Dear President Trump
As a proud Iranian-American, please accept my infinite gratitude for your valiant stand and resonant voice in support of what is right and good for both my adopted country, America and my beloved homeland, Iran.
Thank you for hearing and supporting the freedom-loving voices of Iranians who despise the rule of terrorist mullahs and wish to end their reign of terror and mischief in the Middle East.
Your courageous support is invaluable for and in the best interests of the United States. Your support and encouragement of Iranian citizens peacefully speaking out against Islamists holds the promise of obtaining a powerful friend for America — a nation equal to Israel as an ally.
Once again, please accept my profound gratitude, representing the voices of a great many Iranians and Iranian-Americans for your much-needed stand with the earnest plea that you maintain your visionary goal of making “America Great Again,” by your deeds.
Please, Mr. President, use all the peaceful means at your disposal and in your arsenal to win a great and lasting victory for both the United States and Iran.
With deepest respect and gratitude,
Amil Imani
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