by Kathleen Marquardt

If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be. —Thomas Jefferson



In simple words, it is the means by which the Marxist goal of attaining world communism will be realized. The two key components that must be canceled are Western Culture and Christianity. Western Culture cannot be canceled without,first, the cancellation of Christianity, because Western Culture is based on Judeo-Christian religious traditions, thus why the attacks on churches and synagogues are legion. That is not to say religion will be canceled, but Christianity must be eradicated and replace by socialism’s one-world religion – a mishmash of the world’s other religions, always with an underlying basis of socialism and man will be god, or the state will. (Bear with me, I am giving the history first {short version}, so you can know your enemy.)

The Marxists drew their mystical theory from Des Cartes’ idea that he could erase his history at any time and replace it with a new one, over and over again. But the Marxist Cancel Culture isn’t out to destroy their messed-up culture and replace it with something better. Their goal is to replace the world’s greatest culture – the Great American Experiment – and replace this with their own corrupt, tyrannical one. The United States Constitution is the only one set up to protect the God-given inalienable rights of the individual. All other nations grant rights to their citizens, the rights their governments deem to be acceptable (and won’t aid the people to demand their sovereign rights).


Why do Western Culture and Christianity both have to be annihilated? Western Culture represents the reasoning, logical, fair and open minded aspects of our world.Out of Western Culture sprang the United States Constitution, the framework of the nation.And the Christian religious traditions, especially the Ten Commandments, are the underlying pillars of Western Culture. As Antonio Gramsci wrote in his prison notebooks, Any country grounded in Judaeo-Christian values can’t be overthrown until those roots are cut … Socialism is precisely the religion that must overwhelm Christianity … in the new order, Socialism will triumph by first capturing the culture via infiltration of schools, universities, churches and the media by transforming the consciousness of society.” That, to me, seems a very up-front answer.

In The Old Culture And The New Culture, Georg Lukacs explains the problem with capitalism and why it must be defeated: “Every old culture was the culture of the ruling classes; only they were in a position to place all their valuable abilities in the service of culture, independently of concern for subsistence.” But capitalism came along and “revolutionized the whole social order…capitalism drove the ruling class itself into the service of production.” Now, the ruling class is just like the rest of us, “forced to devote its energies to the struggle for profit. Civilization creates the rule of man over nature but in the process man himself falls under the rule of the very means that enabled him to dominate nature.Capitalism is the zenith of this domination; within it there is no class which, by virtue of its position in production, is called upon to create culture.” This is unacceptable to communism. We must have what Marxists call a truly equal society; that “communism aims at creating a social order in which everyone is able to live in a way that in precapitalist eras was possible only for the ruing classes and which in capitalism is possible for no class.” Capitalism must be destroyed to bring about this totally communist society, which creates a social order in which everyone is able to create culture. “It is at that point that the history of mankind will actually begin.” Everything before it will be erased. This new epoch, “the rule of civilization will then be known as the second ‘prehistoric’ period.”

Of course, when you think about that, you wonder, if everyone is ‘creating culture, who’s watching the store? In fact, are there stores? How do they get made out of culture? But what is not said, it that this new socialism is the same old socialism that leads to communism. And, in spite of how they word it, it goes back to masters and slaves (with you-know-who being the masters).

Yet our attention should not be diverted from the essence by superficial appearances, for when it comes to culture only the best forces of the ruling class are considered. Lukacs

Ah, so they will tell us one thing and do the opposite. This is a key paragraph from Lukacs:

The roots of the crisis of capitalist culture reach still deeper than this. The foundation of its perpetual crisis and internal collapse is the fact that ideology on the one hand and the production and social order on the other enter into irreconcilable contradiction. As a necessary result of capitalism’s anarchy of production, the bourgeois class, when struggling for power and when first in power, could have but one ideology: that of individual freedom. The crisis of capitalist culture must appear the moment this ideology is in contradiction with the bourgeois social order. As long as the advancing bourgeois class — in the 18th century, for example — directed this ideology against the constraints of feudal estate society, it was an adequate expression of the given state of class struggle. Thus, the bourgeoisie in this period was actually able to have a genuine culture. But as the bourgeoisie came to power (beginning with the French Revolution) it could no longer seriously carry through its own ideology; it could not apply the idea of individual freedom to the whole society without the self-negation of the social order that brought this ideology into being in the first place. Briefly: it was impossible for the bourgeois class to apply its own idea of freedom to the proletariat. The insurpassable dualism of this situation is the following: the bourgeoisie must either deny this ideology or must employ it as a veil covering those actions which contradict it. In the first case the result would be a total ideal-lessness, a moral chaos, since by virtue of its position in the production system the bourgeoisie is not capable of producing an ideology other than that of individual freedom. In the second case, the bourgeoisie faces the moral crisis of an internal lie: it is forced to act against its own ideology.

Our capitalist, individual freedom society must be canceled in order to bring back the old order, but it will be called the Second Prehistoric Period, and everyone, especially the proletariat, are to celebrate in the street. The bourgeois will be back to ‘creating culture’ and ruling over the proletariat, and the proletariat will be washing the feet of the bourgeoise and thanking them for saving the world from individual freedom.

In America and its underpinnings of the Constitution– the rights of the individual are paramount. Everything is built on that premise. And those are built on the Ten Commandments. The key reasons that America and Christianity must be canceled: the Marxists cannot take over the world as long as these two exist. Marxist hate morality and freedom. I cannot understand their thinking, even though I have tried often. But I can see how evil it is. From reading their work, I know that they understand that freedom will always rise to the surface. It is man’s nature to want to be free. Either, they are hoping that doing away with America and Christianity, it will take another century to bring freedom out of hiding, or they plan to destroy the innate nature of man with AI (something for someone else to explore).


The seed of Cancel Culture was planted by French Philosopher,Rene’ Descartes, who believed that all his beliefs should be erased and he would rethink everything rationally; that knowledge comes from logic and a certain kind of intuition—when we immediately know something to be true without deduction, such as “I think, therefore, I am”. Using this as a basis, Jean Jacques Rosseau, Hebert Marcuse, Georg Lukacs, and many more began philosophizing on and began to carry out the cancellation of all previous culture and rewrite a new, communist one. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Karl Marx, Antonia Gramsci, Martin Heidigger, and many more worked to build an incredible structure to imbed this into every aspect of our lives. They were followed by Dewey, Rockefeller, Vanderbilt, Rhodes, the Royals, Rothschilds, Gates, Maurice Strong, Soros, Bushes, Obama, Gore, and so many more have or are working to end the right to property and individual freedom, to redistribute the wealth, and to reduce the population.


The answer isn’t short to explain, mainly because of the deceitful machinations that have been going on since the formation of the United States, and are going on still. But they are reaching a culmination. The big questions are: can we stop them, and will we?

The crowd of Marcuse Lukacs, Marx, and others were fascinated by Hegel’s Dialectic. The only problem with it was that it was, and I am borrowing from Coughlin and Higgins in Re-remembering the Mis-remembered Left,

Because Hegel built his “religion” on his speculative ‘system of science,’ challenging it means defying science – think scientism. Hegel believed that empirically based research based on the scientific method, the modern definition of science, rests at the lowest level of science representing a base form of theory he labeled Understanding. p.18.

In other words, voodoo, or as Schopenhauer so aptly put it, “Now if for this purpose I were to say that theso-called philosophy of this fellow Hegel is a colossal piece of mystification which

will yet provide posterity with an inexhaustible theme for laughterat our times, that it is a pseudo-philosophy paralyzing all mental powers, stifling all real thinking, and, by the most outrageous misuse of language, putting in its place the hollowest, most senseless, thoughtless, and, as is confirmed by its success, most stupefying verbiage, I should be quite right.” (On the Basis of Morality)

Keep this in mind as we go along.

Hegel’s dialectic is an economic system. But Antonio Gramsci and Georg Lukacs determined that, since the Hegelian Dialectic was mysticism anyway (not a real system of economics), they would make it a tool to change culture. The working-class people were so strongly rooted in Christianity and Western Culture, that the Marxists hadn’t been able to convince them of the superiority of communism. So, instead of convincing them of the superiority of communism, they would do the Hegelian Dialectic dance, starting with one issue, and continue cycling through the steps on as many issues as needed to reach the ultimate synthesis, developed communism – the all-powerful state.

Here is how they are doing it. They invent a problem, say there is systemic racism (which isn’t actually a problem, but few of their so-called problems actually exist – think global warming), but over months or years of “incidents”, and years of brainwashing in the schools, voila, the thesis; get  more of the people worked up over it (you might have to hire thugs and arsonists), maybe even rioting, destruction of property and even murder, and now you demand redress, the synthesis – usually by the government and usually demanding something that would never have been acceptable, even just months ago, such as shutting down the police and giving rioters compensation for their time and work, and we get the antithesis – the Hegelian Dialectic made into a political tool. This is done over and over until we reach the ultimate antithesis, or Nirvana – better known as communism. Keep going, we have a whole culture to cancel. Demand statues to be torn down. They represent slave owners, warmongers, people who suppressed equality for LGBTQ communities, even though there were no L or G communities when the figure was alive, let alone BTQXYZ. Many of those statues represent people who dreamed up, wrote down, and helped create the Great American Dream as well as helped eradicate slavery.

These steps of thesis, antithesis, and synthesis are repeated over and over (white privilege, sexism, reparations for slavery), until society has been perfected into communism. Now you have just canceled the world’s greatest culture, and, as Lukacs’ said, “the real history of mankind begins. And how can we say otherwise? We no long have history books, statues, founding documents to show that there had ever been another culture here.

This isn’t the end. Even the Marxists admit that the people will want freedom down the line. But, perhaps, by eradicating Christianity and having ‘schooling’ now being the perfect programming centers, they may keep control for a very long time.

As I said at the beginning, this is an introduction to the crux of Cancel Culture.

But I want to point out a few of the issues being THESES for the Dialectic going on today.

  • Transition Integrity Project THESIS

They staged an EVENT 201- style simulation (look for more of these, they are perfect       projections for anything they want to set up).Participants in our exercises of all backgrounds and ideologies believed that Trump would prioritize personal gain and self-protection over ensuring an orderly administrative hand off to his successor. Trump may use pardons to thwart future criminal prosecution, arrange business deals with foreign governments that benefit him financially, attempt to bribe and silence associates, declassify sensitive documents, and attempt to divert federal funds to his own businesses.” THESIS The Deep State needs to militarily support the coup’s backers (Soros, Gates, et al) ANTITHESIS “Transition teams will likely need to do two things simultaneously: defend against Trump’s reckless actions on his way out of office; and find creative solutions to ensure landing teams are able to access the information and resources they need to begin to prepare for governing.”SYNTHESIS

To cancel our culture, the Marxists must destroy our economic system. By the time Obama left office, he and the preceding several presidents had done a great job of steadily and stealthily destroying our economic system. We were on the very verge of collapse. If Clinton or a Republican (Trump is an outlier) had been elected, our economy would have continued in free-fall. The Federal Reserve is still working toward that end.

As Marxists have said many times, they must control the children, and begin early in the life of the child. The Marxists, literally, built our school system from the ground up and have had a century to brainwash and indoctrinate our children in cultural Marxism. People, especially Charlotte Iserbyt (The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America), have been trying to tell the country about the state of our schools, even longer than Tom DeWeese and I have been trying to wake people about Agenda 21/Sustainable Development.

Now, thanks to political correctness and social justice (two of the tools of Cancel Culture) being allowed to grow and thrive with negligible pushback, there are the public shaming, degradation, violence, and humiliation being perpetrated on, not only adults but young children as well as the elderly. People are threatened by dozens, if not more, to denounce their ‘whiteness’, or to bow down to someone in Black Lives Matter.

The destruction of our statues, the re-naming of buildings, streets, and even towns, and the burning of books to erase our history. All this is being done for two reasons, 1. To erase our culture, and 2. To push us until we won’t take any more and stand up – thus kicking off the civil war the Left has been pushing for over the past several years, since Ferguson.

We cannot survive much longer as a free nation, as a free people, unless we start pushing back, legally. We need to stand up to this. But we aren’t going to win on the defense, thus we need to know our enemy and thus, this article. My next article on Cancel Culture will dig deeper.

(note: if you want to start digging for yourself, I recommend Tocqueville on Karl Marx, Robert Conquest on the Soviet Union, and a recent and IMHO great book on cultural Marxism, Re-Remembering the Mis-Remembered Left, by Coughlin and Higgins.)

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