By Lex Greene

April 1, 2024

For almost 40-years now, I have studied and written about trends in American politics, as well as global geopolitics, and at the end of the day, it just isn’t that hard to see what happens and why it happens.

For anyone interested in completely understanding the blood sport of politics, I recommend reading two books, if you can lay your hands on them today, The Prince – by Machiavelli, and The Great Game of Politics – by Frank R. Kent (circa 1920s).

Begin with this historically accurate fact… politics is a dirty blood sport, it always has been, and likely always will be. That’s because politics is the constant search for individual power and wealth, involving people with an insatiable thirst for power over others. The truth is, no government in human history has ever been deserving of the people’s trust, much less their admiration.

Yet, average electors (voters) the world over tend to get caught up in the made-for-tv pageantry of the sport, like spectators in the stands placing their bets on their favorite teams down on the field, as if they can affect the outcome of the game from the stands. Average folks tend to look at politicians like special people, “leaders” and even “rulers” they believe have their best interests at heart. Nothing could be further from the truth…

Fundamentally, politics is a scam of all scams. It’s a great con, telling people what they want to hear, to gain their confidence and support, with no intention of ever serving the best interests of the people, once elected. And even when the voters have witnessed this reality over and over again, they still “hope” to get a better outcome in the next election cycle, than was achieved in a hundred previous elections. The only hope we have is in “outsiders.”

It’s a Divide and Conquer Mission

For the ruling class elites to acquire and maintain ultimate power over the governed, they must divide the electorate and pit the people against each other, keeping them so busy fighting amongst themselves that there is no time or attention given to the real enemy of all Citizens…government.

The most common tactics used to accomplish this are;

  1. Issue Driven Divisions – abortion, race, gender, religion, climate, medicine, economics, cancel-culture, lies, false science, socio-economics, global “boogie man” threats that aren’t real, and a laundry list of others.
  2. The “Hurt and Rescue” Mission – First, convince every citizen that they are a “victim” of something, from someone (else). Then, create conditions that truly do victimize the citizenry, in order to convince us that we need “them” to save us from the hell they created.
  3. Control of All Public Information – So that their narrative used to divide and conquer you, is the only narrative allowed in the public domain, hence the massive efforts to censor mass media and all social media platforms. (The current attack on Tik Tok has nothing to do with CCP spy operations. It has everything to do with the ruling elites inability to control content on Tik Tok the way they do on Facebook, X (twitter), Instagram, even Truth Social, and all others.)

In reality, there are only two sides in the battle for the future of America, even though many have been Pavlov trained to think that there are many more nuanced factions in the fight.

The American Side – Those who believe in Freedom for all, Individual Liberty, national sovereignty and security, a fundamental Right to Life for every innocent human being, free-market economics, honesty, integrity, morality, ethics, self-governance, self-reliance, limited government, law and order, equal justice under the law for all legal citizens, and…the beacon of hope for freedom and liberty around the world.

The anti-American Side – Those who believe they are “global citizens” and that there should be no borders, no national sovereignty or security, no freedom and liberty for anyone, dishonest politicians and elections, Marxist economic theories that have failed the world over, every sexual perversion known to man, a right to murder their own children in the womb, fake medicine, and science, race-baiting, the power to cancel anyone with different views, cheating to win, weaponized political justice, … well, you get it.

Every American is in one camp or the other and the battle for the future of America is between these two competing factions, not republicans vs. democrats, conservatives vs. liberals, whites vs. blacks, or men vs. women. Every eligible voter in the USA will cast their ballot on the basis of these two competing agendas for America, whether or not they are smart enough to know it.

Now, America’s Democrat Party

All political groups have strengths and weaknesses. The Democrat Party’s strength is their ability to con millions of people, despite those people’s ability to see truth that counters the lies told by democrats in every election cycle, and “community organize them” like an army. Another is democrat’s ability to convince their loyalists to vote against their opponents, after the party spends billions in fake news to make them hate the opponent.

But the weakness in this party is this…

Sooner or later, they never fail to over-estimate themselves, under-estimate their opponents, over-play their hand, and in the end, eat their own…as rats jump the sinking ship.

As polling data shows support for Biden and Harris, or any democrat politician today, sinking into the political abyss, the party has become panicked, calling Obama and Clinton to come raise $26-million for Biden, who is the most unpopular president in US History as of today. Wait until you see who gave them that money in half-million-dollar chunks…that money was not raised by 500 $100 tickets to the event, accounting for only $50,000 of the $26-million allegedly raised.

Even millions of democrat voters who foolishly voted for Biden in 2020 have shifted to Trump in 2024, after living through the insane policies that every American has felt since January 2021. The world has watched the Democrat Party use every dirty trick (lawfare) in the book to prevent President Trump from appearing on the 2024 ballot, because democrats know they can’t beat him in 2024 if he is on that ballot.

The world once thought that maybe Trump was engaged in “Russian Collusion,” until the evidence proved it was Hillary Clinton and the DNC who was involved in Russian (global) collusion, creating false criminal accusations against Trump using a multitude of “foreign agents” from numerous countries to do it.

Well, when Obama said he would “fundamentally transform America” back in 2008, he was serious. He has indeed done exactly that. Because the Constitution limits the Oval Office to just two terms by any occupant, the democrat party figured out how to give Obama a 3rd term, as the great and wonderful Oz behind the curtain, controlling the Biden Administration from behind the scenes.

The great “community organizer” was able to get two complete idiots installed in the Oval Office, Biden, and Harris, via unlawful and unconstitutional election processes in 2020, allegedly under “state of emergency” conditions due to the Wuhan Flu developed in and released from a partner bioweapons lab in China. A classic “hurt and rescue” mission…

Following the successful coup d’Ă©tat in 2020, democrats went for broke, over-estimating themselves, under-estimating their opponents, and over-playing their hand…and now, they have painted themselves into a political corner and the American electorate is turning on them in mass numbers. They are in a state of full panic, which is why they had to drag Obama and Clinton out to try to save Biden/Harris 2024.

Meanwhile, what democrats have been doing since 2008, they tell their voters “it’s republicans who have a plan to steal the 2024 elections.” Never before in USA history has an unarmed campaign rally been falsely labeled an “insurrection.” Never before has challenging the legitimacy of an election been deemed an effort to “overthrow an election.” But that’s where our country is now!

The party has painted itself into a corner that they cannot escape, unless they find a way to make sure Trump isn’t on the 2024 ballot. A no-holds-barred and scorched earth effort will unfold in the coming days and weeks, in their desperate attempt to remove Trump from the race, knowing they cannot defeat him in any remotely honest election.

Now, it’s critical for me to point out that very few modern Americans are cut from the same mold as our nation’s Founders – – – very few. As a result, the likelihood of any significant number of “patriots” rising up together in any united front is very small. I’d say single digit odds.

This means that every Citizen on TEAM AMERICA will have to stand together in the 2024 elections, or their country will be gone for all future generations. This is no time for petty differences and divisions over such childish things as “I just don’t like him.” They can’t affect the outcome of the game from the bleachers, they will have to get down on the field and get their hands dirty to win.

If they don’t defeat the anti-Americans via elections, they won’t defeat them any other way either! Trust me, despite all of the online rhetoric, people who won’t do easy things never do hard things.

Believe this… evil never rests. It is working around the clock every single day, to destroy everything and everyone that is good. If good rests for even a second, it loses ground. In a nation where over 70% claim the Christian faith, it’s unimaginable how our country can be so flooded with pure evil. There’s only one explanation for that…

Modern Christians do not live their claimed faith in every day life, certainly not in the election booth. Until they do, evil will consume this nation. “Faith without works is dead.” We either save this Republic in this election, or we will not be able to save it at all.

Evil will win, so long as your silence and inaction remains your consent.

© 2024 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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