By Sid Secular

January 6, 2024

UN Poster Child Greta “How Dare You!” Thunberg, the screechy, preachy, snotty, sneering, sanctimonious global superstar is back once again to lead a global mob of young climate zealots in a campaign to “End Fossil Fuels.” The Swedish sensation is now 20 years old but remains an idol to juvenile activists the world over. The eco-star has benefited immensely from  the attention of Big Media, and now she has come to the attention of American Big Labor.  For our nation’s largest union, the National Education Association (NEA)  has promoted Greta to millions of teachers and students as a model of heroic activism. NEA has spun an iconic image of her as a modern Joan of Arc who has set out to save the planet from imminent doom (at the hands of white men, of course!). The NEA, in its heroine worship, has successfully diverted the members’ attention from the decades long  precipitous decline in academic achievement in our schools, while successfully introducing global warming angles into every academic subject area including health and physical education, career readiness, computer science, science in general, social studies, the visual and performing arts, and world languages.

The NEA has lauded New Jersey as being the first state to fully succeed in the endeavor to integrate climate change concerns and standards into all content areas and grade levels. The organization has singled out an entity called “Subject to Climate” as an exemplary resource for teachers on climate change subject matter. This entity prominently features 21 videos and digital articles provided by our subversive “friend,” The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the leading front group for the New World Order agenda. The CFR has closely aligned itself with the NEA, which is a primary way for the globalists to gain control of the minds of American children. The other major teacher trade union is the American Federation of Teachers which is equally committed to the climate-cult agenda.

The UN is fully cognizant of using young people everywhere to ratchet up the pressure to promote the climate change agenda. It issued a press release in March 2023 encouraging young people to lead the charge for “climate justice” and “kick away” the world’s “addiction” to fossil fuels not to mention truth and science. The UN is utilizing a trained youth cadre to accelerate global climate action called “The Youth Advisory Group on Climate Change.” The World Bank also has a cadre of young leaders from around the world being groomed to promote global alarmism and for future roles in the planned “global green regime.” These youth are involved in highly organized, carefully orchestrated, widely publicized and hugely-funded climate change campaigns that include marches, and protests and are presented as “spontaneous” by the media spin machine. Young people, being callow and “green” (inexperienced) in the ways of the world are the perfect fodder to advance that mass foolishness that will lead to global slavery.

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