were recorded on camera. Will this be the new sport to replace dogs and birds fighting amongst themselves which practice PETA and similar organizations have been at least partially successful in ending? These organizations would be the ones least inclined to help whites from suffering from this new practice. In a western world where blacks are drugged out and many are suffering from IQs not far above those of great apes, will they be given a pass because they are dimwitted and mentally deranged or because they allegedly continue to suffer the effects of slavery way past the “sell-by” date of such effects? If so, the entire society has been sold a gigantic bill of goods.

Slurs are now enough to get one arrested for using naughty language that supposedly withers or melts the self-esteem of today’s snowflakes who can’t take any criticism. The language police are especially on the prowl for anyone using the verboten term, “ni**er,” even though the blacks use the term on themselves because they realize they have earned the term. If a “ni**er” commits a crime, he can now get off scot-free if he was called such during the course of committing a crime. The word “ni**er” is thus an automatic trigger that sets off the thought police on one of their rampages or tirades. The official policy of the US Government is that white lives do not matter. That is why lefties and their government enforcers huff and puff when someone remonstrates that “all lives matter.” Countless racial atrocities committed by non-whites against whites are never reported by the media, except possibly locally or where it can’t be avoided. To further elucidate the mountain of details on this subject is beyond the scope of this article. That these are almost always “hate crimes” by the system’s own definitions is carefully kept under wraps and never admitted. The national news media routinely memory-holes any events that do not conform to their narrative or agenda which is at its core anti-white. This concludes Part II  of this series. Part III will focus on “The Great Replacement” –  and much more.

© 2022 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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9/11 Demolitions, Diversions, & Deceit – Devilish Driver of the NWO

By Sidney Secular

August 24, 2022

The paramount crime of the still young 21st Century – at least until the contrived COVID calamity changed the way the world worked (or stopped working, if you will) – was the unprecedented, terrible, and tragic events of September 11th, 2001! This is not only because of the direct deaths, injuries, and illnesses those events caused – and continue to cause! For the curse of “9/11” persists through the ongoing physical and political fallout that include the suffering occasioned by the contrived and continuous “War on Terror” whose perpetrators can never be named – and thus can be any and every one the Deep State considers an “enemy,” to the aimless, pointless wars in Iraq and Afghanistan supposedly to “spread democracy” when anyone with brains knows such a concept could never find fertile soil in those regions, to the draconian control measures introduced by the ill-named “Patriot Act” instituted (supposedly) as a result of 9/11 but having no real connection to that tragedy, to the fear and disillusionment of the insouciant masses who remain in thrall to the false explanations given for the Towers takedown. This mindless acceptance of what is clearly false instigated the sheepish reaction of most people in the civilized world to the unnecessary COVID lockdowns and crackdowns. As a result, the powers-that-shouldn’t-be have had two decades to further brainwash what little gray matter is left in the basically mindless masses who now mimic whatever the mainstream media pronounce as “gospel.” Their minds, such as they are, have turned to mush and they have become mannequin-like marionettes whose strings are pulled by their manipulating masters – the Global Elite.

Until we have a fully open, true, and complete revelation of what happened – and why –  on that fateful day in September, 2001, we will not be able to take control of our destinies and bring Western Civilization back – making it great once again. We must throw off the shibboleths that blind us and shackles that bind us to do so.  The official 9/11 investigation of the event like so many other “official investigations” of the past was a farce, but unlike those of the past, it is now readily admitted to being so by its investigators who went along to go along with the narrative. Of course, one wonders if they are now somewhat contrite over their trite findings or if they believe that they are so close to victory it no longer matters! Yet, it is too late for another investigation of the 9/11 crime for too much water and time has flowed over the dam of history. As well, nearly all the damning evidence was quickly and purposefully carted away and/or destroyed.

On the other hand, another investigation is not necessary because the facts are plain to see and we just need the mental and emotional fortitude to face them. There is, of course, much more to be said about 9/11 and much of it has been set forth in the multitude of books and media exposés that have been churned out on the matter and in the independent investigations of many of the leading authorities in the subjects involved such as intelligence, engineering, architecture, forensics, safety &etc. For instance, the following are just some of the troubling and pertinent facts about the entire episode, any one of which would cast doubt on the official narrative:

1]  None of the (obvious) “crime scenes” were secured;

2]  Hard evidence was hastily removed by convoys of GPS-monitored trucks, and then either destroyed or shipped overseas for scrap;

3]  The immediate crime investigation was conducted not by the FBI and/or qualified federal or local detectives, but by FEMA, an agency without prior investigative skills or responsibilities;

4]  The official investigation into the worse depredation on US soil (notice I did not say “attack” as the establishment does, as that designation presupposes an actual foreign attack) was delayed for over a year by the White House until pressured by the families of the victims. When the “investigation” was launched, it was underfunded at only $15 million (half the amount for probing Bill Clinton’s blowjobs, and 10% of the $152 million spent on the shuttle Columbia disaster).

5]  The Commission was forced to finish its report prior to the 2004 elections.

6]  Volunteer engineers (not official investigators) pored through the debris at landfills and saved 146 pieces of steel as evidence for future analysis. These 146 pieces were the ONLY physical evidence the NIST analyzed.

Using absurd backward logic as a means of opting for obfuscation while ignoring federal rules, NIST (The National Institute of Standards and Technology) said it did not test for accelerants or explosives because “there was no evidence of explosions” whereas people at or near the site heard distinct explosions after the initial hits by the “planes” (guided missiles that looked like passenger aircraft) involved. Officially, WTC (World Trade Center) dust is uniquely identified by the presence of iron-rich microspheres in quantities 150 times that normally found in dusts resulting from fires and explosions. However, only thermotic reactions can produce these, not jet fuel/kerosene fires nor ordinary office fires. Unexploded thermite chips were found in countless samples of WTC dust.

Also, NIST used computer simulations based on flawed assumptions about the WTC7’s construction to determine the cause of that building’s collapse. However, the NIST simulation scenario in no way resembles the actual collapse sequence, and the released video ends abruptly before the building actually falls. And, of course, nobody seems to recall one of the persons in charge at the site at the time giving his “okay” during TV coverage to bring the building down!

And then, NIST continues to refuse to release the data used for its WTC7 simulation on the grounds that it “might jeopardize public safety.” How revealing how to prevent such destruction could “jeopardize public safety” is not explained in any detail – or, in fact, at all! But as a result of their “care” for public safety, their conclusions can never be reviewed and validated, and, as a result, engineers can never learn how to prevent such anomalous collapses for in that WTC7 was never hit by anything larger than pieces of debris, the reason for its collapse is totally without explanation.

The 9/11 Commission Report (CR) admitted that “some unusual stock trading (put options) did in fact occur” on both American Airlines and United Airlines stock just days before 9/11 that would pay millions to those with advance knowledge of the attacks. The CR stopped short of identifying who these fortunate individuals might be, but what must be considered insider trading perps have otherwise been identified if not by the Commission.

Despite the fact that the Twin Towers alone needed more than $1 Billion in renovations and asbestos removal, plus another $800 million in electrical, communications and cooling systems upgrades, Larry Silverstein took out a 99 year lease on the WTC complex just 6 weeks before 9/11, and insured the buildings against terrorist attacks. Of course, we must admit that the complex had already been a terrorist target in the ‘90s, but still, his “instincts” paid handsomely for Silverstein collected $4.8 Billion on his $14 million “investment.” Silverstein also admitted pulling the plug on WTC7 but then tried to deny it. Yet the 9/11 CR never mentions questioning him. Also, none of the contractors with secure access to the WTC buildings (e.g. Ace, Turner, LVI and Securacom) were investigated or even mentioned in the 9/11 CR report.

Then, consider the fact that despite this deadly, first-ever anomaly that happened 3 times on the same day, there has been no worldwide scramble to change engineering or building codes or condemn existing steel skyscrapers, or change firefighting practices to prohibit firefighters from going into such buildings that NIST now claims (without presenting proof) are susceptible to collapse. Because there has been no appropriate alarm raised about these alleged structural failures, there has been no frenzy of alternative simulations and studies to oppose the official claims that should trigger billions of dollars in skyscraper retrofits or demolitions or push architectural and engineering professionals to identify and correct the flaws in these building designs. And meanwhile, buildings are being constructed all over the world that make the World Trade Center look like pimples on the forehead of progress! See Dubai!

The GovMint and their media propagandists knew who was to blame within minutes of the attacks and yet “tragically” no one was able to warn about the matter just a few hours sooner, despite countless warnings in White House briefings and in reports of the FBI, CIA, and other agencies. The 9/11 CR blames bureaucratic bumbling and understaffing for these failures to act in time, but as in all cases where acknowledged great tragedies were not prevented when the opportunity presented itself, no one was fired, arrested or court-martialed – or even reprimanded. Instead of being called on the carpet, the “players” were given the red carpet treatment and in some cases promoted – probably because they had been able to restrain themselves, keep their mouths shut and not cause problems for those involved.

Osama bin Laden – the first person mentioned by the media as being responsible! – was a supposed friend of the Bush family and was NEVER wanted by the FBI for the attacks because there was insufficient evidence to connect him to them. There is evidence Osama died shortly after the attacks from kidney failure . Yet, he was “kept alive” as a straw man to blame for subsequent witch hunts. Thus, when it was deemed convenient to “bury” him as a source of media stories, he was allegedly hunted down and assassinated by a SEALs team and then buried at sea without ceremony with no photographic record. Later, the SEALs were themselves eliminated to assure that the phony narrative would never be revealed. Despite blaming the Saudis and bin Laden for the attacks, shortly after 9/11 the White House gave special permission for Saudis and the bin Laden family to take private flights out of the US without detaining or properly questioning them, even though innocent Americans with no possible connection to the 9/11 events were still prohibited from flying.

In another interesting event, the Twin Towers underwent a massive elevator renovation prior to 9/11. Elevator shafts with access to the core columns were off limits except to Ace Elevator work crews for 9 months. Good opportunity to weaken the columns for a demolition.  Ace crews left the premises on 9/11 without helping others evacuate. Shortly afterwards they were out of business. They really had “aced” it. Also, just before 9/11, Turner Construction had access to the Twin Towers to allegedly perform fireproofing renovations. LVI Services similarly had access to the buildings to allegedly perform asbestos removal. It so happens that both companies had experience with demolition preparation.

There is much more to be said about 9/11, of course, and much of it has been set forth in the multitude of books and media reports that have been churned out on the subject and in the many independent investigations of the leading authorities in the many disciplines involved such as engineering, architecture, forensics, etc. The whole thing comes off as one gigantic gaslighting operation on a population too naïve, dumb or scared to understand what happened or to respond if they did suspect the truth. No, most Americans put up an American flag and were more than happy to believe that the Glorious USA was in the cross-hairs of foreign wicked folks, a narrative the media was promoting at the time. But who knows? The horrors that have been performed during and since the Obama years might actually allow Americans to be much more willing to believe that many of our enemies are not found in other countries but rather, in Washington, DC!

© 2022 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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Lost White Migrations and Civilizations – Part 3

By Sidney Secular

August 12, 2022


The pyramid-like structure was discovered 60 feet at the bottom of Rock Lake in Southern Wisconsin in 1991. Three thousand years ago, that same structure stood at the edge of the lake. Sea levels had risen since the end of the Ice Age, hiding the now submerged remnants of extinct civilizations in various locations around the globe.

Archeologists affected surprise that a structure of such intricacy requiring complex social organization, a hierarchy of labor, building technology, tool production and a uniform system of measurement existed in an area previously supposedly populated only by hunter-gatherer Indians at the turn of the First Millennium, BC, a time before even the bow and arrow were invented. The sunken structure, called the Temple of the Moon, was not an anomaly. Similar structures just as old had already been discovered/uncovered in many scattered areas east of the Mississippi River and near the Great Lakes but were more numerous in the Ohio Valley than elsewhere. Indeed, there may have been thousands of them extant at any one time. They were stumbled upon by settlers and pioneers moving west and were nearly all obliterated for use as building materials for wells and walls and to provide land for farms with little fanfare or efforts at preservation. These were the remnants of North America’s first civilization named by archeologists, the Adena from the name of a complex of such structures located at the plantation of Ohio’s sixth governor, Thomas Worthington of Chillicothe.

The civilization showed no signs of gradual development but seemed to appear full-blown around 1,000 BC. Radiocarbon dating showed that the civilization was long-lived, expiring about 700 AD having reached an apex of development about 300 BC and gradually declining after 400 AD. The people were called Allegwi, Alleg and Talligewi by their Indian neighbors, and later Allegheny. This is the derivation of the names Allegheny Mountains and the Allegheny River. There was a tradition there were “giants” among them, people of a larger size and stature than the Indians. They were robust and many were about 7 feet in height, both men and women. The Adena introduced artistically advanced pottery that the Indians copied. They also introduced copper and iron bracelets and necklaces having the talent, knowledge and capability to produce; they also produced beads of precious stones, chert axes and crescents.

All of their fabrications shared basic common features indicating that they were produced during the same time period and by the same people. Their burial mounds consisted of long trenches in which were laid varying numbers of their dead with burial accoutrements including copper ornaments, ceremonial daggers and impressive necklaces. For dwellings, stones were selected for size and heaped symmetrically into a tent-shaped structure resembling an elongated pyramid 102 feet long by 12 feet wide by 12 feet high oriented exactly to the compass points, north-south or east-west  and all without exception were built in close proximity to water, whether a stream, river, lake, or the seacoast. The few stone mounds that have survived were initially mistaken for heaps of rock left behind by retreating glaciers despite their organized appearance. In several locations, they also built gigantic geoglyphs representing natural subjects such as eagles and other animals. A particularly noteworthy example is located near Lake Pepin in Minnesota being comprised of thousands of white crystals, each the size of a baseball, carried to the site from all over the Adena’s far flung trading network. Over time the site was robbed of its crystals that were then replaced with ordinary rocks. These are laboriously washed each year by members of a Boy Scout troop to preserve a resemblance/remembrance of the original geoglyph.

Two nearly identical geoglyphs are found in Georgia. All three structures are 102 feet long and located on high ridges overlooking rivers. Adena ceremonial centers and gathering places were earthen or stone structures in the same typical somewhat pyramid-like configuration. The most prominent survivor of these is West Virginia’s Grave Creek Mound, the largest conical earthwork in the United States with a diameter of  295 feet and standing 69 feet high. It is believed that about 3 million basket loads of soil comprising some 57 tons in weight went into construction of that site. It was then encircled by a massive moat of water 40 feet wide and 5 feet deep. A causeway also ran around the structure’s perimeter.  One of the male skeletons found in the structure was accompanied by over 2,000 finely cut discs of seashell, 250 pieces of mica, 17 beads made of bone, together with a collection of copper bracelets and rings. These offerings came from such far-flung locations as the Gulf Coast, the Carolinas and the Upper Great Lakes.

Another mound, the Miamisburg Mound in Ohio, comes close to the stature of the West Virginia mound, it’s circumference being 877 feet with a height of 70 feet. 54,000 cubic yards of earth went into building that structure that was originally encased in stone. But “Alleg” accomplishments did not end with their prodigious mounds. They built prodigious walls, over 3 miles long that served not only as defensive ramparts but as enclosures for huge ceremonial centers. At least fifteen of these entities have been found in southern Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, and Tennessee located atop high bluffs overlooking rivers in thickly wooded areas. “Fort Ancient,” near Lebanon, Ohio, is the largest known structure of this type and has been incorporated into a state park of 764 acres featuring walking trails and 3.5 miles of wall left by the Adena. It is thought that about 12,000 people gathered there for special occasions.

Other complexes of a similar nature are found at “Indian Fort Mountain,” 3 miles east of Berea, Kentucky; and “Old Stone Fort” in Coffee County, Tennessee.  Clearly, North America’s so-called “Indian mounds” were not crude piles of dirt produced by primitive savages. Rather, they were expressions of applied geometry, skilled materials handling and structured design accomplished by an organized workforce with advanced skills able to create structures that would defy the passage of millennia, succumbing only to the greed and ignorance of modern man who discovered them.

The Adena also produced objects that can be characterized as representing the fine arts. Tablets of fine-grained sandstone, baked clay, and limestone were used as media to create complex designs exemplifying lively expressionism and abstract art. Paint pigments were produced from graphite, manganese oxide, red ochre and pulverized galena.

Materially, these were the first true farmers in the United States living in permanent settlements and cultivating a wide variety of plants including squash and corn usually associated with the Indians. They were in no way a “hunter-gatherer” civilization. Indeed, it is more than likely that the Indians copied Adena techniques for growing these crops rather than being their source as is still believed to this day. As would be expected from an advanced culture, the Adena hunted and fished for the great variety of fish and game plentiful in their primordial surroundings. Sadly, experts believe that less than one percent of their cultural artifacts remain and that the rest have either been destroyed or otherwise lost and so are not subject to further examination and analysis.

The Adenas’ sad fate was extermination at the hands of neighboring Indian tribes carried out in coordinated attacks in large numbers – although there is evidence of genetic and health problems that also decimated their numbers and weakened them physically over a period of centuries. Indeed, those very factors may have led to the above more directly hostile circumstances. As well, other factors may also have been involved in their disappearance, but more on that anon. And so, by the time the traders and pioneers from Europe had arrived, the Adena had long since vanished into local Indian lore leaving their actual existence to be considered nothing but “Indian lore.”

There are many enigmas associated with the Adena, and if you believe the conventional archeologists, their origin is one of them. They literally burst upon the scene over 3,000 years ago as public works engineers, astronomers, metalsmiths, and the land’s first farmers and potters, but today are only remembered as “the mound builders.” Pitifully few shreds of their material accomplishments remain and as their lineage had no commonalities with the woodland Indians, they are virtually considered mere folklore as noted. But if we look beyond – and outside – North America, we can trace their origins.

Of all the major events that transpired beyond the Americas circa 1,000 BC the most notable one was the simultaneous rise of the Celts. Having moved westward in massive waves from their primeval homelands in the steppes of Central Asia, thence to the bogs and swamps of Poland, then through Bavaria, southern Germany and Austria, and then into northern France and central Spain – where they were called “Gauls” – and then finally winding up for the most part in the British Isles, they were described as being  “tall of body, muscular, white of skin, and blond of hair.” They were given to fighting like frenzied beasts and were characterized as barbarians though they were admitted artists of consummate skill. They manufactured prodigious quantities of tools, weapons, luxury goods, and art objects (especially jewelry and metalwork) and they bartered throughout Europe and the Near East, engaging in far-flung commerce. They had extraordinary maritime abilities and built especially sturdy and seaworthy ships that were better than others extant including those of the Romans, whom they bested in a famous battle. As a group, their main fault was that they did not form cohesive military and political units better able to confront their adversaries. They acted as assemblies of individuals rather than a cohesive force fighting for group goals.

Without doubt, the Celts possessed deep water vessels capacious enough to ferry thousands of people across the Atlantic Ocean. As such, their sudden appearance into central and western Europe and their abrupt debut as the Adena into eastern North America at the same time should at least prompt an examination of the commonalities among them. Such an examination would show that the two groups were remarkably similar. The European Celts were above average in height and so too the Adena stood out from North America’s indigenous populations with larger skulls, higher and broader foreheads, prominent jaws, and more pronounced cheekbones. These characteristics were very similar to those of the European Celts. There are very few Adena skulls to work with so it is difficult to make definitive statements on the matter. Studies show the Adena entered America on the eastern seaboard and then moved into the heartland of the continent. The stone chambers found in New England, especially at “Mystery Hill” (dubbed “America’s Stonehenge”) in New Hampshire, are architecturally similar to those in Scotland and Ireland. Three stones at Mystery Hill have markings associated with Beltane, an annual pagan Irish festival. The aforementioned  fort-like Adena hilltop structures and mounds are remarkably similar to structures found in Europe in areas through which the Celts passed.

While the American pioneers were busy obliterating nearly all the Adena mounds, some of the earthworks near bogs revealed a surprise – a primitive kind of pit furnace used in the production of iron along with heaps of white ash, the result of high temperatures used in iron smelting. The local Indians claimed to know nothing about the “ancient race of white giants” who built the mounds and were responsible for “all kinds of strange magic.” The said furnaces were not properly identified as such until 1949. In Europe, Celtic life was centered around bogs where the same kind of smelters were found as in the Ohio Valley. In fact, the Celts were the ones who inaugurated the Iron Age producing weapons, tools, and various implements of the medal that replaced bronze as the primary one that had characterized the Bronze Age.

The Celts were also famous for painting their bodies with exotic colors and designs – as did the Adena. The Romans referred to the Scots as “Picts,” a term derived from a Latin root meaning “to paint.” The Romans also found that the Southern people of Britain, also painted themselves with woad. Among the most emblematic of symbols used by the Celts and Adena  was the swastika. A Celtic rendition known in Ireland as “Brigid’s Cross” is identical to that found on Adena artifacts. These crosses are still employed by superstitious Irish Catholic households to ward off fire and evil. Like all other swastikas, the Irish variant is used to symbolize the return of light and regeneration and is displayed on the first day of Spring. The swastika was and still is regarded as a sign of good luck by many Indian tribes – most famously by the Hopi – and the symbol’s origin appears to have been the Adena.

The Adena were great weavers excelling in complex patterns and techniques. Although rare, a few examples still exist to prove that the mound builders arrayed themselves in magnificent attire. Like the Adena, the Celts were master weavers, delighting in complex, colorful, expressionistic patterns that bordered on the abstract. Helmets of Celtic warriors were often adorned by representations of hawks or eagles, an image often stylized in artistic renderings of  unusual helmets and imitated by officers in the Imperial German Army during World War I. As well, both the Adena and Celts revered the wolf for its courage, worshipping animals in their spiritual lives, a practice that was passed to the American Indian and Eskimo. This belief was reflected in elaborate costumes and ceremonial artifacts. Adena shamans dressed as werewolves in their ceremonies.

It is amazing that no records or representations of the long-dead language of the Mound Builders are extant. However, Algonquian speech which once spread across a large swath of North America is peppered with Celtic cognates and loan words. Appropriately, a strong concentration of Algonquians was centered in the Ohio Valley, the Mound Builders’ heartland. The Algonquians themselves show some “whitish” traits, including being taller than the other Indian tribes. Stone tablets scattered throughout the Adenas’ area of settlement have been found inscribed with Celtic symbols.

What became of these North American Celts? Folk traditions of the Ottawa, Ojibwa and Pottawattamie relate that their ancestors formed an alliance to kill the “white giants.” Since their population had been dwindling, the Indians decided to “gang up” on them in their reduced circumstances. The Indian alliance proved irresistible and the “fair-skinned Giant Sorcerers” as they were called by the Tuscarora made a last stand below the rapids at “Sandy Island.” It was there that thousands of human skeletons were found by colonists well into the late 18th Century. It is also interesting to note that the Adenas were accused of cannibalism when it appears that it is more likely that they were its victims. That last stand was the finale of a war that ranged from the Atlantic Coast to the Mississippi River and beyond. Vast killing grounds have been uncovered near the junction of the Hart and Missouri Rivers. One is one-hundred acres in extent. The ground there was filled with trenches piled full of dead bodies of both man and beast and covered with several feet of earth. In many places, mounds from 8 to 10 feet high, some more than 100 feet in length have been thrown up and are filled with broken pottery, vases of bright colored flint and agates. The work shows great skill and a higher degree of civilization available from the Native Americans of the time. Some of the vast cemeteries have yet to be explored. Indian lore of the genocidal conflict is profuse.

In May 1773, a representative of Lord Dunmore, the governor of Colonial Virginia visited the town of Chillicothe in what was to become Ohio. Thomas Bullitt was seeking permission from the Shawnee for his fellow Virginians to settle in the area. Chief Black Fish told Bullitt that he was not able to authorize the Whites to settle in the lands involved, which were then part of Kentucky. The Chief said that “. . . we have never owned that land. It belongs to the ghosts of the murdered Azgens (Adena) – a white people from across the eastern sea. Their bones and their ghosts own and occupy every hill and valley of the country. Long ago our forebears killed off the Azgens, but we now fear the spirits of these people more than our forebears feared them when they were flesh.” It is amazing how the Indians were willing to acknowledge the existence of those whom their own people refuse to recognize.

The reason for the Adenas’ dwindling numbers, other than the Indian attacks, have never been fully ascertained, although disease is likely to have something to do with it. Their warrior and exploratory spirit and advanced weaponry would seem to militate against hostile activities leading to a sufficient decrease in numbers and geographical considerations seem unlikely as they were always ready to move from one place or another to meet their needs or their fancies. However, as with all past civilizations, it is possible that they might have been growing soft and too content with a growing materialism, a matter that has been the downfall of all civilizations to date.

There are some strange anomalies to be noted in all of this. For instance, not one example of the Celts’ most iconographic artifact – the torque – has been found in prehistoric America. The torque was a twisted ornament of precious or semi-precious metal worn around the wrist or neck. Although its significance is not understood, its far-flung reverence as a cult object is beyond question. Large numbers of torques were produced by the Celts in Europe for over 1,000 years until they were prohibited by the Christian Church. Even so, no mound builder grave has yielded a single specimen. Moreover, Celtic warriors were renowned for their silver ornaments and iron and steel weapons, but no such items have been found in Adena earthworks. Far less than 1% of the Adena cultural residue remains, but that doesn’t explain this lack of finds.

One problem or deficiency, if you will, of the Celts in general in Europe and with the Adena in North America in the early historical periods was that the Celts presented as a people vice as organized nations. They didn’t get beyond the tribe or clan level of organization. That phenomenon made them less politically united or militarily cohesive, and thus more prone to disunity and unable to present a united front against their enemies. This could have contributed to the downfall of the Adena, as each group of them could have been picked off, one by one. Still, it is all rather strange and disheartening that such an advanced race could disappear virtually without an understandable history. Today, basically all that remain are broken bones, the gaunt ruins of their grand but failed hill forts, a dwindling collection of their earthworks, fragmentary artifacts, and folk memories preserved by the descendants of their enemies. Thus, a lost White civilization of America remains lost.

© 2022 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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Synopses, Snippets, and Short Takes of/on News You May Have Missed

By Sidney Secular

August 6, 2022

PAPER TIGERS: We used to call China a “paper tiger” but now that we have basically exported America’s industrial base to that nation, China is a real industrial and military tiger and we have become something considerably less than a tiger of any variety being now led by pencil pushing, cross-dressing Pentagon potentates more interested in “trans-gender” and “wokist” social conformity and “diversity,” than in military readiness! The US is unlikely to survive more than a few weeks of intense warfare against any major industrial power but it is also probable as just about everything and everyone is under the thrall of the New World Order’s Great Reset, as such a conflict would not be in the best interest of the “internationalists” such a war will not come to pass in the first place.

Sleepy Joe Biden boasts that he is significantly expanding NATO’s military presence on Europe’s eastern flank but it’s all a showy farce and both the Russians and the Chinese secretly chuckle over Pedoman’s “boast.” The US no longer has the industrial capacity to sustain a real war. We could not produce enough weapons, ammo, and heavy military hardware for such an effort. And God knows how many of our “warriors” would be pregnant or having pronoun problems or rendered helpless as a result of offensive “micro-aggressions.” As it is, the “Guvmint” is  finding it difficult to deal with mostly older MAGA-Trump supporters who offer no armed resistance at all.

On the other hand, even if we could field an “army,” America would run out of ammo for its guns within two weeks of any sustained, heavy conflict. Ditto for anti-tank projectiles, ballistic missiles, cruise missiles and other weaponry. Once these had been depleted, they could not be quickly and/or easily replaced given our current limited industrial base and a workforce that’s more of a farce than a resource. The US hardly produces anything anymore and has few to no assembly lines available for conversion to military applications.

CUCKOO CALIFORNICATION: Bizarrely, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is taken to taking extreme liberties with its “daffynitions.” It recently filed a petition in a court denying that “men as a class” are defined and differentiated from “women as a class” by their “anatomy, genitalia, physical characteristics, and physiology.” In other words, the ACLU says that physical and anatomical differences between men and women do not exist. Thus, women prisoners in “LA-LA Land” (California) have been locked in cells with men who identify as women and repeatedly raped. So far, 300 male inmates in CA have sought to transfer to women’s facilities, one-third of whom are convicted sex offenders. The feminist group, Women’s Liberation Front (WOLF) is suing the state to end the policy of allowing men claiming to be women to be housed in women’s prisons. Of course, many if not most of these same “women” have no problems at all with the concept of trans-gender though women are the losers every time whether it is in prison or in sports!

SANCTIMONIOUS SANCTIONS ARE A SENSELESS BUT EASY SELL TO INSENSIBLE  SUCKERS: It’s been 5 months now since the Ukraine war began, and it’s now safe to say the unprecedented and sometimes demented sanctions imposed upon Russia by the West that are in and of themselves an unprovoked act of war, have failed to hurt Russia but have caused great economic harm to the West. Russia earned a record $94.7 billion in revenue from just the first 100 days of the war. That revenue exceeds what Russia is spending on its invasion of Ukraine. In addition, the Russian ruble is now at a five year high against the dollar.  As the Scottish poet Robert Burns once pointed out, “. . .the best laid plans . . .”

MARINE LE PEN BECOMES EUROPE’S LEADING NATIONALIST: In the June 19 parliamentary elections in France, a shock-wave went through the French political establishment when her National Rally Party won a whopping 89 seats in the National Assembly. Le Pen seemed headed for retirement only one year ago. French President Emmanuel Macron’s party lost its majority in the French parliament during the same elections. Who says there’s no such thing as karma?

REALISTIC SOUNDING RUMOR MAKING THE ROUNDS: The duncey duo of Biden and Harris will have to go well before their terms are up if the Dems are to have any chance of retaining the “Offal” office and the Senate and House – that is, if they don’t lose the latter two in 2022. Of course, this all is predicated on the hope by decent people everywhere that the same “fix” that took the 2020 election from Trump is not still in play! No amount of facts, truth and sanity can overcome a well-run coup!

However, if there is a modicum of honesty this time, the Dems will have to deal with the Biden/Harris embarrassment in D.C. There have been a number of very cogent “strategies” put forward to do this but the best one does not involve any true crime or an assault on the Constitution. It goes something like this: extremely ignorant, repugnant, and unpopular Harris will be offered a “golden parachute” to resign soon forcing Biden to choose a new Vice President. If you recall, this very thing happened during Nixon’s second term when Spiro Agnew was forced to resign. Nixon chose Gerald Ford. In Biden’s case, his likely choice would be former California Governor, Gavin Newsom who barely survived a recall referendum with the help of voter fraud. Newsom would be a big hit outside California because he hits all the “blue notes” in the Party’s songbook and wastes money as well as any other big-time Dem spender. Newsom  has been visiting the White House frequently even when Joe was overseas!  This is seen as the possibility of his being groomed as the next big Dem leader mostly because there isn’t anyone else who could excite the Left at present. Once Newsom is VP, Biden will step down for health reasons and Newsom would then become President without going through an election or having to earn any votes. Once installed, he would have the opportunity to run for – and possibly win! –  two consecutive terms in the Oval Office. It is believed that his period of “chosen President” would build his credibility with “Independents.” He also has the sex appeal to garner votes from the White women libbers who form the backbone of the Party. To top off this well-conceived plan, his running mate would be a Black woman or some other politically correct shibboleth whose presence would insure the other “dem-ographics” needed for  him to win two presidential elections – after which, no further such nonsense such as free elections would be necessary.

THE GREAT REPLACEMENT MEME GAINS MOMENTUM AND BECOMES MAINSTREAM: The immigration policies that are leading to the dispossession of the Historic American Nation are suddenly becoming noticed conspicuously by many who were heretofore oblivious to the issue. It is said Tucker Carlson had a role to play in this turnabout. The steely and steady troubadour for truth certainly was instrumental in it. Stridently calling the Great Replacement a myth and opposition to it racist, anti-Semitic, Islamophobic, xenophobic and “hateful” and all the dirty words the dirtbags and the usual suspects can dredge up, is losing its ability to arouse false guilt in patriots and garner “gelt” from the Left.

A majority of Trump voters and Republicans overall are saying immigrants (they mean third worlders) are having a negative effect on America. Ditto for what many voters think of racial diversity. These are no longer “fringe” ideas. Unfortunately, the lunatic fringe and their tech tyrant and deep state allies will use corporate and state power to crack down on those who dare mention or discuss these issues. This is especially true as such concepts as “hate speech” is being placed into law to the point at which voicing any rejection of the current “invasion” becomes a crime! So much for the First Amendment!

COVIDIOCY CALAMITY CONTINUES: A growing mountain of evidence indicates that the experimental “vaccines” not only don’t work but are killing and seriously injuring people in the millions. To obfuscate and hide the hideous happenings arising from the jab, a new medical term and malady called Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS)  has been conjured up to cover those cases where young, healthy athletes and entertainers suddenly die from heart attacks, strokes, and blood clots caused by the vaccines. Whereas these same things are happening to other young people, it’s very hard to hide the death of a well known athlete or actor. Nobody knows Jim Smith, but a dead soccer player lying on the field is hard to explain away!

It’s already been established that one in thirty-three people who receive the “clotshots” have developed blood clots. Some medical experts say such clots will take several years to fully eventuate. Celine Dion and Justin Bieber are two prominent personalities suffering paralysis from the shots. In Germany, the lunatics are readying legislation to require Germans to wear face masks every year henceforth during the winter months. Communist Canada has announced that Canadians will have to get the jab every nine months indefinitely. Governor Ron DeSantis, (R-FL), the admirable and apparently only sane governor has refused to comply with the fedgov’s recommendation that children under 5 years of age be jabbed, which means the other 49 sicko governors have ordered the injections.

NEW “BASICK” TRAINING FOR NAVY RECRUITS. The US Navy has expanded the customary 8 week basic training program to 10 weeks in order to cover the social “woke” issues that now consume the Pentagon brass such as sexual assault and harassment, racism, “trans-genderism” and political extremism – a/k/a patriotism. The brass would rather drown their recruits in drivel than teach them how to avoid drowning on the high seas. Actually, the Navy was the first branch of the Service that bought into the feminist mindset to the point at which the largest health issue aboard America’s naval vessels was pregnancy! Of course, an offshoot problem with this was the lives of the families of male sailors knowing that their husbands were sailing around the high seas with willing bunkmates in the most real and accurate sense!

POLITICAL COMMISSARIAT PILOT PROGRAM: A sneaky snitch and witch hunt program is being introduced at the Army’s Fort Jackson basic training facility at Columbia, SC. Recruits will be instructed to listen for and intervene when early signs of alleged harassment arise. It’s kind of a “say something if you see something” program on steroids; indeed, given the mind-set of our WOKE fellows, it will become more of a “say something whether you see or hear anything or not!” Your peer will constantly peer at you and be encouraged to tell you you’re out of line vice having to hear it from your drill sergeant or company commander.

Of course, this relates to racism, sexism, and political extremism and all the “isms” that are not politically correct. Your friends will be expected to shut you up when your speech in social settings is problematic, especially when you and your buddies hit the bars and bordellos when your unit is on leave. This will more effectively isolate and atomize you, making you more fearful rather than would have been the case had it come down from higher authority. You will thus shut up and go with the flow, even if the flow is headed down the toilet.

And, of course, we must remember that we have a couple of generations of people who can’t wait to be “virtue signaling” Karens and Kevins. Because of this need, they will have to have something to report – or fail in their “duty” to make everyone’s life totally miserable. Great way to encourage morale in the armed forces, doncha think?!

MILITARY RECRUITING FALLING FAR SHORT OF GOALS: The Obama/Biden Pentagon is having frequent meetings to figure out what to do because sufficient cannon fodder cannot be accumulated to conduct the worldwide wars and operate the worldwide military bases of the American empire. The typical inducements for joining the military are falling on deaf ears for many reasons especially those revolving around the fact that  patriotism is flat-lining. The new weird woke agenda and the military’s callous attitudes regarding the COVID vaccination program are especially scaring people away or, in the alternative, there are still enough relatively intelligent people to realize that dying not in war but in vaccine programs is not a good way to go!

At present there are 250 “disqualifiers” regarding military service but many important ones are going to have to be dropped to augment the lower number – and lower quality – of new recruits. The Army’s problems are the worst, with their recruiting only 40% of the numbers desired for fiscal year 2022. The requirements for high school diplomas or GED certificates are about to be dropped. The Army is thinking the unthinkable of having to reduce its size. Only 9% of young Americans eligible to serve in the military have any inclination to do so. More than half of the young Americans surveyed believe they would encounter emotional or psychological problems in the military which is understandable when these same people can be offended and frightened by a motto and/or meme! Meanwhile, nearly half think they presently have physical problems or such would develop if they had to extend themselves past texting.

National pride is at an all-time low because of the constant denigration of the country and its history. Of course, given what’s going on in this country today, I can’t say as I could work up any desire to “protect” our “way of life” as it now exists. The disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan has caused many to question the competency and conscientiousness of the military. The Left wing and woke narratives being heartily adopted by the military are scaring many normal people and not just those who could serve! The riots of 2020 especially demonized Whites and the South, the sources that traditionally supply the most recruits for the military. Why should Southerners support a military that allows the debasement of its heroes? These population segments are rightfully questioning why they would want to be part of the establishment that is engaging in that demonization. Over 40% of the 18-24 year-old men that are the Army’s target demographic have refused the COVID vaxxes – those are the smart ones!

The military’s dismissal of the very large number that have refused the vaxx has demonstrated how little the military cares for its members. Most citizens don’t want to die for the present extreme left agenda and those who embrace that agenda don’t see the need for them to pay for its continuance with their lives! The US military no longer exemplifies the peak of physical fitness and culture that once was a special attraction for joining. In addition to lowering educational requirements, the Army has boosted bonuses, offering more flexible contracts and duty stations of choice – all to no avail. It is well to remember that no nation remained free when its own troops were replaced by mercenaries. Furthermore, beating the war drums relentlessly over a potential war with a powerful entity like Russia also scares away what few potential recruits do exist!

© 2022 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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Cash to Crash as Orwellian Future Wells Up

By Sidney Secular

August 3, 2022

There’s little doubt that the Historical American Nation is about done. Even without the draconian directives of Big Brother about to crash down upon us, cash has been gradually elbowed out to make the change seem less drastic even as our pocket change dwindles. Cash transactions now only account for 15% of all retail sales in terms of value, and it has been widely speculated and predicted that physical cash and the accompanying pocket change would become redundant by just examining the trends. Personal check usage in retail outlets has virtually been checked although it remains a major means of sending payments via the “post.”

One of the objectives of the pandemic pandemonium was to make contactless payments the preferred – and eventually the only way to exchange currency for services and products. Future lockdowns accompanying the next big virus bugaboo will permanently lock in contactless payments as well. The current availability of physical cash, although diminishing in use, allows the effects of the system’s staged gradual collapse to be less noticeable and therefore less frightening much as is the case with our gradual loss of freedoms! These are not causing any revolutions because the losses have been done in stages just as the frog in the pot of water adjusts to the gradually heating of that water before it reaches a boil and kills him. It all boils down to the fact that conservatives will have very little left to conserve by that time and what is left will hardly seem worth the effort by then.

Increasingly, consumers and customers carry credit cards vice cash as it is more convenient, safe, and just feels like less of a loss. All kinds of inducements are offered for use of the cards such as cash and travel “rewards”, special insurance coverage, and the ability to better dispute fraudulent charges. Some businesses resist use of the cards for payment because of the service charges they thus incur, but the trend is to accept these charges as a cost of doing business, and pass the additional costs on to customers by charging higher prices. All the problems associated with the digital dysphoria such as the reality of cyber hack attacks, “phishing” and all manner of identity theft and scams are accepted as just one of those things one is supposed to accept as an accepted reality with advancing technology. All of this presents no worry to the controllers who are wont to make us feel the squeeze of unease and worry in order to better squeeze us into the small-minded paradigm boxes they have prepared for us. All credit card transactions are traceable within the banking system, but using cash allows for discreet donations to the charities and causes dear to our patriotic/nationalist hearts, so restricting use of cash will put a big damper on our support of, and philanthropy towards our favored groups and causes.

All of this is only the beginning of the woes associated with the woeful system presaged by the Biblical sages. The new system will be accompanied by a control of all money transactions by the GovMint as all your accounts will be consolidated into one big account whereby all your politically incorrect or questionable transactions that run afoul of phony “community standards” or politically correct viewpoints will be rejected as if you used an incorrect password to access your account. You may also be denied access if your “social credit” score is too low. Such scores will replace the current purely financially oriented current scores presently extant. You will be forced to use mobile or cell phones to function under the new system, whether you like it or not, or you may wind up in a cell or some other form of social purgatory. That will be a prerequisite to get to first base under the new system.

Currencies will become “digital currencies” and this transition is already in the process of occurring in various stages in the West. It has been fully adopted in China –  a communist tyranny that the rest of the world is becoming tethered to economically – so it will be soon be universal.  The digital yuan was introduced in China last February during the Winter Olympics. They required patrons to pay  for meals, hotels, transportation, etc. using funny looking square “QR” codes on their mobile phones that linked to their digital yuan accounts. Nine countries have already launched systems in line with this lunacy.  A digital euro is being tested right now. The US has been lagging but with the Chinese now in control – at least unofficially! – we are catching up fast. The Fed is presently studying implementation of this system and though the dollar will remain the dollar, it will not exist in its present physical form. It will become digital and ownership will be recorded on a ledger maintained by a central bank.

Banks and credit card companies as well as Pay Pal and similar payment systems will be phased out. The result of all of this “advancement?” The GovMint will have control of your money and will have the ability to place you under constant surveillance.  Under the NWO, the GovMint will know every purchase you make, every transaction you conduct, and even your physical whereabouts at the point of purchase. It is a short step from there to “negative” interest rates, account freezes, tax withholdings from your account and the ability to place you under government investigation if you vote for the wrong candidate or give donations to the wrong political party – always assuming that any such will remain in our Brave New World. If that sounds like a stretch, be advised that it is not. The system will be used to deny travel and educational opportunities to political dissidents. Canada seized the bank accounts and even the crypto accounts of the non-violent trucker protestors last winter. This kind of oppression will be easy to conduct once the new system is fully in place.

There will be only two ways to counter this tyranny short of a revolution. There is only one non-digital, non-traceable, non-hackable form of money you will be able to use and that is physical gold and probably silver. However, for these to work, there has to be an “underground economy” that will support its use. At present, these can be purchased in a certain manner to avoid this tyranny. Throughout recorded history, precious metals have always been the form of money of last resort that have been universally accepted in the toughest of times. But remember, FDR confiscated Americans’ gold reserves with the blessings of our “democracy.” In the assumption that first, an underground economy does exist and second, Americans are able to obtain and keep such “precious metals, the form called “junk silver” is the easiest modality to use in such situations, especially in everyday small transactions. Junk silver are US dimes, quarters, and half-dollars minted before 1965 when these coins actually contained 90% real silver.  They are sold in bags of $1,000 face value. Such bags are currently worth over $20,000 and their value will further skyrocket as conditions deteriorate! If this is the way you are going to go, it is imperative that you get started on a program to accumulate these assets right away if you have no program of “hard” money accumulation now.  It might pay to take some money you have in the bank or under your mattress and accumulate some junk silver with it now. More details on this strategy will be explored in future editions of the Freedom Movement Action Newsletter in articles labelled “Prepperism”. We have already posted two articles on prepperism in past issues of this newsletter.

The other option to survive in the coming cashless society will be to create local currencies enabled by a local trading system a/k/a: LETS – as in let’s do it! This type of system was used and was very popular in Canada at one time. LETS allows members to obtain goods and services through their local currency which is accepted by local retailers who are enrolled in the system. Members who provide goods and services are able to earn credits in the local currency which are expended within the local system. This type of system could not replace the conventional economy in its entirety, of course, but it would make living under the dictatorship bearable especially for those in more rural areas. This system is not to be confused with barter systems which are much more limited in applicability. This type of system is one that patriots should have been employing for generations now to help form viable and strong local communities based on shared values or important commonalities such as race, religion or ethnic group, such as what the Mennonites and Mormons employ to some extent now.  The potential for the state to break up or proscribe such groups is a real challenge but its efforts would be greatly lessened by the cohesiveness of such groups. However, the other day, it was reported that an Amish farmer has been fined many thousands of dollars as a result of his efforts to sell his produce. Never put anything mean, rotten, criminal and downright despicable as being beyond our political and social “leaders.”

© 2022 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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The Specter of White Genocide, Part 1

By Sidney Secular

July 22, 2022

It’s a slow building spectacle. The momentum is momentous as gravity gives it gravitas. The snowball is snowballing as it careens downhill to bury Whites. There are just the sounds of silence as we remain silent about our fate. White America stands on the cusp of oblivion, of annihilation in the plain literal sense. It’s not hyperbole to state that the White race is racing towards extinction — not just demographic conquest and dispossession; not just humiliation, discrimination. and civil rights abuses, but EXTINCTION with the likelihood of attendant violence. We’ve been oblivious to oblivion, but hopefully, the instinct of self-preservation will kick in, in time to turn the tide, to stop the careen into the abyss. We have to recognize this reality and not retreat from it. The starting point and time to end this mindless madness must be now because it is mere minutes to Midnight before the permanent night of extinction ensues. We have to work backwards up a difficult slope from where we presently are or we will slide further downhill as the West further devolves.

Once immigration began, a transformation of the basically White world of the US to the Third World in 1965 ensured. That meant the end of the so-called “melting pot” in which hitherto various European ethnicities could meld together rather seamlessly and assimilate into an altogether different White reality represented by the bounty and boundless boundary/frontier testing spirit of America.  Instead, there could now be only an inevitable meltdown as the new totally foreign elements added an untenable type of diversity in which the ingredients cannot mesh together into an edible stew. This new recipe led to a cheesy imitation of the America designed by the founders that flounders along without the necessary moral compass of a common religious or cultural base to keep it on track. As the foreign elements increased as a percentage of the overall stew, the founding stock was increasingly charged as having egg on its face by the race hustlers as they unfairly “eggzaturated” and mischaracterized alleged past misdeeds of the native White stock. Every defect, deficiency, or even duplicity of the newcomers and the never-to-be-satisfied – and never acculturated Blacks – could be palmed off or blamed on non-existent “white privilege” or the nearly non-existent “white supremacism,” a figment of the imagination of fervid and fevered minds. Once the foreigners achieved sufficient clout and cred, assimilation could be thrown under the bus by the leftists who were now in the driver’s seat in their drive for “diversity”. Senseless equality of outcomes was the natural outcome of trying to satisfy all foreign comers and non-white up-and-comers regardless of their native capabilities and IQs.

There is an unfortunately common talking and take-off point that dominates mainstream conservatism, a.k.a. civic nationalism, mainstream patriotism, inclusive populism, cuckservatism, neo-conservatism, Americanism, etc. – and it is that the ruling classes or deep staters are conjuring up racial division out of whole cloth in order to keep us divided and thus easier to control and manipulate. These dupes and possible “duplicitives” include such icons as Rush, Tucker Carlson, Dennis Prager, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, et al. All are in thrall to explain that they are not racists and therefore should be taken seriously. They are akin to the Marxists who are in thrall with the classic class and economic distinctions of rich vs, poor, or the haves vs, the have-nots or, as in post modernism – the “new” Marxism – the oppressed and the oppressor. They see these dichotomies as fractious factions. The reason for sticking with these ingrained talking points is that the average conservative cannot admit to himself that the 20th Century experiment in multiracial egalitarian democracy was not only a catastrophic failure, but in fact was doomed from the get-go. Going along with the flood-like flow of the “main- stream,” the term “racist’ has been turned into the epithet that elicits the most revulsion and repulsion, and mainstream conservatism has been caught up in the flood of going along to get along “sickophantism”. Even a serial killer like necrophile cannibal Jeffrey Dahmer didn’t mind being called any kind of monster except “racist.” Bush league George W. Bush groveled to a point lower than a snake’s belly when Kanye West accused him of not caring about Black people in connection with the Hurricane Katrina fiasco in which the true nature of most Blacks became apparent.

Discrimination occurs when a dominant group uses legal structures and political power to exclude weaker groups from full participation in society. A parasitic ruling class today exercises all but total dominance over media, finance, business, academia, science and government – a dominance enhanced through ethnic and other networking – and is indeed engaged in a coordinated effort to disenfranchise White Americans from society. This strategy has been called “Jim Snow.” Through affirmative action and the forced and foolish diversity enhancement schemes that followed, White men were and are systemically and systematically excluded from or underrepresented in work forces and university admissions across the class spectrum. There are seemingly an unlimited number of government contract, grant, and welfare programs for all so-called minorities, but none specifically for Whites while the other such programs specifically exclude them. There are programs to promote economic development in certain areas with high concentrations of unemployment or “underemployment” that happen to be predominantly White areas, but the thrust is not to assist Whites per se. Whites have had taxation without specific representation for almost the entire life of the country, but in a pronounced manner since about 1965 when the immigration system was rigged against them. In fact, we are literally expected to provide for our own replacement by minorities in individual cases when ordered by employers to train our replacements to meet affirmative action and diversity program goals. Many laid-off white employees who refuse to train their replacements are denied the severance packages that came with their employment contract. In my personal experience, my late “significant other” quit her job rather than comply with this indignity, especially since it was apparent she would be more competent than her replacement.

As if that was not disturbing enough, in connection to the artificial and engineered COVID calamity we have witnessed the emergence of medical discrimination with treatment for non-whites being prioritized. Integration didn’t stop the Blacks from wanting to stick to their own kind in social and educational environments, so it’s demand is gradually being phased out. “Reverse segregation” seems to be seeping into society in which contact with Whites is frowned upon lest the overly sensitive Blacks suffer discomfort from claimed but concocted cases of micro-aggression. Universities, which lead the charge into nihilism, are setting aside dormitories where Whites are not welcome and are increasingly offering race-specific graduation ceremonies for non-Whites. A movement to create and foster White student unions at a few universities a few years ago met opposition from the usual suspects and was abandoned when the prerequisite faculty sponsors would not volunteer to steer the efforts. Whites are absolutely not permitted to exclude non-Whites from anything while non-Whites are privileged and encouraged to exclude Whites from their “spaces.” There are no fields of endeavor or even social activities where Whites can have the field to themselves without non-whites butting/horning in and forcing their acceptance even if it takes legal action to do so. When they do so it is celebrated as a special conquest or worthy achievement. Freedom of association as discussed in another article in this newsletter has long gone by the boards. It’s disappearance was a catalyst in the current efforts to break up White social assembly and coherence.  NASCAR, the country music scene, winter sports, and even hockey are the latest victims of this movement to deny Whites a sense of self/racial consciousness and a sense that they have any special talents or a history of special achievement.

At a certain stage of genocide, dehumanization and polarization affect the victim group.  This stage is far advanced in the US and Europe. When this stage is reached, the very humanity of the targeted group is denied as a prerequisite for overcoming the natural revulsion against mass murder. Hate propaganda is deployed to demonize and depersonalize the target group with the aim of implanting the germ of a growing idea that “we would be better off without them.” This is especially visible in the present war against history in which the glories of Western – that is White – Civilization is being slowly cancelled. At present, you can now get away with saying anything about Whites, no matter how dark, brutal, or gruesome in what used to be their countries. When this phenomenon gets embedded in comedy routines, you know the situation isn’t funny anymore, because the perps are trying to make you laugh it off and not take it seriously. Jokes about dumb blondes were a forerunner of this seeming folderol. We could trot out one example after another. but two cases are illustrative of what “goes down”.

Black Rutgers University professor Brittney Cooper, at an event where the opening address was delivered by impostor President Joe Biden, celebrated the decline of white birthrates. In her own words, she said White birthrates are falling so precipitously “because they cannot afford to put newer generations into the middle class or sustain their own lives and that Whites deserved to go extinct!” Indeed, she’d like to accelerate the pace declaring that her fellow Blacks “gotta take the m– – – f– – – ers out.”  Rutgers and the pres-iding Biden refused to condemn the remarks. At the Yale School of Medicine, Pakistani psychiatrist Anna Khilanani fantasized along the same lines, waxing lyrical about “unloading a revolver into the head of any White person that gets in my way, burying their body and wiping my bloody hands as I walked away guiltless with a bounce in my step, like I did the world a favor.” She referred to Whites as “demented, violent predators”. Jon Leibowitz — more commonly known by his crypsis name, Jon Stewart – recently hosted a program called “The Problem With White People” in which he insidiously ranted against White farmers and their “resentment” in South Africa for being dispossessed of their farmlands and murdered in the process. This has overtones of the Holodomor. Every day, on every news program, on every talk show, in every classroom, in every boardroom, in every government office, Whites are spoken about in language that cannot be describes as anything other than genocidal.

The words that typically surround “racism” and racist are intentionally pathological and medicalized – such as “virulent”. Racism is inherently characterized as a White phenomenon of which other races are deemed incapable. Dozens of municipalities across the country have declared “racism” to be a “public health emergency.” With the advent of the medical tyranny and the vast concentration of power and influence that medical bureaucracies now have, as enhanced by the COVID power grab that has gone “viral,” making ‘racism” into a disease could give diseased minds more latitude to consider Whites as pathogens or pathogenic purveyors of a kind of mental disease.

Cultural genocide and the bad-mouthing of Whites would be the natural forerunners of physical genocide. Before they slaughter us, they have to grind our heroes into the dust, take down our statues, strip us of our roots and turn our callow, immature and strident children against us. By denying us our history and legacies, they deny us our identity and roots, and thus leaving us without a sense of community and purpose. Their actions constitute a sublimated rage of what they would like to do to us if they could get their hands on us and get away with it – and the fact is, that such a situation is now definitely possible!

The cucked “Republicants” led the charge against Southern history. National Review celebrated the cultural destruction of the South. Of course, that was just a “prelewd” to the obliteration of all White history and the falsification of what remains to meet the new memes. History itself is not thought of as an important subject to study since it is more or less the story of what Whites have done and so it is disappearing from college curricula. It is “his-story’ and not enough “her-story” anyway. Politically incorrect books are being removed from purchase from Amazon and mainstream outlets. Universities and public libraries in general are removing old history books and even classics from circulation. Many books considered essential reading until recently are now banned as racist or sexist or not meeting the new Communist program and so are subject to an “ink-quisition”.  Diversity of opinion dies as uniformity and conformity become de rigueur. Many classics wind up as cheap reads in Salvation Army, Goodwill Industries, and other thrift store book sections as libraries donate them for tax write-offs so as to survive in an environment in which people hardly read books anymore. Thrift stores do a surprising amount of on-line mailorder sales of discarded books sold through Amazon and E-bay. At least the classics can become affordable reads for people with diminishing real incomes and some real sense that way.

The teaching of American history has already been fundamentally anti-white for several generations. Slavery, the Holocaust (TM), and the “civil rights” movement together with anything else to enhance white guilt, dominate the dialogue. Middle schools in teaching the history of their particular state frequently turn these courses into muddled diatribes of politically correct poop.

With the forced adoption of anti-white Critical Race Theory, government schools and no small number of private and “Christian” schools have transformed into full-fledged torture camps for the brainwashing of White children. As a result, these children come home in tears, ashamed of their race and angry at their parents for bringing them into the world. The brutal elimination of white identity is surely a significant factor in the increasing incidence of race mixing and the large number of abortions that result therefrom. For lack of any normal identity, the increasing number of children identifying as the weird LGBT and other hard to believe sexual oddities under the grooming regimen of their predator teachers, nurses, counselors and psychiatrists is a metastasizing lunacy launched by the left. Sometimes it becomes for younger children especially a matter of gaining approval of the culture through gender choice if one’s race is unacceptable! Children need acceptance and if they cannot change their race, they can always change their gender – or so they’re told.

If you turn on the TV or flip through a magazine, you’ll flip over the number of Blacks featured in the ads. I have a dream that one day I can stop seeing Blacks as role models and being elevated to the top of the social pyramid. If you see a White in an ad, they are most likely to be homosexual, in an interracial relationship, have friends that are all the “united colors of Benetton,” are morbidly obese, or are cast in a subservient or secondary role. Healthy, strong especially White males are persona non grata in the advertising industry. The overarching purpose of ads is to more often than not reinforce the “new normal” culture, sell darkness or smut, sell big pharma’s bag of faddish cures or vanity-driven beauty products or advertise travel or cruise opportunities to people who don’t know what to do with their ill-gotten gains. Of even more concern, Hollywood churns out big-budget film and TV productions which glorify violence against Whites. “Inglorious Basterds,” “Django Unchained,” “Unchained,” Get out,” “Hunters” and “Watchmen” are examples of this degenerate genre and are exercises in genocidal pre-programming. There are many films that make fun of whites, showing them as inferior to Blacks despite being socially superior. One such film was “The Help” which contain a situation in which a black employee gave her white employer a pie made with her own feces! White heroes, both fictional and historical, are now routinely recast as non-white. Whites are not permitted to visualize themselves via movies or TV as doing anything notable or noble. Often these depictions are ridiculous, such as BBC’s black Anne Boleyn or Netflix’s black Viking Queen. Such is the atrocious ignorance of modern audiences that such trash is not consigned to the trash bin by critics and those with some supposed sense or sense of propriety. Humiliation is the key, erasing us from our own history, stealing our achievements and crediting others with them.

We have allowed sex perverts and our racial enemies to define American culture for a century, our reality shaped by those who want us dead or hollow shells of ourselves. We have been redefined as a nearly untouchable caste, but our women are still the envy of the other races for their beauty and so are raped in enormous numbers creating great dangers to themselves that they do not appreciate since many have not been made aware of the dangers they face by a news media that spike any stories that do not conform to the new narrative.

We know police departments, intelligence agencies, and the military have been severely compromised with an anti-white mindset, at least at the upper levels. The process started during the Obama Administration, accelerated while Trump was in office, and is being finalized under the Biden regime.  The degree to which the rank-and-file have been penetrated or compromised is still uncertain. Unbelievably, we know that non-white criminal gangs have long penetrated the military, that recruitment standards continue to fall (we examined the situation at West Point in a previous newsletter), and that the military academies are indistinguishable from civilian universities in their commitments to leftism and anti-white diversity, which are fervently promoted from on high by the Pentagon (Pentagram?). As well, we know that the military’s COVID vaxx injection mandates are being used to drive out conservative, independently-minded White men.

© 2022 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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Mother of all Famines on the Horizon as World Food Production Falters From the Green New Fraud

By Sidney Secular

July 16, 2022

World food production is projected to decline precipitously in 2022. The wheat harvest alone is expected to drop by 10 million metric tons from last year while other grains and food staples are in similar dire straits. A record 45 million people are on the brink of starvation and a further 800 million lack a reliable source of daily food. Farmers in the world’s leading farm belts outside of Russia and the Ukraine as well as the US, Canada, Europe and India are being forced to protest simply for the right to produce this much needed food. Earlier in 2022 there were reports that American farmers would be offered subsidies if they destroyed their crops and farmers in the Netherlands are now blocking streets in protest over the situation as have farmers in Germany for the past 3 years.

The food crisis is the direct result of the “Green agenda” in which productive investment in water, power, and other infrastructures essential to agriculture are blocked by governments acting on the part of the mega food cartels, Goldman Sachs, hedge fund managers, and the billionaire royal-elitist class. The plutocrats are fronted by the World Wildlife Fund and other major environmental groups to which money is funneled by deep pocket leftists and foundations. “Carbon-concerned” cultivation and climate change clamor are causing money to flow into Green finance swindles while farmers and ranchers are ruined! Of course, the result is that people are now or will be starving by the millions in a government policy akin to Stalin’s genocide in the Ukraine in which statistics say over nine million starved in what the Ukrainians called the Holodomore (the Hunger). As happened then, this matter is being blacked out by the blackguards of the mainstream media in the US and around the world, the same liars who messed up the minds of the masses with the concocted COVID coverage.

The control over food production and the attempted control of humanity in toto began with the 1992 Rio Earth Summit which introduced the institutional version of the ongoing green fraud. This was followed by the reinforcement and implementation of resolutions coming under the aegis of the North Atlantic Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) in 1994 and the World Trade Organization in 1995 and was further facilitated by the 2008 repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933. The latter event was a major factor in the meltdown of the housing market that year as the result of unscrupulous lending practices. People were being quietly induced to return to urban areas as they sought to escape from the foreclosures forced upon them. The said 1992 Rio Earth Summit unleashed the global warming/climate change bugaboo and its accompanying campaign for the maintenance of biological diversity and population limitation.

From that time, the New World Eco-order has dominated the international dialog calling for the restriction of human activity ostensibly to prevent the emission of too much greenhouse gases supposedly in the fear that the Earth’s climate will skyrocket!  These “environmental” folks have also called for severely restricting the areas of the planet occupied by humans lest the “wilderness” and its animal and plant species go extinct. The “stack and pack” campaign that sought to further concentrate people within cities resulted in ever increasing urban sprawl without concern or restriction even of the ecological kind. Of course, the sprawl itself was the result of increases in population almost entirely due to the unrestricted inflow of refugees and immigrants from the third world who were needed, we were assured, to increase our “diversity.” Parenthetically, the increase certainly didn’t arise from native citizen birth rates as every Western country including the US did not present with even a replacement population birthrate much less an increase.

Unfortunately for the nations of the West, far from these Third World “blessings” being appreciative of their welcome, they were demanding of the rights of citizens including welfare and other government goodies. On the other hand, these “imports” could do no wrong according to our government and were to be coddled and appeased lest they have reason to complain about anything. In this as in all other stupid leftist policies, liberals have been permitted to “have it both ways” while American citizens are permitted to notice or say nothing about the destruction of our culture and the nullification of our laws. The simple fact is that as long as a policy “feels good” to our leftist leaders and their minions, the rest of us are “left” to accept whatever consequences ensue.

International conferences to promote the aforesaid goals have been held regularly over the years. These include the noteworthy “COP26” “climate summit” conference in Scotland in November 2021, the 15th biodiversity summit in China held in October 2015 (COP15), and the COP21 conference held in Paris also in 2015 in which dozens of nations agreed to provide “Nationally Determined Contributions” or plans to reduce those nations’ output of “greenhouse” gases. The predictable results of these confabs are now seen in worsening electricity and fuel crises resulting from the takedown of coal and nuclear power generating stations as well as the buildup of unreliable wind and solar power and the deregulation of energy prices. More Texas-type freezes such as occurred in January 2021 can be expected to topple power grids dependent upon unreliable solar and wind sources.

Of course, these policies affect more than the electrical power used in homes and businesses. Two of our leading grain states – Iowa for corn and Kansas for wheat – depend heavily upon unreliable solar and wind for half of their electricity. European agriculture has also been hit hard. Farmers can’t afford or obtain reliable fuel for their machinery or for drying crops and other necessary agricultural functions. Also, with the rising price of fuel, large numbers of high-yield Dutch greenhouses can’t afford electricity. In what is rapidly becoming a world-wide disaster, rising fuel prices have crippled nitrogen fertilizer production. It’s feedstock is natural gas whose price has soared and whose supply is uncertain. Farmers can neither afford nor obtain if they were able to afford, the fertilizer essential for good yields of corn and wheat. The EU is actually decreasing their food output on purpose! In May 2020, the EU enacted the “Farm to Fork” Green Deal calling for the reduction of land use for agriculture by 10%; fertilizer use by 20%; and the use of pesticides by 50% even though these measures would eliminate the food needed by an estimated 185 million people. One has to wonder if the “kill rate” of COVID “vaccines” is not what is driving the use of such policies! After all, if enough people die by “healthcare” the food output reduction becomes far less a threat! In another idiocy, the British government has declared that the main function of farmers will now be enhancing the environment [!] while the production of food will become a secondary “benefit.” Of course, rewards and punishments will be utilized to force the implementation of these new policies. It is at times like this that the old Greek saying demands a restatement: “Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad!”

Illegitimate “President” Biden, immediately upon taking office issued Executive Order 14008, in which Section 216 requires that by 2030, 30% of US lands and waters must be removed from any human use! At present, some 13% of US lands and waters are under some form of government limitation. Agriculture is directly threatened as can be seen by the state of New Mexico setting aside 30% of its land for removal from human use. In Montana, a billionaire is promoting the “American Serengeti” whereby the new “American Prairie Reserve” would bring back bison and ban cattle and sheep grazing in an area the size of Lebanon. In the US, 85% of all meatpacking is controlled by just a few transnational entities– Cargill, Tysons, Smithfield [a company that has been purchased by China!], Marfrig and JBS. A pilot program is in place called the Ranch Systems and Viability Planning Project (RSVP) which will dictate a program for cattlemen to sharply reduce carbon emissions by removing the cattle that produce it. Meanwhile, Bill Gates is promoting a program for all “rich countries” to move to 100% synthetic beef! Many carbon curbing programs are also being initiated. Cargill is in charge of a program called “Regenerative Agriculture” to capture carbon in the soils of six states. Farmers will be surveilled remotely for compliance through the program that is known as “Regrow.”

“Biofuels” are a longstanding swindle begun by G.W. Bush and promoted by every president since. Now 40% of the US corn crop which itself constitutes one-third of the world’s corn harvest, goes into ethanol production. It is a major diversion of agricultural capacity to an unworthy effort to make energy “vegan.” So much soy oil is going for biodiesel that bakers and food processors are appealing for government intervention because of the shortage of vegetable oils with the resultant soaring prices of those oils. Internationally, edible oil prices have gone up 60% in one year. The British Crown think tank Chatham House bluntly states that depopulation is the goal to save the planet and asserts that food production is harmful since it degrades or destroys natural habitat and contributes to species extinction. Of course, OUR extinction apparently is less problematic than that of the buffalo or the butterfly.

The methodology of these “well meaning” bio-fascists is to change dietary patterns to reduce the demand for certain foodstuffs, including meat! If the US switched from beef to beans (or bugs!), the claim is that such a program would free up former cropland for other uses such as eco-system restoration. But taking out the “inputs” to farming will make farming unfeasible – with all that means to human survival. The dietary preferences of most cultures of the world relate to one or another of the top grains, e.g., corn (tortillas), wheat (bread or pasta), rice (alone or as noodles), etc. The majority of humanity’s caloric intake comes from grains. Outside of China, India and Russia, there is essentially no attempt being made to guarantee an adequate food supply. Instead, with the blessing of world governments, the transnational food cartels will get to decide who can – and cannot – afford to eat. All of Sub-Saharan Africa depends on imports for 40% of its people’s grain consumption. Under the emerging circumstances, a future of major famine looms there. Remember, this area of Africa is the only area of the world with an exploding population! You can bet they will be swarming across the borders of their more fortunate neighbors soon!  We are looking at a stark dark and savage future ahead for all mankind if this wickedness is not stopped.

© 2022 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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To the Ends of the Earth: Lost White Migrations and Civilizations, Part 2

By Sidney Secular

July 13, 2022


Up until recently, the origination and racial derivation of the culturally advanced civilization of the Anasazi and Hohokam peoples who lived in the American Southwest around 1,000 years ago were basically obscure but they were assumed to be just “Native American” tribes who were ancestors to the Hopi, Navaho and other pueblo Indian peoples who today reside in that area. The two peoples in question inhabited a large swath of the desert Southwest but their settlements were more or less were centered in the Four Corners region where Utah, New Mexico, Arizona and Colorado meet.

That these peoples were “Native Americans” in the accepted meaning of that term could not be further from the truth! Indeed, the folklore “history” of the resident “Indians/Native Americans” readily admit to that fact, acknowledging that the Anasazi and Hohokam were ancient enemies of their own people at a time when those civilizations were ending. As a matter of fact, the Native American populations were instrumental in destroying both cultures in a sort of precursor of the same fate of those “Indians” at the hands of the white man in the American west of the 1870s! What goes around, comes around, they say.

From what is known, the Anasazi and Hohokam peoples arrived seemingly out of nowhere, dominating their areas of settlement from just before 1,000 AD until approximately 1,250 AD. Racially, both peoples were white as indicated by the fact that a majority of both “tribes” were red-headed! This physical fact alone puts to rest any claim that they were “Native Americans!” Furthermore, both groups were far more advanced than their “native” neighbors, a fact that continues to feed the myth that Native Americans were at one time far more advanced since by arbitrary decree and definition all Pre-Columbian cultures in the Americas are deemed to be Native American – that is, Indian, a Mongoloid race of people.

Conventional archeologists just can’t seem to let go of their out-of-date paradigm that non-Native American advanced civilizations in North America could not have existed before Columbus arrived in the New World. They willingly acknowledge “Native American” civilizations such as the Aztec, Inca, Maya and Nazca,* all of whom are considered far advanced. But even in that acknowledgement there is more recent evidence of a much deeper understanding of astronomy and the cosmos – all of which was gained without the telescope and modern instrumentation. (*The Nazca Lines are a collection of giant geoglyphs—designs or motifs etched into the ground—located in the Peruvian coastal plain about 250 miles south of Lima, Peru. Created by the ancient Nazca Indians in South America and depicting various plants, animals, and geometric shapes, the 2,000-year-old Nazca Lines can only be fully appreciated when viewed from the air [!] given their massive size. Despite being studied for over 80 years, these geoglyphs are still a mystery to researchers.

Some authors in the field such as Erich Von Däniken, believe that this “knowledge” was brought to Earth by “extra-terrestrials” in that historic period and that these civilizations were, in turn, consumed in the attempt to understand where they fit into the overall scheme of creation and to live in accordance with universal principles. Living in accordance with the natural order and conducting religious ceremonies to curry the favor of those whom they considered “the gods” was more important to these supposedly culturally “primitive” people than is the case with our present godless materialistic modern society! The Anasazi and Hohokam were fanatically (by our standards) consumed with such spiritually oriented practices and employed highly developed technologies to implement their visions in a practical manner that included advanced understandings of the use of herbs, natural cures, earth energies, trance-inducing plants, shamanism and esoteric practices usually associated with stone age peoples (like the Indians) but in addition were extremely competent agriculturalists with a knowledge of how to grow plentiful crops, introduce new crops where they had never grown in a particular area before, and conduct bio-engineering to create new varieties of food plants including the strain of blue corn we still consume today.

These people were not hunter-gatherers as were the great majority of those “Native Americans” who either moved from place to place following their food source or farmed on a far more primitive level. Both the Anasazi and Hohokam were able to make barren landscapes productive and had developed an urban style of structured settlements far more advanced than that of the Pueblo Indians who replaced them. They also developed extremely sophisticated canal and irrigation systems to fully utilize the precious and often sparse availability of water in their areas of settlement.

The Anasazi set up their main base of operations in the Chaco Canyon in Arizona. They created edifices of superb masonry known as “great houses,” lofty affairs sometimes five stories high with extensive horizontal additions over time that could add up to hundreds of rooms, all according to formalized floor plans. Finely plastered, high-ceiling rooms were organized into suites. These structures spread across the canyon floor in a leveled area two miles wide by nine miles long. For every twenty-nine rooms or so, a ceremonial pit known as a kiva was built. These were geometrically elegant features of plastered dry stone sunk up to fifteen feet into the ground. A bench was fashioned around the inside perimeter of the circular wall. Religious ceremonies and enactments were the primary focus of Anasazi life. A common theme of the enactments was the re-emergence of humanity after the Great Flood, an almost universal pre-occupation of ancient civilizations, which is also, of course, a major theme of our Bible.  Anasazi kivas are preserved amongst the remnants of the Anasazi cliff dwellings within Bandelier National Monument in New Mexico. About 16% of the kivas investigated were integrated with underground temples called sipapus. The overall number of these temples is unknown.

At Yellowjacket Canyon, 400 kivas have been excavated, the largest of which is 81 feet in diameter. The Great Houses had walls of dressed sandstone blocks coated with a matrix of clay and mortar, then covered with layers of dried mud within which were inserted surfacing stones in distinctive patterns. The entire Great House complex was tastefully landscaped suggesting that the houses might not have been residences at all but just ceremonial centers on holy ground visited only on religious occasions! This interpretation is supported somewhat by what appear to be residential areas surrounding the Great Houses. The Chaco Canyon complex expanded over time to include 70 or more outlying towns and trading posts covering 25,000 square miles of the San Juan basin. The grandest of all the Great Houses is called Pueblo Bonito, or “Beautiful Village.” It has 5 stories covering 2 acres – 3 times the area of the White House in Washington, DC. and was about the size of the Roman coliseum, containing 800 spacious rooms. The walls were 3 feet thick to support the overall ceiling that weighed 90 tons!

There were no significant trash middens (piles) found in the area, something supporting the idea that the site was ceremonial rather than a housing structure. This belief is also supported by the presence of many kivas within the complex. These Great Houses are curiously D-shaped, apparently denoting part of a sacred architectural canon. Altogether, building all these “great houses” required 900 million stones and a quarter-million conifer trees – and their felling and transportation would not have been an easy affair. After having exhausted all the local stands by the mid-eleventh century, the ponderosa pine, spruce and fir required for construction would have had to come from mountain ranges up to 70 miles away. How this was accomplished was a great mystery made even greater by the fact that none of the lumber used bore a single mar or scratch mark on them! At the least, an extensive road system would have been required and speaking of road systems, Anasazi settlements were connected by six skillfully engineered systems covering 95,000 square miles. The lone surviving example, the Great North Road stretches from the San Juan River to Pueblo Alto where the massive turquoise processing and chert tool production sites were located. In one Great House alone, a pair of richly dressed adult human skeletons lay on a bed of 56,000 pieces of turquoise and other precious grave goods. In one kiva, archeologists removed a turquoise necklace that was 17 feet long!

Anasazi roads had a bed of caliche (hardpan), a natural cement that is still used today in the manufacture of Portland cement. Anasazi roads averaged 30 feet wide and were clearly defined at the edges by earthen beams or rock walls. Because of the type of ground over which they ran, the roads had no shoulders that might lead to a load of valuable material being overturned and thus damaged. Amazingly, the roads ran in unerringly straight lines oblivious to any obstacles in the way. Very large boulders that could not be removed were provided with steps or other means used to get over them while steep cliffs were simply bored through to avoid deviations or detours. While many today ponder how the ancient Egyptians built the pyramids, it would seem that a similar miracle took place in the American West by another “primitive” people.

Being a profoundly religious people, 70 mile-long spiritual pilgrimages were undertaken by large numbers of Anasazi through the worst of the New Mexican deserts. Neither were these haphazard but the pilgrims were provided with support by groups that included food suppliers, medical personnel, and guards. Participants engaged in prayer and meditation in these ancient worship practices in order to create a transcendental experience. Timing for these events was determined by celestial cycles and/or events that had a particular association with the pilgrimage. The Anasazi operated a form of pre-Internet information superhighway. Signal posts were set up at regular intervals along the entire network of roads and during daylight hours, data was passed from one relay station to the next with the use of polished obsidian mirrors. Obviously, this worked very well in the desert climate of the place!  At night, bonfires transmitted information. As noted, overcast skies and rain were infrequent and thus not a hindrance to the transmissions.

The full complexity of the Anasazi road system was not apparent until the year 2000 when the known data of the system was fed into high powered computers for analysis. Every land feature – roads, kivas, great houses, rivers, and even prominent geological structures were all deliberately aligned in a sort of sacred landscape. The alignments themselves reflected astronomical alignments with respect to the positions of the sun and moon at the solstices and equinoxes and other astronomical configurations and cycles. This type of activity in trying to align what goes on in the heavens to what is aligned on the earth seems to be a feature of all highly developed ancient civilizations such as Egypt and Mesopotamia, as well as the advanced Mesoamerican civilizations mentioned at the beginning of this article. Julius Evola, in his metaphysical writings, described these correspondences with the formula: “As above, so below.” Ceremonies observing these astronomical alignments and regularities were aimed at establishing a type of peaceful and proper correspondence between the human and natural worlds that would find favor with the gods.

Several engineering feats illustrate the Anasazi’s prodigious mechanical capabilities and the ability to carry out very large-scale operations. A spectacularly huge dam was found in New Mexico’s Animas Valley in 1892 measuring 5.5 miles across with provisions for the creation of a large reservoir. The structure was created from a mind-boggling 8 to 10 million cubic yards of material. As a means of comparison, Boulder Dam is only 1,244 feet across at the top meaning that it would take more than four dams the size of Boulder Dam to match the Animas Valley Dam. Another large scale water management project was the Weritos Dam near Pueblo Alto that created a reservoir to control storm water runoff. That project involved extraction of hundreds of thousands if not millions of tons of quartzite, a hard metamorphic rock beginning as pure quartz sandstone and converted into quartzite through heating and pressure usually related to tectonic compression. A huge complex of Anasazi quarries has been found about 125 miles north of Cheyenne, Wyoming. These vast projects were accomplished with strict adherence to existing guidelines that prevented the marring or polluting the local sites.

As well, Anasazi pottery methodology was in a class by itself compared to the more primitive techniques employed by the local Indians. All of this is beyond amazing since there is no evidence the Anasazi had a written language with the possible exception of the petroglyphs found on rocky surfaces near the cliff dwellings that they occupied during the latter part of their stay in the Southwest. From the civilization’s florescence around 1000 AD until its disappearance 140 years later, there is no indication that they had any recognized defensive measures in place. There were no warriors or walls or fortifications. Neither were there any slaves, prisons or poverty. Evidence of statecraft – that is, governing structure(s) or an existing bureaucracy is largely absent. It appears that when word spread among neighboring tribes that the Anasazi were turning a desert scrub wasteland into a paradise and needed laborers for their immense engineering projects, word spread and the other tribal people of the southwest migrated to Chaco Canyon to fill this need. Unfortunately, allowing these foreigners and non-whites to become integrated into their society was the Anasazi’s downfall. All great white civilizations have perished eventually when that occurred as we see in the West today. It is what doomed ancient Egypt, the Romans, the ancient Persians, the Anasazi and many others.

The Southwest’s climate turned more arid about 1150 AD and the drought was too severe to alleviate especially with the large numbers of people who had to be succored. When one adds the extended period of increased volcanism that consumed the region beginning at that time, the more primitive Indian cultures who had conceived of the Anasazi as gods then saw them as evil spirits who were destroying everything that they in fact had created. The consequences of the falling away of their past worshippers were terminal and the Anasazis paid for their elevated culture, lack of military preparedness and humane naivete with their extermination and the destruction of nearly all they had created so that today there is very little evidence that an advanced civilization ever occupied the region. More details on that eventuality anon.

There was another distinct but complimentary white people who settled a large area south of Chaco Canyon. These people had arrived simultaneously with the Anasazi and were named the Hohokam. Interestingly enough, the Hohokam had been allies of the Anasazi for many generations before they migrated together from South America. What distinguished the two peoples from one another was their fundamentally different approaches to agriculture.  The Anasazi were dry land farmers who relied on sufficient rainfall and upon their skills in building reservoirs for the distribution of water to crops. For a period of time matters worked out until, as we have seen, severe drought conditions led to their undoing. Meanwhile, the Hohokam who had settled in extremely dry southern Arizona were sophisticated hydraulic engineers who were able to utilize local river systems to create an amazing irrigation system which curled around to create a 1,000 mile long system of canals comparable in sophistication to anything extant today. To illustrate the size of these systems, had they been laid end to end they would have reached the Canadian border. With this system the Hohokam were able to create a twice annual growing season with a profusion and variety of crops where nothing comparable had grown before or since. Today, all these canals have been obliterated by urban development, modern farming, and the destruction wrought by the Indians. However, two of their canals have been preserved at the Pueblo Grande Museum and Agricultural Park in Phoenix, Arizona. Pueblo Grande (“Big Town”) was the Hohokam’s largest city. Today’s so-called experts, assuming the Hohokam were just another tribe of “Native Americans” assume that the Hohokam had no draft animals and that they would have had to dig through the hard sun-baked soil using hoes, axes, and digging sticks. If that were the case, it would have taken generations to construct their irrigation system. The Hohokam also developed an extensive salt mining system to preserve the superabundant quantities of produce they grew. The wealth produced by trading their prolific quantities of produce and salt allowed for extensive trading with the inhabitants of the Mississippi Valley and the Valley of Mexico (Mexico City area).

The Hohokam decorated their pottery with distinctive variations of the symbol of the swastika, a symbol used by many ancient civilizations to represent sun worship. Hohokam residential areas were comprised of clusters of homes opening on a common, open-air courtyard. Homes were fabricated to standardized measurements. They usually housed spacious workshops for arts and crafts activities, jewelry making, and weaving. Over ten local minerals including turquoise, amethyst and jade were used in these crafts and as a result, the Hohokam undertook extensive turquoise mining operations. They supplied the product in massive quantities to their Anasazi allies and exported it in large quantities to the Indians and to the rest of Latin America from Mexico to Chile. In other significant accomplishments, the Hohokam invented acid etching hundreds of years before it was independently developed in Renaissance Europe, that enabled the creation of remarkable works of art. They were also advanced metal smiths producing silver, copper and bronze bells.

The golden age of “white prehistory” (“white” American history supposedly began with Columbus) in the American Southwest lasted only 140 years. The glittering civilizations of the Anasazi and Hohokam attracted upwards of 250,000 Indians who invaded and inundated the developed area much as the “barbarians” invaded the Roman Empire from its edges. The Southwestern civilizations were very fragile since they were founded upon sophisticated technology and dried up when there wasn’t enough water to sustain the system due to severe and extended “climate change” – and, yes, this was the result of actual “climate change!” As their civilizations failed, the ignorant mass of Indians turned against them with a savagery beyond belief and destroyed those who had been their benefactors as well as nearly all the great creations of those civilizations.

Perhaps these great white cultures did not realize that their more primitive neighbors saw them as “divine” and so, when they failed, they suffered not just from the ordinary problem of “inter-tribal” hostility, but the consequences of blasphemy! For their former worshippers blamed the natural events on the very people they knew to be capable of creating “miracles.” Thus, the very people who had brought them wonders were now believed to be evil spirits that had to be destroyed in order to save what little could be saved. Violence raged through Chaco Canyon incinerating the Great Houses and many of their “elitist” occupants. The entire fabric of civilized life was torn apart. The remaining Anasazis and Hohokam understood that their formally successful experiments in advanced civilization on the Colorado Plateau had come to an end and organized evacuation was the only option. A trek of 400 miles south to the thriving commercial center of Paquimé in Mexico was considered, but they decided to employ a less risky strategy – retreat to higher elevations such as Mesa Verde and Canyon de Chelly where they could live free from fear of attack in unassailable cliff dwellings while protecting the farmers working the fields below. Defensively, stone towers of refuge constructed in the fields would afford immediate protection to those same farmers. For though none believed that the massive drought would last forever, yet the real question is why these advanced peoples believed that the Indian menace would cease or, in the alternative, could be overcome. However, not having any military tradition or training is a good indication these were peaceful people who suffered from a lack of understanding of the hostility of others as do many of today’s clueless liberals.

Nonetheless, they were not totally unthinking for besides the cliff dwellings, there were several other developments in their mountain strongholds that can be seen as the equivalent of today’s gated communities. But the strength of these strategies was a mirage as it took less than 40 years for the Indians to overcome them, one by one. The lack of any military background certainly facilitated their destruction. The Anasazi had one castle-like defensive fortification which is preserved today at Hovenweep National Monument in Utah. It is pointless to go into the gory details of how the “Native Americans” dealt their former benefactors! Simply put, these peaceful, intelligent, cultured people were killed, mutilated, and burned and all traces of their civilized cultures obliterated to the greatest extent possible. On the other hand, it does provide an interesting comparison to the howls of rage against the white man and his interaction with the Plains Indians in the 1870s when those Indians were seen purely as victims of the evil and greedy whites. It’s not that the claim was altogether wrong, but the matter was not nearly so one-sided. For by 1970, some 500 cannibalized skeletal remains had been assembled from forty Anasazi locations. And while some of these advanced people managed to escape to Mexico, at least 40,000 were savagely killed, the networks of roads they built destroyed and covered over and the temples built for their religious practices turned into banquet halls for cannibal feasts. Almost all traces of the engineering marvels built by the Anasazi and Hohokam have been buried by the sands in their former kingdoms.

The Anasazi and Hohokam were not native to the American Southwest. They had already developed their engineering and artistic skills when they were known as the Huari and the Moche peoples, prosperous pre-Inca civilizations in Peru. The time in which these people were forced to leave South America by their enemies in that place was coincidental with the sudden rise of the Anasazi and Hohokam peoples in the Southwest thus leading us to connect the groups. The Huari, Moche, Anasazi and Hohokam shared enough cultural traits to reveal their common roots.

Today, the Southwest continues to suffer from an extended drought and shrinking water reserves while nothing is being done about it. It can be properly asked is this a prelude to a scenario where the illegals and never-do-wells take over California despite the high tech Silicon Valley culture that rules it today? If that becomes the case, the parallels with the fate of the Anasazi and Hohokam are there for us to contemplate.

© 2022 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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International Living, Part 2

By Sidney Secular

July 9, 2022


The January 2022 issue of International Living magazine contains an article with a survey rating the best places in the world for an American to retire. The survey utilizes a formula considering the fifteen most important criteria that Americans use when they consider retiring abroad. The top twenty-five countries for retirement are rated in descending order. These are places the retiree can basically “have it all” at a small fraction of the cost of living in the USA while being free of the deteriorating quality of life we continue to suffer in this country. The results will surprise the average American who is not much of a world traveler and thereby harbors negative stereotypes about certain supposedly inferior “third world” countries.

The Gold Medal of retirement locations went to Panama with a rating of 86.1% edging out close competitors Costa Rica, Mexico, Portugal and Ecuador. Aside from highly rated Portugal, the only European countries to make the list were France, Malta, Spain, Ireland, Italy and Croatia. Thailand has made great strides in recent years and now ranks first among Asian countries. In Thailand, a couple can live on a white sand beach for $1,800 per month including rent. You can do the same in Panama for $2,000 a month or indulge yourself in Old World Europe(Portugal) for $2,200 per month. Portugal captures the essence of Old World Europe as is reflected in its outstanding score. That country’s combination of Old World charm, a rock-bottom cost of living and excellent real estate values earned it the highest rating among European entrants. The UN currently lists 193 nation states and the survey’s 25 chosen represent the cream of the crop as far as good living at reasonable rates is concerned.

You may wonder how tiny Panama edged out other better known countries that were considered. To begin with, Panama City is the only cosmopolitan capital in Central America. This exciting international hub is filled with restaurants, theaters, film festivals while having an abundance of athletic and sporting events, and features high culture and international cuisine. Islands and beaches pepper both the Pacific and Caribbean coasts with plenty of mountain retreats and rural hamlets in between. As well, there is the traditional rural lifestyle of the fishing mecca that is Pedasi. Coronado is a bustling little town with every comfort and convenience from high-speed internet to upscale grocery stores. The country itself is comprised of a small, narrow isthmus so travel distances are short. As a result, you can get to Miami in 3 short hours and to New York in 5 while remaining completely outside of the hurricane belt. The government is stable, the tap water is good and good quality personalized medical care is readily available.There are also many national parks and preserves. Of course, the most important items on your list of priorities are safety and freedom and the survey reports that you will be able to feel as safe and free as you desire, something that is no longer a guarantee in the good ol’ US of A!

And then there’s Thailand, Asia’s premium location.  Orange-robed monks walk in single file beneath glittering skyscrapers. Everything you could want or need is at hand in this colorful land and there is no long history of anti-American feelings among the populace. Thailand’s medical system is among the best in the world. The country also boasts some of the most beautiful beaches in the world and you can purchase a two-bedroom home for less than $100,000. Also, the new 10 year long-term visa is a significant perk that will make your life easier.

If, on the other hand, Europe beckons, enjoying the warm coastal nation of Portugal should be a notion to seriously consider. It is the epitome of Old World charm. Centuries-old architecture and vineyards, cobblestone streets, omnipresent outdoor markets, and convivial cafes make your days charming and pleasing. Northern Portugal is a land of deep river valleys and rolling hills. Furthermore, the country is more green and has a milder climate than one might expect. There are towns located on towering hills as well as working fishing villages. South of the capital, Lisbon, the landscape flattens out and presents with olive groves, big skies, and oak tree forests. Further south is the Algarve region with its almond plantations that sweep down to the sea with its coastline dotted with terracotta tiled hill towns and spectacular beaches.

The Algarve is Europe’s playground, containing world-class gold courses, tennis clubs, top-rated fine dining and some of the finest beaches in Europe. As with the south of France, a mild semi-tropical climate prevails. The most amazing thing is that all of this is so affordable. A meal for two with drinks will cost less than $12. Private health insurance for a couple will go for less than $275 a month. In Portugal, apart from antibiotics and narcotics, you can get almost any needful medicine over-the-counter in a pharmacy. For those who enjoy good wine and tasty fish dinners, there’s no better place than Portugal. There is also the added bonus that, because English is taught in the schools, nearly all the people with whom one deals will speak English and everybody knows how that is a must for most Americans.

© 2022 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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Producing Paltry Prospects For an Educated Populace

By Sidney Secular

July 5, 2022


A report from Northwestern University in an Associated Press article indicates that local newspapers in the US are dying at the rate of two per week. The report further says that there has been new growth in digital alternatives “but not enough to compensate for what has been lost”. Continuing with the data divulged in the said report, “areas of the country that find themselves with a reliable source of local news tend to have populations that are poorer and less educated than those covered well”. If you read between those lines, you realize that they are denigrating small town papers in comparison with those that are part of the mainstream media. The country had 6,377 newspapers at the end of May, 2022, down from 8,891 in 2005. Discounting any reckoning from the economic wreck known as the COVID pandemic, 360 papers have been shut down since the end of 2019, all but 24 of them weeklies serving small communities.

Many of the new digital news sites are focused only on single issues and are clustered in or are close to big cities. More to the point, they are limited to those “readers” who have the technological ability to reach them. Mostly older people who are unfamiliar or uncomfortable with computers and other such devices will not or cannot “tune in” to these publications. “News deserts” are growing: some 70 million Americans live in a county with either only one or actually no local news organization. The author of the aforesaid report, one Penelope Abernathy, worries that what’s at stake is our “democracy” and our “social and societal cohesion”. True daily newspapers printed and distributed seven days a week are also dwindling. Forty of the largest national so-called newspapers(actually propaganda rags) publish only-digital versions at least once per week, and thus are not really newspapers in the usual sense.

“Inflation” is the big bugaboo for the switch away from printed editions. The continuing degradation of the postal service coupled with the increase in charge for its use is also a matter that affects those publications reaching their readership by mail.The fiscal allegation of inflation is a sort of obfuscation as it doesn’t consider methodologies that could reduce costs such as alternative formats and smaller print that could squeeze more material on to a page, or use of cheaper paper. The report says with a “straight face” that another factor accompanying the declining number of papers is that the large newspaper chains have bought out hundreds of newspapers in small and mid-sized markets. It is readily apparent the these weren’t bought out for just the hell of it, but to produce the newspaper in a more economical and profit-producing manner. Less than one-third of the country’s 5,147 weeklies and just a dozen of the 150 large metro and regional dailies are locally owned and operated. It’s also a fair question to ask whether the buyouts were to allow the big lefty mainstream media sources to increase their grip on what is published insuring that the “press” fully follows leftist viewpoints.

Let’s further analyze what has been happening in order to elucidate what the aforesaid report is covering up or, in the alternative, leaving out. The decline in numbers of newspapers is most prominent in the poorer, older and less educated areas per said report. These would be the “whiter” areas in flyover country and in the South where the economy has tanked more than elsewhere and where people are starting to move towards greener pastures. As a result, there will be fewer and fewer people to read these papers as time goes on.Less subscribers create an attrition of papers and that results in newspapers folding. The “natives” in these mostly “red” areas are also turned off by the trash and leftist tripe their papers are probably publishing in increasing amounts, tripe that don’t reflect their values. All so-called journalists nowadays go to the same leftist academic schools to imbibe the leftist propaganda and talking points as they learn their trade. Some will return to their generally conservative oriented areas they grew up in to spread their newfound philosophies — thus the papers gradually turn “blue.” Many of these papers will have editorials and especially op-eds by prominent RINOs and neo-cons of the George Will variety whose balderdash and bald-faced lies turn off the locals to their papers.

The residents of the more rural and “less educated” areas are the last to join the digital dysphoria, so they are primarily not the ones signing up for the new digital news channels. The urbanites and sophisticates are the ones driving the digital transformations. Inflation of course is a factor when seniors and others are on fixed or low incomes, so they have to increasingly pinch pennies, so newspaper subscriptions would naturally take a hit when food and the products of big pharma take precedence overpaying for fake news they can see free on TV. Because, of course, everyone is hooked up and tethered to their boob tubes and “mobile devices!” Like intravenous feeding tubes it is infinitely easier to get fake news fixes free from the alphabet channels or that come along with their mobile device plans. Staring at screens is very addictive and tends to elbow out the time needed to read and think about newspaper articles.

These are the considerations the Northwestern University academics should have considered when they conducted their mindless survey.

© 2022 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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Synopses of Shameful, Silly and/or Spiked Media Stories

By Sidney Secular

June 19, 2022

FREE HIGH SPEED INTERNET: To get the poor on board with the digital dystopia and keep them transfixed to their media outlets, high-speed internet rates have basically been cut to zero. This was an element of the Affordable Connectivity Program passed by Congress as part of the 2021 infrastructure bill. 11.5 million people whose annual income is $27,180 or less will be able to get a high-speed internet connection from Verizon (via Fios), Comcast or Cox Communications gratis. Of course, as always happens with government largesse, the ordinary paying customers of these companies will now see their rates rise to cover this “giveaway.” Remember, nothing is “free!” This will allow the Government and the tech tyrants to better spy on and keep track of consumers who had previously escaped surveillance because they weren’t “tech savvy” or obtained their consumer goods the “old fashioned way” via direct cash purchases. This “gift” will provide another means for advertisers to ply their wares to the historically foolish and unwary.

FANATIC FOOL FURTHERS (ANTI-)FOSSIL FUEL FOLLY: UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres wants the world to abandon the use of “fossil fuels” – coal, gas and oil – in favor of so called “renewable resources!” Guterres has declared in his wisdom [!], “The ‘scientific’ imperative is clear. (Huh?) There must be no new investment in fossil fuel expansion, including production, infrastructure and exploration.” How ignorant must one be or how low an IQ must one have to qualify to lead the UN? Apparently, we have yet to plumb those particular stygian depths but I’m willing to bet that it’s deeper than coal, gas or oil!

LEADING “DEMONRAT” DELIVERS STUPID QUIP: Faux President and all-round bad joke Joe Biden made this quip at a recent Annual White House Correspondents’ Association dinner, drawing a chuckle from his “awedience” when he took aim at Donald Trump’s Presidency as a ” . . .horrible plague followed by two years of Covid.” According to Sleepy Joe, “I’m really excited to be here tonight with the only group of Americans with a lower (approval) rating than I have!” Instead of chuckles, anyone with brains would have said it was about time that he – Biden – was himself “chucked”.

OVAL OFFICE VOIDED OVER LACK OF TELEPROMPTER: The White House has abandoned using the “Offal” [sic] Office for press events “in part” because it can’t be equipped with a teleprompter. As is very well known by now, Joe Biden requires a teleprompter in order to “follow the script” since he frequently forgets his lines. Hell, he probably forgets his name! However, it must be noted that this is not a first. Barack Obama was notoriously speechless when his own teleprompter failed to function! Needless to say, Donald Trump had no such problems but then it is always easier to speak the truth than lies! Biden aides prefer the prop stage built into the Old Executive Office Building across the street, sacrificing the historic Oval Office for an otherwise sterile room outfitted with an easily read teleprompter screen for Joe’s screeds. The fake setting is styled to look like the White House and features fake windows that display a digital view of the Rose Garden. This “new” reality was apparently deemed a necessity to avoid even more gaffes by the gaffer-in-chief. Next, natural intelligence may be replaced by AI if Biden gets an implant to fill in for his failing faculties! Meanwhile, we keep hitting lower and lower bottoms.

WHITEWASHING (BLACKWASHING?) CRIME STATISTICS:  After the George Floyd inspired riots of 2020, newspapers were seven times more likely to mention the race of an offender if he were White than otherwise. Before May 2020, news outlets were likely to mention a White offender’s race “only” twice as often as that of a minority. Statistically, half of media reports on homicides mention the race of the perp within the opening sentence of the article if the criminal is White, whereas half the articles that bother to mention a Black offender’s race, do not do so until halfway through the article – if race is mentioned at all. Where some sort of description is required of those involved, most readers recognize such adjectives as “youths” and “gangs” are as close to placing the blame where it belongs as the media is willing to go. It is amazing that given the tremendous rise in violent crime especially in our large cities, that reports of the true extent of Black crime is both half-hearted and half-headed!

BIG (a/k/a OBESE) IS BEAUTIFUL: Here’s the skinny: LARGE Black women exhibiting big breasts and prodigious rumps is the new Western cultural ideal. The latest women’s clothing ads display acres and acres of brown or black adipose. This “trend” indicates quite a change from the days of Ms. Twiggy when the ideal was skinny and white. Accordingly, the term “obese” – a word that does not lend itself to compliments – is now deemed “racist” by the woke police. More than 40% of Americans including half the Black population are considered obese, a condition associated with a plethora of health issues such as increased risks of heart disease, high blood pressure, strokes, cancer, and diabetes. The US is considered the most obese country in the West. In 1960, only 13% of the country’s population was considered obese but with chowing down on snacks and watching TV and the internet almost 24/7 it was inevitable that Americans would gain weight. The restoration of fat shaming would be a good sign that normalcy was returning to the USA. Fat chance that will happen anytime soon especially as the criteria now used to determine what is “beautiful” has gone from white to black and from trim to portly.

MURDER METHOD MEANINGLESS: One thing most intelligent people have discovered is that any crisis in government is usually followed – that is, offset – by a “mass shooting” event. These events have been and continue to be a direct consequence of something that our government doesn’t wish ordinary, intelligent Americans to think about or pay attention to for any length of time. Like a stage magician, some nut-job comes out of the woodwork to shoot a bunch of innocents as a means of distracting Americans from wondering why our food processing plants are burning down and our infant formula is being given away to people who aren’t even Americans!

And, of course, mass shootings provide a most needed opportunity to decry the “violence” in our society – violence our leaders do nothing to stop or even curtail! – while providing yet another opportunity to disarm law abiding Americans! Indeed, we’ve gone though this nonsense so many times that one wonders how it can all be trotted out yet again without ordinary Americans questioning the same old script.

Now, given the state of our present economy and more and more proof of a crooked election in 2020, the ante has been upped and so today we have not one “mass shooting” but several scattered throughout the US. Meanwhile, with every incident, all the past shootings are recalled and that includes the “crisis actors” who seem to appear in every such incident and ending with the school – if the event takes place in a school – being bulldozed to the ground very much as the remnants of the Twin Towers were removed before any forensic examination could take place!

Of course, even if at least some of these events are not “staged” – that is, they aren’t false flag “ops” intended to obfuscate all the real crimes going on, it really is possible to address them as actual crimes. First, of course, it is necessary to target the causes involved; that is, to look for both common causalities as well as behavioral commonalities in their commission. It’s easy to piece together profiles that lead to pugnaciousness and off-putting behavior in those involved. For instance, not too many years ago, it was discovered that virtually all mass shooters were on psychotropic medications. As these had been dispensed by physicians rather than being “street drugs,” there certainly was information available to law enforcement about those who might pose a threat as possible gunmen as well as those who had already acted on their madness.

Of course, given the desire by the Deep State to disarm decent, law abiding Americans, the nature of these attacks and the weapons used are very much part of the dialogue. Yet, statistics show that when it comes to assault and murder in the culture, guns play a much lesser role than Americans are led to believe. More people are killed and injured by knives, hammers and even fists than are murdered by guns. Ghetto entertainment like the knockout game and general fisticuffs are much more common means of murder and mayhem in our cities than is the armed thug. Even arson is more common than acknowledged, and among Muslims it is a routine means of violence often on a mass scale.

The rundown on the cultural maladies and social conditions associated with murderous mass mayhem include the fact that most murderers live in social settings far removed from normal life as seen on TV including black family sitcoms. They are not a part of or adjusted to a traditional nuclear family; that is, they have no normal relationship with a father-figure. Indeed, there is no father in the home at all if it can even be said that they have a “home” as we understand that word. Most criminal types – men and women – have no respect for human life; they are loners, locked out of day to day reality, connected to computers and/or “mobile devices” through which they live vicariously in violent video games and pornography. Such human interaction as they experience involve mindless “social media” rather than face-to-face relationships.

Where there is a mother figure involved, often the child has little support or comfort from her as can be seen when riots and looting often includes very small children learning the worst of lessons from that “parent.” Children who do remain home all day absorb leftist brainwashing and guilt-tripping from an early age, eventually becoming drug or alcohol addicted. They suffer from rejection and are often ill as the result improper diets and living conditions. The Covid lockdowns only exacerbated the situation by eliminating what opportunities for socialization that did present themselves.

BLACK LIES MATTER. Black lives don’t matter at all to those out to soak the suckers for Simoleans to supposedly help Blacks. The Black Lives Matter Global Foundation has released its IRS forms revealing that it is sitting on $43 million after raising nearly $90 million during the violent riots of summer 2020. What happened to the other $47 million plus is anyone’s guess but one doesn’t have to be Einstein to make a correct one! The filing shows BLM has an operating budget of $4 million, despite having no executive director or in-house staff while spending millions on real estate that includes $6 million on a sprawling Los Angeles compound complete with a sound stage, game room, and swimming pool. Just another example of advancing infantile and criminal personalities beyond their ability to function! As the old saying goes, “Put a beggar on horseback and he’ll ride it to death!”

© 2022 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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Student Loans Cannot Be Forgiven

By Sidney Secular

June 15, 2022

The Demonrats are in a panic because they are beginning to lose the youth vote, something they (the elite) thought inconceivable if they punted the current presidential placeholder into the White House. Once he was in the quarterback pocket and in their pocket, they thought he could at least hold the line of scrimmage while they (the Deep State) called the plays. But now they have to call a Hail Mary play because they are losing too much ground to the advance of the Republicans for the midterm scoring opportunity.

So now the Dems are set to buy the youth vote with student loan forgiveness and a massive media ground attack to go with it. The Dems have limitless funding sources with deep pockets to do so. One can conjure up an image they have a stash of cash as deep as a well that goes straight down to hell with the devils such as Soros replenishing the stash as needed to further any and all of the Left’s limitless lunacies. The commanding far lefties are demanding Biden do their bidding and declare student loan forgiveness in order to buy about 40 million votes – with the taxpayers picking up the tab. If this scenario were to play out, Biden would be breaking new “ground” that is both illegal and unconstitutional for the Chief Executive cannot perforce cancel a contract between two legally constituted entities – and that is what this loan agreement is. The less pushy Dems appear to be satisfied if Biden forgives $10,000 of student loan debt whereas the lunatic wing of that Party is pushing to cancel the total student loan debt, however great the amount.

According to current statistics, total student debt forgiveness would be no less that a $1.6 trillion giveaway. That is a number that even in this day and age of billions in budgets and trillions of national debt is hard to wrap one’s mind around. That mind-numbing number would be 2.5 times the amount spent on federal welfare over the last 20 years! As well, such debt forgiveness would not magically whisk the debt away. The student loans debt was funded with US Treasury Notes. Someone will continue paying the interest on those notes — and that somebody is the American taxpayer! The loan payments are transferred from the loan recipient to the federal government which is us! This means that every man, woman, child and man-child(and there are many) in America would assume an additional $5,000 in debt. Given the current 4% interest rate on student loans, the average family would incur an additional $202 in taxes each month to fund the debt forgiveness These debt forgiveness related-taxes would continue until all the new debt is paid off always assuming that the “student loan” program is abolished and our government does not continue the process presently in force – and that’s a big assumption!

To add insult to injury, the debt tax payments would not be forgiven for those truly in need. According to “Fortune” magazine, only 7% of student debt is held by people below the poverty line. The average person with a student loan is a member of a family with an income of over $76,000 per year. An analysis by USA Today found that 40% of student debt is held by people with advanced degrees, like doctors and lawyers. Student debt forgiveness is the epitome of the “haves” benefiting on the backs of the “have-nots” – a situation that the Dems rail against but somehow always end up doing! That is, that these “defenders of the poor” manage to railroad the middle and lower classes into paying the debts of the elites. The end result of this further government largesse to the well-to-do is that a truck driver or waitress will assume the student loan payments for, say, a doctor or a lawyer so that he (or she) will have more left over each month to make a Lexus or Tesla car payment.

The American worker had no say in the original contract (loan) agreement but despite this money being given by the government without any input by We the People, now could bear the brunt of an additional and unconscionable burden. As a result, the “pee-ons” invariably are shafted. The entire tax system is immoral and unconstitutional, a wicked fraud foisted and forced upon the impotent masses, as their tax burdens continue to burgeon as time goes by. It is long past time to overhaul the tax system to make it more fair and equitable – and honest!

© 2022 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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Dereliction of Election Duty

By Sidney Secular

June 10, 2022

The predilection of the “powers-that-shouldn’t-be” is to conduct election fraud whenever they feel it is called for (and that is always!) “just in case.” Ballot fraud has been a fact of American life for some time – indeed, we have no idea how long this has been “S.O.P” (standard operating procedure) but I do remember the questionable results of the Presidential election of 1960 at which time Mayor Daily of Chicago delivered Cook County’s votes to JFK together with Lyndon Johnson’s efforts in Texas thus cheating Richard Nixon out of the presidency. Nixon had the good grace not to contest the election fearing that the cold war problems would be exacerbated by any attempt to overturn Kennedy’s “victory.” Of course, history tragically played out this matter for both men, Kennedy in 1963 and Nixon in his second term!

The most recent fraud culminated in a crescendo of every possible connivance under the sun during the run-up to the 2020 Presidential “preconceived selection” election. What was done to deny Donald Trump his second term has not been seriously called out until fairly recently. In a type of gaslighting, the technique that is increasingly popular with our overlords, they told us and are still telling us that there is no evidence of such fraud whereas it was never exactly hidden and what was done was both pronounced and hideous. “Gaslighting” is the means by which an individual or group of individuals is made to question their own reason and the facts upon which that reason is based. It is a strategy used by those in authority to get people to question reality itself, making them feel foolish and senseless because they have accepted that reality. Perhaps you’ve been wondering what efforts have been made since the “coronation” of the “Bidenista” puppet regime to rectify the wreckage of our political system stemming from the ruthless attack upon it by our mortal enemies so that the upcoming mid-terms might somewhat resemble a normal, legitimate election.

Parenthetically, anyone who understands reality knows that short of a purge of all the present Deep State minions including a judicial response to the original crimes, our electoral process is simply dead. Once fraud has been accomplished and accepted, no further truly legitimate election can take place. Even if one manages to have such a thing, no one will believe the results. That is the sad thing that happens once one loses trust in the government; that is, short of the apocalypse, such trust cannot be regained!

Many purported “conservatives” have “gone along to get along” with the dismantling of America as it represents the current and victorious leftist zeitgeist venturing farther into the ideological “left field” with the passage of time. Anyone with any clout seems to be colluding with America’s enemies but whether this is the result of a desire to hold on to power and money or it represents existing ideological communion is not known and neither is it important. What matters is the collusion of those involved, and that includes liberals of all stripes, present minions of the Deep State, conniving neocons who desire an all-powerful government ruled by corporate interests, along with the military and state bureaucracies not yet part of the central Deep State, hi-tech and international corporations and, finally, the social, educational and intellectual establishments up to their knees in “doo-doo” and doing that which satisfies their leftist masters.

Since each state has its own election laws and related regulations and procedures, many have individually and recently enacted some reform measures. These efforts are not coordinated among states or blocs of states, so at least some voting irregularities have been addressed on a piecemeal and parochial basis. Using this methodology, at least some headway is being made here and there against the constant and strong headwinds trying to blow away any and all attempts at reform. The ongoing war with our enemies can be likened to skirmishes along a lengthy battle front where the unified enemy defense forces can be attacked at certain weak points and forced to yield in limited ways, while the enemy can counter-attack at any time such that our positions are never truly secure and any territory gained is temporary at best. The Heritage Foundation has assembled a list of election issues that need to be addressed in each state and the District of Columbia with a scorecard system to rate how each state is faring in their reform efforts on those issues important to them. This project is at least providing a somewhat unifying base among conservatives who as a political force in the past generally go their own separate ways with their own separate agendas. Conservatives can now know that they’re on the same page and as a result are finally getting excited and motivated over the idea that elections must – and can! – be fair and that integrity in the process is crucial especially given how widespread and deep is the conspiracy against honest elections.

The categories for ranking state efforts include voter ID implementation, accuracy of voter registration lists, absentee ballot management, vote harvesting/trafficking restrictions, access of election observers and verification of citizenship. There seems to be little attempt to address the issue of manipulating or monkeying around with the final results of an election via the algorithms that make electronic voting systems subject to the type of widespread fraud that occurred in connection with the election of 2020. The only real solution to that issue is to eliminate electronic voting altogether everywhere. The State of Kentucky appears to be the only one that is set to eliminate electronic voting in the near future but there appears to be no integrated or comprehensive effort at the national level to address voter fraud per se. It would be a good plank in the platform of any third party if one were to ever gain traction before the whole matter becomes moot.

In 2021, Florida, Texas, Iowa, Georgia, Montana, Wyoming, and Arizona created new or firmer voter ID laws. Thirteen states – Texas, North Dakota, Arizona, Louisiana, Kansas, Iowa, Montana, Oklahoma, Idaho, Florida, Alabama, Arizona and Georgia placed restrictions on mail-in voting. New Hampshire, Utah, Montana, Iowa and Texas strengthened voter registration laws. Texas, Kentucky and Arizona are the only states that took or attempted to take action on all the various issues that facilitate vote fraud. Ballot harvesting, or the practice of having individuals or organizations gather and submit completed ballots, and ballot trafficking – that is, the clandestine dumping of thousands of ballots into unsecured drop boxes – were both huge concerns in the 2020 elections. Some states have responded to these concerns by considering legislation that would restrict or prohibit the use of drop boxes but so far without measurable success.

On another issue, Wisconsin has a ballot proposal in November that would prohibit the state and local governments from using private money or equipment in connection with conducting elections. This would prevent tech billionaires such as Mark Zuckerberg from influencing election outcomes, something he already attempted to do in Wisconsin in 2020. Besides changing to paper rather than “digital” ballots in the near future, Kentucky will be soon conducting overnight surveillance of ballots and expanding the number of counties audited. Besides, Kentucky, the Heritage Foundation gives Alabama, Tennessee, Arizona, Texas, Wisconsin and Missouri the highest scores for their efforts at election reform. The lowest scoring states are Utah, New York, Massachusetts, Nebraska, New Jersey, Washington, Vermont, Oregon, California, Nevada and Hawaii. This is not inexplicable as all save Utah and Nebraska are located in heavily “blue” areas.

After the voter fraud issue, the most pressing matter is forcing politicians to address the most serious issues facing the nation while getting the voters involved in these issues and weaning them away from mindlessly re-electing parasitical and worthless incumbents. Americans must look past the endless promises about creating jobs, building the economy, reducing taxes, and that most cruel of jokes, “restoring trust” wherein no serious solutions are proposed by our political Pied Pipers. There is never a serious discussion about how to stop our money from losing value daily or ending unimpeded government spending or the destruction of the public education system by turning it into a communist indoctrination vehicle dominated by leftist unions with dwindling emphasis on the 3 R’s and a never ending emphasis on the “r’s” of “systemic racism” as well as raunchy and repellent sex practices! With these “criteria” in place, the US is 24th in the world in academic “excellence!”  Meanwhile, no representative has elected to address the mushrooming crime situation, the drug abuse crisis, the dissolution of the nuclear family due and owing to the very policies these people have put into place, the burgeoning illegal alien problem, and the rigging of elections that exclude serious consideration of third parties or even a true vote count involving the present two parties!  The average voter feels – correctly! – that the important decisions will be made behind closed doors, so the turnout of voters in the United States is lower than that which takes place in many banana republics. Voters – and especially Trump voters (the vast majority of those who cast a vote in 2020!)– realize that all the judicial challenges to the manipulated results to that election have been dismissed for false and illegitimate reasons while ordinary Americans believe that as socialism is inevitable, why bother to fight for reforms? They see big money poured in by the globalist billionaires determining the outcome of elections as well as the massive cheating and hypocrisy that prevail while despite all the openly stated dissatisfaction, 93% of incumbents are returned to office each year. Furthermore, no matter how many creeps are returned to office – often openly against the stated view of the majority of the “voters,” together with the omnipresent vote fraud, we are told to go out and“exercise our right to vote” happily displaying little stickers that say “I voted” so we can feel good about being suckers yet again.

There is a seemingly simple but effective way to turn things around. Let’s say none of the candidates for a particular election address the issues that concern you or, in the alternative, are otherwise repulsive. A write-in campaign usually won’t help even if that option actually exists! Today with our super-duper technological set-ups, it is normally a very difficult and expensive effort to influence an election outside of the existing list of candidates! Of course, if the candidate favored to win suddenly becomes especially vulnerable and loses your vote, you have no choice but to look further down the ballot to find another choice! Now, let us suppose that anew alternative is offered, that is the concept of, “NONE OF THE ABOVE!”  And let us also suppose that when the votes are tallied, “NONE OF THE ABOVE” gets a majority of votes over any of the candidates listed! Well, of course, that means that “NONE OF THE ABOVE” wins!

Now in turn, that completely nullifies the election results at least in that office! Obviously, it means the office will remain vacant until a special election is held. Of course, such run-offs have happened in the past but using the concept of “NONE OF THE ABOVE,” no candidate presented in the last election was acceptable to the majority of voters and thus, NEW candidates will have to be provided to win the public’s support. Fixing the election process could be that simple as local parties would be forced to provide candidates acceptable to the people and these new candidates would have to address real issues, or face being rejected in turn. In this way, incumbents could not be returned for further consideration meaning that the reign of the power brokers would be broken while special interests could no longer rely on their money to buy elections, or at least it would become far more difficult and awkward for them to do so. In this environment third parties and write-in candidates would receive greater exposure and a greater chance of success.

However, in order to work, “NONE OF THE ABOVE” would have to be binding. It would have to have the power of the law behind it. It would not be just a protest vote but part of the actual electoral process and as such, binding. It would also have to be completely non-partisan and that would mean that there would be less need for massive campaign chests to support such new candidates as “NONE OF THE ABOVE” would produce in that process. Furthermore, the option, once placed on a ballot would remain in any at least state-wide election. To have this work, activists in every state would have to mount a campaign to demand that “NONE OF THE ABOVE” be given a permanent place on state-wide ballots to start. Obviously, it could require a constitutional amendment should the concept reach the national level and all that that requires. Some states have ballot referendum procedures in place that could be used as vehicles for such an effort. It would be difficult and expensive to do, but because of the popularity of the concept – especially as the lawlessness of our present electoral process continues to be revealed – it would have a chance. It would take only a couple of “NONE OF THE ABOVE” victories to get the momentum going nationally on such an effort.

Actually, the concept of “NONE OF THE ABOVE” has been around for a long time.  Over the years, most states have had legislation introduced supporting the concept. Nevada actually has it on the ballot, but it is non-binding and that won’t do. There never has been a serious national drive to promote the idea, so the concept hasn’t been given a chance with the voters yet. However, with the growing dissatisfaction many voters are feeling and with the quality of candidates getting worse with each election, there has never been a better time to start a national discussion of the issue. This will be a long-term effort, and should be primarily aimed at local, state, and Congressional elections to start. Remember, the real power of the concept comes from the ability to reject candidates all across the board everywhere and not for voters to stay home because what they really want is “NONE OF THE ABOVE!”

© 2022 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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Georgia On Our Minds: The Devil Went Down to Georgia

By Sidney Secular

May 31, 2022

Governor Brian Kemp of Georgia declared a State of Emergency over supply chain disruptions via Executive Order on April 14, 2022. He decreed that Covid was the cause of all the economic distress. The state was basically locked down for all of 2020 into January of 2021. Of course, it was these unconstitutional lockdowns that should be given the credit for Georgia’s economic woes.

The scope of the executive order was left completely open so that the Governor could (and can) do anything without consultation with the other two branches of the State government if he believes it would help the situation. One particular area of special interest in the Order was a reference to “price gouging”. This area is not defined or delineated and thus provides bureaucrats the opportunity to have a field day in arbitrarily determining where price gouging exists and who is responsible. Frankly, it doesn’t take a genius to know that enemies of those “in charge” are more apt to find themselves guilty of this “sin” than fellow travelers!

And it is not just a matter of “who,” but of “how!” Will shop owners have to show how much they paid to obtain the supplies they are selling or if that price is affected by whether those supplies will continue to be available? Availability always affects price. Even if a can of tuna can be purchased for $2 by the owner, if there are only fifty cans available, the sale price must be affected as the seller cannot know how much the next batch of cans will cost! And then, how much of a profit margin will be allowed before purchase price vs. sale price crosses the line into price gouging? Can price gougers be sent to jail if we’re not in a shooting war? (But then, when aren’t we in a “shooting war?”) That situation is quite possible given the vague and open-ended nature of the order.

The Governor has taken it upon himself to obviate Part 395 of Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations such that a semi-truck driver can be forced to operate his rig around the clock if deemed necessary by the state government. In one of our past newsletters, we examined in great detail all the multi-faceted and interrelated ways and reasons why the supply chain problem is like a Damocles Sword hanging over us and the fact that that the situation is destined to get much worse before it gets better. If there’s nothing to ship, the drivers can’t work anyway. Messing with working hours cannot have any meaningful benefit in improving the supply chain problem as there are so many things – such as weather – that affect the shipment of goods. The aforesaid Executive Order was extended by the Governor on May 10 to run through June 14, 2022. The Order can be extended in 30 day increments thereafter. If this executive order is not challenged in a court of competent jurisdiction sometime soon it will serve as a precedent for adoption by the other – especially blue – states.

Once it sinks in that inflation is a large influence that is sinking the economy and that extended trucker hours are meaningless, what next politically mindless steps will be invoked to “solve”a “crisis” resulting from previous government “solutions?” The possibilities can only give one pause. Will the confiscation of goods from hoarders or preppers be used to feed the fools who have not prepared themselves to handle emergency situations? For one thing, that wouldn’t work! Shortages of the type that will manifest themselves will be so great and affect a population so wide, that no amount of confiscation will do anything more than put us all in the same sinking boat! It is truly akin to the fact that if one took all the money from every million and billionaire in this country, it wouldn’t begin to touch the national debt! That is, such want cannot be addressed by “political solutions” and especially if those solutions destroy freedoms more important than politics.

Will gas rations or price controls come into play while a wartime mentality plays out? What further powers will the Georgia and other like-minded governors grab? The only thing that we can say for a fact is that whatever comes down the pike, Americans will certainly not like it and neither will it do anything but provide a short term band aid for a mortal wound.

It’s somewhat incomprehensible that Governor Kemp just won the Republican primary handily. This comes after former President Trump has continuously excoriated him over his general RINO behavior and his acquiescence in the vote fraud associated with the 2020 elections*. The Governor’s apparent demonstration of “leadership” in the supply chain crisis by issuing the said Executive Order has obviously awed the unthinking sheeple into supporting him for another exhibition of frightful policies. However, more vote manipulation has been uncovered in Georgia in the primary, thus leading us to believe that the 2020 “midterms” are going to be every bit as crooked as the 2020 Presidential contest! Nonetheless, somebody voted for this “Never-Trumper” so it remains obvious that the sheeple all over the country just can’t seem to shake their addiction to electing incumbents, whatever their record of wrecking the American Dream. The ability of politicians to lead them by the nose on display during the Covid caper remains apparent at least in Georgia.

(*Famed attorney Sydney Powell has written an extensive legal brief on election fraud in GA associated with the 2020 elections which has been distributed by The American Free Press newspaper. Call them toll-free on 1-888-699-6397 to see if you can obtain a copy).

© 2022 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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Developing a Data-Driven “Dysphorian” Digital Dystopia

Sidney Secular

May 25, 2022

Electronics have completely reshaped the cultural, scientific and political landscape. Culturally, the Internet created a shift of human interaction from the face-to-face and visceral to the virtual and vapid. Intellectual life has also been moved; that is, it has been removed from the printed page to a glowing field of almost miraculous images found, among other places, in social media. Information technology (IT) is indeed “it” and has been for the past 60 years or so as a career priority. Meanwhile, traditional modes, methods and means of life are being discarded at an accelerating pace in an apparent race to actual rather than virtual oblivion.

Throughout the rapid passage through transitory states, no prospect has inspired as much mystique, critique, and wild speculation as what has now been “christened” artificial intelligence (AI). Theoretically, sensation and complex thought – the reasoning faculties that once defined the human mind – can now be enacted in silicon-based processors as well or better than in our biologically produced neurons. Furthermore, such artificial faculties are not hampered by our “human” emotions and other physical and mental failures hampering the production of these faculties in our imperfect human “machines.” And, as might be expected, pure electronic cognition is far faster, (allegedly) unbiased, and more accurate than the cognition produced by any human brain. It is also immune to human faults and foibles being based solely upon physics and mechanics,the ultimate modern criterion of reality and usefulness that presently defines“science.” Having captured our perpetual gaze, the perp on a screen can now look back and turn us into robots apparently at our own desire.

However, AI is less than useful from the standpoint of the Left’s many “loving concerns” and especially the worship of Gaia – Mother Earth – as found in the Green Movement where concern for “climate change” and “the environment” runs smack into attempts to make use of AI. The extraction of rare-earth minerals, especially lithium, is necessary to operate the massive data and call centers that are causing unattractive urban sprawl all across the landscape. “Carbon neutrality” and “sustainability” promised by big tech oligarchs cannot be sustained by these concrete constructs. Energy intensive operations like natural language processing, cloud computing, and mass data analysis consume ungodly amounts of carbon-based fuels. Google(Alphabet), Amazon, and Microsoft have “carbon footprints” more reminiscent of sauropods such as Brachiosaurus and Diplodocusthan the largest of today’s elephants! Regardless of what one thinks of the climate change creed, “green tech” hypocrisy leads even politics in double standards and double-think. One can also frequently attach double-entendres to whatever libbers are trying to liberate the rest of us from – such as liberty itself.

In the age of AI, data is the new oil that greases the gears as well as the palms of hands looking for handouts. In order for AI systems to attain the necessary nuanced models of the world –and particularly human life – their learning algorithms must perforce consume massive amounts of data. Most of that data comes from the images and texts people freely share across the Internet; that is, endless social media posts, news articles, private messages et al. Among the first “data sets” utilized to launch the digital revolution were the mug shots and information portfolios released to the net by law enforcement agencies and utilized to hone facial recognition software. We have to admit that today most of our faces are online having been recorded via closed-circuit TV and scarfed up to “teach” algorithms the nuances of facial recognition. These AI systems then “learn” to categorize and characterize our personalities and identities to go along with our faces.

Meanwhile, more advanced systems are “trained” to evaluate the emotional states of the subject being studied; that is, to recognize such “emotions” as happy vs. sad and benign vs. threatening. This ongoing unrestrained data extraction culminates in overt as well as de facto social credit scores. In our technocratic and automated society, everyone is considered a detainee of a nation-wide electronic institution and, as such, they are scanned, labelled, herded, and treated by machines according to the whims of those in charge of those machines. Right now, that amoral whimsy escapes the notice of most of its victims by cracking down on people arbitrarily labeled “racists,” “haters,” “antisemites,” “right-wing extremists” and/or “white supremacists” definitions that have been enlarged from a handful of hostile people to include any member of the White population that doesn’t call for his or her own demise at the hands of minorities!On the other hand, terrorists, illegals, and many categories of even violent criminals “slip through cracks” in databases designed to manipulate both the data and the masses they monitor so that those being intentionally “ignored” are not “captured” data-wise or physically.

The mass deployment of AI is not encumbered by serious government regulations or even a basic respect for personal autonomy – also known as human rights. Our private lives are routinely – and intentionally – invaded by design while our responses are increasingly constricted by alien algorithms. (Hmmmm . . . Was that a word created by Al Gore? As it has meaning, one thinks not.) The rapid advance of AI, robotics and the resultant digital saturation has momentum that is being provided by a favorable moment and a strong positive movement within the society. Any actual – that is successful – resistance to our “computerization” would require mass rejection across almost all sectors of society and most probably, state intervention, something that is highly unlikely given the overwhelming desire by the State to put such a system into place everywhere for everyone and at all times.

Commercially, ongoing anti-trust efforts to stop the death of freedom via technology fall far short of any serious interdiction of the world shaking projects underway in Silicon Valley, Tel Aviv, Taiwan, China and elsewhere. Sufficient political consensus is highly unlikely in the diversified and fragmented West just as state intervention would be laughable in the overtly technocratic and despotic East. The only practical and realistic approach at present is to try to incorporate whatever elements of the new dispensation are necessary to carry on a life as close to normal as possible and given the ordinary person’s “romance” with AI and other trendy digital diversions, this becomes less and less likely as older “ordinary” folks die off to be replaced by the present human-android mutants whose personal interactions all proceed from small, hand held electronic devices.

Now let us examine what is possibly the leading technology behemoth increasingly intruding into our lives and shaping it in new ways consonant with the new digital dystopia. This modern monster is known as, a companywhose operations affect nearly every aspect of modern life, radically changing cultural, social and commercial interaction in America and the rest of the world for the worse. The company has both ingratiated and integrated itself fully into American governments at every level – federal, state, and local. Even the US intelligence and security services have been co-opted in order to assist Amazon in its operations.

Amazon’s massive scale, its monopolistic control of America’s retail and data services, its aggressive subversion of the government, albeit with the assistance of that same government, its abuse of its own workers, and its destructive effect on American cities exceed anything Standard Oil and other commercial cabals ever orchestrated. It’s sheer size and monopolistic power should have brought down the hammer of the anti-trust regulators long ago, but one can’t trust today’s government to address any large concentration of power for the simple reason that such a “business” is easier to manipulate – and thus direct, corrupt and rob – than are large numbers of smaller individual corporations.

As for “size,” Amazon brings in almost half a trillion dollars in revenue annually and employs 1.6 million people worldwide including nearly one million who live in the US (my source notably doesn’t call them “Americans” – Sid). They work in over 200 massive delivery complexes and warehouses euphemistically labeled “fulfillment centers.” Over 40% of all e-commerce in the US and 17% of all retail sales (excluding gasoline and vehicle purchases) are transacted through and by Amazon.

But focusing just on retail sales is to miss Amazon’s insidious dominance of internet data services (the Amazon “Cloud”) that handles the majority of the world’s Internet traffic through more than 100 data centers. These massive concrete structures are typically 200,000 square feet in size and house $400 million worth of tech equipment. The biggest cluster of these data centers is in Northern Virginia and covers over 9 million square feet of land! Now notorious Loudoun County, Virginia had over 40 such data centers in 2013 with the ability to reach a total of 80 by 2023. Think of it! Seventy percent of the world’s internet traffic will flow through these data centers!

Loudoun, a county that until quite recently was an exurb and rural retreat for the wealthy residing in Virginia, is geographically close to the Pentagon, the CIA and the National Security Agency, all of whom are – you guessed it! – Amazon Cloud customers. This giant has a $600 million contract to handle the CIA’s data and, with Microsoft, is in a $10 billion joint venture contract with the Pentagon! Each one of these data centers receives government tax credits besides the money received from government contracts themselves. A massive amount of electricity and water is used to cool the servers at the data centers. Each center consumes as much energy as it takes to run 5,000 homes. Isn’t it amazing how little some folk’s “carbon footprint” matters to our Green Movement. Jeff Bezos, Amazon’s President, recently declared that that an uptick in space exploration would soon be necessary to acquire extra-planetary energy sources as there will not enough energy on Earth to power his servers! Parenthetically, one would think that solar energy absorbed by solar panels in orbit would be enough to do the trick but apparently that is not the case. This fact doesn’t say much for the efficiency of solar power.

Despite being the world’s richest or second richest person, depending upon Amazon’s stock price that is hovering around $2,300 a share as of this writing (Bezos contends with Tesla CEO Elon Musk for top honors), Amazon’s King is remarkably parsimonious. The relatively little money he parcels out goes to repulsive or ridiculous causes such as the $2.5 million given to support same-sex legislation in 2012, $350,000 donated to the campaign of ultra-libber Seattle mayor Jenny Durkan who supports the city’s lawless “CHOP’ protest and takeover in 2020 and the recently donated $100 million to the Obama Foundation. Bezos believes the main purpose of a corporation is to enrich those who run it to the exclusion of anything – and everyone! – else. Of course, his money allows him to devote much of his time in wining and dining the elites, keeping the “law makers” personally mollified and legislatively friendly while Amazon spends a stupendous $4 million quarterly on lobbying efforts. Such efforts include securing sweetheart tax credit deals with local governments already primed to bend over backwards to entice the company to build its facilities in their communities. These “sweetheart” deals are consummated in complete privacy absent the participation of local groups and watchdogs who might want to provide input or criticism.

The incentives offered by major metropolitan areas to attract an Amazon facility run to ridiculous extremes. A Kansas City mayor gave 5-Star reviews to 1,000 Amazon products! Now, this doesn’t mean that the products involved were not worth 5 stars, but the rating was given for reasons other than worthiness! Atlanta proposed adding an Amazon-only train car to the city’s subway system to help distribute Amazon shipments around the city. The nearby Atlanta suburb of Stonecrest offered to rename itself “Amazon!” Of course, that would only work if the suburb was a better place to live than the city itself! Taking advantage of all of this municipal affection, the company conducted a “second headquarters” contest in 2018 in which the twenty finalist cities plied Amazon with similar outrageous gift offerings! In the end, the new Bezosville was determined to be Arlington, Virginia both for its fame and its proximity to the Pentagon and the rest of Washington’s bureaucracy.

In 2013, Bezos scored another major coup when he acquired The Washington “Compost” for a pittance of $250 million, thus giving him an amplified media voice to promote Amazon to the paper’s elite and loony leftist readership.

The company segments its work force into three classes and spreads them across the map for “tech” companies take “tech” threats seriously and do not put their valuable eggs all in the same geographic basket. For instance, there are the software and engineering facilities in high-tech oriented towns thus allowing the company to recruit the cream of the techie crop. Then there are the sprawling urban and suburban areas that vie for the massive data centers whose building codes do not interfere with the construction of facilities necessary to house those centers. Then there are the warehouse and delivery bases dubbed fulfillment centers usually located in areas of high unemployment that provide a large supply of dispensable blue collar workers and likewise accommodate the turn-over rate. These facilities are tantamount to old-fashioned sweatshops and are as large (or larger) than anything in use during the era of the robber baron. Each of these contains 14 million items and 14 miles of conveyor belts that run at 600 feet per minute, at which workers assemble 100 packages per minute or 6,000 per hour. These “fulfillment centers” are run at breakneck speed with little time for what are the usually mandated breaks for American employees! But Amazon has little regard for their people’s safety or well-being. Accidents that happen as the result of the violation of work safety rules and standards are swept under the rug with the “blessing” of OSHA. The rate of accidents at Amazon’s warehouses is more than double the national average for the warehouse industry. Again, it is interesting to note that “the party of the Worker” supports and is supported by “Big Capital” such as Amazon.

As well, Amazon engages in ruthless and predatory trade practices. The company entices retailers to join its Marketplace service while demanding a cut of 15% of that company’s profits gained through that relationship. Amazon then uses the data it collects from these retailers to compete directly against them by creating knock-off products of popular items under its own brand name and then putting its former partners – now competitors – out of business. Thus,Amazon has eliminated twice as many jobs as it creates through practices that should be – and probably would be – found illegal with any normal business. This loss is estimated at 76,000 jobs per year.

One of the consequences of Amazon’s monopolistic tactics is the destruction of local businesses leading to the devastation of income for state and local governments normally arising from property taxes. This matter is further compounded by the firm’s success in avoiding paying state and local taxes except in a very few cases. Indeed, Amazon is very successful in its tax policies having paid a 12% effective tax rate between 2010 and 2018 vs. the usual 35% corporate rate applicable to other businesses during that same period. In the matter of tax avoidance, Amazon has surpassed all of its Silicon Valley “co-conspirators” and competitors!

The question then becomes, what is to be done? Unions are certainly not the answer, since they inevitably become corrupted and cease properly representing the interests of their workers in order to concentrate on the welfare of their “leaders,” and that is the reason that however useless, they still collect their dues. They are also hand-in-glove with the socialists (and that means the Democrat Party!) invariably becoming pawns of the Left. Anti-trust action is a better solution as the company is a true monopoly benefitting from exclusive privileges granted by government at the expense of other corporations, workers and, of course, the American people. Amazon represents a far greater danger to the economy and the establishment than did U. S. Steel, Standard Oil or Bell Telephone even at the height of their power. Their data collection and data manipulation capabilities are utilized for nefarious and unethical ends not envisioned even a few short years ago.

The breakup of Amazon into competing regional divisions along the lines of what was done to Bell Telephone would be a good model for a virtuous Congress to follow, if a virtuous Congress was even possible under today’s circumstances (it might be easier to make a virtuous Amazon!). A first step in this direction would be promotion of the proposed bill called The American Innovation and Choice Online Act(S.2992 – 117th Congress) introduced on October 21, 2021 by Senators Kennedy, Klobuchar and Grassley. This piece of legislation would make it illegal for Amazon to create and provide advantages for its own products and services that are then in competition with businesses that rely upon Amazon as a retail platform. It is rather like preventing an executioner from selling the rope he uses to the man he will hang with it! That is, it’s a no brainer! Unfortunately, however, at this time, Washington is just filled with “no brainers.”

© 2022 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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Never Say “Never”: The Sad Saga of “The Washington Football Team”

By Sidney Secular

May 17, 2022

The sagging saga of “the Washington Football Team” – now renamed “The Commanders” but still fondly called by many fans “the Redskins” – is one of long-term decline in on-field performance aggravated and exacerbated by the team ownership succumbing to political correctness and silly sensibilities! The former “Redskins” are a prime example of the type of thing that is ruining our traditions, our history and our culture.

Redskins team owner and billionaire Dan Snyder proclaimed in 2013, “We’ll never change the name. It’s that simple!NEVER! You can use caps!” said “Dan The Man” when pressure was starting to be applied upon him by the usual suspects to change the name of his football team because, supposedly,it was derogatory to “Native Americans.” All sports teams around that time that had names and/or mottoes associated with American Indians were feeling the same pressure and sooner or later, they all succumbed to that pressure as the Left eventually gets its way in such matters. Why does the Left wage such campaigns? Because its adherents believe they are morally superior to all who hold other beliefs and as a result, their modus operandi is to push, and continue to push, taking two or three steps forward for everyhalf-step back when opposed. This inevitably results in a victory for the Left and losses for their conservative opponents!Even those opponents who are not political but who disagree with the Left’s agenda are never sufficiently persistent to prevail but eventually give in, thus making the next contest a sure-fire win for the enemies of civilization!

Of course, it is possible that conservatives doubted their positions in these matters in the first place as the controlling zeitgeist keeps whittling away at all the enemies of the left, making them feel unsure and insecure in their steadfastness of their own beliefs. Or maybe such idiocy simply wears out the intelligent and rational! For instance, many years ago, there was a test that placed professional football players into a room with preschoolers. The players were instructed to physically do what the babies did as often and for as long a time as they did it.Within a very few hours, the athletes were exhausted while the kids were just getting started! There is something about continually doing stupid things for long periods of time that can wear out the bravest and the best. Opposing liberals is just such a scenario.

Of course, Snyder reneged on his promise during what seemed like America’s death throes during the summer of 2020 when the Redskins venerable and beloved name was dragged through the mud with ceaseless sassing from the politically correct creeps crowding the DC landscape and the handful of “Native American” malcontents who would oppose anything the average American would consider sacrosanct and, by the way, done in honor of those same “Native Americans” as was the case with the name “Redskins.” The now suddenly appalling appellation of which the iconic team had been proud since 1933 was replaced by the place holder designation, “The Washington Football Team” an enfeebled name inspiring neither motivation nor passion.

An embarrassingly awkward botched roll-out of the name in February resulted in the team now being called “The Commanders.” This, in turn, has united the fans in lowering their esteem of the franchise and leaving them wondering just what is being commanded and by whom. With the old fight song and motto gone, the starch, too, has been taken out of the previous staunch and zealous fan support. Even more odd, the new mascot, “General Custer” is a study in stupidity as the choice celebrates a man who was doing his best to kill off the Indians! Perhaps Custer was chosen because the Indians (Native Americans) who are now ostensibly being feted, turned the tables with this particular soldier and defeated him! Furthermore, the fact that Custer botched his final assignment as a “commander” seems to presage a rather dark vision of the team so named regarding their future performances.

Adding an unpleasant impetus to the perception that the Commanders are off to less than a commanding start, allegations of financial improprieties are being leveled by the Attorney General of Virginia against the team that trains in the Old Dominion. Allegations of sexual improprieties by Snyder himself are also now being made by the team cheerleaders. And in yet another senseless innovation made (apparently) without considering the “optics” involved, the team now sports atrocious-looking black alternate jerseys for no apparent reason though it is not without possibility that the choice may have been made in order to grovel to the Black Adoration Movement! Parenthetically,the jerseys could (should) have retained if only as trimming, an attractive combination of burgundy and gold, the team’s traditional colors.

The team seems likely to extend its fall with another disgraceful sub-par under-11-win season. At present they have an unbelievable ongoing streak of 29 such seasons to their “credit.” Yet, they are graced in having a stadium for which The FedEx Company continues to pay in exchange for naming rights and they can also be “thankful” that the sports symbol of political correctness, Nike, will continue to sell Washington football gear. If you’re not from the DC area or not a football fan, it is difficult to appreciate the ardor and fanaticism local fans funnel into their team worship. But you can feel it even though you are divorced from it. Indeed, at least half the TVs in the area are tuned into a Washington game whenever the team plays, especially if it’s on a Sunday.

The “Skins” – as they are still politically incorrectly called – attract nearly all the locals who act as if they had skin in the game. The beloved Washington “Whatevers” bring one and all whatever their backgrounds and persuasions, together into a sort of harmony even though otherwise and at other times all the local perversity of diversity and political game-playing causes people to be contrary and at loggerheads. To have this civic institution gutted by the gods of political correctness and the cowardice and greed of the team’s corporate partners is a true tragedy for the region and the snide Snyder should have realized this and taken it into account before he was stampeded into infamy.

To the less than commanding owner of the team and all of the nation’s elite, there’s almost no tradition or symbol that can’t be jettisoned or society despoiled if there’s money or prestige or even personal convenience at stake. The recent changes made by the Washington football team were essentially meaningless and were made merely to align with the current cultural fashions. The references to “racism” and Indian names being derogatory to the culture of the “Native American” have no basis at all in fact, but they were a convenient creation used to illustrate and reinforce the chimera of “white privilege.” We know this to be the case because Native Americans themselves have testified that to see a team carry the image and name of their people can hardly be seen as an “insult!”

But with the Washington team, the logo has an even more amazing history. Washington’s logo has been an Indian chief since 1971. It was designed by Native American Walter “Blackie” Wetzel to depict a member of the Blackfoot tribe. Wetzel grew up on a Blackfoot reservation in Montana and was elected President of the National Congress of American Indians in Washington, DC. He was instrumental in the Redskins franchise logo change from the capital letter “R” to the depiction of an Indian. According to Wetzel’s son, Lance, the logo is not offensive but evokes a sense of pride. In speaking about the change, Wetzel said: “Everyone is pretty upset . . .Once they weren’t going to use the logo, it was hard. It takes away from the Native Americans. When I see that logo, I take pride in it. You look at the depiction of the Redskins’ logo and it’s of a true Native American. I always felt it was representing my people.” As an interesting aside in this matter, the Redskins’ logo is a portrait of John “Two Guns” White Calf, a Blackfoot Chief who also appears on the buffalo nickel. Will they now recall the nickel?

But the changes not only affected the supposedly “offended” Native Americans. They certainly did not sit well with the ordinary fans either. Where formerly and for many decades every seat in the stadium sold out for every single game assuring that businesses bought out batches of seats for years at a time, now the franchise’s attendance is second-to-last in the NFL with nothing to suggest that situation is going to improve anytime soon. But then, one has to wonder what was expected by choosing a name that is a by-word for failure as is the case with the DC “Commanders!” You might have something like the Johnstown Regatta, celebrating that city’s great floods or the Titanic Cruise Line, but most business folks would demur from such poor choices. Obviously, Mr. Snyder needs better advice in such matters than he has received to date.

With all that has transpired, there now is serious talk of moving the franchise back to DC or, in the alternative, that locus and focus of political correctness, Loudon County, Virginia and, in doing so, having the taxpayers pick up the tab for building a new stadium as if the Washington name was sufficient to garner greenbacks from the already tax-sacked taxpayers! Football teams everywhere seem to think their violent sport excites enough interest and, as a result,has the ability to interest local guvmints to support them with taxpayer money. Even also-rans like the hapless Buffalo Bills are running with this idea and they could be right. The violent video games people play instead of learning how to be good citizens may be sufficiently ingrained in the sheeple’s psyches to favor an exchange of their money in return for satisfying their craving for violence,albeit indirectly by increasing their taxes.

Getting back to our local DC team – whatever they are called–  I have always felt that the “Deadskins” lacked the innovation and drive to become truly great. They would trade for a veteran player who was on his way out to help them win a single championship instead of cultivating younger talent for long term success as a winning dynasty. They had the money to follow the former strategy and so they did, which is akin to the strategies followed by most American companies; that is, they sacrifice long term success to achieve a short term goal, usually a financial killing. That is why the Chinese, Koreans and Japanese are surpassing us economically. The latter nations’ corporation concentrate on long term success.

Another faulty strategy of Washington is to give inordinate attention to their defensive squads to the detriment of their offensive squads. Both are necessary, of course, but it is a defeatist strategy because it demands that the opposing team fails to muster the offensive wherewithal to beat you. Thus, rather than winning, the team strategy is to, if possible, prevent losing! This way of thinking was especially noteworthy during the long tenure of coach George Allen who took it to extremes. Watching the Redskins those days induced extreme nail-biting as the fan could do nothing more than hope and pray the opposition would “screw up!” In other words, the team played “not to lose” rather than playing “to win,” the philosophy of iconic coach Vince Lombardi who simply proclaimed that winning was everything, no matter how achieved. This mindset, once a moral foundation is removed, eventually devolves into the idea that money or political correctness is everything because, bad as it is, it produces “victory.”

Now I am going to present a novel idea that hasn’t been developed elsewhere and could explain some things that hitherto are puzzling:the Washington “Deadskins” (a term employed when we just knew they would lose a particular game) and the Dallas Cowboys, being in the same division in the NFL, have had a long-standing and intense rivalry – more like a feud bordering on extreme animosity – and their games (that often determined the fate of their seasons) are notorious all over the country for their intensity. The Cowboys acquired the nickname, “America’s Team” over the years and their “image” has been used to represent middle America, also known as flyover country, “deplorable” country and, in a nutshell, the American spirit. On the other hand, the Redskins, being the team from the Federal den, Washington, DC, has taken on the mantle of the establishment, the Beltway crowd, the ruling “fatcats,” and, lately, the “Deep State.” This political dichotomy – now enshrined in the “red” vs. “blue” divergence – when tacked onto the acknowledged sports dichotomy makes for a potent drama complete with an undertone of a military clash not seen in other sports rivalries even in the most obvious of such whether it is the New York Yankees vs. the Boston Red Sox in baseball or Michigan vs. Ohio State in college football.

A further cultural phenomenon also to be noted is that the new team moniker, “The Commanders” can be claimed to represent the dominance and control of the Pentagon and the Military-Industrial complex anchored in the DC area over the national psyche, that is, those “represented” by Dallas – at least in the minds of many fans. The name “Commanders” can be seen as representing an addiction to power, gigantic budgets and now political correctness, regardless of the ability to win wars or maintain popularity – much like the Washington football team; that is, the team is as addicted to these same politically correct ideas and ideals quite apart from any help they might provide or damage they might do with regard to winning games or attracting fans.

The real question is this: is the new name for the Redskins – the Commanders – a political and cultural Freudian slip that acknowledges the triumph of political and military power over Native Americans? Or is it just another liberal bad choice! What do you think?

© 2022 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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International Living, Part 1

Sidney Secular

May 11, 2022

Since America is not what it used to be and the changes we are seeing are certainly for the worse, we are inaugurating a series of articles on the desirability and feasibility of relocating to another country for those who, first, can afford to relocate as well as those who can’t take it anymore, those who can’t afford it anymore, those with an adventurous spirit, those who would like a second home or a vacation alternative, and, of course, those who don’t mind the rigamarole of the process necessary for moving to another country. Of course, you will have to like or at least be able to tolerate the chosen country’s customs as well as need to learn its language – if your country of choice is not English-speaking – or at the very least, acquire some needful foreign phrases such as “call the police,” or “where is the bathroom.”  After all, most of the foreigners invading the US keep their customs and language intact as can be seen by the course in all of our schools, “English as a Second Language!Naturally,these mostly uninvited and unwelcome (except for Democrats) “visitors” eventually are coming to your town to bestow upon it – and you – the anti-white “diversity” they (and the Dems) prattle endlessly about before they eventually take it over. For there is no doubt that the birth rate among our “visitors” is much higher than among ordinary, mostly white Americans, something that does not bode well for our future!

Although some aspects of globalism are hard to escape, there are many places in the world very little affected by the trend and where the local charm and allure remain largely intact. For your reading pleasure, we will not get into the mechanics of such a transition. There are experts and resources available to facilitate that process. Hopefully, your motivation for making such a move will overcome your inertia in initiating the process. There are also some wonderful business and investment opportunities overseas that we will bring to your attention as they arise. And so, we will be visiting special countries and noteworthy locales within those same countries for your consideration.

Our first armchair tour is to Costa Rica (Spanish for “Rich Coast”) located in Central America. The first thing you will note in this first “tourist destination” is that Costa Rica has no standing army and hasn’t had one for a very long time. Why is this so in what is obviously such a “hostile” world? Because none of its neighbors have ever invaded or attacked it, and the naughty US has never attempted to interfere in its politics probably because there was nothing in it for our boys!And so, right off the bat you may logically assume that the level of taxation will not drive you batty! Costa Rica is especially highly regarded as a retirement retreat with many American expatriates (expats) now calling it home. In surveys of countries with the happiest people, it always ranks near the top, thereby “rubbing cultural elbows” with countries that have maintained a somewhat homogeneous White population such as Iceland and Denmark.

As a destination, Costa Rica has the whole enchilada that includes a year-around tropical climate, modern cities, Caribbean beaches, Pacific beaches, lush forests, beautiful valleys and cool mountains. With its slower pace of life Costa Rica has feasible focus on renewable energy given all that sunshine for solar panels and ocean breezes for wind energy. There is very little pollution and with its small size and economy, clean water and air and an abundance of healthy fresh foods grown locally, the country has earned a reputation as one of the greenest and cleanest places in the world. For those who favor a beach retreat there are over 1,000 miles of coastline, and if you know where to look, there are incredible living arrangement bargains available.

Costa Rica ticks all the boxes in practical matters including providing some of the best healthcare in Latin America. Healthcare systems are constantly being upgraded with new hospitals, new equipment, and improvements in staff training. Once you are a legal resident, you are eligible to participate in the country’s universal healthcare system, the Caja. For this coverage, a retired couple will pay a fantastically low $150 to $250 per month for two people. Prescription drugs, some medical exams, and hospitalization are covered at 70% of cost and surgery and anesthesia are covered at 100% of cost! The World Health Organization ranks the country’s healthcare system higher than that of the US, despite spending 87% less on healthcare per capita than does this country! Of course, a country the size of Costa Rica is not burdened with the population of the US, many of whom simply “take” from the system, leaving those of us who “pay” to make up the difference. It isn’t a fair comparison when push comes to shove – and it always does!

Once a citizen you will pay zero income tax on foreign-earned income. If you buy a home in Costa Rica, your annual property taxes will run from only $200 to $500! There is no capital gains tax whatsoever. Modern shopping malls and high-speed internet are everywhere. There are many direct flights to international airports in the US and Canada and the flight-time to Miami is less than 3 hours. If you are interested in pursuing this further, there is a “Fast Track Costs Rica Lifestyle Opportunity Conference ” coming up July 29-31. Call 1-866-381-8446 to find out more. However, it would be wise, considering how things are going, to move quickly if you decide to do so. Costa Rica is a small country. We’ve seen what a population invasion can do to a large country like the US – and so has the government of Costa Rica!

Now, I am going to introduce you to a place off the beaten track that you almost certainly never heard of, a place in which you can have tidy, upscale living at $1,600 per month! It was the first stop on a partial tour of Mexico my wife Mildred and I made in 1972 and it was quite impressive. Please dash all your preconceived ideas/notions about Mexico or set aside all the nasty news you keep on hearing about it, or you won’t appreciate what this place has to offer. Although it has a population of over one million(25% larger than Washington, DC), and is just a short drive from Mexico City, because it lacks the party and beach scene and the noteworthy archeology that attracts visitors and tourists to Mexico, this “treasure” remains relatively hidden having bypassed the attention of the international jet set. Of course, you will find this lack of interest by the “haves” to your great advantage when enjoying a low cost of living, unlimited attractions, and an unhurried pace of life, something that retirement generally is all about. The city is named Querétaro. and has much to offer being rich in culture and history supplemented by an amazingly varied local cuisine, and enough diversions to always keep you occupied and happy. Indeed, Querétaro has one of the largest historic districts of any of Mexico’s colonial cities with neo-classic, baroque, and gothic-style churches, shady parks and plazas, cobblestone streets, and pedestrian pathways.Bougainvillea covered 19th Century structures line streets and sidewalks built from locally quarried volcanic stone with a distinctive pink hue that lends a soft, natural, pleasing ambiance to the historical feel of the city and has bestowed upon it the nickname of “The Pink City.” The city is level and easily walkable, brimming with bistros, restaurants, museums, galleries, statues, fountains, and pedestrian-only alleyways. Brightly colored ornate doors and charming courtyards grace the scene and it is possible to occasionally glimpses of sumptuous interiors.

One thing I noticed about Mexico in general was the colorful pastel paint used to decorate most buildings in contrast to the generally drab coloring of US architecture – even of individual dwellings. This depressing ambiance is furthered  by the stark commercial appearance of many new American residential areas. Indeed, in this country the war against our history has included anything built before the 1970s and many beautiful dwellings and public buildings have been demolished lest their “old fashioned” architecture “offend” the tasteless Millennials.

In Querétaro, there are frequent processions, parades, and band concerts in the plazas along with a vast array of international restaurants that offer incredible value. You can get a complete meal for $3! You can’t do that in the US at MacDonalds. As it would cost more to cook at home, it’s a perfect excuse to eat out frequently. Pristine parks with sparkling fountains, comfortable benches, and flowering trees are omnipresent. Everywhere you go it is clean and orderly. Major shopping areas are within an easy walk from the center of town. You’ll have little need of a vehicle unless you live in an outlying area or wish to visit outlying areas. The city is well served by taxis, Uber, and an extensive public bus system. If you have an INAPAM card – that all seniors over age 60 can obtain – you will get a discount on everything you can purchase from the pharmacies. Querétaro has the largest mall in Mexico, the Antea Life Style Center. There are sprawling mazes of traditional markets and most vendors are helpful and honest. Set prices are the norm and there is an absence of the haggling seen elsewhere in Mexico.

This is a proud and prosperous city with upscale developments and gentrified neighborhoods. Although English is not spoken here as much as in the major tourist areas, you will have no trouble getting what you need and learning a new language is one way to keep one’s faculties sharp as one ages.

Medical care is both very reasonable and well regarded. Dental procedures are incredibly inexpensive and the quality is first-rate. A filling goes for $30 and a porcelain crown will set you back $275. Medications available in the US are also available here but at much lower prices. The biggest monthly expense is housing. Plan to spend between $600 and $1,000 per month for a comfortable furnished house or apartment in or near the historic district. Since heating and cooling equipment are little utilized in the pleasant climate, owners usually include utilities, cable TV, WiFi, and cooking gas in the rent. A budget of $2,800 per month would allow for a luxurious lifestyle including a spacious, western-style home, a vehicle, and frequent meals at fine restaurants.

The 6,000 foot elevation provides a mild, high-desert climate with sunny days and cool nights. Daytime highs reach the upper 70s and night-time lows dip to around 50 degrees. Humidity averages a comfortable 57%, and the air quality is usually excellent. The Querétaro Expats Facebook Page will allow you to make friends with other expats and is a great source for housing choices. It will also help you to reach out before you make your decision. The local natives are exceedingly polite, welcoming, and genuinely friendly – which is more than can be said for many of our own towns and cities.

© 2022 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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To the Ends of the Earth: Lost White Migrations and Civilizations, Part 1

By Sidney Secular

May 6, 2022

In addition to the great Caucasian* or Aryan Indo-European migrations [*hereinafter called Whites], there were many waves of migration of various groups of Whites over the millennia in pre-history continuing until recently. These Whites were generally more advanced technologically than other contemporary groups they encountered, but that term does not necessarily mean “materialistic” as it is used in the current sense. In many instances, these Whites established impressive cities containing unique structures like pyramids and obelisks and were the product of massive architecture employing stones weighing upwards of 100 tons despite there not being any heavy machinery as we know it today. Often such buildings had special religious significance and were the product of the development of advanced sciences employing techniques and knowledge much of which has been lost to history.

Actually, and in many cases, the farther back one goes, the more advanced are the cultures that are unearthed, contradicting the continuous advancement paradigm that undergirds the Darwinian and other establishment concepts of continuous human progress over hundreds of thousands of years. Today, these “gaps” are often explained through the claim of alien assistance to our primitive forbears. Those involved in such speculation are routinely described as “Ancient Astronaut Theorists” and it would seem that much of which we cannot make sense today within the limitations imposed by the “Darwinian concept” of history is routinely “explained away” by theories that are more “far-fetched” than the possibility that maybe Darwin was wrong after all!

Many of these discoveries have been unearthed in the last 50 years or so. As we have seen time and again ad nauseum, the Whites responsible for the advanced cultures that have been recently discovered exterminated themselves through miscegenation, being overcome by alliances of hostile neighbors, or by revolts of those non-whites who comprised the lower classes or castes of their societies. Whites were blamed for the conditions leading to the revolts although such conditions were seldom their fault and often remained after White rulers were deposed. However, historically speaking, “blame whitey” continues to be the name of the game when it comes to our present view of “history,” and something now analogous to the current claim of “white privilege” is blamed for the lack of advancement of non-whites who are themselves primarily responsible for their condition.

As noted above, those conditions leading to the overthrow of established (White) governments were often natural in origin. Disasters such as droughts and other climactic changes or geological conditions such as volcanic activity were frequently the catalyst that instigated the overthrow of human societies while wars and revolts caused migrations of peoples all over the landscape. These major upsets in the status quo caused the loss of many of the advancements these societies had previously attained. The aforesaid recent discoveries made in the Americas, China, the Canary islands, and other scattered geographical locations have testified to this causality.

One of the most famous eastern migrations of the Celtic peoples, a branch of the White race, resulted in their arrival at the Takla Makan desert in Western China before 1,500 BC. This migration was unknown until the discovery in 1977 of the graves of these “European” people dating back 3,500 years. As a result of the extreme dryness of the area – a necessity for the preservation of the dead – many of the corpses are almost perfectly preserved and exhibited undeniable White racial traits including reddish-blond hair, long noses, round eyes, and finely woven tartan clothing associated with Celts, both the Irish and the Scots. These lost Whites are called “Tocharians.” The Chinese have preserved stories of blue-eyed, blond-haired leaders who were the originators of Buddhism and the organizers of Chinese society. Ruins of great Tocharian cities lined the famous Silk Road that they, and not the Chinese built to facilitate trade. The Tocharians had their own special language, and their cities had temples as well as centers of learning and great art. These impressive ruins lie undisturbed.

Indeed, there are many archeological sites around the world that similarly lie unstudied because it is feared that these would uncover the massive white accomplishments of times past and as that is not in keeping with our present New World Order agenda, their excavations are not funded by leftist foundations and governments. The limited excavations accomplished in “Tocharia” (my term as their empire hasn’t even been given a name!) have “uncovered” fully clothed bodies wearing finely woven woolen textiles with Celtic patterns, leather shoes, and jewelry. The desert conditions are so exceptional that even pieces of bread have been preserved alongside what is acknowledged to be the world’s oldest saddle. By the 1990s, over 1,000 such corpses had been uncovered. Then the Chinese Government halted further archeological digs in the area, for fear of giving the ancient Whites too much credit for developing Chinese civilization. However, by then some of the uncovered mummies had been placed on display in local museums where they remain today while others lie decaying in storerooms. An extensive literature already exists on the relatively unknown, but highly civilized Tocharians.

The perfectly preserved mummy known as the Sleeping Beauty of Loulan, one of 200 mummies found in the Western Deserts of Xinjiang, China. Though they eternally sleep, their startling looks are a source of mystery and controversy. These mummies show the diversity of ethnicity in the area, where the Uyghur people of the region still dispute ancient ownership with the ruling Chinese. The Loulan Beauty died on the Silk Road, at a time when it was firmly believed no Caucasians had ever ventured that far. But she is clearly Caucasian, with her high cheekbones, high bridged nose and blonde hair. She died sometime in her 40s, and is still dressed in her red robes, her hair crisply braided in what was probably a very fashionable style 3800 years ago. In fact, for 3800 years old, she is remarkably well preserved. She was and is indeed a beauty, tall and stately, with finely carved features.

Ancient White influence was, however, not restricted to western China. A genetic study published in the journal, “Molecular Biology and Evolution” (Vol.17, pages 1396-1400, in the year 2000) found that in the far eastern seaboard Chinese province of Shandong, the population of former times showed greater genetic similarity to present-day Europeans than to present day Asians. The report conclusively showed that Ancient Europeans had penetrated China right to the Pacific Ocean and that legends that maintain that the first Chinese emperors who brought unity and civilization to China had fair hair and blue eyes may have a basis in fact. With the passage of time, these white people mixed with the Mongolid people (the name of the race that includes the Chinese, Japanese, Eskimos etc.) surrounding them and were eventually absorbed into them. But the physical features of the people living in the Shandong area clearly show White genetic influence.

Above is further proof of the White/Celtic origin of the Tocharian people including mummies and fabric showing the well known patterns known as “tartans” so familiar to us in both Scotland and Ireland:

© 2022 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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A ‘Great Reset’ Toward Reality is Arising

April 30, 2022

“Green energy” and “The Green Raw Deal” is a road to nowhere “going forward.” If you are still a “greenhorn” on the true costs and lack of feasibility regarding green energy solutions, this little primer will help move you towards reality – always assuming that you want to go there. Far too many today, do not!

The destructive combination of culture-mulchers and political vultures carry on about the necessity of instituting green energy practices though many if not most of them are without a clue as to impracticability of what they demand or the total lack of use such practices provide. These “utopianists” only know that somehow the idea that they are “saving the planet” (however ridiculous) feels good, and that’s good enough for them! The left’s “front runner-gunner,” the wide-mouthed, empty headed AOC, along with Sleepy Joe Biden and the rest of the pests on that side of the ideological spectrum demand that we adopt green energy practices or, they say, the world as we know it will end in a few years. The MSM and the other “new world orderlies” jabber incessantly about the need for solar energy and windmills. Indeed, they create enough wind on these subjects to run those same windmills into the next century!  Certainly, they carry on about “the environment” as much as they do about the Ukraine, “racism,” the three evils of the West – whites, capitalism and Christianity – the need to be jabbed and the war on humanity known as “transgenderism.”

Left out of what they term the “conversation” or the “debate” –  in reality a one-sided diatribe that brooks no disagreement! – is that wind turbines chop up about 500,000 birds each year as well as massive numbers of bats, sea life, and migrating insects; that they create a constant hum that drives to distraction many who live sufficiently close by and that the “windmills” themselves require more energy and pollution to create than they in turn negate through their use. Meanwhile, windmill promoters and producers want to triple or quadruple our present number of these examples of good intentions over intelligent actions. Once the protests over the unacceptability of both the carnage and the noise fully kicks in, the windmills will be stopped in their whack-tracks with the blessings of the symbol of America itself, the bald eagle, a bird that suffers huge numbers of casualties per annum. Interestingly enough, many years ago a young boy was fined by the government for making an Indian “dream catcher” as a gift for newly elected President Bill Clinton! Why? Because the gift contained the feather from a bald eagle and to use such a thing (except for Native Americans, of course!) was illegal. That the feather had been picked up off the ground (much like the bodies of those same birds around windmill farms!) made no difference. Well, perhaps it was a cheap lesson for the child and his parents in that seeking the “blessing” of the Clintons should always be avoided even more than eagles should avoid windmills!

At best, windmills and solar panels can only supply about 20% of our energy needs and they are not only inherently unpredictable in their output, but frequently cost more in both money and energy than they are worth, something that is unacceptable in any realistic energy planning. However, enthusiasts continue to produce a great deal of “hot air” in their crusade to lower global temperatures because, in reality, human activity has very little to do with the planet’s weather! One good volcanic eruption can release into the atmosphere more pollutants than mankind and all our efforts can do in a year!  Worse, the “pollutants” complained about such as carbon dioxide are essential for life on earth! Plants live on that gas and it is the plants that provide another rather useful atmospheric gas, oxygen! Indeed, for some years our CO2 level has been considered too low and only recently has it started to rebound, a matter that has been presented by the “climatologists” as a foretaste of Armageddon!

Beyond all of this, efforts to cut down the use of fossil fuels are generally stupid and inane to the point of intellectual blindness. For instance, electric vehicles (EVs) are not a solution to pollution. They cost a fortune and the batteries they require to operate are charged through the use of fossil fuels or nuclear power because the fact is, batteries store power; they don’t create it. To feel virtuous because you move soundlessly down the highway without any “exhaust” is a study in self-inflicted deception. Furthermore, “electric vehicles” are not as “environmentally friendly” as universally touted in ongoing “green spiels.”

As the libbers start to understand that their claims of “saving the environment” through wind, sunlight and electric cars is losing traction, they are beginning to come around to promote nuclear energy as a further acceptable source of power. However, in their original rush to climate judgement without doing any legitimate research, they put many nuclear power plants in mothballs and stopped the building of new ones. The result has been that no new nuclear plants have been built in many years now and it is too late to employ nuclear energy as an adequate source of power for at the very least several years “going forward.”

On top of all the impracticality of trying to make solar and wind our principal sources of energy, we’re running out of the materials and resources to manufacture the items necessary to access these modes of power especially given the potential political problems involved as many of those resources are located in problematic countries like China and Russia and those countries allied with them politically and/or economically. This is both an illustration of the Left’s proclivity to act without thinking or, in the alternative, seeing these nations as more acceptable than our own. Often, the Left is so blind in its actions that it appears when reality does intrude, they expect the God in whom they don’t believe to step in and validate their follies! We see the present extreme example of this in Biden’s hobbling our output of gas and oil and then relying on unfriendly countries to make up the deficit! Of course, that is happening – at least for the time being – but the result of that “success” has raised the prices of gasoline through the roof while the denizens of supplier countries like Saudi Arabia and Venezuela continue to pay less than ten cents a gallon for the same product.

Worse, we are further painting ourselves into an economic and cultural corner by encouraging an invasion of illegals from all over the world, a matter that is problematicas it is predicted to add over 100 million vagrants to our present population in less than 30 years! And as these new critters will also have to be supplied with oil, gas, and power while adding nothing useful to the economy and degenerating the culture, the resultant “invasion” will tax our capabilities to the limit while assuring that the “government” that provides for them remains in power in perpetuity.

Returning to the over-advertised “EVs,” these may be cool in what passes for the minds of Americans today, but the costs of going ahead full force with their development and deployment will soon cool the ardor of those of their proponents who are not either profiting from them or totally engulfed in the Green Movement. Let us again consider batteries, the principal foundation of the EV. As noted earlier, batteries do not produce electricity — they merely store what is produced elsewhere, primarily through the combustion of coal, uranium, or natural gas in plants or diesel-fueled generators. So, to say an EV is a “zero emission vehicle” makes zero sense unless one is being deceptive and speaking only of the use of the vehicle rather than all that is required for its use. Since 40% of the electricity generated in the US is from coal-fired plants, it follows that 40% of the EVs on the road are in actuality coal-powered.

The rechargeable batteries used in EVs require lithium-ion, nickel-metal oxide and nickel-cadmium, a nasty mix of “stuff” that will eventually wind up in landfills where these toxic materials will ooze out and seriously pollute the environment around them! A typical EV battery weighs 1,000 pounds and is about the size of a travel trunk. It contains 25 pounds of lithium, 60 pounds of nickel, 44 pounds of manganese, 30 pounds of cobalt, 200 pounds of copper, and 400 pounds of aluminum, steel and plastics. Also included are over 6,000 individual lithium-ion cells! If this sounds “green” to you, you are woefully ignorant at best and damned stupid at worst! All our good green libbers say that they are concerned with depleting the earth’s resources and polluting Gaia (Mother Earth) but the fact is that the huge quantities of these toxic materials needed for EVs are derived almost entirely by mining. To manufacture just one EV auto battery, you must process 25,000 pounds of brine (salt water) and 30,000 pounds of ore for the cobalt alone along with 5,000 pounds of ore for the nickel, and 25,000 pounds of copper ore! All told, we must dig up 500,000 pounds of the earth’s crust for just one battery – and that’s before we even use these poisons! What will be the condition of the earth’s surface if all our cars become EVs?

Continuing in our consideration of these critical elements, 68% of the world’s cobalt – a significant part of the EV battery! – comes from the Congo. These Third World nations have none of the “environmental safety regulations” in their mines and no pollution controls! A similar situation must obtain with respect to any and every one of the other aforesaid mined materials if they come from a country whose concern for “Mother Earth” is considerably less than is Greta Thunberg’s! Ditto for many of the battery’s chemical components. And, of course, we must factor in the costs of caring for those who become sick from the pollution arising from these batteries as well as the costs of creating and using them.

Windmills are the ultimate example of costs embedded in the production of these “green solutions” as well as being first class examples of environmental destruction. Each “windmill” weighs 1,688 tons (the equivalent of 23 average houses) and contains 1,300 tons of concrete – to anchor the moving parts that produce the electric energy – 295 tons of steel, 48 tons of iron, 24 tons of fiberglass along with such hard to extract “rare earth” elements as neodymium, praseodymium, and dysprosium. With regard to these last, they aren’t called “rare earth” elements for nothing! The amounts available are very limited and well over 80% of what is available is located in China and Russia, who of course, control their mining, shipping and pricing. A monopoly on these substances must be a source of continual worry to those Western oligarchs who presently are doing all they can to irritate the Russia-China-Iran axis over the Ukrainian “red herring” conflict.

As well, each windmill blade weighs 81,000 pounds and must be replaced after 15 to 20 years of use.  Presently we cannot recycle used blades; they must be discarded altogether. Can you imagine the humongous landfills that will be required to bury these “green” monsters? Indeed, they might be larger than those necessary to bury the huge batteries used by EVs!

We can expect that once the Great Reset is in place and the New World Order is smoothly moving forward (and leaving the rest of us behind in slavery and poverty), all of these Green concerns will cease to be and the EVs and windmills abandoned because they are too costly and too stupid. Remember, once the NWO is in place, they won’t need the thugs of Antifa and BLM or the environmental loons who press for moving civilization back to the age of the Flintstones. As that will be the case, the MSM will also move on and, if the issue is again brought up by a few dumb diehards, they will be just as good at covering up the lies and deceits of the left when that happens as they were when the issue was still politically useful.

© 2022 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Sidney Secular:

Stifling Your Mind and Soul to Bring You Under Their Control

By Sidney Secular

April 27, 2022

Be Prepared: Wewillall be “stiffs” – that is, dead! – if we don’t stop their controlling stuff right now. Millions of Americans accepted unprecedented, demented, tyrannical Covid restrictions and mandates that rent our social fabric and brought economic life at least as we used to know it to a near standstill for nearly two years. And while the middle and lower classes were being strangled and stifled, the top dogs fattened themselves on the resultant roadkill remains of the small businesses they forced to shut down. To sweeten the death blow, they gave to the lesser pedigrees the bone of stimulus payments to at least temporarily satiate their hunger with the worthless fast foods dished out by the same multinational conglomerates who had created cravings for this worthless pap in the first place. They also dished out propaganda doggerel through their media outlets that allowed them to continue their march towards the New World Order unmolested. Why? Because through that media,their schemes remained largely undetected and therefore unopposed.

Meanwhile, to create the illusion of an end to the present “pandemic,” “vaccines” [!] were rolled out resulting in millions accepting these lethal potions containing large potpourris of poisons masquerading as “medicine.” The numbers of deaths recognized as stemming from these noxious concoctions in all age groups continues to mount as the concomitant campaign to counter that information, blame Covid in a kind of reverse psychology that can be likened to a sick Abbott-and-Costello type “tragi-comedic” routine. These deaths are especially suspicious among the young sports, glitterati and entertainment figures who are dropping like flies at ages ranging from late teens to early thirties, especially and even as they maintain rigorous health and exercise regimens. Meanwhile, these fatalities don’t seem to jog people’s minds into the realization that something terribly wrong is going on!

And if we continue to go along to get along, the next time, even if we realize that we have been fooled before, we will witness the end of the world we have known for centuries! For the next plannedemic will be worse than the last – not to mention being just in time for the fraudulent elections this November. Believe it or not, the media is keeping all this under wraps while continually drowning us with the Ukraine fable 24/7! But the new pandemic has already been rolled out in the city of Shanghai, where there is a total lockdown of 26 million Chinese! Thousands of isolated and starving people are leaping from their apartment balconies to find a release in death! The rest of the world will shortly be shanghaied into the same torment while the pied pipers of the jab continue to offer a choice not between life and death, but between the means and methods of our deaths. Of course, these “pied pipers” are the globalists in the WHO and the CDC working with and through Big Tech, Big Pharma and Big Government with their medical manipulators and lapdog “doctors.”

It’s no secret that the Biden maladministration has the lowest approval ratings in the history of polling and that in any legitimate election, Demonrats would be slaughtered in the upcoming mid-terms. That’s why you can expect something worse than Covid 2020 to happen for these traitors to stay in power. There’s no sense in sugar-coating what’s likely to happen or waste time trying to educate those who can’t see through the miasma of lies fogging up their observational faculties or, in the alternative, who refuse to be moved off the spot they find themselves in. Save us from the spiels that have been used to save those who refuse to be saved, condemning instead their would-be rescuers. The next scare will go viral in sufficient time for mail-in and other fraudulent voting schemes to be repeated, thus proving that without the 2020 presidential election being set aside, the fraud revealed and accepted and the present administration removed, there will be no more of what we know as “elections” in the United States.

Aside from the growing number of Marxist indoctrinated Millennials and Gen-Xers and those who just somehow know that global Marxism is better than a tradition of freedom and liberty, we also have the more than 80% of Americans who continue to elect unworthy incumbents good sense demands they should reject!Most of these halfwits make their decisions based (supposedly) on how it will affect their pocketbooks or who represents the party from whom they are unwilling to depart regardless of the policies, qualities and histories of the candidates put forth! Remember, the sheeple wore masks and practiced “social distancing” required for facial recognition software – a matter that has nothing to do with public health and everything to do with Big Brother. They also employed Zoom and other means of isolated “gatherings” to avoid contamination and then took what were acknowledged as “medical experiments”supposedly in the best interests of their “health.” This is stupid raised to a factor of ten!

Inwardly, many realized or suspected it was all a sham but they put on a show to protect their financial interests, to virtue signal and to go along with the crowd because they feared being ostracized over being enslaved and/or dead. Meanwhile, it was apparent, even to some of the most dim-witted sycophants that the Covid protocols made no scientific or medical sense, were extreme beyond reason and unnecessarily harmful in their “side-affects,” much like the commercials for so many “miracle drugs” we see on TV. Some with a little scientific knowledge realized that the development of the vaccines was highly suspicious and became more so as we learned that this “response to Covid” had been “developed” before the disease they supposedly address. Of course, the total silence regarding the results of any trial tests and the demand for a seventy-five year blackout on such information clearly evidenced that not all was kosher in our world’s medical “kitchen.”

The CDC still reports cumulative Covid cases in the US at over 82 million, but it admitted long ago that most of the Covid testing resulted in “false positives”making the real number of cases about 16.4 million – most of whom come through the course of the illness no worse off than had they contracted it while avoiding the health care system. The CDC also admits that 94% of the deaths attributed to Covid were directly due to other causes including the treatment for Covid received in hospital settings using Fauci’s deadly drug Remdesivir and wrongly used ventilators. The real number of deaths truly and correctly attributed to Covid comes to about 61,000 vice the one million being reported. The mortality rate of Covid 19 turns out to be no worse than the average flu season, and, in fact, it WAS the average flu magically turned into medical Armageddon through the use of a new name! More to the point, the so-called “vaccines” have proven far more dangerous and deadly and have become a major tool in producing the “culling of the planet” as demanded by the New World Order now being instituted via this and other equally criminal methods.

In case you haven’t figured it out yet or sufficiently appreciated the circumstances, no matter how much money you think you have, it can be extinguished with a keystroke when physical currency is eliminated! Neither is there any hope in physical gold or silver! One need only remember how FDR removed gold from Americans during his “administration” never to be returned. Neither does it matter how much in the way of guns, ammunition and stored food you have squirreled away, or how many homes you have to which you can retreat! When what Americans remember of the United States ceases to exist, nothing that we see as protection or comfort will matter because all of that protection and comfort is founded upon a legitimate government functioning under the Constitution, something that has, for all practical purposes, ceased to exist! What exists now is only because our rulers have not completed their takeover of everything! When they do, everything that gave us hope and comfort will be no more because it is all dependent upon a nation of laws and God. When freedom is gone, tyranny follows because nature – even human nature – abhors a vacuum.

Some fantasies we must discard include the illogical belief that some force or savior will come and set thing right. Now this doesn’t mean that we cannot pray. This nation was born in prayer and we have been delivered more than once by God’s hand. However, that having been said, we must remember that beginning in the 1950s through today, America has demanded that the God we supposedly worship when we put “under God” in our Pledge and on our currency has been systematically rejected and driven from our nation through our culture and our courts. So, while we may continue to pray, we must also show ourselves laborers in the vineyard of liberty, paying our dues by doing what is required instead of wringing our hands in hopes of some special dispensation from the very Savior we have permitted our nation to reject.

We must also stop believing that it really won’t be all that bad and good people can continue to go on as we have in a nation that is not – as it is now – partially but fully collapsed and our most basic liberties gone beyond recall. Thinking we can continue as usual in a collapsed nation and pretending we can retain our freedoms while under the control of criminals, frauds and freaks is an exercise in suicide. We may die anyway, but at least if we are cognizant of our situation, we can land a few blows of our own before we are taken out!

It is an inescapable fact that a massive global cabal is intent on destroying the sovereignty of every nation on Earth and reducing most of the human race to a species of A.I. trans-humans while those who escape that fate become nothing more than statistical entities and slaves. If we believe in the true United States of America, in our freedom, liberty, sovereignty and the promises we have had since the birth of the Republic, we have to get together and come up with at least a viable plan for our salvation NOW in order to have any chance to escape our destruction. We no longer have the luxury of pulling in different directions or focusing on any one special issue that gets at least some of us excited. We still have enough people with the right “instincts” and true patriotism to perhaps forestall our destruction, but we are not sufficiently united and organized much less committed, to engage in a life and death struggle against the forces of darkness determined to continue our descent into oblivion. Something bigger and much worse is on the horizon than that which has happened so far, bad as that has been, and the timeline is appallingly short between now and the next Covid madness designed to destroy our election process in November. We have to act as if our lives and the future of mankind depends on it, because it does! Your suggestions and recommendations on these subjects via letters to the editors of this newsletter are solicited and will be appreciated.

© 2022 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Sidney Secular:

Misconceptions and Deceptions Re: the Ukrainian Conflict

By Sidney Secular

April 19, 2022

The truth has been the first casualty of this war

The West lives in “The Matrix,” a fabricated reality created by the Deep State through propaganda created by its mouthpiece, the main stream media (MSM). As a result, the whole Ukrainian invasion narrative is the latest example of the complete web of lies that surround us and being used to hasten the descent of Western man into the abyss of global tyranny. The failing mental faculties of We the Sheeple together with our ever-decreasing attention spans have led to Americans being in the thrall of these controllers, making it infinitely easy to hose the people with one false narrative and horror story after another. We are sitting ducks for the tyranny that is fast enclosing us.

The narrative presented to the public by the mainstream media on the situation in the Ukraine has no relationship to reality. It should collapse quicker than the Covid narrative except that that useful fiction has yet to fully collapse being kept alive against the time that it is again necessary. However, the entire “war” issue will be dropped in favor of the next crisis cooked up by our creepy controllers once the Russians complete what they started out to do. But you can be sure that there will be no hiatus between the various crisis chronicles so as to prevent Americans catching our collective breaths! Such a strategy is ill-served by the opportunity to use our God-given commonsense in considering the current crisis whatever it may be!

Meanwhile, out-of-control inflation taken together with some(possibly) newly concocted – and released – pathogen (perhaps created in the Ukrainein American biolabs?) – along with incipient food shortages will temporarily short circuit all other concerns still lurking in the background such as voter fraud and the accelerating replacement of Americans by a new group of third world invaders, these being more amenable to the Kallergi Plan designed to replace whites with those self-same third-worlders!

The causes of events in Ukraine are hidden and hard to fathom. Indeed, the events themselves have an aura of unreality about them. One has to peel away the layers of “cover-ups” similar to a Russian onion to get to the motives of the players. As in all conflicts, there are competing “authorative” narratives having equally authoritative writers promoting them but that appear to be mutually exclusive and contradictory! However, I will attempt to extract kernels of truth from them all and combine them into a (relatively) coherent picture.

As is the case in all such “strategies,” Vladimir Putin is putting the West“on” in certain respects while telling the truth in others. The Russians are not thoroughly corrupt despite their long communist nightmare. Indeed, that history and the support by the Kremlin of the Russian Orthodox Church gives hope to what was once the foundation of Western Civilization. On the other hand, the Western elites have picked up the hammer and sickle thrown off by the Russians and become psychopaths incapable of telling the truth about anything! Under the circumstances, we have more reason to put our faith in Putin than in our own Deep State that has proven to be both tyrannous and murderous. In a moment of quiet sanity, any decent person must deeply question who is most likely to be the enemy of humanity when one compares Russia to what has become of the United States and the rest of the West!

Let us look at some aspects of the case: those who support the Ukraine allege that Putin is a closet globalist and that his Ukrainian incursion occurred just as the Covid narrative was disintegrating, that evidence was mounting that the jabs were deadly, and that public response to over-reaching Western government “mandates” such as trucker-led freedom convoys was developing into a problem for the Great Reset. How better to defuse the diffuse Covid ruse and distract the news-addicted masses than with a war stoked with all the Hate-Russia conditioning still going on full “farce?” The question then becomes, is Putin cooperating with the Great Reset agenda after all? As matters now stand, it would appear that way. Vladimir Putin is a long-time associate of numerous globalists. His friendship with NWO ghoul Henry Kissinger started decades ago and the two continue to meet for regular lunches as Kissinger acts as adviser to multiple branches of the Kremlin. Putin also maintains a relationship with economic ogre Klaus Schwab of the odious World Economic Forum (WEF).  As this is indeed the case, how can we believe that Putin is not on the same side as Biden and merely attempting to get a better position in the coming New World Order?

In truth, Putin does have his own Russian Deep State of embedded bureaucracies just as we do, all allied in one world-wide web of deceit and conceit and that could be pulling Putin’s strings just as Biden’s are being pulled. Russia is – or appears to be – cooperating with NWO efforts such as international artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, and the other Global Reset projects such as total surveillance of populations, promotion of digital currencies, driverless vehicles, “smart cities,” the “green new spiel,” Agenda 21/2030, “sustainable development” etc., etc. When Covid hit and the WHO issued its declaration, Russia enacted the same lockdowns as did the Western nations. Moscow was locked down as recently as October 2021 and unvaccinated Russians were ordered to stay home for four months! Russia created its own gene therapy injections — different from Pfizer, AstraZeneca, and the rest, but apparently serving the same purposes. The Bank of Russia is developing a central bank digital currency (CBDC) not essentially different from that being developed by other central bankers. A CBDC in whatever form will enable technocratic surveillance of all transactions once cash has been eliminated. The war in the Ukraine is accelerating these efforts allegedly in order to track transactions by Russians outside of Russia.

So, what are we to make of all this? It would appear Putin cut a deal with the globalists many years ago. Part of this deal is for Russia and Putin to be demonized by the Western establishment and put up with the attendant discomfort in order to be given a place in the coming corporate-controlled world government – providing he continues to play along. All the so-called “sanctions” against Russia hurt only the West and served to solidify the Russia-China-Iran axis of cooperation. The anti-Russian sanctions have become a means to destroy the dollar as the primary world currency and establish the Russian ruble as much more prominent and thus more utilized around the world than is the case now. Of course, such an outcome can only enlarge Russia’s coffers – and power! – significantly. This is the case as many countries around the world are tired of US hegemony and will now more willingly engage in trade and economic relations with Russia as Russia reaches out to them in an appeal for their cooperation and assistance to deflect the supposed harm of anti-Russian sanctions. The nations involved have been waiting for an excuse and opportunity to get out from under America’s present insane governing structure.

Putin is at heart a Russian nationalist rather than a globalist and has that country’s best interests at heart. As a result, he must play along with the globalists to achieve what he wants in the long run just as he “cooperated” with the commies during that era. Thus, we see all the moves that apparently make Russia part of GloboCorp aforementioned. And this, of course, puts the Ukrainian invasion in a new light. It’s not – and has never been – an attempt to reconquer the “republics” Russia lost with the breakup of the USSR as the Western power brokers allege, albeit the Eastern provinces do very much wish to return to Mother Russia. All the daily drivel the MSM is spewing out on the happenings of the so-called War in Ukraine is a lie, something anyone with half a brain would both understand and expect. Rather, the “war” began with the deployment of some 100,000 Ukrainian troops at the borders of the pro-Russian areas that were intended to forestall any attempt by those areas to return to Russia. That was the action that precipitated the Russian invasion!

The American puppet and NWO “gay” lackey who “governs” Ukraine was put in place by the globalists in 2014 to keep pro-Russian areas from breaking away and returning to Russia, taking their strengths with them. This becomes obvious when one notes that the Donbass area had already voted to rejoin Mother Russia and why “the war” is concentrated in these pro-Russian areas! Putin has no designs or intentions to take over all of Ukraine though he is also responding to the possibility of that nation entering NATO, something he has warned against for some time.

Because Putin has no intention of “annexing” the Ukraine, he has deliberately avoided the use of heavy weapons in affected areas to protect civilian lives and property. Even so, the Ukrainian military infrastructure, air force and navy have apparently been completely decimated despite repeated media claims that the Russians are losing badly. According to more believable sources, the Ukrainian army is incapable of action – it has no communication or no air cover and has been cut off from essential supplies. Of course, as anyone hearing, reading or seeing our slant on the matter, this is completely contrary to what the MSM has been spewing out. Furthermore, there is no chance of a NATO military invasion to offset Putin and certainly no chance of a nuclear confrontation as will now be shown. Russia has all the economic cards to prevent any such responses or significant harm to itself by any economic actions the West may take. Indeed, it would be suicide for the West to annoy Putin any more than it already has.

Ukraine (or “Kyiv” as the MSM has renamed Kiev for “effect”) has devoted considerable efforts to building financial and political links to the Western elites. Ukraine has provided a huge stash of cash to the Demonrats and the leftist foundations as has been illustrated by the millions paid to Hunter Biden as a direct quid pro quo in cultivating influence with Joe Biden when he was Obama’s second crook in command. Papa Joe, in an unprecedented move, put a freeze on the assets of the Central Bank of Russia. The assets weren’t confiscated but they can’t be sold or transferred. Russian gold is safe in physical form inside Russia, but it can’t be converted into dollars or euros. Of course, the Russians would be foolish to do so anyway, because the value of gold is ready to skyrocket partly as a result of our crooked government’s “fiscal” policies. And, of course, as gold goes, so goes the Russian ruble but an economic ignoramus like Biden and his fellow trans-stupid Dems don’t or refuse to understand that.

In the same way, other suggested sanctimonious sanctions will only react to the detriment of the West as well as being the cause of retaliatory blows such as the prohibition of sales of high-tech equipment to Russia to which Russia promptly and intelligently responded! Foreign owners of stock in Russian companies are now prohibited from selling those shares. This, of course, makes enemies for this country of those who otherwise would find such sanctions profitable as they have in the past. People don’t like losing money and the amounts of money involved in this matter are enormous. The consequences of this brainless“tit for tat” creates long term damage to the United States and the West, regardless of the outcome of the Ukrainian conflict.

Outside of the US-Russian conflict, these moves have further attacked already badly damaged global supply chains. Understanding the importance of Ukraine to the global energy market begins with an overview of Ukraine’s role as the major conduit for the shipment of natural gas from Russia to western Europe. While the Ukraine is not a major energy producer, it may be the most important energy transshipment location in the world. The dependence of western Europe on Russian natural gas is critical. The 27 members of the EU receive 40% of their imported natural gas from Russia, most of this commodity passing through Ukraine. Western (American) sanctions are destroying this natural gas supply system and Russia is compounding the situation by physically blowing up the natural gas pipelines making it impossible for a simple change of policy and strategy to undo the damage already done. This structural damage will not be easily fixed even if the war ends quickly. Finland and Latvia receive over 90% of their natural gas from Russia; Germany receives nearly 50% of its natural gas from Russia; and while other European countries receive less than 50% of their natural gas from Russia, the amounts are still significant. European nations have other energy sources but these will not cumulatively provide the energy needed to run modern industrial economies or to provide adequate heat and light to their populations.

To appease the Greens, Germany stupidly shut down almost all of its coal and nuclear generating capacity over the last ten years at the urging of these climate alarmists, leaving it dependent on Russia for all practical purposes. Of course, Russia timed its invasion of Ukraine to maximize increases in energy prices. Those prices were already rising steeply due to basic supply and demand factors many of which were exacerbated by the Biden Administration’s stupid energy policies, but now they will go “out of sight.”  The impact of the Ukrainian war on world energy prices is only beginning to be felt. There are numerous suggestions on how Europe could deal with the energy shortage but they could not be implemented for at least four years. Of course, the US could help alleviate the global energy shortage by reversing Biden’s suicidal attack on the gas and oil industry but to do so would go against his overweening pride, stupidity and cupidity and, more important, against the will of his communist handlers, so it won’t happen. The so-called United States Government is wholly in the pocket of the globalists who care for nothing but the Great Reset and their own power. To add fuel to the fire of energy dependence(in a manner of speaking), major oil companies are reducing their investments in exploration and development of oil and gas resources due to the clamor of the climate alarmists and the need to appear virtuous at any price no matter what happens to the price of their product. Expect persistent energy shortages and much higher gasoline and energy prices “going forward” (or, rather, “going backward” as that would be a far more accurate scenario).

As we have already been made aware, food shortages are coming. While energy concerns are making the headlines, the food supply is in jeopardy. It’s important to appreciate that the food on your table is one end of long, complex and now tortuous supply chain. This supply chain includes fertilizers, farms and farmers, food processors, distribution centers, and grocery stores. Any break or bottleneck in this chain will result in higher prices and probably empty food shelves. Discontinuities and breaks in the food supply chain began with Covid and are now seeming set to become a hundred times worse. Russia and Ukraine together provide over 25% of the world wheat and 20% of global corn sales. Ukrainian exports are already in disarray because of the war and Russian exports will be handicapped by the West’s ridiculous financial sanctions. With some of the most fertile farmland on Earth, Ukraine has been Europe’s breadbasket for centuries. It’s fast growing exports of grains, vegetable oils, corn, barley, and rye are crucial in feeding populations from Africa to Asia having become the world’s fifth largest exporter of wheat.

Ukraine’s customers include China and the EU, but it is in the developing world where Ukrainian wheat has become essential. If the fighting continues for any length of time and spreads, its farmers will flee, it’s wheat won’t be harvested, it’s farming infrastructure and equipment will be destroyed resulting in the region’s economy being paralyzed. Paul Craig Roberts, an impeccable source of sense and inside knowledge, says the Russians could obliterate every building in Ukraine if desired. As well, they could basically take the world down economically if we were suicidal enough to directly attack them. Of course, the counterfeit, unfit and treasonous Biden regime is senseless and wicked enough to do just that in the belief that it alone offers humanity a brilliant globalist future. Many of the necessities of large-scale farming – especially nitrogen fertilizer – are traded on the world markets. If fertilizer exports are diminished, prices will soar producing a global raising the cost of agricultural products on US farms. Yet, despite this dire warning, our government is already apparently demanding that American farmers destroy their harvests using the lure of federal payments for what is being destroyed! And, parenthetically, we are selling our farms and farmlands wholesale to the Chinese!

But the problem is not on the farms alone. Most of our food is transported by truck or train, both of which require diesel fuel or electricity generated through the use of oil or natural gas. The situation regarding the shortage of natural gas that is developing was discussed above. Of course, higher transportation costs, especially when added to higher food production costs,must result in higher prices at the grocery store. The food costs shock arising from the Ukrainian war will be as severe as the oil costs shock of the 1970s the only difference being not everybody needs gas and oil while everybody does need food!

On top ofthe above economic crisis, a further calamity involving semiconductor and other hi-tech manufacturing is waiting in the wingsas a result of the Ukrainian situation. Much of the development and manufacturing capacity of high-tech products located in the former USSR was based in the Ukraine. Today, that country plays an important role in the global manufacturing supply chains both in terms of finished products and intermediate manufacturing as is the case in supplying parts to German auto manufacturers and other key industries in Western Europe. Many of the components used to make semiconductors are seriously endangered by the Ukrainian crisis. Volkswagen has already said the Ukrainian conflict could force it to halt production that could result in the furlough of 8,000 workers. There are very few products of any complexity today that do not contain semiconductors. A typical new car now has over 1,400 semiconductors. Any disruption in the semiconductor supply chain will have an adverse effect on every supply chain in the world. Meanwhile the ignorant and deranged Biden – who wouldn’t know a semiconductor from a railroad conductor – has threatened to cut off exports of both semiconductors and sophisticated machinery to Russia. Such an actmight well be the coup de grâce to the world’s supply chains.

Everything in the modern world seems chained together for better or worse via these supply chains and it seems we will soon be shackled in one long chain of misery if the new world orderlies have their way. One of the key processes in creating semiconductors involves the etching of minute circuits upon silicon wafers by precision lasers powered with a processed form of neon gas. Ninety percent(90%)of this processed neon gas comes from – you guessed it! – Russia and Ukraine. Over 65% of it is produced by just one company in Odessa, in the Ukraine. In essence, if the US and EU embargo semiconductor exports to Russia, Russia will seize control of the area involved and retaliate by stopping the export of this essential gas. This would cripple semiconductor production internationally and bring the production of consumer goods including durables, cars, and electronics to a halt shutting down a large part of the global economy!

As if the ability to disrupt energy, food, and semiconductors were not enough, Russia also has a choke hold on many of the most critical strategic metals in the world. Russia is home to the third largest titanium producer in the world run by a friend of Putin. Russia and Ukraine together control 30% of the world’s output of titanium. This metal is critical to aircraft manufacturing. Both Boeing and Airbus (the major European aircraft manufacturer) get large portions of their titanium from Russia. If Russia cuts off exports of this crucial metal, it will devastate global aircraft production. And the same situation obtains with respect to aluminum. Aluminum prices have already risen 20% in just the past two months and will go much higher while the current uncertainties and insecurities remain. And, of course, the market will explode if supplies of aluminum are cut off. These severe problems, insecurities and admittable price spikes also obtain with respect to palladium, platinum, nickel, cobalt and vanadium as, once again, the world depends upon Russia and Ukraine for these metals. Remember, nickel and cobalt are critical to the manufacture of electric vehicle batteries while palladium is a key input for catalytic converters. The only positive note is the fact that the “Green New Deal” could be dealt a death blow if supplies of these essential “green” materials are cut off by the continuing unrest or, in the alternative, if Russia decides to get back at the West for all the hostility and abuse that country has endured from NATO and the US for decades! This assault on Russia by NATO has been ongoing as that country has been incrementally encircled and threatened by both NATO countries andthose who are candidates for NATO membership – like the Ukraine.

To add further gloom to his gloomy scenario, where the world has alternate sources of supply for the aforementioned commodities, such sources cannot be implemented on short notice. Supply chain participants prefer long-term contracts and stable logistic channels, a situation that prevents suppliers immediately taking on new customers and shippers being able to easily redirect vessels to new destinations. Such adjustments – especially if the scale is sufficiently large – could take months or even years to implement and in the meantime, shortages and prices would continue to increase even faster than they are doing at present. The long term legacy of the war in Ukraine could be the end of US and Western hegemony internationally and even the ruination of the entire world economy and all the horrible results such a catastrophe would entail! It is apparent that no direct military attack on Russia is in the cards unless the rest of the world wishes to commit suicide.

Of course, given Sleepy Joe Biden and the rest of the insane “leaders” in the West now, we no longer have the comfort of rationality to fall back on. If these globalists want to destroy perhaps the only nation in the world that seems to reject the Great Reset, we can take no comfort in the belief that nobody in their right mind would do so – simply because most of these people aren’t in their right minds! Furthermore, to initiate such a disaster is not difficult! It could come through any of the means used in the past to start a desired war whether it be a false flag claim of alleged (but false) Russian atrocities or the hack of computer and cyberspace networks – especially those related to intelligence activities – or any of the other tried and true methods of plunging mankind into war! And sadly, as the power of ordinary intelligent people is replaced by the tyranny of the many world-wide Deep States, there is less and less that those same ordinary intelligent people can do to prevent what might destroy us all.

© 2022 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Sidney Secular:

Sources and Resources: article by Steven Yates of April 2, 2022, “Our Lying Corporate Media III: Is Putin “One of Them”?

The Unz Review, Ukrainian Update #9, by Paul Craig Roberts, April 1, 2022.

Jim Rickards’ Strategic Intelligence newsletter report for March 2022.

The Descent of Western Man

By Sidney Secular

April 5, 2022

The descent is demonstrated in that the decent are disappearing

The New World “Orderlies” constantly change our perceptions to align with their ever changing deceptions. History becomes history in favor of the current political flavors with hysterics and gaslighting used to gas up the deceptions. Thus, the themes in the increasingly pertinent and popular novel “1984” by George Orwell are novel no more. With the deranged deluge of fake news coming from the pens and mouths of establishment mouthpieces spewing forth rivers of sputum, it is critical to critically review and analyze recent events before they recede in our memories to make way for more deluges of daily drivel. We must stop the daily drama of merely reacting and defending ourselves, and we must take the time to fully develop our perspectives rooted in reality, and then to act on them.

Backing up a bit to the onset of the fabricated pandemic, we can easily see with a bit of hindsight that it was a charade using doctored statistics endorsed by ersatz doctors, some of whom have never performed a day of actual “doctoring,” like Dr. Fauci and Brix. Testing of supposed vaccines was highly inadequate or non-existent. It involved media and deep state coordinated fear mongering, nursing home stuffing with near stiffs with one foot in the grave, emphasis on those testing positive with manipulated statics showing huge, unrealistic numbers of deaths there from where as in reality the recovery rate was over 99%, coercion by the medical/pharmaceutical complex to conform to an unbending one-way protocol which meant it was their way or the highway. It was a conspiracy to make the situation appear far worse than it was – doubling down on fear to incessantly drive up vaccination and booster numbers and set the stage for the Great Reset to play out.

First responders, police, firemen, doctors, nurses and paramedics were heroes of the moment one moment and then a moment later were fired for properly rejecting the jab, suddenly becoming non-essential with no one to replace them. Meanwhile, we watched the sheeple floundering around with fear expressed in their eyes of a fearful death while they mumbled indistinctly through their worthless Halloween-like masks, lining up for free inoculations sometimes abetted with free hamburgers or other trifling inducements, complying without a second thought with vaccine mandates, happily staying cooped up like caged chickens, avoiding one another as if radioactive, ostracizing and severely berating or even threatening the unvaxxed, and willing to turn on and turn in their neighbors for non-compliance. Stockholm Syndrome, willful ignorance, cognitive dissonance, and mass psychosis formation infected a goodly portion of the populace. Discernment fell away as insouciance ruled the day. Many Americans now believe life will somehow return to normal whereas the first steps of the “new normal” have been established. What we experienced was merely the opening salvo of the globalist “great reset”. “You ain’t seen nuthin’ yet” as the song says. As history has shown, the Left will tighten the screws much more next time around as they push towards their ultimate objectives. It is just another Hegelian-style application of their “one step back, three steps ahead” methodology.

We can safely say there is no grand plan to restore the Historical American Nation to its halcyon days, and any modest plans will meet with steamroller-type opposition. The revolutionary spirit has long since departed the body politic. The remaining patriots, who are few and far between, still would rather fight than switch to one another’s position for the sake of unity. We are reduced nibbling at the edges to weed out some vulnerable RINOs or induce them to prematurely retire when they see the handwriting on the wall telling them they will likely lose their next political contest. A good number of Dems, normally complete dunces, aren’t dumb when it comes to questions of power and control. There is no groundswell to impeach Biden or his major loony lackeys for their multiple treasonous offenses, or to harass or hound Biden out of office for being offensive to the American spirit since the media will defend him phalanx-like as they are his most important supporters, apologists, and accomplices.

It’s too late to overturn the 2020 election since many of those who would be instrumental in making it happen are either cowardly or have become instruments of the deep state, following the lead of “putzy” former VP Pence. We can peck away at our computers in complaint and exasperation but we wind up preaching to the choir who are also tired of hearing and singing the same song. The rest are “hard of hearing” or are tough nuts to crack, made more resistant to cracking by the constant mainstream media messaging.

The corruption of the deep state runs deeper than any of us may have imagined and it doesn’t run silently anymore. Yesterday’s “conspiracy theories” have become today’s truths but the falsehoods continue unabashed even though harshly bashed now. The controllers continue to get away with the illusion of a competitive two-party system although both parties are party to that deception. We actually have only one “two-faced” party, but the sheeple still lap up the political slop that is dished out to them. Third parties are shunted aside by unnecessarily difficult requirements to meet to get on ballots in order to exclude them from serious consideration. We are marred by the unholy polygamous marriage of the Deep State to Big pharma, Big tech, big corporations, Communist agents, leftist foundations, ersatz leaders, and “quackademia” all conducting the bidding of the Left.

Important issues are shunted aside and left unaddressed for fear of the leftist Jews and the people of color who now color all our considerations and conversations. The ignoramus performers in the entertainment and sports spheres who are treated like gods throw in their millions and their intellectual “two cents” into all the important issues of the day about which they know little, but their vapid opinions are treated as revelations from the intellectually gifted. Those whose job it is to deliberate and decide on important issues are “out to lunch” and the deep staters will “eat their lunch” on these issues. The big “apes” in the major sports leagues bend their knees to the new zeitgeist by grunting their disgruntlement with Western values and “taking the knee” at every showy opportunity despite being privileged characters within the West they despise. Big tech neutralizes opposing opinion by neutering the ability of patriotic entities to raise funds and conduct business and canceling any expressions not in accord with the current “thinking” by claiming that they are contrary to imaginary or imagined “community standards.”

The FedGov presents a facade of clean hands but devotes billions to bullying foreign countries into do its bidding through black budgets available to bad actors such as the CIA to foment “color revolutions” and promote “globohomo” practices such as transgenderism and transhumanism all over the globe. Similarly, the FedGov uses a coterie of creeps to carry out its cultural crusades — these include NGOs, power brokers, UN agencies, deep state drones, new world orderlies, third party actors, conflict actors and false flag narratives. It is impossible to untangle the web of relationships, corruption, contracts, payoffs, money laundering, corrupted courts, and criminal and treasonous activity going on behind the scenes. By propping up its puppets in decision making positions in the courts, corporations, academic cadres, unions and the like, unpopular policies are perpetuated, justice pushed aside, untruths popularized, and dissenting views cancelled.

Appeals to “democracy” are trotted out to cover up or camouflage demonic and disturbing practices: think SCOTUS packing, fraudulent elections, and voter fraud. A blind eye is turned to riots, drug proliferation, black depredation, depraved rap crap, routine urban unrest and wrongdoing, and misdeeds of any nature committed by the approved groups! A clear example of this situation is the reality that whereas the claim (and group), Black Lives Matter, is sacrosanct, but the same type of claim such as WHITE lives or, in fact, ALL lives matter, is treated as outright hate speech.

Speaking of elections, the scale of evidence proving hugely massive election fraud is overwhelming, persuasive AND ONGOING! Shenanigans of every description were used to deceive and create the preconceived results. State legislatures, where a few dogged patriots are pushing to peel away the veils of deceit and criminality are ongoing but patchy and piecemeal, as are the necessary reforms, and so no one can legitimately claim that the 2022 elections will be, in fact, legitimate! If the scale of the 2020 fraud continues in 2022, we are finished as a historical experiment in freedom.

Energy independence has been shown to be viable. Energy dependence creates a fragile future fraught with uncertainty in every area of life. The ripple effect of rising inflation spearheaded by rising energy costs will touch every American and every American business enterprise. Replacing fossil fuels with solar and wind is wishful thinking – if it can even be called “thinking.” They are too intermittent and uncertain to be relied upon and cannot support the large scale needs of a major Western economy. Furthermore, it has been proven that the USE of these “alternate” fuels is only possible through the use of technology based upon the very fossil fuels they are supposed to replace! It takes gas to run the generator that will charge your electric car!

The climate change and global warming malarkey will be exposed soon enough as they are based on falsified data and a misunderstanding of the causes of the alternating periods of warming and cooling in the climate. All leftist schemes cannot be sustained for too long for they are impractical and foolish and do not work not to mention the fact that they are based on agreed-upon lies. Infusions of cash or grants from governments to front line “woker” entities to sustain the impractical only prolong the agony, drain our pockets, and the further the feelings of malaise.

Geopolitically, the Chinese and not the Russians are our real “enemies.” (Actually, we are our own worst enemies.) They are creating alliances and working relationships with countries around the globe (The Belt and Road projects) to outflank us and slowly but surely out-rank us economically; and this doesn’t even take into account that they already own most of our farming land and our government. When CCP doctrine states its goal is to replace the US as the leading superpower economically and militarily by 2030, we should take them seriously. They are much more racially/ethnically conscious than Hitler ever was and that gives them the impetus and motivation to avoid getting complacent like the “multiculture” West that has nothing but greed to motivate it internationally. The Chinese prognostications are actual projections/extrapolations of current realities whereas the UN Agenda 2030 is just wishy-washy wish-list utopianism and a flight of fancy for fancy socialites. Our controllers and New World Orderlies are not so secretly “in bed” with the Chinese since they go with the flow and they see the Chinese dream flowering. They see the handwriting on the wall and it is in Mandarin Chinese!

And then there is the years ongoing effort by our Deep State to make Russia into the “monster of choice” in the West. The efforts to use that nation to destroy Trump should have made that clear back in the run up to the 2016 election! Neither is Putin the monster the Deep State and its media minions are working around the clock to create. His “expansionist” actions in Ukraine are not as nefarious as the implacably anti-Russian establishment would like us to believe. US funded bio-labs in the Ukraine, which number in the 30’s or 40s depending on who one chooses to believe, are an astronomical number in reality. In the US, we know of only one lab creating biological weapons, Fort Detrick in Maryland. The Ukrainian labs represent a real threat to Russia and to the rest of the world as sources of Covid-like creations – and worse! Being encircled by NATO is something Putin warned in the past he would not accept, but we for years we went ahead anyway on that project anyway. No Russian nuclear confrontation with the West is in the cards as Putin holds a winning hand and can bring us to our knees economically without saber rattling, as will be shown in the next article in this newsletter.

Let’s hope there is a seed for future germination of the Western spirit somewhere out there that can be nurtured into fruition though with so many “legitimate” people and agencies in the United States pushing these bio-weapons on ourselves and our children, that future is quickly dimming into blackness.

© 2022 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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Ponder Prepperism, Part 2

By Sidney Secular

March 30, 2022

In our previous introductory discussion on what to do when law and order collapse and the Historical American Nation itself becomes history while the New World “Orderlies” have a field day destroying what remains of civilization in general, we briefly touched upon Second Amendment issues. We intend to keep you up-to-date on that subject with periodic articles of interest as you can see in this issue in an article entitled, “Arms Rights Round-Up.” For we are being overcome by an unholy alliance of swamp dwellers that include “affirmative actors,” psychopathic power-driven perps, unassimilated invaders and unassimilable third world troglodytes all supported by those with an interest in keeping decent Americans completely under their control. These bullies are having a field day acting out their malevolent fantasies and bossing us around with senseless and brutal directives grounded in an illusory scamdemic all wrapped up in benevolent sounding virtue-signaling frequently delivered via gaslighting techniques. Their intentions need only another viral outbreak of Covidiocy or a variant thereof to finish the job of completely disrupting the nation’s supply chains already presently in a state of irredeemable disarray. Such another “event” would leave us with a completely dysfunctional national logistics system.

We have advised you to have at least six months’ worth of cash on hand as well as to create a cache where a significant collection of gold and silver coins and bars can be stashed. These personal reserves would be used for everyday expenses and for barter transactions which will become increasingly de rigueur once “the effluvia hits the fan.” In cases of widespread economic or social disruptions, you can expect diminished access to vital resources coming from national or regional distribution centers. These include food, water, fuel, medicines, etc. Whatever the nature of the disaster or disasters, access to key resources if not immediate, could be cut off completely. It is very important for you to get a feel for what’s available locally before there is a disruption of “normal” life. Locate the resources nearby in order to start utilizing them so that when the time comes you are already “plugged into” the system.

Get to know your local farmers. Even if you live in a big city, you probably won’t have to drive for more than an hour to reach a nearby farming area. These “agrarians” can be a lifesaver during difficult times. When grocery store shelves are lean or picked clean – something for which you got a taste or foretaste during the now waning two-year Covidiocy, local farmers will still very likely have fresh eggs, milk, fresh produce and fruits and fresh meat that they would be willing to sell or barter, especially if you have already developed a relationship with them. Buying food straight from local farmers will also likely get you better food at a better price than is otherwise obtainable. Frequenting your local farmers’ markets and “chatting up” the sellers is a good way to start your food prepper program right now. Check out buying in bulk from local sources and establishing a large larder of food reserves which will come in most handy when things get really tough. Obtaining an ample(several months or even years – depending on the item) supply of dried or freeze-dried staple foods now via mail order sources could be an important component of your food prepper program as well. One largely unknown and thus sadly underutilized resource are community canning centers. Take your homegrown produce that you picked or produce purchased from your local farmers to your county or community canning center – always assuming that such exists. These facilities make it easy for you to preserve a variety of foods without having to invest in canning equipment or supplies. Alternatively, you can easily learn canning techniques and do the canning yourself. Canning supplies are inexpensive but beware! When government policies begin to look problematic, such self-help products tend to disappear! Uncle Sam doesn’t care for independent peons.

Develop a strong social network in your neighborhood. Put aside your political polemics in this effort because you and your neighbors will be in the same boat when it comes to staying afloat in emergency situations. Your most important local resource may be your own neighborhood. Take the time and effort to get to know your neighbors. You may already know some of them as libbers but get to know them personally as people. The more you can pull together with the people physically closest to you, the more comfortable you will feel now and the more secure you will be in an emergency. Join local civic associations and sign up with local “list serves”(email networks) that will facilitate your efforts and enhance neighborliness. Attend neighborhood meetings regularly with the intent to socialize – even with the socialists – rather than criticize.

Work with what you already have. The resources you have on hand will make a big difference in an emergency. Your yard or balcony can double as a garden – make it so. Your laundry room and pantry can be adapted to serve as an extended food reserve. Modify your bathroom or utility closet to create an organized first-aid and pharmaceutical/herbal stock reserve. However, given the current social scene, try to remain below the radar because as things are shaking out today, people of our political persuasion make great targets for the forces of Big Brother and those who serve him!

Take advantage of training resources. Your local Red Cross chapter offers low fee or free workshops in Individual Skills Preparedness that help you become self-reliant for extended periods of time. The workshops may only cover basic topics, but they will give you a framework you can build on for more advanced prepping. Your local “outdoor” stores may also offer training classes in camping, hunting, fishing, recognizing and utilizing edible plants, and basic first aid. Community colleges and adult education classes are another possible source for preparedness training — there you can expect more in-depth coverage of survival and preparedness subjects.

Then there is indoor survival gardening. Most of what you need in a survival garden can actually be grown indoors, except for plants that are too tall or require too much ground such as corn or melons. However, you must employ the best space-saving measures to obtain maximum energy efficiency and utilize the most economical growing techniques. Many vegetables, herbs and fruits can be grown indoors all year long including green onions, cherry tomatoes, sweet potatoes, and carrots. Indoor-grown crops are immune to the vicissitudes of bad weather and limited growing seasons as well as light-fingered neighbors. Since there is no “off-season” for indoor gardening, you can always be harvesting, and you can bring forth much more produce per square foot than is possible outdoors. There are innovative vertical shelf gardening systems and water-saving techniques that can be employed. You will have no problems with varmints stuffing themselves indoors but you will most likely need plant lights to supplement your window sunlight. Indoor gardening will also reduce or eliminate outdoor airborne pollution. You will have no problem with insects contaminating your crops by carrying pesticide residue from “dirty” flowers to your garden or, in the alternative, eating them.

As well, indoor gardening will provide privacy and security as desperate, hungry people and worse should not be permitted to discover what they are seeking as such information can lead to far worse crimes than theft! With kale, lettuce, herbs, and greens grown from seeds, you do not have to worry about pollination issues. For crops requiring pollination, you must hand pollinate, which you can do with a toothbrush, an artist’s paintbrush or a Q-tip. See instructional videos on “hand pollination” or “manual pollination.” Use only certified organic or heirloom seeds and do not use soil contaminated with herbicides or pesticides. Do an internet search for “heirloom-organic seeds.” Investigate how best to utilize basement or attic space for gardening. Optimize use of windowsills, garage footage, and indoor floors. For maximum yields, layer plant containers on metal shelving units. Investigate both hydroponics and aquaponics along with various soil-based growing techniques. Fully investigate and utilize counter-top and shelf sprouting – you can produce prolific crops of herbs and nutritious salad ingredients within three days. Besides the perennially popular mung bean and alfalfa sprouts, good candidates include clover, lentil, sunflower, and wheat seeds often called “wheat berries.” Keep these plants going by intelligent harvesting; that is, do not remove the whole green parts from the roots but leave enough for the plant to regrow. Mushrooms are a popular item to grow indoors. Lots of resources exist on that topic including actual mushroom “growing kits.”

There are massive amounts of free videos, blogs, and other resources on the subject of indoor gardening available to a beginner. Start by performing an internet search on “indoor gardening” before the Deep State realizes that such information is a danger to their complete control of We the People! Start your indoor gardening projects now – the subject will grow on you.

© 2022 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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America First Political Action Committee (afpac) 2022 Conference

By Sidney Secular

March 25, 2022

Your publisher took a short “sort of” sabbatical to trek to Orlando, Florida on February 25th to attend – and report – on the one-day conference of AFPAC. This is the third of these (hopefully) annual events that are bringing together many of the leading voices of true traditional conservatism to lead the charge for a renewal of the American spirit and the patriotism that goes with it.

AFPAC conferences shine a light on the diametric differences between itself and the conferences of the Conservative Political Action Committee (CPAC) held at the same time and in approximately the same geographical venue. CPAC represents the existing, if tiresome program of the old school and RINO “wings” of the Republican Party that, though becoming anachronisms, still dominate the definition of conservatism, the GOP and what both are supposed to represent. For that very reason, far too many people remained deceived by CPAC’s deluded approach to the American political scene.

On the other hand, AFPAC is fighting for a renewal of the Historic American Nation against the forces of corruption and decadence threatening to wash over us like a red tsunami. The America First Foundation is a 501(c) (4) nonprofit that provides support for America First projects in its mission to be the organization that will advocate, promote, and educate people on conservative values based on the principles of American Nationalism, Christianity and Traditionalism. Anyone who is interested and involved in the issues of the day must visit the website

The President and Founder of AFPAC is Nick Fuentes, the 23 year-old “veteran” of the fight against the forces of degradation which include the RINOs, the Demonrats and all the rest of the New World “orderlies.” Fuentes is host of the immensely popular and successful live-stream show America First, he has hosted since February of 2017. He initiated the pro-Trump “Groyper” movement and is pushing fake, lukewarm “shamservatives” like Charlie Kirk and Ben Shapiro to take harder stances on central issues such as immigration, big tech and the depredations of the American empire. In 2020, Fuentes led many peaceful demonstrations against the massive voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election and later traveled all over the country to rally Americans against the criminal vaccine mandates. For these efforts, his assets were seized by the Feds and he was unjustly placed on the Federal No-Fly list despite not being charged with any crime. Banned from nearly the entire internet, Fuentes has created his own censorship-proof streaming platform site that is pioneering the blossoming of free thought and expression online and from the look of things, if he is successful, his might be the only platform of free speech and expression that remains in the “Land of the Unfree and the Home of the Frightened.”

The impressive gathering of some 1,200 shouting, foot-stomping, knowledgeable enthusiasts at the AFPAC convention were treated to speeches by the emerging national leader Marjorie Taylor Greene; the dynamic Vince James, founder of “The Red Elephants,”(, pastor Jesse Lee Peterson;  radio host Stew Peters; Paul Gosar, on one of the leading conservative voices in Congress(who appeared via video); Andrew Torba, founder of, the leading free speech social media network; Wendy Rogers, an outspoken Arizona State Senator; Joe Arpaio, America’s toughest sheriff who, as did Donald Trump, had his office stolen; Thomas Homan, former Director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement(ICE), and Janice McGeachin, Lt. Governor of Idaho. There were surprising but well deserved kudos to Jared Taylor, the indomitable voice of American Renaissance and White renewal for the past 30+ years; Michelle Malkin, the highly popular author and lecturer, and Peter Brimelow, the president of VDARE, a leading voice on immigration and America first issues as well as being author of the highly esteemed book, “Alien Nation”.

One impressive aspect of AFPAC is its out front, explicit Christian orientation. The attendees were nearly all in their 20s and 30s, with a goodly number of the fair sex present – a necessity for the stabilization and growth of any conservative movement. Liberal women have never learned that their strength as women was not to be found in pretending to be men, but in being women of the type of the late Phyllis Schlafly and others of whom it was once said, “The hand the rocks the cradle rules the world!” Unfortunately, the dearth of the middle aged and seniors was notable. Maybe these groups are not plugged into the internet sufficiently to know of the aforementioned websites, or maybe these older warriors have tired of fighting repeated, and sometimes bruising battles with the libs only to have to retreat from their reasonable positions and give way to the sway of the emotion laden appeals made to the masses that always seem to always carry the day – especially when your “conservative” politicians who pleaded for your vote to institute your agenda, immediately surrendered upon entering into their office! If so, the transfusion of new blood into the “movement” could provide the necessary rejuvenation to save the Historic American Nation. Still, it must be considered how many of these “youthful warriors” had as their inspiration, mothers and fathers who fought the good fight in their day!

Although not featured in the presentations, important literature from the group, “Republicans For National Renewal” was available. This is the group that could wrest control of the Republican Party from the RINOs and neo-cons. Please contact me for information on this organization. We are close to – but not yet at – the point at which our political system becomes irrelevant so we must be open to everything and anything that will help overcome our adversaries while there still is a functional political system!

© 2022 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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The True Tragedy of Biden’s Border Treason

By Sidney Secular

March 22, 2022

The demented Biden’s disastrous border treason is ballooning to the point at which it is nearly boundless. This moronic, psychopathic mental midget is completely transforming the Historic American Nation into a nation of illegal invaders, Third World troglodytes and political “sickophants.” A critical mass of unknown numbers of illegals have congregated in the southern Mexican town of Tapachula since late in 2021. The globalists in the UN ended any quandary suffered by the Mexican government on how to handle the situation by offering to fully pay both the migrants’ way and the cost of transportation to the US border.

This undifferentiated mass of third worlders – and not just Latinos – were herded into buses and taken through Mexico towards the US border ending up God alone knows where! It is even possible that at least some of them were driven through the border at some thinly guarded point as nothing further has been available on the matter after the buses set out. This, by the way, was the caravan designed by Biden to blow by the border that was recently exposed. Unfortunately, as of now, we have heard no more about it as the media has become silent. Usually, such a dearth of reporting indicates a successful mission by our enemies.

The total US immigrant population, both legal and illegal, reached 46.6 million in January, the highest ever recorded. After a brief slowdown in illegal border crossings due to Covid-related restrictions, the non-citizen population rebounded dramatically with the Biden coup. As a result, an unknown number of “newcomers” have moved in, many of whom have been transported to locations around the country in the dead of night where they blend in nicely with the “people of color” population, insuring ever greater numbers of this usually anti-American, hate-whitey demographic. These people need no identification papers (indeed, many times these documents have been deliberately destroyed!) or, in the alternative, they have counterfeit ones created to allow them to leech off Uncle Sap together with our own native parasites. Officially, there has been a 1.6 million increase in the foreign-born just over the last year but that figure is doubtless much higher given the ballooning number of anchor babies and the family reunification program going ahead full “farce.”

As the illegal flow at the border has ballooned, the deportation at the border and from the interior has collapsed like a punctured balloon as a result of Biden’s orders. The Department of Homeland Obscurity is only too happy to comply instead of resisting what liberals consider Trump’s revolting directives. The spigot has been opened all the way regarding not only Mexicans and Central Americans but to people from over 100 nations worldwide, including every possible category of criminal, leech and undesirable, all hoping to get into the land of “white privilege” where “people of color” receive all the goodies possible from that same stupid white population.

The drug inflow of highly toxic fentanyl is enough to kill the population of the US seven times over, were it all consumed. Parenthetically, that great American hero, George Floyd actually died of an overdose of fentanyl and not a cop’s knee on his neck. But what does truth matter after all! Methamphetamine and opioid inflow have also ballooned enough to drown us in a sea of misery. The components for the drug compounds all too often come from China and are manufactured in labs in Mexico so they can more easily be transported and distributed among Americans. The recent explosion in the numbers of homeless can be attributed to people consuming the aforesaid sudden surplus of imported illicit and dangerous drugs eating up their meager moolah and leaving them unable to pay for food and lodging. Indeed, studies have shown that the “homeless” problem is actually, an “addiction” problem!

Biden and the “presstitutes” of the mainstream media are in on the population makeover of the nation since not one question was asked about immigration or border issues at a presidential “press conference” in mid-January. That subject historically has never elicited any questions at presidential news conferences under past presidents, with the exception of those directed to President Trump about how he could be so mean to the children being held at the border! Now, however, that matter is easily solved by turning these innocents over to the sex traffickers who are in good standing with the present Administration. The issue of “immigration” – that is, “invasion!” – is Biden’s weakest issue with the thinking public among a virtual plethora of other unmitigated disasters and tragedies he has unleashed, but the unhappiness of Americans has not altered any aspect of the “great reset” the Deep State is programming us to accept.

As a reflection of this public-be-damned attitude, the Biden Maladministration has issued 296 Executive Orders or other directives on the subject of immigration alone during the faux President’s first year in the “offal office” among the most significant of which were giving work permits to hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens, abandoning the rule designed to deny green cards to welfare users and canceling the Safe Third Country agreements negotiated with several Central American countries. These agreements specified that asylum seekers or refugees were to be settled in or processed by the first country in which they arrived after they leave their home countries rather than these countries merely being “stop-overs” on the way to their final destination, the United States.

Basically, there are two reasons given for the promotion and acceptance of the illegal invasion. The first is that the elites, multinationals, chamber of commerce types et al. obtain unlimited, cheap, disposable labor without worrying about fringe benefits, bureaucratic red tape, strikes, tax issues and union formation. In the past, this was mostly framed as a necessity for employers because the unskilled and semi-skilled workers would be performing the jobs that native Americans won’t do. Actually, that was never true. Americans were always willing to do these jobs if the proper incentives are offered to them. Because the average American has had to muddle through life with ever increasing financial burdens and taxes over the last fifty years, and given the moral condition of the culture, frequently necessity “trumps” his otherwise worthy ethical scruples! And who can blame him? Furthermore, nothing John Q. Public is able to do seems to overcome the use of illegals to do unpleasant chores either “under the table” or at rates which remove the average American from the competition for a job. For years, these considerations have prevented any outcry by ordinary Americans of those who work “off the books.” Of course, those who were willing to look the other way never understood that they were digging their own economic graves!

The other and infinitely more important reason for the encouragement of the “come one, come all – including criminals” invasion is the Demonrat strategy to retain power even as we lose the nation that nourishes both us and them! For they expect the illegals to remember their largesse when election day rolls around, especially as they are increasingly gaining the franchise whether legally or otherwise! But the main reason that Biden is bidding them enter, is because his “handlers,” the globalists and communists don’t want borders at all! The New World Order will be sans such parochial considerations as nation-states, religion, liberty, etc. etc. etc. How much easier it will be for the Great Reset – a/k/a the establishment of the New World Order – if all those nasty borders were no more! “Come one, come all, even criminals!” is his motto because it is the motto of his Masters. And as he believes that they must succeed at this point in time, Joe Biden feels his worldly fame is assured even though the nation he was to lead and protect will flame out and he will be condemned as the traitor that he is when (if?) the sheeple, and maybe even the wokesters wake up.

However, actually, one would think from all of this border disorder, Biden’s leftist and Libertrian friends and collaborators would be thrilled with his “accomplishments,” but they’re actually peeved that his Maladministration hasn’t done more to open the borders! They complain that Sleepy Joe has maintained Trump’s most restrictionist, inhumane and (possibly) illegal border policies.” You cannot make this stuff up! Yes, it’s going to be a long, hard, unbearable three more years folks, and in the end, there may be nothing left to defend!

© 2022 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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Recommended sources:

(1) The Center For Immigration Studies.
(2) Whistleblower Magazine, February 2022 issue. A publication of World Net Daily
(3) NumbersUSA.
(4) –, America’s Immigration Voice

Arms Rights Round-Up

By Sidney Secular

March 18, 2022

Your “straight shooters” take a shot at bringing you up-to-date on some important recent Second Amendment issues:

“Backdoor” Gun Registry: The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATF) is in the process of creating a massive database via digitization of Form 44738 people fill out when purchasing a firearm. In 2021 alone, ATF processed at least 54 million of these forms, a process that began during the Obama Reign of Error. As an indication of the quantity involved, over one million of these records are sent to the ATF each month and that bureaucracy employs a small army to register them. By law, gun dealers must maintain these records for 20 years. If a dealer retires, sells out or goes out of business, he must send the last 20 years of his records to the BATF. Far from this being just more bureaucratic “make work,” the government through this agency is gunning for a requirement necessitating gun dealers to maintain these forms indefinitely in order to create a practicable firearms registry in preparation for that time at which anti-gun lawmakers are able to criminalize the private transfer of firearms through “universal background check” legislation.

But this is not even an effort to prevent illegal gun sales because, as a practical matter, it takes on average over eight years from the time of the original legal sale of a gun until the time that the weapon may be found at the scene of a crime! And, of course, this does not take into account guns that are stolen and then used in a crime. Most criminals don’t bother to purchase their means of livelihood as they are into “stealing stuff” anyway! The simple fact is that faux “Presidunce” Biden and his leftist cadre want to treat lawful gun ownership as a crime and therefore blame gun store owners for arming criminals, the vast majority of whom are ordinary law-abiding Americans! The simple fact is that all Americans – and especially gun owners – should be suspicious of any FedGov involvement in keeping records of gun sales and ownership!

US Supreme Court Case on the Right to Bear Arms: On November 3, 2021, the Supremes heard oral arguments in the case of NY State Rifle and Pistol Association vs. Bruen, an NRA backed challenge to New York State’s highly restrictive may-issue licensing scheme for “concealed carry”. These licenses are the only way for New Yorkers to carry a gun outside their dwellings for the purpose of self-defense something that is essentialin these days of mass anarchy especially within our cities! Unless a New Yorker lives in a rural area with a pro-gun sheriff or in populated areas if you are not a judge, a former police officer or a celebrity, you can basically forget about getting a gun much less obtaining permission to open carry because the law requires applicants to show a “special need” for “self-defense” that distinguishes you from the general population! For example, Jewish diamond sellers can obtain such a license for obvious reasons! The fact that a pro-criminal “justice system” has made New York’s streets into modern versions of the Alamo, seems not to influence our “leaders” with regard to public safety. Thus, the right to bear arms becomes a special privilege reserved for the few who are “connected” or are special in some other acceptable WOKE way.

Arguing for the petitioners is former US Solicitor Paul Clement, one of the most experienced Supreme Court litigators in the US. He has noted that there are several cities where shall-issue concealed carry is already the norm, and there has not been any surge of violent crime by those with permits. Indeed, it is probable that violent gun crime by those who don’t feel the need to seek such a permit is also down because most criminals are not totally stupid! Believe it or not, the two lefty women on the Court, Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan seem to be on the pro-gun side while retiring fossil Justice Stephen Breyer – who believes there is no individual right to own, carry or use a gun under the Second Amendment! – has dealt with the matter by attempting to dismiss the case! The tenor of the proceedings so far is encouraging for the pro-gun side, but the decision will take some time to come and heaven alone knows what the prevailing situation will be once it does come down.

James Bond Misfires: One good thing about the latest James Bond film, “No Time to Die” is that it should be Daniel Craig’s last adventure as “007.” It’s amazing that this supposed model of an armed warrior is not a fan of guns. He has said, “I hate handguns. Handguns are used to shoot people and as long as they are around, people will shoot each other. That’s a simple fact.” Unfortunately, the same can be said for anything that can be used as a weapon from hammers to hatpins! Removing every possible means of doing our fellow man harm would leave us all naked and pray to larger animals with bigger teeth! Of course, fictional “James Bond” goes around in films using handguns to save people from villains but the actor who portrays the “hero” still can’t appreciate the fact that guns can be – and often are – used by law-abiding citizens to protect themselves and other law-abiding citizens from violent criminals!

As with most lefties, Craig lives in an alternate reality where common sense has now become very much “uncommon.” In this latest Bond flick, Director Cary Fukunga has given us a “hero” symbolic of today’s emasculated, insecure man more able to engage in soap opera dialogue than taking confident action. We expect Fleming’s Bond character to be fighting for his life and the lives of those he protects from the film’s beginning to its end, albeit interspersed with some romantic and clever interludes thrown in for variety. Instead, we get a verbose, hesitant capon embarrassed by his own occupation and the tools required to practice it. In the end, the audience is left with what is, in fact, an anti-Bond film! Indeed, nearly all films nowadays that involve white heroes devolve into flimsy, repulsive themes and scenes designed to validate the present culture’s view of whites in general. The only truly “masculine” movies today have non-white “heroes” (or anti-heroes) but no matter the theme, comedy, drama or “action,” almost all celluloid epics are used to promote racial politics, perverted sex, political correctness, and other furtherance of the “WOKE” culture.

Virginia is Again for Second Amendment Lovers: In the last election, pro-gun candidates won up and down the ballot in the Old Dominion. This includes the Virginia House of Delegates which has flipped and will (*should?) have a majority that understands the importance of Second Amendment rights. (*Of course, we must always keep in mind that politicians, like lovers, often promise far more than they deliver!)

Another of Bummer Biden’s Bum Choices, the fibbing, floundering, flunky David Chipman – who had been a special agent for the BATF for twenty-five years – was nominated by Clueless Joe to head that important agency. Fortunately, his gaffes with the media eventually resulted in his name being withdrawn – thank God for small favors! Chipman was a typical chip off the Biden blockhead, a cretin who claims that the “gun industry” profits from gun violence. He declared without any evidence and, indeed, against huge amounts of available evidence, that retailers routinely sell guns without any accountability and implied that they deliberately sell to “criminals and terrorists.” Of course, he may have been thinking of former Attorney General Eric Holder’s strategy to get illegal guns into the hands of Mexican cartels by forcing honest gun dealers in Texas to provide those weapons; this little “strategy” was called Operation Fast and Furious. If that is so, then Chipman was blaming the wrong person for the crime! A background check through the FBI’s National Instant background Check System is required for each and every sale of a gun, and it is illegal to knowingly sell to any person prohibited by law from owning a gun. Chipman’s biggest idiocy – you can hardly call it a lie as lies must have some credibility to be useful! – came when he said that it is easier to buy a gun than a beer. Maybe he lives in a “dry” state?

Defending the Flock: There is an increasingly common and serious problem with regard to violent criminals who target churches. These present peculiar challenges to those confronting the problem because houses of worship strive to be open and inviting, are refuges for the vulnerable and needy, their doors are left unlocked, and strangers are welcomed. These conditions are ripe for any psychopath or terrorist to use as an outlet for violence. In addition, people are usually not permitted to carry guns into a church facility either through local laws or through the rules of the church itself. As a result, crimes against church congregations are all too common. In 2019, the FBI chronicled a wave of thousands of assaults, vandalisms, burglaries, homicides and even kidnappings that occurred in churches. That same year, the FBI recorded 1,715 crimes motivated by anti-religious sentiment, an increase of 7% over previous years and FBI estimates showed a 35% increase in attacks on churches between 2014 and 2018, about 57% of these involved firearms. The problem has drawn national and even international scrutiny.

In 2019, President Donald Trump provided $25 million from the federal government to protect religious sites and churches. The Department of Homeland “Obscurity” and the FBI have each released guidance for mitigating attacks on houses of worship. And while a few states ban guns in houses of worship completely, six require express permission to carry and some states like Florida have recently eased up on church-carry restrictions after some high-profile attacks on local congregations. Of course, the FedGov and the states have no right to disallow firearms on church property although it can be hidden under regulations denying “open carry” permits for firearms. Barring various state and local restrictions, religious institutions have the right to make their own decisions in these matters as it involves the exercise of First Amendment rights to make decisions regarding the Second Amendment.

Across the various Christian denominations as well as non-Christian religions there is little consensus on the issue and many religious leaders are reluctant to take a public stand for fear of seeming “unchristian” or otherwise anti-human. Among some churches who have not yet been fully compromised by leftist pacifistic leanings, some host shooting events and concealed-carry classes to assure that any members who find themselves in a difficult situation are sufficiently proficient to help rather than harm in the matter. To get a conversation started on the issue at one’s local church, interested parishioners should address the problem as a component of public safety. Of course, this is much easier after one of these incidents when the danger about which one warns is obvious for all but the most closed-minded to see. However, one should avoid details on firearms themselves until those involved including the minister have taken the matter to the point at which plans are being considered if not actually made. As well, a “guns-only” approach can be too narrow a response because threats come in many forms and good security protocols have to be both simple enough to carry out and diverse enough to handle any situation
that may arise.

In these matters, anyone who considers bringing the subject up must first contact the minister and such members who represent the lay governing board of the community. Of course, more structured and traditional religious bodies like Roman Catholics, Methodists, Episcopalians and other large groups are a very different matter as these require the “blessing” of a person and/or group outside of the local parish. With small Protestant groups, the perceived “leader” of the program must be prepared to be the facilitator and educator as pastors are usually too busy to get involved in the day to day running of such programs. One can be a pacifist but to ignore the threat of a violent intruder is not pacifism, it is suicide. There are many subjects involved in this type of program such as de-escalation training, nonlethal resistance and lockdown procedures that can also be addressed. Overcoming inertia and resistance takes time, patience, understanding, awareness and, most important pertinent information about the gravity of the situation for today we must also deal with the ongoing fear that is smothering our culture and making a strong response to threats very difficult to create and/or encourage. Initiating and distributing a newsletter about church crime in general can raise awareness. Also, it can demonstrate that people do not need to be “victims” if they have in place a planned response to threatened violence. The subject has been gaining much needed attention around the country as our local governments continue to fail to respond to violent crimes within our cities and neighborhoods thus further putting our churches in danger.

Toxic CDC Focus Treating Gun Ownership As A Disease: There are only two realities with respect to guns. One respects them or one disrespects them – at least in the hands of ordinary citizens. The urban, supposedly urbane bunch in Guvmint just sees people of color shooting each other and extrapolates from that situation that all guns in the hands of blacks are, in a strange way, “good.” Why? Because the ongoing slaughter can be blamed on whites as the culture is basically both violent and white. The hapless and helpless “minorities” are merely “aping” eeeevil whites in their innocent apelike ways. In this factually odd scenario, gun violence is portrayed as a symptom of this “white-caused” “disease” for which no cures are ever found though the phenomenon is studied endlessly. The result is that “crime” – especially minority crime! – is considered and treated by the “criminal justice system” as a public health issue and increasingly “diagnosed” as “white caused!” Of course, the outcome of this “diagnosis” results in minority criminals being released willy-nilly by wokesters within the system before serving any meaningful time – or even any time at all!

As well, minorities having to atone for crime is passé as they say, a leftover from our racist past. This results in the belief that those who use guns as an essential tool for survival rather than crime: self-defense, hunting, sports activities and keeping the dark criminal leviathan at bay, are spreaders of a COVID-type virus; that is, white culture and whites are a deadly pandemic on the body politic. Thus, according to these “cultural doctors,” the use of guns in criminal activities can be lowered by the establishment forcefully maintaining a high level of morals and general ethics promoted by legal directives aimed mainly at whites.

Of course, criminal violence also includes the use of many weapons other than firearms. Knives, fists and other blunt instruments inflict harm far more often than do guns and although firearms were used in about 74% of the homicides committed in 2019, that figure comprises less than 9% of the violent crimes committed in America. Indeed, the vast majority of violent offenses including robberies, rapes and assaults almost always involve either weapons other than guns or no weapons at all. Therefore, “outlawing guns” – that is making a special law to prevent the use of one particular “weapon – is just one more (and worse) encroachment on our liberties. Parenthetically, the actual incidence of the use of guns by whites in criminal activity is not only quite low but it appears uniform in any majority white culture whether it be in the US, Canada or Europe so there is nothing inherently problematic about a country having a white heritage vis a vis gun violence. This means that the “racial aspect” of the matter makes a huge difference in the situation. However, there cannot be special laws covering every facet of human activity. That would result in total slavery! Statistically, from the years 2011 through 2013, gun-related deaths were identified according to race thusly:

Whites: approximately 80% of gun deaths were the result of suicide.
Blacks: over 80% of gun deaths were the result of homicide and that did not
include blacks killed by the police.

Having decided that the best way to deal with guns is by making them into a “pandemic” like COVID, the CDC is hellbent on wasting yet more taxpayer money on new research on “gun violence.” Studies on this subject have already been conducted numerous times with a vast duplication of effort and profligate spending by different sources, none of which resulted in any actionable or definitive solution since they are not only directed at an imaginary problem but contain a desired result that is simply too unbelievable to be put forth for public consumption – even today. For instance, in 2016 media mogul Mike Bloomberg gifted $300 million to the “Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health” to address issues including “gun violence” as a “target category.” In 2015, California established the “Anti-Gun Firearm Violence Research Center” at the University of California using $5 million of public money. In 2019 clueless Governor Newsom added another $3.85 million to this dead-end endeavor, a true example of the liberal belief that an effort is as good as a solution. New Jersey has its own “Gun Violence Research Center” at Rutgers University funded by $2 million. Lawmakers in Hawaii are agitating to create their own anti-gun research center in the Aloha State and in 2020, the CDC issued more than $8 million in funding to cover 18(!) firearms-related research grants, with the quiet understanding that its only implied purpose was the justification of gun control! A $650,000 award to Brown University has been made for a similar purpose. Not to be left out of the leftist largesse, a $600,000 award was made to the University of South Alabama for development of “novel” strategies for introducing gun control measures. A $350,000 award was made to Baylor University in 2019 for a similar purpose. The NIH has joined the spending spree issuing $8.5 million in 2020 and another $14.3 million in 2021 for research on “violence perpetrated with firearms.” Of course, what is understood if not stated is that the “problematic” firearms are in the hands of decent, law-abiding citizens rather than the arsenal held by terrorist groups, drug cartels and liberal-supported “minority organizations.” With no money at all, the average American can easily determine that gun violence and death would shrink to near nil by removing these groups from the culture rather than the guns themselves.

There seems to be an epidemic of establishing anti-gun violence research centers and blowing money on anti-gun research all over the map not to arrive at any useful conclusions but to justify what is unjustifiable: disarming American citizens. It is apparent that all these expenditures have not produced any worthy results, at least so far, as the naughty people of color continue to kill each other and us with handguns at increasing “clips.” But then, that particular “gun violence” was never the problem. The problem was you and me and our refusal to become victims to government gun violence.

The Second Amendment Defines America: A state legistraitor in Texas recently introduced a bill that would require homeowners to to retreat and/or evacuate their homes in the face of an armed home invasion. The reason for this idiocy was, the politician assured us, “so that nobody would be hurt.” This bleeding heart idiot would not have us bleed under any circumstances or, more to the point, it is infinitely more important that the violent criminal not be injured as he might be a protected minority. It’s a bet that Beto O’Rourke must be braying over that. If someone invades their home, they should flee – if that is indeed even possible! – and allow themselves to be fleeced or forced out, says the supposed defender of people’s rights. If such a proposition were raised only 30 years ago, the advocate would be ridden out of town on a rail or thrown out on his tail. With the US succumbing to far left lunacy, such outlandish talk is no longer considered ludicrous. To worry that a criminal invader could be hurt by a resident exercising his second Amendment prerogatives shows more concern for the criminal than the innocent victim.

Unfortunately, Texas seems to be one of “many states” with “retreat to the wall” legislation requiring homeowners to retreat but not necessarily to evacuate their homes in such a scenario. I guess the victims are expected to watch the criminal do his thing and enjoy being robbed and even physically abused. Homeowners in these states might as well not acquire guns or defensive weapons since criminals will take offense at them – and then take them – the guns – to be used in other home invasions. The gun controllers have apparently won the day in these places at least figuratively, without a shot being fired.

Other states “allow” the homeowner to stand his ground and do not require retreating or evacuating – but it is not the place of the state to dictate circumstances in such cases. It is a God-given, constitutionally defended right to protect one’s person and property. Here again, these states allow homeowners to stand and defend using whatever reasonable force might be necessary, but what is “reasonable” when white is always wrong and nonwhite always right?

This is a nebulous concept and one can’t expect homeowners to be legal beagles or to make completely rational decisions when their lives may well be at stake. Let us remember the case in a very, very blue Northwestern state in which a pair of armed Hispanics had “cased” a home containing a working father and his nine year old daughter. These beasts had determined to wait for the father to leave for work before breaking in and doing unspeakable things to the child before killing her and robbing the home. One morning after Dad left, they put their plan into effect. The child heard them break in and retreated upstairs to her bedroom. The men taunted her about what they were going to do to her and advising that she “had no place to run.” With that threat, the girl came out of her room with her rifle – she was a champion skeet shooter! – killed the first man and wounding the second so badly that he died in the street after running from the house he believed would provide him with sexual “jollies” and lots of loot! Of course, had the shooter been an adult white – even a woman – charges might have been made by the loony libs, but a nine year old child – white or not! – was too big a hurdle even for them!

The Second Amendment grew out of the knowledge that an unarmed populace of any race is a target for tyrants. All government pogroms and mass murders were committed on an unarmed populace. One wonders if Australia would have been so willing to attack its own people during the COVID lockdowns had they not been disarmed in 1996! America’s Founders were very much against a disarmed populace. They had seen the results of British tyranny when the people were armed! The libbers are deliberate know-nothings on this and any other important matter when it comes to anything that does not support their agenda. They are also unaware or, more to the point, don’t care that guns save about fifteen times as many lives as they take. They will not be shaken in any way from their unreality by statistics showing the benefits of gun ownership.

However, it is necessary to remember, that liberals are very much in favor of force but that force must be government run. An armed public is a great deterrent to the use of such force. Below are just a very few statements on the matter of armed citizens made by some of our Founders but let’s start with the definition of a “militia.” Many gun-control advocates say that the requisite for a well-armed militia refers to a standing army rather than individual citizens and therefore, there is nothing in the Constitution that requires that individual citizens be armed. This was addressed by one of the founding patriots, George Mason who said: “I ask who are the militia? They consist now of the whole people, except a few public officers.”

In other words, no mention is made here of an established military but of “the whole people,” a definition that requires no further explanation. As to the rest, these are but a very few comments on this all important matter:

“A free people ought not only to be armed, but disciplined…” – Washington

“No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms.” – Jefferson

“What country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance. Let them take arms.” – Jefferson

“The laws that forbid the carrying of arms . . . disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes . . . Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man.” – Jefferson

“The Constitution of most of our states (and of the United States) assert that all power is inherent in the people; that they may exercise it by themselves; that it is their right and duty to be at all times armed.” – Jefferson

“To disarm the people…[i]s the most effectual way to enslave them.”- George Mason

“Before a standing army can rule, the people must be disarmed, as they are in almost every country in Europe. The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword; because the whole body of the people are armed, and constitute a force superior to any band of regular troops.”- Noah Webster

Anglo-Saxon concepts once promoted by civilization’s bards are going by the boards including the concept that a person’s home is his castle, just another casualty of the “new normal.” One also hears other newfangled and purposefully mangled concepts such as: ”property is not worth dying – or killing – for; the saving of a single life is worth any effort; people are more valuable than “things” and other “fatalistic aphorisms” that convey the concept that people should just surrender and let the perps have their way, come what may. Of course, if you get raped, brutalized or killed in these proceedings, so be it! The anti-gun folks don’t mind as most of them have armed guards to protect not only their persons, but their belongings! Yet these passive and pacifistic polemics help fuel the “defund the police” and other anti-gun campaigns because we are supposed to accept whatever comes our way from the Cancel Culture without complaint. As a result, we passively accept that our safety is being compromised by police resigning in droves because they are blamed for not treating blacks, the criminally inclined and habitual perps with the kid gloves and exaggerated deference that they have come to expect.

Law enforcement can be let go for not taking the jab even when they have legitimate medical or religious objections and even when they cannot readily be replaced. Suddenly those who keep us safe are treated as “non-essential” workers and much of the public is apathetic over their loss. In a related if diametric vein, many police forces are underfunded and have antiquated equipment. As a result, they eagerly accept donations of military weaponry whose use results in “overkill” when employed. The true irony arises here when the libbers and anti-gunners say we are supposed to rely on law enforcement and not our own devices while their own actions assure that law enforcement is legally hobbled and can’t properly perform the functions on which we are supposed to depend. Law enforcement personnel can’t – and never could! – be everywhere at once and so we must be able to protect ourselves when the occasion arises that they are not available to assist us.

One of the many benefits of choosing to live in a social setting or “society” is the protection offered by that society! Since the time that man lived with his fellow man in caves so as to provide all with the protection of the many, this has heretofore been a given. Frankly, if all we gain from a “society” are armed enemies against whom we have little or no protection, what is the point of having a society? There really isn’t any and this is where we are today if we allow the critical theory anarchist promoters like Saul Alinsky to have their way. When you take this concept a step further, why protect a nation and the people in it from external enemies when our present far leftist government abandons our legitimate borders and allows anyone and everyone in? When a nation has adopted such madness, it is the end of that nation and paves the way for the New World Order to be fully – and finally – established. Think about it!

© 2022 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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The Devilish Draw of Tech Devices

By Sidney Secular

March 8, 2022

If you’re caught up in the digital world, you may need to demote your devices since they may be – or become – a device of the devil. Around 2006, the morbid mania of manipulating bytes began to chew away at people’s time and attention spans. That was when the Blackberry began to draw people into “texting,” a means of “communication” that soon became a status symbol among first the nerds and then the herds. You had to “text” or you felt that there was a black mark against you among intelligent people – and even your friends. I also remember, however, a very colorful (and disgusting) photo taken of a fat man who was texting while driving when his car – and himself! – were cut in half by a truck! Very striking indeed and somewhat prophetic!

Nonetheless,possessing a Blackberry made one feel like an ersatz superpower. There was the belief that one had an Alexandrian library in one’s pocket ready at a moment’s notice to look up any fact, settle any dispute, or communicate with anyone! And this hyper-awareness was hyped to the heavens by those who created this marvelous instrument of 21st Century communications wizardry. Some of us in the senior set assumed that the novelty would wear off – eventually – but it never did and people were drawn ever deeper into their illusions and, worse, into their delusions!

The i-phone released in 2007 enabled the user to access Twitter, thus drawing people into becoming what used to be called “twits,” not a compliment by any means at least at that time. Yet, the word became a badge of honor instead of a “put down” and folks spent their time tweeting away instead of being involved in far more productive activity. The result of all of this “technology” was that the time people spent on their phones kept creeping up and up and up, sometimes to 6 or 7 hours (or more) a day! People slept with their phones next to their beds lest they lose some expected (or unexpected) call or otherwise be deprived of time spent on their heady new activities! Being an older person, when the phenomena first appeared, I seriously believed that society was undergoing a plague of the mentally disturbed. When I was young, talking to oneself out loud was not a sign of mental health. Suddenly, wherever one went, one was surrounded by people apparently talking to themselves when, of course, they were conversing on the phone with another addict!

Phone usage crossed the line to the point at which it was definitely dysfunctional in a normal society. Surrounded by people speaking to open space made one feel transported into another reality. In the meantime, “social media” – a type of technology that did not require a phone but could use that appliance, was providing platforms that were making some people anti-social, irritated and angry – especially when they were communicating with those with whom they had political and cultural disagreements. This hostile foundation eventually bled and led into the blue vs. red dichotomy that migrated from individuals to groups and even States and nations. Eventually, as normal human interaction was restricted by technology, attention spans became twitchy and it became bitchy to concentrate on any one thing for any length of time. It also became difficult to read books – even e-books on Kindles and Knooks – watch full length movies unless their violence or technology gave them that “other worldly feel,” or carry on extended conversations with one’s family and friends. Offline life, minus the minute-to-minute changes in information and technology began to seem boring and absent the dynamic, high resolution world always at one’s fingertips. These unhuman devices made people believe that they were expanding awareness, enriching social life, and extending humanity in many new directions.

But, after a while if one were older or not too far gone into the “trans-human” universe, one began realizing that man is the servant of these devices while believing that we are merely using them. Many people also became aware that the ease of the use of this technology opened a gateway to others into our own world of technology. The beeps, tweets and buzzes made it easy to determine anyone’s agenda and the priorities of those interested in that agenda could readily supersede the person using that technology. We have become so enslaved to this “matrix” that even if one is not a millennial or caught up in the digital diversions and delusions, the individual is still likely to check one’s phone or email more often than is necessary – or wise! Meanwhile,it is more than probable that the digital babble causes people to miss life’s important matters because they were scrolling mindlessly through Facebook or Twitter feeds.

Also far too many people identify their value as a person in accordance with Facebook “likes” and public responses to Twitter and TikTok posts along with constantly arriving emails that shunt the user off in new directions almost involuntarily. The algorithms that power platforms like Facebook and YouTube are many times more powerful than the technology that sent man to the moon! They’re the product of billions of dollars of research and development and the expertise of thousands of Ph.D.’s from the top universities of the world and are directed at the human mind rather than more mundane scientific inquiries. These artificial intelligences and artifices were not all that long ago the subject of science fiction. But even so, humans have worried about the degrading psychological effects of man’s interaction with machines for centuries. Adam Smith warned us about it in “The Wealth of Nations”. We have met the enemy and he has mastered our minds and turned us into his robotic followers.

In recent years, sounding the alarm over the negative consequences of smart phone use has become a thriving cottage industry. We now have “screen detox” resorts for adults, screen-time consultants for kids, and “digital sabbath” groups that encourage members to unplug completely for one day a week. Special new phones have been invented to solve the addiction to the “old” phones — like the “Light Phone”, a $250 dumb-phone with a black and white display that can only be used for calling and texting. Such “extreme” correctives may be necessary as “detox” solutions if the addictive toxic practices continue burgeoning out of control. Just being near a smartphone, even if it is turned off seems to emit an attraction that turns us on, rather like an alcoholic looking at a full, unopened bottle of Scotch. Any pleasant stimulus tends to draw us to it whether it is eating chocolate or using the many different aspects of technology. We often become bored and distracted in group settings and yearn to return to cyberspace like a moth to a flame. And there is a reason for this. Person to person contact whether limited to two or involving larger groups requires effort! We have to think about the other person involved. On a phone, we can be totally self-absorbed and no one knows or, frankly, cares as they, too, are on their phone. Yet, if the topic of such a contact is unpleasant or in any way a problem, it is far more difficult to deal with our response behind the shield of technology. Even the passive use of Facebook such as scrolling through “feeds”, watching videos, and absorbing news updates has been shown to increase anxiety and decrease happiness because we are often challenged with problems we cannot solve in our “detached” state. Isolation is bad enough but isolation within the context of a large group of equally isolated people is a formula for psychopathy.

In retrospect, I believe one of the goals of those who instituted the nearly world-wide Covid lockdowns was to isolate people so that they would have no choice but to become more absorbed in their newfound artificial realities created by those digital technologies and tech toys. It is one thing to be able to turn them off and interact with other people, but when you cannot do so, these ingenious devices at least present us with some outside contact!  Being artificially cut off and separated from our fellow humans facilitated the use of Zoom meetings – a poor substitute for face-to-face, personal human interactions which is what the real world is all about. And even with the gradual return to normalcy, Zoom meetings offer a way for people to avoid travel and other inconvenient requirements of personal interaction. Often what is “easy” makes what is “good” somehow “less good.”Meanwhile, the technological “digiverse” deprives us of the opportunities to let our minds wander in order to create. It also cuts off the cross-pollination of ideas and prevents us from getting lost in our imaginations. These are the things that make us human and creative, and without which we might as well be the machines or robots we are being programmed to be.

It’s odd to think of these digital devices as robots. But these advanced phone tablets, laptops, smart watches, PCs, “health indicators” and connected home devices are, in fact, conduits for some of the most advanced forms of artificial intelligence ever created. Companies like Meta (Facebook), Alphabet (Google) and Twitter have built ultra-sophisticated machine-learning algorithms whose main purposes are to generate engagement – which is to say, to short-circuit your brain’s limbic system, divert your attention, and keep you clicking and scrolling for as long as possible – while keeping track of everything you say and do. “Alexa, what shall I do now?”

© 2022 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Sidney Secular:

Is Separation Insuperable and Will it Tear us Asunder?

Sidney Secular

February 22, 2022

In the end, separation – assuming it is even possible given the Great Reset and the installation of the New World Order! – will be our salvation. The dissensions and tensions between the daffy and deluded Demonrat “woke” and the intelligent and actually“awake” are insufferable – but that’s the way the Left wants it and when they get it, they immediately range ever more increasingly into their leftist “woke” world. There’s no way to level the playing field when they control all the available means of mass communication along with all the systems of government including the courts.

The March 2022 edition of The Freedom Times newspaper contains three articles that interpret the aforesaid theme in different ways – and further elucidating the matter is the simple fact that normal people and those on the left presently live in entirely different realities. The reality of those on the left is a simulation fostered by artifices both created and employed by mass media and the leaders of the technological revolution and exercised through their cancel culture in order to cancel our reality. True conservatives remain rooted in actual reality. On the other hand, completely deracinated lefties pursue whichever way their woke winds blow, that is, every which way but what is, in fact,the real world, or “reality!”

The first of the three pieces in the paper, “The Wizard of Oz and the ADA,” compares the “Covidiocy” we have been and continue experiencing with the illusions fostered by the Wizard in 1939 movie of that name. Author Ric Beckett compares most “sheeple” in the world with the Scarecrow character who didn’t have a brain and so went along with those in power and their commotion and hullabaloo to stop the claimed “deadly virus” by complying with obviously destructive mandates supposedly designed to “slow the spread” and “flatten the curve” of a plague that, it was claimed, was killing millions! Of course, the actual number dying directly from the “malignant” virus was a fraction of 1% of those claimed to have died and even then, many died because they were denied treatment that would have saved them had it been utilized! The sheeple complied because that’s what they were programmed (and accustomed) to do when an anointed “authority” was giving the orders, much as was “Wizard” in the movie.

Of course, in reality the manipulators behind today’s curtain are much like the Wizard; that is, they have an agenda and make use of compliant supplicants to obtain that agenda. In other words, in 2020,we had a bunch of rich and powerful psychopaths who get their jollies – power and great wealth! –  by yanking people around with deranged directives meant to control and, eventually,to destroy them.

Dorothy in the movie represents the public at large, that is, decent law-abiding folks who wished only to do what was best to stop what they were told was a great danger to humanity. And, as with Dorothy in the Wizard’s throne room, much of today’s public is finally awakening from its created stupor to see that the hype and hysteria werean illusion! Of course, that “awakening” would have been possiblemuch earlier in the course of events had it happened when the film was originally released in 1939, a time when average people were rooted in reality.But as generations passed, the utopian fantasies of the left have increasingly held sway, seducing those still capable of rational thought into the leftist orbit which seems to revolve around the mythical planetsof Ego and Now. Socialist utopian promises have been so promoted and promised by the New World Orderlies in the United Nations, the leftist foundations, the NGOs, the academics in their “looniversities” and the mainstream media for so long that the mental miasma istoo thick to seetrue reality anymore. As well, the “noose” media has cut off the oxygen of facts and truth and we are left choking on their false narratives with only a few sources of reality left to sustain us if we are even able to access them.

The second article, “Does America Have a Future?” is penned by the highly esteemed columnist and former editor of the Wall Street Journal, Paul Craig Roberts who unabashedly concludes that America does not have a future because the gulf between the artificial reality of the “woke” and the actual reality of the “awake” is too wide – and getting wider!As long as the Demonrats and the RINOs are in control, the “Hate America” and “Hate Whitey” mantras will be FedGov policy and that means that both the US and Western Civilization have no future.

The article uses the orgy of psychodrama surrounding the January 6th non-event labelled as “a Trump planned insurrection” to demonstrate that Demonrats and Never-Trumpers are so far into their delusions that they can never be snapped out of them. Of course, I must also make clear here that those “in charge” in the Deep State know perfectly well that the whole thing is just one more “false flag,” but far too many people who aren’t that much “in the know,” believe it. Claiming that the rally of January 6th by unarmed ordinary Americans – if one doesn’t count the government stooges and Antifa participants – was a riot, an insurrection and a coup unparalleled in American history – and then expecting the super-gullible masses to believe that claim – takes “chutzpah” to new heights! That the average American of either party would swallow this fraud hook, line, and sinker beggars all belief – but apparently, they have done so even to the point at which many media commentators insist that only the “courage of the DC police saved American democracy” from being overthrown by the shock troops of Donald Trump!!

The claim that the “rioters” attempted to overcome the world’s most militarized regime in history without weapons seems to be something only the mindless could conceive much less believe. Many claimed that these “insurrectionists” forced their way into the Capitol through its doors, but this requires far more than a mere suspension of reality! Remember, the two bronze doors that guard the Constitution Avenue entrance each weigh 6½ tons and measure 38 feet 7 inches high by nearly 10 feet wide and 11 inches thick! Furthermore, these massive doors can only be opened from the inside! Consider! Many who attended the rally to protest a stolen election were elderly. One older woman sat on the Capitol steps because she was tired and soon found herself ordered by one of those same brave Capitol cops to get up and move because she wasn’t permitted to sit there! Such are the claimed insurrectionists!

Then there is the fact that no law enforcement officers or Capitol guards were harmed or even threatened with harm! However, this entirely relevant fact seems to be of no interest to those making these considered judgments. Rather, they are living in a matrix of reality all their own in which a young woman demonstrator (white) was murdered by a cop (black) but is considered – and presented – as the offender.  The “reality” of this “matrix” was clearly defined in a statement made by Debbie Wasserman Schultz(D-FL) that exhibited an astonishing level of ignorance and fraud in which she called former President Trump a conspirator against American democracy who brought “dark days to our country’s history.” Yet, she provided no believable explanation for the massive vote changes in swing states in the middle of the night after Republican poll watchers had been removed. As well, how was the alleged insurrection going to succeed? Apparently, according to those recounting the matter, Trump and his minions would take over the military and the TV stations. Really? Apparently sitting in Nancy Pelosi’s chair constituted a coup although we later learn that those involved in such actions were among the “false flag” operatives and were friends of the owner of the chair, not Donald Trump.

Debbie, along with her deranged fellow Demonrats and their media whores created false narratives (a/k/a lies) and then foisted these on a generally clueless public without shame or fear of exposure. Branding ordinary Americans as “terrorists” when they don’t “get with the program” continues to fly without being shot down by the media and as a result innocent Americans are held as political prisoners without any of the Constitutional guarantees that would prevent this tyranny. What is terrifying is that most Americans are deaf and dumb when outrages are pushed down their throats, or they fall for utterances that are obviously false either because they don’t care or they don’t want to “rock the boat.”

By constant repetition, the January 6th “deadly insurrection” has been made into reality. When you have a propaganda ministry instead of a free press, the sheeple are molded by the constant repetition of lies and propaganda. As we have been told by those who know about such things, people more willingly believe a big lie than a small one and any lie told often enough will be believed. Our “history books” are proof of that!

Far too many Americans voted for the traitorous, ineligible, and completely unqualified Obama – twice! Those who did not make that mistake a third time (when faced will Hillary!) voted for Trump, but alas, far too many even of the “awakened” have allowed the Demonrats to steal the 2020 election with nary a squeal while the rest voted for a party whose program was the installation of a communist one world government and the enslavement of America! Either way, with very few exceptions,Americans appear – at this time at least – beyond redemption. All the present hoopla about Biden and Covid is far too little far too late to make much, if any, difference at all.

The third article demonstrates that a good part of the population is living in a simulated reality and bears the title, “The Covid Matrix” by “Z-Man”. All who have seen the Matrix films understand the concept of an alternate reality used by the author in his title. This concept has been popular as a theme in science fiction since the earliest days of the genre. Indeed, it even predates what we understand as “science fiction” for we see it in Jonathan Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels published in 1726 long before the likes of Clarke and Asimov. These alternate realities are reached when the protagonist falls through some sort of portal into that reality as in Alice Through the Looking Glass published in 1865 or he discovers he is already living in a simulated reality created and controlled by others as in the Matrix films. The goal in either case is to discover actual reality, who is behind the deception and how to get out of and back to said “actual reality.”

In these situations, people are so deceived – usually! –  that they do not notice anything that is important to the deceivers as possibly leading to enlightenment. However, occasionally, as a sort of “example,” one person knows that what all see as “reality” isn’t “real,” but chooses to return and live within it requesting that his memory be erased so that he can function there. And it is the “why” of this act that is all important! He does it because he prefers the simulation to reality itself!  The enduring popularity of the movie “The Matrix” and the mixed reviews of its follow-up films is due in great part to the fact that many people believe that there is something “off ” in this world and they want it “fixed” but are seldom able to describe not only how to fix it, but what they really want to be “reality” when it is “fixed.”

People have been drawn to or sucked into this hyper-(un)reality through today’s ubiquitous “technology.” They are wedded to their phones and tethered to their computers. They spend hours of their days dallying through a “reality” known only to their eyes, ears and brains and because this has become true reality for them, they are “online” at every opportunity! Remember, one can obtain all that one may desire in this way without leaving home. It is akin to Ali Baba’s cave where a simple “password” opens to the speaker a world of endless riches and eternal entertainment.

Of course, this ability to alter reality when started early enough in one’s life leads to an inability to distinguish reality from the simulation presented online. Immersion in the world of mass culture utilizing the internet as its primary portal crowds out time spent in “the here and now” for many people. This is evidenced by folks walking around staring or talking into their “smartphones” and mobile devices that have become more important to them than experiencing the real world around them. These are the people who walk into fountains in malls or into busy streets without notice until reality makes itself known to them unpleasantly! These “almost trans-humans” are merged to their technology and as a result, interrupt life itself. We see this in movies or concerts when “yakkers” talk to “yentas” on their phones, interrupting or disrupting the enjoyment of the people around them trying to partake of “real” life. Indeed, recently a man murdered someone in a movie over the use of a cell phone! You can’t get more real than that!

This is what happens when reality meets unreality and people no longer have the ability to make judgments based upon what is truly real. People sitting at a dinner table will text rather than talk to each other. These are the people who will be helpless if a cyber-attack shuts down communications networks for any amount of time. Online rabid leftists are the worst of this looney lot. They are completely caught up in their closed, make-believe world and tweet out itty-bitty tweets via Twitter to their fellow leftist twits. Their sources of “information” (that is, reality they are willing to accept!) are blogs and news sites that cater exclusively to their closed subculture. For these people, their enemies are all incarnations or variations of Hitler and their fragile psyches would suffer a major blow if for some reason Hitler was historically revised into a hero! It would leave their “reality” a shambles.

The “false realities” phenomenon has balkanized the populace into alternative worlds that are mutually exclusive and eternally hostile. They provide a sort of spiritual nourishment that consumerism and materialism cannot provide for those adrift without a religious anchor in a world gone insane. People group easily into artificial constructs and this fact is used by our rulers to create ever more conflict within the populace. We must always remember that old adage, “divide and conquer!” One example of this is the famous “race card” that separates us by race. But there are always new opportunities for such conflicts. The present most useful social conflict for the Deep State is the “vaxxers vs. the anti-vaxxers,” a construct in which people who are no danger to anyone are presented as a danger to people who, having taken these murderous potions, are now a danger to those who have not! This is a very real example of a “non-reality construct.”

People riding around in their cars with windows closed and wearing three masks exist in an artificial reality that is as real to them as race, ethnicity or religion to those who are still rooted in actual reality. People are not working as much from different knowledge bases or even different honestly obtained opinions, but from differing understandings of reality itself. The author provides a vivid example of these different realities and the inability of a person caught up in one such situation to understand what is going on in a reality he refuses to accept. The story involves a man from Quebec, Canada who cannot separate himself from his particular “Covid reality” that is both nonsensical and artificial. This mangoes to Florida and is nearly driven insane by the conflicts between what is “real” to him coming from Canada, and what is real to the people in Florida. As noted, he is a “Covidian,” something to be expected living in a place that has embraced the Covid scenario as the preferred reality. In Canadian Covid reality, people are expected to drop dead in the streets if they dare remove their masks. As a result, because of fear everyone has become a zombie dutifully following the instructions of their leaders to fight a terrible – if nonexistent – plague.

So, naturally, when the man finds himself in a place where no one cares about Covid, he becomes a victim of “reality fatigue.” Rather than wear masks and use up all the available supply of hand sanitizer, those around him are partying and rubbing elbows at busy bars and clubs. Unable to adjust, he continues to wear three masks in public making him look ridiculous and bringing him to the attention of those who are existing in another reality; this is both a blow to his self-image and a threat (as he sees it) to his very life. As a result, he struggles to square the artificiality of his life in Canada with the physical reality of “normal life” in Florida. Unfortunately, this man’s experiences did not lead him to question the reality of his life in Quebec but rather he somehow found a way to square his Florida experiences and prove – at least to himself – that his reality was indeed, reality!

In the end, he was overjoyed to return home to receive constant reinforcement that his was the legitimate reality. This man trusted the prescribed scientific “facts” of his unreality more than the “evidence” he observed with his own eyes! The inability to perceive what is real vs. what one believes or, more to the point, what one wishes to believe is real meant that there was no way for him to find middle ground with the Floridians. Either they were right, or he was right – and for the Canadian, it could only be his reality.

Play this scenario out over every aspect of the mass culture and it is no wonder that people cannot get along and are howling for each other’s blood or at least, the repression of the other guy’s reality. What is at stake is not the petty prizes of politics, but defining the nature of reality, that is, nature itself. Thus, it is readily apparent that the “reds” and the “blues” will tear each other asunder to prevent the country from tearing itself asunder because different components of the population see reality itself differently. It cannot be otherwise!

© 2022 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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Vaccine Derangement Syndrome (VDS)

Sidney Secular

February 5, 2022

Today we have acronyms for everything; this is probably a throwback to America’s military history as such means of ID (identification) are favored among soldiers. In this article I provide a definition of a “disease” afflicting large portions of the populations of both America and the rest of the world that is making everybody more than a little daffy – and dangerous for those unafflicted.

VDS is an easily recognizable condition that is an unfortunate admixture of psychology, sociology and physical conditions in which the afflicted blindly follow government edicts however lacking in sense and wisdom these edicts may be. These “instructions” frequently violate both the rights and heath requirements of the individual as well as being contrary to the good that the individual is told these “instructions” provide. Many Americans have come to believe that any medical directive issued by “an authority” whether in the health field or of some health related government entity, is absolute!

One very important aspect of this syndrome is the unfailing belief that such directives are based on real “science”even when those who question them are themselves physicians and scientists. Indeed, the term “science” has been politicized to the point at which conclusions are determined first and then the “research” is manipulated to produce the predetermined conclusion – if in fact research is conducted at all. Meanwhile, those afflicted with VDS submit themselves and even their children – born and unborn – to spurious – and experimental – “cures,” thus becoming experimental tests subjects without even knowing that that is what they are.

This use of hapless human guinea pigs is forbidden by the Nuremberg Code passed after the trial of Nazi doctors who used unwilling prisoners in their medical experiments.The ten points of the code given in the section of the judges’ verdict and were entitled “Permissible Medical Experiments:”

  1. The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision. This latter element requires that before the acceptance of an affirmative decision by the experimental subject there should be made known to him the nature, duration, and purpose of the experiment; the method and means by which it is to be conducted; all inconveniences and hazards reasonably to be expected; and the effects upon his health or person which may possibly come from his participation in the experiment. The duty and responsibility for ascertaining the quality of the consent rests upon each individual who initiates, directs, or engages in the experiment. It is a personal duty and responsibility which may not be delegated to another with impunity.
  2. The experiment should be such as to yield fruitful results for the good of society, unprocurable by other methods or means of study, and not random and unnecessary in nature.
  3. The experiment should be so designed and based on the results of animal experimentation and a knowledge of the natural history of the disease or other problem under study that the anticipated results will justify the performance of the experiment.
  4. The experiment should be so conducted as to avoid all unnecessary physical and mental suffering and injury.
  5. No experiment should be conducted where there is an a priori reason to believe that death or disabling injury will occur; except, perhaps, in those experiments where the experimental physicians also serve as subjects.
  6. The degree of risk to be taken should never exceed that determined by the humanitarian importance of the problem to be solved by the experiment.
  7. Proper preparations should be made and adequate facilities provided to protect the experimental subject against even remote possibilities of injury, disability, or death.
  8. The experiment should be conducted only by scientifically qualified persons. The highest degree of skill and care should be required through all stages of the experiment of those who conduct or engage in the experiment.
  9. During the course of the experiment the human subject should be at liberty to bring the experiment to an end if he has reached the physical or mental state where continuation of the experiment seems to him to be impossible.
  10. During the course of the experiment the scientist in charge must be prepared to terminate the experiment at any stage, if he has probable cause to believe, in the exercise of the good faith, superior skill and careful judgment required of him that a continuation of the experiment is likely to result in injury, disability, or death to the experimental subject.

It is interesting to note that today in Germany, efforts are being made to nullify this code as it directly reflects the ongoing situation of those who take these “vaccines” without understanding that, like the victims of the Nazis, they, too are participating in medical experimentation!

Many of those afflicted with VDS unfortunately have attained prestigious positions of influence in government, the religious sector, sports and entertainment, academics, gurus of technology and military leadership circles. Alas, there do not appear to be large numbers of politicians and bureaucrats willing to donate their lives to “science” but that is probably because they know very well the risk involved.

However, as far as politics is concerned, it would certainly appear that Democrat voters are particularly beset with VBS– at least with regards to their opinion of those of us who apparently are not and therefore reject “the jab!” A recent Heartland Institute and Rasmussen Report national poll of January 13, 2022 shows that among Democrats, 55% support fining Americans who refuse the jab, 59% support house arrest of the unvaccinated, 48% support imprisoning those who question vaccine efficacy on social media, 45% support internment camps for the unvaccinated, 47% support government surveillance of the unvaccinated, and 29% support the State removing children from unvaccinated parents especially if those children have not been vaccinated. VDS affliction has apparently reached critical condition among our Social Justice warriors just as the percentage of the clinically sane in that group is falling precipitously! From these statistics, it is obvious that these deadly “vaccines” are even more dangerous than knowledgeable people first thought! For whether one willingly embraces spurious “gene therapy” and nano-technology designed to create AI “transhumans” or depopulate the world, a la the call of Bill Gates and his ilk, or, in the alternative, one stands up for individual liberty and refuses to participate in mass murder, it would appear that the results don’t favor those of us who do not have VDS.

© 2022 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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All Human Differences Are Social Constructs Now

Sidney Secular

February 2, 2022

The essential diametric differences, distinctions and divergences between the concepts of quality and equality undergird the drama of life and the political and social theatrics in our decaying civilization. It is a never-ending duel between creativity and conformity while the derivative dichotomy of the realist vs. the dullard creates all the talking points and memes that are the stuff of today’s schemes and demands by our elite rulers and their minions.

America seems obsessed with “equality” even when it is not possible to achieve that mythical goal. On the other hand, it is quality that has made us what we are– or were! – and therefore quality should always be our goal. When quality is neither actively sought nor actually permitted, the bogus goal of equality becomes its replacement, rearing its fictitious head as the sole means of obtaining an overriding social good. And where the demand for equality predominates, quality is not only discouraged but frequently perceived – and claimed – as a great social evil. For instance, in education when quality work does not result in high grades, all are degraded no matter the quality of their work. The “lesser evil” becomes the “greater good.”

The concept, definition, and application of “equality” has always been in dispute, for as some seek to be “more equal” than others, the zeitgeist changes. America was founded on a different and better understanding of men’s relationship because we had disposed of the aristocratic and ecclesiastical privileged footings that the colonists had left behind in the Old World. However, as with nature, man’s political and social character abhors a vacuum and the vacuum created by the loss of the older orders left us ripe for the creation of the artificial culture that we now have. Instead of Kings and Priests, we have the rule of the powerful moneyed elite and their cronies and minions. And as with the older rulers, it is still in the interests of these status seekers and propagandists to dumb down, homogenize, and produce a sameness in “the masses” that is identified as “equality.” In his book, The Screwtape Letters, Christian apologist C. S. Lewis describes this idea to enslave mankind. Screwtape, a major demon is instructing Wormwood, a minor tempter about the use of “equality” as a tool for the wicked:

“What I want to fix your attention on is the vast, overall movement toward the discrediting, and finally the elimination of every kind of human excellence—moral, cultural, social, or intellectual. And is it not pretty to notice how democracy (in the incantatory sense) is now doing for us the work that was once done by the most ancient Dictatorships, and by the same methods? You remember how one of the Greek Dictators (they called them ‘tyrants’ then) sent an envoy to another Dictator to ask his advice about the principles of government. The second Dictator led the envoy into a field of corn, and there he snicked off with his cane the top of every stalk that rose an inch or so above the general level. The moral was plain. Allow no pre-eminence among your subjects! Let no man live who is wiser, or better, or more famous, or even handsomer than the mass. Cut them all down to a level; all slaves, all ciphers, all nobodies. All equals. Thus, Tyrants could practice, in a sense, ‘democracy.’ But now ‘democracy’ can do the same work without any other tyranny than her own. No one need now go through the field with a cane. The little stalks will of themselves bite off the big ones. The big ones are beginning to bite off their own in their desire to ‘Be Like Stalks.’”

And this is how a new order of conformity and obsequiousness has been created – that is through the use of the concept of “equality” and the belief that it is the only good to be sought in the culture.

Under this new order, equality is undergoing an expansion that demands all remaining natural distinctions be seen as unjust simply because such distinctions as talent or beauty or even basic biological realities such as sex are nothing more than social constructs obstructing social justice. Nothing human is natural anymore. Distinctions are leftovers from the patriarchy we are no longer permitted to patronize. Differences in sex and race are things we now seek to erase – well, that is not entirely true. As long as white people exist, race is very much a defining standard that must be followed in the culture. White is bad, everything else, especially black, is good. Everything that is from whites or of whites or by whites or, most important, for whites must be removed, destroyed and cast upon the ash heap of history. Only then will true equality and social justice be obtained.

Meanwhile, everything else is fluid and therefore subject to constant change. As a result, you cannot have standards or means by which to address this “fluid” culture. And, of course, such fundamental changes in civilization require new legal and social arrangements. As there are no longer any standards – and everything is relative anyway – such arrangements you thought you possessed can and will disintegrate when new memes and schemes are foisted upon us. These fundamental social changes come about through the whims of whoever feels frightened or offended by those trying to establish or maintain a semblance of order, stability, and – most of all – sanity.

“Transgenderism” – a social construct in which the individual can be any gender desired by selecting from the available 57 available varieties in order to “ketchup” to the latest trends – is the ultimate fatuous fantasy. Nature is to be conquered if not abhorred, and you can go on gender benders whenever you want without consequence – until you surgically remove your genitalia! A democracy, or rather mobocracy ruled by the demented and deranged and employing politicized and warped “science,” justifies schemes to diminish any and all natural differences. The old “hard” totalitarian dictates that employed brute physical force are being replaced by a softer, if not kinder or gentler totalitarianism of coercive propaganda and social pressure. This mental and emotional tyranny creates an abiding fear of being ostracized as freaky or different – or, actually, normal! – a condition that will get you expelled from your social circles and shunned by welcoming committees of the overbearing majority. Social media, the new lifeblood of the culture makes any rejection of group norms into a matter of hate while we are assured that the whole world violently rejects any attitude or behavior deemed unseemly by these same standards.

And it’s not just social pressure that constitutes a form of tyranny, albeit a soft one. The West’s politically correct regimes back up their soft-headed mandates and dictates with hard and fast rules and laws that characterize rebellion against the consensus as “criminal.” Harsh penalties comparable to those used in the worst religious inquisitions are applied for any misbehavior because politics has now become today’s expression of religion. These can include job loss, gigantic fines and long imprisonments without benefit of ordinary criminal legal procedures. Even lawyers who dare represent the unfortunate social subversive can be punished with a loss of their license and jail time for taking the politically incorrect side in this dispute. The case of attorney Sylvia Stolz in Germany is one such example. Neither is being a public defender whose job it is to defend those who cannot obtain representation, beanexcuse for defending the wrong client!

Being anyone or anything you want and expecting everyone to meet your expectations can lead to outlandish demands and very confused responses. One such example is the case of Emile Ratelband, a 69 year old Dutchman who petitioned a court to shave 20 years off his official age because he says he feels 49! Another well-known example is that of Rachel Dolezal, a white woman who presented herself for decades as black; Rachel belongs to a category of people whose whims would have been a ticket to the looney bin but a few short, sane years ago. Denying this crazy demand would ordinarily brand you a hater and a sexist, racist, xenophobe, etc., but because of changing demographic whims, her fantasy would not pass muster as a newer and loonier whim denies cultural appropriation to whites who wish to define, imitate and/or employ cultural artifacts associated with other races! On the other hand, other races can appropriate white cultural characteristics without being derided as deluded or – you get it! – racist! The popular and critically acclaimed play, “Hamilton,” where blacks rather than whites are shown as the nation’s founders received not one knowing smirk for the silliness of the plot because the playwrights knew they could fool with the “mind” of the public without consequence at least in black appropriation. No one has tried a play in which Nat Turner is white and frankly, no one wants to do so or to speak out on any of these issues because the result is always public derision and condemnation.

For instance, calling Islam a religion of peace doesn’t even raise an eyebrow these days despite videos of widespread death and destruction at the hands of Muslims in the name of Islam! This open lie is an example of gaslighting, but more importantly, of the equalitarians forcing upon mankind their concept of the “equality” of all religions.  This aspect as applied to religion makes religion itself nonsense. There is a song in the old play Finian’s Rainbow that is entitled “When Everybody is Somebody Then Nobody is Anybody!” If all religions are basically the same save for ritual, then all have no meaning and the winner is the strongest – that is atheistic humanism, the religion of the Masons, the New World Order and Communism in which god is The State!

Even cannibalism gets a pass since expressions of negativity towards primitive religions are prohibited in museums and even in the Vatican as such “faiths” have been adjudged of equal worth to Christianity. Remember Pope Francis and his Pachamama idols on the altar of St. Peter? If passages in holy texts calling for killing are singled out, they are considered manifestations of political extremism acceptable at the time but not acceptable now. Thus, the violence of Islamic terrorists arises according to the culture, from political movements and not from Islam. And, of course, those particular “political movements” arise from the conservative end of the political spectrum in the West.

The phobia mongers insist that those who have verboten ideas have obtained them from doctrines involving anti-egalitarianism and the ridiculous idea that men are not “interchangeable” as are insects in the hive.It is not permitted to acknowledge that people can be (are?) different or unequal in many and various respects. Condemnation of such “phobias” is given moral “rightness” because it is presented as a fight for equality. The entire Western world and all its institutions including the churches have already undergone profound transformations under the pressure of the idea of equality. Those who could and should have opposed the incremental changes as they historically occurred stood around immobile as if victims of a paralyzing toxin. After a time, those who could have opposed these individual communistic thrusts were co-opted into becoming their adherents and promoters so as to“go along” to “get along.” Each “compromise” made further compromises all the easier and any effort to stem the thrust more difficult. Those who tried were accused of being “inconsistent.” The effect may be likened to a slowly rolling tsunami drowning all who get in its way. The few scattered holdouts who opposed the encroaching “marx-cysts” are perceived and presented as paranoid or, more to the point, evil. Those whose instincts and powers of discrimination have been blunted by incessant media manipulation see “equality”much as its partner in moral dissipation, “tolerance;” that is, benign and the social good we must work towards achieving. Seeing distinctions means that you are delusional, that is “seeing things.” And it is this manifestation of tyranny that permitted the old Soviet Union and even some western nations such as Canada to send those who won’t comply to mental hospitals to be “cured” of their humanity.

The old metaphysical and religious notion of “evil” – a dark force within and outside of humans has for practical purposes disappeared – although you are told to “go to hell” if you disagree. There are no longer evil people, only wrong actions and these are the outcome of wretched social institutions and white privilege. This “white-washing” provides an excuse to empty the prisons since the inmates are now perceived only as victims of a white society. When they get out, they immediately resume their old ways and pounce on the populace, but the judges who let them out and the prosecutors who refuse to prosecute don’t seem to notice or care. Prisons, once called penitentiaries to which the criminal was sent to repent his sins have been transformed by at least some “enlightened prison systems as reintegration centers preparing the unrepentant for a new opportunity to sin. There is no atonement since that mindset smacks of old-fashioned religion and requires moral standards not acceptable today.

The more notorious – and thus admired – miscreants and kingpins are sent to what are for all intents and purposes recreation centers or luxurious accommodations. In the alternative, there are the many prison systems in which reforms are never instituted but rather are run as profit centers for private firms. In these actual prisons, basic amenities are often withheld as a means of enriching the operators. Government run prison systems also suffer because taxes are diverted from them to pay for the increasing costs of running the welfare state. Prisoners in these places are used as wage slaves and paid a pittance or nothing for their labor as in Texas and Arkansas. These places are practicing chattel slavery prohibited by the 13th Amendment of the now almost defunct Constitution.

Then there is the first of May or “May Day,” traditionally a celebration of the arrival of Spring but now, together with Labor Day a celebration of Communism. We also have such “cultural celebrations” as Gay Pride parades – fashionable rituals for the indecently clad in our subverted blue enclaves. Interestingly enough, we used to shout “mayday” as a distress signal in the military, but it is also applicable to the present cultural calamities. And now, a new phenomenon is about to go viral like a Facebook meme; that is, the “March for Equality” that swept European countries last year. Constant injections of new leftist equality fostering rituals must be paraded before the eyes of the public to keep the concept of equality in people’s minds lest they are released from their thrall and wake up!In such ways, these messages are internalized becoming the “new normal!” As a result, after a while your neighbors become your own “Big Brother,” available to reinforce the values of the original “Big Brother” while the “ad council,” a vague and shadowy entity, produces “public service” messages about “equality” to parade before your eyes on TV and public transportation, thus validating the issue as an ongoing matter of “public interest.”

Plato was wise to the ways of the culture destroyers a very long time ago, when he noted in Book VIII of “The Republic” that democracies sacrifice merit and natural ability to the gods of an imaginary equality. Subsequent thinkers have beat around the bush or bandied about various such philosophies having lost an awareness of the eventual end of these same “democracies:” the dustbin of history. Today, equality takes precedence over sanity and even survival in the form of new social norms of rights, entitlements, and benefits. Getting into the best colleges is now possible for those who can’t pass the SAT because the test has become optional. Dispensing trophies to “non-winners” in competitions is another egalitarian phenomenon and such examples of absurdity are legion. But other than a few mumbles and muted grumbles among those who pass for conservative leaders and commentators, there is no open, palpable opposition to this culture of entitlement. Even the idea of exposing the “new normal”to rational thought fills people with dread and unless somehow interrupted, the downward spiral occasioned by public induced fear will continue until our civilization is dead – if it is not already so.

As pointed out in another article in this newsletter, the cultural weapon of Fear has become the 5th Horseman of the Apocalypse, every bit as dangerous and destructive as its fellows, Plague, Famine, War and Death and far, far more prevalent in these dark days. Is it too late to ask Americans to wake up?!

© 2022 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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Imperative, Ideologically Inspired Immigration Reform or Impending Self-Immolation

By Sidney Secular

January 21, 2022

The “immigration invasion” has not been treated as a priority since it began in earnest in 1965 with the Hart-Celler Act* [*see below] that resulted in the “quality” of immigrants going down while the quantity of those “immigrating” went up. Of course, this result turned sharply against the interests of the Historic American Nation as these armies of “immigrants” became literal invaders both in the case of those who were legally “imported” and, worse, the huge number of those who were permitted to ignore the new version of American immigration.

[*The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, also known as the Hart–Celler Act and more recently as the 1965 Immigration Act was passed by the 89th Congress and signed by Lyndon Johnson on October 3rd, 1965. The law abolished the National Origins Formula that had been the basis of immigration policy since the 1920s, removing the defacto discrimination against Southern and Eastern Europeans and non-white Third World peoples. The policy was established in the 1920s to preserve American homogeneity. During the 1960s, at the height of the Civil Rights Movement, it came under attack as being “racially discriminatory” and with the help of Johnson, Senator Philip Hart and Congressman Emanuel Celler introduced the Hart-Celler Act. This Act has significantly altered immigration demographics in the United States (and not for the better – SS).]

Even as the situation produced by this cultural Trojan Horse worsened, the indifference of our “leaders” remained the same neither did the matter seem to garner much attention from politicians and the mainstream media while some churches enthusiastically contributed to the onslaught. Those who saw the “writing on the wall” vis a vis our national unity were tagged with the “race card” because most of the invaders were not white. That same race card was used to foist a guilt complex upon the citizenry to thwart any belief that the mass invasion from the Third World might possibly be a bad thing for America. Also, as Americans had become increasingly rootless over decades, they were less able to discern or, in the alternative, were oblivious to the phenomenon of intentional population displacement that had taken root in the land.

The invaders were portrayed as victims – innocents who could do no wrong and needed to be cared for as an emerging “deserving class” like orphans or the rest of America’s non-white population. Since many were of the “downtrodden peon”class so endemic with our neighbors to the South, they considered the US to be the “promised land” where all their many needs would be met without any effort on their part. Actually, in the end, they received more than they expected and the more they were given of the nation’s bounty, the more bounty they were encouraged to demand by anti-American organizations like La Raza (“The Race”). This “over-expectation” was a desire – no, a demand – by these invaders. Why did they believe that they had this right? Because they had been assured that all they lacked, all they and their people had lacked over the years was the fault of white people! Whites in Europe and America had stolen from them all that would have been theirs had they been allowed to “flourish” and “produce” and not been “enslaved” by Westerners. When you add envy to greed, you produce a mindset that has no gratitude for assistance nor is there any limit to what may be demanded by those who see their condition as the consequence of those who must now make amends for their former wickedness. In 1973, when Jean Raspell’s dystopian novel “The Camp of the Saints” was published, this “holy image” of the invaders was well and truly established. The work was a prescient forecast of our present state and its popularity has only increased with the recent demise of its author.

While libbers floored the throttle for population replacement, true patriots were themselves throttled in their efforts to arouse their fellow citizens to the dangers of allowing so many “very strange” strangers into our midst. The combination of RINO “legistraitors” seeking cheap labor to mollify their corporate constituency, and Demonrats seeking to expand their voting base through criminal bottom feeders, favored minorities and other parasites, were an overwhelming force resulting in attempts to bring sanity into “debates” on the issue being stifled. Such debates as did take place were mainly one-sided leftist diatribes using falsified data, racial guilt-tripping and phony virtue signaling. A handful of true patriots such as Tom Tancredo (R-NM) and the irrepressible Pat Buchanan kept beating the drums of patriotism and sanity but were eventually “drummed out” of polite society by impolite leftists.

Bills introduced in Congress to stem the tide of the invaders washing over us and/or to ameliorate the damage they were causing turned out to be but mirages in the desert. Common sense deserted otherwise good patriots and, fearing to be called nasty names, they deserted this cause with the assured belief that they were doing the “Christian” thing. When any piece of good legislation started to gain traction, the libbers went into action and,with high dudgeon, trotted out their false and mawkish meme: “We are a Nation of Immigrants”along with pretty pictures of the Statue of Liberty and the flag. This strategy initiated a Pavlovian “guilt-trip” response from the ignorant masses and resulted in their opposition to any meaningful reform.

Then along came President Donald Trump who had the prerequisite “fame”coupled with his “hardheaded” business acumen and enough understanding of what had to be done to correct the situation. He offered Americans a glimmer of hope that there might be a course correction to avoid going down the road to the hell of “diversity.” However, his “Remain In Mexico” policy was his only real accomplishment and there was so much more that needed to be done. Still, most intelligent people today understand that it was impossible for Trump to achieve much of anything while the entire government refused to acknowledge that he was the duly elected President in 2016!And though some actions can be achieved via executive order – Trump issued 220 such while Obama issued 276 despite having a lap-dog Congress – others require legislative and/or judicial action, something seldom available to President Trump!

Overall, for this plague to be addressed, it takes a renewed commitment to restore our Nation. For starters, that would mean ridding the House and Senate of those same RINOs and Demonrats while committing to do whatever is necessary to save America. We must – if possible – break the habit of electing incumbents without giving much thought as to the consequences that obtain when we do so. This means recovering the understanding of what America is supposed to be! The reforms necessary to obtain such a change require, among many other things, an examination of immigration relative to that concept. We need guts to follow through on any such effort because what is required is the removal of all the evil elements presently bringing us down.

The first and foremost act of such a new program must be to stop all present illegal immigration permanently. The second must be to enact a moratorium of an indefinite length on any immigration, and at such time as that moratorium is lifted, to return to our original understanding as found in the National Origins formula nullified by the Hart-Celler Act (see earlier definition). As well, the process should also require the applicants be capable of supporting themselves and their immediate families without recourse to public assistance. Once upon a time, this was implemented by requiring the candidate to have a sponsor who would support him or her during the process of assimilation and acceptance. This policy must be reinstated. The present welfare state as it applies to Americans is bad enough without widening its recipient pool to those who aren’t even citizens.

America has enough of its own capable and educated people to provide for our needs without resorting to special visas and preference programs for foreigners that have been sold as temporary “green cards” and wind up as bestowing permanent residency. Silicon Valley will have to take the pick of our litters and pay proper compensation to permit tech workers to build careers and reduce turnover and transience so that proper “working relationships” are developed between employer and employee. Employers would have to once again develop decent pension programs and working conditions including healthcare and salaries. Of course, apprenticeship programs can remain where feasible and appropriate.

A key component of ending America’s employment of illegals is the E-Verify system that has been in existence for many years and enables employers to verify the status of their workers and applicants for employment. This is an easy-to-use database system that includes workers known to be illegals. Unfortunately, given our present “policies,” the program is voluntary and without pressure from authorities for its use. A few members of Congress have periodically initiated attempts to make the system mandatory, but to no avail – emblematic of either the lackadaisical attitude towards the subject or indicative of the desire to have the present situation continue. Even President Trump offered no support for a mandatory adoption of the system. However, he may have been motivated by an aversion to government intrusion into commerce. Yet, a mandatory adoption would send a significant number of illegals scurrying home while special incentives to get them to “vamoose” would become largely unnecessary.

Even the leeches who don’t work and rely on welfare would get the message sent by such programs and, perhaps, encourage them join the outbound exodus. But instead of using programs such as E-Verify, the Fedgov until recently conducted sporadic raids on large processing facilities and fined the owners for employing illegals. Of course, as the fines were cheaper than paying a living wage and the employers knew from past experience that there would be no follow up, they just hired a new batch of illegals and the status quo remained. And now that Biden is in the White House, even the showy raids are a relic of the past.

But no matter how one determines the criteria for establishing a refugee program, such programs must be restricted to a maximum time in which to operate. Open-ended resettlement programs must never be permitted for obvious reasons. We cannot support the entire world even if we were foolish enough to want to do so. Furthermore, we must restrict the definition of “refugee” to someone involved in an actual emergency situation and include limitations as to how long any such “refugee” can remain in the United States! All criteria for a legitimate emergency must never be based upon political and/or ideological agendas such as “climate change” and faux pandemics. Only true natural disasters such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions or hurricanes and tornadoes should be considered in light of the need to succor refugees.

Another component of any restored immigration program is the elimination of the “anchor baby” phenomenon, a “policy by default” without true legal foundation. This must first be addressed by legislation and then properly “legalized” by the courts, putting aside our present wrongful understanding of the 14th Amendment that was further validated by the Immigration law of 1965. Currently, we wrongly grant automatic “birthright” citizenship to babies born in the country to illegal alien mothers. It’s been going on as an unacknowledged problem since before 1965. If a female alien crosses our sieve of a border and gives birth 5 minutes later, her child is an American citizen for life and it becomes impossible to deport her as we are a humane people and do not wish to separate mother and child. Crossing the border in the desert or wading through the Rio Grande is dangerous for anyone, let alone a pregnant woman, and some die in the attempt – so the situation also encourages dangerous behavior.

In effect, America has either lost control over who is a citizen or uses the might of government – state and federal – to censor and persecute those who object to these actions but whose citizenship cannot be questioned. Of course, this results in the concept of citizenship itself losing its meaning and cache. Donald Trump made notable noises about this but he ran out of time to act on the matter. To grease the skids, so to speak, a bill has been introduced in the Oklahoma legislature by Senator Nathan Dahm (Senate Bill 1226). to outlaw the practice of granting citizenship to such “anchor babies.” The bill would also apply to children of immigrants who are legal residents but not American citizens. This appears to be a possible strategy to get the matter before the US Supreme Court where it should be abrogated. Birthright citizenship was never the intent of the 14th Amendment(an Amendment that is unconstitutional to begin with!) but it hasn’t been challenged until now. No European country allows birthright citizenship. Further, it was abolished in Japan, South Korea, Israel, the UK, Ireland, Australia and new Zealand. Of course, our “uber-libber” northern neighbor Canada also allows it. Maybe if the US abolished the practice, a new underground railroad from Mexico to Canada might appear – anything to flout the law nowadays. Getting this issue on the front burner and into the public eye might quietly generate the momentum necessary to end the practice that is, if there are still enough intelligent Americans to confront the Communist-Socialist behemoth.

Another program that is a further and worse expression of the anchor baby mindset is the policy of chain migration. Through this disaster, immigrant US citizens are allowed to sponsor parents, siblings, and adult children to settle in the US for the purpose of “family reunification” though this creates the reunification of groups, clans and/or tribes of foreigners on US soil. In practice, “chain migration” allows new US citizens to get their extensive families into the country without having to go through the normal process of “legal” immigration. This, of course, results in an exponential increase in the number of third worlders available to use and abuse us. The process “begins” with our new solid citizens’ parents and siblings. Of course, the siblings are allowed to bring in their spouses and children upon naturalization, who in turn bring in their own parents, the parents’ siblings and on and on and on virtually forever. Under the present system, within a generation or so, we could import whole countries!

One of the most problematic matters with these third world immigrants is the diseases they bring with them. Back in the days of Ellis Island, an immigrant was checked on the gangplank of the boat upon arrival. Any evidence of disease and that immigrant remained on board to be returned to his own country of origin. Today, many of the diseases contracted in the putrid home environment of “refugees” are latent in their hosts when they arrive but can break out at any time and perhaps result in epidemics of diseases to which Americans have not been exposed for generations – if ever. These include tuberculosis (TB), yellow fever, malaria, Ebola,measles, whooping cough, diphtheria, typhoid and leprosy together with the awful possibility of bubonic plague, pathogens we believed either eradicated or not present in our nation. The potential for a TB outbreak is high and the disease is both expensive and difficult to treat. Four migrant-mobbed states – California, New York, Texas and Florida have recorded half of the nation’s TB cases and yet the Center For Disease Control allows migrants into the US without testing for TB, just as they do with Covid. One third of the world’s people have latent TB! Remember, there is no vaccine for TB, and though funds were once set aside to develop such I don’t know if the funds are still available. However, one doubts that Big Pharma or Big Tech or Big Government is interested in the matter given the profits they are clearing on their present “vaccines!”

[For more information on TB, please see my article archived on the site, “Tuberculosis Threat Coming From Unvetted Refugees” or contact me for a copy. This article had originally been entitled, ” TB or Not TB – That is a Question,” that appeared in several publications.]

An essential but invariably overlooked component of restoring the Historic American Nation is making English the official language not only of government transactions but of the nation per se. This matter has been debated and demanded for decades. There was a time when the information about most products found on American shelves was in English. No more! The founders flubbed by not incorporating this matter into the Constitution but in truth, it was not a consideration of that time. The European world’s basic diplomatic language was French and that didn’t change until the rise of the United States when it then became English.No one thought to be concerned about the language used in one’s own country – that is, that it would be other than the language spoken by most of the natives. Only Canada on this continent with its strong French presence has had to deal with bi-lingual concerns.

The requirement could be introduced in stages although, in truth, if “We the People” were strong enough, it would simply just be “introduced,” period. The first step would be to make English the official language for all Government-related transactions including the federal judicial system. This could be accomplished by presidential executive order and, if achieved, would force the states to follow suit in their own official transactions,creating a domino effect. The red states would start it but the blue states would have to follow suit if they wished to remain an integral part of the nation’s interactions. In due course, the knowledge and use of English would be required to conduct communications except under such circumstances in which an appeal is made to those who understand a particular foreign tongue in emergency situations. Of course, individual states, cities and institutions might make available such services as would help non-English speaking people, but we need to end the “press one (and sometimes even two!) for English” situation at least in the United States. And let’s face it, many “immigrants” have no intention of learning or using English because they desire to establish their real homeland in this land! If they are not permitted to do so, it is probable that many would start an exodus with others of their ilk following. Those who use languages other than Spanish would do what they did before we became so damned “inclusive,” that is, get with the program and learn English.

In fact, there is neither the need nor the desire to make the United States into a bi-lingual nation. First, it is an unspoken slap to ethnic Americans of all races regarding our nation and our culture; that is, unlike other countries we don’t deserve a “native tongue.” Second, it is too divisive and unworkable having increasing numbers of inhabitants unable to communicate with each other and with governmental authorities because we lack a common language. As it is right now, it is both expensive and unwieldy to employ translators for about 150 languages now being used in the US. Our society cannot be allowed to degenerate into a “Tower of Babel” with language ghettos that remain apart from the larger society. To see how this works, ask those cities with large Muslim enclaves! Indeed, we cannot wait much longer to make English our official language for should Puerto Rico become our 51st state, any attempt to do so would be lost and we would be a country in which both English and Spanish are the official languages. Should that occur, a true Tower of Babel will then ensue.

Then, too, under our present “immigration” non-policies, one sure-fire way to stop the illegal invasion and greatly encourage alien self-deportation is to deny public assistance to any non-citizen. To soft-headed liberals, such a tactic may appear cruel, but it has come down to a matter of the host shaking off parasites in order to survive! In keeping with the “denial strategy,” one interim measure saving the taxpayers large sums of money would be to deny illegals attendance in the public schools. We might continue to educate those already enrolled but that would be the end of it; of course, it would require a legal examination to determine if it would be possible to deny new illegals while continuing to educate those now enrolled. The courts would have to decide that, but either way, if only some go or if all go, go they must! Almost all population increases today come from the invaders, so any reduction in education costs would give citizens a big break at a time of a greatly increased cost of living. Of course, whether it would induce some illegals to leave the country is uncertain. Their children are seldom their main concern.

Another facet of the immigration mosaic is a government “program” called Civil Asset Forfeiture. By the use of this“sham and a scam” strategy various FedGov agencies seize and keep or sell any property they allege is involved in a crime. Of course, the biggest crime involves not the individual whose property is seized, but the government as the “program” usually devolves into stealing anything that’s not nailed down and/or may be of interest to the Feds no matter what the criminal situation of the owner. Those so robbed need not ever be arrested for or convicted of anything, so for practical purposes Civil Asset Forfeiture is one big government robbery spree. Though asset forfeiture and seizure is not a policy directed to illegals, as they are by definition are already criminals, anything they possess should be fair game. Many illegals are gang and cartel members so anything seized is probably already stolen or contraband. It is difficult to imagine federal legislation that would be more effective at encouraging self-deportation than allowing asset forfeiture by the GovMint and all fifty states. Instead of citizens bearing the cost of policing our borders, the sums collected through asset forfeiture or obtained at auctions from selling the goods (which is what happens many times with forfeited goods) would help fund the enforcement efforts of the agency or jurisdiction involved and would obviate the necessity for tax increases to fund asset forfeiture operations. If this program were followed, we might see illegals helping to fund the costs of their own deportation. If the illegal were willing to return to their country of origin voluntarily, some of the dollar value of the assets seized could be returned to them. This, in turn, would create an incentive to cooperate with immigration authorities.

In another tack addressing the matter under our present (lack of) “immigration policies,” President Trump threatened to withhold federal funds from “sanctuary cities and states” but nothing came of it probably because almost anything the man attempted to accomplish was violently resisted by the rest of the government. Also, whether such a policy would have cooled the ardor of the liberal idiots in the “blue” areas vis a vis their refusal to assist the Feds in immigration enforcement is not certain. On the other hand, if it had played out, such funds might have been used to help build up the decaying infrastructures in “red” states or used to fund federal enforcement efforts in those areas where local authorities were uncooperative.

Finally, there will (or should) be no need for the Feds to build a wall at the southern border if many of these recommendations are adopted. The problems we’re experiencing will take care of themselves without too much coercion, once steps are taken to implement them. Texas is taking it upon itself to build its own border wall, which would cover over half of the border. Arizona, New Mexico and finally even blue California will be forced to follow suit. The invaders that would otherwise enter via Texas will be forced further west thus becoming much more annoying and dangerous as their efforts will be forced into a smaller area. The outcry from the border residents in those three states will force the building of their own border walls. These outcries will increase once the ranches and properties along the border are increasingly and unceasingly trashed and despoiled. But I firmly believe that adoption of my recommendations will obviate the need for all this wall building.

Assuming my recommendations are not followed and the aforesaid walls are built – something that is also an assumption! – they will fail as they are purely defensive while the invaders already here, sap both our will and our money to resist their continued presence. The latter is especially true considering what our citizens pay for their maintenance via welfare, incarceration and various public programs.

But we must also remember that these walls are not impregnable. The drug gangs have the military wherewithal to breach them thus allowing large numbers of invaders to enter before they can be plugged up. Then there is another problem: at least 22 tunnels have been successfully bored under the border over the last 30 plus years before we detected them, allowing for an unknown number of invaders to take up residence and move between countries. These tunnels were up to 50 miles or so long allowing penetration far into the interior. In one case, a tunnel went straight into San Diego! These tunnels are very sophisticated with heating and cooling systems meaning that they were built using large amounts of money available to the drug traffickers who must have known they wouldn’t be wasting their efforts. Of course, where large sums of money are concerned, collusion between the cartels and the government – local and federal – immediately comes to mind. And though nothing has been said about whether the tunnel enterprises are continuing,the future of this “war” suggests that technology – including drones – will be increasingly used to ferry people and contraband far beyond border detection sites. So, the only real solution to ending this massive invasion is to eliminate the motives as well as the means for invading, something my recommendations are designed to do.

The Founders never envisioned mass immigration – and especially of non-Northern Europeans – as acceptable for America. Neither did they focus on such problems as might arise in the future for America or the world. Their entire vision was on the creation of a Republic consisting of thirteen nation-states as can be seen by the fact that Great Britain signed a peace treaty with each and every one of those thirteen “nations!” With regard to future immigration, George Washington and most if not all of his compatriots envisioned accepting only small numbers of immigrants with useful skills. They never would have countenanced the unskilled and they would certainly have rejected non-whites since they saw the Republic as the continuation of Western Civilization, a White civilization. Indeed, this is one of the reasons that two colonies, Virginia and North Carolina, petitioned King George to end the importation of African slaves into the colonies! The former slaves and indentured servants – mostly Irish and Scots – were, despite their condition of slavery, ethnic whites and at such time as that slavery ended would be integrated into the population without difficulty.

Republics require that their people be homogenous; such aliens as were found within their ranks were either slaves or had contributed something of value to the society as individuals. Those who came before the Founding generation settled here with that understanding and reproduced at sufficient rates to populate the colonies, thus having no further need of any significant numbers of foreigners. The founders spoke of the nation being filled with their posterity and no one else. Had it been otherwise there would have been little tension between those colonists and the peoples who lived here before them, the “Native American.” We must return to that vision if we are to survive as the nation they envisioned – or as a viable nation at all.

© 2021 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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Communist Cancel Culture vs. The Christian Canon

By Sidney Secular

January 14, 2022

The rise and spread of political correctness in the form of the vile and unfortunately virile “woke” and “cancel” cultures are a natural result of and concomitant with the fall of Western cultural norms. You must recognize the connection if you want to maintain your sanity and understand the derivation of the discordance around us. What we are witnessing is the planned destruction of Western civilization through interconnected plots leading to the disintegration and demise of all we hold dear.

Early on, the attack was frontal and “in your face”involving economic, political and even military issues. It was pushed by the Bolsheviks and their brother phonies known as “fellow travelers” in normal settings. The attack, however, was both too foreign and too repulsive to the ethos, norms, and political philosophies of the vast majority of Westerners, so the Communists decided instead, to utilize a “back door”so as to gradually change the culture to make it their own. To do so, they skulked through our institutions, gradually overwhelming them.

The first and most important of the institutions attacked was the educational establishment. From there it was almost child’s play to work their way into all those professions requiring a higher education that would be received in institutions in which the anti-Christian communistic concepts had been introduced. The Frankfurt School, a group of Far Left Jewish scholars had established an academic presence in Germany but their ideas didn’t flourish after the attempted Communist takeover of that nation after World War I. Seeking more fertile ground,these pseudo-intellectuals came to the US and established a strong presence at two universities which then served as vectors of spread for their poisonous screeds to colleges and universities through liberal arts and social science courses all around the country. These two educational Trojan horses were Columbia University and The New School For Social Research, both located in New York City. New York with its large Jewish population was an ideal setting for the Frankfurt School given its Jewish leaders and the natural sympathy that was bound to arise as a result.

Both schools had very well regarded post graduate programs in the social sciences and as a result, attracted the most liberal and supposedly intelligent students from all over the country who came to obtain advanced degrees. The influence and destructive nature of The New School for Social Research from its inception in 1919 through the present day is not generally recognized. It advertises itself as the home of leading scholars and public intellectuals and as one of the world’s “hubs” of academic achievement and culture. It claims to be a force for new thought, knowledge, and ideas,graduating a cadre of “leftist cads” whom, the School boasts “push the boundaries” of the social sciences and philosophy around the world. It has programs in anthropology, journalism, economics, gender studies [a sure-fire sign of its agenda!], historical studies, philosophy, political science, psychology, and sociology with seventy-five faculty members and eight hundred students. Ninety percent of the students have scholarships that pay at least half of the cost of attending and represent, more or less, the cream of the left-leaning youth.

Once these influential students “matriculate” they go on to spread their poisonous philosophies in their chosen professions and social milieus. They are frequently responsible for setting up similar “progressive” academic programs in the areas in which they reside and so their poisonous communistic and atheistic viewpoints and “lifestyles” continue to spread and intensify to the point at which most academic institutions have become leftist “looney bins” of nihilistic and irrational “thought,”while their anti-life attitudes have colored the rest of society to what is now identified as “bi-coastal blue.” In short, basically, these leftist parasites have taken control of the culture. Once the foundations of the new zeitgeist were set, like armies of termites, they have been eating their way through the beams, floors, walls and ceilings of the visible structures that are the face of the West. Early on, the damage was not obvious to the untrained eye, but all the supports have been devoured from the inside out until the structures can be destroyed like a house of cards by the winds of change raised by these cultural Communists to a strength that isall out of all proportion to reality.

Our society’s institutions are now hollowed out shells of what once were hallowed organizations built up over the years with the blood, sweat, tears, toil, and travail of American patriots. The radical Left is busily taking over what is left of these structures that are still somewhat resisting the winds of malignant change. Meanwhile, so-called conservative politicians can’t seem to resist the wiles of the enemy and just wring their hands over what they are apparently unable to “conserve.” The Western Church blames and accepts the decline as the inevitable result of secularism all the while surrendering to that secularism in order to keep enough people in the pews to pay the rent and the pastor’s salary. And while their contention may be true, the Churches in the West fail to identify – much less oppose! – the specific demon-driven forces carrying us down that oh, so slippery slope! Rather their responses sound more like “sour grapes” than answers when these objections are raised.

“Cultural” Communism encompasses all of the Post-Modernist changes that have overtaken America, including, but certainly not limited to racial conflict. The use of the term“racism” – a term invented by Communist Leon Trotsky – is designed to inflame racial passions as a means of explaining away all the negative behaviors of blacks. Within this theater of conflict, we find the use of the term “equality” but not as it has previously been understood in the West. The term has always meant that no man (or woman) is above or below any other individual before God and the law! This has always been our understanding of that term in the West. Under Communist hegemony, the term has come to mean not equality of opportunity, but rather, equality of results! And this, of course, impossible. Nature herself prevents it except in the hive culture of insects. However, to further the acceptance of this nonsensical “ideal,” we have inflicted upon us the choice of “equality” over actual “quality” as is seen in the current war against Whites and all that that entails including the destruction and obliteration of the nation’s history to fit the current “anti-Western” view of reality.

The removal of national and historical monuments because they supposedly represent “racism” together with the rise of the Black Adoration Movement (the subject of a separate article by the author), is demanded by the cancel culture with its intolerance of facts and truth, acceptance of criminality, promotion of sexual perversion and the belief that “everything is relative” presently used to excuse immorality and criminality.Added to these attacks on normalcy are the current diversity drivel, gender confusion, abortion on demand, the favoring of non-whites, allegations of permanent irreversible racism in all matters, “microaggressions”that are merely the consequences of normal living, the re-establishment of racial segregation demanded by the more radical minorities, claims that black slavery as the cause of all current inequities (a claim that is not only false, but fails to mention that its effects have long since been mitigated), censorship of all manner of expression not approved by the cancel culture, repression of gun rights, intolerance of First Amendment rights to freedom of assembly and worship, “lawfare,” –  that is, the use of the nation’s legal institutions and agencies to enforce what is itself illegal while using litigation to destroy those who have not the means available to government! –  high tech terrorism and surveillance and the financial punishment of those who hold views differing from the cancel culture and its adherents. Of course, the list is really much longer, but the point surely has been made here.

We have sunk into the cesspool of immorality, all of which has been planned with malice aforethought for centuries now. The Frankfurt School was only the modern world’s introduction to what had been going on through most of Western history. The deluded continue to blame Russia for the instigation and propagation of this tyranny. But the native Russians succumbed to the same forces we are tangling with now and suffered greatly when the Bolsheviks took over in 1917.Anti-Communist, Nobel Prize winning author Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn addressed this issue when he said:

You must understand, the leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse. It cannot be overstated. Bolshevism committed the greatest human slaughter of all time. The fact that most of the world is ignorant and uncaring about this enormous crime is proof that the global media is in the hands of the perpetrators.

The neocons and “demonrats” continue to use Russia as a straw man when we need to look inwardly at our own decline. President Lincoln observed that we would not be done in by forces outside the US but by internal decay. He at least was right about that even though he deliberately accelerated the process with his efforts to make the once federal government into a centralized tyranny. The Russians threw off their yoke and have now become the only remaining bastion of Christendom in the form of the Orthodox Church. We are the bad guys now, whether we want to admit it or not, and are feared around the world for our global military hegemony, narcissistic attitude, and the imposition of decadent cultural values everywhere. The Russians kept their faith after 70 years of unbelievable repression, imposed official atheism and the physical destruction of over 1,000 of their churches and 500+million of their Believers. They are trying to save Western civilization now,but fear our unremitting belligerence towards them for, among other things,claims of interference in our elections when the evidence clearly shows that the massive fraud in 2020 was American in origin albeit with foreign assistance from commies like George Soros! The Russians at least have the common sense to take measures to reverse the declining birth rates of their white ethnic population which form the base, ballast and bulwark of their Christianity. On the other hand, the blind West is busily rushing down the road to perdition.

In addition to their penetration into the educational establishment in the US, the cultural Communists penetrated our government, the media and Hollywood once they had sufficiently “messed with American minds” in our citadels of “higher education.” Thus, nihilistic and destructive cultural norms were established and the rot continues to spread. In the mainstream media, Hollywood and on TV, the new founts of our values, religious and cultural stereotyping has proceeded apace with Christians and Whites luridly lampooned, vilified, demonized and effectively removed. When is the last time you saw a Caucasian in a commercial? The new “heroes,” on the other hand,have no Christian or any other religious convictions. Indeed, their only value is that most of them aren’t white. The message is that traditional religions are out of date and irrelevant if not actually dangerous to “the good life.”

A key part of the problem, is the inability to recognize or admit that the incessant attacks on our culture are part of a vast conspiracy aided and abetted by “fellow travelers” –  traitors, if you will. And while it is true that the basic thrust is Communist, we have seen that many of these “fellow travelers” appear on the other end of the ideological spectrum. “Neocons” differ from their Communist fellows only with regards to the inner workings of what is The New World Order. Most of these are at the top of their particular spheres in life – Corporate CEOs, high ranking military, multi-million and billionaires who want to rule and don’t very much care how they achieve that aim. And as happens on the left with the willing association of people and groups that are widely disparate in both their thinking and goals – for instance, Muslims working with gays, feminists and Jews –  neocons will work with the left to achieve their end, that is, the takeover by the central government of all things for the benefit of the elites. There is no salvation for ordinary Americans in the “establishment Right.”

The hour nears midnight when doom awaits us. We must call this attack for what it is — a deliberate effort to destroy all that made us the most free and successful country on earth in order to make us yet another casualty of their never ending schemes and producing another bunch of field workers and mindless “pee-ons” on the coming Global Plantation.

© 2021 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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Anti-White Animus and Far-Left Loons Making the Military Into Monsters

By Sidney Secular

January 11, 2022

The far-left makeover and zeitgeist that are uprooting the Historic American Nation seems to have found its locus, focus, and driving force in our now farcical military. The result of these attentions is the reduction of the military’s effectiveness and competence in performing its missions. A new cadre of kooks, spooks, and delusional psychopaths have transformed our formerly excellent military into a globohomo Goliath whose modus operandi features witch hunts designed to uncover the slightest resistance to its insane brand of orthodoxy. This is manifested in any statements of conservative or pro-white viewpoint. Service members have been placed in a sort of mental straight jacket designed to insure a straight and narrow(minded) path towards the eventual roundup of all manner of dissidents. Perdition is the condition that awaits those so “rounded up.” The leftist disease is catching — and the septic minds running things are causing subordinate commanders to spread diseased ideas up and down the chain of command which then spread outward to encompass every corner and crevice of a once great military. The destruction of our military protection could not have been better done by the Chicoms or the old Soviets.

Besides all the wacko PC poop used to indoctrinate service members, the military is failing to keep up with actual military technological advances! There are sporadic news reports announcing some new offensive weapons system developed by Russia or China and for which we have no defense.Yet we are becoming increasingly belligerent towards both these entities! We have been unduly antagonistic towards Iran for decades and have tried to cut them off from receiving certain imports(embargoes), something that is actually an act of war. We keep accusing them of spreading Jihadism without proof; while for several years we — or the Israelis, our proxies in the region — have bombed certain of their sites involved with nuclear energy production, a most definite act of aggression! We keep accusing them of developing nuclear weapons and they keep denying it. Since the mainstream media (MSM) habitually lies to us, there is no reason to believe anything they say on this or any other matter. The Iranians have had the capability of cutting off shipments of oil from the Middle East region to us for some time now and have developed special weaponry to do so. and Thus, with Biden destroying our oil and gas production capabilities, this is becoming an increasing danger should hostilities break out.

Although not reported by the MSM, there are numerous examples of unimaginable incompetence and laxity in operations of military units being reported regularly by the alternative press. This is what diversity and with its lack of language unity and cohesion will do for you especially when the whole plan is to cripple America’s military response. This is incomprehensible to those like my self who were in the US Army National Guard and Army Reserves for 6 years during the 1960s where discipline and obedience were still the order of the day. Of course, at that time we also had a government that served the American people — or, at least wasn’t openly hostile to us!

Then, too, no one has been punished or even blamed for the incredible withdrawal/surrender without a fight that occurred in “Afgonerstan” though the Army did punish one lone officer for complaining about this rash action. Everyone else shut up and went along with the “chain of demand.” Indeed, it appears that those at the top will condone or go along with anything to conform to the flip-flop flippancy of leftist modes of operation! A few examples of ineptitude will suffice to show what we’ve become: an amphibious assault ship that caught fire burned for days without it being extinguished had to be scrapped. The USS Connecticut, a powerful submarine important for operations in the Pacific had to return to port because its officers and crew sailed it into an underwater mountain!

Then there are severe morale problems and organized crime activities running rampant under the noses of cognizant commanders who couldn’t — or wouldn’t — smell any wrongdoing to avoid having to explain to incompetent and criminal “leaders” why their “leadership” resulted in the situation extant! In 2020, at Ft. Hood alone, thirteen soldiers killed themselves, five were murdered, and eleven more died “mysteriously.” Suicides, that have steadily increased since the Vietnam fiasco, were up an additional 16% in 2020. Four National Guard soldiers “guarding” the sieve that is our southern border committed suicide in the last four months. Unimaginable quantities of advanced weapons and explosives have been pilfered by organized crime networks acting within the military. Much of this probably winds up in the hands of the Mexican narco-terrorists who now have greater military capability than does the Mexican armed “farces” and so usually win the day in any confrontation with same.

Many vets are furious, seething with contempt at a not so minor contretemps that has seeped into the everyday operations of military units. White citizens and especially vets, that is, the most prone to respect the armed services, are seeing that trust go bust. The Ronald Reagan Institute reports that the percentage of Americans with “a great deal of trust and confidence” in the military has dropped from 70% in 2018 to 56% now. And even though the FedGov has turned its back on whites uniformly favoring blacks and Hispanics, whites are still the most patriotic group of Americans! However, this ardor will dwindle as the current unfair “spoils system” spoils their former unwavering flag waving. With race relations at their lowest levels in 20 years, the US probably could not fight a war that required a draft — and with the disparities and dispiritedness spread through the populace magnified by the perversity of diversity, the unity and discipline essential for a war would be too difficult to achieve much less maintain.

While the FedGov continues to give non-whites more and more benefits and privileges, whites are forced to imbibe the Kool-Aid notion that the country is being destroyed by “white supremacy” and “white privilege.” This is the mantra of today’s military as well as academia and politics. Yet those that benefit the most from the current regime are those least likely to defend it — yet both the FedGov and the military are determined to purge from its ranks whites and patriots at every turn. Of course, the result of this short-sighted, politically correct policy is that when most needed, those who make things work will be unavailable to do so! The Biden Administration’s black — and blackguard — Secretary Of Defense Lloyd Austin parrots the brainless platitude, “diversity, inclusion and equity– (DIE!) – are vital to the military” whereas in fact, it will result in our destruction as a nation. In the Navy – a branch of the military long ago lost to political correctness!–  sailors are being brainwashed by Critical Race Theory and required to read the wretched book, “How To Be An Antiracist” by Ibram Kendi, presently the most revered racist “guru” in America!

The military is completely fixated and focused on the idea that anyone who opposes the FedGov’s policies is an extremist and a threat. Ditto for anyone associated with such individuals. They are automatically branded as white supremacists or white nationalists often when they are not even white!  Any hint of dissatisfaction with the status woe is automatically labelled “extremism” though the term “extremism” is never defined and changes according to the whims of the plutocrats and boorocrats using the term. The DOD (Department of Defense — also known as the “Department of Duds”) specifically defines the “extremist” attacks of the 2009 Ft. Hood shootings, the 2013 Pearl Harbor-Hickam and Pensacola Naval Air Station shootings as “high profile insider threat attacks!” Yet none of these attacks were committed by whites! The entire scenario becomes a case of gross gaslighting and is used to confuse and excuse anti-white policies.

Major Nidal Malik Hasan, who shot up Ft. Hood, wasn’t at all shy about his extremism. He praised suicide bombers and advised that Muslims should “rise up!” Diversity policies say nothing about Muslim extremists and so it was difficult and uncomfortable for his supervisors to do anything about his obvious radicalism. Being a favored faultless faction who apparently could do no harm, there was no need for a program to detect much less address the Jihad threat. Aaron Alexis was the man who killed 12 people in the 2013 Washington Navy Yard massacre. Despite his criminal record, he was able to stay on as a contractor. Why? Well because Aaron was black, a situation that beggars belief. When I was a FedGov contracting officer for the US Army, the first thing we did was check the Labor Department’s list of “Debarred, Suspended and Ineligible Bidders.” Alexis wouldn’t have even made it to the Bidders’ List back in the day. Hispanic sailor Gabriel Romero committed the 2019 Pearl Harbor shooting. The man was known to have mental problems and disciplinary infractions but the Navy overlooked them because Romero was part of a “protected” minority. The Pensacola Naval Air Station shooting was committed by a Muslim with connections to Al-Queda. Enough said!

The simple fact is that non-whites who are known threats to life and order are given a pass to do as they please in military organizations. One “senior defense official” was quoted by the Miami Herald as saying that there is no list of banned or “terrorist groups” because “they change so quickly” and so when you think you have one, another region or state may disagree with your assessment! As a result, “extremism” becomes a political football that varies from one list to another and from one place to another. Pentagon pointy-headed point men admit that the DOD can’t adequately monitor “anti-social” media, so they rely on snoops and watchdog groups to do it for them. The detestable Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) has made a fortune identifying especially Southern whites and pro-Southern groups as “enemies of the people.” Such politically correct idiocy is a fatal blow for morale as every unconsidered utterance is examined for potential wrong thinking. Hence, anarcho-tyranny is established. The fact is that while the military can’t control crime, arms pilfering and violence on its own bases, it will leap into legal action against what is considered unlawful or “hate” speech. Unit cohesion is not possible when the system encourages messmates to spy on each other in the name of “cohesiveness.” That’s a very old Communist strategy.

There is no place in today’s military for conservative whites. Even liberals of that race in order to be even marginally accepted must be profoundly sorry for their racial identity and promise never to own slaves or lynch minorities in the future! So, if the goal is to defend America or Western Civilization, perforce you must do it some other way. But, in fact, intelligent people of all races aren’t obligated to save (or save face for) the idiots running or, rather, ruining our country. Actually, they don’t want us anyway and in consequence, the US military may never win another war. In the end, that will be a good thing if the current system is overturned and transformed as a result.

© 2021 Sid Secular – All Rights Reserved

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America’s Carrying Capacity: Or, How Many Third World Invaders Can We Afford?

Sidney Secular

January 8, 2022

Illegal aliens, “legal” aliens, and refugees increasingly stream into the US as part of a vast global swarming of third-worlders into Western nations aided and abetted by the powers-that-shouldn’t be. Immune to charges of “white privilege,”because few if any are white, they are tempted to come because they see successful essentially white countries will coddle and support them once they arrive. Many of their relatives have already battened upon the nation’s body like hordes of leaches sending scads of money to their families at home and, of course, money talks. This money sent by “immigrants” to the third world only intensifies the desire to immigrate to Anglo land and the chain migration of near and not-so-near relatives makes that desire possible.

Thus, it is relatively simple to round up caravans of invaders to make the trek north, especially when George Soros is providing cushy bus transportation, food and accommodations. Parenthetically, you didn’t really believe the photos of thousands trudging along in the wilderness shoulder to shoulder twenty abreast towards the promised land were real, did you? Looked staged, no? They were likely paid as extras in documentaries to inflame American pity, tax support and charity payments.As well, the adults among them know they can get past porous borders since there are no actual consequences for doing so but merely some temporary inconvenience –if that! Meanwhile, children along with drugs come in with the “refugees” making the whole thing a great money maker for the traffickers in both kids and drugs.

Then there is another consideration: the money illegals earn in the US does us no good, since little of it is circulated in our economy, as normal wages would be. Neither do these people pay taxes though they benefit from tax-funded social programs. As a result, adding more illegals means more money leaving the country and added welfare payments to support or partially support many of those who earn money, frequently “off the books.” As another consequence of our boundless stupidity, more and more US hospitals shut down unable to serve the everyday health needs of the hordes of invaders, each with several kids, who use emergency rooms as doctor’s offices and ambulances as taxi cabs.

The current zeitgeist, worth zilch to true patriots and anyone of intelligence, dictates that Christians in the West must support the rest of the world’s inhabitants regardless of the consequences to themselves and their nations. They are assured that they must bleed themselves dry to the point of destroying their own resources. Liberal atheists and those liberal “Christians” too guilt-ridden to admit their disassociation with what remains of Christianity, are for all intents and purposes the same insofar as to being drowned by the world’s detritus without giving it a second thought; that is, if they could actually think without being swept away in mindless emotional outbursts.

Whites form the bulwark, ballast, and base of the current system, but they are losing population in relative numbers and have pretty much lost clout as their demonization proceeds apace. They produce about 2.03 children per propagating couple, which is well below the 3.0 or more needed just to maintain their absolute numbers and even this is now under attack by the “LGBT community” that has declared war on science, biology and sanity. What will these parasites do when their unwilling hosts can no longer host them in the style to which they have become accustomed?Usually the fate of a failed host is death and the parasites go elsewhere to seek another.

Around the establishment of Earth Day and the introduction of the worship of the goddess Gaia, environmental and conservation interest groups turned their concerns from overpopulation–  something they saw as behind the environmental despoilation and the depletion of natural resources. This was an outgrowth of the concern over our materialistic way of living with which the hippie culture took great issue though many of those same hippies had no problem benefitting from that which they condemned! Suddenly, the overpopulation issue was dropped as a concern at least in the West since it was apparent that the new invasion of illegals was by far the major source of the population increase and the consequent despoilation, especially in the border areas. The newly sanctified illegals were to be worshipped and supported rather than criticized–  and removed!

To a certain extent, this change in zeitgeist was contested within some environmental groups, but when the Sierra Club, the most prestigious of them succumbed to the new policy dropping overpopulation as a major issue, other environmental groups followed suit. The establishment had to cover their crime of opening the floodgates to the “foreign” types in 1965 in the US and Canada, so they stifled discussion of overpopulation as a major problem. Out of mind is out of sight, so to speak, if you’re of a mind to not notice bad stuff happening.

Since 1965 the libbers and RINO “sickophants” have been agitating for open borders and have pushed schemes to relax all barriers to entry of foreigners. They would like for the issue of overpopulation to become passe and for any and all foreigners –  other than white Europeans –  to pass unimpeded over our borders and eventually to eliminate borders altogether. Indeed, before the opening of the New Millennium, the North American Union was well in the works including a “national” currency. That it did not come to pass as did the European Union, was not the fault of the globalists who are to blame for the current situation. Indeed, under their tutelage, these “one-worlders”have let criminals in,refusing to deport them –  a matter that has led to the injury and death of many citizens of our country! They have created sanctuary zones where immigrant criminals are accommodated and coddled while continuing their criminal activities with little worry about prosecution. This is but a step towards the “Alien Nation” that Peter Brimelow wrote about in his book of that title. The entire nation will soon be alien–  and hostile –  to its natural citizens!

The 1965 changes in immigration policy represented a “twofer,”providing cheap labor to displace American workers and adding to the “demonrat” voting base. It also represented another type of gain by the globalists in that the very concept of citizenship could be diluted to the point of irrelevance and the patriotic connection between Americans and their nation could be nullified. Another goal of our treasonous leaders was furthered by assuring that America’s mighty“middle class” – the thing that has made our nation unique in the world since our founding! – would be eventually eliminated through the overwhelming burden of the taxes required to support the invaders through the many programs established for their benefit. As an added insult, these “refugees” were permitted to use programs not created for their benefit such as affirmative action.

False memes were mouthed using guilt to manipulate the masses whenever a campaign was mounted to give the immigrants special benefits or privileges such as amnesty. We were told we were a nation of immigrants although most of us were born here and the whole “melting pot” claim was a fiction created by a Jew named Israel Zangwill and used in a 1908 play entitled “The Melting Pot.” Zangwill was a Jewish immigrant from Czarist Russia and a dedicated advocate of Zionism and “Territorialism,” – a Jewish political movement calling for the creation of the Jewish state of Israel. The result of this fiction was that for years after the play appeared, Americans were being told that we are a “mix of different cultures” despite the fact that we remained 90% ethnically and culturally European until the immigration act of 1965, an act that was passed with the promise that it would not change the cultural and racial makeup of the United States.

As well, the distinction between colonists and immigrants was intentionally confused by teaching that the original colonists murdered the original native population and established black slavery in the New World while the Founders did not address the issue. The early English settlers were colonists, not immigrants in the true sense of that word. To further malign our founding, the values of Western Civilization were devalued as having been created to make blacks worthy only to be slaves. Yet, the first black to become an actual slave under the law rather than an “indentured servant” had been purchased by Anthony Johnson, a black man who came to the New World as a slave but worked his way to freedom. Johnson bought another black man and when that man wanted to buy his way out of slavery, Johnson took him to court and had him declared a slave for life! However, prior to this monumental event, there had been plenty of white slaves in the colonies before 1651 a fact that is quickly and conveniently forgotten!

Among the lies Americans have been told was the claim that non-white immigrants were needed to do the work Americans wouldn’t do probably because none of those companies engaging workers were willing to pay a decent wage!Remember, when these “immigrants” weren’t around this work had always been done when required! Of course, American workers expected to be paid and that meant the company made less money and the purchaser of the service paid more for it. That’s the way of the free market. However,because Americans were being squeezed by increasing tax burdens and higher prices, we naturally became more cost conscious and willing to employ immigrant labor because they worked for less and were sometimes paid “under the table!” That seemed to be great for everybody, but very soon we found that this sort of “double-dealing” led to disaster. We stopped thinking about what would happen if all citizens did that. That was not only unfortunate, but it was also another blow to America’s moral character.

Another aspect of the problem arose when lower level, blue collar and service jobs that had always provided our youth with needful learning experiences and the value of hard work at the beginning of their adult work lives became “unavailable.” These jobs also provided an opportunity to save some money and thus learn its value and get their adult lives off to a good start! It prepared America’s youth with the financial discipline required to deal with such things as down payments on the purchase of a home and with those mortgages necessary to maintain one. The budgeting of money cannot be taught unless the person involved has money to budget! And interestingly enough, most people who obtain money from other than hard work tend to spend it as if it were easily replaceable and for them, perhaps it is. Hence, stealing money or being given money does not lead to frugal habits with it. Nothing does that but hard work.

Now many of our young people have no skills to earn a living and as a result hang around until they finally are ready – or more truthfully are able, to leave home though many are now into their 30s. This “lifestyle” does not prepare them to be adults and they often tend to be immature for much longer periods, sometimes for the rest of their very unfulfilling lives! They marry later –  if they marry at all! – and wind up having few or no children and thus, are not part of a stable household. Of course, this scenario has become one cause of our declining population rate.

With “Sloppy” Joe’s installation as puppet, the stage was set for a nearly unfettered infiltration of unfathomable numbers of below-the-border peons and various types of perps such as drug pushers, pregnant women seeking anchor babies, girls and boys to be trafficked as prostitutes and players for porn productions, etc. An underclass is being set up as a permanent, disposable pool of cheap labor for the service and sex industries and manual labor.

Pushing his chutzpah to the limits, Biden wanted to bring back into the US illegals who had been deported under previous administrations as criminals. That idea seems to have been put on hold for now but like everything else libber, it will come back to haunt us at some future point as a proposal or secretive practice if we get too complacent or, we don’t get rid of the present “government.”

Let’s look at the numbers, a situation that may leave the reader numb. In 2021, Biden facilitated an invasion of two million illegals, double the “normal” one million, plus an unknown number that sneaked in undetected. In a “normal” year, one million legal immigrants are also added to the population. Many of these legals are illegals who have “graduated” and made it without being deported, as they should have been. Some of these new legals may be of a higher intellectual or moral caliber than the rest, but few are part of the white “majority” (for the moment!), and some will have difficulty assimilating at least while we still have an American culture. We average close to one million babies produced by all categories of immigrants annually, many of the “anchor category,” that is, a misreading of the 14th Amendment (itself not a legally ratified amendment) that has been validated by the immigration law of 1965. Legal or not, however, this situation is proceeding as if it were legal with little signs of it being stopped!

So altogether, we have at least 4.6 million people added to the population annually, nearly all of them third-worlders. That’s over and above annual deaths. At that rate, at least 35 million more people will have been added to the population by 2030. That makes the US the third fastest growing country in the world behind India and China. How can our country feed, water, house, educate, and create jobs for such a number? Especially as the productive population (mostly whites) falls while the unproductive and even costly criminal population (most of whom are minorities) rises exponentially? If we are forced to rely on electric, solar, and wind with gas, oil, and nuclear being eliminated, is there any way in the world we will have enough power to keep us out of the dark? The grid is shaky enough now and we are fast learning that many of our enemies have “energy weapons” that could send us back to the stone age in a very short time.

But there is more to the problem than electrical energy. Right now, seven states face extreme water shortages – Florida, Georgia, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada and, of course, California. Yet all those states keep receiving invaders as well as being magnets for the snowbirds and retirees seeking warmer climes. By 2050, another 100 million people, nearly all immigrants, will have been added to our population, raising it from 330 million to 440 million. Since the population increases will be greatest in and around the nation’s metropolitan areas, it means the populations of our 35 largest cities will be doubled. New York City’s population would jump from 8.3 million to 16.6 million if, of course, the Big Apple hasn’t been eaten by the liberal enemies of civilization–  and the city’s mayor. The gridlock in these places could become even more unmanageable and the pressure on the infrastructure, already antiquated, will undoubtedly break down. Could we deal with the results of such a scenario and especially with the unimaginable crime levels that are already far higher than they were but a few years ago? Natural resources are finite and the Earth can only yield so much, and so unending population growth within limited areas of the planet will have to come to a halt sometime soon or the result will be chaos.

But in the end, it’s not the number of people but rather, as I’ve tried to point out here, the type of people and their ability to live within the culture and better it. No one can say that what is being “imported” into the West and especially America today meets any of these qualifications. On the other hand,not too long ago, those trying to prevent the predicted and undesirable “de-population” movement, pointed out that if you put all the people in the world in a “crowd,” they would fit into Rhode Island– hardly our biggest state –  and with room to spare! No, the problem is not the number of people but the fact that people who are not mutually suited to live in our society are being forced upon us and displacing us – the original population! This is intentional and is designed to foster exactly what is happening. The Japanese understand this and that is why they do not welcome great numbers of immigrants into their nation. Indeed, they don’t want people who insist on their own culture, such as the Muslims. As the Japanese Prime Minister said recently, it was his duty to protect the Japanese people! Sadly, nobody has that understanding of what should be done for Americans and Europeans!

How we address the issues not just of numbers but of culture is the concern we should be addressing. Even if we halted immigration altogether right now, the US population would continue to expand as the immigrant birth rates will force the matter. We will have exceeded our “carrying capacity” long before the population levels off sometimes after 2050 because these people are not “pulling their weight,”and by that time, our culture and way of life will no longer exist.

Post Scriptum: We must also be aware that warnings against “overpopulation” are fueling the desire by the New World Order elites and their “tech” geniuses to produce “vaccines” designed to do just what many are calling for – that is, to reduce the planet’s population to what they consider to be “manageable levels.” But like everything else, it becomes a matter of whose ox is being gored! And given that at the moment, the group being condemned to extinction are the very people who raised mankind from the Stone age to the stars and ended the much condemned slave trade at least between Africa and the New World – that is, the White Race! – I suggest that we look most carefully at whatever is presented as a “cure” for our present “overpopulation.”


www, (see video “Immigration, Poverty and Gum Balls”)  

(see the articles by Dr. Steve Camarota, “immigrant birth rates’) and “Anchor baby births annually’)

Book published in March 2021: “America’s Overpopulation Predicament: Blindsiding Future Generations”, by Frosty Wooldridge, available on Amazon or call 1-888-519-5121.

© 2021 Sid Secular – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Sidney Secular:

Bellying Up to Expanding Waistlines

Sidney Secular

January 1, 2022

They’re expanding and spreading all across the fruited plain – bulging bellies! All that sports equipment and gym workouts will hardly matter ifone continues to imbibe those hi-calorie drinks and slurp up all that junk food that predisposesone’s body to add layers of blubber on top of whatever new muscles are being built up! You have to walk, jog or run miles in your expensive running shoes in order to lose an ounce of avoirdupois when an ounce of prevention might well dispose you to lose pounds of same. Two-thirds of Americans are at least 40 pounds overweight – ‘nuff said!

Of course, the plannedemic drove people to drink both figuratively and actually – and to eat increasing amounts of comfort foods in an effort to tolerate the intolerable. Consider the increase of visits to junk food dispensaries in 2021 as opposed to the figure available from 2020! There was a:

54.4% increase to burger chains;

a 32.1% increase to Tex-Mex joints;

a 29.5% increase to fried chicken chains; and, finally, a

16.2% increase to pizzerias.

The motives of our overlords are so easy to discern once you assume they’re out to do us in by – among other things – enticing us to expand our bellies! The local small business eateries and independent restaurants that would have provided more nourishing and healthy fare were deliberately labeled non-essential and therefore shuttered. As a result, these businesses suffered greatly during the Covidiocy through non-existent profits. Many never recovered and were shuttered permanently. The fast food outlets are franchise businesses whose head corporations are almost exclusively partly or wholly owned by multinational conglomerates. As a result, these were considered “essential” and provided with a clear field of business in order to increase their patronage and thus their profits during the peak of the Covidiocy. As a result of direct government interference at the state and local levels, business formerly enjoyed by the independent eateries was to a large extent shunted over to the fast food joints during the “crisis.”

Of course, some of these increases came from consumers seeking fast and cheap comfort foods to assuage their emotional discomfort from the assault upon their ordinary, normal lives and the resultant feelings of misery and fear. Such methods are very useful to those who wish to dictate who we are, what we can do and what will happen should we not to do what we are constantly assured is in our best interest and “for our own good.” Furthermore, many ordinary folks lost their jobs during the “plannedemonium” and when their local supermarkets carried a lot of nothing but empty shelves, they could not afford more expensive restaurants and returned to the cheaper foods supplied by the junk outlets. In these familiar haunts they could belly up to the fixins’ bar and at least have the illusion of plenty if not the real thing. And, finally, with the sudden price increases fueled by inflation all across the board, the average American is staying with his less expensive fried foods thus making the fast food joints richer while his belly become further inflated.

But meanwhile, partaking of poor nutrition by partaking of inferior foods is making people sicker and increasing their visits to their doctors who are only too happy to prescribe Big Pharma’s pills and potions and, of course, vaxxes. Since the flu has suddenly returned after being absent these last two years since the sudden appearance of “COVID,” Americans have returned to dealing with this annual pathogen though it is now frequently misidentified as Covid or a variant thereof.Annual bouts of the flu and the “common cold” – a “coronavirus!” is nothing new, but today many are having a worse time because of their unhealthy eating! Naturally, the increase in the strength of whatever pathogen is involved is blamed upon the pathogen, not upon the poor physical condition of the person ill with that pathogen. As a result, it is easier to “sell” regular flu shots and boosters as well as these poisonous “vaccines” that aren’t “vaccines” thus making doctors and pharmaceutical companies richer than ever!As we have seen, it is especially appealing to obtain immunity from our“health transgressions” so that we, the transgressors, do not have to suffer the consequences for that is what these “vaccines” promise. American and global medicine has become another conventional religion wherein one does not have to suffer the consequences of sin if one confesses and takes one’s medicine. These medical vultures with their caduceus wands, hover over mankind making ever decreasing circles in the air as they come down to peck at our pockets and wait for us to expire in accordance with their depopulation schemes.

Most of “the stuff” people stuff themselves with at the fast food eateries damages our bodies in a “slo-mo” process leading to heart attacks, cancer, strokes, dementia, diabetes, degenerative diseases, and generally premature aging. A poor diet causes a buildup of body toxins and those most affected have lowered resistance to everything often made worse by the present anti-Covid vaxxes that contain a slew/stew of harmful, even deadly chemicals including aborted baby parts and living parasites as well as nanotechnology more suitable to Robby the Robot than people! Obviously, such poisons add to the body’s toxic overload. The purveyors of the various poisons we consume both intentionally and without our knowledge such as those that are in our environment (chemtrails, microwave energy, etc) predispose as well as prime us for an early exit even while many are in the prime of life and all the while we continue to pump more and more money into the poison purveyors’ pockets.

But it is never too late to turn things around and, to a certain extent, regain much of one’s vitality. First, watch your diet! Go back to or stick with unprocessed and even some uncooked whole foods as much as possible, and greatly increase your consumption of fruits, veggies, whole grains and nuts. Decrease your consumption of meat and animal products if you ingest large amounts of them. However, make sure whatever you do eat, is what it is supposed to be and not something “created” by people who do not have your best interests at heart!

Of course, you have heard this type of advice many times but there is much to be said for it. Obviously, if you wish specific guidance, seek out practitioners of preventive and what is called “natural” medicine as opposed to the conventional medical practitioners who generally are not too knowledgeable on matters outside of their specific disciplines and have become in most instances, shills for Big Pharma. And while the occasional pizza or Chinese dinner or other dietary fling is not fatal (yet!) you should stay away from the purveyors of fast foods in order to make a healthy start in the right direction.

© 2021 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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“Alone, Lonely and Abandoned”

By Sidney Secular

December 29, 2021

Donald Jeffries, the author of the lead article in the October 2021 issue of the Freedom Times, entitled “The American Loneliness Phenomenon,” paints a depressing portrait of life in isolated cocoons across the fruited plain. Those who are lonely are especially prone to feel a palpable pain of abandonment during the holiday season. Even those who visit family members and friends may do so only because of an obligatory invitation extended to them. This definitely doesnot represent a Norman Rockwell-type conception of a huge turkey dinner with all the trimmings served to a large and loving family gathered together to celebrate the holidays!

Of course, as usual, the Salvation Army and similar mostly Christian groups act as somewhat impersonal dispensers of holiday cheer for those in need. Massive mailings soliciting donations are sent out months before for the funds necessary to purchase massive quantities of turkey dinners to be served to equally massive numbers of shut-ins and homeless with the hope that for the rest of the year they will be able to accept the isolation that has befallen them. Compassion and charity, once the duty of family and friends, has become ritualized, impersonalized and commercialized often so that those financially better off can exhibit a sort of showy nobles se oblige towards the masses and those who have not faredall that well in a crony capitalist competitive economy. It’s a sort of give an underdog a bone thing –whether a wishbone or other some other bone to those seen as social “turkeys.”

Polls show that 27% of Americans over 60 live alone–a figure greater than anywhere else in the world. Moreover, seniors in other countries often live with an extended family, a matter once fairly common in America until the era of the “Gray Panthers” when seniors were advised by the culture to desert children and grandchildren and live for themselves in their “golden years.” Even older married couples tend to live alone while more childless couples and“empty nesters” live in the US than in the rest of the world! But, hey! It simply gives the US one more thing in which we’re Number One! This trend has become a sort of slow, low grade anti-social epidemic that garners little attention as opposed to contrived diseases used to justify the development of vaxxes that serve the dual purpose of creating additional billions for those already billionaires and, as Scrooge once said, “decreasing the surplus population.”

This rending of familial relationships has become inexorable as the movement of dysfunctional families replaces ordinary social and cultural mores with our present“anything goes” social morality. Almost every tale you hear about family relationships seem to involve tell-tale, often inexplicable or exaggerated disputes or rejections among family members. Even marriages of decades-long standing seem to fall apart as one or both of the partners seeks newly stimulating sexcapades or suddenly find him or herself not knowing who he or she is after nearly a lifetime of thinking that he or she did know! Relationships go cold-turkey as libbers discover that a long time friend is a Trump supporter or said something disagreeable on Facebook. There seems no longer to be any cohesive glue holding people together once the children fly the coop and the couple feels a combination of sudden freedom after excessive confinement.We hear a lot of rhetoric, especially from Conservatives, about “family,”but actually,America has long abandoned traditional families and their values. The explosion in the number of nursing homes in the last half of the 20th Century reflects the dissolution of close family ties and taken together with the abortion rate, we are seeing the abandonment of the very old and the very young when they are both at their most vulnerable.

Men are especially prone to loneliness in many cases because they either couldn’t attract a mate or, having attracted one, couldn’t keep her. Frequently, it wasn’t the man who was impossible to satisfy but rather the women he courted. This difference in motivation becomes evident when looking at the custom dating/mating services(not of the internet type). The man pays a large fee to be placed in the system while the women pay a small fee or nothing at all. In other words, the men are the primary clients and the women are solicited to provide a large pool of candidates from whom he may choose. Often these women have a lukewarm or mildly interested attitude about the whole thing as opposed to the needs of a man who would use such services to actually obtain a life’s partner.Unfortunately, the current social milieu usually finds that modern females, once attracted by male virility, have a lower opinion of conservative men with their standard masculinity than in past times. Today, many women now seem to be attracted to the “metrosexual types” with their man buns and liberal “sensitivity.”

In my own experience, women in such circumstances prefer a good time to choosing a partner based upon qualities once considered desirable. These women cite in their list of preferences such things as a sense of humor(but with a very real limitation on what the gentleman considers “funny!”), the man involved being financially “open handed” – also known as “how to treat a lady” – and, of course, any past experiences in taking ladies on costly jaunts all over the globe. Is it any wonder that Western men sometimes seek out Asian ladies as they are the least corrupted by Western “values?”

There are truly lovely women out there – and I don’t just mean physically attractive! – seriously seeking a mate, but they are rare. The ones that sign up for these services tend to be excessively picky, overly eccentric or of the type made famous in the film Sunset Boulevard (I’m ready for my closeup, Mr. DeMille!) and frankly, good looks and even a lively personality is not enough to compensate for being egocentric. Men – who can also be quite egocentric! – will usually tolerate a good deal of quirkiness if a lady is reasonably good looking and has a pleasant personality while the ladies who are seriously seeking male companionship can usually find someone to their liking without a great deal of effort.

The stats in this matter show a situation that certainly is not static. In 1950, 22% of American adults were single. Today, over 50% of American adults are single and about one in seven live alone and comprise about 28% of all households. Comparing America with the rest of the world shows a stark difference. About two-thirds or more of older people in some countries live with younger family members, while only 6% of Americans do. Most American children and grandchildren place grandparents into what everyone – even they – recognize as medically and administratively monstrous and expensive facilities even the best of which tend to facilitate the resident’s demise while depleting his or her financial resources.

In most non-white cultures, older people are called elders and given the greatest respect by all around them. Family patriarchs are treated like royalty. Meanwhile, in our culture,senior citizen discounts here do not compensate for being treated as discounted – and discarded – citizens. The absurd COVID restrictions of the past year have especially played havoc with seniors in nursing homes. Their death rates in these facilities as well as in hospitals have shot up in proportion to the overall numbers of vaxx shots received, the mortality rate of the hospital protocols and the restrictions on the numbers of vital visits by family members.

Seniors have been treated as disposable by younger executives in many companies having no understanding of or appreciation for their skills and experience. They are many times the first to go when the layoffs come and are not considered valuable “human resources.” Many of these companies can’t resist mistreating their most valuable workers who may not be high-tech but can impart important work habits to college graduates who are figuratively – and practically – still wet behind the ears. Discrimination against senior employees has long been a major staple of activist efforts by groups like AARP and AMAC, the latter an organization that unlike AARP watches out for the interests of conservative seniors.

Maybe the emphasis on killing babies(abortion) for convenience has soaked into the American psyche to the point at which convenience in our harried and rushed existences takes precedence over taking the time and effort to do and take care of the things that really matter. As noted previously, babies and older humans just get in the way of having your fling and doing your thing. It was a Western governor who once opined that the elderly “have a duty to die and get out of the way.” I have since learned that this man – now old himself! – has rethought his previous life’s motto! Certainly, the acceptance of “quality of life” parameters in global medicine has seriously affected the directions of that master physician, Hippocrates whose oath began with, “First do no harm!” After Roe v. Wade in 1973, the Oath of Hippocrates taken by all civilized physicians and forbid abortion was changed to, “I will do nothing illegal!” As every wretched, murderous act today is either ignored or now considered legal, this great oath of history has been rendered void and innocent people are paying for their ignorance and apathy at the hands of their once-trusted physicians.

Not to denigrate pet lovers, but it may be that the increase in “pets” – and not just dogs and cats –substitutes for failing interests in the needs of fellow human beings including the elderly. This emotional “substitution” also explains the increased attention given to rescuing abandoned and mistreated animals as well as concern with the needs of “endangered species” around the planet. Animals are physically and emotionally easier to deal with and control as well as lacking the off times difficult interactions and time consuming, often exasperating duties involved in “end of life” situations.

Even more odd is America’s failure to adhere to that old adage, charity begins at home. The US wastes its largesse on every conceivable foreign and anti-American group while ignoring the needs of its own citizens including our military veterans. The same can be said of those Christian denominations that spend their time and treasure feeding and saving the entire world from its follies while many of America’s elderly have to choose between food and medicine and even find themselves homeless and existing on dumpster diving. Foreign aid as a “charity” is worthless; neither is it intended for that purpose. It is just a political tool to enrich – and thus gain as an ally – foreign government “boorocrats” whose use of our wealth benefits them rather than us. The GovMint wants to provide every conceivable imagined need and desire of illegal aliens though they provide nothing in return for their care. Indeed, in some urban areas hospitals are forced to close because they are overwhelmed by illegals using emergency rooms as free care for simple health issues while the absence of these health centers leave America’s elderly and poor in the lurch. Meanwhile, professional“charities”use America’s humanitarian urges to spend large chunks of money on overhead expenses including marketing and the bloated salaries their top management.

The homeless are virtually ignored though it is known that the vast majority of those identified as homeless are addicts. Still, abandoned seniors can easily become homeless as they no longer have the means to obtain housing or the families to prevent this final descent into hopelessness. Of course, the lack of a response to the homeless situation means that drug addicts and the mentally ill are ignored by liberal politicians and this grave problem is put upon the public who have seen many of our most beautiful cities become sewers of detritus and human excrement. And as little or nothing is done to elevate real estate values, there are economic consequences resulting in ordinary Americans of all ages losing their homes over their inability to pay the outrageous interest rates (usury) on mortgages that sometimes triples the amount of the principal borrowed. This situation peaked at the crest of last year’s Covidiocy as many lost their jobs! As a result, there seems to be a panhandler at every urban street corner now and it is beginning to look very much as it did during the Great Depression!In better days, family members would chip in and pay a few month’s worth of mortgage payments to keep their kith and kin safe and warm, but alas– just as with their seniors, they have abandoned them to their own devices. The Christian culture of love and caring has been replaced by the Utilitarian understanding of the “survival of the fittest.” Christian virtues and values have gone the way of the dodo bird.

Our present “isolation” has also created a sort of modern “matrix” – that is, an unreal reality within which people function as if it were real. Look at groups such as Facebook and Twitter! Time spent with ersatz “friends” – that is, people whom one never expects to actually meet –on anti-social media would be better spent with the living whether it is visiting a neighbor who is alone or keeping some lonely senior company for a few hours. Much idle social media chatter would be better devoted to interacting with real people who are lonely. Many of these lost souls have suicidal thoughts and some literally act on those thoughts. We have suicide prevention hotlines, why not loneliness prevention hotlines? It is time for America and Americans to take a good look around. If we do nothing, there won’t be anything left to save.

© 2021 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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Broken Supply Chains Will Pull America’s Chains Indefinitely as Chain Reactions Occur

by Sidney Secular

December 20, 2021

Supply chain woes continue to threaten American companies’ – and there fore American consumers’ – bottom lines. Higher prices and broader inflationary pressures may well cause many companies to bottom out. This situation is especially dangerous for small businesses already badly damaged by COVID restrictions. Shelves are becoming increasingly bare again making holiday shoppers nervous because we were just barely getting back to the way things were – and that wasn’t all that great in the first place! Long delays imposed upon idle ships and the resultant higher shipping costs were and are “endemic” during the “plannedemic”.

Importers and retailers are especially hard hit with the smaller ones suffering most. Home Depot, Costco and other larger corporations have chartered their own ships but that doesn’t help when the time comes to unload them! Of course, as in anything along a “chain,” far more than the original businesses are affected. Import reliant small businesses lacking a “stash of cash” are forced to choose between folding up or paying many times the commercial shipping rate for things that may well arrive in months, not weeks. Of course, when there is a huge commercial event such as Christmas directing merchandising, such delays are simply unacceptable. Savvy shoppers who saw which way the wind was blowing, began their Christmas shopping last summer.

Whereas in better days, Americans might be able to rely on their government to uncork the bottleneck, today’s White House is flying a white flag because they can’t get a handle on the situation! Instead, they are relying on Pete “Butt-gig”, the “bottleneck czar” to get things moving again, but he spends most of his time playing with his and his male partner’s new baby while the worsening situation plays out. One has to wonder why a man who can produce a baby with another man is unable to overcome a situation that is not biologically impossible – but there it is!

The situation is front page and 6 o’clock news and is reported to be a FedGov priority – or at least that is the pretense! And so, the unseemly situation drags on. American manufacturers have idled plants while waiting for key parts and the prices of gas, oil, energy and basic necessities have steeply climbed. Meanwhile, commercial “goodies” – cum necessities – like smartphones and desperately desired digital devices just might not be available for gift giving in the present not-so-festive Season! Of course, Americans were originally told that these problems were temporary but now the light at the end of the tunnel is shrouded by the mists of time and the myths of Administration politics.

To add to the confusion, the “new” Covid variants, which, if they actually existed, would be getting progressively “weaker” as is the case with all flu variants according to real science, are being presented as impending deadly plagues! That is, they are being taken more seriously with every claimed “outbreak!” Of course, this is just another excuse to tighten the screws and further screw up everything in our lives including the normal deliveries of supplies, equipment and the needful gadgetry of modern life. Meanwhile, demands for industrial parts and consumer goods have skyrocketed! Neither does it help that those Asian countries that produce most of our consumer goodies and junk are also closed down by concocted Covid calamities.

Some of the increased demand is caused by people buying more stuff than they need, as in the toilet paper crisis early in the “plannedemic!” This hoarding philosophy adds to the constriction of the supply system making the “just-in-time” philosophy that normally works if systems are efficiently run, replaced with a “just-in-case” philosophy resulting in commercial buyers doubling and tripling their inventories because consumers are doubling and tripling what they consume. Of course, shipping capacity, already inadequate, simply cannot keep up with this kind of demand. Ocean carriers have deployed every ship they can obtain including some that are not designed to carry the huge shipping containers, something that is very dangerous indeed! All of this insanity has resulted in record bottlenecks at ports, the worst problems appearing at the California ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach, that together handle 40% of US cargo volume.

Parenthetically, it doesn’t help that the shipping “crunch point” is located in “very blue” California where insanity is the most prevalent commodity extant! Ships in that location are forced to lay offshore as all port space and contingency anchorages are filled and shipping containers that have been unloaded are stacked up, thus preventing the speedy unloading of further containers. Moreover, California has changed its diesel emission standards making most older trucks ineligible to participate in removing merchandise from the ports while existing truck and freight rail services are not only insufficient but inefficiently managed as well.

US importers have induced the creation of defacto warehouses that charge higher than normal “demurrage” fees for those who cannot “ship” in a timely fashion what they have stored in those warehouses. As well, truckers find that bureaucratic port rules on hours of service, appointment times and “dual transaction” requirements – truckers have to pick up full containers at the time they drop off empty ones! – have seriously hampered the ability to clear port blockages. The final blow to the supply chain is the fact that it is impossible to find enough workers to do what can be done as many of those workers prefer being on the GovMint dole thus making them unavailable for hire. Regardless of which link in the chain is weakest, the entire chain undergoes strain and eventually breaks. Unused container capacity eventually leads to cancellations and higher prices. No White House task force or Biden czar can offer any quick fixes mostly because they are too busy mandating deadly “jabs” for all America and making concerned parents into “domestic terrorists.” There just aren’t enough hours in the day for a commie takeover and a sound economy to co-exist.

Of course, you can’t just build more ships or add more port or warehouse capacity overnight and furthermore, some of the real problems may not be open to solutions at least as our system currently exists. Longshoremen unions have used their undeniable clout to force contracts that decrease port productivity, limit work hours and job flexibility and prohibit the introduction of efficiency enhancing automation. Unions have fought efforts to supplement their work forces with non-union workers even when the latter are employed by the State. As a result of union domination, unionized port workers can make over $200,000 a year while US ports remain among the least efficient in the world. An exception of this is the Port of Virginia which is semi-automated and thus free from major backlogs despite record volumes.

Another impediment to improvement is the anachronistic Merchant Marine Act of 1920 which requires only US built, crewed, and flagged ships to move freight between US ports. This has made coast wise shipping prohibitively expensive and put additional pressure on inland transit. The same 1920 act also requires barges transporting dredged material to be owned by US operators, something that has inflated the costs of dredging US ports and deterring the maintenance of good shipping lanes as well the expansion of their capabilities.

There are also other and unnoticed/unappreciated problems that probably mean America’s shipping crisis is here to stay without a drastic change in our present systems. For instance, there is only one crane for every 50 to 100 trucks at every port in America. No one seems to appreciate how that slows things down. Processing containers to get them in and out of a port can take up to 8 hours. The salaries paid to non-union drivers are extremely low – and because of all the excessive wait times these essential workers often earn less than the minimum wage! Add to this situation Covidiocy requirements that further retard the system, and many of these essential workers are looking elsewhere to earn a living. As if this weren’t enough, there is also a critical shortage of container chassis, that is, the trailers and beds that hold the containers during the overland trip to their destination. Drivers may wait around for hours, even days for these chassis to arrive. And then, amazingly large numbers of international containers must be hand unloaded because they are not on pallets required by the cranes! Of course, it takes much more time and effort to do this and as warehouse workers receive low wages there is little incentive to hurry! Many of these same “essential” warehouse workers were laid off when the “plannedemonium” began and to date, they are not returning to work! The result? Warehouses are critically undermanned. It goes without saying that this affects the truck(freight) drivers because they cannot pick up as big a load in the same time period as before and this further backs up the entire supply chain.

When the whole package is put together, it is easy to see that people who want their stuff delivered in a timely manner are going to eventually be charged premium rates while those paying lower rates will suffer from slower deliveries. Unless the problems of inadequate infrastructure and overblown bureaucratic red tape and union extortion are resolved, things are going to get progressively worse. Plans to open ports for processing 24/7 won’t work today because truck drivers need sleep and given everything else that is wrong, they often sit around waiting to be able to fulfill their part of the supply chain. The only thing that can make a dent in the situation is to run everything 24/7 – ports, trucks, and warehouses, along with provisions for tens of thousands more chassis and much greater trucking capacity. For the whole supply chain to be in sync, every port must work at equal capacity. Any port that that fails to work at maximum effectiveness, bottlenecks the entire system – and right now all portions of the system are failing spectacularly! And finally, there is nobody in a position to compel anybody in the entire supply chain to make the needed changes, and as there are no incentives to change, the situation will only get worse.

Behold our new “normal!”

© 2021 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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Jackbooted Jerk Branden Needs to be Booted Out of Office

by Sidney Secular

December 18, 2021

The jackbooted jerk, “Illegit” Joe, allowed to take the reins of power illicitly, is letting that power to go to his head or what little remains of it. His actions are way over the top now that he is on top. His latest treasonous action should topple him from his perch if patriots would only act and stop propping him up by doing nothing to remove him. Any support or sympathy for him should have evaporated once he sought to remove forty US Navy SEALs from the military and punish them for seeking religious exemptions from the offensive Department of Defense and US Navy “Covid Vaxx” mandates. Their requests were summarily rejected with no justifications provided! The DoD’s refusal to protect the religious liberties, and hence the First Amendment rights of its service members, is unprecedented.

The SEALs are just the most visible service group to have their exemption requests turned down. However, it should be noted that a significant number of the service members that are refusing the Covid jabs come from special operations forces such as the SEALs. The First Liberty Institute ( has taken up their case. The forty SEALs involved have over 100 combat deployments and 350 years of service among them, yet they are facing harassment, threats and intimidation from their superiors (at least in rank) for the “crime” of exercising their First Amendment rights as Americans.

When one SEAL informed his commander he would seek a religious exemption to the DoD mandate, his fate was “sealed,” so to speak, and he was told to surrender his Special Warfare Pin known as the “Trident.” This act would not only mean dismissal from the SEALs per se but would make him an outcast from the SEAL community, cutting off his ability to interact with anyone in that community. In other words, he was facing personal disgrace and banishment, all for exercising his right as an American by seeking a religious exemption to a seriously flawed mandate. The applicable Navy directive applies only to religious exemptions and not to any medical or other exemptions. This distinction makes of the directive an attack on personal religious beliefs and basically eliminates the long-standing and accepted “conscientious objector” status category in the military.

Adding significant insult to injury, the directive also “mandates” that religious objectors will lose their pay regardless of whether the exemption is granted or not! It only needs to be sought to occasion this punitive and vindictive effort to silence any effort to avoid what itself is an outrageous and unconstitutional effort by the GovMint to nullify the Constitution. By “losing pay,” the FedGov seeks to recoup from those SEALs who reject the mandate all the money spent training and maintaining them. It is estimated to cost $350,000 to $500,000 to train a single Navy SEAL. To keep one SEAL operational and deployable overseas costs some where around 1,000,000 per year. The Navy SEALs are the most elite fighting force on Earth, yet the present mindless “Commander-In-Thief” wants to make an example of them and punish them beyond all law or reason. This is an unconscionable act of tyranny of an unprecedented nature, at least in the modern West.

The Navy cannot simply snap its fingers and generate more SEALs on demand as if they were ordering a replacement cog in a wheel. It takes years to recruit, train, and develop the select few able to meet the high standards of the SEAL force. Now with the unbelievable mistreatment that affected SEALs and their families will be enduring, it is more than probable that there will not be enough qualified SEAL candidates to “seal” the enlistment quota in the future. Of course, as our present “government” and its “leaders” hate this country, it is also probable that none of those in the Deep State care how weak we become and what the results of that weakness will be. No two ways about it, we need the real President to return to the White House!

© 2021 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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The Latest Conception of the Inception of the Covid Calamity

by Sidney Secular

December 14, 2021

The 2019 Military World Games were held in Wuhan, China from October 18th to the 27th, 2019. It was the largest military sports event ever held in China (or anywhere else for that matter). 9,308 athletes from 109 countries competed in 329 events in 27 sports. It was even larger than the Olympics. In a book, “What Really Happened in Wuhan” by Australian journalist Sharri Markson, it is claimed that a Chinese dissident warned a US official of a flu outbreak in Wuhan in that month. Par for the course, the US official waived it off. Once aware of the outbreak, the Chinese may have used that circumstance to spread the virus during the aforesaid military games. Or, indeed, the “games” may have been instituted for that purpose given what came of the matter.

In a scenario reminiscent of the war games that occurred simultaneously with the 9/11 attacks, the Chinese conducted an emergency simulation exercise at the Wuhan airport to test the responses to a new coronavirus infection outbreak. The exercise included epidemiological and medical investigations and a simulated quarantine. This scenario is not only bizarre but it tests the limits of credulity; that is, that immediately before the Covid outbreak in Wuhan occurred, this test-drill took place in close proximity to the supposed “outbreak.” However, there were numerous reports that athletes from many of the foreign delegations became sick with flu symptoms shortly after arriving in Wuhan. Meanwhile, many of the foreign participants discovered to what must have been their astonishment, that buildings adjacent to the “games” facilities were already boarded up and the residents ordered to remain in their homes.

Meanwhile, many of the athletes were housed in an apartment complex having a controlled central cooling/heating system. Is it too much to believe that infection was spread through this system? If one remembers, the same thing happened in Philadelphia in 1976 during an American Legion Convention. At that time, a similar pathogen that became known as Legionella Pneumophilia or Legionnaires Disease caused considerable casualties among the elderly conventioneers as a result of their close living proximity. Of course, this particular pathogen was not new, but this was the first time it had appeared in such a restricted situation both by date and location.

Author Markson claims that the virus was spread around the world by the athletes returning from the games. Because the games were under the control of the Chinese Communist Party, it is more than conceivable these “guest athletes” were used as a “super spreader” bio-weapon. Since it has come out that many countries around the world have contributed to the research and development associated with Covid experimentation, the global new world orderlies may have collaborated with the Chinese in developing a spreader bioweapon. This is especially obvious given how quickly the entire world was virtually shut down from a pathogen that was hardly medically “deadly” as we understand that term!

Here is where it gets doubly bizarre. A simulation of the pandemic “war games” that occurred in China at the time of the Wuhan military games also occurred in New York on October 18, 2019 – the suspiciously opaque Event 201. Event 201 was sponsored by The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Economic Forum, the CIA, Bloomberg, The Johns Hopkins Foundation, and the UN – in other words, the usual suspects. The World Military Games opened in Wuhan on the exact same day. Event 201 simulated an outbreak of a novel coronavirus organism that spread to bats, thence to pigs, and then to people where it then spreads easily, causing a severe pandemic. That’s the genesis of the batty idea that Covid was spread by or originated from bats. As in the 9/11 catastrophe, the complexities and the culprits involved may take years to fully identify providing one is permitted to do so! Meanwhile, one can just begin to make out the outlines of what occurred through the fog of misinformation and establishment lies.

But with all the suspicious “coincidences” connected to Covid, there is an even more startling one involving America’s own propaganda capital, Hollywood. In 2011, Steven Soderbergh released the film Contagion, starring Gwyneth Paltrow and Matt Damon. According to the “blurb:”

“The plot concerns the spread of a virus [originating from a hybrid pig-bat genetic meld that winds up in a hotel kitchen in Hong Kong – s.s.] transmitted by respiratory droplets and fomites, attempts by medical researchers and public health officials to identify and contain the disease, the loss of social order in a pandemic, and the introduction of a vaccine to halt its spread. Critics praised the film for its narrative and the performances, as did scientists for its accuracy. The film received renewed popularity in 2020 because of the COVID-19 pandemic.”

Anyone who watched this film might certainly have been terrified by the possibility of this kind of a killer pathogen abroad in the land, but, of course, COVID is not the deadly pathogen presented in the film! In point of fact, many reputable medical sources have admitted that “COVID” has never been isolated! What this means medically is that COVID doesn’t exist as a pathogen and therefor no “vaccine” can be created from it. That information, my fellow Americans, is scarier than the film!

Shadowy Super Surveillance State Will Shadow All Your Movements

by Sidney Secular

December 11, 2021

A US patent was granted on August 31, 2021 for a technology that tracks your every move through your digital activities. The alleged purpose of this “knowledge” is to give you a score related to the probability of your becoming the spread vector for an ill-defined virus that, they claim, makes others ill often to the point of death! When your “score” gets high enough you will be forcefully “vaxxed.” Of course, you know the score behind the scares over the vaxxes! Given the facts regarding the deadly consequence of these “jabs,” it is distressing to realize that the sources used to glean a glimmer of how much of a “spreader” you are will come from mobile devices, apps, “anti-social media”, web browsing records, payment records, medical records, employment records, your interaction with the GovMint, and soon-to-be ubiquitous surveillance cameras.

All of these “sources” will focus on you when you use the internet, your cell phone, access to your bank’s ATM machine and, of course, public transportation. They will know when you are washing your hands by analyzing the sounds of water running in the background or the movements of your stopwatch. They will know if you’re wearing a face mask by “analyzing images taken during calls” or stealing looks at your cell phone’s screen. Meanwhile, the system app – and thus Big Brother – will know your location at all times communicating with nearby so-called “smart” devices to assess all interactions between yourself and others thus affecting not only you but those same “others.” Also factored into the calculation of your “social credit” score will be your profession – though what that has to do with the spreading of disease is not elucidated! However being in the upper levels of society means that you’re more likely to know the score and so will be more able to alert others to the machinations of our “new”Big Brother! This being the case, if you don’t toe the line, your score will likely suffer accordingly –as will you. Naturally, if you go to church or socialize among your friends, you will receive a worse score because you will talk, pray, sing, mingle, move around, and open your mouth more and even breathe more deeply and exhale more forcefully than you would during periods of “social distancing” and quarantine.

The original “social credit system” was introduced in China in 2009 to find and remove those who did not sufficiently conform to the dictates of that system. “Social distancing” of a measurement of well over 6 feet appears the best way to avoid Big Brother’s gaze as “facial recognition” technology is designed to utilize a distance of six feet between subjects being imaged. But while the greater distance might impinge upon facial recognition technology, it would also mean becoming a virtual hermit in hopes of nullifying the various surveillance modalities concentrated in especially large population areas. Discarding all high tech and digital devices and returning to a simpler way life would solve much of the problem of government surveillance, but eventually the “surveillance state’ will figure out how to shadow you wherever you are and wherever you go, even in underground settlements – always assuming you could create such “safe zones” to begin with. Right now, they’re installing something like 42,000 satellites to monitor and control the coming 5G systems as a means of preventing any escape from the New World Order’s prying eyes. Somewhere in the afterlife, George Orwell weeps.

© 2021 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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Ponder “Prepperism”

by Sidney Secular

December 7, 2021

A “survivalism” subculture group has been “winging it” within the “right wing” for some 70 years now rightfully worrying about the collapse of law and order – that is, civilization itself – and the takeover of the Historical American Nation by communists and the minions of the New World Order. These folks prepare for the day they wholeheartedly believe is coming when life as we have known it in America and the West degenerates to the point at which basic services are disrupted and/or unavailable. At that point, we will descend into a “survival of the fittest” condition in which nothing is sacred and basic human rights, especially those established by such documents as the Bill of Rights, simply cease to exist. Remember, “rights” and “law” only exist in a civilized society. Remove civilization and we descend into chaos and anarchy. And, of course, when society does break down, most people who have ignored the signs of the coming apocalypse are caught with their “continued existence pants” down!

On the other hand, survivalists want to be able to continue to function like human beings rather than becoming prey for those released from the bonds of civilization; that is, with a degree of sovereignty, while the rest of the sheeple, accustomed to relying on the government for nearly everything, flounder around and lose their ability to meet their basic needs or even survive. Of course, it’s better to be safe than sorry, yet even during the nuclear threat of the cold war, most folks looked askance at “survivalists” because American society remained reasonably strong. But, alas, those days are over. Indeed, our society is getting sorrier all the time as has been depicted in my many articles over recent years in this newsletter! And as that is the case, we will begin providing “prepper-type” advice for surviving what is the current harrowing – and worsening! – world situation!

One aspect of “prepperism” that many have taken to heart under our worsening situation is the need to save the Second Amendment from libber nullification and to acquire arms – and the ability to use them properly – for self-defense. The recent black riots have intensified the proclivity of citizens to acquire arms and ammo in unprecedented numbers and amounts. There’s nothing wrong with that except that as with other aspects of prepperism, the thought and concern is to save oneself versus saving the nation, so preppers have not become sufficiently “up in arms” to be able to stage a coordinated revolt to take down the soiled system along the lines of Thomas Jefferson’s direction. Be that as it may, what follows is the beginnings of a foray into “prepper practices” one should seriously investigate in order to adopt those that are useful to the best of one’s capabilities.

Crime, looting, rape, and murder is ramping up as the social order loses its bearings and breaks down. When the situation gets out of control, government “aid and rescue services” (FEMA, the Red Cross, the local police, ambulance services, etc.) are either [1] too swamped and unreliable, especially in the blue-blighted areas where “affirmative actors” and unassimilated immigrants run the show or [2] systemically withheld in order to destroy what resistance ordinary citizens might bring to bear against their attackers! Food, fuel, and clean water can become very difficult or impossible to obtain, and actual diseases – as opposed to over-hyped pathogens like Covid! – can appear at the same time medical services break down. Indeed, our medical services are really taking a hit now as the best medical providers are quitting or being fired over Covid mandates and replaced by not-so-competent foreign practitioners, especially in blue areas. If you want a graphic picture of what life looks like when things fall apart, google or go to YouTube and BitChute for some videos of Detroit these days.

You should move as quickly as possible from an urban area to small town or rural environment and even to a remote part of the country, if possible. It is also wise if you do move, to go to states and localities that are presently “red” in their political and cultural leanings. Whatever happens, you will be better served by the governments of those places than in blue areas. Learn how to grow food – actually setting up a greenhouse in colder areas is a great idea. Assure a supply of ample potable water, such as having your own well if that is possible. A backup energy source and/or firewood for a wood stove is very important. Think “primitive.” Try to live several hundred miles from any major urban area and at least 100 miles from a major interstate highway – yes, such places do still exist. In a time of major crisis or martial law, the populated areas will become hellholes – well, worse hellholes. In such situations, the major cities and environs will be sealed off trapping their inhabitants inside. Meanwhile, interstate highways will be appropriated by the military, and as a result, there will be lots of Homeland “Obscurity” checkpoints where travelers will be stopped, vaccine status checked and cars searched for firearms and whatever else the searchers fancy.

Accumulate at least six months-worth of a gold/silver coin stash to pay expenses. Such should be sufficiently secreted away so as not to be easily accessed until needed in a crisis. Ordinary paper money can be kept for a number of reasons including throwing robbers (and cops) off the scent of your gold cache. Personally held, physical gold and silver bullion coins would be the safest, most liquid and potentially most profitable financial asset you can have in a major crisis. HOWEVER, do not comfort yourself as you see on TV that having gold is “safe!” Before World War II, President Roosevelt outlawed average citizens holding gold and it was confiscated and replaced by fiat money! If you buy gold, do so in small amounts from many different sources. Believe me, our government is far more tyrannical since FDR’s day and all the sources that sell gold are carefully monitored by that same government. Do not place your valuables in a bank safe deposit box since banks can be closed by the GovMint to prevent runs on deposits. They use the calming name of “bank holiday” to prevent public panic! The GovMint also has the power to enter your box without your knowledge or consent, record its contents and/or help itself to those contents if you have been declared an “Enemy of the State!”

These are some other essential considerations for times of a major crisis:

[1] If you can, surround yourself with at least a few like-minded friends or relatives;

[2] Acquire firearms and ammunition. Become familiar with those firearms including sufficient practice that will enable you use them most efficiently if it becomes necessary to do so;

[3] Acquire a world band shortwave radio and a satellite cell phone since the Internet and normal cell phone service may be down (are you aware that the government is already considering making owning and using shortwave radios illegal?);

[4] Acquire a year’s supply of dehydrated or freeze-dried food as well as canisters of several types of seeds for growing a variety of food. There are many sources out there presently selling such vittles;

[5] Acquire a British Berkey water filtering system. For information regarding same, call 888-803-4438;

[6] Acquire first aid kits, potassium iodide tablets for radiation protection, and a year’s supply of health supplements or meds you regularly take. The internet is filled with various sites that can help you to determine what it would be wise to acquire. As for older folks who have many, many so-called “maintenance prescriptions” – for instance for such conditions as high blood pressure, Type 2 diabetes, etc., it is wise to look to your doctor to see if you can get long term prescriptions; if you can, purchase same; they don’t “go bad.” The internet may also provide sources for more mundane medications as above.

[7] Go to BitChute and YouTube to for how-to videos. If you cannot find what you want, seek “prepper sites” where such “how-to” videos are often available.

[8] Remember, not everyone is a candidate for “survival.” There are those, especially the elderly and the chronically ill, who see “survival” as is being discussed here as beyond either their ability or their desire. They want their children and grandchildren to survive, but they would not impose themselves on those who might be burdened by their presence. Nonetheless, older Americans should also know what to do even if you would not want to do it for yourself. Such people can be a voice of sanity in an insane world and can help guide those who can survive to do so.

© 2021 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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Black Marks on the Marx Mystique

By Sidney Secular

December 4, 2021

What would libbers say if you told them that “St.” Karl Marx was a rich spoiled brat as well as a hateful and despicable character, along the lines of the typical libber leader of the Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer variety. Most discourses of Marxism degenerate into exercises in intellectual futility and factual foolishness all supported by an implied assumption that Marx was a godlike being worthy of emulation. All of this idiocy arises because his ideas are seen to have intellectual and moral gravitas. The truth is that Marx was unable to formulate anything of sense or value even had his life depended upon it. Rather, Karl Marx was a repulsive, greedy, parasitic lout whose theories have been tainted by his freakish worldview, and thus are proven to be both repulsive and absurd when compared with normal, rational and intelligent life perspectives.

Marx hated the bourgeoisie. In fact, he hated everyone, and especially those who accomplished things in life, principally if those accomplishments meant that they had achieved and obtained things he believed due and owing to himself! Despite the money showered on him by his wealthy and indulgent father, Marx was always in debt. Communist Manifesto co-author, co-conspirator, and co-weirdo Friedrich Engels was also, like Marx, a spoiled brat and the son of a wealthy industrialist. Let’s face it, any decently trained psychiatrist can easily point out why the pampered sons of capitalists hated capitalists and embraced those whom they considered their victims. Did Karl and Fred consider themselves victims? It would seem so!

But victim status notwithstanding, Marx happily and without guilt accepted ongoing financial support from Engels throughout his life. However, even this “charity” for Engels was obtained dishonestly as he stole money from his father’s business’ petty cash account to support himself and Marx. Meanwhile, the great champion of the worker Marx, hovered over his ailing relatives waiting for them to die in hopes of inheriting something from their lives. This morbid way of life led him to express to his wife and/or Engels extremes of joy or anger depending on the provisions of the wills of his unfortunate relatives when they passed on.

Marx never worked to support himself and as a result, his mother strongly suggested that he should engage in a little of the capitalism he so severely condemned. As well, Marx rarely bathed forcing his mother to constantly hound him to change his underwear. Even friend and fellow oddball Engels described his constant rages as sounding like a thousand devils pulling him by the hair. The narcissistic Marx expected to be worshipped as a prerequisite to showing any normal human affection towards others despite his own ill nature and offensive persona. The “Marxman” also fathered an illegitimate son by his maid but shifted the blame to Engels. In a rare
show of actual humanity, Engels raised the boy as his own, and only admitted the truth on his deathbed! But the boy was fortunate to have Engels as two of Marx’s daughters and a son-in-law committed suicide! And while Marx believed that he had the answer to universal well-being, he was so lazy that three of his sons died of malnutrition while forcing his wife to scrape up the money for one of their coffins.

In another mark of his psychotic mentality, Marx employed a loutish, libidinous, and completely useless private secretary merely because he felt a man of his “exalted status” should have one! Obviously, Marx knew nothing of the working classes he claimed to champion. But it wasn’t just his ignorance in the matter, but his opinion of those for whom he supposedly spoke. Actually, Marx despised “the masses,”
calling them “asses”, “rogues”, and “stupid boys.” However, that is not an unusual situation with “liberals.” These people always consider themselves above not only those with whom they disagree, but those for whom they claim to speak. It’s a wonderful scenario for them as they have no guilt stealing and tyrannizing both sides. All that they have, they deserve simply by virtue of who they are.

Das Kapital, the three volume treatise supposedly on economics is inscrutable to economists; actually, that means that it is errant nonsense. Marx’s hatred of his fellow man translated into a desire to see society, especially Western civilization that had raised man from the cave to the height of power and knowledge, destroyed root and branch. The natural outgrowths of such a “philosophy” of nihilism were the diseased movements of “Cultural” Marxism (political correctness) promoted by the Frankfurt School including Critical Race Theory and a general “intellectual” atmosphere that finds fault with whatever works, especially if it works well and benefits humanity. Thus, Marxism denigrates movements and philosophies that promote, or would promote healthy societies, and especially nationalism, Western Civilization and the foundation upon which that Civilization rests, Christianity.

It’s amazing how little his brainless acolytes know of their guru! However, they are so far gone that they would take up his banner even if they were aware of his personal repulsiveness, the senselessness of his drivel, the diabolical foundation of all his schemes and the disaster to which they will lead. At this point, they are too heavily invested emotionally and “intellectually” in their madness to “repent” and seek the truth. This is readily apparent as the “Demonrat” Party continues to destroy our society even while their “base” continues to debase itself and the world by going along with increasingly impractical, unworkable, demonic and suicidal schemes. There is an ancient Greek saying very fitting for the world as it is today:

“Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad.”

© 2021 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

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Rittenhouse Acquitted, But Enemy Assaults Won’t Quit

by Sidney Secular

November 30, 2021

In the final analysis, we are suffering a sort of moral paralysis resulting from the continuing culture war whereby we incrementally retreat, bit by bit, until we reach a point at which no further retreat is possible. The recent “Rittenhouse affair” is but a small “squirmish” in this much larger war and the battle over his case has not yet ended, at least if Senator “Nadler the Waddler” has anything to say about the matter. However, even when it has been completely fought, sadly it cannot be considered a determinant of anything meaningful anyway.

Our side “won” because a jury of Rittenhouse’s peers didn’t really have to “peer” very hard or long to see he was innocent on all counts brought against him. Again, this was hardly a problem as the “witnesses” for the prosecution – including one of the defendant’s so-called “victims” – actually told the truth [!], a matter that clearly supported the arguments of the defense! Indeed, one image of the prosecutor with his head in his hands during this testimony was worth a thousand words regarding how it affected his case!

But if this were in fact so, why did it take the jury three days to render its verdict? Actually, why it took that long speaks volumes about the fear the leftist establishment and its violent minions have instilled into patriots and the public-at-large in their continuing communist makeover of The Historic American Nation. People wondered about the safety of the jury members, including the jury members! In the end, it cannot be doubted that Kyle’s case – as well as numerous backbones – were strengthened when Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers called out 500 National Guard troops to protect life and limb from the response of violent leftist loons at the appearance of real justice! After all, they are used to getting what they want no matter how unfair, unjust and/or criminal! Nevertheless, that did not stop the usual brainless suspects of the left from erupting with their accustomed vile verbiage and disturbing disturbances in the blue enclaves wherein they rule the roost. Charges of “white supremacy” were spewed all over the media even though no “minorities” were involved in the matter! Given the response by the left to the verdict, one must assume that leftists prefer lynching and lawless anarchy over the civilized white institution of trial by jury – at least when the defendant is white.

As in past similar scenarios, all the miscreant “victims” had rap sheets as long as your arm, a matter that apparently was of no account when the State considered the actions of these particular “no-accounts.” Unfortunately, many on “our side” have questioned Kyle’s judgment in being where the incident occurred. For some reason, “our side” seems to believe that if you just “make nice” as New Yorkers would say, you’ll be safe in this climate of anti-white anarchy! But these same preachers of peace – on our side, of course – are prepared to deny for the record that he had as much right to be in “that place” – a public street – as anyone else! Indeed, he had a great deal more of a right to be there than those who had come for violent criminal purposes. Yet, even so, he was verbally and then physically threatened by those same individuals who were not legally present on the property he was there to defend, property that included a family member’s gas station being threatened with arson by the violent mob! He also had every right to defend himself and to use any and all means permitted by law to preserve both life and property. The right to use deadly force in self-defense was highlighted at trial and under normal circumstances would have been admittedly justified by the ongoing riot. That “right” would be a “given” in a sane world but, alas, we are no longer living in a world that is either sane or safe!

Yet, despite all the threats and rage on the left, in the Rittenhouse matter – surprise, surprise! – the good guys won one. But let’s not get too confident because we are still in danger of having our heads chopped off over everything we say and do, everywhere (and every time) we say and do it! The war we’re in has been going on for decades and probably much longer if one considers that the Republic of the Founders did not survive the onset of the Civil War! And despite our occasional victories, we are much closer to losing than winning. Indeed, we’re going to have to start taking the war to the enemy if we ever hope to finally win!

Much of the problem is that those on the “side of right” – and I’m not speaking ideologically, but in reference to that which is right vs. that which is wrong – don’t seem to realize that this is not just a war against hardcore gutter level leftist thugs who get violent at the drop of a hat because they are aggrieved over imagined miniscule microaggressions! But rather, we are up against a fully developed, super-aggressive communist zeitgeist using establishment forces that label violent leftist events as “peaceful protests!” Thus, a new violent leftist “norm” has been established even in the eyes of the courts, and the Establishment will bankroll their criminal tools with millions of dollars and a “get out of jail free” card. Indeed, the most visibly warped wokesters are corporate media munchkins and militant political morons who proclaimed the Rittenhouse acquittal as a victory for “white supremacy!”

Even the illegitimate occupant of the White House, “Sleepy Joe” Biden decried Kyle as a “white supremacist,” that being the second time a deranged occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue has weighed in with a fact-free opinion on a criminal trial! If you remember, Barack Obama attempted to influence the George Zimmerman trial by remarking that Trayvon Martin could have been his son! When the leftists lose one, they double down on their deranged depictions of the attack on their glorious Cultural Marxist tableau. According to the left, “Amerikan Fascism” (a/k/a “white supremacy”) has now transformed into Nazism proper. And as this is required to prop up their erroneous but relentless positions, there can be no turning back from labeling any conservative response to their depredations as a new Holocaust! Of course, the very term “Holocaust” is intended to inspire a new holy war of the far-left against all opposition. Keep in mind how such warped views can spread like wildfire on “anti-social media”, a communication technology developed by technoc-rats to augment leftist jihad to global levels. Even the Rittenhouse “squirmish” will not end the Rittenhouse war. The DOJ and the turncoat FBI are seeking to undue this small dent in their narrative by creating civil cases against Rittenhouse that will make the current victory a pyrrhic one. It is also not impossible that some secondary entity like the George Soros funded “First For America”(the legal team assisting the plaintiffs in the Sines v. Kessler Charlottesville case) will bring a civil suit against Kyle akin to the one brought against Unite the Right.

We thought we had won a much bigger battle in 2016, but we were dead wrong. The “Trumpian” actions against illegal immigration, albeit limited in scope, were thoroughly trumped by the Bidenistas. The life conditions of the now middling middle and working classes are worse off than they were in 2016 because of destroyed businesses and jobs and reliance on GovMint handouts resulting from the leftist inspired “covidiocies,” as well as inflation and stagflation that came roaring back after the Trump years. “Big Tech” and “Big Media” censorship and control are much greater now than in 2016. Riots and open violence are in remission at the moment because Biden’s in the White House, but both can be unleashed in full force if required because the “perpetraitors” of the 2020 disturbances remain untouched and unscathed, nor have they suffered for their depredations, many of which have not even been addressed. With Trump gone, globalism advances apace using the “climate change” mantra as a battering ram to push any and all leftist crusades while academia continue to test the limits of how left can it can go and still garner all kinds of dough from deluded sources. It’s akin to the entire woke educational establishment being heated in a pressure cooker or wok/woke pot.

The long and short of it is this: the Rittenhouse verdict did give the Establishment a bit of a bloody nose but that will simply intensify its own “bloody” crusade to destroy The Historic American Nation and we who are Americans.