By Andrew Wallace

November 25, 2023

There are many crimes by the “rulers” that could start a Civil War right now, but again I guarantee a Civil War when the government collapses (as it soon must) without dramatic changes!

I guarantee a Civil War because 50% of the people are supported by the government, one way or another. When the checks stop, these people will be deprived of the money to live, and we will have instant Anarchy and bloodshed. Most of these people are apathetic and ignorant of reality, due to the media that is owned by the enemy and their programmed-propaganda educational system, etc.

Those getting their government checks don’t want to rock the boat, not realizing that if they don’t act now, the government will soon collapse and they will lose Social

Security, Medicare, VA and all such “Benefits”.

Of course stores will be empty, fiat dollars will be next to useless, public services will cease, and those requiring expensive medical care will die. The only real money will be based on gold and silver, but most transactions and exchanges will be based on barter. We can’t function as an industrialized economy based on barter. Period.

Regular readers can attest to the fact that I have covered many different aspects and ramifications of this critical subject in great detail, almost weekly. Trying to inform and motivate people on such an important subject is the most daunting task in my 89 years. I pray that God will give me the words I need to succeed.

Unless “The People” demand that Congress obey the Constitution, the economy of the United States will collapse.

This is not just my opinion; it is the opinion of every Economist I know except for Biden’s stooges. The result will be a Civil War.

The Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC), who are the ultimate “rulers”, want you fearful, Hungry, without adequate police protection and unable to defend yourself. Seconds count when you and your family are in danger, and the police are minutes away…or not at all. I can pretty much assure you that in periods of anarchy, there will be no police protection for you.

The Communists in government have allowed millions of military-age invaders into our country who don’t share our values, and they can attack us with countless Nine-Elevens.

Destruction of the United States is, after all, the Communist objective to make way for the New World Order.

My best advice is have a 12 gauge or an AR15 with plenty of ammunition, survival foods and medical supplies…and don’t advertise it.
When mobs are hungry, history teaches us that they always kill for food. If you live in a large Democrat (Communist) city, move out if you can. These Marxist enclaves are already deadly killing fields without proper law enforcement, and will be intolerable without deliveries of food and utilities.

Members of Congress, Bureaucrats, Judges and Military Flag Officers must decide if they are to remain enemies of the people or sworn Representatives of “The People”. They either honor their oaths to the Constitution, or they are despicable traitors. It is that simple. Demonstrably by their actions they are mostly traitors. Any student of history knows what is going to happen to these people.

Most of the federal government does not comply with the Constitution. Many of their agents and policies deprive people of their Constitutional rights “Under the Color of Law” (USC Title 18, Section 242). See the recent NWV article by Lex Greene.

Urgent: Now you can expect multiple 9/11- scale attacks from the millions of illegal Invaders and the many migrants from countries that find our beliefs and lifestyle to be repugnant. They came primarily for the welfare. This is evident by their substantial protests of our support of Israel. Hamas attacked Israel in such a brutal manner that Israel is forced to respond in kind. Hamas was willing to sacrifice itself and all the Palestinians to cause a worldwide Jihad against Israel and the United States, which will result if Israel destroys the Palestinians with our help. It was a brilliant but venal move by Hamas who obviously could see no other alternative..

Congress is responsible for all of our problems and, short of Civil War, they are the ones who can restore our Republic.

Governors of Red (Free) States have the Constitutional powers to rein in the federal government by kicking the unconstitutional federal departments and agencies out of the states, etc.

Any governor who refuses to follow the Constitution is a paid minion of the PSRRC.

One example is the corrupt FBI that has destroyed the people’s confidence in law enforcement and justice. By the FBI’s actions, people are in fear of being framed by them.

The FBI is a construct of the PSRRC that was formed so federal law enforcement could be controlled by them. The Constitution clearly states that the laws of the Union are to be enforced by The Militia of The Several States (Militia). Congress abolished the Militia with the unconstitutional Dick Act and authorized the FBI. The federal government has no police powers in the states, none, but that did not stop Congress from passing unconstitutional laws giving it jurisdiction in the states.

The federal government plans to make it impossible for you to have cash in your pockets, to know what you buy, to control what you can buy, and thereby convert you into a slave.

It is called the CBDC digital currency. When your bank closes or the electricity goes off, you will have no way to purchase anything, not even an ice cream cone. This is as dangerous as taking away our firearms. Remember, established retailers can’t do business using barter as payment.

I pray for the people who live in Democrat/Communist cities. These people are underfed, under-employed, under-educated, dependent, victims and perpetrators of crime, brainwashed, and self-inflicted casualties of a corrupt and incompetent Marxist government that is unconstitutionally financed by taxes from the Red (free) states. They are Lenin’s “Useful Idiots” with no hope of changing their status or “leaders”. These people know not why they are losers nor how to change their station in life.

Short of action by congress or a Civil War, the only answer is in the Constitution of the United States under Article IV, Section 4: “The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government…”

May God Bless You and the Republic

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