We are looking at the state of mind the church is operating under and we are seeing that far too many of those in authority in the church have set God’s precepts and laws aside.  They may espouse one thing in public but in private they are no more a man of God than monkey is.  Last week we were looking at the horrific report from the Catholic church in Pennsylvania were 300 priests molested over 1000 children.  What I have to question is, this is Pennsylvania, what about the other 49 States and diocese around the world?  How can an organization that is supposed to represent God do this to children and then NOT report these predators to law enforcement?  This means that not just the perpetrator is guilty but the powers that allow it to continue are just as guilty.

It was not only the Pennsylvania officials that did a systematic cover up of their atrocities, but the Vatican did the same.  Both did this cover up for decades!  Where is the character of these people?  Where is the conscience of these people?  The report said that abuse complaints were kept in the church’s so-called secret archive and church officials worked to hide incidents, failed to discipline priests or report the allegations to law enforcement.

“Priests were raping little boys and girls, and the men of God who were responsible for them not only did nothing; they hid it all,” the report said.

Shapiro said the report showed a “systematic cover up by senior church officials in Pennsylvania and at the Vatican.”

“The abuse scarred every diocese, the cover-up was sophisticated,” he said.

Three victims of the alleged abuse gave emotional testimony in a short video played before the news conference.

“It doesn’t ever go away, it has an effect on you for the rest of your life,” said Shaun Dougherty, 48, adding, “This has absolutely destroyed me.” [1]

The adults in this church act like members of Congress.  Congress set up a tax payer funded pay off scheme to silence the people they were having affairs with.  Pay them off and keep it quiet but in this case their actions destroyed the lives of thousands of innocent children that they were supposed to protect. I believe that this may be just the beginning of what we will learn about these predators.  Prosecutors say a hotline set up to get information on child sexual abuse by clergy within Pennsylvania’s Roman Catholic dioceses has received more than 400 calls over the past six days.

A spokesman for the attorney general’s office said Monday agents are returning all calls and assessing the facts.

Spokesman Joe Grace says the agents will have to consult with the office’s lawyers to determine whether any claims warrant investigation.

Church officials have stressed that many of the allegations in the nearly 900-page clergy abuse report made public last week go back decades, and that changes have been made.

Grace says his office can’t describe or categorize the information that’s coming in, including whether they involve more recent allegations. [2]

This idiocy of this situation is compounded by the comment that the statute of limitation had run out on many of these decades old allegations.[3]  Just how does the statute of limitations expire when a child has been molested?

Not only were the priests doing these heinous deeds there is a group of nuns in Scotland doing the same thing: “Twelve people, 11 women and one man, ages ranging from 62 to 85 years, have been arrested and charged in connection with the non-recent abuse of children. All are subject of reports to (the) Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal. A further four individuals will be reported today. Inquiries are continuing, it would be inappropriate to comment further,” a spokesperson from Police Scotland, the national police force of Scotland, said, according to The Guardian. 

Nuns and lay staff who worked at the orphanage allegedly humiliated children for bedwetting, did not feed them, repeatedly beat them, and verbally and sexually abused them, according to those who lived there. 

“The order is deeply troubled by each of these failings. As Daughters of Charity our values are totally against any form of abuse and thus we offer our most sincere and heartfelt apology to anyone who suffered under any form of abuse in our care,” Gregor Rolfe, a lawyer for the Daughters of Charity told Lady Smith, a high court judge and chair of the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry, last year, reported The Guardian.[4]

Before I could get this article written it was reported that the diocese in Chicago has come under investigation for possible ties to the diocese in Pennsylvania. On Thursday, Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan announced she plans to meet with the Chicago Archdiocese after at least seven priests with connections to Illinois were identified in the Pennsylvania grand jury report.

“The Catholic Church has a moral obligation to provide its parishioners and the public a complete and accurate accounting of all sexually inappropriate behavior involving priests in Illinois,” Madigan said in a statement.

The Chicago Archdiocese has agreed to meet, Madigan said.

“I plan to reach out to the other dioceses in Illinois and have the same conversation and expect the bishops will agree and cooperate fully,” she added. “If not, I will work with states’ attorneys and law enforcement throughout Illinois to investigate.“[5]

Jesus said in Matthew 19:14 let the little children come to Him.  Men of God are His representatives on this planet and the authorities of this so-called church allow this to not just occur but to continue AND then they cover it up!   Concerning Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano who Pope Benedict placed canonical sanctions on, Pope Francis repealed them!  Then a report came out saying Pope Francis and other senior prelates were covering for another Archbishop of sexual abuse.  What you are about to read is an explosive testimony of the former apostolic nuncio to the United States, implicating Pope Francis and several senior prelates in covering up Archbishop Theodore McCarrick’s alleged sexual abuse of seminarians and priests.

In an extraordinary 11-page written statement (see official English text below), Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, 77, claims that Pope Francis knew about strict canonical sanctions imposed on McCarrick by Pope Benedict XVI but chose to repeal them.

In his testimony, dated August 22, Archbishop Viganò, who served as apostolic nuncio in Washington D.C. from 2011-2016, states that in the late 2000s, Benedict had “imposed on Cardinal McCarrick sanctions similar to those now imposed on him by Pope Francis,” and that Viganò personally spoke with Francis about the gravity of McCarrick’s abuse soon after his election in 2013.

But he says that Francis “continued to cover him” and not only did he “not take into account the sanctions that Pope Benedict had imposed on him” but also made McCarrick “his trusted counselor” who helped him to appoint a number of bishops in the United States, including Cardinals Blase Cupich of Chicago and Joseph Tobin of Newark.[6]

This is not the actions of a church that is a true representative of the gospel of Jesus Christ.  This is a slap in the face to the faithful followers and a total disgrace to the roots of this church.  The disturbing thing is it is the children that suffer the worst.  Next week we’ll look at the disgrace of the protestant side of Christianity.


  1. Over 300 predator priests in Pennsylvania accused abuse grand jury report
  2. Priest abuse hotline inundated with over 400 calls after report
  3. Over 300 predator priests in Pennsylvania accused abuse grand jury report
  4. Nuns arrested after years alleged physical and sexual abuse in orphanage
  5. Diocese sex abuse investigations open in other states
  6. Former US Nuncio Pope Francis knew of mccarricks misdeeds repealed sanction
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