by Lee Duigon
October 19, 2023
I’m not going to write about the war in Israel or the war in Ukraine. Not that they’re unimportant: they are crises. And they could get worse. But they’re drowning out stories that are also important—maybe equally important.
Our civilization is being crushed between folly coming down from the top and folly rising up from the bottom. And that’s serious.
Down from the top: the Labour Party expects to win big in the UK’s next elections, and they’re already getting plans in order: plotting mischief. The Conservative Party is expected to lose big, which is nothing less than what they deserve. They may not win enough seats in Parliament to put the brakes on any of Labour’s Far Left Crazy schemes.
Among Labour’s pet projects is a “law” that would make “misgendering” punishable by up to two years in prison. Oh, those Wrong Pronouns! If a deluded man declares himself a woman, and you still refer to him as “he” or “him,” it’ll be an “aggravated offense” and you’ll be packed off to prison.
Jailing normal people for not embracing some kook’s delusion is government gone mad. Free speech? Kiss it goodbye. Open the door to compelled speech. They won’t only tell you what you can’t say; now they want to tell you what you must say. Do they still have the Magna Carta over there? They never had a First Amendment, and it shows. Well, at least they won’t have to repeal it. America’s Democrats are green with envy!
And up from the bottom—well, brace yourself. This is really weird.
“Fictosexual.” It’s a brand-new lifestyle! Fictosexuals do not fall in love with real people—no. They only love fictional characters. They find them in video games, movies, TV shows, and, um, “music.”
This is very big in Japan and could easily spread elsewhere. Like COVID. Fictosexuals seal themselves off from real people and obsess over fictional characters who—need we say it?—don’t exist. One dindle made a big splash in the news when he “married” a hologram.
Has it occurred to you that if we were to do all the things that Far Left Crazy thinks we should do, the human race would go extinct? “Gender reassignment.” Censor and silence every voice of reason. Reserve those intimate moments for fictional characters only. Sterilize children and turn them into lifelong hospital patients. Butcher the language so that nothing can be said without “offending” someone, anyone. To say nothing of abortion, assisted suicide, experimental drugs that kill you… the whole culture-killing fun-pack.
[See Lee Duigon’s latest book “The Glass Bridge“]
If you kill your culture, it’ll kill you back.
Our only hope of coming out the other side of this madness is, as the Bible teaches us, to turn back to God, confess our sins, sincerely repent and change our ways. I don’t believe the Lord will allow us to wipe ourselves out; but we can create a powerful amount of misery and still fall short of that.
I’d just as soon not have to experience the chaos.
I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and drop in for a visit… while it’s still allowed. Just make sure the Labour Party doesn’t catch you. My articles can also be found at .
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