By Frosty Wooldridge

April 18, 2024

It’s sickening enough to watch Muslims in America marching in support of Hamas’ slaughtering of 1,200 Jewish women and children on October 7, 2023! Seeing the Palestinian flag flown in those demonstrations makes any American want to vomit emotionally and physically. But it’s downright evil, treasonous and deportable to hear those same Middle Eastern savages come into our country to enjoy our freedoms, then chant, “Death to America.”

We face a cautionary tale being repeated in Europe and Canada. All of Europe is being invaded by Islamists. They are destroying Europe’s culture, languages, civil societies and way of life. Charles Martel in 722 fought and defeated the Muslim hoards and drove them out of Europe. If not, all of Europe would be under the barbaric Sharia Law in 2024. Honor killings of women would be the norm. Female genital mutilation of little girls would be mandatory. No women’s rights. No women’s voting. No women’s freedom of dress. Islam’s main driver is: “Convert or kill all non-believers.” There would be no human rights. No animals rights. No choice of religion. Europe would not have become the epicenter of culture, peace and freedom in the world.

Reports show 4,000,000 Muslims in America. In 1990, they built 300 mosques with only 100,000 Muslims. Today, they have set down 2,500 Mosques. Notice that mosques are like “forts” or “territorial markers.” They show conquest. Those mosques are not being built with money from Muslims in America. They are being built with money from the Middle East oil resources. So how long before enough Muslims in America take us back to their 6th century barbarism? They did it on 9/11. They are doing it in Detroit, Michigan. They are doing it in Minneapolis, Minnesota. They’re doing it in Miami, New York and Chicago.

Right now in Detroit, Michigan, you can slit a goat’s or a sheep’s throat and let it bleed to death in your front yard. Where is the Humane Society? Animal Rights Society? Muslims voted it into law by taking over the city council in Dearborn, Michigan. Some Senator or Congressman in Washington DC decided to send 300,000 of them into Detroit. They maintain their tribal rituals, have no affinity to U.S. law, or our Constitution. They now have Islamic loudspeakers in Minneapolis, Detroit and beyond blaring out “prayer call” five times a day.

In fact, Muslims use American law and freedoms to ultimately engage and force Sharia Law down our throats. Once they get a stronghold in a city, Americans move out.

Remember when that Muslim Barack Obama promised to “fundamentally change America?” Well, you’re seeing it happen right in front of your eyes.

What happens when they gain 10 million of their numbers in America? What about 20 million? At some point, they will move to get female genital mutilation and honor killings to be legal. DHS reported that we endure 25 honor killings annually in America. We see more than a million cases of female genital mutilation of little girls. It’s assault and battery on a littler girl’s genitals, but you will never ever see it reported in Muslim strongholds.

My journeys through Europe showed me how to stay out of Muslim “no go zones.” There are at least 90 “no go zones” in France. A visit to London, England will show you “two Londons.” One dominated by Muslims and the British side being invaded at will. In effect, Muslims are the most racist tribe in world history.

Notice in America that we have hundreds of religions. We’ve got every church under the sun. But none of them are bent on destroying America. Not one of them would chant, “Death to America.”

Do you realize that we have a president and Congress bent on destroying our country? Biden and Mayorkas have invited and allowed over 10 million illegal aliens, hundreds if not thousands of them from the Middle East where Islamic terror is the norm in places like Iraq, Iran, Yemen, and Syria. They slaughter anyone who goes against their Islamic power structure. Iran sponsors terror all over the world. Do you not think they are planning another 9/11 in America? The FBI Chief Wray testified that we are at the highest terrorist alert since 9/11. All of it brought to you by Joe Biden and his idiot stooge, Mayorkas. To show you how stupid or corrupt they were, the democrats gave Mayorkas a free pass from impeachment after he deliberately let illegals into our country to kill our kids like Laken Riley and hundreds if not thousands of illegals who have killed American citizens by drunk driving, rape, murder, robbing, et al.

Dear fellow American, we need a responsible Congress, head of DHS and president to serve our interests. NOT 10 MILLION ILLEGAL ALIENS. We need to vote for the next president to deport every last illegal alien and every Muslim who chants, “”Death to America.” We don’t need them bringing their barbaric religion, their barbaric savagery like 9/11, or any of their 6th century barbaric rituals. Call your U.S. Senators and Congress person and give them a piece of your mind. I just gave my two senators and House person a voice mail giving my displeasure at their corruption and incompetence along with violation of their of office to our U.S. Constitution. God bless America.

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