By Frosty Wooldridge

June 15, 2023

Each weekend in Chicago, Illinois, an average of 10 African-Americans suffer shooting deaths and EMT’s wheel another 40 African-Americans into emergency wards…as they struggle with bullet holes in their bodies.  Less than 20 percent of the killers face a courtroom because there are so many shootings, there’s no way police can keep up with the killings.

Unfortunately, the same shootings occur in another 20 major American cities where minority turf wars, drug wars, and gang wars spray bullets anywhere and everywhere across the city streets. Detroit, Michigan proved the worst killing zone in the 80’s and 90’s…and now,  Chicago, LA, St. Louis, New Orleans,  Baltimore, NYC and Miami compete for the “Deadliest Cities in America” award.

But you won’t hear a word from Whoopi Goldberg, Al Sharpton or Joy Reid when the black-on-black killings massacre one another.  Yet, let one white guy or one white cop step into the fray…and you’ve got sudden “racism” and “white supremacy.”

This week, U.S. Marine Corps veteran Daniel Penny, faced an indictment for his chokehold on a mentally ill subway rider, Jordan Neely, in NYC who was terrorizing other passengers.  Mr. Penny stepped into the fray because other riders were afraid for their lives.  Unfortunately for Penny, the mentally ill kid was black, and he died, which immediately gave Penny national notoriety.

He faces 15 years in prison for one moment of saving other peoples’ lives.  For one reason and one reason only: Penny is white.  If it had been another black choke-holding another black, it would not have made the evening news.  Why is that?  Because black-on-black killings are so frequent, into the HUNDREDS, even THOUSANDS over the years, that even peaceful African-Americans shake their heads in futility.

“Penny, 24, was arrested on manslaughter charges in the chokehold death of Neely, a 30-year-old erratic Black homeless man who prosecutors say was making threats and scaring people aboard a New York City subway. Penny’s lawyers have maintained the former Marine acted in self-defense and stepped in to protect other passengers on the train. A grand jury voted Wednesday to indict Penny on a second-degree manslaughter charge. He faces up to 15 years in prison if convicted.”

Penny said, “I was listening to music at the time, and I took my headphones out to hear what he was yelling,” the East Village resident continued. “The three main threats that he repeated over and over again were, ‘I’m going to kill you,’ ‘I’m prepared to go to jail for life,’ and, ‘I’m willing to die.’”

And yet, the Neely family hopes to make millions off this trial.

These instances make you wonder:  do we keep allowing lawlessness to dominate our cities with crazy people, drug gangs, turf wars, shoplifting gangs, and endless murders…or do we finally return to law and order?

Anyone remember, “If you commit a crime, you do the time!”

At what point do we responsible citizens take a stand?  It isn’t D.A. Alvin Bragg in NYC or Kim Foxx in Chicago or George Gaston in Los Angeles.  They facilitate rampant crime by not prosecuting criminals.  In LA and San Francisco, you can steal up to $950.00 with no consequences.  Is that nuts or what?

“I didn’t see a Black man threatening passengers, I saw a man threatening passengers, a lot of whom were people of color,” Penny said. “The man who helped me restrain Mr. Neely was a person of color. A few days after the incident I read in the papers that a woman of color came out and called me a hero.”

At some point, we, the American people must stand up for Daniel Penny and others who stand up for America’s basic foundation of the rule of law.  We cannot and must not allow tribalism to trash our Bill of Rights or our U.S. Constitution.

“Some people say I was trying to choke him to death, which is also not true. I was trying to restrain him,” Penny continued. “You can see in the video there’s a clear rise and fall of his chest, indicating that he’s breathing. I’m trying to restrain him from being able to carry out the threats.”

Today, in 2023, Chicago cannot catch 20 percent of its black-on-black killers.  The same holds true for many other big cities.  At what point do we give up?

If Daniel Penny goes to jail for standing up for the rule of law and protecting fellow passengers on that subway, we must all examine why our country has degraded to the level of Jordan Neely’s and his threats to society, and why we collectively allowed it to plummet to the depths of such mental instability.  Why didn’t Joy Reid, Al Sharpton or Whoopi Goldberg step in with their hands to help a mentally ill person before he threatened the lives of others.  Do you see any of them working toward solutions for their minority brothers and sisters?

Whether it’s shooters at Uvalde, Columbine, Sandy Hook,  Denver’s movie theater, or dozens of other killing venues, we need to intercept those killers, restrain them and stop them before anyone of us might be the next victim.

Wouldn’t this be a better, more peaceful and more reasonable society with more Daniel Penny’s taking action before the Jordan Neely’s of the world kill any of us?

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