By Pastor Roger Anghis

January 29, 2023

In my opinion, I believe that the World Economic Forum is as big a threat to America as China is. China appears to have used the Biden crime family to infiltrate our education system, steal our technologies, buying our farmland, allowing Chinese police stations to operate, selling them our natural gas through a company set up by Biden’s son Hunter, and selling them our strategic oil reserves just to name a few of the things that family has done to stab Americans in the back.

The WEF has decided that we, as individuals, don’t need our forms of transportation. Falling in line with the World Economic Forum’s well-documented plan to usher in a world where “you’ll own nothing and be happy about it” the globalist organization is now looking to stop you from owning your own vehicle.

Under the guise of “going green” the WEF is pushing to eliminate private vehicle ownership altogether, claiming this is an effective way to reduce global reliance on critical metals.

Winnie Yeh, who is described as WEF’s “lead” for “responsible sourcing,” argues that car ownership is not “resource efficient” demanding more vehicle sharing as an alternative.

Yeh has pointed to “car sharing” apps such as Getaround and BlueSG which allow people to rent vehicles on an hourly basis.

All of this, she said, is “part of broader transition from ownership to usership.”

This attempt by the WEF to restrict your free will is not only un-American to its core, but it would also have a catastrophic impact on the American economy given that the U.S. lacks the sort of mass transit system that would be required for commuting to and from work – though perhaps destroying the American economy is part of the WEF’s sinister plans.[1] Keep in mind that these are the people that fly around in their private jets and have an armada of vehicles usually gas-guzzling SUVs to take them where they want to go, but you have to take public transportation. This is a typical dictatorship. You’re a peon but they are the elite that deserves the luxuries because they’re so smart.

Klaus Schwab has decided that capitalism is the scourge of societies and must be done away with. In a video you can watch here you can see that he has determined which industries, not companies but entire industries must be shut down. 4.23: Some economists think the solution is to reengineer our economies completely. They make the case that what we should really be doing is weaning ourselves from the addiction to growth and shifting to a post-growth economy (later defined as liquidation of various industries — I.C)

Instead of growing, WEF wants us to focus on what we “really need” (according to WEF)

4:46 things like renewable energy, healthcare, and public transportation. To do that, economists think that rich countries should do something like guarantee living wages.

They are talking about unearned “universal basic income” because the next cut shows a sad-looking lonely person spending a day not working. It promises that people will not be needing jobs to “earn their living or get healthcare”:

What is the goal? To scale down production of things deemed less necessary! 

WEF asks if we could “do away with entire industries”, showing an anxious, sweaty man worried about his industry being shut down.[2]

If you think this is off the wall, think again. The Dutch government is planning to purchase and then close down up to 3,000 farms in an effort to comply with a European Union environmental mandate to slash emissions, according to reports. 

Farmers in the Netherlands will be offered “well over” the worth of their farm in an effort to take up the offer voluntarily, The Telegraph reported. The country is attempting to reduce its nitrogen pollution and will make the purchases if not enough farmers accept buyouts. 

The Netherlands is trying to reduce its emissions to comply with EU conservation rules and agriculture is responsible for nearly half of the nitrogen emitted in the nation, the report said. 

In 2019, the Dutch Council of State ruled that every new activity that emits nitrogen, including farming and building, is required to obtain a permit. That has prevented the expansion of dairy, pig and poultry farms, which are major sources of nitrogen, the Telegraph report said.[3]

One has to ask the question Jordon Peterson asked an interviewer; “How are you going to feed the people when you shut all these farms down? It will more adversely affect the poor than anybody.  How can you say you are concerned for the people when your policies hurt them the most?” This is very typical of liberal policies. They always sound good but never benefit the people they are intended to benefit.  Only the elite.

The UN and the WEF are so concerned about sustainable farming but they don’t even think about how we’ve lasted 6,000 years using the system we have today. For some reason, they have a ‘better idea’. Schwab is confident that the world will comply to his demands because so many did so during the planedemic of the last couple years. It has finally been revealed – and we knew this all along – that Covid-19 lockdowns, mask mandates and other associated plandemic tyranny was a “test” to determine whether or not the world is ready for a new globalist system of “social credit score” control.

It turns out that billions of people passed that test, according to Mridul Kaushik, who wrote an article called “My Carbon: An approach for inclusive and sustainable cities” that discusses the next phase of the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) global takeover.

“Covid-19 was the test of social responsibility,” Kaushik admits in the piece.

Kaushik, by the way, is the WEF’s “Mission Director” for “Smart Cities Mission.” His bio says he is part of the WEF’s Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs of India. (Related: The WEF wants all global slaves to drink recycled sewage to prevent global warming.)[4]

Artificial Intelligence will be one of their tools they use to control the masses. This control is to keep you ignorant of the truth of what they are doing. The World Economic Forum (WEF) has revealed its latest scheme: they want to use AI to automate the censorship of whatever they deem “hate speech” and “disinformation.”

According to an article published by WEF, there is an urgent need to utilize “human-curated, multi-language, off-platform intelligence into learning sets” so that AI can detect online abuse before it ever reaches mainstream platforms.

The Forum says this is necessary to stop the proliferation of everything from child abuse to extremism, disinformation, hate speech, and fraud.

“Supplementing this smarter automated detection with human expertise to review edge cases and identify false positives and negatives and then feeding those findings back into training sets will allow us to create AI with human intelligence baked in,” the WEF article reads. “This more intelligent AI gets more sophisticated with each moderation decision, eventually allowing near-perfect detection, at scale.”[5]

I believe that they will accomplish their goals but it will not happen until God removes the church. It appears that satan is trying to speed things up but he won’t succeed because it will only happen when God says it will. That doesn’t mean we don’t have to fight until that time because we do. Scripture tells us to occupy until He comes. Occupy, in the story of Luke means to keep doing His work so we can’t grow weary in well doing and we have to continue to walk by faith until that day.

© 2023 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

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Foot Notes

  1. world-economic-forum-leaders-call-for-the-end-of-private-car-ownership/
  2. wef-ai-to-decide-what-industries-to-liquidate-to-stop-economic-growth/
  3. netherlands-close-farms-eu-mandate
  4. 2022-09-21-wef-billions-lockdowns-mandates-social-credit-score.html
  5. wef-wants-to-use-ai-to-automate-censorship-of-disinformation/