Kelleigh Nelson

The Communists’ chief purpose is to destroy every form of independence—independent work, independent action, independent property, independent thought, an independent mind, or an independent man. Conformity, alikeness, servility, submission and obedience are necessary to establish a Communist slave-state. —Ayn Rand

Censorship reflects society’s lack of confidence in itself. It is a hallmark of an authoritarian regime. —Potter Stewart, Supreme Court Justice

Free speech is the whole thing, the whole ball game. Free speech is life itself. —Salman Rushdie

Quite obviously, Hillary loving Dr. Anthony Fauci would prefer to make beaucoup bucks on his Remdesivir which is unproven to cure Covid-19 than promote a 65-year-old drug that has proven to be effective throughout the world in curing the Wuhan virus.  His purely political hatred of those who are promoting Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and Azithromycin smacks of monetary prerequisites of his approval. Despite the fact that his National Institute of Health approved HCQ in 2005 for Covid, his leftist politics refuse to admit that lives all over the world are saved by HCQ and Z-Pacs as so many physicians have testified to.

President Trump is hated for promoting HCQ and for taking it as a preventative, despite physicians who have said it works for both.  Facebook, Google and Twitter have deleted the truth about HCQ.  Even attorney Sidney Powell who retweeted President Trump’s tweet about HCQ was removed from twitter as was Donald Trump Jr.  Free speech is a core of a free society.  So, are we free?  Not hardly.

Silencing truth.

Doctors Back Trump

Physicians in America have taken a stand and are backing the president’s recommendation to use HCQ to treat Coronavirus.  Across America doctors are standing behind the president and announcing that it’s time for America to reopen.  A group of doctors standing before the Supreme Court building in Washington DC, claimed there is no reason to keep the country locked down when we already have a cure for the virus…Hydroxychloroquine.  Dr. Simone Gold, an ER physician in Los Angeles for 20 years, who appeared with several other physicians said, “If you’ve gotten the virus, there is treatment and that’s what we’re here to tell you.”  Dr. Gold said, “The American people aren’t hearing from all the experts across the country.

After this video aired and was viewed millions of times, Dr. Gold was summarily fired from her job.  She has hired attorney L. Lin Wood to defend her.

Americans are being forced to take advice from doctors who have allowed their political bias against Donald Trump to stop them from treating patients they have the ability to cure.  Of course, we’re speaking about the appointed head of the Coronavirus Task Force, VP Pence, whose chosen expert was Dr. Anthony Fauci.

(Koch Dark Money operative, Marc Short is Chief of Staff to VP Pence and he owns stocks that could conflict with Coronavirus response.)

Dr. James Todaro said, “If it seems like there’s an orchestrated attack against HCQ, it’s because there is.  When have you ever heard of a medication generating this degree of controversy? HCQ is a 65-year-old medication that has been listed as the World Health Organization’s (WHO) safest medications for years and it’s over the counter in many countries.  What we’re seeing is a lot of misinformation.”  HCQ has been prescribed to hundreds of millions of people all over the world for over a half a century with no side effects.  It has never been a controversial medicine until President Trump suggested it might be used to help Coronavirus patients and the Deep State went ballistic.

President Trump tweeted a copy of the doctors’ video which went viral with over 14 million views. Nigerian physician, Stella Immanuel is a primary care physician from Houston, Texas and her video alone reached 20 million on Facebook before it was removed.

Video Here:

Twitter, Google, Facebook and other media giants rushed to delete all traces of these important videos from the internet.  Dr. Simone Gold said,“Our website host, which is Squarespace, has just completely and arbitrarily shut down our website, claiming a violation of their terms of service. This is crazy. We are a group of doctors advocating for a better understanding of COVID-19 and its available treatment options. This is outrageous. We’re not subverting anything. We’re not purposely countering medical ethics. We’re not making anybody sick. We’re advocating for a better understanding of COVID-19. They take us down.”

Silencing truth.

Dr. Gold said, “We implore you to hear this because this message has been silenced. There are many thousands of physicians who have been silenced from telling the American people the good news about the situation, that we can manage the virus, carefully and intelligently, but we cannot live with this spiderweb of fear that is constricting our country.”  She said that doctors are not being allowed to prescribe HCQ, and that if they do, the pharmacists can overrule the physician’s diagnosis and medications.

She is absolutely right, fear is what Fauci, Birx and Redfield have promoted and sold to the American public from the very beginning, and it appears to be purposeful.  Dr. Fauci, WHO and the promoters of Remdesivir decided they wanted their drug to be the cureall for all patients of Covid. Why?  Because they’d make beaucoup bucks off it, but it hasn’t proven to be nearly as effective as the older and cheaper HCQ.

Our economy is in shambles and democratic governors and mayors are purposely keeping businesses shut down because it’s an election year, and to hell with the people they represent.

The physicians all explained that Dr. Fauci is citing flawed studies and the negative reports on HCQ involve treating patients with lethal doses of the drug, something no physician should ever be doing.  The physicians stated that Dr. Fauci has never treated a Covid-19 patient himself.

They added that with a cure like HCQ available, there is no need for social distancing, there’s no need for masks, there’s no need to keep our children home from school (other than keeping them from the common core and BLM rot) and there’s certainly no need to keep our country or the economy locked down.

Dr. Bob Hamilton stated that it was important for all people present during their talks that America’s children are not really the ones who are driving the infection; it is being driven by older individuals.  He believes children can go back to school without fear.  Dr. Hamilton stated, “There has not been one documented case of Covid being transferred from a student to a teacher in the world.”  He explained that teachers’ unions are demanding conditions to return to school, some of which are totally outlandish and unrelated to the virus. In Los Angeles, California, the teacher’s union is demanding more money by defunding the police and calling for Medicare for all.

Doctors have warned that the effects of the lockdown are far worse than the virus, including a 600 percent increase in suicides.

The doctors said the biggest problem for them has been the government blocking doctors from treating patients they have the ability to cure right now.  Dr. Hamilton said, “I think the important thing is we need to not act out of fear.  We need to act out of science, we need to do it and get it done.”

Silencing truth.

Saving Lives

Dr. George Fareed of El Centro, California, a 1970 honors graduate of Harvard, sent a letter to President Trump and the Task Force.  He has used the HCQ, Azithromycin and Zinc cocktail to cure his patients and says it has kept them out of the hospital.  He said, “Not only have I seen outstanding results with this approach, I have not seen any patient exhibit serious side-effects. To be clear — this drug has been used as an anti-malarial and to treat systemic lupus erythematosus as well as rheumatoid arthritis, and has over a 50-year track record for safety. It is shocking that it only now is being characterized as a dangerous drug.”

“Moreover, I am in my seventies, and I (as well as some other older physicians in the hospital) use hydroxychloroquine and zinc as prophylaxis. None of us have contracted the disease despite our high exposure to COVID patients nor have we experienced any side-effects.”

Hydroxychloroquine is the Key

It’s making a comeback from Lancet’s and Fauci’s false reports.  Doctors all over the world are using it and their patients are recovering.  When given early, not one patient dies, when taken as a prophylactic, it prevents physicians from contracting Covid from their patients.  It’s cheap, it’s plentiful and it’s been around for over six decades, and Fauci and his gang don’t like it.  Why?  Because it’s all about money.  The more money he can put in the pockets and his cohorts and himself, the happier he is, and to hell with the many lives that can be saved with the cheap drugs already available.

A Michigan hospital study says: “Treatment with Hydroxychloroquine Cut Death Rate Significantly in COVID-19 Patients.  Treatment with HCQ cut the death rate significantly in sick patients hospitalized with Covid-19, and without heart-related side-effects, according to a new study published by Henry Ford Health System.

“Our analysis shows that using hydroxychloroquine helped saves lives,” said neurosurgeon Dr. Steven Kalkanis, CEO, Henry Ford Medical Group and Senior Vice President and Chief Academic Officer of Henry Ford Health System. “As doctors and scientists, we look to the data for insight. And the data here is clear that there was benefit to using the drug as a treatment for sick, hospitalized patients.”

So why the hatred of this life saving cocktail of drugs?

There are doctors all over the country, who are singing the praises of this drug, but there is a conspiracy of silence.The hydroxychloroquine cocktail, azithromycin, (Z-Pak) and zincwould solve some of the very basic problems that we’re now facing. It’s also a preventative. It would prevent hospitalizations. It keeps hospitals and ICUs from being overrun with Covid-19 patients, and it keeps patients off the deadly ventilators where 90% die after being on a ventilator long term. It apparently can be used early on in hospitalization to prevent patients from requiring ventilators, and reduces the length of a hospital stay.

Yet there’s literally no desire to use this cheap drug.  America has lost 150,000 people to this flu-like virus.  We lost so many during the H1N1 virus that we stopped counting, but we didn’t wear masks everywhere, we didn’t close schools, we didn’t keep six feet apart and we didn’t close the economy, yet more allegedly died in 2009-2010 under the Obama presidency than have died with this Wuhan virus under Donald Trump’s presidency.The CDC estimates that influenza has resulted in between 9 million to 45 million illnesses, between 140,000 to 810,000 hospitalizations and between 12,000 to 61,000 deaths annually since 2010, but we never donned masks.

Silencing truth.

Nursing Home Deaths

Governors of five states: Andrew Cuomo of New YorkGretchen Whitmer of MichiganGavin Newsom of CaliforniaPhil Murphy of New Jersey, and Tom Wolf of Pennsylvania put Covid patients in nursing homes and the virus spread rapidly to the elderly population with co-morbidities.

At least 62,000 residents and workers have died from the coronavirus at nursing homes and other long-term care facilities for older adults in the United States, according to a New York Times database. As of July 30, the virus has infected more than 362,000 people at some 16,000 facilities.  Had they been given the cheap drug as a preventative, perhaps most of these older Americans would not have died alone.

Are these governors guilty of murder?


President Trump was lied to, our economy did not need to be shut down.  Masks are to keep healthcare workers from contaminating open wounds of patients.  They do little to prevent viruses.  Healthy people are never quarantined.  Distancing of six feet apart has no scientific authority whatsoever; it was born in a high school student’s science project. Had we remained open, and sheltered only the vulnerable, most likely we would have had her immunity within 40 to 70 days.

Thousands of Americans have died needlessly, which plays into the United Nations Agenda 2030 of decimating the world’s population.  Yes, China is responsible, but more than China, the collateral damage to Americans from the shutdown is far greater than the damage done by the Wuhan virus.  And that damage, which is still going on, was brought to us by Dr. Fauci, Dr. Birx, Dr. Redfield and the Democratic Party.

© 2020 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

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