By Lee Duigon

June 8, 2023

Four thousand Allied soldiers died on this date, 79 years ago, seizing the Normandy beaches from the Germans. Thousands more would die as we fought our way through France and finally into Germany itself. It was a high price, but it ended World War II.

Jumping ahead to here and now, a poll by the Cato Institute finds that one in three Americans aged 30 or under supports the idea of government installing cameras in private homes. For “protection and security,” don’t you know.

The past cries out: “We fought for this?” Think Hitler would’ve liked having the power to spy on people in their homes? He lost the war. We’re in danger of losing our liberty. We didn’t need the German army to take it from us. Our own government will do the job.

Think of the money it’d save the FBI, though. I mean, it’s so clumsy and heavy-handed to send FBI agents all over the country to spy on school board meetings. And what if Enemies Of The People don’t go to the meetings? Who knows what they’re saying over dinner? Big Brother needs to know that. Put up a camera in the dining room.

But this is by no means the only crazy thing we didn’t know that we were fighting for in 1944.

We fought for men to say they’re women so they can dominate women’s sports.

We fought for the right of Educators to subject America’s children to “gender reassignment”—lifelong careers as medical patients, plus lifelong sterility. Charge that German pillbox, boys! In another two generations we’ll catch up to them. We’ll do things that they could only dream of.

How about the power of government to shut down small businesses, coast to coast, force us to wear masks that don’t actually protect us from anything, threaten us with loss of jobs unless we allow them to shoot us up with experimental “vaccines,” and put us under virtual house arrest? I’ll bet no one on D-Day thought he was fighting for that.

Oh—and censorship! We develop the most advanced means of mass communication the world has ever seen, and then stifle anyone who wants to use it to criticize government policies and sociological vandalism. What—you didn’t like that last election? Sorry, bro, but that’s “misinformation”! Our algorithms will make short work of you.

We fought for this?

One could go on all day listing today’s outrages against liberty, against the Constitution, even against mere sanity. These are not imposed on us by foreign conquerors. They come seeping out of our overfunded universities, dreamed up in teachers’ colleges, invented for us by a worldwide mob of globalists who think their time has come.

But if we could win on D-Day, surely we can win now. Our enemies are home-grown, and subject to defunding. Kill the money, and the ideology dies. Far Left Crazy can’t survive without the universities, the teachers’ unions, fake cable nooze, and the Democrat Party. Even if we can’t elect a true cost-cutting Congress, we can at the very least pull our children out of public schools, stop sending them to Far Left universities, and simply not watch, not rent, not buy Woke movies and TV. Let them all have a good, stiff dose of what we’ve given Bud Light.

They can only go as far as we let them go. Stop paying. Just stop. Put some teeth in the slogan “Go Woke, go broke.”

They can’t do these things to us without our money.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and stop in for a visit. My articles can also be found at .

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