By Andrew Wallace

September 16, 2023

Characterizing those in Congress as whores is an insult to honest working girls!

Most Congressmen are corrupt and getting rich for enacting unconstitutional laws and from bribes, money laundering, and insider trading. They have no honor, integrity or love of country. These enemies of the Republic are committing Treason and belong in jail…or worse, but the corrupt FBI and complicit courts won’t prosecute. Those in administrative/executive power and the courts of justice ignore Organic Law, the Constitution, the Supreme Law of the Land.

In return for bribes, Congress passes one unconstitutional law after another, knowingly and repeatedly lies to the people, and spends our money unconstitutionally to benefit their bribers, the Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC), aka elites, establishment, swamp, deep state, etc. ‘Woke’ corporations, government, courts, universities, etc., are mere minions of the PSRRC.

Following are some results and examples of Unconstitutional Laws and Expenditures that are destroying our country and impoverishing “The People”, including the government:

1. All federal welfare expenditures are unconstitutional, and there are 80 programs at a cost of $1.3 Trillion. There are 59 million people on welfare, 70% (43 million) are able-bodied and refuse to work, costing $.91 trillion. Article 1, section 9, clause 7.

2. Allowing open borders, facilitating invasion of illegal invaders and paying them $2,200 a month plus transportation, housing, food, medical, education, etc., is Constitutional treason. Costs to the United States for Invaders are estimated at a minimum of $1 Trillion. The average American on SS only gets $1,400 a month, and many needy get nothing. Disaster victims don’t get $2,200 a month. Government is not “America First”. Article 3 section 1 and Article 1, section 8.

3. We lost 31 Unconstitutional wars for profits of the PSRRC since 1945, at a cost of many Trillions of Dollars and the deaths of 108,866 Americans and many millions of civilians. This is nothing but cold-blooded murder for profit of the PSRRC by Congress (War Crimes). Articles IX and VI.

4. Non-Government Organizations (NGO), and Corporations, etc., are not real people, and therefore not citizens, and have no right to vote or support elections. Amendments 14, 15, 17, 19 and 24.

5. Tax-Free Foundations, second only to the unconstitutional Federal Reserve Bank, are the most dangerous and harmful organizations in society. They protect assets of the wealthy, tax-free into perpetuity, finance depopulation, and all manner of wacko insidious schemes. They are responsible for funding and advancing Communism in America. They must be eliminated. Harvard University Foundation has $49.44 Billion, and is used to feather the nests of the faculty and administration only. (During the Pandemic, greedy Harvard forced students to pay full tuition for off- campus learning.)

6. Corporations are not real people, and should not be allowed to finance or support politicians in any way. Wealthy individuals should not be allowed to donate more than $1,000 to any campaign, and then only to those they can vote for.

7. Advocating Tariffs to the PSRRC is like putting a cross in front of the devil, because tariffs would return middle-class jobs to America and close many of their foreign factories. Failure to use tariffs is due to the PSRRC’s whores in Congress. Trump used tariffs, and this is one of the main reasons why the PSRRC is and has been doing everything to destroy him. Use tariffs to return good-paying middle-class jobs to America!

8. Foreign aid is not only unconstitutional, but it is kickback scheme. End it now! We can’t afford it.

9. Terminate the unconstitutional departments of Labor, Agriculture, Health and Human Services, Education, Energy, Transportation, and Housing and Urban Development. These are bold in-your-face violations of the Enumerated Powers in Article1, section 8 of the Constitution.

10. Our monetary system absolutely must be corrected by disbanding the unconstitutional privately-owned Federal Reserve Bank and returning our money to gold and silver, as required by the Constitution.

We must stop the Government from instituting unconstitutional digital money (CBDC ) which would result in instant slavery and civil war! Period.

I could continue, but I think you get the picture. You are being screwed out of life, liberty, property, freedom, rights and everything of value, including the Republic, because you refuse to speak out! You could be living in the land of milk and honey if these few subjects beneficial to the PSRRC were eliminated:

Welfare for the able-bodied $.91Trillion.
Welfare for Invaders $1.0 Trillion.
Foreign Aid -$.094 Trillion.
Ukraine war -$.5 Trillion.
Unlawful workers -$.48Trillion
International policing -$.5 Trillion.

Total savings from the budget of $ 6.5 Trillion is estimated to be $ 3.524 Trillion, for a 50% reduction in the federal budget.

Some may disagree with my estimates, but I don’t think the bottom line is too far off.

Some writers estimate that for the last 100 years, 70% of federal laws were unconstitutional. The bottom line is simply that most members of both parties in congress are whores and traitors who sold out the people. The courts are not much better.

May God Bless You and the Republic.

© 2023 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

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