By: Devvy

April 17, 2023

Warning: A graphic photo in this column.

When the news broke last week about a 21-year-old National Guard member allegedly leaking classified documents – not just leaking but posting to something called a chat app for months, I was flabbergasted.  Something didn’t smell right.  How could such a thing happen?

When I went to work for DoD in Northern California, I had a secret security clearance.  When I went to work at Peterson AFB, Air Force Space Command NORAD (after I became a federal whistleblower and was transferred to contracting) a serious background investigation was done to elevate my clearance.  One of my contracts was inside Cheyenne Mountain (Colorado Springs, CO) and a few at another Air Base which required I had a Retina scan in order to get on the base every visit as some of the R & D for Reagan’s “Star Wars” Initiative was housed there.  I do know a bit about security clearances.

Leaker of classified US intelligence works on military base, posted the documents on Discord: report, April 13, 2023 – “The person behind a major leak of secret U.S. intelligence documents is reportedly a man in his 20s who worked on a military base and shared the classified information on the chat app Discord.

“The details were revealed in an explosive new report from the Washington Post on Wednesday. The outlet reportedly spoke to a fellow member of the chat group the leaker ran on Discord. The Post’s teenage source claimed he knew the leaker’s real name and where he lived but said he would not help authorities locate him.

“The source told the Post that the leaker ran a Discord group called “Thug Shaker Central,” and identified himself only as “OG.”  Interesting piece.

Who is Jack Teixeira, the Air National Guardsman behind leaked classified documents?,  April 13, 2023:  “Investigators have taken an Air National Guardsman into custody in the case of leaked classified documents that shed light on the war in Ukraine and rattled the U.S. government.

“Jack Teixeira, a 21-year-old member of the 102nd Intelligence Wing of the Massachusetts Air National Guard, is the leader of a small online gaming chat group where several classified documents have been leaked over the last few months. His identity was confirmed by Attorney General Merrick Garland on Thursday.

“Teixeira joined the Air National Guard in September 2019 and was most recently stationed at Otis Air National Guard Base as a “Cyber Transport Systems Journeyman.”  He held the highest-level security clearance granted by the government to review top secret information, according to an internal Department of Defense email reviewed by Fox News.”

I was astonished when I read that.  Culling through dozens of articles I thought how does a 21-yearold gamer who apparently suffers from boredom get the highest-level security clearance issued by the U.S. government?  My late husband did two tours in Germany, was in Vietnam and when he was assigned to the Pentagon, he had to wait while a new deep background investigation was finished simply because he was elevated to top-secret clearance and that was after more than a decade of honorable service.

Washington Post Reports “Young, Charismatic Gun Enthusiast… Searching for Companionship” and ‘Minor’ Is Behind Leak of Highly Classified Documents on Ukraine Losing War with Russia and More, April 13, 2023

Act surprised:  Seems like the prostitute media knew more about this than our domestic “intelligence” agencies.  And, of course, the buck stops at the desk of the president except in this case, we have not had a legitimate president since Jan. 20, 2021.  Career criminal, liar and cheater, Joe Biden is simply an empty suit used by his abusive wife and their handlers.

From all accounts, Teizeira, is not a Russian spy, not working for Ukraine or anyone else but he is in boiling water.  During his first court appearance charged under the Espionage Act he made no plea.

The author of this piece is spot on:  Top secret security clearances have been given out like candy on Halloween.  Not so when I worked for DoD, believe me.  Squeaky clean or go apply someplace else.  I can guarantee you Hussein Obama could never get even a low-level security clearance nor could America haters, U.S. House reps. Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib and Ayanna Pressley for starters.

Pentagon Leaks: The questions surrounding access to top-secret documents, April 14, 2023 //  Gaming Guardsman’s access to top generals’ secrets renews questions about security clearances

Larry Johnson is one of the best deep dive investigators on-line.  A former analyst at the CIA he then moved to the Department of State’s Office of Counterterrorism.  Johnson left all that behind in 1993 and went into the private sector and owns his own business.

The Arrest of a 21-Year-Old National Guard Member for Leaking Classified Docs Leads to More Questions than Answers, April 14, 2023

“Until I saw the document labeled, CIA Operations Center Intelligence Update, I was inclined to believe that the leaked documents were the work of a frustrated whistleblower. But I have changed my mind. This looks like a controlled, directed leak by individuals who manipulated the 21-year-old National Guard troop member into taking certain documents and posting them on a public server.

“The CIA Operations Center Intelligence Update is a document produced by analysts in the Operations Center to be delivered to the regular CIA analysts. When I worked in the Ops Center I was responsible for monitoring traffic from Latin American posts and flagging items that the analysts in the Latin American Division need to know. I would write up summary paragraphs just like the ones in the documents leaked online.

“This was an internal CIA document. It was not broadcast to the other intelligence agencies. In my 23 years working with U.S. military commands around the world, I never saw a copy of this type of report circulating among those with the highest clearances.  Never.  How did a 21-year-old kid get his hands on at least two of these?

“The classified documents now in the public domain are focused primarily on Russia and Ukraine. The CIA Ops Center docs now floating around the Internet are only partial copies. For example, there are three pages, all classified Top Secret, from an eight-page document. If you’re a goofy 21-year-old gamer simply intent on impressing your young proteges, why not take all eight pages? My guess is that the other five pages contained no intelligence information on Ukraine or Russia.”

READ the entire article because he presents why he thinks “it’s too good to be true” and timing.  And, I’ll throw in my two cents.  First, the shadow government knows full well Biden is mentally gone, just like Senator Diane Feinstein (age 89) who has suffered from Alzheimer’s for years; Democrats now calling for her to resign.  It’s a given cackling, incompetent buffoon, Kamala Ho Harris, is a 25-car train wreck.

The shadow government knows no matter how much medications are being given to Biden, it’s becoming apparent to most people his mental capacity is deteriorating by the day.  The prostitute media (referred to by some as the Mockingbird media as they all use the same talking points on the nightly disinformation channels) has been subtly dropping hints Biden is cognitively impaired and “his” foreign policy isn’t doing well on the world stage.

We are the joke of the world.  Just take a look at Biden over in Ireland last week while cameras from around the world captured the truth:  That man should be in full time assisted living in the Altzheimer’s wing with a good supply of ice cream.  Joe Biden Gets Lost After Lying to the Irish People About Being a Professor at UPenn (VIDEO).  At one point his crack head son, Hunter, had to guide him along saying, “This way dad.”

This has become a serious problem for those who control events in the District of Criminals even though they orchestrated Biden’s fake win for the presidency.  Cornered because next in line after Ho Harris is a Republican, Speaker of the U.S. House, Kevin McCarthy and the House currently holds a majority.

Next up the raping of the American people to fund a war that is NOT our war.  I’m so very sorry for all who’ve already died, been injured and are suffering over in Russia and Ukraine.  It didn’t have to be that way.  Not to mention the HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS of dollars sent to Zelensky doesn’t exist.  Its new debt borrowed from the FED with the interest slapped on our backs.  Treasury Secretary Yellen: ‘Our Support for Ukraine Will Be Lasting and Is Unconditional’

Ukraine is known to be one of the most corrupt countries on the planet and only got worse with the new penis waving president, Zelensky.  All of this is being exposed through independent media.  Eye-openers to the American people who are now (except fools who believe anything vomited by the prostitute media and Republicans who never met a war they didn’t love) saying no more of our money to feed corruption.  Video: Did largest-ever slush fund funnel money to Dems, Ukraine? – The Biggest SCANDAL Of Our Lifetime Is About To Get MUCH Worse!!!

US Veteran Working on the Ground in Ukraine: There Is NO EVIDENCE of the Billions in US Dollars Sent to Ukraine – Not Seeing Any Relief – “Chad Robichaux: No, and that’s the same on this trip. It’s sad and unfortunate. It needs to be addressed. There is no congressional oversight of this money. This money is going into a black hole.”

Pandora Papers: Zelensky Stole Public Money To Fund His Rise to Power (Leaked documents will come back and bite you in the arse.)

Hersh is not stupid.  He won a Pulitzer Prize in 1970 for exposing the My Lai massacre and subsequent cover up during the Vietnam Era (another undeclared war in violation of the U.S. Constitution).  Over the decades his sources have proven to be solid gold.

Seymour Hersh Reports that Ukrainian Leader Zelensky Embezzled $400 Million from US Payments Allocated for Fuel, April 13, 2023

TRADING WITH THE ENEMY – “Zelensky’s been buying discount diesel from the Russians,” one knowledgeable American intelligence official told me. “And who’s paying for the gas and oil? We are. Putin and his oligarchs are making millions” on it.

“Many government ministries in Kiev have been literally “competing,” I was told, to set up front companies for export contracts for weapons and ammunition with private arms dealers around the world, all of which provide kickbacks. Many of those companies are in Poland and Czechia, but others are thought to exist in the Persian Gulf and Israel. “I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that there are others in places like the Cayman Islands and Panama, and there are lots of Americans involved,” an American expert on international trade told me. “

Zelensky: “US Will Have to Send Sons and Daughters to War”, March 2, 2023.  (Just like the other nine disasters the U.S. has stuck its nose into and failed, i.e., Afghanistan back in control of savage thugs called the Taliban under oppressive Sharia Law.)

Body of U.S. Solider Dragged Through City, Oct. 4, 1993 – “Somalis dragged the body of an American soldier through the streets of Mogadishu Monday and danced around the wreckage of U.S. helicopters and armored personnel carriers destroyed in a firefight.”

Black Hawk Down, crap hole called Somalia.  OUR soldier.  Killed and dragged through the streets of Mogadishu while Somali’s cheered and celebrated; he wasn’t the only U.S. solider dragged around like garbage.  We had NO business being in Somalia.

2022 unconstitutional foreign aid:  Somalia received a whopping $475 million borrowed dollars with the debt slapped on our backs.  Is that what you work so hard for each day at your job? 

Tucker Carlson: Zelenskyy sits atop a money-laundering scheme so brazen Democrats won’t let it be audited, video, Nov. 30, 2022

French politician Filippo called for Zelensky to be stopped after he refused to negotiate, Feb. 25, 2023 (Zelensky has refused to negotiate several times over the past six months.  We are his cash cow and he is a narcissistic maniac who knows all the players and their money schemes.)

All of this is just the tip of the iceberg.  The unlawful “Biden Administration” is one GIANT catastrophe everywhere. Ukraine is not winning the war against Russia despite what the prostitute media upchucks.  Innocent men, women and children on both sides continue to suffer while Zelensky refuses to even negotiate.

Again, do read the column below by Johnson.  Someone who was involved with highly classified operations who gives a very valuable lesson and insight about the problem with this latest scandal.  A five-star article:

The Arrest of a 21-Year-Old National Guard Member for Leaking Classified Docs Leads to More Questions than Answers, April 14, 2023 – “Let me explain why I think the story currently being sold to the public about this young man is too good to be true and, in my view, is a smoke screen.”

For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book by calling 800-955-0116 or click the link, “Taking Politics Out of Solutions“. 400 pages of facts and solutions. Order two books and save $10.00

© 2023 Devvy Kidd – All Rights Reserved

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These three are Johnson’s writing on this new scandal:

READ:  The 21 Year Old Leaker — Something Is Not Right, April 15, 2023 – “During our 18 years of working on these highly classified exercises we have never seen a E3 (i.e., an Airman First Class) anywhere in the SCIF. The enlisted personnel who worked on these TOP SECRET exercises were at least a Staff Sergeant (E5). So what is a lowly E3 doing in a SCIF with TOP SECRET material and no supervision? That is the first red flag.”

We’ve known this for many months:  Several of the Leaked Military Slides Show that Ukraine is in Trouble, Contradicting Lloyd Austin and Gen. Milley Who Insist Things Are Swell

Very interesting:  One Possible Source of the Leaked Classified Documents on the War in Ukraine — A Combined Operations Center

Other writers

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